GTA San Andreas (walkthrough)


                                                             June 5, 2005
                                                             Version 1F

     Glenster's Glimpse into

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       The Glenmeister's Grand Andreas
       Playing the Steinway Grand
       The Glenman's Gotta Whole Lot o' Auto
       San Las Los the cosmos
       co-starring the li'l Dodo
       Rated just O (for "Oo-oo!")

      Don't adjust your sets--I'm the one with the draw distance problem.
      (Thanks already to Ernie Kovaks.)

     Oriented for the PC version
     with the Mouse and Keyboard Configuration and Mouse Controlled Steering

     by Glen T. Winstein (glenster at Gamefaqs and Super Cheats, Glenster1 at

     glenster (who's at)

      It's a G thang.


  When looking for something in this guide, click "Edit" at the top left of the
screen, then click "Find (on This Page)... Ctrl+F" and a "Find" menu appears.
(Pressing "Ctrl+F" makes it appear, too.)  Type in the name, or even just the
start of the name, of the mission or section you're looking for, then keep
clicking "Find Next" till you're taken there.  At least that works if you have
Windows XP Home Edition.



  I      Introduction

  I.1    Paying tributes and having things in common

  I.2    PC Health

  I.2.a  Clean your disk, disk player, and PC
  I.2.b  Get your hard drive clean and in order
  I.2.c  Use the latest updates
  I.2.d  Turn off unnecessary applications before running the game
  I.2.e  Take2 Games web site and toll-free phone number
           and the v 1.01 patch
  I.2.f  Tweak guides
  I.2.g  Volume
  I.2.h  System requirements

  I.3    How to save games
           The convenience of copies of your GTA San Andreas User File

  I.4    Settings

  I.5    Stats

  I.5.a  Criminal Rating
  I.5.b  Health in relationship to Stats
  I.5.c  Player--Muscle and Fat Stats
  I.5.d  Player--Stamina and Lung Capacity Stats
  I.5.e  Player--Respect and Sex Appeal Stats
  I.5.f  Player--vehicle Stats
  I.5.g  Player--Pilot Ranking
  I.5.h  Player--Gambling and Luck Stats
  I.5.i  Weapons
  I.5.j  Crimes--Total number of wanted stars attained and evaded
  I.5.k  Crimes--Criminals wasted
  I.5.l  Crimes--Gang members wasted
  I.5.m  Crimes--Cost of property damaged
  I.5.n  Gangs
  I.5.o  Achievements--Flight time

  I.6.a  Some distinctions between the PC and PS2 versions
  I.6.b  Adapters for PS2 and Xbox controllers  


  I.7    Controls


  I.7.a  Foot Controls

  Note: I remap Spacebar and Left Shift Foot Controls so each does the job
of the other--so Jump is Spacebar and Run is Left Shift, like for "Vice City."

  I.7.aa  Climbing trees

  I.7.b  Initial fight moves Controls
  I.7.c  Swimming Controls


  I.7.d  Vehicle Controls

  Note: I remap Horn from Caps Lock to Left Shift--same reason.

  I.7.e  Four-Wheel vehicle Controls
  I.7.f  Motorcycle or Bicycle Controls
         Stunt information

  I.7.g  Note for all flying vehicles
  I.7.h  Plane or Jet Controls
  I.7.i  Hydra Controls
  I.7.j  Helicopter Controls

  I.7.k  Parachute Controls
  I.7.l  Jetpack Controls
  I.7.m  Crane Controls
  I.7.n  Boat Controls


  I.8.a  A rundown of some of the vehicles and some of their real names
  I.8.b  A rundown of some of the people who drive them

  I.9   Wanted Ratings

  I.10  Ghost hell, ghost world, ghost heaven, and Liberty City

  I.11  Odds and Ends

  I.12  Glitches

  I.13  Radio

  I.14  Codes

  I.15  Video walk-through/people who help with missions


  II    The beginning

  II.1  "The Introduction"
  II.2  "The San Andreas Theme Song"  Lyrics by Young MayLay

  II.3  Los Santos 1st main missions

  II.4  "In The Beginning"     The Johnson garage, E6 on your paper map,
                                 is free and immediately available

  II.5  "Big Smoke"        Carl Johnson
  II.6  "Sweet and Kendl"  Carl Johnson
                              Sweet Johnson calls about local turf battles
                              a Camera is in C.J.'s room at the Johnson house

  II.7  "Ryder"            Carl Johnson
                              The restaurants, barber shops,
                              and tattoo parlors are open


  III   Preliminaries for Los Santos

  III.1   Maps, map markers, teleportation, and a trainer:
            how to control space and time

  III.2   Spraying Tags              100 Tags

    C.J.'s gets Respect, and the AK-47, Tec9, Sawnoff Shotgun, and Molotov
    Cocktails are available in the kitchen of the Johnson house.

  III.3   Weapons
          8 Ball's Bomb Shop

  III.4   Armor and Police Bribes

  III.5   Maximum Stats of all kinds in one sitting

  III.6   Cycling Stat (bicycle)    Bicycles reverse faster, C.J. stays on a
                                      bike better, and he can Bunny Hop higher

  III.7   The Commerce 24/7 Courier Asset Mission,
            aka the Roboi's Food Mart Asset Mission
  III.8   BMX Challenge
  III.9   The Taxi mission  (a Sub-mission)   50 fares  unlimited NOS Boost
                                                          for Taxis and Cabbies
  III.10  Burglary          (a Sub-mission)   Not needed for 100% completion
                                                C.J. has the infinite sprint
  III.11  Kill Criminals
  III.12  Inside Track Betting
  III.13  Save houses

  III.14  Weapon Stats and Gang Respect
  III.14.a  Initial weapon gathering
  III.14.b  What weapon upgrading does
  III.14.c  Upgrading weapon skills while earning Respect
  III.15  Recruiting gang members

                 C.J. has more moves for all, and can dual wield some, weapons,
                   and, with Respect, can recruit up to seven gang members

  III.16  Lung Capacity
  III.17  Oysters                           Good for Sex Appeal
  III.18  Sex Appeal                        Oo-oo!
  III.19  Flying Stat                       The airport opens, flying vehicles
                                                handle better, and C.J. gets a
                                                Parachute if he bails
  III.20  Bike Stat (motorcycle)            C.J. stays on a motorcycle better
  III.21  Driving Stat                      C.J.'s four-wheel vehicles handle

  III.22  Pimping Mission   (a Sub-mission)   level 10  Hookers pay C.J.
  III.23  Firetruck Mission (a Sub-mission)   level 12  C.J. gets the fireproof
                                                          feature, good for
                                                          using Molotovs

  III.24  Vigilante Mission (a Sub-mission)   level 12  C.J. gets 150 Armor
  III.25  Ambulance Mission (a Sub-mission)   level 12  maximum Health
  III.26  8-Track           Los Santos Forum  A Hotring Racer and a Monster
                                              Truck are available
  III.27  Some non-mission vehicle locations

  III.28  Make a copy of your save game


  IV  The main story missions of Los Santos continued

    The Sweet missions

  IV.1  "Tagging Up Turf"    Sweet Johnson    The basketball game is available
  IV.2  "Cleaning the Hood"  Sweet Johnson
  IV.3  "Drive-Thru"         Sweet Johnson    Opens all three Gyms

  IV.4  Los Santos gym            Get Stamina and Muscle developed quicker,
                                  and beat the trainer to get boxing moves.

  IV.5  "Nines and AKs"      Sweet Johnson   Opens OG Loc and Big Smoke
                                             A Pistol is at Emmet's place
  IV.6  Clothes                              Binco, Prolaps, and SubUrban
                                             clothes stores are open
  IV.7  "Drive-By"           Sweet Johnson   Opens Ryder missions
  IV.8  "Sweet's Girl"       Sweet Johnson
  IV.9  "Cesar Vialpando"    Sweet Johnson
                                Unlocks Loco Low Co. Lowrider garage,
                                "Lowrider Challenge," and Cesar's missions

  IV.10  Lowrider Challenge  Not required for 100%
                             Use a Lowrider for it and the next mission

    Cesar mission

  IV.11  "High Stakes, Low-Rider"   Cesar Vialpando

    The Ryder missions

  IV.12  "Home Invasion"        Ryder
  IV.13  "Catalyst"             Ryder
  IV.14  "Robbing Uncle Sam"    Ryder

    The Big Smoke missions

  IV.15  "OG Loc"                      Big Smoke
  IV.16  "Running Dog"                 Big Smoke
  IV.17  "Wrong Side of the Tracks"    Big Smoke
  IV.18  "Just Business"               Big Smoke

    The  OG Loc missions

  IV.19  "Life's a Beach"      OG Loc
  IV.20  "Madd Dogg's Rhymes"  OG Loc  Opens C.R.A.S.H. missions
  IV.21  "Management Issues"   OG Loc
  IV.22  "House Party"         OG Loc

    The C.R.A.S.H. missions

  IV.23  "Burning Desire"   C.R.A.S.H.  Denise is available to be a girlfriend
                                   and the Sweet Johnson missions can continue
  IV.24  "Gray Imports"     C.R.A.S.H.

    The Sweet missions continued

  IV.25  "Doberman"                 Sweet Johnson

    Unlocks the ability to take territories from gangs, but you'll lose any you
gained in Los Santos in the events after "The Green Sabre," so it's not an
immediate concern.

    Ammu-Nations and two of the four Ammu-Nation Challenges are available.  But
since you need to do all four in a row to complete the mission, and the 4th
isn't available till the Desert and Las Venturas open up, you can just practice
the 1st two for now.

    Body Armor $200, 9mm Pistol $200, Silenced 9mm Pistol $600, Tec9 $300,
Micro SMG $500, SMG $2,000, Shotgun $600, Sawnoff Shotgun $800, and Grenades
$300, are at Ammu-Nation.

  IV.26  "Los Sepulcros"            Sweet Johnson

    The last of the 1st batch of Los Santos missions

  IV.27  "Reuniting the Families"   Sweet Johnson

  The glitch is available that lets you leave in mid mission--killing the SWAT
agents but leaving Sweet to shoot down the helicopter--and explore the blocked
off areas without a wanted rating.

  IV.28  "The Green Sabre"          Sweet Johnson

  Cesar tips C.J. to the sight of a couple of Ballas, Big Smoke, Ryder, and
Officer Tenpenny together near the green Sabre used when his Mom was gunned

                             The Badlands and San Fierro are officially open
                             The Badlands and Red County save houses are now


  V  The Badlands and San Fierro Preliminaries

  V.1.a  Photo Ops   50
    Use the camera you're given in IV.28--it has an unlimited amount of film.
    The Micro SMG, Shotgun, Sniper Rifle, and Grenades are available at the
    Xoomer garage in Doherty, San Fierro

  V.1.b  Weapon gathering

  V.2  Save houses

  V.3  Barber and Tattoo shops

  V.4  Weapons
  V.5  Armor and police bribes
  V.6  Oysters

  V.7   Mount Chiliad Challenge  7:00 to 18:00  (three races)

  V.7.a       Race 1  Scotch Bonnet Yellow route
  V.7.b       Race 2  Birdseye Winder Yellow route
  V.7.c       Race 3  Cobra Run

  V.8   Hippy Shopper Courier Asset Mission (four stages)

  V.9   NRG-500 Challenge

  V.10  Blood Bowl (Corvin Stadium) (like Bloodring but with drive-bys)
                                  A Bloodring Banger will be by Corvin Stadium

  V.11  San Fierro Gym    Get stamina and muscle past the buff stage,
                          and beat the trainer to get martial arts moves

  V.12  Beat the Cock     Not needed for 100% completion

  V.13  Some non-mission vehicle locations

  V.14  Make a copy of your save game


  VI  The main story missions of the Badlands and San Fierro

    The Badlands missions

  VI.1  Badlands    C.R.A.S.H.
  VI.2  First Date             Catalina cut scene--she wants to rob four places
  VI.3  Tanker Commander       Catalina  Opens RS Haul Trucking Asset Mission
                                          The Truth calls

    The RS Haul Trucking Asset mission  (part one)

  VI.4.a  1. Timed: 2:15
  VI.4.b  2. Fragile cargo
  VI.4.c  3. Three star wanted level
  VI.4.d  4. Timed: 6:00
  VI.4.e  5. Fragile cargo
  VI.4.f  6. Three star wanted level


    The Truth calls and you can meet him for missions

  VI.5  "Body Harvest"   The Truth  The Rifle, $1,000, and Remote Explosives,
                                    $2,000, are at Ammu-Nation
                                    Cesar calls

  VI.6  "King in Exile"  Cesar Vialpando      Cesar Vialpando cut scene

  Save house:
  Fern Ridge        C4         free
  At the dot just NE of the "O" of "RED COUNTY" (Red County).

  VI.7   "First Base"          Catalina   Catalonia cut scene
                                       C.J. can rob the three remaining places

  VI.8   "Against All Odds"    Catalina   Cesar calls about street racing
  VI.9   "Gone Courting"       Catalina   Catalina cut scene
  VI.10  "Local Liquor Store"  Catalina   Cesar calls about courier missions
  VI.11  "Made in Heaven"      Catalina   Catalina cut scene
  VI.12  "Small Town Bank"   Catalina


  VI.13  Big Smoke's Cash/Yay Courier (not needed for 100% completion of the


  Cesar calls about street racing in the country.  Get a Cheetah, Hotring Racer,
Buffalo, Elegy--something like that--and go to:

  VI.14  "Wu Zi Mu"           Cesar Vialpando
  VI.15  "Farewell, My Love"  Cesar Vialpando    The Truth calls
                                                 C.J. can get five wanted stars

  Free save place in Doherty
  The Xoomer garage   W edge of C2   garage    free

  VI.16  "Are You Going to San Fierro?"  The Truth

  A glitch lets you send C.J. to the blocked off areas without a wanted rating.

    The San Fierro missions


  VI.17  Save houses

  VI.18  Clothes      Zip clothes stores are open


    The Garage missions

  VI.19  "Wear Flowers In Your Hair"   Carl Johnson  Call from Zero
                                                     Buy his RC shop

    The Zero RC Store Asset missions

  VI.20    "Air Raid"        Zero
  VI.21    "Supply Lines"    Zero    
  VI.22.a  "New Model Army"  Zero    Completes Zero RC Store asset--
                                   it makes $5,000 a day and max.

  VI.22.b  "Beefy Baron"         Not needed for 100% completion of the game


    The Garage missions continued

  VI.23  "555 WE TIP"      Carl Johnson     The Valet outfit is available
                                            Opens the Valet mission


  VI.24  Valet Parking Asset Mission  (5 Levels)  Vank Off Hotel in Financial
           The hotel makes $2,000 a day and max.


    The last Garage mission

  VI.25  "Deconstruction"  Carl Johnson     Jethro calls--Driving School opens


  VI.26  "Back To School" Turning Tricks Driving School
          Have C.J. start dating Michelle before finishing driving school
          to avoid the glitch of her not showing up very often.

  VI.26.a  "The 360"
  VI.26.b  "The 180"
  VI.26.c  "Whip and Terminate"
  VI.26.d  "Pop and Control"
  VI.26.e  "Burn and Lap"
  VI.26.f  "Cone Coil"
  VI.26.g  "The '90'"
  VI.26.h  "Wheelie Weave"
  VI.26.i  "Spin and Go"
  VI.26.j  "P.I.T. Maneuver"
  VI.26.k  "Alley Oop"
  VI.26.l  "City Slicking"       "Back to School" is completed


    The Syndicate missions

  VI.27  "Photo Opportunity"
  VI.28  "Jizzy"               Opens Wu Zi Mu missions, which need to be done
                               before "Yay Ka-Boom-Boom."
  VI.29  "T-Bone Mendez"
  VI.30  "Mike Toreno"
  VI.31  "Outrider"
  VI.32  "Snail Trail"
  VI.33  "Ice Cold Killa"
  VI.34  "Pier 69"             Sniper Rifle $5,000 at Ammu-Nation
  VI.35  "Toreno's Last Fight"

    The Woozie missions

  VI.36  "Mountain Cloud Boys"    Wu Zi Mu
  VI.37  "Ran Fa Li"              Wu Zi Mu
  VI.38  "Lure"                   Wu Zi Mu    AK-47 $3,500 at Ammu-Nation
          features the trip skip time saver--after your 1st try,
          you can start over from the checkpoints.

  VI.39  "Amphibious Assault"     Wu Zi Mu
  VI.40  "The Da Nang Thang"      Wu Zi Mu

    The last Syndicate mission

  VI.41  "Yay Ka-Boom-Boom"                 M4 $4,500 at Ammu-Nation
    Someone calls using an electronic voice disguiser.  Jethro calls and a CV
    icon appears at Wang's Autos.  The Desert and Las Venturas (and the
    Miniguns there) are officially available.  Three save houses can be bought.
    C.J. can get six wanted stars.

    The Steal Cars missions

  VI.42  "Zeroing In"           Cesar Vialpando   Wheel Arch Angels mod shop
  VI.43  "Test Drive"           Cesar Vialpando
  VI.44  "Customs Fast Track"   Cesar Vialpando   Export/Import boards open

  VI.45  Exports and Imports for the Cranberry Crane  (30 vehicles)

  VI.46  "Puncture Wounds"      Cesar Vialpando   Completes Wang Car asset
                                                    $8,000 a day and max.


  VII  The Desert and Las Venturas Preliminaries

  VII.1  Save houses

  VII.2  Barber and Tattoo shops  The Redsands East tattoo parlor is available

  VII.3  Ammu-Nation and weapons

  VII.4  Armor and Police bribes

  VII.5  Oysters

  VII.6  Bayside Marina Boat School
  VII.6.a  "Basic Seamanship"
  VII.6.b  "Plot a Course"
  VII.6.c  "Fresh Slalom"
  VII.6.d  "Flying Fish"
  VII.6.e  "Land, Sea, and Air"

  VII.7    RS Haul Trucking Asset Mission (final two missions)
  VII.7.a    Mission 7
  VII.7.b    Mission 8

  VII.8    Horseshoes
  $100 x 50 and $100,000
  The Combat Shotgun, Remote Explosive, M4, and SMG are in front of
  The Four Dragons Casino

  VII.9   Las Venturas Bike School
  VII.9.a   "360"
  VII.9.b   "180"
  VII.9.c   "Wheelie"
  VII.9.d   "Jump and Stop"
  VII.9.e   "Stoppie"
  VII.9.f   "Jump and Stoppie"

  VII.10   Burger Shot Courier Asset Mission  (4 runs)

  VII.11   Kick start and Dirt Track (Black field Stadium)

  VII.12   The Freight Train mission  $50,000 and free train rides

  VII.13   The Ammu-Nation "Shooting Range Challenge"
  VII.13.a   "Pistol Challenge"
  VII.13.b   "SMG Challenge"
  VII.13.c   "Shotgun Challenge"
  VII.13.d   "AK-47 Challenge"

  VII.14  Las Venturas Gym   Stamina and Muscle should be past the buff stage,
                             so beat the trainer to get kick boxing moves.

  VII.15  Beat the Cock      Not needed for 100% completion

  VII.16  Some non-mission vehicle locations

  VII.17  Make a copy of your save game


  VIII  The Desert and Las Venturas

        The Desert

    The Toreno missions

  VIII.1  "Monster"           Mike Toreno
  VIII.2  "Highjack"          Mike Toreno
  VIII.3  "Interdiction"      Mike Toreno
  VIII.4  "Verdant Meadows"   Mike Toreno

    Jethro calls about street races--checkered flag icons appear in four places

  VIII.5  Buy Verdant Meadows Aircraft Graveyard $80,000   opens next mission

    The Airstrip missions

  VIII.6  "Learning to Fly"  (Verdant Meadows Flight School)

  VIII.6.a   "Takeoff
  VIII.6.b   "Land Plane"
  VIII.6.c   "Circle Airstrip"
  VIII.6.d   "Circle Airstrip and Land"
  VIII.6.e   "Helicopter Takeoff"
  VIII.6.f   "Land Helicopter"
  VIII.6.g   "Destroy Targets"  PITER
  VIII.6.h   "Loop-the-Loop"
  VIII.6.i   "Barrel Roll"
  VIII.6.j   "Parachute onto Target"

    The Four Dragons Casino is a free save place;
    Wu Zi calls with work at the Four Dragons Casino which opens the Casino


  VIII.7  Buy the remaining save houses

  VIII.8  Clothes  The Victim clothes store is open


  VIII.9  Los Santos Race Tournaments
  VIII.9.a       "Lowrider Race"
  VIII.9.b       "Little Loop"
  VIII.9.c       "Backroad Wanderer"
  VIII.9.d       "City Circuit"
  VIII.9.e       "Vinewood"
  VIII.9.f       "Freeway"
  VIII.9.g       "Into the Country"
  VIII.9.h       "Badlands A"
  VIII.9.i       "Badlands B"

  VIII.10  San Fierro Race Tournaments
  VIII.10.a         "Dirtbike Danger"
  VIII.10.b         "Bandito County"
  VIII.10.c         "Go-Go Carting"
  VIII.10.d         "San Fierro Fastlane"
  VIII.10.e         "San Fierro Hills"
  VIII.10.f         "Country Endurance"

  VIII.11  Las Venturas Race Tournaments (Cars)
  VIII.11.a         "San Fierro to Las Venturas"
  VIII.11.b         "Dam Rider"
  VIII.11.c         "Desert Tricks"
  VIII.11.d         "Las Venturas Ringroad"

  VIII.12  Las Venturas Race Tournaments (Aircraft)
  VIII.12.a         "World War Aces"
  VIII.12.b         "Barnstorming"
  VIII.12.c         "Military Service"
  VIII.12.d         "Chopper Checkpoint"
  VIII.12.e         "Whirly Bird Waypoint"
  VIII.12.f         "Heli Hell"


    The Airstrip missions continued

  VIII.13    "N.O.E."
  VIII.14    "Stowaway"
  VIII.15    "Black Project"      the Desert Eagle is at Ammu-Nations  $1,200
                                  the Thermal Goggles are available

  VIII.16    "Green Goo"          the airstrip will make $10,000 a day and max.
                                  the Jetpack is available

    The Casino missions

  VIII.17  "Fender Ketchup"         The Four Dragons Casino
  VIII.18  "Explosive Situation"    The Four Dragons Casino

    Opens The Heist missions and Hunter Quarry missions


    Hunter Quarry Asset missions

  VIII.19.a  Mission 1
  VIII.19.b  Mission 2
  VIII.19.c  Mission 3
  VIII.19.d  Mission 4
  VIII.19.e  Mission 5
  VIII.19.f  Mission 6
  VIII.19.g  Mission 7            Hunter Quarry makes $2,000 a day and max.


    The Casino missions continued

  VIII.20  "You've Had Your Chips"  The Four Dragons Casino
  VIII.21  "Don Peyote"             The Four Dragons Casino
                                      Combat Shotgun $1,000 at Ammu-Nations
  VIII.22  "Intensive Care"         Caligula's Palace
  VIII.23  "Misappropriation"       C.R.A.S.H.
  VIII.24  "The Meat Business"      Caligula's Palace
  VIII.25  "Fish in a Barrel"       The Four Dragons Casino
  VIII.26  "Madd Dogg"              Madd Dogg
  VIII.27  "Free fall"              Caligula's Palace
  VIII.28  "High Noon"              C.R.A.S.H.
  VIII.29  "Saint Mark's Bistro"    Caligula's Palace


  VIII.30  Clothes          Didier Sachs is open in Rodeo, Los Santos


    The Heist missions

  VIII.31  "Architectural Espionage"          The Heist
  VIII.32  "Key to Her Heart"                 The Heist  Millie is available
                                                         for dates
  VIII.33  "Dam and Blast"                    The Heist
  VIII.34  "Cop Wheels"                       The Heist
  VIII.35  "Up, Up, and Away!"                The Heist
  VIII.36  "Breaking the Bank at Caligula's"  The Heist
                                             Night Vision Goggles available
  VIII.37  Make a copy of your save game


  IX  Return to Los Santos for the final Los Santos missions

      The Mansion missions

  IX.1  "A Home in the Hills"  The Four Dragons Casino

  Thermal Goggles are in the bar room, and a heart icon--the only one in the
game that will always be available--is in the kitchen, of Madd Dogg's crib;
Madd Dogg's Crib, with a gym, basketball court, and all four videogames, is

  Don't save the game at Madd Dogg's Vinewood mansion since PS2 players report
that doing so corrupts their save game and causes the basketball to not appear
at courts.  If you want to save in the area, save at the mansion nearby.

  The basketball doesn't always appear at all courts, and the glitch may come
and go, anyway.  You can download a fix for the PC version of it (I.12).
  IX.2  "Vertical Bird"         Carl Johnson

  The Hydra is at Verdant Meadows.

  The Minigun, Rocket Launcher, Heat-Seeking Rocket Launcher, and  Flamethrower
are available in Mike Toreno's's (Tierra Robada) ranch.

  IX.3  "Home Coming"           Carl Johnson
  IX.4  "Cut Throat Business"   Carl Johnson

    The Grove Street missions

  IX.5    "Beat Down on B-Dump"    Sweet Johnson
  IX.6.a  "Grove 4 Life"           Sweet Johnson


  IX.6.b  Territory takeover

   You need 35% or more of the gang territories to finish the game.
   Get all of them and C.J. won't be attacked by rival gang members again.


    The Riots missions

  IX.7  "Riot"                  Carl Johnson
  IX.8  "Los Desperados"        Carl Johnson

  IX.9  "End of the Line"          Sweet Johnson

  100% completion

  IX.10   Make a copy of your save game


  X   Basic skins, modding (use at your own risk),
        music, and screen shot tutorial.

  X.1  Compressed File Utility

  X.2  Web sites for skins and mods

  X.3  Mods
  X.4  Un-check the green dot 1st
  X.5  Make backups

  X.6  Tools:
               The IMG Tool v.2
               The TXD Workshop
               The Rescaler and Flag Studio
               The GTA: San Andreas GXT Editor

  X.7  Installing most car, bike, or pedestrian mods:
       changing dff and txd files

  X.8  Skin viewing and editing

  X.9  Women

  X.9.a   The Hot Coffee mod
  X.9.b   Other hidden San Andreas pedestrians
  X.9.c   The Nude Girlfriends mod
  X.9.d   How to change the way they walk

  X.10  Cars and bikes (TGIPC)

  X.10.a    How to change their wheels
  X.10.b    How to change their mass,
               ability to stay upright and hug the driving surface,
               ability to survive in water,
               cornering and braking, top speed, acceleration,
               suspension, durability, and miscellaneous jazz
  X.10.c     Game play advantages
  X.10.d       Making vehicles weaker or stronger
  X.10.e       How to create your own "Alloy Wheels of Steel" Freeway
  X.10.f     How to change their colors
  X.10.g     How to change their on-screen names
  X.10.h     How to change the traction of surfaces

  X.11  Weapons and Attackers
                How to lessen the severity of attacks

  X.12  Helicopters
                 How to make a helicopter easier to fly

  X.13    Miscellaneous mods
  X.13.a  The San Andreas Place Manager
  X.13.b  The Map Teleporter/Vehicle Spawn
  X.13.c  The GTA SA Control Center
  X.13.d  The Skateboard mod
  X.13.e  The No Rust mod
  X.13.f  2x, 4x, and 10x Draw Distance mods
  X.13.g  John Lennon's glasses
  X.13.h  The Horseshoe Help mod

  X.14  Music
             MP3s and wave files
               How to save hard disk space with shortcuts

  X.15  Screen shots


  XI.   And there's always more
  XI.a  Unique Jumps
  XI.b  Girlfriends
  XI.c  Basketball
  XI.d  Video games
  XI.e  Gambling


  I  Introduction

  A few things I've noticed about "San Andreas" are different than in "Vice
City."  Besides being bigger, it's generally easier and does a bit to discour-
age unofficial rampaging--pedestrians disappear and Heart icons are mainly
available during certain missions, and there aren't any two player rampage
icons at all in the PC version of the game.  If C.J. takes over all the gang
territories by the end of the game, you don't have something like the attacks of
Mafia or Haitian gangsters making it hard to use an area do stunts afterward.

  Because it's supposed to be parts of California, the Hermes and all have
better paint jobs.  And some things in "San Andreas," like distant sections of
the road, come into focus as C.J. approaches them like in the PC version of the
game "Mafia."  The vehicles with fixed locations may not show up till C.J. has
gone by the spot two or three times in "San Andreas."  And if someone made a mod
to make the instant replays have slow motion and a variety of "camera" angles
like the ones in "Vice City," I'd grab that right up.

  The land vehicles are bouncier and slipperier in a way.  You might see them
run not only over but under each other, like some stange way worms mate or some-
thing.  And if you get C.J.'s bike skill up, he's a lot less liable to fall off
his bike.  You can even turn it around by running it into a wall.

  There are gas pumps and birds (white gulls and black buzzards; red hawks?) in
"San Andreas," but you can't make them explode by shooting them.  The little
Dodo that always flew around in the sky has been replaced by a variety of planes
that sometimes runs into the ground and blow up, but they're just as capable of
being blown up by a Rocket Launcher.  The fish swim better, you can fly through
the clouds, and you can shoot the ball through a hoop.  

  The pedestrians sometimes ran into walls then bent over like they were throw-
ing up in "Vice City"; I haven't seen them do that in "San Andreas," but if you
feed C.J. eleven meals in a row, he throws up.  There are a lot more bathrooms
and I don't know why (but see X.9.b).

  C.J. can climb, including the trees that rest on square flat boxes, such as
along the sidewalks of the couple of blocks N of Avispa Country Club--to have
him  do it, have him jump from beyond a corner of the base to the highest of the
bottom limbs.  (To be fair to Tommy, palm trees don't have limbs.)  While both
Tommy Vercetti and C.J. can push vehicles around, C.J. can't run fast enough to
catch them as often.  He can swim, though.

  The early '90's CA "Scarface" source for themes and in-jokes is Allen and
Albert Hughes' "Menace II Society," 1993.

  A few things are the same, such as the things I learned before about using
copies your User Files to play again with certain things already done.  This
isn't usually brought up in reasons to be partial to the PC version, but I'd put
it among things at the top of the list: if anything is hard or repetitive, the
things I learned before about changing vehicles and weapons with the handling
and weapons files, to make racing and fighting things easier, work for San
Andreas, too (TGIPC).  The programming is basically the same as "Vice City" with
some added parameters.

  One curious thing about a main plot point is that bad guy Officer Tenpenny
holds it over C.J.'s head that he could frame him for the death of a police
officer.  All he's have to do is follow C.J. around with a camcorder for a half
an hour, let alone what he'd have by the time you're nearly through with the
game, and why would he bother threatening to make anything up?

  Another is that you play a guy who thinks nothing of running down five old
ladies to drive down the street and get a newspaper ("I have to beat the
timer"), and the plot resolution is to kill a bad guy.  But you are a bad guy.
But a different bad guy.

  But as a work of fiction with a sense of tongue-in-cheek humor about finding
a way to come up with an excuse to play with the videogame weapons and vehicles,
it makes a kind of sense.  You would be a bad guy, but it's a funny fiction--a
kind of early Mad magazine take on a world of the bad adults of all the groups.
A more serious, ethical approach usually means it's relatively boring, and even
seems kind of silly for the context.  You'll probably point and click your way
around to some boring incidental music to kill big muscle guys with lizard

  The GTA series is like an artist adding colors to their palette and new brush
strokes to the canvas to add to what they've done and refine it.  I love the
blend they come up with.  The most momentous thing is that the little Dodo is

  Thanks to the Gamefaqs web site, Steve Ng of IGN, and Dennis of Super Cheats,
for hosting a walk-through that can let people claim they used a guide by some-
one who's barely gotten into the main missions.

  Thanks to Robert Rusk, of the PS2 walk-through for ("III," "Vice City," and)
"San Andreas" at Gamefaqs and IGN, and my oldest friend at Gamefaqs, once again
leading the way (don't go blaming him for where I go running after that) with
his very sensible organization and strategies for the game.

  Thanks to the BradyGames strategy guide for Xbox and PC.  It has lots of use-
ful maps (except for the screw-ups; I took a pen to some of the dots on the
maps--why couldn't they pinpoint correct locations with darker dots that way?)
and screenshots, and statistics for the percentage of fat, percentage changed in
Respect for killing gangsters, the Sex Appeal of watches, etc., I'm sure most of
us would never have known without it.  Either Rockstar told them or they figured
it out by testing the programming somehow.

  Thanks to Ben "Cerbera" Millard for being a good friend, and for helping with
the modding section, car names, punctuation, etc.  ("Cerbera" is for "TVR Cer-
bera," which is a British sports car.)


  A special thanks to Young MayLay, the trampoline-high jumping, ultra Visine
clarity, call out the Marines-alerting young man about the town, and the star of
the show, for kindly dropping me a note (and he must have a hundred people tug-
ging on his coat sleeve all the time) after I asked him to help when I messed up
his lyrics a little bit.


  Thanks to Jacob and Racer_S: The San Andreas Place Manager, Blehbeb: The Map
Teleporter/Vehicle Spawn, and saracoglu: The Control Center, for the help in
finding the Tags, etc., faster (see section X.13.a-c).

  Thanks to a post by Old School Hustla at GTA Forums for his considerably time-
saving file-changing tip which lets you maximize all vehicle, weapon, Stamina,
etc., Stats a lot faster.

  Thanks to PatrickW: author, Hammer83: the sacensor tool, Craig Kostelecky:
"Opened Up" mod creator, Barton Waterduck: animation finder, and illspirit: nude
model finder (that sounds like a good job) for the Hot Coffee mod (see section

   Thanks to Mxyzptlk, the famous chronicler and cartographer, for overcoming
the vowel shortage where he comes from to further Shaft21's formidable list of
"San Andreas" secrets, etc.,

  and oversee the GTA Forum expansion of it, supplying very useful maps for it
as well.

  Thanks to the ASCII Generator web page for the "San Andreas" I used in the

  Thanks to the Internet Movie Data Base (IMDb) site for much of the information
about the voice actors we're going to spend so much time with.

  Thanks to the babelfish web site for the translations of some of the Spanish

  Thanks to the Urban Dictionary site for translations.

  Personal info:

  Bill Winstein won the Golden Quill Award for newspaper excellence in 1971,
and his art and cartoons were in the Baseball, Football, and Basketball Halls
of Fame, and a number of local bars and barbershops, like Evangelista's.  It
was cool to watch him draw, and he knew a lot more of the cooler comedians and
movie stars than the other kids parents (you have to imagine an eight year old
going around thinking, "Well, they're just kids, they don't know....")  And my
Mom, who was a volunteer at the local library and hospital, had such and inven-
tive sense of gentle silliness and sing-song voice delivery I can't imagine any-
one imitating it.

  Something about them was passed over by the world it didn't mesh with, and
was passed on to me.

  My Dad was born in 1914, and my Mom was born in 1923.  Their childhoods lived
on in them, and live on in me.  And that's bigger than anything in these two PC-
choking walk-throughs of mine combined.

  "Glenster's Glimpse into San Andreas" © 2005 Glen T. Winstein

  This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed pub-
licly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web
site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation
of copyright.

  I hope I didn't scare anyone.  (What a dope you'd have to be to be scared by

  "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" © 2005 Rockstar Games, Inc. Rockstar Games,
Rockstar North, the R* logo, Grand Theft Auto and the Grand Theft Auto logo and
A Take-Two Company logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Take-Two
Interactive Software, Inc.

  "San Andreas Theme Song" lyrics by Young MayLay/Chris Bellard  © 2005.


  I.1  Paying tributes and having things in common

  Thanks to Shaft21 for a very healthy-sized list of secrets, references, and
in-jokes of "San Andreas."

  Thanks to Mxyzptlk, who, with the assistance of many "San Andreas" fans of the
GTA Forums web site, expanded the list, and thanks to Mxyzptlk for making very
helpful maps for it.  Go to the web addresses I give here for the maps and more
secrets like these.

  Another good map is by gamerlady at the Gamefaqs web site:

  In Los Santos there is a wall painting with a heart, Mary, an angel, and the
words "Jesus Saves."  (The closest examples initially are in the Ten Green
Bottles bar W of the Johnson house.)  In "GTA 2" it said that on the buildings
where you saved the game.  (Some of you may want to go there and ask for for-
giveness from the prince of peace for what you've been doing in the rest of
town occasionally.  On the other hand, controlling an interactive movie is a
little like playing God yourself, like in the game "Black and White," so you
might just use your prerogative to think of it as a pun about the saving part.)

  A guy with "Keep out" written on the box on his head, and "God is playing with
us" written on the sign hanging from his neck, can be found in San Fierro near
Turning Tricks Driving School.  (Thanks to samadriel.)  (It's at the N end of
the light gray block S of where "DOHERTY" is written on the paper map.  It's as
if he rebels against the idea of you playing with him in a game, or like some-
thing out of the movie "The Truman Show," 1998.  He and a guy with a sign that
says, "Weel work for pot," also found around there, may say some curious things.

  A roller with designs on the face of the roller, S of the Santa Maria save
house and across the parking lot, looks like the one created by Chen Chang in
1988 for Santa Monica Beach, CA.  He designed it to be hitched and towed to make
designs in the sand.

  The game controller, called a CJD 500, in the Johnson house, Wu Zi's place,
and Big Smoke's crack den, looks like a Sega Megadrive, popular in the early
1990's, with a PS2-type keypad except with keys lettered C, J, M, and D.  The
"C" and "J" probably stand for "C.J."/"Carl Johnson."  (Some wonder if the "M"
and "D" stand for "Madd Dogg, whom Carl ends up producing.)  (Thanks to

  Verdant Meadows is similar to an aspect of Davis Monthan Air Force Base, which
is in Tucson, Arizona, and is the main site for the storage and preservation of
decommissioned aircraft in the U.S.. (Thanks to Shadenfreude)

  Burgher Shots have Freedom Fries--what French Fries were called in the U.S.
Capitol in response to the lack of support from France during the Iraq war of

  (The International Corporation set up by Saddam Hussein to launder money from
his various enterprises was called "Montana Management."  Tony Montana is the
name of the title character of "Scarface," 1983, another major organized crime
leader, if not as grand in scope, damage, and fatalities.)

  The Julius Thru Ways, Harry Gold Parkway, Greenglass College, and Ken Rosen-
berg were named after people involved in the trial of Julius and Ethel Rosen-
berg, executed, after a confused trial about spying, in 1953.  (Thanks to
thedude777.)  Some good articles about the Rosenberg trial are at: 

  In "Intensive Care," Lawyer Ken Rosenberg's parrot Tony says, "I never f**ked
anyone over in my life who didn't have it coming to 'em."  Tony Montana, played
by Al Pacino, says that in "Scarface," 1983, to which "Vice City"  makes a
variety of references.

  Zero's RC Shop, about where the "CIA" of "GARCIA" is San Fierro, has Tommy 
Vercetti and Lance Vance, of "Vice City" and James Earl Cash, of "Manhunt," 
action figure dolls, and RC versions of of Hydras, NRG 500's, and Rhinos.

  The Gasso station, on the SW block of Dillimore, has Max Pane bullet-proof
glass and "Vice City" (gum or candy?) boxes on the counter.

  There's a V-Rock Hotel W and across the RR tracks from the "CA" of "ROCA
ESCALANTE" in Las Venturas.  There's a V-Rock building, where Lovefist records,
Downtown in "Vice City."  Lovefist is referred to, and seen in pictures in
various places, in "San Andreas," too.

  A construction site at the S side of Blueberry, Red County, has a sign saying,
"Avery Construction," referring to crooked realtor Avery Carrington in "Vice
City."  An area SE of Mt. Chiliad is called "Shady Creeks" (similar to the
"Shady Acres" he advertised in "Vice City").  Avery himself appears as the Vegas
Vic sign of Las Vegas on the Old Ventura Strip.

  "Bi**hin' Dog food" (featuring "pu**y flavored horse eyelids") from "GTA III"
is in the dog food section of the big 24/7 stores.  They all sell "Cherry Pop-
pers" ice cream, the brand made in the place of that name in "Vice City."  One
big 24/7 is W of the W tip of the Mulholland Intersection, Los Santos, and an-
other is on the block N of the block with "O" of "THE STARFISH CASINO," Las Ven-

  The Video Poker machines in the Casinos of Las Venturas have cards with pic-
tures of people from "III" and "Vice City."

  The key in "Key to Her Heart" is the ID card from "No Escape" in "Vice City."
(Thanks to PresidentKiller.)

  There are a bunch of dead bodies in bags by a Bobcat in El Castillo Del
Diablo (Spanish for "The Castle of the Devil") in the desert SW of the Verdant
Meadow Aircraft Graveyard.  (In "Vice City," there are two guys underwater with
their feet in cement.)

  By a spade near Catalina's shack, which is at the dot NE of the "O" of "RED
COUNTY," there are three shallow graves (there was one behind Funeraria Romero
in "Vice City").

  "FleischBerg," on a billboard, is German for "Flesh" (or "Meat") "Mountain."
(Thanks to Cojanfee.)  (It's also the name of a factory W of lower downtown

  The W side of the Los Santos Graveyard in Vinewood contains a crypt with a
TV, a La-Z-Boy chair, and pizza boxes.  Spike, seen in the last five years of
the 1997-2003 TV series "Buffy The Vampire Slayer," has a similar setup.  On
the E side of the graveyard, between 20:00 and 6:00, there are several ghost
tags/examples of graffiti on the walls.  The graveyard is on the block N of the
one with "WOOD" of "VINEWOOD."

  The roads of the Badlands, from around "FLINT COUNTY" to "EASTER BAY CHEMI-
CALS," look like a caricature of a woman facing E taking a stream of fluid be-
tween her lips at the "FLINT INTERSECTION."  (Thanks to DApeoplezCHAMP).

  In San Fierro, on the block of "DOWN" of "DOWNTOWN," is the Zombotech Sky
Tower, which contains similarities to the movie, 2002, and game series "Resident
Evil."  You can enter the building through the roof or on any corner but the SW.

  The wall of art in many bars shows a black and white depiction of the upper
body of a soldier wearing red goggles and holding a gun in his hand.  It looks
like the concept art you can unlock of one of the  Cerberus Foot Officers in the
game "Manhunt," 2003, by Rockstar.

   Big Smoke's crack den is on the NE corner of the block that's W of the one
with "F" of "LOS FLORES."  The door mat outside the door on the top floor says,
"Not Welcome" and "Rockstar North."

  K-Rose features an advertisement for Carcer City, where "Manhunt" takes place.
(Carcer City was also mentioned on LIPS 106 in "III" as being near Liberty City
and where a police chief was cleared of corruption charges.  It's also mentioned
by a caller to KCHAT in "Vice City" as a place where B.J. Smith played foot-

  The windows of the buildings to the E of the five silos NE of Mt. Chiliad have
some blurry reversed Steven Bliss cartoon cover art from "III" and "Vice City."
There are others that aren't reversed on the corner of the pink-orange building
at the 2nd intersection N of the "W" of "VINEWOOD."

  Across the street from the Angel Pine Cluckin' Bell are three trash cans.  You
can knock over the two with open tops to find maps of Vice City inside them.

  A number of places or things in the game feature the names of people who have
been employed by Rockstar North.  Steven Mulholland, one of those who worked on
the Los Santos art for "San Andreas" and was one of the Map Designers for "Vice
City," has his name on a tombstone in the window of Funeraria Romero in "Vice
City," has a neighborhood named after him in Los Santos in "San Andreas" (Mul-
holland is also a wealthy Drive in LA), and some billboards in "San Andreas"
refer to "Mulholland and Dulaly."

  Mattlac, on the same GTA Forums message board, noticed that Scott Wilson, who
worked on the countryside art for "San Andreas, is named on a tombstone in the
game (in the SW corner of the SW block of Palomino Creek in NE Red County).

  thedude777, at the same message board, suggests these possible sources for

  Steven Mulholland--Los Santos art--the city "Mulholland";
  Lee Montgomery--interior environment art--the city "Montgomery";
  Toks Solarin--character art--the PC "Solarin Industries" sign that replaces
the PS2 "Shady Industries" sign in San Fierro;
  Nicholas Montgomery--cut scene supervising sound editor--the city
  Noelle Sadler--voice-over production, the voice of Bettina (also seen as the
blonde lady with her tongue out in a loading screen), a radio commercial voice,
and a pedestrian voice--the "Sadler" truck; and
  Tony Romero--pedestrian voice--the "Romero" car.

  "Chiliad" means "a group of 1,000," which I guess is meant metaphorically due
to the size of it.

  On the W side of the "L"-shaped block that's NW of the "EAST" of "EAST LOS
SANTOS" is a Tiki Theater Xymposium with a big display of a "Vice City" hidden
package.  (It's like something you'd see on the shore of Easter Island except
shaped like a royal Asian pelican that flew into a window.)  (Fragger, in a dif-
ferent post at the site, says it, without the statue, is in LA on Western at the
corner on Western and Santa Monica.)

  An airplane called a Beagle may appear halfway in a house in Fort Carson (on
the N side of the SE block of Fort Carson), and a Mower appears in a tree trunk
in Dillimore.  (Thanks to xox_vanzant_xox and Cube623.)

  By the W coast of Los Santos inlet, S of the S-most bridge across it, is a
trailer park.  If you send C.J. into the park and have him turn E, a photograph-
er appears by the road near the water to the right.  They may be played by one
of several pedestrians.  They appear to be thoughtfully surveying the scenery
for subjects for photos, take a couple photos, then they walk into the water and

  Similar to the DNA (later Rockstar North) game "Lemmings," 1990, pedestrians,
seen from an alley in Las Venturas, will appear on the ledge of a building and
walk off, possibly to their deaths.  Have C.J. go to the alley on the W side of
Weldings and Weddings, which is on the SE section of the block that's W of 
"ISLE" of "THE EMERALD ISLE."  Go N in the alley to where it intersects an alley
that goes W from it.  Look NE at the near corner of the 3rd story gray ledge of
the Emerald Isle skyscraper (the upper part is blue-gray with gray horizontal
stripes by day).  If you stand in the right several foot-wide spot, the pedes-
trians appear on that corner of the ledge and walk off, falling out of view be-
hind a light gray wall.  (You can zoom in on them with a Sniper Rifle scope or
Camera.)  You might hear a scream as they fall, followed by a crunching sound,
possibly followed by other pedestrians screaming and running away in a panic.
(There's no sign of an accident if you go to the landing area, though.  I've
also seen some pedestrians appear and fly up to the ledge 1st, then walk off,
which is strange.)

  As bad as Liberty City and Vice City were, those last two things indicate
morale around San Andreas seems to be the worst.

  On the W side of the Cluckin' Bell, N of the Johnson house in Los Santos, is
a telephone pole pedestrians appear from to do something similar, if not self-
destructive.  Have C.J. stand where it says "RESERVED" (part of "THESE SPACES
ARE RESERVED FOR CUSTOMERS") in the parking lot and look S at the pole.  The pe-
destrians appear about 15' up, slide down part of the way, fall the rest, and
keep walking.  You can turn C.J. away and back to help them spawn.

  The Weldings and Weddings shop, mentioned three paragraphs above, is a "GTA
III" Portland-style bomb shop.  After driving a four-wheel vehicle into it and
making the garage door close and open, the vehicle is equipped with a bomb that
uses a timer.  You can press the LMB to start the timer, then have C.J. get out
and leg it.

  Mxyzptlk saw that the bowl-shaped light display of The Four Queens casino 
looks like the one in the game at a corner of The Strip and Old Venturas Strip.

  ThouShaltBeToxic, at the GTA Forums section by Mxyzptlk and co., says the
problems of famous hacker Kevin Mitnick, arrested in 1995, are parodied on WCTR
in "San Andreas," and is probably meant as the one referred to in "GTA III" on
Chatterbox when one of the callers calls out, "Free Kevin!" before hanging up.
The book that comes with the PC "SA" gives "Kevin Mitnick" as one of the Radio
Station callers, and the radio segment seems to play off the fact that it was
rumored (confirmed to be a rumor), while he was held without bail, that he
could start a missile crisis by whistling into a telephone and pressing a few
numbers on the keypad.

  The Mothership van of The Truth has a license plate that says, "OUTTHERE" in
mirror image.  The 1993-2002 TV series about UFO's and such, "The X-Files,"
used the slogan: "The truth is out there."

  The license plate of a car in the "Badlands" mission says "ASSMAN," which is
what Kramer, played by Michael Richards, was upset to learn his new license
plate said in an April, 1995, episode of the TV sitcom "Seinfeld."

  There's an ad for Disgraceland Wedding Chapel on the ballpark scoreboard in
Las Venturas.  There's a Disgraceland territory in "GTA 2."  (And Disgraceland
refers to Graceland, which was Elvis Presley's home.  There's an Elvis gang in
"GTA 2," and a code to create Elvis impersonators everywhere in "San Andreas.")

  Police can be seen beating up someone in the impound lots, such as one of the
pair of policemen in the garage of the Los Santos police station.  (C.J. can en-
ter without a wanted rating if he uses a police vehicle.  The victim seems to be
able to take interminable abuse.  If C.J. drives closer, they all stand still,
but the errant policemen don't seem happy about it.)  This, and the ways of Ten-
penny and Pulaski, seems meant to reflect the Rodney King beating by errant LA
police men on 3/3/1991.  The 4/29/1992 1st judgment on the officers acquitted
them, which led, hours later, to the LA riots, which left 53 people dead, over
7,000 people arrested, and created more than $1 billion in property damage.  (On
8/16/1993, officers Koon and Powell were convicted of violating King's civil
rights.)  The riots at the end of the game seems meant to reflect those LA
riots, except C.J. goes right to the source.

  A pedestrian in Los Santos looks like Trey in the movie "Boys N' the Hood,"

  One ped looks like Will Smith wearing an orange shirt similar to one worn by
Cuba Gooding in "Boyz n the Hood" except with a square instead of a round black
shirt pocket.

  One the Grove Street gangsters looks like Kevin "O-Dog," played by Larenz
Tate, in the movie "Menace II Society," 1993, which also stars Samuel L. Jackson
as Tat Lawson.  Like O-Dog, the gangster has short dreadlocks and a green and
black checkered shirt like O-Dog wore at times.

  There is an observatory on Verdant Bluffs in S Los Santos, NW of the airport,
like the one (Griffith) in LA where the ending of "Rebel Without a Cause," 1955,
was filmed.  One of the stars, Dennis Hopper, did the voice acting for Steve
Scott in "Vice City."

  Ryder looks like Easy-E, a rapper of NWA sometimes referred to as Easy.
Dennis Hopper was one of the stars and writers, and the director, of the movie
"Easy Rider," 1969.  Another star of it, and co-writer (along with Terry South-
ern), producer Peter Fonda, does the voice of "The Truth" in "San Andreas."

  One blonde lady pedestrian in a short white dress looks like Sharon Stone as
Catherine Tramell in the movie "Basic Instinct," 1992.

  After you have C.J. shoot down some RC Barons with a Minigun in the "Air Raid"
mission for Zero, Zero says, "Nice shooting kid, but don't get cocky," which is
a line Han Solo, played by Harrison Ford, says to Luke Skywalker, played by Mark
Hamill, in the movie "Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope" (the 1981 title change
given to "Star Wars," 1977).  The pilot ratings Briggs and Wedge were taken from
the Star Wars series, too.

  Some wreckage of buildings is seen around San Fierro, and there's a destroyed
section of paved road along the N side of the onramp to the Garver Bridge, which
seems to reflect the Oct.17, 1989 magnitude 7.1 earthquake that shook San Fran-

  The Big Pointy building, on the block E of the one with "AL" of "FINANCIAL,"
has a parachute at the top and messages about it on signs at the bottom.  Enter
the building on the S side.  The tallest building in Los Santos, which is on the
NE side of the block that's NW of the intersection that looks like a pretzel S
of the Mulholland Intersection, has a parachute at the top, too.  You can enter
the building on the NE side.

  Those Parachutes, and others in high places, reflect the BASE jumping that's 
illegal at most spots it could be done from in the U.S.A. because many have died
from trying it.  BASE (Building, Antenna, Span--bridges, etc., and Earth--
cliffs, etc.) jumping is like sky diving, except it involves jumping from some-
thing tall for the thrill of the rush toward the ground before opening the para-
chute.  BASE jumps are usually made from 1,000 ft. or less, and sky divers are
told to deploy their parachutes at no less than 2,000 ft..  At 1,000 ft.or less,
the parachute must be quickly deployed, with less ability to correct movement
once it's deployed, and there would be no time to deploy a 2nd chute if the 1st
one malfunctions.

  There's a tall building in Downtown, San Fierro, N of the onramp for the
Garver Bridge.  The windows of it light up at night to form letters: "C" on one
side and "K" on another.  Some imagine an "R" and "O" up there on a 3rd side,
too (for "ROCK"star), but it requires some imaginative interpretation or
wishful thinking to do so.  Mokiesmoky wonders if it could be related to the
CoK cigarette pack found on the floor by Cluckin' Bell cashiers, and some wonder
if it's related to "C"esar and "K"endl.

  The number on the NRG 500 is usually 46, the number of MotoGP race champion
Valentino Rossi.  You can find the bike by the largely bowl-shaped dry dock
shown on the paper map by the big square NW of the ship that's E of "DOHERTY."
(There are also two in the multi-story parking garage at the S end of the "L"-
shaped block two blocks N of the E side of Los Santos Forum.)

  There's a crack on the ocean floor by San Fierro that's similar to the San
Andreas fault.  Part of it is beneath the W end of the big ship N of San Fierro.

  The number 69 figures prominently at the Easter Bay Airport runway, in shop
windows, Area 69, etc.  (The Dodo in "III" and "Vice City" said YME-369.  It
might reaffirm my suspicion that the "369" part was a reference to a mutual
oral sex threesome to see that the number 69 figures prominently in the overall
punning and kidding around about sex in "San Andreas.")

  Area 69, in the No Fly Zone at the end of a road in Bone County, kids the ru-
mors about Area 51, a 6 x 10 mile secret aircraft testing Air Force base, off-
limits to outsiders, in Groom Lake, Nevada, about 90 miles N of Las Vegas.  It's
been the victim of rumors about it harboring evidence of outer space folks from
a Roswell space craft crash, etc.  (It's also fictionalized as the Black Mesa
Research Facility in the game "Half Life."  The lead character of it, Morgan
Freeman, was popularly known to use a crowbar as one of his weapons, which Area
69 kids by displaying a red and white crowbar like a special specimen behind the
glass of a case.)

  (I guess in the same spirit of kidding, Mxyzptlk compares, Erich Von Daniken-
style, some dark marks of the side of a cliff to those in Nazca, as being an-
cient yet requiring modern technology to make them.  The Cliff is along the N
side of the E-W potion of the road E of "THE FARM" and NW of "BEACON HILL.")

  (Serious editorial interlude: Erich Von Daniken got famous with cooked-up,
allegedly compelling, possibilities about flying saucer people being required
to explain various acts of ancient ingenuity, typically picking on darker-
skinned African and South American people and not the makers of Stonehenge or
such.  I think he manages to con as many people as he does because the remedy to
his effort is information that's obscure to most, as in his book "Chariots of
the Gods"--one web source gives it 1967 for a 1st pub. date, another has 1968.
Look for a lot of "no other reasonable way to explain it"-type persuasive rheto-
ric in it.)

  (For a good remedy that's entertaining as well, see your local library, possi-
bly for an inter-library loan, of "Flim Flam," 1982, by James Randi, and "The
Space Gods Revealed," 1976, by Ronald Story.  It's good to remember that in any
area of sincere religious or non-religious belief or speculation, there will be
bilko artists who cook stuff up to sell the believers what they want to hear.
Both the sincere believers in the possible and non-believers should be on the
same page that fibbing is unethical and untrustworthy, serves neither of them
any good, and that making money from that is a form of stealing.)

  For a similar recommendation by Carl Sagan, see:

  Also see:

  (In a similar line of concern, there's a representation of a set as imagined
for the "lunar landing hoax" hoax in the film studio in "Vice City," a reference
to the idea by a caller to the "Area 53" segment of WCTR in "San Andreas," and,
most clearly giving Rockstar's regard of the "hoax" hoax, given by The Truth as
one of a number of conspiracy ideas he's fallen for.)

  The Li'l Probe Inn is like The Li'l Ale Inn, Rachel, Nevada (near Area 51).
The Li'l Probe Inn and Toreno's cabin each contain a map with markers.  The
site's secrets list, p.1, gives an early view, since discounted, that some of
the markers refer to sites of San Andreas history.  The map seems meant to re-
flect that UFO-watchers and secret agents like Mike Toreno would have special
concerns for locations.

  There are Hopi ruins just E of the roads of Los Barrancas (Spanish for "The
Ravines") on the side of a cliff across the street from the cemetery building.
The bigger batch of ruins are Native American and Mexican and are called Aldea
Malvada, the Lost Pueblo (Spanish for "Evil Village, The Lost Town") at the end
of a dead end road in Tierra Robada (Spanish for "Robbed Earth").


  Here are some findings from the gamers at the GTA Forums regarding the real
life names and places of those in the game:

  Los Santos  Los Angeles
  Ganton      Compton (thanks to MissileDefender)
  Idlewood    Inglewood (thanks to thegloaming)
  Hashbury    Ashbury (thanks to VitisVinifera)
  The Desert  Nevada (thanks to Raptomex)

  Thanks to ogf_ak for the names of these casinos:
  Pink Swan               The Flamingo Hotel and Casino.
  Caligula's              Caesar's Palace Casino and Resort.
  Four Dragons            The Four Queens Hotel and Casino.
  Come-a-lot              The Excalibur Hotel and Casino.
  The Visage              The Mirage Hotel and Casino.
  Pirates in Men's Pants  Treasure Island Hotel and Casino (and the Gilbert and
                         Sullivan operetta "The Pirates of Penzance," 1879).

  The Clown's Pocket
  and nearby crane       Circus, Circus (with the crane nearby to prepare for
                         the large dome with an amusement park inside put up in
                         1993-1994) (thanks to milkymilky)


  Thanks to those mentioned below at the GTA-SanAndreas web site  for some more
real life names.  It shows a lot of photographic comparisons, too.

  Thanks to fonz808 for this batch:
  A one-floor house in Los Santos looks like Pierre Koenig's 1960 house called
the Stahl House.
  In one of the wall paintings in LA, the part that depicts the Madonna, with
flame-like shading around her, is like that part of the "Jesus Saves" wall
painting in the game.
  The Big Pointy building looks like the Transamerican Pyramid.  (It's on the
block E of the one with "AL" of "FINANCIAL.")
  Tuff Nut Donuts (and other little shops with big replicas of donuts on the
roof) looks like Randy's Donuts in Inglewood, CA., a little one story shop with
a big replica of a doughnut on top.
  (The Cathay building looks like) Grauman’s Chinese Theatre in Hollywood.  (It
was renamed "Mann's Chinese Theatre" in 1973 after it was purchased by Ted
Mann, the owner of the Mann's Theatre chain and husband of actress Rhonda
Fleming.  But many still call it "Grauman's Chinese Theater.")  (The Cathay
building is on the S side of the block that's W of the block with the bottom of
"TE" of "TEMPLE.")

  The Los Santos City Hall building looks like Los Angeles City Hall.

  In Los Santos, Blastin' Fools Records, which makes rap records, looks like
The Capitol Records building.  (It's on the NE part of the block that's N of
"ARKET" of "MARKET" in Los Santos.)  (Thanks to nsupra27.)

  The Los Santos Conference Center looks like The Los Angeles Convention Center,
where The Electronic Entertainment Expo is held.
  (Thanks to yensed.)

  The San Fierro building with window lights that spell "C" and "K," mentioned
earlier, looks like the Bank of America building in San Francisco.  (Thanks to
krackhead80s.)  Mokiesmoky thinks it may refer to the "CoK" cigarette pack found
on the floor by Cluckin' Bell cashiers, and some think it refers to "C"esar and

  The Vinewood Walk of Fame (by the Cathay building) is like the Hollywood one.
  The Sherman Dam is like the Hoover Dam.
  The Welcome to the Fabulous Las Venturas sign (NW of the Pilson Intersection)
looks like the one by an entrance to Las Vegas.
  The V-ROCK Hotel and Casino in Las Venturas looks like The Hard Rock Cafe
Hotel and Casino.  (The Hard Rock Hotel has a big replica of a Fender Strato-
caster guitar on the roof, and the V-ROCK Hotel has a big replica of a flying V
guitar on the roof.)
  A San Fierro church, below the "DO" of "DOWNTOWN," looks like Saint Francis of
Assisi Cathedral.  (Thanks  to OptimumPx.)

  The Hippy Shopper is like the Happy Shopper in the UK.  (Thanks to martinson-
line.)  (It's on the W side of the block N of "HASH" of "HASHBURY.")

  Rodeo in Los Santos looks like Rodeo Drive.  (Thanks to vivatforx.)

  A recent "Jeopardy" TV show interpreted Glen Park as like MacArthur Park (sim-
ilar bridge or strip of land over a pond) and the Los Santos Forum and nearby
highway as like Sunset Boulevard and Pacific Coast Highway.  (Thanks to Mokie-

  The Avispa Country club looks similar to the Olympic Golf Club on the SE edge
of San Francisco.
  Esplanade East in NE San Fierro is like the Embarcadero, which is a water
front.  (Thanks to thedudley.)

  C**k Rock, mentioned before, W of Verdant Meadows Aircraft Graveyard, looks
like Big Stoney in Kodachrome Basin State Park, Utah.  (Thanks to flying fox;
I'm not sure which of us thought of it 1st.)

  Thanks to -La-RaZa, who came up with a whole batch to thank for (although the
"Haight" part of "Haight-Ashbury" is disputed):

    Los Santos:
  Ganton             Compton
  Idlewood           Inglewood
  Willow Field       Willowbrook
  East Los Santos    East LA
  Vinewood           Hollywood
  Mulholland         Beverly Hills
  Santa Maria beach  Santa Monica
  Las Colinas        El Monte
  Glen Park          Morningside Park
  Palomino Creek     Palmdale

    San Fierro:
  Easter basin Naval Docks   Hunter's Point Naval shipyard
  Chinatown                  Chinatown (lol)
  Hashbury                   Haight-Ashbury
  Queens                     Castro
  Paradiso                   Presidio
  Juniper hollow             Pacific heights

    Las Venturas:
  Blackfield                 Spring valley
  Rockshore                  Henderson
  Redsands                   Paradise
  Roca Escalante             Winchester
  Prickle pine               Sunrise Manor
  KACC military fuels        Air force military base

  Thanks to D-D-R, who thinks E Los Santos is more like W LA, Glen Park is more
like McArthur Park and similarly located, although Morningside Park also looks
very similar, and Grove Street could be Martin Luther King Boulevard (or "The 
Jungle" as it's called in CA), Crenshaw Boulevard, or La Brea Street.  


  Mt. Chiliad looks (roughly) similar to Half Dome in Yosemite National Park.


  I better slip in a few of the ones I came up with myself (if not necessarily
as the 1st to do it):

  Union Station, N of Los Santos airport, looks like Los Angeles Union Passenger
Terminal, "The last of America's great rail stations."  It's at 800 N. Alameda
St., Los Angeles, CA.

  The Big Ear looks like the Very Large Array in New Mexico.  (Thanks to Leath-
erface of
I'll add that the name "The Big Ear" is taken from the Big Ear Radio Observato-
ry, which is aka Ohio State University Radio Observatory (OSURO).  The Observa-
tory was named after the Big Ear Radio Telescope--a Kraus-type radio telescope
named after Dr. John D. Kraus, the founder and director of the observatory and
the designer and builder of the telescope.  Big Ear covered more area than three
football fields.  The telescope was famous for discovering some of the most dis-
tant known objects in the universe, the loud "Wow!" signal, and made the long-
est-lasting search for extra-terrestrial intelligence entered into the Guinness
Book of Records.  After nearly 40 years, it was destroyed in 1998.

  The steep winding road in San Fierro looks like Lombard St. in San Francisco
(which I remember from one of the earlier Bill Cosby records).

  The license plate of a Windsor in the "Home on the Hills" mission says "J
LOMAX" (which may refer to British singer-songwriter Jackie Lomax or a relative
of Vincent Lomax, a voice actor for one of the gangsters).

  Las Venturas looks like Las Vegas.  (For no reason but the name similarity, I
wonder if it's a tie-in with the 1960's, etc., instrumental rock group The Ven-
tures; did they play Vegas a lot?)

  Royale Casino takes a reversal of Casino Royale, also the name of The James
Bond spoof movie and the theme song for it, a tuneful, bouncy 1967 Herb Albert
recording of a Burt Bacharach song.

  As Mxyzptlk notes, "C**k Rock" (at the W side of where the dead end road goes
to a T intersection W of Verdant Meadows Aircraft Graveyard), looks like a huge
c**k, as do some rocks in Foster Valley, San Fierro.  (In "Glenster's Guide to
Some of Vice City," referring to the 11 pm to midnight light display of the WK
Chariot hotel, I wondered if there would be something like that in "San An-

  "C**k Rock" is similar to Big Stoney in Kodachrome Basin, Utah (also found by
flying fox in the group given above):

  The Big Spread Ranch, pointed to by the martini glass symbol E of the No Fly 
Zone, and not far from Las Venturas, probably came from the idea of the Chicken
Ranch, the famous "Best Little whorehouse in the West," near Las Vegas, Nevada,
which is the recent version of the one closed in 1973 in La Grange, Texas, that
the movie "The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas," 1982, fictionalized, and is 
what the song "La Grange" by ZZ Top refers to.

  Since the 1955-1959 TV show "The Phil Silvers Show," called "Sgt. Bilko" in
syndication. may be the source of the name Fort Baxter in Vice City, Doberman
maybe named after Private Doberman, played by Maurice Gosfield.

  The Brown Streak railroad company seems to be a reference to the movie "Silver
Streak," 1976, which starred Richard Pryor, Jill Clayburgh, and Gene Wilder.

  There are some spherical gas tanks C.J. can climb to the top of on the E side
of the block that's S of the block with an Ammu-Nation icon that's S of "WILLOW
FIELD," but I don't think the ending of "White Heat," 1949, with James Cagney
fits into the context of anything here.  I guess you could have C.J. throw down
some Molotovs at the top of one and do a parody of it, though, during a high
wanted level.

  E of Mt. Chiliad, near the corner where the road meets the river, is Angel
Pines Junkyard. I think one of the three dirty pink domed buildings is the same
one that held Lance Vance in "Death Row" in "Vice City."  If you go into the
back left of it, there's a window you can see through, but if you look for the
window on the outside of the building, it's not there. (There's no bloody chair
in there, though.)

  As noted earlier, the windows of the buildings to the E of the five silos NE
of Mt. Chiliad have some blurry reversed Steven Bliss cartoon cover art from
"III" and "Vice City."  It seems to me that several also have a blurry depiction
of the old RCA logo of Nipper the dog listening to a Victrola.  If so, that
would seem to connect with the idea of Elvis Presley that appears in GTA's, from
the Elvis gang in "GTA 2" to the Elvis impersonators in Las Venturas in "San

  Looking at an online drug slang dictionary, I've noticed that various names
in the GTA games are also slang words for crack: Xoomer could be pronounced
"Zoomer" (someone who sells fake crack and runs away), smoke, wave, Johnson
(also c**k), Eightball (crack and heroin), candy, B.J.'s (also bl** job), even
rock star, possibly others.  Since the subject of cocaine comes up in this and
the last GTA (it's what Vice City hidden packages contained, etc.), and given
the game maker's inclination to punning, it may be more than a coincidence.

  Some babelfish translations of Spanish:

  Avispa Country Club     Wasp Country Club
  Las Barrancas           the Ravines
  El Quebrados            the Fraction
  Aldea Malvada           Evil Village
  Valle Ocultado          Hidden Valley
  Arco Del Oeste          Arc of the West
  Las Brujas              the Witches
  El Castillo Del Diablo  the Castle of the Devil
  Tierra Robada           Robbed Earth
  Las Venturas            the Lucks (the Good Fortunes, I guess)
  Los Sepulcros Cemetery  the Tombs Cemetery

  In the Hot Coffee mod, Denise's bedroom has a big picture of the cover of
"Vice City" on the wall.


  Rusk has at least several real-life similarities to add that I know of, too:

  "Body Harvest," the name of a mission for The Truth in "San Andreas," is also
the name of a Nintendo 64 game made by DMA Design (some of whom later helped
form Rockstar North) in 1998.

  "Pier 69 is based on San Francisco's Pier 39 which is on the Embarcadero.  How
do I know this?  That's because I used to work there at the Namco CyberStation
Arcade which was at the front of the pier (1991-1993).  Rockstar did a good job
in recreating the tourist attraction except that they did not put in an arcade
where you can play the arcade mini-games within San Andreas.  What's up with

  ("Embarcadero" means "wharf.")

  "When I first saw the town of Fort Carson on the enclosed map I had to smile.
You see, there is a real life Fort Carson.  It is located on the southern edge
of Colorado Springs, Colorado and is also one of the largest Army bases in the
US.  Fort Carson is also my birthplace (4/24/1967)."

  That's when he was just a li'l baby Rusk.  Awwr!


  Thanks to for not-
ing these similarities between real life places and places in the game:

  (The Los Santos Conference Center and) The Los Angeles Convention Center
  (The Cathay building and) Grauman's Chinese Theater
  (Pier 69 and) The Embarcadero clock tower
  The Camel's Toe--The Luxor Resort Hotel and Casino Sphinx and pyramid.
  The Grove is like the NWA-era Compton, Inglewood, and E LA.
  Mulholland is a wealthy neighborhood like Rodeo Drive.

  San Fierro looks like San Francisco.

  The Gant Bridge looks like the Golden Gate Bridge.

  The two bridges from Easter Basin to Bone County look like a couple of
bridges in Fife, Scotland.  They're W of Edinburgh, the capital city of
Scotland and where Rockstar North is based.  (The ones in the game are SE of
Esplanade North.)

  The Garver Bridge resembles the Forth Road Bridge (the Golden Gate-type
suspension bridge), which is a bit west of the Forth Bridge mentioned below.
(Some say it looks like the Bay Bridge to San Francisco, too.)

  The Kincaid Bridge looks like the Forth (Rail) Bridge (the one with beams ar-
ranged in horizontal diamond shapes), which is nine miles west of Edinburgh.

  The Glory Hole Theme Park references refer to holes between stalls in sex
joints used for anonymous sex.

  One place on Old Venturas Strip looks like The Pioneer Club (of Freemont
Street) of 1942-1956, and 1983-1995, with Vegas Vic replaced by Avery Carring-

  Another display on the same road depicts Candy Suxxx.   Across the street from
Vic, over a strip joint, was Sassy Sally, later called Vegas Vicki, who was
posed, and originally raised and lowered one lower leg, the same way at Glitter

  It also notes that San Andreas features playable games similar to the arcade
games Gyruss (They Crawled from Uranus), and Defender and Gradius (Go Go Space 
Monkey) (see XI.d).


  I.2    PC Health

  I.2.a  Clean your disk, disk player, and PC

  Clean your Play disk and use a CD laser lens cleaner disk in your player.

  Turn off your PC and use a can of compressed air and clean out your PC box,
CD/DVD player compartment, and keyboard.  If you spill something into your key-
board, disconnect it, flush it thoroughly with water, and let it dry for a few

  (I've seen disk cleaners, laser disk cleaners, and cans of compressed air on
sale at department and drug stores.)

  I.2.b  Get your hard drive clean and in order

  After using the Internet go to Start, All Programs, Accessories, System Tools,
and use the Disk Cleanup--remove the Temporary Files, Temporary Internet Files,
and Recycle Bin.  The Temporary Internet Files can help you surf the web faster,
but I search it fast enough without them and they can build up into a huge batch
of bytes in no time.

  Get the free software versions, at least, of Ad-aware and Spybot.  You might
like to go to the Downloads section of the Microsoft web site and try their free
beta version of AntiSpyware.  Keep them updated and run them regularly.

  Buy an anti-virus program, keep it updated, and run it regularly.  Disable
auto protect to play games or download drivers.

  At least once a month--even a week--run Disk Defragmenter.  For Windows XP
Home Edition, go to Start, All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and Disk De-
fragmenter.  Run it after crashes and after you make any big changes to your PC,
too, like after putting in new graphics card drivers or downloading a big game
demo or such.

  I.2.c  Use the latest updates

  On your browser, click Tools and run Windows Update about once a week.

  Make sure you have the latest updates for your sound (Creative Labs, etc.) and
graphics cards (ATI, NVIDEA, etc.), motherboard chipset driver (probably VIA
Hyperion, Intel chipset, Forceware Unified, or SiS Chipset), DirectX (the Mi-
crosoft web site Downloads section), mouse, keyboard, and whatever else you use
for the game you can get updates for.

  Go to Run, type in "msinfo32," and click OK if you're not sure what your com-
puter specifics are, and see how they compare with the requirements for comput-
ers given on the bottom flap of the box of the game.  You might want to upgrade

  You could try the same thing except type in "dxdiag," too.

  Better yet, try something like Sandra Lite 2005, mentioned below in the Tweak
guides part of this section, and run the various modules it contains.  You can
not only learn what your various PC components are, but get helpful recommenda-
tions about changing settings and making upgrades to improve the performance of
your PC.

  I.2.d  Turn off unnecessary applications before running the game

  Run a free utility called Enditall to shut down other applications befor run-
ning the game.

  I.2.e  Take2 Games web site and toll-free phone number

  For technical support, check the support section for the PC "San Andreas" at
the Take2 Games web site.  Go to Take2 Games, Support, Grand Theft Auto: San An-
dreas (PC).  They have a toll free number, too, which connects you to some nice
people who offer personal support: 1-866-219-9839.  Help them isolate the source
of your problem by doing the other things recommended in this section 1st.

  Try to avoid things that make your game freeze so you have no ability to get
out of the game with the keyboard.  Turning your PC off at the main power button
is bad for your computer, so use the reset button (just below the main power
button on my PC) instead at such times.

  You may have to remove a mod because you made an installation mistake or it's
corrupted due to a faulty download, etc.  My PC has bad reactions to some other-
wise, too, for some reason.  Try getting advice from the creator of the mod,
from GTA Forums web site, etc.  If worse comes to worse, for whatever reason you
may never learn--some unfortunate combination of the mod with some component or
setting of your PC--you may need to just remove it.

  According to the "Read Me" for the game:

  For support please visit:

  If you prefer to contact tech support via e-mail or phone please use the fol-

  For US Support
  Phone: 1-866-405-5464

  For Canadian Support
  Phone: 1-800-269-5721
  Em ail:


  The v.1.01 patch

  The Take 2 Games web site has a patch for "San Andreas" now.

  You might also wnat to follow the posts on the topic at GTA Forums >  GTA Se-
ries > GTA San Andreas > Xbox & PC Chat > PC Patch up...

  You can use your old save games with the patch installed.  It shouldn't create
a problem with txd and dff change mods, but check to see if a trainer or tool is
compatible with v1.01 if you use the patch.

  On the plus side, it helps with DVD streaming, lets vehicles get dirty and
clean, and makes the dance game easier (I'm more concerned to see if "Lowrider
Challenge" is easier).  I noticed my motorcycle turning doesn't lag now, and mo-
torcycle stunts and such are basic to my enjoyment of the game.

  On the negative side, the game often doesn't start for me and a menu that says
"the original disk could not be found or authenticated" appears instead.  A
spokesperson at Take 2 said the cure for that is to uninstall and reinstall the
game without the patch, and that Rockstar doesn't plan to put out another patch
at this time.

  I've kept the patch awhile to see what else I'd see.  When C.J. said "Yes" to
Michelle's invitation to go inside to have some coffee, the game screen, black
with "Downtown" in the lower right corner, froze and I had to use the Device
Manager to get out of it.  Opius, at GTA Forums, explained that the patch makes
the game eact to that by going into an infinite loop instead of loading the ani-
mations and models.  If, instead, it censored the indoor coffee scenes with a
variable at the start of the file, it would let the game show the short scene of
the outside of the house jostling, but that wouldn't be as thorough and would
cause problems for modding the SCM file.

  So if you use the patch, press "N" for "No" when the girlfriend asks if C.J.
wants some coffee or you may need to press your computer's reset button.

  Another glitch I've had with it, which I haven't seen a report of anywhere
else, is that a date with Michelle ended with her giving C.J. a BJ (suggested;
you couldn't see the Johnson Johnson) on the sidewalk.  (Update: Katie did the
same thing.)

  I.2.f  Tweak guides

  Go to the web site, as recommended in the helpful "Tweak
Guide" FAQ for "Half Life 2," PC, by Lefteris Aslanoglou--Leftos--at Gamefaqs.
The last time I checked it was at:

  It makes a good point about the value of going to the Tweak Guides web site:

which features various helpful, informative guides by Koroush Ghazi.

  If you're like me, and have had a glitch or freeze or stuttering frame rate
now and then and couldn't afford to pay dozens of dollars every time you had a
question, it's good to know you're at least using preventative medicine to give
your computer every chance to work as efficiently as it can.  You'll get the
best performance out of it for games and maximize the mileage you'll get out of
that expensive computer hardware.  And if you do need to hire someone, you'll be
more well-informed when you talk to them.

