Dungeon Siege II Broken World (walkthrough)

DUNGEON SIEGE II BROKEN WORLD FAQ/WALKTHROUGH                                                
                                     _       /
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V1.00 2006-08-18
Copyright 2006 by Barry Scott "PapaGamer" Will

Dungeon Siege II Broken World is Copyright 2006 by 2K Games and Gas Powered 
Games. This FAQ/walkthrough is not endorsed by, nor is the author associated 
with, 2K Games or Gas Powered Games.

            __   ___________________________________________________|'-,
@_/_/_/_/_| ____  CONTACT INFORMATION                                    )
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To contact me about the guide, send email to:


Please include "Broken World FAQ" in your subject line so I don't auto-
discard the message. Also, please read the FAQ carefully prior to asking for 
help on any part of the game. If you send me additional suggestions or hints 
for the game and I find them useful, you will be acknowledged in the Credits.

If you found this guide useful and would like to contribute a small token for 
my efforts, you may send money through PayPal to:


Or use the Donate link found on my Web site:


Thank you, and enjoy the guide!

            __   ___________________________________________________|'-,
@_/_/_/_/_| ____  TABLE OF CONTENTS                                      )
           __  ___________________________________________________    /
    [1.1] What's New in Broken World
    [1.2] How to Start DS2 and DS2: Broken World
    [1.3] Tips to Get You Started
    [1.4] FAQ


    [2.1] Part 1, Chapter 1: Kanred the Mage
    [2.2] Part 1, Chapter 2: The Mage's Tutor
    [2.3] Part 1, Chapter 3: In Search of Celia
    [2.4] Part 2, Chapter 1: Elves Under Siege
    [2.5] Part 2, Chapter 2: The Familiars
    [2.6] Part 2, Chapter 3: The Second Familiar Surgeon
    [2.7] Part 2, Chapter 4: Solanum
    [2.8] Part 3, Chapter 1: The Dwarves of Glorydeep
    [2.9] Part 3, Chapter 2: The Overmage of the Cinbri

    [2.10] Hunt for the Lost Dwarves
    [2.11] Missing
    [2.12] Lumilla's Special Recipe
    [2.13] Naturalist Ithara's Research
    [2.14] Anya
    [2.15] The Ancient Tome
    [2.16] Morden Redemption
    [2.17] Morden Ravagers
    [2.18] Greylok of the Kurgan
    [2.19] The Human Refugees

    [2.20] Naturalist Ithara's Research, Part II
    [2.21] Celeb'hel the Elder
    [2.22] Minli the Faerie
    [2.23] The Aman'lu Arena
    [2.24] Questionable Methods
    [2.25] The Vai'kesh
    [2.26] The Vai'kesh, Part 2
    [2.27] Treasure Hunting

    [2.28] Naturalist Ithara's Research, Part III
    [2.29] Captured Miners
    [2.30] The Explosives Tunnel

[3] LORE
    [3.1] Handbook
    [3.2] Quest Items
    [3.3] Reagent Recipes
    [3.4] Unique Items
    [3.5] Item Sets
    [3.6] Monster Book

    [4.1] Character Races
    [4.2] Classes, Skills & Powers
          [4.2.1] Blood Assassin
          [4.2.2] Stone Fist
          [4.2.3] Fighter Skill Tables & Powers
          [4.2.4] Ranger Skill Tables & Powers
          [4.2.5] Combat Mage Skill Tables & Powers
          [4.2.6] Nature Mage Skill Tables & Powers

    [5.1] Henchmen
    [5.2] Pets


To jump to a specific topic, open the Edit menu and choose Find in this Page 
(or just press Control-F) and enter the bracketed number, including the 
brackets. For example, enter [2.10] as the search text to jump straight to 
the walkthrough for "Hunt for the Lost Dwarves".

            __   ___________________________________________________|'-,
@_/_/_/_/_| ____  [1] GAME OVERVIEW                                      )
           __  ___________________________________________________    /

 [1.1] What's New in Broken World

Dungeon Siege II Broken World is an expansion pack for Dungeon Siege II. You 
must have DS2 installed, though the expansion installs into a different 
directory. The story picks up one year after the end of the original DS2 and 
most of the same characters return. You can play through the original 
campaign using the new content; or, convert one of your DS2 characters over 
to BW and continue with that savegame; or, start directly into BW using a 
converted DS2 character or one of the six pre-made characters that come with 
the expansion.

* Gameplay: everything pretty much works the same as in DS2. All the keyboard 
and mouse controls are the same as the original; however, hotkey settings do 
not carry over from DS2 to BW. If you've made changes to the keyboard 
controls in DS2, you'll have to go in and make those same changes to BW 
(Options > Input tab > Hotkeys button).

* Original campaign: you can play through the original DS2 using the new race, 
classes and spells, but it's the same game.

* Henchmen: you get three new henchmen in BW, though you have to complete 
quests to get them. If you convert a DS2 character, any henchmen in your 
active party, as well as all pets and henchmen stored at the Inn will 
transfer with you. Henchmen not stored at the Inn will be hanging out in the 
first area (Dryad Outpost). *NOTE* The party inventory at the Inn is pretty 
badly bugged and you may not be able to take out anyone in there. See the FAQ 
for more information.

* Chants: there are no new chants in Broken World. Any chants learned by your 
character in DS2 are carried over and useable in BW.

* Race: added dwarves (males only). Full details appear in the Characters 
section of this guide.

* Classes: added two multiclass classes. Full details appear in the 
Characters section of this guide.

* Spells: there are now four autocast spell slots instead of two; and, two 
reserve spell slots instead of four. The total number of spell slots per 
spell book remains 10 (4 active + 4 autocast + 2 reserve).

* Skills: skill ranks now go up to 30, but only with magic bonuses. You can 
only buy 20 ranks in a skill; magic enhancements can take you up to rank 30. 
But, don't get too excited, all the effects from skill ranks have been 
"rebalanced", so, in some cases, rank 30 in the skill doesn't provide as much 
effect as rank 20 under the old rules. For example, in DS2, Fortitude 20 
provided +45% health; in BW, Fortitude 20 provides +30% health and Fortitude 
30 provides +34% health. Whoopee. All the new skill tables are in the 
Characters section of this guide.

* Powers: in addition to rebalanced skills, some powers have also been 
changed. For example, Waves of Force does less damage per wave. All the 
powers with their new stats are listed in the Characters section of this 

* Trainer: a new trainer merchant can reset the skill points for any 
character in your party. Speak to the person in the Dryad Outpost with the 
curved arrow over her head.

* Henchmen: added three new henchmen. Full details appear in the Characters 
section of this guide.

* Pets: two new pets have been added. Full details appear in the Companions 
section of this guide.

* Lots of new monsters: some with particularly nasty special abilities.

* A new story that continues the previous story and actually makes use of the 
big plot twist that occurs during the final battle of DS2.

* New items, including new set items.

* Codes that allow items to be "transferred" to "Dungeon Siege 2: Throne of 
Agony" on the PSP, and vice-versa. You get or give codes to the F&K Society 
representative near the south gate of the Dryad Outpost.

* The "Take Aim" Ranger power bug (used melee levels to calculate extra 
damage for Take Aim 1 and 2) has been fixed. Take Aim 1 and 2 now properly 
use your ranged levels to calculate extra damage.

This guide is only going to cover the new material. For full coverage of the 
original game, including gameplay mechanics, pets, character races and 
classes and lore, see the original DS2 Walkthrough at:


 [1.2] How to Start DS2 and DS2: Broken World

Dungeon Siege 2 used a special CRC check to verify savegames. The primary 
result was corrupted savegames, due to the use of mods or NoCD cracks. To 
combat the problem, Elys released a DS2 All*Saves loader that would allow you 
to load up any savegame. She's recently released an updated version of this 
loader for use with Broken World:


If you have any trouble converting your DS2 characters to BW, download and 
install Elys' DS2BW All*Saves and launch Broken World using her loader. (The 
BW All*Saves also includes a hack to unlock the camera, which you may or may 
not like. Try converting without the All*Saves first.)

1) From the main menu, choose Single Player.

2) Under the list of heroes, click the Convert Hero button.

3) Choose from your list of characters from DS2 and click the Convert arrow.

4) Your character now shows up in the main list of heroes.

The conversion converts the character's last saved game; so, if you're in the 
middle of DS2, you can convert the character and continue playing DS2 using 
the Broken World content.

 [1.3] Tips to Get You Started

This is an expanded version of the 10 Tips that first appeared in the 
original DS2 guide.

 Explore the whole map
There are lots of little cul-de-sacs branching off from the main path. These 
cul-de-sacs usually contain a reagent or reagent recipe, so it's worth the 
time to make sure you're clearing the whole map to the edges.

 Pay attention to creature stats
The developers have mixed things up a little more in Broken World. Right off 
the bat you'll encounter creatures that shield themselves, becoming 
completely invulnerable, when their health gets low. Wasting attacks on them 
at that point is a bad idea, especially if there are other mobs around. Stay 
on your toes; if your party is diverse (as it should be) you won't have much 
of a problem.

 Use Mirror party orders and take out enemies one at a time
The most effective combat tactic is to focus all your party's attacks on one 
enemy at a time using the Mirror party orders. Rampage only works if you're 
being swarmed by very weak creatures, which doesn't really happen that often. 
Rather than disperse your attacks, and possibly end up with one character 
being ineffectual (such as your fighter running after a melee resistant mob), 
keep all characters on one mob until it's dead (which shouldn't take more 
than a few seconds) and then move on to the next.

 Use Powers to take out swarms or boss mobs
Use area-of-effect (AoE) powers (such as Whirling Strike, Corrosive Eruption 
or Aether Blast) to handle swarms of enemies. When you encounter a boss-level 
mob (distinguished by the glowing ring surrounding them), use a high-damage 
single-target power (such as Brutal Strike or Take Aim) to quickly down the 
boss mob.

 If you encounter orange-colored mobs, back off
Enemy stats in DS2 are color-coded based on your active character's level:

* Green--the mob is five or more levels lower
* Blue--the mob is two to four levels lower
* Yellow--the mob is from one level lower to one level higher
* Orange--the mob is two to four levels higher
* Red--the mob is five or more levels higher

Red mobs, while not unbeatable, will give you heaps of problems individually. 
If you encounter red mobs, you're in way over your head. Orange mobs mean 
you're in a little deep. While you might be able to fight your way through; 
in large numbers, orange mobs will be the death of you.

Anytime the mobs start getting into orange, back off and find an area where 
the mobs are blue or yellow and keep coming back (the monsters respawn) until 
you've gained some levels. Green level mobs don't provide enough experience 
for power leveling.

 Learn to calculate your Damage Per Second (DPS)
In order to truly understand how much damage you are doing, you must learn to 
calculate DPS (damage per second). Since weapon damage is dependant on your 
ability stats and class levels, it will vary from person to person. However, 
you can compare two different weapons for your character by equipping each 
and calculating DPS for each.

DPS can be calculated with this formula:



MAX DMG = Maximum damage of the weapon
MIN DMG = Minimum damage of the weapon
SPEED   = Speed factor of the weapon according to the following table:

Speed        Factor
------       ------
Slow          0.9
Normal        0.73
Fast          0.67
Faster        0.625

For example, you want to calculate DPS between a bow and crossbow. Bows are 
Faster weapons while crossbows are Slow; but crossbows do more damage. Your 
34th level ranger has a crossbow with a damage range of 97 to 165 and a bow 
with a damage range of 78 - 134 (damage ranges are from equipped weapons). 
The speed factor of the bow is 0.625 and the crossbow is 0.9. The DPS of each 
weapon is:

Crossbow: (165 + 97) / (2 * 0.9)   = 145.5
Bow:      (134 + 78) / (2 * 0.625) = 169.6

As you can see, the bow in this case is clearly superior under normal 

Now let's consider a 34th level fighter choosing between a one-handed and 
two-handed weapon. The 2h weapon has a damage range of 90 to 143, the 1h is 
67 to 105. Two-handed weapons have a speed factor of 0.9 and 1h is 0.67:

2h: (143 + 90) / (2 * 0.9)  = 129.4
1h: (105 + 67) / (2 * 0.67) = 128.6

The DPS of the weapons are almost identical. However, the 1h weapon allows 
the fighter to use a shield, thus drastically increasing armor ratings. On 
the other hand, the 2h weapon can stun enemies and would be greatly superior 
used with Brutal Strike.

The upshot of all this: when choosing among several weapons, equip each one 
and run the formula. Take the one with the higher DPS or one with only 
slightly less DPS but more bonus enhancements. In the long run, the faster 
your enemies die, the better off you'll be.

 Pause the game. Frequently.
Don't try to play this as an action/combat game, relying on the twitchiness 
of your trigger finger to win the day. The combat in DS2 is very tactical, 
and pausing regularly during combat will help you assess your characters' 
positions, their health and mana status and the best available targets.

You should also pause every time you stop to manage inventory or add skill 
points--especially if you are in hostile territory where a monster could 
wander up and start beating on you while you're absorbed in whether or not 
you should equip the Sword of Uberness or the Axe of Leetness.

 Don't be afraid to use potions. And carry plenty around with you
Whether you choose to invest in Natural Bond and Survival so you can harvest 
potions, or you just buy some from the friendly neighborhood potion pusher 
whenever you're in town; always keep plenty of health and mana potions in 
your Inventory.

 Versatility is a good thing
Monsters are resistant--or flat out invulnerable--to different types of 
damage, especially as you get deeper into the game. You must have a variety 
of damage types available to you. If you've got a party of two fighters and a 
ranger and you run into a mob that's resistant to melee and ranged damage, 
you're in trouble.

The best way to handle versatility is to have one of each class in your party: 
fighter, ranger, combat mage and nature mage. Of the four, the combat mage is 
inherently the most versatile as she can fling death, fire or lightning 
damage as needed; and, she can curse enemies to make them weak to her favored 
attacks. Add a shield tank or mythrilhorn pet to Provoke mobs away from the 
caster and you've got all you really need. You can then add in ranged or 
healing/buffing/summoning support as suits your playing style.

 Don't forget the Summon Teleporter spell
Summon Teleporter is a level-0 nature magic spell. Level 0 means any 
character can cast it to open a town portal for a quick rest and refit. The 
standard teleporters are rather thick throughout Aranna, but it never hurts 
to have a quick escape method at hand. Make sure every one of your characters 
has a spell book with Summon Teleporter in it, even if they never cast any 
other spell throughout the entire game. Just remember that town portals do 
not last through a save/reload and are single-use only.

 You've got to know when to walk away, know when to run
Sometimes, when you're being overwhelmed, a "tactical realignment" is in 
order. In other words: run away, run away! This is especially important if 
you have casters. If they get surrounded by brutish thugs, they'll end up 
unconscious pretty quickly. Since your mages are generally your highest-
damage dealers, any time mobs gang up on them, running to a clear area and 
regrouping your party is a good idea.

 Backup your saves
By default, your save games are stored in

My DocumentsMy GamesDungeon Siege 2 Broken WorldSaveSinglePlayer

The game keeps your most recent save and five backups. This doesn’t allow a 
lot of leeway if you get stuck, hit a glitch, etc. Every time you start a new 
chapter, ALT-TAB out of the game, ZIP up your character's save game folder 
and archive it somewhere. If you hit a showstopper bug, replace your current 
save folder with the most recent archived save folder.

 The toughest enemy isn't always the biggest enemy
When in combat, try to identify the mobs that are hurting you the most. It 
might be the boss, or it might be the boss' minions. You can even get 
seriously injured by green-level mobs if you are especially vulnerable to 
their attack. In boss fights, it is generally advisable to draw minions away 
from the boss and destroy them piecemeal before confronting the boss party-a-

You also need to be aware of any mobs that are hanging back casting nasty 
spells or summoning critters. Destroying a summoner also rids you of their 
summons, which is a good thing. Again, use the PAUSE key a lot to keep an eye 
on the ebb and flow of battle. Figure out which mobs pose the gravest danger 
to your health and focus your attacks on them.

 Use the map
If, for some strange reason, this guide alone isn't helping you find your way, 
keep an eye on your map. It is full of helpful icons:

* Green dots point out friendly NPCs
* Blue dots point out interactive items (buttons, levers, doors, etc.) or
  treasure that's lying on the ground (including reagents and recipes)
* Gold stars mark primary quest objectives
* White stars mark secondary quest objectives
* The compass map always shows a gold arrow pointing you in the direction you
  need to go to complete your current primary quest task

You can zoom the maps (both small and large) using the slider under the 
compass map. Use it to search for secret switches and get your bearings.

 [1.4] FAQ

Q. How do I unlock the higher difficulty levels?

A. Complete DS2 at Mercenary level to:
   1) Play BW at Merc level
   2) Play DS2 at Vet level

   Complete DS2 at Veteran level to:
   1) Play BW at Vet level
   2) Play DS2 at Elite level

   Complete DS2 at Elite level to:
   1) Play BW at Elite level

Q. How do I add more than four characters to my party?

A. Four characters is the limit for Merc difficulty. At Vet difficulty
   you can add a fifth party member. At Elite difficulty, you can add a sixth
   party member. To add party member slots, speak to an innkeeper.

Q. What are the item codes from the PSP?

A. As codes are discovered and circulated, they'll be added to this guide.
   However, it should be noted there are no *unique* items in the PSP
   DS2: Throne of Agony. The F&K codes are, essentially, "cheat codes" that
   give you a free item in one game when you find that same item in the
   other. All magic items are available in both games and can be found as
   random loot, etc. If you look through the lists of reagent, unique and
   set items, you'll note that some are listed as "Crossover". These are
   the items that can be transferred between games.

Q. What's with the ??? guy?

A. This treasure thief showed up in DS2 and helped launch an easter egg quest.
   He's back in BW, but seems to serve no similar purpose here. He's still
   annoying though.

            __   ___________________________________________________|'-,
@_/_/_/_/_| ____  [2] WALKTHROUGH                                        )
           __  ___________________________________________________    /

This is a complete walkthrough of the Broken World expansion story only. For 
a complete walkthrough of the original Dungeon Siege II, see:


If you've never played through DS2, you should do so. (You can play the 
original campaign using the Broken World interface, which will allow you to 
use new classes, races, etc.) The story in Broken World will make absolutely 
no sense unless you've finished DS2.

First up is a step-by-step walkthrough of the main quest with basic details 
on the secondary quests included. Full details on each secondary quest are in 
the second section of the walkthrough, broken down by quest.

=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ PRIMARY QUESTS ~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=

 [2.1] Part 1, Chapter 1: Kanred the Mage

     After learning that Valdis was merely the Dark Wizard's puppet,
     you watched in shock as the Dark Wizard escaped with Azunai's

     For the last year, you have traveled across Aranna and are
     determined that the Dark Wizard will not get away again.

     You arrived late last night at a Dryad Outpost in the foothills
     near Aman'lu, and awoke early in the morning to the sound of voices
     arguing. After leaving your tent, you met Burk, a Human refugee
     involved in the argument.

* Speak with Burk.
* Find Kanred the Mage and try to reason with him.
* Defeat Kanred the Mage.
* Return to Burk at the Dryad Outpost.

You begin in a Dryad Outpost somewhere in the wilderness. Standing right in 
front of you (with that nice little question mark floating over his head) is 
Burk, who's brother, Kanred, is a mage gone mad. The Dryads are out to kill 
Kanred and Burk wants you to find him first. This kicks off your first 
primary quest.

Spend some time exploring the Outpost. You'll find these are the Dryads from 
Eirulan, and you'll discover the fate of Greilyn Isle. You'll meet old 
friends such as Celia and Kirani, who all hate you now. Boy, isn't that a 
change! You'll also find hanging around, not doing much, any henchmen NPCs 
from DS2 that you had not hired (or released from the Inn). There's an 
Innkeeper who will bring up your party inventory, which will have all pets 
and henchmen from DS2 you left there.

There's one new "merchant" in the Outpost, a trainer. She will, for a fee, 
reset all skill points of any character in your active party. This will allow 
you to "fix" a broken character or re-purpose a character. For example, you 
decide you want your sword & shield fighter to dual wield, you can reset 
skill points and put more points into the dual wield tree and none into the 
shield skills. Or you want your bowman to be a throwing weapons ranger. Etc.

On the west side of the Outpost is the teleporter and your storage vault, 
which still has all your old stuff from DS2. (You can't teleport from the 
Outpost to previous locations in DS2, they are separate games.) And, there 
are a few secondary quests you can pick up as well.

Talk to the dwarf, Yoren, to get the quest "Hunt for the Lost Dwarves". 
Lumilla, the enchantress, will introduce you to reagent recipes, a new 
feature in Broken World. Reagent recipes are special combinations of 
enchantable items and reagents that produce a more powerful unique item when 
used together. Lumilla will also put you on a quest for three reagents for 
one of her special recipes.

