Gex – Planet X (walkthrough)

Gex - Planet X

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Planet X The In-Depth FAQ/Walkthrough
for one of the best made games ever, GEX!
and written by: Pavel 'paffka' Nedelev (Pidgeotto)
Suggestions, Questions, Corrections, Comments?
Contact me at:
Version: 0.7
Started: 20/09/2004
Last updated: 16/10/2004


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----->Frequently Asked Questions
----->Planet X Walkthrough
-Saucer Section
-Free Fall
-Bombs Away
-Head to Head
-Newton's 4th Law
-The Project
-The Web

Viewers are kindly requested to correct or send
information I have not included. After all, this is a
FAQ/Walkthrough under massive construction. Thank you.

++++++++++++ ++++++++++++
++++++++++++ INTRODUCTION ++++++++++++
++++++++++++ ++++++++++++

GEX was actually the very first computer game I ever purchased. It looked
flashy and mildly entertaining in its time and that was the reason I picked
it up. It was made by Microsoft so I confessed I'd have as few problems
running as possible. Well, that turned out to be true but nowadays, the game
is simply too aged to be found played by masses.

It's still a thrill getting to the end, but what few realized, after
completing it, was that it mysteriously had a secretive sixth zone to the
already available ones: The Cemetery, New Toonland, Jungle Isle, Kung
Fuville and Rezopolis. This one was called Planet X and reaching it was an
arduous task. What is more, the developers did not even hint to its
existence in the package which further increased the amount of people
simply throwing the game away, without having the knowledge it was not
fully complete.

Now, completing Planet X and then proceeding to defeat Rez will award you a
very interesting ending which you wouldn't be able to see otherwise. Yeah,
well, there's also the thrill of finishing every specific Planet X task.

Planet X had quite a few levels and each requires a specific ability to be
mastered. Some others plainly require for the gamer to have curiosity and
the want for adventure. Either way, all levels are possible to be completed.

Have fun.

++++++++++++ ++++++++++++
++++++++++++ FAQs ++++++++++++
++++++++++++ ++++++++++++

Here, I have compiled a couple of questions which may be of interest to
those playing Planet X and reading my guide.

