Fish Tycoon (šifre)

Fish Tycoon

Submitted by: screw you

if you go to species with any random fish, you can get infinity money by 
holding nine on the keyboard untill it says infinnity, then sell that fish. 

Cheats & Hints:
Submitted By Ankur

Magic Fish Combos:
#1. Greenfin Spotanus- Magical Fish of Fertility

Twin-Fin Spotanus + Spined Spotanus:
#2. Speckled Leaffish - Magical Fish of Sustenance

Stubby Pigmy + Greenfin Comet
Orange Stickfish + Twin-Fin Beta
Orange Spotanus + Twin-Fin Fruitfish
Crimson Comet + Flagged Bananafish
Oriental Goldbulb + Finless Quicksilver
Spined Fruitfish + greenfin Spotanus
Orange Grouper + Twin-Fin Beta

#3. Crimson Comet - Magical Fish of Curing
Speckled Stickfish + Orange Goldbulb
Oriental Fruitfish + Speckled Carp
Speckled Stickfish + Oriental Goldbulb
Orange Fatfish + Speckled Leaffish
Crimson Leaffish + Crimson Fruitfish
Pink Beta + Flagged Gold Shark
Greenfin Leaffish + Hornet Flashfish
Twin-Fin Beta + Wasp Goldshark
Twin-Fin Pigmy + Wasp Goldshark
Oriental Goldbulb + Speckled Grouper

#4. Oriental Goldbulb - Magical Fish of Growth
Crimson Comet + Orange Goldbulb
Spined Leaffish + Wasp Gold Shark
Speckled Leaffish + Snubbed Fire-Arrow
Golden Goldbulb + Orange Goldbulb
Speckled Leaffish + Pink Goldshark
Greenfin Leaffish + Fanned Fire-Arrow
Flagged Leaffish + Tiger Goldshark
Crimson Grouper + Canary Fire-Arrow
Spined Grouper + Canary Fire-Arrow
Canary Goldshark + Spined Carp

#5. Orange Snooper - Magical Fish of Health

Fanned Stickfish + Stubby Fruitfish
Golden Arrowfish + Canary Fruitfish
Orange Fruitfish + Orange Snout

#6. Wasp Grouper - Magical Fish of Mutation
Oriental Goldbulb + Pink Pigmy
Orange Beta + Pink Comet
Oriental Goldbulb + Pink Beta

#7. Canary Fire-Arrow - Golden Guppy of Isola
Crimson Comet + Fanned Fatfish
Golden snooper + Canary Fatfish
Orange Snooper + Hornet Flashfish
Tiger Stickfish + Speckled Arrowfish
Orange Fruitfish + Canary Fire-Arrow

Below is a list of fish needed for breeding all magical fish using the steps below. 
In some cases, you may be able to eliminate one or more breeding steps if you get 
the following fish from eggs, so keep your eyes peeled for them as you play:

ARROWFISH, Golden (Golden Arrowfish)
BANANAFISH, Flagged (Flagged Bananafish)
BETA, Golden (Golden Beta)
BETA, Greenfin (Greenfin Beta)
BETA, Orange (Orange Beta)
BETA, Pink (Pink Beta)
BETA, Silky (Silky Beta)
BETA, Spined (Spined Beta) – Not required if you get a Greenfin Beta first
BETA, Twin-Fin (Twin-Fin Beta) – Not required if you get a Greenfin Beta first
FATFISH, Fanned (Fanned Fatfish)
FATFISH, Hornet (Hornet Fatfish)
FATFISH, Silky (Silky Fatfish)
FATFISH, Twin-Fin (Twin-Fin Fatfish)
FRUITFISH, Canary (Canary Fruitfish)
FRUITFISH, Hornet (Hornet Fruitfish)
FRUITFISH, Pink (Pink Fruitfish)
FRUITFISH, Silky (Silky Fruitfish)
FRUITFISH, Twin-Fin (Twin-Fin Fruitfish)
GOLDBULB, Golden (Golden Goldbulb)
GOLDSHARK, Golden (Golden Goldshark)
GOLDSHARK, Hornet (Hornet Goldshark)
GOLDSHARK, Pink (Pink Goldshark)
GOLDSHARK, Tiger (Tiger Goldshark)
LEAFFISH, Canary (Canary Leaffish)
LEAFFISH, Flagged (Flagged Leaffish)
SHARK, Pink (Pink Shark)
SHARK, Orange (Orange Shark) – Not required if you get a Pink Shark first
SHARK, Silky (Silky Shark)
SHARK, Twin-Fin (Twin-Fin Shark)
SNOUT, Canary (Canary Snout)
SNOUT, Pink (Pink Snout)
SPOTANUS, Twin-Fin (Twin-Fin Spotanus)
STICKFISH, Pink (Pink Stickfish)
STICKFISH, Spined (Spined Stickfish)
STICKFISH, Twin-Fin (Twin-Fin Stickfish)
Additional game-play tips:

