Freelancer ships guide
By Starman Omega
-------------------------------Table of Contents-----------------------------
1. Legal Crap
2. Revision History
3. Info
4. Ships
a. Light Fighters
b. Heavy Fighters
c. Very Heavy Fighters
d. Freighters
5. Best equipment
a. Guns
b. Other Stuff
6. Contacting Me
7. Credits
--------------------------------1. Legal Crap--------------------------------
This FAQ was written by me, Starman Omega, and can't be used without my
permission. If you want to use this guide on your website, e-mail me first and
I will probably let you, as long as you give me credit. Plagarizers will be
shot, survivors will be shot again.
These are the only websites that can use this FAQ:
Email me if you see this FAQ on any other website.
-----------------------------2. Revision History-----------------------------
Version 1.21 (6/11/06) - Fixed the subgroup explanation, since I just realized
that damage points could not be used to determine if a missile hit the
subgroup since that wouldn't work on capships >_<. Sorry if I confused you
earlier with that whole thing about damage points.
Version 1.2 (6/9/06) - Added in subgroups for the ship stats. And
still waiting for the world to end - maybe Satan is taking a vacation? :D
Version 1.13 (6/6/06) - Realized I forgot to mention that you have to be
level 34 to get the Nomad guns in multiplayer, so that's added in. Also felt
I had to update this one last time before the nukes fall and the hordes of
crazed demons eat all the children :P
Version 1.12 (1/29/06) - Removed the Wall O' Shame because no one has gotten
on it since this FAQ was written. Also fixed an error with the level
requirements for getting Nomad weapons, and changed a few other things.
Version 1.11 - Fixed an error with the damage of the DIAMONDBACK/CERBERUS.
They actually do 1173 hull damage, not 1147.
Version 1.1 - Changed the turning speed stat so it would be shown in deg/s,
instead of rad/s like before.
Version 1.0 (8/2/05) - Finally decided that I would never actually do the
comparison charts, so I changed the version to 1.0. Also made some minor
changes to the guide.
Version 0.81 (3/21/05) - Added a list of websites that have permission to use
this FAQ.
Version 0.8 (3/13/05) - The first version, obviously, which was written when
I was very bored.
-----------------------------------3. Info-----------------------------------
This is a guide on, and only on, the flyable ships in Freelancer. If you're
looking for a walkthrough or anything else other than a guide to the ships,
you won't find it here, so hit the back button now. If you did click on this
to find a guide for the ships in Freelancer, then this is how to read the
Name - Self-explanatory.
Type - Who makes the ship, i.e. Rheinland, Borderworlds, etc.
Weapon Mounts - The amount and class of the weapon mounts on this ship. Also
states whether turrets on fighters are forward-firing. The shield class
of the ship is equal to the maximum weapon class.
Armor - Self-explanatory.
Subgroups - Most people (including me before I started modding) believe that
extra missile damage is based on the speed the missile hits. This is not the
case, however. Most ships have their collision data divided into subgroups
for things like wings and fins. This allows them to get blown off while the
ship stays alive. These subgroups also transfer damage to the hull, so if a
gun hits them it will still cause hull damage. However, when an explosion from
a missile hits the ship, it will usually hit multiple subgroups which all
transfer the damage to the hull, multiplying the damage done. This is also why
missiles don't seem to work very well against Nomads - Nomad Fighters have no
extra subgroups, so missiles will never do extra damage against them. Also be
aware that subgroups only matter when your shields are down. This stat is the
number of subgroups the ship has + 1 for the main hull. To get the maximum
missile damage to the ship, just multiply the missile's damage by the number
shown here (It is pretty rare for a missile to hit all the subgroups on a ship,
though). Basically, the less subgroups there are, and the farther apart they
are, the better. This stat also tells where the subgroups are on a ship.
Cargo Space - Self-explanatory.
Nanobots/Shield Batteries - The amount of nanobots and shield batteries this
ship can hold.
Turning Speed - The speed the ship turns at in degrees per second.
Power Capacity - The amount of energy the ship can store.
Where to buy - Again, self-explanatory.
Price - Once again, self-explanatory.
Firepower - A measure on a scale of 1-10 of how much damage the ship can
cause. All heavy and very heavy fighters get a bonus in this area because of
their torpedo mounts.
Defense - On a scale of 1-10, how many hits the ship can take when nanobots
and shield batteries are being used.
Maneuverability - Basically the turning speed of the ship, but on a scale of
1-10 again. Note that the 3 fighters with a 9 or 10 in this stat turn much
faster than anything with a lower score.
Comments - You guessed it, self-explanatory.
