Guild Wars Factions (walkthrough)

                              Guild Wars Factions

Copyright 2006, Apathetic Aardvark                 Email:
All rights reserved                                               Version  .24
I am also known as SineNomine                                         05/09/06

Index/Table of Contents

Disclaimer & History...............................................i
FAQ & Misc.........................................................v

                       i)  Disclaimer (Legal stuff)

Copyright 2006, Apathetic Aardvark                         All rights reserved.

You are allowed to do the following:
- Make copies for your own, personal use.
- Post this FAQ on a non-commercial, freely accessible web site. My
permission is NOT required.  However, the FAQ must be posted in its full,
ORIGINAL FORM, including THIS disclaimer in full, and credited to Apathetic

What you can't do:
- Posting this FAQ on a commercial site, or requiring payment for its
access, is not permitted under ANY circumstances.
- Using this FAQ (or any part of it) on a commercial site, or in a magazine,
guide, book etc. without my explicit written permission is a copyright
infringement. Editing this FAQ in any way, using it as a basis for your
own FAQ, or posting it without giving proper credit is plagiarism. Both
are violations of international copyright law and will result in legal

5/6/06 - Added applicable information from my main Guild Wars guide.  Because
of this, some skill information may be out of date since patches last august, I
will not be updating this until I get to that portion, hopefully starting in a
few days, I'd like to get at least the Kaineng quests taken care of first.

5/8/06 - Set up quests through the Arborstone mission.  Have screenshots
accumulated for all the missions and quests in the game, as well as all the new
purchasable skills.  Have all the monk and necromancer elite skills, will
compile that list next.

5/9/06 - Main quests done through the point when you'd have to decide which of
Luxon or Kurzick territory you'd wish to do first.  Completed the Monk Skill
section, updated the old figures from my normal guild wars guide.  I must say,
I don't even remember most of those skill changes ever taking effect!

                                ii) Basics

For the most part, I'm going to assume you read the instruction booklet which
came with the game, or in the event you downloaded it, you at least read
something similar.  This section is merely going to clarify or emphasize
certain points of the basics.  I've tried to break it up into the categories
below, but some parts do not fit in too well, so if you are going to read this
section, just read the entire thing.

Bare Basics
Experience and Levels

Bare Basics

Movement is very important in Guild Wars.  The WASD and the arrow keys will
move your character in the respective direction when pressed.  Q and E will
strafe you left or right.  Strafing is a great way to dodge most incoming
missile projectiles.  If you have no reason to be standing still during battle,
always be strafing in a random pattern.  Different projectiles do have
different movement rates and arcs, I will leave it to you to get a feel for
these.  Practice strafing early on enemies which do lousy damage, so when you
reach those who hit hard, you are not always getting hit.

The space bar doubles as the left click button of a mouse.  It will attack
whatever target is active, or talk to whatever NPCs is selected.  Tab, [, and ]
will scroll through targets.  C will target the closest enemy, f will target
yourself, and v any nearby NPCs.  T will target a called target, more on this
in a moment.

Calling targets is an integral part of Guild Wars.  It allows one party member
to display which enemy he or she is attacking to the entire party.  Generally,
a healer is called first so that it can be taken out quickly.  To call a
target, hold control whenever you hit it with an action [control double click
would say "I'm attacking blah blah blah".  When a party member hits T, they
will also target blah blah blah.  It is best to only have one assigned caller
in a party.  Multiple people calling is usually confusing and annoying.

You can also use control to "say" just about anything.  Control + clicking on
virtually anything on your display interface will result in some sort of
statement.  You can inform healers what conditions you have on yourself, to
state you have low energy, or low health.

In Guild Wars, all characters start at level 1 with 100 health.  Like many
RPGs, Guild Wars is to some extent based on level.  Each time you level your
maximum health increases by 20.  In addition, you get attribute points, which
are used to improve the quality of your skills by boosting the corresponding

Experience and Levels

There is a level maximum of 20 in Guild Wars.  Each level is based on
experience.  Here is the amount of experience needed to level:

Level      Total XP  Reward
Level 01 -     0
Level 02 -  2000    - 5 Attribute Points, 1 Skill Point
Level 03 -  4600    - 5 Attribute Points, 1 Skill Point
Level 04 -  7800    - 5 Attribute Points, 1 Skill Point
Level 05 - 11600    - 5 Attribute Points, 1 Skill Point
Level 06 - 16000    - 5 Attribute Points, 1 Skill Point
Level 07 - 21000    - 5 Attribute Points, 1 Skill Point
Level 08 - 27600    - 5 Attribute Points, 1 Skill Point
Level 09 - 32800    - 5 Attribute Points, 1 Skill Point
Level 10 - 39600    - 5 Attribute Points, 1 Skill Point
Level 11 - 47000    - 10 Attribute Points, 1 Skill Point
Level 12 - 55000    - 10 Attribute Points, 1 Skill Point
Level 13 - 63600    - 10 Attribute Points, 1 Skill Point
Level 14 - 72800    - 10 Attribute Points, 1 Skill Point
Level 15 - 82600    - 10 Attribute Points, 1 Skill Point
Level 16 - 93000    - 15 Attribute Points, 1 Skill Point
Level 17 -104000    - 15 Attribute Points, 1 Skill Point
Level 18 -115600    - 15 Attribute Points, 1 Skill Point
Level 19 -127800    - 15 Attribute Points, 1 Skill Point
Level 20 -140600    - 15 Attribute Points, 1 Skill Point

You still continue to "level" beyond Level 20, but your level will remain at
20.  Also, you will not get attribute points anymore, but you will still get a
skill point.  All levels after level 20 are 15000 experience apart.  The
attribute points gained from above [170], are all but 30 attribute points.
There are two quests which each give 15 attribute points.  This adds up to 200
total attribute points.

Now, a table showing how attribute points work

  Attribute Level | Points Needed | Total Points
    1             |    1          |   1
    2             |    2          |   3
    3             |    3          |   6
    4             |    4          |  10
    5             |    5          |  15
    6             |    6          |  21
    7             |    7          |  28
    8             |    9          |  37
    9             |   11          |  48
   10             |   13          |  61
   11             |   16          |  77
   12             |   20          |  97

As you can see, as your attribute gets pumped higher and higher, the amount of
points becomes steeper and steeper.  Because of this, not all attribute can be
maxed.  I would recommend using three attributes on your character.  There are
many way you can divide up the 200 total attribute points should you choose to
do this.  The most common is 11-11-8.  Another common is 11-10-10.  If you
intend to only use two attributes, you have it easy, 12-12 with a few
leftovers.  If you wish to do four or more attributes, your character will be
extremely weak in the long run.  The only real option for this are 9-9-9-9 and
it is a very poor option at that.

Do not fret though, if you do not like how your attribute points are spread
out, you can change them whenever you're in a town.

All of these attributes are used to boost your skills.  To access the skills
menu, press K by default.  You can have eight skills loaded at a time.  They
correspond with numbers 1-8 on the number row [above qwerty].  These skills can
only be changed while in towns.  Eight seems like a constricting number at
times, so you will have to choose wisely.

Most skills require energy to use, though some require adrenaline.  Others
require nothing at all.  Energy is stat which does not increase with level and
can only be boosted with items.

Assassins, Elementalist's, Necromancers, Mesmer's, Ritualists and Monks all
with 30 energy and 4 arrows of energy regeneration.  Each arrow represents .33
energy regained per second.  Rangers start with 25 energy and 3 arrows of
regeneration.  Warriors with 20 and 2 arrows.  The extra arrows on the
non-warrior classes come from their armor.  So unless you are not wearing
your energy regeneration will always be this.  Maximum energy can be increased
decreased by certain armors.  I will have a detailed list of this in the
professions section of the guide.

Adrenaline on the other hand, is gained by hitting an enemy.  This is the way
most warrior skills charge up for use.  There are other skills which can
increase or decrease adrenaline gains.


There are three basic types of long term spells in the game.  Ones which create
enchantments, hexes and conditions.  Enchantments are friendly spells with a
lasting duration.  They often heal or protect you in some capacity, but can
have other uses.  Hexes are usually put on you by enemies and have one harmful
effect or another.  Conditions are the easiest to describe.  They usually cause
health degeneration, but here is a list.

Health Degenerating Conditions:
Bleeding  - 3 arrows.  Most skills which cause bleeding have a long duration.
Burning   - 7 arrows.  Burning is far more painful than bleeding, but shorter.
Diseased  - 4 arrows.  Medium duration, spreads to nearby creatures of the same
Poison    - 4 arrows.  Poison has a rather long duration.  It can is most
commonly seen with 4 arrows, but certain types of swamp areas inflict a type of
poison which is less potent.  Swamp Water I believe is the name.

Non-Health Degenerating Conditions
Blind     - You will "miss" with 90% of your physical attacks.  Also increases
the rate of "stray" shots from ranged weapons.
Crippled  - You move a great deal slower.
Dazed     - All of your spells are interrupted from any physical damage.
Casting times are increased by 100%.
Deep Wound- You maximum health is reduced by 20%.  All forms of regaining life
other than regeneration is reduced by 20% as well.
Exhaustion- Caused by yourself on several high powered skills, particularly
Elementalist ones, Exhaustion greatly reduces energy regeneration of depleted
energy.  I am not yet sure exactly what the rate is, or when it wears off, but
this is annoying.
Weakness  - Your base damage is reduced by 66.6%.  This goes directly off of
your real damage, before enemy armor is factored in.  Because of this, you will
do even less damage than this.


Speaking of armor, it is needed.  There are five pieces of armor: Head, Chest,
Hands, Legs, and Feet.  Characters can also carry a shield.  Armor ONLY
protects the area of the body it logically covers, though shields have their
armor added to all parts.  Thus, you must always try to keep yourself
completely armored.  Hit ratio's, however, are larger on some areas than

Head - takes 12.5% of all physical attacks.  Percentage goes up if enemy is on
higher ground than you.  The arcs of some bows have an easier time of
headshotting than others.  As headgear does not have a "special" armor bonus,
like most armors do, you will often take more damage here.  Others have
suggested that in addition to this, a headshot from an arrow is an auto-
Chest - takes 37.5% of all physical attacks.  As you can see, the chest takes
more physical attacks than any other area of the body.  The chest also takes
all of the direct damage spells.  These are spells which have no projectile
animation and which do not cause damage over time.  Spells like this would
include Inferno and Deathly swarm.
Hands - takes 12.5% of all physical attacks.
Legs - takes 25% of all physical attacks.
Feet - takes 12.5% of all physical attacks.

Perhaps more important than where you get hit, is how much protection armor
gives.  At Armor Level [AL] 60, you take the "real" damage of what someone
attacks for.  You take more than that if you have less AL, and less than that
if you have more AL.  Here are a few samples of how much damage you will take
based on a percentage in terms of the real damage.

AL   Damage %
0    283%
5    260%
20   200%
30   168%
40   141%
50   119%
60   100%
70   84%
75   77%
80   71%
85   64%
100  50%
110  42%
120  35%

As you can see, ten armor can make a huge difference in this game.  Warriors of
course have the best armor, Assassins and Rangers behind them, and all of the
casters well behind that.


Aggro - Aggravation range.  The smaller circle on your compass.  Most enemies
which get in this circle will attack you.
AL - Armor Level.  This is the defense on your armor.
AoE - Area of Effect, this usually refers to Elementalist skills which effect a
large area.
Body Blocking - Standing in front of something so it can not get around you,
and eventually attack you, so that it doesn't attack someone else.
DoT - Damage over time, often refers to Mesmer or Necromancer skills which
cause health degeneration.  Conjure Phantasm is the typical example of this.
Ecto - Refers to a Glob of Ectoplasm, a material for Fissure armor which falls
in the underworld
Farm - To kill the same monsters over and over, in hopes of getting good items,
money, or experience.
FoW - Fissure of Woe, accessed from the Balthazar Statue in the Temple of the
Ages when your country has the favor of the gods.
HoH - Hall of Heroes, a place you get to after winning several consecutive
battles in the Tomb of Primeval Kings.  Should you win, you might get a
Celestial Sigil.  This place determines the favor of the gods.
LFG - Looking for Group
LFP - Looking for Party
Nerf - To make a skill [or build] less effective by patching the game in an
update.  Not frequently done in Guild Wars, but overly done in say, Diablo II.
Nuker - Someone who can deal a large amount of damage, often to large groups.
Usually an Elementalist, but can be a Mesmer or Necromancer or well.
PUG - Pick up group.  Something to avoid at all costs if you can.  There seems
to be a rule that any random group needs one complete jerk in it.
PvE - Player vs Environment/Enemy - The cooperative areas of the game all fall
under this category.
PvP - Player vs Player.
Runner - Someone who runs other players from on town to another, often for a
Shard - Refers to an Obsidian Shard, a material for Fissure armor which falls
in the Fissure of Woe
Shutdown - A Mesmer, or on rare occasions a Necromancer, who specializes in
preventing enemies from casting spells.
Sigil - Celestial Sigil.  You need this to purchase a guild hall, they can be
bought from Sigil Traders, or won in the hall of heroes.
Spike[r] - Spikers are generally air Elementalist's or fragility Mesmer's.  The
concept involves doing huge damage to one target rapidly, in hopes that the
target is unable to get healing fast enough to recover.
Tank - Someone who gets hit a lot, generally a warrior, sometimes a ranger.
ToA - Temple of the ages.  When a country has the favor of the gods, the
underworld and fissure of woe can be accessed from here.
UW - Underworld, accessed from the Grenth Statue in the Temple of the Ages when
your country has the favor of the gods.
WTB - Want to buy
WTS - Want to sell
WTT - Want to trade [for an item, as opposed to money]
Zone - Zoning is when a person enters the next area, which pulls your entire
party into it.  Often phrase as "Can I zone"  or "I'm going to zone us"  which
usually means, grab any items you want right now.

                               iii) Walkthrough

All quests will be divided first by general area, then by the town you get them
in.  I will also label which quests are for all classes and which ones are for
only certain classes, but will no longer separate them.  I will lay these out
in an order which makes sense, but there are potentially faster orders to do
them in, and this particular order may prove too difficult for some builds
early on.

I will no longer be listing items received from completing a quest for a
couple of reasons.  The first, they generally stink.  The second, it seems they
constantly get changed every patch.

Also, for most missions I have submitted maps to GameFAQs as well.  These
are designed to supplement the guide, more so than be a stand alone.  I expect
that people will use these maps rather than send me an email of "OMG I AM SO
LOST WHERE DO I GO".  Presently, I have most of the Tyria missions up, the
ones I hope to have submitted by July 7th.

Here is a quick table of contents for the main area.  As new characters can go
to Tyria and do nearly everything there, I have left those quests in the game
as well.