(1) There is nothing to do but wait for fish that you can only get by purchasing eggs. 
This is, by far, the hardest (and sometimes most frustrating) part of the game… the 
waiting. Frankly, the having to wait for certain fish via eggs is true no matter which 
route you follow to get the magical fish. So, you’ll just have to be patient. If you 
can’t be patient (sometimes waiting over a period of several days), this is not the 
game for you. You may have to purchase eggs dozens of times, in fact, before you get 
a single fish that you need. In order to keep purchasing eggs, you’ll need to breed 
and sell other fish. Get rid of any fish that you don’t need, since they’ll just be 
wasting space, otherwise. Keep experimenting with breeding until you get a fish that 
sells for around $20-$30. For instance, you can breed a ton of Golden Goldbulbs 
(Greenfin Fatfish + Pink Beta), which sell for about $33 each. Even better, a Speckled 
Leaffish (Twin-Fin Fruitfish + Orange Spotanus) sells for about $51. Doing this will 
allow you to keep buying the eggs that you will require. Again, there isn’t any way 
around this.... uhhhh... unless you go to changing hex values, of course, but I'm not 
getting into that here.

(2) Don’t spend every last dime on eggs; reserve about $100 for medicines. Breed more 
and build up your cash. If you spend all of your cash, you won’t be able to purchase 
medicine to cure sick fish. If certain fish die, you may have a devil of a time figuring 
out how to breed them again, since the game does not keep track of what you’ve bred once 
that species has sold and/or died.

(3) Once you begin breeding magic fish, don’t waste too much time on raising and selling 
other fish. Raise a ton of the magic fish, instead. The magic fish sell for big bucks and 
attract tons of customers. Also, when you’re only keeping magic fish as breeders, you won’t 
take up so much room in your tanks with less-profitable fish. You’ll want to re-set the 
default prices of your magic fish before you sell them. Here are low-end prices (if you 
keep them low-end, you’ll sell more and you’ll sell quickly):

a. Greenfin Spotanus: $48 - $51
b. Speckled Leaffish: $100 - $125
c. Crimson Comet: $100 - $125
d. Oriental Goldbulb: $100 - $125
e. Orange Snooper: $85 - $95
f. Wasp Grouper: $120 - $130
g. Canary Fire-Arrow: $250 - $275

(4) You’ll probably want to keep two of every magical fish once you’ve got them, so that 
you can continue to breed them. If you sell all (or all but one), you’ll have to follow 
the whole breeding process again in order to breed magical fish for big bucks.

(5) The aerator, the heater, the snail, the seahorse, and the magical plants can make a 
significant difference in the health of your fish. They’re worth purchasing.

(6) Once you’ve got the sixth magic fish (Wasp Grouper), make certain that you don’t leave 
it in a tank where you are attempting to breed specific fish. The Wasp Grouper is the Magic 
Fish of Mutation, remember, so if he’s in the tank with your pregnant fish, you will not 
get the babies that you’re expecting from your pregnant fish.

(7) The most difficult aspect of this game, other than figuring out the breeding combinations 
and the waiting factor, is obtaining your research. I suggest stacking up your money and 
purchasing all of your research (food, environment, and advertising) before attempting 
magical fish (past the second one, anyway). Otherwise, the fish that you need to breed to 
make the magical fish will not survive in your tanks. I really believe that getting your 
research out the way before attempting a bunch of fancy breeding is key in this game.

(8) Purchasing a second tank allows for mass-breeding, which leads to more money. Each tank 
holds only 21 fish.

(9) Isola fish never die of old age (supposedly, anyway). The age of a fish isn’t years; 
it’s more like the age in hours.

(10) The music that seems so random apparently corresponds to an event occurring with your 
fish. It could be a pregnant fish giving birth, eggs hatching, a disease striking, starvation 
occurring, or a death occurring. In some cases, it seems that none of these factors applies 
and that the music is indicating age progression. If none of these explanations applies, 
then the music must be just random.

(11) The weird "squeaky-swishing" sound that occurs sporadically seems to just be the fish 
swimming around and does not seem to indicate an event of any kind.