----------------------------------4. Ships-----------------------------------
4a. Light Fighters
Obviously, light fighters are the weakest ships in the game, but in general,
they're also the most maneuverable. The stronger ones can take on VHFs and win
if the pilot is skilled enough, as they are very hard to hit. They also
generally have less subgroups than HFs, which helps offset the lower armor.
Type - Rheinland
Weapon Mounts - 2 Class 6 Guns, 2 Class 7 Guns
Armor - 4500
Subgroups - 3 - Main hull and the two wings.
Cargo Space - 45
Nanobots/Shield Batteries - 33
Turning Speed - 68.75 deg/sec
Power Capacity - 4700
Where to buy - Planet Hamburg, Planet New Berlin, Planet Stuttgart
Price - $141,920
Firepower - 5/10
Defense - 7/10
Maneuverability - 6/10
Comments - The most powerful light fighter in the game. However, it still has
less firepower than any of the heavy fighters due to it, like all light
fighters, having only 4 gunmounts and no torpedoes. It can take a lot of
hits, though.
Type - Pirate
Weapon Mounts - 1 Class 3 Gun, 2 Class 4 Guns, 1 Class 4 Forward-Firing Turret
Armor - 1900
Subgroups - 3 - Main hull and the two sets of fins on the back.
Cargo Space - 35
Nanobots/Shield Batteries - 14
Turning Speed - 68.75 deg/sec
Power Capacity - 1500
Where to buy - Rochester Base (New York)
Price - $12,120
Firepower - 2/10
Defense - 3/10
Maneuverability - 6/10
Comments - One of the weakest (and ugliest) ships in the game. Just don't buy
Type - Bretonia
Weapon Mounts - 2 Class 4 Guns, 2 Class 5 Guns
Armor - 2100
Subgroups - 2 - Main hull and the tail.
Cargo Space - 30
Nanobots/Shield Batteries - 15
Turning Speed - 68.75 deg/sec
Power Capacity - 2100
Where to buy - Planet Cambridge, Planet Leeds, Planet New London, Battleship
Price - $25,660
Firepower - 3/10
Defense - 3/10
Maneuverability - 6/10
Comments - This wouldn't be a bad ship to buy in Bretonia during the SP
campaign, except you need torpedoes for the coming missions. You should only
buy this if you're having a lot of trouble with the Hovis race or if you're
really worried about getting insta-killed by a missile, since this ship has
the least subgroups of any flyable ship in the game.
Type - Borderworlds
Weapon Mounts - 2 Class 3 Guns, 2 Class 4 Guns, 1 Turret Class 4 Forward-Firing
Armor - 1800
Subgroups - 3 - Main hull and the two wings.
Cargo Space - 35
Nanobots/Shield Batteries - 15
Turning Speed - 68.75 deg/sec
Power Capacity - 1800
Where to buy - Buffalo Base (New York)
Price - $17,020
Firepower - 3/10
Defense - 3/10
Maneuverability - 6/10
Comments - A great ship to get near the beginning of the SP Campaign, although
you have to become friendly with the Rogues to get it. This is also the only
ship in the game with 5 weapon slots.
Type - Kusari
Weapon Mounts - 2 Class 5 Guns, 2 Class 6 Guns
Armor - 2800
Subgroups - 3 - Main hull and the two wings.
Cargo Space - 35
Nanobots/Shield Batteries - 23
Turning Speed - 95.49 deg/sec
Power Capacity - 2900
Where to buy - Planet Honshu, Planet Kyushu, Planet New Tokyo
Price - $51,920
Firepower - 4/10
Defense - 4/10
Maneuverability - 10/10
Comments - The most popular light fighter in the game, and for a good reason.
A skilled pilot can kill very heavy fighters with this ship, as it is very
hard to hit due to its insane maneuverability and small size. However, don't
get this in the SP campaign, as the weaker guns and lack of torpedoes will
make a lot of the missions harder.
Type - Civilian
Weapon Mounts - 2 Class 5 Guns, 2 Class 6 Guns
Armor - 3300
Subgroups - 3 - Main hull and the two wings.
Cargo Space - 45
Nanobots/Shield Batteries - 26
Turning Speed - 68.75 deg/sec
Power Capacity - 3400
Where to buy - Kyoto Base, Planet Honshu, Planet Kyushu
Price - $70,620
Firepower - 4/10
Defense - 5/10
Maneuverability - 6/10
Comments - Performs very similarly to the Drake, but trades off
maneuverability for better armor and energy. However, the Drake is still
better, because maneuverability is the most important asset to a LF.
Type - Corsair
Weapon Mounts - 2 Class 4 Guns, 2 Class 5 Guns
Armor - 2400
Subgroups - 3
Subgroup Locations - Main hull and the two wings.