-Monastery Island
 Not yet actually done this ;)

-Kaineng Center
 Mhenlo's Request
 Welcome To Cantha [P]
 The Drunken Master
 Passing the Buck
 The Search for a Cure
 The Afflicted Guard
 Feed The Hungry
 The Xunlai Agent
 Eliminate the Jade Brotherhood
 The Shadow Blades
 Eliminate the Am Fah
 Going Home
 Naga Oil
 Street Justice
 Seek Out Brother Tosai
 Missing Daughter
 The Emperor in Peril
 Drink from the Chalice of Corruption
 Masters of Corruption
 The Plot Thickens
 It Ends Here
 Luxury Goods
 Assist The Guards
 Assassination Attempt
 Problem Solving
 An End to the Suffering
 Medical Emergency
 Red Tape
 Little Lost Bear
 Straight to the Top
 Vizunah Square [M]
 Finding the Oracle [P]
 Closer to the Stars [P]
 Nahpui Quarter [M]
 To Tahnnakai Temple [P]
 The Missing Corpses
 Seeking Shelter
 Raze the Roost
 Tahnnakai Temple [M]
 A Meeting with the Emperor [P]
 The Count's Daughter [P]
 Stemming the Tide
 The Challenge
 Arborstone [M]
 The Convocation [P]
 Boreas Seabed [M]
 City Under Attack [P]
 Charting the Jade Sea
 Charting the Forests
 Battle in the Sewers [P]
 Sunjiang District [M]
 Journey to Cavalon [P]
 Journey to House zu Heltzer [P]

-Luxon Territory
 Fort Aspenwood [P]
 The Jade Quarry [P]
 Befriending the Luxons [P]
 Challenge of Strength
 The Halcyon Job
 Night Raiders
 Attack the Kurzicks!
 In the Army [Luxon]
 Luxon Supply Lines
 The Jade Arena
 Protect the Halcyon
 Return of the Yeti
 Stolen Eggs
 Gayla Hatchery [M]
 Journey to the Whirlpool [P]
 If it Weren't for Bad Luck
 The Dragon Hunter
 A Letter Home
 The Zemos Squad
 Outcasts in the Quarry
 Message on a Dragon Scale
 Messages, Messages Everywhere
 The Impossible Sea Monster
 Unwaking Waters [M]

-Kurzick Territory
 Befriending the Kurzicks [P]
 Defend Fort Aspenwood [P]
 The Jade Quarry [P]
 Song and Stone
 Melodic Gaki Flute
 Artistic Endeavors
 The Ancient Forest
 Kurzick Supply Lines
 Wardens on the March
 The Beak of Darkness
 Scouting Ferndale
 Discord Wallow Lyre
 Duel of the Houses
 In the Army Now [Kurzick]
 A New Escort
 Rythem Drinker Drum
 Securing Echovald Forest
 Envoy of the Dredge
 Temple of the Dredge
 Revolt of the Dredge
 The Defenders of the Forest [P]
 The Ancient Forest
 The Experimental Weaponsmith
 The Eternal Grove [M]
 Into the Whirlpool [P]
 Wicked Wardens
 Invoking the Saints
 Unwaking Waters [M]

-Back to the Empire
 Taking Back the Palace [P]
 Raisu Palace [M]
 Imperial Sanctum [M]


-Pre-Searing Ascalon
 -Normal Quests
  Message From a Friend [ps1]
  War Preparations [ps2]
  [Your Class Here] Test [ps3]
  Gwen's Flute [ps4]
  Further Adventures [ps5]
  Unsettling Rumors [ps6]
  Adventure with an Ally [ps7]
  Second Profession [ps8]
  Bandit Raid [ps9]
  The Poisonous Devourer [ps10]
  Charr in the Catacombs [ps11]
  Charr at the Gate [ps12]
  The Wayward Wizard [ps13]
  Poor Tenet [ps14]
  Trouble in the Woods [ps15]
  A New [Your Class] Skill Trainer [ps16]
  A Gift for Althea [ps17]
  Rites of Remembrance [ps18]
  Little Thom's Big Cloak [ps19]
  The Hunter's Horn [ps20]
  The Worm Problem [ps21]
  Tithe for Ashford Abbey [ps22]
  Opposition to the King [ps23]
  The True King [ps24]
  The Orchard [ps25]
  The Prize Moa Bird [ps26]
  The Egg Hunter [ps27]
  The Rogue's Replacement [ps28]
  Across the Wall [ps29]
  Path To Glory [ps30]
  Ascalon Academy [Mission] [ps31]

 -Profession Sampler Quests
  Grawl Invasion [psst1]
  A Mesmer's Burden [psst2]
  The Ranger's Companion [psst3]
  Elementalist Experiment [psst4]
  A Monk's Mission [psst5]
  The Necromancer's Novice [psst6]

 -Primary and Secondary Professions Skill Trainer Quests
  Supremacy of Air [psps1] [Elementalist Only]
  Domination Magic [psps2] [Mesmer Only]
  Blessings of Balthazar [psps3] [Monk Only]
  Protection Prayers [psps4] [Monk Only]
  The Accursed Path [psps5] [Necromancer Only]
  Power of Blood [psps6] [Necromancer Only]
  Test of Marksmanship [psps7] [Ranger Only]
  Unnatural Growth [psps8] [Ranger Only]
  Warrior's Challenge [psps9] [Warrior Only]
  The Vineyard Problem [psps10] [Warrior Only]

 -Quests which are not really quests
  The Bear Hunters [psq1]
  Farmer Dirk's Prize Winning Hogs [psq2]
  Dress up Gwen! [psq3]

-Ruins of Ascalon

  The Great Northern Wall [mis1]
  Fort Ranik [mis2]
  Ruins of Surmia [mis3]
  Nolani Academy [mis4]

 -Ascalon City
  The Krytan Ambassador [roa1]
  The King's Message [roa2]
  Helping the People of Ascalon [roa3]
  The Ambassador's Quandary [roa4]
  Rastin's Ritual [roa5]
  Defend the Wall [roa6]
  Cities of Ascalon [roa7]
  Counting the Fallen [roa8]
  Scavengers in Old Ascalon [roa9]
  Vanguard Equipment [roa10]
  Barradin's Advance [roa11]
  A Mission of Peace [roa12]
  The Troublesome Artifact [roa13]
  Fires in the East [roa14]
  Symon's History of Ascalon [roa15]
  Scorched Earth [Elementalist Only] [roa16]
  Elemental Knowledge [Elementalist Only] [roa17]
  Recruits for Hollis [roa18]
  Gargoyle Trouble [Warrior Only] [roa19]
  Military Matters [Warrior Only] [roa20]
  To the Breach [Warrior Only] [roa21]
  Endangered Species [Ranger Only] [roa22]
  The Charr Patrol [Ranger Only] [roa23]
  The Charr Staging Area [Ranger Only] [roa24]

 -Sardelac Sanitarium
  Supplies for the Duke [ros1]
  Barradin's Stand [ros2]
  Sowing Seeds [Monk only] [ros3]
  Protecting Ascalon [Monk only] [ros4]
  In Memory of Paulus [Monk only] [ros5]
  Mesmerizing the Enemy [Mesmer only] [ros6]
  Trying Times [Mesmer only] [ros7]
  A Cure for Ralena [ros8] [Mesmer only]
  The Stolen Artifact [Necromancer Only] [ros9]
  Death in the Ruins [Necromancer Only] [ros10]
  Oberan's Rage [Necromancer Only] [ros11]
  Shalev's Task [Elementalist Only] [ros12]
  Family Ties [ros13]

 -Piken Square
  The Siege of Piken Square [rop1]
  Casualty Report [rop2]
  The Duke's Daughter [rop3]
  Fires in the North [rop4]
  Red-Cloaked Deserter [rop5]
  Hammer and Anvil [rop6]
  Garfazz Bloodfang [rop7]
  Althea's Ashes [rop8]
  Fallen Soldiers [Necromancer Only] [rop9]
  Army Life [Warrior Only] [rop10]
  Charr Reinforcements [Ranger Only] [rop11]

 -Fort Ranik / Frontier Gate / Serenity Temple
  The Regent Valley Defense [rof1]
  Deliver a Message to my Wife [rof2]
  Frontier Gate Fugitives [rof3]
  Ruins of Surmia [rof4]
  Replacement Healers [Monk only] [rof5]
  Unnatural Creatures [Mesmer only] [rof6]
  Experimental Elixir  [Mesmer only] [rof7]
  The Way of the Geomancer [Elementalist Only] [rof8]
  The Geomancer's Test [Elementalist Only] [rof9]
  Caravan in Trouble [rof10]

-Northern Shiverpeaks

  Borlis Pass [mis5]
  Frost Gate [mis6]

 -Yak's Bend
  The Way is Blocked [nspy1]
  The Road to Borlis Pass [nspy2]
  The Shiverpeak Stragglers [nspy3]
  The Missing Artisan [nspy4]
  Helping the Dwarfs [nspy5]
  Oswalt's Epitaph [nspy6]
  Minaar's Trouble [nspy7]
  Minaar's Worry [nspy8]
  Iron Horse War Machine [nspy9]
  The Wayward Monk [Monk Only] [nspy10]
  The Stone Summit Champion [Mesmer Only] [nspy11]
  Renegade Necromancer [Necromancer Only] [nspy12]
  A Heart of Ice [Elementalist Only] [nspy13]
  Securing the Vale [Warrior Only] [nspy14]
  Stone Summit Beastmasters [Ranger Only] [nspy15]

-Beacon's Perch
  Hungry Devourer [nspb1]
  The Deserters [nspb2]
  To Kryta: Refugees [nspb3]
  To Kryta: The Ice Cave [nsbp4]
  To Kryta: Journey's End [nsbp5]


  Gates of Kryta [mis7]
  D'Alessio Seaboard [mis8]
  Divinity Coast [mis9]

 -Lion's Arch/North Kryta Province Quests
  Report to the White Mantle [kla1]
  The Villainy of Galrath [kla2]
  Orrian Excavation [kla3]
  Merchant's Plea [kla4]
  The Weaver of Nebo [kla5]
  Duties of a Lionguard [kla6]
  The Ascalon Settlement [kla7]
  The Last Hog [kla8]
  Reversing the Skales [kla9]
  Blankets for the Settlers [kla10]
  Bandit Trouble [kla11]
  Graven Images [kla12]
  Malaquire's Test [kla13]

 -Beetletun/Bergen Hot Springs/Nebo Village Quests
  The Hot Springs Murders [kbb1]
  The Undead Hordes [kbb2]

-Maguuma Jungle

  The Wilds [mis10]
  Bloodstone Fen [mis11]
  Aurora Glade [mis12]

 -Druid's Overlook Quests
  A Brother's Fury [mjdo1]
  Eye for Profit [mjdo2]
  Mysterious Message [mjdo3]
  Wisdom of the Druids [mjdo4]

 -Quarrel Falls Quests
  The Price of Steel [mjqf1]
  White Mantle Wrath: Demagogue's Vanguard [mjqf2]

 -Ventari's Refuge Quests
  White Mantle Wrath: A Helping Hand [mjvr1]
  Urgent Warning [mjvr2]
  Dropping Eaves [mjvr3]
  Blood and Smoke [mjvr4]

 -Henge of Denravi Quests
  Passage through the Dark River [mjhd1]

-Return to Kryta

  Riverside Province [mis13]
  Sanctum Cay [mis14]

 -Fisherman's Haven Quests
  The Royal Papers [rkfh1]
  The Lost Princess [rkfh2]

 -Temple of the Ages Quests
  The False Gods [rkta1]

-Crystal Desert
  Thirsty River [mis15]
  Dunes of Despair [mis16]
  Elona Reach [mis17]
  Doppelganger [mirror]
  Dragon's Lair [mis18]

 -Amnoon Oasis Quests
  Sands of Souls [cdao1]
  Ancient Secrets [cdao2]

 -Augury Rock Quests
  Into the Unknown [cdar1]
  Ghostly Vengeance [cdar2]

 -Seeker's Passage Quests
  A Belated Betrothal [cdsp1]
  The Monk's Path [cdsp2]
  The Ranger's Path [cdsp3]

 -Destiny's Gorge Quests
  The Forgotten Ones [cddg1]
  Forgotten Wisdom [cddg2]
  The Mesmer's Path [cddg3]
  The Warrior's Path [cddg4]

 -Hero's Audience Quests
  The Misplaced Sword [cdha1]
  The Elementalist's Path [cdha2]
  The Necromancer's Path [cdha3]

-Southern Shiverpeaks

  Ice Caves of Sorrow [mis19]
  Iron Mines of Moladune [mis20]
  Thunderhead Keep [mis21]

 -Droknar's Forge
  Hero's Journey [ssdf1]
  Hero's Challenge [ssdf2]
  Seeking the Seer [ssdf3]

-Ring of Fire

  Ring of Fire [mis22]
  Abaddon's Mouth [mis23]
  Hell's Precipice [mis24]

 -Ember Light Camp Quests
  Final Blow [elc1]

 -Fissure of Woe
  Tower of Courage [FOW1]
  The Wailing Lord [FOW2]
  A Gift of Griffons [FOW3]
  Army of Darkness [FOW4]
  The Eternal Forgemaster [FOW5]
  Defending the Temple of War [FOW6]
  Restore the Temple of War [FOW7]
  Khobay the Betrayer [FOW8]
  Tower of Strength [FOW9]

  Clearing the Chamber [UW1]
  Restore the Monuments of Grenth [UW2]
  Escort the Souls [UW3]
  Unwanted Guests [UW4]
  Wrathful Spirits [UW5]
  Demon Assassins [UW6]
  The Ice King[UW7]
  ----- [four more not yet listed]

 -Sorrow's Furnace/Grenth's Footprint
  To Sorrow's Furnace [SF1]
  Summit Slaves [SF2]
  Cold One [SF3]
  Gathering Resources [SF4]
  Wrenches in The Gears [SF5]
  Fire in the Hole [SF6]
  Unruly Slaves [SF7]
  Kilroy Stoneskin [SF8]
  Unspeakable, Unknowable [SF9]
  Noble Intentions [SF10]
  Noble Intentions, Plan B [SF11]
  Final Assault [SF12]
  The Forge Heart [SF13]
  [four more quests not yet listed]

 -Titan Quests
  Defend Droknar's Forge [TQ1]
  Last Day Dawns [TQ2]
  Defend North Kryta Province [TQ3]
  Defend Denravi [TQ4]
  The Titan Source [TQ5]



There are four areas of Cantha.  One is habitated mostly by new Canthan
characters, one is a main area for imported Tyrian characters and the other
two are the alliances of Kurzick and Luxon.  Unlike Tyria, you can be blocked
out of new areas until doing some quests, so I'll be listing quests far more
chronologically than in the later Tyria section.

-Monastery Island
 Not yet actually done this ;)

-Kaineng Center
 Mhenlo's Request
 Welcome To Cantha [P]
 The Drunken Master
 Passing the Buck
 The Search for a Cure
 The Afflicted Guard
 Feed The Hungry
 The Xunlai Agent
 Eliminate the Jade Brotherhood
 The Shadow Blades
 Eliminate the Am Fah
 Going Home
 Naga Oil
 Street Justice
 Seek Out Brother Tosai
 Missing Daughter
 The Emperor in Peril
 Drink from the Chalice of Corruption
 Masters of Corruption
 The Plot Thickens
 It Ends Here
 Luxury Goods
 Assist The Guards
 Assassination Attempt
 Problem Solving
 An End to the Suffering
 Medical Emergency
 Red Tape
 Little Lost Bear
 Straight to the Top
 Vizunah Square [M]
 Finding the Oracle [P]
 Closer to the Stars [P]
 Nahpui Quarter [M]
 To Tahnnakai Temple [P]
 The Missing Corpses
 Seeking Shelter
 Raze the Roost
 Tahnnakai Temple [M]
 A Meeting with the Emperor [P]
 The Count's Daughter [P]
 Stemming the Tide
 The Challenge
 Arborstone [M]
 The Convocation [P]
 Boreas Seabed [M]
 City Under Attack [P]
 Charting the Jade Sea
 Charting the Forests
 Battle in the Sewers [P]
 Sunjiang District [M]
 Journey to Cavalon [P]
 Journey to House zu Heltzer [P]

-Luxon Territory
 Fort Aspenwood [P]
 The Jade Quarry [P]
 Befriending the Luxons [P]
 Challenge of Strength
 The Halcyon Job
 Night Raiders
 Attack the Kurzicks!
 In the Army [Luxon]
 Luxon Supply Lines
 The Jade Arena
 Protect the Halcyon
 Return of the Yeti
 Stolen Eggs
 Gayla Hatchery [M]
 Journey to the Whirlpool [P]
 If it Weren't for Bad Luck
 The Dragon Hunter
 A Letter Home
 The Zemos Squad
 Outcasts in the Quarry
 Message on a Dragon Scale
 Messages, Messages Everywhere
 The Impossible Sea Monster
 Unwaking Waters [M]

-Kurzick Territory
 Befriending the Kurzicks [P]
 Defend Fort Aspenwood [P]
 The Jade Quarry [P]
 Song and Stone
 Melodic Gaki Flute
 Artistic Endeavors
 The Ancient Forest
 Kurzick Supply Lines
 Wardens on the March
 The Beak of Darkness
 Scouting Ferndale
 Discord Wallow Lyre
 Duel of the Houses
 In the Army Now [Kurzick]
 A New Escort
 Rythem Drinker Drum
 Securing Echovald Forest
 Envoy of the Dredge
 Temple of the Dredge
 Revolt of the Dredge
 The Defenders of the Forest [P]
 The Ancient Forest
 The Experimental Weaponsmith
 The Eternal Grove [M]
 Into the Whirlpool [P]
 Wicked Wardens
 Invoking the Saints
 Unwaking Waters [M]

-Back to the Empire
 Taking Back the Palace [P]
 Raisu Palace [M]
 Imperial Sanctum [M]

Mhenlo's Request
Quest Starter: Firstwatch Sergio [Lion's Arch]
Objective: Find Mhenlo in the North Kryta Province and speak with him about a
letter.  Then speak to Jiaju Tai in Lion's Arch about getting passage to
Reward: 1000xp
Reward Giver: Dockhand Quangnai [Kaineng Docks]
Difficulty and Comments: This quest has no difficulty to speak of, the entire
point is to get your Tyrian character to Cantha.

Welcome To Cantha [P]
Quest Starter: Dockhand Quangnai [Kaineng Docks]
Objective: Speak with Brother Mhenlo in Bukdek Byway.  Then help Mhenlo find
his mentor, Master Togo.
Reward: 3000xp. 150 Gold, 1 Skill Point
Reward Giver: Guardsman Chow [Vizunah Square Foreign Quarter]
Difficulty and Comments: This one is a bit more difficult.  You'll walk through
a mostly friendly outdoor village until the near end, when you'll have to fight
your way through the Jade Brotherhood, who pack quite a punch.

The Drunken Master
Quest Starter: Barkeep Mehoro [Kaineng Center]
Objective: Find Drinkmaster Tahnu in Bukdek Byway and defeat him in battle.
Reward: 2000xp, 175 Gold, 1 Imperial Commendation
Reward Giver: Barkeep Mehoro [Kaineng Center]
Difficulty and Comments: Not too hard at all, the drunkard will stop fighting
once you've pelted him around a bit.