  A couple of such tips I picked up from "The TweakGuides Tweaking Companion"

  Download one of the free software, or freeware, programs it recommends.  Put
"Everest Home Edition freeware" or "Sandra Lite 2005 freeware" in a search en-
gine, download them, and run them.  You can not only find out a lot of informa-
tion about the components of your computer, but get useful tips on what might
work better with a different setting or upgrade.  Sometimes glitches and freezes
are due, at least partly, to poor PC performance--overheating alone can cause
such things.

  If you want to learn more about your components and how they compare to others
at running games, you could put "3D Mark 2005 freeware" in a search engine,
download it, and run it.  It's a popular benchmarking tool that has been used at
various web sites to get test results of new components.

  I especially recommend you make backups and carefully use the advice given in:

  The TweakGuides Tweaking Companion
  ATI Catalyst
  Simple Antialiasing and Anisotropic
  VIA Hyperion FAQ

  It especially focuses on getting good performance out of your PC, and a good
frames per second (fps) rate, etc., for games.  It has special sections for 
"Half Life 2," "Morrowind," "Far Cry," and some others.  And there's a section
on Game Music Extraction. which I notice someone has a question about now and
then on the Gamefaqs message boards.

  Use System Restore (Start, All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, System Re-
store, or Start, Control Panel, Performance and Maintenance, System, System Re-
store) if you screw up and aren't sure how you did it and need to revert to your
old configuration.

  I.2.g  Volume

  If your sound card software is similar to mine (for a Sound Blaster Audigy 2),
you can adjust the volume of the game with your general volume control or the
sound mixer's wav control.  (I once had a glitch that caused the game to get
quiet.  I thought I needed another sound card update download when I stumbled
onto the fact that the Wave slider of the Surround Sound mixer of the card had
gone to the bottom, for some reason.  I just turned it back up.)

  I like to keep a volume control icon in the taskbar in the lower right of my
screen as well.

   After installing an update for the driver, I have to make sure the "Digital
Output Only" box is unchecked for headphones in Speaker Settings, too.  The de-
fault settings make it checked but then I can't hear the sound with my head-

  To use the general Windows way to put a volume icon in your taskbar, go to
Start, Control Panel, Sounds, Speech, and Audio Devices, then use any of these
three choices--Adjust the system volume or Change the speaker settings or Sounds
and Audio Devices--to bring up the Sounds and Audio Devices menu.  Check the box
by "Place volume icon in the taskbar."  You can adjust your system volume from
there, too.

  I.2.h  System requirements

  Minimum System Requirements:

1GHz Intel Pentium III or AMD Athlon Processor
256MB of RAM
8x DVD-ROM Drive
3.6 GB of free Hard Disk space for a minimal install
64MB Video Card with DirectX 9 compatible drivers ("GeForce3" or better)
DirectX 9 compatible Stereo Sound Card
Keyboard and Mouse

  Recommended System Requirements:

Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon XP processor (or better)
384(+) MB of RAM
16x DVD-ROM drive
4.7 GB of free Hard Disk space for a full install
128(+) MB Video Card with DirectX 9 compatible drivers ("GeForce4" or better)
DirectX 9 compatible Surround Sound Card
Game pad with twin axis analog controls (USB or Joystick Port)
Keyboard and Mouse

  Supported operating systems:

Windows 2000 Professional (Workstation) (plus Service Pack 1 or higher) plus
DirectX 9

Windows XP (Home and Professional) (plus Service Pack 1 or higher) plus
DirectX 9

  I.3  How to save games and things to avoid when you do.

  The convenience of copies of your GTA San Andreas User File

  You can save your achievements--Stats--for a number of efforts at the game in
a number of save game slots at the same time.

  It's also good to know your whole set of save game statistics are saved in My
Documents in "GTA San Andreas User Files."

  A very useful gimmick to know is that you can keep multiple copies of it there
(I'd right-click the folders and rename them "Backup of...." or such).

  You can copy the individual file for a save game slot (GTASAsf1.b,
GTASAsf2.b, etc.) that already has a section or 100% of the game done on it.
I'd be sure to save one that already has the weapon, vehicle, and ability Stats
completed.  You might have the Tag spraying and whatever Sub-missions, etc.,
done already, too.

  Here are a couple of important uses for a copy:

  1. If, for whatever reason, you need to reinstall the game, you don't have to
lose your accomplishments.  When you uninstall, it doesn't uninstall the User
Files (including User Tracks tunes) or Skins file, which it leaves for you to
uninstall manually.  So the old User File may serve the new install and not be
replaced by a new one--I'm not sure, considering the glitches that can happen.
To be sure you keep your old statistics, I'd let the new installation create a
new User File by playing the game a little, delete the new User File it creates
in My Documents, then rename "Backup of...." by taking "Backup of...." off the
name.  It may not be necessary to go through that, but it makes me feel a little
more confident that it will work.

  2.  You can save one or more backup copies with parts of the game already done
on them.

  For example, one copy I have has 100% completion in one save game slot and all
the side missions done on another.  This way, I can use it to play around Vice
City with all the benefits that come with 100% completion, or just play the main
story missions.

  Another way you could do it is to create a User File copy that just has your
least favorite side missions, and the missions that give C.J. extra abilities,
done on it.  For example, the vehicle and weapon Stats can be long and tedious
to build up over and over, but you can speed that up a lot with the methods giv-
en in III.5.  You might build them up, use the modification ideas of section
 X.10.b for the Ambulance, Firetruck, and a Vigilante vehicle, do the missions
for them, get all 100 Tags, easy to do with one of the teleporters of section
X.13.a-c, save the game, and copy the save file.  You'll always have the choice
to play the game with all those missions over with and all the abilities and
weapons that come from them to enjoy everything else about the game with.

  To afford yourself even more such choices, you could follow that by making a
copy of that save slot for another save slot and finishing whatever missions you
like the least of the middle of the game.  Make a copy of the User File, etc.

  Rename the copy with two save slots occupied with something at the beginning
like "1 LS Prelim 2 SF prelim" or such which you can remove from the name if you
want to use it.

  Before you use the copy to have everything else about the game to play with,
make another copy of it so you have a spare to use that way later.

  Some advice about saving the game

  When you save your game at one of those floppy disk icons, make sure you have
your full Armor (saving and loading the game restores full Health), the weapons
you'll need (each run through a weapon icon after the 1st adds to the ammo it
has), and the vehicles you'll need saved in your garages, so you're prepared for
whatever you'll need the next time you load the game.

  You can't save during a mission--the cassette icons disappear until you either
pass or fail it.

  Saving the game advances the game clock six hours.  You can use this to pre-
pare the time clock so it's a certain time at a convenient place when you load
the game.  This is handy for making multiple efforts from C.J.'s house for the
Burglary sub-mission, which can be activated at eight p.m. (20:00), for example.

  Saving the game restores all weapon icons, which can be handy in stocking up
on ammunition without doing a lot of traveling between game saving places.

  You can get rid of a wanted level by saving a game, returning to the game,
then loading the last game; I try to do it without saving that, though.

  Don't save your game at Madd Dogg's mansion after "A Home in the Hills."
There was a glitch on PS2 that caused that to corrupt your Stats and make the
basketball disappear from all the courts of San Andreas.

  See "I.12  Glitches" for a download that fixes the basketball glitch.

  Don't save your game after "The End of the Line"--do something else 1st.  Some
PS2 players have reported game Stats corruption, so I'd play it safe for PC and
do something else, too, before saving.

  Try to save just one hard to replace vehicle in any one garage.  Saving more
than one in a garage has been known to make mods and paint jobs, even whole ve-
hicles, disappear.


  I.4  Settings


  I use the Keyboard and Mouse setting.  

  The Joystick choice is similar to the Classic Controls setting of "Vice City":
you don't get mouse steering but you can auto-target by pressing the RMB.  The
number of things you can use auto-target with has been increased for "San An-
dreas."  In the little testing I did with it, it worked for Brass Knuckles,
Chainsaw, a Cane, M4, SMG, Sawnoff Shotgun, and Silenced 9mm.  I mainly use it
as a novelty to hear the pedestrians say things they only say when held up that
way.  GTA's are more like interactive movies than other games, and my favorite
movies don't star robots.  If you use the Joystick setting, you move C.J. with
the keyboard, and can have the "camera" get behind him and look in the same di-
rection as him by pressing Tab.  

  Mouse Settings > Invert Mouse Vertically: I turn this off so when I push the
mouse forward, the view will go down, etc.

  Mouse Settings > Steer With Mouse lets you steer C.J., and both two and four
wheel vehicles, with the mouse.  It doesn't disable the keys you can use, nota-
bly to right a tipping four wheel vehicle or when using a motorcycle for stunts.
Fly With Mouse lets you steer aircraft with the mouse, which I usually don't

  You can add recordings to the My DocumentsGTA San Andreas User FilesUser
Tracks folder, then hear them on a User Tracks radio station in the game.  The
game comes with support for Windows Wave files (WAV) and Ogg Vorbis (OGG) files.
You can also use MP3, WMA, M4A, etc. files if your PC has the right codecs for
them.  (You have them if you have Windows Media Player 9 or above, a recent Ap-
ple Quicktime Player, or a combined CODEC package installed.)

  Audio Setup > Radio EQ On causes the radio to have a different sound quality
depending on what vehicle C.J. drives.

  Audio > Radio Audio Tune causes a vehicle to play the same radio station that
C.J. was listening to in his last vehicle.

  Audio Setup > User Track Options > Play Mode

    Radio  Commercials appear between User Tracks
    Random  User Tracks play without commercials in random order
    Sequential  User Tracks play in alphabetical order

  If you add recordings to the User Tracks folder, have the game scan for them
in order to hear them in the game.  The options for that are:

  Audio Setup > User Track Options > Automatic Media Scan causes the game to
scan for User Tracks each time you load the game.

  Audio Setup > User Track Options > Scan User Tracks lets you choose when to
have the game scan for User Tracks (such as just after adding something to User

  (Note: C.J. looks like he's changing the station when you switch stations.)

  Display Setup > Store Gallery Photos lets you save pictures taken by the Cam-
era in the game to My DocumentsGTA San Andreas User FilesGallery.

  Display Setup > Advanced

  For a better frames per second (fps) rate, you'll have to know your graphics
card and PC capabilities.  The PC Health section may offer some information
that's useful in getting a good performance out of the game in conjunction with
these concerns.  Having a decent fps is so basic to the smooth performance of
the action, I'd start at a low setting and stop at higher ones if they cause
lags, etc., and just try anything higher for a screen shot.  A complete instal-
lation is less likely to have performance troubles, too.

  The options you can adjust accordingly are:

  Draw Distance determines how soon things in the distance appear as you get
near them.  If you have a better PC setup, there are mods that let you increase
this 2, 4, and 10 times beyond the limit offered.

  Frame Limiter  It's 30 frames per second when this is on, which is generally
advised.  Even with a fast machine, turning this off can make for things that
appear after C.J. runs into them and such, which is no fun.

  Visual FX Quality (Low/Medium/High/Very High)  Changes the number and degree
of effects used, such as shadows and how detailed they are.  The shadows of Low
are more like "GTA III" shadows.

  MIP Mapping  This smoothes out differences in textures, such as the distant
parts of roads that don't fully appear till you near them.

  Anti-Aliasing (Modes 1--6).  I typically have my graphics card set to Applica-
tion Preference and use the Anti-Aliasing offered by an individual game.

  Resolution  I've read that it's good to make this the same as you use for your
Desktop to avoid a performance conflict.


  I.5    Stats

  I.5.a  Criminal Rating

    -10,000 to -6,000   Crackhead  Derogatory term like "moron," based on derog-
                                   atory things to call someone who helps fi-
                                   nance organized crime by smoking crack, which
                                   makes you wonder how it got on this side of
                                   the list; rock star not Rockstar; cluckin'
                                   but not at the Bell.
     -5,999 to -4,000   Bitch-made   Misogynist term for either a man who does
                                     what a woman wants him to do or is like a
                                     woman therefore less than a man.
     -3,999 to -2,000   Off-Brand    Not the genuine article; faulty; janky; has
                                     no friends or fashion sense.
     -1,999 to -500     Scandalous   So bad it's liable to cause gossip.
       -499 to -1       Player-hater  One who hates others for having more than
                                      they do, notably out of jealousy for a
                                      playa who has game; someone critical of
                                      the type of playa given for "playa part-
                                      ner"; a Ph'in' c**k blocker.
          0 to 19       Vic       Victimizes others or is a victim.
         20 to 49       Square    Considered boring for not being trendy; a punk
         50 to 74       Civilian  A stranger; it may be derogatory.
         75 to 99       Rat       More derogatory than snitch for someone who
                                  betrays a criminal.
        100 to 119      Snitch      Doesn't keep a criminal's secrets for them
                                    that allow them to get away with the crime;
                                    busta in the sense of crime-buster.
        120 to 149      Dry Snitch  Says something critical or incriminating
                                    about someone intending that someone else
                                    overhears it but pretends it's inadvertent;
                                    may be used about a sexually unresponsive
                                    woman (as if "a" were used instead of "i").
        150 to 199      Transformer     Someone who changes in a negative way:
                                        seems less attractive up close, changes
                                        fashion too often, etc.
        200 to 239      Punk-ass Bitch  Misogynist derogatory term for a man,
                                        like "pu**y" combined with "punk."
        240 to 269      Sucka           Generic derogatory term; a hoo rider
                                        mark; a hoe cake.
        270 to 299      Poot Butt  A stupid, lazy person, often said with "moth-
                                   erfu**er," probably because it sounds silly
                                   by itself.
        300 to 329      Buster  A youngster trying to be a gangster; generic de-
                                rogatory term like "fool"; busta; a phoney that
                                doesn't deserve respect; seems to have nothing
                                to do with the actual Keaton.
        330 to 369      Mark    Busta.
        370 to 399      Chump   Busta, possibly fooled by something.
        400 to 449      Trick                 A woman who's a tease, a whore;
                                              a man who's a client of a whore;
                                              something a whore does to her
        450 to 499      Red-headed Stepchild  Someone who doesn't fit in, possi-
                                              bly bullied.
        500 to 549      Peon        Like "peasant" is meant when used conde-
                                    scendingly as an insult; a person of low
        550 to 599      Pee-Wee     A young gangster; a small pe*is; $5 of
        600 to 609      Prankster   A buster gangster.
        610 to 649      Fool        Someone who lacks intelligent judgement.
        650 to 699      Street Cat  Urban (possibly poor)/underground/hip-hop/
                                    gangster culture-oriented person.
        700 to 849      Thug    Generally a brutal criminal (not simply someone
                                who's gone through struggles as when meant in
                                the Tupac Shakur sense).
        850 to 999      Hustler        In this context probably not just some-
                                       one who's energetically ambitious but one
                                       who will scam and cheat people to obtain
      1,000 to 1,049    Playa Partner  A sexual partner or friend of a guy who
                                       tries to con a lot of women to have sex
                                       with him; the more his range of influ-
                                       ence, the greater his "game," therefore
                                       respect among those so inclined to re-
                                       spect that.
      1,150 to 1,299    Mack         A playa in the sense of "playboy"; in this
                                     context, probably even a pimp.
      1,300 to 1,499    Pimp           Hustles patrons for whores aka ho's.
      1,500 to 1,699    Crime Partner  The friend or sex partner of someone who
                                       commits offenses against the law and/or
      1,700 to 1,999    Homeboy    Homie; folkie; friend
      2,000 to 2,099    Homie      Homeboy; homeslice; friend
      2,100 to 2,299    Road Dawg  A loyal friend whether in or out of prison; a
                                   woman who's become less attractive with age:
                                   a d-dub-a.
      2,300 to 2,499    Hoodsta   A term originated on the W coast for someone
                                  from the 'hood, probably in a gang.
      2,500 to 2,749    Hard-ass  A tough person; in this context, probably one
                                  who picks on others and starts fights to show
                                  off for whoever is stupid enough to admire
      2,750 to 2,999    Banger  In this context, probably a gang banger; mari-
                                juana; cocaine in Dublin, according to one
      3,000 to 3,499    Li'l G  A little gangsta/gangster/criminal, in this var-
                                iation often accompanied by crimes against lan-
                                guage, or at least spelling; a buster.
      3,500 to 3,999    Loc     Someone who shows a love of crips; a crip (com-
                                munity restoration in progress) was originally a
                                member of a gang in LA that wanted to eliminate
                                crime in their neighborhood; ironically, the
                                crips became gangsters themselves; a local per-
                                son or a crazy loco person or both.
      4,000 to 4,999    Jacker  Thief, especially a carjacker.  In a multi-play-
                                er video game, they shoot someone who was al-
                                ready shot and claim credit for the kill.
      5,000 to 7,499    Shooter      Gangsta term of brotherhood for another;
                                     the gambler who is rolling the dice at the
                                     craps table.
      7,500 to 9,999    Foot Soldier Standard initial rank of a gang member; in-
                                     fantry gangster.
     10,000 to 19,999   Hoo-Rider    An annoying person or Mrs. Pete Townsend.
     20,000 to 29,999   Soldier      A gangster (in this context, not just some-
                                     one who fights through rough times).
     30,000 to 39,999   Hawg         Acronym for Heterosexual Aging White Guy
                                     (how'd I get up this high on this list?
     40,000 to 49,999   Gangsta      Criminal.
     50,000 to 69,999   Ghetto Star  A popular gangsta.
     60,000 to 79,999   Monster      A very successful threatening force,
                                     considered crazy; a socially misunderstood
                                     person who meant well but became ostracized
                                     and violent in a sensitive performance by
                                     Boris Karloff.
     80,000 to 99,999   Big Homie  A well-respected homeboy; A friend character-
                                   ized by the acronym for Business Instead of
                                   Games (Notorious Big--rapper).
    100,000 to 149,999  Boss Hawg    Someone that's extremely selfish with their
                                     money; a feisty, chubby guy in a TV show I
                                     didn't see.
    150,000 to 199,999  Shot Caller  Someone who gives orders.
    200,000 to 299,999  OG           An original gangster--what a gangsta is
                                     considered if they shoot someone.  Then
                                     they're no longer a BG--a baby gangster.
    300,000 to 374,999  High Roller          Someone who wagers large sums of
                                             money at the casino.
    375,000 to 499,999  Four-Star General    The leader of a gang; Patton.
    500,000 to 999,999  Godfather            An organized crime leader; an ori-
                                             ginator of extreme motorcycle
                                             stunts; James Brown.
  1,000,000 and above   King of San Andreas  A GTA Master of all they survey.

  Destroying a helicopter or plane adds 30 points, getting busted or wasted sub-
tracts 3 points, and using a cheat subtracts 10 points.

  Similar to the "Vice City" method of blowing up a handful of Sparrows over and
over at the Hyman Condo roof and garage, the fastest way to reach Godfather in
"San Andreas" is to blow up a handful of planes in a hanger at Verdant Meadows
over and over.

  (Note: I haven't double checked yet to see if the way the game adds and sub-
tracts points is as varied and glitchy as for "Vice City.")

  Thanks to The Great Onion Kid and GTADomain, blaze888888, diego siles, and
others for the list given at:

  For definitions, thanks to

  I.5.b  Health in relationship to Stats

  Health isn't given in the Stats, just the heads up display (HUD), but if you
use up C.J.'s Muscle and Fat, he can lose Health till he dies.

  C.J. looks thin with about 1/6th Fat and a tiny amount of Muscle after "Sweet
and Kendl," which is the 1st time you can save the game.  All that's available
to eat are snacks and soft drinks (such as in front of the bar a block to the W
of the Johnson house).  The Fat burns off slowly, so you can replenish it with
those, keep his red Health bar full, and build up his other Stats.

  But his Health can be diminished quickly and C.J. can die after some confron-
tations with traffic or the bullets of policemen and rival gangsters, and snack
and soft drink vending machines aren't shown on the radar or in-game map.  So
I'd play the next mission, "Ryder," after which the restaurants open, to give
him various places shown on the radar and in-game map to get the fuel to replen-
ish his Health.  He'll get stronger while more quickly doing the various prelim-
inary things that increase his weapon and vehicle skills.  Once he develops some
muscle, he can get stronger even faster using the outdoor gym at Verona Beach
(the indoor ones open up after "Drive Thru").

  (After doing the preliminaries, I'd make a copy of my save game, in case I
want to play it again with all that work already done.  I can always start a new
game if I want to see the 1st few main missions, which don't require C.J. to
have any special skills.)

  Keep C.J. healthy by feeding him every day or two and protecting him from in-
jury, including by using Armor.  There's an Armor icon under the W side of the
bridge that's a bit N along the big drainage ditch E of the Johnson house.  The
amount of Armor C.J. has is given in the HUD and in the Player Stats.

  The Paramedic mission gives you a fast way to increase C.J.'s maximum Health
Stat potential.

  The hooker gimmick works like it did in the previous couple of GTA's.  If C.J.
drives one of most of the four-wheel vehicles by a hooker, and she asks if C.J.
wants a good time, press "Y" for "Yes," and she'll get into the vehicle.  Park
somewhere secluded that raises green, brown, or gray stuff from the rear wheels
while C.J. drives.  The vehicle rocking lasts about 15 seconds (a little over 15
minutes in real time), during which time she charges $28 while C.J.'s Health
goes up a little.  After the Pimping mission, she pays him for it.


  One hooker asks, "Did somebody say 'milkshake'?"


  1. The qualities a sh*t woman uses to attract men; whether her body, person-
ality, face, money etc. Kelis said it means "whatever you do well." on MTV. "My
milkshake brings all the boys to the yard" -- Kelis featuring Pharrell, Pusha T
(Milkshake (Remix)) [1] (
  2. The female version of pimp juice
  3. Women's vaginal secretion
  4. To Give Head (Fe**atio)
  5. a girls c*m


  The 1st time C.J. enters an Ambulance his Health goes up a little bit, too.

  Changes in Stats are shown in the upper left corner of the screen.  The Mus-
cle, etc., Stats, and Stat for an upgradable weapon, if C.J. is equipped with
one, can be seen in the lower left of the screen by pressing Tab.  All the Stats
can be seen in the menu by pressing Esc and clicking Stats.

  I.5.c  Player--Muscle and Fat Stats

  Basically, you keep a little Fat there for C.J. to burn off instead of burning
off Muscle--I fill about 1/4th to 1/3rd of the Fat bar--and to keep C.J. from
getting so flabby that he doesn't run as athletically.  If both of those Stats
are depleted, C.J. will lose Health and die.  But Fat burns off slowly, so it's
easy to keep enough in the Fat Stat.

  Take 2 recommends having C.J. eat once a day to avoid the glitch that appears
late in the game that doesn't let him work out at the gym at all (not to be con-
fused with C.J. reaching a limit of development so not being able to use the gym
for 12 hours).

  Once the restaurants open, after "Ryder," have him eat non-salad meals for
Fat--the bigger the meal, the more the Fat.

  If he has about 1/4th to 1/3rd Fat, enough so he can get around and burn it
off instead of Muscle and not be flabby, you can give C.J. a meal every day or
two, and keep his Health bar full, with salad meals, snacks, and soft drinks,

  Have him go running, swimming, or cycling to convert Fat to Muscle (and in-
crease his Stamina).

  Once he gets to the Buff stage, the game says he's allowed to use gyms, but
the indoor gym equipment is unavailable because the indoor gyms don't have yel-
low entrance lights in front of the doors until "Drive-Thru."  Before that, the
fastest way is to have him lose fat is to use the stationary bike of the outdoor
gym at Verona Beach.

  (You could give him 11 meals in a row to make him throw up and he'll lose a
lot of Fat, too, if not gain Muscle or Stamina.)

  To have him use the dumbbells and bench press weights at the Verona Beach gym,
quickly alternate presses of Left Shift and the LMB.  He'll develop even more
muscle, which mainly improves the strength of his melee attacks and shows in his
appearance--it's 20% of his Sex Appeal Stat.

  (Note: I remap Left Shift and Spacebar to each do what the other normally does
to make the controls like the ones for "Vice City.")

  The fastest way to raise these Stats is at III.5   Maximum Stats of all kinds
in one sitting.

  I.5.d  Player--Stamina and Lung Capacity Stats

  Stamina is, with Muscle and Lung Capacity, another health Stat you want to in-
crease to maximum strength.  It's like doing the "Vice City" Paramedic mission
for the infinite run has been replaced with a busier infinite run aspect--C.J.'s
ability at biking fast, swimming fast, and running for a longer time is improved
by having him do one or more of them.  Like the infinite run, it doesn't dimin-
ish, and it's good to build it up early in the game.

  The bigger the Lung Capacity Stat, the longer C.J. can swim underwater.  It's
increased by having him swim underwater till his air bar gets low then surface.
C.J. is the only one in the game who can swim.

  The fastest way to raise these Stats is at III.5   Maximum Stats of all kinds
in one sitting.

  I.5.e  Player--Respect and Sex Appeal Stats


  Running Respect:          40%
  Mission advancement:      36%
  Territories owned:         6%
  Amount of money:           6%
  Muscle (physical fitness): 4%
  Progress with girlfriend:  4%
  Appearance:                4%

  Running Respect:

  Killing a drug dealer:             +.005%
  Killing a rival gang member:       +.5%
  Killing one of your gang members:  –.0005%
  One of your gang members dies:    –2%
  Territory won:                   +30% (a major part of the final Los Santos
                                         section of the game)
  Territory lost:                   –3%

  Thanks to the Brady guide for those figures.  (How do they figure out numbers
like -.0005%?  There must be some way of testing the programming to do that.)

  The main way C.J. can increase his Respect Stat is by killing lots of rival
gang members and recruiting Grove Street Family gang members to help him, then
by taking over rival gang territories.  (Taking over rival gang territories is
possible after "Doberman," but C.J. loses any he gains in Los Santos when he 1st
leaves it.)  It can also be increased by having C.J. be healthy, spray the 100
Tags, and use the better vehicles, clothes, haircuts, and tattoos.

  Sex Appeal can be increased by keeping C.J. muscular and having him use the
better vehicles, clothes, haircuts, and tattoos.  Clothes and the better vehi-
cles seem to be the most important, and they're 1st covered in the "Prelimi-
naries for Los Santos" section.  Later in the game, Sex Appeal can be increased
by having him succeed with dates, too, which is made easier by the Sex Appeal
increase in having C.J. find all the Oysters 1st.

  I.5.f  Player--vehicle Stats

    The more C.J. uses a type of vehicle--car, bicycle, motorcycle, or air-
craft--the higher the Stat for that type till the Stat is maxed out and the type
of vehicle gets the easiest handling it will get in the game.

   The fastest way to raise them is at III.5   Maximum Stats of all kinds in one

  I.5.g  Player--Pilot Ranking

  The rankings are the same as in "Vice City" with a lot more aircraft to climb
the list with.  The "Vice City" glitch that causes the Stats to consider you an
"Ace" too soon is back.  Most importantly, the little Dodo is back.  Awwwr!--
the little one....

   Pilot ranking

   0:00 to 0:04   No Ranking
   0:05 to 0:09   Flyboy
   0:10 to 0:19   Aircraftman
   0:20 to 0:29   Pilot Officer
   0:30 to 0:59   Corporal
   1:00 to 1:29   Lieutenant
   1:30 to 1:59   Sergeant
   2:00 to 2:29   Captain
   2:30 to 2:59   Biggs
   3:00 to 3:29   Wedge
   3:30 to 3:59   Red Baron
   4:00 to 4:29   Goose
   4:30 to 4:59   Viper
   5:00 to 5:59   Jester
   6:00 to 6:59   Chappy
   7:00 to 7:59   Iceman
   8:00 to 8:59   Maverick
   9:00 to 9:59   Noops
  10:00 to 10:59  Air Chief Marshal
  20:00 to 30:00  Ace

  See "Glenster's Guide to Some of Vice City" for more about the rankings.

  Flight time is given in Achievements.

  I.5.h  Player--Gambling and Luck Stats

  At 1st, the only gambling C.J. did in Los Santos was bet on the horses at In-
side Track (which doesn't have a limit on the amount wagered), and I just saved
the game when he won (about one out of five times) till he was a millionaire.
Otherwise, I tried having him use the horse race machine over and over for ten
minutes to see if he seemed to win more often, and he didn't.

  But I noticed C.J.'s Luck go to 1,000 after he found all 50 Horseshoes, and I
saw his Gambling Stat rise once he could play Blackjack, Roulette, and Wheel of
Fortune in Las Venturas.  Then, according to the BradyGames Guide, the higher
his Gambling Stat, the more money he can borrow against from a Las Venturas ca-
sino, therefore bet in one when he's poor.

  Since Luck in gambling can be increased by collecting all 50 Horseshoes in Las
Venturas, and the Gambling Stat can be increased by those several ways to gamble
there, you might not worry yourself about it till after that.

  I tell you the truth, if I wanted to play card games, I'd have used the ones
that come with Windows XP, and I didn't.  I can't see buying the Crossfire cards
and everything for a card game or the video version of the lottery tickets at
the convenience store.  Now a pinball game in the bars--that could get me going
a little bit.  A Pro Pinball game might be a lot of megabytes for one aspect of
a bar in a GTA game, but maybe a decent one wouldn't have to be very big.  GTA
could do it up good with sound effects and voices--maybe having the ball get a
Unique Jump cinematic as it goes over a ramp.

  I.5.i  Weapons

  C.J. can improve the weapon Stats certain weapons have by shooting rival gang-
sters or law enforcers.  Shooting the gangsters creates less of a problem with
getting rid of wanted ratings.  Likewise, he can improve his various vehicle
Stats by using the vehicles.  These are covered more in the "Preliminaries for
Los Santos" section.

  The fastest way to raise them is at  III.5   Maximum Stats of all kinds in one

  I.5.j  Crimes--Total number of wanted stars attained and evaded

    Total number of wanted stars attained and evaded

    They were nearly the same number for me while C.J. built his Stats and only
did a few missions, and he hadn't been busted.  I think the ones attained yet
not evaded in this GTA may just refer to wanted stars attained during missions
and erased by completing those missions.

  I.5.k  Crimes--Criminals wasted

    Criminals wasted refers to times C.J. killed criminals, which includes four
drug dealers (see III.11  Kill Criminals).

  The criminals listed in datapeds.ide are BMYCG, BMYCR, HMYCM, HMYCR,

  BMYCG   black guy, hospital mask over mouth, dark brimless cap, dark gray jer-
sey with white short sleeves, gray pants, white shoes.

  BMYCR   black guy, a bit unshaven, silver chain, light and dark vertical
striped short sleeve shirt, green-gray calf-high pants, white sneakers.

  HMYCM   white guy, hospital mask over mouth, dark gray shorts with a red band
at the end of each leg, brown and black slippers.

  HMYCR   Hispanic guy, short hair, Fu Manchu mustache, cross chain, white jer-
sey, mostly gray plaid shirt only buttoned at top, light gray pants, black and
white shoes.

  SBMYCR  black guy, bit unshaven, dark shades, white baggy cap like nurses
wear, white jersey with blue unbuttoned shirt, light gray green pants, white

  SHMYCR  Hispanic guy, dark pompadour, pink long sleeve shirt, gold watch, gray
pants, brown and black shoes.

  SWMYCR  Asian guy, short dark hair, green short sleeve jersey over black long
sleeve jersey, blue jeans, light and dark gray shoes.

  VBMYCR  black guy, a bit unshaven, short hair w/dreads in back, mostly gray
plaid jacket, gray pants and shoes.

  VHMYCR  Asian guy, short hair, short mustache and beard, horizontal black and
white striped jersey, blue jeans, gray and black shoes.

  VWMYCR  white guy, tall spiky brown mullet, bit unshaven, gray jersey w/red on
chest and "ox" below, sleeveless jacket vest, torn blue jeans, high tied boots.

  WMYCR   white guy, short brown hair combed straight back, light beard, silver
chain, black jersey, black leather vest, light brown pants to above the ankle,
gray shoes.

  WFYCRK  white woman, hospital mask over mouth, white "X" taped on nipples,
white thong bikini bottom, black and see-through gray shoes.

  MAFFA   white chunky guy, black jersey/suit/shoes.

  MAFFB   white chunky guy, bald with brown mustache, gray jersey with dark gray
horizontal stripes, brown-gray jacket, pale gray pants, brown shoes.

  MAFFBOSS  white guy, short dark hair and goatee, pale pink-peach shirt with a
white collar, gray suit with a white handkerchief in the pocket, black shoes.

  BIKDRUG  white guy, light brown short mustache and beard, black headband and
bracelet, tattoos on arms, white muscle shirt with a black leather vest, calf-
high gray pants, gray shoes.

  BMYDRUG  black guy, short goatee, black muscle t-shirt, brimless black cap,
silver chain and bracelet, gray pants, black and white shoes, often has his
hands folded before him.

  HMYDRUG  Hispanic guy, dark shades, goatee, cross chain, gray muscle shirt,
dark gray pants, red-gray bandana, tattoos on arms.

  WMYDRUG  white guy with a smirk, gray Rockstar hoody pulled up over his head,
dark baseball cap, blue jeans, white sneakers, often has his hands folded
before him.

  To view them, use one of the methods given at X.8  Skin viewing and editing.

  See I.8.b for the vehicles they drive.

  Strangely, the pimp, BMYPIMP (black guy, light gray hat, brown fur coat, light
blue or reflecting blue? shades, gray jacket, white shirt, red tie, black pants,
gray shoes), isn't given a criminal status like the pimp in bold red and black
in "Vice City."  And, as before, the prostitutes and gang members aren't given a
criminal status, either, I guess just because the lead character interacts dif-
ferently with them.

  I.5.l  Crimes--Gang members wasted

  The Gang members wasted by C.J. can belong to one of eight gangs.  According
to datapeds.ide and pedgrp.ide, they are: the Ballas, the Grove Street Family,
the Los Santos Vagos, the San Fierro Rifa, the De Nang Boys, the Italian Mafia,
the Triads, and the Varrio Los Aztecas.  See I.8.b for the vehicles they drive.

  I.5.m  Crimes--Cost of property damaged

  The costs of vehicles in column d of datahandling.cfg go toward calculating
this.  (Thanks to Ben "Cerbera" Millard.)

  I.5.n  Gangs

    The size of the three biggest gangs is given in the order of the number of
territories held by each.

  I.5.o  Achievements--Flight time

  Flight time in "San Andreas" is created by how long you fly both planes and


  I.6.a  Some distinctions between the PC and PS2 versions

  The PS2 version comes out 1st.

  The graphics aren't diminished for the PC version.

  A good article about it, and refinements made to GTA since "Vice City," is an
interview with a few of the developers--Obbe Vermeij, John Whyte, and Chris
Rothwell--which can be found at the Gamespot web site:

  In the PC version, you can put WAV or OGG (Ogg Vorbis) files (with the correct
CODECs installed, also MP3, WMA, M4A, etc., files)--to save space, put shortcut
icons--in My Documents/GTA San Andreas User Files/User Tracks for your own radio
station.  In the Play Mode section, you can choose "Radio" to have the game play
them with the commercials, etc., provided to make it seem like another of the
stations of the game.  Otherwise, "Sequential" plays them in alphabetical order
and "Random" plays them in a random order.

  To have them play on the radio station, run "Scan User Tracks" 1st in "Audio

  Automatic Media Scan will make the radio start with the 1st track after the
game loads.

  In the PC version, you can use or make mods for the game, including changing
various attributes of the vehicles in datahandling.cfg. to make certain mis-
sions easier (see X.10.a-h), changing dataar_stats.dat to make Stat building as
fast as you like (see III.5), and, if you have the original version, activating
the Hot Coffee sex game there have been over-reactions about (see X.9.a).  You
can use a teleporter to make Tag, etc., gathering, and visits to Liberty City,
etc., as fast as you like (see X.13.a-c).

  The PS2 two player mini-games have been dropped for the PC version.  The PC
version has an online multi-player mod.
  And jarjar at GTA Forums mod showroom is developing a mod you can try that
lets you play the PS2 two player games (as one player) on PC:

  The moon stays full and doesn't go through phases as pre-release information
said it would (I don't think it goes through phases for PS2, either).

  The PS2 method of raising C.J.'s weapon Stats quicker by having him shoot at a
tire doesn't work for PC.  Again, see III.5 for a way to  make any Stat climb as
fast as you like on PC.

  The basketballs appear at the start of the PS2 version but don't appear in the
PC version till after "Tagging Up Turf."

  The PS2 Chiliad Challenge gimmick--have C.J. equip a parachute, start the
Challenge, jump off the ramp by the flag, bail a second later and open the para-
chute, and soon C.J. is morphed to the bike with the parachute attached and open
above him--doesn't work for PC.

  Shady Industries in has been renamed Solaris Industries.  (I'm guessing an ac-
tual Shady Industries didn't like the association with Avery Carrington's Shady
Acres, etc., in "Vice City.")  Some Benson trucks still say "Shady Industries,"
though.  (Thanks to PresidentKiller at GTA Forums.)

  The PS2 Los Santos Cluckin' Bell that wasn't noted on the in-game map is
noted on it in the PC version, and the PS2 Las Venturas Pay 'n' Spray (on the S
end of the littlest square block between Royale Casino and Pilgrim)  that
wasn't noted on the in-game map but worked isn't noted on the in-game map and
doesn't work for the PC version.

  On PS2, the cars get dirty and you can clean them by using a save garage, Pay
'n' Spray, or by driving in the rain.  In the original PC version, they just
stayed however dirty they were.  The car washes weren't functional for anybody.
(There is a mod for the PC version that keeps the dirt off, though: X.13.e  The
No Rust mod.)  The v 1.01 patch (I.2.e) lets you clean the cars on PC.

  One thing that was different about the PC version of "Vice City"--that the
pedestrians taken hostage in jacked vehicles were rarely heard to make funny 
screams as they did on PS2--has been fixed for the PC "San Andreas."  An easy
way to test it is to have C.J. jack a Hotdog van with a vendor in the back. 

  I.6.b  Adapters for PS2 and Xbox controllers  

  If you want to use an adapter that lets you use your PS2 or Xbox controls for
PC, Gamespy, Aug., 2005, recommended these USB adapters, about $12 each, you can
plug them into:
  SmartJoy PLUS - PlayStation 2-USB adapter 
  SmartJoy X - Xbox-USB adapter

  You might also want to see this message board about the San Andreas Advanced


  I.7  Controls

  Esc  Pause game and go to the menu

  F1   Instant Replay
  F2   Save replay (press at the end of the replay)
  F3   Play back last saved replay.  Only one replay can be saved at a time un-
less you want to rename the files for them.  If you want to do save videos of
the game, it would be easier to download FRAPS.

  I'd like it if someone made a mod to give "San Andreas" the "Vice City"-type
instant replay with slow motion and a variety of "camera" angles.

  Prt Scr  see X.15 for how to use Prt Scr, etc., to make screenshots.

  To have a longer look at onscreen instructions or dialogue, press Esc and go
to Brief.  You can go back through earlier instructions and dialogue by pressing
Up and go forward through them with Down.

  If you leave the controls alone, the HUD will disappear and the "camera" will
act like a hand held camera operator is getting bored from inactivity and will
zoom in on and back from this and that activity.


  I.7.a  Foot Controls


  Note: I remap Spacebar and Left Shift so each does the job of the other--Jump
is Spacebar and Run is Left Shift--so it's more like "Vice City."


  W                     Forward
  S                     Backwards
  Mouse Steering or A   Left
  Mouse Steering or D   Right

  You can turn the "camera" with the mouse so to face C.J., then press S to keep
him going in the same direction in the scenery yet now towards you and the cam-
era; a similar thing can be done with A and D.

  W,S,A, and D can also be used for the dance game, and A and D can be used to
    go through the food selection at a restaurant.

  Get a rhythm going and tap W,S,,A, or D on the beat, sometimes in the same di-
rection for pairs of beats, to give C.J. a little dance move paradiddle you can
throw in now and then, like when C.J. sings, for some snazz.

  Mouse   Look anywhere, though you need to move C.J. to look directly up or
            down.  When standing still, C.J. doesn't swivel as you move the
            mouse as Tommy Vercetti or Claude Speed did.  You get a greater va-
            riety of views of him that way, but it makes aiming him busier.
            While he faces in one direction, you can look in another with the
            Mouse; if you want to face him in the new direction, press W,S,A, or
            D as needed.  I usually press W, which makes him go in the direction
            the Mouse is pointed, to turn him.

  F or Enter (Return)  Enter or get on a vehicle, buy a soft drink or snack, end
                       a transaction at a restaurant or barber shop, etc., have
                       C.J. spend $100 for, or quit watching, a lap dance, have
                       C.J. let go of something he's hanging from, and skip a
                       cut scene.

  The camera swirl after C.J. leaves a vehicle can be disorienting for a moment.
When that happens, you may speed things up by pressing W to turn him in the di-
rection you want him to go, then W again to continue.

  If two choices are near when you press F, C.J. goes in the direction of the
vehicle or vending machine he's pointed toward.


  Left Shift   Sprint (I remap it from Spacebar) when added to W.  The sprint 
                 lasts longer as C.J. gets stronger, as does the faster sprint
                 created by pressing it quickly and repeatedly.  It's also used
                 to buy food at a restaurant, preview or buy a haircut, etc.

  Spacebar     Jump, grab something to climb, or climb something (I remap it
                 from Left Shift).


  Left Alt    Walk

  C           Crouch; use W,S,A, and D to have C.J. move while crouching, and
                tap one of them repeatedly to have C.J. do it slowly.  It can
                help C.J. sneak up on enemies.

  C and hold the RMB   C.J. crouches and takes aim with a handgun, submachine
                         gun, shotgun, or rifle.  Crouching can help C.J. fire
                         one of them with more accuracy.  If you press A or D,
                         he rolls left or right and takes aim again.  If C.J.
                         is crouching with a Knife and you target someone with
                         the RMB, C.J. prepares for a stealth kill he'll execute
                         if you press the LMB.

  Tab or     View player health and weapon Stats, answer a cell phone, give a
                 gift to or kiss a girlfriend (awwwr!), and use the weapon of
                 the icon C.J. is standing in to replace the weapon currently
                 in that slot.

  LMB         Fire, punch, hit with a melee weapon, throw, spray paint, deploy a
                parachute while C.J. is falling, change the "camera" view of a
                lap dance, and take a snap shot.  As in "Vice City," you can
                hold it down to keep a Chainsaw revved up and pointed forward,
                then move C.J. around with W,S,A,D, and Spacebar to create fast
                Chainsaw attacks.

  RMB or Caps Lock  Aim Weapon, bring up the scope of a Sniper Rifle, Rocket
                      Launcher, or Heat-Seeking Rocket Launcher so it can be
                      aimed and fired.  In the case of a Heat-Seeking Rocket
                      Launcher, it also makes a green reticle appear over the
                      target, and the green turns to red as the system locks on-
                      to the target.

                        It also makes an arrow point down at someone's head.
                      The color of the arrow indicates their health.  It turns
                      from green to red to black and disappears as they weaken
                      and die.  It also creates the potential for C.J. to see if
                      they can be recruited into his gang (see below).

  RMB or Caps Lock,
    and G or H      When you press the RMB or Caps Lock while pointing C.J. at
                      someone to make a green, etc., arrow point down at their
                      head, and you want C.J. to recruit them for a gang, you
                      can press G, and, if they're of a group C.J. can recruit
                      from and C.J. has enough Respect, they'll follow him as a
                      gang member, including into a vehicle, and attack opposing
                      gang members.  (They're like more aggressive versions of
                      the bodyguards at the end of "Vice City").  The more Re-
                      spect C.J. has, the more he can enlist.

                      Press G to draw them to C.J. if they run away, and press H
                        to have them wait in place (I remember the keys by
                        thinking of "G" for "Gang" and "H" for "Hang back").  If
                        you want one to leave the group, such as when their
                        health gets low, make the arrow appear over them and
                        press H.  To disband the whole group, hold H or have
                        C.J. go far away from them.

                      After recruiting a gang member, you can switch to Camera
                        and the gang member will offer to take C.J.'s photo.
                        Press Tab to accept, Tab to have the picture taken, and
                        F or Enter to have them return the Camera.

  E or Mouse Wheel Down   Next weapon/Target
  Q or Mouse Wheel Up     Previous Weapon/Target

  X or Mouse Wheel Up     Zoom In
  Z or Mouse Wheel Down   Zoom Out

  Y  Conversation "Yes"
  N  Conversation "No"

  V              View: you can pick one of several distances for a 3rd person
                   view that mainly follows C.J. from behind.

  NP1 or MMB   Look Behind


  I.7.aa  Climbing trees

  C.J. can walk up sloped trees, too, like Tommy Vercetti could in "Vice City."
One tall one is at the N side of the swamp in Back O Beyond.  He can jump from
the ground into those trees on square boxes on the sidewalks, too, if you have
him jump from beyond a corner of the base at the highest of the bottom limbs.
If he jumps on a vehicle 1st, about a vehicle hood distance from the next to the
lowest limb with his head in or by the leaves, sometimes he climbs up into the
same trees.


  I.7.b  Initial fight moves Controls

  Hold the RMB and press the LMB          Advances with left and right jabs

  Hold the RMB and press F                Advances with Right jabs
                                            and right kicks

  Hold the RMB and W
    and press the LMB                     Advances at a trot with right jabs


  Note: I remap Left Shift and Spacebar for Foot Controls so each does the job
of the other.


  Hold the RMB, W, and Left Shift,
    and press the LMB                     Runs with right jabs

  Hold the RMB and press Spacebar         Blocks with both arms; this can also
                                             be done while C.J. trots or runs

  See the several gym sections for moves C.J. learns later.


  I.7.c  Swimming Controls

  No key          Tread water; if underwater, slowly rise to the surface
  W               Swim forward with a breast stroke
  Mouse Steering  Turn


  Note: I remap Left Shift and Spacebar for Foot Controls so each does the
job of the other.

  Left Shift      Swim forward fast with a crawl;
                    press it quickly and repeatedly to have C.J. swim faster

  Spacebar        Jump till the water is about knee high; climb out of water


  W then add LMB        Dive underwater

  W then add LMB (dive),
  then hold Left Shift  Swim underwater

  Once he's underwater, you just need Left Shift, with Mouse Steering, to have
him keep swimming there.  Press Left Shift quickly and repeatedly to have C.J.
swim faster.

  Mind the breath meter, and notice that most of the marine life swims away if
C.J. gets close to them--the way they react to people in real life.

  (You might try the Joypad option, which you can't use mouse steering for, to
see what swimming looks like with it.  When C.J. is underwater, hold down Left
Shift and alternate between W and S, and C.J. goes forward by waving up and down
like a fish.  Turning strokes, with A or D, look more active, too.) 


  I.7.d  Vehicle Controls

  Note: I remap Horn from Caps Lock or H to Left Shift to be like my setup for
"Vice City."

  I.7.e  Four-Wheel vehicle Controls

  Note for all non-flying vehicles:
  turn on STEER WITH MOUSE in the OPTIONS menu.

  W           Accelerate
  S           Reverse; activates rear lights

  Mouse Steering or A         Left
  Mouse Steering or D         Right

  A and D can also be used to correct the tipping of a vehicle, which can be
    easier if you do it while accelerating.

  Spacebar    Brake
  Q           Look or aim left
  E           Look or aim right
  Q and E
    or MMB    Look behind
  LMB         Fire
  RMB         Look all around using the mouse; auto-aim for Rhino cannon
  F or Enter  Exit a vehicle


  Left Shift (I remap it from Caps Lock or H)   

  Horn; Mr. Whoopee jingle; Taxi or Cabbie Boost Jump after delivering 50 fares;
    siren and flashing lights for emergency and law enforcement vehicles.


    or 2    Sub-mission
  Y         Trip Skip: it lets you skip some passages
              to get back to the start of certain missions

  V         Change "Camera" View;
              while using Cinematic View--the variety of views--
              you can select from among the views it has with NP4
  NP4       The scene revolves clockwise
  NP6       The scene revolves counter-clockwise

  F5                User Track Skip--skip a song on the User Track radio station
  Mouse Wheel Up
    or 4            Next Radio Station
  Mouse Wheel Down
    or R            Previous Radio Station

  Left Ctrl
    or NP0  Nitro Boost--available for certain vehicles at mod shops
                         and for Taxis and Cabbies after delivering 50 fares

  Tow Truck hook, Fork Lift fork, Dozer scoop, Dumper bed, Tractor hitch, and
Packer ramp:

  NP2    Raise
  NP8    Lower

  Back a Linerunner, Tanker, or Roadtrain to a trailer, or a Baggage or Tug to
an airport cart or tall mobile set of steps, to hitch it.  To unhitch it, jack-
knife the combo or run the front of the back part into something.
  The Forklift, Dozer, and Combine Harvester are steered by turning the rear
wheels, which makes the vehicle steer in the opposite direction than the one
you're used to.  If you want to change that, see X.10.b under "...miscellaneous
jazz" for how to change column ag in the datahandling.cfg file with Ben "Cer-
bera" Millard's FlagStudio.


  NP4         Bounce left
  NP6         Bounce right
  NP2         Bounce forward
  NP8         Bounce backward
  NP+         All four wheels bounce
  Left Shift  Raise or lower all four wheels


  I.7.f  Motorcycle or Bicycle Controls

  W  Accelerate; for a bicycle, press it repeatedly and quickly
       to have C.J. stand and pump the pedals to go faster

  S                Reverse the front wheel on a bicycle;
                   Reverse the rear wheel on a motorcycle
  Spacebar         Brake rear wheel
  Spacebar and S   Stronger braking by adding a bit of reverse

  Mouse steering or A   Left
  Mouse Steering or D   Right

  It's easier for me to do stunts or a forward drive-by if I leave Mouse Steer-
ing alone and use my right hand for the Up, Down, and either Fire button.


  Left Shift     Motorcycle horn or bicycle bell
                   (I remap it from Caps Lock or H)

  F or Enter     Get off the motorcycle or bicycle

  NP0 or
    Left Ctrl    C.J. prepares to Bunny Hop on bike; release NP0 for C.J. to
                   Bunny Hop.  The bicycle hops higher as his cycling skill im-
                   proves.  Press the LMB to fire a submachine gun just after
                   releasing NP0, and sometimes C.J. hops a great deal higher.

  2 or NP+       Sub-mission  Vigilante for HPV1000

  Up       Stand and lean Forward--part of a Stoppie.
           Pressing it quickly and repeatedly, without letting C.J. stand up,
           makes a motorcycle go faster.
  Down     Lean back, part of a Wheelie.

  Up and Down can level the wheels for safer landings.

  Q        Look, aim submachine gun or package left
  E        Look, aim submachine gun or package right
  Q and E  Look behind
  RMB      Look all around using the mouse

  LMB or Left Alt       Fire SMG (while looking forward, left, or right);
                          do this just after letting go of NP0 to Bunny Hop and
                          sometimes C.J. hops real high.

  Mouse Wheel Up
    or 4            Next Radio Station on a motorcycle
  Mouse Wheel Down
    or R            Previous Radio Station on a motorcycle
  F5                User Track Skip--skip a song on the User Track radio station
                      on a motorcycle

  The 70 Unique Jumps, not needed for 100% completion of the game, are in sec-
tion  XI.a.

  Also see "Glenster's Guide to Some of Vice City" for some stunt info.  For
more, by the big guys, see:

  One video I've seen is "Flight Gear" by Pep and Kr3mlin.


  I.7.g  Note for all the flying vehicles and equipment:

  You can turn on FLY WITH MOUSE in the OPTIONS menu (I usually don't).

  You might want to remember where the airborne bribes are.

  As in "Vice City," the horizontal traffic posts aren't solid--the vertical
ones are.  Candy Suxxx' lifted leg and the big chicken head aren't solid, ei-


  I.7.h  Plane or Jet Controls

  W     Accelerate
  S     Reverse

  Mouse Steering or A  Bank left
  Mouse Steering or D  Bank right
  Q                    Rudder--pivot left
  E                    Rudder--pivot right
  Down                 Up
  Up                   Down
  F or Enter           Exit the vehicle
  2 or NP+             Raise or lower landing gear--planes and jets go faster
                         with it raised; start or stop the release of dust from
                         the Crop Duster
  Left Ctrl
    or NP0             Fire the machine gun of the Rustler and RC Baron

  Mouse Wheel Up
    or 4            Next Radio Station
  Mouse Wheel Down
    or R            Previous Radio Station
  F5                User Track Skip--skip a song on the User Track radio station

  V         "Camera" view
  RMB       Look all around using the mouse
  NP4       The scene revolves clockwise
  NP6       The scene revolves counter-clockwise


  I.7.i  Hydra Controls

    Hover mode (like controls for a helicopter)

  W  Up
  S  Down

  Mouse steering, A, or Left   Bank left
  Mouse steering, D, or Right  Bank right

  Q                    Rudder--pivot left
  E                    Rudder--pivot right

  Up     Dip forward
  Down   Raise back

  NP8    Hold until it changes to jet mode--four turbine engines pointing back

    Jet mode

  W     Forward
  S     Reverse

  Mouse Steering, A, or Left   Bank left
  Mouse Steering, D, or Right  Bank right

  Q     Pivot left
  E     Pivot right

  Up    Down
  Down  Up

  NP2   Hold until it changes to hover mode--four turbine engines pointing down

    Either mode

  F or Enter        Exit the Hydra

  Mouse Wheel Up
    or 4            Next Radio Station
  Mouse Wheel Down
    or R            Previous Radio Station
  F5                User Track Skip--skip a song on the User Track radio station

  V                 "Camera" view
  RMB               Look all around using the mouse
  NP4               The scene revolves clockwise
  NP6               The scene revolves counter-clockwise

  2 or NP+          Raise or lower landing gear;
                    it goes faster when it's raised

  Spacebar          Target; it causes a green reticle to appear over the target,
                    and the green turns to red when the system locks onto the

  NP0 or
    Left Ctrl                  Fire a rocket

    Left Alt, or Right Ctrl    Drop chaff (strips like aluminum foil, or clus-
                                 ters of fine wire, meant to throw off radar de-
                                 tection) and a flare (to throw off heat detec-


  I.7.j  Helicopter Controls

  W  Up
  S  Down

  Mouse steering, A, or Left   Bank left
  Mouse steering, D, or Right  Bank right

  Q                    Pivot left
  E                    Pivot right

  Up     Dip forward
  Down   Raise back

  F or Enter        Exit the helicopter

  Mouse Wheel Up
    or 4            Next Radio Station
  Mouse Wheel Down
    or R            Previous Radio Station
  F5                User Track Skip--skip a song on the User Track radio station

  V                 "Camera" view
  NP4               The scene revolves clockwise
  NP6               The scene revolves counter-clockwise


  Left Shift (remapped from Caps Lock or H)  Stop the horizontal movement; turns
                                               the police helicopter search
                                               light on and off

  2 or NP+                   Sub-mission: "Brown Thunder" for the Hunter

  Left Ctrl
    or NP0                   Fire the machine gun (Hunter or Sea Sparrow)

    Left Alt, or Right Ctrl  Fire a rocket of the Hunter; activate or deactivate
                               the magnet of the RC Goblin in "New Model Army"
                               and of the Leviathon in "Up, Up, and Away!"

  Note: the Hunter machine gun has auto-aim for the Vigilante mission.


  I.7.k  Parachute Controls

  Select Parachute in the weapon/gift slot

  Falling before opening the parachute:

  Down/S       slow descent, arms and legs spread
  Up/W         fast forward descent, arms to body and legs together
  A or D       Twirl

  LMB          Deploy a parachute while C.J. is falling

  Parachute deployed:

  S or Down    C.J. pulls his knees up, which slows his descent and moves him
  A or Right   Fly left
  D or Left    Fly right
  F or Enter   Detach the parachute
  V            "Camera" view


  I.7.l  Jetpack Controls

  Left Shift      Up
  Spacebar        Down
  W or Up         Forward (overrides Up)
  S or Down       Backwards
  A or Left       Left
  D or Right      Right
  Mouse Steering  Aim C.J. in any horizontal direction you want him to go
  RMB             Press to have C.J. immediately go in the direction the mouse
                    is aimed
    or Left Ctrl  Fire weapon if C.J. has a Tec 9 or Micro SMG; if not, he can
                    fire a 9mm Pistol; any of them can be dual-wielded with the

  F or Enter      Remove the Jetpack--the icon may not remain there if C.J.
                       uses something else, like a Parachute, in that slot, or
                       uses a vehicle, and might disappear if C.J. goes into a
                       building that loads the graphics for the interior.

  C.J. can't enter a building that loads an interior while wearing the Jetpack.

  Within limits, the Jetpack will go higher if operated over a higher surface.


  I.7.m  Crane Controls

  F or Enter   In the red shaft of light near the crane, Enter the crane;
               Exit the crane
  W or Up      Move the magnet farther away
  S or Down    Move the magnet closer
  A or Left    Move the magnet left
  D or Right   Move the magnet right
  Left Shift
  (remapped)   Lower the magnet
  Spacebar     Raise the magnet

  Tab  Deactivate or activate the magnetism of the magnet
  V    Close or distant "camera" view of the magnet

  You use the same controls for the crane in Hunter Quarry except you use the
LMB to activate or deactivate the magnet for it, and V doesn't work to change
the view.

  The Dude crane magnet in Easter Basin, San Fierro, and the one in Hunter Quar-
ry, Bone County, work on vehicles.  (You can have C.J. get into an attached ve-
hicle and make a swing of it.)

  The Final Build magnet E of the Clown's Pocket, Las Venturas, only works on
the boxes in the area.

   All three have magnets that look a little like they're from "Plan 9 from Out-
er Space" by Ed Wood, 1959.

  The wrecking ball crane, in San Fierro at the N end of the big brown block N
of where it says "DOHERTY" on the paper map, has more of a Nerf ball that
doesn't work on anything.


  I.7.n  Boat Controls

  W    Accelerate
  S    Reverse
  A    Left
  D    Right

  F or Enter   Enter a boat and man the steering wheel;
               release the steering wheel

  Q        Look, aim submachine gun left
  E        Look, aim submachine gun right
  Q and E  Look behind
  LMB      Fire

  Mouse Wheel Up
    or 4            Next Radio Station
  Mouse Wheel Down
    or R            Previous Radio Station
  F5                User Track Skip--skip a song on the User Track radio station

  V                 "Camera" view
  RMB       Look all around using the mouse
  NP4       The scene revolves clockwise
  NP6       The scene revolves counter-clockwise

  C.J. can jack a boat.  Have him swim to the front of it and press Spacebar to
have him grab the side, and again to have him climb aboard.  As in "Vice City,"
the pilot jumps off and can't swim.


  I.8.a  A rundown of some of the vehicles and some of their real names

  There are pictures of the vehicles at:

  The ones that return unchanged from "Vice City" are covered in "Glenster's
Guide to Some of Vice City" in sections I.9.B to I.9.E.  A few of the new ones
are covered in this guide at VI.44  Exports and Imports for the Cranberry Crane.


  Hydra   A Harrier except with the intake on the bottom, like an F-16, instead
of one on either side.

  AT-400  Boeing 737 (I'm guessing 737-400 to match the "400")

  Cropduster  Grumman G-164 AgCat

  Dodo  Cessna 150

  Nevada  Douglas C-47 (modified DC-3) Skytrain "Dakota."

  Rustler  Curtiss P-40 Warhawk

  Shamal  Bombardier Learjet 55

  Skimmer  Cessna 150 Amphibian

  Stuntplane  (Curtis Pitt's) Pitt's Special.

  Cargobob  Mil Mi-17, a Soviet cargo helicopter.

  Leviathon  Sikorsky H-3 Sea King.  The Leviathon can land on water.

  Raindance  UH-60 Black Hawk.  It may be related that Bill Fichtner--Ken Rosen-
berg, and Tom Sizemore--Sonny Forelli, starred in the 2001 movie "Black Hawk

  Rhino  An M1 Abrams tank.

  Thanks to the AggroSk8er walk-through at Gamefaqs for the names or leads for
the AT-400, Cropduster, Nevada, Rustler, Stuntplane, Cargobob, Leviathon, and


  Some performance notes so far:

  Fast cars with good handling and/or Sex Appeal (SA) and/or resistance to dam-
  Cheetah (SA), Hotring Racer, Hotknife (SA), and Turismo--also the Bullet (SA),
  Uranus (SA), and Super GT (SA).

  Fast bikes with good handling:
  NRG 500 and PCJ 600.

  Fast bicycle:
  Mountain bike (I like the CJPHONEHOME code for it, too).

  Moderate speed with good handling:
  SWAT van, Bandito (good ability to flip upright for one of the bouncier ve-
hicles), Hustler, Tow Truck, Taxi, and Solair (SA).

  Sandking, FBI Rancher, and Rancher.

  Little, light, fast cars:
  Comet (SA), Blista, Flash (SA), and Stratum (SA).

  Burly bruisers:
  Rhino, San Fierro trolley, Trains, Roadtrain, the little San Fierro Firetruck
  with a ladder, and Dumper.

  Fast boats with Sex Appeal:
  Squallo III (SA) and Speeder (SA).

  Roll over--
  things: Monster truck;
  people: Combine Harvester.

  Roll around with a--
  hostage: Hotdog van or some jacked vehicles;
  prostitute: pick one up;
  gang member: car, truck, motorcycle, bike with a long seat, or helicopter ex-
cept the Hunter.


  I'll see if I can find out more later; in the meantime:

  I.8.b  A rundown of some of the people who drive them

  The criminals, gangs, and hookers of "San Andreas" have their own automotive
preferences.  According to datacargrp.dat:

  The criminals listed in I.5.k Crimes are among those who drive Perennials,
Blades, and Clovers.

  Drug dealers are among those who drive Ranchers.

  The hookers are among those who drive Perennials.

  These gangs are among those who drive the vehicles following their names:

  The Ballas               Majestics and Tahomas
  The Grove Street Family  Greenwoods, Savannahs, and Voodoos
  The Los Santos Vagos     Oceanics, Tornados, and Hermes
  The San Fierro Rifa      Sabres, Stallions, and Blades
  The De Nang Boys         Buccaneers, Mananas, and Tampas.
  The Italian Mafia        Sentinels, Admirals, and Feltzers
  The Triads               Sultans, Stratums, and Elegys
  The Varrio Los Aztecas   Hermes, Broadways, and Glendales


  I.9  Wanted Ratings

  - One star, a policeman chases in a Police Car, Ranger, or HPV 1000 and at-
tacks with a 9mm,
  - two, more police chase and attack,
  - three, a police helicopter joins to chase and fire,
  - four, SWAT agents chase in Enforcers, attack with Mini-SMGs, and rappel from
another helicopter,
  - five, four FBI agents chase in an FBI Rancher and attack with SMGs, and
  - six, the Army chases in Rhinos and Barrocks OLs and attack with M4s.


  For one star, I think going away from a pedestrian area and crouching helps
end it, and driving a police vehicle can make it last a long time.

  Unlike "Vice City," where only one star might go away in time, I've had two
stars do that in "San Andreas."  Rusk says up to four might do that depending on
what C.J. did to get them.  I've seen five go down to four before ending it an-
other way.

  A bribe gets rid of one wanted star.  Some airborne bribes can help if C.J. is

  A Pay 'n' Spray, changing clothes, and sometimes ending a mission can get rid
of any number of wanted stars.  (Getting wasted or busted clears a wanted rat-
ing, too, but I don't save the game after that.)


  C.J. can get five wanted stars after VI.40  "Yay Ka-Boom-Boom."

  There's a Stat for how long C.J. can make a five star wanted rating last.

  One place to try could be the Pay 'n' Spray across from the Cluckin' Bell in S
Idlewood, Los Santos.  Leave a vehicle in it so C.J. can get rid of the rating
before getting killed.  A save place with a wardrobe closet that has clothes in
it will work just as well, especially one with an awning, like the Clown's Pock-
et, that also lets C.J. run for cover from helicopter fire.

  Another is to have C.J. use a Jetpack and lead the law enforcers to Fisher's
Lagoon, mostly S on the beach under the "L," in Red County.  When I tried it,
the law enforcement vehicles kept coming over the guard rail of the road to the
W.  They couldn't handle the slope from it very well, and they usually either
tried to get back up the slope, ignoring C.J., or slid right past the beach into
the water.  At that stage, I didn't see any helicopters, for some reason.  C.J.
had little to shoot--the biggest worry is he would die of starvation from how
long he could stand around and watch this.  Then I flew him to a vehicle left in
a Pay 'n' Spray.  The same gimmick works along a steep side of Mt. Chiliad, too.

  Another good place is the mid-N side of Corvin Stadium in San Fierro.  The low
ground between the stadium and the road the law enforcers show up on makes a
kind of moat.  There's a chili dog vendor and a soft drink machine on the porch
if C.J.'s Health gets low.


  I.10  Ghost hell, ghost world, ghost heaven, and Liberty City

  Ben Fleming at GTA Forums explains how you can get to Liberty City without a
cheating device at:

  For PC users, !cMc! Jacob at the GTA Forums web site has a way to get to Lib-
erty City in five seconds or less.  At GTA Forums, go to GTA Series, GTA San An-
dreas, Xbox and PC Chat, then "Get to Liberty City in 5 seconds or less."

  Here are the PC co-ordinates listed by Fireman at GTA Forums: 

  To explore the interior world of "San Andreas," go to the GTA Forums web site,
GTA Series, GTA San Andreas, Cheats and Tricks, Hidden Interiors via the Ganton
Gym!  Go to page one, etc., and the various links offered:

  For transportation devices, see:
  X.13.a  The San Andreas Place Manager
  X.13.b  Map Teleporter/Vehicle Spawn
  X.13.c  The GTA SA Control Center
  Make sure it works with v1.01 if you use the patch for the game.  The GTA SA
Control Center works with unpatched or patched games.


  A very minor ghost world find

  Go S from the little loop of road in Mulholland to the T intersection, go S
from the end of the double yellow line in the middle of the street and across
the intersection to the tan stucco house with a dirty white picket fence.  You
can see a little of Ghost World in the lawn at the SE side of the house, where
C.J. can walk into the non-solid grass till it's over his head.


  I.11  Odds and Ends

  At the start of the game, before all the railroad tracks are free to travel,
at the train stations in Los Santos, you might see the Brown Streak diesel loco-
motive, which has two cars hitched to it, or a freight train with several flat
cars.  C.J. can jack one and go back and forth over the length of the track in
the allowed area.  The view while driving it is the cinematic view, in which you
can pick a view with NP4.

  (My Dad was a brakeman on the railroad in the 1930's before he became an art-
ist/cartoonist at the Pittsburgh Press for the rest of his life, so that goes

  You can drive into the full size trees that rest on square flat boxes, such as
along the sidewalks of the couple of blocks N of Avispa Country Club in SF, and
knock them over.  C.J. can climb them, too (I.7.aa).

  C.J., like Tommy Vercetti, can walk up the trees that slope from the ground,
like the tall pine tree leaning over the N end of the big pond of Back O' Be-

  You might have already seen this in stunt videos--you can drive a motorcycle
up the cables of the Garver Bridge.  Going down the cable on the other side is
trickier, especially twice.

  The Alhambra is a dance club.  It has flaming torches in front, and is tan by
day but is lit up red and blue at night, along the middle of the W side of the
block with "IDL" of "IDLEWOOD" in Los Santos.  If you have C.J. go inside and
walk into the shaft of light, he dances with a lady while you press W,S,A, and
D for up, down, etc., in time with the music at the time each arrow rolls into
a stationary circle in the middle of the screen.  He dances better if you get
it right.  You get a Stat for your highest score.

  At the S side of the 24/7 on the W side of the block with "O" of "LITTLE MEX-
ICO," Los Santos, is 8 Ball's Bomb Shop.  Drive a vehicle into it for the vehi-
cle to have a bomb installed in it, press F or Enter to activate the bomb, then
have C.J. leg it and press F or Enter again to set it off.  It makes his vehicle
a mobile Remote Explosive, which is good for him to leave to blow up one of
those road rage drivers he runs into now and then.

  On the W side of the block that's N of the one with a martini glass symbol
that's W of "LOS FLORES" is the Pig Pen strip club.  C.J. can throw money down
by the strippers for them to do one of those Jane Fonda aerobics moves they do.
He can also pay $100 when in a shaft of light to go into a room to be seated
while one of several strippers does a private dance for him.  You can use the
LMB to pick from several views to watch it.

  At the bottom of the vertical stem of the 2nd "R" of "SAN FIERRO" is a gray
ramp down to a garage door that says, "NO ENTRY; UNSAFE BUILDING."  But if you
have C.J. go to the top of the ramp, every time he looks away and looks back
you'll se a vehicle appear and drive up the ramp.


  Thanks to a post by Mxyzptlk at the GTA Forums web site--his overseeing of the
other posters in expansion of Shaft21's "San Andreas" secrets--for the next
eight tips.  Mxyzptlk also provides a couple of useful maps for them and others.

  A scratched-up, discarded Glendale appears out of thin air in front of C.J.
and coasts downhill near the NW side of the S of two horse shoe-shaped hills in
Back O' Beyond.  (Several Glendales were just sitting there when I saw them on
PC.)  It's been nicknamed the Ghost Car, and it's useful in providing a ride
out of the wilderness.  Other vehicles around San Andreas do this as well.  (I
have a ghost Vortex at the beach NE of downtown Bayside Marina, and I've never
seen anyone inside the trolley.)

  A yellow exit icon for the programming of the interior of the Cluckin' Bell
hovers high above the ground level exterior of the Cluckin' Bell in Fort Carson,
Bone County.  It's on the E side of the stem of the "Y" formed by two roads E of
the main residential section of blocks.  I don't know an unlimited height cheat
for the PC Jetpack to try to fly up to it, though.

  One of the rooms of the Jefferson Motel in Los Santos has a skylight, and a
save icon hovers in it.  (Between the Mulholland Intersection and the E coast,
the radar and in-game map show a thick N-S section for the railroad where it's
between two streets.  The Jefferson Motel faces it on the W side of the N end.
In a waiting room on the 3rd floor, there's a pitch black rectangle where a sky-
light would be.  Stand C.J. on the N end of the room and look S up into it to
see a revolving floppy disk save icon just past the S edge.)

  If you have C.J. follow a hooker to her room at the same motel during "Reunit-
ing the Families," they begin to kiss and C.J. gets full Health.  (I tried it
when C.J. had full Health and it made it lower, though.) 

  If you have C.J. pose as a gimp for his girlfriend Millie (at the N end of Las
Venturas in the E-most of the blocks that are green with white dots on your ra-
dar and in-game map), she'll take him inside for sex.

  At the Easter Bay Docks of San Fierro, you can attach the magnet of the crane
to a car then drive the car to make a swing out of it.  It's at the N end of the
dead end road on the projection of land N of the Easter Bay Airport terminal
building.  (There's another like that in Hunter's Quarry.)

  E of the Clown's Pocket, which is along the Strip in Las Venturas, is a crane.
If you use it to lift the nearby boxes and release them above the ground, they
hover in place.

  If you try to use the Sniper Rifle to play pool without activating the game,
the balls go nuts and fly too fast all over the place.  (In the PC version, ac-
tivate the game then cancel out of it, which leaves the balls on the pool table,
then shoot them with the Sniper Rifle.)

  The Pay 'n' Spray behind Come-a-lot, S Las Venturas, isn't on the in-game map.
On PS2, you can see the inside of it as your vehicle is sprayed and the floor
has a non-solid spot.  On PC, it's non-functional.  To get there, go N from the
S end of the road that divides by the Emerald Isle, take the 3rd right, the 2nd
left, then turn right and look for it on your left.

  There's also an unmarked barber shop in El Quebrados (Spanish for "The Frac-
tion"), in the N area of Tierra Robada, that isn't on the map.  Pinky, of the
same GTA Forums message board, noticed that the Welding and Wedding shop is an
unmarked car bomb garage.  It's at the SE of the block that's W of "ISLE" of


  I.12  Glitches

  For Hammer83's cure for the PC gym glitch, where C.J. can't work out at gyms,
see his post for his download at:

  The basketball doesn't always appear at all courts, and the glitch that causes
it not to appear at all may come and go, anyway.  You can download a fix for it,
which resets the counters in the save files, at:
  (Thanks to a post by abhishekprabhu at the Gamefaqs web site.)

  Mxyzptlk at GTA Forums:
  There's a way to get the gang turf in all of San Andreas, including the coun-
tryside.  Fly or sail S, preferably SE, in a constant direction for at least 15
minutes. The longer you do, the more turf there will be, with San Andreas com-
plete in two to three hours.

  On PS2, hold X then pull out the controller.  Reinsert it to get control back.
Have C.J. jump out of the plane, land in the sea, and intentionally drown him,
and check your map!  It’s an eccentric glitch: drug dealers hang about San Fier-
ro and Las Venturas and the Turf Wars last only 1 wave each.  The down side is
that the more turf you win over, the less percentage you attain in your Stats.
  Thanks again to Mxyzptlk at GTA Forums:

  (Planet grand theft auto adds that Grove Street Family gang members driving
their gang cars are then everywhere, and their cars aren't fun to drive at all.)

  "Fly a plane or helicopter to the end of the map, keep going for a few min-
utes, and the whole map of San Andreas is revealed!  It doesn't affect anything
negatively and the map will always be revealed!"
  Thanks to Aziz Strife 7777 at the Gamefaqs web site


  SuGGaK, GTA Forums, says Take 2 suggests that you have C.J. eat a couple of
meals at least once every two days, preferably once a day, or you may get the
glitch of C.J. being unable to work out at the gyms.

  If you get the gym glitch, but C.J. can still use the outdoor gym at Verona
Beach and the one in Madd Dogg's mansion, SuGGaK says some people have cured it
by having C.J. remove all tattoos, get a new haircut, and buy and wear an en-
tirely new wardrobe including new boxers from Bincos.


  System error at GTA Forums:

  Don't save at Madd Dogg's place or the game may not produce any basketballs.

  Give vehicles with a special look, like the Mothership, their own garages so
the paint job doesn't disappear.

  Give a modded car it's own garage so the garage door doesn't take a long time
to open.

  If a girlfriend has a habit of not being home for a week from the day of a
missed date, save the game repeatedly till a day in game time passes to get her
to show up.

  Date Michelle before C.J. finishes Driving School or she'll show up a lot less

  Get a permanent haircut then get tattoos, or remove all tattoos before
getting a haircut, or a haircut makes the Sex Appeal points gotten from getting
tattoos disappear.

  A two-player game (not used in the PC version) makes the Brass Knuckles in
C.J.'s weapon inventory disappear.

  Don't save right after "End of the Line."  Complete another mission and then
save the game or your save game may become corrupted.

  The Longest 2 Wheels Distance Stat may become way too big while the Longest 2
Wheels Time Stat remains normal.

  There's also a glitch that causes C.J. to retain his money and weapons after
being busted or wasted even though he hasn't successfully dated Katie or Barba-
ra.  (GTW note: since I never save the game after C.J. gets busted or wasted--I
press Esc before the game can show the cut scene about it--I might never know
the difference.)


  tommy vercetti guy, GTA Forums

  Starting a new game from the start menu after playing another game can make
all the fire extinguishers disappear, so start a new game after loading the game
without playing another game 1st.


  The San Fierro Xoomer garage has a reputation for eating cars, so don't put
anything hard to replace in it.


  I.13  Radio

  Thanks to Planet Grand Theft Auto for the next two tips.

  To skip a song on the radio, switch to another station and back.  Just as the
name of the station begins to appear but the song hasn't started playing yet,
switch away and back again.  This tip was provided by Shigmiya64

  Thanks to Joe Dawson for this tip about phone numbers given in the game.  The
following phone numbers have recorded messages.  At the end of each, you're told
to press your area code and FAX number, then the pound sign, #, to have some-
thing sent to you (I'm not sure what--I don't have a FAX number).

  1-866-FUN-CULT   1-866-386-2858   The Epsilon Tract
  1-866-FACE-FEAR  1-866-3223-3327  Inversion Therapy

   bounce FM  Funk DJ: the mighty Funktipus--George Clinton.  "Loopzilla,"
George Clinton, "I Can Make You Dance," Zapp, "West Coast Poplock," Ronnie Hud-

   CSR 103:9  Soul (new R&B) DJ: Philip "PM" Michaels--Michael Bivins (of Bell
Biv Devoe).

   K Jah Radio West  Dub/Reggae DJs: Marshall Peters--Lowell "Sly" Dunbar and
Johnny Lawton--Robert "Robbie" Shakespeare.  I'm giving some things I'm not
used to a chance to grow on me with some of the things on the soundtrack, but
so far nothings growing here.

   K-DST  Old Rock DJ: W. Axl Rose.  "Some Kind of Wonderful" by Grand Funk
Railroad, "Green River," Creedence Clearwater Revival, "Woman to Woman" by Joe

   K Rose  Country DJ: Mary-Beth Maybell--Riette Burdick.  "Hey, Good Lookin'"
by Hank Williams (Sr.), "Amos Moses" by Jerry Reed.  (I remember my Mom doing
the title line of "Make the World Go Away" as a parody of melodrama.)

   Master Sounds 98.3  Old R&B DJ: Johnny "The Love Giant" Parkinson--Ricky Har-
ris.  "The Payback" and "Funky President" by James Brown, "Green Onions" by
Booker T. and the MGs, "Low Rider" by War.