Cargo Space - 35
Nanobots/Shield Batteries - 20
Turning Speed - 68.75 deg/sec
Power Capacity - 2500
Where to buy - Trafalgar Base (New London)
Price - $35,060
Firepower - 3/10
Defense - 4/10
Maneuverability - 6/10
Comments - This ship is a lot like the Cavalier, but it can take more damage.
Type - Liberty
Weapon Mounts - 4 Class 3 Guns
Armor - 1300
Subgroups - 3 - Main hull and the two back fins.
Cargo Space - 25
Nanobots/Shield Batteries - 12
Turning Speed - 91.67 deg/sec
Power Capacity - 1300
Where to buy - California Minor, Planet Los Angeles, Planet Denver, Planet
Manhattan, Planet Houston
Price - $7,600
Firepower - 2/10
Defense - 1/10
Maneuverability - 9/10
Comments - Pretty crap except for its maneuverability, but makes a great
second ship due to its price and availability.
Type - Bounty Hunter
Weapon Mounts - 2 Class 3 Guns, 2 Class 4 Guns
Armor - 1800
Subgroups - 3 - Main hull and the top and bottom fins.
Cargo Space - 35
Nanobots/Shield Batteries - 15
Turning Speed - 68.75 deg/sec
Power Capacity - 1800
Where to buy - Planet Cambridge, Planet Leeds, Liverpool Border Station
(Manchester), Sheffield Station (Manchester), Planet New London
Price - $17,020
Firepower - 2/10
Defense - 3/10
Maneuverability - 6/10
Comments - Another very weak ship that you shouldn't buy. I've never even seen
anyone using this.
Type - Civilian
Weapon Mounts - 2 Class 2 Guns, 1 Class 3 Gun
Armor - 1100
Subgroups - 3 - Main hull and the two wings.
Cargo Space - 20
Nanobots/Shield Batteries - 10
Turning Speed - 95.49 deg/sec
Power Capacity - 1000
Where to buy - You start with it
Price - N/A
Firepower - 1/10
Defense - 1/10
Maneuverability - 10/10
Comments - Easily the weakest ship in the game. Get out of it as soon as
possible. However, this is not the worst ship, as that award goes to the...
Type - Civilian
Weapon Mounts - 2 Class 3 Guns, 1 Class 4 Gun
Armor - 1800
Subgroups - 4 - Main hull, the two wings, and the lower wing structure.
Cargo Space - 30
Nanobots/Shield Batteries - 15
Turning Speed - 60.35 deg/sec
Power Capacity - 1800
Where to buy - Planet Los Angeles, Planet Denver, Planet Manhattan, Planet
Price - $17,020
Firepower - 1/10
Defense - 3/10
Maneuverability - 3/10
Comments - The Startracker is, without a doubt, the worst ship in the game.
It has the 2nd worst firepower and although its defense is OK compared to some
similar ships, you will die much faster than in anything else except the Rhino
due it having the worst turning and most subgroups of any light fighter. It
also costs as much as a Dagger! Avoid this like the plague.
4b. Heavy Fighters
Heavy fighters are what you'll use for most of the SP Campaign. They're right
between light and very heavy fighters in terms of performance.
Type - Bounty Hunter
Weapon Mounts - 2 Class 5 Guns, 4 Class 6 Guns
Armor - 3600
Subgroups - 5 - Main hull, the two wings, and the top and bottom fins.
Cargo Space - 45
Nanobots/Shield Batteries - 26
Turning Speed - 76.86 deg/sec
Power Capacity - 3400
Where to buy - Planet Curacao (Cortez), Planet Honshu, Planet Kyushu, Planet
New Tokyo
Price - $71,210
Firepower - 6/10
Defense - 6/10
Maneuverability - 8/10
Comments - A great heavy fighter to buy, this can actually outmaneuver many
light fighters. The best ship to get in the SP Campaign before you have access
to the Anubis. Although it has a large amount of subgroups, they are spread
out enough so they'll probably never all get hit at once.
Type - Corsair
Weapon Mounts - 2 Class 8 Guns, 4 Class 9 Guns
Armor - 9200
Subgroups - 5 - Main hull, the two wings, and the top and bottom fins.
Cargo Space - 45
Nanobots/Shield Batteries - 55
Turning Speed - 60.09 deg/sec
Power Capacity - 8900
Where to buy - Cadiz Base (Omega-5)
Price - $441,550
Firepower - 9/10
Defense - 10/10
Maneuverability - 3/10
Comments - The most powerful heavy fighter in the game, this could be a very
heavy fighter. However, if you're rich enough to get ships like this, you
might as well go for a VHF, although with Kraken 2s you can take on VHFs.