Passing the Buck
Quest Starter: Minister Tahlen [Bukdek Byway]
Objective: Speak with various people around the Byway about getting supplies to
the ill citizens.
Reward: 3000xp, 175 Gold, Imperial Commendation
Reward Giver: Guardsman Pah
Difficulty and Comments: A lot of running around, in the process of doing this
you'll probably finish up several other nearby quests.

The Search for a Cure
Quest Starter: Imperial Agent Hanjo [Kaineng Center]
Objective: Soeak with Bujo, then collect 3 Jade Brotherhood Guild capes.
Return them to Bujo.
Reward: 3000xp
Reward Giver: Bujo [Kaineng Center]
Difficulty and Comments: Once you have this quest, just about any Jade
Brotherhood seem capable of dropping the capes, so they won't be hard to come

The Afflicted Guard
Quest Starter: Imperial Guardsman Feng [Kaineng Center]
Objective: Kill the creature that was once Guardsman Chun.
Reward: 3000xp, 175 gold, Imperial Commendation
Reward Giver: Imperial Guardsman Feng [Kaineng Center]
Difficulty and Comments: Not too hard of a quest, in all honesty, the hardest
part is making sure you come at it from the correct side, so you're not five
miles over him :)!

Feed The Hungry
Quest Starter:
Objective: Protect the Emperors Cook while he feeds the poor during an attack.
Reward: 3000xp, 175 gold, Imperial Commendation
Reward Giver: Imperial Guardsman Feng [Kaineng Center]
Difficulty and Comments: This one is fun.  Once you reach the cook, waves of
afflicted will pour at you.  Hold them all off.

The Xunlai Agent
Quest Starter: Xunlai Agent Honlo [Kaineng Center]
Objective: Find the stolen storage vault and return it to Honlo.
Reward: 3000xp, 175 gold, Imperial Commendation.
Reward Giver: Xunlai Agent Honlo
Difficulty and Comments: Not hard at all, the Am Fah with it are in a rather
obscure place, though.  Watch for falling assassins.

Eliminate the Jade Brotherhood
Quest Starter: Guardsman Chienpo [Kaineng Center]
Objective: Defeat the Jade Brotherhood in Bukdek Byway
Reward: 3000xp, Gold, Imperial Commendation
Reward Giver: Guardsman Chienpo [Kaineng Center]
Difficulty and Comments: Fortunately, they just want you to hunt down a few of
the Jade members, not all of them in the byway, or else you'd be doing this
quest all night.  Of course, the ones they want you to kill are in the very
back of the area, heavily guarded from other ends.

The Shadow Blades
Quest Starter: Guildmaster Luan [Kaineng Center]
Objective: Listen to the Shadow Blades meeting, do not get spotted.
Reward: 3000xp, 175 Gold, Imperial Commendation
Reward Giver: Guildmaster Luan [Kaineng Center]
Difficulty and Comments: This quest is utterly impossible.  The afflicted in
the area kill the assassins every time you get there.  If you kill the
afflicted, you get spotted.  If you don't kill them, they kill the characters
who you're going to spy on.  Perhaps Canthan characters have an edge here, as
they can leave from the Local Quarter, which is MUCH closer than anywhere
Tyrian characters have to approach from.

Eliminate the Am Fah
Quest Starter: Guardsman Ping [Kaineng Center]
Objective: Seek out and destroy the Am Fah in Bukdek Byway
Reward: 3000xp, 175 Gold, Imperial Commendation
Reward Giver: Guardsman Ping [Kaineng Center]
Difficulty and Comments: Another easy quest.  It's probably quicker to leave
from the market place for this one.  You won't really encounter resistance and
the Am Fah pose no threat as always.

Going Home
Quest Starter: Bryan [Bukdek Byway]
Objective: Find a ship to take Bryan back to Ascalon.
Reward: 3000xp, 175 Gold, Imperial Commendation
Reward Giver: Bryan [Bukdek Byway]
Difficulty and Comments: Captain Joran is in the Wajjun Bazaar, talk to him,
then return to Bryan with the news.

Quest Starter: Emperor's Hand [Raisu Pavilion]
Objective: Find the kidnapped guard and defeat the Am Fah keeping him captive.
Reward: 3000xp, 175 Gold, Imperial Commendation
Reward Giver: Emperor's Hand
Difficulty and Comments: I don't recall this one being too hard.  Other than
the dock area, this entire area has only Am Fah, so it can't be that hard :)!

Naga Oil
Quest Starter: Emperor's Hand [Raisu Pavilion]
Objective: Obtain a sample of plague remedy.
Reward: 3000xp, 250 Gold
Reward Giver: Emperor's Hand [Raisu Pavilion]
Difficulty and Comments: This quest is miserable.  Naga pelts, which you'll
need to get a copy of the remedies don't fall on the mainland.  If you imported
your character, you'll have to trade for one.  Once you have two, get the
remedy from the 'doctors' on the docks.

Street Justice
Quest Starter: Emperor's Hand [Raisu Pavilion]
Objective: Kill the five Peddlers who are selling fake remedies to citizens.
Reward: 3000xp, 250 Gold, Imperial Commendation
Reward Giver: Emperor's Hand
Difficulty and Comments: The peddlers will run from you this time when you get
in range, often some Am Fah will come to their aid, so be wary of it.
Nevertheless, none of them will pose much of any threat to you.

Seek Out Brother Tosai
Quest Starter: Bujo [Kaineng Center]
Objective: Speak to Brother Tosai.
Reward: 3000xp, 175 Gold
Reward Giver: Brother Tosai [Wajjun Bazaar]
Difficulty and Comments: Run to Tosai for it.

Missing Daughter
Quest Starter: Aiko [Bukdek Byway]
Objective: Escort Aiko to her daddy.
Reward: 3000xp. 175 Gold, Imperial Commendation
Reward Giver: Taojo [Bukdek Byway]
Difficulty and Comments: This quest is a bit tricky.  The Jade Brotherhood
around Aiko will almost immediately start attacking you, so try not to get
yourself pinned behind them.  After that, this quest should be simple.

The Emperor in Peril
Quest Starter: Guildmaster Luan [Kaineng Center]
Objective: Speak to Emperors Hand in Raisu Pavilion.  Then speak with
informant Tahzen in Bukdek Byway than return to Luan.
Reward: 2000xp, 175 Gold
Reward Giver: Guildmaster Luan [Kaineng Center]
Difficulty and Comments: This quest is again quite easy, mostly Am Fah's
running around in your way.

Drink from the Chalice of Corruption
Quest Starter: Brother Tosai [Wajjun Bazaar]
Objective: Allow Tosai to finish his ritual.
Reward: 3500xp, 275 Gold
Reward Giver: Brother Tosai [Wajjun Bazaar]
Difficulty and Comments: Easy quest. however, it will give you a PERMANENT -2
health degeneration UNTIL you complete the next quest.  This can be somewhat
burdensome, especially if you put it off.  Supposedly, you can just kill Tosai
and run the chalice back to town... it honestly sounds like it might be easier.

Masters of Corruption
Quest Starter: Brother Tosai [Wajjun Bazaar]
Objective: Follow Tosai to the undercity and defeat the afflicted Am Fah.
Reward: 3000xp, 250 gold, imperial commendation.
Reward Giver: Brother Tosai
Difficulty and Comments: As an added bonus, you'll have the -2 degeneration
taken off of you.  This quest is quite difficult, it will likely be your first
major encounter with the afflicted, who are among the tougher enemies in the

The Plot Thickens
Quest Starter: Guildmaster Luan [Kaineng Center]
Objective: Speak to several people out in the Kaineng Docks about a wicked
Reward: 2500xp. 175 Gold
Reward Giver: Guildmaster Luan [Kaineng Center]
Difficulty and Comments: Easy quest, the docks are right off of the market

It Ends Here
Quest Starter: Guildmaster Luan [Kaineng Center]
Objective: Destroy five fire golems [known as flesh golems in Tyria], they are
hiding near the entrance to the undercity.
Reward: 3000xp, 250 gold, Imperial Commendation
Reward Giver: Emperor's Hand
Difficulty and Comments: A fairly easy quest, there's not too much else in the
area which poses any real threat.

Luxury Goods
Quest Starter: Officer Chitaro [Wajjun Bazaar]
Objective: Seek out homeless Canthans in need in the Bukdek Byway.
Reward: 3000xp, 175 Gold, Imperial Commendation
Reward Giver: Officer Chitaro [Wajjun Bazaar]
Difficulty and Comments: Run around giving mirrors to people who have no food!
Easy fun!

Assist The Guards
Quest Starter: Guardsman Tang [Wajjun Bazaar]
Objective: Locate Waeng in the sewers and eliminate him.
Reward: 3000xp, 250 Gold, Imperial Commendation
Reward Giver: Guardsman Tang [Wajjun Bazaar]
Difficulty and Comments: The sewers in this case mean the Undercity, Waeng is
near some Am Fah, of course, and is easily defeated.

Assassination Attempt
Quest Starter: Saito [Wajjun Bazaar]
Objective: 3000xp, 250 Gold, Imperial Commendation
Reward: 3000xp. 250 Gold, Imperial Commendation
Reward Giver: Saito [Wajjun Bazaar]
Difficulty and Comments: Easy quest, just kill Ratsu before he can kill Saito.

Problem Solving
Quest Starter: Paomu [Wajjun Bazaar]
Objective: Speak to Officer Chitaro.  Then to Guardsman Pah, then to Budo [NOT
Reward: 3000xp 175 Gold, Imperial Commendation
Reward Giver: Paomu [Wajjun Bazaar]
Difficulty and Comments: Another quest of run around the Bazaar, the nice thing
is, you'll have cleared the area by now, so you don't have to do it six
different times.

An End to the Suffering
Quest Starter: Qian [Wajjun Bazaar]
Objective: Kill Tukan on the rooftops so that Qian can give him a merciful
Reward: 3000xp, 175 Gold, Imperial Commendation
Reward Giver: Qian [Wajjun Bazaar]
Difficulty and Comments: No real difficulty here either, a single person to
take out.

Medical Emergency
Quest Starter: Guardsman Pah [Wajjun Bazaar]
Objective: Find Officer Chitaro and speak to him about getting medical supplies
for the refugees.
Reward: 3000xp, 250 Gold, Imperial Commendation.
Reward Giver: Officer Chitaro [Wajjun Bazaar]
Difficulty and Comments: Another quest of running around the bazaar...

Red Tape
Quest Starter: Officer Chitaro [Wajjun Bazaar]
Objective: Speak to Guardsman Pah about filing some paperwork.
Reward: 3000xp, 250 Gold, Imperial Commendation
Reward Giver: Guardsman Pah [Wajjun Bazaar]
Difficulty and Comments: Oh boy, more running around the Bazaar.

Little Lost Bear
Quest Starter: Kaya [Wajjun Bazaar]
Objective: Find the tattered teddy bear and return it to Kaya.
Reward: 3000xp, 250 Gold, Imperial Commendation
Reward Giver: Kaya
Difficulty and Comments: A simple quest, the bear is not far from Kaya, there
are only a few groups of Am Fah to stop you.

Straight to the Top
Quest Starter: Guardsman Tang [Wajjun Bazaar]
Objective: Find Quufu and slay him.
Reward: 3000xp, 250 Gold, Imperial Commendation
Reward Giver: Guardsman Tang [Wajjun Bazaar]
Difficulty and Comments: Quufu is over on the dock area, in the Jade
Brotherhood stronghold out there.  Be wary of patrols, they are somewhat
erratic and the Jade Brotherhood do hit fairly hard.

Vizunah Square [M]
Quest Starter: N/A
Objective: Find the source of the plague in Kaineng City.  Mhenlo and Togo must
Difficulty and Comments: You will start out with Mhenlo in this scenario, as
you are from Tyria and in the foreign quarter.  Local quarter start with Togo.
Not too far into the fight, both parties will meet up.  Mhenlo and Togo will
instruct you all to defeat the afflicted in the city.  There are two remain
HUGE groups of them, along with a few Am Fah along the way.  Once the second
massive group is defeated, the mission will be won.

Finding the Oracle [P]
Quest Starter: Messenger Gosuh [Dragon's Throat]
Objective: Speak to Mhenlo and Togo about how to find the Oracle of the Mists.
Mhenlo will refer you to speak to Nika, in the Bukdek Byway.
Reward: 3000xp, 150 Gold
Reward Giver: Nika [Bukdek Byway]
Difficulty and Comments: A bit of running around and exploring, but getting to
Nika isn't too bad as long as you don't drag too many Jade Brotherhood around.

Closer to the Stars [P]
Quest Starter: Nika [Bukdek Byway]
Objective: Talk to Fishmonger Bihzun and defend him from the Jade Brotherhood.
Reward: 3000xp, 150 Gold, 1 Skill Point
Reward Giver: Adept Nai [Nahpui Quarter]
Difficulty and Comments: A somewhat easy quest.  Sometimes the last group
doesn't come after Bihzun, so you'll need to go after them.  Afterwards, head
way up to the northeast corner of the area so Loud Kou will let you into

Nahpui Quarter [M]
Objective: Defeat the four celestial creatures
Difficulty and Comments: This one is a bit tricky.  There are a lot of patrol
going around already, and anytime you kill any of the bosses, mini versions of
them will spawn for the rest of the mission.  The creatures are a smiter,
Elementalist, Mesmer and necromancer.  I'd recommend doing the easier bosses
first, and leaving Phoenix/Dragon until the end.  Kirin and Turtle aren't that
bad to continuously do.

To Tahnnakai Temple [P]
Quest Starter: Adept Kai [Senji's Corner]
Objective: Go to Tahnnakai Temple, speak with Guard Bai at the gates.
Reward: 3000xp, 150 gold, 1 Skill Point
Reward Giver: Forgot the name, someone inside the temple mission town.
Difficulty and Comments: Bai will give you a task, you'll have to defend
Mhenlo, Togo and Nika from an onslaught of Afflicted coming at them.  Make sure
to keep up with Mhenlo, he'll run you all off the map if you're not careful.
Once the afflicted are gone, walk with Togo back to the temple and enter.

The Missing Corpses
Quest Starter: Guardsman Kinri [Shenzen Tunnels]
Objective: Go to Bukdek Byway and burn the diseased corpses.
Reward: 3000xp, 175 Gold, Imperial Commendation
Reward Giver:
Difficulty and Comments:

Seeking Shelter
Quest Starter: Yikaro [Xaquang Skyway]
Objective: Speak to Guardsman Pongtu in the Xaquang Skyway.  Obtain a shelter
pass from Guardsman Tingjo in the Shenzun Tunnels.
Reward: 3000xp, 175 Gold, Imperial Commendation
Reward Giver: Yikaro [Xaquang Skyway]
Difficulty and Comments: This quest should probably sit in your log until you
have Maatu Keep on your map, since Tingjo is on that end of the tunnels and
they are a pain to fight through.

Raze the Roost
Quest Starter: Quill Songfeather [Xaquang Skyway]
Objective: Talk Minister Jejiang out of destroying the Roost.
Reward: 10000xp, Imperial Commendation
Reward Giver: Quill Songfeather [Xaquang Skyway]
Difficulty and Comments: You'll need to bribe the minister with 2 platinum
[2000 gold], but it's well worth the reward.

Tahnnakai Temple [M]
Objective: Defeat the 8 binders before Vizu is bound.
Difficulty and Comments: OMG HURRY YOU HAVE ONLY TEN MINUTES!  Just kidding ;).
Every time you kill a boss, you'll get another three or four added - a decent
party will have well over 15 on the clock when you're done.  The Temple
Guardians are extremely dangerous up close, so try not to lure four of them at
once.  Mhenlo and Togo must of course both survive.  There are a lot of new
skills in this area, so you may wish to bring a capture signet along for the

A Meeting with the Emperor [P]
Quest Starter: Emperor's Voice [Zin Ku Corridor]
Objective: Speak with the emperor
Reward: 3000xp, 150 gold
Reward Giver: Emperor's Voice [Zin Ku Corridor]
Difficulty and Comments: None!  That's right, walk into the temple and talk to
him, walk back to the corridor and you're done!

The Count's Daughter [P]
Quest Starter: Emperor's Voice [Zin Ku Corridor]
Objective: Speak with Danika zu Heltzer
Reward: 3000xp, 150 Gold, 1 Skill Point
Reward Giver:
Difficulty and Comments: A long journey, but well worth it, you'll finally get
to see daylight in the outdoor world!  That's right, you'll be walking in
fields, new pets galore!  Oh, as for the quest, there's a load of people all
gathered near the outside of the keep as well, talk to them all to complete it.