   Play Back  Old Hip-Hop DJ: ForthRight MC--Chuck D.

   Radio Los Santos  New Hip-Hop DJ: Julio G as himself.  "Nuthin' But a 'G'
Thang,'" Dr. Dre (partly because my 1st initial is "G").

   Radio: X  Alternative (New Rock) DJ: Sage--Jodie Shawback.  Sometimes you
hear this stuff in stunt videos.  It's a little (little?!) over the top.

   SFUR  House DJ: DJ Hans Oberlander--Lloyd Floyd.  House music is the one
that's drum, etc., machine and sampled music with a repetitive rhythm, and some
words you don't understand, but it's not gangsta Hip-Hop.  The German host
sounds like he's using a bad babelfish.altavista web site translation to speak
English.  So it's, y'know...different.  Eine, zwei, drei, vill enJOY.

   WCTR Talk Radio  Lazlow Jones, a little niave, is back in the "Entertaining
America" segment, and Fernando Martinez: Frank Chavez, a little too experienced,
is back in the "Lonely Hearts Show" segment.  It's like a John Ford welcome cast
of regulars.  (Turn the mouse to get a lot of sky in the picture--John liked
that in shots.)  One caller reprises a reference to the lunar landing hoax hoax,
used as a sight gag in the movie studio in "Vice City."

  Also, I recognized Reed Tucker, the "dragon stance," etc., guy from Chatterbox
on "GTA III," as one of the callers (on WCTR?).  Renaud Sebbane, who was the
nudist guy, a motion capture actor, and produced the pedestrian chatter in the
last two GTA's, is in the models section of the credits, so you might look for a
secret naked guy to take over when the Hot Coffee controversy dies down.,50649/

   User Tracks (TGIPC)

  You can put your WAV or OGG (Ogg Vorbis) files (or, if your system has the
right codecs, MP3, WMA, M4A, etc.), or shortcuts for them, in My DocumentsGTA
SA User FilesUser Tracks, run one of the scan tracks functions (automatic when-
ever you load the game or manual), and have your own radio station.

   My changing list includes: "San Andreas Theme Song," Young MayLay, "Viva Las
Vegas," ZZ Top, "Kansas City/Hey Hey Hey Hey," the Beatles, "If You Want Me to
Stay," Sly and the Family Stone, "Gimme Some Lovin'," Steve Winwood, "The Power
of Love," Huey Lewis and the News, "California," Joni Mitchell, "Dr. Wu" and
"Chain Lightning," Steely Dan, a different take of "Roll Over, Beethoven" by
Leslie West and Mountain than I used for "Vice City," "Pack Fair and Square,"
the J. Geils Band live, some mid-70's clips of Firesign Theatre, "I Will Be
There," Van Morrison, "Cucumber Slumber," Weather Report, "Spare Parts II and
Closing," Tom Waits, "International Feel" and "Le Feel Internacionale," Todd
Rundgren, etc.

  Another option I'm trying is Young MayLay's "The Original Mix Tape," 2005.
Sometimes you get some funny co-incidences with what's going on in the game in
a way I like with that, too.


  I.14  Codes

  Thanks to the list by edisoncarter and friends at GTA Forums, GTA Series, GTA
San Andreas, Cheats and Tricks, PC Cheats, Page 1.

  Lead player codes

  HESOYAM      C.J. has $250,000, full Health, and Armor
  BAGUVIX      C.J. has semi-infinite Health; fire and melee attacks don't hurt
                 and the effect of bullets is diminished; C.J. can still be hurt
                 by drowning or the strong physical impact from explosions, get-
                 ting run over, etc.; it must be subtle, because I haven't seen
                 it add anything to C.J's Health bar or heal a vehicle he's

  KVGYZQK            C.J. is skinny with no Muscle or Fat
  BTCDBCB            C.J. has maximum Fat
  BUFFMEUP           C.J. has maximum Muscle
  AEDUWNV            C.J. never gets hungry
  WORSHIPME          C.J. has maximum Respect
  HELLOLADIES        C.J. has maximum Sex Appeal
  GOODBYECRUELWORLD  C.J. commits suicide; please send him for help 1st.

  CVWKXAM        C.J. has an infinite ability to stay underwater
  KANGAROO       C.J. can jump real high but loses a little bit of Health when
                   he lands
  ANOSEONGLASS   Slow motion and sound and C.J. has a more powerful punch, simi-
                   lar to the effect of an Adrenaline pill in "Vice City" except
                   the punch doesn't send people flying so far; like it, it can
                   be cancelled by doing a Unique Jump; for a more powerful
                   punch than that "Vice City" one (but pedestrians have it,
                   too), use "IAVENJQ"

  AEZAKMI          C.J.'s wanted level won't increase but it also won't decrease
                     with bribes or cheats, and he can still be arrested; this
                     can be disabled by typing it a 2nd time
  TURNDOWNTHEHEAT  C.J.'s wanted level is cleared
  TURNUPTHEHEAT    C.J.'s wanted level is increased by two stars
  BRINGITON        C.J. has a six star wanted level

  Lead player and pedestrian codes

  For the next five codes, pedestrian changes don't effect the police, fast
food workers, gang members, bartenders, etc.

  BEKKNQV      prostitution style: a lot of the pedestrians are prostitutes and
                 pimps; C.J. attracts the prostitutes, who have sex toys; the
                 pimps in fur coats drive Remingtons; if C.J. is attacked, a
                 prostitute will beat the attacker with her sex toy; if C.J. is
                 in his default clothes or less, he'll be given the Gimp suit
  CRAZYTOWN    carnival style: a lot of pedestrians are fast food workers and
                 clowns, and most street vehicles are Mr. Whoopees, Pizza Boys,
                 BF Injections, Hotknifes, Tugs, Quads, etc.  If C.J. is in his
                 default clothes or less, he gets red hair and his apparel
                 changes to the (Groucho Marx caricature) joke mask and white
                 boxer shorts with red hearts
  LIFESABEACH  beach style: a lot of the pedestrians and vehicles are ones found
                 at the beach; if C.J. is in his default clothes or less, his
                 clothes change to swimming trunks and sandals
  BMTPWHR      country style: a lot of the pedestrians and vehicles are ones
                 found in the country, including bikers on Freeways; if C.J. is
                 in his default clothes or less, his clothes change to bib over-
                 alls, a plaid shirt, and a "Born 2 Truck" baseball-type cap
  NINJATOWN    ninja style: a lot of pedestrians are Asian Ninja men with
                 Katanas and the traffic is black--mostly black cars and motor-
                 cycles; C.J. get a Katana

  IAVENJQ      C.J. and pedestrians have a very powerful punch

  (Don't save the game after typing any of these four codes in or you'll have to
start a new game to get rid of it?):

  BAGOWPG   pedestrians attack C.J. with their usual weapons--Fists, if no oth-
  FOOOXFT   pedestrians have, at least,  Rocket Launchers, Shotguns, and Pis-
              tols, and will fire back if attacked
  AJLOJYQY  pedestrians armed with. at least, Bats, Pistols, Shotguns, M4s, and
              Rocket Launchers attack each other, and may attack C.J. if he at-
              tacks one of them.
  BGLUAWML  pedestrians have, at least, Pistols, Rocket Launchers, etc., and at-
              tack C.J.

  SJMAHPE       C.J. can recruit anyone except someone that's attacking him; the
                  recruit gets a 9mm Pistol and will attack those C.J. shoots
                  at, especially if they fire back, sometimes anyone outside the
                  gang that fires a gun.
  ROCKETMAYHEM  C.J. can recruit anyone except someone that's attacking him; the
                  recruit usually gets a Rocket Launcher and will attack those
                  C.J. shoots at, especially if they fire back, sometimes oth-

  Pedestrian codes

  BLUESUEDESHOES     a lot of pedestrians, except, at least, policemen, gang
                       members, fast food workers, etc., are Elvis Presley wan-
                       nabes in black, white, or blue outfits like Elvis wore
                       onstage in Vegas
  ONLYHOMIESALLOWED  gangs appear in any area and fight each other and drive the
                       traffic vehicles; no other pedestrians appear except the
                       police, fast food workers, etc.
  BIFBUZZ            gangs fight; no other pedestrians appear except police,
                       fast food workers, etc.; the traffic only appears in gang
  (Don't save your game after enabling this code or you'll have to start a new
game to get rid of it?):

  STATEOFEMERGENCY   pedestrians riot, loot TVs, and fire and smoke appear in
                       many places

  Time and weather codes

  YSOHNUL     the clock and weather are very fast, but motion and sound are nor-
  SPEEDITUP   fast clock, weather, and motion; sound is normal
  SLOWITDOWN  slow clock, weather, motion, and sound

  TOODAMNHOT      very sunny
  CFVFGMJ         fog
  ALNSFMZO        overcast
  AUIFRVQS        rainy
  SCOTTISHSUMMER  thunderstorm
  OFVIAC          orange sky--it's always 21:00
  NIGHTPROWLER    it's always midnight--00:00
  CWJXUOC         sandstorm

  Vehicle codes

  NATURALTALENT      C.J. has maximum vehicle skill Stats
  CHITTYCHITTYBB     C'J.'s cars fly and can be controlled like planes
  JCNRUAD            C.J.'s vehicle makes other vehicles blow up when it bumps
  CJPHONEHOME        C.J. can do a VERY high bunny hop on a bike; use Q or E for
                       a side view; if the bike knicks something at takeoff,
                       C.J. can get some pretty good Insane Stunt statistics--
                       using A or D helps; he can also do some skyscraper jump-
                       ing; level the wheels for a safe landing and C.J. won't
                       lose any Health
  FLYINGFISH         C.J.'s boats can fly
  VKYPQCF            C.J.'s Taxis get nitro and the boost jump
  BUBBLECARS         C.J.'s vehicle makes other vehicles float in the air when
                       it hits them; then they continue to float, possibly
                       bouncing off things, till they float away; by shootin at
                       them, C.J. can change their direction and scare passen-
                       gers out of them; if C.J. hits one a passenger is trying
                       to re-enter, you may see the passenger make a superhuman
                       leap to get back into it
  STICKLIKEGLUE      C.J.'s four-wheel vehicles have strong road grip and the
                       taxi boost jump ("PGGOMOY" does this, too)

  Traffic codes

  SPEEDFREAK        all pedestrian cars have nitro
  ZEIIVG            traffic lights are always green
  YLTEICZ           aggressive drivers
  LLQPFBN           pink traffic
  IOWDLAC           black traffic
  GHOSTTOWN         few pedestrians and little traffic; parked vehicles appear;
                      instant replays are longer (thanks to Buzzsaw at GTA
                      Stunting for the replays tip)
  EVERYONEISPOOR    cheap cars (datacargrp.dat calls them "s**t cars")
  FVTMNBZ           country vehicles (w/peds in country clothes or not?)
  EVERYONEISRICH    fast cars
  WHEELSONLYPLEASE  only the wheels of four-wheel vehicles are visible
  CPKTNWT           blow up all cars

  Vehicle spawning codes

  ROCKETMAN    Jetpack
  AIYPWZQP     Parachute

  OLDSPEEDDEMON     Bloodring Banger
  RZHSUEW           Caddy
  ITSALLBULL        Dozer
  OHDUDE            Hunter
  JUMPJET           Hydra
  MONSTERMASH       Monster
  FOURWHEELFUN      Quad (Quads can be given hydraulics)
  VROCKPOKEY        Hotring Racer 1  "Panoramic" and "hinterland" on the engine
  VPJTQWV           Hotring Racer 2  "Bobo" on the engine hood
  JQNTDMH           Rancher
  AIWPRTON          Rhino
  FLYINGTOSTUNT     Stuntplane
  AMOMHRER          Tanker truck
  TRUEGRIME         Trashmaster
  KGGGDKP           Vortex hovercraft

  Weapon codes

  PROFESSIONALKILLER  C.J. has Hitman level in all weapon Stats
  OUIQDMW             C.J. will turn on a two-wheel vehicle and even lean out of
                        the driver window of a four-wheel vehicle to aim an SMG
                        in any direction when you press the RMB and aim with the
                        mouse; it's hard to aim in some directions because the
                        "camera" keeps turning the view back to forward; you can
                        do it if you 1st stop and aim him with NP2, NP4, NP6, or
                        NP8, but it's more of a novelty than convenient.
  FULLCLIP            C.J.'s weapons have infinite ammo and no reload time

  LXGIWYL            C.J. has Brass Knuckles, a Bat, 9mm, Shotgun, Micro SMG,
                       AK-47, Rifle, Rocket Launcher, Molotovs, and a Spray Can.
  PROFESSIONALSKIT   C.J. has a Knife, Desert Eagle, Sawnoff Shotgun, Tec9, M4,
                       Sniper Rifle, Flame Thrower, Grenades, and a Fire
  UZUMYMW            C.J. has a Chainsaw, Silenced 9mm, Combat Shotgun, SMG, M4,
                       Sniper Rifle, Heat-Seeking Rocket Launcher, and Remote

  I experimented with some codes with a copy of a save file.  If you go to save
a game you used a code for, you get a warning saying one or more cheats have
been used, and a recommendation to not save the game.  If you save a game you
used a code for, you get a Stat showing the number of times you cheated.  Even
if you don't use another code, there's a glitch that makes the warning show up
when you go to save subsequent games, for some weird reason.

  Various posts at GTA Forums indicate that while a code can lower your Criminal
Rating title, it won't lower or hold back your percentage of completion of the

  I.15  Video walk-through/people who help with missions

  You might find it helpful to see videos of many of the missions at:

  You might try the "Save N Play" message board at GTA Forums to look for some-
one who can take your save game file and pass a mission you're stuck on:


  II    The beginning

  II.1  "The Introduction"

  A prelude to the sequel (to "Vice City") prequel (to "III"):

  A synopsis of the bonus DVD that you get with the two CD's of music from
"Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas."

  In Los Santos, Officers Frank Tenpenny and Eddie Pulaski discuss how they've
threatened someone to do things their way, and will need to do the same to the
officer assigned to work with them, Hernandez, if he doesn't play along.  Ten-
penny is more concerned about Pendlebury (probably the one Tenpenny talks to on
the phone a bit later).

  The Ballas gang is dealing drugs and wants to hold power over Grove Street.

  Big Smoke, in Ryder's house, seems to want Ryder to help him take Grove Street
back from the Ballas by competing in the drug trade.

  In a lot in San Fierro, Mike Toreno, aided by violent thug T-Bone Mendez,
gives the orders and makes the deals of a vicious big time drug dealer.

  At a game of craps in Los Santos, Jeffrey says he wants to be considered a
gangster named O.G. Loc; the others tell him to forget it, and Sweet tells him
to go to college.  Big Smoke seems to want Sweet Johnson to think of the big
money they could make by competing in the drug trade.  Sweet doesn't go for the
idea.  He says his brother Brian has been dead five years and his brother Carl,
who can rot in hell, is running around on the east coast.

  C.J. steals a car for someone in Liberty City.

  Johnny Sindacco meets with Godfather Salvatore Leone at Salvatore's mansion.
Though the Sindacco's and Leone's have been rival gangs, Johnny wants Salvatore
to invest five million dollars into a Sindacco gambling casino.  Salvatore will
go along with it if Johnny can get rid of the guy currently controlling the
books and replace him with someone Salvatore and Johnny can control.

  Lawyer Ken Rosenberg, by the Fort Carson Medical Center in Las Venturas, has
been disbarred and is struggling stay off of cocaine.

  Tenpenny, on a phone in Los Santos, threatens to kill someone (Pendlebury?)
he's paid to commit a murder if they don't carry out the hit.

  Ken can't get Tommy Vercetti on the phone.

  Kent Paul, in a recording studio in Salford, England, becomes the manager of
the Gurning Chimps, led by drug addict Maccer.

  C.J. gets a man to hand him his wallet by aiming a pistol at him, then C.J.
hits him on the head with it.

  A couple of men in the desert in San Andreas bury the body of the man who used
to control the books for the Sindacco casino.

  Johnny agrees with Salvatore's proposal that they get Ken to take their orders
about controlling the books for the casino.

  Tenpenny and Pulaski begin coercing young officer Hernandez, who's just joined
them and is new to C.R.A.S.H. (Community Resources Against Street Hoodlums, run
by Officer Tenpenny), to do things their way--a lot tougher a way than he ex-

  In the Caligula's Palace casino office in Las Venturas, Salvatore pulls a gun
on Ken Rosenberg and orders him to get his investment back.

  Pulaski beats another officer nearly to death, and Tenpenny orders Hernandez
to kill the downed officer.  Hernandez objects at 1st, but Tenpenny threatens to
kill Hernandez if he doesn't kill the officer with the gun Tenpenny hands him.
Hernandez shoots the officer.  (Early in the game, Tenpenny and Pulaski will
threaten C.J. that they'll blame him for the murder if he doesn't do as they or-
der him.)

  A couple of Ballas do a drive-by past Sweet's house and kill his mother.
Sweet runs into the house, sees what happened to his mother, then prevents his
sister Kendle from going inside.  Later, as she sits on the porch, Sweet calls
C.J..  He tells him the bad news and that he better come home.

  C.J. bows his head in grief.


  II.2  "San Andreas Theme Song"

  Lyrics by Young (and famous) MayLay

  from "San Andreas: 'The Original Mixtape.'"

  Here's the web address that let's you hear it:

  Go to "Audio" and click "" and "SAN ANDREAS THEME

  This is kind of a big deal, for me, anyway; I never got a letter from a big
celebrity before.  I sent a letter to Young MayLay, through the Contact part of
his web site, explaining that I couldn't get some of the lyrics he wrote for the
"San Andreas Theme Song."  I got an e-mail from him today (Mon., July 25, 2005)
with the lyrics attached (I hope he doesn't mind--I broke it down into qua-



  Here are a copy of the lyrics for the San Andreas Theme Song..Be careful with
them..Hope this solved the problem..


                 Young MayLay..GLEN WINSTEIN



  Verse 1)

    Welcome to San Andreas I’m CJ from Grove St.
  Land of the heinous gang bangers and cold heat.
  In Los Santos neighbors get no sleep
  beefing with anybody competing even police.

  Four deep in a green rag wit gold feet
  blast with the flag on the strap that’s OG.
  Stay in shape hit the gym lift the weights
  get super cut or big and buff nice and straight.

  You got stats respect, weapon skill
  stamina muscle fat and sex appeal.
  You get clothes from Bincos and Prolaps
  Suburban Zip Victom and D Sach.

  Watch your back when you in rival hoods
  they’ll test just to guess if your survivals good.
  Ducking shells at the Cluck’n Bell
  jump out busting gunning till they tuck they tail.

  It seem like I’m on impossible missions
  twisted predicaments hostile positions.
  Tennpenny and Polaski harass me
  cop cars been on our ass the last past week.

  Because the Dreas for the gangsters homeboy
  hands is the language for the bangers homeboy.
  And its dangerous homeboy
  get your brains blew for how you do your fingers homeboy.

  Heat cocked we popping them
  hot one’s dump them out bend the block shaken before the cops come
  listen for sirens but they don’t got none
  back another lap catch a straggler with a shotgun.

  Hittin them up what that Grove St. like
  in a dirty sling shot and old Levi’s.


  Boy oh boy, huh?  That's something.  Now that's straight from C.J. himself.  I
think that was very nice of him to do that.  I'll have to save that.



  1. Original gangster, which you become when you 'advertise' a gang. People
should talk about you and link your name with the things you done in the past.
This includes killings, drive-by shootings, spending time in jail, and living up
to your name. O.G. Original Gangster -- Ice-T (Original Gangster [1991]).
  2. True; original.
  3. Someone who is true to the game, who never sold out.
  4. David Morcos and Juan West, stone cold gangsters, true to the game, and
down with the things that go on in Trinity. Although they come from rich fami-
lies, their hearts still belong to the ghetto. "Thug Life."  Retrieved from


   II.3  Los Santos 1st main missions

   Written by Dan Houser, James Worrall, and DJ Pooh.

   DJ Pooh is a film and Hip Hop producer.  Dan Houser (Official U.S. PlaySta-
tion Magazine, November, 2004) said, "He’s amazing for what we wanted.  We
thought we were looking for someone to help us with writing. But you look at the
films he’s made ("Friday," "Next Friday"), and you see he’s so multi-skilled,
plus he has ridiculous hip-hop credibility."

  II.4  "In The Beginning"    Carl Johnson

  Carl Johnson, aka C.J.: Young MayLay

  Young MayLay, aka Chris Bellard, is a 26 yr. old (in 2004) West Coast rapper
who was suggested for the part of C.J. by film and hip hop producer DJ Pooh, but
Dan Houser seems to have gone for Young MayLay as soon as he overheard a phone
call between him and DJ.  Young MayLay was featured on compilations and under-
ground mix tapes like Killa Tay's "Thug Thizzle," 2000, and Rodney O & Joe
Cooley's "Summer Heat," 2002.  He wrote most of the tracks on King T's album
"Ruthless Chronicles," 2004, DJ Warrior's "Coast Control," 2004, and has re-
leased his own album in July, 2005 (see below).

  You can visit his web site, hear some tracks from his 2005 album "San Andreas
'The Original Mixtape,'" and contact him, at:

  He also kindly helped me out by sending me a copy of his lyrics to "San An-
dreas Theme Song" (see II.2) and has the job I particularly envy as the star of
the latest GTA.

  Sean "Sweet" Johnson: Faizon Love, who played Big Worm in "Friday," 1992,
(which was co-written by DJ Pooh, who played Red), one of the Jam Boys in "Fear
of a Black Hat" (1994) (sort of a rap "Spinal Tap") and the voice of the late
comedian Robin Harris in "Bebe's Kids" (1992).

  Frank Tenpenny: that famous Samuel L. Jackson, of too many movies to mention,
who starred as Stacks Edwards in "Goodfellas," 1990, Gator Purify in "Jungle
Fever," 1992, Tat Lawson (with MC Eiht as A-Wax) in “Menace II Society,” 1993,
Big Don in “True Romance.” 1993, Jules Winnfield in “Pulp Fiction,” 1993, Zeus
Carver in “Die Hard With a Vengeance," 1995, Doyle Gipson in “Changing Lanes,”
2002, etc., and probably has a handful being prepared for release as we speak.
Now this guy has a resume.  And he's starring in a Grand Theft Auto, even if it
is as a bad guy.

  Eddie Pulaski: Chris Penn (son of Leo the TV Director), who starred as B.J.
Jackson in "Rumble Fish," 1983, Willard Hewitt in "Footloose," 1984, Nice Guy
Eddie Cabot in "Reservoir Dogs," 1992, and Nicky Dimes in "True Romance," 1993.

  Officer Hernandez: Armando Riesco, who voice acted as the Supplier in "Vice
City," 2002 (who was the Supplier?  I'd recognize it if I heard it), Hector in
"Midnight Club II," 2003, and played Phelan in Spike Lee's "25th Hour," 2002,
and Jesse in "Garden State," 2004.

  "San Andreas" takes place in 1992, some time between "Vice City" (1986) and
"III" (2001?).  In "Wear Flowers in your Hair," The Truth refers to the mob
(Tommy Vercetti) having bought the Boatyard from Duane and Jethro.  Claude Speed
and Catalina have gotten together in "Farewell, My Love," so it would be about
another nine years before Claude is shot by her, and she and Salvatore Leone are
killed by Claude, in "III."  Claude's silence shrouds unfathomable patience.

  C.J., at Francis International Airport, Liberty City, remembers his brother
Sweet telling him that their Mom died.

  As soon as C.J. gets to Los Santos, he's hit and harassed by Officers Tenpen-
ny, Pulaski, and Hernandez, who take him for a ride in their police car and make
sure C.J. knows they think the worst of him and need him to do things their way.

  Tenpenny frames C..J. for the murder of a dead policeman.  Why he bothers
holding this over C.J.'s head when he could just follow C.J. around for ten min-
utes with a camcorder is never explained.

  They throw C.J. in an alley in Jefferson.  C.J. knows it's hostile Balla gang
territory; Ballas are the guys in purple who'll attack C.J. if you don't keep
him away from them.  Reminiscent of the booklet that came with "III" calling
Liberty City "the worst place in America," C.J. says he's in the "worst place in
the world.  Rollin Heights Balla country."   Have C.J. get on the BMX bike in
front of him and ride to the Johnson house, "C.J." on the radar, a few blocks
SE.  Now and then, press W quickly and repeatedly to make C.J. stand up and pump
the pedals hard, and have him stay off to the side of the train tracks if you
have him use the railroad bridge.

  The Johnson garage, at the house icon in Ganton on the paper map that comes
with the game, is free and immediately available.

  C.J. can explore but can't get into the Johnson house for you to save the game
till he walks into the red shaft of light in front of the front porch and does
the next couple of missions:

  II.5  "Big Smoke"        Carl Johnson

  C.J.'s Mom Beverly: ?

  Kendl Johnson: Yo Yo (Yolanda) Whittaker has helped spread the word about fe-
male empowerment with hip hop in "Make Way for the Motherlode," 1991, and, more
recently, "Ebony," 1998.  She had a top 40 hit in 1991 with "You Can't Play with
My Yo-Yo."  She played Yo-Yo in "Boyz n the Hood," 1991, and a Girl at Party
(with Samuel L. Jackson, Clifton Powell, MC Eiht, and Clifton Collins, Jr.) in
"Menace II Society," 1993.

  Kendl has to try to be level-headed and bring her brothers and boyfriend to
work with one another.

  Melvin "Big Smoke" Harris: Clifton Powell, star of movies and TV, who played
Chauncy in "Menace II Society," 1993, Martin Luther King, Jr., in the TV movie
"Selma, Lord, Selma," 1999, Pinky in "Friday After Next," 2002 (co-written by DJ
Pooh), an FBI Agent (with Ray Liotta) in the short film "The Hire: Ticker,"
2002, and Jeff Brown in "Ray," 2004.

  While C.J. looks around the Johnson house in mourning, he remembers his Mom
and sister talking with him years ago, and takes a picture of his Mom to hold
and look at as he sits at the living room table.  Big Smoke, the chubby fellow
with glasses, a goatee, and a derby-like fedora, comes from the kitchen with a
baseball bat, thinking C.J. is a burglar.  He recognizes him and they hug.

  (Like C.J., I don't know what book Big Smoke is talking about, either--Eccle-
siastes, the OT book Pete Seeger used for lyrics in "Turn, Turn, Turn": "A time
of love, a time of hate..."?  I don't know--that one doesn't mean to have each
pair at the same time.)  He has C.J. drive them in Big Smoke's station wagon to
the cemetery.

  II.6  "Sweet and Kendl"  Carl Johnson

  Sean "Sweet" Johnson
  Lance "Ryder" Wilson: MC Eiht was a lead rapper of Compton's Most Wanted, then
a solo rapper with a loyal following, and played A-Wax in the movie "Menace II
Society," 1993, which featured his recording "Streiht up Menace."  He starred as
T Bone (with Clifton Powell) in "Who Made the Potatoe Salad?," 2005.

  At the cemetery, C.J. meets his sister Kendl, their brother Sweet (he has a
cap and a beard), and his friend Ryder (he has a cap, mustache, and a blunt--a
cigar filled with marijuana).  Sweet, Ryder, and Big Smoke all wear green, the
Grove Street Families gang color.  Sweet is PO'ed: he doesn't like that C.J. ran
off for five years so he gives him a hard time.  Kendl walks off to see Cesar,
and Sweet gives her a hard time about that and berates Cesar as unprincipled.
He points to several nearby graves of people they knew, like their brother
Brian, and tells C.J. the local fighting put them there.

  As the four guys go to Big Smoke's station wagon, some Ballas do a drive-by on
it and blow it up.

  Have C.J. get on a bicycle and follow Sweet then Ryder.  The one to follow has
a blue cone pointed down at his head and is represented by a blue dot on the ra-

  Ryder wants C.J. to dress in green (which C.J. can do a few main missions lat-

  C.J. can enter the Johnson house to save the game at a floppy disk icon from
now on, and there's a camera in the bedroom.

  Sweet Johnson calls to warn C.J. that their old gang has split up into warring

  II.7  "Ryder"           Carl Johnson

  A rider is someone who'll buddy with you and might join your gang or clique:
"I won't deny it, I'm a straight ridah" (2Pac "Ambitionz Az A Ridah").

  Ryder has C.J. agree to help him get even with the owner of a pizza place that
keeps covering up their s**t (probably a Tag--graffiti that symbolizes a gang).
He has C.J. drive to get a haircut at a barber shop, then chides him he looks
"jacked up" (not quite right:
jacked+up).  Then he has C.J. get food at the pizza place.  Ryder holds a hand-
gun on the owner/clerk of the pizza place, who recognizes Ryder, telling him no
one else is so small and he feels sorry for his Dad, then points a Shotgun at
them.  Ryder runs for the car; have C.J. drive him home.  Ryder tells C.J. to
see Sweet about Tags.

  The restaurants, barber shops, and tattoo parlors are open and shown on the
radar and in-game map.

  Some PS2 gamers have reported that getting C.J. a haircut makes his tattoo Sex
Appeal points go away.  You might play it safe and get him a haircut before get-
ting him a tattoo.  If you already had him get a tattoo before getting him a
haircut, the tattoo parlor can have it removed for $400.

  Send C.J. to Gay Gordos for a Groove Cut: $500 (or a blonde cornrow, if you
like: $550), or to Old Reece's for a Cornrow: $500.  All are 30 points each for
both Sex Appeal and Respect Stats.  I got him a Groove Cut.

  Send C.J. to a tattoo parlor for one of the tattoos that are 3 points each for
both Sex Appeal and Respect, which are any of them for the back and lower back.
I got him an Angel for $450.


  III  Preliminaries for Los Santos

  I did the 1st few missions, saving the game after each one.  You need to have
C.J. eat or drink, or save the game, for his Health bar.  But if he doesn't eat
to keep something in his Fat bar, the Muscle then Health bars will diminish
quickly.  Snack and soda pop machines are available from the start of the game,
but the fast food places open up and appear an the radar and in-game map after
"Ryder," so I work on the Stat building preliminaries after that.  Especially if
you're new to the game and eager to get going, that's a bit less you have to try
to remember.

  I might fill about a 3rd of C.J.'s Fat bar, which starts at about a 6th and
burns off slowly, and feed him a handful of big Fat meals every day or two.
Take 2 Games has said that feeding him every day can prevent the glitch of C.J.
being unable to use the gyms, a glitch that may appear near the end of the game.

  Once C.J. develops some Muscle, he'll be allowed to use the outdoor gym at Ve-
rona Beach.  The treadmill is the fastest way to lose Fat that turns into Muscle
(feeding him 11 times at once to make him vomit just makes him lose about all of
his Fat).  And using the weights is the fastest way to turn the Fat into Muscle.

  Keeping C.J. busy doing the things given below seems to be enough otherwise to
raise the Stats he needs to improve his strength, weapon, and vehicle abilities.
Then (a week or two later) I'd make a copy of my save game of my GTA San Andreas
User Files in My Documents.  Doing them all at once takes a looooooong time, but
look at it this way: once you copy the save file, you'll never have to do them
again--at least not all at once.

  As Rusk says, if you have C.J. swim, or fly and parachute, to the blocked-off
areas, he'll get a four star wanted rating that the law enforcers won't let go
of, even if you use a code, till C.J. can get back to the allowable areas to get
rid of it.  You can get more done early on that way, but it takes a lot of time
and effort that doesn't always pay off if you're like me and don't save the game
if C.J. gets busted or wasted.

  If you want to save time on certain vehicle missions you're not crazy about
that are available in the unwelcome areas, it takes less time to do them when
those areas 1st open then make a copy of your save game.  So hazarding the un-
welcome areas isn't convenient or easier, but you might enjoy the different ex-
perience and the challenge.  (You might like the two bribes and Pay 'n' Spray in
Blueberry for C.J. when he gets back.)

  He also explains that you can send C.J. to them to complete the Oyster collec-
tion and get some weapons, like a Minigun or Combat Shotgun (which then has
whatever Shotgun or Sawnoff Shotgun ammo added to it), with no harassment a lit-
tle into the 1st missions--see "Reuniting the Families."

  In the meantime, I'll just explain how to have C.J. primed to make the most of
it when he goes to them.

  III.1   Maps, map markers, teleportation, and a trainer:
            how to control space and time

  The in-game map

  Move the cursor over the in-game map to see the names of the neighborhoods in
the lower right corner.  Use the Mouse Scroller to make the in-game map zoom in
and out.  When zooming in on a part of the in-game map, you can orient your view
of it with the side scroller and by pressing the LMB to have the "camera" move
to where you click the cursor.

  Map markers

  If you right click a spot on the in-game map, it creates a marker (a black
circle with a red cross in it that has a black circle in the middle of it).  Un-
like icons for fast food places, etc., it will appear at the border of your ra-
dar to indicate relative direction even if C.J. is far from it.  Right click it
again to make it disappear.  Since it can help you stay on course during travel,
it's used with some methods to get to the hidden interiors, etc.

  My directions mainly refer to your paper map; once you see the spot I des-
cribe, I recommend clicking the spot on your in-game map with the RMB to make a
marker so the marker on the radar can guide you right there.


  Other maps

  The BradyGames Official Strategy Guide for Xbox and PC has helpful maps, pic-
tures, information, and strategies which can be used while playing the game.
But for Tags, etc., use the combination of descriptions, maps, and screenshots
because the descriptions may be vague, the dots on the map may be off-target in
various directions (or even just wrong: the description correctly gives Oyster
10 as S of the Los Santos lighthouse, but the map puts the dot for it S of the
Ferris wheel; I made corrections on the maps with ink) and numbered in a haphaz-
ard manner, and the screenshots are tiny--and the radar on them is even tinier.

  Maps that are a lot more accurate are at:

  Some other good maps can be found at the Gamefaqs and GTA Forums web sites.
At Gamefaqs, go to PC, G, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, FAQs, and find some by
GamerLady and dark52.  At GTA Forums, go to GTA Series--GTA San Andreas--Game
play, Maps of San Andrea, page 7, and find some by Smithers and others.

  Another link on p.7 takes you to some other good maps.  Beside maps for weap-
ons, etc., some also give the locations of 2 player freeroam/rampage icons,
Unique Jumps, and school/asset locations, with screenshots and pictures of the
radar for each location.

  I'd save them in "My Pictures" and print them if you can spare the ink.

  An interactive map called SAM (San Andreas Map) is at:



  The fastest way to find the Tags, Oysters, Photo Ops, and Horseshoes, and look
at Liberty City and the hidden interiors, etc., is by using X.13.a  The San An-
dreas Place Manager, which you Alt Tab out of the game with, X.13.b  The Map
Teleporter/Vehicle Spawn, which lets you use hot keys, or X.13.c  The GTA SA
Control Center, which works for either the patched or unpatched version of the
game and lets you use hot keys.

   I'd like it if someone came up with a variation on the "Vice City" "Hidden
Package and Rampage Finder"/"Northern Lights" mod for the "San Andreas" Tags,
Oysters, and Photo Ops, too.  See X.13.h  "The Horseshoe Help mod" if you'd like
a mod like that for Horseshoes.



  To freeze the mission timer--either the one that counts up or down--with ei-
ther the patched or unpatched version of the game, get  X.13.c  The GTA SA Con-
trol Center.

  III.2  Spraying Tags

  The easiest way to find them all (and easier for me than describing all the
locations) is to use one of the teleportation devices at X.13.a, b, or c.

  After poppin' all 100 Tags, C.J. will earn some Respect and the Tec9. AK-47,
Sawnoff Shotgun, and Molotov Cocktails will be available in the kitchen of the
Johnson house.  His gang members get better weapond, like the SMG and Desert
Eagle, too.  The six Tags C.J. needs to spray for "Tagging Up Turf" will appear
unsprayed during that mission so C.J. can spray them again.

  Have C.J. go behind the Johnson house and jump on the E end of the wall (so he
doesn't keep trying to go to the other side of it), then on the roof, then onto
the roof of the Pawn Shop to get a can of spray about eight or ten times to
build up a good supply of paint, remembering to feed him every day or two.  (You
could make it a habit for C.J. to get more paint each time you start the game.)

  A very grateful thanks to Garrett Daniels for offering the following advice
(I've condensed) on the Gamefaqs message boards when I was worried about which
Tag was the one I'd missed:

  A second after the message saying you sprayed the Tag appears, the new graph-
ics appear and the "blink" sound is made indicating the game counted it in your
Stats.  It's possible to run out of paint during that second with the graphics
partly completed.  Before you get confused about which Tags you did and worry
that you won't get 100% for the game because of a non-existent Tag glitch, get
more paint and spray it again.  You won't get the message, just the completed
graphics, "blink," and credit in your Stats.

  III.3   Weapons
          8 Ball's Bomb Shop

  Note: if I give the name of a place in capital letters and quotes, I'm refer-
ring to the name as printed on the paper map that comes with the game.


  Fist  You forgot to get Brass Knuckles.

  Brass Knuckles

  Better than a bare fist.  They're found:

  - under the S side of the bridge over the lot W of C.J.'s house,

  - and in alley by the Commerce 24/7 (on the N side of the block at the S end
of Commerce).

  Melee weapons:

  Baseball Bat

  - some pedestrians carry one.


  - in the security booth at the entrance to the movie studio at the E side of
the block with "WOOD" of "VINEWOOD," and a policeman may have one.


  The "Vice City" fast Chainsaw attack still works.  Have C.J. run with Fist/
Brass Knuckles, or jump with the Chainsaw, to a target.  Get it revved up and
pointing forward, then move C.J. in whatever direction and aim it with the
mouse.  You can find a Chainsaw:

  - beside the W log shelter (in the brown rectangle W of the big brown square
on the paper map) in the Panopticon,

  - in Ocean Docks on a pier at the W side of the island,

  - between a bin of junk and some piles of tires in a Willow Field scrap yard
that's at the W side of the place where the road that loops through the Ocean
Docks island curves N on the mainland,

  - and by a little house at the W side of the S end of the brown dirt road that
goes S from the paved road, where the paper map says "HAMPTON BARNS," to a T in-

  Golf Club

  - beside the big broadcasting tower by the VINEWOOD sign in Mulholland, and
some pedestrians and golfers carry one.


  - behind the corner of the wooden fence E of the 24/7 that's on the block
where the "O" of "LITTLE MEXICO" is printed on the paper map.


  - in front of the E "LOADING BAY" garage door behind the corner of little
stores on the SW corner of the block that has "MARKET" printed on it on the pa-
per map.

  Pool Cue

  - in front of the restaurant at the S end of the W side of the SE block of

  - and from a game of pool at some of the bars in San Andreas, such as the Ten
Green Bottles bar W of the Johnson house.


  - available behind Ryder's house--the one with holes in the yard to the W of
the Johnson house (I don't know how you get shovelfuls of dirt to come out so
neatly, and bigger than the holes they're from, like that; I think Ryder is
bringing home buckets of sand from the beach for the chipmunks to play with),

  - under the S porch of an old shack a bit W of middle of the brown square of
the Panopticon,

  - and over three unmarked fresh graves by an old house at the light gray dot
(a bright white dot on the radar) just NE of the "O" in "RED COUNTY."


  9mm ("Pistol" in dataweapon.dat)

  Some gang members and policemen carry them..  As Rusk notes, it and Machine
Pistols can be used with the Jetpack.  You can find one:

  - in a back yard NE of the Johnson house,

  - at the S end of the empty lot on the N side of the narrow block S of the 1st

  - at the S side of a life guard hut W of Santa Maria pier,

  - at any Ammu-Nation after "Doberman," and some hookers carry one.

  Silenced 9mm ("Pistol Silenced" in dataweapon.dat)

  - on the S porch of the E block of the Conference Center in Conference,

  - and at any Ammu-nation after "Doberman."

  Desert Eagle

  Desert Eagle: an Israeli manufacturer of guns including the desert eagle, baby
eagle and others; also called a Deagle, 50; Deagle is a term to hide/shorten the
name of the gun.  50 is said as a reference to a 50 cal Deagle available in
.357, .50, and .44 caliber.

  The strongest handgun in the game.  You can find one:

  - by a billboard S of the SE bend in the main road through Playa Del Seville.



  Gangster at 20%.  You can find one:

  - on the top floor of the Los Santos and Dillimore Police Departments,

  - and at an Ammu-Nation after "Doberman."

  Sawnoff Shotgun

  Can be dual wield for one hit kills (use the Sniper Rifle for longer distance
one hit kills).  Gangster at 20%.  You can find one:

  - in Ocean Docks in a train car in the blue building shown on the paper map as
a dark rectangle on the E side of the block that's at the NE corner of Los San-
tos International Airport (have C.J. run across a platform at the door to get
inside the box car; if you have him jump, he'll keep trying to grab the upper
ledge of the car and hang from it; there's Armor in the car with a wooden plank
used for a ramp to the door of it),

  - S of the A Stage building in the movie lot in Vinewood (on the block that
says "WOOD" on the paper map),

  - on the back porch of the 2nd house from the S end of the E block of the two
big rectangular blocks in Palomino Creek,

  - in East Los Santos on the roof of the Pig Pen, which is on the SE corner of
the nearly square block N of the martini glass symbol, shown on the paper map,
in N East Los Santos (look at the N side of the building for a section C.J. can
jump up to, then onto a higher roof),

  - and at Ammu-Nations after "Doberman."

  Combat Shotgun ("SPAS12" in dataweapon.dat)

  A S.P.A.S. 12 semi-automatic shotgun.  Gangster at 20%.  You can find one at
an Ammu-Nation after "Don Peyote" (a Las Venturas mission).

  If you use the "Reuniting the Families" (IV.27) glitch to go to the blocked
off and unwelcome areas early, stock up on the ammo of either of the other two
kinds of Shotgun 1st.

  As Rusk notes, all three Shotguns use the same ammo, so you can stock up on
ammo with any of them and that ammo is added to the round that comes with which-
ever Shotgun you get next.

  Then, for the Combat Shotgun, go to the SW corner of Las Venturas--to the
block W of where "LVA FREIGHT DEPOT" is printed on the paper map.  Go S into the
N entrance of the compound, past the garage with a lot of doors on your left, to
the rectangular divider with plants and trees growing in it.  The Combat Shotgun
is in the shrub in the middle of it.

  Submachine guns:

  Submachine guns are needed to do drive-bys.

  The 1st two are in the Machine Pistol category.  Those two and the 9mm Pistol
can be used with the Jetpack.


  The weakest SMG.  Gangster at 10%.  It can be dual wield, used for drive-bys,
used with the Jetpack, and SWAT agents don't use it, making it a good choice for
a weapon to strengthen as described at X.11--Weapons and Attackers.  You can
find one:

  - under the E end of the S highway ramp of the two that end in loops W of the
terminal building that looks like the LA Airport Tower Building (also seen in

  - at the N side of a little warehouse at the SE corner of the intersection of
N Blueberry,

  - behind the big white house with lots of brown trim on the hill surrounded
by a loop of road in Mulholland,

  - by a chain link fence in a lot S of "NAS" in "LAS COLINAS,"

  - and at an Ammu-Nation after "Doberman."

  Micro SMG ("Micro Uzi" in dataweapon.dat)

  Gangster at 10%.  It can be dual-wield and used with the Jetpack.  You can
find one:

  - on a lower ledge in the big drainage ditch E of the Johnson house,

  - on the top floor of the spiral multi-floor parking garage that's on the S
side of the "L"-shaped block two blocks N of the E side of Los Santos Forum,

  - at an Ammu-Nation after "Doberman," and they're used by SWAT agents.

  SMG ("MP5" in dataweapon.dat)

  An MP--the strongest SMG available.  Gangster at 30%.  You can find one:

  - at Unity Train Station, which is N of the two prongs of track that extend
from the main RR track before the RR tunnel in El Corona,

  - in the walled-in area at the W side of the building (with a fire-blackened
SE corner) on the NE side of the N block of downtown Montgomery,

  - on the roof of the Jefferson Motel, which is on the block W of the N end of
the thick area shown on the radar and in-game map for where the train track has
a street on either side of it in Jefferson (the motel stairs are on the S side),

  - on an upstairs outdoor patio at the E side of an off-white stucco house with
a red-orange roof--it's along the N-most road in Las Colinas and W of the gray
N-S line indicating a RR tunnel on the paper map,

  - at Ammu-Nations after "Doberman," and they're used by FBI agents.

  Assault Rifles:


  Gangster at 30%.  A good general purpose weapon.  You can find one:

  - at the Johnson house after spraying 100 Tags,

  - in the SW area of a big warehouse with a band of red around the top of the
outside walls in the W section of the block in Ocean Docks that's at the NE cor-
ner of Los Santos International Airport,

  - in the NW corner of the movie studio on the block with "WOOD" of "VINEWOOD";
enter on the E side of the block,

  - and behind Roboi's Food Mart--24/7--about a block W of the W tip of the Mul-
holland Intersection.


  Gangster at 20%.  A better general purpose weapon.  There's one:

  - between two of a trio of ramps at the SW end of the airport tarmac (have
C.J. jump on a vehicle then jump up and climb over the fence by the front gate
if he hasn't gotten his pilot's license to have it opened for him),

  - they're at Ammu-Nations after "Yay Ka-Boom-Boom" (a San Fierro mission), and
they're used by the Army.


  Hold the RMB to bring up the scope, zoom with X and Z or the mouse wheel, and
fire with the LMB.

  Rifle ("Country Rifle" in dataweapon.dat)

  Good for long distance two hit kills.  There's one:

  - by the pool in the back yard of a house in the NE area of the block that's
N of the block that says, "MULH" of "MULHOLLAND" on the paper map.

  Sniper Rifle

  Good for longer distance one hit kills.  You can find one:

  - in Vinewood at the top of the ramps on the outside of Stage 25 at Interglob-
al Television (on the block N of the "M" in "Marina" on the paper map),

  - in Mulholland on a high balcony of the S branch of a big light beige house
with a dirty pink surrounding wall at the SW end of the block that's N of the
Pay 'n' Spray; to get it, have full Health for C.J.; have him go NW from the
house with the Sniper Rifle to the house on stilts on a cliff; have him climb
onto a four wheel vehicle at the N side of the house, then onto the roof of it;
have him make a fast run and jump from the SE corner of that roof to the NW cor-
ner of the 2nd balcony below the roof of the house with the Sniper Rifle; have
him jump down to the balcony lower than that on the S side of the house, get the
Sniper Rifle, jump to the next lower balcony, then to the ground; he should
still have most of his Health, but I'd get him something to eat,

  - and the roof of the Jefferson hospital (on a 25' by 25' or so area of the
tallest section of the beige hospital, just SW of the hospital tower of satel-
lite dishes, which is a couple bocks S of the E end of the pond in Glen Park;
you need to bail, preferably with a parachute, or Jetpack to get there).

  Heavy weapons:

  Rocket Launcher

  While restrained to Los Santos, you can get one at the start of the game.
Have C.J. get a parachute (see below).  Then have C.J. jump on a vehicle and
climb over the fence by the front gates of the airport, and fly the Dodo to the
roof of the building that's on the E side of the 2nd block W of the S tip of
Mulholland Intersection.  Release acceleration during your approach and use re-
verse as you land (crash it into the antenna there if you need to).  (If you
don't have C.J. get the parachute and wreck the plane, or have C.J. use the
parachute to fly to the Rocket Launcher, he'll have to jump to the ground after-
ward, and, if he had full Health, will have his Health reduced to a tiny

  It's good for taking down helicopters.  Hold the RMB to bring up the scope and
fire with the LMB.


  Use the glitch that lets you explore San Andreas near the end of "Reuniting
the Families" if you want to get one early from Las Venturas.  It's good for
quickly taking out anything except Rhinos, and you don't have to upgrade the
skill for it.  C.J. can get a wanted rating easier with it than with most weap-
ons if he's shooting rival gang members, but it makes it easy to do certain mis-
sions that clear the wanted level when you complete them.  You can generally use
this slot for a Rocket Launcher otherwise, since a Rocket Launcher is more com-
monly available early on.

  There's a Minigun at the NE side of the white section (on the radar and in-
game map) at the NE corner of the block that's the E-most rectangular block en-
closed by road along the N side of the Old Venturas Strip (see the paper map
that comes with the game) in NE Las Venturas.  Send C.J. into the alley, right
into the garage, then down the ramp to find the Minigun by the elevator doors.

  "Mini mini mini mini, mini
  Some people got to have it
  Some people really need it
  Listen to me y'all, do things, do things, do bad things with it
  You wanna do things, do things, do things, good things with it...."
  (variation on lyrics of "Apprentice Theme Song -- For the Love of Money" by
The O'Jays)



  - behind a pizza stand on the Santa Maria pier,

  - in East Beach in the NE corner of the 3rd floor of the parking garage on the
S side of the big "L"-shaped block two blocks N of Los Santos Forum,

  - in Las Colinas behind the brown wooden fence and shed at the E side of a
house over the head of the cartoon duck swimming E-shaped block N of the thick
N-S line, indicating a section of the RR track with a street on either side of
it, on the paper map,

  - and at Ammu-Nations after "Doberman."

  Tear Gas

  Good for detaining police officers when C.J. gets a one or two star wanted
level while fighting rival gangsters.  It's good for getting out of various such
tight spots.

  - in Ocean Docks in a train car in the blue building shown on the paper map as
a dark rectangle on the E side of the block that's at the NE corner of Los San-
tos International Airport (the same big blue warehouse that has a Sawnoff Shot-
gun in a railroad car),

  - and at the top of the steps of the Opera house (a big granite block building
with red-orange and yellow-orange vertical banners hanging in front of it) S of
the W branches of the Mulholland Intersection.

  Molotov Cocktails

  Good for taking out the attackers that emerge when you hit a vehicle--like a
Rhino, FBI Rancher, or rival gang car--with one.  The spread that helped them
attack around corners in "Vice City" is even greater now.  You get a Stat for
fires started.  You can find Molotovs:

  - in the Johnson house after spraying 100 Tags,

  - in an alley on the N side of Rodriguez Iron Works, which is at the SE corner
of the block N of the T intersection N of the East Los Santos Cluckin' Bell N of
the Johnson house,

  - on the Library roof at the S end of the SW block of Palomino Creek,

  - and in Mulholland N of the main E-W road next to Hobo's old fashioned light
brown wood and gray diner with a RR crossing-type sign out front.

  Remote Explosives ("Satchel Charge" and "Detonator" in dataweapon.dat)

  Have C.J. throw one or a number of them, which stick to the surface they hit
(a vehicle, a Balla's butt, etc.), then switch to the detonator to explode them.
It's good for taking out Rhinos when no attackers are on foot nearby.  C.J. can
get a wanted rating just for throwing one.  You can find one:

  - in an alley on the N side of the Inside Track which is on the E side of the
biggest block in Montgomery.

  Handheld Items:

  Spray Can

  Used to spray the 100 Tags in Los Santos.  He can also immobilize or even kill
people with the spray.

  - on a Pawn Shop roof: have C.J. go to the back of the Johnson house, jump on
the E end of the wall (so he won't keep trying to get to the other side of it),
jump on the roof, then run onto the Pawn Shop roof for a Spray Can,

  - and in Las Colinas behind a little one story light gray house with a stone
enclosed porch about where the "C" in "COLINAS" is on your paper map that comes
with the game.


  Used to take 50 snapshots in San Fierro.  C.J. an also get his gang members to
take his picture with it, and you can save the pictures taken with it in your
GTA San Andreas User Files in My Documents if you turn the option for Store Gal-
lery Photos on in the menu.

  - in C.J.'s bedroom at the Johnson house.

  Fire Extinguisher

  It can put out fires, and immobilize or even kill people by not letting them

  - in most fast food places, which open up after "Ryder."

  Gifts for girlfriends:

  Gifts can also be used as melee weapons, so C.J. can knock someone to the
ground with some posies, which is different.


  We're not sure which one uses this--probably C.J. on Millie (the one that
likes the Gimp outfit).  But I haven't heard of anyone being able to give it to
a girlfriend in the game, so it's figured to be a melee weapon in the wrong
weapon slot.  There's a cane:

  - at the W side of a lot in the middle of the houses on the block E of the
block with the bottom of "PLE" of "TEMPLE,"

  - in front of Didier Sachs clothes store catacorner SE from the "O" of "RO-

  - and behind the VINEWOOD sign.


  The gift that's also the unlikeliest melee weapon C.J. has.  Flowers don't re-
appear in a location once taken from one and the game is saved.  There are flow-

  at the S side of the flower bed that's at the E side of the pond in Glen Park,
  at the E end of Verona Beach,
  in the garden S of the front door of Verdant Bluffs Observatory,
  in the cemetery in the block N of the block that has "WOOD" of "VINEWOOD"
printed on it on your paper map,
  in Mulholland at the NE side of the loop of road,
  in El Corona in the front yard of the 2nd house from the W on the S side of
the block N of the RR track E of where two short tracks veer from it,
  in Idlewood by the Sprunk machine at the gas station on the NE corner of the
same block,
  and in Las Colinas in front of the off-white stucco house on the N side of the
N-most E-W road W of where a gray line extends N from it to indicate a RR tun-
nel--it's the 2nd house W of the gray line.

  Double-Ended D**do

  C.J. can give it to a girlfriend as a gift or beat somebody over the head with
it (it must not be made of those new flexible polymers).

  - in the shower of the Los Santos and Dillimore police stations.  Go in the
front door, don't have C.J. draw a weapon, and he should be okay getting this.

  Apparel Items:


  - on top of the oval building S of "LOS" of "DOWNTOWN LOS SANTOS."  Enter the
building on the NE side.


  This is available at Verdant Meadows airfield after "Green Goo," a Desert mis-
sion.  It's useful for getting around the regular scenery and Ghost hell, ghost
world, ghost heaven, and Liberty City (I.12), too.  The code for it is "ROCKET-
MAN"--I Wouldn't save the game after using it, but it could help you scope out
the confusing bunch of locations for weapons, items, etc., of the game.

  8 Ball's Bomb Shop

  On the S side of the 24/7 that's on the W side the block of "O" of "LITTLE
MEXICO," Los Santos, is 8 Ball's Bomb Shop.  Drive a vehicle into it for the ve-
hicle to have a bomb installed in it, press F or Enter to activate the bomb,
have C.J. leg it, and press F or Enter again to set it off.  It makes C.J.'s ve-
hicle a mobile Remote Explosive.


  III.4   Armor and Police Bribes

  Health icons only appear during certain missions and territory battles, and
there's one in Madd Dogg's kitchen after "A Home in the Hills."

  Land vehicles are a kind of armor, too, in that they take the punishment for
a crash, even a jump from the top of Mount Chiliad, without C.J.'s Armor or
Health going down at all--if you land right.

  Body Armor

  Ammu-Nations after "Doberman."

  Ganton: in the big flood control ditch E of C.J's house, on the W side of the
ditch under a bridge a bit N of the Johnson house.

  NE Red County: N, across San Andreas Sound, from the W loop of the two of the
intersection E of Montgomery Intersection.  On the radar and in-game map,
there's a pier on the N bank with two gray segments that extend S.  The Armor is
between the stairs on the W segment.  C.J. won't get a wanted rating for climb-
ing onto the piers.

  Red County: in the N area of the brown area, on the paper map, at the NE side
of Hampton Barns, under the porch of the little blue one story house.

  Montgomery: at the NE corner of the fenced-in dirt lot of trailers E of the S
block of Montgomery.

  Red County: on top of the ramp by the doors at the N side of the big Fleisch-
Berg building, which is on the S side of the road that goes W from lower down-
town Blueberry.

  Palomino Creek: between the light pink one story house and the blue two door
garage of the 2nd house from the W of the houses N of the NE block of Palomino

  East Beach: from the point the "S" of "LOS FLORES" is printed on the paper
map, go N past the 1st right and, just before the bridge, turn right into an al-
ley, make the 90 degree turn of it, and the Armor is in front of you.

  Las Colinas: on the block S of "NAS" of "LAS COLINAS" on the paper map, at the
W end of the part shown as gray on the radar and in-game map.

  Mulholland: on the same high balcony as the Sniper Rifle you probably need to
fly to.

  Pershing Square: a Los Santos police cell.

  Verdant Bluffs: among picnic tables on the patio at the N side of the block
that's S of the one that says "HALL" of "CITY HALL" on the paper map.

  Conference Center: on the porch of the W side of the W block of the Conference
Center building.

  Commerce: on the N end of the block that's N of the "L" in "LITTLE MEXICO" is
the Atrium.  (Have C.J. enter on the N or W side; the screen says "Attrium" if
he enters on the W side.)  The Armor is on the S side.  (It's the place with a
statue of part of a guy miming masturbation, with statues of guys covering their
eyes around it.  When C.J. entered it once, I heard heavy breathing sounds, too.
 I think they were the same sounds as I heard in a lower room of Caligula's,
too, whatever that's about.)

  Los Santos International:  on the right end of the little horizontal rectangle
of roads is a square of roads: the Armor is by the N side of the lower of the
two N roads (one is over the other).

  Willow Field: behind the gray steps of the 2nd building N of the SE corner of
the block that says "WIL" of "WILLOW" on the paper map.

  Willow Field: on the block E of where it says "EL CORONA" on the paper map.
Going E on the S side of the RR tracks that veer S, it's on the E side of the
2nd big dirty orange container of scrap, and W of the big pile of black scrap.

  Ocean Docks: in the office on the 2nd floor in the W end of the warehouse
with a red band around the top of the out side walls in the W section of the
block in Ocean Docks that's at the NE corner of Los Santos International Air-

  Ocean Docks: in the train car with a plank as a ramp for the door (by the
train car with a Sawnoff Shotgun) in the blue building in the SE section of the
block in Ocean Docks that's at the NE corner of Los Santos International Air-

  Police bribes:

  (**** could be a useful airborne bribe for a helicopter)

  Ganton: from the Johnson house, go W, turn S, then go W into the alley and
past the foliage in it.

  East Los Santos: at the W edge of the big flood control ditch E of the Johnson
house, N of the bridge overpass to the N, and between a building and the edge of
a fence.

  Ocean Docks: over the N arch of the little bridge that's W of the S end of the
E block of the island.****

  Ocean Docks: next to crates SW across a lot from the end of the dead end road
of the island.

  Glen Park: N of the pond, in the tunnel that goes through the stone bridge
that goes over the pond.

  Market: in a clearing between the beige, green/blue, and purple apartments at
the SE corner of the block N of the block that says "ARKET" of "MARKET" on the
paper map.

  Las Colinas: over a downhill slope in the road E of "LAS COLINAS" on the paper

  Las Colinas: on the block that looks like a cartoon duck swimming E, the bribe
is in a narrow alley, over the RR tunnel, between two houses.

  Mulholland: at the SE corner of the block E of the little loop of road, by the
N side of a garage of a house.

  Rodeo: between two low rectangular planters of Yucca plants about 2/3rds N up
the W side of the street of the W street of the block that says "MARI" of "MARI-

  Verona Beach: in the NW corner of the gray alley shown on the radar and in-
game map, on the block N of the block that says "RENCE" of "CONFERENCE" on the
paper map.

  Montgomery Intersection: on a dirt road under the E end of the S loop.

  Blueberry: in an alley between a fence and a building; it's in the middle of
the rectangular block E of the upside-down "L"-shaped block.

  Blueberry Acres: on a dirt road in SW Blueberry Acres, which is the block W of
downtown Blueberry.

  Red County: on some rocks by the N bank of an E-W river, at a crook in the
river just SW of the "C" in "COUNTY" on the paper map.****


  III.5   Maximum Stats of all kinds in one sitting

  This is the fastest way to get the maximum for all vehicle, weapon, and what-
ever you call the rest of them--Stamina, etc.--Stats (TGIPC).

  Uncheck the green "read only" dot for the "Grand Theft Auto San Andreas" fold-
er as described at X.5 and make backups as described at X.6.

  Go to dataar_stats.dat with Notepad.

  An example from lines 0 to 11 and 33 to 45: lines 5 and 38--flying skill.

  At line 5, the STAT_INC_FLYING_SKILL is 50.

  At line 38, the STAT_TIMELIMIT_FLYING_SKILL is 300.

  That means you increase the skill for using the vehicle by 50 points, or "in-
crements." when you fly it for 300 seconds.  Old School Hustla says he changed
them to 500 increments of skill for every two seconds of flying and maxed out
his flight skill in one very short flight.  So you make the number for the line
from 0 to 11 bigger and the one from lines 33 to 45 smaller.

  I didn't increase the amount added to driving skill, 20 points, just lowered
the time taken to get a skill increase message to 1 second, and maximized driv-
ing skill in a drive around Los Santos with a new message appearing about as
fast as it took for the last one to fade from view.

  An example regarding weapon skill:

  At line 12, the STAT_INC_PISTOL_SKILL is 0.8.

  At line 46, the STAT_TIMELIMIT_PISTOL_SKILL is 50.

  That means you get a 0.8 increase in skill for using the weapon for every 50
accurate shots made with it.  As in the 1st example, make the 1st number bigger
and the 2nd one smaller.  I changed it to 500 points added per 1 accurate shot
and made Hitman for Pistol in a few shots.

  Do the same with each vehicle type, weapon type, and Stamina, etc., and save
yourself one he** of a whole bunch of time.  Thanks to a post by Old School
Hustla at GTA Forums for this considerably time-saving tip.

  A Stat is maximized at 1,000 points; it continues to grow afterward, but your
Skill doesn't increase.  So if you're really in a hurry, you might try changing
the figures to create 1,000 points in one second (thanks to Ben "Cerbera"

  The one exception to getting them all done while restricted to Los Santos
would be the Combat (S.P.A.S. 12) Shotgun skill, unless you want to load up on
Shotgun shells, use the "Reuniting the Families" (IV.27) glitch to go to SW Las
Venturas for the Combat Shotgun (see III.3 for the location; all Shotguns use
the same ammo so the new round is added to previous Shotgun ammo--thanks to Rusk
for the tip), then maximize the skill for it, too.

  Sniper Rifle and Boat skills are given in dataar_stats.dat, but have been


  III.6  Cycling Stat (bicycle)

  This Stat grows quickly.  Have C.J. ride a bike, pumping W to make him go
fast, using the Bunny Hop, Num 0, now and then, to build up his Bike Stat, Mus-
cle, and Stamina.  When it gets strong, C.J. can reverse faster, be less likely
to fall off the bike, and use the Bunny Hop like the Jump Boost for Cabbies and
Taxis in "Vice City" to jump over vehicles and fences and play with stunt jumps.

  The fastest way to increase the Stat is at III.5--Maximum Stats of all kinds
in one sitting.

  There's always a BMX bike (that doesn't trigger a mission) at the S end of the
long pier at Verona Beach, and another at the NE section of the block that's the
2nd block S of the W block of the two that the Glen Park pond is on.  A conveni-
ent place to let C.J. practice his biking and swimming is the big concrete
drainage ditch east of his house--the S end slopes into the water.  After C.J.
can ride a bike fast and jump high with it, have him do:

  III.7  The Commerce 24/7 Courier Asset Mission,
           aka the Roboi's Food Mart Asset Mission

  This is a bit like the "Vice City" pizza delivery mission.  It's a set of four
consecutive drive-by delivery missions using a BMX bike.

  Three loops, six packages,   three minutes
  Four loops,  six packages,   five minutes
  Five loops,  seven packages, five minutes
  Six loops,   eight packages, eight minutes 

  Have C.J. pause beside each several foot-wide glowing red loop, press Q or E
then W or S to make sure it's beside C.J., then have him throw the package
(which looks like a "GTA III" hidden package) into the loop, which then disap-
pears, by pressing the LMB.  There are more packages than loops, but each wasted
package takes $100 off C.J.'s pay, so if he misses you can have him drive into
the package to get it back and try again.  

  In "San Andreas," the vehicles you can use Mouse Steering for include bicy-
cles.  It can make drive-bies difficult, though, so I'd just use the Mouse to
throw the package with the LMB.  I reach from A and D to Left and Right to steer
when I need the bike to jump or level out afterward, which I need to use Up and
Down for.  And press W quickly and repeatedly to have C.J. stand and pump the
pedals to go very fast.  Check the in-game map a lot for the locations of deliv-

  The Stats record how many deliveries were made whether or not they were made
while doing the four sets of deliveries in a row, but you have to do all four
in a row for 100% completion of the game.  If you have to try it several times,
at least, if you keep him fed, you can soon level up Carl's biking ability and
let him progress to the buff stage.

  C.J. gets $10,000 and the icon in front of the store generates $2,000 a day,
the maximum value it can have at any one time.

  III.8  BMX Challenge

  You need 20% of the Bike Stat to do this, but use a bike till C.J. has a 100%
Cycling Stat 1st to make this easier.  The BMX bike used for it is by one of the
half-pipes at the skate board park in Glen Park.  It's on the NE side of the
block which is the 2nd block S of the W block of the two that show the pond on
the radar and in-game map.

  There are 19 glowing red loops, and C.J. gets ten seconds added to his allow-
able time for each loop he touches and causes to disappear.

  Several of the glowing red loops you have C.J. cycle through were a little
tricky for me to get: a couple, each positioned high over the middle of the
sloped concrete chasm, and one positioned on a platform at the side of a half

  To get one that's over the chasm, you have to get a good run at the chasm and
have C.J. Bunny Hop (NP0) at the brink of it to fly through the loop.  For the
other loop over the chasm, concrete walls on either side of it prevent handling
it the same way.  You have C.J. park the bike on the shadow under the loop, do a
Bunny Hop, then fire a submachine gun, which sometimes makes him jump extra
high.  (Thanks to the walk-through by Tirdun at Gamefaqs for that tip--I might
never have guessed it!)

  Dr. Tornado gets my thanks for help by recommending that you put a car under
that loop beforehand.  You can have C.J. do a little Bunny Hop onto the car,
then do a full size one up to the loop.

  And while you can use one of the half pipes the regular way to get the two
disks at either top ledge of it (use Left and Right for sharper turns at the
apex of C.J.'s efforts to let him make sharp turns back downward), that won't
work for the loop on a ledge of the other half pipe.  You need to get a good run
at the on-ramp (I started from across the street) and do a Bunny Hop at the on-
ramp to (with a bit of luck) go through the loop on the ledge.  (I just managed
to get him on the ledge with the back wheel barely on it, and, fortunately, got
C.J. up there to complete the mission.)

  Another way to get that one is to park a Packer nearby beforehand so the ramp
leads up to it.  (Thanks to a post by Reborn Darxtorm at Gamefaqs.)  You might
find a Packer N of the SW curve of the base of the "Y" of the "Y"-shaped block E
of "EL CORONA." 


  III.9  The Taxi mission (a Sub-mission)

  Do the Taxi mission by delivering 50 fares.  You might not wait till his Driv-
ing Stat is high because the 50 don't have to be done in a row.  You'll make
money, increase your driving Stat a bit so improve the handling ability of four-
wheel vehicles (which is awful initially), and get to know the area better.  The
Taxi is the best vehicle to do this with.

  C.J. gets a lot of money, a minor version of the "Vice City" Boost Jump acti-
vated by Left Shift, and the NOS Boost, Num 0, for Taxis and Cabbies as his re-
wards.  When the NOS Boost runs out, you can have C.J. exit and enter the vehi-
cle to replenish it.

  III.10  Burglary (a Sub-mission)  Not needed for 100% completion of the game.

  This can be activated with 2 or NP+ from eight p.m. to six a.m. when C.J. is
in a black Boxville truck.  There's one in each of the three main territories of
the game.  To find the Los Santos one, go W from C.J's late Mom's house, go left
at the 1st intersection (the one by the bar--don't be fooled by the bridge over-
pass on the map) to a T intersection, then go right to find the truck by the
last blue two-story apartment building on the left side of the road.  Start at
eight p.m.--20:00-- to give yourself the most time.

  Look for houses with a yellow inverted cone at the door indicating C.J. can
enter them.  The Gamefaqs message boards have recommended that you find two such
houses beside each other in Playa Del Seville among the apartment buildings by
the lockup.  That way, C.J. can park the black Boxville on the driveway between
them and go from one to the truck, then the other and to the truck, then the 1st
one again, etc.  After going to a 2nd house, the items reappear in the 1st one.
I used a pair in the section of little houses W of the N block of Playa Del Se-
ville; I backed the truck between them and had C.J. use one house to steal two
things, then the other house, etc.  If you like that area, you can take the
truck there ahead of time and activate the mission at 20:00.

  C.J. has to steal one of the valuable things (TV, VCR, etc.) from one, put it
in the truck, then another, etc., and get it to the lockup in Playa Del Seville.
If he's at work when 6 a.m. comes, the burglary has to end, but the game lets
him have five minutes to take the loot to the lockup.  If he doesn't get $10,000
or more worth of stuff, the game gives him a score for it, but he has to get at
least a total of $10,000 worth to complete the mission.

  There's a bar on the screen that measures C.J.'s noise indoors, so have him
crouch, C, while he moves (I had him do it going from the truck to the house,
too, though you don't have to).  Once inside, have C.J. leave immediately if he
sees anyone there.  (Some like to use the Silenced 9mm on the homeowner's head
if they're turned away or in bed, then not worry about noise.)  If C.J. doesn't
see anyone,, hit C to get him to crouch again and go right to the TV or VCR
across the room.  Then hit F twice to get him to stand up and pick up a valua-
ble, and send him right back to the door.

  C.J. sometimes takes a moment to walk into the furniture 1st, which is annoy-
ing--if he does, keep pressing F and point him at the valuable.

  You almost always hear the tenant exclaim something to C.J., and see a message
that the police are on their way, as he reaches the door.  The BradyGames guide
says that when this happens, as long as C.J. isn't detected visually, C.J. has
to get out of the house in ten seconds or else the police will come after him.
If you do this quick enough, the burglary continues like it never happened, even
if you have C.J. return to the same house.

  Send C.J. to the back of the truck and press F to have him make the stuff dis-
appear there.

  This is basically an exercise in adding C and F to C.J.'s movement, so it
isn't hard to get the hang of (glitches notwithstanding).  Just reload the game
if you trigger the police, which creates a three star wanted level.

  C.J.'s reward is the value of the stuff--$10,000 or more--plus $3,000, and the
infinite sprint.

  The value of the stuff C.J. steals increases with the number of things stolen.
The formula for this is M=20 times N squared, with "M" being "Money" and "N"
being the "Number" of things stolen.  Thanks to Quincunx' Burglary Guide:
  Thanks to Mxyzptlk and Craig Kostelecky for the confirmation about the infi-
nite sprint reward.

  III.11  Kill Criminals

  Have C.J. run down or shoot criminals and take their loot.  They're the San
Andreas version of the "Vice City" Downtown parking meters, and they may have a
lot of ill-gotten money on them.  There are sixteen of them, listed at I.5.k
Crimes.  As noted at I.8.b, criminals are among those who drive Perennials,
Blades, and Clovers.

  There are four drug dealers among the criminals, too.  They're among those who
drive Ranchers.  Two commonly seen in Los Santos each have their hands hanging
down and overlapped before them.  One is a young black guy in dark gray pants, a
sleeveless black jersey, black sneakers and brimless cap, a silver chain on his
wrist and neck, and a goatee, and one is a young white guy in blue jeans, a
light gray hooded jersey that says "Rockstar" and is pulled up over a black cap,
and light gray sneakers.

  They make one of the worst deliberate and on-going contributions to organized
crime.  Clean up the neighborhood and relinquish their funds.  It goes into your
Crimes Stats as Criminals Wasted.

  Take the Commerce 24/7 money, generated regularly, and Taxi, Burglary, and bi-
cycle missions money, etc., and go to:


  III.12  Inside Track Betting

  It's along the E-W road that cuts across the S end of the diamond-shaped bunch
of intersections.

  Use the directional keys and Left Shift to get the most out of the amount you
can bet (for $34,500, click $10,000 three times, $1,000 four times, and $100
five times, etc.), then place the bet.  As Rusk notes, the message boards say
that the odds are about one in five for any of the horses, so bet it all on the
long shot at the bottom of the list to get the biggest multiple for your payoff.
Save the game if you win, and press Esc to reload the game instead the second
you hear a trumpet with a wah wah mute go "Mwa mwa mwa mwaaaa," then try again.
To be on the safe side, do it till you have a few million dollars--that should
be more than enough.

  Take the money and buy the available:

  III.13  Save houses

  Buy all the save houses shown by green house icons on your in-game map and ra-
dar.  The coordinates given below are for the paper map that comes with the

  All save houses have closets.  Have C.J. enter the shaft of light at the clos-
et door and follow the directions onscreen to change his clothes.  Until you've
completed "Nines and AKs," you can just have him take off and put on the t-
shirt, pants, and sneakers he started out with.  (Take them off if you want the
novelty of hearing the pedestrians say different things in reaction to him.)

  Willow Field        E6           $10,000
  S of C.J.'s house

  Jefferson           E6           $10,000
  NE of the County Hospital in Jefferson

  El Corona           E5  garage   $10,000
  N of Los Santos International Airport

  Verona Beach        E4           $10,000
  N of Verona Beach

  Santa Maria Beach   E4  garage   $30,000
  W of the Santa Maria Beach Pier

  Mulholland          D5  garage  $120,000
  N Mulholland


  III.14  Weapon Stats and Gang Respect

  The fastest way to do this is given in the section III.5--Maximum Stats of all
kinds in one sitting.

  III.14.a  Initial weapon gathering

  At the Johnson house

  I'd save the game at the Johnson house between each of about ten or twelve
sweeps through the weapons close by (9mm Pistol and Micro SMG), feeding C.J. ev-
ery one or two days, then have him use the weapons on the rival gang members E
of the flood control ditch.

  Have C.J. go to the big concrete drainage ditch E of C.J.'s place and get the
Armor under a bridge to the N.  There are Brass Knuckles in the front yard a
couple houses W of his.  There's a police bribe in the alley a block W of his,
and another at the upper W edge of the same drainage ditch about a block to the
N of the Armor.

  There's a Pistol (9mm) in the back yard of the house four houses counterclock-
wise from his.

  There's a Micro SMG in the ditch on the lower ramp just E of C.J.'s house.

  Again, if you sprayed all 100 Tags, the Tec9, AK-47, Sawnoff Shotgun, and Mo-
lotov Cocktails will be available in the kitchen of the Johnson house.

  At the El Corona save house

  I'd save the game between each of about ten or twelve sweeps through the weap-
ons in the S (Desert Eagle or Silenced 9mm, Sawnoff Shotgun, AK-47 or M4, and
SMG), feeding C.J. every one or two days, then send him N to save at the Johnson
house to use the weapons on the gangsters E of the flood control ditch.

  At the S end of a block in Conference, on the porch at the S side of the Con-
ference Center, is a Silenced Pistol.

  There's a Desert Eagle under a billboard S of the SE bend in the main road
through Playa Del Seville.

  There's a Tec9 under the E end of the S highway ramp of the two that end in
loops W of the terminal building that looks like the LA Airport Tower Building
(also seen in "GTA III.").

  The SMG (an MP) is S of Unity (train) station N of the three prongs of track
at the end of the railroad track in El Corona.  There's another on top of the
Jefferson Hotel (have C.J. use the stairs on the S side of the hotel), which is
on the block W of the N end of the thick area shown on the radar and in-game map
for the section of train track with a street on either side of it in Jefferson.

  There's a Sawnoff Shotgun in a freight train car in a big building on the cor-
ner across the street to the N of the dead end road that goes over a bridge in
the Ocean Docks area.  Have C.J. run across a platform at the door to get inside
the box car; if you have him jump, he'll keep trying to grab the upper ledge of
the car and hang from it.  (There's Armor in the car with a wooden plank used
for a ramp to the door of it.)

  The AK-47 is in the SW area of a big warehouse with a band of red around the
top of the walls in the W section of the same block as the 1st Sawnoff Shotgun
given above.

  There's an M4 between two of the concrete ramps (the kind found in sets of
three) at the SW end of Los Santos Airport (have C.J. jump on a vehicle then
jump up and climb over the fence by the front gate).

  You might also have C.J. use the Dodo or Shamal of the airport (or the para-
chute of the top of the tallest building of Downtown Los Santos--the round one
shown as an oval on your radar and in-game map NW of the big intersection that's
S of the Mulholland Intersection; enter on the NE side) to get to the roof of a
tall Downtown building (it's on the W side of the block that's the 2nd block E
of the S tip of Mulholland Intersection) with an antenna on top to get a Rocket

  At the Mulholland save house

  The Remote Explosives in Montgomery are a change of pace.

  There are also Molotovs along the N side of the road that goes W from the Mul-
holland Intersection after the 4th left.  Until C.J. gets the Fireproof feature
by completing the Firetruck mission, it might be more convenient to fill that
weapon slot with Tear Gas, since C.J. isn't damaged by it and it can deter any
policeman that chases him when he hunts Ballas and Vagos.  There's Tear Gas on
the front porch of a building on the N side of the T intersection that's SW of
the middle of the SW side of the Mulholland Intersection.  The Remote Explosives
in Montgomery are a change of pace.

  At the Verona Beach save house

  There's a Sniper Rifle at the top of the outdoor ramps used for stairs of In-
terglobal TV in Vinewood.  I'd collect a lot of ammo for that.