Soram is a man missing his wife; he'll set you on a quest to find her. 
Finally, Ithara is a naturalist who wants to study some of the new "bound" 
creatures that have begun to appear since the breaking of the world. (The 
breaking caused by you, just in case the Dryads don't mention it often 

Also in the outpost, near the south gate, is an F&K Society representative. 
This guy serves two purposes. First, you can buy items from him by giving him 
the Agallan Tablets you will find as you adventure. Give him a tablet and he 
will give you a choice of several items. These items are all Crossover unique 
or set items (see lists later in this guide). Second, the F&K Society handles 
transferring items between Broken World on the PC and Throne of Agony on the 
PSP. The F&K trader can give or receive codes for transferring items.

When you're set, go through the south gate of the Outpost into the Blasted 
Valley. You'll quickly run into a merchant, Tomas, who will give you another 
quest. His partner, Anya, went mad (a recurring theme in Broken World), 
attacked him and made off with his backpack of trade goods. He wants you to 
get the backpack; Anya he's not so concerned about.

Continue south, making sure to explore the map thoroughly. There are lots of 
little cul-de-sacs branching off from the main path. These cul-de-sacs 
usually contain a reagent or reagent recipe, so it's worth the time to make 
sure you're clearing the whole map to the edges.

You will also find, during your trek, Anya's encampment. It's to your left 
(east) after you go over the bridge south of the first teleporter (Blasted 
Valley North). Kill her and her cronies and you'll automatically get Tomas' 
backpack added to your Quest Items.

You'll also discover some caves that are currently blocked and one cave that 
is not blocked. This cave entrance is south of the second teleporter, Blasted 
Valley (South). It's right before you move from Blasted Valley to Blighted 
Hills. Turn left (east) and work your way back into the woods to find the 
entrance to an Abandoned Mine. Click the glowing object in one corner to pick 
up a clue for Yoren's Lost Dwarves quest.

Continue south until you find Kanred. Kanred is your first boss fight and 
reveals what will become a typical pattern. One of his attacks is to teleport 
into the center of your group and release a powerful, radial magic attack. 
This attack is almost certain death for your mages and will put a serious 
hurt on rangers and some fighters. When he teleports into your midst, run. 
Then turn and pound on him. Beyond the teleport attack, Kanred isn't that 
dangerous, with very average magic attacks.

After Kanred is dead, return to the Outpost and speak to Burk. Part of your 
reward is Kanred's staff, repaired, which will now allow you to open some of 
those caverns south of the Outpost.

 [2.2] Part 1, Chapter 2: The Mage's Tutor

     When you returned to Burk at the Outpost, you learned that the
     same grandmaster mage who tutored Kanred was there while you
     were gone.

     Thinking it likely that this may be the Dark Wizard's latest
     disguise, you immediately set off to find him.

* Use Kanred's staff on the magic sealing the cave in the Blighted hills.
* Find and confront Kanred's tutor.
* Defeat the Morden Gral rogue mage.
* Speak to Sentinel Kirani to get directions to Aman'lu.

Back at the Dryad Outpost, talk to Yoren about the clue you found and then 
add him to your party. Teleport to Blasted Valley (North) and head almost due 
west to one of the blocked caverns you passed by earler. With Kanred's staff, 
you can now go through into the cave. Deeper in will be a north branch; at 
the end of the branch you'll see a glowing book on the floor. Click it and 
choose to pick it up.

That enters "The Ancient Tome" quest into your journal. Go back to the 
teleporter and jump ahead to Blighted Hills (North). Go north, over the 
bridge, then turn east and find the Abandoned Mine you explored earlier. Go 
to the corner where you found the clue and Yoren will open a secret door. 
Pick up the glowing book inside to get an update to the Lost Dwarves.

That's all you can do with Yoren right now, so return to the Outpost if you 
want to replace him. While you're at the Outpost, find Mage Nari in the 
northeast sector, across from the Innkeeper. Talk to her to fill in "The 
Ancient Tome". Return to the Blighted Hills (North) teleporter and open the 
cave entrance to the east.

Follow this Dusty Cavern until you enter the Kelvaran Waste. You will quickly 
come to a teleporter (Kelvaran Waste West) with a dryad nearby. Talk to the 
dryad, Jorena, to open "Greylok of the Kurgan". Then continue into the Waste.

Along the way, before you reach the next teleporter, you'll find a camp of 
peaceful Morden. Speak to their leader, Lorksul, to open the "Morden 
Redemption" quest. Continue east until you reach the Kelvaran Waste (Central) 
teleporter. Jump back to the Dryad Outpost and find the dryad quartermaster 
in the northeast corner. She'll give you some poisoned bread.

Teleport back to Kelvaran Waste (Central). Go south to find a Ravager camp 
and depopulate it. At the extreme southern end is a mini-boss fight with a 
lot of minions. Get up on the platform the mini-boss is on (or was on, if he 
jumped down to fight you). There are doors in the east and west walls that 
will lead up to the platform. Grab the vial of blood.

Return north to the teleporter and then head west to the peaceful Morden camp. 
Talk to Lorksul. You can give him the poisoned bread, or not, it makes no 
difference in the final outcome. He'll then ask you to obtain a vial of the 
Overmage's blood. Lucky you! You already have it. Give it to him, watch the 
cutscene, then talk to him again to end the quest.

Continue east through the Waste. You're now looking for a plateau to the 
north of the main path. Up on the plateau is a cave entrance that you can't 
enter and a glowing trap on the ground out front. Click the trap to place the 
meat you got from Jorena and you will be swarmed by Kurgan. Kill them, 
including the mini-boss, Greylok.

Then go east some more to your Chapter 2 boss fight against Kikrak. This 
fight is almost identical to the one against Kanred, except Kikrak has a 
Familiar. Kill the Familiar first (you have to kill it twice, and watch for 
the explosion after you kill it the first time). Make sure you run away when 
Kikrak teleports inside your party. After the Familiar is dead, Kikrak 
himself should be a piece of cake.

Walk back to the Kelvaran Waste (East) teleporter nearby and teleport to 
Kelvaran Waste (West). Talk to Jorena to end the Greylok quest, then teleport 
back to the Dryad Outpost.

 [2.3] Part 1, Chapter 3: In Search of Celia

     As you suspected, Kanred's tutor turned out to be the Cinbri
     you knew as the Dark Wizard. He is now calling himself the
     'Overmage' and told you his plans to return his people to Aranna.

     He asked for your help, but instead you swore to gather the Elves
     and oppose him. However, he revealed that the Elves have already
     fallen before him.

     Now, you are desperate to get to Aman'lu and find out what
     happened to your hometown. However, Sentinel Kirani told you
     that the path to Aman'lu is sealed and only Warden Celia can
     open it.

     She agrees to give you the password to the area in which Celia
     is currently hunting another rogue mage so you can talk to Celia

* Give the password Kirani taught you to the Guardian statue
  in Arinth's Heights.
* Find Warden Celia.
* Destroy Celeb'hel the Rogue Mage.
* Convince Warden Celia to open the path to Aman'lu.

Find Kirani in the domed structure on the east side of camp and speak to her. 
She'll give you a password that will allow you to pass Dryad Guardian Statues 
that block entrances with vines. Refit your party and teleport to Blasted 
Valley (South).

Head north, over the bridge, then west to a cave blocked with the glowing 
lights. In the back of the cave is a vine-blocked door. Use your password on 
the statue to enter a large room containing Eliza (Soram's wife), who is now 
a bound creature (and a mini-boss one at that). Defeat her and her minions, 
then open the sanctuary doors around the room. There are four, one for each 
main class and each requiring level 36 in that class.

Venture back to the Blasted Valley (South) teleporter and continue south into 
the Blighted Hills. As you enter the Hills, before crossing the bridge, go 
west to a cavern blocked with the vines and statue. Use your password to get 
in and loot the place. There's nothing quest-related in here, but there are a 
lot of goodies.

Teleport back to the Outpost and visit Soram in the southeast corner. He'll 
be rather upset that you killed his wife and will fight you. When you reduce 
his health, he surrenders and thereafter refuses to speak to you. Wow. Really 
breaks you up, doesn't it?

Now it's time to explore the environs north of the Outpost. Leave by the 
north gate and enter Arinth's Gorge. You'll go over a bridge, then down into 
a gully and under that same bridge. As you go north, you'll go down a couple 
of ramps. At the bottom of the ramps, look for a little cul-de-sac to the 
southeast (your right). At the end is a broken mana shrine. Click it to 
obtain the mana-infused stone you need for Mage Nari's "Ancient Tome" quest.

Continue north, past the Arinth's Gorge teleporter, to a vine-blocked cave. 
Use the password to enter the Hak'u Tunnels. Beyond is Arinth's Heights. This 
is a long, relatively straight climb with three teleporters along the way 
(Lower, Upper and Summit).

About halfway between the Lower and Upper teleporters, you'll see a dryad 
hanging about along the west side of the path. She has the distinctive orange 
exclamation point over her head, so talk to her to do "The Human Refugees". 
The canyon you need to clear is right behind the dryad, so you can wrap this 
up immediately.

Continue on up to the summit of Arinth's Heights, where you encounter another 
mage gone mad. This one is familiar; it's Celeb'hel, the Elder leader of the 
Aman'lu. You are forced to fight him and the fight plays out exactly like the 
ones against Kanred and Kikrak. The biggest difference this time is Celeb'hel 
is a bit more dangerous even when not executing his teleport-circle-of-death 
attack. You may need to buff up a bit and stock up on health potions using 
the Arinth's Heights (Summit) teleporter before you take him on.

When Celeb'hel is defeated, you get a soulstone, an entry for "Celeb'hel the 
Elder" side quest, a conversation with Celia and the next chapter.

 [2.4] Part 2, Chapter 1: Elves Under Siege

     The shock of encountering a maddened Celeb'hel the Elder makes
     you even more worried about what's happened to the Elves. It's
     hard to believe that the Overmage managed to break Celeb'hel,
     and that does not bode well for the rest of the Elves.

     At least you were able to convince Warden Celia of the serious-
     ness of the situation and she's agreed to open the path to Aman'lu.

* Meet Warden Celia on the other side of the bridge north of the Outpost.
* Journey to Aman'lu.
* Look for Elven Survivors.

Teleport back to the Dryad Outpost and refit. By this point you should have 
finished every Part 1 secondary quest except "Hunt for the Lost Dwarves", 
"Naturalist Ithara's Research" and "The Ancient Tome". Go north out of the 
Outpost and find Celia right across the first bridge. She'll open the Passage 
to Aman'lu.

As you enter, you encounter some bound hyenas, the last creature on Ithara's 
list. After you've killed them, run back to the Outpost and complete her 
quest. She'll give you some nice armor and another Research quest. Go back to 
the Passage and head through to Aman'lu.

You'll find the town mostly destroyed (which, come to think of it, was the 
state it was in last time...). This time it's a bit worse. After clearing out 
the areas south of town, talk your way through the gate to end this rather 
short chapter.

 [2.5] Part 2, Chapter 2: The Familiars

     You arrived in Aman'lu to find it a very changed place. Most of
     the Elves are dead, and the survivors are despairing the loss of
     their visionary powers in the cataclysm.

     Danadel, the de-facto leader of the Elves, explained that they
     are currently threatened by their ancient enemy, the Familiars.
     The Familiar Surgeons are adept at creating horrific mutilations
     of creatures and people. Unable to face these horrors, the Elves
     barricaded themselves in a small section of town near the tavern.

     You would like the Elves' support in the coming battle with the
     Overmage, but first you'll have to help them regain their strength
     by destroying the Familiars.

* Travel beyond the western Vai'lutra Forest in search of the
  Familiar Surgeons.
* Look for the Familiar Surgeons within the abandoned Elven ruins.
* Destroy the Familiar Surgeon.
* Release Drianjul from the cell.
* Speak with Drianjul.

Aman'lu is a reduced-services home base. There's a base teleporter, a 
necromancer, your storage vault and an all-in-one merchant inside the Inn. 
However, there's no Innkeeper, Arcanist, Enchanter, Trainer, F&K Society 
merchant, etc. You'll have to teleport back to the Outpost for those services. 
Fortunately, every teleporter in the game can take you back to any of the 
base teleporters, including the Dryad Outpost.

North of the Inn is a burned-out building. Talk to Kylis on the top floor to 
get "Minli the Faerie" added to your quest log. Take the metal scraps he 
drops on the ground, and go back to the south bridge leading out of town. 
Drop the scraps on the ground (you have to actually open your inventory and 
remove them, it's not automatic).

You'll be swarmed by faeries. Kill them and another wave comes at you, this 
time with the mini-boss, Minli. Kill her and the remaining faeries, then 
return to Kylis to complete his quest.

Right next to Kylis' building, down by the river, is an elf who will give you 
a vial of Aman'lu's water. This is an item needed for Mage Nari. Inside the 
Inn, talk to Talain to start "The Vai'kesh" quest, and pull the lever in the 
south wing to travel down to the Aman'lu Arena, which is still open for 

When you're ready to go, head west into the Western Vai'lutra Forest. As 
you're exploring, you'll come across, to the south, the entrance to a ruin 
that is blocked by a door on which is nailed a bound elf.


You can't get through these doors yet, but you'll get the key soon enough. To 
the north is a campsite where you meet Ressa. She's a Blood Assassin, 
potential henchman (after you complete her quest) and will kick off 
"Questionable Methods". You'll get to your first task, collect elf blood, 

Continue west to the Western Vai'lutra Forest (South) teleporter. Here the 
path splits, going west and north. Take the west path into the Western 
Vai'kesh Forest. You cross over an ornate stone bridge as you enter the 
Vai'kesh Forest, and the path splits after the bridge, going north and south.

Go south into a camp of peaceful Vai'kesh and speak to the leader. This 
advances "The Vai'kesh". Now go north and you'll quickly find, off to your 
right, the entrance to a crypt with a bunch of elven bodies. Entering the 
crypt advances "The Vai'kesh" again.

Your path now turns west again, and you will soon reach the Western Vai'kesh 
Forest teleporter, which is not far east of the entrance to a dungeon. Enter 
the ruins, which are not that exciting, but quite gory, with plenty of blood 
and body parts. Not to mention a large number of mobs.

When you reach the end of the dungeon, you're in for your next boss fight, 
against a Familiar Surgeon. This giant brains are pretty nasty in a fight. It 
summons lots of bound creatures to fight for it, and while you're messing 
with the summons, it releases globes of liquid death that bounce around the 
room until they hit you.

Isn't that fun!

On top of that, the Surgeon has plenty of health and is fairly resistant to 
what you throw against it. Try to unload high-damage powers on it quickly, 
then recharge those powers against the bound creatures. Rinse-and-repeat. The 
death globes are easier to deal with if you have high death damage resistance, 
otherwise, you may need to duck and cover when the Surgeon sends them out. 
(Running out of the room works pretty well.)

After the Surgeon and all the bound creatures are dead, release Drianjul from 
her cage and talk to her. When you killed the Surgeon, you got a strange 
metal object added to your Quest Items. Drianjul tells you that item is a key 
that unlocks special doors guarded by bound elves. She also tells you there's 
another Familiar Surgeon in the Calennor Stronghold to the north.

 [2.6] Part 2, Chapter 3: The Second Familiar Surgeon

     You discovered the chilling manner in which bound creatures are
     created, and saved Drevin's sister, Drianjul, from becoming one.

     She is grieving and in shock, but she is able to tell you about
     a second Surgeon somewhere nearby.

     You will have to find and destroy it too if you hope to gain the
     Elves' help.

* Use the Surgeon's key to enter the Calennor Stronghold.
* Speak with the Overmage's projection.
* Find and destroy the second Familiar Surgeon.
* Return to Danadel in Aman'lu.

Return to Aman'lu for rest and refit. Teleport to the Western Vai'lutra 
Forest (South) teleporter and go southeast to find the bound elf-blocked door 
you saw earlier. You can now stick your key into the bound elf and release it, 
kill it, then open the door. This is a simple treasure vault, nothing more. 
However, to thoroughly loot it, you'll need to find all the secret doors. 
Look for interactive torches on stands on the ground and on the walls. And 
beware of one chest that turns out to be a mimic.

Fun stuff.

Go back to the teleporter and go north. You'll start encountering bound elves, 
and they will drop vials of their blood. These are actual inventory items--
not Quest Items--that drop on the ground, so be sure to pick them up. As you 
progress, keep an eye out to the east for an entrance to some ruins. This is 
the Vault of Therayne and the "Treasure Hunting" side quest.

When you reach the Western Vai'lutra Forest (North) teleporter, teleport back 
to the South teleporter and return to Ressa's camp (just to the east). You 
should have ten vials of elf blood now, so give them to her and get your next 
task: collect a child's tears.

Teleport back to the Dryad Outpost and find Arlen, Soram's son, in the 
southeast corner of camp. Anything you say to him (regardless of whether you 
completed his dad's quest) will make him cry and you'll automatically collect 
his tears. Teleport back to Ressa's camp and give her the tears.

She now asks you to bind the soul of Lorethal himself. Teleport to Western 
Vai'lutra Forest (North) and go a little bit north and then turn east to find 
the entrance to the Sepulcher of the Crimson Hunters. It will be empty going 
in, but full of angry ghosts coming out after binding Lorethal's soul. 
Teleport back to Ressa, complete her quest and hire her if you're so inclined. 
(Note: Ressa is not needed in the party for any future part of the story.)

After, teleport back and continue your journey north. After reaching the 
Calennor Wood (South) teleporter, start looking for an unmarked path to your 
right (east). This will lead to a ruined shrine where you find Celeb'hel.

Didn't you already kill him?

Well, talk to him to get the full story. You'll find his two other soulstones 
in the near future. Continue north until you reach the Calennor Stronghold, 
which is again guarded by a bound elf. The Stronghold, besides being the site 
of your boss fight for this chapter, has a lot of treasure hidden behind 
secret doors, some of which is quest related.

In the very first room, find the interactive torch on the north wall and open 
a secret door. Inside the revealed room is a corpse. Click it to find a 
Vai'kesh sword and open "The Vai'kesh, Part 2" in your quest log.

In the next large room of the dungeon, go through the southeast door and find 
the secret entrance on the west wall. In that room, pick up a green stone 
from the pile along the north wall. (Remember those stones? And how much you 
came to loathe them in DS2?)

Next up, some prison cells. Behind the northeast cell is a room where you'll 
find one of Celeb'hel's other bodies. Click it to collect the soulstone. 
After the prison, there's a T-intersection. Go left (west) and find purple 
stones on a bookcase in the end room. (Search carefully, they don't glow.)

Head back east, and then north as the hall turns. In the next room, find a 
secret door in the southeast corner. Inside the room are yellow stones, lying 
on the floor.

Now it's on to the boss fight against the Familiar Surgeon, which plays out 
like the last Surgeon fight. Afterwards, walk back through the dungeon. When 
you to the room south of the prison cells, enter the room to the east and 
place a green, purple and yellow stone in the appropriate sockets to open a 
small treasure room.

 [2.7] Part 2, Chapter 4: Solanum

     You destroyed the Familiars in the hopes of convincing the Elves
     to help you against the Overmage, but the Elves remained steadfast
     in their decision to not get involved.

     However, you also learned that the Overmage is manipulating the
     Dryads to concentrate all of Aranna's magic in one place.

     Danadel also revealed that the Great Leader is a male Dryad--
     the first ever known to exist. The Elves don't seem to find this
     suspicious, but you're not so sure...

     At least Danadel opened a portal to the Dryads' city of Solanum,
     so you'll be able to question the Great Leader yourself.

* Go through Danadel's portal to Solanum.
* Enter the Great Leader's audience chamber.
* Defeat Keirok the Devourer.
* Go through the Overmage's portal.
* Explore the unfamiliar cavern.
* Speak to Stonepick.

Return to Aman'lu and speak to Danadel. He'll open a portal to Solanum (a 
glowing white circle just north of the Aman'lu teleporter). Don't go through 
it yet. Go talk to Talain at the Inn. Then teleport to the Western Vai'lutra 
Forest (South) and run west to the Vai'kesh camp.

Confront the leader with the sword you found in the Stronghold, then kill the 
leader and his minions. Enter the sanctuary that's right there in the camp 
and kill everyone inside. A locked door in the back yields to a key you took 
from the leader and leads to the Prophet, who's a pretty tough fight. You'll 
also find a body of Celeb'hel.

Return to Aman'lu and talk to Talain to wrap up the Vai'kesh quests. Teleport 
to The Calennor Wood (North) and head southeast to find the living Celeb'hel. 
Give him his soulstones or not, it makes no difference in the outcome. After 
you fight him to surrender, he offers to join up. You don't need him for any 
particular quest after this.

The remainder of this chapter is a boss fight against Keirok the Devourer. 
Return to Aman'lu and go through the portal made by Danadel. You quickly 
enter a large, round chamber where you watch a cutscene that ends with you 
facing a very large, very nasty creature.

There's no special trick to beating Keirok, it's just a test of endurance. 
He's a strong melee attacker, so ranged attacks work better. He has a couple 
of special attacks that you can see coming, so run away when he's winding up, 
then run back in and beat on him some more.

When he's dead, jump through the portal and find Glorydeep Mine. Yeah! 
There's a base portal here, similar to the one in Aman'lu. Once you speak 
with Stonepick, the next chapter begins...