Stemming the Tide
Quest Starter: Attendant Yoko [Maatu Keep]
Objective: Convince 5 Canthan refugees to return to Kaineng City.
Reward: 3000xp, 175 gold, Imperial Commendation
Reward Giver: Attendant Yoko [Maatu Keep]
Difficulty and Comments: Walk outside of the keep, talk to about the nine
people there, five of them will comply.  Another simple 3000 xp.

The Challenge
Quest Starter: Bakghu [Shenzun Tunnels, Maatu Keep side]
Objective: Win a duel against three other factions.
Reward: 3000xp 175 gold, Imperial Commendation
Reward Giver: Senjo Wah [Undercity, near Local Quarter]
Difficulty and Comments: If you want to have an easy time, just stand back and
let them beat down each other, then take out the remaining ones.  If not, Soar
Windfeathers group is probably the deadliest to you, take it out first.

Arborstone [M]
Objective: Retrieve the urn of Viktor and bring it to Mhenlo.  Mhenlo and
Danika must survive.
Difficulty and Comments: This one is pretty tough if you've never done it
before, after that, it may well be the easiest one in the game.  You'll need to
bring Danika to the cathedral so she'll open it.  Once done clear out the five
groups of enemies inside.  Grab the urn, a movie will occur.  Mhenlo will be
separated from the party, and you'll be ambushed.  The enemies from here on out
are especially deadly.  Be very, very wary of "Oni" enemies.  They kill quickly
and often. The dredges in the area are tough too.  Gardners are the healers,
make sure to deal with them accordingly.  There are three basic routes for
escaping, I'd suggest the middle, while it may have a few more enemies, it's a
lot more open and gives you some room to maneuver.  The Urn will power up as
things die, giving the ability to protect your party when dropped.  Oh, and
also, the ceiling will continuously fall on you as you escape.  It's annoying,
if you're in the same place for a while, it'll start lagging too!

The Convocation [P]
Quest Starter: Headmaster Amara [Altrumm Ruins]
Objective: Meet with Master Togo and gain admission into Boreas Seabed.
Reward: 3000xp, 150 Gold, 1 Skill Point.
Reward Giver: Elder Rhea [Boreas Seabed]
Difficulty and Comments: This quest will take you to the other area of the
world, controlled by the Luxon Alliance.

Boreas Seabed [M]
Objective: Defeat the champions of the three Luxon groups to win the Spear of
Archemorus.  Use the spear against the Kraken to defeat it.
Difficulty and Comments: The first area is a small arena somewhat similar to
the original Guild Wars Thirsty River Mission.  The first two groups are
simple.  The third one is a bit harder, Argo's fireball can easily deal over
300 damage to a fully armed caster - be extremely cautious, protective spirit
is highly recommended, or better, spell breaker.  Once you have defeated his
group, take the spear and make your way outside.

The spear powers up with every nearby foe which dies.  It's highest level is
level 5.  However, if at level 5 and dropped next to the kraken, it will obtain
another level dealing 1900 damage to the kraken.  Two hits at that damage will
kill the kraken off when you get there.  Make your way into the ocean area and
fight off whatever you come by there.  After you kill a few kraken spawns, the
big kraken will appear, use the above strategy.

City Under Attack [P]
Quest Starter: Imperial Herald [Zos Shivros Channel]
Objective: Find out what is going on in the City.
Reward: 3000xp, 150 Gold
Reward Giver: Emperors Hand [Raisu Pavilion]
Difficulty and Comments: Leave from the back door of Maatu Keep and work up the
first staircase outside of town.  Speak with Commander Jafai there.

Charting the Jade Sea
Quest Starter: Sekai The Mapmaker [Maatu Keep]
Objective: Explore Five places in Mount Qinkai, Boreas Seabed, Archipelagos,
and the Maishang Hills.
Reward: 5000xp, 500 Luxon Faction, 200 Gold, Imperial Commendation
Reward Giver: Sekai The Mapmaker [Maatu Keep]
Difficulty and Comments: A rather long place, but doing it nearly ensures doing
every other quest in the Luxon Region, which will help you build up faction.

Charting the Forests
Quest Starter: Sekai The Mapmaker [Maatu Keep]
Objective: Explore Five places in Arborstone, Ferndale, Melandru's Hope and
Drazach Thicket.
Reward: 5000xp, 500 Kurzick Faction, 200 Gold, Imperial Commendation
Reward Giver: Sekai The Mapmaker [Maatu Keep]
Difficulty and Comments: A rather long place, but doing it nearly ensures doing
every other quest in the Kurzick Region, which will help you build up faction
with them.  Please note, this quest used to be bugged, it was impossible to get
all five spots in Arborstone.  This has been fixed, one spot is now on the
south end of the area, instead of the far north.

Battle in the Sewers [P]
Quest Starter: Emperors Hand [Raisu Pavilion]
Objective: Escort the Royal Guards to Commander Jafai
Reward: 3000xp, 150 Gold, 1 Skill Point
Reward Giver: Royal Guard Kazuya [Sunjiang District]
Difficulty and Comments: Any entrance into the Shenzun Tunnels will spawn some
royal guards, except the one at Maatu Keep.  I find it easiest to run there to
the entrance near the Ritualist boss near the Senji's Corner entrance, and then
run them all the way back over to Commander Jafai. This quest will grant you
access to the Sunjiang District.

Sunjiang District [M]
Objective: Prevent Shiro from summoning his army!  Mhenlo and Togo must
Difficulty and Comments: Shiro is being protected by four shields.  You must
defeat the bosses protecting them in order to power down the shields.  As you
knock a shield down, entrances to the other ones will open up.  There are a LOT
of afflicted in this area.  Assuming your party doesn't die too often, edge of
extinction may come in handy for your group, as it dominates afflicted.

Journey to Cavalon [P]
Quest Starter: Jamei [Maatu Keep]
Objective: Head to the Zos Shivros Channel and have Watchman Bencis bring you
to Cavalon.
Reward: 4000xp, 250 Luxon Faction, 1 Skill Point
Reward Giver: Elder Rhea [Cavalon]
Difficulty and Comments: None.

Journey to House zu Heltzer [P]
Quest Starter: Jamei [Maatu Keep]
Objective: Travel to Altrumm Ruins and have Guardsman Oldrich bring you to the
House zu Heltzer.
Reward: 4000xp, 250 Kurzick Faction, 1 Skill Point
Reward Giver: Count zu Heltzer [House zu Heltzer]
Difficulty and Comments: None


Quest Starter:
Reward Giver:
Difficulty and Comments:



Note: This section is more or less pasted from my Pre-Searing Guide.  For more
things to do in pre-searing, please refer to that guide.

1. Normal Quests
  Message From a Friend [ps1]
  War Preparations [ps2]
  [Your Class Here] Test [ps3]
  Gwen's Flute [ps4]
  Further Adventures [ps5]
  Unsettling Rumors [ps6]
  Adventure with an Ally [ps7]
  Second Profession [ps8]
  Bandit Raid [ps9]
  The Poisonous Devourer [ps10]
  Charr in the Catacombs [ps11]
  Charr at the Gate [ps12]
  The Wayward Wizard [ps13]
  Poor Tenet [ps14]
  Trouble in the Woods [ps15]
  A New [Your Class] Skill Trainer [ps16]
  A Gift for Althea [ps17]
  Rites of Remembrance [ps18]
  Little Thom's Big Cloak [ps19]
  The Hunter's Horn [ps20]
  The Worm Problem [ps21]
  Tithe for Ashford Abbey [ps22]
  Opposition to the King [ps23]
  The True King [ps24]
  The Orchard [ps25]
  The Prize Moa Bird [ps26]
  The Egg Hunter [ps27]
  The Rogue's Replacement [ps28]
  Across the Wall [ps29]
  Path To Glory [ps30]
  Ascalon Academy [Mission] [ps31]

2. Profession Sampler Quests
  Grawl Invasion [psst1]
  A Mesmer's Burden [psst2]
  The Ranger's Companion [psst3]
  Elementalist Experiment [psst4]
  A Monk's Mission [psst5]
  The Necromancer's Novice [psst6]

3. Primary and Secondary Professions Skill Trainer Quests
  Supremacy of Air [psps1] [Elementalist Only]
  Domination Magic [psps2] [Mesmer Only]
  Blessings of Balthazar [psps3] [Monk Only]
  Protection Prayers [psps4] [Monk Only]
  The Accursed Path [psps5] [Necromancer Only]
  Power of Blood [psps6] [Necromancer Only]
  Test of Marksmanship [psps7] [Ranger Only]
  Unnatural Growth [psps8] [Ranger Only]
  Warrior's Challenge [psps9] [Warrior Only]
  The Vineyard Problem [psps10] [Warrior Only]

4. Quests which are not really quests
  The Bear Hunters [psq1]
  Farmer Dirk's Prize Winning Hogs [psq2]
  Dress up Gwen! [psq3]

1. Normal Quests
Normal quests are quests which all character classes get the exact same quest
for.  The first few are set in the particular order they must be done.  Almost
all of the quests in this category are available to try once you have completed
the quest "Unsettling Rumors".  I will make a note of any quest in this
section which has a different requirement.

Message From a Friend [ps1]
Quest Starter: Town Crier [Ascalon City]
Objective: Talk to Sir Tydus
Reward: 100xp, 10 gold
Reward Giver: Sir Tydus
Difficulty and Comments: Easiest quest ever.  Talk to the Town Crier right
where your character appears after the opening movie.  Sir Tydus is located
near by across a bridge.  Talk to him to receive your reward and again to
activate the next quest.

War Preparations [ps2]
Quest Starter: Sir Tydus [Ascalon City]
Objective: Talk to your primary skill trainer.  The trainer's name is different
depending on which class your character is.  The trainer is located directly
outside of Ascalon City.
Reward: 250xp.
Reward Giver: Primary Skill Trainer.
Difficulty and Comments: Again, no difficulty what so ever.  Talk to the Skill
Trainer again to get the next quest.

[Your Class Here] Test [ps3]
Quest Starter: Primary Skill Trainer [Lake Side County, right outside of
Ascalon City]
Objective: *Varies.  This quest is slightly different based on your class.  It
will involve either killing a few river skales or getting some shimmering
scales, which are obtained from killing river skales.
Reward: 500xp + skills for your primary class.
 - Elementalist - Flare, Aura of Restoration
 - Ranger - Power Shot, Troll Unguent
 - Warrior - Frenzy, Healing Signet
 - Necromancer - Vampiric Gaze, Deathly Swarm
 - Mesmer - Empathy, Ether Feast
 - Monk - Healing Breeze, Banish
Reward Giver: Primary Skill Trainer
Difficulty and Comments: Very little difficulty.  Do this quest at the same
time as the next quest, Gwen's Flute.

Gwen's Flute [ps4]
Quest Starter: Gwen
Objective: Find Gwen's Missing flute.  It is in fact broken and just south of
where she is standing across the nearby river.
Reward: 250xp
Reward Giver: Gwen
Difficulty and Comments: Alright.  Gwen is a somewhat broken aspect of Pre-
Searing.  She is sad that her flute is broken, but will offer to follow you
around anytime you leave Ascalon City on foot.  You can make her happy by
giving her flowers, a fixed flute or a cape.  She will eventually give you a
Tapestry Shred, which does not seem to have any use in the game presently.

Further Adventures [ps5]
Quest Starter: Haversdan [Lakeside County]
Objective: Haversdan walks out of Ascalon City the moment you complete the
Primary Skill Trainers first Test.  He will speak of Devona, a warrior residing
in Lake Side Village.  Run to her for the reward.
Reward: 250xp.
Reward Giver: Devona
Difficulty and Comments: Another simple quest.  You may notice most of the
monsters do not attack you on your way there.  This is common in Pre-Searing,
though there are some which will.  Once you complete this quest, almost every
other quest becomes available to start, so your order from here on out will
certainly be different from my own.  I will attempt to hint at which quests are
done near each other, to help reduce your time spent running back and forth.

Unsettling Rumors [ps6]
Quest Starter: Devona [Lakeside County/Village]
Objective: Speak to Meerak the Scribe regarding the Charr Threat.  Once spoken
too, speak to Armin Saberlin in Ascalon City.
Reward: 250xp
Reward Giver: Armin Saberlin
Difficulty and Comments: This mission is designed to teach a player how to use
the "M" button for quick travel.  Any town, outpost, or area labeled on the
map with a symbol can be instantly traveled to.  If you are in a party when
you do this, the party is disbanded.  Talk to Armin again to start his next
quest.  Also, as you are back in Ascalon City and all of the Ascalon City
quests are now open, run around and activate them all.

Adventure with an Ally [ps7]
Quest Starter: Lina [Lakeside County, just outside of Ascalon City]
Objective: Party up with another player and return to her.
Reward: 100xp and a resurrection signet.
Reward Giver: Lina
Difficulty and Comments: One of two quests pre-searing which must be done with
another player.  Make sure to get the signet from her, it is quite useful.

Second Profession [ps8]
Quest Starter: Armin Saberlin [Ascalon City]
Objective: Learn a second profession.
Reward: 250xp
Reward Giver: Armin Saberlin
Difficulty and Comments: I would suggest not doing this quest immediately if
you are unsure of which second profession you want.  Once you decide on one,
return to Armin for the reward.

Bandit Raid [ps9]
Quest Starter: Baron Egan [Ascalon City]
Objective: Get the Ashford Strongbox which has been taken by bandits and return
it to Devona.
Reward: 250xp
Reward Giver: Devona
Difficulty and Comments: A fairly simple quest.  Kill the bandits around the
strongbox first.  Once the area is secure, grab the box and run to Devona with
it.  You will run much slower with the box in hand, and will be unable to
attack with a weapon, though you may still cast spells.  The bandit camp is
located just a bit northeast of Ashford Abbey.

The Poisonous Devourer [ps10]
Quest Starter: Baron Egan [Ascalon City]
Objective: Hunt down a plague devourer and give the stinger to Brother Mhenlo.
Reward: 250xp, +3 energy Focus
Reward Giver: Brother Mhenlo
Difficulty and Comments: Do this quest while you do the first part of Pitney's
Worm Problem quest, as well as the same time you do the Egg Hunter Quest.  In
the cave where you do all of these, this devourer will pop out as you approach
it.  When it dies, it will drop a stinger.

Charr in the Catacombs [ps11]
Quest Starter: Prince Rurik [Ascalon City]
Objective: Find out if there have been any Charr sightings in the Catacombs
Reward: 250xp, 100 gold.
Reward Giver: Prince Rurik
Difficulty and Comments: You will first need to speak to Brother Mhenlo in
Ashford Abbey, then Necromancer Munne [Catacombs] and finally Oberan the
Reviled [Catacombs, closest to Greenhills County Entrance].  Return to the
Prince for your reward.  This quest represents the largest amount of gold you
can easily obtain in Pre-Searing.
*Note: This quest appears to have a trigger now, as it is no longer available
immediately.  I'm not yet sure what it is.

Charr at the Gate [ps12]
Quest Starter: Prince Rurik
Objective: Kill the small Charr group near the northern gate.
Reward: 200xp, Long Sword [5-7 damage]
Reward Giver: Prince Rurik
Difficulty and Comments: The next time you leave Ascalon City on Foot, Prince
Rurik and a few guards will be waiting.  Before long, they will run west to the
northern gate.  The Charr there are fairly difficult, but the Prince and his
men will probably be able to complete the mission even if you do nothing but
sit back and watch.

The Wayward Wizard [ps13]
Quest Starter: Sandre Elek [Ascalon City]
Objective: Find Orion Elek.  Relena Stormbringer in Foible's Fair knows where
he is.  Talk to her first.  Once you have done this, run to Orion in Wizard's
Reward: 250xp
Reward Giver: Sandre Elek
Difficulty and Comments: Make sure Orion does not get killed by anything
chasing you.  It is a rather long walk, you would not want to do it twice.

*Note: after talking to Relena, it would be faster to leave from Barradin's
estate and warp into the Wizard's Folley from there.  Orion is very near the

Poor Tenet [ps14]
Quest Starter: Namar [Ascalon City]
Objective: Namar can not pay his rent.  His friend, Miller Upton, might give
him some money though.  Tell Miller of Namar's woes.
Reward: 500xp
Reward Giver: Miller Upton [Lakeside County/Village]
Difficulty and Comments: Miller Upton can not concentrate with the bees flying
around him.  You will need to grab the nearby honeycomb and step near the
swarms of bees.  Once you have all three swarms [the last is near the river],
run with the honeycomb across the nearby bridge.  Once across, drop the
honeycomb and return to Miller Upton.  Quest Complete.

Trouble in the Woods [ps15]
Quest Starter: Town Crier [Ascalon City, near the gates to Lakeside County]
Objective: Help Devona clear the Grawl who are threatening to attack Lakeside
Reward: 500xp
Reward Giver: Devona
Difficulty and Comments: This one can be a bit hard.  Clear the nearby river
skales and anything else along the path to the Regent Valley [from Lakeside
Village] before consulting Devona.  This will keep her from running off and
getting killed.  If you have a healing spell, sit back and heal her, she does a
ton of damage.  If not, try to kill what you can.