  C.J. can use the handguns, shotguns, submachine guns, and M4 and AK-47 assault
rifles to upgrade his skills for them to the Gangster then Hitman level.  Shots
that connect upgrade the skill.  The Tec9 and Micro SMG are both Machine Pis-
tols, so using either one upgrades the Machine Pistol skill for both.

  While in Los Santos, you can upgrade the skills for any of the weapons you up-
grade the skills for except for the Combat (S.P.A.S. 12) Shotgun, which is
available later in the game.  The exception is if, like Rusk, you load up on the
ammo of either Shotgun available, then send C.J. to get the Combat Shotgun dur-
ing the "Reuniting the Families" glitch (IV.27).

  The Pistol, Silenced Pistol, Shotgun, Sawnoff Shotgun, Tec9, Micro SMG, and
SMG are at any Ammu-Nation after "Doberman," so it's easier to stock up on ammo
for those after that, although that's nearly at the end of the missions for Los

  III.14.b  What weapon upgrading does


  Lock-on range, accuracy, rate of fire increase for the Pistol.  For all the
others, those things increase plus C.J. can move in the aiming stance and strafe
speed increases.

  Hitman (100%):

  C.J. can move while firing, and the lock-on range, accuracy, rate of fire, and
strafe speed improve for the Silenced Pistol, Desert Eagle, Shotgun. Combat
Shotgun, MP5, AK-47, and M4.

  The lock-on range increases and C.J. can dual wield the Pistol, Sawnoff Shot-
gun, Tec9, and Micro SMG.

  III.14.c  Upgrading weapon skills while earning Respect

  It upgrades C.J.'s weapon skills while increasing Respect from the Grove
Street Families gang to have him to shoot rival gang members to the E of the big
concrete drainage ditch just E of his house.  It's a short run from the Johnson
house to a ramp that goes down to the bottom of the ditch, and there's another
ramp across the ditch to the NE that goes up to the street.

  If you do this, send C.J. up to the street to run around shooting gangsters
that aren't in green (Grove Street Family gang members of Ganton and a bit of
East Los Santos).  Have him shoot the ones with yellow bandanas, Vagos, or wear-
ing purple, Ballas (except for a young black lady in black and purple jersey--
don't have him shoot her), and try to avoid shooting other pedestrians or doing
it near the police.


  "Ballas" probably comes from:

  Baller  Someone who has established himself in the hood, who is making much
money (be it illegitimately or not), and who is good with the ladies; it is a
Blood term.  The Crip version of this word is "highroller". "I'm a Balla (Balla)
SAY WHAT High Rolla Baby (Baby BABY) -- Chingy (PowerBallin', 2004) 
  Retrieved from ""

  baller -n.- a high-roller, a money-maker. Hence also the verb ballin'
('balling'), which refers to someone who is doing very well for himself, livin'
it up, in terms of money, etc.


  C.J. says, "I'll take those duckets."

  Cash, money or bills, from "ducats": various gold coins formerly used in cer-
tain European countries.  Often Mispronounced as "Dunkets" with a "N" instead of
a "C".  "He's gettin' juiced for his duckets" -- N.W.A. (I ain't the one


  The Vagos bring the word "puta" back from VC and call C.J. one:

  1. A**hole. "How you like me now, puto" -- Cypress Hill (Locotes).
  2. Puta is Spanish for female bi**h and puto is Spanish for male bi**h  
  Retrieved from ""


  I think head shots make a weapon skill increase faster.  It can be easier to
do if you have C.J. move while crouching to sneak up on them 1st.  An easy way
to get head shots is to send C.J. in front of vehicles to stop them, run back
along the traffic looking for gangsters, and get a head shot of any gangster
that's a driver or passenger--they usually sit still while C.J. aims.  The Vagos
of N and East Los Santos are in some of the Hermes, Oceanics, and Tornados, and
the Ballas of Glen Park and Idlewood are in some of the Tahomas and Majestics.

  If C.J. gets a one star wanted level, he can run back into the ditch till it
disappears (I think crouching may speed that up), sometimes getting Armor or a
Micro SMG while he waits.  If he gets two stars, you can send him to the bribe
that's about a block N at the upper edge of the w side of the ditch between the
end of a fence and a building, or send him to the car that usually appears in
front of a house by his and have him get the bribe in the alley to the W of the
block his house is on, possibly get some food at one of a couple of nearby
Cluckin' Bells, then drive back and run through the ditch to the street again
and shoot more gangsters, etc.


  The unofficial rampage at a Pay 'n' Spray method to increase weapon skills

  It's been written that an even faster way to upgrade the skill level for a
weapon than by killing rival gangsters is to kill law enforcement officers with
it.  You might load up on ammo of the weapon you want to upgrade, and Armor and
Health, then park a vehicle (not a bicycle or emergency vehicle) in a Pay 'n'
Spray.  It's activated when C.J. gets into or onto the vehicle, so you can have
C.J. go on an unofficial rampage there, pausing with Esc to use the Health code
BAGUVIX if need be.  (I've read that the PS2 C.J. can exit the vehicle before
the garage door closes and rampage from within it undetected by the police, but
you can't see from behind the PC C.J. to aim till he gets out of the garage, and
then the police can detect him.)

  There's a Pay 'n' Spray in S Idlewood by a pizza store.  In the SE to SW range
S of it is a Desert Eagle, a Sawnoff Shotgun, an AK-47, an M4, and an SMG, in
the locations given above.

  (Another PS2/PC difference?: I don't think the PS2 method Rusk describes to
maximize the Stat for each weapon--having C.J. use one to fire at the tire of a
vehicle in some remote place like the big drainage ditch E of his house--works
for the PC version.  One source said to use the backs of the tires--it still
didn't work for me.  The method at III.5 does, though.)


  I almost always used the 1st method and had C.J. kill rival gangsters, though,
which builds up C.J's ability to recruit more gang members in the process.

  III.15  Recruiting gang members

  Since shooting opposing gang members is a fast way to earn Respect points,
C.J. will soon have enough Respect to recruit gang members.  Have him approach
someone in green--a Grove Street Family gang member--and press the RMB.  When an
arrow points down to their head (green if they're in good health), you can press
G to have C.J. try to recruit them.

  The recruits follow C.J. around, even into or onto a four- or two-wheel vehi-
cle, to help him shoot at opposing gang members, sometimes going off in their
own direction or yanking gang members from vehicles to do it.  They may also
fire at attacking policemen and keep them distracted from C.J..  They also have
a tendency to shoot at opposing gang members who are in cars, which gets the
traffic driving wildly, sometimes running over the recruits.  Press G to draw
them to C.J. or H to have them stop (if they live that long).

  Holding down H, or going far away, will disband the group.  You might try to
save a gang member whose health has gone bad by targeting them and holding H.

  As things go on, C.J. can recruit bigger numbers of them into his gang.  At
80% Respect, C.J. can recruit the most gang members--seven.  You may want to use
a Coach or Bus to transport that many of them.


  III.16  Lung Capacity

  Build this up when you have C.J. swim  by having him dive until the bar indi-
cating his air is mostly gone and then surface.  The easiest way to build this
Stat is at III.5--Maximum Stats of all kinds in one sitting.

  A convenient place to let C.J. practice his swimming is the big concrete
drainage ditch east of his house.  It goes S to a section that slopes into the
water.  There's a Reefer boat there, and he can jump up (Spacebar) and jack
boats going by.  He's the only one in the game who can swim.

  III.17  Oysters

  Have C.J. swim to find 39 of the 50 Oysters.  Collecting all 50 will increase
his Sex Appeal, make it easier for C.J. to be accepted for dates, and also in-
crease his Lung Capacity, Muscle, and Stamina, therefore Sex Appeal, if any of
them still need it.

  One easy way to find them is to use one of the teleportation devices at X.13.
a, b, or c.  But I didn't use one for this because I don't know which ones of
the 50 correspond to the off limits ones--six in San Fierro and five in Las Ven-

  If you use the BradyGames directions like I did for the 1st 39, remember that
the description correctly gives Oyster 10 as S of the Los Santos lighthouse, but
the map puts the dot for it S of the Ferris wheel.

  The BradyGames guide gives 15 to find in and around Los Santos.  Rusk's PS2
idea to get 39 of the 50 works for PC, too--it includes all but the ones that
are inland in the blocked off and unwelcome areas, the one at the Easter Basin
aircraft carrier, BradyGames number 17, and the one SW of that, 24.  C.J.
doesn't get a four star wanted rating as long as he doesn't touch ground in a
blocked off and unwelcome area.  (C.J. gets a wanted rating if he goes near a
blocked off and unwelcome area in a boat, too, which the game considers as C.J.
being on land.)

  If you do it Rusk's way, have C.J. steer clear of the aircraft carrier going
for 23, and go near the wall of the landing strip going to and from 18.  And
stay on the west side of the Los Santos Inlet around the two bridges at the S
end of it to avoid the shallow section.  Going N from there in that stream, move
the view with the mouse often to check the area below C.J. to make sure he
doesn't touch anything in a shallow section.

  I went for the 39 Oysters obtainable without creating a wanted rating, which
just leaves 11 Oysters to get during "Reuniting the Families."

   III.18  Sex Appeal

  The best thing C.J. can do for Sex Appeal for now, besides building his body,
and before the clothes stores open and he gets all the Oysters, is choose what
he drives.  Some say it counts for more than clothes (which the BradyGames guide
gives as counting for 50% of Sex Appeal), at least while C.J. is in or near the

  According to the Auto Trader section of the BradyGames guide, the ones with
the most Sex Appeal are certain cars and boats:

  Cars (you might save some of these in your garages):

  Alpha, BF Injection, Banshee, Blade, Buffalo, Bullet, Caddy (awwr!), Cheetah,
Comet, Elegy, Euros, Flash, Feltzer, Flash, Hermes, Hotknife, Huntley, Infernus,
Jester, Merit, Premier, Remington, Sentinel, Slamvan, Stratum, Stretch, Sultan,
Super-GT, Tahoma, Uranus, Washington, Washington, Windsor, and ZR-350.


  Launch, Reefer, Speeder, and Squallo III.

  (Note: if vehicles mainly help C.J.'s Sex Appeal when he's in or near them,
and he can't take girlfriends for rides in boats, who's this supposed to im-
press--the fish?  They swim livelier or what?)


  III.19  Flying Stat

  This one, like the Bike and Driving Stats, takes a long time to maximize nor-
mally.  The fastest way is at III.5--Maximum Stats of all kinds in one sitting.

  Send C.J. in a four-wheel vehicle to the airport gates at the S end of the
map.  At the NE corner of the airport area is a square block, an almost square
block, and a thin bent rectangle of a block between them.  The airport tarmac
entrance is at the S end of the W side of the thin block.  Have him park along
the fence, climb on top of the vehicle, then climb over the fence (Spacebar).

  Send him to the W end of the tarmac to fly the Shamal, a small private jet,
around the skies over the available areas (so the authorities don't try to blast
him out of the sky with missiles).  (Rusk preferred to go S off the map then
around all of San Andreas, if you want to hazard that.)  Raise the landing gear
with 2 after takeoff so it flies, and maximizes the Stat, faster.  Remember to
lower it for landing, too.

  Once he's upgraded his skill to the Pilot License level, about 20%, the gates
of the airport will stay open.  When it's maximized, flying vehicles have good
handling and C.J. automatically has a parachute when he bails from a flight.

  (PS: Rusk has reported to me that there's a PS2 glitch if you get your Pilot's
License, 20%, for this Stat before completing the Taxi mission or "Mike Toreno"
that causes fares not to appear for the Taxi and C.J. not to be recognized as at
a destination for "Mike Toreno."  I have 100% for this Stat yet fares appear for
the Taxi, but if you do get this glitch on PC, I'd use the III.5 gimmick except
make the 1st flying skill number a big negative number, lower the Stat below 20%
so the LS airport gates are closed, do those other missions, then raise the Stat
the III.5 way again.)

  III.20  Bike Stat (motorcycle)

  Note that you have C.J. ride a bike/bicycle to improve his Cycling Stat and
drive a bike/motorcycle to improve his Bike Stat.  Why this wasn't made more
clear and simple, I have no idea.  I think one of our friends at Rockstar North
has been hittin' the hidden packages.

  To help upgrade C.J.'s motorcycle ability, including the ability to stay on
the motorcycle, you could have him use the NRG-500, which there are two of in
the parking garage with a spiral ramp (like the one for Washington Mall in "Vice
City") in the middle of the S end of the "L"-shaped block that's the 2nd block N
of the E side of Los Santos Forum.

  The fastest way to build this Stat up is at III.5--Maximum Stats of all kinds
in one sitting.  Otherwise:

  The Bike Stat takes longer to raise than the Cycling Stat.  One way to raise
it faster with a lot of open spaces and some jumps is to speed it around at Los
Santos International Airport after C.J. gets a pilot's license and the front
gates are opened for him.  One of the yellow triangle-shaped markers is a Unique
Jump, so you get a cinematic shot for doing it.  It takes about half a day to
get to the maximum for the Stat.

  C.J. gets real good at staying on a motorcycle as the Stat increases.

  III.21  Driving Stat

  Have C.J. drive a four-wheel vehicle to raise this.  The fastest way to build
this Stat is at III.5--Maximum Stats of all kinds in one sitting.  Otherwise:

  Like the Bike Stat, this one takes longer to raise.  You might drive around
and look at the stuff in the Odds and Ends section, etc.  You can speed up the
process by taking a sports car around the tarmac at the airport.  It takes about
half a day to maximize the Stat.

  Once it's raised enough for you to handle a four-wheel vehicle as good as you
like, it will be easier do the missions given below.


  III.22  Pimping mission (a Sub-mission)

  Do this to level 10 so prostitutes pay C.J. for his services instead of him
paying them for their services.  Use a car called the Broadway to activate the
mission.  There's one parked by a gas station in the NE area of the block of the
Idlewood 24/7, but any Broadway can activate the mission.  It's the gang car of
the Varios Los Aztecas gang of Little Mexico, who wear blue (turquoise?) head-

  It's partly like a Taxi mission for a couple of cheap f**ks (that's "folks,"
if any kids are reading this; "fornicators" is synonymous if any religious
people are).  C.J. has to transport one rentable lady to one of her customers,
then another, then the 1st one again, etc.  If the customer is abusing her, have
C.J. literally beat the f**k out of him (that's "flak" if any kids are reading
this, "fornication" is synonymous if you're religious).  If he tries to run off
without paying, have C.J. chase him and do the same to him to get the money, but
get him back to the Broadway in time to continue whether he gets the money or
not.  C.J is paid for each customer served, which starts at $300 and increases
as he serves more customers.

  One possible way to mod the Broadway in datahandling.cfg (see section X.10.b)
is H -0.1, J 1.00, K 0.90, n 260.0, O 30.0, and ab 0.01.

  III.23  Firetruck mission (a Sub-mission)

  Do this to level 12 so C.J. gets the fireproof feature, good for letting him
use Molotovs safely. 

  Red County is an easier place to do it.  As it says in an article of Wikipe-
dia, some like the E coast road there for keeping the targets in one area.  (I
tried it there once and got to level eight or so, despite the fast, rough traf-
fic, and only stopped because a couple of people on fire, in their panic, ran to
an unreachable spot halfway down a coastal cliff.)

  C.J. has to shoot water from the turret.  I position the truck near the target
and hold down the RMB while I use the mouse to aim the turret, which is easier
to aim, and has a greater range of motion, than the one on the Firetruck in
"Vice City."

  At 1st, C,J. has to put out the fire of a burning vehicle, then one and the
two passengers on fire who come out of it, then one with three burning people,
etc., with three the top number for vehicles and twelve people to save on the
last level.  When you see white smoke/steam rise from the target, you know
you're spraying the right spot.  It's easier if you spray the people as they get
out of their vehicles--the water knocks them down so they don't run around like

  S of Mulholland Intersection is a pretzel-looking intersection.  There's a 
Firetruck on the NE end of the block that the E side of the pretzel overlaps.

  Water Turret

  LMB    Shoot water
  RMB    Hold it down and the turret points wherever you aim the "camera" view.

  Num 4  Left
  Num 6  Right
  Up     Up
  Down   Down

  One possible way to mod the Firetruck in datahandling.cfg (see section
X.10.b) is H -0.5, J 1.00, K 0.9, N 240, O 30.0, and ab 0.01.

  III.24  Vigilante mission (a Sub-mission)

  Do this to level 12 so C.J. gets 150 Armor, which is especially handy for all
the territory acquisitions he needs to fight for and bike stunts I like to do.

  The easiest setting for this is a country setting like Red County. 

  There's a police station on the block of "NG" of "PERSHING SQUARE," and anoth-
er in SW Dillimore, where C.J. can take an unoccupied police vehicle, and he
might find one on most any street due to the frequent traffic jams and fights
that break out.

  If you have C.J. jack one, have him drive it away from the officer a bit then
get out to get rid of the wanted rating or it will last interminably.  It's eas-
ier for me to do a forward drive-by with a motorcycle than do a sideways one
from a car.  Save your choice in a garage, and have a lot of submachine gun ammo
and full Armor.  You can go back and forth between the El Corona save house and,
a bit to the N, the SMG icon by the railroad station to build up a lot of ammo.

  The easiest way is to change a Police car in datahandling.cfg to have a lot
of mass, high speed, and 0.00 durability, and just bat the criminal's cars to
hell and gone like the silver ball in a Pro Pinball game.  See the modding sec-
tion for the procedure if you want to do that, and change the vehicle back when
you're through so you don't have super police vehicles chasing C.J. down now and

  One possible way to mod the HPV1000 police motorcycle in datahandling.cfg
(see section X.10.b) is B 800.0, H -0.10, I -1, J 2.5, N 240.0, O 70.0, and ab
0.01.  See X.11 for how to change the power of weapons.

  Another gimmick that may help is to have C.J. take a gang member with him to
do some of the shooting.
  The gimmick of sending C.J.'s Police car or motorcycle to a building he can
enter, such as a Cluckin' Bell, sending him into the building for about ten or
twenty seconds to cause the criminal to be considered dead, then sending him
back to the police vehicle, etc., works.  In the last few levels, you may need
to send him inside two or three times for it to work.  But in Los Santos, too
many criminals appear in places like Red County that let them elude the police,
so it's best to use that gimmick in N San Fierro, such as by the Gant Bridge, if
you don't mind waiting that long for C.J. to get increased armor.  (Thanks to 
the on-line encyclopedia Wikipedia.)

  I didn't try that when I used the "Reuniting the Families" glitch, so I don't
know if criminals appear there before it's officially available.

  If you're really stuck, there's a trainer by Pizzadox that stops the mission
timer and prevents any wanted rating.  You put it in the "San Andreas" folder
and run it from there.  That way, you don't have to get that "times cheated"
Stat to record anything by spawning a Hunter with "OHDUDE"; without using a
code, you have to wait a lot longer to get ahold of a Hunter in "San Andreas"
than you could in "Vice City."  (The Hunter flies like c**p through molasses for
this, anyway, and the camera keeps showing you C.J. when you need it to stay
locked from behind to see the target, but it's still handy due to the auto-aim
the machine gun has for this mission.)  Make sure the trainer is compatible with
v1.01 of the game if you use the patch.  You can get the trainer at:

  III.25  Ambulance mission (a Sub-mission)

  Do this to level 12 to give C.J. 150 for Health.  The Ambulance can hold three
patients.  The number of patients to deliver to the hospital is the same as the
number of the level, and the last level is twelve.  Stop the Ambulance with the
patient on the right so they don't cross in front of the Ambulance on their way
to get into it.  Use a country setting like Red County to make it easier--
there's an Ambulance at the hospital in Montgomery.

  The general agreement is that this is the easiest in Angel Pine, which also
has a hospital and an Ambulance, because the patients all appear right around
town.  (The downside to that is you'll have to wait till the Badlands are open
to get C.J. the maximum for Health.)

  One possible way to mod the Ambulance (TGIPC) in datahandling.cfg (see sec-
tion X.10.b) is H -0.03, J 1.00, K 0.90, N 255.0, O 30.0, and ab 0.01.

  III.26  8-Track

  Send C.J. to Los Santos Forum for a 12 lap race, like Hotring in "Vice City,"
on a figure eight course.  You need 20% of the Driving Stat to enter, but I'd
let it maximize 1st.  The course is slippery and the car isn't very durable.
Don't go so fast you hit the walls, which slows you down (and I think they're
electromagnetic from the way they spark and grip the car).  But you can try to
nudge the backs of the competing cars to spin them out.  Once you get the lead,
just go quickly but safely, avoiding wrecks as best you can like in a careful
Taxi mission.

  After winning in 1st place, C.J. gets $10,000 and a Hotring Racer and a Mon-
ster truck will be available by the NW side of Los Santos Forum.

  One possible way to change the Hotring Racer in datahandling.cfg for it is to
uncheck the green dot, etc. (see section X.10.b) and make H -0.6, J 1.20, K
0.90, and ab 0.50.  I didn't like how the car slid around so much before.

  III.27  Some non-mission vehicle locations
  (note: you may need to try an area several times to see some of them):

  Trains    Market Station is at the NW corner of the block S of "WOOD" of
            "VINEWOOD"; Unity Station is N of the "EL" of "EL CORONA" (see map).

  Dodo      SW of the entrance to the tarmac of LS airport.

  Shamal    where the "IN" of "LOS SANTOS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT" is.

  mobile stairs  both are on your way from the Dodo to the Shamal; you can hitch
                   the stairs to the Baggage cart.

  NRG 500   two are in the garage with spiral ramps at the S end of the "L"-
              shaped block that's N of the E side of Los Santos Forum.

  Sanchez   where the SW corner of Palomino Creek meets the beach.

  Freeway   in the SW corner of the big brown square S of "TICON" of "THE PANOP-

  BMX Bike  at the end of the Verona Beach pier, on the N side of the N road of
              the block that's W of the two E-most blocks of Palomino Creek; on
              the N side of the block that's two blocks E of "EN" of "GLEN 
              PARK"; and at the SE side of the martini glass symbol W of "LOS

  Mountain Bike  at the SE corner of the block that's W of the two E-most blocks
                   of Palomino Creek; N of the W side of the N road of the block
                   W of the Blueberry pizza place.

  Quadbike  E of the "S" of "BLUEBERRY ACRES"; by the "R" of "HILLTOP FARMS."

  Flash     about in the middle of the SE quadrant of the Mulholland Intersec-

  Sentinel  in the film studio on the block of "WOOD" of "VINEWOOD."

  Admiral   at the SE corner of the block N of "CONF" of "CONFERENCE"--it han-
              dles okay, and Denise won't care about the lack of Sex Appeal.

  Rancher   at the S end of the oval by "BLUEBERRY ACRES."

  Towtruck  you have to have C.J. jack one.

  Hotdog    at the N coast of the Panopticon, at the T intersection N of the "D"
              of "RED COUNTY," and at the intersection NW of "DILLIMORE."

  Sweeper   under the highway where it goes S of the block of "ALL" of "CITY
              HALL"; N of the Willow Field Save house on the N side of the same
              block; and on the beach SE of the block of Los Santos Forum.

  Mower     E of the curve in the road E of the 2nd save place N of "MULHOL-
              LAND," near the N curve of the block W of the same save house; S
              of the two E blocks of Palomino Creek; about where the 1st or 2nd
              little rectangular dot is N of the Palomino Creek Ammu-Nation sym-
              bol; and N of the E block of Dillimore. 

  Trailer   to hitch to a truck cab: two are on the S side of the lower E-W
              road of the two at the top of the "Y"-shaped block E of "EL
              CORONA"; another two are E of the middle of the dead end S segment
              of the road that, several blocks N, goes through the 2nd "L" of
              "WILLOW FIELD"; another is E of where the main highway goes S of
              the block with "LL" of "CITY HALL"; and several are along the N
              side of the block N of the entrance to the LS airport tarmac.  

  Plow      to hitch to a Tractor: one is SE of the Montgomery Intersection on
              the E side of the section of the path that's divided into two
              paths, and another is a bit SE of the brown oval by "BLUEBERRY

  Beat up Sadler    N of the "O" of "HAMPTON BARNS."  (I didn't see this one.)

  Beat up Glendale  in the SE section of the square S of "TICON" of "THE PANOP-

  Impounded vehicles  Use a police vehicle to be allowed into the police impound
garage without a wanted level.  It's where C.J.'s vehicles go after he's been
busted.  There's one on the block of "NG" of "PERSHING SQ." 


  Hustler            have C.J. date Denise to 50% success.

  Ranger             have C.J. date Helena to 50% success.

  Monster   NW side of Los Santos Forum after success with "8 Track."

  Combine Harvester  after "Body Harvest" (San Fierro missions): several are E
                       of the brown oval by "BLUEBERRY ACRES."

  Raindance        with Pilot School (Desert missions) success: on the beach by
                     the 1st "A" of "SANTA MARIA BEACH."

  Maverick         with Pilot School (Desert missions) success: on top of the
oval building (with a Parachute on the roof) S of "LOS" of "DOWNTOWN LOS SAN-
TOS."  Enter the building on the NE side.

  Police Maverick  with Pilot School (Desert missions) success: on S end of roof
                     of Pershing Sq. police station.

  Sea Sparrow  after "A Home in the Hills" (final Los Santos missions): at the E
                 side of the gray patch the Mulholland save house is on.

  Kart       after "Cut Throat Business" (final Los Santos missions): at the E
               side of the gray patch the Mulholland save house is on, and where
               the road W of Los Santos Forum meets the drainage ditch.

  Vortex     after "Cut Throat Business" (final Los Santos missions): at the
               "MA" of "MARINA."

  SWAT van   See IX.9  "End of the Line" for a way to get one during the last
               main story mission of the game.

  Rhino      under the overpass W of the Johnson house with 100% completion.

  Hydra      on Sweet's roof with 100% completion.

  Thanks to the SAM, San Andreas Map, for some of the locations and times of ap-
pearances of the vehicles given above:


  III.28  Make a copy of your save game

  This would be a good time to make a copy of your save game found in My
DocumentsGTA San Andreas User Files: GTASAsf*.b, with * being the number of
the save slot, a number you can change to use it for a different save slot.
Keep a copy you use just to make copies from.  You can always start a new game
to see the 1st few missions, and you can replay the Sub-missions or vehicle
challenges any time.


  IV  The main story missions of Los Santos continued

    The Sweet missions

  IV.1  "Tagging Up Turf"    Sweet Johnson

  Poppin' tags:
  To make a graffiti sign/signature saying this is your gangs turf.
  To steal away an area played out diss, putting your gangs sign over a rival

  Sweet leaves a basketball game with Big Smoke to encourage C.J. to help him
spray over some Ballas tags.  (Spray with the LMB.  Sprayed ones become un-
sprayed again for the mission.)  C.J. sprays a couple of Ballas, too, while he's
at it.

  We also learn that C.J. can jump up and grab onto a ledge, then climb up onto
the roof, or climb over a fence, by pressing the climb button.  (Note: the de-
fault climb button is Left Shift but I remap my controls to make Spacebar Climb
and Left Shift Run, which is more like the controls for "Vice City.")

  Sweet gives C.J. $200 and Respect.  Officer Hernandes calls and tells C.J. not
to leave town.  C.J. curses him for just doing what Tenpenny and Pulaski tell
him to do.  There's a Spray Can in C.J.'s bedroom, and the basketball game is
available (XI.c).

  IV.2  "Cleaning the Hood"  Sweet Johnson

  Big Smoke, Sweet, and Ryder, C.J.

  Mark "B-Dup" Wayne: The Game, aka Jayson Taylor of the mixtape "JT The Bigga
Figga Presents: Nas and The Game: QB 2 Compton," 2002, "The Documentary," 2005,
and "West Coast Resurrection," 2005.

  Barry "Big Bear" Thorne: Kurt "Big Boy" Alexander, who played Jabba Lady/
Fluisa/Naomi in "Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo," 1999, and he's been on a number of
TV shows, but he's probably the most famous for being the popular host of the
Hip-Hop and R&B radio show Los Angeles' Power 105.9 FM.  Happily, he's not so
big anymore: in response to a bet by Will Smith, he's lost 270 pounds in the
last few years.

  Big Smoke sounds like he's trying to talk Ryder into crack dealing.  C.J.
wants his gang the way they were before and to get old gang members B-Dup and
Big Bear back in the fold.  After C.J. uses the nearby Greenwood to drive Ryder
to B-Dup's place, they see Big Bear has become a subservient crack addict to
B-Dup, who tells C.J. to get lost.

  C.J. and Ryder find the crack dealer.  Have C.J. clobber him with a baseball
bat.  (To help C.J. clean the crack dealers out of the neighborhood otherwise,
see I.5.k for their descriptions; drug dealers are among those who drive Ranch-
ers.)  C.J. sees he was a member of the Ballas and lived nearby, so he takes
Ryder to the house to kill another drug dealer and other Ballas who put up a
fight about it there (at the start of this segment, a prostitute seems to be
giving a Balla a BJ in a room at the far right).  Then have C.J. drive Ryder

  C.J. earns some more Respect.

  IV.3  "Drive-Thru"          Sweet Johnson

  Make sure C.J. has a lot of SMG ammo.

  Big Smoke talks C.J. into taking him, Sweet, and Ryder to get some chicken.
On the way, Ryder says the ones that killed C.J. and Sweet's Mom were trying to
shoot Sweet, and that some people say they saw a green Sabre drive away from the
drive-by; Big Smoke sounds like he's trying to talk Ryder out of saying so.
While at the Cluckin' Bell, Ryder sees a Voodoo of Ballas, C.J notices they're
driving toward Grove Street, and Sweet calls for a drive-by.

  Have C.J. do a drive-by on the Voodoo (drive beside the target, look to the
side with Q or E, and press the LMB), which the others, except Big Smoke, will
help with, till it starts to burn, then drive away from the explosion.  Once
he's taken care of any Ballas who manage to survive that, have C.J. drive the
others to Sweet's and Big Smoke's places.  (I guess we should figure Big Smoke
is trying to sound like he's using the Bible as an authoritative source, but he
hasn't read it in a long time and is improvising, to put it nicely, about what
it says.  Big Smoke, as C.J. kids him, talk a lot of B.S..)

  C.J. gets more Respect and $200.

  IV.4  Los Santos gym

  Sweet calls and doesn't want C.J. to let his remorse about their Mom cause him
to fall out of shape.  Have C.J. use the equipment at the gym.  The treadmill
and stationary bike are quick ways to lose Fat, and the weights are a good way
to build Muscle (alternate between Left Shift and the LMB to have him use the
weights).  If he's past the Buff stage, have C.J. fight and defeat the boxing
trainer to learn some boxing moves:

  - Running attack: while running, lock onto the target with the RMB and press
Enter or F.

  - Ground attack: lock onto a downed opponent with the RMB and press Enter or

  - Combo attack: lock onto the target with the RMB and press Enter or F repeat-

   (To have a longer look at onscreen instructions or dialogue, press Esc and go
to Brief.  You can go back through earlier instructions and dialogue by pressing
Up and go forward through them with Down.)

  All three gyms are open.

  IV.5  "Nines and AKs"       Sweet Johnson

  Emmet: Eugene Jeter Jr.  This is the only role I found for him on the Inter-
net, and he only appears once, but if it is his 1st role, a GTA is a pretty good
place to start.

  Ryder doesn't like losing to Big Smoke and ends the card game they were hav-
ing.  C.J. takes Big Smoke in Big Smoke's Glendale to see Emmet, of the Seville
Blvd. gang that's become estranged from theirs, to get some weapons, even if
they are old weapons.  Emmet is a little confused at 1st and thinks C.J. is
C.J.'s late brother Brian.  We also learn from Emmet that C.J,'s Mom was called
Beverly.  C.J. and Big Smoke take a couple of 9mm Pistols.

  Following Big Smoke's examples, C.J. learns (and we learn) some shooting

  - Press the RMB to target, then add the LMB to fire.

  - While locked on, you can cycle through targets by rolling the Mouse Scroller
up or down (note: I couldn't get that to do anything for my Keyboard and Mouse

  - Crouch (C) to increase accuracy.

  - Manually aim for, and shoot at, the cap of the gas tank of a car to blow the
car up.

  We also learn that while C.J. is crouching you can hold down the RMB and press
A or D to have him roll to the left or right.

  The OG Loc and Big Smoke missions are available.
  Emmet's gun store is open and a Pistol is available there; it's in the lot
along the N-S alley of the block S of the "OW" of "WILLOW FIELD."
  The Binco, ProLaps, and SubUrban clothes stores are open.
  Sweet wants C.J. to get some green clothes to show his solidarity with the
Grove Street Families.

  IV.6  Clothes are 4% of C.J.'s Respect level and 50% of his Sex Appeal level,
so if it comes to a choice between the two, favor the article with better Sex
Appeal.  Putting on a new hat, or something for the torso or legs, can get rid
of whatever wanted rating.

  Send C.J. to Binco's to get him green jeans (R:15; SA:5) for $60; track pants
(R:5; SA:5) for $70 (the same R and SA as the various track pants at Prolaps but
cheaper); and a green rag back hat (R:3; SA:2) for $25;

  SubUrban for a Base 5 hood (R:20; SA: 14) for $105 or Rockstar hood (R: 17;
SA: 15) for $120 and a Bobo ape T (R: 17; SA:13) for $115; a silver Cuban chain
(R:2; SA:2) for $200; and a face black watch (R:2; SA:2) for $120;

  and ProLaps for sunglasses (R: 2; SA: 1) for $150; mid-top sneakers (R:5;
SA:3) for $115; and red sneakers (R:2 SA:3) for $80 if you want to get him the
things with the highest points for Respect and, especially, Sex Appeal available
for now.  Fortunately, the green jeans and green rag back let C.J. show the
Grove Street Families' color, too.

  IV.7  "Drive-By"           Sweet Johnson

  Have a lot of SMG ammo.

  Ryder complains to Sweet, then to C.J., that C.J. can't drive good enough for
a drive-by they want to do on the Ballas.

  Have C.J. drive them and Big Smoke past some groups of Ballas to do drive-bys
on them.  Ryder is cynical about C.J's ability to do this and keep them from
getting killed and Sweet's Greenwood from being ruined, so I'd have C.J. keep
the car at least across the street from each group of Ballas and help with the
shooting.  If the car damage bar gets low after a few groups have been shot,
take the car to the Pay 'n' Spray in Idlewood, then get the rest of the Ballas.
Afterward, take the car back to the Pay 'n' Spray to get rid of a two star
wanted level, wait till the wanted stars stop flashing (if another crime is
committed during the suspension period, the full wanted level is reinstated, and
just scraping a lingering police car could do that), then take them back to
Sweet's place.

  Ryder is still sarcastic, but Sweet tells C.J. he did a good job and to watch
out for the Ballas now that they know C.J. is back helping the Grove Families.

  Sweet gives C.J. more Respect and $500.
  The Ryder missions are available.

  IV.8  "Sweet's Girl"       Sweet Johnson

  C.J. can't find Sweet or Big Smoke in Sweet's house.  Sweet calls: he's
trapped at a girlfriends house by Seville Blvd. (Playa Del Seville) families
fire.  Send C.J. to help in a four-door car, like Sweet's Greenwood.  The game
suggests that you get C.J. a Pistol at Emmet's place and have him crouch behind
walls across from the girlfriend's house for cover between shots.  I had him use
a Rocket Launcher from about five houses away to get most of the gangsters, then
get into a closer position to snipe the one left.

  When you have C.J. pick up Sweet and his girlfriend to take them to Sweet's
house, Sweet says the Seville Blvd. families are trying to start a war.  Seville
gang cars try to ram C.J.s car on the way; when they spun it around backwards
into the opening to the back yards by Sweet's house, I had C.J. drive backwards
through the yards to get there.  Sweet says this set trippin' (violence in the
name of a gang; is
killing the families.

  Sweet gives C.J. more Respect.

  IV.9  "Cesar Vialpando"    Sweet Johnson

  Cesar Vialpando: Clifton Collins, Jr. played Vato #2 in "Menace II Society"
1993, Tack in "The Stoned Age," 1994, Cutty in "Dead Presidents," 1995, played
another Cesar--Cesar Sanchez--with Samuel L. Jackson as Trevor Garfield, in "One
Eight Seven," 1997, and was in the comedy "Hip, Edgy, Sexy, Cool," 2002.  He's
building on a notable family tradition, since his grandfather, Pedro Gonzalez-
Gonzalez, co-starred with John Wayne in nearly a dozen movies.

  C.J. finds Sweet giving their sister Kendl a hard time because she's dating
Cesar, whom Sweet refers to as a "cholo" (an Hispanic gangster, here meant in
the derogatory sense of U.S./Mexican halfbreed;
define.php?term=cholo).  After she leaves, he tells C.J. to go to the lowrider
meeting Cesar and Kendl are going to.

  C.J. meets a mechanic, who tells him Sweet phoned ahead and he owes Sweet big,
so he gives C.J. a lowrider.  The mechanic says it's the kind used to compete
with by "eses."  (An "S" could be a "Spaniard" but it probably means a "South
Sider," meaning "Hispanic," since Sweet used the phrase; it's also like the "n"
word for black people in that it's used in a friendly way between Hispanics and
is a racist word as used about them by others;
define.php?term=es%E9)  When you drive it into the garage to learn about car
modding, you can get it modded if you want to.

  You can choose how much to gamble at the competition, which is like the dance
game for lowriders.  A hooker gets into the car.  Press NP2 (down), NP 8 (up),
NP4 (left), and NP6 (right) in rhythm to the music to make the corresponding
directional arrows light up as they pass in front of the circle in the middle
of the screen.

  Cesar's gang is hostile toward C.J. but Cesar has them back off.  He especial-
ly needs C.J. to know that Kendl is his woman for life, and he and C.J. seem to
accept each other.

  The Transfender garage of Temple, Los Santos, is open for modding cars.

  Loco Low Co, which specializes in customizing the Blade, Broadway, Remington,
Savanna, Slamvan, Voodoo, and Tornado, is open for car modding in Willow Field,
Los Santos.

   Both places are indicated on the in-game map and radar by a red wrench.

  A good reference guide to which cars can be modded and how at each is in the
BradyGames guide; another guide is at:

  You can get a paint job at a modding shop to take care of a wanted rating.

  Opens the "Lowrider Challenge," and Cesar calls to invite C.J. to a race,
which opens the Cesar missions (the CV icon).


  IV.10  "Lowrider Challenge"            Not required for 100%

  Have C.J. enter the red shaft of light by the guy standing just outside the E
wall by Unity Station.  It's the same as the musical game with a bouncing low-
rider of "Cesar Vialpando."  I like a happy lowrider--get that thing bouncing
along, singing a song.

  (I haven't noticed if anyone else has reported this, but I occasionally got a
glitch where one or two arrows appeared just before the center circle instead of
sliding in from the right side of the screen.  Also, it ought to be the same as
the dancing game, which I can do easily, but for some reason, it's not.)

  I've read that a Voodoo is easier to do this with.  (You should use one for
the next mission, too.)  The amount C.J. gets depends on how much you bet--it
could be up to $2,000.


    Cesar mission

  IV.11  "High Stakes, Low-Rider"   Cesar Vialpando

  Get a Voodoo, which has the best handling of the lowriders, and take it to
Loco Low Co. for 10x Nitrous.  (The lowriders that aren't Voodoos handle like
cra*.  Try not to hit anything if you use one of those, because they spin around
easily.  Without Nitrous, the Slamvan has the best acceleration of the low-
riders, but it has poor cornering ability.)

  I've often seen a Voodoo in the driveway of a house three houses E of the El
Corona save house.

  Lowriders handle better when they're low to the ground.  Use the pit maneu-
ver--nudge the back of the side of the car ahead of you to spin it out--whenever
you get the chance.

  It can't be  that hard.  I did it with a Savannah or Blade--some cra**y low-
rider--got spun out a couple of times, was sure I'd lost at the finish line, and
was surprised to see the mission success message.

  C.J. gets $1,000.

  PS: special cars

  This is a mission that makes Cesar's bullet-proof, at least, Savannah avail-
able (one way to get it is to get him out of it at the finish line and have C.J.
finish him off, then push it to a garage).  There are guides for the various
such cars at Gamefaqs, etc.  Personally, I don't want to go through a lot of
bother just so no one can deprive me of a really cra**py car.  It might be fun
to try for something different to do, or if the car looks different, like The
Truth's van later, but if we're talking super car here, pick your favorite car,
soup it up with the datahandling.cfg changes explained at X.10  Cars and Bikes,
notably X.10.b, then get X.13.c  The GTA SA Control Center, and make it what-
ever-proof (C.J. too, if you want).

    The Ryder missions

  IV.12  "Home Invasion"        Ryder

  This mission is available at Ryder's house (next door to the W of the Johnson
house) between noon and 20:00.  It's like the Burglary mission at III.10 (which
the BradyGames guide says becomes available after this mission but which is
really available from the start of the game).

  ("Home Invasion" is also the name of the 1993 album by Ice T, who plays Madd

  Ryder is looking for water in those holes in his back yard.  I don't know why
he'd hide liquor that way, so I wondered if it was something to cook crack with.
Ryder wants to upgrade their weapons by stealing crates of weapons from Col.
Fuhrberger's house.

  C.J. takes Ryder in the Black Boxville to the Col.'s house, where C.J. has
eight minutes to steal at least three crates and drop them at (load them into)
the back of the Black Boxville.  Have him Crouch, C, indoors to be quiet--if the
Col. wakes  up, C.J. gets two stars, and if he sees him, he uses a Shotgun.  Use
F or Enter to pick up or set down a crate, and, when indoors, tap W quickly and
repeatedly so C.J. wiggles forward without raising the noise meter except when
he opens a door.  C.J. got all five crates when I tried it that way.

  One crate in in the far right corner, a 2nd is through the doors opposite the
stairs and on the far left, a 3rd is at the top of the stairs, a 4th is at the
end of the hall at the top of the stairs, and a 5th is in the Col.'s room at the
end of the same hall.

  Then drive Ryder in the truck to the lockup in Playa Del Seville.  I think
he's called "Ryder" partly because he's always testing C.J.'s patience by "rid-
ing" him--chiding and insulting him.

  But C.J. gets more Respect.

  IV.13  "Catalyst"             Ryder

  C.J. can get this mission at Ryder's house between 20:00 and 6:00.

  Ryder is cooking that water now (I think I was right about him cooking crack),
unconcerned that C.J. wants him to knock it off.  Tenpenny, Pulaski, and Hernan-
dez come in without asking and accept what Ryder is doing--Tenpenny wants some
of the water for his wife.  Tenpenny tells C.J. to check out something that's
arriving by train.

   Have C.J. drive Ryder in Ryder's Picador to the train, kill three Vegas (I
had C.J. use a Sniper Rifle), then kill four Ballas who emerge from a car (I
chose an M4).  C.J., with the 1st person view, has to throw ten crates of weap-
ons from a flat car of the train to Ryder, who stands in the bed of the Picador
which follows the train, in a minute and a half.  The longer you hold down the
LMB before releasing it, the farther C.J. throws; aim with the Mouse.  Then have
C.J. make a U-turn in the tunnel and drive S to the Pay 'n' Spray to get rid of
three wanted stars.

  C.J. gets more Respect.

  IV.14  "Robbing Uncle Sam"    Ryder

  C.J. says Ryder has been a drug dealer since he was ten (and likely getting
high on his own supply like he is currently, too).  Ryder thinks a local Nation-
al Guard Depot would make a good place to steal weapons (see what I mean?).
Have C.J. drive Ryder down there in a truck, which is quickly supplied by some-
one Ryder only identifies as "LB."

  Once there, don't open the main gate as prompted.  As Rusk instructs, have
C.J. go clockwise around the big building to the left, shoot (I chose a Sniper
Rifle) the couple of guards by the warehouse and one by the gate, shoot the lock
box of the warehouse door to open it, and shoot the two guards inside.  As the
BradyGames guide instructs, you can use the Forklift (NP8 to raise the fork; NP2
to lower it) to put six boxes to the side of the inside of the warehouse door.
All of this keeps Ryder from getting shot at while C.J. gets a few things done--
if Ryder's Health is shot away, you fail the mission.

  Have C.J. shoot the lock off the main gate.  Ryder backs the truck to the
warehouse door, and C.J. can load the boxes onto the truck, stopping to shoot (I
chose an M4) any soldiers that shoot at Ryder (about one per crate).  (I didn't
check it too carefully, but I think the soldiers spawn from the top of the steps
of two little buildings nearby; you might try to block their paths with a couple
of vehicles, including the Mesa parked nearby.)  Then have C.J. drive the truck
to Emmet's lot, which is along the N-S alley S of the "OW" of "WILLOW FIELD."
On the way, Ryder wll toss a crate from the back of the truck, to deter the pur-
suing Patriots of Guardsmen, every time you honk the horn.

  C.J. gets more Respect.

    The Big Smoke missions

  IV.15  "OG Loc"                      Big Smoke

  Jeffrey "OG Loc" Cross: young Jonathan Anderson, who played a student in "The
Source," 2002, and has a co-starring role in the new Fox 5 television show
“Jonny Zero."

  "Loc" could refer to "love of CRIPs," a "local," or a "loco" person; look at
context to see what applies.

  Freddie: ?

  Big Smoke and Sweet want C.J. to pick up Jeffrey, just released from prison
and now calling himself OG Loc, from a police station.  He wants Freddie killed
for raping him in prison.  At Freddie's home, Big Smoke and Sweet leave C.J.
alone to help OG Loc.

  Freddie makes a getaway on a motorcycle.  C.J., with OG Loc on board, gives
chase on another; have C.J. do a forward drive-by while OG helps.  If it lasts
till the end of the run, Freddie stops by three Vagos who open fire.  Have C.J.
help OG shoot all four of them, then take him to Burger Shot.

  The OG Loc missions are available.  C.J. gets Respect.

  IV.16  "Running Dog"                 Big Smoke

   Tenpenny and Pulaski, arrogant again, leave Big Smoke's home.  Big Smoke
wants C.J. to take him to meet his cousin Mary--marujuana--from Mexico.  The
deal goes sour--Big Smoke hits one Vago with a bat and C.J. chases the other.
Add the fast repeated tapping of Left Shift to W so C.J. can catch him and kill

  C.J. gets Respect.

  IV.17  "Wrong Side of the Tracks"    Big Smoke

  Tenpenny and Pulaski leave Big Smoke's place again.  C.J. uses Big Smoke's
Glendale to drive him to Unity Station to meet some Vagos about a deal.  But
once there, the Vagos jump on a moving passenger locomotive to make a getaway.

  The game wants you to have C.J. take Big Smoke on a Sanchez to speed along the
locomotive so Big Smoke can shoot them with a Tec9.  The BradyGames guide and
most others say to stay just to the right of the track to the right of the
train, avoiding the car the train hits, the oncoming train, and taking the high
road by the track when Big Smoke says to.  If Big Smoke doesn't finish them off
before the Red County blockade, he complains about C.J.'s driving; I'm not par-
tial to that.

  Rusk has a particularly cool method of having C.J. speed ahead without Big
Smoke to the top of the 24 Hour Motel, jump on the train, and shoot the Vagos
himself with an M4.  I like that.

  Have C.J. armed with a Sniper Rifle with lots of ammo and speed off, without
Big Smoke, on the left side of the track, around the left turn, across the
street, up the little concrete ramp and siding on the left, over the bridge sid-
ing, and over the concrete siding and ramp to the roof of the 24 Hour Motel.

  Have him jump with (what I remap to be) Spacebar, but not W so he doesn't
overdo it, from a bit less than the width of the ramp from the edge of the roof
and onto the train car behind the Vagos.  Have him move right up on them because
these Vagos take a lot to take out and time is limited by the overpass which
will knock C.J. from the train; the game won't let him crouch under it, never-
mind the Vagos being able to stand and go through it.  

  (I once succeeded by having C.J. get into the glitchy area between the engine
and the following car, so C.J. managed to pass through the overpass like a

  Have C.J. fortify the steel of these Vagos with Sniper Rifle ammo aplenty,
moving right up on the next one when the preceeding one goes down (or by staying
in the glitchy section).  When they're Vago memories, have C.J. get back to the
Sanchez to pick up Big Smoke and take him home where he can just complain that
he doesn't have enough food.

  C.J. gets Respect.

  IV.18  "Just Business"               Big Smoke

  Big Smoke has C.J. drive him to the Atrium to kill some Russians, one of whom
killed a cousin of his (but remember, he says everyone is his cousin).  The Rus-
sians are dressed in black and fire at them.  Have C.J. help Big Smoke fire at
them and get them before Big Smoke's Health is gone.  The Russians leave behind
Micro SMGs C.J. can use, and there's Armor nearby.

  Then C.J. is driven on a motorcycle by Big Smoke.  Have C.J., in the 1st per-
son view, shoot at the shooting pursuers (sort of like the 2nd half of "Supply
and Demand" in "Vice City," but a bigger production, which is exciting), so
shoot 1st at the passenger in each car.  If you can blow up the middle car of
three in a blockade, as by hitting the gas tank cap, it takes out all three (I
think I missed them completely and Big Smoke found another way to go?).  Other-
wise, shoot back or ahead at anything that moves.  You can't take out the big 
Packer (hey, you kids--settle down), so don't waste time shooting at it.  When
Big Smoke instructs, shoot the grate from the drainage ditch tunnel ahead.  Fire
back at the explosive barrels to help take out motorcycles.

  C.J. gets Respect.  I'd replenish his SMG ammo, which just has 80 rounds for
the Micro-SMG.

    The OG Loc missions

  IV.19  "Life's a Beach"      OG Loc

  This mission is available by the Marina Burger Shot, which is by the Verona
Beach save house, from 22:00 to 6:00.  OG Loc wants C.J. to steal a sound system
for him.  Have C.J. go to the beach party, talk favorably (press "Y" for "Yes")
to the lady at the sound system, which is in the open back of a van, then play
the dance game with her (press one of the directional arrows, or W,S,A, or D, as
the corresponding arrow rolls before the circle in the middle of the screen and
in rhythm to the music).  Have C.J. jack the van--the lady gets in but is thrown
from it, elude some shooting by party-goers, and park it in a garage.

  C.J. gets some Respect.

  (The BradyGames guide says this opens the Dancing odd jobs, but you can do one
from the start of the game at the Alhambra club, which is in the middle of the W
side of the block with "IDL" of "IDLEWOOD.")

  IV.20  "Madd Dogg's Rhymes"  OG Loc  Opens C.R.A.S.H. missions


  dog (also dogg) -n.- 1. a close & trusted friend.

  Dog: Dog can mean a range of things, it just depends on the context in which
it’s used.  As an insult… “I caught him cheating on me, he’s such a dog!”  As a
term of endearment…"I love him, he's my dog."  It can also mean to criticize or
annoy someone…”Quit dogging me.”

  Dog: Entry 1.-Manly man. Handsome and virile. Part of the "well endowed"
species.  Natural habitat in the southern US.

  mad dawg
  1. v. (pronounced "mad dog") To stare someone up and down from head to foot as
if to initiate a fight.  "You best not be mad dawging me boy...I'll bust you


  When C.J. recommends a writer for OG Loc (he hadn't lost his mind helping OG
Loc get amplified--he was just helping a friend), OG Loc wants him to steal rap-
meister Madd Dogg's rhyme book (Barnes and Noble and the public library were
closed?).  C.J. goes to Madd Dogg's mansion.

  C.J. has to use stealth on the guards there.  I had him crouch, C, while tap-
ping W to edge him along quietly.  His icon on the radar is white when C.J. is
in the light, and is blue when he's in shadow and hard for others to see.  The
guards are shown as icons on the radar, too, and point in the direction the
guards face.  Have C.J. sneak up behind each guard, armed with the knife provid-
ed, target them with the RMB, and press the LMB for C.J. to treat their neck
like something unfortunate at Perdue Farms.  Once C.J. has the rhyme book, have
him get out the same way except using the Silenced 9mm Pistol he can take from
fallen guards.

  (This can't be too hard.  When I tried it, C.J. alarmed a guard who yelled by
the pool--fortunately, a forward slash by C.J. had them fall in the pool; C.J.
alerted three guys on the way out, so I hurried up and had him use the double
Sawnoff Shotguns, I think, on them--he still got out with half his Health.)

  Have C.J. use the BMX bicycle outside and get the book to OG Loc.

  C.J. gets some Respect.  Tenpenny calls and wants C.J. to meet him at the do-
nut store, where a "C" with a red, white, and blue stripe in the opening--the
C.R.A.S.H. icon--appears.  The C.R.A.S.H. missions are available.

  IV.21  "Management Issues"   OG Loc

  OG Loc has this mission for C.J. from 12:00 to 17:00.

  OG Loc tells C.J. that Madd Dogg's manager is trying to get him out of the mu-
sic industry.  As C.J. drives off to take care of it, OG Loc calls: the manag-
er's limo driver is going to pick up the manager.

  Have C.J. bump the limo, kill the driver who gets out of it (when I did it,
the traffic stirred up by a policeman's shot did it for me), jack the limo, take
it to a Pay 'n' Spray if needed--the limo must not be damaged, and park it be-
tween two limos, parked in the same direction they face.  C.J. has to stay be-
tween the two limos as they go to park in front of the music awards show build-

  The manager--the Will Smith look-a-little-alike, gets into the limo.  Have
C.J. drive fast, shaking his pursuers, S to the Verona Beach pier and bail just
before the end of it.  (Have C.J. destroy the pursuers if they show up; in my
case, I didn't see them.)

  C.J. gets some Respect.

  IV.22  "House Party"         OG Loc

  OG Loc quits his job at the Burger Shot; it's a parole violation, so he throws
a last party.  C.J. agrees to go there when OG Loc says his microphone is bro-
ken.  Send him there--across the street from the Johnson house--from 20:00 to
6:00 (with new clothes and a haircut if C.J. needs the upgrade).  But when he
gets there, the mike's been fixed, so he steps outside to find and Sweet and
Ryder have been driven outside by OG Loc's enthusiastic but untalented act, too.

  Sweet organizes a defense against a Balla attack--a blockade of cars is formed
in the street.  Using the radar to help locate targets, have C.J. help attack
eight Ballas in the street (1st wave), snipe four on the overpass (2nd wave),
then twelve from various directions (3rd wave).

  C.J. gets Respect.

    The C.R.A.S.H. missions

  IV.23  "Burning Desire"   C.R.A.S.H.

  Have the Firetruck mission done for the fireproof feature.

  Have C.J. go to the donut store (the C icon) and meet Tenpenny, Pulaski, and
Hernandez.  Tenpenny wants C.J. to kill a Vago.

  Get some Molotovs if you need to, go to the Vago's house, and throw them
through the five windows indicated and at any Vagos around.  The longer you hold
the LMB before releasing it, the farther C.J. throws.  There are Molotovs near-
by if you run out.  This is one act that will never play Vagos again (sorry).

  A woman cries for help from a 2nd floor window.  Have C.J. go in the front
door, up the stairs in the back, and down the hall to the last door on the left.
She's afraid to leave, so have C.J. go downstairs to the kitchen, get the Fire
Extinguisher, go back to her room, and shoot the Extinguisher at the base of the
flames.  Have C.J. go to her.  

  Some of the house caves in and blocks the hall.  Check occasionally to make
sure she follows while C.J. puts out the fires in the room across the hall, goes
out the other end of the room (past the blocked part of the hall) to put out
fires by the stairs, puts them out in the kitchen, etc., and goes out the front
door.  Then have C.J. drive her home.  She tells him to call.

  The game says she's his girlfriend--"Keep her happy and she'll love you."
(It's a good thing he didn't say she was as dumb as a horse in a burning barn
for not hanging from the sill and dropping to the ground.)  She's Denise Robin-
son, and her place is indicated with the Girlfriend icon--a heart (awwr!).  See
XI.b  Girlfriends.

  Sweet calls: a Grove Street gang member has been buying crack from the Ballas
and selling it to Grove Street Family gang members.  He's hiding out in Glen
Park, so Sweet wants C.J. to attack the gang there and drive him out.  This
Sweet mission is available at the Downtown Ammu-Nation.

  IV.24  "Gray Imports"     C.R.A.S.H.

  Gray imports are ones made legally but without the agreement of the manufac-

  You recruit a couple of gang members for this (III.15).  They don't help for
the way I do this, though--they just get in the road.

  Tenpenny doesn't want any one gang getting too powerful for him to control.
He heard the Ballas are getting strong weapons from Russian arms dealers, so
sends C.J. to an Ocean Docks warehouse.

  Have C.J. go through the blue warehouse on the left, snipe guards and the ex-
plosive barrels carried by Forklifts, get the Armor by the other warehouse door,
and snipe the lock to open the door.  I chose Molotovs for C.J. to get the three
men revealed when the door opened and for any guards encountered on the way
through the warehouse.  You can have him shoot a pallet that's suspended near
the ceiling to have it fall on one.  Clear out all the Russian guards till all
that's left to handle are the two Ballas and the Russian arms dealer in the room
at the top of the stairs.

  If C.J. enters the room, the Russian runs away to a car to make a getaway in.
Then C.J. has to get the nearby motorcycle and do a forward drive-by on it and
him, unless he can destroy the car 1st, then get him.  (Maybe someone can figure
out a way to take the car to 8-Ball's 1st and get the guy like Chunky Lee Chong
in "III.")  If he enters the room....

  Have C.J. shoot the two Ballas from outside the room (thank you, BradyGames
guide).  When I tried it, the Russian, the guy in black, got in the near right
corner.  I'm not sure if C.J.'s bullets had any effect on what might have been a
sliver of the guy I saw.  C.J. was out of Molotovs.  I had C.J. get a safe dis-
tance from the outside wall of the corner, and send rockets through the door
then at the wall.  When C.J. went where he could see through the door again, the
Russian had moved from the corner to stand in the middle of the room...briefly.

    The Sweet missions continued

  IV.25  "Doberman"          Sweet Johnson

  A Doberman is often used for what it was originally bred to be--a guard dog.

  Since I think the name Fort Baxter was chosen for "Vice City" due to the place
of the same name in the 1955-59 TV series "The Phil Silvers Show," known in syn-
dication as "Sergeant Bilko," starring Phil Silvers, it may be related that one
popular character of the show was Pvt. Doberman.  It's enjoyed popularity in the
U.K. like "I Love Lucy" or "The Honeymooners" in the U.S.

  Sweet calls, following up on the previous call, to send C.J., alone, to Ammu-
Nation, then to take over Balla territory and drive out the ex-Grove Street guy
there.  Send C.J. to the "S" icon at the Downtown Ammu-Nation to pick up "Dober-
man"--C.J. learns that Glen Park is the Balla territory to attack.  Stock up on
whatever upgrades C.J.'s arsenal.


  C.J. learns about turf wars.

  Have C.J., on foot, kill some Ballas to provoke a gang war, which is comprised
of three waves of attackers.  If C.J. shoots a policeman, he gets one star.
(I'd avoid that, but there's a bribe in the tunnel that goes through the stone
bridge if it happens.)  The other pedestrians and traffic disappear and Heart
and Armor icons appear.

  On the radar and in-game map:

  The attackers, Ballas this time, are seen as red blips.

  Another gang's territory is covered in translucent purple.

  A territory under attack has a Families icon--a little person--and the terri-
tory flashes translucent red.

  A Grove Street Families territory is covered in translucent green.

  A territory can be owned by C.J. but jointly with one or more other gangs if
C.J. didn't finish a gang war or ignored a call to go to a gang war.  Such a
territory is pale gray-green until C.J. does a full takeover for it.  Thanks to
Wikipedia for the tip:

  C.J. can get the money from a takeover from the gold dollar symbol in front of
the Johnson house.

  A fenced-in yard with a gate, or whatever such situation that provides protec-
tion for C.J. and forces the attackers to enter one at a time, makes the attack-
ers easier for C.J. to handle.  A rooftop can be a good vantage spot, too.  (My
1st time, I had C.J. shoot from the park instead.)


  C.J., having drawn out the gang member gone bad, has to kill him.  (The game
calls him a "grass," which is someone who alerts the authorites about crime,
which is a good thing, actually, and he calls out "Tenpenny set me up," which
is ironic, so it's a little confusing when you want C.J. to be a hero.  The eas-
iest way is to remember Sweet said the guy is really a crack dealer, and crimi-
nals are liars.  Then again, all these guys are committing crimes, so...let's
skip past this part.)

  C.J. gets Respect and however much money shows up at the dollar symbol in
front of the Johnson house.

  This unlocks the ability to take territories from gangs, but C.J. will lose
any he gains in Los Santos in the events after "The Green Sabre," so it's not an
immediate concern.  But have C.J. defend his territory when it comes under at-
tack; there's just one wave to handle, and a Molotov or two usually does the

  Ammu-Nations, shown as pistol icons on the radar and in-game map, and two of
the four Ammu-Nation Challenges, found in some Ammu-Nations, are available.  But
since you need to do all four challenges in a row to complete the mission, you
can just practice the 1st two for now.

  Body Armor $200, 9mm Pistol $200, Grenades $300, Silenced 9mm Pistol $600,
Tec9 $300, Shotgun $600, Sawnoff Shotgun $800, Micro SMG $500, and SMG $2,000,
are at Ammu-Nation.

  IV.26  "Los Sepulcros"            Sweet Johnson

  Sweet wants the Ballas to be attacked at a funeral for a Balla called Little
Weasel, whom C.J. and Big Smoke killed.

  C.J. learns about recruiting gang members.  Target a prospect with the RMB so
an arrow (green, if they're in good health) points down at them, and press G.
Draw recruits near with G and have them wait in place with H.  Holding G or H,
or going far away, will disband the group.

  After making a couple of recruits, C.J. drives them and Sweet to the funeral
at the graveyard in Los Sepulcros (Spanish for "The Tombs").  Kane is consid-
ered to be an important Balla to target, and he'll try to make a getaway if
there's trouble.  Once there, have C.J. jump the wall to join the others, then
go after Kane, killing the other Ballas as needed to stay alive to kill Kane be-
fore Kane makes it a vehicle chase.  Kane is wearing Armor, so have C.J. move in
with something strong.

  Have C.J. drive the Grove Street guys back to Sweet's place.

  C.J. gets Respect.

    The last of the 1st batch of Los Santos missions

  IV.27  "Reuniting the Families"   Sweet Johnson

  You can have C.J. explore San Andreas, get the remaining Oysters, some good
weapons (the Combat Shotgun, the Minigun), etc., with no police rating (but may
anger guards in casinos and strip clubs) no matter what you have him do or where
you have him go.  (Thanks again to Rusk for the tip, which I've altered for the
PC version.)

  (As an alternative to the Minigun, you could go to section X.11 to see how to
make your favorite available weapon--maybe a Tec9, which can be dual-wield, used
for a drive-by or with a Jetpack, and isn't used by law enforcement--as strong
as you want.)

  I'd have C.J. get a Shotgun at Ammu-Nation and use the gimmick at III.5 to
maximize the Stat for it and the Combat Shotgun fast.  Changing both from 0.6
points per 100 shots to 100 points per 10 shots will let C.J. reach Hitman in a
few shots.  Then I'd have him get the semi-automatic Combat Shotgun in Las Ven-
turas (see III.3 for the location)--the ammo he got before is added to the round
it comes with--and maximize the Stat for it fast, too.

  So have C.J. get a Camera (the Johnson bedroom), load up on Shotgun ammo from
the Downtown Ammu-Nation, have the dataar_stats.dat file changed for the Shot-
gun and Combat Shotgun (called the SPAS12 in the file) (III.5), have the SW Las
Venturas Combat Shotgun location (III.3) and the NE Las Venturas Minigun loca-
tion (III.3) handy, and have the remaining Oyster locations ready (see below),
before this mission.

  During the mission, have C.J. kill the SWAT agents but leave Sweet on the roof
to shoot down the chopper and wait while C.J. explores, etc.


  The "Reuniting the Families" mission, part 1

  Sweet wants his Grove Street gang to meet with the other GSF leaders at the
Jefferson Motel.  Have C.J. drive them there.

  On the way, Ryder picks on C.J. again, and Big Smoke tells him to "cool it."
Ryder says he's as "cool as a Shaolin monk."  Shaolin temples are an order of
Chinese Buddhist monastaries famed for association with Japanese Buddhism and
martial arts.

  Once there, Sweet goes inside alone--one representative per family can attend.
The LSPD moves in with police cars and SWAT agents rappelling from SWAT helicop-
ters, and get into a shoot out with the gang  members.  Big Smoke and Ryder
leave while C.J. stays to help Sweet.  He's given a Shotgun by the game, but I'd
move him into the door nearby and switch to something powerful with a steady
burst, like an SMG, or Molotovs, good for getting around corners.

  Have C.J. shoot SWAT agents, armed with M4s, on his way to Sweet--up a couple
flights of stairs and down the halls, noting that when you get to the hall
marked "Rooms 5-8" that Sweet is down that hall, around the corner, and down
that hall in the 2nd room on the right.  The SWAT agents may appear on upper
balconies, come through a skylight, bound out of rooms up ahead, etc.

  (In a couple of places a prostitute ran into a room on the left; you're sup-
posed to be able to have C.J. go to her for sex that fills his Health bar.  May-
be it's because I kept C.J.'s Health up, and it only works when it's low, but
she kissed him and was thankful but made his Health lower each time.  I think a
malfunction broke my prostitutes; I hope he didn't pay for that.  C.J. won't be
shot at if he goes back through the areas he's cleared to use the Sprunk machine
in the lobby.)

  On he joins Sweet, they go to the roof, where a SWAT helicopter makes repeated
passes with four SWAT agents dangling from ropes (probably not actual SWAT MO).
The game always makes this happen at night, when the glare of the helicopter
light may make this hard to do, but you can use the glitch that lets C.J. freely
explore by shooting the SWAT agents and leaving Sweet alone with  the helicop-
ter.  Have C.J. try different spots to shoot from and use the RMB targeting to
make green arrows point down at the SWAT agents if need be.

   The rest of the proper mission is continued below.


  The "Reuniting the Families" glitch

  C.J. can go anywhere without a wanted rating.  The traffic and pedestrians,
except for fast food workers (Rusk adds bouncers in casinos and police in police
stations), don't appear, but parked vehicles do.  When I tried it, I heard the
helicopter blow up when C.J. was about a block away; thoughout this, the screen
said Sweet's Health was full and that C.J. ought to go to him.

  Rusk likes to start by having C.J. fly from LS airport to use the Camera to
shoot the bridge of the aircraft carrier to get a Photo Op.  On PC, press the
RMB to see the icon--violet and blue with a white camera in the middle--then
shoot the picture with the LMB.

  If you got 39 Oysters during the Los Santos preliminaries, you might at least
get the two Oysters by the Easter Bay aircraft carrier while it can be done
without a wanted rating.  But I'd get all 11 remaining ones because it boosts
C.J.'s Sex Appeal so that he doesn't have to wrangle with objections like who
doesn't like him buff and who doesn't like him fat when he starts dating women
that are fussier about that than Denise, which makes dating less complicated.

  There are two by the Easter Bay aircraft carrier, one is near Avispa Country
Club, three are in the Sherman Reservoir, and five are in pools in Las Venturas.

  The fastest way is to use one of the teleportation devices at X.13.a, b, or
c, but it's easy to do without one if you'd like to go sight-seeing.

  1. under the E end of the aircraft carrier that's N of the "N" of "EASTER

  2. in the middle of the E end of the big gray rectangle "BASIN" is on, in the
middle dock of three.

  While C.J. was in San Fierro, I took Rusk's advice to move the Patriot from a
nearby pier to the Xoomer gas station garage for the Export/Import mission lat-
er.  The garage is on the lower E side of the brown block N of "DOHERTY."

  3. in the little pond, S of the big arc of road and the country club building,

  4. between "AN" of "SHERMAN RESERVOIR" and the dam, under the W structure of
the two (shown on the radar and in-game map) that project N from the dam.

  5. under the bridge over the entrance to the gulf on the W side of the reser-

  6. near the coast S of the "OC" of "VALLE OCULTADO," a bit past the end of
the wooden pier.

  You might be sure you have the Hitman level for the Shotgun, then get the Com-
bat Shotgun next.

  7. in the NW area of the block of "COME" of "COME-A-LOT," in the pond N of the
entrance walk.

  8. in the NE area of the block of "ATES IN" of "PIRATES IN MEN'S PANTS," in
the pond, and by the big skull display.

  9. in the middle of the semi-circle of the "E" of "VISAGE," in a pond, and by
a waterfall in the middle.

  10. just S of the "R" of "PILGRIM," sticking halfway out of a swimming pool.

  11. E across the street and just past the RR track from the middle of the rec-
tangle that's at the NE corner of the block of "CA" of "ROCA ESCALANTE," in the
upper patio pool of the VROCK Hotel.

  You might get the Minigun next.  It's only one icon worth of ammo, but at
least it can guarantee a strong weapon to use for "The Green Sabre."

  Have C.J. shoot the Combat Shotgun till he has a Hitman skill level for it.
You might be thoughful enough to have him enter a police station, too, and find
Denise a lovely gift.

  When you've done all that, get full Health and Armor for C.J. and send him
back to Sweet to finish the mission.


  The "Reuniting the Families" mission, part 2 and closing

  Have C.J. shoot down the helicopter if it's still there.

  Sweet is still on the roof (and showing all the patience of an even-tempered
leader).  Have C.J. follow him downstairs, where they get into the car with Big
Smoke and Ryder.

  C.J. is given a 1st person view and an AK-47.  Have him shoot pursuing shoot-
ers and Police cars and motorcycles, taking heed of where Sweet says to look.
I don't want to give it all away.  When the "K" jams, you can watch the cut

  C.J. gets Respect.

  IV.28  "The Green Sabre"              Sweet Johnson

  Sweet is proud of C.J. and wants him to join the GSF gang in hitting the
Ballas under the Mulholland Intersection.  But Cesar persuades C.J. to meet him
1st.  Have C.J. get there fast then transfer to Cesar's car.

  Cesar, going on tips he knew would be important to C.J., has C.J. watch in
secret with him as two Ballas, Big Smoke and Ryder, the green Sabre used for
the drive-by that killed C.J.'s Mom, and Tenpenny come out of a building.

  C.J. thanks Cesar, and realizes that Sweet is going to an ambush.  He has
Cesar put Kendl in safe place.  Have C.J. get back to his car and speed to
Sweet--in the lot under the Mulholland Intersection--where he finds a shoot out
going on, and that Sweet has been shot.  C.J. tells him about Big Smoke's du-
plicity, etc.  Sweet wants C.J. to leave before the police arrive, but C.J.
wants to fight off the Ballas until they do.

  Have C.J. get the several cars of Ballas that attack as with a turf war; the
Minigun could come in handy here.  Then C.J. surrenders to the police.

  The screen is dark as C.J. awakens with a hood over his head and says it's
hard to breathe.  A police man pulls it off--it's Tenpenny, who's with Pulaski
and Hernandez.  Tenpenny says Sweet is alive but in a prison hospital awaiting
trial.  Pulaski says Big Smoke does what he's told and C.J. better stay away
from him.

  Tenpenny says an ex-partner of theirs has been caught at something, will talk
to Internal Affairs, and is hiding at Mount Chiliad.  C.J. gets a Camera (with
unlimited film) and is told to destroy any evidence that person might have
(against Tenpenny, etc.) and to bring them evidence that C.J. did it (a photo
of the ex-partner after C.J. kills him) or Sweet will be in prison in the
Ballas section.

  Save the game in S Angel Pine for free by the red shaft of light, used to
start "Badlands" (C.R.A.S.H.), in the trailer park.

  C.J. gets Respect.

                             C.J. is in Angel Pine with no weapons
                             Any territories taken over in Los Santos are lost
                             The Badlands and San Fierro are officially open
                             The Badlands save houses are now available


  V  The Badlands and San Fierro Preliminaries

  V.1.a  Photo Ops  50

  Use the Camera given to you in IV.28 for Photo Ops--it has an unlimited
amount of film.

  Camera icons, violet and blue with a white camera symbol in the middle, appear
in San Fierro.  They're only visible through the Camera lens (press the RMB).
Take a picture (the LMB) of the area around one, even from a good ways away--
sometimes even if it's not close enough to register in the Viewfinder, to get
credit for it.  A few I know you can get without being close enough to see them
in the viewfinder include the one by the middle of the top of the N support col-
umn for the Gant Bridge, the one C.J. can move a few steps E of that shooting
location to aim E to get--it's near the top of the mast of the ship, and the one
on top of the 2nd silo from the N of the five big silos of Foster Valley--shoot
that from up on a nearby hill.

  See III.1 for maps.

  The fastest way to find them is to use one of the teleportation devices at
X.13.a, b, or c, but they're easy to get otherwise if you want to see the place

  (If you use the BradyGames guide, remember that 14 is at the Garver, not the
Kinkaid, Bridge support.)

  After getting 50 Photo Ops, the Micro SMG, Shotgun, Sniper Rifle, and Grenades
are available at the Xoomer garage in Doherty, San Fierro.

  V.1.b  Weapon gathering

   I'd scarf up that Sniper ammo at the Doherty Xoomer garage and get the Heat-
Seeking Rocket Launcher at Easter Bay Airport.  I'd get the Silenced 9mm and
SMG at Ammu-Nation, the Molotovs, AK-47, and Sawnoff Shotgun at the Johnson
house, and the Brass Knuckles in the lot to the W of it.

  V.2  Save houses

  Palomino Creek   C6   garage     $35,000
  NW part of Palomino Creek (Red County)

  Dillimore        D4   garage     $40,000
  NE part of Dillimore (Red County)

  Blueberry        D4              $10,000
  on the 2nd floor in the ring of apartments in Blueberry (Red County)

  Angel Pine       F2                free
  by the red shaft of light, used to start "Badlands" (C.R.A.S.H.), in the
trailer park in the S part of Angel Pine (Badlands)

  Angel Pine       F2              $20,000
  in the NE section of Angel Pine (Badlands)

  Whetstone        E2             $100,000
  in Whetstone NW of "LEAFY HOLLOW" (Badlands)
  Go to and from the N side to avoid the cliffs.

  V.3  Barber and Tattoo shops

  The San Fierro barber has the same deals as the Marina, Los Santos barber, and
the San Fierro tattoo parlor has the same deals as the Los Santos tattoo par-

  V.4  Weapons And Other Items

  In addition to the weapons previously available in Los Santos and at Ammu-Na-
tions, you can find:


  Brass Knuckles

  - at the S end of a lot; enter it from the N, where "TON" is of "CALTON

  Melee weapons:

  Baseball bat:

  - at home plate in the baseball field S of the "G" in "GARCIA."


  - at the W end of the big dirty pink box of scrap in the Angel Pine Junkyard,
which is E of the top of Mt. Chiliad and close to where the road meets the riv-

  - and in the front yard of the 3rd house S from the NW corner of the block of

  Golf Club

  - in the open garage of the little house on the N side of the NW side of the
W block of downtown Angel Pine,

  - and at the NE side of the front porch of Avispa Country Club.

  Night stick:

  - on the N ramp of the two used to get up to the elevated walk over the street
at the SW corner of the big block E of "AVISPA COUNTRY CLUB."

  Pool Cue:

  - under the fallen 2nd floor of the building wreckage at the mid-W side of the
brown block N of "DOHERTY."


  - at the bottom of a public stairway; enter it at the S end of the block N of

  - and by a Kart at the end of an alley of the block E of "CHINA TOWN"; enter
on the W side of the block and make the 1st left (C.J. can jump a motorcycle
from the nearby ramp through the 2nd floor corridor in the wall; there are five
noodle stands in another nearby alley if C.J. is hungry),

  - and at the bottom of a public stairway; enter it at the S end of the block
N of "HASH" in "HASHBURY."


  - on the wreckage of a building at the N end of the brown block N of "DOHER-

  - at the NW end in the Final Build Construction area, in the 2nd block S of
the "G" in "GARCIA,"

  - and at the S edge of the tennis courts in the NW area of Avispa Country



  - in a corner in the S side of a N-S alley of the block with "CIA" of "GAR-

  Desert Eagle

  - by a scrapyard warehouse E of the top of Mt. Chiliad and near the river,

  - in the back of a lot enclosed by a light gray wall at the W side of the
block that says, "CIA" of "GARCIA," about 1/3rd S from the N end,

  - and at Ammu-Nations, $1,200, after "Black Project."



  - on a roof with a top structure that's connected by big pipes to the S end of
Solarin Industries, which is a couple of blocks W of the freight liner; walk on-
to the roof at a little area at either the E or W side,

  - and at the Xoomer garage in Doherty after getting 50 Photo Ops.

  Submachine guns:


  - in Battery Point E of "T" in "POINT" at the base of the NE support of the
four tall gray bridge supports at the S end of the Gant Bridge,

  - and by the big tree S of the building at the NW corner of the block that
says, "DO" of "DOWNTOWN."

  Micro SMG

  - behind a trailer at a trailer park near the E corner of the area surrounded
by road S of downtown Angel Pine,

  - in Esplanade North at a door along the NW side of a pale blue building on
the gray area that extends NE from the NE corner of San Fierro,

  - and at the Xoomer garage in Doherty after getting 50 photo Ops.