 [2.8] Part 3, Chapter 1: The Dwarves of Glorydeep

     Your suspicions about the nature of the Great Leader were not
     unfounded--he is the Overmage! The Dryads did not seem aware
     that they were deceived, and they willingly went through the
     Overmage's portal. The Overmage summoned a Familiar to stop you,
     but you were able to defeat it.

     However, the portal changed somehow. You went through anyway
     and discovered a group of Dwarves enslaved by the Overmage.

     Stonepick, the Dwarves' leader, explained that they haven't seen
     the Overmage personally in years, but he resides within the Cinbri
     city the Dwarves have been excavating. Stonepick agrees to help you
     get inside the city if you aid the Dwarves in overthrowing the
     oppressive Familiar Overseers.

* Destroy Hopekiller the Familiar Overseer.
* Destroy Merciless the Familiar Overseer
* Destroy Longwhip the Familiar Overseer
* Destroy Stench the Familiar Overseer
* Destroy Bloodgrin the Familiar Overseer
* Destroy Rockfist the Familiar Overseer
* Meet Stonepick at the bridge to the Cinbri City.

If you don't have Yoren in your party, teleport back to the Outpost and add 
him. Then return to Glorydeep and find Rockmover; he's in a house to your 
left (north) as you cross over the first bridge. Rockmover and Yoren will 
talk, you'll get a reward and the "Hunt for the Lost Dwarves" will be 
finished. You can safely discard Yoren at this point if you wish.

Continue east through the mine, defeating the Familiar Overseers and their 
bound minions. Remember to watch out for the Overseers resurrection. As you 
progress through the mine, you'll be able to quickly complete two side quests, 
"Captured Miners" and "The Explosives Tunnel". See the individual 
walkthroughs later in this guide. The last three Overseers are bunched up 
togther, so having the help of the captured miners and the explosion is a 
good thing.

Once all the Overseers are dead, Stonepick extends the bridge across to the 
Cinbri City and your final dungeon run approaches.

 [2.9] Part 3, Chapter 2: The Overmage of the Cinbri

     You freed the Dwarves from the oppression of the Familiar
     Overseers, and in return they extended the bridge to the
     Cinbri City.

     Stonepick advised you to work your way deep within the city
     to the gateway chamber where the Overmage plans to become
     Zaramoth Reborn.

     Stonepick thinks the ritual has already begun--you should
     get there fast if you want to stop it.

* Explore the Cinbri City.
* Explore the center of the city.
* Find the gateway chamber.
* Speak with the Overmage.
* Defeat the Overmage.
* Defeat Zaramoth Reborn.
* Speak with Kirani.

The run through Cinbri City is strangely reminiscent of the run up Zaramoth's 
Horns at the end of DS2. The main thing to watch out for is a Cinbri Gem 
early on in one of the large rooms. It's on a bookcase and is glowing, so you 
should be able to find it easily enough. This is the last item needed by Mage 

When you finally reach the end, you'll want to stock up on health (and, 
possibly, mana) potions and equip your best stuff. You've got a very long and 
grueling boss fight ahead of you.

Enter the circular area where the Overmage is getting ready to transform 
himself. He's surrounded by dryads in stasis. After your little chat, your 
first inclination will be to pound on the Overmage.

Resist the urge.

Back off and wait. The Overmage summons a bunch of creatures and you have to 
defeat them. Right now, the Overmage is invulnerable.


This cannot be stressed enough. If you want to shorten this part of the 
battle--and you DEFINITELY want to shorten it--then save your powers. Be sure 
to have all your highest damage powers selected (Brutal Strike, Take Aim, 
etc.). When the last summons dies, the Overmage collapses.

Unload on him. Hit him with everything you've got. You only get about five to 
ten seconds, then he revives, is once more invulnerable and summons more help.

Do the whole thing over again. If you do this right, you only have to go 
through three or four waves of summons before you shave off all the 
Overmage's health. When that happens, he transforms into Zaramoth Reborn.

Now the real fight gets underway.

Zaramoth Reborn is one very tough hombre. He's got a LOT of health (120,000 
in Merc), is resistant to everything, knows every power and spell in the book 
and has near-unlimited mana. In other words, he's equal to about ten of you.

Zaramoth will unleash a lot of stuff. Some of his favorites are:

* Whirling Strike with his sword: getting hit is pretty certain death. You 
can avoid this one because he takes about ten seconds to wind up. When you 
see him crouch and gather in on himself, he's about to let go, so run away.

* Glacial Aura: this one's pretty hard to avoid, especially for your melee 
fighters, since running out of range means no damage being inflicted on Mr. 
Bigshot. Your best bet is to stay in there, take your lumps and drink health 

* Fire rings: you can see these coming, as they start from the outside of the 
circle and move inward. When you see them, rush IN toward Zaramoth and gather 
around him as the flames stop short of his body. (If you've got any 
unconscious people lying around, they're toast. Get a Rez spell handy.) This 
is actually a great time to unload on Zaramoth as he's busy tending the fire 
and you have a perfect excuse to get in close and personal.

* Call Lightning: when sparks start dancing on the ground, run away. These 
are pretty easy to avoid, but dangerous if you're not paying attention.

* Waves of Force: this one's just nasty. There's no warning, and you're 
suddenly facing waves of high-damage streaming out from the front of Zaramoth. 
The one upside is the narrow area-of-effect, you can easily run to the side 
away from them. If any melee fighters are stading right in front of 
him...well, hope they have lots of armor and health.

Zaramoth has other toys to play with too. This fight is, basically, a war of 
attrition. Can you knock off his health before you run out of health potions 
or Rez scrolls? He's resistant, but not immune to anything, and you can curse 
him and attack him just like any normal enemy. (I.e. there's no special trick 
to fighting him.)

The tactics are all about avoiding his attacks as much as possible, quaffing 
health potions almost continuously and making sure you have a nature mage 
with a Resurrect spell and plenty of Rez scrolls for when the nature mage is 
unconscious or dead.

This is a long, grueling battle and there are no shortcuts. Unlease high-
damage powers as fast as they recharge. Run away when Zaramoth starts with 
one of his specialty attacks. In fact, keep moving, a lot. It will be harder 
if you have a melee-heavy party, so be sure to have some strong ranged 
support (ranger, combat mage).

And bring lots and lots of potions, just in case you hadn't picked up on that 
by now. When it's all over, talk to Kirani, the lone surviving dryad and the 
main quest is officially complete. Return to the Dryad Outpost and wrap of 
"The Ancient Tome" by talking to Mage Nari, giving her all the stuff, then 
following up with the ghost of the murdered historian.

That should do it! Now it's off to DS2 in Vet, then BW in Vet, then DS2 in 

=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= PART 1 SECONDARY QUESTS =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=

 [2.10] Hunt for the Lost Dwarves

     Yoren Glitterdelve, an Ehb Dwarf, recently arrived at the outpost.
     He is looking for the Glorydeep Dwarves, a large group of miners
     who haven't been heard from for over one hundred and fifty years.

     Yoren believes they have intentionally cut off contact with Ehb in
     order to hoard the vast riches they've discovered. He intends to
     track them down and bring them back into line according to the rules
     of the Dwarven Mining Guild. Just because their new mine is a long
     distance from Ehb doesn't mean they can escape the law.

* Look for clues of the Lost Dwarves.
* Return to Yoren with news of your find.
* Bring Yoren to the abandoned mine.
* Explore the hidden cache.
* Find a way to enter the Glorydeep Mine.
* Find someone with information about the Glitterdelve family's fate.

In the Dryad Outpost you'll find a dwarf named Yoren. Speak to him to 
initiate this quest to find his lost brethren. He wants you to look for clues 
to their whereabouts during your travels. As you travel south from the 
Outpost, you will go through the Blasted Valley and then into the Blighted 
Hills. Just before entering the Blighted Hills, there's a cave entrance to 
the east. You have to leave the beaten track to find it. Inside is an 
Abandoned Mine; search it thoroughly to turn up a clue to the missing dwarves.

Return to Yoren. He wants to join you and check out the mine himself. You 
have to add him to your party to continue this quest. Once he's on board, 
teleport to the Blighted Hills (North) teleporter, go north over the bridge, 
then head east to the Abandoned Mine. Inside, approach the north wall of the 
mine and Yoren will open a secret door. Inside, collect the logbook.

That's it until you enter Glorydeep Mine at the beginning of Part 3 of the 
main quest. Add Yoren to your party and find Rockmover; he's in a house to 
your left as you cross the first bridge in the Enclave. Rockmover and Yoren 
will converse, you'll get some treasure and that's the end of the quest.

 [2.11] Missing

     Soram, a Human refugee at the Outpost, is extremely concerned
     about his wife, Eliza. She left the Outpost a few days ago to
     collect berries and she hasn't returned.

     The Dryad Sentinels at the gates forbade him to leave, and Soram
     is forced to wait.

     He is almost at the end of his patience.

* Look for Eliza.
* Return Eliza's locket to Soram in the Outpost.

Soram is in the southeast corner of the Dryad Outpost (to your right as you 
start the game). You can't get anywhere in this quest until you've finished 
Chapter 2 of Part 1 of the main quest and have both Kanred's Staff and the 
dryad password.

Teleport to the Blasted Valley (South) and go north until you pass over a 
bridge. Turn west until you find a cave blocked by the glowing lights. You 
can now use Kanred's Staff to get through. At the back of the cave is a door 
blocked by one of Celia's guardian statues. Speak to the statue and use the 
password to get through. Inside you'll find Eliza, turned into a bound 
creature, with a bunch of minions.

Once Eliza is dead, return to Soram at the Outpost. He will not initially 
believe you, then he will attack you when you prove Eliza is dead. When you 
"kill" Soram, he "surrenders" and gives you a small reward.

 [2.12] Lumilla's Special Recipe

     Enchantress Lumilla has been busy this past year. She moved her
     shop to the Outpost and mastered some new enchanting techniques,
     including reagent recipes.

     She explained that reagent recipes allow her to create an
     enchantment that's more powerful than the individual reagents
     used in it.

     She is happy to demonstrate what she means if you bring her a
     few ingredients.

* Find some Ash Leaves, Sage Liniment, and Gardenia Leaves and return
  to Lumilla.

Like Lumilla's quest in DS2, this is intended to introduce you to the concept 
of reagents; specifically, reagent recipes. These special combinations of an 
enchantable item and specific reagents produce a unique item. You'll find the 
reagents she needs lying around south of the Dryad Outpost; just make sure 
you explore to the edges of the map.

Once you have the three reagents, talk to Lumilla and she'll give you a 
recipe (Lumilla's Cooling Band) and an enchantable ring. Use the ring and the 
reagents to make the item. All the reagent recipes and the unique items they 
produce are listed later in this guide.

 [2.13] Naturalist Ithara's Research

     Naturalist Ithara is a Dryad in the Outpost. Like all the Dryads,
     she is very concerned about the increasing numbers of horribly
     mutilated creatures roaming the hills. Nobody knows where they are
     coming from, or who is altering them, and Ithara is determined to
     find out.

     She would like you to obtain samples so she can study them and
     unravel the mystery.

* Acquire a sample from a Bound Terrak.
* Acquire a sample from a Bound Human.
* Acquire a sample from a Bound Fellspine.
* Acquire a sample from a Bound Hak'u.
* Acquire a sample from a Bound Hyena.
* Give Ithara all of the samples.

Ithara is a naturalist who resides in the northeast corner of the Dryad 
Outpost. She is interested in studying the bound creatures that have arisen 
since the breaking of the world.

This is pretty simple. As you kill the bound creatures on the list, a sample 
(hand, foot, etc.) will be added to your Quest Items in the Lore section of 
your journal. Once you have all five samples, return to Ithara. You'll find 
the fellspine, human and terrak in the Blasted Valley and Blighted Hills 
south of the Outpost. Hak'u roam Arinth's Gorge north of the Outpost. You'll 
get a bound hyena sample when you first enter the passage to Aman'lu at the 
end of Part 1, Chapter 3.

As soon as you get the hyena sample, run back to the Dryad Outpost (it isn't 
far) and turn in the samples to Ithara. She'll give you a suit of fighter 
armor in return and send you on part 2 of her quest.

 [2.14] Anya

     Tomas, a traveling merchant, has a problem. He discovered that
     his business partner, the Dryad Anya, has gone mad and killed
     her sisters.

     When he tried to approach her, she attacked him and grabbed his
     backpack. He barely escaped with his life, but without his goods,
     Tomas is ruined.

     Now, he is hoping that you will be able to put an end to Anya's
     madness and recover his pack.

* Find and defeat Anya.
* Return the stolen backpack to Tomas.

You'll find Tomas just outside the south gate of the Dryad Outpost. After 
speaking to him, continue south. When you pass the Blasted Valley (North) 
teleporter, cross the bridge and turn left (east). Find the ramp leading down 
and north and you'll find Anya and some minions. Kill them all, then return 
to Tomas. He rewards you with some items and gold and becomes a standard 

 [2.15] The Ancient Tome

     You discovered this old book in a dark cave in the hills near
     the Outpost.

     From the magical power that resonates from it, you guess that
     it must have belonged to a mage.

     It is clearly seen better days, but you can still make out most
     of the words inscribed on the cover. Unfortunately, you are
     unfamiliar with the language in which it is written.

* Locate someone who can identify the ancient tome.
* Fill a vial with Aman'lu's blessed water and bring it to Mage Nari.
* Find a mana-infused stone and bring it to Mage Nari.
* Find a suspended soul and bring it to Mage Nari.
* Capture a lonely voice and bring it to Mage Nari.
* Find a memento of the past and bring it to Mage Nari.
* Speak to Mage Nari.
* Speak to the spirit of Historian Arisu.

After finishing Part 1, Chapter 1 and obtaining Kanred's Staff, you can 
explore previously blocked caves south of the Dryad Outpost. In the first one 
you come to south of the Outpost (due west of the Blasted Valley (North) 
teleporter), you'll find an ancient tome in a side tunnel. Picking it up 
kicks off this quest.

Return to the Outpost and find Mage Nari. She bides her time in the northeast 
sector, just past the arcanist (near where Amren waits). Talk to her to fill 
in the remainder of the quest. You'll find the items as you adventure, but 
the final one won't be found until near the end of the game.

* Vial of Aman'lu water: when you first enter Aman'lu, go down to the 
riverbank between the Inn and the ruined building where Kylis is working. 
You'll find an elf there who will give you a vial of water.

* Mana-infused stone: this is in a ruined mana shrine north of the Outpost. 
After crossing the first bridge, you go down into a gully and follow it north. 
You'll then go down a couple of ramps. Just past the ramps, look for a cul-
de-sac to your right (southeast). The ruined mana shrine is in there. Click 
it to obtain the stone.

* Suspended soul: you fill this requirement with a faerie frozen in amber. 
You pick this up (automatically) from a boss-level naldrun while fighting 
through the Calennor hills (north of Aman'lu).

* Lonely voice: throughout the wilderness north of Aman'lu you'll find Elven 
wind chimes. Click any one to pick it up and use it as the lonely voice. 
There are at least a half-dozen chimes, just make sure you explore the map 

* Memento of the past: this is lying on a bookshelf in one of the rooms of 
the city of the Cinbri at the end of the game. It's glowing, so you should be 
able to see it easily.

 [2.16] Morden Redemption

     While exploring the Kelvaran Waste, you came across a group of
     uncharacteristically submissive Morden refugees. Lorksul, their
     leader, explained that ever since the second cataclysm, their
     minds have felt fogged and their former bloodlust is gone.

     They have no idea what has happened to them, and now their bodies
     are disintegrating.

     However, some of the Morden have managed to retain their former
     strength. They call themselves the Ravagers, and they have pledged
     themselves to the Overmage.

     The Ravagers have been attacking the Refugees, to great effect.
     The Refugees are too weak to find food, and so they are slowly
     starving to death and are barely able to defend themselves from
     the Ravagers.

* Get some food for the Morden refugees.
* Return to Lorksul of the Morden.
* Get the vial of the Overmage's blood and bring it to Lorksul.
* Speak to the Overmage's projection.
* Speak to Lorksul.

In between the first two teleporters of the Kelvaran Waste (West and Central) 
you'll find a camp of peaceful Morden off the beaten track (to the north). 
Talk to their leader to start the quest. Now, technically, you can keep going, 
raid the Ravagers camp and get the vial of blood without going back to the 
Outpost and getting food. However, Lorksul won't discuss the vial of blood 
with you until you've brought the food.

So...Head back to the outpost--if you keep going forward to the Kelvaran 
Waste (Central) teleporter, it makes the rest of the quest a bit easier--and 
find the quartermaster in the northeast section of the Outpost. She'll give 
you some poisoned food. Return to Lorksul and give him the poisoned portion 
or not; it makes no difference in the quest.

Now head for the Kelvaran Waste (Central) teleporter and turn south to enter 
the Ravagers' fort. Fight your way through to the boss Ravager and pick up 
the vial of blood from the platform on which he is standing. Return to 
Lorksul and give him the blood. After you've chatted with the Overmage, talk 
to Lorksul again to conclude the quest.

 [2.17] Morden Ravagers

     The Morden Ravagers refused to die or let their bloodlust fade,
     so when the Overmage offered to help them in exchange for their
     loyalty, they eagerly accepted. Now, they are marked with his
     symbol and draw power from a large vial of his blood kept in the
     center of their camp. Its magical influence turns their skin
     white and infuses them with their old strength.

     Consumed with bloodlust, they rampage across the land, killing
     indiscriminately and for no purpose. However, their link to life
     is tenuous at best, for if they lose the vial of blood, they will
     begin to rot anew.

     However, the Morden Refugees desire the vial of blood - not to
     regain their bloodlust, but to learn why they are dying. If they
     can acquire the blood, they will use it to summon an image of the
     Overmage and force him to answer their questions.

* Find the Morden Ravager camp.
* Take the vial of the Overmage's blood.

When you raid the Morden Ravager camp, this quest starts and finishes. It is 
technically possible to do this quest without doing "Morden Redemption"; but, 
if you're killing these Morden anyway, might as well do the whole thing.

 [2.18] Greylok of the Kurgan

     Watcher Jorena is a Dryad stationed in the Kelvaran Waste. She is
     attempting to catch a particular beast that roams the area. She has
     caught glimpses of a massive wolf-like beast. She swears he talks to
     her and taunts her, and claims that his name is Greylok of the Kurgan.

     Soon, he will return to his pack and lead them here to live. He says
     that Dryads are easy to catch and will make good food for his pups.

     Jorena is clearly distraught about the situation and hopes that you
     can help her.

* Bait the trap outside of Greylok's lair.
* Kill Greylok of the Kurgan.
* Return to Watcher Jorena.

Jorena is the dryad stationed next to the Kelvaran Waste (West) teleporter 
right after you enter the Waste. Talk to her and get the rotten meat you need 
to bait the trap. You'll find Greylok's lair not far west of the Kelvaran 
Waste (East) teleporter, on a plateau north of the main path. Outside his 
cave entrance is a glowing trap.

Click it to "bait" the trap and be instantly swarmed by Kurgan, with the 
boss-level Greylok thrown in for good measure. Kill Greylok (and his pack) 
and return to Jorena for your reward.

 [2.19] The Human Refugees

     Watcher Rena is stationed at the tower across from a canyon in
     Arinth's Heights. She stopped you from entering the canyon,
     explaining that a small caravan of Human Refugees were camping
     there when a group of Dryad warriors arrived. However, something
     was wrong with the Dryads -- they looked and behaved unnaturally
     and turned the canyon into a bloodbath.

     Now, Rena is uncertain what to do. She knows her sisters did a
     terrible thing, but she's afraid to confront them--both because
     she can't bear to kill her own blood, and because she is not
     strong enough to take them on if they react aggressively.

* Investigate the canyon.
* Follow the trail of blood.
* Talk to the Human survivor.
* Return to Watcher Rena.

Rena is stationed along the main path in Arith's Heights. You'll recognize 
her by the orange exclamation point hovering over her head. Right behind her 
is the entrance to the canyon. Talk to Rena, then enter the canyon.

Wade through the hordes of bound dryads until you reach the far end of the 
canyon. Climb up into the hills to find the lone surviving human. Talk to him, 
then return to Rena and talk to her to conclude the quest.

=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= PART 2 SECONDARY QUESTS =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=

 [2.20] Naturalist Ithara's Research, Part II

     Based on the samples you collected, Ithara speculates that the
     bound creatures are actually being assembled by someone.

     Now, she wants you to find more samples to see if they shed any
     more light on the creatures' origins.

* Acquire a sample from a Bound Fettershin.
* Acquire a sample from a Bound Taclak.
* Acquire a sample from a Bound Taugrim.
* Acquire a sample from a Bound Naldrun.
* Acquire a sample from a Bound Elf.
* Give Ithara all of the samples.

Same tune, different notes. As soon as you finish Ithara's first research 
quest, she'll give you this one. As you continue adventuring, you'll run into 
all these creatures and automatically get a sample from the first one you 
kill. After you have all five, return to Ithara for a suit of ranger armor 
and part 3 of her quest.