One problem is that a missile hitting the center of the ship where the wings
meet can do a huge amount of damage.
Type - Bretonia
Weapon Mounts - 2 Class 4 Guns, 4 Class 5 Guns
Armor - 2600
Subgroups - 4 - Main hull, the two wings, and the tail.
Cargo Space - 35
Nanobots/Shield Batteries - 20
Turning Speed - 60.09 deg/sec
Power Capacity - 2500
Where to buy - Bretonia battleships (except the Hood)
Price - $35,350
Firepower - 6/10
Defense - 4/10
Maneuverability - 3/10
Comments - The Crusader (AKA the Fishmobile) looks really weird, but it has
good firepower for its price. Although the defensive capabilities don't
quite match the offensive (however it does have less subgroups than some other
HFs which are also spread out well), this is the ship you'll probably use in
the Bretonia portion of the SP campaign.
Type - Liberty
Weapon Mounts - 3 Class 3 Guns, 2 Class 4 Guns, 1 Class 4 Forward-Firing Turret
Armor - 1600
Subgroups - 4 - Main hull, the two wings, and the spoiler on the back.
Cargo Space - 30
Nanobots/Shield Batteries - 14
Turning Speed - 71.62 deg/sec
Power Capacity - 1500
Where to buy - Liberty battleships
Price - $12,260
Firepower - 5/10
Defense - 2/10
Maneuverability - 6/10
Comments - Although this is the weakest of the heavy fighters, it's the best
ship available at the beginning of the SP Campaign. It also turns like a light
fighter. Aldo, it's good for humiliating people by pwning their shiny VHFs with
Sunslayers ^_^.
Type - Kusari
Weapon Mounts - 2 Class 5 Guns, 4 Class 6 Guns
Armor - 3600
Subgroups - 6 - Main hull, the two wings, the tail, and the two spikes on the
Cargo Space - 40
Nanobots/Shield Batteries - 26
Turning Speed - 60.09 deg/sec
Power Capacity - 3400
Where to buy - Kusari battleships
Price - $71,210
Firepower - 6/10
Defense - 6/10
Maneuverability - 3/10
Comments - Look at that: 6 subgroups! And they're incredibly close to each
other! You won't have a prayer if a missile hits you with your shields down in
this. Otherwise, it's almost the same as the Barracuda, but has less
maneuverability and cargo space. Get a Barracuda instead. If you really want to
use this because of the cool looks, either stock up on CMs or keep your shields
up at all times.
Type - Civilian
Weapon Mounts - 2 Class 7 Guns, 3 Class 8 Guns, 1 Class 8 Turret
Armor - 6200
Subgroups - 4 - Main hull, the two wings, and the top fin.
Cargo Space - 60
Nanobots/Shield Batteries - 43
Turning Speed - 76.86 deg/sec
Power Capacity - 6400
Where to buy - Planet Hamburg, Planet New Berlin, Planet Kurile (Sigma-17),
Planet Baden Baden, Planet Stuttgart
Price - $257,880
Firepower - 8/10
Defense - 8/10
Maneuverability - 8/10
Comments - This is the best ship to get if you can't afford a VHF or a
Centurion. It's powerful and can take as much as it can dish out. It also
handles very well.
Type - Borderworlds
Weapon Mounts - 2 Class 6 Guns, 4 Class 7 Guns
Armor - 4900
Subgroups - 5 - Main hull and the top and bottom wings.
Cargo Space - 45
Nanobots/Shield Batteries - 33
Turning Speed - 60.09 deg/sec
Power Capacity - 4700
Where to buy - Bruchsal Base (Frankfurt)
Price - $143,110
Firepower - 7/10
Defense - 7/10
Maneuverability - 3/10
Comments - The next step up from the Anubis. It doesn't have that much
more firepower, but it can take more damage. Additionally, it's probably the
most missile-resistant HF, because although it has 5 subgroups, 2 of them are
far below the rest of the ship.
Type - Rheinland
Weapon Mounts - 2 Class 7 Guns, 3 Class 8 Guns, 1 Class 8 Turret
Armor - 5800
Subgroups - 4 - Main hull, the two wings, and the big circular thing on the
back of the ship.
Cargo Space - 50
Nanobots/Shield Batteries - 38
Turning Speed - 60.09 deg/sec
Power Capacity - 5400
Where to buy - Battleship Westfalen (Hamburg)
Price - $202,880
Firepower - 8/10
Defense - 8/10
Maneuverability - 3/10
Comments - Basically a cheaper, but much cooler looking version of the Falcon
that can't take as many hits or turn as well. You might as well get $50,000
more and go for the Falcon. Now if only you could get a cloaking one like in
the campaign...