  - in a backyard with an old wooden fence behind a partly bright green house in
the middle of the W side of the block that's E of the block with "TS" of "OCEAN

  Assault rifles:


  - at ground level behind the big landscaping decoration rocks that are on the
E side of the mall that's E of the five big silos of Foster Valley; the rocks
are E of the S end of the 2nd silo from the S.

  - and at any Ammu-Nation, $3,500, after "Lure" (a San Fierro mission).


  - in the backyard of a house on the W side of the road W of "PALISADES,"

  - and at any Ammu-Nation, $4,500, after "Yay Ka-Boom-Boom" (a San Fierro mis-


  Country Rifle

  - on a mound WNW of, and across the brown line from, "BACK O' BEYOND,"

  - and at Ammu-nations, $1,000, after "Body Harvest" (a Badlands mission).

  Sniper Rifle

  - on the roof of the building at the NE corner of the block S of "EAST" of

  - in a wooden shed on the little brown square at the N end of a winding dirt
path that's W of the big brown rectangle of "The Farm" Cult Location,

  - at the Xoomer garage in Doherty after getting 50 Photo Ops,

  - and at Ammu-Nations, $5,000, after "Pier 69" (a San Fierro mission).

  Heavy weapons:


  - on top of the big concrete support column at the SW end of the Kincaid (RR)
Bridge, inaccessible till the invisible barrier there is gone when the Desert
and Las Ventura become available.

  Heat-Seeking RPG

  The grenades seek out the heat of vehicles and people.  Press the RMB till the
target finder turns from green to red, then press the LMB to fire.  It helps to
keep the view finder on the target till the missile finds it.  It tends to pick
the nearest target, so if you want a different one, release and press the RMB
again while aiming at the one you want.

  - S of the two little rectangles at the E edge of Easter Bay Airport, and NE


  It's good for taking out crowds of attackers at close range when C.J. has the
fireproof feature.

  - in a group of trees at the inside of the right end of the brown loop that's

  - by the two cabins at the S end of a line of six cabins NW of "BEACON HILL"
and N of where the RR goes over the road,

  - under the fallen 2nd floor of the building wreckage at the mid-W side of the
brown block N of "DOHERTY,"

  - and at the S end of the big N deck of the freight liner of S Easter Basin.

  Thrown weapons:

  Tear Gas:

  - on the E side of the bottom cargo hold of the aircraft carrier at Easter Ba-


  - at the Xoomer garage in Doherty after getting 50 Photo Ops.

  Handheld items:

  Fire Extinguisher

  - by the Xoomer gas station on the N side of the two main roads of the S coast
where they 1st become the closest together going SE from Angel Pine,

  - and at the S end of the Xoomer station at the W side of the road W of "EAS-

  Remote Explosive

  - on the front porch of the house at the SE corner of the block S of "DISO"

  - in a corner along the short S side of Avispa Country Club,

  - and at any Ammu-Nation, $2,000, after "Body Harvest" (a Badlands mission).


  at the NW corner of the big light blue building on the gray section that ex-
tends NE at the NE corner of San Fierro,
  on the roof of the multi-story parking garage NW of the 90 degree curve in the
road N of the "TO" of "DOWNTOWN,"
  at the W side of the church that's at the NE corner of the block that says,
  by the garage door S of the middle of the curvy Lombard-like street just W of
the "F" in "FINANCIAL,"
  at the NW corner of the Big Pointy Building on the block E of the block with
  behind Tuff Nuts Donuts, where "L" of "PALISADES" is,
  in the E end of an alley of the block N of "CHINA TOWN,"
  at the back of the indoor garage by the hospital; enter from the S end of the
block with "FLORA" of "SANTA FLORA,"
  in the W side of the Zombotech building; enter at the NW or NE side of the
block that says, "DOWN" of "DOWNTOWN,"
  on the N sidewalk of the SW end of the Garver Bridge, a bit W of due N of the
"E" in "EASTER,"
  in the middle of the courtyard of City Hall,
  in a lot behind the Cluckin' Bell that's at the S end of the small rectangular
block a couple blocks S of City Hall,
  behind the tickets and information booth in the N end of Cranberry (RR) Sta-
tion, which is E of the S half of the brown block N of "DOHERTY,"
  just past the N end of the RR track that runs parallel to the nearby freight
liner at Easter Basin,
  at the S side of the Burgher Shot at the S end of the Garcia neighborhood,
  on the front porch of Avispa Country Club,
  at the NW corner of the parking lot at the end of a dead end road S of "MIS-
  and on the lawn by the T intersection where the E-W road veers NE into the en-
trance (with a big 3D airplane) of Easter Bay Airport.

  Gifts for girlfriends:


  Flowers don't reappear in a location once taken from one and the game is

  by the red Trash-O dumpster by Lovin' A Loan on the SE side of the W block of
Angel Pine,
  behind the 69 building at the most SE curve in the road of Flint County,
  on the grassy median strip, at the SW end of the concrete median, of the Flint
  in front of the gas station on a gray rectangle just N of the Flint Intersec-
  among the big trees S of the N tip of the gray streak shaped like a big "C"
  on the N side of the N hairpin turn of the two W of "FLINT RANGE,"
  at the SW end of the destroyed section of paved road along the N side of the
onramp to the Garver Bridge,
  over the N planter at the N end of the mall E of the five silos of Foster
  in the E hairpin turn of the road that goes N from "HILL" of "MISSIONARY
  by the green garbage dumpster at the S end of the alley of the block E of the
block with "TS" of "OCEAN FLATS,"
  in a grave yard (with grave stones that have the Rockstar logo and "RIP OPPO-
SITION 1997-2004" on them) on the W side of the block with "HA" of "HASHBURY"
on it,
  in front of a light beige duplex; if you look at the road that goes N from the
"S" of the big "SAN FIERRO" letters, and bends S of "PALISADES," you'll find the
duplex W of that road just before it bends,
  in the E-most little fenced in back yard of the duplexes at the S side of the
block with "DES" of "PALISADES"; enter the block at the N end,
  a couple curves up from the S, lower, end of the Lombard-like winding street;
just over the "F" of "FINANCIAL;
  at the N side, by the soda machine, of the Xoomer gas station on the E side of
the block E of "PARADISO,"
  and NE of the pond with a fountain in the middle of it at the NW section of
San Fierro.


  inside the walls of RS Haul on the E side of the bend in the road N of the
Flint Intersection,
  by a shack just NW of a windmill that's N of the "CO" of "BEACON HILL,"
  outside the Victim clothes store in NE San Fierro,
  at the front doors of the hospital above the "T" in "SANTA FLORA" (look care-
fully--it's light gray and the surroundings are colored similarly),
  in the backyard of the 3rd house S from the NW corner of the block of "OC" of
  in the SW end of the paved park with a chili vendor at the SW side of the
block with "SH" of "HASHBURY,"
  and in front of the green garage door of the house at the NE corner of the
block that's E of the block with "TS" of "OCEAN FLATS."

  Apparel items:


  - on top Mount Chiliad,

  - on top of the Big Pointy Building on the block E of the block with "AL" of
"FINANCIAL"; enter it on the S side,

  - and near the top of the N tall support column of the two at the SW end of
the Garver Bridge.

  Night Vision Goggles:

  - at the mall that's E of the five big silos of Foster Valley after "Breaking
the Bank at Caligula's"; the goggles are E of the middle silo and on the E-W
brick walk through the middle of ground level of the mall.

  V.5  Armor and police bribes

  The Badlands

  Body Armor

  - at the top of Mt. Chiliad,

  - and E of the Angel Pine hospital behind a restaurant wall.

  Police bribes

  - by the 2nd place NE of "SHADY CABIN" where the brown line--a half water-cov-
ered dirt path--crosses the little stream,

  - and in an alley behind the sheriff station on the block SW of the N block of
downtown Angel Pine.

  San Fierro

  Body Armor

  - in Ocean Flats on the block of "TS" of "FLATS," go into the S end of the al-
ley and into the 1st yard on the right,

  - in Doherty, at the NW corner of Solaris ("Shady" on PS2) Industries, which
is a couple blocks W of the aircraft carrier,

  - on the block S of "GAR" in "GARCIA," in an alley behind the buildings that
are on the the SW corner,

  - on a pier at water level by a Dinghy just S of the "AD" of "ESPLANADE EAST,"

  - W of the bend in the road formed by the two roads N of "PAL" in "PALISADES,"
by the grass at the base of a gray cliff that's E of the Reefer boat,

  - between the "IP" and "LL" of "JUNIPER HILL" in a W lot of the Supa Save,

  - and at Easter Bay Airport, at the E end of the green badge-like section,
along the lower street, in a corner of a lot S of the entrance to the parking
garage. the entrance to a parking garage.

  Police bribes

  - in Easter Basin on the block W of "EASTER" on the train tracks between tun-

  - behind a yellow construction fence at the SE corner of the block that's E of

  - in an alley S of the row of apartments that are in the middle of the N end
of the block that's N of "SANTA" of "SANTA FLORA,"

  - at the W end of the narrow semi-loop of road N of "SS" in "MISSIONARY HILL,"

  - in the middle of the N-S alley of the block E of "TS" of "OCEAN FLATS,"

  - in an alley--enter the alley on the E side of the block S of "BURY" of

  - in an alley N of "DO" of "DOWNTOWN,"

  - in Foster Valley under the main road at the S end of the pretzel-like inter-

  - in a tunnel; in the Avispa Country Club area, you can enter one end of the
tunnel at the end of the road shown under the "Y" of "COUNTRY,"

  - and in a lot behind RS Haul, which is on the little block SE of Doherty and
W of the S end of the long airport runway.

  V.6  Oysters

  If you didn't polish them off during "Reuniting the Families" (IV.27), get the
three of the Badlands and San Fierro.

  Since getting the two by the aircraft carrier means getting a four star wanted
level, you could use one of the teleporters found at X.13.a, b, or c, and add
the co-ordinates of a Pay 'n' Spray, too--you can use the "add place" function
of the Place Manager to get the co-ordinates of one beforehand.  You might leave
a vehicle in it beforehand, too.

  But it would be easier wait a little bit to get them all, including the ones
in the Desert and Las Venturas, with the "Are You Going to San Fierro?" (VI.16)
glitch that lets you explore forbidden areas without a wanted rating.

  V.7  Mount Chiliad Challenge

  Have C,J. get on the bicycle on the top of Mount Chiliad from 7:00 to 18:00 to
start one of the three bicycle races.

  Fast Mount Chiliad climbing

  A fast way to the top is to right click the peak to make a marker on it on the
in-game map, then have C.J. run at it on the NW side of Mount Chiliad, from
about where the Whetstone Bridge is, making side tracks to avoid a couple of
cliffs he can't climb.  It can be a pretty fast run to the top--faster than a
motorcycle could do it.  You'd be surprised at how sheer some of the cliffs are
he can run up.  He's a mighty mountain man (and must have incredibly muscular
toes, like a mighty mountain goat).

  The PS2 bike morphing gimmick doesn't work on PC.

  The gimmick of having C.J. stay at least ten or fifteen feet back from the
last red shaft of light before the finish line (any closer and it disappears),
snipe the ones that crossed the finish line until C.J. is in 1st place, then
cross the finish line, works on PC.  I've seen it glitch so only two of the oth-
er five appear for C.J. to snipe, though.

  V.7.a  Race 1  Scotch Bonnet Yellow route  down a winding trail with guard

  V.7.b  Race 2  Birdseye Winder Yellow route  down a winding trail without so
many guard rails; if C.J. goes wide on one of the several sharp turns and falls
down the cliff, the game puts him back where he fell.

  V.7.c  Race 3  Cobra Run  includes a section along a wooden walk, a jump, and
riding off trail.

  V.8   Hippy Shopper Courier Asset Mission (four stages)

  This is like the Commerce 24/7 Courier Asset mission (III.7) except you start
it by having C.J. get on the Freeway parked by the Hippy Shopper in Queens, San
Fierro.  It's on the W side of the block that's N of "HASH" of "HASHBURY."

  Three loops, six packages,   three minutes
  Four loops,  six packages,   five minutes
  Five loops,  seven packages, five minutes
  Six loops,   eight packages, eight minutes

  You have to do drive-bys, throwing packages through red loops, and do four
runs of them in a row.  C.J. can pick up dropped packages and try again, and
each package missed and abandoned takes $100 off your score.  Look at the in-
game map before going to each red loop to plan your course to it.

  Press Up quickly and repeatedly, without letting C.J. stand up, to make the
motorcycle go faster.  I'd just use the mouse to throw the packages with the LMB
because using it to steer makes drive-bies difficult.  

  The Hippy Shopper makes $2,000 a day and max.

  V.9   NRG-500 Challenge

  This is like the BMX Challenge, except you start it by having C.J. get on an
NRG-500, and you use it in and around the largely bowl-shaped dry dock--the big
square NW of the ship that's N of "EASTER" of "EASTER BAY AIRPORT," and there
are seven red loops you have to jump up high to get--not just one.

  You start with ten seconds on the timer, and passing through each loop makes
the loop disappear and adds ten seconds on the timer.  This is mainly a mission
for you to learn how smart it feels to know how to use the Internet to download
a trainer (III.11) to use to stop the timer from going down; using that, making
the loops disappear makes the timer go up ten seconds per loop.  The 15 minutes
it will still take to swoop up walls with a motorcycle is plenty for me.

  The PS2 gimmick of going through a red loop just about the time the timer runs
out to make the timer disappear works for PC.  It took me a few tries to time it
right.  The game gives the player a chance to be a fraction of a second late and
still get ten seconds on the timer, so you have to go through the loop just a
bit after that.

  If you want to rough it, the BradyGames guide recommends looking for the tar-
gets on the radar and using a "camera" view that lets you see shadows from the
loops to aim with.  Hold the RMB and turn the view with the Mouse to line up
your shots, which will be difficult since I think you'll need some banking
shots--going up one side to come down with the speed you'll need to go up high
enough from the other.

  You might watch a video that shows how it's done: "NRG Challenge Too Easy" by
ballofsnow.  You can download it (although the file wasn't available the last
few times I tried to get it) from the web site, if you
register there, from midnight to noon EST.  (Thanks to Plaka at the GTA Forums 
web site.)

  V.10  Blood Bowl (Corvin Stadium)

  A Bloodring Banger is a modified Glendale, which has headlights above the
grill, which has a round spear-like bumper project from it on either side, like
a smoothed-out, simplified interpretation of the front of a Chevrolet Bel Air
four-door '57, and has the distinctive reverse tail fins similar to that on ei-
ther side of the trunk of a Dodge Dart Pioneer four-door '61, except, once at
the back of the trunk, the Glendale strange tail fins slope down to the rear
bumper and the Dodge Dart '61 strange tail fins curl forward to a horizontal
line most of the way up the side of the body.  

  Have C.J. enter Corvin Stadium, the big rectangle with curved sides W of Eas-
ter Bay Airport, to start this mission.

  This is like Bloodring in "Vice City" except with the traffic jam causers,
road rage drivers, and drive-bys you run into out on the San Andreas streets.
You start with 30 seconds; if any car runs through the red shaft of light, that
makes it reappear elsewhere in the ring--if C.J.'s car runs through it, that
adds ten seconds to the timer.  Going through a wrench icon repairs his car.
It's a long drive from the S, and I don't like to save after C.J. gets killed,
which will happen sometimes with this.  Keep the trainer running.

  A Bloodring Banger will be by Corvin Stadium.

  V.11  San Fierro Gym

  If you've been keeping C.J. strong like I have, he's been past the buff stage
for a good while now, so he can beat the trainer in a fight to get martial arts
moves and do an impression of "Oni": Hee-YAH.

  - Running attack (jump to left kick): while trotting or running at the intend-
ed victim, lock onto them with the RMB, and press F or Enter.

  - Ground attack (right kick a standing opponent; stomp on a downed opponent):
lock onto the opponent with the RMB and press F or Enter.

  - Combo attack (three different kicks): lock onto the opponent with the RMB
and press F or Enter repeatedly.

  The "lock on" phrase is from the game.  C.J. can do these moves without a tar-
get, and when there is one, pressing the RMB just makes an arrow point down to
their head that indicates their health--it doesn't keep C.J.'s punches aimed at
them in the Keyboard and Mouse configuration I use.  If you want to see how it
works with targeting, use the Joypad option instead.  You don't need to use a
Joypad to do it, but you can't use Steer with Mouse for it.

  Also, holding the RMB and pressing Spacebar has C.J. use a more martial arts-
looking block now, like he's ready to use a karate chop.

  V.12  Beat the Cock     Not needed for 100% completion

  The 1st of two triathlons--swimming, bicycling, and running--is available on
Saturdays and Sundays.  This one is from Santa Maria Beach in Los Santos to Mis-
sionary Hill in San Fierro.  One of the eight competitors is the Cluckin' Bell
clerk in his full chicken outfit.  The reward is $10,000.  You don't get a re-
cord of this in your Stats.

  V.13  Some non-mission vehicle locations

  Trains       Cranberry Station, E of the save place on the brown block N of
                 "DOHERTY" (see map).

  Maverick     above the E rectangle of the row of rectangles along the S coast
                 of Easter Bay Airport tarmac.  It's the only flying vehicle un-
                 locked at Easter Bay Airport before having success at Pilot
                 School; C.J. can take three people that follow him for rides in

  Success at Pilot School (VIII.6) unlocks these Easter Bay Airport flying vehi-
cles: the Leviathon and Raindance N of the two squares N of the "T" of "AIR-
PORT," the Beagle on the N end of the W side, the Nevadas at the "Y" of "BAY"
and most of the way W of the big circle, the Rustler SE of the big circle, and a
bunch of Dodos and Shamals.  

  It also makes available: a Raindance and Maverick on the roof of the Santa
Flora hospital, a Sea Sparrow at the S end of the block of "DOWN" of "DOWNTOWN,"
a Maverick at the NW corner of the block E of "DOWNTOWN," and a Hunter S of the
little square S of the 2nd "A" of "EASTER BASIN."

  Sanchez      at the dead end of the path W of "THE FARM...."  Press NP+ or 2
                 to release/stop releasing the dust of the Cropduster.

  Cheetah      in the driveway of the house at the SW corner of the block N of
                 the Prickle Pine save house (sometimes another car or a locked
                 Cheetah is there instead), and as an Import after Exporting it.

  Hotknife     at the Driving School after getting all gold awards (if you can't
                 do that, use a 100% save game, the "Save N Play" help mentioned
                 at I.15, or the "EVERYONEISRICH" code).

  Turismo      as an Import after delivering the ten vehicles of the 2nd Export

  Bullet       in a lot on the S side of the little thin rectangular block E of
                 big "J"-shaped block that's S of "DOHERTY," at the corner W of
                 the "H" of "CALTON HEIGHTS," at Driving School after getting
                 all silver awards, and as an Import after completing the Export

  Uranus       on the W side of the block that's E of the N side of the brown
                 block N of "DOHERTY," and at Wang Cars after "Zeroing In."

  Super GT     at Driving School after a bronze award, and as an Import after
                 delivering it as an Export.

  Jester       behind "Wheel Arch Angels" in a lot by the N-S alley of the block
                 N of the block with "OC" of "OCEAN FLATS."

  Banshee      as an Import after delivering it as an Export, and N of the gym
                 on the E side of the block that's the 2nd block S of "GA" of
                 "GARCIA" with success in Driving School, for some reason.

  Infernus     S and across the street from the 1st "A" of "PARADISO," and as an
                 Import after delivering it as an Export.

  Bandito      on the S side of the pier NW of City Hall, and at Helen's place W
                 of the Flint Intersection after C.J. has 50% success in dating

  Comet        by the "P" of "AVISPA COUNTRY CLUB," and as an Import after Ex-
                 porting it.

  Blista Compact  at the dot S of the E to NE curve of the road to Easter Bay
                    Airport, and as an Import after Exporting it.

  Rancher      as an Import after delivering it as an Export.

  Fire Truck   on the block S of the save place that's on the brown block E of
                 "GARCIA"; it's a little Fire Truck which, for some reason, 
                 doesn't have a water nozzle but has a long ladder which waggles
                 side to side.

  Monster      S of the Flint Intersection, and at Michelle's place in NE San
                 Fierro after C.J. has 50% success in dating her.

  Hotdog       at the dot by the coast E of "FLINT COUNTY," and in the middle of
                 the 2nd block S of the "GA" of GARCIA."

  NRG 500      between the two E squares on the S coast of the tarmac of Easter
                 Bay Airport.

  Sanchez      N of the "N" of "FALLEN TREE," in the SE area of the square N of
                 "BA" of "EASTER BAY cHEMICALS,"  at the end of the path W of 
                 "'THE FARM'....," by the dot SW of the save place symbol that's
                 NW of "LEAFY HOLLOW," one N and one E of the SE block of Angel
                 Pine, one W and one S of Mt. Chiliad, and one on the block N of
                 the "B" of "HASHBURY."

  Mountain Bike  at the S side of Mt. Chiliad, at the upper left and bottom
                   right of the 1st "N" of "FLINT COUNTY," at the NW corner of
                   the block of "OC" of "OCEAN FLATS," and at the NW corner of
                   the side by side rectangles W of "GARVER BRIDGE."

  Quadbike       by the "H" of "SHADY CABIN"; most of the way E of "CABIN" to-
                   ward the path; further E, N of where that path crosses the
                   road; most of the way E on the same path toward a T intersec-
                   tion with another path; at the S end of the brown lake N of
                   "BACK O' BEYOND"; and at the path at the SE side of Mt. Chil-
                   iad SW of the hairpin turn.

  Roadtrain          at the NE rectangle SW of the ship that's E of "DOHERTY."

  Trailer            to hitch to a truck cab: in the brown area N of the "AN" of
                       "ANGEL PINE," W of the little rectangular block that's E
                       of the big "J"-shaped block S of "DOHERTY," another is N
                       of that trailer and E of "DOHERTY," and another is near
                       the coast E of that trailer.

  Oil tank trailer   to hitch to a truck cab: on the E side of the road that
                       goes SW from downtown Angel Pine, two are in the NW sec-
                       tion of the rectangle of "TRE" of "FALLEN TREE," and one
                       is at a gas station across the street W of "EASTER BA-

  Beat up Glendale   one is a bit W of "BACK O' BEYOND" and one is S of the "K";
                       a 3rd is about 2/3rds N from the road N of the "L" of
                       "FLINT COUNTY" and the dirt path N of that; one is near
                       the N end of the N-S path that runs through the 2nd "T"
                       of "FLINT COUNTY"; and one is in the SE section of the
                       square S of "TICON" of "THE PANOPTICON."

  Jetmax              on the N side of the pier NW of "CITY HALL."

  Squallo III         on the coast between the Garver and Kinkaid bridges.

  Launch              in the S dock of the three in the rectangle of "BASIN" of
                        "EASTER BASIN."

  Speeder             W of the "P" of "BATTERY POINT" and E of the N end of the
                        2nd tall thin rectangle S of the block with the 2nd "E"
                        of "ESPLANADE EAST."

  Impounded vehicles  at the E side of the block of "TOWN" of the "DOWNTOWN"
that's E of "CHINA TOWN."


  Combine Harvester   after "Body Harvest" (A San Fierro mission): two are in
                        the square of "THE FARM....," another two are on a farm
                        W of the upper loop of the Flint Intersection, and
                        there's one on a farm W of that.  It grinds people into
                        "Sweeny Todd" pie filling that flies out of a pipe in
                        the back.  On PC, at least, you have to have C.J. shoot
                        the driver to jack it.

  Hydra   after "Vertical Bird" (final Los Santos missions): on the E end of the
            Easter Basin aircraft carrier.

  Kart    after "Cut Throat Business" (final Los Santos missions): across the
            street from the SW side of the S block of downtown Angel Pine, at
            the NW area of the block of "TS" of "OCEAN FLATS" and the W side of
            the block E of that, in an alley W of "DOHERTY," in an alley by the
            China Town save place, and at the top of the windy street W of "FI-

  Vortex  as an Import after delivering five vehicles of the 3rd Import list,
            and on the W end of the Easter Basin aircraft carrier after "Cut
            Throat Business" (final Los Santos missions). 

  Thanks to SAM, the San Andreas Map, for some of the locations and times of ap-
pearances given above:

  V.14  Make a copy of your save game


   VI  The main story missions of the Badlands and San Fierro

    The Badlands missions

  VI.1  "Badlands"  C.R.A.S.H.

  C.J. has to kill, and get photographic evidence he's killed, the person that
could inform on Tenpenny's group.  We're shown how to use a Camera: press the
RMB to use the view finder, zoom with the Scroll Wheel (I use X and Z), and
shoot the picture with the LMB.

  The BradyGames guide has a good tip about killing the guy from behind the cab-
in before he leaves it and turns this into a chase.  Rusk found a good vantage
point NW of the cabin; since C.J. approaches from the S, keep him out of view
along the W side of the plateau until you can see the red glow--one of those in-
verted cones over the target's head, I guess--just inside the back door.  After
you snipe his body (if you shoot his head, he won't be able to be identified),
have C.J. snipe the four FBI men who run, practically single file, at C.J..
Then have C.J. photograph the target.

  Cesar calls.  He knows Sweet is in jail and assures C.J. that Kendl's safe.
(C.J. said "ese" in an earlier mission, and now Cesar calls C.J. one, so I guess
C.J didn't mean anything unfriedly by it.)  Cesar says he's sending C.J. help,
including his cousin, and wants C.J. to meet them in the diner in Dillimore.

  Sweet calls from the prison hospital.  C.J. says he has to make sure Kendl's
okay 1st, but he's going to help Sweet get out of jail.

  VI.2  "First Date"           Catalina  cut scene

  Send C.J. to the "?" icon at the diner in Dillimore to meet Cesar's cousin.
(I'd stop at the TV studio to get some Sniper Rifle ammo on the way.)  Cesar's
cousin is Catalina from "GTA III," a very abusive nutcake that likes armed rob-
bery, murder, and being the S of S and M, yet C.J. has important concerns that
preclude introducing her to Denise.  Poor C.J.--this is Cesar's help C.J. has to
rely on?  She gives him four locations she wants to rob.  He (and we) can pick
the order.

  C.J. gets Respect.

  Four "$" icons appear.

  VI.3  "Tanker Commander"     Catalina

  The building of the nearby Dillimore gas station can't be broken into; it has
Max Payne unbreakable glass.  Catalina has C.J. hitch the Tanker truck to the
gas tank trailer (hold the RMB to change the "camera" view and back the truck
into the trailer) and drive her to someone she knows that will buy them.  The
two station attendants give chase (when I tried it, the pursuers bumped into
things so much, their vehicle blew up halfway there).  Try not to jackknife the
combo or the trailer will unhitch.  Mr. Whittaker pays Catalina and offers C.J.
work with his RS Haul company.  Catalina drives away.

  C.J. gets $5,000.

  The RS Haul trucking missions are available (the box truck icon).

  The Truth calls.  Due to how his friend Tenpenny characterized C.J. to him as
a friend and business partner who killed a policeman, he wants C.J. to meet him
at a motel in Angel Pine (the "TT" icon, with one bar across the top similar to
the symbol for pi).


    The RS Haul Trucking Asset mission  (part one)

  VI.4.a  1. Timed: 2:15.  Go N, make the 1st right, 2nd right, and go into the
lot on the right.  C.J. gets $1,000.

  VI.4.b  2. Fragile cargo.  Go N, make the 1st right, 1st right, 1st left,
through two intersections to a T intersection, go right, and, just after the 2nd
right, go into the lot on the right.  C.J. gets $1,500.

  VI.4.c  3. Three star wanted level.  Go S, continue to Los Santos and along
the S side of it, turn E where the road makes a 90 degree turn E to S, take the
2nd right to a T intersection, go left, and take the 1st left.  C.J. gets

  VI.4.d  4. Timed: 6:00.  Go S, go left to loop at the Flint Intersection and
continue S, go along the S coast making the right forks, turn NW into Angel
Pine, and follow the radar to the red shaft of light in the street.  C.J. gets

  VI.4.e  5. Fragile cargo.  Go N all the way to San Fierro, and turn left into
the lot.  C.J. gets $4,000.

  VI.4.f  6. Three star wanted level.  The Tanker/Trailer combo has an admira-
ble ability to continue while vehicles not only go over it but under it (like
some strange way worms mate), but it could use some work in being able to stay
hitched.  Blow up the truck and restart the mission until you're assigned to
drive to the same Angel Pine location used for 4.  Drive on the left side of the
road so the police SUVs run into telephone poles or such 90% of the time.  (A
very relieved thanks to the Gamefaqs web site walkthrough by Chase "AggroSk8er"

  (Driving N to the Gant Bridge for mission 6 is only advised for people who
want to use themselves as examples, for the politicians making too much over the
Hot Coffee controversy, that doing this mission for that long a run has a far
greater potential for causing dangerous mental illness.)  C.J. gets $5,000.


    The Truth calls and you can meet him for missions

  VI.5  "Body Harvest"  The Truth

  Tenpenny, using a bong and President Clinton-like inhales to get stoned on
herb, introduces C.J. to The Truth, voice acted by the handsome and very intel-
ligent Peter Fonda, who produced, co-wrote, and co-starred--as Wyatt--in "Easy
Rider," 1969, was nominated for an Acadamy Award and won a Golden Globe for
starring as Ulysses "Ulee" Jackson in "Ulee's Gold," 1997, starred as Terry Val-
entine (with Luis Guzman of "Vice City") in "The Limey," 1999, and wrote the au-
tobiography "Don't Tell Dad," 1998.  He's also the son of Henry, brother of
Jane, and father of Bridget.

  The Truth is a marijuana farmer and dealer of various kinds of street drugs.
Tenpenny tells C.J. to pay The Truth for marijuana to deliver, then he leaves.
C.J. won't do the drugs The Truth offers him.  The Truth needs to know he can
trust C.J., so he tells C.J. to steal a Combine Harvester from The Farm for him
before C.J. can pay him and get the job.  The Truth says "Amaste" as a farewell,
which babelfish translated as "You loved" for me.  (Awwr!)

  Maybe you don't have to go this far, but once at the path to The Farm, I had
C.J. crouch and sneak his way N over to the spot on the S side of the E wall of
the field the Combine Harvester is going around in, and a good distance from any
guards.  As it drew close, I had C.J. jump the wall and jack it.

  It shreds any guards it crosses, but you may have some trouble steering it;
the wheels used to steer not only use a small radius like a Tractor but are the
back wheels, so it goes in the opposite direction from the one you're used to
when steering cars.  I just said the he** with it and drove straight for The
Truth's place, over a cliff, and onto a RR track.  The two vehicles that tried
to pursue C.J. blew up.

  The Truth will get a shipment together while C.J. makes sure he can pay for

  C.J. gets Respect.

  Cesar calls.  The Azteca gang has broken up violently.  There's a price on his
head--maybe Kendl's, too.  His friends are dead or hiding.  C.J. tells him to
rent a trailer in Angel Pine and he'll meet them there immediately.  A CV icon
appears there.

  The Rifle $1,000, and Remote Explosives $2,000, are available at Ammu-Nation.

  VI.6  "King in Exile"  Cesar Vialpando      Cesar Vialpando cut scene

  C.J. goes to the trailer at the CV icon to see Kendl and Cesar.  Cesar wants
to kill any "chota" ("police";
chota) drug dealers: Tenpenny, Pulaski, and Big Smoke.  C.J. can't believe that
about Big Smoke, but Cesar says Big Smoke sends a car to San Fierro twice a week
to get cocaine.  C.J. says he'll watch the highway to San Fierro for it.

  Catalina calls and angrily insists that C.J. has to help her rob places.  A
pink "C" icon appears in Fern Ridge.

  C.J. gets another save house:
  Fern Ridge           C4    free
  At the dot just NE of the "O" of "RED COUNTY" (Red County).

  VI.7   "First Base"          Catalina   cut scene

  Catalina doesn't answer her door for so long that C.J. implores her to come
out.  She surprises him from behind and angrily puts a gun to his head.  He pac-
ifies her by saying they'll rob places, etc.  She thinks she loves him.  Have
C.J. drive her to one of the three "$" icons.

  VI.8   "Against All Odds"    Catalina

  Catalina wants C.J. to help her rob Inside Track in Montgomery.  Have C.J.
throw a Remote Explosive on the red door, get far away, then switch to the Deto-
nator and blast the door off.  Then have him do the same to the door of the
safe.  C.J. gets a wanted star that can turn into three.  Have him take Catalina
to the Dillimore Pay 'n' Spray.

  C.J. gets $2,000 from the robbery.

  Cesar calls: there's street racing--no "chota choppers" (police guns?)--at the
"CV" icon (available after any two robberies with Catalina) S of Montgomery.

  VI.9   "Gone Courting"       Catalina   cut scene

  From outside Catalina's house, we can hear that she whips C.J., playing the S
and M dominatrix to get her coffee percolating.  C.J. seems to be weathering
this alright, but seems worried that this helper is always on the verge of going
completely nuts.  Catalina takes C.J. robbing again.

  VI.10  "Local Liquor Store"  Catalina

  Catalina has C.J. drive her to a Blueberry liquor store, but four cowboys with
a Quad (little four-wheeler; drives a bit like a motorcycle) apiece rob it just
ahead of them.  She calls them "maricon" (derogatory term for homosexual; http:
// bast**ds and kills one of

  Have C.J. drive her on the Quad and chase the other three so she can shoot
them.  C.J. can help with an SMG, but you'll probably have your hands full keep-
ing up with them.  Her shots have more of a chance of hitting something if you
go after the two who occasionally split off to the left from the other one.
Part of the chase is the Los Santos Unique Jump 28 over the broken wooden bridge
at Palomino Creek.  As each dies, they leave behind a briefcase of money; wait
till all three are dead before collecting them.

  You could also try leaving a Sanchez by the liquor store before the mission
and use it.  (Thanks again to AggroSk8er.)

  Take Catalina back home.

  C.J. gets a $1,000 cut of the take.

  Catalina calls and insists that C.J. go to her.

  VI.11  "Made in Heaven"      Catalina   cut scene

  Catalina hates men in a simple-minded us vs. them way, and yells at C.J.  She
just wants to rob places with C.J. now and not have a relationship beyond that.
She has C.J. drive her (use her Buffalo) to the last "$" icon.

  VI.12.  "Small Town Bank"     Catalina

  At the bank, Catalina orders C.J. to keep the others there covered while she
robs the safe.  Have C.J. wave the targeting (hold down the RMB) of a gun across
the little group of them to keep their hands up.  After the guard sounds the
alarm, anyway, he keeps shooting at C.J., so have C.J. shoot him.  Catalina
orders C.J. to get the money from the (three) ATM machines; have C.J. break or
shoot them apart and take the money.

  The police arrive.  Have C.J. crouch, get out an AK-47 or such, and follow
Catalina down the alley, shooting policemen who shoot from either side and
above.  Two policemen get off HPV1000's at the end of it; have C.J. shoot them
and get on one of their motorcycles.  Catalina speeds off on another, pursued
by two motorcycle policemen.  Have him chase after her, over the broken wooden
bridge, through the bribe under the Montgomery Intersection if it's handy, to
find her stopped by a police barricade.  She gets off the bike and puts her
hands up.  Stop by her so she can board C.J.'s bike and take her home.

  On the way, she's still abusive, saying all C.J. cares about is the money.  He
says it's not true, but he really needs it now.  She makes herself out to be a
heartbreaker to lose and calls off the relationship.

  C.J. gets $10,000 for what he's been through.


  There's a glitch, if you have C.J. fall through the break in the wooden bridge
instead of completing the jump, whereby C.J.'s three wanted stars eventually
disappear and the streets are barren of movement except for the police barricade
scene.  Unfortunately, unlike the "Reuniting the Families" glitch, when I had
C.J. go to Las Venturas, he got a four star wanted level.


  VI.13  Big Smoke's Cash/Yay Courier  Not needed for 100% completion of the

  Cesar calls and tells C.J. that Big Smoke sends cash fom Los Santos to San
Fierro on Mondays and Fridays; on Wednesdays and Saturdays, the yay (crack) is
sent back.

  If you want to do these missions, do them before "Yay Ka-Boom-Boom"--after the
Syndicate is destroyed, Big Smoke's couriers stop running.

  Big Smoke's Cash  Monday and Friday

  Have C.J. answer "yes" (press "Y") when Cesar calls him about the courier, who
uses a Patriot to take six $300 packets from Big Smoke's Idlewood house to the
Pier 69 district of San Fierro.  C,J. says he'll try to spoil their party.  When
C.J. rams a vehicle into the courier's Patriot, it leaves $300 for him to col-
lect.  After $1,800 is collected, it doesn't make runs anymore.  With each suc-
cessive run, the Patriot adds a passenger, up to three passengers, that shoots a
Shotgun at C.J..

  Yay Courier       Wednesday and Saturday

  Have C.J. answer positively ("Y") when Cesar calls him about the courier, who
uses a Sanchez to take a backpack of "yay" (crack) on the same route as above
but in the opposite direction.  Try to have C.J. shoot the driver and get the
backpack quickly.  If C.J. shoots the backpack, which is very likely, it leaves
a white rail and diminishes the amount of money he gets for the backpack.

  A good vehicle to use is a Sanchez, or see X.10.e about making a "Wheels of
Steel" Freeway, which hugs the terrain even better--I'd make it accelerate
faster, too, for the hills.


  Cesar calls to invite C.J. to some street racing in the country.  Take a
Cheetah, Hotring Racer, Turismo, Rancher--something like that--and go to the
"CV" icon.

  VI.14  "Wu Zi Mu"            Cesar Vialpando

  After C.J. waits a while, Cesar shows up.  Claude Speed is seen in the back-
ground.  Wu Zi Mu and a few friends go to C.J. to welcome him to the race, but
C.J. is suspicious of him.

  You can use whatever four-wheel vehicle for the on/off road race from S of
Montgomery through Blueberry and into the Panopticon.  (AggroSk8er's walkthrough
makes it sound funny to try a Tanker, a big truck cab, so I did.  It not only
was funny, but I got it my 1st time.)  

  This shows up in your Stats as "Badlands A," and you have the option of trying
it again to beat your old time for the Los Santos Race Tournaments at VIII.9.h.

  Wu Zi compliments C.J. on his driving, says they better leave before the po-
lice get there, gives him his card, and tells him to call if he's ever in San

  C.J. gets $5,000.

  VI.15  "Farewell, My Love"   Cesar Vialpando

  Catalina throws a tantrum at an understandably confused C.J., bashing his car
with a crowbar, to tell him she's chosen another lover--Claude Speed, of "GTA
III," who makes a cameo appearance.  (It's debated whether or not he looks like
a younger version of the same guy.  I think the basic facial shape is the same
but the different art style used for "San Andreas" makes him, and Catalina, look
noticably different, like a different artist copied the 1st one's portrait with
colored pencils.)

  C.J. gets a black ZR-350 to race over the same route in the other direction.
It took me a few tries, spinning out at corners I wasn't used to, before I got
this one.  They may have made it a little tougher since you're given a sports
car and you've had a chance to run the route.

  This shows up in your Stats as "Badlands B," and you have the option of trying
it again to beat your old time for the Los Santos Race Tournaments at VIII.9.i.

  Catalina says C.J. won unfairly but gives him the deed to a garage in San
Fierro; she needs the car to go with Claude to Liberty City.

  C.J. gets a call from The Truth, who says he got the shipment for him to de-
liver at a little green village in the hills (Leafy Hollow).

  C.J. can get five wanted stars.

  Save place
  The Xoomer garage  W edge of C2   garage        free
  The S part of the E side of the brown block N of "DOHERTY."

  VI.16  "Are You Going to San Fierro?"  The Truth

  (The entrance to The Truth's farm, SW of the "W" of "LEAFY HOLLOW," and the
entrance to KACC Military Fuels, in NE Las Venturas, is where you can see the
sign that says, "No Trespassing; Violators Will Be Shot; Survivors Will Be Shot

  C.J. learns that The Truth's van has a three ton shipment for him to deliver.
The Truth practices t'ai chi while he talks and chants a mantra: "Ommmm...."  A 
police helicopter appraoaches, so The Truth tells C.J. they'll have to torch the
fields, and hopes Gaia (an early Greek Mother Earth goddess) can forgive them.

  The Truth gives C.J. a Flamethrower.  C.J. has 5 1/2 minutes to burn them; you
can see what fields need to be burned on the radar.  Have him shoot ahead as he
walks to do it the fastest.   (There's a spare Flamethrower by a barn if you run
out of fuel; Molotovs work, too.)

  The Truth gives C.J. a Rocket Launcher with ten shells to use to shoot the he-
licopter.  It hovers nearby long enough that a GTA player should be able to hit


  The "Are You Gong to San Fierro?" glitch

  There's a glitch that lets you have C.J. get in and out of The Truth's van and
be able to go to the unopen areas without a wanted rating, then return to the
van to finish the mission.  When I tried it, the wanted rating occasionally 
flickered on for an instant, just long enough for the police and even SWAT 
agents to appear but go away with nothing to do.
  Thanks again to the Gamefaqs walk-through by AggroSj8er.

  The Truth has C.J. drive him, in his colorfully painted, late 1960's flower
power-looking Camper (Volkswagen Bus) he calls "The Mothership," to C.J.'s new
garage in San Fierro.  (When C.J. wonders how he gets around if he doesn't
drive, The Truth says he has an astral goat named Herbie.)  C.J. calls for Cesar
to take Kendl to meet him there.

  C.J. gets Respect.  There's a "CJ" icon at the Xoomer garage.

  The Transfender garage E of the Excalibur is open for modding cars.  It's in-
dicated on the in-game map and radar by a red wrench.  A good reference guide to
which cars can be modded and how is at:

  Six save houses are available

  VI.17  Save houses

  Paradiso                  C1      garage     $20,000
  NW San Fierro

  Calton Heights            C1      garage    $100,000
  SE Calton Heights on the W end of the crooked street (San Fierro)

  China Town                C1                 $20,000
  NW Chinatown (San Fierro)

  King's                    C1                 $50,000
  E end of Queen's at the Vank Hoff Hotel (San Fierro)

  Hashbury                  D1   big garage    $40,000
  S Hashbury (San Fierro)

  Doherty                   C1                 $20,000
  S Doherty two blocks S of the Xoomer garage (San Fierro)

  VI.18  Clothes      Zip clothes stores are open

  The jean jacket (R:10; SA:20), $90, has the most Sex Appeal of the jackets,
and more than the ones available before.  The brown, sky blue, yellow, and gray
ones, each $40, come in 2nd with a Sex Appeal of 10 and less Respect.

  The khakis, each $150, have the most Sex Appeal of the pants, with black kha-
kis having the most (R:8; SA:8), and all of those have more than that of the
ones available before.

  The gray boots (R:5; SA:5), $125, and red boots (R:5; SA:5), $135, score the
highest for shoes, followed by brown boots (R:2; SA:4), and all of those have
more Sex Appeal than any available before.

  The gold chain (R:2; SA:2), $350, scores the same as the silver Cuban one
available before.

  The Zip gold watch (R:2; SA:2), $220, and Zip blue watch (R:2; SA:2), $100,
score as high as the face black watch available before.

  The black shades (R:2; SA:2), $100, and brown shades (R:2; SA:2), $150, have
more Sex Appeal, and at least as much Respect, as any shades available before.

  The black sun hat (R:2; SA: 2) and plaid sun hat (R:2; SA:2), each $20, have
as much Sex Appeal as, but a bit less Respect than, the green rag back available

  Again, putting on a new hat, or something for the torso or legs, can get rid
of whatever wanted rating.

  The Garage missions

  VI.19  "Wear Flowers In Your Hair"   Carl Johnson 

  The garage is a dump; C.J. knows he's been had and he's mad.  Kendl and Cesar
assure him they'll help to make it better.  The Truth knows a couple of guys who
worked on marine engines in Vice till the mob bought their business.  He says he
met them at an '89 San Fierro love-in--they have a great sense of humor.

   Jethro, John Zurhellanand, and Dwaine, Navid Khonsari, are back from "Vice
City," where they worked at the Boathouse that Tommy Vercetti bought and did a
mission for.  

  John also did the voice acting of various characters for "Mafia," 2002, a 
Demon/Zombie (also photography director and motion capture producer) for "Max 
Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne," 2003, Cerberus Guards #2 for "Manhunt," 2003, 
and one of the voices for "Conflict: Vietnam," 2004.  

  Navid did the voice acting for a Mobster/Booze Hound (and was the director of
voice-overs) for "Max Payne," 2001, the Killer Bees caller to Chatterbox (and
wrote pedestrian dialogue and was the director of motion capture) for "GTA III,"
2001, the Porn Host for "Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne," 2003, and Cerberus
Guards #3 for "Manhunt," 2003.  (He was also the director of voice-overs and mo-
tion capture director for "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City," 2002, which I've heard
is supposed to be good.)  

  (I thought I'd add that just in case anyone thinks all they did was get stoned
at a Boathouse.)

  The Truth has C.J. drive to the garage Jethro works in as a mechanic and pick
him up.  Jethro's ready to work for C.J.  Then he has C.J. park so he can watch
a gray van pull out of a hospital parking lot, telling the others they need to
hide and blank their minds about it.  I think he implies that they could have
"sub-dermal neurophones" implanted in them if they're not secretive.

  The Truth has C.J. drive to the Hot Dog van where Dwaine works as a vendor.
Dwaine agrees to work at the shop and says he'll meet them there.  The Truth has
C.J. park by the police station for a bit; he won't say why, but implies a con-
spiracy by comparing it to the lunar landing hoax (hoax), etc.

  The Truth has C.J. pick up Zero at his RC shop; he agrees he's the electronics
expert they'd need.  

  Once at the garage, everybody pitches in to fix it up, and Kendl encourages
C.J. to be ambitious about turning it into a successful business.  She'll work
on managing the property while they do.

  There's armor nearby to the E and a little S at the NW corner of Solaris In-
dustries.  You might save a Sanchez and something to ram a car with, like a
Firetruck, at a nearby garage so you're not at a loss if you want to have C.J.
act on Cesar's tips about the Yay Couriers and Big Smoke's Cash.   

  C.J. gets a call from Zero: his landlord is selling his RC shop/home.  C.J. is
interested in buying the place, so may meet him there.

  Buy Zero's RC shop for $30,000 to open Zero's missions.  Zero's shop is about
where the "CIA" of "GARCIA" is.  Zero calls to say he was investigating enemy
territory when C.J. bought the shop and invites him over.

     The Zero RC Store Asset missions

  Zero is voice acted by David Cross, the "David" of "Mr. Show with Bob and
David," and who was part of the writing team for it.  It was nominated for an
Emmy for Outstanding Writing for a Variety or Music Program in 1995 and 1996.
He also did the voice acting for one of the Marines in the game "Halo 2," 2004.

  VI.20    "Air Raid"        Zero

  Zero is despondent: rival RC toy seller Berkley is obsessed with revenge be-
cause Zero took the award at a science fair.

  Have C.J., in the 1st person view, use the Minigun, which is on a pivoting
tripod on Zero's roof, to shoot Berkley's RC planes till they make smoke and
fall.  Berkley will have them drop bombs on Zero's transmitters otherwise.  Use
the blips on the radar and scan the sky--the Minigun fire has a long range but
the planes bunch up on the area near the end.  C.J. has three minutes and ten
seconds and needs to keep at least one transmitter from being destroyed to suc-
ceed.  Zero helps with a Fire Extinguisher.

  Zero tries to thank C.J. with a few WWII phrases he messes up, but you can
tell he's grateful for the help.

  C.J. gets $3,000.

  VI.21    "Supply Lines"    Zero

  C.J. finds Zero has been stuck on a wall coat hanger by Berkley and wants to
help him get even.  He sends Zero's RC Baron to destroy Berkley's delivery peo-
ple, currently using three vans, a bicycle, and a motorcycle.  He has to get the
targets, shown on the radar, and land on Zero's roof before the gas supply is

  W           Forward           Down   Up          LMB  Self Destruct
  S           Reverse           Up     Down             
  A           Bank left         Left   Bank left
  D           Bank right        Right  Bank right
  Q           Pivot left        NP0    Fire
  E           Pivot right
  Left Shift  Brake

  I turn off Fly With Mouse.
  Use W or S, and Q or E, to make turns on the ground.

  The BradyGames method is to go W to the van and bicycle, E to a van, then N to
the motorcycle and another van.  My plane flip-flopped around a bit at 1st so I
forgot if I was E or W of where I was supposed to go, and I did something other
walk-throughs say you better not do or you can forget it: I hit the motorcyclist
and it sped away around a bend before I could finish off the two riding it.
  Rusk recommends driving the plane on the ground when the target is just beyond
an intersection to prevent that.  And Rusk recommends making the 1st couple of
targets bail then waiting till after all the vehicles are destroyed to go to the
Garcia park W of Zero's store and let those two run to the plane to save fuel, 
and I went after them instead.  

  I think the gas supply for the RC Baron may have been increased for the PC 
version, or by the patch for it.  I got the targets, chased down the motorcycle,
chased down the 1st two delivery people, and landed on the roof while still 
getting used to the controls.  Again, that isn't to say how good I controlled
the plane--I guess the gas supply has been increased. 

  Zero is exuberant. 

  C.J. gets $5,000.

  VI.22.a  "New Model Army"  Zero

  Zero wants C.J. to help him in his final battle with Berkley.
  Zero says he's crossing the Rubicon.  Like Julius Ceasar crossing the Rubicon
river in 49 B.C. was considered an act of war, it means to cross a line and be
irrevocably committed to an act.

  Zero has to drive an RC car across an RC toy landscape to Berkley's base.
Berkley has three RC tanks to shoot at the car and an RC Goblin helicopter to
drop metal barrels in the road the car must take.  

  C.J. helps Zero with an RC Goblin that has a magnet hanging below it.  He can
use the magnet to pick up and drop the metal plates and bombs (one bomb that
keeps being replaced) nearby, and use it to pick up and drop the barrels. 

  W  Up             Up     Dip forward   LMB Activate and deactivate the magnet 
  S  Down           Down   Raise back
  A  Bank left      Left   Bank left
  D  Bank right     Right  Bank right
  Q  Pivot left
  E  Pivot right

  (Left Shift probably brakes horizontal movement--I forgot to check.)

  Hold Up for Forward for stretches to speed it up.

  C.J. and Zero have eight minutes to succeed.  You may need to do this once
just to get the layout of the game.  Have C.J. put planks in the two places
where the car needs to go over a river.  (If you drop them in something close to
proper alignment, the game will place them correctly.)  Have him drop bombs on
the three tanks.  (You might 1st try the BradyGames suggestion to drop one on
Berkley's helicopter when it hovers to pick up a barrel; I didn't think of
that.)  Then get the metal barrels out of the way of Zero's car.

  Berkley has to clear out of town.    

  C.J. gets $7,000.

  This completes the Zero RC Store asset--it makes $5,000 a day and max.
  "Beefy Baron" is available.


  VI.22.b  "Beefy Baron"         Not needed for 100% completion of the game

  "Beefy Baron" for Zero is available in the room at the back of the RC shop.  
It's like a "GTA III" Toyz 'n' the Hood van mission except with an RC Baron bi-
plane, indestructible unless you press the LMB, and with unlimited fuel but
limited time: 3 minutes.  You use the machine gun to destroy Berkley's vans--
they aren't on the radar, but nobody can rightfully complain there aren't enough
targets.  You don't get a Stat for this, so if you want a record of a big score
you'll have to make a screenshot. 

  A good strategy for me was to land near a few, brake, drive the plane like a 
car, and fire--the vans don't often blow up on a flying firing pass.  A number
can gather and you can get that traffic jam, popcorn popping, chain reaction
going you've seen with the traffic.  Sometimes you can get dozens that way in
three minutes.  Besides, it's a lot easier to fly well above the street (you can
do barrel rolls and loop de loops) than it is to fly down where the gun is more

  (As an option, you might use a trainer to stop the mission timer and try for a
ridiculously big score, go on an unofficial rampage to practice your targeting,
or at least enjoy flying the plane up away from the street.)


    The Garage missions continued

  VI.23  "555 WE TIP"      Carl Johnson

  The District Attorney that's in a position to get Tenpenny and Pulaski in 
trouble is blackmailing Tenpenny to get the three tons of grass C.J. delivered
for The Truth instead.  Tenpenny wants C.J. to frame the D.A.--to put the weed
in the D.A.'s car trunk then call the police hotline: 555 WE TIP.  

  C.J. has to go to the Vank Off Hotel, follow a valet's car down to the base-
ment parking garage, kill him and put on his uniform, then go to the front of
the hotel to wait for the D.A.'s car--a green-blue Merit sedan.  When the D.A.
exits the car, you have four minutes to have C.J. drive it to his Xoomer garage
where the grass is put in the car, then drive it back, undamaged, to the hotel.

  Then send C.J. to make the cell phone call.  The D.A. is busted; that blows
another way to get Tenpenny off his and Sweet's back.  Why didn't he put it in
Tenpenny's car and call the hotline?  I guess because the game would be over
quickly and you'd be playing Grand Theft Bus Ticket.  Maybe he's worried that
Tenpenny would manage to send out an order from his jail cell to have Sweet

  The Valet mission is available.


  VI.24  Valet Parking Asset Mission  (5 Levels) 

  Have C.J. wear the Valet outfit and go to the Vank Off Hotel in Financial--
it's on the S side of the block that's E of the pizza place that's N of the "AL"

  Have C.J. stand where the passenger door rolls up and press F so C.J. gets in
as soon as you get the screen message that it's available.  Go forward and make
a right U-turn down into the basement parking garage.  Press the RMB and move
the mouse to see if the red shaft of light is in the 1st aisle--if not, go to
the other aisle and park in the light.  

  You don't have to park it very neatly or undamaged, but you get a smaller time
bonus added to the clock if you get too messy.  The biggest bonus for parking
with good alignment to the lines is 15 seconds; the biggest bonus for parking
the car without damage is 45 seconds.  

  Killing another valet is a 20 second deduction and possibly a wanted level
that can make the mission hard to do.  If C.J. steals a car to get back up to
the front of the building, he loses the Valet outfit needed to do the mission.

  Then have C.J. run back up and get another car, etc., till the level is com-

  All levels start with two minutes on the clock.

  Level  Cars  Tip
   1      3    $100
   2      4    $200
   3      5    $300
   4      6    $400
   5      7    asset mission completed

  The hotel makes $2,000 a day and max.


    The last Garage mission

  VI.25  "Deconstruction"  Carl Johnson 

  At the Xoomer garage, Kendl says the construction workers up the hill (the
brown block on the paper map) talked to her like she was a hooker.  Cesar wants
to handle it, but C.J. insists he do it himself and clear them off the property.

  C.J. has to destroy the six portable sheds, which are shown on the radar.
Once C.J. starts destroying the sheds, killing the workers, or using a Dozer,
there's a three minute time limit and the construction workers start attacking.
You can look the place over first.

  You can use the crane for a few sheds but it's slow.  You can snipe the explo-
sive barrels by some of the sheds or just try to avoid them with the Dozer.  You
can jack a Dozer from a worker and use the spare if you blow it up.  The back
wheels of the Dozer are used for steering, so it turns left when a car you're
driving would turn right, etc.  You can get away with some driving mistakes with
it if you keep it moving so the workers can't jack it, avoiding hills of dirt,
etc., which slow it down enough for them to do it.  I used the Dozer on the
sheds and workers--Molotovs can help with the workers.

  Then C.J. has to use the Dozer to push the potable toilet shed, containing the
foreman, into a hole, and back the Cement Truck to the hole (the cement is
poured in a cut scene).

  Jethro calls.  He's afraid to criticize C.J., so credits Dwaine with the idea,
but awkwardly recommends the driving school in Doherty.  Driving School is 
available--the red "S" icon.


  VI.26  "Back To School" Turning Tricks Driving School

  Have C.J. start dating Michelle before finishing driving school to avoid the
glitch of her not showing up very often.

  You just need 70% with each test to get 100% completion of the game.  Which
each success of 70% or better, another test becomes available.  The things the
tests are judged by can include time, correct direction when stopping, how close
to the marker you stop, and damage to the car and cones, which often outline the
space you have to travel within.  Be careful in your use of S to stop, helpful
at the end of a test, since the test is ended if you stop.

  I don't think you can choose to have no radio station for this, if it bothers
your concentration, but you can turn down the volume for it in the options menu.
Remember to send C.J. for food now and then so you don't have to build up his
Muscle at a gym again (like I did). 

  VI.26.a  "The 360"

  Press W and S, then add the directional arrow Right, to make a round tire
burn.  Stop just after the car goes completely over the start of it.

  VI.26.b  "The 180"

  Drive from an area about as big as a parking lot space to do a skid (Spacebar)
you accelerate from around a cone that's surrounded by cones and return.

  VI.26.c  "Whip and Terminate"

  Drive ahead to a skidding turn (a little sharper than 90 degrees?) then for-
ward to the end of the lane.
  VI.26.d  "Pop and Control"

  Accelerate a Police Car to a tire spike strip, where you release acceleration
to go a bit right, left, then right, using Spacebar as needed--a little differ-
ent each time, and brake with S.  

  VI.26.e  "Burn and Lap"

  Drive down one lane and up the lane beside it, with a 180 degree skid (S) you
accelerate out of (and which helps you turn faster) close to one end then the
other of the row of cones in the middle of the track, for five laps.  You need
to do it in 40 sec. to pass and in 36 sec. (AggroSk8er says a low 35) to get a
gold award.

  Normally, doing skidding turns seems easy enough for me.  But twelve 180's in
a row, surrounded by cones you can't damage, with the "camera" admiring the
scenery behind the car after each and not swerving ahead till you've already
made a blast of acceleration forward, hoping it will be between the cones, does
not make me a happy gamer.

  When I used the 3rd person view, I think I noticed a subtle alignment of the
car with the lane if I gave the game a fraction of a second to do it after each
turn.  The 1st person view lets you keep the "camera" pointed in the direction
of the car, when you might also put both hands at the keyboard and drive the car
like a motorcycle, but it doesn't give you the overview that the 3rd person
view has.  A 3rd person view that remains aimed at what's ahead of the car would
be my choice, but someone at Rockstar forgot to offer it.  This one seems hard
to score higher than silver with to me.

  The BradyGames guide says you use a Banshee so handling is not an issue--how
many things did that thing get wrong, anyway?  If you're really stuck on this
one, you can improve the road grip for it enough to get gold with this as de-
scribed at X.10.b.

  The easiest way to get past this is to get X.13.c  The GTA SA Control Center.
It allows you to freeze mission timers that count up or down, and works with
either the patched or unpatched version of the game.  Then all you have to do is
get around the track without hitting any cones so you don't get damage points,
and you can get gold for it in one quick sitting (sigh).

  VI.26.f  "Cone Coil"

  A line of cones cross into your path from one side, farther down from the oth-
er side, and farther still from the 1st side again, followed by a cone with a
ring of cones around it.  Move ahead turning one way then the other, make a
skidding turn you accelerate out of and back toward the space beside the last
line of cones again, and return.      

  VI.26.g  "The '90'"

  Ahead of you are two cars parked in a row with a bit more than one car space
between them.  Drive toward a place a bit to the side of the middle of the
space, then do a skidding stop, turning in the other direction, so your car
rests in the space in alignment with the other two cars. 

  VI.26.h  "Wheelie Weave"

  Ahead and a bit to the left is a wall with a ramp projecting from the base of
it.  Turn a bit as you go ahead to drive two wheels over the ramp, with a little
right turn toward the red shaft of light as you go over it, so you can continue
and fall to stop on four wheels in the red shaft of light.  If you try for gold,
especially, try to avoid scraping the wall on one side, then avoid scraping the
ground on the other, too much or points are taken off for damage.  On the luck-
ier attempts, I let the Banshee coast for the last stretch, and just had to make
a subtle left or right turn, for it to fall into the light. 

  The advice that ended up working for me, so I got gold in one batch of dozens
of tries, was that provided by savior in the StuckGamer web site I recommended
at I.15.  I turned left to the ramp, letting go of acceleration at it and accel-
erating and turning right once on it, aiming for the red shaft of light.  That
little acceleration difference seemed to help.  There are a variety of possibli-
ties for left and right adjustments after that, but on the one that got gold,
I gave the car a subtle right then a left turn, and had C.J. run to a save game
icon after the car fell into the light.

  One way to cut down on time spent on this is to make any vehicle C.J. drives
"Everything-Proof" with the GTA SA Control Center (X.13.c) so you don't have to
worry about damage.    

  This is the 2nd one I thought was hard--at least, time-consuming--to get bet-
ter than silver for.

  (I also accidently got some two wheel bonuses, and I noticed the PC version
has the PS2 glitch of the Stats giving you a far greater distance for it than
you actually had.) 

  VI.26.i  "Spin and Go"

  You use a Taxi to do the skidding about face I've done countless times--prac-
tically every time I picked up a fare with a Taxi--with the area to do it in
outlined with cones.  You reverse, do a skidding turn to point in the other di-
rection, then go ahead a bit into the space.

  The game suggests that you use Q and E to look behind, which you might do be-
forehand, anyway.  You might push the Middle Mouse Button to look behind while
you reverse, but that might throw your turning off.  I just did it a few times
to get the idea where the game needed me to turn, then did it till I got the
gold.  Reverse with S, use W to both brake and go forward with a turn to the
stopping space, then stop with S.   

  VI.26.j  "P.I.T. Maneuver"  

  "P.I.T." stands for either "Precision Immobilization Technique" or "Pursuit
Intervention Technique,"

  This is like Vegas gambling except with the collision files of the game.
Drive a Police Car into the back of the side of the one that drives away from
you to make it spin out, and stop close to it.  

  The curious thing, if you go for gold, is how to do it and not get any damage
to your Police Car.  When I tried to avoid damage, my Police Car stopped too far
away from the 2nd one.  My best results happened when I pushed my car into the
other one and turned and braked with Spacebar till both cars stopped with the
other car turned some or most of the way in the direction we came from.  One of
those efforts got me 100%--no damage--and it would be nice if I had any idea how
to tell you why.

  VI.26.k  "Alley Oop"

  Drive ahead to send the two wheels of one side of your Banshee over a big ramp
to do a barrel roll and land beyond a couple of cars.

  The game suggests you release acceleration while flying and level the car with
Up and Down.  I accelerated with W, then just pressed A while the two right
wheels went over the ramp, and braked with S.

  VI.26.l  "City Slicking"

  Drive a ZR-350 N from the school parking lot to a place on the coast road just
on top of "ESPLANADE EAST" and back in less than two minutes--1:40 for gold--
without damage.

  Drive fast in the middle of the road as much as possible.

  I went a bit right then a bit left, N on the main road to turn right below the
"D" of "DOWNTOWN" (I smoothed out the turns by going over the plaza and diago-
nally E across the street and) then went left to go N, and eased up on accelera-
tion--a tiny tap or two of S seemed to cause less slide-out than by using Space-
bar--to go downhill around the curve to the red shaft of light at the intersec-
tion.  The BradyGames guide advice to turn around and go back the way you came
sounds good to me.  It's a little shorter than trying to make a loop to get back
onto your route further S.

  If you're stuck below gold and really want that Hotknife, you could make any
vehicle C.J. drives "Everything-Proof," so you don't have to worry about damage,
and freeze the mission timer with X.13.c the GTA SA Control Center.

  For a bronze award, 70-89%, C.J. gets a Super GT (fast but slides when corner-
  for all silver awards, 90-99%, he gets a Bullet (a fine car), and
  for all gold awards, 100%, he gets a Hotknife (a mighty fine car),
  which are parked in front of the school.


    The Syndicate missions

  These missions are indicated by both a red serpent dragon icon and a blue
skull icon.

  VI.27  "Photo Opportunity"  red serpent dragon icon

  Cesar calls C.J. with a tip about a Ballas car going to San Fierro for drugs.
C.J. wants to know who the supplier is, so send him to meet Cesar in Angel Pine
where C.J. can get on a roof to secretly photograph the buyers.

  You're supposed zoom close enough for a good enough picture of the faces of
the subjects, but I got the side of the 3rd or 4th and the game accepted it.
Get Ryder after he gets out of his pickup truck in the lot up ahead (left of the
Cluckin' Bell), then the guy Cesar calls T-Bone Mendez who gets out of a car
near the truck, then the guy who gets out of a car he parks on the street to the
right, then the guy C.J. says looks like a pimp who gets out of a car by that.

  C.J. and Cesar go to a gas station, where Cesar says they should split up and
meet back at the Xoomer garage in San Fierro.

  C.J. gets Respect.

  VI.28  "Jizzy"  red serpent dragon icon

  C.J. finds Cesar, Wu Zi, and Wu Zi's assistant going over the photos at the
Xoomer garage.  Wu Zi says he told Cesar he was a friend of C.J.'s, and the as-
sistant says the pictures are of the Loco Syndicate, big time dealers in co-
caine, something Wu Zi's group doesn't touch.  Besides Ryder, one he can't name
is the guy who runs things, one is T-Bone Mendez--the group's muscle, and one is
Jizzy B., the biggest local pimp and a sort of concierge (basically, someone who
doesn't run things but handles things as a representative of the boss).

  C.J. thinks he can infiltrate the group, and find out who their leader is,
through Jizzy, so send C.J. to the Pleasure Domes, which is under the S end of
the Gant Bridge and at the blue skull icon.

  Jizzy B., the pimp who operates the Pleasure Domes, is voice-acted with the
experienced comedic stylings of Charles Q. Murphy, brother of Eddie and a writer
and actor for Dave Chappelle's “Chappelle's Show” since 2003.

  C.J. finds Jizzy talking himself up a bit much to a couple of women, then he
talks to C.J. and we find he pretty much talks trash about himself generally.
C.J. pretends to defer to that for work and it works.

  Jizzy has C.J. drive one of his women Downtown in his pimpmobile, a Broadway
with purple lining and a "HO 2 HO" license plate.  She says C.J. has a strong
"pecho"--chest, asks if he ever had "half and half"--either oral sex in the
front and behind or oral and vaginal sex--with a "sucia"--dirty, skanky female--
like her, will do things his "ruca"--girlfriend--won't do, and she's no slut but
needs the "feria"--money.

  Then Jizzy calls to have C.J. kill a rival pimp, then kill a couple of "punt-
ers"--guys with respectable facades but who go to brothels--to stop them from
beating one of his women before her "HO" bar gets low.

  Finally, Jizzy calls to have C.J. kill a whore's sugar daddy who wants to take
her off the street.  He's a horny preacher who gets into a Stretch with her and
drives off with an armed guard nearby in an SUV.  You can either use drive-bies
or get ahead of them and fire a Rocket Launcher back at them.  If you use rock-
ets, don't disturb them as you pass or they drive off fast; Rusk likes looking S
from the SE corner of the Big Pointy building--on the block E of the block with
"AL" of "FINANCIAL"--as a vantage point.

  Jizzy calls.  There's an All Points Bulletin on the Broadway, so C.J. can keep
it if he doesn't bring it around Jizzy or the whorehouse.

  C.J. gets Respect and $3,000.

  Wu Zi calls to invite C.J. over.  The Wu Zi Mu missions, which need to be done
before "Yay Ka-Boom-Boom," are available at the "W" icon in China Town.

  VI.29  "T-Bone Mendez"  blue skull icon

  Have a lot of SMG ammo.

  T-Bone Mendez is voice acted by Kid Frost, which is a name he picked in trib-
ute to Ice T, whom he sometimes battled in the early days of West Coast hip-hop.
He had a hit single with "La Raza" in 1990--it's also on Radio Los Santos; his
rap variation of Bill Withers' 1971 hit "Ain't No Sunshine," "No Sunshine," was
featured in the movie "American Me," 1992; and he stars as Santo, a brutal drug
lord whose gang battles force him to question his choices, in "The Neighbor-
hood," 2004.

  Jizzy argues with T-Bone that Jizzy deserves a third, not a fifth, of the mon-
ey that's split three ways--T-Bone says Jizzy agreed to a fifth and not to be a
"pinche"--all-purpose swear word like "f**king"--liability.

  When T-Bone gets a call that a money run has been ambushed, he sends C.J. to
the van of the interlopers.  As C.J. approaches, each of the four go off in a
different direction on motorcycles--after five minutes, they'll go to a rendez-
vous point.  C.J. gets on a motorcycle, so have C.J. do a forward drive-by on
each and press Tab to have him take their money bag (if he just swipes the bag,
they shoot as he drives away).  These guys can take a lot of SMG ammo before
they fall.  Then have C.J. return to the Pleasure Domes.

  C.J. gets Respect and $5,000.

  VI.30  "Mike Toreno"  blue skull icon

  Mike Toreno is voice acted by that bright and dashing James Woods, who played
Maximilian "Max" Bercovicz in "Once Upon a Time in America," 1984, and Lester
Diamond in "Casino," 1995, both of which also starred Robert De Niro.  He was
nominated for the Best Actor Oscar for playing Richard Boyle in "Salvador,"
1986, and won an Emmy for portraying AA co-founder Bill Wilson in “My Name Is
Bill W." in 1989.  And he's often given special notice for his performance in
"San Andreas"--Young MayLay gave him as a favorite in it, too.;s=all

  T-Bone tries to make Jizzy see that someone with knowledge of their group is
killing their runners.  Loco Syndicate leader Mike Toreno calls from a hijacked
van that was making a cocaine run.  He's locked inside and tries to indicate
where he is by telling them the sounds he hears.  His cell phone battery will go
dead in five minutes.

  Have C.J. drive to the construction area--the middle of the brown block, then
the Easter Basin Docks--E to near the coast, then to Easter Bay Airport--the
front gate.

  T-Bone says Toreno's tag--tracking device--should work now.  The bar onscreen
for it fills up as you get closer to the van, which is somewhere on the tarmac.

  (Someone reported to Rusk that a PS2 and Xbox glitch that causes you not to
be able to locate the van if C.J. already have a pilot license is a problem on
the PC version, too.  Maybe the patch fixed it, but I didn't have the glitch
though C.J. has long had a 100% skill for flying.)

  You can help T-Bone do a drive-by on the motorcyclists by the van as it speeds
off a bit, but don't destroy the van with Toreno in it.  It's good to get some
distance from it when it stops since the shooting from the bikers is then joined
by the two who get out of the van and you'll need to help T-Bone stop their vas-
cular systems.

  T-Bone helps Toreno out of the van.  Have C.J. help them blow up the van and
get them into the car.  (Toreno's license plate says, "OMEGA," which means "the 
last."  You'd think it would say "ALPHA," which means "the 1st," or even "ALPHA
ALPHA," "the 1st (of) the 1st," but then he'd need to have the cowlick and get
the rights to "I'm in the Mood for Love.")  Drive down one of the ramps (the two
black stubs from the black circle) and out the security gate.  C.J. gets three
wanted stars, so have him either drive N to a Pay 'n' Spray or Transfender shop,
or continue on the road from the airport till it goes N, then take the third
right and go a couple of blocks to a save house to change clothes.  Then take T-
Bone and Toreno to the Pleasure Domes before they get you all killed from lean-
ing out the window to fire at things something like C.J.'s Grove Street gang
members do.

  C.J. gets Respect and $7,000.

  VI.31  "Outrider"  red serpent dragon icon

  Have a lot of Sniper Rifle ammo.

  Jizzy tells C.J. to meet T-Bone in a sedan at Easter Bay Docks.  When C.J.
waits in the sedan, T-Bone surprises him from the back seat by choking him with
one arm and putting a gun to his head with the other, demanding to know if C.J.
is a "pinche jura"--f**king policeman.  C.J. has about enough time to assure him
he isn't when Toreno appears and tells C.J. he wants him to help them meet a
shipment.  T-Bone says, "You heard what jefe said."  "Jefe" means "boss."

  C.J. has to destroy four road blocks--police cars, and shoot the men who shoot
from the street and 2nd story windows once C.J. attacks, so the van can get to
the factory.

  Have C.J. get the Sanchez and Rocket Launcher near the van and cut E past So-
laris Industries and the RR tracks and go N to the 1st roadblock, which is about
a block S of the "D" of "DOWNTOWN."  C.J. may just need rockets for the cars.

  The 2nd is a bit W of the middle of the N end of the brown block.  Have C.J.
use rockets on the vehicles and snipe the shooters.

  Have C.J. handle the 3rd, on the W side of the brown block, E of "GARCIA," the
same way.

  At the 4th, at the "D" of "DOHERTY," you might have C.J. use rockets on both
the cars and the shooters if you have enough rockets left over.

  After C.J. escorts the van to a lot W of the driving school, he has three
wanted stars, which he can get rid of by changing clothes at the safe house
across the street from the school.

  C.J. gets $9,000.

  There's a "C"--C.R.A.S.H.--icon at the Xoomer garage.

  VI.32  "Snail Trail"

  Tenpenny and Pulaski want C.J. to kill a reporter and his source of informa-
tion about wrongful police conduct (probably Tenpenny's and Pulaski's).  Ten-
penny leaves a Sniper Rifle in a sewer pipe in the construction area.

  Have C.J. get the Sanchez on the way to the train and follow it as the report-
er takes it to Market Station in Los Santos.

  Once there, a meter on the screen indicates how close C.J. is to the reporter,
shown as a blip on the radar, and you fail the mission if the meter fills up
completely.  Before the reporter goes up the stairs to get a Cabbie outside,
send C.J. up the stairs and S about a block to wait at an intersection.  (I once
had C.J. follow the reporter then wait at the top of the stairs with an empty
meter while the reporter got a Cabbie, and I guess the paranoid reporter ran
back to the stairs because the meter filled up.)  The Cabbie is easy to follow,
and, whatever route it takes, it always lets the reporter off near the S end of
Santa Maria pier.

  When the reporter meets his source, they stand in front of the Brown Starfish.
Have C.J. shoot one of them with the Sniper Rifle, which causes the other to run
around in a panic.  Have C.J. switch to something better to chase and attack
with, like an SMG or Molotovs. to get him.

  VI.33  "Ice Cold Killa"  serpent dragon icon

  This mission is available from 20:00 to 6:00.

  Woozie left C.J a message to get Jizzy's phone after he calls the Ballas push-
ers--then C.J. can find and ambush the pushers.  Cesar gives C.J. a silenced

  Have C.J. go to the Pleasure Domes and shoot the tires of Jizzy's Broadway.
When C.J. goes to the door, they won't let him in, so have C.J. go S across the
lot, climb the scaffolding, jump down to the roof, go to the yellow entrance
light, and walk in a crouch down two flights to the 1st floor.

  In a cut scene, C.J. points the gun at Jizzy's head, and I guess you'd say
Jizzy begs for mercy by his tone, but the words don't come out right for it--
"I'm...not a kind man, not a wise man...but I tried," etc.  Jizzy runs for the

  C.J. can just chase after him through the shooting; I had him throw some Molo-
tovs around 1st--Jizzy won't run for his car till C.J. leaves.  Once outside,
have C.J. use the Rocket Launcher on Jizzy's car and take his phone.

  C.J. gets Respect and $12,000.

  VI.34  "Pier 69"  serpent dragon icon

  Have C.J. respond to Cesar's phone call by going to the serpent dragon icon,
just W of the "ESP" of "ESPLANADE EAST," and climbing on the roof to meet Cesar.
Cesar shows C.J. that T-Bone's six armed men are on roofs--three to the left and
three to the right--watching over the pier.  But when Woozie's men arrive and
start to go up to the roof, C.J. and Cesar realize they better shoot T-Bone's
guards before it turns into a big shoot-out.  Have C.J. snipe the six guards.

  T-Bone and Ryder arrive.  When Toreno arrives by helicopter, he sees the
bodies on the roofs, throws smoke grenades down, and flies away.  Cesar and C.J.
realize they have to act immediately if they're going to get the other Syndicate

  You can have C.J. go down the stairs with Cesar following and shoot back at
T-Bone's guards on C.J.'s way out the big NE projection, Pier 69, to get T-Bone.
I just had C.J. jump off the roof--he still had most of his Health--and throw
Molotovs at the shooting guards on his way there.  Cesar still showed up for the
cut scene to help C.J. shoot T-Bone.

  In a cut scene, Ryder jumps over a rail to swim to a Speeder speed boat to es-
cape.  C.J. calls him a "shermhead."  "Sherm" can be tobacco mixed with marijua-
na or dipped in PCP, but "shermhead" in gangster slang is more generally used to
mean "idiot."

  Have C.J. jump and swim after him, get into the Speeder by Ryder's, do drive-
bys on Ryder's Speeder till flames appear, then press S to let Ryder's Speeder
get ahead of C.J.'s boat and blow up.

  C.J. gets Respect and $15,000.

  The Sniper Rifle, $5,000, is avilable at Ammu-Nation.

  VI.35  "Toreno's Last Fight"  serpent dragon icon

  Woozie calls.  The van C.J. is looking for is by the Downtown helipad where
Toreno is going to take some merchandise out in a helicopter.

  When I had C.J. go there, I had him shoot two that came out to shoot at him in
the street and two in the alley.  Toreno's helicopter took off in a cut scene as
C.J. got up near the helipad.  Then I had C.J. shoot two on the helipad.  (When
I tried Molotovs, it made the wanted rating higher, which makes the next part
busier than you may like.)  Have C.J. get the Rocket Launcher from the helipad,
the motorcycle at the sidewalk, and go S to the main highway.