 [2.21] Celeb'hel the Elder

     You discovered Celeb'hel wandering around Arinth's Heights. Somehow,
     the Overmage corrupted Celeb'hel and transformed him into a rogue
     mage--insane and unpredictable.

     He attacked you and you were forced to defend yourself and kill him.

     Now, all you have left is the soulstone he dropped when he died and
     the guilt of having killed your childhood mentor.

* Find someone who's interested in Celeb'hel's soulstone.
* Find the simulacrum who went to the Vai'kesh.
* Find the simulacrum who went to the Calennor Stronghold.
* Return to Celeb'hel.
* Choose whether or not to give Celeb'hel his soulstones.

This quest starts after you kill Celeb'hel at the end of Part 1, Chapter 3. 
Later, as you're working your way 

 [2.22] Minli the Faerie

     Metalcrafter Kylis is one of the Elves rebuilding Aman'lu with
     a more traditional style of Elven architecture. He is scavenging
     old Aman'lu for metal objects he can reuse, but has run into
     trouble from his old friend Minli, a Faerie who is now a bound

     He's saddened by Minli's state, but understands that the best
     thing for her now is to find peace in death.

* Place the metal scraps on the bridge to attract Minli.
* Kill the Bound Faeries.
* Kill Minli.
* Return to Kylis in Aman'lu.

Kylis is atop the ruins of a building next to the Inn. He'll drop some metal 
scraps after you speak to him, so be sure to pick them up. Return to the 
bridge south of town and drop the metal scraps from your inventory onto the 
bridge. You'll be swarmed by faeries. Minli will be in the second wave, kill 
her to end the swarms and collect some metal she stole from Kylis. Go back 
and speak to Kylis to end the quest.

 [2.23] The Aman'lu Arena

     Despite the horrors that have plagued Aman'lu, Daesthai and
     his Arena survived unscathed deep beneath the tavern.

     It still serves as a source of entertainment, but more importantly,
     it gives warriors a chance to hone their skills in a relatively safe

* Defeat the first wave of combatants.
* Defeat the second wave of combatants.
* Defeat the third wave of combatants.
* Defeat the fourth wave of combatants.
* Defeat the fifth wave of combatants.
* Defeat the sixth wave of combatants.
* Defeat the seventh wave of combatants.
* Defeat the eighth wave of combatants.
* Defeat the ninth wave of combatants.
* Defeat the Arena Masters.
* Speak with Daesthai.

Inside the ruined Aman'lu Inn, in the south wing, is a lever that sends you 
down an elevator to the basement. Find another lever against the wall to open 
a secret door, which leads to a long spiral staircase and then into the Arena.

Speak with Daesthai to open the Aman'lu Arena quest and learn the rules of 
the game. Basically, you pay for a token, place that token on the pedestal in 
the center of the arena, the arena floor drops and some monsters come spewing 
forth. Defeat them, then click the Forfeit Lever to raise the arena. In other 
words, it's exactly the same as The Aman'lu Arena side quest from DS2.

Defeating the monsters earns you a key. The keys you earn open doors to 
treasure rooms around the arena. There are ten rounds in all. The tenth, and 
final, treasure room contains a nasty surprise: the chest is a mimic. That 
Deasthai! He's such a kidder... Oh, yes, for beating all ten challenges, 
Daesthai gives you an Agallan Relic you can use at the F&K Store to buy 
special items.

The Aman'lu Arena is a natural item farm. You can win all ten rounds, save 
your game, then start opening treasure rooms. If you don't like what you get, 
you just reload and it's only a short trip back to the arena and you start 
opening doors again.

The rounds are:

Round   Cost    Mobs (level) x quantity/Comments
-----   -----   -------------------------------------------------------------
 1      2,000   Volatile Boggrot (43) x 6,
                Bound Fellspine Enthraller (43) x 1
Take out the Enthraller first, and then try to avoid being caught in the 
multiple explosions when you start killing the Boggrots.

 2      3,000   Bound Human Greiver (43) x 6,
                Bound Husk (43) x 1

 3      4,000   Morden-sin Crossbowman (44) x 6,
                Ganth (44) x 1
A particularly nasty fight. You may have unfond memories of the Ganth from 
Act III of DS2. He's worse in the Arena. There's little room to avoid the 
swings of his big axe, which not only depletes a lot of your health, but also 
regenerates the Ganth. Use AoE powers to get rid of the pesky crossbowmen 
while running away from the Ganth. Once you're no longer bothered by arrows 
from every corner, you can concentrate on peppering the Ganth from range.

 4      5,000   Bound Hak'u Bleeder (45) x 8,
                Bound Hak'u Hunter (45) x 1

 5      6,000   Bound Dryad Incinerator (46) x 6,
                Bound Dryad Cyclone (46) x 1
When the game says "Incinerator", it means it. When the fire ring forms 
around you, run outside the circle or be prepared to go up in flames (unless 
you have near 100% fire resistance). Take out the Cyclone quick using high-
damage powers, then mop up the minions.

 6      7,500   Decaying Bound Taclak (47) x 8,
                Bound Taclak Spearmaster (47) x 1
When the Decaying Bound Taclaks die, their blood explodes all over the place 
and is highly toxic. If you've got a combat mage with Corrosive Eruption, use 
it on a Decaying Taclak, kill it, then run away and watch the fireworks. 
Better, use a nature mage summons and Aether Blast and let the summons take 
the brunt of the poisonous blood. You may even get lucky and catch the 
Spearmaster in the effect.

 7      9,000   Incinerating Bound Elf (47) x 6,
                Tormented Stitched Horror (47) x 1
More Incinerators (watch out for the fire rings!) and a heavy-damage dealing 
boss mob. In this situation, you should probably deal with the minions first 
while running away from the boss.

 8     10,000   Bound Dwarf Ballista (48) x 6,
                Bound Half-Giant Devastator (48) x 1
The Devastator is...well...devastating. Big shiny edged weapon from massive 
boss equals lots of health lost from your characters. Again, run away from 
the boss and get rid of the pesky bowmen, then concentrate on the boss; and, 
make sure you have plenty of health potions.

 9     12,000   Bound Half-Giant Shambler (49) x 6,
                Bound Half-Giant Convoker (49) x 1

10     15,000   Bound Dwarf Ballista (50) x 10,
                Lastyk Familiar (50) x 2
If you can suit up in some fire and ranged resistance items, you'll probably 
breeze through this encounter. The dwarves fire arrows, the Lastyks shoot 
fireballs. Since there are a lot of them, they can do significant damage 
unless you're just about immune to those two damage types. AoE powers work 
pretty well when you're totally surrounded like this.

 [2.24] Questionable Methods

     While exploring the forest outside Aman'lu, you came across
     Ressa, an Elven Blood Assassin. She explained that she is a
     staunch opponent of the Familiars and was exiled from Aman'lu
     for her methods in dealing with them.

     However, she claims that Blood Magic is very effective against
     them and it is worth the personal price.

     She's hoping to create a powerful weapon to save the Elves, but
     she can't do it alone.

* Collect blood from ten  Bound Elves and give it to Ressa.
* Collect a child's tears and bring them to Ressa.
* Bind Lorethal's soul to a bloodstone.
* Speak with the Spirit of Lorethal.
* Return to Ressa.
* Speak with Ressa.

While heading north out of Aman'lu, you'll find Ressa's camp to your right 
(east) not far out of town. Speak to her to start up the quest. You'll fight 
bound elves during Part 2, Chapter 3 while journeying to the Calennor 
Stronghold. They'll drop vials of their blood. Note that these blood vials 
are actual inventory items (not Lore items) and drop on the ground. Make sure 
you pick them up. (Turn Item Labels ON and use 'Z' to pick up all items.)

Once you have at least ten vials, which shouldn't take long, return to Ressa 
and get the next phase of this quest. From Ressa, run back to Aman'lu, then 
teleport to the Dryad Outpost and find the boy Arlen with his father Soram in 
the southeast corner. (You may remember them from the "Missing" quest.)

Talk to Arlen. Anything you say makes him cry and you collect his tears. (You 
do not have to perform the "Missing" secondary quest in order to make the boy 
cry.) Go back to Ressa and get the final step. Now continue on your way to 
the Calennor Stronghold. Just past the Western Vai'lutra Forest (North) 
teleporter, turn east to find the Sepulcher of the Crimson Hunters.

The Sepulcher is eerily empty (now). You'll find Lorethal's coffin in the far 
end of the dungeon. Once you've clicked the coffin and bound his soul, all 
the Crimson Hunters in the dungeon release their ghosts and you've got to 
fight your way back out. (The Summon Teleporter spell won't work.)

Be wary of a nasty mini-boss fight in the last room before the exit. In 
addition to the powerful wizard, there will be a lot of other ghosts in the 
room. Try to lure a few of them into the hall and kill them piecemeal rather 
than trying to take them all at once.

You can then return to Ressa and she'll complete the weapon and give it to 
you. She will also then offer to join up if you wish.

 [2.25] The Vai'kesh
     Talain of Aman'lu is one of the Estelath Warriors, a group of
     young Elves who modeled themselves after the legendary Crimson
     Hunters. They refuse to succumb to the apathy and despair
     plaguing most of the Elves, and have begun to fight back against
     the Familiars.

     Yesterday, a group of Talain's friends went out to patrol for
     Familiars. They haven't returned, and Talain is worried that
     they were captured. 

* Look for the missing Estelath Warriors.
* Investigate the location Rinerel claims to have hidden the bodies.
* Return to Talain in Aman'lu.

Talk to Talain, who is inside the Inn of Aman'lu. As you travel through the 
Western Vai'lutra and then Western Vai'kesh forests, you'll find a Vai'kesh 
camp in a little cul-de-sac off the main path. Talk to their leader, Rinerel, 
to learn the fate of the missing elves. You'll then need to go a short 
distance away to find the crypt where the elves have been laid to rest. 
Return to Talain to end the quest.

 [2.26] The Vai'kesh, Part 2

     You discovered Benlir, a missing Estelath Warrior, being cared
     for by Rinerel of the Vai'kesh, and found out that the Vai'kesh
     had rescued him from a group of Familiars.

     Benlir's memory was faulty, but he appeared to be in good shape
     and you had no reason to doubt Rinerel's story. You helped Benlir
     get back to Aman'lu and spoke to Talain about the Vai'kesh's plight.
     After that, tensions between the two races relaxed somewhat.

     However, while exploring the Calennor Stronghold, you came across
     the corpse of a missing warrior with a broken Vai'kesh blade sticking
     out of him. Clearly, there's more to the story than meets the eye.

* Show the broken Vai'kesh blade to Talain.
* Speak with Rinerel in the Vai'kesh camp.
* Enter the Vai'kesh Sanctuary.
* Explore the Vai'kesh Sanctuary.
* Kill the Vai'kesh Prophet.
* Release the Elven prisoners.
* Return to Talain in Aman'lu.

In the first room of the Calennor Stronghold, find the secret door on the 
north wall (activate a wall sconce). Inside is a glowing corpse. Click it to 
activate this quest and add the Vai'kesh sword to your Lore items. At your 
convenience, return to Talain in Aman'lu and talk to him.

Then head out to the Vai'kesh camp (teleport to Western Vai'kesh Forest and 
go east). Talk to Rinerel. This can only end in violence. Dispose of Rinerel 
and his minions, then invade the sanctuary that's inside the camp. In the 
back, behind a previously locked door is a Vai'kesh prophet who needs to die. 
Then go back and talk to Talain to end the quest.

 [2.27] Treasure Hunting
     While exploring some Elven ruins, you came across a Human caught
     in a magical web. After you disarmed the trap and freed her, you
     learned that her name is Meraliss and she is an explorer from Ehb.

     Meraliss explained that the ruins are called the Vault of Therayne,
     and an ancient artifact is rumored to be hidden somewhere within.
     While looking for it, she became trapped and has been held in stasis
     for three hundred years.

     Though she has not found the treasure, she has no desire to continue
     exploring the place. If you want to continue and find the artifact,
     she'll reward you well.

* Explore the chambers behind the door.
* Release Treelus the Suffering from the magic binding him.
* Kill Treelus the Suffering.
* Return to Meraliss.

Welcome to, possibly, the most frustrating quest in Broken World. You'll 
stumble into this quest while poking your nose into an underground chamber in 
the Western Vai'lutra Forest. In the first room is a simple (Hah!) light 
puzzle surrounding a woman in a stasis field. The light puzzle consists of 
four columns, each with a light (currently lit) on top. Glowing lines of 
light connect the columns, like this:

  |     |
  |     |

When you click a column, the light reverses state and so do the lights that 
are connected. In this puzzle, click a column in one corner and both it and 
the columns in adjacent corners reverse state (going from on to off or off to 
on). To solve the puzzle and open the stasis field requires that all lights 
be off. This first puzzle is simple: click each column once (in any order).

The woman, Meraliss, is released from stasis and you can talk to her. She's a 
field agent for the F&K Society. She gives you a key into the next room, 
which leads to a more difficult puzzle. Once you solve that puzzle, you fight 
the monster (Treelus), get a Lore item from him and return to Meraliss to end 
this quest.

Killing Treelus also opens another door that leads to a third, more difficult 
puzzle, which, in turn, leads to a fourth. Solving the fourth puzzle gets you 
a small treasure chest with an easter egg unique item. The third and fourth 
puzzles are not part of this quest, so you can finish the quest without 
finishing the puzzles. And the easter egg item is useless.

Here are the solutions for the second, third and fourth puzzles. In each case, 
the columns are numbered from left to right, then top to bottom with the 
camera pointing due north. The solutions (along with the math required to do 
this on your own) come from here:


 Second Puzzle

   A           B

       C   D

       E   F

   G           H

A - D - E - H (in any order)

 Third Puzzle

       A   B

   C   D   E   F

   G   H   I   J

       K   L

B - D - F - G - H - I - J (in any order)

 Fourth Puzzle

               A   B

       C                   D

           E           F

   G                           H
   I                           J

           K           L

       M                   N

               O   P

B - D - G - H - J - K - P (in any order)

=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= PART 3 SECONDARY QUESTS =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=

 [2.28] Naturalist Ithara's Research, Part III

     The samples and information you've brought Ithara confirmed
     that the Familiars are creating the bound creatures.

     While the mystery has been solved, she is still interested in
     any more samples you find.

* Find additional bound creature samples for Ithara.
* Acquire a sample from a Bound Dwarf.
* Acquire a sample from a Bound Half-Giant.
* Acquire a sample from a Bound Crawler.
* Acquire a sample from a Bound Dryad.
* Give Ithara all of the samples.

After finishing Part Deux, you get Part Tres. This time, you are not 
initially given the list of creatures for which you need samples. But you, 
you lucky thing, have this guide to tell you what you need. You won't get the 
most of these until you are into Part 3 of the main story. Return to Ithara 
with your samples to get another set of armor.

 [2.29] Captured Miners

     When the Dwarves rebelled, the Familiar Overseers immediately
     imprisoned the best miners in a fortified cavern.

     Now, their friend Strongspade is attempting to free them and he
     could use your help.

* Release Firedigger from his cell.
* Release Stonecharger from his cell.
* Release Shortfuse from his cell.
* Return to Strongspade.

As you're fighting your way through Glorydeep Mines, you'll see this wee 
fellow with the orange exclamation mark over his head off to the north. Talk 
to him to get this quest, then follow the bridge behind him to find the three 
prisoners, each guarded by a hoard of bad guys--usually including a mini-boss 
or two.

The big plus for doing this side quest is, after freeing the prisoners and 
talking to Strongspade again, you will find these dwarves fighting alongside 
you as you continue through the Mines.

 [2.30] The Explosives Tunnel

     The Dwarves have been planning to escape for years, and have
     orchestrated a secret tunneling effort in order to lay
     explosives beneath the Overseer camp.

     While going after the Familiar Overseers, you came across the
     Dwarven slave Pitforger standing in front of the tunnel. He is
     ready to attach the fuse to the explosives, but the tunnel is
     overrun with aggressive Bound Dwarves.

* Attach the fuse to the explosives at the end of the tunnel.
* Return to Pitforger.
* Use the detonator to destroy the Overseer camp.

Pitforger is a dwarf hidden in a little alcove after you've killed the third 
Familiar Overseer in Glorydeep Mines. Talk to him, then head down the narrow 
tunnel behind him. This is a *very* narrow tunnel; there will be no strategic 
maneuvering for you! Fortunately, the mobs are widely spaced.

At the end of the tunnel is a pile of dynamite. Click it to set the fuse, 
then return to Pitforger. He now wants you to actually push the plunger. 
Don't these dwarves do anything for themselves?

As you approach the final three Familiar Overseers, who are all together, 
you'll see the glowing detonator up on a ridge above the Overseers. Click it 
and watch the fireworks. Pity they have no effect on the bad guys. After 
you've finished killing the mobs, there's a ton of loot to collect.

            __   ___________________________________________________|'-,
@_/_/_/_/_| ____  [3] LORE                                               )
           __  ___________________________________________________    /
 [3.1] Handbook

Following are the new entries made in your Handbook in Broken World. They are 
provided here for ease of reference. You may want to print them out and refer 
to them as you play.

Lesson 45: Adventuring: Reagent Recipes
Reagent recipes allow you to work with enchanters to create special items. 
When you follow a reagent recipe to combine an item with specific reagents, 
you will create a powerful unique or set item that is much more powerful than 
the enchanted item would have been.

The reagent recipes you have learned are listed at the end of the Books 
section of your journal. Keep your eyes open for recipes on your travels!

To use a reagent recipe, find an enchanter. The recipe in your journal 
specifies what type of item to enchant, lists the required reagents, and has 
a brief description of the resulting item. Enchant the correct type of item 
with the required reagents to get your reward.

Some reagent recipes are quest rewards, some are scattered throughout the 
world, and some are dropped by monsters you kill. When you find a recipe, it 
is automatically added to your journal. Finding a complete collection of 
recipes is a difficult but rewarding goal!

Lesson 46: Adventuring: Throne of Agony Items
You can find archaeologists from the F&K society in major towns. They will 
trade powerful magical items for any relics of ancient societies you find. 
The F&K society is also active in the world of Dungeon Siege: Throne of Agony 
for the Playstation Portable.

Items you earn in this world can be transferred to your party in Throne of 
Agony, and items you earn in Throne of Agony can be transferred to your party 
in this world.

To enable item transfers, talk to an F&K representative in Throne of Agony 
and ask for your PSP MAC address. Talk to an explorer on the PC and ask to 
give him your MAC address, then type it in.

To unlock items you discovered in Throne of Agony, talk to an explorer and 
ask to enter a code from Throne of Agony. Type in the code you received, and 
the explorer will add the items you unlocked to his inventory.

To take items you unlocked in this world to Throne of Agony, ask the explorer 
for a PSP code. Write it down, and give it to an F&K representative in Throne 
of Agony.

Lesson 47: Multiclass Characters
Multiclass characters combine the skills of two classes to create a new type 
of hero with their own skills, spells, and powers. They're more complex than 
single-class characters, but their flexibility can make them very powerful.

Fists of Stone combine the earth and healing powers of a nature mage with the 
strength and durability of a fighter. They can use earth magic to hinder 
their enemies and enhance their armor, or they can cause earthquakes with 
each attack as they strike down their foes.

Blood Assassins believe that no price is too high to pay for power. They 
enhance their ranged attacks with blood magic and dark runes, sacrificing 
their health to empower their attacks. They can also 'mark' their targets. 
Blood Assassins can activate marks at any time, unleashing their crippling 
magic on their victims.

Lesson 48: Creating Multiclass Characters
Multiclass characters have a primary class and a secondary class. They gain 
experience in both, but advance more quickly in their primary class.

Fist of Stone
 * Primary Class: Melee
 * Secondary Class: Nature Magic

Blood Assassin
 * Primary Class: Ranged
 * Secondary Class: Combat Magic

Multiclass characters will gain experience in both their classes 
simultaneously if a weapon enchant spell is active. These spells also 
increase the caster's power and give him special abilities, so make sure 
you're always using one.

Only one weapon enchant spell can be active at a time, but these spells do 
not count towards the two Nature Magic enhancement spells that a character 
can have active at once. Weapon enchant spells can be autocast.

Lesson 49: Multiclass Character Skills
Fists of Stone and Blood Assassins have their own Specialties skill tab. 
Their skills require levels in two classes: Melee and Nature Magic for Fist 
of Stone skills and Ranged and Combat Magic for Blood Assassin skills.

If a character is using weapon enchant spells to split their experience, he 
will advance in both required classes. Move the mouse over a skill to see the 
levels it requires.

Multiclass characters can also learn one-point skills. These are powerful 
skills with strict requirements that significantly enhance particular Fist of 
Stone or Blood Assassin abilities. Only one skill point can be spent on them. 
The icons for one-point skills are shaped like octagons, instead of squares.

Plan ahead to meet the requirements for the one-point skills you want most. 
They're well worth it!

 [3.2] Quest Items

* Kanred's Broken Staff: "A splintered fragment of an ornate wizard's staff. 
It resonates with a dull power."