Type - Pirate
Weapon Mounts - 2 Class 5 Guns, 3 Class 6 Guns, 1 Class 6 Turret
Armor - 3600
Subgroups - 5 - Main hull, the two middle fins, and the two additional sets
of fins on the back.
Cargo Space - 40
Nanobots/Shield Batteries - 26
Turning Speed - 60.09 deg/sec
Power Capacity - 3400
Where to buy - Montezuma Base (Cortez), Arranmore Base (Dublin)
Price - $71,210
Firepower - 6/10
Defense - 6/10
Maneuverability - 3/10
Comments - There are better ships available for the same price, namely the
Dragon and Barracuda. Get one of them instead. This thing is also one of
the ugliest ships ever, in any sci-fi universe. The one thing that can be said
is that since the ship is so massive, the subgroups are very far apart.
4c. Very Heavy Fighters
These are the best, but most expensive, fighters in the game. They're about as
maneuverable as heavy fighters, but have enormous amounts of firepower and
armor. These are what you'll see most people flying in multiplayer.
Type - Order
Weapon Mounts - 6 Class 6 Guns, 1 Class 6 Forward-Firing Turret
Armor - 4200
Subgroups - 3 - Main hull and the two wings.
Cargo Space - 70
Nanobots/Shield Batteries - 29
Turning Speed - 60.09 deg/sec
Power Capacity - 4000
Where to buy - Battleship Osiris, Planet Toledo
Price - $1,100
Firepower - 7/10
Defense - 6/10
Maneuverability - 3/10
Comments - The last and best ship you can get in the SP campaign. Buy this as
soon as you dock with the Osiris for the first time. The Anubis is a big
target and doesn't turn well, so you'll need to rely on your high firepower to
destroy enemies before they can do the same to you. One good thing about this
ship is that since it has so few subgroups, nothing below a Lancer will ever
insta-kill it. The Anubis is not available in multiplayer in an unmodded game.
Type - Civilian
Weapon Mounts - 2 Class 9 Guns, 4 Class 10 Guns, 1 Class 10 Turret
Armor - 9900
Subgroups - 5 - Main hull, the two wings, the top fin, and the set of bottom
Cargo Space - 70
Nanobots/Shield Batteries - 63
Turning Speed - 76.86 deg/sec
Power Capacity - 10400
Where to buy - Freeport 9 (Omicron Theta)
Price - $558,550
Firepower - 10/10
Defense - 10/10
Maneuverability - 8/10
Comments - The best ship in the game. Of the three best VHFs, this has the
best maneuverability, but still has great firepower and defense. An Eagle in
the hands of a skilled pilot is almost unbeatable.
Type - Bounty Hunter
Weapon Mounts - 2 Class 8 Guns, 4 Class 9 Guns, 1 Class 9 Turret
Armor - 7900
Subgroups - 5 - Main hull, the two wings, and the top and bottom fins (Pretty
much the same as the Barracuda).
Cargo Space - 70
Nanobots/Shield Batteries - 49
Turning Speed - 76.86 deg/sec
Power Capacity - 7400
Where to buy - Freistadt Base (Omega-7)
Price - $351,550
Firepower - 9/10
Defense - 9/10
Maneuverability - 8/10
Comments - Like the Centurion, an excellent ship, but you might as well go for
one of the three best VHFs. Also similar to the Centurion, it can compete with
those ships if you're skilled enough, since the Kraken 2 is as powerful as any
codenamed gun and nearly as strong as the Nomad ones.
Type - Borderworlds
Weapon Mounts - 2 Class 9 Guns, 4 Class 10 Guns, 1 Class 10 Forward-Firing
Armor - 10800
Subgroups - 5 - Main hull and the top and bottom wings (Same as the Stiletto).
Cargo Space - 70
Nanobots/Shield Batteries - 63
Turning Speed - 60.09 deg/sec
Power Capacity - 10400
Where to buy - Planet Malta (Omicron Alpha), Vogtland Base (Dresden)
Price - $558,550
Firepower - 11/10
Defense - 10/10
Maneuverability - 3/10
Comments - The Sabre outguns anything but a battleship due to the forward-
firing turret, hence the 11/10 score. Like the Stiletto, it's also less
vulnerable to getting owned by a lucky missile hit.
Type - Corsair
Weapon Mounts - 2 Class 9 Guns, 4 Class 10 Guns, 1 Class 10 Turret
Armor - 12600
Subgroups - 5 - Main hull, the two wings, and the top and bottom fins (Yet
another one that's the same as another ship, this time the Centurion).