  The helipad is at the NW corner of the block that's E of the block with "TOWN"
of "DOWNTOWN."  From there, go S and curve W along the block with "TOWN," go
left on a road that curves right as it goes downhill, and, at the intersection,
make a quick left and right to go up the onramp (which isn't so obvious from
looking at the map, so you might want to have C.J. do a practice run 1st).

  Have C.J. speed S of the helicopter and fire back at it with the Rocket
Launcher.  If you get very far S without blowing up the helicopter, you might
speed down to the T intersection at the S coast, where the helicopter hovers for
a few seconds.

  C.J. gets Respect and $18,000.

  The Woozie missions

  Wu Zi is voice acted by James Yaegashi, who played Cole in "Spin the Bottle,"
1999, and the Legal Assistant in "Thirteen Conversations About One Thing," 2001.
Barnes and Noble also have a recording of him reading "A Long Stay in a Distant
Land" by Chieh Chieng.

  Su Xi Mu is voice acted by young Richard Chang, who played the Prosecutor in
"Return to Paradise," 1998, and is a shining feature as Gafar in "Kejar Ameri-
ka," 2004.

  C.J. can climb onto a brown awning just N of Wu Zi's place and go S over a
couple more awnings.

  VI.36  "Mountain Cloud Boys"    Wu Zi Mu

  When C.J. enters Wu Zi's gambling den, one of Wu Zi's assistants tells C.J.
"We're closed.  Pokgai."  In Cantonese, "pok" means to fall or slip, and "gai"
means "the street."  It's to curse somebody to go die in the street; in Hong
Kong, it's a general purpose curse like "a**hole."

  As C.J. goes upstairs to see Wu Zi, Su Xi tells C.J. Wu Zi is blind; when C.J.
protests that Wu Zi was in a car race with him recently, Su Xi says Wu Zi has
been blessed with good luck; the Triad that does anything for him is called "our
Lucky Mole," which means "lucky undercover person," I guess.

  Wu Zi says he's "dai dai lo" of the Mountain Cloud Boys Triads.  In Asian or-
ganized crime, "dai dai lo" is the top gang position--"big big brother."  

  An informative site about the history of Triads, the most powerful drug deal-
ing, etc., criminal syndicate in the world, and their relationship to Tongs,
Merchant Associations that provide Triads with muscle, money, guns, and mean to
legitimize them in the territory of the Tong, etc., is:

  Wu Zi has C.J. go with him to check on the Blood Feathers Triads, who failed
to appear at a recent Tong meeting, to show C.J. how they settle things peace-
fully.  Some small Vietnamese gangs have been making bolder trouble lately,
which worries him.  Wu Zi seems to bend to pick a coin from the sidewalk and lie
that he was checking for a loose cobblestone that was there before, so I think
he's putting on a blind but miraculous act to have a unique high regard in his

  C.J. and Wu Zi find the Blood Feathers were nearly wiped out; a survivor tells
them the attackers were members of a Vietnamese gang, which then comes back for
another attack.

  Have C.J. shoot or throw Molotovs at the shooting gangsters in the alley, then
at those who get off two motorcycles beyond the gate, then at more shooters, in-
cluding a sniper.  Have C.J. drive Wu Zi in a gangster's car.  Go slow enough on
the left side of the streets for Wu Zi to shoot from the passenger side and de-
stroy the attacking vehicles, and look behind, Q and E, occasionally so you can
speed off when one of the attacking cars is about to blow up.   

  C.J. gets Respect and $5,000.

  VI.37  "Ran Fa Li"              Wu Zi Mu

  Ran Fa Li is voice acted, with an assortment of expressive grunts, by venera-
ble veteran villain Hunter Platin, who did the voices of Phil Cassidy, Curly
Bob, and Chico in GTA "III," and the Psycho who terrorized Love Fist in "Vice

  Woozie introduces C.J. to Ran Fa Li, a "shuk foo" of the Red Gecko Tong group
of the West Coast.

  Tong-affiliated gangs have an ah kung (grandfather) or shuk foo (uncle) who is
their tong leader.

  Woozie says Ah Ah Kung sent word that the Da Nang Boys, a Vietnamese gang, is
moving to the U.S. and is likely the cause of the recent attacks.  Guppy, an as-
sistant, says Ran La Fi wants a package to be retrieved from the airport; C.J.
says he'll get it for them.

  Send C.J. into a garage through the lower level of the front of the airport to
get the Manana (a Dodge Aries/Plymouth Reliant '81 to '84, like in "Vice City").
It has a damage meter and has to be delivered to the N end of San Fierro.  I had
C.J. run over each guy at the side of a vehicle roadblock, get out and shoot a
couple of shooting bikers, then, with two wanted stars, take the RR track
through a bribe (the other star went away) and a tunnel most of the way N.  A
vehicle with another group of attackers appeared, but C.J. got to the destina-
tion before they could get close.

  C.J. gets Respect and $6,000.
  Catalina calls to call him a pig.

  VI.38  "Lure"                   Wu Zi Mu

  Have a lot of SMG ammo.

  C.J. suggests that he lure away and kill those intending an assassination of
Wu Zi and Ran Fa Li.  

  If C.J. leaves the Rancher, the mission is failed.  There are no attacks going
to Angel Pine.  From Angel Pine, C.J. has to make a loop--to the E coast over
trails and most of the way back over the S coast highway--through red shafts of
light, and often, while he does, men shoot from motorcycles which appear a pair
at a time.  Slow down the Rancher to do right and left drive-bies of the attack-
ers.  The back and side doors of the Rancher come loose as the Rancher gets dam-
aged, and you can't let the attackers see that it's C.J. in the Rancher or you
fail the mission.

  Guppy calls to make sure C.J. made it O.K.; Ran Fa Li got away safely, thanks
to C.J..

  This mission features the new Trip Skip time saver: if you fail your effort to
get through the checkpoints, press Y (go to Wu Zi's place to start the mission
again then press Y?) while C.J. is in the Rancher so you can start over from the
red shafts of light.  You may not need it, and I didn't test it, because I got
this the 1st time.

  C.J. gets Respect and $8,000.
  The AK-47, $3,500, is available at Ammu-Nation.

  VI.39  "Amphibious Assault"     Wu Zi Mu

  Have Silenced 9mm and Sniper Rifle ammo for this.

  If C.J.'s lung capacity hasn't been developed when you play this, you get an
alternative cut scene of C.J. and Wu Zi playing a videogame.  Wu Zi explains why
he doesn't like to go swimming and C.J. says he once got a condom stuck on his
face while swimming.  (Thanks again to Mxyzptlk and co.)

  At Wu Zi's place, Wu Zi tells C.J. he needs someone outside his Triad group to
swim through Vietnamese gangsters to bug a boat.  C.J. doesn't want to, since he
once got a condom stuck to his face while swimming by Santa Maria, but Wu Zi's
blind and can't do it, so C.J. says he will.

  Have C.J. swim on the surface of the water through red shafts of light, and
underwater through red loops.  A cut scene shows two boats of gunners nearby.
Have C.J. get on the rocks at his right side and snipe the men on the boats.  
(I'm not sure if having C.J. blow up the boats, with about six Sniper Rifle
shots, would alert the men on the big ship because I had C.J. do it on the way

  Have C.J. swim underwater, not swimming when he surfaces for air or swimming
into the circles on the radar that indicate the two searchlights at each end of
the boat, and go under the middle of the ship.  Have him go up the stairs at the
NW end.  If you want to use the Knife supplied there, it goes beside the Si-
lenced 9mm slot.

  Have C.J. sneak up behind targets, tapping W while he crouches, as in "Madd
Dogg's Rhymes," to get the five guys on deck and the two guys downstairs.  After
he plants the bug, have him go down the steps at the NW end of the ship and swim
back to where he sniped the men on the two boats.

  C.J. gets Respect and $11,000.

  VI.40  "The Da Nang Thang"      Wu Zi Mu

  Wu Zi tells C.J. he has to go settle something which could establish his posi-
tion in the Red Gecko Tong.  He gets a call from Little Lion, whom he tells to
take Guppy to check out the arrival, by container ship today, of the Da Nang
Boys.  Wu Zi feels bad that he can't tend to it himself, so C.J. says he'll han-
dle it for him.  

  C.J. gets into a helicopter and Guppy flies it above the ship for a couple of
lengthwise passes.  Have C.J., 1st person view, send the stream of machine gun
bullets just ahead of each target and let the helicopter movement sweep the fire
over it (as in "Phnom Penh '86" in "Vice City").  Then the helicopter is shot
down.  Guppy isn't anywhere to be seen, and the only weapon C.J. has left is his
Knife.  (As Rusk explains, you could use the opportunity to send C.J. ashore to
get more weapons at an Ammu-Nation.)

  A cut scene shows a Da Nang Boy at the rail of the ship; have C.J. move in a
slow crouch to kill him and take his Shotgun.  If you have him use the Knife,
make sure you do it right because C.J. will take longer than you like to move up
on someone that's shooting at him while killing them with a Knife.  Have him use
stealth to kill the others and take their weapons on his way across the deck and
through the downstairs area filled with crates.  Look for a Health and an Armor
icon among them, too.  

  Have C.J. shoot the lock off a box to set the Vietnamese prisoners free.  They
slowly walk away; you can have C.J. follow them, and hear some funny rude things
they say, if you forget your way back.

  Have C.J. climb the boxes to get up on deck and kill everyone at the bridge of
the ship, notably The Snakehead.  The Snakehead throws C.J. a Katana to duel
with then jumps right at him with his.  C.J. had about 1/2 Health when I did
this, so I had him run back a bit then turn and shoot him with a Micro SMG.  
(The Snakehead hadn't read what I wrote about the 1st kill C.J. has to do on the

  The four refugees thank C.J. and go off in two Dinghys; C.J. is on a Dinghy he
can drive to the shore.

  C.J. gets Respect and $15,000.

  Replenish C.J.'s ammunition at Ammu-Nation. etc.

    The last Syndicate mission

  VI.41  "Yay Ka-Boom-Boom"  red serpent icon at the Xoomer garage

  Cesar heard from his cousin (Catalina) that C.J. is a hero in Los Santos.  
C.J. isn't sure since some of his friends have turned from him since he fought
the big drug dealers and, notably, killed Ryder, whom he thought was his friend.
Cesar assures him Ryder wasn't so true a friend--he tried to bang Kendl.

  Wu Zi enters with Su Xi Mu and seconds the motion.  He tells C.J. his former
friends have a crack factory C.J. needs to destroy to put them out of business
for good.  As C,J. leaves, a mechanic calls to tell him he rigged a car with ex-
plosives which C.J. can use to destroy the factory.  At the garage, the mechanic
tells C.J. he wired it with a delay timer to give C.J. time to get out of the
factory before it blows up.

  Drive the car to the factory--the entrance gate is W of the driving school en-
trance.  On the way there, you can listen to WCTR talk radio to hear things
about missions C.J. has done and people he's met, including OG Loc, who's inter-
viewed by Lazlow.

  Have C.J. get out of the car before he gets close and snipe the two guards;
the gate opens.  Have C.J. snipe the two or three that run out, drive through
the entrance, get out, and shoot anyone else in the lot.  Then drive up the ramp
(you don't have to make it a jump) into the factory and around to the back of it
where the big kettles are, press the LMB to start the timer for the bomb, and 
leave it there.  

  (I don't think the people in the building are armed, but I think I recognized
some, wearing what are most commonly used as hospital masks, as being among the
criminals I described for I.5.k  Crimes--Criminals wasted.  You can have C.J.
kill them and add to your Criminals Wasted score, if you want to.)

  Have C.J. shoot gangsters in the lot as he makes his way to the front gate.
There, gangsters in a Voodoo pull in and the gate closes behind them as they get
out and shoot at C.J..  Have C.J. shoot them, get in the Voodoo, and drive it
through the broken remains of a building, up the fallen 2nd floor which serves
as a ramp, jump (San Fierro Unique Jump 7) out of the lot, and go back to the
Xoomer garage.

  C.J. gets Respect and $25,000.

  Someone calls using an electronic voice disguiser: a "friend" wants C.J. to
meet him at his ranch in Tierra Robata so C.J. can learn something he needs to
know to keep Sweet safe.  A "?" icon appears at a new save place location W of
the Kinkaid Bridge in Tierra Robata.

  Jethro calls: he and Cesar have planned to sell hot cars, so they want C.J. to
buy the car showroom nearby to serve as as a legitimate front for it.  A "CV"
icon appears at Wang Cars; once you buy it, the icon appears at the Xoomer ga-

  The M4, $4,500, is available at Ammu-Nation.
  The Desert and Las Venturas (and the Miniguns there) are officially available.
  Three save houses can be bought (VII.1).

    The Steal Cars missions

  These all use a red "S" icon.

  The cars stolen for these missions will appear at Wang's Motors, across the
street to the E from the N end of the E side of the brown block N of "DOHERTY."

  VI.42  "Zeroing In"           Cesar Vialpando

  C.J., Cesar, Jethro, and Dwaine play cards.  Cesar gets a good hand: "Read 'em
and weep, cabron."  "Cabron" literally means "male goat," and in slang use has
various meanings, about like calling someone a fu**er, a**hole, and/or bi**h.

  Kendle wonders how this advances their business.  Zero says he's hacked into
the cell phone satellite tracking system.

  Have C.J. follow a car by going to the blips on the radar that represent spots
where the driver made a call.  They go around San Fierro: from N of the Xoomer
garage, SW, N on the W side to the NW, loop down and back up, then over the Gant
Bridge.  When C.J. catches up with the car, he's supposed to do a P.I.T. maneu-
ver on it like he did in driving school, but he just needs to scrape along her
back fender to cause her to stop and abandon the car.  Have C.J. drive it back
to the Xoomer garage.

  C.J. gets Respect and $5,000.

  The Uranus will be at Wang Cars when C.J. buys it.

  Wheel Arch Angels mod shop, which specializes in customizing the Elegy, Flash,
Jester, Stratum, Sultan, and Uranus, opens in Ocean Flats, San Fierro.  It's in-
dicated on the radar and in-game map by a red wrench.

  VI.43  "Test Drive"           Cesar Vialpando

  Cesar has C.J. take him to the 2nd floor of Otto's Autos, where they can steal
a couple of cars.  On the way, they say they like San Fierro, Kendle is like the
Mom of the family now and wants them all to do good, and The Truth has some good
outlooks mixed in with the rest.

  Have C.J.'s car follow Cesar's car out the 2nd floor window, etc.  They get
two wanted stars and are chased by a couple of Police cars.  Use Nitro (LMB)
when Cesar does for a straightaway, then get more careful about making turns
while the Nitro burns out.  Back up to let Cesar out when they get trapped in an
alley, then keep following Cesar till C.J.'s back at the Xoomer garage.

  C.J. gets Respect and $5,000.

  The Sultan will be at Wang Cars when C.J. buys it.

  VI.44  "Customs Fast Track"   Cesar Vialpando

  Cesar tells C.J. he got a tip from someone who works on freight at the docks:
one container, which he marked with spray paint, has a car they want to steal
and sell.

  Have C.J. use the crane (I.7.m  Crane Controls) while Cesar inspects the con-
tainers.  Gently drop the container where the shadow it makes indicates it will
land in the red shaft of light.  The 3rd container always has the car they're
looking for, but before Cesar can drive C.J. away in it, a car pulls up with
three guys who get out and shoot at them.  Have C.J. shoot them, then the three
from another car, then two guys who show up on foot.  C.J. gets less money for
it if it's damaged, so you might park it in the Xoomer save garage or a Pay 'n'
Spray before ending the mission at the Xoomer garage.

  C.J. gets Respect and the value of the car--up to $10,000.

  The Savannah will be at Wang Cars when C.J. buys it.

  The Export/Import vehicle collection is available.  If you saved a Patriot
during the "Reuniting the Families" glitch, you can drive it over there since
it's on the 1st list.

  VI.45  Exports and Imports for the Cranberry Crane  (30 vehicles)

  The chalk board with the lists of vehicles to find is by the crane C.J. used
for the last mission--NW of the big freight ship that's SE of the Xoomer garage.
After doing the last mission, "Customs Fast Track," if the vehicle C.J. is driv-
ing is on the list, you'll get a screen message saying so.

  C.J. needs to find the vehicles listed, in three succeeding lists of ten each,
on the chalkboard, and put them on the freight ship.  You can use the magnetic
crane or drive them up the ramp.  The cars are worth less if they're damaged.  

  When you load cars onto the ship with the crane, let the vehicle drop to the
ship to stop it from swaying so much before you put it in the red shaft of
light, which you don't have to be real neat about.  When you're through using
the crane to load a car onto the ship, leave the magnet hanging low over the
area you drive cars to so you just have to park the next one on the shadow under
the magnet of the crane.

  When C.J. goes to the chalkboard, you get a screen message about imports that
are available for C.J. to buy and the days he can buy them, too.  You can see
the day of the week in the game by pressing Tab to see the Stats menu.  At 1st,
the Club, Perennial, and Jester are available.  The vehicles C.J. delivers for
export become available for purchase as imports, too, and a bonus vehicle be-
comes available for purchase with each group of five vehicles exported (see be-

  The Club is a 1983-1991 Volkwagen Golf, except with the larger of the two
pairs of headlights being the inside pair.

  The Perennial is a 1963 Chevrolet Nova II, like in "Vice City."

  The Jester is a 1986-1992 Toyota Supra Mk3 with the back rounded off.  (As
Fordsuck says, the back could be that of a rounded-off Ferrari 360 Modena.)

  A good map of the locations (although missing a couple Rusk found) is at:

  A more comprehensive map is the San Andreas Map: "SAM":
  Click the "Vehicles" box, click "Set filter," type the name of the vehicle
you're looking for in the "Enter filter string" box, and click "Done."  You can
hold down the LMB and drag the cursor down and across to make a box of the area
you want to enlarge, which appears when you release the LMB, and you can go over
the enlarged map with the scroll bars and change the size with the "+" and "-"
buttons.  Click an icon representing the vehicle to learn more about it (always
available, available after bike school success, etc.).  To look for another
vehicle, click "Change Filter," type the name in the same box, etc.

  There are pictures of the vehicles at:

  (Note: vehicles exported from it often have a custom license plate, like
"EASUCKS"; Electronic Arts is a competing game distributor.  Thanks to Mxyzptlk
at GTA Forums.)

  * this is a location of the vehicle only when it's posted on the chalk board.

  List one

  1.  Patriot  * Easter Bay Chemicals, SE of the San Fierro Easter Bay Airport,
a bit S of the "H" of "CHEMICALS."  It's an AM General M998 Military HMMWV, aka
a Humvee or Hummer.

  2.  Sanchez  Near the S end of the brown section at the S end of Mt. Chiliad.
It's a Kawasaki KX (similar rear wheel bracing bar) or Yamaha DT dirt bike.

  3.  Stretch  * Behind Wang Cars, which is E of the N half of the brown block
of the Doherty, San Fierro, save place.  It's a Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham

  4.  Feltzer  * by the coast, in the gray rectangle NE of the "Y" of FLINT
COUNTY.  It's a 1980-85 Mercedes Benz 380SL convertible.

  5.  Remington  * In the Unity (RR) Station, Los Santos, parking lot.  It's
just NE of the place where the two short RR tracks veer from the main one in El
Corona.  In San Andreas, it's a pimpmobile.  It's a 1980 Cadillac Eldorado
Biarritz with a flat grill.

  6.  Buffalo  Just E of the dot NE of the "O" for the big "RED COUNTY" letters.
It's a 1982-92 Chevy Camaro.

  7.  Sentinel  In the SE area of the Los Santos film studio, on the block N of
"MARI" of "MARINA," N of the "I."  It's like the BMW 7 Series (E25) Sentinel of
"Vice City."

  8.  Infernus  On the S side of the street below the first "A" of "PARADISO,"
San Fierro.  It's like an Acura NSX.

  9.  Camper  In the parking lot behind SubUrban and the tattoo parlor in Hash-
bury, San Fierro, in the middle of the block of "BURY."  A 1967 or so Volkswagen
bus with fewer, bigger side windows like a mid-'70's model except with more bus
behind the back windows.  Volkswagen had a similar Camper model, which is proba-
bly where the name came from.

  10.  Admiral  In the E side of the parking lot for the Papercuts Office Supply
in the middle of the S side of the block N of "CO" of "CONFERENCE" in Los San-
tos.  It's like the Mercedes Benz E Klasse (W123) Admiral of "Vice City."

  For delivering five vehicles, the Monster truck, which looks like a customized
1992 Ford F150 with extra cab, and for ten, the Windsor--a 1971 Datsun 240z 
Fairlady convertible or a flattened 1969-70 Jaguar E-type Roadster, with the
Jaguar having a more similar back end, although even it would have to be longer
and flatter to match the Windsor, are available to buy.  For delivering all ten,
C.J. gets $50,000.

  List two

  1.  Slamvan  * On the W side of the Nude Club that's on the E side of the
block S of "CORONA" of "EL CORONA," Los Santos.  The Hermes/1949 Mercury-type
cab makes it look roughly like a variation on a 1967 Chevrolet Longnose lowrider
pickup truck, but the Slamvan doesn't have an indentation in the side behind the
cab, where it seems to be based on a more modern design.  It's the fastest at
acceleration of the lowriders, brakes good, but doesn't have great cornering

  2.  Blista Compact  * At Easter Bay Airport, San Fierro, by the little dot S
of where the three roads converge SW of the big circle.  It's like the Honda CRX
Si Blista Compact of "Vice City."

  3.  Stafford  * At the Vank Hoff Hotel--the Queens, San Fierro, save place.
It's like a 1990 Rolls-Royce Corniche III.

  4.  Sabre  * In Garcia, San Fierro, N of the "A" of "GARCIA" and E of the N
baseball field of the two.  It's the Oldsmobile 4-4-2 or Cutlass '71 Sabre of
"Vice City"--the automotive equivalent of a muscular lunkhead.

  5.  FCR-900  * In NE Las Venturas on the W side of the pizza store S of the
"H" of "THRU" of "JULIUS THRU WAY NORTH," on the N side of the street a block S
of "THRU" (you may need to leave and go back a number of times for it to show
up).  It's at the bike school if you got all silver awards, too.  It's like an
updated PCJ 600/Honda CBR 600, so it's like a Honda CBR 900 Fireblade except
without as much body covering and the back of the seat pointing down instead of

  6.  Cheetah  * In a driveway at the SW corner of the block that's N of the
Prickle Pine, Las Venturas, save house.  You may need to have C.J. go away and
go back, even remove other vehicles from the spot, and find locked Cheetahs
there, before an unlocked one shows up (did the BradyGames map guy program 
this?).  It's a 1992 model of the Ferrari Testarossa Cheetah of "Vice City."  

  7.  Rancher  * in the SW area of the big brown spot beside "BLUEBERRY ACRES"
in Red County.  It's the Chevy Suburban Rancher of "Vice City"--I think it's
still a 1986 model, too.

  8.  Stallion  in front of the Supa Save, in the S area of the block of the
"LL" of "Juniper Hill" in San Fierro.  It's a Pontiac Firebird '67 except with
two head lights, not four, and vertical rear lights instead of horizontal ones,
like the "Vice City" Stallion, and still handles badly.

  9.  Tanker  * By Jay's Diner, on the W side of the road a bit S of the over-
pass S of "BAYSIDE TUNNEL," Tierra Robada.  It's similar to a "Vice City"/"San
Andreas" Linerunner--a big 10 wheeler truck cab that can haul a big trailer.

  10.  Comet  * In the parking lot about where the "S" of "AVISPA COUNTRY CLUB"
is.  The back looks like a 1974 Porsche Targa, but the front is smoothed off,
with recessed head lights, similar to a more modern Porsche.  If the door is
locked, C.J. won't get in, but when he gets in, he jumps over the door. 

  For delivering five vehicles, the Bandito, a bare frame beach buggy, and for
ten, the Turismo, a Ferrari F40, are available to buy.  For delivering all ten,
C.J. gets $100,000.

  List three

  1.  Blade  Across the street and E of the El Corona, Los Santos, save house.
It's a 1965 Chevrolet Impala.

  2.  Freeway  At the N end of the W side of the block N of "HASH" of "HASH-
BURY," and at bike school if you complete it.  It's a "Vice City" Harley David-
son FXSTD/I Deuce with long handle bars.

  3.  Mesa  * Just N of the Sanchez, the 2nd vehicle on the 1st list, S of Mt.
Chiliad.  A 1992? Jeep Wrangler, similar to the Mesa Grande of "Vice City."

  4.  ZR-350  * In the parking lot of the Clown's Pocket, Las Venturas.  A high
performance car.  It's a 1990-92? Mazda Rx7.

  5.  Euros  * under the head of the Sphinx of the Camel's Toe casino, Las Ven-
turas.  It looks like a slightly smaller and less powerful 1984-88 Chevrolet

  6.  Banshee  By the N side of the San Fierro gym, which is on the SE corner
of the block that's the 2nd rounded square block S of the "G" of "GARCIA," with
success at Driving School; * where the Ammu-Naion symbol is on the block of
"COME" of "COME-A-LOT."  It's a 1992 Dodge Viper.

  7.  Super GT  On the N side of the big "J"-shaped block S of "DOHERTY" with
all bronze awards at driving school, and in the NE area of the Easter Bay Air-
port tarmac.  It looks like a 1991 Mitsubishi 3000 GT with the head lights
placed back farther on the engine hood (?).

  8.  Journey  At the top of Mt. Chiliad (but it's not easy to drive it down),
in the NE area of the film studio in the block of "WOOD" of "VINEWOOD," Los San-
tos, and at the NW corner of the NW block of the three of El Quebrados.  It's a
camper truck--a variation on a Winnebago Outlook.  (Did you see Albert Brooks in
"Lost in America," 1985?  "Born to be wild....")

  9.  Huntley  * in the E part of the N side of the big "J"-shaped block S of
"DOHERTY."  It's a 1990-92 Land Rover Discovery.

  10.  BF Injection  On the beach W of the dead end road that's below "MISSION-
ARY HILL."  A Volkswagen Beetle-based, or similar, beach buggy.

  For delivering five vehicles, the Vortex, a hover craft, and for ten, the Bul-
let, a Ford GT40, are available to buy.  For delivering all ten, C.J. gets 

  Thanks to the Real Car Name List by PRB051 for the real names of the Infernus,
ZR-350, Banshee, Super GT, and for the "Rolls Royce" lead on the Stafford.

  Thanks to the Real Life Car List by FORDSUCK for the real names of the Club,
Jester, Bullet, and Turismo:

  Thanks to Ben "Cerbera" Millard for identifying the Windsor.

  VI.46  "Puncture Wounds"      Cesar Vialpando

  Cesar wants a car driven by a fast driver that's hard to stop without wrecking
the car.  C.J. gets the idea to use tire spike strips--stingers--that stretch
across the road when dropped.

  Have C.J. try to get ahead of the driver and drop a stinger--he has three he
can use.  The driver goes S on the main highway from San Fierro to the T inter-
section, turns E, then goes S across the bridge into Whetstone.  Once stopped,
the driver abandons their car for C.J., who repairs the tires, and you can have
him drive it to the Xoomer garage.

  C.J. gets Respect and $5,000.
  C.J. owns Wang Cars.  It makes $8,000 a day and max.


  VII. The Desert and Las Venturas Preliminaries

  VII.1 Save houses

  El Quebrados       A2             $20,000
  in W El Quebrados (Desert)

  Tierra Robada      B2             $20,000
  N of the Robada Intersection (Desert)

  Fort Carson        B3   garage    $30,000
  NW Fort Carson (Desert)

  VII.2  Barber and Tattoo shops  The Redsands East tattoo parlor is available

  The Las Venturas barber shop has the same deals as the Marina, Los Santos, and
San Fierro barber shops.

  At the Redsands East tattoo parlor, the highest scoring tattoos tie with the
Stats of the highest scoring tattoos available before (R:3; SA:3): for the back,
the card, $240, and for the lower back, the masks, $720, and the cross, $600.

  VII.3  Ammu-Nation and weapons

  In addition to the weapons previously available in the scenery and at Ammu-Na-
tions, you can find:


  Brass Knuckles

  - at the N side of the W building of the N block surrounded by road of Las

  Melee weapons:

  Baseball Bat

  - at the SW corner (outfield) of the baseball field which is where "RED" of

  - and on the N side, ground level, of Blackfield Stadium.

  Golf Club

  - on the balcony on the W side of the Yellow Bell Golf Club building, on the
half circle W of the loop of road.

  Night Stick

  - behind the San Andreas Police Department sign at the SE corner of the block

  - by the cells on the 1st floor of that police department,

  - and by the Permits and Licenses doorway on the 2nd floor of it.


  - at the N side of the S pile of stuff on the floor of Hunter's Quarry,

  - at the NE corner of the NE tennis court among eight NW of the N end of the W
dead end road of the two in the middle of the N end of Las Venturas,

  - in the E dugout of the two at the N corner (home plate) of the baseball
field which is where "RED" of "REDSANDS WEST" is,

  - and hidden in a shrub under a pale gray-blue dormer S of the big skull at
the N end of the displays in front of Pirates in Men's Pants.

  Pool Cue

  - by a dirty orange and blue-green dumpster at the S side of the building at
the NE corner of the rectangle N of "ORE" of "ROCKSHORE EAST."


  - between the two S cages of the Snake Farm on the N side of the road SW of

  - and by a telephone pole N of the S trailer of the trailer park N of the lit-
tle block with an Ammu-Nation E of the No Fly Zone.


  - behind a little house without a garage among mobile homes and NW of the El
Quebrados save house,

  - at the S end of the deck of the pirate ship display in front of Pirates in
Men's Pants,

  - on a front porch guarded by two white gargoyles at the SE part of the Orien-
tal-style shopping center NW of "PILGRIM," and N of a Cluckin' Bell,

  - and between the two N palm trees of a group of three in a divider at the SE
side of the Four Dragons Casino.


  - behind a cylinder at the top of the steps of the S quarry-o-matic of the two
at the SE side of the floor of Hunter's Quarry,

  - and at the SW side of the blue warehouse, behind beige walls and fence
gates, at the corner S of "TES" of "WHITE WOOD ESTATES."



  - W of a big RR bridge support, which is on the W side of the road that goes
below the bridge and is S of Las Barrancas,

  - on the 2nd floor of the police department at the SE corner of the block E

  - and at an Ammu-Nation.

  Silenced 9mm

  - in the garden under the foot bridge to the N side of Blackfield Stadium,

  - and at an Ammu-Nation.

  Desert Eagle

  - at the NE corner of the back yard of the 2nd house from the E end on the N
side of the N road of the E block of the Bayside Marina area,

  - under the middle solar panel of three in a trailer park across the street
from the Li'l Probe Inn,

  - and at any Ammu-Nation, $1,200, after "Black Project" (a Desert mission).



  - near the end of the wooden pier S of the "OC" of "VALLE OCULTADO,"

  - under the front porch roof of the little house of the trailer park S of Fort
Carson; of those houses, it's in the 2nd row from the E and 4th place from the

  - under the ramp at the last "N" of "PILSON INTERSECTION,"

  - on the 2nd floor of the police station at the SE corner of the block E of

  - and at an Ammu-Nation.

  Sawnoff Shotgun

  - at the W side of the warehouse with a red band around the tops of the walls,
behind a surrounding wall, at the N side of the block with "EST" of "WHITE WOOD

  - at the S side of the dirty brown and blue-green dumpster by a wooden fence
at the N end of the N-S alley of the block with "WEST" of "REDSANDS WEST,"

  - in the N area of the roof of the "PARKING" building on the block W of "THE
PINK SWAN" (reach it by aircraft or Jetpack),

  - and at an Ammu-Nation.

  Combat Shotgun

  - in a small shrub in the middle of a long thin parking lot divider S of a
white warehouse with blue trim; enter the lot on the N side of the block that's
W of the "FR" of "LVA FREIGHT DEPOT,"

  - in front of the Four Dragons Casino after finding 50 Horseshoes,

  - and at any Ammu-Nation, $1,000, after "Don Peyote" (a Las Venturas mission).

  Submachine guns:


  - between a support beam and the edge of the San Andreas Sound under the N end
of the Mako Span,

  - and at an Ammu-Nation.

  Micro SMG

  - in a jet body part at the SW end of the parts at Verdant Meadows Aircraft

  - between a brown wall and a dirty orange and blue-green dumpster at the E
side of a lot, containing a lot of garbage containers, at the mid-S end of the

  - and at an Ammu-Nation.


  - behind the 2nd building from the W end of the S side of the S street of the
square E block of El Quebrados,

  - in the NE corner of the 4th/top floor of the Starfish Casino parking ga-
rage; enter at the SE corner of the block with "THE STAR,"

  - in a narrow nook between blue and concrete block walls on the N side of the
grassy alley between the Starfish Casino and surrounding hotels; from the main
entrance (you can't enter), have C.J. go N, jump over the low wall, and go W in-
to the grassy alley,

  - in front of the Four Dragons Casino after finding 50 Horseshoes,

  - and at an Ammu-Nation.

  Assault Rifles:


  - by the door of the E trailer of four N of the rectangle W of the dead end of

  - in a divider with grass, palm trees, and shrubs in the middle of the lot
that's in the middle of the duplexes of the block S of "WEST" of "REDSANDS

  - on the 2nd or so story roof of the Four Dragons Casino at the bottom of the
inside of the N-most "U"-shape formed by taller structures (reach by aircraft
or Jetpack),

  - and at an Ammu-Nation.


  - by the SW guard tower of Area 69,

  - on the roof behind the roof of the entrance of the Motel, E of the swimming
pool, NE of the block of "PILGRIM,"

  - in front of the Four Dragons Casino after finding 50 Horseshoes,

  - and at an Ammu-Nation.



  - at an Ammu-Nation.

  Sniper Rifle

  - on the N side of the steeple of the little church on the N side of the cor-
ner that's S of the "S" in "JULIUS THRU WAY NORTH,"

  - on top of the NW corner of the S skyscraper of the Clown's Pocket, at the
"N" of "CLOWN'S" (use an aircraft or a Jetpack to reach it),

  - on the N side of the roof above the entrance to the Four Dragons Casino
(reach it by aircraft or Jetpack),

  - and at an Ammu-Nation.

  Heavy weapons:


  - on top of the big concrete support column at the SW end of the Kincaid (RR)
Bridge, accessible now that the invisible barrier there is gone since the Des-
ert and Las Ventura became available,

  - in the mid-E area of Area 69,

  - enter the alley on the E side of "CA" and "LANTE" of "ROCA ESCALANTE," turn
right into the garage, go to the N side, down the ramp, and go N to the Minigun
by the elevator doors,

  - on the next-to-the-top level of the scaffolding over the "O" of "ROCKSHORE
EAST" (reach it with the Jetpack or a Parachute),

  - and inside Mike Toreno's Tierra Robada house after "Vertical Bird."

  Flame Thrower

  - in the S end of the porch of the E side of the main KACC Military Fuels
building, about where the "E" of "FUELS" is,

  - and inside Mike Toreno's Tierra Robada house after "Vertical Bird."

  Heat-Seeking RPG

  - on a N side of the biggest Native American/Mexican building at the end of
the dead end road W of "ALDEA MALVADA,"

  - on the NE corner of the upper level of the parking garage where "IN" of

  - and inside Mike Toreno's Tierra Robada house after "Vertical Bird."

  Rocket Launcher

  - on a roof above the parking garage of The Emerald Isle, a tiny bit W of the
"I" of "Isle" (enter on the N side to drive to the top floor then climb the
stairs to the roof, or use an aircraft or Jetpack to get there),

  - in the NW corner of the 8th floor of the Emerald Isle parking garage; enter
on the N side,

  - revolving through a corner made by yellow and blue crates of a roughly back-
wards "L"-shaped pile of crates S of the S end of the main body of the terminal
building  (between the "S" and "Y" of the big letters of "LAS VENTURAS") of LV

  - and inside Mike Toreno's Tierra Robada house after "Vertical Bird."



  - at the W end of the E-W alley of the block of "B" of "BAYSIDE MARINA,"

  - by an air duct at the SW corner of the warehouse roof at the S end of the
rectangle N of "ORE" of "ROCKSHORE EAST" (reach it with a Jetpack or a Para-

  - and at an Ammu-Nation.


  - behind the liquor store E of the SW block of Fort Carson,

  - at the S corner of the roof of Cluckin' Bell and ProLaps, at the S end of
the diamond shape W of the dead end road  of "CREEK" (climb onto a vehicle then
onto the roof),

  - and on the NW corner of the roof of the building at the NE corner of the
block S of "TOE" of "THE CAMEL'S TOE" (use a Jetpack to reach it unless you want
to try to have C.J. jump from the raised entrance of the building to the S--it
didn't work when I tried to have him do it).

  Tear Gas

  - about 18' N of the SE circle (a smoke stack) of KACC Military Fuels,

  - E of the N end of the LV Airport tarmac rectangle that's E of "BLACKFIELD,"
at the W side of three yellow and black striped ramps,

  Remote Explosives

  - in front of the Four Dragons Casino after finding 50 Horseshoes,

  - and at an Ammu-Nation.

  Handheld Items:

  Fire Extinguisher

  - at a gas station without pumps on the N road E of "VALLE OCULTADO,"

  - in the narrow space at the S side of the Xoomer gas station on the S side
of the road W of "SPINY BED,"

  - and at many fast food places.

  Spray Can

  - between the W-most two of three long rectangular beige warehouses S of

  Gifts for girlfriends:

  Light gray-brown Vibrator with dark vertical stripes

  - behind a dirty orange dumpster in an abandoned lot on the N side of the mid-
dle of the S road of the E block of the Bayside Marina area.


  by a telephone pole in an asphalt lot W of the RR station on the S side of the
RR track that passes E-W below "PRICKLE PINE"; the station is S of the "PR,"
  on the S side of the house with orange shingles that's on the E side of the
2nd dead end street E of the Prickle Pine save house,
  at the SE corner of the Emerald Isle,
  and at the W side of the red doors and triangular stylized face of the sloped
roof building at the S side of the middle of the "S"-curved road in the middle
of the block of "PILGRIM."


  Flowers don't reappear in a location once taken from one and the game is

  in the front yard of a house on the NE side of the 2nd intersection N of the
  at the S side of a little house W of where the dirt road turns from SE to S W
of downtown El Quebrados,
  on the N side of the Xoomer gas station office at the N side of the intersec-
tion E of downtown El Quebrados,
  in front of a plaque and two statues at the W side of the road at the top of
the W side of the Sherman Dam,
  by the grave stone with a cross on top of it at the cemetery at the E side of
the ghost town indicated on the map by the dots S of Las Brojas,
  at the concrete divider in the middle of the Julius Thru Way at the N end of
the SE curve,
  on the porch of the Xoomer gas station in the rectangle at the E side of the
block that's W of "LINDEN SIDE,"
  at the W side, by the doors, of the Wedding Chapel church that's N of the S
end of the SE curve of the Julius Thru Way,
  by the wooden fence of the front yard of the W house on the S side of the
street of the S street of the block E of "LAST DIME MOTEL,"
  over a flower bed by the N-S street E of Royale Casino and S of the "S" of
  in the front yard of the house on the SE corner of the block N of "LAS" of
  between two of the gas pumps at the Xoomer gas station across the street to
the N from the NE corner of the block with "THE EMERALD ISLE,"
  in front of the yellow Wedding Tackle store NW of the NW corner of the block
that's E of "THE" of "THE EMERALD ISLE,"
  in front of the "The Golf Course" sign at the E side of the loop of road of
Yellow Bell Golf Course,
  and by a flower bed of the 2nd house from the W that's N of the block that's E
of the loop of road of Yellow Bell Golf Course.

  Apparel Items:


  - by the door of the abandoned AC tower save place at Verdant Meadows after
"Green Goo."


  - on the tall N bridge support of the Gant (Golden Gate) Bridge,

  - in Bone County at the top of the tall antenna SW of the Big Ear (have C.J.
walk toward the base of the antenna to be transported to the top of it),

  - in Arco Del Oeste in the E old shack on top of a tall rock formation N of
the "RC" in "ARCO" on the paper map,

  - and on top of the tall skyscraper of the Emerald Isle (use an aircraft or
Jetpack to get there).

  Night Vision goggles

  They make everything look green and let you see the inside walls of the Fort
Carson tunnel (see VII.5 for the location of the last listed police bribe for
the Desert).

  - on top of the NW guard tower of the No Fly Zone after "Breaking the Bank at

  - on the path through the middle of the shopping mall E of the five big silos
of Foster Valley after "Breaking the Bank at Caligula's,"

  - and by the kitchen entrance of Madd Dogg's crib after "A Home in the Hills."

  Thermal Goggles  Heat vision ("Infrared" in dataweapon.dat) goggles make ev-
erything look like the photos Richard Avedon made of the Beatles in 1967, which
is more festive.  These seem to be the things that make certain peds show up in
partial graphics which cause some people to think they look like aliens.  Ther-
mal goggles don't reappear in a location if C.J. takes them from one and you
save the game, so I use them without saving the game.

  - in Zero's RC Shop after "Black Project,"

  - in the control tower in the middle of the S side of the fenced-in area of
the No Fly Zone after "Black Project,"

  - at the N side of the base of the Big Ear after "Black Project,"

  - and in the bar room of Madd Dogg's place after "A Home in the Hills."

  Weddings and Weldings bomb shop

  This bomb shop is on the S side of the block W of "ISLE" of "THE EMERALD ISLE"
in Las Venturas.  Drive a vehicle into it for the vehicle to have a bomb in-
stalled in it, press F or Enter to activate the bomb, have C.J. leg it, and
press F or Enter again to set it off.  

  VII.4  Armor and police bribes

  Body Armor

  The Desert

  at the NE end of the little strip of beach NE of downtown Bayside Marina,
  between the wooden house and garage by the pier and just S of the "C" of
  on the roof behind the "PECKER's FEED & SEED" sign E of the big chicken of Las
  at Verdant Meadows in a fuselage at the middle airplane icon of the N row of
airplane icons,
  and on the outer walk of the upper level of the control tower in the middle of
the S side of the fenced-in area of the No Fly Zone.

  Las Venturas

  on the inner balcony of a motel at the E end of the block of "SANDS" of "RED-
SANDS EAST" (have C.J. jump on a car at the N side of the entrance, at the E
side of the block, and go around the balcony to the Armor),
  on the roof of the building of four little "Escobar Int. Airport"-type parabo-
las in the middle of the block E of "CALIGULA'S PALACE,"
  on the N side of a church NW of the overpass at the SE curve of the Julius
Thru Way,
  under the arch at the bottom of the Come-A-Lot roadside sign,
  at the S side of the lot at the SW corner of the block of "D" of "LVA FREIGHT
  between the stairs of the pier S of "ES" of "ROCKSHORE WEST" (mentioned before
as accessible from Los Santos),
  by two green dumpsters at the N side of Greenglass College,
  in back of the N brown hanger of two just under the "L" of the big letters of
  and NW of the N end of the trumpet tubing-type shape of Las Venturas Airport.

  Police bribes

  (**** airborne bribe)

  The Desert

  at the W side of a building and above the "R" of "BAYSIDE MARINA,"
  at the E side of a bend in the road NE of the NE corner of the No Fly Zone,
  in a field E of the road that goes S from the Cluckin' Bell E of "FORT CAR-
SON," and on the opposite side of the road from the Astro Drive-In Theatre sign,
  in an alley in the N block of Las Payasdas,
  and in an underground tunnel; the N opening is lower on the hill and W of
where the winding road to the Big Ear leaves the main road, and the S opening is
about due S of the N opening and by a RR track; you can see the inside walls of
the tunnel if C.J. uses Night Vision Goggles.

  Las Venturas

  an airborne bribe in the NW corner of the block E of where the Strip divides
in the N ****,
  an airborne bribe W of the jump ramp of the pirate ship in front of Pirates in
Men's Pants ****,
   an airborne bribe over the concrete highway divider where the "A" is of "JU-
  at the W side of the S end of the RR bridge that goes S from the "RTH" of "JU-
  in the narrow E-W alley through the middle of the block W of "ISLE" of "THE
  in the tunnel through the base of the Washington Monument-type statue of The
Camel's Toe,
  S of the dirty pink building that's W of "O" in "HARRY GOLD PARKWAY,"
  in the E-W alley with old wooden fencing blocking both ends in the S section
of the block with "WEST" of "REDSANDS WEST,"
  under the E end of the E-W bridge just S of "JULIUS THRU WAY EAST,"
  in a lot across the street SW from the Four Dragons Casino,
  and in a lot where the "R" of "THE FREIGHT DEPOT" is.

  VII.5  Oysters (Desert)

  If you didn't get them already, get the remaining five.  The five locations
are given at IV.27 in the section on the "Reuniting the Families" glitch.  The
fastest way to find them is to use one of the teleportation devices at X.13.a,
b, and c.  X.13.c works with either the patched or unpatched version of the

  VII.6  Bayside Marina Boat School

  Getting all gold awards for this is easier than for Driving School.

  VII.6.a  "Basic Seamanship"

  Drive the Coast Guard boat ahead and have it stop between the pairs of bouys.
I think you can just use W and S, and I can't swear it makes any difference, but
I used W and Up, then, as the near side of the near pillar of the Gant Bridge
went by the left edge of the screen, used S, Spacebar, and Down.  I had several
at 9.something and didn't get gold till I had 9.73, so I'm not sure what high
nine you have to beat.

  VII.6.b  "Plot a Course"

  Drive the Coast Guard through eight pairs of bouys without bumping them using
the screen and radar.  Rusk says to get less than 35 sec. for gold.

  VII.6.c  "Fresh Slalom"

  Drive a Dinghy with a few zig zags through fifteen pairs of bouys.  Rusk says
to do it in under 80 sec. for gold.

  VII.6.d  "Flying Fish"

  Drive a Vortex to the right a bit, turn left, and aim for the ramp--I don't
know if this helps but I pumped the Up button like I was speeding up a motorcy-
cle--and hold Down just before hitting the jump ramp and to keep the Dinghy air-
borne longer.  Once I landed, I pressed S and turned to stop within the bouys.
The BradyGames guide says to beat 57 meters to pass, and AggroSk8er says to beat
67 meters for gold. 

  VII.6.e  "Land, Sea, and Air"

  Drive a Vortex through pairs of bouys, over a jump, through pairs of bouys,
over two jumps over the bases of supports for the Gant Bridge, and through pairs
of bouys.  Rusk says to beat 130 sec. for gold. 

  For all bronze awards, C.J. gets the Marquis.
  For all silver awards, he gets the Squallo III.
  For all gold awards, he gets the Jetmax.

  VII.7  RS Haul Trucking Asset Mission (final two missions)

  VII.7.a  Mission 7  Fragile cargo and timed 6:00

  This one is easy.  You may bang the truck a little, which subtracts from the
pay, but as long as you end up with something left on the damage meter, you
pass.  By now, money shouldn't matter much, anyway.

  C.J. gets up to $7,000.

  VII.7.b  Mission 8  Four star wanted level

  C.J. has to drive through a four star wanted level to one of four or five lo-
cations in Las Venturas.  I don't know if it's different for PC or the patch
changed something, but I've read that this one is easy, and the only thing easy
for me about the version I have is describing it.

  The idea of blowing up the truck for a different destination, and picking an
easier one, is about all there is for alternative strategy.  So I tried Aggro-
Sk8er's recommendation to use Guto's idea of using the RR track to go to SE Las
Venturas.  I blew up truck, got the destination, it poured rain, and the truck
slid around on the wet grassy slope while police hit it and unhitched the trail-
er.  I blew up trucks, got to the tunnel in NE Los Santos, and the police blew
it up.  I blew up trucks, got through the tunnel in NE Los Santos and dodged the
train, and the police (helicopter?) blew up the truck.  Hours are going by; I'm
not one happy gamer.  I did learn that you can make the graphics for truck fires
disappear quicker by sending C.J. so far from them that not only the flames but
the glow for them disappears, then counting to ten before sending him back.

  I did it the regular way till finally, and none too soon, I got it with a
route to Redsands West.

  If you want a special fix for it, I think the fastest way would be to give the
Police car, Ranger (police SUV), and Enforcer a top speed of something small in
datahandling.cfg.  If I had to do it again, I think I would.  I don't have a
Super Dave thing about wanting my lead character to get blown up a lot in my in-
teractive movie.

  C.J. gets $10,000, but after this, he's just glad he's alive.
  RS Haul makes $2,000 a day and max.

  VII.8   Horseshoes

  I use the Bradygames guide numbers but not the haphazard search pattern you'd
have if you searched for Horseshoes in the Bradygames guide numerical order.

  The fastest way to find them is to use one of the teleportation devices at
X.13.a, b, and c.  That last one, the Administrative Console, is available in a
version--the Control Center--that's compatible with the patched version of the

  If you ever lose track of which ones you've done, you might like the Horseshoe
Help mod by JVT at X.13.h, which makes a big arrow, like ones you've seen in
GTA's, point down at each Horseshoe that hasn't been collected yet.


  Ones you might get by Maverick or Sea Sparrow (for those who don't want to
wait for a Jetpack at VIII.16  "Green Goo"):

  When you're aiming a helicopter for a careful landing, move the mouse for dif-
ferent views--even a "GTA 2"-type overhead view is possible and helpful.  When
the helicopter is in an awkward position, instead of trying to push it in a di-
rection till the "camera" aims that way, move the "camera" with the mouse then
start moving the helicopter in the direction you want to go. 

  Also, the new Mavericks are a lot better about letting you hold the Up (NP9 in
"Vice City") button to go forward at an angle for long distances once you have
enough height.  And they don't go down when you leave the controls alone for
awhile like they used to, which is nice if you want to reach for a snack or
smoke, etc., and don't want to reach back and see it blown up.  You have to
press S to make it go down.

  Don't fly over the No Fly Zone or the soldiers there will try to shoot your
helicopter out of the sky.

  20. on the roof of the Four Dragons Casino about where the "N" of "CASINO" is.
C.J. could parachute to this one easily, too.

  46. in the middle of the S side of the block of "VENTURAS" of "OLD VENTURAS
STRIP," in front of the "S" of the "CASINO" marquee.  Land in the big area to
the W of the marquee and have C.J. walk in front of the marquee for the Horse-

  31. on top of the Come-A-Lot sign at the SW corner of the block with "COME."  
Make sure C.J. has full Health so he doesn't die if he has to jump.  I landed a
Maverick between the two spires--it looked like the ends of the blades went into
them a little--and took off with just a few sparks, but I think I was lucky.
You could do something similar by getting an overhead view, getting close, and
having C.J. bail onto the sign.  

  3. on the red roof of the corner "Souvenirs," etc., shop on the SE corner of
the block W of "ISLE" of "THE EMERALD ISLE."  

  14. on top of the highest skyscraper of the Emerald Isle, SW of "EM" of "THE
EMERALD ISLE."  (I was surprised that the new Maverick could go so high.)

  45. N of the "KA" of "KACC MILITARY FUELS."  Land in the parking lot beyond
the entrance, go to the warehouse N of the entrance and go E through it (it had
a few hovering boxes in it when I last looked), then go NW to the Horseshoe.

  26. on the beam, supported by pillars, that's along the sidewalk by the middle
of the E side of the Camel's Toe pyramid.  You might get the Maverick to balance
just long enough for C.J. to get onto the beam safely and have the helicopter
fall.  When I did it, I was lucky.  The Maverick fell but rolled upright, C.J.
got the Horseshoe, and his jump only took a sliver of Health away.

  19. on a tower at one of the dots NW of the "C" of "COME-A-LOT."  When you ap-
proach the roof from the front, you'll see the tallest spire is gold or yellow
just left of the centerpiece.  And left of the tallest spire is a short stubby
one with a flat top--without a spire.  That's the one the Horseshoe is on.  I
landed carefully from the back.  It took a little patience, wrangling with heli-
copter drift, but it landed and took off okay.

  32. on the E edge of the double "Victim" billboard on a tall pole by the Juli-
us Thru Way East, just N of the RR symbol that's by "SOBELL RAIL YARD."  I land-
ed with the rails across the middle of the two billboards.  When C.J jumped, he
landed on the wide strips of metal between the bottoms of the billboards.  An
invisible wall wouldn't let him walk straight to the Horseshoe on the E side, so
I had him walk over the strips to the W and the outer walks to the E, get the
Horseshoe, and jump.  He only lost half of his Health, and he had a pizza nearby
to make up for that.


  For the rest, I basically go W: N to S, then E: S to N.

  1. In the entrance enclave of a house at the SW corner of the road and RR
track intersection S of "YELLOW BELL GOLF CLUB."

  5. in a 2nd floor dormer at the back of the golf club country club building at
the W side of the loop of road E of "YELLOW BELL GOLF CLUB."

  21. in the swimming pool in the mid-N of five rectangles, the top one curved,
E of the block that's N of "PINE" of "PRICKLE PINE."

  34. E of the same swimming pool in a tennis court.

  29. at the base of the "Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas" sign by te highway NW
from the Pilson Intersection.

  47. over a multi-colored stack of crates E of the NE corner of the block E of
"PILSON INTERSECTION."  Have C.J. jump on a truck then the wall, walk to near
the middle of the crates and close to them, and try to jump to climb onto them.

  27. over a blue wall across the street to the W from the SW corner of the
block E of "PILSON INTERSECTION."  Have C.J. jump on a car then the  wall.

  36. in the mid-E area of the block N of "EST" of "REDSANDS WEST."  Have C.J.
jump on the Steakhouse roof then the casino roof.

  40. on the mid-W side of the block of "EST" of WHITE wOOD ESTATES."  Have C.J.
enter the lot on the E side of the block and go behind the warehouse.

  49. over the walk of a one story gray building W of the NW corner of the block
with "BLACKFIELD."  Have C.J. jump up to it.

  28. on the LV Airport tarmac N of the W side of the runway loop.  Enter the
tarmac at the N end of the wavy line on the E side.

  25. E of the N end of the runway loop.

  15. on the mid-W side of the oval with four prongs--the main airport bldg..

  37. in a truck dock at the E end of the S side of the rectangle NE of "D" of

  16. in a narrow space between the warehouse and a wall at the S end of the
little rectangle N of the "D" of "BLACKFIELD INTERSECTION."

  22. in the middle of the courtyard in front of Greenglass College.

  50. over Blackfield Chapel--C.J. can walk up the sloped roof.

  30. N of the coast under the Mako Span.

  6. in a backyard in the middle of the block E of "MOTEL" of "THE LAST DIME MO-

  38. in a back yard across the street to the N from the E end of the block of

  9. over a dumpster, behind a warehouse, at the SE end of the rectangle N of

  53. on the roof of the chapel S of the martini glass symbol that's SE of
"COME-A-LOT."  Have C.J. jump from the roof of a car to climb the Chapel roof.

  43. in the middle of the W side of the block N of "OT" of "COME-A-LOT."  Have
C.J. use the stairs to get to a roof and jump down to the 2nd balcony over from
the top of the stairs.

  2. at the top of the pyramid on the block of "CAMEL'S."  A PCJ can drive up to

  11. on the 3rd floor of the garage on the block of "R" of "LAS VENTURASA."
Have C.J. enter on the N side, go up a ramp on one side then the other, then go
over the level part to the NE corner.

  18. at the base of the big skull display in front of Pirates in Men's Pants.

  7. on the roof of the Clown's Pocket front porch.  Have C.J. jump on a car
then onto the wall at the N side of Clown's, go E on the ledge, onto a roof, go
around the S side of the "tent" roof, do a running jump up onto a 2' wide ledge
of another roof, then go around to the W side.

  48. under the upper part of the 2nd waterfall from the N in front of The Vis-
age--above the "E" of "VISAGE."

  44. at the back of an alley on the N side of the block with "THE STAR" of "THE

  24. on the awning over the drive-through section of Venturas Steaks, on the W
side of the block N of "SH" of "THE STARFISH CASINO."

  39. on the porch roof of the "Arts & Crafts" store in the shopping center on
the N side of the block with "O" of "THE STARFISH CASINO."  Have C.J. jump on
the roof of an SUV or van, then climb up onto the porch roof.

  17. on a 2nd floor balcony of a motel.  Enter the lot on the E side, of the
block of "DSANDS" of "REDSANDS EAST."  Have C.J. climb onto several roofs which
are near each other at the N side of the entrance, then turn E and jump to climb
up onto a higher roof/balcony, and go to the SW side of that roof/balcony.

  42. in an alley in the middle of the S side of the block N of the block of

  13. have C.J. jump on a car then the roof where the 24/7 symbol is SW of "THE

  35. have C.J. go NW from the same corner, past the store, and jump over the
wall to the N end of the little lot.

  41. across the street to the N from the "D" of "THE EMERALD ISLE," have C.J.
go through the car wash and make a 180 degree turn to the right.

  12. have C.J. go N through the parking lot on the W side of the same car wash,
then go E.

  10. in a RR tunnel about where the "P" of "OLD VENTURAS STRIP" is.  Have C.J.
enter where the brown line turns gray (shown on the radar, not the paper map);
the S end of the tunnel is where the track crosses under a road NW of "SOBELL

  4. at about the 2nd "E" of "ROCA ESCALANTE."  Have C.J. get on the roof of a
car to jump to the roof of the Erotic Wedding Chapel.

  8. in the VROCK Hotel swimming pool, which is found in the splotch that's NE,
across the street and RR track, from "ROCA" of "ROCA ESCALANTE."

  23. at the E corner of the big tilted square shape N of "CREEK," behind the
shopping center and at the end of a lane protected by a wall.  On the radar,
the right corner of the square is the space between the corners of two squares,
for some reason.

  C.J. gets better luck at gambling, $100 x 50 = $50,000, $100,000, and the Com-
bat Shotgun, Remote Explosive, M4, and SMG will be in front of The Four Dragons

  VII.9  Las Venturas Bike School

  This is initiated at the red "S" icon in Blackfield.

  VII.9.a  "The 360"  Hold down W and S, add Left or Right to burn a donut, and
stop when you're over the start of it.  

  VII.9.b  "The 180"  Use a PCJ 600 to go from a space made by three lines of
cones to do a turning skid you accelerate from within another set of cones.  Re-
turn to the same spot you started from except facing in the opposite direction.
Use Spacebar then add S to stop in that spot. 

  VII.9.c  "The Wheelie"  Go forward, wheelie with Down when you go between an-
other set of cones, release Down, and use Spacebar and add S to stop in the far
set of cones.

  VII.9.d  "Jump and Stop"  Drive the Sanchez over a jump ramp, level the
wheels, and go forward to brake in the far section of cones.

  VII.9.e  "The Stoppie"  Drive the Sanchez forward, hold down Up, add S long
enough to bring up the back wheel when between the next batch of cones, go for-
ward with W and Up, then release Up and use Spacebar and S to stop in the far
set of cones.  The training clip shows the back wheel down for the stop, but I
stopped with the back wheel up and still got gold.  

  VII.9.f  "Jump and Stoppie"  Drive the Sanchez over a ramp, land with a stop-
pie, then go forward to stop in the far set of cones.  Press W to go over the
ramp, then hold Down, add a touch of S as needed to get the back wheel up, hold
W and Down a bit, then let go of them and use Spacebar and S to stop in the far
set of cones. 

  For all bronze awards, C.J. gets the Freeway.
  For all silver awards, he gets the FCR-900.
  For all gold awards, he gets the NRG-500.

  VII.10  Burger Shot Courier Asset Mission  (4 runs)

  This is like the previous drive-by delivery missions.  You initiate it by hav-
ing C.J. get on the Faggio by the Burger Shot below the "R" of "REDSANDS EAST."

  Three loops, six packages,   three minutes
  Four loops,  six packages,   five minutes
  Five loops,  seven packages, five minutes
  Six loops,   eight packages, eight minutes

  Press Up quickly and repeatedly, without letting C.J. stand up, to make the
moped go faster and make a wavering buzzing sound like some of the soldiers got
sick of hearing with some of the worse things the music stations played on the
radio during the Burma missions of WWII.  George Harrison might have liked them
(yet he didn't like Yoko's early recordings--ee-yie-yie-yiee-eeh--go figure).

  The Burger Shot makes $2,000 a day and max.

  VII.11  Kickstart and Dirt Track (Blackfield Stadium)

  Kickstart is available at the Trophy icon at Blackfield Stadium on every day
except Monday and Wednesday if C.J. has at least 50% Bike (motorcycle) skill.

  Press Left Shift to skip the intro if you've seen it before.

  Have C.J. drive over the "Vice City" "Dirtring"-type obstacles to go through
the colored lights.  Green ones are worth one point, yellow ones are worth two,
and red ones are worth three.  You need at least 26 out of 50 possible points to
pass the mission.  See if you can get a few of the red ones that are harder to
get near the starting area then go for the others.

  If you're stuck, make sure a trainer you use to stop the mission timer is com-
patible with v1.01 of the game if you use the patch.  You might give the Sanchez
the "Wheels of Steel" Freeway changes, X.10.e, to make it more of a mountain
goat--which works the same whether you use the patch or not.

  The Dune will be in front of the stadium except on Monday and Wednesday.  It's
a big-wheeled, bouncy vehicle like the Monster truck or BF Injection, but slow-

  Dirt Track is available at the Trophy icon at Blackfield Stadium on Mondays
and Wednesdays if C.J. has at least 50% Bike (motorcycle) skill.

  The track is the figure eight used for "8-Track," but the race is done with a

  One curious thing I noticed about it is that the game seems to reward or pun-
ish your ability to get familiar with, and drive better, on the course.  You
might see C.J.'s position in the race go down because he hit a wall without see-
ing anyone go past him, or see it go up without seeing him pass anyone.  Try to
get familiar with the course--go right after going over the overpass and left
after going under it (it's invisible from below, but it's at a divide in the
road), avoid hitting the walls, and avoid hitting competitors (easier said than
done) to spin them out or they'll spin C.J. out. 

  The gimmick of shooting the competitors wth a Minigun, which, as Rusk notes,
doesn't work on PS2, works on PC, but it's hard to get all of them because they
go by so fast.  I've had C.J. kill some and still be in 12th place, too.  I
don't know of a place to plug up a spawn place for them like for the Hotring
Racers in "Hotring" in "Vice City."  

  As with "Kickstart" you might give the Sanchez the "Wheels of Steel" Freeway
changes, X.10.e, to make it have strong road grip.  

  The BF Injection will be in front of the stadium on Monday and Wednesday, and
C.J. gets $25,000.

  VII.12  The Freight Train Mission

  Have C.J. jack a freight train, then press NP+ or 2 to start this Sub-mission.
There are two parts to it, and you can save the game after winning the 1st be-
fore doing the 2nd.  

  Each part is a run with five stops--a stop is the red shaft of light at a
train station.  Hold down W till the train goes at a speed of 44--at 45 it can
derail the train.  Let go when you're 600 distance from the stop, and hold down
S to brake when you're 350 distance from the stop.  When you're near the stop,
a speed of 10 is good to coast the last little segment with because it's easy
to stop from.

  The alternative is a short run you won't have long enough to build to a speed
of 44 with.  Get the speed up till you're 350 distance from the stop, when you
still probably won't be going as fast as you would have slowed down to at that
distance the previous way.  Brake as needed to the stop.

  You get the variety of cinematic "camera" views, and if you need to see the
red shaft of light better, you can change the view with NP4.

  C.J. gets $50,000 and free train rides.

  VII.13  The Ammu-Nation "Shooting Range Challenge"

  Have C.J. walk into the red shaft of light in the back of many of the Ammu-Na-
tions to actvate this mission.

  VII.13.a  "Pistol Challenge"
  VII.13.b  "SMG Challenge"
  VII.13.c  "Shotgun Challenge"
  VII.13.d  "AK47 Challenge"

  The four segments of this have to be done consecutively for it to add to your
100% completion of the game.  In each of the four segments, there are three
rounds and C.J. has two competitors.  C.J. has to shoot within the red circle on
each of the seven sections (head, right shoulder, etc.) of a target that looks
like a gangster, and have more successful shots than his competitors.  C.J. uses
a 9mm Pistol for the 1st segment, he uses a Micro-SMG for the 2nd, a Shotgun for
the 3rd, and an AK-47 for the 4th.   

  In the 1st round, a target drops down close by.  When the pieces are shot from
it, another drops farther back; when it's shot apart, a 3rd target drops farther

  In the 2nd round, a target drops down at the far end of the range and moves
forward to stop nearby.  When the pieces are shot from it, a 2nd does the same,
then a 3rd.

  In between targets meant for C.J., have him shoot the competitor's targets.

  In the 3rd round, one target goes side to side for all three competitors to
shoot at.  When the pieces of it are shot away, a 2nd target does that, then a
3rd.  The scores of all three competitors are shown on the screen.  The 1st to
get 20 points wins.

  The 3rd round for the Shotgun segment is the hardest.  C.J. has to more ac-
tively aim for a spot just ahead of each circle and shoot when it comes into his

  This is easier than "Rifle Range" in "Vice City," but it's a little glitchy
like that was, too.  I poured a bunch of shots into a head segment that didn't
get shot away a few times.

  If the weapon skill for each weapon used for this weren't maximized before,
they will be when you succeed.

  VII.14  Las Venturas Gym

  C.J.'s Stamina and Muscle should be past the buff stage, so have him beat the
trainer to get kick boxing moves.

   - Running attack: while running, lock onto the target with the RMB and press
F or Enter.  C.J. holds up his left arm and punches the side of the target's
head with his right fist.

  - Ground attack (right kick a standing opponent; stomp on a downed opponent):
lock onto the opponent with the RMB and press F or Enter.  C.J. kicks the downed
target between the legs.  (As before, use the LMB to have C.J. stomp om them.)

  - Combo attack: lock onto the opponent with the RMB and press F or Enter re-
peatedly.  C.J. pulls the target's head down with both hands and kicks it with
his knee.

  Also, hold the RMB and press Spacebar for C.J. to block with his left forearm,
which he can also do while trotting or running.

  These are the same names for moves, and instructions for controls, used at the
San Fierro gym, but the moves C.J. makes for them now is different.

  (You might like to try the Joypad option to see what this looks like with tar-
geting, which sacrifices mouse steering but keeps C.J. locked onto a target even
while they run.)

  V.15  Beat the Cock     Not needed for 100% completion

  The 2nd of two triathlons--swimming, bicycling, and running--is available on
Saturdays and Sundays.  This one is from the beach at Fishers Lagoon to the
Strip in Las Venturas, and is longer than the 1st one.  Before the race, besides
having C.J.'s various health and bicycle skills maximized, make sure he has a
meal and enough Fat so that he won't lose Muscle during the race.  

  It's mainly bicycling and a test of the endurance of the finger you use to tap
quickly and repeatedly to make C.J. go faster (you may want to have a backup
finger trained).  The reward is $20,000.  Like your high score for videogames,
your result for this isn't recorded in your Stats. 

  VII.16  Some non-mission vehicle locations

  Trains    Yellow Bell Station, S of the "P" of "PRICKLE PINE," and Linden Sta-
              tion, S of where it says it on the map (see map).

  Sandking  by the Big Ear.

  PCJ 600   by the save place at Verdant Meadows Aircraft Graveyard.

  Sanchez   by the Las Barrancas save house, and by the "Q" of "HUNTER QUARRY."

  Mountain Bike  by the path W and across the street from the El Quebrados hos-
                   pital, near the NE corner of the biggest rectangular block of
                   Fort Carson, and SW and across the street from "CREEK."  

  Quadbike       by the dot at the end of the segment of the path that goes SW
                   from Las Barrancas.

  Hotdog   at the W side of the top of the Sherman Dam, the SE side of Las Pay-
             asdas, at the end of the dead end road S of "REGULAR TOM," and on
             the block S of the martini glass symbol that's E of the No Fly

  Sweeper  W of "SPINY BED."

  Plow              by the curve before the dead end of the path S of the 3rd
                      "R" of "TIERRA ROBADA."

  Trailer           two by a Linerunner in the rectangle at the end of a little
                      dead end road E of the S part of the No Fly Zone.

  Oil tank trailer  N of the T intersection at the E end of El Quebrados.

  Beat up Glendale  two in the round shape of "INN" of the "LI'L PROBE INN."

  Beat up Sadler    near the path S of the "O" of "TIERRA ROBADA."

  Skimmer      at the S coast of Arco Del Oeste, at the coast S of the "OC" of
                 "VALLE OCULTADO," and by the top of the "T" of "TIERRA ROBADA."

  Sea Sparrow  S of the E side of the Sherman Dam, and at the pier N of the 3rd
                 and 4th airplane symbols from the left at Verdant Meadow Air-
                 craft Graveyard.

  Beagle       sometimes appears sticking partly into a house on the N side of
                 the block N of "AR" of "FORT CARSON."

  Cropduster   by the dot that's both W and across the street from the S end of
                 the block N of Greenglass College and is N of the "E" of
                 "HUNTER QUARRY."

  Leviathon    by the top of the "L" of "LAS VENTURAS." 

  At the W side of Los Venturas Airport, there are Dodos N and S with a couple
of Shamals N of center.

  AT 400       in a big hanger indicated by the rectangle at the S end of the
                 Los Venturas Airport tarmac.

  Maverick     on a helipad N of the last "A" of "Bayside Marina," and on the
                 roof at the "ME" of "THE EMERALD ISLE." 

  Jetmax            at the pier S of Rockshore West. 

  Impounded vehicles  at the W side of the block E of the NE corner of the block
                        with "THE EMERALD ISLE."  I found the Hunter a couple
                        levels down in this one.


  Boat School (VII.6) success makes these vehicles available at the school: the
Marquis for all bronze awards, the Squallo III for all silver awards, and the
Jetmax for all gold awards.

  Bike school (VII.9) success makes these vehicles available at the school: a
Freeway for all bronze awards, a FCR 900 for all silver awards, and an NRG 500
for all gold awards.

  Pilot School (VIII.6) success makes these flying vehicles available: a Sea
Sparrow N of the last "A" of "BAYSIDE MARINA," a Skimmer S of the E end of the
Sherman Dam, and a Cargobob by the "U" of "KACC MILITARY FUELS."

  Ranger    have C.J. date Barbara to 50% success.

  Dumper    at Hunter Quarry after success with the Hunter Quarry Asset Missions

  Vortex  after "Cut Throat Business (final Los Santos missions): on the strip
            of beach NE of "BAYSIDE MARINA." 

  Kart    after "Cut Throat Business (final Los Santos missions): at the SW cor-
            ner of the big square block of El Quebrados, N of the Redsands West
            save house, and E of "THE STARFISH CASINO." 

  Thanks to the SAM, San Andreas Map, for some of the locations and times of ap-
pearances of the vehicles given above:

  VII.17  Make a copy of your save game


  VIII. The Desert and Las Venturas

        The Desert

    The Toreno missions

  VIII.1  "Monster"           ?

  Have C.J. go to the "?" icon to answer the invitation made by the person with
the electric voice disguiser at the end of VI.41.  When C.J. gets there, "?"--
again with an electric voice disguiser, this time over a loudspeaker--tells C.J.
he wants him to drive the Monster truck to test his driving ability.  Another
man tells C.J. the truck has a GPS (global positioning system) in the cab, to 
get to each set of map co-ordinates as quick as he can, and he has to beat a
time of six and a half minutes--and the truck has four wheel steering instead of
a handbrake.  

  Use S--Reverse--to brake.  The Monster truck is bouncy enough to make driving
hazardous as it is, but the terrain is rugged, and sharp turning will make it
more likely to tip over.  So I think I pressed Spacebar, for four wheel turning,
twice during the run through 35 shafts of red light.  I'll have to try it again
sometime to play with the four wheel steering to see what it's like.

  As Rusk notes, the man makes a different statement depending on how good C.J.

  C.J. gets $4,000.
  ? calls: get to the ranch--he'll explain everything.

  VIII.2  "Highjack"          ?

  "?" is Mike Toreno.  At 1st, C.J. is worried about what Toreno will do to him
for trying to kill Toreno for being a big-time drug dealer who was ruining Grove
Street.  But Toreno explains that he's really a government agent who was working
undercover.  Besides the insider's knowledge about Sweet, he seems to have
checked out C.J.'s dealings as well, and wants to see if C.J. can help by doing
things for him.  C.J. seems to go along on the hope that Toreno will help Sweet
if he does.

  Toreno uses the voice disguiser to call Cesar to meet C.J., telling C.J. to
tell Cesar nothing about Toreno.  C.J. is to get Cesar to help him steal a truck
(with goods Toreno needs).

  Have C.J. drive the PCJ 600, with Cesar on the back, N to get on the Garver
Bridge.  When he catches up to the truck, moving S at the other end of the
bridge, he has until the truck gets to the Foster Valley exit sign--just a bit S
of where the paper map says "FOSTER VALLEY"--to drive Cesar by the cab long
enough for Cesar to overpower the driver and take control of the truck.

  Cesar helps you do it with the promptings he gives C.J. to speed up, etc.
Once it's done, have C.J. drive the truck to the Xoomer garage in Doherty.

  C.J. gets $7,000.

  VIII.3  "Interdiction"      Mike Toreno

  C.J. is impressed with what Toreno knows about Sweet's exact location and
about Tenpenny and Pulaski killing Pendelbury for threatening to expose them.
And Toreno seems to be using his control over Sweet's situation to keep Sweet

  As Toreno instructs, have C.J. drive the BF Injection to a cabin, where C.J.
can take the Sanchez, Bandito, or Quad--I picked the Sanchez--and a Rocket
Launcher with 40 rockets.  Then have C.J. go a bit N to a path to take to the
end, and go right over a wooden path and to the red shaft of light on top of a
rock arch.  In a cut scene, C.J. sets off a flare for a cargo helicopter.  

  C.J. has to shoot down the five black helicopters that come by, no more than
two at a time, to attack the cargo helicopter.  If C.J. destroys one of them, it
destroys the men that rappel from them, too, but a rocket to the ground can take
care of them if they reach the ground and before they get too close.  Otherwise,
C.J. can use his other weapons on them.  Try to have C.J. shoot the helicopters
when they pause and face him for another approach, and have C.J. get way from
where they land and explode.  Afterward, you can have C.J. use the Health icon
and get another round of Rocket Launcher ammo to end up with a healthy-sized
batch of it.

  The cargo helicopter drops a package off in a valley N of Verdant Meadows.
Have C.J. get the package and fly the nearby Sea Sparrow--not over the No Fly
Zone--to a shed in Las Brujas.  Toreno, through another speaker, says he'll al-
ways be watching and listening.

  (The paper map and Toreno call the place "Las Brujas."  It looks like the pro-
gramming that makes the name of the place C.J. enters appear on the screen, or
the name of the place appear where you run the curser over on the in-game map,
got it moved to the SE too much.)

  C.J. gets $1,000.

  VIII.4  "Verdant Meadows"   Mike Toreno

  Toreno  makes some big deal flaky conspiracy claims.  But he also promises
that his men will protect Sweet, with Toreno motivated to have it done as a way
to get C.J. to do things for him.  And right now, he needs C.J. to buy property
(Verdant Meadows).  He says to offer a dollar and kill them if they refuse the
deal.  (Have C.J. pay $80,000 for it.)

  VIII.5  Buy Verdant Meadows Aircraft Graveyard  $80,000   opens next mission

  The 1st floor room of the Abandoned RC Tower at Verdant Meadows is a save

  The 1st time C.J. goes into the red shaft of light in the 2nd floor room in
the back, he gets another message from Mike Toreno.  He says Verdant Meadows is
their base of operations, and C.J. has to prove he can fly in ten tests to con-
tinue working for Sweet's freedom.

  Jethro calls: there's illegal street racing in San Fierro.  Four black and
white checkered race flag icons appear around San Andreas for races I'll cover


    The Airstrip missions

  VIII.6  "Learning to Fly"  (Verdant Meadows Flight School)

  As with the previous vehicle schools, send C.J. into the red shaft of light by
the TV to take tests.  If he scores 70% or better on a test, it makes another
one available.  He needs to get at least 70% for all of them for 100% completion
of the game.  It also makes CJ. a licensed pilot with access to the airports, if
he wasn't one before.  The aircraft that was locked in them before is unlocked.

  VIII.6.a   "Takeoff"
  Go forward (W), raise the landing gear (2), fly up to a red loop (Down), down
to one (Up), then up to one (Down).

  VIII.6.b   "Land Plane"
  Lower the landing gear (2), go down (Up) through a red loop, fly just over the
runway toward (till 70' from?) a red loop, then land (release W, press S as
needed to slow down and A and D as needed to level the wings, press Up) and
coast to stop (S) in the middle of the red shaft of light and in the direction
of the runway.

  VIII.6.c   "Circle Airstrip"
  Raise the landing gear (2), then use Up, Down, A, and D to go through red
loops.  Sometimes I went through a few without changing height, but otherwise I
alternated between Up and Down to keep from going too high or low.  Pressing Up
while turning makes a turn sharper.

  VIII.6.d   "Circle Airstrip and Land"
  The last two combined.  For the landing, you might do practice runs by lower-
ing the landing gear before you go through the last red loop.  Since lowering
the landing gear slows the plane down, get the way to land down, then hazard
lowering the landing gear and touching down later till you lower the gear while
dropping close to the runway and brake no sooner than you have to in order to
stop in the red shaft of light.  Try to make the plane coast to a low swoop over
the runway, using S as needed to slow it down, and taking care to land with as
little a bounce as possible.  When I got gold for this, I just had to use a
touch of Up to point the nose level after a little bounce.
  In making the approach to the runway, align the plane with the runway with the
wings level as best you can, try to fly toward the red shaft of light, and stop
in the middle of it.