* Kanred's Staff: "An ornate wizard's staff. It has been haphazardly 

* Kirani's Password: "This scrap of paper is inscribed with the words 'peace 
and order.'"

* Glorydeep Ruby: "This ornately faceted ruby is one of the biggest ever 
found. It is extremely valuable."

* A Leather-Bound Backpack: "This heavy pack has a tag that reads: 'Property 
of Tomas the Merchant.'"

* An Ancient Tome: "This old book is tattered and stained. It has clearly 
been lost or forgotten for a long time."

* Eliza's Locket: "Tiny portraits of Soram and Arlen are contained within 
this locket."

* A Bound Terrak Beak: "This beak is a pristine sample from a Bound Terrak. 
Naturalist Ithara will be pleased."

* A Bound Human Hand: "This hand is a pristine sample from a Bound Human. 
Naturalist Ithara will be pleased."

* A Bound Hyena Head: "This head is a pristine sample from a Bound Hyena. 
Naturalist Ithara will be pleased."

* A Bound Fellspine Tail: "This tail is a pristine sample from a Bound 
Fellspine. Naturalist Ithara will be pleased."

* A Bound Hak'u Foot: "This foot is a pristine sample from a Bound Hak'u. 
Naturalist Ithara will be pleased."

* Chunk of Rotting Meat: "This meat smells rotten and is crawling with 
maggots. It's the perfect bait for attracting Kurgan."

* Greylok's Skin: "The hide of a large, male Kurgan. It appears to be scarred 
from many battles."

* Pack of Dryad Travel Provisions: "A heavy satchel of travel bread, dried 
meat, and dried fruit. The flap is stamped with the symbol of the Dryads."

* Vial of the Overmage's Blood: "An ornately carved crystal vial filled with 

* Vial of Aman'lu's Blessed Water: "A glass vial of Elvish make. It's filled 
with water from the Aman'lu River."

* Mana Shrine Stone: "A piece of rubble from a broken mana shrine. A faint 
glow surrounds it."

* A Pixie Preserved in Amber: "A golden slab of amber with the delicate shape 
of a Pixie frozen within it."

* Elven Wind Chimes: "A series of tarnished silver tubes. These wind chimes 
are commonly found at Elven shrines throughout the Vai'lutra Forest."

* A Cinbri Gem: "A large, roughly cut black diamond. The symbol of the Cinbri 
is clearly carved within it."

* Celeb'hel's Soulstone: "A strangely glimmering stone, magically linked to 
Celeb'hel the rogue mage."

* Kylis' Stolen Metal: "Precious metal scraps and jewels stolen by Minli the 

* Black Key of the First: "A silver key with a black emblem embedded in its 

* Blue Key of the Second: "A silver key with a blue emblem embedded in its 

* Turquoise Key of the Third: "A silver key with a turquoise emblem embedded 
in its bow."

* Green Key of the Fourth: "A silver key with a green emblem embedded in its 

* Yellow Key of the Fifth: "A silver key with a yellow emblem embedded in its 

* Orange Key of the Sixth: "A silver key with a orange emblem embedded in its 

* Red Key of the Seventh: "A silver key with a red emblem embedded in its 

* Purple Key of the Eighth: "A silver key with a purple emblem embedded in 
its bow."

* Iron Key of the Ninth: "A heavy black key."

* Daesthai's Gold Key: "A heavy gold key."

* Bloodstone: "A strangely glimmering stone. You feel a magnetic force 
tugging at your soul."

* Vial of a Child's Tears: "A narrow vial filled with Arlen's tears."

* Lorethal's Soulstone: "A strangely glimmering stone, magically linked to 
Lorethal of the Crimson Hunters."

* Elven Cell Key: "A tarnished silver key of Elven make. It unlocks the door 
to Drianjul's cell."

* Unidentified Object: "A rounded metal claw caked with blood."

* Calennor Stronghold Key: "A rounded metal claw caked with blood."

* Vai'kesh Key: "A cold, onyx key made in the Vai'kesh style."

* Broken Vai'kesh Blade: "A sword made in the Vai'kesh style. It has been 
snapped in half."

* Vai'kesh Sanctuary Key: "A grimy, gold key made in the Vai'kesh style. It 
opens the door to a small Vai'kesh sanctuary."

* Vai'kesh Cell Key: "A bloodstained bronze key made in the Vai'kesh style. 
It unlocks the cell doors in the Prophet's chamber."

* Celeb'hel's Second Soulstone: "A strangely glimmering stone, magically 
linked to Celeb'hel the Elder."

* Celeb'hel's Third Soulstone: "A strangely glimmering stone, magically 
linked to Celeb'hel the Elder."

* Vault of Therayne Key: "A dusty bronze key of Elven make. It unlocks a door 
within the Vault of Therayne."

* An ancient artifact: "A cracked piece of intricately carved stone. It is 
inscribed with an illegible script."

* Bound Fettershin Arm: "This arm is a pristine sample from a Bound 
Fettershin. Naturalist Ithara will be pleased."

* Bound Taclak Skin: "This arm is a pristine sample from a Bound Taclak. 
Naturalist Ithara will be pleased."

* Bound Taugrim Bridle: "This bridle is a pristine sample from a Bound 
Taugrim. Naturalist Ithara will be pleased."

* Bound Naldrun Torso: "This torso is a pristine sample from a Bound Naldrun. 
Naturalist Ithara will be pleased."

* Bound Elf Head": "This head is a pristine sample from a Bound Elf. 
Naturalist Ithara will be pleased."

* Bound Dwarf Crossbow: "This crossbow is a pristine sample from a Bound 
Dwarf. Naturalist Ithara will be pleased."

* Bound Half-Giant Arm: "This arm is a pristine sample from a Bound Half-
Giant. Naturalist Ithara will be pleased."

* Bound Crawler Leg: "This leg is a pristine sample from a Bound Crawler. 
Naturalist Ithara will be pleased."

* Bound Dryad Head: "This head is a pristine sample from a Bound Dryad. 
Naturalist Ithara will be pleased."

* Dwarven Fuse: "A bundle of stiff, dry cord. It is highly flammable."

 [3.3] Reagent Recipes

In DS2 (and BW), you can take an enchantable item (listed as such in its 
description) to an enchanter (a merchant with a symbol of an eye on a hand). 
Initiate the enchanting process, place the enchantable item in the 
enchanter's "inventory" and then add reagents to the reagent box. Pay the 
merchant and you get an item with the enchantments granted by the reagents 
you used.

Reagent recipes is an expansion of the reagent system. You can combine the 
enchantable item and reagents listed in the recipe to produce a unique item 
that is more powerful than the reagents you used. The recipes are scattered 
all over Broken World, and are sometimes granted as quest rewards. You do 
*NOT* need a recipe in your Lore Books in order to actually use the recipe.

Most of the unique items are so-so; however, some of the reagent recipes 
actually make set items. In the list below, set items are indicated with a 
cross in parentheses (+). So, without further ado, here are all the recipes 
and the stats of the unique items they produce. (Listed in alphabetical order 
by the name of the item.)

Amulet of Kings
Item Type: Legendary Amulet
Required Reagents:
     Angelica Root
     Ironwood Timber
     Spectral Dust
     Prismatic Bauble
     Yarrow Balm
* +1 to Fist of Stone Skills
* +1 to Blood Assassin Skills
* +1 to Ranged Skills
* +1 to Melee Skills
* +2 to Nature Magic Skills
* +2 to Combat Magic Skills
* +15% Melee and Ranged Resistance
* 3% Chance When Hit: Superior Invulnerability

Archdruid's Station
Item Type: Legendary Mage Staff
Required Reagents:
     Verbena Flowers
     Ironwood Timber
     Quicksilver Oil
     Spectral Dust
* +55 Intelligence
* +30% Nature Magic Damage
* +12% Power Recharge Rate
* +2 to Nature Magic Skills

Archmage's Amulet
Item Type: Legendary Amulet
Required Reagents:
     Spectral Dust
     Wormwood Essence
     Prismatic Bauble
     Sage Liniment
     Ash Leaves
* +26 Intelligence
* +13% Melee Resistance
* +10% Power Recharge Rate
* +24% Nature Magic Damage
* +27% Combat Magic Damage

Arclight Boots
Item Type: Exceptional Combat Mage Boots
Required Reagents:
     Ensorcelled Thorns
     Amber Thread
     Nettle Cluster
* Requires Combat Magic 38
* +12 Armor
* +5% Power Recharge Rate
* +17% Lightning Magic Damage
* 3% Chance When Hit: Multispark for 135 - 225 Damage
* +2 to Brilliance, Amplified Lightning, and Arcing

Beastmaster Staff(+)
Item Type: Legendary Mage Staff
Required Reagents:
     Wormwood Essence
     Vampire Jaw
     Raven Talon
     Wolf Jaw
* Requires Nature Magic 43
* +55% Summoned Creature Damage
* +7% Summoned Creature Attack Speed
* +13% Melee Resistance
* +2 to Summon Fortitude, Summon Might, and Summon Bond

Bloodsoaked Gloves(+)
Item Type: Exceptional Ranger Gloves
Required Reagents:
     Ash Leaves
     Agallan Standard
     Betony Salve
Bloodsoaked Gloves, Twilight Gloves
* Requires Ranged 36, Combat Magic 29
* +10% Health Regeneration
* 7% Health Steal
* 3% Chance When Hit: Decay Armor
* +2 to Shred Blood and Bloodsoaked Shots

Bone Helm
Item Type: Legendary Fighter Helm
Required Reagents:
     Azunite Insignia
     Vai'Kesh Figurine
     Diamond Thorns
     Pine Splinter
* Requires Melee 40
* +12 Armor
* 3% Chance When Hit: Major Infect
* 3% Chance When Hit: Decay Armor
* 3% Chance When Hit: Impale for 170 - 280 Damage

Champion's Defender
Item Type: Exceptional One Handed Mace
Required Reagents:
     Oak Branch
     Mythril Alloy
     Rhinock Horn
     Raven Talon
* +90 Health
* 9% Damage Goes to Mana
* 35% of Physical Damage Reflected to Enemy
* +2 to Barricade, Toughness, and Reinforced Armor

Chromatic Robe
Item Type: Exceptional Combat Mage Robe
Required Reagents:
     Amber Thread
     Smoldering Rune
     Frost Charm
     Nettle Cluster
* Requires Combat Magic 38
* +90 Health
* +15% Lightning Resistance
* +15% Fire Resistance
* +15% Ice Resistance
* 3% Chance When Hit: Fire Wave for 115 - 195 Damage
* 3% Chance When Hit: Call Lightning for 155 - 460 Damage
* 6% Chance When Hit: Cold Snap for 70 - 120 Damage

Cinbri Ritual Mask(+)
Item Type: Exceptional Combat Mage Helm
Required Reagents:
     Vai'Kesh Figurine
     Carved Carapace
     Yarrow Balm
     Diamond Thorns
* Requires Combat Magic 39
* +23% Death Magic Damage
* +12 Armor
* 8% Chance When Hit: Drown
* 8% Chance When hit: Infect
* +2 to Debilitation, Grim Necromancy, and Vampirism

Coral-Encrusted Shield
Item Type: Legendary Fighter Shield
Required Reagents:
     Engraved Plating
     Ironwood Timber
     Rowan Leaves
     Diamond Thorns
     Patterned Shell
* Requires Melee 64, Nature magic 56, Barricade 1
* 12% Damage Goes to Mana
* 3% Chance When Hit: Superior Drown
* 6% Chance When Hit: Cold Snap for 230 - 385 Damage
* +2 to Fist of Stone Skills

Corrosive Claws
Item Type: Legendary Cestus
Required Reagents:
     Quicksilver Oil
     Wormwood Essence
     Demon Jaw
     Raven Talon
     Henbane Leaves
* +220 Mana
* +32% Death Magic Damage
* 8% Mana Steal
* +3 to Debilitation, Grim Necromancy, and Vampirism

Crusher Hammer
Item Type: Great Two Handed Hammer
Required Reagents:
     Crystal Pommelstone
     Rhinock Horn
     Pine Splinter
* +40% Damage
* +15% Melee Critical Hit Chance
* +35% Melee Critical Hit Damage
* +1 to Fist of Stone Skills

Cultivation Robes
Item Type: Legendary Nature Mage Armor
Required Reagents:
     Verbena Flowers
     Engraved Plating
     Rowan Leaves
     Malachite Powder
* Requires Nature Magic 58
* +225 Mana
* +40% Healing Effectiveness
* 3% Chance When Hit: Grasping Vines for 565 - 940 Damage
* +3 to Nurturing Gift, Enveloping Embrace, and Feral Wrath

Dragon Crest
Item Type: Legendary Combat Mage Helm
Required Reagents:
     Scarab Husk
     Igneous Rune
     Patterned Shell
     Half-Giant Pennant
* Requires Combat Magic 58
* +36 Intelligence
* +25% Fire Magic Damage
* +26% Fire Resistance
* 6% Chance When Hit: Repulsion Blast
* +3 to Devastation, Searing Flames, and Ignite

Druid's Walking Stick
Item Type: Exceptional Mage Staff
Required Reagents:
     Valerian Root
     Malachite Powder
     Gardenia Leaves
     Eagle Talon
* +75 Health
* +20% Nature Magic Damage
* +30% Healing Effectiveness
* +2 to Nurturing Gift, Enveloping Embrace, and Feral Wrath

Elven Hero's Regalia
Item Type: Legendary Ranger Body Armor
Required Reagents:
     Engraved Plating
     Ironwood Timber
     Quicksilver Oil
     Gold Ribbon
* Requires Ranged 68
* +80 Dexterity
* +12% Power Recharge Rate
* 6% Chance When Hit: +300 Armor for 10 Seconds
* +3 to Critical Shot, Dodge, and Survival

Flowing Stride
Item Type: Legendary Nature Mage Boots
Required Reagents:
     Engraved Plating
     Icicle Talisman
     Henbane Leaves
     Sage Liniment
     Henbane Leaves
* Requires Nature Magic 63
* +275 Mana
* +15% Mana Regeneration
* 6% Chance When Hit: Cold Snap for 230 - 385 Damage
* +2 to Nature Magic Skills

Forester Cowl
Item Type: Legendary Ranger Helm
Required Reagents:
     Scarab Husk
     Icicle Talisman
     Sandalvine Tincture
* Requires Ranged 53
* +15 Armor
* Restores 14 Health Per Hit
* +16% Magic Damage Resistance
* 3% Chance When Hit: Grasping Vines for 565 - 940 Damage

Item Type: Great Thrown Weapon
Required Reagents:
     Elven Oil
     Serrated Arrowheads
     Coral Fragment
     Coral Fragment
* 10% Chance on Hit: Freeze Enemy for 2 Seconds
* 10% Chance on Hit: Ice Burst for 80 - 140 Damage
* +2 to Quick Draw, Bleed, and Penetrate

Item Type: Exceptional Crossbow
Required Reagents:
     Griffon Feather
     Serrated Arrowheads
     Serrated Arrowheads
     Amber Spangle
     Hawk Feather
* +45% Damage
* +8% Power Recharge Rate
* +42% Ranged Critical Hit Damage
* 10% Chance on Hit: Rapid Attack

Gloves of Command
Item Type: Legendary Combat Mage Gloves
Required Reagents:
     Scarab Husk
     Azunite Insignia
     Ash Leaves
* Requires Combat Magic 48 or Nature Magic 48
* +64% Summoned Creature Damage
* 6% Chance When Hit: Petrify Attacker for 3 Seconds
* +3 to Summoned Alacrity and Quickened Casting
* +4 to Summon Fortitude, Summon Might, and Summon Bond

Hands of Flame
Item Type: Great Cestus
Required Reagents:
     Valerian Root
     Vampire Jaw
* +60 Health
* +22% Fire Magic Damage
* 3% Chance When Hit: Fire Wave for 115 - 195 Damage
* +2 to Devastation, Searing Flames, and Ignite

Hands of the North
Item Type: Legendary Cestus
Required Reagents:
     Spectral Dust
     Wormwood Essence
     Owl Talon
     Gral Eye
* +35 Intelligence
* +32% Ice Magic Damage
* 6% Chance When Hit: Cold Snap for 25 - 45 Damage
* +3 to Aquatic Affinity, Arctic Mastery, and Freezing

Helm of Nobility
Item Type: Legendary Fighter Helm
Required Reagents:
     Etched Chrysalis
     Azunite Insignia
     Vai'Kesh Figurine
     Mandrake Root
* Requires Melee 36
* +22 Strength
* Restore 10 Health Per Hit
* 3% Chance When Hit: Stun Opponent for 3 Seconds
* +1 to Melee Skills

Helm of the Wild
Item Type: Exceptional Nature Mage Helm
Required Reagents:
     Wormwood Essence
     Etched Chrysalis
     Oak Branch
* Requires Nature Magic 43
* +24 Intelligence
* +100 Health
* +60% Summoned Creature Damage
* +2 to Summon Fortitude, Summon Might, and Summon Bond

Lava Plate
Item Type: Exceptional Fighter Body Armor
Required Reagents:
     Smoldering Rune
     Sandalvine Tincture
     Half-Giant Pennant
* Requires Melee 34, Nature Magic 27
* +14 Strength
* +9 Intelligence
* +22% Fire Resistance
* 3% Chance When Hit: Plasma Globes for 185 - 310 Damage
* +1 to Fist of Stone Skills

Lumilla's Cooling Band
Item Type: Exceptional Ring
Required Reagents:
     Ash Leaves
     Sage Liniment
     Gardenia Leaves
* +90 Health
* +12 Armor
* +11% Health Regeneration
* +22% Fire Resistance

Magister's Station
Item Type: Legendary Mage Staff
Required Reagents:
     Verbena Flowers
     Ironwood Timber
     Ironwood Timber
     Spectral Dust
     Henbane Leaves
* +56 Intelligence
* +35% Combat Magic Damage
* +17% Magic Damage Resistance
* +2 to Combat Magic Skills

Marksman's Ring
Item Type: Exceptional Ring
Required Reagents:
     Gold Ribbon
     Prismatic Bauble
     Skull Fragment
* +65 Dexterity
* +2 to Critical Shot, Dodge, and Survival
* +2 to Biting Arrow, Far Shot, and Shockwave

Meteoric Shield
Item Type: Exceptional Fighter Shield
Required Reagents:
     Lion Crest
     Oak Branch
     Ash Leaves
* Requires Melee 38, Barricade 1
* +90 Health
* +15% Fire Resistance
* 6% Chance When Hit: Repulsion Blast
* +2 to Barricade, Toughness, and Reinforced Armor

The Onslaught Flame
Item Type: Legendary Two Handed Sword
Required Reagents:
     Demon Jaw
     Oak Branch
     Sapphire Pommelstone
     Ruby Pommelstone
* +35 Strength
* 10% Chance on Hit: Rapid Attack
* 10% Chance on Hit: Fire Burst for 235 - 290 Damage
* +3 to Fortitude, Overbear, and Smite

Plague Razor
Item Type: Exceptional Thrown Weapon
Required Reagents:
     Onyx Spangle
     Onyx Spangle
     Serrated Arrowheads
     Griffon Feather
* +20 Dexterity
* +14 Intelligence
* 10% Chance on Hit: Death Burst for 180 - 305 Damage
* 10% Chance on Hit: Shockwave for 60 - 95 Damage
* +1 to Blood Assassin Skills

Ravager Armor(+)
Item Type: Legendary Fighter Body Armor
Required Reagents:
     Ensorcelled Thorns
     Vai'Kesh Figurine
     Sandalvine Tincture
     Mandrake Root
* Requires Melee 37
* +38% Melee Critical Hit Damage
* 6% Health Steal
* 3% Chance When Hit: Decay Armor
* 3% Chance When Hit: Grave Beam for 370 - 620 Damage

Relentless Boots(+)
Item Type: Legendary Ranger Boots
Required Reagents:
     Etched Chrysalis
     Ensorcelled Thorns
     Elven Oil
     Vai'Kesh Figurine
     Frost Charm
* Requires Ranged 44
* +22 Dexterity
* +14 Armor
* +13% Magic Resistance
* 3% Chance When Hit: Repulsion Blast

Robe of the Frozen North
Item Type: Exceptional Nature Mage Armor
Required Reagents:
     Etched Chrysalis
     Frost Charm
     Frost Charm
     Gral Eye
* Requires Nature Magic 38
* +18 Intelligence
* +25% Ice Magic Damage
* 6% Chance When Hit: Freeze Enemy for 2 Seconds
* +2 to Aquatic Affinity, Arctic Mastery, and Freezing

Rune Slayer
Item Type: Legendary Bow
Required Reagents:
     Demon Jaw
     Owl Talon
     Onyx Spangle
     Serrated Arrowheads
     Wolf Jaw
* +58% Damage
* +52% Ranged Critical Hit Damage
* 10% Chance on Hit: Penetrating Projectile
* +2 to Shred Blood and Bloodsoaked Shots