Cargo Space - 70
Nanobots/Shield Batteries - 71
Turning Speed - 60.09 deg/sec
Power Capacity - 11900
Where to buy - Leon Base (Omega-41), Planet Crete (Omicron Gamma)
Price - $776,380
Firepower - 10/10
Defense - 11/10
Maneuverability - 3/10
Comments - IMO, the worst of the three main VHFs, because armor isn't as
important as maneuverability or firepower, and the best weapons in the game
(Nomad Energy Blasters/Cannons) don't use energy anyways. Not that the Titan
is a bad ship, it can take more hits than any other fighter (although don't
let a Cannonball hit you where the wings meet or you'll be eating space),
but the Eagle and Sabre are just slightly better. Also, it's just so freakin'
4d. Freighters
Freighters are good for only one thing, and that's hauling cargo. They're the
moneymakers of the game, but are very vulnerable due to their large size and
crappy handling. If you're attacked in a freighter, run! Luckily, freighters
have a lot of turrets, so you can shoot in any direction. Also, because of
their large size, the subgroups tend to be more spread out (although you
really don't want to be hit with a missile in a freighter anyway).
Type - Bretonia
Weapon Mounts - 1 Class 3 Gun, 2 Class 4 Guns, 3 Class 3 Turrets, 2 Class 4
Armor - 2200
Subgroups - 3 - Main hull and the two wing-like structures near the back of
the ship.
Cargo Space - 125
Nanobots/Shield Batteries - 15
Turning Speed - 51.57 deg/sec
Power Capacity - 1800
Where to buy - Planet Cambridge, Planet Leeds, Planet New London
Price - $23,010
Firepower - 4/10
Defense - 3/10
Maneuverability - 2/10
Comments - A good freighter to use when starting out in multiplayer, since
it's cheap, but less vulnerable than the Rhino.
Type - Borderworlds
Weapon Mounts - 1 Class 5 Gun, 2 Class 6 Guns, 2 Class 5 Turrets, 3 Class 6
Armor - 3600
Subgroups - 3 - Main hull and the two small wings.
Cargo Space - 275
Nanobots/Shield Batteries - 23
Turning Speed - 51.57 deg/sec
Power Capacity - 2900
Where to buy - Mactan Base
Price - $62,820
Firepower - 5/10
Defense - 5/10
Maneuverability - 2/10
Comments - The best (and the only non-ugly) freighter in the game, but you'll
need to be friendly with the Hackers and Outcasts to get it. New players may
want a Humpback instead, as it's more powerful and easier to get.
Type - Kusari
Weapon Mounts - 2 Class 6 Guns, 3 Class 5 Turrets, 3 Class 6 Turrets
Armor - 3600
Subgroups - 3 - Main hull and the two wings on the top front.
Cargo Space - 175
Nanobots/Shield Batteries - 23
Turning Speed - 51.57 deg/sec
Power Capacity - 2700
Where to buy - Planet New Tokyo, Planet Junyo (Shikoku)
Price - $62,820
Firepower - 6/10
Defense - 5/10
Maneuverability - 2/10
Comments - This freighter is OK, but there are better ones. Also, it's the
only freighter with 2 subgroups very close together and is just really ugly.
Type - Rheinland
Weapon Mounts - 2 Class 7 Guns, 3 Class 6 Turrets, 3 Class 7 Turrets
Armor - 5800
Subgroups - 3 - Main hull and the area on each side around where the
hexagonal things stick out.
Cargo Space - 250
Nanobots/Shield Batteries - 33
Turning Speed - 22.92 deg/sec
Power Capacity - 4700
Where to buy - Planet Hamburg, Planet Harris (Tau-31), Planet Holstein
(Frankfurt), Planet New Berlin, Planet Stuttgart
Price - $170,940
Firepower - 6/10
Defense - 7/10
Maneuverability - 1/10
Comments - The second best freighter after the Dromedary, but less skilled
players may want this instead, as it's better at fighting. Despite what you
may think, it wasn't called the Humpback because of its appearance, but its
handling :). It can actually be outmaneuvered by a gunship.
Type - Pirate
Weapon Mounts - 2 Class 3 Guns, 2 Class 4 Guns, 2 Class 3 Turrets, 2 Class 4
Armor - 2200
Subgroups - 4 - Main hull, the two small wings that point down, and the set of
fins at the back.
Cargo Space - 90
Nanobots/Shield Batteries - 15
Turning Speed - 51.57 deg/sec
Power Capacity - 1800
Where to buy - Alcatraz Depot (California)
Price - $20,950
Firepower - 4/10
Defense - 3/10
Maneuverability - 2/10
Comments - If you want a cheap freighter, get a Clydesdale, as this has too
few turrets and not enough cargo space.