  This was the hard one for me of the Flight School missions, and mainly due to
the difficulty in getting the plane to land without a bounce that throws it off
course.  The "San Andreas" vehicles seem to be bouncier (they might have a high-
er center of gravity--I'm not sure) than the "Vice City" ones.  I'm still won-
dering if I dislike the difference, generally, but not for this mission--I know
I don't like it for this.

  You could also get a 100% save game file and practice flying and landing the
same plane, the Rustler, which always appears in a Verdant Meadows hanger after
getting all bronze awards, without the timer running.

  You could also get X.13.c  The GTA SA Control Center, freeze the mission tim-
er, and make any vehicle C.J. is in "Everything-Proof."

  Get 1:20 or less without damage for gold.

  VIII.6.e   "Helicopter Takeoff"
  Raise (W), turn 180 degrees (Q or E), and go forward (presses of Up) at about
45 degrees to go through the red loop.

  VIII.6.f   "Land Helicopter"
  Go forward (W and presses of Up), release up (W) and go forward, braking with
Left Shift before the red shaft of light--it moves a bit while it stops, and
land with S in the middle of the red shaft of light in the direction of the run-

  VIII.6.g   "Destroy Targets"
  The Hunter machine gun (NP0), as in the PC "VC" Vigilante mission, has auto-
aim and the rockets (LMB) don't.  Go forward and use the machine gun to shoot
three still trucks, turn, fly over the lot to shoot two moving cars, turn, and
fly across the lot to land in the middle of the red shaft of light.

  VIII.6.h   "Loop-the-Loop"
  You might use V to pick the 1st person view; I've done this with and without
it.  At the 1st red loop, press Down to do a loop de loop and go through the 2nd
red loop.

  VIII.6.i   "Barrel Roll"
  Go through the red loop, barrel roll the Stunt Plane left (A/Left), then go
through the 2nd red loop.  I made most of a barrel roll with A then used the
other controls to get the plane to fly into the 2nd loop.

  VIII.6.j   "Parachute onto Target"

  Down/S slow descent
  Up/W   fast forward descent
  A or D Twirl

  S/Down  Slows descent and sends C.J. forward with his legs bent up
  Left/A   Left
  Right/D  Right

  Have C.J. go forward falling fast at the target, shown as a blip of light be-
fore he gets through the clouds.  At about 23 sec. (?), open the chute (LMB),
then lift his legs (S/Down) as needed to hit the center of the bull's eye tar-
get--35 points.  C.J. can hit the bull's eye and not get gold, which means he
needs to get to the target faster.

  About the "23 sec. (?)": when I got gold for this, I didn't pay attention to
the time.  You're going to fuss over how much to use Up--make C.J. go more for-
ward and fall slower--to go for the bull's eye a little different each time, and
to compensate for whatever time you have him open the chute.

  This one, fortunately, didn't seem hard for me as it seems to be for some.  I
haven't tried it, but I've read that turning off the frame limiter has helped
some people get a smaller time for this somehow.  If you need to freeze the mis-
sion timer, leave your frame limiter on and get  X.13.c  The GTA SA Control Cen-

  For all bronze awards, C.J. gets the Rustler.
  For all silver awards, he gets the Stuntplane.
  For all gold awards, he gets the Hunter.

  At Verdant Meadows, an airplane icon appears which corresponds to the red
shaft of light in front of the Rustler.  Having C.J. get into the light acti-
vates the "N.O.E." mission I'll cover later.  

  Wu Zi calls to invite C.J. to see a business proposition he'll love at the
Four Dragons Casino, which opens the Casino missions.  The Four Dragons Casino
is a free save place.

  The Transfender garage E of the Excalibur is open for modding cars.  It's in-
dicated on the in-game map and radar by a red wrench.  A good reference guide to
which cars can be modded and how is at:


  VIII.7  Buy the remaining save houses

  Prickle Pine             A5  garage    $50,000
  NW suburban area with a RR station (Las Venturas).

  Old Venturas Strip       A6             $6,000
  E of the N end of The Strip (Las Venturas).

  Creek                    A6            $10,000
  By the NE coast (Las Venturas).

  Whitewood Estates        A4  garage    $30,000
  NW suburban area (Las Venturas).

  Redsands West            B5  garage     $30,000
  N of Las Venturas Airport (Las Venturas).

  The Clown's Pocket       B6              $6,000
  Called "THE RING MASTER" on the paper map (Las Venturas).

  Pirates In Men's Pants   B5              $6,000
  Mid-W Strip area (Las Venturas).

  The Camel's Toe          B6              $6,000
  SE Strip area (Las Venturas).

  Rockshore East           C6  garage     $20,000
  By the SE coast (Las Venturas).

  VIII.8  Clothes  The Victim clothes store is open

  The gray jacket (R:20; SA:25) for $1,620, black jacket (R:10; SA:20) for $300,
and sports jacket (R:13; SA:17) for $450 have the most Sex Appeal; the gray
jacket has the most, the most Respect as well, and more of either than any tor-
so item available before.

  The gray pants and black pants each have R:8 and SA:10, and each cost $800.
They each have more Sex Appeal than any legs item available before.

  The snake skin boots (R:5; SA:5), $1,000, have the highest score for shoes;
the cowboy boots have a Sex Appeal of 5, too, but a bit less Respect.  The snake
skin boots tie with the Stats of the grey boots and red boots available before.

  The gold chain (R:2; SA:2) for $550 has more Sex Appeal than the silver one,
and ties with the Stats of the gold chain and silver Cuban chain available be-

  The silver gnocchi watch (R:2; SA:2), $3,000, ties with the Stats of the Zip
gold, Zip blue, and face black watches available before.

  The black shades, $500, and green tint shades, $400, have the same Stats (R:2;
SA:2) and tie with the Stats of the black shades and brown shades available be-

  Among the hats, the red beret and black beret, each $900, are the only ones
with Sex Appeal (R:1; SA: 3) and have more Sex Appeal than the hats available

  Again, putting on a new hat, or something for the torso or legs, can get rid
of whatever wanted rating.


  For all the races, C.J. gets $10,000 for 1st place or, in the case of the
VIII.12  Las Venturas Race Tournaments (Aircraft), completing the course.

  In all cases, use any shortcuts you can find early in the route.  Once you get
the lead, you can just drive fast and careful and it's not so hectic.  Don't be
so pressed for speed you forget your usual good driving lessons.  As you learn
the route, see where you can ease up on acceleration for a curve without making
a skidding turn.  Ease up on acceleration to go around things instead of hitting
them if possible: hitting things slows you down and may spin you out, and and
the game may send competitors past you at such moments.  It may seem slower, but
it's the best you can do, and sometimes winning with this unpredictable traffic
programming is just luck.  

  If you don't like failing and repeating the route, look at it this way: you're
learning the route, and I've read the game adjusts to make it easier if the
player is having a hard time with something (it must be subtle).  If you're
really stuck, there's always X.10.b,  which explains how to change your vehicle
in datahandling.cfg, and X.13.c  The GTA SA Control Center, which works with
either the patched or unpatched version of the game, lets you freeze the mission
timer, make any vehicle C.J. is in "Everything-Proof," etc.    

  VIII.9  Los Santos Race Tournaments

  VIII.9.a       "Lowrider Race"  Blade

  You did this before at IV.11  "High Stakes, Low-Rider," so you don't have to
do it again, but you can try to beat your old time if you want to.  The Blade
spins out easily, so try not to hit things or speed into turns, and use S in-
stead of Spacebar to brake for turns.

  VIII.9.b       "Little Loop"  NRG 500

  This NRG 500 wheelies like an untamed bronco, so go easy on initial accelera-
tion or when about to fly over a hill, and press Up if needed, to keep the front
wheel down.

  VIII.9.c       "Backroad Wanderer"  FCR-900 or BF-400

  Neither bike is a PCJ 600, but at least they don't wheelie like the last one.
The route, over the hilly area NW of downtown Los Santos, has lots of curves and
hills.  It's street racing, so get familiar with where the traffic tends to show
up and drive everywhere else--as much as that's possible.

  VIII.9.d       "City Circuit"  FCR-900

  The route is a rectangle over NE Los Santos.  Make sure you know how to use
the Mulholland Intersection in the NW part of it to go W then S--a quick right
then left at forks.

  Take a shortcut over the left lane of a long left curve in the highway going E
early in the route.

  VIII.9.e       "Vinewood"  Sunrise

  The route goes around W Los Santos, including some of the roads of "Backroad
Wanderer" in the N part.

   The Sunrise is just a sedan, not a sports car, so nobodies expecting you to
get performance out of it that it doesn't have.  Remember "The Driver" in "Vice
City"?--maybe it's not that bad.  But it's not easy; use all the driving lessons
you've learned.

  VIII.9.f       "Freeway"  Super GT

  This route goes from mid-W Los Santos to the E--slow down for the curve in
front of the brown building at Commerce, then continues E, makes a loop back W
to turn N at the pretzel-looking intersection then W at the Mulholland Intersec-
tion, then goes over the arc of NW Los Santos before cutting back down and
around to the starting place.

  You race in a race car for this and the next one.  Still, ease up on accelera-
tion, or use S instead of Spacebar to brake, for curves since you'll be going so
fast.  Try the gimmick of passing the others early in the left lane again.

  VIII.9.g       "Into the Country"  Bullet

  The route is a great big fast rectangle over the E half of Los Santos and Red

  Release acceleration going to corners to minimize sliding, which you can do a
bit faster, that's all, with the Bullet.  The Bullet mainly helps in getting
that early lead, but you have to keep it, so stay careful.

  VIII.9.h       "Badlands A"  Sabre

  You did this before at VI.14  "Wu Zi Mu," racing from S of Montgomery to the
Panopticon, so you don't have to do it again, but you can try to beat your old
time if you want to see how you like it with something slipperier.

  VIII.9.i       "Badlands B"  ZR-350

   You did this before at IV.11  "High Stakes, Low-Rider," going from the Panop-
ticon to S of Montgomery, so you don't have to do it again, but you can try to
beat your old time if you want to.  The ZR-350 is a muscular lunkhead like the
Sabre for a Sabre-buyer that came into more money: it's slippery for one of the
faster cars.

  VIII.10  San Fierro Race Tournaments

  VIII.10.a         "Dirtbike Danger"  Sanchez

  This route takes the dirt path from SE Flint County to Angel Pine, N to Shady
Cabin, then E to where the path meets the road S of "BACK" of "BACK OF BEYOND."

  VIII.10.b         "Bandito County"  Bandito

  The route is the dirt path from Angel Pine, through "SHADY CREEKS," through
several intersections to go N around the N side of the pond of "BACK O' BEYOND,
and to the E coast.

  This GTA has bouncier land vehicles, and the Bandito, like a BF Injection or
Monster, is one of the bounciest.  Of those, it's the best at turning upright
after a flip, but take it easy to minimize spin outs that will slow you down.

  VIII.10.c         "Go-Go Carting"  Kart

  The route is a loop of roads and alleys S of the "SAN" of "SAN FIERRO."

  "Rene Descartes was a drunken fart: 'I drink, therefore I am'" ("The Bruces
Song," Monty Python)--no, no, no.  It's not a rainy day cart.  Try not to hit
things while using a light tiny steering radius.

  VIII.10.d         "San Fierro Fastlane"  Alpha

  The route is a loop around N San Fierro.

  The Alpha is just a sedan, not a sports car, so nobody's expecting you to get
performance out of...just see "VINEWOOD" above.  Use all the driving lessons
you've learned.  It's kind of fun when you win with this regular sedan by flying
over the San Fierro hills.

  VIII.10.e         "San Fierro Hills"  Phoenix

  Brake with S instead of Spacebar.  The Phoenix isn't seen in the game much, so
you might fail an effort in order to save it in a garage.  It doesn't have the
best road grip of the sports cars, but the initial part of this run is a long
run down the E side of San Fierro, and you might cut ahead of the pack during a

  VIII.10.f         "Country Endurance"  Bullet

  This is a long, roughly figure eight course from near Easter Bay Airport,
around the top of the silhoutte of the woman of the E coast of Flint County, SE
through the hairpin turns to the road that curves over "FLINT" of "FLINT COUN-
TY," N over the bottom of the silhoutte... on the E coast, and W over the hair-
pin turns by "FOSTER VALLEY" to the starting point.

  The Bullet is one of the best cars you'll get to do one of these races with,
but just take your driving habits up a notch--you can still lose all the regular

  VIII.11  Las Venturas Race Tournaments (Cars)

  VIII.11.a         "San Fierro to Las Venturas"  Banshee

  This is a pretty long run from NE San Fierro, N over the Gant Bridge, S over
the W coast of Tierra Robada and E along the S coast of Bone County, to SW Las

  The Banshee is fast but doesn't have the best sports car road grip.  Drive on
the right shoulder of the road a lot.

  VIII.11.b         "Dam Rider"  NGR-500

  The route is a loop around the water that goes S from the W end of the Sherman
Dam to just S of the "O" of "BONE COUNTY," then N by the E coast of the water
and W over the Sherman Dam.

  As before with the NRG 500, be careful not to wheelie out of control.

  VIII.11.c         "Desert Tricks"  FCR-900

  The route goes N offroad from the E end of the Sherman Dam to the road above
"LAS BRUJAS," N to Valle Ocultado, W over the bridge, S through the "O" of
"TIERRA ROBADA," and to the W end of the Sherman Dam.

  This route has more twists and turns then some--use any shortcut you can get
away with.

  VIII.11.d         "Las Venturas Ringroad"  Turismo

  You get one of the best cars in the game to make a big fast rectangle around
Los Venturas going to and from the Blackfield Intersection.  As the BradyGames
Guide recommends, use the right shoulder of the road a lot.

  The Turismo is one of the best cars in the game, so you might fail an effort
in order to save it in a garage.

  VIII.12  Las Venturas Race Tournaments (Aircraft)

  These missions are like "Checkpoint Chopper" in "Vice City": there's no timer
or competitors to beat--you just need to make it to the end for 100% completion
of the game.

  The BradyGames Guide notes that a plane can sometimes take a couple little
fires from damage before blowing up, and a plane doesn't fly as good when it's

  VIII.12.a         "World War Aces"  Hustler

  Put the wheels down (2) to take it slow and learn the route, and put them up
if you feel you can do it faster.

  VIII.12.b         "Barnstorming"  Stuntplane

  The Stuntplane is short and nimble (try a triple barrel roll) and doesn't have
retractable wheels, so use a light touch.

  VIII.12.c         "Military Service"  Hydra

  You have to go by the edge of the No Fly Zone a couple of times, but, like all
flying vehicles with retractable landing gear, it flies slower with the gear
down, and the Hydra flies slower still when you put it in helicopter mode (NP2;
NP8 for jet mode).

  VIII.12.d         "Chopper Checkpoint"  Maverick

  As described when I used a Maverick for collecting some of the Horsehoes, the
"San Andreas" Maverick is even easier to control than the "Vice City" one, which
wasn't very hard to control.

  VIII.12.e         "Whirly Bird Waypoint"  News Chopper (little Maverick)

  This Maverick is a little smaller so more sensitive to movement instructions.

  VIII.12.f         "Heli Hell"  Hunter

  The Hunter is a big helicopter so relatively sluggish about movement instruc-
tions.  Change the view by moving the Mouse, and use the Left Shift to stop hor-
izontal movement.  Fortunately, it's not fragile; there are only a couple of
places where it banged into walls between buildings for me, but the Hunter
didn't even smoke.

  If you're not thrilled with "Circle and Land" in Flight School and want a
Hunter, you'll like the tip by Rusk reader Anders Paulson: store this Hunter in
a large hanger at Verdant Meadows.  You'll be disqualified for one attempt--as
the kids say, meh.


    The Airstrip missions continued

  VIII.13  "N.O.E."

  N.O.E. means "Nap Of the Earth": to try to fly as close to the ground as pos-
sible.  "Nap" comes from the nap of a rug, table cloth, etc.--contoured to the
surface it rests on.

  Have C.J. go to Verdant Meadows and step into the red shaft of light in front
of the Rustler--at the airplane icon--to start each of these last several Air-
strip missions.  The Rustler is the WWII Fighting Tigers-looking plane with a
machine gun.

  Mike Toreno needs C.J. to fly equipment to his men or they'll be killed.  He
can't fly it to them himself because he's being watched--the ones watching him
won't go after C.J. because they're watching Toreno.

  A bar on the screen indicates if C.J. is flying to high and can be detected by
radar; Mike Toreno prompts him about it over the radio, too.  C.J. has to fly
through a red loop over Angel Pine, which triggers the release of the package,
and get back.

  I won't argue against the popular choices for the easiest ways.  Have C.J. go,
over water as much as possible, SW past then over the E side of Easter Bay Air-
port, S past the E or W side of Mt. Chiliad, go through the loop, and fly back.

  It's easier to keep the plane under the radar with the wheels down, but you
have a timer to beat, so you might raise the wheels (2) going over the water S
and later N past the W side of Mt. Chiliad.  Land anywhere on the landing strip
to end the mission.

  C.J. gets $15,000.

  VIII.14  "Stowaway"

  If you have C.J. jump from the plane as soon as he can, you get an alternative
cut scene of C.J. landing on a car, breaking the doors off.
  (Thanks again to Mxyzptlk and co.)

   An opposing group of secret government agents has come to Toreno's ranch to
steal boxes and load them into a plane.  Toreno tells C.J. to kill them.

  Press Up repeatedly, without letting C.J. stand up, to make his bike faster.
Have him speed behind the plane, to the left of the trail of boxes being thrown
out the back of the plane, and, when he's to the side of the ramp that drags
along the ground from the opening, turn right and drive into the plane.

  Have C.J. clobber everone inside with a melee weapon, get the Parachute, throw
a Remote Explosive (supplied in the weapon slot, so I had to build up my Molotov
collection again later), jump out of the back of the plane, and pull the rip
cord.  The plane blows up as C.J. falls from so high it looks like sky below at
1st.  If you're sending him back to Verdant Meadows, don't have him go over the
No Fly Zone.

  C.J. gets $20,000.
  Catalina calls to call him tiny and bald.  (We're having none of her fffilth--
no sir.)

  Have C.J. get more Molotovs.

  VIII.15  "Black Project"

  The Truth wants C.J. to steal the Black Project from Area 69 for him.

  Thermal Goggles are supplied to make it easier for C.J. to see and shoot the
soldiers patrolling the grounds and stationed in the towers, but they made it
harder for me to see so I didn't use them.  You can have C.J. avoid the search-
lights and shoot a couple of them out without triggering the alarm.  You can
have C.J. use stealth and a Silenced 9mm or Sniper Rifle and crouch/walk up be-
hind each soldier--the soldiers and the direction they're facing is indicated on
the radar--and shoot them and get into the building before the timer runs out.

  Or you can do it like me and just have C.J. go around using a Sniper Rifle and
an M4 on all of them, using some crouching and side rolls now and then.  A Rock-
et Launcher rocket to the middle of a tower takes out the guard stationed on it,
and the soldiers don't seem any harder to shoot than usual, even with the alarm
sounded and C.J. standing right in the middle of a searchlight.  There's Armor
by the entrance.

  Then C.J. is supposed to get into a red shaft of light at the control tower--a
low rectangular little building--which briefly opens the big doors at the bottom
of a slope.  If he doesn't make it, have him shoot the grating off the top off a
little rectangular air vent and jump in.

  Once inside the Area 51 via "Half Life"/"Black Mesa"-type place (with a Morgan
Freeman-type crowbar in a case), it's a similar situation with a couple of
floors of about a handful of soldiers apiece who don't seem to hear the alarm,
which is amazing.  There's more armor in a nearby room (note the location of the
Minigun by it in case you ever want it later, although I'd probably tend to get
that somewhere else).  Have him shoot the two scientists, too, just in case that
helps anything.

  Have C.J. shoot another scientist in a room at the end of a corridor, get the
"Vice City" "No Escape"-type pass card and take it into the red shaft of light.
Then have him go down the flights of stairs around the walls of a big pit-shaped
room, shooting the soldiers below (this is when I realized the last mission
screwed C.J. out of his Molotovs--don't make the same mistake I did), to get the
Black Project: a Jetpack.

  Have C.J. go straight up (Left Shift) through an opening in the roof.  The
game teaches you about using the 9mms or one of the Micro-SMG's so he can strafe
while flying with it, useful in the next mission, but you can just fly him to
see The Truth for now.

  The Truth calls saying to see him in five minutes at Verdant Meadows.

  The Desert Eagle is at Ammu-Nation  $1,200

  The Thermal Goggles are available at Zero's RC Shop, in a control tower in the
S part of Area 69, and at the N side of the base of the Big Ear.  Once you have
C.J. take them from a spot and save the game, they don't reappear, so I have him
try them without saving the game.

  VIII.16  "Green Goo"

  The Truth wants C.J. to use the Jetpack to fly to a train, kill the soldiers
on it, and steal whatever they least want him to take.  

  Have C.J. fly NE and he'll approach the freight train around the Yellow Bell
RR station.  Have him fly from behind or alongside the freight cars shooting the
soldiers and the three crates, which each have an inverted green cone pointing
down at it.  Have C.J. get the tube of green goo from the 3rd (it's always the
3rd) destroyed crate and fly it back to The Truth, who thinks acquiring it will
be momentous for all mankind for reasons he doesn't explain.  

  (It looks like something used to send rolled up messages by suction tubes at
newspaper offices.  Having seen it, I'm pretty sure he feels the world will be
collectively appreciative if he has a lava lamp, maybe in some philosophical
sense of "the world" meaning the world as he experiences it, and...and...I

  C.J. gets $20,000.

  The airstrip will make $10,000 a day and max.

  The Jetpack is available by the door of the abandoned AC tower save place at
Verdant Meadows, and a hanger is available to save aircraft in.  (You can save a
"Heli Hell" Hunter in it as explained before, or try for "King of San Andreas"
as your title in the Stats section by repeatedly blowing up aircraft in it.)

  There's armor in a fuselage at the middle airplane icon of the N row of air-
plane icons on the radar and maps.

    The Casino missions

  VIII.17  "Fender Ketchup"         The Four Dragons Casino

  Have C.J. walk into the red shaft of light, represented by a yellow serpent
dragon symbol, at the back of the inside of the Four Dragons Casino to start
this mission.  

  (Note: at the SE side of the inside of it, there was a heavy breathing sound
made like I once heard as C.J. went into a door of the Attrium in Los Santos.
In one section in the casino, C.J.'s white icon turned blue as he went into
shadow and I heard it again.  I heard it for a bit in the mansion of "Madd
Dogg's Rhymes," too.  It indicates that C.J. hears his own breath better while
using stealth.)

  Wu Zi tells C.J. his effort to start a Triad-run casino is being attacked by
any of three Mafia families, all of whom are involved in Caligula's Casino and
represented by a whacked-out lawyer (Ken Rosenberg).  Wu Zi offers C.J. part of
the profits of his place if C.J. will help him out--C.J. accepts.

  When one of Wu Zi's assisstants tells them one of the men who tried to smash
their deliveries was apprehended, C.J. tells him to tie the miscreant to the
front of a car and C.J. will try to get him to tell who he works for.

  Have C.J. drive back and forth fast and making turning skids (Spacebar) on the
left side of a patch of road.  If he drives on the highway, or even over a
bridge that goes over the highway, he'll get three wanted stars, and the police
won't stop banging into the car until the miscreant complains that his legs are
on fire and the car blows up.  Don't smash the front of the car hard into some-
thing because you could kill him.

  When the Scare-O-Meter is full, C.J. learns that the ne'er-do-well works for
the Sindacco family.  Have C.J. take him back to the casino garage.

  C.J. gets  $5,000.

  The red "$" icon at the Four Dragons means you can now have C.J. gamble there.
See XI.e  Gambling.

  VIII.18  "Explosive Situation"    The Four Dragons Casino

  C.J. and Wu Zi agree to pull a heist on Caligula's Casino.  When C.J. suggests
explosives, Wu Zi recommends an open cast mine (Hunter Quarry) nearby as a place
to find some.

  Send C.J. on the Sanchez supplied to Hunter Quarry, where C.J. has 2 1/2 min-
utes to break open the four crates of dynamite.

  Send C.J. to the center of the construction area, at the bottom of Hunter
Quarry, to use the Sniper Rifle on the guy at the dynamite plunger on the gray
stage to make the timer disappear.  (Thanks to a Gamespot Hints web page.)

  I had C.J. snipe him, the guy next to him, and some others around the place
before having him get into the Dumper, one of the best of the big burly bruiser
vehicles of the game, to run over the crates, including one on a Forklift, and
various workers in the area.  Then have C.J. go to each of the four bundles of
dynamite to collect it.

  Two security trucks block the entrance and armed guards take a few stations,
so C.J. has to find another way out.  Have C.J. drive the Sanchez up a series of
ramps, making a few jumps, following a succession of red shafts of light.  I al-
so had him snipe some guards in the distance and blow up the trucks from afar
with the Rocket Launcher.  I didn't see what would happen if C.J. tried to drive
out the regular entrance because the game seemed to need C.J. to use the red
lights, but it might be worth a try to find out.

  Have C.J. deliver the dynamite to Wu Zi's assistant.

  C.J. gets $7,000.

  The Heist (green "$" icon, obcured by the yellow serpent dragon icon till C.J.
goes into the Four Dragons casino, and not to be confused with the red "$" icon)
and Hunter Quarry (yellow-orange dump truck icon) missions are available.


  VIII.19  Hunter Quarry Asset Missions

  Have C.J. go to the red shaft of light indicated by the yellow-orange dump
truck icon to start each of these missions.

  The paths from the bottom of the quarry to the top are around the yellow

  Since the Dozer uses the rear wheels to steer, you might want to use Ben "Cer-
bera" Millard's Flagstudio to change that (see "...miscellaneous jazz" under

  VIII.19.a  Mission 1

  C.J. has 3 1/2 minutes to use a Dozer to push each of seven rocks from a ledge
and down to the area of a lower level indicated by a red shaft of light.  The
game counts it if one falls near the red shaft of light.   

  C.J. gets $500.

  VIII.19.b  Mission 2

  C.J. uses the Dozer to each of four explosive barrels into a red shaft of
light.  After each, have C.J. move away before it explodes.  If a barrel falls
to a lower level before you can move it to the light, you're given another spot
to move it to.  C.J. starts with 1 1/2 min/ on the timer and another 1 1/2 min.
is added with each success.

  The 1st barrel is behind the office just outside the entrance.  Drive the Doz-
er over a cliff to a lower ledge when convenient since it flips upright after-

  C.J. gets $1,000.

  VIII.19.c  Mission 3

  C.J. has eight min. to destroy the Dumper of escaping thieves, and he has to
stay in another Dumper while he does it.  Have him P.I.T. maneuver (as taught in
Driving School) and drive-by, or just drive-by, the other Dumper, and get away
fast before it blows up.  I'd have him run from his own truck, too, since the
Dumper blows up easily.

  C.J. gets $2,000.

  VIII.19.d  Mission 4

  C.J. has four min. for this mission.  Have him drive the Sanchez NW around the
outside of the quarry to the red shaft of light at the N entrance and get into
the Dumper nearby.  It has three dead police officers (the BradyGames guide says
they're the three thieves of the last mission) in the back but no gate.

  Have him drive back to the E entrance and down the path to the bottom level.
The bodies are prone to slide around once the truck enters the quarry; this
seems more due to jarring them than the effect of gravity since the little up-
hill path at the end doesn't move them if you go over it gently, and I've seen
one slide out after a bump while going downhill.

  Have C.J. back the truck to the fire at the red shaft of light and dump the
bodies in it.  Use NP2 to raise the dumper; you need to add a bit of S to keep
the truck from going forward away from the fire, too, for some reason.    

  C.J. gets $3,000.

  VIII.19.e  Mission 5

  C.J. has three minutes to drive a Dumper with explosive barrels to the red
shaft of light, at the W end of the landing strip at Verdant Meadows, and dump
them there.  He has to travel gently--if he bumps the truck, it might blow up.

  Go N to the road, go left, go right at the interection, then take the 1st left
and the 1st right to go N on the road W of the No Fly Zone.  At the N curve, go
N offroad between the rock formations and turn right and you'll see the shaft of
light on the runway.  Cross the road (at an angle to avoid getting hit by traf-
fic if necessary), go to the light, and dump (NP2) the bodies in it.  

  C.J. gets $5,000.

  VIII.19.f  Mission 6

  C.J. has three min. to drive the Dozer N and clear the explosive barrels from
the train tracks.

  Have C.J. slow down going into the little gully of the RR track so the Dozer
doesn't get turned in the wrong direction.  Drive S to N on the right track (the
one the train will use).  After shoveling a few barrels along, they start to
throw off the steering of the Dozer, so shovel them aside and get another batch.

  C.J. gets $7,500.

  VIII.19.g  Mission 7

  C.J. has eight min. for this mission.  Have C.J. drive the Sanchez straight to
the bottom of the quarry, get in the Dozer, and use it to shovel the dead police
officer and HPV 1000 into the red shaft of light.  Have him enter the crane and
use it to put the HPV 1000 and (magnetic?) policeman into the back of the Dump-

  Then have him drive the Dumper, gently so as not to jar the truck, to the red
shaft of light at the entrance, to the red shaft of light across the street at
the edge of the water, then back up to that red shaft of light and dump (NP2)
the officer and bike into the water.

  If you do this more than once, which is likely, prepare by positioning the
magnet of the crane over the area you shovel the officer and the bike to.

  Hunter Quarry crane controls

  F or Enter   In the red shaft of light near the crane, Enter the crane;
               Exit the crane
  W or Up      Move the magnet farther away
  S or Down    Move the magnet closer
  A or Left    Move the magnet left
  D or Right   Move the magnet right
  Left Shift
  (remapped)   Lower the magnet
  Spacebar     Raise the magnet

  LMB          Deactivate or activate the magnet

 (V doesn't work to change the "camera" view of the magnet)    

  C.J. gets $10,000.

  Hunter Quarry makes $2,000 a day and max.


    The Casino missions continued

  VIII.20  "You've Had Your Chips"  The Four Dragons Casino

  Have C.J. walk into the red shaft of light at the yellow serpent dragon icon
to start this mission.

  Wu Zi is upset when he learns that counterfeit casino chips have been appear-
ing at his casino, and thinks they're being created by the Sindacco family's
nearby plastics factory.

  When you send C.J. into the lot of the factory, a cut scene shows two men run
from a car to alert the men in the factory.  C.J. walks inside, and the men draw
their weapons.

  Have C.J. run back out, turn, and use the Sniper Rifle on about six of them.
Have him go inside and snipe a few more.  Then have him throw a Remote Explosive
on each of the casino chip machines then blow them up.  Have him shoot another
attacker or two that drives through the door, then drive back to the casino to
tell one of Wu Zi's assistants they'll have no more trouble with counterfeit

  C.J. gets Respect and $10,000.

  VIII.21  "Don Peyote"             The Four Dragons Casino   

  Kent Paul, voice acted by Danny Dyer, makes a welcome return from "Vice City,"
hoping, against his better judgement, to revive Maccer's music career.  Since
"Vice City," Danny has starred in a number of movies, including playing Dave in
"Wasp," 2003, which won the Academy Award for Best Short, and "The Other Half,"

  Maccer, who seems better prepared to enter a rehab than lead people from the
stage, is voice acted by Shaun Ryder, who formed and sang/rapped the lead vocals
for the group Happy Mondays.  They were especially popular in England from the
mid-1980's through the 1990's.  According to the 2004 TV documentary "Shaun Ry-
der: The Ecstasy and the Agony," Shaun has had some problems which Maccer seems
to be a comedic send-up of, but Shaun seems to be handling it better.

  macca: Similar to "seed," one who is humourous, but in a disturbingly pervert-
ed way.

  PS: while that may apply to this specific Maccer, I better point out that in
the UK it's just an everyday nickname in Great Britain for someone whose whose
surname is either Scottish or Irish and begins with "Mc" or "Mac."  Thanks to 
the friendly e-mail from Kristan McGuiness, whose nickname used to be "Maccer."
She says the character is from Salford, which is bordering onto Manchester,
which are both areas with big Irish & Scottish heritage.  "Glen" and "True" are
both Scoth-Irish, but I didn't know that. 

  Lawyer Ken Rosenberg, voice acted by William Fitchner, also makes a welcome
return from "Vice City."  Since then, Bill also played Jake flanagan in "Crash,"
2004, etc.  And, with Tom Sizemore, he was in "Black Hawk Down," 2001, which I
think is why the Raindance helicopter is modeled after a UH-60 Black Hawk.

  The Truth calls.  He had a peyote party last night with a British band and
their manager and misplaced them.  He'd like C.J. to help find them, and to
start looking in Arco del Oeste.

  Have C.J. get a four-door vehicle and go to Kent Paul and Maccer on top of the
big rock formation.  (I think I saw them sitting on a hillside before having
C.J. drive into the red shaft of light.)  They're having considerable morning
after problems.  

  Maccer says he's a raspberry--a cripple; rhyming slang for "raspberry ripple."

  Paul asks C.J. to take them to a friend, Rosie, who has a casino in Las Ven-
turas.  But it comes up that the rest of the band is at a snake farm nearby, so
go there 1st, stopping on the way for Kent to get out and throw up and Maccer to
get out to take a p**.  Maccer says it looks like Salford (a University city,
that looks nothing like it, by Manchester, U.K.).  The farm people want to shoot
them because they blame the band for the spread of venereal disease there, so
either have C.J. shoot them there or after speeding Kent and Maccer to Caligu-

  "Rosie" is lawyer Ken Rosenberg, who moans about threatening Mafia hanging
over his head, and Kent wants to talk with him about it.

  Outside, C.J. calls Wu Zi: he thinks he's found a way (through Ken) to find
out what's going on at Caligula's.  Paul calls: Ken's in trouble and thinks C.J.
is the man to fix it, and wants C.J. to see him.

  C.J. gets Respect.

  There's a die--half a pair of dice--symbol at Caligula's.
  The Combat Shotgun, $1,000, is at Ammu-Nations.

  VIII.22  "Intensive Care"         Caligula's Palace

  Ken tells C.J. he lost everything to cocaine use, etc., went to rehab, then
represented Liberty City mobs again.  The mobs don't trust each other, so had
Ken represent them as a neutral party at the casino.  They're fighting and Ken
fears he'll be killed.  Johnny Sindacco, the one C.J. scared in "Fender Ketch-
up," is in a coma in a nearby hospital, and Ken thinks the Forelli's will try to
kill him.  If anyone gets killed on Ken' turf, Ken will be killed next.  C.J.
says he'll move Johnny somewhere else.

  Outside, C.J. realizes Johnny better not recognize him as the one who scared
him.  At the hospital, he learns that Johnny has just been moved.

  Have C.J. take the Patriot from the parking lot and figure out which of the
three Ambulances driving through the neighborhood has Johnny in it by ramming
into each a bit to see the reaction.  If the 1st one isn't it, it sends a warn-
ing to the Mafia.  Have C.J. ram and drive-by the one the game tells you is the
right one enough to damage it and cause the two Mafia men to come out.  You
might have C.J. shoot them before taking the Ambulance; I just had C.J. take it.
Have C.J. drive the Ambulance to the red shaft of light at the meat factory; if
he doesn't shoot the Mafia guys, their car rams the Ambulance a bit on the way

  C.J. gets Respect and $5,000.

  (Note--an odd thing about Caligula's Palace: from the outside, the entrance is
on the W side of the building.  From the inside, the exit is on the N side of
the building.  This is most noticeable if you look at the radar and have C.J. go
into and out of the place.  It's probably just a programming mistake.) 

  VIII.23  "Misappropriation"       C.R.A.S.H.

  Tenpenny punches C.J. in the stomach and orders him to kill the DEA, who has a
dossier on Tenpenny, kill the FBI agents that are meeting him on Aldea Malvada,
and get the dossier.

  Send C.J. up the N side of the rock formation, snipe the DEA, and run to get
it before the four FBI Agents do.  (As an option, you can have C.J. kill the FBI
agents and ride back in the Maverick.)

  If the guy flies away in a helicopter, have C.J. chase it in the other heli-
copter there--don't have C.J. destroy the DEA's helicopter or it destroys the
dossier.  The DEA lands on the helipad on the roof of the Emerald Isle and ei-
ther runs downstairs or parachutes from the roof.  Have C.J. chase after him,
kill him, and get the dossier.

  C.J. doesn't even get Respect for keeping the evidence on Tenpenny from coming
to light.  On one hand, C.J. sees Tenpenny as being able to free Sweet if C.J.
appeases Tenpenny, on the other, C.J. could try to free Sweet by having Tenpen-
ny's credibility ruined since Sweet is in jail on Tenpenny's word.  I guess C.J.
is worried that Tenpenny could have Sweet killed. 

  VIII.24  "The Meat Business"      Caligula's Palace

  Kent gets Ken whacked out on crack again, so when C.J. says Ken needs to show
the Mafia who's boss, Ken gets megalomaniacal and leads C.J. to a (half-hearted)
showdown with the Mafia at the meat butchering place--the Abattoir.

  Send C.J. to the Abattoir with Ken.  When Johnny S. sees C.J. and dies of a
heart attack, the Mafia attacks.  Have C.J. shoot them, doing side somersaults
between shots, with his M4 as he goes through the freezer room and room with
piles of boxes beside it.  Ken gets into a freezer and a bar on screen repre-
sents how much time he has left to survive in it, but you get more than enough
time.  When C.J. runs for the exit, Ken follows him.

  Then have C.J. take Ken back to Caligula's (I still had the Maverick from the
last mission for that).

  C.J. gets Respect and $8,000.

  VIII.25  "Fish in a Barrel"       The Four Dragons Casino

  In a cut scene, C.J. and Ran Fa Li sign to be partners with Wu Zi, who attends
with Su Xi, in The Four Dragons casino.

  C.J. gets a call from Ken.  Ken sounds frazzled: after Johnny S. died, Salva-
tore Leone is taking control of Caligula's, and Ken expects war.

  VIII.26  "Madd Dogg"              Madd Dogg

  Madd Dogg: that creative and thoughtful Ice T, aka Tracy Morrow, recorded the
title song for Dennis Hopper's movie "Colors," 1988, and starred as Scotty Ap-
pleton in "New Jack City," 1991.  He's been credited with inventing gangsta rap,
and has also recorded a number of hip hop albums, including "The Iceberg/Freedom
of Speech...Just Watch What You Say," 1989, "O.G.: Original Gangster," 1991, and
"Home Invasion," 1994.  (That's very likely why one of the Ryder missions is
called "Home Invasion.")  He also plays Det. Odafin “Fin” Tutuola (with partner
John Munch--Richard Belzer) in the NBC TV series "Law and Order: SVU."

  Send C.J. to the "D" icon at Royale Casino.

  Madd Dogg wants to jump from the roof of the casino because things are going
so bad since OG Loc stole (had C.J. steal) his rhyme book.  C.J. tries to talk
him out of it and tells him he'll be his new manager.

  Have C.J. drive the nearby Walton pickup truck, which has cardboard boxes in
the bed, to the red shaft of light below Madd Dogg.  You get an overhead view to
use to keep sending the truck back and forth--don't turn--so it stays below Madd
Dogg and catches him when he jumps.

  A bar onscreen shows Madd Dogg's health, so have C.J. carefully drive Madd
Dogg to the Ivory Towers Drive-Thru Mental Clinic.  Madd Dogg tells C.J. he'll
look him up to be his manager when he gets out.

  C.J. gets Respect.

  VIII.27  "Freefall"               Caligula's Palace

  Salvatore has Kent and Maccer hanging from their ankles and Ken worried.
Maria (later seen in the events of "III") is a servant that brings Salvatore a
sandwich, and he comes on to her.  C.J. introduces himself to Salvatore as Ken's
friend that worked with Sal's son Joey in Liberty City, and as a killer.  Sal
wants C.J. to kill a quartet of men the Forelli's are flying to town to kill

  Send C.J.'s Dodo N toward the oncoming jet, a Shamal, which has a red loop
hovering over it, to fly through the loop.  I had better luck having the Dodo
fly high then use the radar to turn it down at the jet as if to hit it, then
try to adjust the path of the Dodo to put it into the loop.  I don't know if
flying the Dodo high makes such a difference, but when I flew it low to be under
the cloud cover, the jet was always ahead of the Dodo, and the Dodo could never
gain on it.

  In a cut scene, C.J. jumps down to the jet and climbs inside.

  Using the 1st person view from the back of the private jet, and using some
side to side movement for defense, have C.J. shoot the four killers.  Then have
him shoot the pilot and fly the Shamal to Las Venturas Airport.

  C.J. gets respect and $15,000.

  Tenpenny calls: C.J. says he got the dossier.  Tenpenny tells C.J. to meet him
at a ghost town--Las Brujas.

  VIII.28  "High Noon"              C.R.A.S.H.

  You might use a Shamal from Las Venturas Airport to have C.J. fly to Las
Brujas and parachute to the meeting place Tenpenny gave him. 

  (As Rusk says, if you want to try it with a Hunter or Sea Sparrow, leave it
between the windmill and downtown Las Brujas so the helicopter doesn't disappear
after the cut scene.)

  In a cut scene, C.J. gives the dossier to Tenpenny.  Tenpenny hits Hernandez
in the back of the head and the chest with a shovel, accusing him of selling out
Tenpenny, then has C.J. dig a hole with it.  Tenpenny leaves Pulaski to watch
over C.J..  Pulaski has C.J. stop when it's big enough for two, and won't listen
to C.J., who tries to explain that you can't trust someone like Tenpenny.  Her-
nandez tries to attack Pulaski, but Pulaski shoots him and Hernandez falls into
the hole.  C.J. grabs the gun and Pulaski runs to his white Buffalo sedan to get

  You can have C.J. try to snipe one of the tires of the white Buffalo before he
chases after it in a Bandito.  Have C.J. try the P.I.T. maneuver to spin Pulaski
out, and have C.J. do drive-bies on the Buffalo.  If you try too hard to speed
the bouncy Bandito at the Buffalo, you could make the Bandito spin out enough to
fall too far behind the Buffalo and fail the mission.  Pulaski eventally gets
himself in enough of a snag--in my case, at the side of someone's house--to give
C.J. the time to get out and destroy the Buffalo (I had C.J. use the Rocket
Launcher to make sure fast) before Pulaski kills C.J. with his Desert Eagle.

  In a cut scene, Pulaski is mean to the end, and C.J. ends him.

  You can take the white Buffalo, which is healed up somehow, as a trophy.

  C.J. gets Respect.
  Ken calls: he's afraid that Salvatore could kill him at any moment.  C.J.
tells him to hang in there--he hasn't forgotten about Ken and the others.

  VIII.29  "Saint Mark's Bistro"    Caligula's Palace

  Salvatore Leone is voice acted by that talented Frank Vincent.  Since "Grand
Theft Auto: III," 2001, he's played Frank Bianco in the movie "A Tale of Two
Pizzas," 2003, and will appear this year as Anthony Angelino with fellow "GTA
III" alumni Michael Madsen (Toni Cipriani), Christian Slater, William Hurt, and
Frankie Valli in "A License to Steal."  On TV, he's appeared as Phil Leotardo in
a dozen 2004 episodes of "The Sopranos."

  Salvatore gets chummier with Maria.  He throws a knife which sticks in a board
that Maccer is tied to like the accomplice in a carnival knife thrower act, and 
the knife lands between Maccer's legs.  There's no blood, but Maccer exaggerates
and says Salvatore hit him with it.

  Salvatore tells C.J. to do a hit in Saint Mark's Bistro in Liberty City to
show the Forelli's revenge for sending men to kill him.  C.J. talks him into
letting Ken, Kent, and Maccer go with him, but, once outside, sends them away
for their safety and so the heist at Caligula's can go on wihout endangering

  Have C.J. take a Shamal from the airport and fly toward the indication on the
radar of Liberty City, which is then shown in a cut scene of C.J. being dropped
off by a taxi at the bistro.

  Have C.J. shoot the people in the room, the dining room below--including a guy
with a Shotgun behind the bar, in the kitchen below, and just outside.  I had
C.J. use a couple of Rocket Launcher shells and crouch and roll with the M4
otherwise.  Molotovs could help there, too.

  C.J. gets Respect and $20,000.

  Salvatore calls: he's happy with C.J.'s work and wants him to keep his dis-
tance till things cool down.  (If you already had C.J. do the Heist missions,
Salvatore is angry.)

  Sweet calls: he's in dispair and doesn't hope to get out of jail.

  Wu Zi calls: he wants to know if they're still going to do a heist on Caligu-
la's.  C.J. says Ken and the others are gone and Salvatore is friendly with him,
so the heist is on.


  VIII.30  Clothes          Didier Sachs is open in Rodeo, Los Santos

  To get C.J. the torso items with the highest Stats available, get him the
tweed jacket (R:25; SA:25)  for $5,500 or the yellow jacket (R:25; SA:25) for
$6,000; the red, blue, and tuxedo jackets all have SA:25, too, but a bit less
Respect.  They all have as much Sex Appeal as the gray jacket available before,
and all but the tuxedo jacket have more Respect than the gray jacket.

   Likewise, the tweed pants for $3,000 and yellow pants for $4,000 (R:10;
SA:10) score the highest for any pants available.  The red, blue, and tuxedo
pants all have SA:10, too, but a bit less Respect.  All of them have as much Sex
Appeal as the gray pants and black pants available before, and all of them have
more Respect than those two.

   Black shoes for $2,500 and spats for $350 score high for shoes (R:5; SA:5),
and brown shoes have 5 for Sex Appeal but a bit less Respect.  The black shoes
and spats tie with the Stats of the snake skin shoes, gray boots, and red boots
available before.

  The cross chain (R:2; SA:2), $5,000, and the dollar chain (R:2; SA:2) tie with
the Stats of either gold chain and the silver Cuban chain available before.

  The gold Crowex watch (R:3; SA:3), $8,000, and the silver Crowex watch (R:3;
SA:3) score higher in either Stat category than any other watches available.

  The black rim shades (R:2; SA:2), $800, tie with the Stats of either pair of
black shades or the green tint shades available before.  (The Didier Sachs black
shades have a bit less Respect.)

  Among the hats, the red derby has the most Sex Appeal (R:2; SA:3) for $600.
The others all have a Sex Appeal of 2, with the black derby having the least
Respect among them (R:1; SA: 2).  For a hat with a Sex Appeal of 3, the red der-
by has more Respect than any other hat available.

  Again, putting on a new hat, or something for the torso or legs, can get rid
of whatever wanted rating.


  The Heist Missions

  (When C.J. enters the City Planning department in Las Venturas for one of the
Casino Heist missions, you can see that one of the blueprints is for Starkweath-
er's Mansion, one of the last levels in Rockstar's videogame "Manhunt," 2003.
It also features a model for a building that, when seen from above, looks like
the Rockstar logo.  Thanks to Mxyzptlk.)

  VIII.31  "Architectural Espionage"          The Heist

  Send C.J. to the green "$" icon at The Four Dragons Casino.

  Wu Zi says they need a blueprint of Caligula's before trying to pull a heist
there.  C.J. says he'll get it.

  Send C.J. to the planning department building (the mid-E side of the block N
of the "A" of "COME-A-LOT").  Don't have him draw a weapon or the security guard
will tell him to put it away.  Have C.J. answer the receptionist with "Y," "N," 
and "Y" to be allowed to go upstairs to the blueprints.  

  Send C.J. through the door that's behind him to his left, then to the room at
the top of the stairs.  He has to divert the attention of the guards, so send
him down a floor, through a door, then through the door of the Document Deposi-
tory to his right.  Have him destroy the air conditioner (I had him use a cane).
It's good if C.J.'s fireproof because the air conditioner will burst into

  The fire alarm triggers an evacuation of the building, so have C.J. run up-
stairs, photograph the blueprint of Caligula's Casino (a Rockstar city model and
a blueprint of Starkweather's mansion from the Rockstar game "Manhunt" are in
other cubicles), and kill a guard per floor on his way downstairs.  He has two
wanted stars which turn to four once he goes back out the front door.

  Have C.J. drive S to the garage at the S side of The Four Dragos Casino.  C.J.
gives one of Wu Zi's assistants the Camera.

  C.J. gets Respect.

  VIII.32  "Key to Her Heart"                 The Heist

  C.J. and Wu Zi go over the blueprint for Caligula's.  C.J. needs a swipe card
for a door there.  Send C.J. to Caligula's and have him use a distance of few
car lengths to follow the lady croupier that leaves it.  When she enters a sex
shop, send him in.  She seems to like S and M sex, so have him get the Gimp suit
from a booth in the back, then go outside and continue following her as before,
and "park up" (a U.K. saying, I guess) across the street from her house.

  Have C.J. cross the street and kill the guy (the shirtless pinhead with bad
teeth you might have seen in Red County before) taking a double-headed purple
d**do to her house, take the d**do, and go to her house.  (At this point, my
fresh installation of the game, using the v1.01 patch, froze as it did if I had
C.J. say "yes" to hot coffee on a date.  Neither the "read me" file for the
patch nor the mod--which I hadn't installed this time--prepared me for this, and
I wanted to get going with the rest of the game to write this, so I reinstalled
the game without the patch.)  The "camera" then wafts around as if the cameraman
is intoxicated to be hanging around outside while two others have sex inside,
and you hear muffled versions of some of the things C.J. and Millie say, so the
patch prompters can feel the game sends the right signal--to be a stalker--to
our impressionable, pure youth (all five of them).

  Have C.J. wear the Gimp suit (sorry) to dates with Millie from 12:00 to 22:00.
If you use the unpatched game, have him say "yes" to coffee, and if you have the
patched version (and don't get a game freeze), have him say "no."  (see X.9.a if
you use the Hot Coffee mod.)  With the unpatched version, at least, he should
have his success rate with Millie above 1/3rd after two or three dates.  Once 
his success rate is that high, he'll get a call from Millie saying she's not
home, and C.J. can go into her house for the swipe card.

  C.J. gets Respect (and a little sympathy, I'd think).

  Millie (and the Gimp suit) is available for dates--see XI.b  Girlfriends.

  VIII.33  "Dam and Blast"                    The Heist

  C.J. can't believe the number of people who've found their way into the secret
heist meetings.  He leaves Wu Zi in charge and goes to cut off the power source
for Las Venturas.

  Have C.J. go to Las Venturas Airport and fly the Nevada to the red loop, which
is high over the Sherman Dam area, and Parachute down to the quay--the W low
bank--of the dam.

  C.J. has no weapons.  Have him take the knife for stealth kills on the two
guards outside, then go into the red shaft of light, which puts him inside.  A
cut scene indicates the quay has been locked and the police are on their way.
Have C.J. use more stealth kills on the men inside, and go to each of the five
generators and plant a remote explosive (F or Enter).

  Have C.J. go into the red shaft of light.  A cut scene shows C.J. learn, on 
top of the dam, that the hatch to go below has been locked, and escape being
trapped by making a high dive into the water at the base of the dam.

  C.J. gets Respect and his weapons are returned.

  VIII.34  "Cop Wheels"                       The Heist

  At another "secret" meeting, now with a packed room, for the heist, C.J. says
they need to move the money with an armored car disguised as one of Caligula's
regular ones, and steal police motorcycles to escort it.  Outside, he tells Su
Xi to keep driving a Packer, the ramp truck, on the Thru Way.

  C.J. has to get the four police motorcycles, indicated by the radar, onto the
ramp truck, which travels clockwise on the Thru Ways at the outskirts of Las
Venturas, in twelve minutes.  I've read different preferences for the order to
do this in, but I had him get one from the Linden RR station, the hospital at
the N end of the airport, the police station in NE Las Venturas, then from the
VROCK Hotel in NE Las Venturas.  After each of the 1st three deliveries, have
C.J. get the nearest vehicle behind the Packer and go after another motorcycle.
It's hectic because he does it through a two star wanted level, you probably
won't want to take the time to get rid of it.

  C.J. gets Respect.

  VIII.35  "Up, Up, and Away!"                The Heist

  This mission is available from 22:00 to 6:00.

  At another meeting for the heist, Zero suggests they steal an armored car with
a helicopter used to lift heavy loads; Su Xi says they call them "sky cranes."
C.J. is the only one who could pilot one, so he's elected to do it by default.

  The Leviathon that's needed has a magnet attached to a cable below it, and
it's at KACC Military Fuels in the NE corner of Las Venturas.  I read that C.J.
can sneak into the base when the gate is opened for a Patriot to leave, but I
didn't get him there in time.  Although you need a military vehicle to have the
gate opened for C.J., I remembered that Rusk suggested that you can use the
Jetpack from Verdant Meadows to send C.J. to the W water tower 1st.  Since the
Jetpack is closer than the nearest Patriot, and just to try something different,
I used the Jetpack to fly him to the mid-S side of the roof of the building in-
dicated on the map by the rectangle of the NE corner of the base.  Likewise,
this avoids sending C.J. through the shooting spree in the warehouse there, and
gives him a safe vantage point to make most of the shots he needs to make.  The
Jetpack has a bad habit of disappearing if C.J. leaves it to do some shooting,
and this puts him inside the fence around the base, too.

  Have C.J. snipe or use the Minigun on the couple of soldiers--one by the heli-
copter and one by the Minigun--on the roof to the S--and shoot the three sol-
diers on the stairway at the near side of the building to the S, and get on a
lower ledge of the roof to get a better view of the ones on the ground nearby--
Molotovs could be handy for that.  Once the area was cleared of attackers C.J.
could see, the Jetpack had disappeared again, so I had C.J. jump down to the
yellow crate and shoot the soldiers that had gathered at the near side of the
building C.J. was on.

  Then I had C.J. climb up to the helipad, where he had to shoot another soldier
at the other side of it.  C.J. has to shoot down two Hunters with the Minigun,
which is on a stand.  (If you're as familiar with the PC "Vice City" as I am,
you're not worried about that.)

  Have C.J. fly the Leviathon to Rockshore East in SE Las Venturas and attach
the magnet to the armored car.

  NP2 Lower
  NP8 Raise
  LMB Demagnetize the magnet

  Have C.J. raise the armored car near the helicopter and avoid obstructions
while flying the car to Verdant Meadows.  (I went N over the water then W over N
Las Venturas.)

  C.J. gets Respect.

  VIII.36  "Breaking the Bank at Caligula's"  The Heist

  Zero and Wu Zi go to the back door of Caligula's in the armored van.  

  C.J. has four minutes to get the team inside.  Send C.J., in a croupier out-
fit, though the front door.  Have him use the swipe card (F) on a door and send
two tear gas cannisters into the open air duct.

  Zero knocks out the generator so the lights go out.  You can have C.J. use the
Night Vision Goggles as instructed (scroll to it and press the LMB) if you want;
I didn't and it was just dimmer.  Have him use a 2nd swipe card to open a door.
Have C.J. get the Forklift, with a blue inverted cone pointing down at it in a
side room, and slide the fork under the big door and raise the door with the
fork (NP8).

  C.J. has seven minutes to get the money from the safe and get it into the van.
Have him go ahead of the group and shoot guards (red blips on the radar) most of
the way to the safe.  I equipped him with a Minigun; some prefer an M4.  Zero
says someone is trying to turn on the emergency generators, so have C.J. destroy
the two generators with Remote Explosives.  Have C.J. get the Armor in the safe
and shoot Mafia attackers as he leads the team to the van.

  Have C.J. follow the yellow radar blip to go up the stairs to the red shaft of
light in the casino, where he takes the elevator to the top floor of the casino.
As he goes, the lights come on again.  Have C.J. go right and up the stairs to
the roof.

  On the roof, have C.J. shoot down two police helicopters that SWAT agents can
rappel down from.  He also needs to shoot the two attackers on the other side of
the 1st roof he climbs over on his way N to the Parachute; when I did it, one of
the helicopters C.J. took down with the Minigun fell on them before C.J. got o-
ver the 1st roof.

  C.J. is supposed to Parachute to the roof of the Clown's Pocket, shoot two
police men, and fly the helicopter to Verdant Meadows.  If he doesn't land on
the roof (as he didn't when I tried it), have him jack anything handy and drive
to Verdant Meadows.  While I sent him N then E with shortcuts in a sports car,
the pursuing helicopter didn't fire at him but a police car rammed the sports
car a few times.

  Zero admits he'd told Berkley about the heist plan, and C.J. belts him.

  C.J. gets Respect and $100,000.
  The Croupier outfit is available.
  Salvatore calls: he threatens that C.J. and all his family will be murdered.

  The Night Vision Goggles are on top of the NW guard tower of the No Fly Zone
and on the path through the middle of the shopping mall E of the five big silos
of Foster Valley.

  VIII.37  Make a copy of your save game


  IX  Return to Los Santos for the final Los Santos missions

      The Mansion missions

  IX.1  "A Home in the Hills"  The Four Dragons Casino

  C.J., Kendl, and Wu Zi hold auditions for entertainment at The Four Dragons
Casino.  Thanks for the tip in an e-mail from Steve Harvey, who's certain we can
figure the audition the segment starts with is a kidding reference to Bushwick
Bill of the Geto Boys.

  He also figures the Triad calling out that he feels he's "invincible" refers
to what the Kurt Russell character says he feels like after drinking from a mag-
ic potion with some Chinese gunmen before they fight some bad guys in the 1986
movie "Big Trouble in Little China."  

  Madd Dogg comes by, but some things are nagging at him that keep him from
feeling ready to show his old form.  Notably, he says Big Poppa, drug dealer,
seized Madd Dogg's mansion while he was financing Big Poppa's organized crime
big time by having crack parties there.  C.J. doesn't belt him in the head hard-
er than he belted Zero (I don't always follow these things).  He leads a group
of Triads to the mansion while the others go to San Fierro until C.J. clears the
place out.

  Have C.J. parachute with a group of Triads to the helipad of the mansion.
Have him shoot Vagos (the BradyGames Guide says about 30 of them), who keep
coming over the two far corners of the roof, until they stop appearing and more
Triads arrive.  Again, I used the Minigun, but some prefer the M4.  Rusk recom-
mends having C.J. use an air conditioner vent on the right side for cover.  Have
C.J. get the nearby Armor and lead a few Triads down the ramp, over a walk, and
into the mansion.  (Check at the end of each straight path to see that they fol-
lowed.  They're not a huge help, but there's a lot of shooting ahead.)

  After a cut scene in which a Triad gets his head shot off, have C.J. shoot the
Triads ahead and one or two in the planter on the left.  In the hall, C.J. is
told to keep the hall clear of Vagos while the Triads kill two Vegos per room,
but you'll need to have C.J. help them do it.  Have him get the Armor from one
of the rooms at the end of the hall.  I don't think my pair of Triads ever
helped past this part.

  The sadly neglected art of Molotov stealth might help in the next part.  Have
C.J. kill several Triads from the top of the stairs, and go down to kill Triads
in everything adjoining the room: one in the hall, two in the room across from
it, and another in the kitchen--there's a Health icon there.

  Big Poppa (who looks like another Vago with a yellow head band) yells, "You
chose the wrong house to rob, fool," and runs.  Have C.J. chase him.  You proba-
bly shouldn't bother having C.J. try to shoot him in the few glances of him
you'll get during the chase on foot--I don't think he can kill him that way, and
it would just mean C.J. would stand around getting shot at by the other Vagos
more.  You could have C.J. shoot a few of them, though, as the chase goes
through a room of guests, a room with a pool, and halls, to the front door with
an inverted cone of yellow light.

  A cutscene shows Big Poppa speed off in a sports car.  Have C.J. get the pink
Windsor, not my favorite car in the game, and chase Big Poppa carefully over the
initial hills and curves.  (If the Windsor falls into one nearby valley of
grass, you might as well reload the game, because that thing will be trapped
like a bug in a sundew plant.  It doesn't have the best traction in the world.
If it's supposed to be like a Jaguar, you wouldn't think people would like one
except as a toboggan.)  Just manage to get the thing onto the Freeway, where Big
Poppa doesn't drive so fast and C.J. can drive-by him.

  C.J. gets Respect.

  Ken calls: C.J. tells him he wants him to be the accountant and Kent to be the
manager for Madd Dogg.  Ken is snorting coke and gets confused--he thinks C.J.
wants him to be the manager--but he's excited.

  Thermal Goggles are in the bar room, Night Vision Goggles are by the kitchen,
Body Armor is in a bedroom, and a Health icon--the only one in the game that
will always be available--is in the kitchen, of Madd Dogg's crib; Madd Dogg's
crib is available.  It has all four videogames, a basketball court, and a gym.

  Don't save the game at Madd Dogg's Vinewood mansion since PS2 players report
that doing so corrupts their save game and causes the basketball to not appear
at courts.  If you want to save in the area, save at the mansion nearby to the

  See "I.12  Glitches" for a download that fixes the basketball glitch.

  IX.2  "Vertical Bird"         Carl Johnson

  Mike Toreno calls C.J. through the recording equipment at a Madd Dogg record-
ing session.  He wants C.J. to meet him outside to go for a drive.  As he drives
C.J. to the coast of the Panopticon, he tells him that if he wants to see Sweet
within a week, he needs to steal a military jet from an amphibious assault ship
and use the jet to destroy a flotilla of spy ships.

  Toreno supplies C.J. with a Speedboat, a Knife, a Silenced 9mm, and some ini-
tial instructions via an earpiece.  Have C.J. sail to near the end of the side
of the aircraft carrier, then swim to the end, where he can dive underwater to
swim over the flap hanging down from the back of the ship.

  The BradyGames Guide recommends stealthing (I'm allowed to make up a word now
and then) past everybody that's possible with, and others recommend shooting the
place up.  Go for the blend you're partial to.  If you like stealth, just have
C.J. kill whenever necessary as you send him over the crates on the right,
through a door, up a flight of stairs, left through a door, down a hall, through
the door on the left, right through the cargo hold, and into the red shaft of
light of a dark little room.  A cut scene shows C.J. deactivating the SAM (sur-
face-to-air missile) site.

  Send C.J. to the other end of the cargo hold, snipe a couple of soldiers and
anyone else around, blow up a couple of Hydras, then get into the 3rd.

  The Hydra flies like a helicopter at 1st; press NP8 to make it fly like a jet,
and NP2 to make it fly like a helicopter again.  See  I.7.i  Hydra Controls.

  When C.J. flies it, another Hydra will be sent to attack it (three would have
been sent if you didn't have C.J. destroy a couple of them).  I had C.J. fly
over the water at the N edge of the map, fly high, drop chaff (LMB) to throw off
the attacker so C.J. could turn and get some distance from them, then turn down
at the attacker, target them (hold Spacebar), and fire (NP0).  I had C.J. fly
around a lot while I tried to get a handle on how to destroy three Hydras, and
none of them hit his jet with a missile.

  Once the Hydra is/three Hydras are destroyed, have C.J. use his Hydra to de-
stroy the five spy ships, Tropicanas, in the water N of the Sherman Dam.  They
don't fire back, and you can switch to helicopter mode (NP2) to make it easier.
  Toreno doesn't want anything to do with the Hydra, so have C.J. land it any-
where on the landing strip at Verdant Meadows, then put it in the red shaft of
light in a hanger.

  C.J. gets $50,000.

  The Hydra will always be available in the hanger used at the end of the mis-
sion, and on the E end of the Easter Basin aircraft carrier.

  The Minigun, Rocket Launcher, Heat-Seeking Rocket Launcher, and Flamethrower
are available in Mike Toreno's (Tierra Robada) ranch.

  If you collect Minigun ammo, this Minigun has a 500 count whereas the others
have 200.  When I have C.J. make a sweep of ammo sites for it per save game, I
have him fly with the Jetpack to the SW pillar of the Kincaid RR bridge, Tore-
no's ranch, by the elevator door on the lower floor of the parking garage on the
E side of the block of "CA" and '"ANTE" of "ROCA ESCALANTE" in NE Las Venturas,
and to the next-to-the-top level of the scaffolding over the "O" of "ROCKSHORE
EAST" in SE Las Venturas. 

  I'd also stock up on Molotovs at the Johnson house before some of the upcoming
missions make it impossible for C.J. to enter the house without going through a
red shaft of light and triggering a mission.  The Molotovs are handy for the
territory battles coming up.  

  IX.3  "Home Coming"           Carl Johnson

  Toreno visits C.J.'s recording studio with a surprise for him: a call from
Sweet, who says he's been released from jail and he's in the (Pershing) square
outside of the Commerce precinct (building).  Toreno has one last mission for
C.J.: "I just want you to go pick up your brother.  Get out of here."

  Send C.J. to pick up Sweet.  In a cut scene, Sweet talks C.J. into going back
to their neighborhood to fix it up.  Have C.J. drive Sweet to the Johnson house.
In a cut scene, a basehead tries to sell them a blender he stole from their
Mom's house.

  C.J. has to kill about five drug dealers (also shown as blips on the radar) in
the neighborhood.  A bar on the screen shows Sweet's health, so I'd try to have
C.J. out ahead of him using the Minigun, which has a very long range, to keep
Sweet out of danger.

  Then C.J. and Sweet need to kill three waves of Ballas (like C.J. did in "Do-
berman").  Try to keep Sweet near his house (have C.J. go there and press G)--
as Rusk says, the Ballas then always show up beyond the W side of the circle of
road.  The range of the Minigun fire will keep them away from Sweet.

  C.J. gets Respect.
  Catalina "accidently" calls to say she's full of love and lust.

  C.J. can now take over territories.  You might as well wait till after the
next few missions for that, since they have C.J. take over territories.

  IX.4  "Cut Throat Business"   Carl Johnson

  Madd Dogg is mad because OG Loc is on TV with a rap act that's based on Madd
Dogg's rhyme book (also using his "ho's," although I think there's probably less
of a claim he could make about the exclusive rights to ho's that would stand up
in court).  (Actually, I don't think you could claim exclusive rights to rhymes,
either, considering the age and variety of published rhyme books on sale.  I
don't always follow these things.)

  Madd Dogg and C.J. agree to go see OG Loc.  (I don't think they expect to have
to get tough since OG is kind of the whacked out, insecure Ken Rosenberg of rap
posturers and an old friend of C.J.'s.)

  They confront him by RS Haul where OG is on the set of a video with a report-
er.  Madd Dogg howls.  OG displays his credentials by enacting the role of the
gangster who's getting the hell out of there--on a Vortex hovercraft, yet--and 
C.J. and Madd Dogg each take a Vortex to keep a vigilant watch on this authentic
retreat from responsibility.  Have C.J. chase him.

  OG then shows them his versatility with a genuine act of cowardice by perform-
ing the act of being on the lam on a Kart.  Madd Dogg and C.J. go after him on
Karts.  Have C.J. chase him.

  When they catch up with him, OG Loc provides a look at the standard criminal
vocabulary of lying, but Madd Dogg clears the air with him, a producer wants to
sign Madd Dogg with C.J. as the producer, and C.J. has OG get them lunch.

  C.J. gets Respect.

  The Vortex is available on the strip of beach NE of "BAYSIDE MARINA," and on
the W end of the Easter Basin aircraft carrier. 

  The Kart is available at the SW corner of the big square block of El Quebra-
dos, N of the Redsands West save house, and E of "THE STARFISH CASINO," across
the street from the SW side of the S block of downtown Angel Pine, at the NW
area of the block of "TS" of "OCEAN FLATS" and the W side of the block E of 
that, in an alley W of "DOHERTY," in an alley by the China Town save place, and
at the top of the windy street W of "FINANCIAL."

    The Grove Street Missions

  IX.5  "Beat Down on B-Dup"      Sweet Johnson

  Sweet is with a woman who's emaciated-looking (from crack addiction).  She al-
most talks Sweet into smoking crack when C.J. breaks it up.  The normally reso-
lute Sweet uncharacteristically says he might as well ruin himself like the
neighborhood's been ruined.  The woman tells C.J. he'll have to deal with B Dup
before C.J. throws her out.  Have C.J. take Sweet to see B Dup the pusher (see

  When they get to his house, a Grove Street Family gang member who's become a
base head tells them B Dup moved to Glen Park.  Have C.J. take Sweet to the area
indicated by the icon of a person in green clothes.  Have C.J. lead an attack on
three waves of Ballas while keeping Sweet safe, then attack about eight guards
in front of B Dup's house nearby.

  In a cut scene, B Dup says he was forced to sell crack by Big Smoke, who's
gone crazy and egotistical, but only Big Smoke's lieutenants know where he is.
When B Dup tells little Big Bear to kill C.J. and Sweet, Big Bear clobbers him
and tells C.J. he wants back on the team.  Sweet happily takes him somewhere to
get the old Big Bear back again.  

  C.J. gets Respect. 

  IX.6.a  "Grove 4 Life"            Sweet Johnson

  In a cut scene, Sweet tells four of the Grove Street Gang members to love
their neighborhood like they love their friends.  C.J. wants to take a break to
take care of some other things, but Sweet persuades him not to do a half-a**ed
job--to stick to the job at hand till it's done.  C.J. is there for him.

  C.J. can round up as many as seven gang members if his Respect is high enough,
and take them and Sweet to take over two out of four Ballas territories in Idle-
wood.  Have C.J. lead the way and keep Sweet safe.

  C.J. gets Respect and half of the money Sweet took from one of the Ballas:


  IX.6.b  Territory takeover

  Some basics:

  Turf wars are fought with the Ballas (purple) and Vagos (yellow).

  The BradyGames Guide says there are 54 territories and all are in Los Santos:
E of Downtown and N of Ocean Docks, Temple, Santa Maria and Verona Beaches, and
the two blocks N of Conference.

  You need to have C.J. take over at least 35% of the territories to do "End of
the Line."

  It's easier if C.J. takes over the territories before "Riot."  After "Riot,"
most of the people in the territories C.J. needs to take over will be rioting,
which includes making unpredictable attacks, including ones on C.J., and the
traffic will be wilder than usual. 

  Once C.J. has taken over 100% of the territories, he won't be attacked by ri-
val gang members again.

  Rusk notes that a few more troublesome areas you might want to have C.J. deal
with 1st are the Jefferson Motel parking lot and a bit of road E of it, the E 
Mulholland 24/7 (near the VINEWOOD sign), and a little square that has a S side
over the road over the N end of the flood control channel NE of the Johnson

  The PS2 gimmick Rusk reports of stopping a gang takeover of one of C.J.'s ar-
eas, normally indicated as green on the radar and in-game map but flashing red
during a takeover attempt, by having C.J. get in a Submission vehicle, like a
Taxi or Cabbie, start a Submission and stop it, works for PC.  The battle disap-
pears and the area returns to being indicated as C.J.'s with green.


  There are also some wierdnesses associated with this venture:

  During a turf battle, the 2nd wave can include a gang vehicle (represented by
one big dot of the same color as the Ballas or Vagos, shown by little dots).  In
my PC version, it tends to drive by without any concern to approach the battle--
C.J. is lucky if it crosses an intersection close enough to get the vehicle with
the long range of the Minigun.

  You're supposed to have 54 (I've also read 53) territories to take over.  But
flying to the edge of the map (as with the territories glitch that can create a
hundred-something territories) for the "St. Mark's Bistro" mission can create a
couple of territories in the SE section of Bayside Marina, approx. E of a border
drawn S from the S end of the bit of beach there.  You can also get territories
in NW San Fierro in an area of the two blocks of "PARIDISO," the four blocks S 
of those two, and in a rectangle extending N from them to the area just S of
where the Gant Bridge crosses the N highway.
  Thanks to an article by koomodeee at GTA Forums:

  You might like it to be so simple as just "purple: take it over; flashing red:
battle; and green: turf taken," in big, easy to see areas.  In fact, I'm pretty
sure it should be.  In fact, I'd really rather not know that it's any more com-

  Most of the "L"-shaped block of the E Los Santos Cluckin' Bell had no coloring
over it on my map when I sent a screenshot of it to Rusk and he told me to have
C.J. take it.  I don't know why it wasn't purple; I can't remember which couple
of areas I had for which the Balla or Vago ran off and got stuck somewhere, and
the game gives C.J. so much time to leave the battle area to go after the gang-
ster and get back.  If C.J. doesn't get back in time, it says he "ran off--bad
show," or something like that.  I've read that such area can be claimed by both
the Grove Street Family and the Ballas or Vagos till C.J. takes full control of
it, and such an area is light green, pale gray green, or purple-green (which
makes gray?), depending on who you ask.  Further confusing things is that some
areas are pale green and others are mid-green when C.J. has full control of
them.  Anyway, this area didn't have any green, purple, or gray till C.J. took
full control of it, and then it was mid-green.

  A couple of vertical rectangular blocks that are E of the road that goes S
from the pretzel-looking intersection of Commerce are now green on my map after
some turf battles.

  Right now, on a save file I have with all the missions done except "End of the
Line" (so I can try different things with it), my Stats say:

  Territories taken over: 64
  Territory under control: 98.21%
  Territories held: 55
  Highest number of territories held: 59

  Before C.J. took over the couple of blocks SE of the Commerce pretzel-looking
intersection, it was 98.21%, too--shouldn't it have gotten bigger?  Maybe it's
just counting the percentage of "official" territories, so I guess I'll try
those little sliver territories again.  But the map for it has all the green
(more, even) of a 100% save file I have.  


    The Riots missions

  IX.7  "Riot"                 Carl Johnson

  C.J., Sweet, Kendl, Cesar, Madd Dogg, Kent, Maccer, and The Truth watch the TV
news at Madd Dogg's mansion.  Some of Tenpenny's charges are brought up but are
dropped due to lack of proper evidence, retracted witness statements, and the
disappearance of Pulaski (some of which Tenpenny coerced C.J. to cause).  Ten-
penny's lawyer says the charges have been dropped.

  The local neighborhoods erupt with rioting.  Have C.J. drive Sweet home.

  In a cut scene, Sweet says he's going to get the neighborhood in order and
C.J. says he's going to check out the city.

  If you have C.J. look around Los Santos, you'll see people getting into
fights, firing guns, carrying stolen TVs, smoke coming from buildings, traffic
lights flashing yellow, lights flashing instead of shining steadily, etc.

  C.J. gets Respect.

  IX.8  "Los Desperados"       Carl Johnson

  Have a four-door car by Sweet's house before starting this mission.

  Cesar wants C.J.'s help in rousting the drug sellers and bringing his neigh-
borhood under control, too, and Sweet persuades C.J. that he's indebted to
Cesar, so C.J. goes to see what he can do about it.

  Have C.J. recruit a couple of Grove Street Family gang members and drive them
and Cesar to Unity RR station.  On the way, Cesar tells C.J. to talk Sweet into
accepting that Cesar wants to marry Kendl.

  Have C.J. lead the effort to shoot all the Vagos around the apartment build-
ings, then the alley (looking for attackers to appear at either end of it), then
about ten Vagos around Cesar's house--get the one on the roof with a Rocket
Launcher 1st, then the one on the ground with a Flamethrower.

  C.J. gets Respect.

  Sweet calls: they have to hit the Ballas and Vagos hard so the Grove Street
Families reputation is greater than Big Smoke's if they're going to get someone
to tell them where he is.

  Sweet calls again: the Grove Street Families hit the Ballas and the Vagos said
you could find Big Smoke in Los Flores or East Los Santos.  C.J. agrees they
should look for him there.

  IX.9  "End of the Line"        Sweet Johnson

  Have lots of Molotovs and ammo for the Minigun and M4.  C.J. can't crouch
while using Molotovs or the Minigun.  
  Molotovs are good for C.J. to use to precede him around corners and pillars,
and can get targets on the other side of the pairs of doors that swing open when
C.J. pushes against them then close of their own accord.  C.J. can then go
through them just for a moment to draw more of the attackers toward them, then
throw another Molotov at them, then do it again to throw one through them.  (The
Molotovs can create some disturbing results, with gangsters running or shudder-
ing into walls while wailing for a while.)

  When the angle of a stairway C.J. is climbing won't allow a Molotov to reach a
target at the other end, you could have him use the stairs as a shield, and
climb in a crouch until the top of the gangster comes into view and can be shot.
I usually had C.J. go about halfway up the stairs and make a strong throw with a
Molotov.  A roomful of gangsters can be made more manageable by having C.J.
shoot an M4 through the doors from outside, too.  The shots knock the doors open
as much as you want them to, serving as a shield, otherwise, and it gives C.J.
some extra distance from his attackers bullets.

  In my walk-through of the mission, I use the word "gangster" to cover a varie-
ty of kinds of gang members in Big Smoke's place.  They include, at least, Bal-
las, Vagos, drug lab gangsters with hospital masks, Varios Los Aztecas with tur-
quoise headbands, and guys in black clothes (Mafia?). 


  Saving a SWAT tank

  One way to save a SWAT tank is to drive it down a gentle slope into water.  (I
used the pond at the W side of the airport.)  The game says it's destroyed--how
are you going to enter Big Smoke's place now? or such.  The mission is failed,
so you can use save places/garages again.  Then have C.J. run or swim against it
to slowly push it out of the water enough for the game to let him enter and
drive it, and save it in a garage.