Runemaster's Chain
Item Type: Legendary Ranger Body Armor
Required Reagents:
     Korven Fetish
     Etched Chrysalis
     Elven Oil
     Diamond Thorns
     Gral Eye
* Requires Ranged 44, Combat Magic 36
* +17 Dexterity
* +12 Intelligence
* +55% Armor
* 6% Chance When Hit: Repulsion Blast
* +3 to Mark and Rune Mastery

Shadow Assassin Mask
Item Type: Exceptional Ranger Helm
Required Reagents:
     Etched Chrysalis
     Agallan Standard
     Elven Oil
* Requiers Ranged 36, Combat Magic 29
* +14 Dexterity
* +10 Intelligence
* 7% Mana Steal
* +10% Chance to Dodge Melee Attacks
* +1 to Blood Assassin Skills

Statesman's Robe
Item Type: Legendary Combat Mage Robe
Required Reagents:
     Engraved Plating
     Patterned Shell
     Azunite Insignia
     Valerian Root
* Requires Combat Magic 68
* +50 Intelligence
* +32% Combat Magic Damage
* 6% Chance When Hit: Invulnerability for 5 Seconds
* +2 to Combat Magic Skills

Stone of Greilyn
Item Type: Legendary Ring
Required Reagents:
     Quicksilver Oil
     Rowan Leaves
     Rowan Leaves
     Valerian Root
     Smoldering Rune
* +50 Max Damage
* +15% Mana Regeneration
* +25% Death Resistance
* 3% Chance When Hit: Petrify Attacker for 3 Seconds

Storm Gauntlets
Item Type: Great Fighter Gauntlets
Required Reagents:
     Amber Thread
     Frost Charm
     Mandrake Root
* Requires Melee 33
* +20 Strength
* +10% Health Regeneration
* +20% Lightning Resistance
* +8% Power Recharge Rate
* 3% Chance When Hit: Call Lightning for 50 - 155 Damage

Storm Hood
Item Type: Great Nature Mage Helm
Required Reagents:
     Amber Thread
     Amber Thread
     Malachite Powder
* Requires Nature Magic 33
* +20% Nature Magic Damage
* +20% Lightning Resistance
* +8% Power Recharge Rate
* 3% Chance When Hit: Call Lightning for 155 - 460 Damage

Item Type: Exceptional Mage Staff
Required Reagents:
     Owl Talon
     Malachite Powder
     Valerian Root
* +24 Intelligence
* +26% Lightning Magic Damage
* +23% Lightning Resistance
* +3 to Brilliance, Amplified Lightning, and Arcing

Treasure Seeker
Item Type: Great Amulet
Required Reagents:
     Smoldering Rune
     Frost Charm
     Rainbow Trinket
     Rainbow Trinket
* +55 Health
* +8% Health Regeneration
* +28% Chance to Find Magic Items
* +45% Gold Dropped

Vagabond's Garb
Item Type: Exceptional Ranger Body Armor
Required Reagents:
     Elven Oil
     Carved Carapace
     Carved Carapace
* Requires Ranged 33
* +28 Dexterity
* +44% Armor
* +75 Health
* +2 to Quick Draw, Bleed, and Penetrate

Volcano Boots
Item Type: Exceptional Fighter Boots
Required Reagents:
     Ash Leaves
     Smoldering Rune
     Carved Carapace
     Ivory Thorns
* Requires Melee 32, Nature Magic 25
* +12 Armor
* Adds 25 to 30 Fire Damage
* 3% Chance When Hit: Fire Wave for 115 - 195 Damage
* +2 to Chant of Stone and Soul of Protection

 [3.4] Unique Items

The following are the unique items available in BW that are not products of 
reagent recipes or parts of sets. Any item listed as "Crossover" can be 
transferred to the PSP game, "Throne of Agony", or vice versa.

Adventurer's Ring, Gold Ring
* +15 Strength
* +12 Armor
* +17% Fire Resistance
* +14% Chance to Find Magic Items

Amulet of Resolve, Amulet
* +36 Intelligence
* +18 Armor
* Restores 16 Health Per Hit
* +14% Health Regeneration

Attuned Staff, Druid Staff
* +45% Healing Effectiveness
* +20% Magic Damage Resistance
* +75% Summoned Creature Damage
* +10% Summoned Creature Attack Speed
* +3 to Summon Fortitude, Summon Might, and Summon Bond

Berserker Shield, Ceremonial Shield
* +30 Strength
* 30% of Physical Damage Reflected to Enemy
* 3% Chance When Hit: Decay Armor
* 3% Chance When Hit: Impale for 170 - 280 Damage

Bloodstained Boots, Crossover Boots
* +20 Dexterity
* +16 Intelligence
* +50 Health
* +1 to Blood Assassin Skills

Bolt Driver, Crossover Crossbow
* +32% Damage
* +30% Ranged Critical Hit Damage
* 10% Chance on Hit: Penetrating Projectile
* 10% Chance on Hit: Shockwave for 40 - 60 Damage

Bolt Flingers, Crossover Sorcerer Gloves
* +15 Armor
* +20% Lightning Resistance
* +10% Lightning Magic Damage
* +2 to Brilliance, Amplified Lightning, and Arcing

Bounteous Sapling, Ritual Staff
* +145 Mana
* +23 Intelligence
* +34% Healing Effectiveness
* +2 to Nurturing Gift, Enveloping Embrace, and Feral Wrath

Conqueror Gauntlets, Mythril Gauntlets
* +120 Health
* +33 Strength
* +8% Power Recharge Rate
* +2 to Fortitude, Overbear, and Smite

Consuming Gloves, Elven Gloves
* +145 Health
* 8% Health Steal
* +10% Power Recharge Rate
* +1 to Blood Assassin Skills

Corrupted Sentinel Armor, Corrupted Armor
* +70 Health
* +12 Armor
* +20% Death Resistance
* 5% Chance when Hit: Drown

Corrupted Watcher Suit, Corrupted Armor
* +14 Armor
* +10% Health Regeneration
* +22% Death Resistance
* 3% Chance when Hit: Major Infect

Crimson Channeler Staff, Elven Staff
* +24 Intelligence
* 7% Health Steal
* +15% Fire Magic Damage
* +9% Power Recharge Rate

Deviant Claymore, Crossover Claymore
* 8% Health Steal
* +75% Melee Critical Hit Damage
* 10% Chance on Hit: Death Burst for 375 - 625 Damage
* +4 to Fortitude, Overbear, and Smite

Elf Guard Helmet, Helmet
* +5% Power Recharge Rate

Elven Wedding Ring, Ornate Ring
* +36 Intelligence
* +32% Nature Magic Damage
* +32% Combat Magic Damage
* +2 to Nature Magic Skills
* +2 to Combat Magic Skills

Enkindled Cleaver, Crossover War Axe
* -25% Ice Resistance
* Adds 10 to  Fire Damage
* 10% Chance on Hit: Fire Burst for 475 - 580 Damage
* +2 to Fortitude, Overbear, and Smite

Eye of the Storm, Crossover Staff
* +35% Fire Magic Damage
* +35% Lightning Magic Damage
* +3 to Brilliance, Amplified Lightning, and Arcing
* +3 to Devastation, Searing Flames, and Ignite

Fallen Blademaster's Heirloom, Talisman
* +54% Melee Critical Hit Damage
* +12% Health Regeneration
* 6% Chance When Hit: +180 Armor for 10 Seconds
* +3 to Critical Strike, Dual Wield, and Alacrity

Familiar's Eye, Jeweled Ring
* +30 Strength
* +30 Dexterity
* +30 Intelligence
* +100 Health
* +145 Mana

Gladiator's Cuffs, Crossover Cuffs
* +20 Strength
* +8% Melee Resistance
* 3% Chance When Hit: Major Drown
* +8% Power Recharge Rate

Granite Helm, Obsidian Helmet
* +18 Strength
* +12 Intelligence
* +50% Armor
* 6% Chance when Hit: Petrify
* +3 to Tremor and Soul of Strength

Greater Purifier Vestments, Mystic Armor
* +136 Mana
* +1 to Nature Magic Skills
* 6% Chance when Hit: Invulnerable
* +2 to Nurturing Gift, Enveloping Embrace, and Feral Wrath

Greylok Skin Gloves, Executioner Gloves
* +130 Mana
* +1 to Ranged Skills
* +2 to Mark and Rune Mastery
* +2 to Shred Blood and Bloodsoaked Shots

Helm of the Unknown Comic, Helmet
* +5% Power Recharge Rate

Malignant Force, Crossover Bow
* +10 Min Damage
* +20 Max Damage
* 10% Chance on Hit: Rapid Attack
* +2 to Critical Shot, Dodge, and Survival

Mana Vortex, Crossover Amulet
* +20 Intelligence
* +100 Mana
* 10% Damage Goes to Mana
* +10% Mana Regeneration

Mantle of the Frost Maiden, Crossover Cap
* +24 Intelligence
* +15% Ice Magic Damage
* 6% Chance When Hit: Cold Snap for 140 - 235 Damage
* +3 to Aquatic Affinity, Arctic Mastery, and Freezing

Mask of Slaughter, Twilight Mask
* +33 Dexterity
* +22 Intelligence
* 55% of Physical Damage Reflected to Enemy
* +4 to Critical Shot, Dodge, and Survival
* +4 to Shred Blood and Bloodsoaked Shots

Mind Eater, Curve Bow
* -35 Intelligence
* +25 Max Damage
* 10% Chance on Hit: Silence
* +25% Ranged Critical Hit Damage
* +12% Magic Damage Resistance

Nature's Blessing, Crossover Staff
* +20 Armor
* +35% Healing Effectiveness
* +15% Magic Damage Resistance
* +8% Power Recharge Rate

Nature's Fury, Short Sword
* +12% Power Recharge Rate
* 10% Chance on Hit: Lightning Burst for 225 - 680 Damage
* 10% Chance on Hit: Superior Berserking

Nature's Vengeance, Elaborate Ring
* +20 Intelligence
* 7% Mana Steal
* +55% Summoned Creature Damage
* +1 to Nature Magic Skills

Polychromatic Shiv, Crossover Throwing Shiv
* 10% Chance on Hit: Ice Burst for 145 - 240 Damage
* 10% Chance on Hit: Fire Burst for 145 - 180 Damage
* 10% Chance on Hit: Lightning Burst for 105 - 315 Damage
* +2 to Quick Draw, Bleed, and Penetrate

Rampage, Crossover Cleaver
* +25 Strength
* 10% Chance on Hit: Major Berserk
* 10% Chance on Hit: Rapid Attack

Repulsive Ring, Gilded Ring
* 30% of Physical Damage Reflected to Enemy
* +15% Ranged Resistance
* 3% Chance When Hit: Repulsion Blast
* +2 to Critical Shot, Dodge, and Survival

Retribution Gloves, Dragon Gloves
* +15 Intelligence
* 3% Chance when Hit: Drown
* 6% Chance when Hit: Cold Snap for 45 - 70 Damage
* 35% of Physical Damage Reflected to Enemy

Risk Taker's Pendant, Crossover Amulet
* 3% Chance When Hit: Plasma Globes for 535 - 890 Damage
* 3% Chance When Hit: Superior Infect
* 3% Chance When Hit: Fire Wave for 345 - 575 Damage
* 3% Chance When Hit: Call Lightning for 405 - 1220 Damage

Rune Tracers, Twilight Boots
* +18% Health Regeneration
* +15% Chance to Dodge Melee Attacks
* +15% Chance to Dodge Ranged Attacks
* +4 to Mark and Rune Mastery

Stone Cleaver, War Axe
* +45% Damage
* +18% Melee Critical Hit Chance
* +33% Melee Critical Hit Damage
* +2 to Fortitude, Overbear, and Smite

The Corrupter's Mark, Curve Bow
* +16 Dexterity
* +12 Intelligence
* 8% Mana Steal
* 10% Chance on Hit: Shockwave for 60 - 95 Damage
* +3 to Rune and Mark Mastery

The Frozen Flame, Elven Sword
* Adds 11 to  Fire Damage
* +16% Ice Resistance
* 10% Chance on Hit: Fire Burst for 145 - 180 Damage
* 10% Chance on Hit: Freeze Enemy for 2 Seconds

Timecutter, Glaive
* +30% Ranged Critical Hit Chance
* 10% Chance on Hit: Rapid Attack
* +12% Power Recharge Rate
* +3 to Quick Draw, Bleed, and Penetrate

Trickster's Crown, Warlock Mask
* 10% Chance when Hit: Repulsion Blast
* 6% Chance When Hit: Invulnerable for 6 Seconds
* 3% Chance When Hit: Plasma Globes for 535 - 890 Damage
* 3% Chance When Hit: Multispark for 125 - 205 Damage

Truesight Helm, Elven Helm
* +18 Armor
* +13% Chance to Dodge Melee Attacks
* +3 to Quick Draw, Bleed, and Penetrate
* +3 to Critical Shot, Dodge, and Survival

Vitality Boots, Obsidian Greaves
* +116 Health
* +34% Healing Effectiveness
* 10% Damage Goes to Mana
* 3% Chance when Hit: Grasping Vine for 340 - 565
* +1 to Fist of Stone Skills

Water Spirit's Blessing, Amulet
* +22 Intelligence
* +95 Mana
* 8% Mana Steal
* +12% Mana Regeneration
* +9% Power Recharge Rate

 [3.5] Item Sets

Items sets are special groups of matched equipment that provide additional 
bonuses if you equip two or more items from the same set. Following are the 
set items that are added in Broken World. You can gain these sets in either 
the DS2 or BW maps, provided you start the game using the BW launcher.

 Ravager's Kit (Fighter, 3 pieces)
Ravager Armor, Studded Tunic
* Requires Melee 37
* +38% Melee Critical Hit Damage
* 6% Health Steal
* 3% Chance When Hit: Decay Armor
* 3% Chance When Hit: Grave Beam for 370 - 620 Damage

Ravager Axe, Elven Axe
* Requires Melee 34
* +22 Strength
* +17% Melee Critical Hit Chance
* 10% Chance on Hit: Berserk
* 5% Health Steal

Ravager Helm, Studded Helm
* Requires Melee 43
* 40% of Physical Damage Reflected to Enemy
* 3% Chance When Hit: Fire Wave for 115 - 195 Damage
* +1 to Melee Skills
* +2 to Critical Strike, Dual Wield, and Alacrity

Bonus for 2 equipped items:           Bonus for 3 equipped items:
* 3% Health Steal                     * 4% Health Steal
* +4% Chance to Dodge Melee Attacks   * +6% Chance to Dodge Melee Attacks
* +20% Chance to Find Magic Items     * +25% Chance to Find Magic Items
* +3 Melee Damage                     * +5 Melee Damage
                                      * +1 to Critical Strike, Dual Wield,
                                        and Alacrity

 Glitterdelve Heirlooms (Fist of Stone, 4 pieces)
Glitterdelve Gloves, Plate Gauntlets
* Requires Melee 40, Nature Magic 32
* +15 Armor
* +22% Lightning Resistance
* +9% Power Recharge Rate
* +2 to Chant of Stone and Soul of Protection

Glitterdelve Hammer, Hammer
* Requires Melee 35, Nature Magic 28
* +14 Strength
* +9 Intelligence
* +130 Mana
* +54% Damage
* 10% Chance on Hit: Petrify for 2 Seconds
* +1 to Fist of Stone Skills

Glitterdelve Plate, Full Plate
* Requires Melee 38, Nature Magic 30
* +50% Armor
* +20% Fire Resistance
* 3% Chance When Hit: Grasping Vines for 290 - 480 Damage
* +1 to Fist of Stone Skills

Glitterdelve Signet, Ornate Ring
* Requires Character Level 36
* +11 Strength
* +7 Intelligence
* 6% Health Steal
* +18% Death Resistance
* +2 to Tremor and Soul of Strength

Bonus for 2 equipped items:           Bonus for 3 equipped items:
* +5 Strength                         * +10 Strength
* +4 Intelligence                     * +8 Intelligence
* +15% Melee Critical Hit Damage      * +30% Melee Critical Hit Damage
* +17% Healing Effectiveness          * +25% Healing Effectiveness

Bonus for 4 equipped items:
* +16 Strength
* +12 Intelligence
* +45% Melee Critical Hit Damage
* +34% Healing Effectiveness
* 3% Chance When Hit: Call Lightning for 25-42 Damage

 Relentless (Ranger, 3 pieces)
Relentless Amulet, Talisman
* Requires Character Level 39
* +18 Dexterity
* +12 Armor
* +10% Melee Resistance
* +2 to Biting Arrow, Far Shot, and Shockwave

Relentless Boots, Explorer Boots
* Requires Ranged 44
* +22 Dexterity
* +14 Armor
* +13% Magic Resistance
* 3% Chance When Hit: Repulsion Blast

Relentless Gloves, Explorer Gloves
* Requires Ranged 43
* +12% Ranged Resistance
* +12 Armor
* +8% Power Recharge Rate
* +2 to Critical Shot, Dodge, and Survival

Bonus for 2 equipped items:           Bonus for 3 equipped items:
* +18 Ranged Min Damage               * +35 Ranged Min Damage
* +18 Ranged Max Damage               * +35 Ranged Max Damage
* +8 Armor                            * +15 Armor
* +5% Power Recharge Rate             * +10% Power Recharge Rate

 Bloodsoaked Armor (Blood Assassin, 4 pieces)
Blood Drinker, Throwing Shiv
* Requires Ranged 29, Combat Magic 22, Quick Draw 1
* 10% Chance on Hit: Shockwave for 25 - 35 Damage
* 12% Health Steal
* +2 to Shred Blood and Bloodsoaked Shots

Bloodsoaked Gloves, Twilight Gloves
* Requires Ranged 36, Combat Magic 29
* +10% Health Regeneration
* 7% Health Steal
* 3% Chance When Hit: Decay Armor
* +2 to Shred Blood and Bloodsoaked Shots

Bloodsoaked Leather, Twilight Armor
* Requires Ranged 22, Combat Magic 15
* +7 Dexterity
* +4 Intelligence
* Restores 5 Health Per Hit
* +35% Armor
* 3% Chance When Hit: Minor Infect

Bloodsoaked Ring, Ornate Ring
* Requires Ranged 26, Combat Magic 19
* +8 Dexterity
* +5 Intelligence
* +66 Health
* +19% Death Resistance
* +2 to Shred Blood and Bloodsoaked Shots

Bonus for 2 equipped items:           Bonus for 3 equipped items:
* +5 Dexterity                        * +10 Dexterity
* +3 Intelligence                     * +7 Intelligence
* +5 Armor                            * +10 Armor
* +5% Power Recharge Rate             * +6% Power Recharge Rate
                                      * +2 to Exsanguinate and Blood Shots

Bonus for 4 equipped items:
* +15 Dexterity
* +9 Intelligence
* +15 Armor
* +7% Power Recharge Rate
* +2 to Exsanguinate and Blood Shots

 Beastmaster (Nature Mage, 5 pieces)
Beastmaster Boots, Dragon Boots
* Requires Nature Magic 33
* +16 Intelligence
* +3% Summoned Creature Attack Speed
* +11% Mana Regeneration
* +15 Armor

Beastmaster Garb, Dragon Armor
* Requires Nature Magic 48
* +30% Ice Magic Damage
* 10% Chance When hit: Freeze
* +80% Armor
* +2 to Summon Fortitude, Summon Might, and Summon Bond

Beastmaster Gloves, Dragon Gloves
* Requires Nature Magic 28
* +17% Nature Magic Damage
* +45% Summoned Creature Damage
* +10 Armor
* +7% Power Recharge Rate

Beastmaster Helmet, Dragon Helm
* Requires Nature Magic 38
* +19 Intelligence
* +110 Mana
* +30% Healing Effectiveness
* +2 to Summon Fortitude, Summon Might, and Summon Bond

Beastmaster Staff, Bladed Staff
* Requires Nature Magic 43
* +55% Summoned Creature Damage
* +7% Summoned Creature Attack Speed
* +13% Melee Resistance
* +2 to Summon Fortitude, Summon Might, and Summon Bond

Bonus for 2 equipped items:           Bonus for 3 equipped items:
* +5 Intelligence                     * +10 Intelligence
* +25 Health                          * +50 Health
* 1% Mana Steal                       * 2% Mana Steal
* +1 to Summon Fortitude, Summon      * +2 to Summon Fortitude, Summon
  Might, and Summon Bond                Might, and Summon Bond

Bonus for 4 equipped items:           Bonus for 5 equipped items:
* +15 Intelligence                    * +25 Intelligence
* +75 Health                          * +115 Health
* 4% Mana Steal                       * 7% Mana Steal
* +2 to Summon Fortitude, Summon      * +3 to Summon Fortitude, Summon
  Might, and Summon Bond                Might, and Summon Bond

 Cinbri Vestments (Combat Mage, 4 pieces)
Cinbri Focusing Ring, Ornate Ring
* Requires Character Level 51
* +26 Intelligence
* +170 Mana
* 7% Health Steal
* +10% Fire Resistance
* +10% Death Resistance

Cinbri Overmage Robes, Warlock Robe
* Requires Combat Magic 59
* +34 Intelligence
* +32% Fire Magic Damage
* +80% Armor
* +3 to Devastation, Searing Flames, and Ignite

Cinbri Plaguebearers, Spirit Cestus
* Requires Combat Magic 43 or Nature Magic 43
* +22% Combat Magic Damage
* +26% Death Magic Damage
* +8% Power Recharge Rate
* +1 to Combat Magic Skills

Cinbri Ritual Mask, Warlock Mask
* Requires Combat Magic 39
* +23% Death Magic Damage
* +12 Armor
* 8% Chance When Hit: Drown
* 8% Chance When hit: Infect
* +2 to Debilitation, Grim Necromancy, and Vampirism

Bonus for 2 equipped items:           Bonus for 3 equipped items:
* +10 Armor                           * +18 Armor
* +20 Intelligence                    * +25 Intelligence
* +1 to Debilitation, Grim            * +2 to Debilitation, Grim
  Necromancy, and Vampirism             Necromancy, and Vampirism
* +1 to Devastation, Searing          * +2 to Devastation, Searing
  Flames, and Ignite                    Flames, and Ignite

Bonus for 4 equipped items:
* +25 Armor
* +30 Intelligence
* +3 to Debilitation, Grim
  Necromancy, and Vampirism
* +3 to Devastation, Searing
  Flames, and Ignite

 Elven Battlemage Equipment (Combat Mage, 4 pieces)
Elven Battlemage Boots, Istauri Boots
* Requires Combat Magic 65
* +34% Lightning Magic Damage
* +15% Melee and Ranged Resistance
* 3% Chance When Hit: Multispark for 135 - 225 Damage
* +3 to Brilliance, Amplified Lightning, and Arcing

Elven Battlemage Cowl, Istauri Hood
* Requires Combat Magic 74
* +50 Intellligence
* +35 Armor
* +30% Lightning Resistance
* +4 to Brilliance, Amplified Lightning, and Arcing

Elven Battlemage Gloves, Istauri Gloves
* Requires Combat Magic 58
* +26% Combat Magic Damage
* +20% Magic Damage Resistance
* 3% Chance When Hit: Call Lightning for 265 - 765 Damage
* +11% Power Recharge Rate

Elven Battlemage Robe, Istauri Robe
* Requires Combat Magic 50
* +25 Intelligence
* +28% Lightning Magic Damage
* +80% Armor
* +1 to Combat Magic Skills

Bonus for 2 equipped items:           Bonus for 3 equipped items:
* +15 Intelligence                    * +35 Intelligence
* +5% Mana Regeneration               * +10% Mana Regeneration
* +3% Damage Added to Mana            * +4% Damage Added to Mana
* +10% Power Recharge Rate            * +12% Power Recharge Rate

Bonus for 4 equipped items:
* +60 Intelligence
* +20% Mana Regeneration
* +5% Damage Added to Mana
* +15% Power Recharge Rate

 Teasha's Armament (Fighter, 2 pieces)
* This is a "crossover" set, that can be sent to the PSP game, "Throne of 
Agony" or vice-versa.