>OK. How do I reach Planet X!?< ~This is possibly the most difficult part. You'll have to find one Bonus Level at least in each zone and complete it to get a Perfect score. Each time you do so, you gain a segment of the Remote which (when fully acquired) will be usable and will trigger one of the large TVs to lead to Planet X itself. Bonus Levels can be reached by finding a portal in usually very well-hidden areas and going through them. In the Cemetery, all you'll need to do is position yourself next to a stump spitting skulls and jump up and down in rhythm with the spitting to tail whip them in the direction of the Francken-Geckos. There are ten of them, and your target is to kill them all. Don't let them traverse the ledge and then return, or you'll fail. Whilst in new Toonland find the portal leading to a blue-tinged chute. However, before you begin, it is necessary to have obtained the Grashopper Ball which will enable GEX to jump higher. You'll find some around the portal itself, so keep looking. Now, the object is to collect all Silver Flies. You must strike GEX onto the rubbery walls and keep pressing Up to make him ascend. You won't be able to get the Remote piece the first time through, as you'll need to memorise the patern of flies along the way. On Jungle Isle, you'll find GEX on a hanging wooden bridge below a waterfall. Silver Flies quite ellusively fall from that fall and it is up to you to get them all. Having the faintest idea of where they'll appear is an extra help and for this reason, you may repeat the Bonus Levels. The easiest way is to keep your cool and run (NOT dash) from end to end, collecting the falling flies. A tail whip (preferably not a tongue lash) will ensure you get them difficult ones. Kung Fuville's surprise is quite easy to complete with a perfect score (150 Golden Flies) being obtained by GEX dashing on ledges, blocks and walls all within a single chamber. If you mastered dashing in the game up to now, you'll have a very enjoyable outing. Rezopolis, besides being a pain throughout, offers an extra huge pain the neck with its Bonus Levels. The task is to tail whip all 30 golden barrels which fall from the overhead conveyor belts. GEX is on a stationary piece of land, but surrounding him are other conveyors leading away. It's pretty difficult having to regain your balance after falling on one and still have time to not miss any falling barrels. Dashing here is suicidal. Do not dash. Lastly, a word of comfort. You do not need to break all 30 barrels, but at least 27 before you are given the last Remote piece. Joy. Now, the Planet X remote has had its parts combined and is ready for usage. Select it from the levels screen in any zone, and walk into the big TV that lights up.~ >What can I use the Balls for in the Planet X levels?< ~You'll mostly find pink Butterfly Balls which award GEX an extra life. These'll be lifesaving when you are stuck on a level, wasting away life after life. Another is the white Amber Ball. This one will refill an empty paw GEX might've lost in battle earlier in the level. The Flea Ball will fill all hit paws and add an extra to the tally. The Centipede Ball will energize GEX's leg muscles for a short while in which he'll be able to dash like mad. The Grasshopper Ball will enable GEX to cut distances by jumping higher and farther. Ladybug Balls'll fill all empty paws, immediately. Yes, you might've already experienced these during the game but they're also part of Planet X and deserve to be remembered.~ >I can't be bothered with playing through the game. Can you provide
passwords?< ~Oh yes, I'll just have to finalise everything and I'll add all passes I know of. For now, I think you'll be happy with this: RYYRYXKB It has all Planet X levels already completed but not all extrernal missions. Do check back later for more info.~ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ Planet X Walkthrough ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ All right, here's the glint of gold everyone was searching for. **************************************************************************** *** Saucer Section *** *** ---------------- *** **************************************************************************** A very easy mission to complete, as long as you ignore your initial frustration of not being able to complete it the first few times. You must memorize the habit of each obstacle and remember where it is best to seek cover. You begin on the usual landing. As the Question Mark'll confide with you, you need to jump and stick to the transparent purplish film. It will then accelerate to the right all the way to the end. A rule of thumb here is to never, I repeat, NEVER lose hold of the surface. That is to say, jump. However, what is seemingly a glitch on my system is that tail-whipping your way will accidentally lose GEX his balance and begin to fall. If you do get in such a tense situation tap your Up button to hopefully readhere. The first set of obstacles are vibrating one-seat metallic saucers. GEX is vulnerable to touching their surfaces. Try to keep even the tip of your tail out of reach, because this is the level's area where paws must not be wasted. ollect the scant golden flies along, but approach the visible Butterfly Ball with extreme caution. You are most likely to waste a paw than gain an extra life. Id' rather ignore it if I were you, along with the rest of the powerups along the way if they are out of reach. Once you've cleared these spaceships, come the next obstacles. Longer, flatter, metallic flying saucers. These are much more troublesome and you really ought to remember their pathways. For the first, keep as much upwards as possible. Adhere to the left corner. Same goes for the second (right corner, however) but as soon as it passes by, head downwards, grab those flies and so on. The set of two saucers aligned together is passed on the underside while the triplet is above them. Next come pairs of rotating saucers. Traverse from the upper side downwards as they pass. Attack the second pair from the very middle. Don't worry about the tightness of the situation. Try to