  As Rusk notes, if you fail during the 2nd part of this mission and try it
again, you start from the beginning of the chase after Tenpenny.


  Sweet knows where Big Smoke's crack house is.  C.J. says it's time to take
down Big Smoke.

  Have C.J. drive Sweet to Big Smoke's Crack Fortress.  (If you want to see it
after the mission, it's at the N end of the W side of the block that's W of the
block with "F" of "LOS FLORAS.")

  C.J. persuades Sweet not to go in.  C.J. neglected their neighborhood before
and their brother Brian and their Mom died, and he wants to make up for it.

  The only way through the entrance, reinforced due to the riots, is to smash
through it.  Have C.J. take the nearby BMX bike and go a couple of blocks over
to the Ballas/SWAT agents shoot-out and get the SWAT tank, then break through
the entrance.

  C.J. can drive around and run over the two gangsters at the entrance and any
inside it.  Don't bother with the drug users S of that: two Los Santos hookers
and a guy on the floor.  Have C.J. go to the yellow upside-down cone of light by
the door--the yellow blip on the radar.


  - Floor 1  Security area

  Big Smoke is on the 4th floor in his penthouse suite.  C.J. has to fight past
three floors to get to him.  The game doesn't count the floor C.J. broke into
with the SWAT van--the 1st one he climbs up to is considered the 1st floor.

  A gangster is at the top of the stairs, and another is by him in the hall.  
Whenever C.J. climbs stairs in this, except when he goes up the last set of
stairs to Big Smoke's penthouse, I had him make a strong Molotov throw from
about halfway up the stairs.  When C.J. gets to the top of the stairs and turns
right, another couple of gangsters are at the end of the hall.  After getting
rid of them, have C.J. get the Armor from where one of them stood.

  Have C.J. go through the pair of doors for a moment then use Molotovs to get a
few gangsters that try to come through the doors.  In the big room past the
doors, there are, at least, three gangsters on the far balconies, and one behind
each pillar--three on the left and three on the right.  After the fight gets
going, a SWAT tank breaks through the far end of the left wall and a couple of
SWAT agents fire M4's at C.J., too.

  One way to do this is to have C.J. shoot the M4 from outside, the shots knock-
ing the doors open.  The last time I did it that way, he didn't have to go into
the room to get the targets except for two on the far end of the room.

  I'm not saying you should do all of this with Molotovs, but if C.J. didn't get
the guys on the balconies with the Minigun or M4, he can get them with Molotovs
by hitting the walls below them.

  When C.J. gets about 2/3rds toward the wall at the far side of the room, a
door on it slides up.  Before C.J. goes to the opening, he can get a couple
gangsters that are on the other side of that wall.  There's one gangster just to
the left of that opening, and three behind boxes to the left of him.  So C.J.
can throw Molotovs against the wall everywhere to the left of the opening to get
at least a couple of them, then just shoot one or two after going through the

  Once C.J. gets through that room, send him around the bend to the right and up
the stairs.  At the top of the stairs, a room to the right has a Combat Shotgun
and a Health icon.


  - Floor 2  Drug lab.  Make your way to Floor 3.

  Have C.J. crouch and go up the stairs to shoot the gangster standing at the
top of them as soon as his head comes into view, or make a strong throw with a
Molotov about halfway up.  Have him get the Armor from where the gangster stood.
Then have him throw Molotovs at the doors on the left, killing the gangster in
the little room behind them.  Then send him through that room and to another
pair of doors.  

  Behind those doors, in a big room, there are eight or ten gangsters wearing
hospital masks behind the eight pillars, four pillars per side, or behind boxes.
There's a gangster or two shooting from an upper floor window at the far end,
one at the top of the stairs to the upper balcony at the far right corner, and
one on the balcony on the right.  There are a couple of pale red explosive bar-
rels you can shoot to help take out some in the middle of the floor.  Use one of
the doors then a nearby pile of boxes as shields, and crouch and roll and shoot
if any gangsters get too close.

  One approach for that section is to have C.J. shoot as many as he can from
outside, shots going through and opening the pair of doors, with an M4.  When I
tried it, C.J. quickly took care of a couple that tried to come through the door
toward him, too.  Then he had to go inside, get behind the cardboard boxes, and
do some crouching side rolls to see to shoot a few others.  You could throw a
Molotov at each pillar to get a gangster that could be behind it.

  Afterward, as C.J. goes around the room on the balcony, two more gangsters
with M4's come through the doors below.  I had C.J. throw Molotovs at the floor
of the balcony and they went through it to them.

  Have C.J. go over the balcony toward the pair of doors, but wait for two gang-
sters to come though the doors and get close to the exploding barrel, then have
C.J. shoot the barrel.  If they don't show up, have C.J. throw a Molotov at the
pair of doors to kill the two gangsters behind it.

  Have C.J. go through the pair of doors.  There's a Health icon in a little
lab room.


  - Floor 3  Ballas lounge.  Make your way to Floor 4.

  Have C.J. crouch, go up the stairs, and shoot the head of the gangster stand-
ing at the top of the stairs as it comes into view.  C.J. can take the Armor
from where the gangster stood.  Have C.J. open the pair of doors for a moment to
throw a Molotov through them and kill a couple of gangsters behind them--the
gangsters stand where there's a print of handcuffs on the carpet of a little
room.  (Another approach is to have C.J. shoot the M4 at the pair of doors; the
blasts go across the little room and knock open the next pair of doors, too, and
C.J. can get an added target or two.) 

  Have C.J. go into the little room and throw Molotovs at the pair of doors on
the far side of it, killing a gangster.  Then have C.J. go through them for just
a moment to throw a Molotov close by--there's a gangster just past the left side
of the pair of doors and another beyond them in the middle of the room.

  Have C.J. go through the doors and get behind the bar to take care of the two
gangsters beyond the open doorway on the right.

  Send C.J. through the open doorway.  Have him throw a Molotov at the pair of
doors, quickly run through them and back to draw gangsters to it, then throw an-
other Molotov at it.  Send him through the doorway to throw a Molotov at or
shoot a gangster standing by a big statue of Big Smoke splattered with bird
cr*p.  As soon as C.J. gets past the corner, have him make a strong Molotov
throw for the far end of the hall on the right to get the gangsters at the end
of, or around the far bend of, the hall.  Then have him make a light toss of a
Molotov to get the Mafia guys that come out of the doors in the middle of the

  In the hall, there's a gangster, a stripper, and Armor past the pair of doors
on the left, and a gangster, a stripper, and a Health icon past the pair of
doors on the right.

  Have C.J. go to the end of the hall and a bit to the left to go through the
pair of doors, up the stairs, and toward the pair of doors by the "Not welcome--
Rockstar North" door mat.

  - Floor 4  Big Sweet's penthouse

  In a cutscene, Big Sweet, in blue Armor, sits playing a videogame ("They
Crawled from Uranus").  He says he doesn't give a sh** that C.J. came to see
him.  C.J. says he came to take care of Big Smoke then his friends at the police
department.  Big Smoke says he doesn't give a f**k--he's a success and can't be
touched.  He says, "I guess we better do this then," and goes for his AK-47.

  Have C.J. attack Big Smoke.  Big Smoke runs away around the room, and there's
always an assistant of his that attacks C.J. no matter how many assistants C.J.
shoots, so concentrate on having C.J. get Big Smoke.  The game tells you Big
Smoke is more vulnerable where he doesn't have Armor; a Minigun to the head
takes care of him quickly.  (You can watch the Big Smoke comet tear around the
room if you have C.J. use a Molotov.)

  If the fight goes on long enough, Big Smoke switches off the light.  C.J. can
use the Thermal Goggles that are by a lower window (although I didn't have him
use them), and continue as before.

  (When I really dragged this out, Big Smoke sometimes disappeared then showed
up somewhere else in the room.)

  In a cut scene, C.J. wants to know why Big Smoke flipped out--they were like
family.  Big Smoke says he got caught up in the money: "They'll remember my
name...Big Smoke" (probably not his given name).  Big Smoke dies with a handful
of money.  C.J. says, "What a waste."

  Tenpenny appears with a Combat Shotgun and has C.J. drop his gun.  (I once had
a boss who said, "My man" like Tenpenny; I wasn't partial to him, either.)  He
needs C.J. to do him a favor.  He knows C.J. killed Pulaski and now Big Smoke,
and asks, "Where's your brother?"  He's going to continue as before, and has two
rookies he's training already.  He has C.J. fill a suitcase with Big Smoke's
money, then prepares to shoot him.  C.J. bluffs: "Hey, Sweet!"  When Tenpenny
looks back, C.J. dives for his gun, and Tenpenny's shots at C.J. miss.

  Tenpenny shoots some machinery as he leaves, which sets the place on fire and
knocks out the lights.


  When you regain control of C.J., there's an AK-47 (Big Smoke's) and an Armor
icon in front of him.  There are two Health icons in the bathroom on the upper
level of the penthouse.

  If C.J. has the fireproof feature, the fire doesn't matter.  The lights go out
and you can have C.J. use the Night Vision Goggles supplied, but I didn't have
C.J. use them.

  C.J. has seven minutes to fight his way back down to the opening he made with
the SWAT van.  There are less attackers this time, but one or two at most every
turn.  C.J. can fire or throw Molotovs down at them in some places; just use a
tap to get them to the bottom of stairways.  A good gimmick on the balconies of
the 2nd floor, where the fire is so dense it's hard to see and a lot of gang-
sters shoot at C.J., is to have C.J. crouch and wave the M4 around while you
press the RMB to look for each green light that indicates a head is below it.
The last time I tried it, C.J. got four targets below through the screened win-
dow in the 1st room, then two more as soon as he went out on the balcony.  

  As C.J. approaches the hole he made with the SWAT van, a cut scene shows him
dive through the opening as explosions rock the building.


  Tenpenny pulls away in a Firetruck.  (It's the kind with a ladder but no water
nozzle--the kind that's on the block S of the one the Xoomer garage is on in Do-
herty, San Fierro.  It's also like the San Fierro trolley--it knocks anything
out of the way.)  Sweet grabs the end of the ladder but does nothing else as the
Firetruck speeds up.  C.J. gets into a white Feltzer convertible.

  Have C.J. chase the Firetruck.  The Feltzer in this has decent road grip, so
just release acceleration before turns and you'll only need to use S for them a
little.  When one of Tenpenny's rookies stomps on Sweet's fingers, a bar on-
screen shows the time left for Sweet's failing grip.  Have C.J. drive up behind
the Firetruck so Sweet can drop to the hood of C.J.'s car and climb into a front

  C.J. has Sweet take control of the wheel: "It's payback time."  Have C.J. fire
at the two rookies on the Firetruck, pursuing police cars, and gangsters who
chase and attack from motorcycles and Tornados (vaguely like '57 Chevy sedans).

  In a cut scene, the Firetruck goes out of control, breaks through the middle
of the E wall of the bridge W of the Johnson house, and crashes to the street
below.  As Tenpenny crawls dying from the truck, he calls out for help.  But
he's half-talking to himself for "a**holes" to come help the "officer down" who
could have turned this town around if there were more like him.  (It might be a
better case if he wasn't just a criminal in a cop uniform himself.)

  Sweet stops C.J. from shooting Tenpenny, who's a few breaths from death, any-
way.  Sweet says people will just figure Tenpenny "killed himself in traffic."
Kendl, Cesar, and the Truth join C.J. and Sweet.  The Truth says C.J. "Beat the
system," but Kendl says she's just glad it's over.  The Johnsons all agree Big
Smoke was selfish.  C.J. nudges Tenpenny with his foot to make sure he's dead:
"See you around."  (He leaves off Tenpenny's "like a donut" part.)

   Inside, the Johnsons and Cesar talk about how the neighborhood has to be kept
in good condition now that the worst is over.  Kent, Ken, Maccer, and Madd Dogg
join them so Madd Dogg can give them the good news about "our 1st gold record."
While everybody is excited about their plans of things to come, and Madd Dogg
wants to tour and Kendl would like to roll dice with Wu Zi in Las Venturas, C.J.
says he's "Fittin' to hit the block, see what's happening."

  C.J. gets Respect and $250,000.

  100% completion

  The Hydra appears on Sweet's house (E of the Johnson house) and the Rhino ap-
pears under the overpass W of the Johnson house.  C.J. has infinite ammo for all
of his weapons, any Stats not maximized are maximized, cars can take twice the
previous amount of damage, and he gets $1,000,000.

  C.J. has the dual Micro-SMGs he used in the chase after Tenpenny.  The riots
are over.

  Catalina calls to put on an act that Claude is slaying her in bed.  C.J. says
she's sick and needs help.  She insists that he's (wants to make him) jealous.

  Big Smoke's place will stay open if you want to look around inside.  I think
that big blue platform in his penthouse is meant to be a performing stage.  (You
can break the wall of the bridge the Firetruck fell from, or break the hole in
the billboard that gets broken near the end of "Reuniting the Families," before
they get broken during missions.)

  IX.10   Make a copy of your save game


  Modding section

  X  Basic skins, modding (use at your own risk),
          music, and screen shot tutorial.

  X.1  Compressed File Utility

  If you need a compressed file utility to make downloads with, you can get pick
from a variety of free or shareware versions, or buy one, at the PC World web
site.  As of this writing, these utilities (including Power Archiver, the one I
have) can be found at:,fid,7205,00.asp

  After you download files for mods, you extract them from it.

  An easy way to extract more than one file is to hold down Ctrl while you high-
light all the files, then extract them all at once.

  X.2  Web sites for skins and mods
  GTA Action (use "Translate this page" for a babelfish-like translation)

  X.3  Mods

  This section has some tentative parts as the modding for "San Andreas" is
still undergoing development.

  X.4  Un-check the green dot 1st

  As always, except for adding to the User Tracks or Skins folders, when you
change a file in the game, you need to make it writable and not "read only" 1st.
Go to:

  My ComputerC:Program FilesRockstar GamesGrand Theft Auto San Andreas

  Right-click it, click "Properties," and click the little green dot so it dis-

  Click "Apply" and a little menu will ask if you want that to apply to all
files and subfolders--click "OK" and it will disappear, then click "OK" on the
1st one and it will disappear.

  X.5  Make backups

  Make backup copies of the original files you plan to change.  Save them in a
folder in My Documents in case something goes wrong or you change your mind lat-
er.  That way, if you need to change the file to what it was originally, you
won't have to reinstall the game.  For a copy of the original file and a version
of the type of file you can access and read with Notepad, I'd use My Documents
to both copy and paste a copy of the file and save it as a text file.

  X.6  Tools:

  Note: check to see if the tool is compatible with v1.01 of the game if you use
the patch for it.

  The IMG Tool v.2

  You can use the IMG Tool v.2 by Spooky to replace the dff and txd files of the
modelsgta3.img file of "III," "Vice City," and "San Andreas" with those of


  Turnipfan has an IMG tool that was featured in the pages of PC Gamer, and
which Ben Millard helped with:

  The TXD Workshop

  You can use the TXD Workshop by Delphi, with the IMG Tool, to view and change
the txd files of the modelsgta3.img file of "San Andreas."

  The Rescaler and Flag Studio

  You can use Ben "Cerbera" Millard's Rescaler to calculate how to adjust the
suspension of vehicles in the datahandling.cfg file of "III," "Vice City," and
"San Andreas."

  You can use his Flag Studio to calculate how to change the flags of the vehi-
cles in the datahandling.cfg file of "III," "Vice City," and "San Andreas."


  You might try his CFGStudio, too, which organizes the datahandling.cfg file
in a way that makes it a lot easier to work with.

  The GTA: San Andreas GXT Editor

  You can use the GTA: San Andreas GXT Editor by Hammer83 to change the vehicle
name that appears in the lower right corner of the screen when C.J. enters a ve-
hicle in "San Andreas."

  X.7   Installing most car, bike, or pedestrian mods

  Un-check the green dot (X.5).

  Most car, bike, and pedestrian mods are dff and txd files.  You don't need to
start a new game after you replace them as you do after changing the main.scm
file.  I'll use the example of changing the dff and txd files of a car to serve
for whatever dff and txd file replacement.

  - Open the IMG Tool, click "File," "Open," and find "gta3.img" via:

  "My Computer," "Local Disk (C:)," "Program Files," "Rockstar Games," "Grand
Theft Auto San Andreas," "models," and "gta3.img."

  - Select "gta3.img" and click "Open," and the window fills with all the file
names in it.

  - Scroll through the names to "(name of car you want to replace).dff," click
on it to select it, and click "Commands" then "Extract."  Extract it to a place
where you can save a backup copy if you change your mind, or anything should go
wrong, and you want to put it back.  I'd put it on the desktop temporarily or
in a folder I'd make for it in "My Documents."

  - Then click "Commands," "Delete," and delete the selected "(car you want to
replace).dff" file.

  - Make sure the file you use to replace it is given the same name.

  - Then click "Command," "Add," and find the "(new car).dff" file you want from
the desktop or folder you made for it.

  - Click "Open" and the file is added.

  - Do the same with the txd file.  Each time you replace a pair of dff and txd
files, replace the dff file 1st.  And always replace txd files with ones of the
same resolution (128x256, 256x256, etc.).

  - Whenever you're through doing this stuff with however many files, click
"Commands" and "Rebuild Archive," wait for it to do it, close the IMG Tool by
"x"ing it out, and you're done.

  (If the vehicle mod comes with wheels, you don't need to use DMagic1's Wheel
Mod" for "San Andreas" wheels because Rockstar changed the DFF files for it.
Thanks to Ben "Cerbera" Millard.)


  NewYorkMantle has one to give C.J. the Roberto Clemente 1955-1972 Pittsburgh
Pirate jersey with number 21.  It replaces the ProLaps Bandits top.

  To use it, use the IMG Tool to open modelsplayer.img and replace

  Roberto was the National League Batting Champion four times, was awarded
twelve Gold Gloves, selected National League MVP in 1966, and was chosen as the
MVP in the 1971 World Series.

  He died in a plane crash off the coast of Carolina on December 31, 1972 while
en route to deliver aid to earthquake victims in Nicaragua.

  Pittsburgh announcer Bob Prince used to say that a pitcher would be stupid to
try to hit Roberto Clemente with a pitch--it just made Roberto mad and he'd
knock the next one out of the park: pa-hoom.

  My Dad could draw a real good Roberto.

  X.8  Skin viewing and editing

  See the tutorial by oshi:

  You can just use the 1st few steps of it if you just want to see the crimi-
nals, prostitutes, etc., I've referred to in this guide.


  One way to view the characters of the game is to download the 15 MB of jpg
screenshots hellfish made of all of them, all given their peds.ide names.

  Go to the GTA Forums web site > GTA Modding > Mod Showroom > Miscellaneous >
San Andreas Cattle Index > hellfish, and download the Fighting Hellfish Cattle

  Another way is to use the Pedestrian Editor tool by Scream2k4:

  X.9  Women

  If you want to customize your romantic fantasies in "San Andreas," these are
some of the women you might want to modify.

  In modelsgta3.img:

  The girlfriends are Barbara   COPGRL3
                      Denise    GANGRL3
                      Helena    GUNGRL3
                      Katie     NURGRL3
                      Michelle  MECGRL3
                      Millie    CROGRL3

  The Los Santos whores are BFYPRO, HFYPRO, and SFYPRO, and WFYPRO.
  The San Fierro whores are SBFYPRO, SHFYPRO, and SWFOPRO.
  The Los Venturas whores are VBFYPRO, and VHFYPRO, and VWFYPRO.

  BFYPRO  black woman, short hair, pink bikini top, black leather short pants
and high boots.

  HFYPRO  Hispanic woman, brown hair tied in back to a ponytail, gray-blue top
tied in front, red-violet short skirt, knee-high brown boots.

  WFYPRO  white woman, blonde hair tied in pigtails, long sleeve black shirt
tied in front, red plaid short skirt, white thigh-high stockings, black calf-
high boots.

  SBFYPRO  black woman, flat top haircut, one piece red short dress and knee-
high boots, thigh-high gray stockings.

  SHFYPRO  white woman, short brown hair pulled back, leopard skin shirt tied in
front, gray plaid short skirt, thigh-high gray stockings, calf-high black boots.

  SWFOPRO  white woman, dirty blonde hair, cigarette in mouth, violet-red top of
bands that come down over her breasts and matching short skirt, ankle-high brown

  VBFYPRO  chunky black woman, white top with armbands, gray-red skirt and

  VHFYPRO  chunky Hispanic woman, short brown hair pulled back, green midriff-
baring top, black short skirt and mid-calf-high boots.

  VWFYPRO  white woman, dirty brown hair short on sides, gold earrings, brown
thigh-length fur jacket, thigh-high gray stockings, black shoes strapped at the


  SBFYSTR  busty black woman, dirty brown hair in pigtails, white sleeveless
blouse tied in front, short plaid skirt, knee-high white stockings, low top
black shoes.

  SWFYSTR  white woman, brown hair with Shirley Temple curls, black bodice laced
in front with a little show of areola at the top, black thong bikini bottom,
thigh-high black nylons, black high top shoes.

  VBFYST2  black woman, long brown hair, earrings, pearl necklace and a white
band around her neck, white bra and panties, white stockings on arms and thigh-
high on legs, low top gray shoes.

  VHFYST3  white woman, long red-brown hair, low cut black bodice laced in front
with a tiny bit of areola showing at the inside edges, black police cap and
belt, black thong bikini bottom, thigh-high black nylons, knee-high black boots,
leopard stockings on forearms and hands but not the fingers.

  VWFYST1  white woman, black hair, black bikini top and bottom, flame tattoo
at crotch, leg-length black nylons, black shoes strapped at the ankle.

  X.9.a  The Hot Coffee mod

  Author: PatrickW (
  Co-Authors: Craig Kostelecky   "Opened up" mod
              Hammer83           the sacensor tool

  (Also, Barton Waterduck discovered the animations in the PS2 version, and
illspirit pointed out the fully nude models.)

  The last time I checked, it was still available at a couple of web sites:;44662

  It enables an interactive sex game that Rockstar designed but disabled, which
modders re-enabled to make available again.  It takes place when a girlfriend
invites C.J. inside for coffee.  It's sort of like the dance game, except you
can choose a version which the woman is naked for.  C.J. has his shorts on, at
least, in all the versions, so there's nothing to launder or wipe up afterward.
He's sexy, but very neat.

  Rockstar claimed it isn't responsible for the "Hot Coffee" mod. Instead, the
company said it was the result of "the work of a determined group of hackers who
have gone to significant trouble to alter scenes in the official version of the
game." "In violation of the software user agreement, hackers created the 'hot
coffee' modification by disassembling and then combining, recompiling and alter-
ing the game's source code. Since the 'hot coffee' scenes cannot be created
without intentional and significant technical modifications and reverse engi-
neering of the game's source code, we are currently investigating ways that we
can increase the security protection of the source code and prevent the game
from being altered by the 'hot coffee' modification."

  Then again, there was supposed to be a big secret yet unfound.  Unless another
big secret comes along, this is probably it.  (Maybe there is: see X.9.b.)

  Then again again, it's in the favor of the credibility of their claim that
they didn't want it released that it doesn't look as finished as I know they
could have made it.  The movements in the sex scenes are like one of those nov-
elty birds with a top hat that keeps dipping the bill into a drinking glass (ex-
cept you never see the bill).

  Then the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) changed the rating from M
(Mature: 17 or over) to AO (Adults Only: 18 or over), assuming Rockstar released
the game knowing that modders would unlock the sex scenes for a mod.  According
to an article at IGN, an un-named spokesperson for Rockstar says they're going
to offer retailers the option of re-labeling their stock as AO or replacing it
with an edited version of the game that keeps the M rating.  And Take-Two is ex-
ploring its legal options as it relates to companies that profited from creating
and distributing tools for altering the content of Grand Theft Auto: San An-

  Now I know they're kidding.  They won't have any work to do looking for who
profited from a mod you can download for free.  You don't need to buy a Hot
Coffee-specific device to see it.  And I know PatrickW didn't make any claims
about what he did beyond what are fair to make.  It's still available at the 
Gamers Hell web site, but if you try to download it from the gta garage web site
now, you see:

  "As a sign of support towards RockStar, The Hot Coffee Mod is no longer avail-
able.  I've removed this download out of free will."


  If you use the nude girl friend models, they aren't real realistic and don't
jiggle like they could.  Like soft core porn, the actors go through the moves
without showing their stuff between their legs, and it lasts about a minute or
so.  It adds to the fun and variety of pretending you're making a movie, but
it's hard to imagine it turning someone on.  Unless someone mods the mods, it
could make an underage kid that sees it not want to have sex (or certain they
could do it better).

  All this fuss over some sex scenes with a guy with his pants on--poor C.J..
You can use a version that lets you see the little pixel niblets, but you still
don't see between their legs.  Doesn't that make it R-rated (in movie terms)?
I saw the "Monster's Ball," 2001, DVD, rated R, with Halle Berry nude (and sexi-
er) doing much the same things as the women in these sex scenes and for about as
long, at a public library recently.  You'd think AT and T was selling snuff
films for the House of Representatives to bother about it.  All this over an
R-rating?  I don't follow politics nearly as closely as some, but apparently
some people who do would be a little lost about what the special fuss about is,

  I like "vice City," etc., more than what I've heard by Lenny Bruce, but this
doesn't remind me so much of the troubles he went through sticking to his word
about the censorship of words (which George Carlin has elaborated on) so much as
some modern variation of "Leave it to Beaver," with Hillary, etc., as Mrs.
Cleaver and Rockstar as the Beav:  "What are these pictures I found under your
pillow?"  "Larry was here yesterday and tried to show them to me, but I wouldn't
look, I scared him away.  He was in such a hurry to leave, I guess he forget he
put some under my pillow.  That must be how they got there--honest."  The more
serious a pronouncement is made over it, the more dumb it sounds.

  I think you can still see part of a niblet of a stripper dressed in black, and
a Balla seems to get a BJ in a cut scene of "Cleaning the Hood," so it would
still be R-rated.  You could mod Candy Suxxx (voice acted by Jenna Jameson) so
she was naked for the sex scene at the film studio in "Vice City."  Why is it
being handled by some as though it were the equivalent of an X-rated movie,
breaking new grounds for that at that, and not R?  What are we supposed to be
figuring goes on between the time people are 17 and 18, most of whom are proba-
bly out there banging the real thing, with the guys old enough for military ser-
vice at 18?  There are some 17 year olds out there that could probably tell me
some things I don't want to know....

  For a comparison, see these articles about the ESRB and the Production Code
used in movies:

  Rockstar is worried their fans, meant to be adults, would see an R-rated mov-
ie--notably this thing?

  I'm not.

  It comes with two versions.

  Make backup copies of your My DocumentsGTA San Andreas User Files, and of the
others you plan to change, which depends on which version you use.

  One lets you have C.J. have the sex scenes and go to all the normally off-lim-
its areas right away, and the girl friends are nude.  Uncheck the green "read
only" dot and make the data/script/main.scm and data/script/script.img changes.
Due to the data/script/main.scm file change, you need to start a new  game af-
terward--the old save games won't work with the new main.scm.

  The other lets you change a game that's already in progress.  You Al Tab out
of the save game you want to change, run the sacensor.exe, press "Y" that you
want to make the change, which switches the "censored"-flag, press "Enter" to
keep the change, then press "Enter" to leave the sacensor.exe.   Click the "San
Andreas" taskbar thingie to go back into the game and save it.  (You can load
another save game and go through the same process if you want this with another
save game, too, if, like me, you have more than one.)  If you want the girl
friends to be nude, too, you then exit the game, uncheck the green "read only"
dot, make a backup copy of your data/script/script.img file if you haven't al-
ready, and use the data/script/script.img replacement.

  The Hot Coffee game is the same for all the girl friends, using the models,
and the voices of Young MayLay and the voice actresses who play those women,
found in the rest of the game.  With the script.img change, the same girlfriends
are naked with models the original game provided.

  The sessions all start with a BJ seen from behind the girlfriends head.  Then
you try to fill the Excitement bar.

  Again, as noted in I.7.A, I have Left Shift and Spacebar remapped to do each
other's roles.

  Press W or Up as C.J.'s head goes up, and S or Down as it goes down.  Keep in
synch with the rhythm--it gets a little faster as the Excitement bar fills up.
To change position to one the girlfriend might like better, press the Spacebar.
Press the LMB to change the "camera" angle.  Changing the position and "camera"
angle every beat or so fills the Excitement bar faster.  Press F or Enter to

  An exception is if C.J. wears the Gimp suit to date Millie: they have a spank-
ing session.  Press Left Shift, to spank, when the the Power bar is nearly full
and hold it till the Power bar goes a little bit down again.  The rhythm gets
faster as the Excitement bar fills up.  Press the Spacebar to have them change
position, and press the LMB to change the "camera" view, too, to fill the Ex-
citement bar faster.  It's done with some humor: he knows a good psychiatrist
she could see, and she spanks him if it doesn't get her excited.  If C.J.
doesn't wear the Gimp suit, they have a sex session like C.J. usually has with a

  This isn't one of those complicated Frank Zappa experimental jazz or classical
rhythms, but if you have trouble with it, you can go through the sacensor.exe
process again and change it back, get 100% with Millie, then change it again.

  It doesn't have any bugs, other than that the female models don't look like
they were polished for a final release.  It doesn't make you unable to get 100%
completion of the game.

  See I.2.e for information on the patch that censors the game--and some related
problems it caused me in running the game.  If you use the patch, press "N" for
"No" when the girlfriend asks if C.J. wants some coffee or you may need to press
your computer's reset button.

  If you get the problem the patch caused me of it taking a number of efforts to
get the game to load up, which Take 2 told me to solve by reinstalling the game
without the patch, I can think of another good reason not to take the controver-
sy too seriously, besides the fact that R-rated movies have been around since I
was little (and that's a long time ago):

  The people who made a big stink about that want the game changed like the new
patch changes it--which can mean to play the game without the mod or the patch.
It keeps the girlfriends little niblets all bundled up and makes sure any 17
year olds that get their hands on the game won't imagine (it's still not thor-
oughly graphic) they're making love to a woman in the privacy of her room--
they'll play the role of a stalker that hangs out outside when other people are
having sex.  (A little walk-through advice for any seventeen year olds who try
that--do some loud mouth breathing and let a little dribble fall on your shirt.)

  With the patched game running smoothly, you get to play C.J. as someone who
always says he's tired or busy whenever he's asked to have sex.  No wonder some
of the people who wanted it were so cranky. 

  P.S.: in a glitch I haven't heard anyone else report, when I had C.J. date
Michelle in the patched version, she gave him a BJ, anyway (suggested; again, it
doesn't show his private portions) on the sidewalk. 

  X.9.b  Other hidden San Andreas pedestrians

  There are other pedestrians in "San Andreas" that can be unlocked to give the
place even more variety.  The drunken tramp of Ganton could p** and might throw
up on your car (both with the yellow smoke-like stuff that doesn't collect on
the floor, seen when C.J. is given eleven meals in a row and throws up, and in
"Don Peyote.").  A little of it might be what would be R-rated in a movie, but,
again, I think it should be available the same way.

  I wonder if that's an idea, later discarded, that led to there being megabytes
of bathrooms in "San Andreas"--in a lot of save houses and fast food places--
without them having been used for any funny graffiti or such.  The last time I
remember one being used in the series was for an offbeat place to meet Ray
Machowski in "III," so the bathrooms are possibly the remnant of the idea the
discarded code was for.  If it was in the melee weapons slot and you fired it
with the LMB, I'm not sure what the weapon icon for that would have been, or if
some guys would give it more mass and better durability in the handlng.cfg
file--no, no, no.    

  X.9.c  The Nude Girlfriends mod

  Psy's mod doesn't require a bunch of dff and txd file changes, it just changes
which ones the game uses from the peds.ide file.  You just need to change the
peds.ide file, and Psy considerately supplies a backup copy of the original,

  X.9.d  How to change the way they walk

   Uncheck the green dot for the "GTA San Andreas" folder.  Copy and paste a
copy of the datapeds.ide file in My Documents, and open peds.ide with Notepad
and save a text copy in My Documents, too, as backups.

  The description "sexywoman" gives the ped the sexy woman walk.

  X.10  Cars and bikes

  X.10.a   How to change their wheels

  You don't need to use DMagic1's Wheel Mod if you install a vehicle mod that
comes with wheels to make the new wheels appear, as for "Vice City."  As Ben
Millard told me, Rockstar changed the DFF format so it isn't necessary.

  X.10.b   How to change their mass,
            ability to stay upright and hug the driving surface,
            ability to survive in water,
            cornering and braking, top speed, acceleration,
            suspension, durability, and miscellaneous jazz

  Uncheck the green dot for the "GTA San Andreas" folder.  Copy and paste a
copy of the datahandling.cfg file in My Documents, and open handling.cfg with
Notepad and save a text copy in My Documents, too, as backups.

    B  fMass                                  The weight
    H  CentreOfMass.z                         The vertical center of gravity
    I  nPercentSubmerged                      Percent that sinks in water
                                              while it floats
    J  fTractionMultiplier                    Cornering traction
    K  fTractionLoss                          Braking/accelerating traction
    N  TransmissionData.fMaxVelocity          Top speed limit
    O  TransmissionData.fEngineAcceleration   Rate of acceleration

    a  fSuspensionForceLevel                  Use these four with Ben
    b  fSuspensionDampingLevel                Cerbera's Rescaler to change
    d  suspension upper limit                 the suspension
    e  suspension lower limit

   ab  fCollisionDamageMultiplier             A lower number makes the vehicle
                                              take less damage from collision.

   af  modelFlags                             Use these two with Ben Cerbera's
   ag  handlingFlags                          Flag Studio to change various

   ah  front lights                           Types of head lights
   ai  rear lights                            Types of tail lights

  Note: since "Vice City," column E has been dropped.  Remember to count a blank
column for E as you think "A,B,C...." across the columns for "San Andreas."

  The columns after V have been renamed since "Vice City."  For example, column
Y, the fCollisionDamageMultiplier in "Vice city," is called column ab in "San


   To change the mass

  Making a vehicle as heavy as a truck in column B will help your vehicle bang
things out of the way (increase ab, durability, too, if you're going to slam it
into things with more force), give it the ability to coast longer, and increase


  Ability to stay upright and hug the driving surface

  Make H a negative number--a taller, bigger vehicle can take a bigger negative
number, but not as big as the same size vehicle could take in "Vice City" or the
vehicle will flip around like a fish out of water.  Try a negative one or two
for a sedan and season to taste.


  Ability to survive in water

  C.J. can swim now, but you can still lose a vehicle to the water.  To have it
spawn on land instead, give column I a -1.


  Cornering and braking

  Traction for cornering and braking is created by the game multiplying the num-
ber of J or K with the numbers of datasurface.dat.

  J is cornering traction.

  K is braking traction.


  Top speed and acceleration

  Acceleration is mass, B, times acceleration, O.
  The speed created by B and O is limited by N.

  Acceleration of 35 is high for "San Andreas"--50 is well beyond that of a pur-

  A top speed of 350 is high for "San Andreas"--500 is ridiculous.

  Ben "Cerbera" Millard has also noticed that increasing the Drag Multiplier,
column D, and Engine Inertia, column P, decreases acceleration.



  You can use Ben "Cerbera" Millard's Rescaler to calculate how to adjust the
suspension of vehicles in the datahandling.cfg file of "III," "Vice City," and
"San Andreas."  Click "View" then "GTASA" to put it in the "San Andreas" mode,
and plug the handling.cfg number of column a into Spring Force, b into Dampers
Force, d into both Upper Limit boxes, and e into both Effect boxes.  Compare the
resulting figures with a chart Ben supplies that shows the suspension of various
categories of vehicle--from the soft suspension of an old car to a dragster.
Change a and b till you see the results you want, then change a and b in
handling.cfg to be the same.



  I play it safe and give ab a 0.01 instead of 0.00 for strong durability.


  Miscellaneous jazz

  You can use Ben "Cerbera" Millard's FlagStudio to calculate how to change the
flags of the vehicles in the datahandling.cfg file of "III," "Vice City," and
"San Andreas."

  The datahandling.cfg file of "San Andreas" has two columns of numbers for
flags: af and ag.  Using the FlagStudio, click "View" then either "GTASA(1)" for
column af or "GTASA(2)" for column ag.  Check the boxes of the qualities you
want, which creates a number in "Completed flag data."  Then copy that number in
the corresponding column of handling.cfg.

  You might make sure NPC_NEUTRAL_HANDL and NPC_ANTI_ROLL aren't checked for a
law enforcement, criminal, or gang vehicle you want to weaken.  If used, they
make a vehicle less likely to spin out or roll over, respectively, when driven
by someone other than C.J..

  X.10.c    Game play advantages

  X.10.d    Making vehicles weaker or stronger

  If you want to make law enforcement vehicles weaker, they include:
  POLICE_LA, POLICE_SF, POLICE_VG, HPV1000, POLRANGER (used in country areas),

  X.10.e    How to create your own "Alloy Wheels of Steel" Freeway

  To make a Freeway handle like a "Vice City" "Wheels of Steel" Angel, you only
need to change two numbers.

  Uncheck the green dot, etc., and make backups.  Lower H from 0.0 to -0.3 and
raise J from 1.2 to 3.0 in datahandling.cfg.

  X.10.f  How to change their colors

   Uncheck the green dot for the "GTA San Andreas" folder.  Copy and paste a
copy of the datacarcols.dat file in My Documents, and open carcols.dat with
Notepad and save a text copy in My Documents, too, as backups.

  The numbers in datacarcols.dat come in pairs.  The 1st of each pair is the
color of the exterior, and the 2nd is the trim. 

  A chart of the colors is at:

  A Pay 'n' Spray is a good place to see your results.

  It looks like, beyond the 1st ten colors, the colors are different than they
were for "Vice City."  As of this writing, I don't know of a color reference
chart for it.

  You get a lot of choices for exterior colors at one of the car modding shops
in the game, and you can also use saracoglu's GTA SA Control Center for the
patched or unpatched version of the game--see X.13.c.

  X.10.g  How to change their on-screen names

  The GTA: San Andreas GXT Editor

  You can use the GTA: San Andreas GXT Editor 1.3 by Hammer83 to change the ve-
hicle name that appears in the lower right corner of the screen when C.J. enters
a vehicle in "San Andreas."

  X.10.h  How to change the traction of surfaces

  Uncheck the green dot for the "GTA San Andreas" folder.  Copy and paste a copy
of the datasurface.dat file in My Documents, and open surface.dat with Notepad 
and save a text copy in My Documents, too, as backups.

  To increase traction for all vehicles that drive on a surface, give that sur-
face a 6 (even 12, as in Dicanio's "Surf's Up Billboard Jump" mod for "Vice
City").  I generally leave it alone for the variety.

  X.11  Weapons and Attackers

  How to lessen the severity of attacks

  Uncheck the green dot for the "GTA San Andreas" folder.  Copy and paste a copy
of the dataweapon.dat and pedstats.dat files in My Documents, and open them
with Notepad and save text copies in My Documents, too, as backups.

  Among the things given in the opening segment of dataweapon.dat, it says that
C and D are float targetRange and weaponRange, and  L is int damage.  Higher
numbers make for a stronger weapon, and lower ones make it weaker.

  You might want to make these weaker:

   Most policemen and gang members carry Pistols.
   SWAT   Micro SMGs
   FBI    SMGs
   Army   M4s

  You might want to make your favorite weapon for C.J. stronger.  You might try
the Tec9 for that since it can be dual-wielded, used for drive-bys, and can be
used with the Jetpack--and it fires faster than a Pistol and isn't used by law

  This segment of the opening of datapedstats.dat gives you a guide:

#       D:	Fear			(0-100) 100=Scared of everything
#	E:	Temper			(0-10) 100=Bad Tempered
#	F:	Lawfulness		(0-100)	100=Boy Scout
#	G:	Sexiness		(0-100)
#	H:	Attack strength		(float multiplier to attack damages)
#	I:	Defend weakness		(float multiplier to received damages)

  To make a gang more peaceful, make D higher, E lower, F higher, H lower, and I
higher for it in pedstats.dat.  The gangs are only numbered in pedstats.dat, but
the names to associate with those numbers is given in pedgrp.dat: gang one is
the Ballas, two is the Grove Street Families, three is the Los Santos Vagos,
four is the San Fierro Rifa, five is the Da Nang Boys, six is the Italian Mafia,
seven is the Triads, and eight is the Varrio Los Aztecas.

  (Note: BUSKER" is back in pedstats.dat with a Sexiness rating of 90, and I
still don't know why.)

  X.12  Helicopters
               How to make a helicopter easier to fly

  To make a helicopter easier to fly, all I have so far is to un-check the green
dot, etc., and give it figures similar to one that's easier to fly, like the Sea
Sparrow, in datahandling.cfg.

  X.13    Miscellaneous mods

  X.13.a  The San Andreas Place Manager

  Jacob and Racer_S have a device that's easy to use for finding all the Tags,
Oysters, Photo Ops, Horseshoes, and going to Liberty City in "San Andreas."  You
Have it running while "San Andreas" is running, Alt Tab out of the game, scroll
to and select the destination you want--Tag 4, etc--then click "Teleport!"
Click the San Andreas window thing in the task bar to go back to the game.

  The GTA Forums posts about it are at:

  Check to make sure it's compatible with v1.01 of the game if you use the

  X.13.b  The Map Teleporter/Vehicle Spawn

  I mainly use this, by Blehbeb, to get to the same co-ordinates as used by the
Place Manager without having to Alt Tab out of the game and back--it uses hot

  Check to make sure it's compatible with v1.01 of the game if you use the

  X.13.c  The GTA SA Control Center

  Saracoglu has an updated version of the Administrative Console called the GTA
SA Control Center that works with either the patched or unpatched version of the
game.  It's available, along with a seperate ReadMe file download and a message
board, at GTA Forums:

  While the game is running, press Esc to go to a menu screen, Alt Tab out of
the game, start the GTA SA Control Center, go to the "Keyboard Shortcuts" page
to make sure the "GTASA Version" box in the lower right corner is set for your
version of the game (v1.0 for unpatched or v1.01 for patched), configure it the
way you want, and click the GTA SA thing in the bar along the bottom of the
screen to go back into the game.     

  It features the ability to freeze mission timers that count up or down, tele-
portation to co-ordinates (Tags, Liberty City, Unique Jumps, etc.), the ability
to make C.J. or any vehicle he's in "Everything-Proof," assign vehicles to ga-
rages, hotkeys, Stat editing, etc.

  To freeze the mission timer, go to the "Player Data" page and click "Freeze

  X.13.d  The Skateboard mod

  Chris82 of GTAProjects has a mod to re-insert the Skateboard melee weapon
Rockstar designed for the game but didn't activate for the release of the game.
It re-enables the original animations for the skateboard, too.

  X.13.e  The No Rust mod

  The No Rust mod ("Kein Rost mod" in German) by evostar keeps vehicles looking
clean.  (The PC "San Andreas" doesn't feature PS2-type Pay 'n' Spray/save ga-
rage/rain car washes for vehicles that get dirty--they just stay dirty all the
time unless you use the v1.01 patch.)  There's something to be said for the
realism of the little bit of dirt along the bottom sides of the cars--you de-

  X.13.f  2x, 4x, and 10x Draw Distance mods

  Pick the draw distance multiple you can run without problems on your computer,
using the draw distance bar in the options to adjust it.  Most can run a multi-
ple of two, maybe four, and high end PCs might use ten.  Look for different ver-
sions on the pages of this thread of posts at the GTA Forums web site:

  Edison Carter provides the original file, too, if you forget to make a copy.

  I'm trying the 4x version right now.  It not only lets you see things that are
farther away, but seems to make things in the mid-distance show up more assured-
ly.  If you want to get more pleasure out of the graphics of the game, I recom-
mend it.

  X.13.g  John Lennon's glasses

  This mod by Fragger adds John Lennon's round glasses to C.J.'s choices of

  X.13.h  The Horseshoe Help mod
  The Horseshoe Help mod by JVT makes a big arrow, like ones you've seen in
GTA's, point down at each Horseshoe.

  X.14  Music

    In the PC version, you can put WAV or OGG (Ogg Vorbis) files (with the cor-
rect CODECs installed, also MP3, WMA, M4A, etc., files)--to save space, put
shortcut icons--in My Documents/GTA San Andreas User Files/User Tracks for your
own radio station.

  In the Play Mode section, you can choose "Radio" to have the game play them
with the commercials, etc., provided to make it seem like another of the sta-
tions of the game.  Otherwise, "Sequential" plays them in alphabetical order and
"Random" plays them in a random order.

  To have them play on the radio station, run "Scan User Tracks" 1st in "Audio

  Automatic Media Scan will make the radio start with the 1st track after the
game loads.

  You can skip User Tracks during the game with F5.

  X.15  Screen shots

  To make a screen shot, press Prt Scr, open "Paint," click "Edit," then

  If you like it, click "File," "Save as," choose "My Pictures" in the "Save
in:" bar along the top, use the drop down menu along the bottom to save it as a
JPEG and not a Bitmap, aka a .bmp, file--it takes up a lot less MBs on your hard
disk and, though it's a kind of compression that irreversibly simplifies data,
looks just as good to me for screenshots.  Give it a name, and click "Save."

  You could also have C.J. take a picture with a Camera.  Hold the RMB to bring
up the viewfinder and press the LMB.  The pictures are stored in My Documents
GTA San Andreas User FilesGallery.


  XI.   And there's always more (from "International Feel"; thank you to Todd

  This section is just for some of the things not need for 100% completion of
the game that take a little longer to explain.

  XI.a  Unique Jumps  70

  This list use the BradyGames guide numbers (which is why the order of the lo-
cations sometimes goes back and forth on the map).

  A PCJ 600 or NRG 500 are good motorcycles for jumps, unless otherwise noted.

  Briefly, remember that you can speed the motorcycle up by quickly and repeat-
edly pressing Up but not letting C.J. stand up.  You can do a bit of a wheelie
before many of these jumps, the kind with the sort of slope the concrete ramps
have, for extra distance, too.  Use Up and Down to level the wheels for landing.

  You might want to find "gta-sanandreas-plane-crash" at thegamersalliance web
site for a quick look at something you don't want to see during a stunt.

  The GTA SA Control Center, X.13.c, can teleport C.J. to the jump sites.

  Los Santos

    1. El Corona  The jump ramp is between the "A" in "EL CORONA" and the RR
track.  Go W to E and land on the RR platform.  (The BradyGames guide recommends
that you use a PCJ 600.)

    2. Idlewood  The jump ramp is the bridge arch on the W side of the road on
the E side of the block that's W of "WIL" of "WILLOW FIELD."  Go N to S between
the RR track and trees and veer left onto the bridge arch.

    3. Verona Beach  Go N to S through the Conference Center to the steps of the
pale green-blue building and land on the next building.

    4. Jefferson  Go S to N up the stairs (to the pedestrian bridge over the RR
tracks) near the S end of the thick N-S section that represents a section of the
RR track that has a street on either side of it.  This can be done with a car or

    5. Ocean Docks  E of "EL CORONA" is a block that looks like a stubby "Y."
The jump is in the block SE of the base of the "Y."  Go NW to SE through the
dirt lot at the NE side of the block to a pile of dirt in the S corner of the
lot.  Land before hitting the freeway wall.

    6.  East Beach  Use an NRG 500.  Go E to W to the steps (for the pedestrian
bridge over the highway)

    7.  Ocean Docks  The jump ramp is a gray wooden version of a "Vice City"
concrete jump ramp at the E side of the big rectangle on the W part of the is-
land part of Ocean Docks.  Go N to S over the ramp and land on the roof that's
on gray concrete columns.

    8.  Los Santos International  The ramp is the mobile boarding ramp just over
over the fence.

    9.  Los Santos International  The ramp is the W triangular yellow and black
marker of the pair at the NW corner of the gray square under the "AIR" of "AIR-
PORT."  Go E to W and go over the  red and white "OGL-2" sign.

    10.  Ocean Docks  The ramp is the set of metal steps about 1/3rd W from the
E side of the block that's two blocks S of the block with "ELD" of "WILLOW
FIELD."  Go E to W and land on the building.

    11.  East Los Santos  If you go W on the street along the top of "LOS" of
"LOS FLORAS" to the T intersection, you'll find the ramp as the set of steps
across the street.  Jump over the narrow block to the RR tracks.

    12.  Market  E of the S area of the block with "WOOD" of "VINEWOOD" is a
block with an E-W alley.  Go E to W through that alley, up the stairs, over the
roof, and land on the road.

    13.  East Beach  Go W to E on the street one block above the "LOS" of "LOS
FLORES," over the patio, through space where a part of the wall is missing, and
down to the street--not the ocean.

    14.  Ocean Docks  Go to the SW corner of the road that makes a loop through
the mainland and island parts of Ocean Docks.  From the inside of the corner,
on the lower area, go S to N, up the stairs on the N end, and land on the

    15.  Ocean Docks  Go N to S through the same lower area, up the stairs on
the S end, and land without falling into the ocean.

    16.  East Los Santos  On the E side of the block, two blocks S of the "N" in
"JEFFERSON," is a set of steps just N of some basketball courts.  Go E to W, up
the steps, and land beyond them.

    17.  Mulholland Intersection  From the S end of the central N-S stretch of
the intersection,  go S to N on the left walk, past the oncoming traffic of the
onramp on your left, and continue N to go over the concrete ramp.

    18.  Mulholland Intersection  Same deal only N to S on the left walk from
the N end of the intersection.

    19.  Mulholland Intersection  On the W side of the N-S stretch used for jump
18 is a road that curves under it.  Go S down that road, over the light brown
concrete ramp to the right of it, and land below in the parking lot.

    20.  Rodeo  Just W of the N end of the road that goes S to the Santa Maria
pier is a mound in the grass at a white picket fence.  Go N to S through Rodeo,
over the mound, and land on the pier.

    21.  Vinewood  Go E to W on the road above "WOOD" of "VINEWOOD, through the
dark asphalt lot, off the end of it, and over the next roof to the street below.

    22.  Commerce  Go S to N through the concrete flood control ditch of the
block W of the one with "COM" of "COMMERCE," go up the light gray concrete ramp
on the left side, and jump out of the ditch.

    23.  Montgomery Intersection  Go E to W to the Montgomery Intersection and
over the dirt ramp in the middle.

    24.  Los Santos International  Go clockwise around the SE curve of the high-
way that goes around most of the airport, and go up the concrete ramp in the
middle of the highway.

    25.  Santa Maria Beach  N of "MARIA" is a W-E road; where it curves 90 de-
grees N, go E across the asphalt walk, up the stairs, and onto the wooden walk
by the shops.

    26.  Red County  Go E over the broken bridge at the W side of Palomino
Creek.  (Jump 28 uses the same bridge.)

    27.  Dillimore  Go N to S into Dillimore, continue straight through an
alley, go over the curved gray plank, and land as far S as the gas station or
sheriff's office.

    28.  Palomino Creek  Go W from Palomino and over the dirt road and broken
wooden bridge.  (Jump 26 uses the same bridge.  This is also the bridge you can
fail to jump, during the middle of the "Small Town Bank" mission for Catalina,
to try the glitch that lets you explore the banned areas early.)


  The Badlands

    1.  Mount Chiliad  The Cobra Run wooden jump ramp.  It's E and below the tip
of the semi-loop of road that's E of the summit.

    2.  Angel Pine  The ramp is the three pieces of corrugated metal in the
trailer park SE of the SE block of Angel Pine.  Drive SE to NW, jump, and land
on the roof with orange shingles.

    3.  Whetstone  Go W to E over the sand dune that's SE of the S end of the
road S from Angel Pine.

    4.  Blueberry  W of the S block of downtown Blueberry, go NW to SE through
the FleischBerg lot, up the ramp of wooden pallets, and over the truck trailers.
(Number 9 is the same but in the opposite direction.)

    5.  Blueberry  Go W to E through an alley of the S of the two W blocks of
Blueberry--the alley is N of the building with a Sprunk billboard.  Go up the
metal stairs and clear the building.

    6.  Blueberry Acres  South of the "S" of "ACRES," go roughly S to N over the
light gray plank that's leaned against bales of hay and jump over the barn.

    7.  Blueberry Acres  Go roughly S to N through the barn just E of the one
jumped over for the last jump.

    8.  The Panopticon  E of "THE PANOPTICON," the roughly N-S dirt path curves
W a bit to avoid a ravine.  Go S to N and jump the ravine.

    9.  Blueberry  Jump the same trailers as for jump 4 but go SE to NW.


  San Fierro

    1.  The Panopticon   Go E to W past the T intersection SW of "THE PANOPTI-
CON," go  a bit to the N over the little hill at the side of the road, and land
on the San Fierro airport tarmac.

    2.  Santa Flora  About 2/3rds E from "PALISADES" to the next street, go N to
S over the asphalt walk between houses, off the cliff, and beyond the houses be-

    3.  Go S to N on the street to where the "LL" of "JUNIPER HOLLOW" is, con-
tinue through the walk between houses, cross the street, and jump off the ledge
of the grass.

    4.  Downtown  Go S to N to the right of the 2nd "N" of "DOWNTOWN,"  cross
the street, and go up the steps beside Michelle's place to land on the rooftop

    5.  Battery Point  on the E side of the S end of the Gant Bridge is a scaf-
fold.  Use a disposable motorcycle to drive up the levels of it, on it beside
the bridge, and off the end into the water.

    6.  Esplanade East  Go W to E on the street S of "TOWN" of "DOWNTOWN," cross
the street, go up the steps, and land on or beyond the lower rooftop.

    7.  Doherty  on the NW area of the block S of "O" of "DOHERTY," go S to N
through the wrecked building, up a big green fallen roof segment, and out to the

    8.  Juniper Hollow  Go S to N on the street to about the "HO" of "HOLLOW,"
cross the street, go over the dirty white concrete "Vice City"-like ramp, and
land on the street below.

    10.  Calton Heights  Go E to W over the road N of "TON," cross the street,
go over the "Vice City"-like ramp, and land on the street.  Use an NRG 500.

    11.  Financial  Go W to E on the road S of "HTS" of "CALTON HEIGHTS," cross
the street, and go over the wooden stairs.

    12,  Easter Basin  The ramp is the curved old sheet of metal at the E end of
the W-E road at the middle of the E side of the brown block of the Doherty save
place.  Go W to E over the W-E road, over the ramp, and land on the highway.

    13,  Airport  Go Se to NW to the "Vice City"- like concrete ramp, which is
S of the S end of the long SW to NE runway.  Land on the docks.

    14.  Airport  S of the previous ramp is another one like it.  Go E to W,
over the ramp, and land beyond the water.

    15.  Foster Valley  Corvin Stadium is the rectangle with curved sides SW of
the pretzel-looking intersection W of the airport.  Go W to E across the lot
that's S of the stadium, over the "Vice City"-like concrete ramp, and land on
the highway.

    16.  Doherty  Go N to S on the W street of the big "J"-looking block E of
Avispa Country Club, go up the steps (of the pedestrian walk that goes over the
highway), and you'll probably get credit even if you wreck on the far side of
the highway instead of clearing it.


  The Desert

    1.  Las Payasdas  The ramp is a couple of planks by a pile of blue-green
stuff in the middle of the E side of the W block of downtown Las Payasdas.  Go
W to E over the ramp and the real big chicken (it may count if you land on the

    2.  Las Payasdas  Go N to S over the W side of the two E blocks of Las
Payasdas, cross the street, go up the E steps of the overhanging patio, and land
below.  (I got this in a Taxi, so it doesn't have to be that great.)

    3.  Verdant Meadows  Go NE up the wing of the SW pile of jet parts (the
plane symbol N of "R" of "VERDANT") and over the next pile (although the game
may allow it if you hit the fuselage of it).

    4.  Arco Del Oeste  Go W over the wooden track at the top of the rock for-
mation and land beyond the water.

    5.  Valle Ocultado  Go S from the main road "OCULTADO" is on, where the "T"
is, over the ramp leaning against the garage, and it's okay if you land on the
water and not the pier.  You can start a run to the NE of the main road and be-
yond a gap in the fence N of the teepees.


  Las Venturas

    1.  The Emerald Isle  Go N to S over the asphalt slope at the S edge of the
top floor of the Emerald Isle parking garage.  (Enter the garage on the N side.)
(The game may count it if you land on the street and not the roof of the Souve-
nirs, etc., shop.)

    2.  The Emerald Isle  Drive a motorcycle to the top floor of the garage
(enter the garage on the N side) and up the stairs, on the N side, to the roof.
Drive W to E onto a lower roof, of the S side of the casino, and off the gray
ramp at the other end of it.  (This is similar to jump 12, which uses the ramp
on the N side.)

    3.  The Camel's Toe  Go W to E at the N side of the pyramid and up the
stairs; try for the Pawn Shop roof.

    4.  The Camel's Toe  Go S to N at the E side of the pyramid and up the
stairs; try for the roof beyond them.

    5.  Creek  Go E to W through the middle of the NE curve of road of the
rounded diamond-shaped intersection W of "CREEK," go through the pale tan arches
with a blue-purple roof, and over the "Vice City"-like gray wooden plank ramp.

    6.  Redsands West  Drive S to N on the main road S of the middle of the
block S of "ND," cross the street, go through the pale tan arches with a blue-
purple tile roof, over the "Vice City"-like gray wooden plank ramp, and land on
the roof of the "Home of the Bandits" place.

    7.  Julius Thru Way North  From the 2nd "P" in "PRICKLE PINE," go S, then E
to the end of the dead end road, and enter the lot of the duplexes.  Go E to W
across the lot and over the gray wooden "Vice City"-like ramp.  Try to go over
the highway.

    8.  Redsands West  A block N of the "ST" of "WEST," go N into the lot, go N
across it, go over the gray wooden "Vice City"-like ramp and land on the high-

    9.  The Emerald Isle  On level six of the Emerald Isle parking garage, go W
to E and over the ramp.

    10.  Randolph Industrial Estate  Go S to N to the ramp, a curved slat of
metal, at the NE corner of the lot.  (Enter the lot on the W side.)

    11.  The Emerald Isle  Go E to W on the N side of the block of "OL" of "OLD
VENTURA STRIP," over the curved metal ramp, and over the street.

    12.  The Emerald Isle  Drive a motorcycle to the top floor of the Emerald
Isle parking garage (enter the garage on the N side), drive up the stairs (on
the N side) to the roof, then go W to E onto a lower roof, of the N side of the
casino, and over the gray ramp at the other end of it.  (This is similar to jump
2 except this one is done on the N side of the casino.)

  XI.b  Girlfriends

  Have C.J. be sexy.  Have C.J. get all 50 Oysters and a sexy car:

  Alpha, BF Injection, Banshee, Blade, Buffalo, Bullet, Caddy (awwr!), Cheetah,
Comet, Elegy, Euros, Flash, Feltzer, Flash, Hermes, Hotknife, Huntley, Infernus,
Jester, Merit, Premier, Remington, Sentinel, Slamvan, Stratum, Stretch, Sultan,
Super-GT, Tahoma, Uranus, Washington, Washington, Windsor, or ZR-350.

  The Launch, Reefer, Speeder, and Squallo III are the sexy boats.  (Does Hilla-
ry know about this--a young man so sexy he effects the fish?)  ("Soon to take
the place of the mudshark in your mythology"--Frank Zappa.  Sorry.)

  Modding doesn't affect the sexiness of a car, but damaging the car decreases

  The bad thing about Los Santos, at the start of the game, is that there aren't
spawn locations there for cars that are both sexy and handle real good at fast
speeds.  The Voodoo handles better, but doesn't have the Sex Appeal of a Blade.
The good thing about it is Denise doesn't care, so get a Voodoo if you need a
lowrider.  She'll never notice, so drive what you like.  The Sentinel at the
film studio at the "WOOD" of "VINEWOOD" has a decent combination of the two
qualities--maybe the Buffalo at the dot NE of the "O" of "RED COUNTY," or the
Flash below the SE quadrant of the Mulholland Intersection--and you can have
C.J. save a sexy sports car he jacks from the street of one of the fancier

  It helps a bit to have C.J. get the best clothes, haircuts, tattoos, and give

  C.J. can miss a date, but he'd have to miss a lot of them to be dumped.  You
can press Left Shift to skip the dining scene of a date if you're in a hurry.

  Abuse hurts more--don't have him hit her or such.

  If a blue inverted cone points down at her head, press action to begin dating.
  Give positive responses (Y for Yes, N for No) unless she's being insulting.
  If she likes C.J., a heart icon appears.
  Find the heart icon--have C.J. go during the time she's available.
  She may call off-hours--have C.J. go to her then.

  If she's home, you see a red marker and her vehicle.  Have C.J. drive or step
into the marker.  (Step into the marker in Michelle's case if driving into it
causes the glitch where she drives off alone.)

  The Stat to maximize starts at about 10% (see Stats > Achievements in the

  Press Tab to have C.J. give a gift (not with the LMB--he'll hit her with it,
ya bum) then press it again so they kiss.  Canes can't be given as gifts.

  She'll want one of several kinds of dates:

  Dinner   See the in-game map at the time  The music indicates how it's going
  Dance    See the in-game map at the time  Do the dancing mini-game
  Driving  Fill the fun meter by driving where she likes the way she likes.

  When it got a little confusing trying to follow Millie's complaints and get a
driving speed to please her, I ignored what she said and tapped W at a speed
that made the Fun bar fill up, which was a lot easier.

  If you have C.J. take her dining or dancing, have him get her there and back
without making any side tracks so she doesn't get bored.


  Name                 Times          Meeting place and house (heart icon)

  Denise Robinson      0-6  16-0      IV.23 "Burning Desire"--at a house on the
                                      N end of the block that's E of the N end
                                      of the thick section on the map of N-S RR
                                      track with a street on either side of it
                                      that's NE of "JEFFERSON"; her house is by
                                      the 1st "N" of "GANTON"

  Millie Perkins       12-22          VIII.35 "Key to Her Heart"--a Caligula's
                                      Palace croupier C.J. follows home; her
                                      house is on the NE side of the block
                                      that's NW of "JULIUS" of "JULIUS THRU WAY

  (get the Gimp suit; sorry C.J., Young MayLay, Millie, Orfeh, and everybody

  Michelle Cannes      0-12           by the water cooler at San Fierro driving
                                      school, enter on the N side of the block
                                      that looks like a big "J" S of "DOHERTY";
                                      her house is N of the "N" of "DOWNTOWN"

  Helena Goodpoke      0-2 8-12 14-0  on the rooftop shooting range of the Blue-
                                      berry Ammu-Nation, which is N of the "B"
                                      of "BLUEBERRY"; her house is by the curve
                                      in the path W of "FLINT INTERSECTION"

  Barbara Schternvart  0-6 16-0       El Quebrados sheriff's office (shown in 
                                      section A2 of the paper map) parking lot

  Katie Nookie         12-0           Practicing t'ai chi at Avispa Golf Course,
                                      SE of the Burger Shot; her house is by the
                                      "H" of "JUNIPER HOLLOW"


  Name      Likes

  Denise    Body type and Sex Appeal don't matter; likes fast food or a bar,
dancing, and being driven fast around her house (I sent the car up and down her
street)--she may want a drive-by date

  Millie    Body type and Sex Appeal don't matter; likes a restaurant, a SW Las
Venturas place to dance, being driven moderately near her home, and the Gimp
suit for immediate coffee

  Note: a gimp, more generally, is a limp, or someone who walks with a limp.
It's also the submissive role of S and M sex; the "sex slave or submissive, usu-
ally male, as popularlized by the movie 'Pulp Fiction.'" "aroused by bondage."
A G.I.M.P. is a passive and subservient sex toy "wearing a mask and a zip up
  And yes, I had to look that up.,26396.asp

  Michelle  Fat, a martini glass icon place (like Misty's) for food, dancing,
and being driven fast anywhere; she takes the steering wheel for a few minutes
on some dates, too

  Helena    Less than 50% Muscle and no Fat, Rodeo food, Los Santos dancing, and
being driven moderately around her farm

  Barbara   A high Fat Stat but C.J. in good shape, a nearby diner, a San Fierro
dance club, and being driven moderatley around El Quebrados

  Katie     A high Muscle Stat, the diner indicated by a pink drink icon N of
her place, and dancing.  Ignore what she says about wanting to be driven faster
and tap W at the pace that fills the Fun bar.  The place where she likes to be
driven slowly is back and forth on the Gant Bridge--thanks to the Girlfriend FAQ
by bloodstorm at Gamefaqs for the tip:


  Name and occupation           Rewards

  Denise, gangster              Coffee 40%  Hustler 50%  Pimp suit 100%

  Millie, croupier
          at Caligula's         Coffee 40%  Club 50%

  Michelle, mechanic            Coffee 40%  Monster truck 50%  Racing suit 100%

  Helena, lawyer/weapon expert  Bandito 50%  Coffee 70%  Rural outfit 100%
  Immediate access to a Chainsaw, Flamethrower, Molotovs, and a Pistol

  Barbara, cop                  Ranger 50%  Coffee 60%  Cop Outfit 100%
  C.J. keeps his money and weapons if busted

  Katie, nurse                  Coffee 50%  Romero 50%  Medic uniform 100%
  C.J. keeps his money and weapons if wasted

  Percentage of success with girlfriends is given in Stats--Achievements.

  Thanks to the BradyGames guide for much of the information.

  See X.9.a if you want to see how C.J. likes his coffee with The Hot Coffee


  Denise is voice acted by the always lovely Heather Alicia Simms, who played
Tish in Chris Rock's "Head of State," 2003, Officer Jones in "Shock Act," 2004,
and who's also made some Random House Audible recordings of books, such as
"True Believer" by Virginia Euwer Wolff, the 2001 National Book Award winner.

  Millie is voice acted by the beautiful blonde actress/singer/composer Orfeh,
who also provided the voice of the Dispatcher/Doctor/Female Officer in the
videogame "Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne," 2003.  Her Mom named her after
her favorite opera, "Black Orfeus."  Orfeh also wrote and performed the top 40
tune "Everyotherday."  (I have absolutely no evidence that she likes Gimp

  Michelle is voice acted by eminently bedazzling actress of stage and screen
Vanessa Aspillaga.  Among many things, she recently provided a "theater-filling
joy" as Marela in the Pulitzer Prize-winning N.Y.C. play "Anna In The Tropics."

  Helena is voice acted by young renowned mesmerizing beauty Bijou Lilly Phil-
lips.  She played Estrella Starr in "Almost Famous," 2000, and starred as Emily
in "Havoc," 2005.  She's also the daughter of the late John Phillips, the leader
of The Mamas and the Papas ("California Dreamin,'" etc.) and actress Geneviève
Waïte, and the half sister of both Chynna Phillips (of the music group Wilson
Phillips, "California," 2004, etc.) and Mackenzie Phillips (Julie in the TV show
"One Day at a Time," 1975-1983, etc.).

  Barbara is voice acted by drop down gorgeous Danielle Lee Greaves, who played
Danielle in ten episodes of the TV show "Whoopie," 2004.  She's also starred on
Broadway as Lorraine in "Hairspray," Joanne in "Rent," Leatherine/Psychiatrist
in "Sunset Boulevard," and Ethel in "ShowBoat."

  Katie is voice acted by the ultra attractive holder of a B.A. in psychology,
China Chow, who played Jennifer Foster in the TV movie "Blessings," 2003, which
starred Mary Tyler Moore.  She was one of one of Harper's Bazaar's "It Girls" in
1996.  She's the daughter of late model/designer Tina Chow and international
restauranteur Michael Chow.  (Fans of Talking Heads tunes might also note that
David Byrne is her uncle.)

  XI.c  Basketball

  Have C.J. approach the ball to pick it up and bounce it.

  F or Enter      Play/Quit
  W,S,A, and D    Move C.J.
  Left Shift      Press to have C.J. prepare to throw,
                    release it near the top of his jump to have him throw--
                    the game will point him at the hoop.
  LMB, Num 0,
    or Left Ctrl  Spin the ball on his fingertip
  Spacebar        Roll the ball across his shoulders to his other hand

  MMB             Start challenge

  If you go for the challenge, found at full-size courts, you get one minute on
the timer and fifteen seconds added for each successful shot.  Each shot is made
from the red shaft of light, which relocates with each effort made from it.  A
close shot is worth one point, a little longer shot is worth two points, etc.
The total of your highest score with these points is recorded in Stats > Mission
> Highest basketball score.

  Stats > Achievements records the number of feet of your furthest hoop. 

  A few places that basketball is available early on:

  in the lot beside the garage of Sweet's house, which is two houses counter-
clockwise from the Johnson house,

  on the SE corner of the block to the E of the last "S" of LOS SANTOS,"

  and by the "S" of "PLAYA DEL SEVILLE."

  XI.d  Videogames

  Your high scores for videogames aren't recorded in your Stats, but you can
have them recorded with your initials as a part of each game.


  The rocket is stationary, except it can rotate, in the middle of the screen.
Everything else moves to show the relative motion of it.  Try to slow the move-
ment for better aim.

  The red bar shows the Health of the rocket.  The green bar shows the power it
has; it diminishes with acceleration, and slowly fills up otherwise.

  Try to shoot big black globes for ten points, hitting a big white one costs
ten points.  Try to pass through little white globes for five points; going
through little black ones costs five points.  The big white ones repel your
rocket.  Each shot costs one point.

  You have the option of playing it the same way except the roles of black and
white are reversed.

  A        Counter-clockwise
  D        Clockwise
  L Shift  Forward
  LMB      Fire


    They Crawled from Uranus

  Targets swirl out and back from the center of the screen and your rocket can
rotate around them, clockwise or counter-clockwise, in a fixed circular track.
Try to shoot them and not be shot by the red dots they send out.  The PS2 gim-
mick of keeping the rocket from getting hit by red dots by sending it in a con-
stant rotation works for PC.

  It's like Gyruss, an arcade game which appeared in 1983 then on various ports.
One of the planets you tried to get the rocket to reach with it, by succeeding
at levels, was Uranus.  (The BradyGames guide sees some similarities with a game
called Tempest, released in 1980.)

  A    Clockwise
  D    Counter-clockwise
  LMB  Fire


    Go Go Space Monkey

  The scenery and targets move right to left.  You can send your ship up or
down, left or right, to avoid their attacks and shoot them.

  It's like Defender, which was released in 1980 to become, with Pac Man, one of
the biggest money-making arcade games of all time.  It's also like Gradius,
which 1st appeared as an arcade game in 1985, then appeared on various ports.

  W        Up
  S        Down
  A        Left
  D        Right
  L Shift  Fire


    Let's Get Ready to Bumble

  You can move the bee side to side, up or down, and the scenery moves in reac-
tion to show motion, which you can slow or stop by moving in the opposite direc-
tion.  The scenery includes leaves with flowers--you send the bee through the
flowers for points.  It also includes thorny vines, which destroy the bee on

  L Shift   Up
  Spacebar  Down
  A         Left
  D         Right

  XI.e  Gambling

  Inside Track Betting--ITB

  Avaiable by the Mulholland Intersection, Los Santos, and in Montgomery, Red

  All the horses of this video horse race have an equal chance of winning, so
C.J. can make a lot of money by betting on the horse with the biggest odds/mul-
tiple return of the money wagered if you reload the game after every attempt and
just save the game when he wins.  There's no limit on the amount C.J. can wager.



  Available in most bars

  Use the cue--white--ball to pocket either a striped or solid color ball, then
all the others of the same type, then the eight ball.  If a player misses, it's
the other player's turn.  

  If a player pockets the cue ball or the wrong color, it's the other player's
turn and they can place the cue ball anywhere on the table.  The computer player
always puts it in the middle of about 2/3rds of the length of the table, but you
can use W,S,A, or D, or the directional arrows, to have C.J. put it anywhere
that's to his advantage for a shot.

  If one of the players pockets the eight ball before they've pocketed all of 
the balls of their type, the other player wins.

  Push the mouse forward for C.J. to draw the pool cue back, and pull the mouse
back for C.J. to push the pool cue forward.  You can press Left Shift to skip
some of the screens and cut scenes. 

  Depending on the table, C.J. can bet from $1,000 to $100,000.


  Lowrider Challenge

  See IV.10.


  Video Poker

  Available in some bars (Blueberry, Red County, etc.), The Four Dragons, Cali-
gula's Palace, and the Casino on the mid-N side of the block N of "WEST" of

  Hold the cards or discard them to try to get (from top to bottom, they are the
least likely/highest paying to most likely/lowest paying):

  Royal Flush      Ace, King, Queen, Jack, and 10 of the same suit
  Straight Flush   Five cards of the same suit and in sequence
  Four of a kind   Four cards of equal rank
  Full house       Three of a kind (equal rank) plus a pair (equal rank)
  Flush            Five cards of the same suit but not in sequence
  Straight         Five cards in sequence but not the same suit
  Three of a kind  Three cards of equal rank
  Two pairs        Two pairs of cards, each pair having the same rank
  Jacks or better  A pair of Jacks, Queens, Kings, or Aces.

  Hold the cards for the one or two combinations you're likely to get, discard
the others to have them be replaced, and your ability to win is based on the re-

  C.J. can wager $50, $100, $150, $200, 0r $250.

  The picture cards have pictures of at least these earlier GTA characters: Can-
dy Suxxx, Ricardo Diaz, Steve Scott, Lance Vance, stripa?--the VC lady with a
martini, Salvatore Leone, Asuka Kasen, Toni Cipriani, 8 Ball, Luigi Goterellio,
and Misty.


  Slot machines
  Available at The Four Dragons and Caligula's

  Each of the three windows can show either a gold bell, gold bar, grapes, cher-
ries, or "69."  Try to get three of a kind.  It's like ITB except the only way
to play it has a lot smaller a likelihood of winning than the easiest ways to
win at anything else listed here.

  A slot machine charges the same amount for each try.  The amount can be $1,
$10, $20, or $50.

  C.J. got three cherries in a row at a $10 machine and got $250.  I must have
had him try it $80 times ($800) or so 1st, though.  He got $25,000 for three
bells at a $50 machine.


  Gambling Stat and Luck Stat related Las Venturas gambling

  The following three table-dependent ways to gamble are only available at The
Four Dragons and Caligula's Palace, except Blackjack is also available at the
Casino on the mid-N side of the block N of "WEST" of "REDSANDSWEST."  The more
you bet on these games, the higher your Gambling Stat till it's maximized, and
the more money you can bet on them--up to $1,000,000.

  According to the BradyGames guide, these are the levels of C.J.'s Gambling
Stat and how much he can wager or borrow at each one for Blackjack, Roulette, or
Wheel of Fortune:

    1%  Gambler Level      $1,000
    5%  Professional      $10,000
   10%  Hi-roller        $100,000
  100%  Whale          $1,000,000

  I don't think those titles show up in the game, though.

  To increase C.J.'s Luck Stat for gambling, have him collect all 50 Horseshoes.
The highest it can go is 1,000.

  If C.J. leaves the casino owing money, he gets a call from the owner demanding
that he pay it.  If C.J. doesn't pay and is in the area, the owner calls to say
he's sending his associates, and the four gangsters of a Vincent sedan shoot at


  If you ever get lost looking for the exit for Caligula's:
  Owing to some programming mistake, the door to Caligula's Palace, seen from
the outside, is on the W side, but seen from the inside, it's on the N side.

  (The entrance/exit for The Four Dragons is on the E side of it.)


  Wheel of Fortune

  You bet at a table that the wheel will stop on (in order from most likely/low-
est pay to least likely/highest pay): $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, or the star symbol/



  Move the yellow circle over the table to pick the number/numbers that the rou-
lette wheel ball will stop on or among.  From top to bottom, in the order of
least likely to win/biggest pay to most likely to win/least pay, they are:

  Single number--if the ball lands on zero, the bet must be on zero to win
  Two numbers
  Row of three numbers (put circle on right edge of the box of the right number)
  Four numbers (a square; put the circle where the boxes of the four intersect)
  Two rows  (make the circle overlap the two right boxes of two rows)
  3 to 1 (1-34/2-35/3-36)/1st 12/2nd 12/3rd 12



  You're dealt two cards face up, and the dealer gets two cards--one face up and
one face down.

  Try to get cards that come closer to a value of 21, without going over it,
than the dealer's cards.  Aces are worth one or eleven, 10's through Kings are
worth 10.

  If you "stick" (Left Shift) with cards, you keep just them.  If you ask to be
"hit" (LMB), you're given another card face up--you can have up to five.

  When it's the dealer's turn, the dealer turns up their face down card.  If the
dealer's pair of cards are 17 or higher, they stick with them; if they're lower
than 17, they hit--add another card.

  If it's a tie it's called a "Push"--no winner.

  A "Blackjack" is an Ace and a 10 or an Ace and a picture card.

  Your cards

             2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T A  <  Dealer's cards
  17         S S S S S S S S S S
  16         S S S S S H H H H H
  15         S S S S S H H H H H
  14         S S S S S H H H H H
  13         S S S S S H H H H H
  12         H H S S S H H H H H
  11         D D D D D D D D D D
  10         D D D D D D D D H H
  9          D D D D D H H H H H
  8          H H H H H H H H H H

  H Hit
  S Stand (Hold)
  D Double; if double isn't allowed, Hit.

  Thanks to the BlackjackInfo web page for the chart that recommends when to
hold and when to hit:


    All done!

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