Teasha's Fury, Crossover Katana
* One Handed Sword
* +20 Strength
* +12 Min Damage
* +20 Max Damage
* 10% Chance on Hit: Lightning Burst for 105 - 315 Damage

Taesha's Ire, Crossover Katana
* Requires Melee 40
* +20 Strength
* +25% Damage
* 10% Chance on Hit: Death Burst for 180 - 305 Damage
* +2 to Critical Strike, Dual Wield, and Alacrity

Bonus for 2 equipped items:
* Adds 10 to 16 Death Damage
* 8% Health Steal
* +6% Power Recharge Rate
* +2 to Critical Strike, Dual Wield, and Alacrity

 Indomitable Faith (Fighter, 2 pieces)
* This is a "crossover" set, that can be sent to the PSP game, "Throne of 
Agony" or vice-versa.

Apostle's Hammer, Crossover Hammer
* Requires Melee 36, Nature Magic 28
* 7% Mana Steal
* +50 Health
* Restores 10 Mana Per Hit
* +1 to Fist of Stone Skills

Bulwark of Faith, Crossover Shield
* Requires Melee 60, Nature Magic 52, Barricade 1
* +25 Strength
* +18 Intelligence
* 12% Damage Goes to Mana
* 3% Chance When Hit: Stun Opponent for 2 Seconds
* +3 to Barricade, Toughness, and Reinforced Armor

Bonus for 2 equipped items:
* +27 Strength
* +18 Intelligence
* +1 to Melee Skills
* +1 to Fist of Stone Skills

 Traveller's Trinkets (Mage, 2 pieces)
* This is a "crossover" set, that can be sent to the PSP game, "Throne of 
Agony" or vice-versa.

Traveller's Handbook, Crossover Book
* Requires Combat Magic 41 or  Nature Magic 41
* +75 Health
* +15% Ice Resistance
* +15% Fire Resistance
* +15% Lightning Resistance
* +15% Death Resistance

Traveller's Medallion, Crossover Amulet
* Requires Character Level 43
* +75 Health
* +15% Ice Resistance
* +15% Fire Resistance
* +15% Lightning Resistance
* +15% Death Resistance

Bonus for 2 equipped items:
* +90 Health
* +10% Health Regeneration
* +70% Gold Dropped
* +30% Chance to Find Magic Items

 [3.6] Monster Book

A list of the various monsters encountered in Broken World, with in-game 
descriptions and comments where warranted.

 Volatile Boggrot (Melee)
Boggrots are vicious, hateful, predators. Volatile Boggrots are a 
particularly spiteful breed that has evolved with highly unstable body 
chemistry. When slain, they generate a fiery reaction within themselves, 
creating a violent explosion that hopefully kills their attacker.

Boggrots are extremely territorial, and will attack or threaten any creature 
that enters their area. However, the tortured, corrupted monsters and Humans 
that have started encroaching on the Dryad Outpost terrify them.

-> Be wary of the "violent explosion" when boggrots die. If several go off in 
a chain reaction or through the use of AoE powers, they can kill your mages 
and put a serious hurt on your rangers and fighters. Boggrots are not that 
dangerous to you except when they die, so take them out one-by-one and avoid 
the temptation to explode a bunch of them at once.

 Spitting Maguar (Ranged)
Maguars are disgusting.

They were the filthiest beasts in Aranna before the cataclysm, and they 
remain equally revolting after. Their green, matted fur is covered with a 
thin layer of slime, which reeks of death and decay. The two lashing 
tentacles protruding from the sides of their head constantly drip a deadly 
poison, which they spit at their prey. Any carcass a Maguar has touched 
retains their foul odor, and no other scavenger will go near it.

 Breeding  Kurtle (Ranged)
The combination of Valdis' plague and the upheaval of the cataclysm have 
wreaked havoc on the internal biology of the once-peaceful Kurtles. Even 
their reproductive systems have been altered, and now they furiously lay eggs 
in battle. 

Unfortunately, their offspring are neither helpless nor weak. They are 
extremely hostile, aggressive, and dangerous. Those who are fighting Breeding 
Kurtles would be wise to destroy the eggs before they hatch.

 Bound Fellspine (Magic)
In the battle of Windstone Fortress, Fellspines gathered together in large 
flocks, acting as one to take down more formidable foes. However, the Bound 
Fellspines no longer behave the same way. Though these armored and enhanced 
creatures still clearly resemble their cousins, they behave independently, as 
if completely unaware of their allies around them.

 Bound Human Griever (Melee)
Once Human refugees, Bound Human Grievers have been reinforced with metal 
plates and spikes that have been driven into their flesh. The light of 
intelligence is gone from their eyes -- they walk like puppets and attack 
mindlessly. The only signs that they're still alive, and not simply animated 
corpses, are their moans of constant pain and agony.

 Bound Human Tormentor (Magic)
These malnourished mages can no longer speak, as sharp metal plates have been 
driven into their heads and over their mouths. But that does not stop them 
from unleashing deadly magic on everything around them. The sorrow in their 
eyes seems to beg you to kill them.

 Bound Husk (Magic)
Whatever this monstrosity used to be is lost beneath layers of binding straps 
and chains. It's uncertain whether they even still have arms, or if they were 
simply removed because they were no longer necessary. It's likely that they 
were once powerful mages, as they can channel tremendous magical energy 
through the jewels installed in their heads.

They feel no mercy -- only pain.

 Shielding Bound Terrak (Melee)
These twisted Terraks have been turned into improvised killing machines. 
Their left wings have been clipped, and three massive blades have been 
attached to their right wings. They walk with a lurching gait.

When they are close to death, they activate a powerful energy shield that 
protects them from harm. Any foe that continues to strike them will be torn 
apart by the shield's energy.

-> When Shielding Terraks get to about 20% health, their shield goes up. 
Pounding on them only damages you, so leave them alone. The shield is 
temporary, and they go down quickly after their shield does.

 Kanred, the Rogue Mage (Magic)
Until recently, Kanred was an arrogant Combat Mage living with his brother 
Burk in their backwater village. However, he resented this simple life. He 
dreamed of having his name known far and wide, but with the upheavals caused 
by the second cataclysm, his goals were more distant than ever.

When a traveling grandmaster mage offered to teach him the secrets of higher 
magic, Kanred jumped at the chance. In his haste to gain power at any cost, 
he abandoned all sense of caution. The massive influx of purified magic 
blasted his brain and turned him into a maddened pillar of living power.

Ironically, Kanred's wish had been granted, though not in the manner in which 
he had dreamed. Now, eternally doomed to wander the world mindlessly 
absorbing magic, Kanred's newfound power and fame came at a steep price.

-> Kanred is your first boss fight and reveals what will become a typical 
pattern. One of his attacks is to teleport into the center of your group and 
release a powerful, radial magic attack. This attack is almost certain death 
for your mages and will put a serious hurt on rangers and some fighters. When 
he teleports into your midst, run. Then turn and pound on him. Beyond the 
teleport attack, Kanred isn't that dangerous, with very average magic attacks.

 Spiked Skeen (Magic)
Spiked Skeens are far stronger and more clever than their mundane cousins. 
Groups of them will jump down on their prey in organized ambushes, or 
simultaneously burst from their subterranean holes.

This element of surprise allows them to bring down prey that is much stronger 
than they are, and they have flourished despite the harsh desert in which 
they live.

 Feral Kurgan (Melee)
Without the influence of Valdis' plague, Feral Kurgans do not have the extra 
eyes and other mutations that distinguish them from the Kurgans you have 
faced before. Worse, only the strongest and most vicious survived the trials 
of the cataclysm. This is a new breed of predator: fast, deadly, and 
extremely aggressive.

 Scuttling Iraca (Melee)
Scuttling Iracas are the kings of the desert. Their huge bodies, rock-hard 
shells, and deadly claws make them powerful creatures that even Morden 
Ravagers will not face alone. For the Iraca's part, they prefer to be left 
alone, and will lash out at anything unfortunate enough to disturb their 

 Morden-Sin Reaver (Melee)
When Valdis was defeated and Zaramoth's sword was broken, hundreds of Morden 
were left without a home, without a leader, and without a mission. One group, 
the Morden-Sin, was driven mad with bloodlust. They erected crude 
fortifications in the desert and starting killing everything they encountered, 
often even turning on each other in their rage. Those who have encountered 
them simply call them 'Ravagers.'

Their bloodlust, violence, and increased strength are mysterious. Many 
suspect that something terrible has happened to these Morden, but since being 
seen by a Morden Ravager is a death sentence, no one has been able to 
discover what it could be.

 Morden-Sin Lancer (Melee)
The home of the Morden-Sin is a blood-soaked abattoir. They live in the filth 
of the corpses of their victims and smear themselves with blood and gore 
before going in to battle.

 Morden-Sin Crossbowman (Ranged)
Morden-Sin crossbowmen are increasingly rare. When their complicated weapons 
break, they lack the intelligence to fix them. They simply discard the 
useless device, pick up a spear or a jagged sword, and resume killing.

 Morden-Sin Diabolist (Magic)
Morden-Sin Diabolists, though frail, are revered by the other Ravagers. The 
twisted rituals they lead whip their brethren into a frenzy of aggression and 
bloodlust. They appear to control the mysterious power that gives the 
Ravagers their strength and drives their madness.

 Voadyk Familiar (Melee)
This powerful beast, summoned by the Overmage to protect his rogue mages, is 
sinister and otherworldly in appearance. Beneath spindly limbs and glowing 
runes lurks tremendous strength and viciousness. Their eyes reveal a cunning 
intelligence that exceeds that of creatures native to Aranna.

Though their origins are a mystery, they are known to possess a frightening 
command over death and the ability to rise up again after being struck down, 
more powerful than before.

-> Familiars all have a special ability that can be quite dangerous. When 
they are killed, after a few seconds, they revive in a huge explosion. That 
explosion can do a lot of damage if you're still nearby. They only revive 
with about one quarter of their max health, so they go down again easily and 
stay down. You can also kill them with a massive damage strike that explodes 
them into chunks, thereby rendering them unable to revive. If a Familiar of 
any type doesn't explode when you first kill it, get out of the vicinity post 

 Kikrak of the Morden (Magic)
Following the defeat of Valdis and his army, the Morden became very sick, 
their bodies slowly wasting away. Kikrak was a powerful Morden-Gral sorcerer, 
and he refused to accept his fate, turning to dark powers to extend his life 
at any cost. When the Overmage appeared, promising power and knowledge and 
life, Kikrak welcomed him. But like Kanred, the Overmage's teachings were too 
much for his mind to handle. He too became a rogue mage, mindless and 

-> Kikrak is your second boss and is almost a carbon-copy of Kanred. He'll 
teleport into the midst of your party, then slay you unless you run outside 
the circle, fast. The difference this time is Kikrak brings a familiar along 
with him; but, once you kill it (twice), it stays dead and you can 
concentrate on Kikrak, who shouldn't be much more of a problem than Kanred.

 Decaying Vulk (Ranged)
Vulk, or 'vine golems,' are purely magical creatures, created long before any 
civilization came to Aranna. Perhaps they were born in the cataclysm, or 
perhaps they were created by some mighty, solitary mage. Whether they have a 
purpose is unknown, but they violently attack any intruders they find, 
perhaps out of malice, perhaps to protect something. They are not intelligent 
enough to communicate, but they are immensely strong, and throw stones with 
deadly force.

After the second cataclysm the Vulk underwent a horrifying change, poisoned 
by the death of the land.  Their insides now team with foul toxins and vapor, 
deadly to anyone who would slay one of these beasts.

 Breeding Bortusk (Melee)
In the early days following the cataclysm, a group of experienced explorers 
came across a Bortusk with strange markings. Believing themselves familiar 
with a Bortusk's capabilities, they let it be and continued their exploration. 
Later, when they returned by the same route, they found the Bortusk had 
spawned an army of its offspring. Nearly the entire group of veteran 
adventurers was overwhelmed immediately.

Waste no time in killing a Breeding Bortusk, or face the same fate!

 Bound Hak'u Bleeder (Melee)
The Hak'u are a tribal race native to the jungles of Greilyn Isle. Together 
with the Dryads, they migrated to mainland Aranna soon after the cataclysm. 
When the uneasy alliance disintegrated, the Hak'u retreated to the hills and  
seemed to die out. However, corrupted, 'bound' Hak'u started to appear in 
greater and greater numbers.

The plates on their head hide their faces, but it's almost certain that their 
eyes and skin have been harvested for some other use. They fight far beyond 
the point at which a normal Hak'u would have collapsed from pain and injury.

Hak'u Bleeders seem almost addicted to blood. They continue to hack at the 
corpses of defeated enemies until exhausted, almost as if they don't know or 
care if a victim is alive or dead.

 Bound Hak'u Piercer (Ranged)
The Hak'u are a tribal race native to the jungles of Greilyn Isle. Together 
with the Dryads, they migrated to mainland Aranna soon after the cataclysm. 
When the uneasy alliance disintegrated, the Hak'u retreated to the hills and  
seemed to die out. However, corrupted, 'bound' Hak'u started to appear in 
greater and greater numbers.

The plates on their head hide their faces, but it's almost certain that their 
eyes and skin have been harvested for some other use. They fight far beyond 
the point at which a normal Hak'u would have collapsed from pain and injury.

Hak'u hunters are very skilled with spears. The horrific surgery these Hak'u 
have undergone has greatly strengthened their attacks.

 Bound Dryad Dervish (Melee)
The most baffling thing about the mutilated monsters flooding the world is 
that they seem to have no mission. Great effort must have gone in to making 
something like the Dryad Dervish. The Dryad must be held down, her arms 
removed, and a faceplate installed to overwhelm her mind. Finally, she must 
be equipped with giant blades hanging from chains that can spin with enough 
force to blast through armor and devastate flesh.

Though they travel in groups, Dervishes do not fight like an army. They do 
not build fortifications or hold territory. They do not speak or command. 
They only kill.

 Bound Dryad Incinerator (Magic)
After seeing so many of the tormented, twisted, stitched-together creatures 
infesting the hills around the Dryad Outpost, the Dryad Incinerators are a 
shock. They're graceful, elegant, and almost beautiful. But upon closer 
inspection, they have the same dead eyes, the same starved figures, and the 
same mutilated bodies as all the other bound creatures. What sort of beast 
would try to make art like this out of suffering?

As befits their delicate construction, Dryad Incinerators are especially 
powerful. They are wreathed in magical flame that they can unleash in a 
devastating attack. They are also attuned to fire, and can use fire attacks 
directed at them to restore their power.

 Bound Hyena (Magic)
The Bound Hyena's upper jaw appears to have been broken to allow a makeshift 
cannon to be created within its mouth. An eye has been gouged out of some 
poor creature and stitched to the end of the Bound Hyena's tongue.  The beast 
uses it to blast its targets with necromantic death magic.

 Abraxis Familiar (Melee)
Like the Voadyk, the Abraxis is another of the Overmage's hounds. Its hard 
carapace and the runic markings on it give it tremendous strength, but its 
alien appearance is like nothing you've ever seen on your travels. Also like 
the Voadyk, death is only a minor inconvenience -- it quickly rises again 
with renewed strength. Unlike the Voadyk, it releases a blast of fire when it 
resurrects itself.

The mutilated Dryads throughout the region seem to defer to the Abraxis, but 
it doesn't seem to be capable of creating something as complicated as the 
mutilated creatures. Perhaps it's here to guard them...

-> Familiars all have a special ability that can be quite dangerous. When 
they are killed, after a few seconds, they revive in a huge explosion. That 
explosion can do a lot of damage if you're still nearby. They only revive 
with about one quarter of their max health, so they go down again easily and 
stay down. You can also kill them with a massive damage strike that explodes 
them into chunks, thereby rendering them unable to revive. If a Familiar of 
any type doesn't explode when you first kill it, get out of the vicinity post 

 Celeb'hel, the Elder (Magic)
When you last saw Celeb'hel, he was the leader of Aman'lu, revered for his 
legendary wisdom and benevolence. But the Celeb'hel you defeated was a 
mindless engine of destruction, a rogue mage escorted by the Overmage's 
trusted Voadyk minions.

The Celeb'hel you knew would never have fallen for the Overmage's schemes. 
Now, you are left questioning how and why such a thing could have happened, 
and what this means for your Elven friends.

 Decaying Bound Taclak (Melee)
These hideously mutated Taclaks are deteriorating from the inside. They're 
possessed with the same frenetic strength as the Familiars' other bound 
minions, but when they're killed, their rotten blood sometimes spills out in 
a toxic cloud that poisons and dissolves anything it touches.

 Bound Taclak Spearman (Ranged)
Stripped and bound in leather and steel, these Taclaks were taken from their 
homes and turned into monsters. Their right legs and left arms were taken for 
some other experiment and replaced with blades and metal. They've been 
blinded and suffer agonizing pain, but their spears find their targets 

 Taxabani Familiar (Ranged)
The Familiars are cruel, evil allies of the Overmage. Though they are not 
from this world, they have been here before, and clashed with the Elves. 
There are many castes of them, each with unique body structures and powers, 
but all share the same mysterious markings, penchant for cruelty, and 
horrifying ability to rise from death with more power than ever.

The Taxabani are responsible for kidnapping more 'materials' for the Familiar 
Surgeons to work on. They use the jagged spikes on their arms to pin down 
fleeing creatures so they can be dragged to the operating room.

Taxabani have such furious willpower that they erupt in flame when they 
resurrect themselves, re-igniting any nearby Dryad Incinerators.

 Searing Bracken (Melee)
Created from the magic of the Vai'lutra Forest, the Bracken were once 
creatures of peace, working in unison with the trees -- caretakers of the 
vast forest. When the Vai'kesh's corruptive magic began to spread through 
their home, the Bracken changed as well, becoming gnarled and violent.

When the second cataclysm consumed the forest in raging fires, it burned the 
spirits of the Bracken too. Now, they lash out in pain and anger at the loss 
of their forest and their former peaceful selves, and it is only a matter of 
time before the flames within consume them completely.