Type - Liberty
Weapon Mounts - 3 Class 3 Guns, 5 Class 3 Turrets
Armor - 1600
Subgroups - 3 - Main hull and the two panels sticking out on each side in the
middle of the ship.
Cargo Space - 80
Nanobots/Shield Batteries - 12
Turning Speed - 51.57 deg/sec
Power Capacity - 1300
Where to buy - Planet Los Angeles, Planet Denver, Planet Manhattan, Planet
Pittsburgh, Planet Houston
Price - $9,170
Firepower - 3/10
Defense - 2/10
Maneuverability - 2/10
Comments - The Rhino is too cheap for its own good, as it's the most
vulnerable ship in the game. Again, go for the Clydesdale, as if any enemies
show up while you're trading, you're toast. Not to mention the cargo is only
slightly better than a VHF.
------------------------------5. Best equipment------------------------------
So you just got that new Eagle/Sabre/Titan and are itching to test it out on
something. But wait, you need some good guns and equipment first! Here's a
list of all the best equipment in the game.
6a. Guns
Nomad Energy Blaster
Hull/Shield Damage: 635/317
Power Usage: 0 (yep, that's right, no energy used)
Refire Rate: 4.0
Range: 699m
Speed: 600 m/s
This is the best gun in the game, dealing out 2,540 hull damage per second and
using no energy whatsoever. You can get it by killing Nomad Fighters in the
two Unknown systems, but you have to be level 32 or over (34 in multiplayer)
for the fighters to drop them.
Nomad Energy Cannon
Hull/Shield Damage: 847/423
Power Usage: 0
Refire Rate: 3.03
Range: 699m
Speed: 600 m/s
Very similar to the Blaster, the Cannon actually does slightly more damage per
second (2,566), but the lower rate of fire makes it harder to hit people with.
However, it may be more desirable if you're fighting slow ships like Sabres
and Titans. You get this the same way as the Blaster.
Kraken Type 2
Hull/Shield Damage: 586/293
Power Usage: 122
Refire Rate: 4.0
Range: 700m
Speed: 700 m/s
The Kraken Type 2 is actually the 3rd strongest gun, even though it's only
class 9. It does 2,344 damage per second. Get this if you're not level 32 yet
in SP. You can buy it at Ruiz Base, an Outcast base in Omicron Beta.
Hull/Shield Damage: 1173/586
Power Usage: 293
Refire Rate: 2.0
Range: 699m
Speed: 600 m/s
These are the next best guns, doing the same damage per second as the Kraken.
However they use more energy and have a low rate of fire. Get these if you're
either not friendly enough with the Outcasts or completely broke, as you get
these guns for free from wrecks. You can find a wreck with two DIAMONDBACKs in
Sigma-13 near Yanagi Depot, and one with two CERBERUSs in sector F4 of Omicron
Alpha. These are better than the GUARDIAN, so stop e-mailing me about it!
Tizona del Cid
Hull/Shield Damage: 40/1222
Power Usage: 97
Refire Rate: 4.0
Range: 600m
Speed: 600 m/s
The ultimate shieldbuster. This can be bought at either Cadiz Base in Omega-5
or Tripoli Shipyard in Omicron Gamma. You should always have one or two of
these guns on your VHF's class 9 hardpoints, as two of them fired on their own
will take down an Adv. Brigandine shield (class 10) in under a second. If you
really want to use normal guns instead, go for the...
Salamanca Mk. II
Hull/Shield Damage: 489/244
Power Usage: 97
Refire Rate: 4.0
Range: 600m
Speed: 600 m/s
This is the other gun you can use along with your Nomad Blasters/Cannons,
because unfortunately, the Kraken Type 2 has a different speed then them. The
Salamanca does 1,956 damage per second, making it the next best thing (Well,
other than the Skyblast B, but that also has a different speed). The
Salamanca Mk. II can be bought at Planet Crete in Omicron Gamma.
Skyblast Turret B
Hull/Shield Damage: 244/122
Power Usage: 61
Refire Rate: 8.33
Range: 600m
Speed: 700 m/s
The best turret available, since there are no class 10 turrets. It's sold at
Gas Miner Naha in Sigma-13.
Cannonball Missile
Hull/Shield Damage: 4890/2445
Refire Rate: 0.5
Range: 1000m
Speed: 90 m/s
Turning Speed: 166.16 deg/sec
The Cannonball is the most powerful missile in the game (It does twice as much
damage as a Starkiller Torpedo!). It can be bought at Planets Malta and Crete,
Ruiz Base, and Tripoli Shipyard. This can often one-hit-kill a VHF, for reasons
that were described above. The ammo can get expensive though.