obtain the Butterfly Ball. Next come the hovering one-seat saucers which complete a singular loop around GEX. Keep GEX's position towards the centre of the wall as very soon, a Remote comes up among the aliens' commotion. Get out of their way and proceed to the section with darting jets. Your eye-finger co-ordination is tested near to the max here. Avoid hesitation about the Balls hovering about and dodge the oncoming dangers. Finally, the transparent wall comes to a halt on a metallic landing ledge. Drop off and wreck the TV. **************************************************************************** *** Free Fall *** *** ----------- *** **************************************************************************** This is quite possibly the fastest to complete and most facile of all Planet X missions. The reason is simple, gravity being the only force driving you towards the end. Yes, as the level's title implies this is a free fall. Though the area is surrounded by flat walls, they are unclingable. As much as we anted the reverse to be true, it is not. You begin the level very much on solid ground. YOu are required to dive into the narrow floor opening. What follows is an exciting drop down a wide chute. Golden glies are everywhere, and in order to avoid tose nasty electric rays, you are encouraged to keep following their trails. Avoid diverting your position and lash your tongue here and there to obtain as many flies as is possible. At some point, while drifting down the golden pathway, you'll encounter another Remote. Afterwards, you'll come across an attractive little Butterfly Ball field where there's a very large abundancy. Anything above two collected Balls is sheer swell. A little farther down, GEX reaches the bottom where a bronze TV is waiting to be crashed. Basically, this is the odd level where you are permitted to replenish your stock of life. Try and collect as many lives as possible here before moving on to the next levels and always return when you are at a lack of them. **************************************************************************** *** Bombs Away *** *** ------------ *** **************************************************************************** An entertaining little level where you are given the choice to easily replenish your lives and pop some serious alien ass. Hehe, J/K. All you'll need is a bit of patience, precision and care to accomplish what is another easy mission. You begin the level in a safe position. Snatch the flies hovering above the queer humps and head down the slopes. Continue grabbing flies and swallow all those Balls waiting around the corners. At the bottom, climb the vertical wall in the new chamber and trigger the port to appear. Once fully open, jump in from above and slam on your Up button. Here come the complications. The port drops you off in the middle of unmapped land. Before you can take in your surroundings, you are plummeting down a chute surrounded by very unfriendly-looking humanoid aliens in large numbers. What you must remember here is to keep your cool, and avoid pressing any buttons, lest tail whipping the goodies flying by. Finally, you'll land with a silent thud (well, not quite, but meh...) at the very bottom. Thankfully, we are all quite safe here. Grab a snapshot and pick up the Remote mounted on the distinctive pedestal. When you are all ready and motivated, you can begin your climb. This is done by climbing the walls and avoiding the projectiles hurled by the numerous critters. Just place GEX on the wall below each one and wait for it to expel a bullet. Jump upwards and tail whip away. Just make double sure you don't tail whip any of the pick-ups because you'll regret getting only one hit paw filled after slashing the Flea Ball. Steadily make your way upwards where you'll emerge winner. Head towards the right, through the solid-looking wall and into a new room decorated by many, many goodies. If, however, you immediately turn left, you'll enter the room with the exit which you could've heard or seen much earlier. Collect everything possible and climb onto the ceiling of this room. Release hold once you're above the arrow compromised of golden flies. GEX lands on a teeny weensy ledge. Drop and make sure you get the point, by sticking to the ledge's sides. Just below the ledge is the portal leading to the exit... A not very important but necessary end note is the transfiguration of a particular Ball along the chute. It is one which some times appears as a Centipede Ball, other times as a second Flea Ball. Well, this is it for this level. **************************************************************************** *** Head to Head *** *** -------------- *** **************************************************************************** This is perhaps my most cherished Planet X level. Though the skill needed may be a little troublesome, you may get the hang of it quickly enough, providing you used GEX's tail bounce operation. If you simply can't gather what this is Jump and when descending to land, press and hold you Down button. A question mark towards the beginning says so too. The target here is to traverse across the numerous ponds filled with deadly substance and get to the end. This is done by tail bouncing onto the inanimate robots trundling in the pools. From bot to bot and finally to a safe landing. In some places, you'll need to bounce over a bot twice which is an extra difficult task as they transform after the first impact into spinning machines which self-destruct after a couple of seconds. Just make sure you don't get hit by their small explosions and dive into the chemical... At first, you'll lose may lives before you get the hang of it. Don't let this discourage you, for there are two waiting Butterfly Balls along the way, numerous flies and a treasure of lives towards the end. Just hang onto your hat and don't restart! Whip the camera halfway across to catch your breath and make sure you collect the lonesome Remote along the way. **************************************************************************** *** Newton's 4th Law *** *** ------------------ *** **************************************************************************** I've never bothered to check what Newton's 4th Law states, nor what it concerns (though it is evident from the mission gravity is involved) but that shouldn't prevent you from running away from the screen to consult an old Physics book. Overall, this is somewhat of a regular mission as it involves the use of most of GEX's functions, unlike a singular feature of varying difficulty revolving across the whole level. The basics here are as follows: tail-whip all the purple or yellow cameras to discover a changed part of the layout, to continue. Solid barricades are turned off/on in such a way and you mjust sometimes strike a single camera several times to get a desired effect. At one point, you'll be met with two very close such barricades. In this case, you'll have to first turn off the first and cross the invisible line where it once stood. Duck, and tailwhip the device from a distance such that the first one reappears but the new one vanishes into thin air. Well done if you crossed this without help. In the section with very little gravity, simply keep pressing Jump to trigger GEX upwards. Just like water in regular missions. Once you reach the diagonal slopes, stay alert for any cameras along the way, as not striking them may land you in a very nasty pool with toxic green fluid. Discover the hidden (well, not quite) Flea Ball which is situated near the ceiling high above one of the slides. The rest is just a continuation fo repetitive obstacles. Electric zappers are to be left well alone and toxic pools avoided. Eventually, you'll reach the end but you'll have to repeat the level if you didn't manage to grab the Remote which is located just above one of the first falling floors. Some small notes towards the level's completion perfection are here. Whenever you begin the level and destroy those pesky blocks, you encounter your first slide. Instead of going down, here grab onto the ceiling and crawl along it, downwards. Just two inches above the first electric bolts, jump upwards and you'll 'magically' land on an invisible wall within the solidness. You'll slide down to a ledge and from there you can proceed to the left and ascent the diagonal ramp. At the top are twenty-five golden flies. Just don't leap over the edge or you'll exit the level'sconstruction. Another place to do the above, if not accidentally, is once you descend down the vile, poisonous green liquid towards the end to snatch those collectable flies with it. You'll reach a very hospitable little corridor. If you dash across it and grab onto the upper ceiling, you'll drop down and out if you continue towards the upper-left corner once the passage slopes down. **************************************************************************** *** The Project *** *** ------------- *** **************************************************************************** WHEN will game designers finally learn that adding maze-like puzzle levels to games may lengthen the gaming experience but greatly annoys the person forced to play through the level? Well, I agree that this is only 1996 but I've had the same annoying ordeals in later games too. This one can frustrate you so much, I wouldn't be surprised if anyone who purchased the game disposed of it in a deep dark cupboard for years after attempting to complete this. I am currently working on hand-drawing a map which I'll possibly link to in the near future as the whole place is so mixed up and dumbfounding, your head can explode. Before you start, be assured that there are (at least) four exits in the form of portals taking you to a chamber with the familiar giant TV. Sadly, there is only one Remote available and this is quite distressing indeed. There are around ten Butterfly Balls and huge numbers of golden flies dispersed throughout. You can collect these and use them as markers to see where you've already been. Thankfully, you cannot lose paws or lives here. A big, but rather necessary spoiler is that the level is entirely rectangular. This means is has four impenetrable sides. If you shed sweat to reach these extremities, you'd see the closing, solid walls. Now, the mission cannot be completed successfully unless you grab the Remote and run off to the following mission. I don't recommend quitting the stage without it, though it is very likely since once a portal opens, it drags GEX through it, even if you try to escape. The Remote, itself, is placed on a high, black pedestal right next to the TOP, LEFT CORNER of the whole level. A tip is to head that-a-way and you'll eventually steal a glimpse of it from the wrong passageway or even better, slam headlong into it. An exitting portal is situated very conveniently nearby, right on the corner. Elsewhere, some of the other portals are situated very near to the starting spot, if you take the right route. You'll know you're on the right track if you begin falling down an unbelievingly deep chute. However, you'll quit the mission without aquiring the Remote for the next mission. So, pretty much, you're stuck unless you take the left path. **************************************************************************** *** The Web *** *** --------- *** **************************************************************************** A not completely straight-forward stage as this special mission involves mazes surrounded by walls of high voltage electricity running through them. You'll die if you touch any part of the continuous beams and lose a paw if you get fried by the pausing ones. All you'll need is accuracy and a lizard's cold-bloodedness. You begin in a small chamber. Cross the sparkler when it's off, just to get a preliminary taste of these. Slide down ad drop down the chute, controlling his fall as GEX may easily scathe himself on those walls. Land in another chamber, this one involving the three Question Marks which'll inform you how the chopper blades a little up ahead are ridden. Hop onto it and press the Right button to get out of the enclave and begin an arduous journey into a maze of electricity. Along the way, you'll meet several