A New [Your Class] Skill Trainer [ps16]
Quest Starter: Haversdan [Lakeside County, just outside of Ascalon City]
Objective: Find the Primary Skill trainer for your class.  The one you want to
find is the "Sample" skill trainer, as I have labeled them, of your class.
Reward: 250xp
Reward Giver: Skill Trainer of your Class
Difficulty and Comments: The Hardest part of this quest is remembering to
activate it.

A Gift for Althea [ps17]
Quest Starter: Captain Osric
Objective: Find a suitable birthday gift for Lady Althea, Prince Rurik's
Reward: 250xp
Reward Giver: Captain Osric
Difficulty and Comments: This quest can not be done if Charr at the Gates is an
active quest in your quest log.  You must also have completed your skill
trainer test.  Walk outside of Ascalon City.  Just to the West, Prince Rurik
and Captain Osric are talking.  When they are done talking, speak with the
captain.  He will give you this quest.  You will need to get three items for
this gift.  The beautiful feather is located in the middle of Lakeside Village.
The beautiful pearl is located inside of a beautiful shell, which is right next
to Miller Upton's home.  The final object, the beautiful pendant, is in a chest
slightly northeast of where the Bandit Camp is.  Return all three items to
Captain Osric for the reward.  Note: This quest is rather buggy if done in a
party.  Just do it alone.

Alternate Method: [I would like to thank "Greg" for this method]  Once you have
any one of the three pieces, take that piece to Lady Althea.  She will be
annoyed that Rurik is unable to get her a gift on his own and someone else is
doing it.  She will give you the same quest reward as Osric does for doing

Rites of Remembrance [ps18]
Quest Starter: Necromancer Munne [Catacombs]
Objective: Light four remembrance braziers with the magical candles she gives
Reward: 250xp
Reward Giver: Necromancer Munne
Difficulty and Comments: This quest takes you along the exact same path as
Brother Mhenlo's "A Monk's Mission".  Do them together.  All you need to do is
touch the brazier.  This quest is sometimes glitched and she only gives three
candles.  Make sure you have four before starting.

Little Thom's Big Cloak [ps19]
Quest Starter: Allison the Tanner [Lakeside County/Village]
Objective: Find a bear pelt from a black bear.  Return the pelt to her.  She
will make it into a cloak.  Give the cloak to Little Thom in Barradin's Estate.
Reward: 250xp
Reward Giver: Little Thom
Difficulty and Comments: The game, I believe, tells you to get the Bear Pelt
from the Regent Valley.  It is both more likely, and closer, to get one from
the Wizard's Folly.  Once you have it, bring it to her.  Then just teleport [or
walk] to Barradin's Estate and give the cloak to Little Thom.

The Hunter's Horn [ps20]
Quest Starter: Chantalle the Troubadour [Lakeside County/Village]
Objective: Cleanse the Hunter's Horn and give it to Aidan
Reward: 500xp
Reward Giver: Aidan
Difficulty and Comments: The healing spring to clean the horn is deep into the
Regent Valley.  About the point at which you get to the Melandru Stalker
Shrine, enemies will be aggressive with you.  You can do this first half of the
quest with the Sample Ranger Skill Trainer quest.  Once you have cleaned the
horn, you need to give it to Aidan.

Aidan is in Wizard's Folly in about the furthest place from anywhere.  Luckily,
the healing spring you cleansed the horn in is very nearby.  Simply follow the
river a bit further, and you'll enter the Wizard's Folly

The Worm Problem [ps21]
Quest Starter: Pitney [Lakeside County/Village]
Objective: Give a devourer Egg to Pitney so that he may be able to lure the
Worm Queen to surface.  Kill the Worm Queen.
Reward: 250xp
Reward Giver: Pitney [who will be standing in the field where you kill the Worm
Difficulty and Comments: Easy enough.  You can either trade an egg off of a
collector or use one from a cave.  If you snag them from the cave, make sure to
do the poisonous stinger quest at the same time.  Doing the cave will also let
you do the Egg Hunter quest.

Tithe for Ashford Abbey [ps22]
Quest Starter: Devona [Lakeside County/Village]
Objective: Collect Duke Barradin's Tithe from Garzden the Protector in Green
Hills County.
Reward: 250xp, 1 Skill point
Reward Giver: Devona
Difficulty and Comments: If you only do one quest you do not have to in pre-
searing, make in this one.  Once you have done all the missions in post-
searing, getting skill points takes some time [by leveling up, even when you
level beyond 20].  This is such an easy point to get.  Also, while you do this
quest, do the Opposition to the King quest with the three nearby NPCs.  Just a
note, make sure you have a free square in your inventory.

Opposition to the King [ps23]
Quest Starter: Devona [Lakeside County/Village]
Objective: Talk to three people in Green Hills County [Not Warmaster Grast],
concerning their feelings about the King.
Reward: 500xp
Reward Giver: Devona
Difficulty and Comments: Do this with the above quest.  You might actually want
to read what the NPC's reply with.  Some of it explains why they and others do
particular things later in the game.

The True King [ps24]
Quest Starter: Duke Barradin [Barradin's Estate]
Objective: Take a message to Lord Darrin in Fort Ranik
Reward: 750xp
Reward Giver: Lord Darrin
Difficulty and Comments: This quest opens up after the Opposition to the King
quest is done.  It is the biggest reward for a quest in pre-searing in terms of
experience.  This mission can be done in about ten seconds if you use the "M"
map feature travel button, provided you have both towns.  Otherwise it is a
reasonably long walk.

The Orchard [ps25]
Quest Starter: Mary Malone [Regent Valley, just outside of Fort Ranik]
Objective: Find her basket of missing apples and return them to her.
Reward: 250xp, Battle Axe [4-8 damage], Focus [+3]
Reward Giver: Mary Malone
Difficulty and Comments: Spiders here do only a few damage to you.  However,
kill as many as you can before grabbing the basket, because two damage does add
up after a while.  The basket of apples will cause you to run extremely slow on
the way back to her, as well.

The Prize Moa Bird [ps26]
Quest Starter: Pitney [Lakeside County/Village]
Objective: Find out what happened to Pitney's Prized Moa Bird.  Last he heard
it was taken into the catacombs
Reward: 250xp
Reward Giver: Pitney
Difficulty and Comments: This quest can only be activated after completing the
Worm Problem.  It takes place near the Necromancer's Novice quest which Munne
gives you.  When you enter the big room just before the first flame geyser,
instead of taking the first right [which goes to the geysers], head to the back
of the room, then take a right.  Make a left at your first opportunity.  You
can kill all the spiders in the area if you want, but they only do two or three
damage.  Just run around them for a while.  You will have to make a left turn,
eventually, which is a very sharp left and almost a complete 180 to do.  Run
straight down this path and you will see a staircase.  Take the staircase up
and run down its match on the other side.  There you will see the Moa Bird.
Fight the monsters, if you wish, or just return to Pitney for your reward.

The Egg Hunter [ps27]
Quest Starter: Duke Gaban [Lakeside County, in front of the devourer cave]
Objective: Escort Fadden so he can get some devourer eggs.
Reward: 150xp, 2 Devourer Eggs.
Reward Giver: Duke Gaban
Difficulty and Comments: This quest is sometimes very glitched.  What you need
to do is clear the cave of most devourers so that Fadden can make it to the
eggs and extract them [you are too clumsy to do this].  There are three eggs to
grab.  Once you have them all, wait for him to start walking back to the Duke.
When he does, run to the Duke for your reward.   You should do this quest at
the same time you do the Poisonous stinger one.  If you get glitched out and do
not want to waste your time again.  Just buy the devourer eggs from Collectors
[see the collector section of this guide] and eat up the 150xp.

The Rogue's Replacement [ps28]
Quest Starter: Old Mack [Lakeside County, right outside of Ascalon City]
Objective: Give Old Mack a devourer egg.
Reward: 250xp
Difficulty and Comments: This is quite easy.  This quest is only activated
after you do the Mesmer's Burden quest.  The next time you come out of Ascalon
City, wait for Old Mack to Run up a hill and argue with Lady Althea.  After a
bit, talk to him.  If you do not have a devourer egg, either do the Egg Hunter
quest or buy one from the collector right next to Old Mack [who
will eventually stand next to Lina].

Across the Wall [ps29]
Quest Starter: Gate Guard Torin [Lakeside County, at the Gate Rurik had you
fight Charr]
Objective: Find his friend, Ben Wolfson in the northlands.
Reward: 250xp
Reward Giver: Gate Guard Torin
Difficulty and Comments: First of all, this quest is rather hard now.  It used
to be very simple.  You need a PARTNER for this one.  One of you must open the
gate lever above Torin, the other must run through the gates to the next area.
Once there, be aware, most of the monsters are level 5 to 8.  When you find
Ben, kill the Grawl troops and walk him back that way.  You could try to kill
the four Charr, but unless you are very good or way over leveled, you will
probably die, or even worse, Ben might die trying to save you.  When you walk
him back, walk all the way back to the gate but DO NOT GO THROUGH until the
quest updates in your log, or you will have to do it all over again.  Killing
the Charr, if you are able, in this area can level you up in a big hurry.  You
can not activate this quest if you have not been back into any other area since
you did Charr at the Gates.

Path To Glory [ps30]
Quest Starter: Armin Saberlin
Objective: Talk to Sir Tydus
Reward: 100xp
Reward Giver: Sir Tydus
Difficulty and Comments: OMG THIS IS HARD [Kidding].  You need to have a second
profession.  Now, walk to Sir Tydus.  Quest done!  This will allow you to do
the following mission.  Be CERTAIN you have done everything you want before
accepting the mission.  The game will warn you as well.

Ascalon Academy [Mission] [ps31]
Quest Starter: Sir Tydus [Ascalon City] [You must be level 3 and have a second
Objective: Kill Vatlaaw Doomtooth
Reward: None, except for getting to Post-Searing
Reward Giver: None
Difficulty and Comments: This is not the name of the quest until half way
through it.  This mission is started when you tell Sir Tydus you are ready to
leave everything behind.  DO NOT SAY YOU ARE READY UNTIL YOU HAVE DONE

First, you will fight another team of humans in an arena.  If you win, you can
get a small amount of experience for the kills you made.  If you lose, no loss.
Afterwards, your team will be transported to a meeting between Sir Tydus and
Prince Rurik.  You need to kill Vatlaaw Doomtooth shortly ahead.  You do not
really have to do anything, Rurik will kill it all if you let him.  When it is
over, a movie will start.  Enjoy the Post Searing!

2. Profession Sampler Quests

These are technically primary trainers, but I call them sample trainers.  The
reason is because you get to sample the skills of that class without agreeing
to take any.  I suggest you do them all, it gives 1500xp total as well
as a nice opportunity to see what class may be able to aid you as a secondary.
If you elect to make a class your secondary, you will earn the sampler skills
you tested permanently.  Also, if you sample your main profession, any skill
you learn from it, you keep.

Grawl Invasion [Warrior Sampler] [psst1]
Quest Starter: Warmaster Grast
Objective: Kill Grawl Invaders nearby.
Reward: 250xp, sampling of Gash, Sever Artery and Healing signet.
Starter Sword
Reward Giver: Warmaster Grast
Difficulty and Comments: The hardest of these types of quests, which does not
say much.  Take them one at a time and you will have no problems, even if you
do not use the warrior skills.  These skills are based on adrenaline and
require a sword to perform.

A Mesmer's Burden [psst2]
Quest Starter: Lady Althea
Objective: Kill the Rogue Bull
Reward: 250xp, sampling of Conjure Phantasm, Imagined Burden and Ether
Reward Giver: Lady Althea
Difficulty and Comments: Use Conjure Phantasm.  It is about the only skill
which as effective at all.  If you are a necro, life siphon works, sever artery
also works.  You need to do this to activate the Rogue's replacement.

The Ranger's Companion [psst3]
Quest Starter: Master Ranger Nente
Objective: Charm a Melandru's Stalker
Reward: 250xp, sampling of Charm Animal, Comfort Animal and Troll
Reward Giver: Master Ranger Nente
Difficulty and Comments: nothing on the way to the Melandru stalker will attack
you.  When you start charming, the process takes ten seconds or so, in which
time the stalker will attack you.  Other than that, this is easy.

Elementalist Experiment [psst4]
Quest Starter: Elementalist Aziure
Objective: Kill 12 Ice Elemental Shards which come in waves of 4.
Reward: 250xp, Firestorm, Glyph of Lesser Energy and Aura of
Reward Giver: Elementalist Aziure
Difficulty and Comments: Firestorm will cream them.  Try to wait so you can
pound two waves at a time with it.  If your primary class is Elementalist, you
can do this at the same time as Supremacy of air.

A Monk's Mission [psst5]
Quest Starter: Brother Mhenlo
Objective: Keep the Abbot Paulus alive
Reward: 250xp, sampling of Bane Signet and Orison of Healing
Reward Giver: Brother Mhenlo
Difficulty and Comments: Do this while you do the Rites of remembrance.
Paulus will have to run across poison [so will you].  He likely will not die on
the way there.  When you get out of the poison, heal him and heal yourself.
You will now have to run back.  Paulus is carrying something now and runs
slower, thus, you need to heal him this time.  Walk slowly with him back to the
entrance to Ashford Abbey.  When the quest updates, talk to Mhenlo.

The Necromancer's Novice [psst6]
Quest Starter: Necromancer Munne
Objective: Kill the Nightmare
Reward: 250xp, sampling of Life Siphon, Deathly Swarm, and Animate
Reward Giver: Necromancer Munne
Difficulty and Comments: Follow Munne to the hallway in a large room.  You will
see a carrion devourer run across a flame geyser and be blown up.  This is a
hint [Well, actually, the hint is in the mission summary now].  Try to avoid
killing anything.  Just before [but not too close!] the next geyser, summon a
bone horror.  The body across the geyser will cause it to explode when
animated.  Do the same thing for the next and final one.  To kill the
nightmare, the fastest way is to cast deathly swarm, which will probably do in
excess of 60 damage.  Once you complete this, you are in the area of the Prize
Moa Bird, so do that one too.

3. Primary & Secondary Profession Trainer Quests

These are skill trainers who can only teach you skills from your primary and
secondary classes.  There is no sampling these.


Supremacy of Air [psps1]
Quest Starter: Relena Stormbringer
Objective: Kill the Tower Golem
Reward: 250xp, Permanent use of Blinding Flash, Lightning Javelin
Reward Giver: Elementalist Aziure
Difficulty and Comments: use lightning javelin to cream the golem.  If you are
a primary Elementalist, have this quest activated when you go to do the
Elementalist experiment.


Domination Magic [psps2]
Quest Starter: Vassar [Foible's Fair]
Objective: Kill the Skale Brood
Reward: 250xp, permanent use of Backfire and Shatter Delusions
Reward Giver: Vassar
Difficulty and Comments: Use backfire on him or you are likely to get creamed.
Combine it with whatever form of damage you desire.


Blessings of Balthazar [psps3]
Quest Starter: Brother Mhenlo
Objective: Kill the undead invading the farms north of Ashford Abbey.
Reward: 250xp, permanent use of Retribution, Symbol of Wrath
Reward Giver: Brother Mhenlo
Difficulty and Comments: If you can get in close, smash the undead with Symbol
of wrath.  Otherwise, use your Bane Signet [and Banish if you are a primary

Protection Prayers [psps4]
Quest Starter: Garzden the Protector
Objective: Protect Farrah while she hunts down the bandit Alain.
Reward: 250xp, permanent use of Shielding Hands and Reversal of
Reward Giver: Garzden the Protector
Difficulty and Comments: Somewhat tough if you fail to heal her frequently [or
use protection prayers].  She will be able to kill most of it in a hurry, so do
not feel the need to speed up the process of killing.


The Accursed Path [psps5]
Quest Starter: Oberan the Reviled [Catacombs]
Objective: Kill 5 Crypt Fiends
Reward: 500xp, permanent use of Soul Barbs and Faintheartedness
Reward Giver: Oberan the Reviled
Difficulty and Comments: hardest part is getting to Oberan deep in the

Power of Blood [psps6]
Quest Starter: Kasha Blackblood [Green Hills County]
Objective: Kill 3 Blood Fanatics
Reward: 250xp, permanent use of Vampiric Touch and Blood Renewal
Reward Giver: Kasha Blackblood
Difficulty and Comments: Easy quest.  They will run from you until they have a
great strength in numbers.  If you are a Mesmer as a second or first class, try
to slow them down as they run so you can pick them off one at a time.  You only
need to kill three of the five.


Test of Marksmanship [psps7]
Quest Starter: Ivor Trueshot [Regent Valley]
Objective: Kill the five nearby plague worms
Reward: 250xp, permanent use of point blank shot and Read the Wind
Reward Giver: Ivor Trueshot
Difficulty and Comments: Somewhat hard if you are still level one.  If you are
level two, this is easy.  Just gun them down with special shots.  Helps to have
a pet to do the few extra damage.