6b. Other Stuff:
Sunslayer Torpedo Launcher
Hull/Shield Damage: 11736(!)/5868
Refire Rate: 0.5
Range: 2700m
Speed: 60 m/s
Turning Speed: 34.38 deg/sec
The Sunslayer Torpedo is easily the most damaging weapon in the game. It will
kill any fighter except a very, VERY lucky Titan in one hit as long as their
shields are down. In the hands of a skilled player, the Sunslayer is extremely
deadly. You can buy this only at Bruchsal Base in Frankfurt. With these
torpedoes, a good pilot can kill ships much stronger than their own (ie.
killing a Sabre with a Defender). Watch out for people with CDs though, as they
can cause the torpedo to blow up in your face and kill you.
Hornet Cruise Disruptor
Hull/Shield Damage: 159/79
Refire Rate: 1.0
Range: 3000m
Speed: 800 m/s
Turning Speed: 498.47 deg/sec
The Hornet Cruise Disruptor is a must for any pirate. It's available at a
number of bases in the Borderworlds. You can also use this (or the Wasp) to
make people's missiles or torps blow up in their face.
Ripper Mine
Hull/Shield Damage: 3912/1956
The best mine in the game, and it's also a homing one! You can get it from a
wreck in sector 4D of Omicron Alpha. Like the Sunslayer, this can be used to
kill a powerful ship with a weak one. However this can be used on any ship,
making it possible to kill a VHF with a Starflier if you're really good.
Adv. Brigandine H.F. Shield
Capacity: 8280
Regen Rate: 184
The only buyable class 10 shield in the game can be purchased from any Outcast
or Corsair base in the Edge Worlds for the low, low price of 312,000 credits.
There are other class 10 shields in the game, but you can't buy them (which
shows how rushed the game was).
-------------------------------6. Contacting me------------------------------
If you have any suggestions or corrections for this FAQ, or want to use it on
your website, e-mail me at starman_omega (at) If you send me anything
stupid or annoying (such as "OMG THIS FAQ SUXXORZ LOLLOLLOL"), your e-mail
address will be blocked and your name will be added to the Wall O' Shame
(which, luckily, doesn't exist yet, so please keep it that way).
-----------------------------------7. Credits--------------------------------
Microsoft/Digital Anvil - For making this great game!
CJayC - For starting GameFAQS, of course!
Dan Tascau - For making the uber-1337 Freelancer Stat Tool, without which this
FAQ wouldn't have been possible.
Ivresse - For writing the wrecks FAQ, which I used to look up the locations of
a few wrecks in Omicron Alpha.
This is the perfect webpage for anybody who really wants to find out about this topic. You realize a whole lot its almost tough to argue with you (not that I actually would want to…HaHa). You certainly put a new spin on a subject that’s been discussed for years. Great stuff, just wonderful.
You’re so cool! I don’t believe I’ve truly read anything like that before. So wonderful to find someone with some original thoughts on this subject matter. Really.. thank you for starting this up. This site is one thing that is required on the web, someone with some originality.
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That is a very good tip especially to those new to the blogosphere. Brief but very accurate information… Appreciate your sharing this one. A must read post.
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When I originally commented I seem to have clicked the -Notify me when new comments are added- checkbox and now every time a comment is added I recieve four emails with the exact same comment. There has to be a means you can remove me from that service? Kudos.
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Looking forward to reading more. Great blog.Thanks Again. Much obliged.
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This is one awesome post.Really looking forward to read more. Fantastic.
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A round of applause for your post. Keep writing.
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A round of applause for your blog post.Thanks Again. Really Great.
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Looking forward to reading more. Great blog article.Much thanks again. Much obliged.
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Really informative blog.Really thank you! Cool.
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Awesome blog post.Really looking forward to read more.
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A big thank you for your post. Really Cool.
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Great article post.Thanks Again. Keep writing.
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Awesome article.Thanks Again. Cool.
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Thank you for your blog.Thanks Again. Great.
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Very informative blog post.Really looking forward to read more. Much obliged.
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Looking forward to reading more. Great blog post.Really looking forward to read more. Great.
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A round of applause for your article post. Great.
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I truly appreciate this post. Great.
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Say, you got a nice blog.Much thanks again. Fantastic.
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Really informative blog article. Want more.
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Wow, great post.Much thanks again. Great.
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Awesome post.Really looking forward to read more. Great.
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This is one awesome blog post.Really looking forward to read more. Will read on…
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Very neat post.Really thank you! Fantastic.
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A round of applause for your article post.Really thank you! Cool.
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Fantastic post. Fantastic.
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Really informative blog.Much thanks again. Really Cool.
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