(12) If you absolutely, positively cannot wait around for fish to hatch/grow, etc., then 
go to "Control Panel" (on a PC), then "Date and Time" and set your computer’s time ahead. 
With the game on 2x speed, setting the clock ahead 2 hours works great. A game set at normal 
speed would probably require a clock setting of 3-4 hours ahead. Setting the computer clock 
back seems to have no affect on the fish whatsoever. WARNING: Be certain that you don’t have 
any sick/unhealthy/unfed fish before you set your computer’s clock ahead. If you do have 
sick/unhealthy/unfed fish, they’ll probably be dead once you set the clock ahead. 
You will NOT be able to recover those fish by setting the clock back again.

You should get this fish right away, after you place your eggs into a tank for the first time 
and they grow to adulthood.

(1)Breed a Twin-Fin Shark with a Twin-Fin Fruitfish. Both of these fish will, at some point,
   be born in your tank if you regularly buy eggs (the cheapest eggs will usually produce both 
   of these fish).
(2)From Step One, you will get a Twin-Fin Fatfish. Breed the Twin-Fin Fatfish with a Silky 
   Beta. A Silky Beta will, at some point, be born in your tank if you regularly buy eggs (the 
   cheapest eggs will usually produce this fish).
(3)Breed a Twin-Fin Spotanus with a Greenfin Beta. Both of these fish will, at some point, 
   be born in your tank if you regularly buy eggs (the cheapest eggs usually produce both of 
   these fish). **If you can’t get a Greenfin Beta from eggs, breed a Twin-Fin Beta with a 
   Spined Beta in order to get one.
(4)From Step Two and Step Three, you will get a Golden Goldbulb and a Flagged Bananafish. 
   Breed them together to get the Speckled Leaffish – Magical Fish of Sustenance.

*Note: DO NOT SELL the Golden Goldbulb, the Silky Beta, the Twin-Fin Fruitfish, the Twin-Fin 
Spotanus, the Twin-Fin Fatfish, the Twin-Fin Shark, or the Greenfin Beta. You will need all 
of these for the next magic breedings. You will need only one of each of these breeds. 
If you have extras, you can sell them.


(1)Breed a Silky Beta (saved from magic breeding #2) and an Orange Beta. Eggs will eventually 
   produce the Orange Beta (experiment with both the cheapest eggs and the mid-priced eggs).

(2)From Step One, you will get a Pink Beta. Breed the Pink Beta with a Twin-Fin Fruitfish 
   (saved from magic breeding #2).

(3)From Step Two, you will get a Spined Stickfish. Breed the Spined Stickfish with a Golden 
   Goldbulb (saved from magic breeding #2) to get the Crimson Comet – Magical Fish of Curing.

*Note: DO NOT SELL the Orange Beta, the Pink Beta, or the Silky Beta. You should also still 
have the Twin-Fin Spotanus, the Twin-Fin Fatfish, the Twin-Fin Shark, and the Greenfin Beta 
from magic breeding #2. You will need all of these breeds for future magic breeding. You will 
need only one of each of these breeds. If you have extras, you can sell them.
(1)Breed an Orange Beta (saved from magic breeding #3) with a Silky Shark. Eggs will eventually 
   produce a Silky Shark (the cheapest eggs will usually produce this fish).
(2) Breed a Silky Shark (used in Step One) with a Silky Beta (saved from magic breeding #3).
(3)From Step One, you will get a Pink Fruitfish. Breed the Pink Fruitfish with a Silky Shark 
   (used in Steps One and Two).

(4)Breed a Twin-Fin Spotanus (saved from magic breeding #2) and a Twin-Fin Fatfish (saved 
   from magic breeding #2).

(5)From Step Two, you will get a Silky Fruitfish. From Step Three, you will get a Hornet 
   Fatfish. Breed the Silky Fruitfish with the Hornet Fatfish.

(6)From Step Four, you will get a Twin-Fin Stickfish. Breed the Twin-Fin Stickfish with a 
   Greenfin Beta (saved from magic breeding #2).
(7)From Step Five, you will get a Tiger Goldshark. From Step Six, you will get a Flagged 
   Leaffish. Breed the Tiger Goldshark with the Flagged Leaffish to get the Oriental Goldbulb 
   – Magical Fish of Growth.

*Note: DO NOT SELL the Silky Shark, the Pink Fruitfish, the Twin-Fin Stickfish, the Greenfin 
Beta, the Hornet Fatfish, or the Silky Fruitfish. You should also still have the Twin-Fin 
Shark from magic breeding #2 and the Pink Beta from magic breeding #3. You will need only 
one of each of these breeds. If you have extras, you can sell them.


(1)Breed a Silky Shark (saved from magic breeding #4) with a Twin-Fin Stickfish (saved from 
   magic breeding #4).

(2)Breed a Pink Fruitfish (saved from magic breeding #4) with a Pink Beta (saved from magic 
   breeding #3).

(3)Breed a Pink Beta (used in Step Two) with a Greenfin Beta (saved from magic breeding #4).