Unnatural Growth [psps8]
Quest Starter: Aidan [Wizard's Folly Fishing Village]
Objective: Get an Aloe Root from a large aloe seed.
Reward: 250xp, permanent use of Ignite Arrows and Dual Shot.
Reward Giver: Aidan
Difficulty and Comments: This one is actually quite hard.  First, it is way out
of the way as you will be able to see on your map.  Second, these things just
swarm at you.  Chances are, you will only need to kill one.  Ignite arrows
works wonders if you can cluster them, so does any other area of effect spell
your other class may have.


Warrior's Challenge [psps9]
Quest Starter: Duke Barradin [Barradin Estate]
Objective: Kill Agnar the Foot
Reward: 250xp, permanent use of Hammer Bash and Frenzy
Reward Giver: Duke Barradin
Difficulty and Comments: The trick is to knock him down with a hammer blow just
before he uses a healing spell.  It might be easier to have a Mesmer in the
party to just empathy and conjure phantasm him.

The Vineyard Problem [psps10]
Quest Starter: Little Thom [Barradin Estate]
Objective: Kill the 4 Large Aloe Seeds
Reward: 250xp, permanent use of Cyclone axe and Executioners strike
Reward Giver: Little Thom
Difficulty and Comments: Get in-between them and use cyclone axe, which will
kill all of the little ones and build up your adrenaline.  Smash the first Big
seed with executioners strike.  Should be easy enough to hack 'n' slash from

4. Quests Which Are Not Really Quests

The Bear Hunters [psq1]

The Bear Hunters are in the Regent Valley.  They are a big bunch of drinkers
who like to hunt bears.  When you get to them, try to have not killed the two
nearby bears.  Talk to them all, stand there for a minute and eventually a
timer will activate.  You have that long to kill a bear and return to the
hunters.  Every time you succeed, you will get a Hunter's Ale.  It does not
seem to have a purpose, but if you drink it, it will make your screen blur,
trying to simulate being drunk!

Farmer Dirk's Prize Winning Hogs [psq2]

They have all escaped their pen.  You need to chase them all back in!  This is
rather difficult.  Basically, when you charge up to a hog, it will run in the
direction it was facing... usually.  Once you get all seven or eight back in,
talk to farmer dirk and he will give you 30 gold or so.  I think you need to be
level 3 or 4 to attempt this, as well.

Dress up Gwen! [psq3]

Give Gwen a new flute from a vendor, a cape from a Vendor and constantly give
her flowers.  She'll give you her Tapestry shred.  It does not seem to have an
use yet.  Save your money and do not even bother to do this.

Ruins of Ascalon

The Ascalon area is now bruised and charred.  The main town is Ascalon City.
There is a skill trainer in this town, as well as all the types of merchants,
aside from a scroll merchant.  There are two armor dealers here.  The better of
the two offers armor defense which will not be beaten until well into kryta,
making it a great choice to last a third of the game.  The other towns are:
Sardelac Sanitarium, Serenity Temple, Fort Ranik, The Frontier Gate, Ruins of
Surmia, Great Northern Wall, Nolani Academy, Piken Square and the Grenich

1. Missions
  The Great Northern Wall [mis1]
  Fort Ranik [mis2]
  Ruins of Surmia [mis3]
  Nolani Academy [mis4]

2. Ascalon City Quests
  The Krytan Ambassador [roa1]
  The King's Message [roa2]
  Helping the People of Ascalon [roa3]
  The Ambassador's Quandary [roa4]
  Rastin's Ritual [roa5]
  Defend the Wall [roa6]
  Cities of Ascalon [roa7]
  Counting the Fallen [roa8]
  Scavengers in Old Ascalon [roa9]
  Vanguard Equipment [roa10]
  Barradin's Advance [roa11]
  A Mission of Peace [roa12]
  The Troublesome Artifact [roa13]
  Fires in the East [roa14]
  Symon's History of Ascalon [roa15]
  Scorched Earth [Elementalist Only] [roa16]
  Elemental Knowledge [Elementalist Only] [roa17]
  Recruits for Hollis [roa18]
  Gargoyle Trouble [Warrior Only] [roa19]
  Military Matters [Warrior Only] [roa20]
  To the Breach [Warrior Only] [roa21]
  Endangered Species [Ranger Only] [roa22]
  The Charr Patrol [Ranger Only] [roa23]
  The Charr Staging Area [Ranger Only] [roa24]

3. Sardelac Sanitarium Quests
  Supplies for the Duke [ros1]
  Barradin's Stand [ros2]
  Sowing Seeds [Monk Only] [ros3]
  Protecting Ascalon [Monk Only] [ros4]
  In Memory of Paulus [Monk Only] [ros5]
  Mesmerizing the Enemy [Mesmer Only] [ros6]
  Trying Times [Mesmer Only] [ros7]
  A Cure for Ralena [Mesmer Only] [ros8]
  The Stolen Artifact [Necromancer Only] [ros9]
  Death in the Ruins [Necromancer Only] [ros10]
  Oberan's Rage [Necromancer Only] [ros11]
  Shalev's Task [Elementalist Only] [ros12]
  Family Ties [ros13]

4. Piken Square Quests
  The Siege of Piken Square [rop1]
  Casualty Report [rop2]
  The Duke's Daughter [rop3]
  Fires in the North [rop4]
  Red-Cloaked Deserter [rop5]
  Hammer and Anvil [rop6]
  Garfazz Bloodfang [rop7]
  Althea's Ashes [rop8]
  Fallen Soldiers [Necromancer Only] [rop9]
  Army Life [Warrior Only] [rop10]
  Charr Reinforcements [Ranger Only] [rop11]

5. Fort Ranik Quests/Frontier Gate/Serenity Temple
  The Regent Valley Defense [rof1]
  Deliver a Message to my Wife [rof2]
  Frontier Gate Fugitives [rof3]
  Ruins of Surmia [rof4]
  Replacement Healers [Monk Only] [rof5]
  Unnatural Creatures [Mesmer Only] [rof6]
  Experimental Elixir [Mesmer Only] [rof7]
  The Way of the Geomancer [Elementalist Only] [rof8]
  The Geomancer's Test [Elementalist Only] [rof9]
  Caravan in Trouble [rof10]

1. Missions

All missions give 1000xp and 1 skill point.  Every mission also has a Bonus
objective which gives another 1000xp.  Missions are the main way to advance the

The Great Northern Wall [mis1]
Objective: Scout for Bonfaaz Burntfur's  army.  Once you spot it, run back to
Captain Calhaan with your findings.  Most of the level consists of fighting
Grawl and Devourers.

Bonus: Find the four pieces of Kilnn Testibrie's armor.  All four are found in
wreckages between the first boss you fight and the first set of Charr.  If you
fight any Charr and do not have all four bonus pieces, backtrack.

Fort Ranik [mis2]
Objective: Push back the Charr Army.  All you need to do is kill the boss named
Torch Spitfur but, along the way you can fix a catapult like thing by finding
objects to fix it in nearby wreckage.  This will allow you to devastate a large
Charr force standing around.  It is possible to sneak past this force and fire
the second catapult thing.  If done immediately, it will hit the boss and end
the mission.

Bonus: Save Deeter Saberlin from Charr imprisonment.  He is being held by two
healers.  You'll need to focus fire or disable their ability to heal each
other.  Master Armin Saberlin starts the bonus a short while after the missions
starts, so make sure he does not die before this point.

Ruins of Surmia [mis3]
Objective: Safeguard Prince Rurik while you save the captured Ascalon Soldiers.
The first half of the journey there, you will face a great deal of devourers.
After a boss, Rurik will begin charging into the Charr.  Keep up with him, he
sometimes gets in over his head.  Eventually you will see groups of prisoners.
Each group is guarded by a boss and some normal enemies.  Once you have saved
three groups of them, there will be a cinematic.  You will learn that mages
have been held captive too.  Rurik decides these people need to be saved too.
Continue on the path towards a fortress.  The door is unfortunately locked from
the other side.  Rurik and Erol will chill waiting for you to go around to the
other side and open it.  On your way there, make sure to get the Monument at
Surmia.  Once you open the lever, Rurik will again charge forward.  Rather than
take the main force, he will suggest sneaking around, because he has a plan.
In all honesty, if you pill the large army a bit, Rurik can take the entire
thing provided you can keep him alive.  If this is not an option, simply do
what he suggests.  Either way, you will eventually free three mages and Rurik
will have a plan.  The Mages will run to Obelisks.  They damage foes who
venture near.  They do good damage, so try to keep the mages alive from the
Charr forces which will attack from all sides.  Once their army is dead [or if
you already killed it], there will be another cinematic.  Mission complete.

Bonus: After the cinematic, a short while later Rurik and Erol will wait on the
side of a closed door.  Continue down to the tarpits and defeat the sole Charr
boss and then talk to Breena Stavinson.  This will activate the bonus portion
of the mission.  Four Ember Bearers will spawn nearby.  DO NOT KILL THEM.
Instead, wait until they walk by, and follow them at a distance until they
reach a gate.  It will be opened for them, follow them in, now kill them and
everything else.  The Flame Keepers are nearby to the west.  Kill all four of
them and the bonus is complete.

Nolani Academy [mis4]

Objective: There are two methods of doing the first half of the mission.  The
recommended way is to sneak around the entire level and take out the bulk of
the Charr army from behind.  Once done, the doors will open and Rurik will rush

The alternative way is to pull the lever near the start and open the gates.
The Charr will ALL rush in.  Stand near an obelisk and protect/heal Rurik.
They will all try to swarm him, This way is much faster, provided you can keep
Rurik alive.  Though, it makes the bonus nearly impossible to complete, until
the very end, at which point you would have to backtrack, losing the time you
saved by doing this!

Either way, Rurik will eventually run to the gate and demand entry.  Follow
Rurik to stormcaller.  He will play it.  For the remainder of the mission, all
the Charr will have about 50% max HP, making them quite easy.  Rurik will lead
you all the way to the final Charr boss, Bonfaaz Burntfur.  Kill him and the
mission is over.  If you haven't yet done the bonus, after the final Charr
before Burntfur, you can turn back and get it.

Bonus: Watchman Pramas took the tome of the fallen under orders from his
superior.  Apparently, the spirits were not too pleased by this.  They roam
around the area attacking those who venture near, especially the person with
the tome.  You need to carry the tome back to the statue in the back of the
field they patrol.  Talk to the ghost who appears when you do.

2. Ascalon City Quests

All of these quests start from either Ascalon City or just outside of town in
Ambassador Zain's encampment.  It also includes some other quests in Old
Ascalon.  As of present, there is some inconsistency of which area some quests
should be listed in, this one or the Sardelec Sanitarium.

The Krytan Ambassador [roa1]
Quest Starter: Captain Osric [Old Ascalon]
Objective: Inform Warmaster Tydus an Ambassador from the former enemy nation of
Kryta has arrived in Ascalon
Reward: 500xp
Reward Giver: Warmaster Tydus [Ascalon City]
Difficulty and Comments: get this quest immediately after the cinematic which
brought you here from pre-searing.  Ascalon city is nearby, but it's already on
your map so you may as well teleport there.

The King's Message [roa2]
Quest Starter: Warmaster Tydus [Ascalon City]
Objective: Get someone to party with, and tell Ambassador Zain that your king
does not trust his nation.
Reward: 100xp, 50 gold
Reward Giver: Ambassador Zain [Old Ascalon]
Difficulty and Comments: Sometimes this quest bugs up.  Rather than taking a
human, just take Alesia the henchman as the quest suggests, you'll be back in
town within two minutes.

Helping the People of Ascalon [roa3]
Quest Starter: Ambassador Zain [Old Ascalon]
Objective: Deliver the supplies to Ellie Rigby [Ascalon City].
Reward: 200xp
  Elementalist - Lava Font
  Mesmer - Energy Tap
  Monk - Mending
  Necromancer - Vile Touch
  Ranger - Penetrating Attack
  Warrior - "For Great Justice"
Reward Giver: Ambassador Zain [Old Ascalon]
Difficulty and Comments: none.

The Ambassador's Quandary [roa4]
Quest Starter: Ambassador Zain [Old Ascalon]
Objective: There is a bandit in the Regent Valley, Torin.  Zain wants him dead,
but fears Ascalons may be enraged if he kills any of them, even a thief.
Reward: 500xp
Reward Giver: Ambassador Zain
Difficulty and Comments: This quest is designed to send you near Fort Ranik.
However, due to some quests you will get shortly, it makes more sense to wait
rather than do this now.

Rastin's Ritual [roa5]
Quest Starter: Witness Rastin [Old Ascalon]
Objective: Take Rastin's materials to the crafter Daved, near the Sardelac
Sanitarium and return to Rastin with the final product.
Reward: 500xp, 50 gold
Reward Giver: Witness Rastin
Difficulty and Comments: This quest serves the purpose of showing you where the
Sardelac Sanitarium is, as well as show you a materials crafter.

Defend the Wall [roa6]
Quest Starter: Warmaster Tydus [Ascalon City]
Objective: Report to Squire Zachary at the Great Northern Wall.  It is located
off of the back exit to Ascalon City
Reward: 500xp
Reward Giver: Squire Zachary [Great Northern Wall]
Difficulty and Comments: Do this quest immediately, but rather than enter the
mission, go back to Ascalon City for a bunch of new quests.

Cities of Ascalon [roa7]
Quest Starter: Symon the Scribe [Ascalon City]
Objective: Find three historical monuments.  They are in the King's Watch of
the Regent Valley, Ruins of Surmia and near the Nolani Academy in the Diessa
Reward: 1000xp
Reward Giver: Symon the Scribe
Difficulty and Comments: It will be quite a while until you complete this one.
You will be doing the Regent Valley defense and the Red Cloaked Deserter when
you find the one in the King's Watch.  The Surmia monument takes place in the
Surmia Mission, and the Nolani Academy one is right outside the door of the
Nolani Academy.

Counting the Fallen [roa8]
Quest Starter: Symon the Scribe [Ascalon City]
Objective: Find the Census in the ruins of Old Ascalon.  It is inside of a pile
of wreckage.
Reward: 500xp
Reward Giver: Symon the Scribe
Difficulty and Comments: This quest still drops only one census, even if all
four people in the party need the quest.  Do this one with henchmen.

Scavengers in Old Ascalon [roa9]
Quest Starter: Warmaster Tydus [Ascalon City]
Objective: Outside of the Sardelac Sanitarium is Thaddiel, he is looting the
place.  Inform him that the king sent you to remove the scavengers and that
everything will be alright so long as he makes himself useful.
Reward: 500xp
Reward Giver: Warmaster Tydus
Difficulty and Comments: none

Vanguard Equipment [roa10]
Quest Starter: Captain Arne [Ascalon City]
Objective: Outfitter Gelsen in the Regent Valley has supplies which Captain
Arne needs.  But, alas, Gelsen has lost them to bandits.  You will need to get
them from the bandits.  They will prove to be useless, but nevertheless you
Reward: 500xp
Reward Giver:
Difficulty and Comments: none

Barradin's Advance [roa11]
Quest Starter: Captain Arne [Ascalon City]
Objective: Talk to Gate Guard Hollis and ask of what happened to Duke
Barradin's offensive against the Charr.
Reward: 250xp
Reward Giver: Gate Guard Hollis [Old Ascalon]
Difficulty and Comments: This quest becomes active after completing the
Vanguard Equipment.

A Mission of Peace [roa12]
Quest Starter: Ambassador Zain [Old Ascalon]
Objective: Give Gate Guard Hollis Ambassador Zain's strongbox
Reward: 250xp
Reward Giver: Ambassador Zain
Difficulty and Comments: none

The Troublesome Artifact [roa13]
Quest Starter: Warmaster Tydus [Ascalon City]
Objective: Take the Eldritch Sextant to Priestess Rashenna [Serenity Temple] to
find out if they are part of a Krytan scheme.
Reward: 500xp, 100 gold
Reward Giver: Warmaster Tydus
Difficulty and Comments: This quest becomes available once you reach Fort Ranik

Fires in the East [roa14]
Quest Starter: Captain Arne [Ascalon City]
Objective: Kill the Charr Flame Keepers near the Frontier Gate
Reward: 500xp
Reward Giver: Captain Arne
Difficulty and Comments: This quest activates when you hit the frontier gate
after having done Barradin's Advance.  It seems bugged recently, and does not
always appear.

Symon's History of Ascalon [roa15]
Quest Starter: Witness Rastin [Old Ascalon]
Objective: Get a copy of Symon the Scribe's book about Ascalon and Kryta.
Reward: 2000xp
Reward Giver: Witness Rastin
Difficulty and Comments: The quest directs you back to Daved to get rolls of
parchment for the book.  However, it is likely cheaper to just buy the
parchment one at a time from a rare material trader, or ten at a time from the
material trader.  You only need five rolls.  Give them to Symon, he will make
the book, then give a copy to Rastin.  If only you could read it!  This quest
becomes available once you reach the Nolani Academy.