other on-and-off type electric beams where you'll need to be cautious and wait for them to turnoff. Aside from these, the flies are numerous. The real maze begins with the hopping onto different choppers. You'll have to park your first one and climb onto a new one. This, in turn, will lead you to another parking area where you'll pick up other choppers. The problems arise with the fact that very few gamers try out the tactic of forcing the chopper in one direction and jumping off, allowing it to fall to some other place where it will have stopped to remain for your arrival. This is done here with some of the bots. At last, you'll come across a portal which takes you to another area where you'll be given the chance to save your progress. What follows is a horizontal corridor surrounded by electric floors and ceiling which can be traversed on the provided chopper. Trouble arises when those columns descending from the ceiling prevent GEX easy access. You'll have to jump and stick to them before the chopper does, go down and over to the other side where you'll bounce off and land again onto solid metal. Make a mental note that these travel slower if not mounted. In the end, you'll be provided three portals to chose from. Two lead back to the beginning of this long chamber while the other takes you to the Remote and therefore, the eagerly awaited exit. In the last area, grab the Remote and jump onto the chopper. Let it go up until you can jump and grab that solid wall. Let the chopper fall in the meantime and go to the other side,landing on the neighbouring chopper. Let this one go up, and as it does, jump upwards and only then press Left to grab onto the solid wall as to allow the machine to travel upwards while you ride the first chopper upwards. Higher and higher, you'll experience more such shifts but always remember to press the direction keys only after GEX has jumped in order to prevent the choppers falling down. Once you clear those obstacles, you are presented with two portals, one leading to where you picked up the Remote and one into the small chamber adorned with the exit TV. I'll leave the decision-making to you. By the way, if you manage to somehow screw the progress of the choppers up and you can find your way downwards, use the portal you came through as a reset button which will bring them back down. For a final note, I'll have to please those who saw a chamberful of Butterfly Balls near the beginning of the level. Yes, it can be reached and reaching it will provide you with an alternative pathway around the electrical maze. So, do listen up! Just after the three Question Marks and the parking spot of the very first chopper, you can drop down into the chasm and grab the side of the shockless wall. Crawl downwards and you'll be amazed that GEX swerves invisibly into the wall and into a hidden passage. This leads to a little complicated area with lots and lots of pick-ups, Golden Flies, but also ruddy enemies and some electric beams. Have a go at everything worthwhile. To exit this, you'll have to ride another chopper all the way to a portal leading you to the second area which (as you've read above) is long, horizontal and packed with electricity from ceiling to bottom. Or, find the small square roomlet with an invincible metallic ball which rolls, stops and shoots pellets that guards the four Butterfly Balls. The portal will take you to the mentioned area for you to recontinue your mission towards the end. Secrets! I just loove Secrets! **************************************************************************** *** Clothesline *** *** ------------- *** **************************************************************************** A very simple level, though it may prove as ruddy difficult as hell. Sometimes, you may be able to complete it without even realizing what you're doing but generally, everyone gets killed at least once even if they make an effort in surviving. The object is this: ride the speeding chopper horizontally all the way to the end, hopping, ducking and plainly avoiding those steel girders along the way. The speed is quite rapid and once you lose control of GEX hopping to and fro, the chance of getting him GUILLTOINE'D is enormously high. Hopefully, you'll avoid them by accurate hops from girder to girder. Golden Flies are definitely not your objective here. A simple way to complete this with as little fuss as possible is to duck through the whole journey. It gives you a higher chance of survival... Don't forget to jump once the chopper hits the wall as it'll rapidly descend into oblivion. Hop onto the platofrm and take care to obtain that Tape. Then, proceed to the exit. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ HISTORY ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ What I've been doing in the past few months... Dates are listed in the European and standard (imo) way. (DD/MM/YYYY) 20/09/2004- Began work on the first few missions in the walkthrough (8.4KBs) 03/10/2004- Nearly completed walkthrough. Clothesline still remains under suspicion (12.8KBs) 16/10/2004- Whoaa! Everything is nearly dealt with. Only passwords remain and possible fixes here and there, if existant. Added the one-space margin to the left for some users with troublesome screen resolutions. Will post today. (34.1KBs) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ THANKS ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ First of all, I would like to give a big thank you to GameFAQs and CJayC for their outstanding work and the excellent idea of making a website which gives gamers the ability to form a community. Microsoft for creating such an early installment that works so perfectly and smoothly, with as few requirements as possible. Rogier Meurs for creating a little Notepad displacement program (Notepad+) allowing for unlimited amounts of text. Praiseworthy. A big thank you will also come to the people who contribute something here. You'll know who you are. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ COPYRIGHTS ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

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