(4)From Step One, you will get a Golden Goldshark. Breed the Golden Goldshark with a Pink 
   Shark. You should probably get a Pink Shark by purchasing eggs (try the mid-range eggs). 
   **If you cannot get a Pink Shark by purchasing eggs, breed a Silky Shark with an Orange Shark.

(5)From Step Two, you will get a Pink Stickfish. From Step Three, you will get a Golden Beta. 
   Breed the Pink Stickfish with the Golden Beta.

(6)Breed a Silky Shark (used in Step One) with a Silky Fruitfish (saved from magic breeding #4).

(7)From Step Four, you will get a Canary Snout. From Step Five, you will get a Canary Leaffish. 
   Breed the Canary Snout with the Canary Leaffish.

(8)From Step Six, you will get a Silky Fatfish. Breed the Silky Fatfish with a Twin-Fin Shark 
   (saved from magic breeding #2).

(9)From Step Seven, you will get a Canary Fruitfish. From Step Eight, you will get a Golden 
   Arrowfish. Breed the Canary Fruitfish with the Golden Arrowfish to get the Orange Snooper – 
   Magical Fish of Health.

*Note: DO NOT SELL the Pink Beta, the Pink Stickfish, the Silky Shark, or the Pink Shark. 
You should also still have the Hornet Fatfish from magic breeding #4. You will need only 
one of each of them for future breeding. If you have extras, you can sell them.


Breed an Oriental Goldbulb (that’s your Magic Fish #4) with a Pink Beta (saved from magic 
breeding #5) to get the Wasp Grouper – Magical Fish of Mutation. Wasn’t that easy?

*Note: DO NOT SELL the Pink Shark, the Silky Shark, or the Pink Stickfish; you should still 
have them from magic breeding #5. Also keep the Pink Beta from this magic breeding. 
You should also still have the Hornet Fatfish from magic breeding #4. You will need only 
one of each of them for the final magic breeding. If you have extras, you can sell them.


(1)Breed a Pink Shark (saved from magic breeding #5) with a Pink Stickfish (saved from 
   magic breeding #5).

(2)Breed a Silky Shark (saved from magic breeding #5) with a Pink Beta (saved from magic 
   breeding #6).

(3)From Step One, you will get a Pink Goldshark. Breed the Pink Goldshark with a Pink 
   Shark (saved from magic breeding #5).

(4)From Step Two, you will get a Hornet Fruitfish. Breed the Hornet Fruitfish with a 
   Hornet Fatfish (saved from magic breeding #4).

(5)From Step Three, you will get a Pink Snout. From Step Four, you will get a Hornet 
   Goldshark. Breed the Pink Snout with the Hornet Goldshark.

(6)From Step Five, you will get a Fanned Fatfish. Breed the Fanned Fatfish with a Crimson 
   Comet (that’s your Magic Fish #3) to get the Canary Fire-Arrow – Golden Guppy of Isola.

Growth Hormone tip:
After the fish have their babies or you buy eggs, you can use the growth hormone over 
and over. I have full grown fish in about two minutes.

More combos:
If you breed an Orange Gold Shark with a Canary Flashfish, you also get the Canary Fire-Arrow. 
And if you breed a Canary Fruitfish with Canary Fire-Arrow, it will also produce more 
Fire arrows. You can breed these two both ways.

Quick money:
To make money quick start raising your species values into the thousands, i had more money the 
game would let me have or was able to spend in under an hour 

Rare breeds of fish:
When you have breed a rare breed of fish, but have not researched the environment, they tend to 
die quickly. If you place them in your sale tank and sell them as soon as they are old enough, 
you can try and make some money from them.

Dead fish can still be used to breed. You can keep one in the isolation tank so it doesn't harm 
the health of the others.

The music plays for things as simple as the fish's age changing when they are babies.

You can sell the Canary Firearrow for $475,and the Crimson comet for $125. I have been using 
these two fish as 'cash cows' 

Magic Fish #5:
You can also make the orange snooper (magic fish #5) by breeding an orange goldshark with an 
orange fatfish. Orange goldshark = orange fruitfish+ orange fatfish. Orange fatfish= orange 
fruitfish+orange shark.

More breeds:
Ok, so you have the money but not the breeds. Get 10 fish of assorted breeds: 1 way is buy the 
unknown chemical, feed the fish 4 times to get a group and then drop the chemical on them, it 
divides them into new/other breeds and you can breed on from there. The other is to force babies, 
get all the fish in a tank pregnant (no more than 15 ). Buy the hormone, feed the fish 3 times 
to get a group and then add three drops of hormone, the babies will spring from these instantly.

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