Scorched Earth [Elementalist Only] [roa16]
Quest Starter: Elementalist Aziure [Old Ascalon]
Objective: Kill five Hulking Stone Elementals
Reward: 200xp, Ward Against Elements
Reward Giver: Elementalist Aziure
Difficulty and Comments: This quest is bugged.  As long as five Hulking stone
elementals in the area die, you get credit for it, even if they are all killed
by NPCs.

Elemental Knowledge [Elementalist Only] [roa17]
Quest Starter: Elementalist Aziure [Old Ascalon]
Objective: Seek out Shale the Hermit
Reward: 250xp, Armor of Earth = Frozen Burst
Reward Giver: Shale the Hermit [Old Ascalon]
Difficulty and Comments: Somewhat hard to get to him, actually.  Several
devourers and hulking stone elementals along the way.

Recruits for Hollis [roa18]
Quest Starter: Warmaster Tydus
Objective: Escort the army recruits from just outside Ascalon City to Gate
Guard Hollis.
Reward: 500xp
Reward Giver: Gate Guard Hollis
Difficulty and Comments: This quest seems to have a new activating requirement.
At this time I am not sure what it is, but it did not appear for a significant
amount of time.  This is probably to prevent people from power reward leveling
with early quests, as this one used to be available almost immediately after
doing Defend the Wall.

Gargoyle Trouble [Warrior Only] [roa19]
Quest Starter: Warmaster Grast [Old Ascalon]
Objective: Slay 5 Flash Gargoyles.
Reward: 200xp, Wild Blow - Sever Artery - Gash - Healing Signet
Reward Giver: Warmaster Grast
Difficulty and Comments: No shortage of Flash Gargoyles around here.  Shatter
Gargoyles count as well, oddly, making this quest even easier.

Military Matters [Warrior Only] [roa20]
Quest Starter: Warmaster Grast [Old Ascalon]
Objective: Escort Sergeant Clark to Warmaster Grast from the Regent Valley.
Clark is just inside of the valley from the Old Ascalon side.
Reward: 250xp, Power Attack - Sprint
Reward Giver: Warmaster Grast
Difficulty and Comments: Try not to let Clark get owned by devourers on the way
back, he is only level two for some idiotic reason.

To the Breach [Warrior Only] [roa21]
Quest Starter: Warmaster Grast [Old Ascalon]
Objective: Head to the Breach and repel the Charr offensive.
Reward: 300xp, Penetrating Blow - Endure Pain
Reward Giver: Warmaster Grast
Difficulty and Comments: You must complete Military Matters before you can
accept this quest.

Endangered Species [Ranger Only] [roa22]
Quest Starter: Master Ranger Nente [Old Ascalon]
Objective: Charm a Melandru Stalker and bring it to Nente.
Reward: 200xp, Hunter's Shot - Comfort Animal - Troll Unguent - Charm Animal
Reward Giver: Master Ranger Nente
Difficulty and Comments: If you already have a Melandru Stalker, just talk to
him again after taking the quest.  If you like your current pet better, I
suggest just ditching this quest because you will have to lose your pet to do

The Charr Patrol [Ranger Only] [roa23]
Quest Starter: Master Ranger Nente [Old Ascalon]
Objective: Follow Nente around from checkpoint to checkpoint while he follows
the Charr tracks, then, kill the Charr you have been following
Reward: 250xp, Feral Lunge - Favorable Winds
Reward Giver: Master Ranger Nente
Difficulty and Comments: If you get too far ahead of Nente he will stop moving.
Walk back to him if this happens.  The arrow is really screwed up for the last
leg of this quest at present.

The Charr Staging Area [Ranger Only] [roa24]
Quest Starter: Master Ranger Nente [Old Ascalon]
Objective: Kill Gorgaan Hatemonger in the Breach.
Reward: 300xp, Dodge - Quickening Zephyr
Reward Giver: Master Ranger Nente
Difficulty and Comments: Rangers get to walk almost as far as

3. Sardelac Sanitarium Quests

These quests start inside of the Sanitarium and just outside of it as well.
Every quest here is class specific, thus, some classes may not have any here!

Supplies for the Duke [ros1]
Quest Starter: Gate Guard Hollis [Old Ascalon, outside of the Breach]
Objective: Find the lost supply column and escort it to Piken Square
Reward: 300xp
  Elementalist - Ice Spikes
  Mesmer - Distortion
  Monk - Purge Conditions
  Necromancer - Weaken Armor
  Ranger - Called Shot
  Warrior - "Watch Yourself!"
Reward Giver: Quartermaster Aada [Piken Square]
Difficulty and Comments: There are five members, I'm not sure the minimum which
must survive, but three will suffice.  Also, do not enter town until the
mission updates.

Barradin's Stand [ros2]
Quest Starter: Gate Guard Hollis [Old Ascalon]
Objective: Go to Piken Square and see if Duke Barradin Needs Assistance
Reward: 500xp
Reward Giver: Duke Barradin [Piken Square]
Difficulty and Comments: You get this quest after Barradin's Advance.

Sowing Seeds [Monk Only] [ros3]
Quest Starter: Grazden the Protector [Old Ascalon]
Objective: Escort Farmer Hamnet to Ascalon City
Reward: 200xp - Heal Party - Bane Signet - Orison of Healing
Reward Giver: Grazden the Protector
Difficulty and Comments: The farmer tends to agro things he doesn't need to.
He has heal area, so he can somewhat keep himself alive, but don't count on it.

Protecting Ascalon [Monk Only] [ros4]
Quest Starter: Grazden the Protector [Old Ascalon]
Objective: Find Paulus in the Regent Valley
Reward: 300xp, Heal Area - Vital Blessing
Reward Giver: Grazden the Protector
Difficulty and Comments: Paulus, being the poor healer that he is, has died.
Examine him to get his pendant.  Return it to Grazden.

In Memory of Paulus [Monk Only] [ros5]
Quest Starter: Grazden the Protector [Old Ascalon]
Objective: Tell Melka Blanston [Old Ascalon] that Paulus the Abbott has been
killed :(
Reward: 300xp, Resurrect - Live Vicariously
Reward Giver: Melka Blanston [Old Ascalon]
Difficulty and Comments: love triangle!

Mesmerizing the Enemy [Mesmer Only] [ros6]
Quest Starter: Vassar [Sardelac Sanitarium]
Objective: Kill Ignis Phanaura outside of the Sardelac Sanitarium
Reward: 200xp, Power Leak - Conjure Phantasm - Ether Feast - Imagined Burden
Reward Giver: Vassar
Difficulty and Comments: Backfire works wonders on this one.

Trying Times [Mesmer Only] [ros7]
Quest Starter: Vassar [Sardelac Sanitarium]
Objective: Find and retrieve the Mossy Rock
Reward: 300xp, Chaos Storm - Mantra of Flame
Reward Giver: Vassar
Difficulty and Comments: none

A Cure for Ralena [Mesmer Only] [ros8]
Quest Starter: Vassar [Sardelac Sanitarium]
Objective: Find Master Ranger Nente, he can make the cure to save Ralena
Stormbringer's life.
Reward: 300xp, Illusion of Haste - Energy Burn
Reward Giver: Vassar
Difficulty and Comments: none

The Stolen Artifact [Necromancer Only] [ros9]
Quest Starter: Necromancer Munne [Sardelac Sanitarium]
Objective: Find the Grawl who have taken the artifact.  Grab the artifact and
walk it back towards the Sardelac Sanitarium.  Munne will take it from there
Reward: 200xp, Insidious Parasite - Life Siphon - Deathly Swarm - Animate Bone
Reward Giver: Necromancer Munne
Difficulty and Comments: The first of three Necromancer quests which barely
requires you to leave town.

Death in the Ruins [Necromancer Only] [ros10]
Quest Starter: Kasha Blackblood [Sardelac Sanitarium]
Objective: Oberan has gone insane and is created a kingdom of undead.  You need
to stop him.  Sadly, he can not be found.  Fortunately, Oberan has a temper and
can be lured into the open if you kill his minions.
Reward: 250xp, Dark Pact - Mark of Pain
Reward Giver: Kasha Blackblood
Difficulty and Comments: Another quest in which you have to walk almost ten
steps outside of town!

Oberan's Rage [Necromancer Only] [ros11]
Quest Starter: Kasha Blackblood [Sardelac Sanitarium]
Objective: Kill Oberan the Reviled
Reward: 350xp, Parasitic Bond - Putrid Explosion
Reward Giver: Kasha Blackblood
Difficulty and Comments: You must complete Death in the Ruins in order to
activate this quest.  Your plan worked, Oberan marches towards the Sardelac

Shalev's Task [Elementalist Only] [ros12]
Quest Starter: Shale the Hermit [Old Ascalon]
Objective: Go into the Breach, near Piken Square, and kill the Charr Fire
Callers to get a bottle of Fiery Unguent.  Return that bottle to Shale.
Reward: 300xp, Eruption - Shard Storm
Reward Giver: Shale the Hermit
Difficulty and Comments: Rather long walk if you do not have Piken Square on
your map.  Damn Elementalist quests make you run all over the place!

Family Ties [ros13]
Quest Starter: Avatar of Dwayna [Sardelac Sanitarium]
Objective: Escort the ghosts of Barris and Tamra Lefey from Old Ascalon to the
gates of Ascalon City.  They are near the entrance to the Breach.
Reward: 500xp
Reward Giver: Elsie Lefey [Old Ascalon]
Difficulty and Comments: When you reach them, they will talk about their son
for a bit.  Then, your quest log will update.  Once you arrive, the Lefey's
will have a reunion of sorts.  Rather boring.

4. Piken Square Quests

The Siege of Piken Square [rop1]
Quest Starter: Duke Barradin [Piken Square]
Objective: Kill the Charr forces right outside of town
Reward: 500xp
Reward Giver: Duke Barradin
Difficulty and Comments: The Charr Captain has healing signet and is all around
annoying.  If you can't deal damage this quest may be somewhat hard

Casualty Report [rop2]
Quest Starter: Undertaker Cortis [Piken Square]
Objective: Deliver the casualty report to Warmaster Tydus
Reward: 150xp, Shadow Strike [Necromancer Only]
Reward Giver: Undertaker Cortis
Difficulty and Comments: none

The Duke's Daughter [rop3]
Quest Starter: Viggo [Piken Square]
Objective: Find out what happened to Lady Althea, Duke Barradin's Daughter
Reward: 2000xp
Reward Giver: Duke Barradin [Piken Square]
Difficulty and Comments: She has been killed.  Her ghost is in a random area of
the Diessa lowlands.

Fires in the North [rop4]
Quest Starter: Duke Barradin [Piken Square]
Objective: Kill the Charr Flame Keepers near the fires in the Diessa Lowlands
Reward: 1000xp
Reward Giver: Duke Barradin
Difficulty and Comments: none

Red-Cloaked Deserter [rop5]
Quest Starter: Farrah Cappo [Piken Square]
Objective: Find Little Thom
Reward: 1000
Reward Giver: Farrah Cappo
Difficulty and Comments: Little Thom has died, or has he?  Search for his badge
near the monument of King's Watch, so make sure to get that too.  This is the
only reason I feel Piken Square should be entered before fort Ranik, because
Little Thom is out in the regent valley, and it makes no sense to walk a long
way twice.

Hammer and Anvil [rop6]
Quest Starter: Duke Barradin [Piken Square]
Objective: Kill Grim Sharpfang and his armor in the Breach.
Reward: 500xp
Reward Giver: Duke Barradin
Difficulty and Comments: This quest becomes available after doing the Siege of
Piken Square.  The "help" coming from the other side dies quite quickly, so be
prepared to do this one alone.

Garfazz Bloodfang [rop7]
Quest Starter: Viggo [Piken Square]
Objective: Kill Garfazz Bloodfang in the Diessa Lowlands
Reward: 500xp
Reward Giver: Viggo
Difficulty and Comments: You get this quest after completing Hammer and Anvil.
Garfazz can be approached from two sides.  One is packed with Gargoyles, the
other with Charr.  The gargoyle side [west], gives you the advantage of being
on the same height as the Charr, and you will not have to worry about gargoyles
running over in the middle of battle, if you kill them first.

Althea's Ashes [rop8]
Quest Starter: Duke Barradin [Piken Square]
Objective: Gather Althea's Ashes and put them into the Barradin family urn.
Return them to Duke Barradin.
Reward: 2000xp
Reward Giver: Duke Barradin
Difficulty and Comments: Often considered to be the hardest quest of the
Ascalon Block.  This is the first quest you will need to pull enemies towards
you and take them in small groups.  Make sure to take down the shaman's first,
their healing can turn the tides of battle.

All you actually need to do is touch the Charr Firestand in the flame temple
corridor, so it is possible to just run though and then warp to a town quickly.
This quest becomes available after completing the Duke's Daughter.

Fallen Soldiers [Necromancer Only] [rop9]
Quest Starter: Undertaker Cortis [Piken Square]
Objective: Collect 10 family sigils from the Fallen Ascalon soldiers west of
Piken Square.
Reward: 250xp, Soul Feast
Reward Giver: Undertake Cortis
Difficulty and Comments: How will Cortis be able to identify them, all of them
look like the exact same character model.

Army Life [Warrior Only] [rop10]
Quest Starter: Armsman Pitney [Piken Square]
Objective: Find Old Mac's body in the Breach.  Pitney says Old Mac remained
there in battle with his new pet.
Reward: 250xp, Mighty Blow - Dismember
Reward Giver: Armsman Pitney
Difficulty and Comments: Turns out, Old Mac is alive and kicking with his pet
devourer, Joe!  Escort them back to Piken Square.

Charr Reinforcements [Ranger Only] [rop11]
Quest Starter: Ivor Trueshot [Piken Square]
Objective: Follow Aidan around and do what he says.  In theory, you are
supposed to be tagging small important areas of the Charr army, in fact, you
pretty much get to clear half the Breach of Charr.
Reward: 500xp, Distracting Shot - Call of Haste
Reward Giver:
Difficulty and Comments: Aidan does a lot of damage, try to bring some way to
heal him just in case though.

5. Fort Ranik / Frontier Gate / Serenity Temple Quests

In theory, this area is much easier than the Piken area, but, quest progression
seems to favor Piken first.  Weird.

The Regent Valley Defense [rof1]
Quest Starter: Sergeant Brannen [Regent Valley]
Objective: Clear the King's Watch of Charr
Reward: 500xp
Reward Giver: Lord Darrin [Piken Square]
Difficulty and Comments: Easy quest.  Sometimes the Charr don't spawn, to
remedy this, walk back into town after getting this quest, then go do it.

Deliver a Message to my Wife [rof2]
Quest Starter: Gurn Blanston [Fort Ranik Mission]
Objective: Tell Melka Blanston that Gurn has died defending Ascalon!
Reward: 500xp
Reward Giver: Melka Blanston [Old Ascalon]
Difficulty and Comments: Poor Melka... all her lovers die :(

Frontier Gate Fugitives [rof3]
Quest Starter: Warmaster Riga [Frontier Gate]
Objective: Search the Pockmark Flats and Eastern Frontier for Footmen Tate and
Quinn.  Tate will surrender and you will need to walk him back to the steps of
the Frontier Gate.  Quinn will fight you, so just kill him.
Reward: 1000xp
Reward Giver: Warmaster Riga
Difficulty and Comments: This quest is annoyingly long.  Don't let Tate die, he
tends to attack everything and die rather quickly.

Ruins of Surmia [rof4]
Quest Starter: Warmaster Riga [Frontier Gate]
Objective: Go to the Ruins of Surmia
Reward: 500xp
Reward Giver: Captain Miken [Ruins of Surmia]
Difficulty and Comments: This is just an easy walk.

Replacement Healers [Monk Only] [rof5]
Quest Starter: Priestess Rashenna [Serenity Temple]
Objective: Escort Devona to the Eastern Frontier and dispose of a Charr
scouting party.
Reward: 500xp, Infuse Health - Strength of Honor
Reward Giver: Priestess Rashenna
Difficulty and Comments: Devona can kill just about anything on her own rather
quickly.  You do not get exp if she does the bulk of the damage though, so if
that matters try to keep her back in some way.

Unnatural Creatures [Mesmer Only] [rof6]
Quest Starter: Erudine [Serenity Temple]
Objective: Kill Gren Mindvenom and bring his Tissue sample to Erudine
Reward: 250xp, Diversion
Reward Giver: Erudine
Difficulty and Comments: Easy quest, just don't forget the sample, which he
conveniently drops, no need to carve it or anything.

Experimental Elixir [Mesmer Only] [rof7]
Quest Starter: Erudine [Serenity Temple]
Objective: Take the experimental elixir to Fadden Hathorn in the Sardelac
Sanitarium, because he's insane.  Once it cures him, talk to Vassar.
Reward: 500xp, Shatter Hex
Reward Giver: Vassar [Sardelac Sanitarium]
Difficulty and Comments: none

The Way of the Geomancer [Elementalist Only] [rof8]
Quest Starter: Kendrick Redstaff [Serenity Temple]
Objective: Kill ten hulking stone elementals.
Reward: 500xp
Reward Giver: Kendtrick Redstaff [Serenity Temple]
Difficulty and Comments: Make sure to keep any scorched lodestones which drop,
you will need them for the next quest.

The Geomancer's Test [Elementalist Only] [rof9]
Quest Starter: Kendrick Redstaff [Serenity Temple]
Objective: Take three scorched lodestones to of the three earth shrines around
the massive crystal in the pockmark flats.  A Stone Golem will appear, kill it.
Reward: 500xp, Magnetic Aura - Earth Attunement
Reward Giver: Kendrick Redstaff
Difficulty and Comments: If Devona, or other enemies kill the Stone Golem you
will not get credit.

Caravan in Trouble [rof10]
Quest Starter: Cynn [Eastern Frontier]
Objective: Help Cynn and Mhenlo save the Merchant Caravan.  Cynn is located in
the Eastern Frontier next to the exit into the Pockmark flats.
Reward: 250xp
  Elementalist - Fireball
  Mesmer - Phantom Pain
  Monk - Smite
  Necromancer - Shadow of Fear
  Ranger - Lightning Reflexes
  Warrior - Hamstring
Reward Giver: Laris Dankworth [Pockmark Flats]
Difficulty and Comments: Wow... new quest... so easy.  Walk into the Pockmark
flats after getting it from Cynn, kill about six storm riders and you win.

Northern Shiverpeaks

The Northern Shiverpeaks pose the first legitimate challenge in the game.
Groups are now mixed together with multiple caster types and physical
attackers.  Disruption skills will become a great asset at this point in the
game.  The main shopping town, Yak's Bend, will have different types of armor
available for most classes, but the defense is the same as it was in Ascalon
City.  The other outposts are the Ice Tooth Cave and Beacon's Perch.  The
mission towns are the Borlis Pass and The Frost Gate.

1. Missions
  Borlis Pass [mis5]
  Frost Gate [mis6]

2. Yak's Bend Quests
  The Way is Blocked [nspy1]
  The Road to Borlis Pass [nspy2]
  The Shiverpeak Stragglers [nspy3]
  The Missing Artisan [nspy4]
  Helping the Dwarfs [nspy5]
  Oswalt's Epitaph [nspy6]
  Minaar's Trouble [nspy7]
  Minaar's Worry [nspy8]
  Iron Horse War Machine [nspy9]
  The Wayward Monk [Monk Only] [nspy10]
  The Stone Summit Champion [Mesmer Only] [nspy11]
  Renegade Necromancer [Necromancer Only] [nspy12]
  A Heart of Ice [Elementalist Only] [nspy13]
  Securing the Vale [Warrior Only] [nspy14]
  Stone Summit Beastmasters [Ranger Only] [nspy15]

3. Beacon's Perch Quests
  Hungry Devourer [nspb1]
  The Deserters [nspb2]
  To Kryta: Refugees [nspb3]
  To Kryta: The Ice Cave [nsbp4]
  To Kryta: Journey's End [nsbp5]

1. Missions

Borlis Pass [mis5]

Objective: First grab the torch and follow the road lighting the seven storm
beacons.  Give to torch to Gate Guard Tolis.  Now, you will need a keg of
Dwarven powder to blast open their base.  You can kill the nearby engineers for
moral boosts.  For the main mission, you need to open the nearby door, this
time with a lever.  When you reach this door, continuing south will run you
near the bonus.  When you go through the door, continue on the path and kill
everything there.  You'll eventually come to a closed door, once the nearby
enemies are defeated it will open.  Talk to Prince Rurik inside.  Now, take the
new torch and follow the friendly dwarfs.  There are three more beacons at the
top of the hill.  Light them and the mission is done!

Bonus: You have run beyond the door with a lever.  There is a keg of powder
deposit again.  Nearby are two doors, one which holds Rornak Stonesledge
prisoner.  Blast the door open.  Talk to him, it will activate the bonus.  Now,
get another keg and drop it in his cell where the fence and snow meet.  The
snow wall will shatter.  Follow the caves killing the dryders.  To complete the
bonus, you need to kill the Ice Drake, Whiskar Featherstrom, and the nearby

Frost Gate [mis6]

Objective: Prince Rurik is escorting Ascalon Settlers to Kryta.  But, he has
been pinned down by Stone Summit Catapults.  You need to defeat the Engineers
of these catapults to allow passage.  After the second catapult, you will enter
an ice cave.  Turn left to do the bonus [see below], or head straight
[southwest], to continue the real mission.  Cross the bridge and take out the
engineers.  Then continue and kill the nearby boss.  There will be a cinematic.
Continue on the path Rurik tells you to and use the gear lever on the lever
mechanism.   After a short amount of time it will open.  In the next area there
are three similar devices you must use the lever on.  Each time you use one,
the doors on the sides will open and enemies will POUR in. To combat this,
first kill all the enemies in the area, then use the lever on all three as fast
as you can.  It helps to do the furthest lever mechanism first.  Once you have
them all active, you should have a slew of guys attacking you.  You'll need to
survive for a minute or two while the mechanisms turn.  You may wish to
backtrack and stand still until the mission is won.

Bonus: Not to far in the cave, you will again find Rornak Stonesledge has been
captured.  This time, he wants you to steal some war plans.  When you talk to
him, he will follow you.  Head out of the ice caves to the south.  When you
reach a bridge being bombarded by catapult fire, head to the northwest ramp
leading down.  Follow this path.  There are several dolyak's here, so this will
be quite tough.  Once the area is clear, lead Rornak to the catapult.  He will
fix it.  Fire it and it will blow up some doors.  Head back to the bridge,
cross it.  If you kill everything here, you will continue the mission.
Instead, kill what is close and head into the door to the east, kill the Ice
Golems and Stone Summit, open the chest to get the secret siege weapon plans.
Head back to Rornak with them to complete the bonus.

2. Yak's Bend

You are taken to Yak's Bend immediately after completing the Nolani Academy
Mission, however, you can reach this by running to it as well.  Yak's bend
offers new armor, though arguably no better than Ascalon City's armor as well
as a skill trainer, Captain Osric.

The Way is Blocked [nspy1]
Quest Starter: Captain Osric [Yak's Bend]
Objective: Kill Inar Frostbite, the Stone Summit leader of this area.  He is
standing not too far outside of the Borlis Pass.
Reward: 500xp
Reward Giver: Beccum Reedly [Borlis Pass]
Difficulty and Comments: This quest and the Road to Borlis Pass should be done
together.  Perhaps try doing Shiverpeak stragglers while doing this.

The Road to Borlis Pass [nspy2]
Quest Starter: Captain Osric [Yak's Bend]
Objective: Defeat all the Stone Summit patrols between Yak's Bend and the
Borlis Pass.
Reward: 500xp, 150xp
Reward Giver: Captain Osric [Yak's Bend]
Difficulty and Comments: This quest and the Way is blocked should be done
together.  Perhaps try doing Shiverpeak stragglers while doing this.

The Shiverpeak Stragglers [nspy3]
Quest Starter: Captain Osric [Yak's Bend]
Objective: Find Elsa Alston and escort her back to Yak's Bend.
Reward: 500xp
Reward Giver: Captain Osric
Difficulty and Comments: Elsa has a death wish.  She will attack anything
nearby.  While hard to do, clear as much of the road before getting on her
screen.  Once you can see her, some ice golems and stone summits will veer off
course to defeat her.

The Missing Artisan [nspy4]
Quest Starter: Tabor Woolridge [Yak's Bend]
Objective: Artisan Rudger has not produced the goods Tabor paid him for.  Find
him and find out what is going on.
Reward: 500xp
Reward Giver: Artisan Rudger [Ascalon Foothills]
Difficulty and Comments: Do this quest when you do Oswalt's Epitaph, as they
end almost directly next to each other.  The Ascalon Foothills house many
hydras.  They can deal a load of fire damage, but their meteor spell has a
rather long cast time and can easily be interrupted by a variety of skills.

Helping the Dwarfs [nspy5]
Quest Starter: Grand Mason Stonecleaver [Yak's Bend]
Objective: Find Rangil Ironbow in the northwest corner of Traveler's Vale.
Reward: 250xp
Reward Giver: Rangil Ironbow [Traveler's Vale]
Difficulty and Comments: This is actually quite hard to walk the first time.
Try to pull some groups, it's easy to get overwhelmed.

You get skills just for taking up this quest:
  Elementalist - Gale
  Mesmer - Mantra of Frost
  Monk - Remove Hex
  Necromancer - Suffering
  Ranger - Debilitating Shot
  Warrior - Protector's Strike

Oswalt's Epitaph [nspy6]
Quest Starter: Elsa Alston [Traveler's Vale]
Objective: Search for an unmarked headstone.  Inscribe Elsa's words onto it.
Oswalt's ghost will appear.
Reward: 500xp, 250 gold
Reward Giver: Ghost of Oswalt Alston [Ascalon Foothills]
Difficulty and Comments: Do this quest at the same time as The Missing Artisan.

Minaar's Trouble [nspy7]
Quest Starter: Rangil Ironbow [Traveler's Vale]
Objective: Find Minaar Stonesledge in the Iron Horse Mine and escort him to
Traveler's Vale safely.
Reward: 500xp
Reward Giver: Rangil Ironbow
Difficulty and Comments: The first of three rather annoying quests which sends
you to the same place over and over.

Minaar's Worry [nspy8]
Quest Starter: Rangil Ironbow [Traveler's Vale]
Objective: Kill Ore Darkwhip in the Iron Horse Mine's and return the war
machine plans he drops to Rangil.
Reward: 500xp
Reward Giver: Rangil Ironbow
Difficulty and Comments: You might say... boy, I could have killed this thing
while doing the last quest.  As of current, you could not.  Ore Darkwhip simply
doesn't spawn if you or someone in the party does not have the quest active.

Iron Horse War Machine [nspy9]
Quest Starter: Rangil Ironbow [Traveler's Vale]
Objective: Destroy the war machine by destroying the nine levers which control
it with nearby Dwarven explosives
Reward: 500xp
Reward Giver: Rangil Ironbow
Difficulty and Comments: I find it odd how the Stone Summit leave explosives
near all of their important establishments.

The Wayward Monk [Monk Only] [nspy10]
Quest Starter: Van the Warrior [Yak's Bend]
Objective: Escort Cynn to the Iron Horse Mine and find Brother Mhenlo.
Reward: 350xp, Vigorous Spirit, Pacifism
Reward Giver: Brother Mhenlo [Iron Horse Mine]
Difficulty and Comments: Easy quest, do it while doing either of the first two
Minaar's quests.

The Stone Summit Champion [Mesmer Only] [nspy11]
Quest Starter: Sebedoh the Mesmer [Yak's Bend]
Objective: Defeat Ulrik the Undefeated in Traveler's Vale.
Reward: 350xp, Fragility - Power Spike - Channeling
Reward Giver: Sebedoh the Mesmer
Difficulty and Comments: none

Renegade Necromancer [Necromancer Only] [nspy12]
Quest Starter: Necromancer Morgan [Yak's Bend]
Objective: Find Verata in the Travelers Vale.
Reward: 350xp, Necrotic Traversal, Defile Flesh, Well of Blood
Reward Giver: Necromancer Morgan
Difficulty and Comments: Kill the Verata minions on your way to him.  When you
reach him, Verata will run off giving you an idle threat.

A Heart of Ice [Elementalist Only] [nspy13]
Quest Starter: Howland the Elementalist [Yak's Bend]
Objective: Find Greplack Froststaff and obtain the Heart of Ice
Reward: 350xp, Whirlwind, Ward Against Foes, Ice Prison
Reward Giver: Howland the Elementalist
Difficulty and Comments: Just run up to him and kill the nearby Ice Golems.  He
will give you the Heart of Ice after initially saying that he would not.

Securing the Vale [Warrior Only] [nspy14]
Quest Starter: Van the Warrior [Yak's Bend]
Objective: Scout out enemy activity at three different checkpoints.
Reward: 500xp, Swift Chop - Irresistible Blow - Seeking Blade
Reward Giver: Van the Warrior
Difficulty and Comments: Although you only have to "scout", you will probably
end up killing half of the enemies in the traveler's vale.

Stone Summit Beastmasters [Ranger Only] [nspy15]
Quest Starter: Artemis the Ranger [Traveler's Vale]
Objective: Defeat Thorgrim the Beastlasher in the Iron Horse Mine
Reward: 350xp, Whirling Defense - Winter - Call of Protection
Reward Giver: Artemis the Ranger
Difficulty and Comments: Artemis is only level 2, and as such is often times
dead when you get to where she would be.  If this happens, simply zone into the
mines and then back out.  The Beastmasters can be a bit overwhelming when they
all go giant stomping.  Try to distracting shot at least one of them so you are
not spending the entire battle sitting on your butt in the cold snow.

3. Beacon's Perch

Beacon's Perch has two exits.  The one you want to use to progress the game is
into the Deldrimor Bowl.  Exiting into Lornar's Pass will set you up against
level 20+ monsters.  If you manage to make it to the next town, you will in
effect have skipped half the game.  However, as this is virtually impossible
1) getting run to it by someone for a fee
2) miraculously killing everything on the way there
3) Somehow running there on your own.

This is a common way to get to Droknar's Forge, the first town with the maximum
defense armor.  For your first play through though, avoid Lornar's pass

Hungry Devourer [nspb1]
Quest Starter: Master Saberlin [Beacon's Perch]
Objective: Feed Old Mac's pet, Joe, 10 succulent Juniper Meats.
Reward: 500xp
  Elementalist - Lightning Strike
  Mesmer - Shatter Enchantment
  Monk - Divine Spirit
  Necromancer - Rotting Flesh
  Ranger - Pin Down
  Warrior - Flurry
Reward Giver: Master Saberlin
Difficulty and Comments: Sometimes this quest claims you only need to feed him
0 more, when you have not given him any.  Other times you need to feed him 4
million more.  Oh well, I have never seen it mess up the quest.  One more note,
you must feed them all to Joe in one visit to the Deldrimor Bowl, the number
resets up to ten should you exit the area.

The Deserters [nspb2]
Quest Starter: Master Saberlin [Beacon's Perch]
Objective: Kill the Deserters before word spreads and causes unrest.
Reward: 500xp
  Elementalist - Ice Spear
  Mesmer - Inspired Hex
  Monk - Balthazar's Spirit
  Necromancer - Strip Enchantment
  Ranger - Serpent's Quickness
  Warrior - Bonetti's Defense

Reward Giver: Master Saberlin
Difficulty and Comments: You can get Mhenlo, Devona and Cynn as an escort for
this quest if you walk up to them after taking it on.  You must complete The
Hungry Devourer to get this quest.

To Kryta: Refugees [nspb3]
Quest Starter: Master Saberlin [Beacon's Perch]
Objective: Eliminate the Centaur Patrols along the road.
Reward: 500xp
Reward Giver: Ranger Olson [Deldrimor Bowl]
Difficulty and Comments: Easy quest, once done, most of the centaurs will be
gone from this area any subsequent time you go through.

To Kryta: The Ice Cave [nsbp4]
Quest Starter: Master Seeker Nathaniel [Griffin's Mouth]
Objective: Follow the Marks of Aidan until you reach Aidan.  Kill any Snow
Ettin's around him as well.
Reward: 500xp
Reward Giver: Aidan [Griffin's Mouth]
Difficulty and Comments: Don't make any wrong turns, it may wind up being your
last.  Snow Ettin's pile up in a hurry here.

To Kryta: Journey's End [nsbp5]
Quest Starter: Aidan [Griffin's Mouth
Objective: Deliver the Letter to Ambassador Braun [Scoundrel's Rise], then see
Witness Casori [Gates of Kryta] for safe harbor.
Reward: 500xp
Reward Giver: Witness Casori [Gates of Kryta]
Difficulty and Comments: The Hardest part is remembering to talk to Ambassador
Braun when you enter Scoundrel's Rise.


Kryta is the most beautiful place still standing on Tyria.  The entire area was
saved from the Charr by Saul D'Alessio's faith.  He, himself, died in a Charr
ambush and now Confessor Dorian continues his leadership.  Kryta has three
missions and several towns.  The most notable is Lion's Arch, either the most
or second most heavily visited town in the game.  The armor in all Kryta towns
is better than the stuff you picked up in Ascalon City, though not by much.  If
you can get by without buying any, do so.  There are a few Kryta Villages which
are not actually towns on the world map, but have a fair share of quests in

1. Missions
  Gates of Kryta [mis7]
  D'Alessio Seaboard [mis8]
  Divinity Coast [mis9]

2. Lion's Arch/North Kryta Province Quests
  Report to the White Mantle [kla1]
  The Villainy of Galrath [kla2]
  Orrian Excava

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