 Bound Fettershin (Melee)
Once docile herbivores, the poor Fettershins were corrupted first by the evil 
magic of the Vai'kesh Elves, and now by the monstrous alterations of the 
Familiar Surgeons. Their constant, gnawing hunger is only made worse by the 
armored plates grafted over their skulls. Evil magical fire consumes their 
flesh, and they care for nothing but inflicting as much pain as possible so 
that others can share their misery.

 Bound Naldrun (Magic)
Like the Fettershins, Bound Naldruns are twice corrupted, first by the dark 
magic of the Vai'kesh, then by the cruel attentions of the Familiars. Their 
hands, feet, and faces were taken for the magical power within them, and a 
crude cannon fueled by their very souls was attached to their arms. Now they 
pitifully fly through the forest, seeking victims they can blast with their 
own life force until the peace of death releases them from their suffering.

 Bound Elf Guard (Ranged)
Elven rangers were elite warriors, once revered by their companions, capable 
of hitting targets from great range, and respected for their wisdom and 

No trace of those qualities remains in the mutilated monsters the Familiar 
Surgeons make out of them, except for their ability to strike a victim with 
enough force to decapitate or sever a limb.

 Venomous Thrine (Ranged)
The Thrine life cycle begins with eggs buried beneath the ground. When the 
forests burned and the ground cracked during the cataclysm, all manner of 
contaminants polluted the nests the Thrines, altering their growth. They 
became more aggressive and deadly, but their life spans are much shorter and 
they never reach maturity. It's likely that this generation will be their 

 Bound Taugrim (Melee)
The Familiars have taken the powerful, noble Taugrim and muzzled them, 
turning them into violent beasts of burden. They're primarily used for grunt 
work that requires great strength, such as tearing down trees for firewood, 
moving large stones, and pulling stubborn limbs off of creatures so they can 
be stitched onto something else.

 Vai'kesh Reaper (Melee)
When the Aegis of Death was given to the Elves of Aman'lu for safekeeping, 
some of their greatest mages became enthralled by its power. The spells 
channeled through the Aegis were the darkest death magic and very difficult 
to control, but the sorcerers' lust for power consumed them and made them 
careless. They began to decay without dying, and became more powerful in 
magic than any thought possible. The elders of Aman'lu grew fearful and 
exiled them to the forest. They became known as the Vai'kesh, or Manu Ostar 
in their own tongue.

Now, following the second cataclysm, the Vai'kesh and the Elves have a common 
enemy: the Overmage's Familiars. The Vai'kesh have made overtures of peace to 
the Elves in hopes of being united with their cousins, but time will tell if 
they have truly changed their ways.

 Ghostly Crimson Hunter Warrior (Melee)
Long ago, the race that is now known as the Familiars came to Aranna and 
terrorized the world, nearly eradicating the Elves. The greatest Elven 
fighters, archers, and mages formed the Order of the Crimson Hunters and 
fought back, seeking out the enemy in their lairs and eventually exiling the 
Familiars from Aranna entirely.

These Elven heroes were laid to rest in a grand tomb with their leader, 
Lorethal, who gave his life to save them and all of the Elves. When you 
imprisoned his soul within Ressa's bloodstone, the spirits of the other noble 
warriors rose from their graves, lifting their spectral swords against the 
monsters who would defile their leader.

 Ghostly Crimson Hunter Archer (Ranged)
Long ago, the race that is now known as the Familiars came to Aranna and 
terrorized the world, nearly eradicating the Elves. The greatest Elven 
fighters, archers, and mages formed the Order of the Crimson Hunters and 
fought back, seeking out the enemy in their lairs and eventually exiling the 
Familiars from Aranna entirely.

These Elven heroes were laid to rest in a grand tomb with their leader, 
Lorethal, who gave his life to save them and all of the Elves. When you 
imprisoned his soul within Ressa's bloodstone, the spirits of the other noble 
warriors rose from their graves, nocking arrows to their spectral bows to 
strike down the monsters who would defile their leader.

 Ghostly Crimson Hunter Mage (Magic)
Long ago, the race that is now known as the Familiars came to Aranna and 
terrorized the world, nearly eradicating the Elves. The greatest Elven 
fighters, archers, and mages formed the Order of the Crimson Hunters and 
fought back, seeking out the enemy in their lairs and eventually exiling the 
Familiars from Aranna entirely.

These Elven heroes were laid to rest in a grand tomb with their leader, 
Lorethal, who gave his life to save them and all of the Elves. When you 
imprisoned his soul within Ressa's bloodstone, the spirits of the other noble 
warriors rose from their graves, summoning their formidable magic to destroy 
the monsters who would defile their leader.

 Bound Crawler (Melee)
Some of the mutilated creatures the Familiar Surgeons create, like the Bound 
Dryads, have a twisted beauty and craftsmanship to them. Others seem more 
like cruel jokes -- misshapen freaks, grafted together out of spare parts.

Crawlers are little more than leftover torsos given life. They scrounge 
through the discarded meat and offal of the Surgeons' experiments, constantly 
eating to try to satisfy their insatiable hunger.

 Stitched Horror (Melee)
These abominations are cruel mockeries of the Familiars' ancient enemies, the 
Elves. They've been stripped down to nothing but crude straps. Their feet and 
arms have been cruelly torn off and replaced with claws and half-giant arms, 
making them both terrifying and deadly.

No Elf can look upon these horrors without weeping and losing hope. This is 
exactly what the Familiar Surgeons hoped to accomplish. They continue to 
diligently make more Stitched Horrors, anxiously awaiting the day they've 
created enough to overwhelm Aman'lu.

 Incinerating Bound Elf (Magic)
Elven mages are naturally intelligent and skilled in combat magic. The 
Surgeons magnify these traits, rewiring nerves, removing unessential body 
parts, and grafting on metal to make their bodies ideal for conducting fiery 
power. No longer able to walk or even move, these soulless husks float along, 
immolating every living thing they see.

They are especially deadly against other Elven mages who frequently 
specialize in fire attacks as well. The Bound Elves simply soak up fire magic 
and use it to recharge their own powers.

 Krusk Familiar (Melee)
The Familiars are cruel, evil allies of the Overmage. Though they are not 
from this world, they have been here before, and clashed with the Elves. 
There are many castes of them, each with unique body structures and powers, 
but all share the same mysterious markings, penchant for cruelty, and 
horrifying ability to rise from death with more power than ever.

Krusk Familiars are hulking, incredibly resilient beasts with deceptive 
intelligence. They are the vanguard of the Familiar army, breaking into new 
territory and crushing any opposition. They are highly resistant to magic, 
and take particular pleasure in crushing mages after shrugging off their most 
powerful spells.

Krusks have such furious willpower that they erupt in flame when they 
resurrect themselves, re-igniting any nearby Bound Elf Incinerators.

-> Familiars all have a special ability that can be quite dangerous. When 
they are killed, after a few seconds, they revive in a huge explosion. That 
explosion can do a lot of damage if you're still nearby. They only revive 
with about one quarter of their max health, so they go down again easily and 
stay down. You can also kill them with a massive damage strike that explodes 
them into chunks, thereby rendering them unable to revive. If a Familiar of 
any type doesn't explode when you first kill it, get out of the vicinity post 

 Familiar Surgeon (Magic)
Many years ago, Lorethal and his Crimson Hunters banished the entire race of  
Familiars from Aranna. Their leaders, the cunning and cruel 'Surgeons' 
Despular and Baelusar, never forgave the Elves. When the Overmage offered 
them a chance for revenge, they laid siege to Aman'lu in the cruelest way 

Familiar Surgeons are cruel artisans, tearing apart the lesser creatures of 
the world and reassembling them as powerful, bloodthirsty slaves. They enjoy 
the pain their experiments inflict on their subjects, and they relish the 
misery the Elves feel when their own brothers and sisters turn against them. 
If the Surgeons are not stopped, their horrific armies will overwhelm all of 

 Keirok, the Devourer (Melee)
Keirok is unique among the Familiars. He is a tremendously powerful beast, 
with thick armor plating, massive battering claws, and an insatiable hunger 
for flesh. He consumed countless Elves before they sealed him and the rest of 
his race away. He aches to be released on Aranna once again; to feel the 
crush of bone beneath his claws and hear the agonizing screams of his victims.

 Bound Dwarf Sunderer (Melee)
When a Dwarven slave becomes insolent or tries to rise against his masters, 
he is taken away to the depths of the Cinbri city, where he is turned into a 
Sunderer. His free will and rebellious spirit are surgically removed, and his 
strength and vigor are enhanced to better serve the Familiars. These mindless 
hulks become a grim reminder to other slaves of the consequences of resisting.

 Bound Dwarf Ballista (Ranged)
When a Dwarven slave breaks under the demands of his punishing labor, he is 
taken away to the depths of the Cinbri city, where his arms are removed and a 
crossbow is strapped to his back. Unessential organs are removed to make room 
for the support stake driven through his chest. His brain is also mutilated, 
bound into serving his masters as a deadly walking cannon.

 Bound Skiver (Ranged)
The pinnacle of Familiar Surgeon creativity, the Bound Skiver is a horrifying 
fusion of Elf and Human. There are very few of them, as the subjects used 
must be highly skilled, and the process of stitching them together is 
extremely complicated, but the resulting minion is unequaled at ranged combat.

As a bonus, the Elf's head and the Human's lower body are not needed, and can 
be used for other 'projects.')

 Familiar Overseer (Magic)
The Familiars are cruel, evil allies of the Overmage. They look alien and 
bizarre and are not from this world. But they've been here before, and 
clashed with the Elves. There are many castes of them, each with unique body 
structures and powers, but all share the same mysterious markings, penchant 
for cruelty, and horrifying ability to rise from death with more power than 

The Overseers are the barbaric taskmasters responsible for forcing the 
Dwarves to excavate the Cinbri city, and they take pleasure in punishing 
their charges if they step out of line. They blaze with magical energy, and 
use that power to strengthen their other minions, making them temporarily 
impervious to harm.

-> Familiars all have a special ability that can be quite dangerous. When 
they are killed, after a few seconds, they revive in a huge explosion. That 
explosion can do a lot of damage if you're still nearby. They only revive 
with about one quarter of their max health, so they go down again easily and 
stay down. You can also kill them with a massive damage strike that explodes 
them into chunks, thereby rendering them unable to revive. If a Familiar of 
any type doesn't explode when you first kill it, get out of the vicinity post 

 Bound Half-Giant Subjugator (Melee)
The Familiar Surgeons enjoy working on Half-Giants. They are exceptionally 
strong, and make highly durable and powerful combatants. But they're also 
stoic and mentally tough, allowing them to survive the torture of their 
transformations better than other, more frail races.

The victim's right arms are replaced with a massive, bladed bludgeon. They 
seem to feel nothing as they pound their victims to death, crushing bone and 
tissue with each swing. They are useful for quelling dissent, and their mere 
presence is an effective deterrent to most creatures who would consider 
rising against the Familiars.

 Bound Half-Giant Fury (Melee)
The Familiar Surgeons enjoy working on Half-Giants. They're exceptionally 
strong, and make highly durable and powerful combatants. But they're also 
stoic and mentally tough, allowing them to survive the torture of their 
transformations better than other, more frail races.

If the Subjugator is an enforcer, the Fury is a soldier. He lives for carnage 
and wades into battle swinging his axes with abandon. If a fight turns 
against him, he will engulf himself in magical flame and temporarily become 
invincible.  Anyone who attacks him in this state will be burned in 

 Bound Half-Giant Shambler (Magic)
The Familiar Surgeons enjoy working on Half-Giants. They're exceptionally 
strong, and make highly durable and powerful combatants. But they're also 
stoic and mentally tough, allowing them to survive the torture of their 
transformations better than other, more frail races.

The Shamblers have a decapitated Elven head stitched onto their shoulders to 
increase their ability to channel magical lightning. They are often built 
from the leftover remains from failed attempts at creating the more powerful 
Bound Half-Giant Convokers. 

 Bound Half-Giant Convoker (Magic)
The Familiar Surgeons enjoy working on Half-Giants. They're exceptionally 
strong, and make highly durable and powerful combatants. But they're also 
stoic and mentally tough, allowing them to survive the torture of their 
transformations better than other, more frail races.

The spines of Half-Giant Convokers are replaced with metal to increase their 
conductivity and amplify the power of the electricity they command. Their 
most deadly tactic is to reduce the lightning resistance of their victims 
before unleashing their most powerful attacks.

 Keirge Familiar (Melee)
The Familiars are cruel, evil allies of the Overmage. They are not from this 
world, but they've been here before, and clashed with the Elves. There are 
many castes of them, each with unique body structures and powers, but all 
share the same mysterious markings, penchant for cruelty, and horrifying 
ability to rise from death with more power than ever.

Keirge are the most bloodthirsty of the Familiars, and each has killed 
hundreds of lesser creatures with the massive blades that grow from their 
arms. They swing each blade with the power of a greatsword, carving through 
their foes in battle and exulting in the sprays of blood around them.

-> Familiars all have a special ability that can be quite dangerous. When 
they are killed, after a few seconds, they revive in a huge explosion. That 
explosion can do a lot of damage if you're still nearby. They only revive 
with about one quarter of their max health, so they go down again easily and 
stay down. You can also kill them with a massive damage strike that explodes 
them into chunks, thereby rendering them unable to revive. If a Familiar of 
any type doesn't explode when you first kill it, get out of the vicinity post 

 Spinlar Familiar (Magic)
The Familiars are cruel, evil allies of the Overmage. They are not from this 
world, but they've been here before, and clashed with the Elves. There are 
many castes of them, each with unique body structures and powers, but all 
share the same mysterious markings, penchant for cruelty, and horrifying 
ability to rise from death with more power than ever.

Spinlars are second only to the Surgeons in the hierarchy of the Familiars, 
and their power is unmatched. Their most terrifying ability rips away the 
mana of their targets, preventing them from casting spells. Like the Taxabani, 
the Spinlars' magic is so powerful that they release a blast of flame when 
they resurrect themselves.

-> Familiars all have a special ability that can be quite dangerous. When 
they are killed, after a few seconds, they revive in a huge explosion. That 
explosion can do a lot of damage if you're still nearby. They only revive 
with about one quarter of their max health, so they go down again easily and 
stay down. You can also kill them with a massive damage strike that explodes 
them into chunks, thereby rendering them unable to revive. If a Familiar of 
any type doesn't explode when you first kill it, get out of the vicinity post 

 Overmage of the Cinbri (Magic)
The Overmage is the only member of the Cinbri race left in Aranna. He is well 
over one thousand years old, and is a master wizard and scholar. The Overmage 
believes in order and control. He is driven by his desire to return his race 
to Aranna and present himself as supreme ruler.

The Overmage likes to work behind the scenes and is far too intelligent to 
get drawn into a fight he can't win.  Instead of exerting force, he 
manipulates his foes by uncovering their deepest desires.

The Overmage will do anything to establish order and control, even if it 
means killing thousands of innocents in the process. He believes future 
generations will understand the rightness of his actions in the end, and 
thank him for having the foresight to take action.

 Zaramoth Reborn (Magic)
Zaramoth the Unmaker, an Utgard Giant of unmatched power, was the last great 
Emperor of Aranna. Zaramoth's innate command of magical energy was so 
absolute that once he established control, he limited access to magic across 
all of Aranna, effectively neutering all other mages. Zaramoth's reign ended 
when his Sword met Azunai the Defender's Shield in battle and triggered the 
first cataclysm, killing themselves and everyone else on the battlefield.

However, when Zaramoth's body died, his soul retreated into his legendary 
Sword, to await the time when he could be reborn and again control the world.

And so, over a thousand years later, the Overmage harnessed the immense 
magical energy the Dryads collected to raise the Sword and join his soul to 
Zaramoth's. As Zaramoth Reborn, he gained both the physical form and power of 
his former emperor, becoming the strongest being in all Aranna.

            __   ___________________________________________________|'-,
@_/_/_/_/_| ____  [4] CHARACTERS                                         )
           __  ___________________________________________________    /

 [4.1] Character Races

Broken World introduces one new character race:

* 1 point in Critical Strike
* 1 point in Survival
* 1 point in Chant of Stone
* +3 Strength
* +1 Intelligence

The whole concept of races in DS2 is badly broken. The differences are 
completely irrelevant by about level 10, which means 25% of the way into Merc 
level, all races are equivalent in all classes. Thus, the only reason to 
choose a race is because you like the way the race looks. To that end, why 
Dwarves? OK, there are some little-hairy-person loving players out there, but 
this was a pretty poor choice for a new race.

 [4.2] Classes, Skills & Powers

Broken World introduces two new multiclass "classes":
* Blood Assassin (ranger + combat mage)
* Fist of Stone (fighter + nature mage)

These two classes are different than the normal classes in the following ways:

* To buy class skills or use class equipment, there are minimum required
  levels in both the primary (ranger or fighter) and secondary (mage) classes.

* You can use special weapon enchant spells that allow you to earn experience
  in both your core classes at the same time. 70% of your earned experience
  goes to your primary class--melee or ranged. 30% of your earned experience
  goes to your secondary class--combat or nature mage. Only one weapon
  enchant spell can be active on a character at a time. Weapon enchant spells
  can be autocast.

* Some of the class skills are one-point skills--you only get one rank in
  that skill.

Additionally, Broken World re-writes all the skill tables and powers for the 
existing classes--rebalancing them and increasing skill ranks to 30. Below 
are the two new classes and their skills and powers; followed by the new 
skill tables for the existing classes.

Power Recharge Rate Key:
* Very Fast -> 12 seconds of combat
* Fast      -> 21 seconds of combat
* Normal    -> 35 seconds of combat
* Slow      -> 60 seconds of combat

 [4.2.1] Blood Assassin
Blood Assassins are a combination of rangers and the nastier side of combat 
mages. Assassins have special curse (debuff) weapon enchant spells called 
"marks". When active, all targets hit by the Assassin are marked. The 
Assassin does additional damage to those targets and can do huge amounts of 
damage to all marked targets at once using the Execute power.

The big problem with Assassins is you have to let them shoot at will. If you 
focus on one enemy, which is really the best way to defeat most mobs, marks 
don't do as much good. To get the most out of an Assassin requires 
controlling the Assassin and spreading the Marks around, while letting the 
rest of your party do what they want. You then Execute to destroy swarms of 
monsters all at once.

Another problem with Assassins, shared with Fists of Stone, is they will be 
weaker at both ranged and combat magic than a dedicated ranger or mage of the 
same character level. This affects the amount of damage they can do, the 
equipment they can wear. Etc. They will also have their skill points spread 
out over two or three trees (ranger, blood assassin and combat mage).

Since combat mage is the secondary class, Assassins are not a good 
replacement for a combat mage. They can be a good replacement for a pure 
archer, as their skills and weapon enchant spells overcome the few levels 
they lag behind. With a little bit of extra firepower behind their ranged 
attacks, they can be a good archer, but that's all, so there's not much 
reason to choose an Assassin over a pure Ranger.

SHRED BLOOD: "Reckless disregard for life can have benefits, however sinister. 
An Assassin's ranged attacks, through malicious intent and practice, can make 
their victims hemorrhage blood."

* Requires Ranged 8, Combat Magic 6
* Gives chance of extra damage

 Percentage Chance to Shred Blood
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 15   | 7    | 27   | 13   | 33   | 19   | 37   | 25   | 40   |
| 2    | 18   | 8    | 28   | 14   | 34   | 20   | 37.5 | 26   | 40   |
| 3    | 20   | 9    | 29   | 15   | 35   | 21   | 38   | 27   | 40   |
| 4    | 22   | 10   | 30   | 16   | 35.5 | 22   | 38.5 | 28   | 40   |
| 5    | 24   | 11   | 31   | 17   | 36   | 23   | 39   | 29   | 40   |
| 6    | 26   | 12   | 32   | 18   | 36.5 | 24   | 39.5 | 30   | 40   |

 Additional Shred Blood Damage Multiplied by Intelligence
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 0.15 | 7    | 0.79 | 13   | 1.27 | 19   | 1.54 | 25   | 1.65 |
| 2    | 0.27 | 8    | 0.89 | 14   | 1.33 | 20   | 1.56 | 26   | 1.66 |
| 3    | 0.39 | 9    | 0.97 | 15   | 1.39 | 21   | 1.58 | 27   | 1.67 |
| 4    | 0.49 | 10   | 1.05 | 16   | 1.45 | 22   | 1.6  | 28   | 1.68 |
| 5    | 0.59 | 11   | 1.13 | 17   | 1.5  | 23   | 1.62 | 29   | 1.69 |
| 6    | 0.69 | 12   | 1.21 | 18   | 1.52 | 24   | 1.64 | 30   | 1.7  |

MARK MASTERY: "Through meditation and study, the Blood Assassin can 
drastically increase the potency of her marks. An enemy marked by a full 
master is truly living on borrowed time."

* Requires Ranged 8, Combat Magic 6
* Increases damage to Marked targets
* Increases duration of Marks
* Increases recovery rate of Execute Power

 Percentage Increased Damage to Marked Targets
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 2.5  | 7    | 12   | 13   | 17.5 | 19   | 20.5 | 25   | 22.75|
| 2    | 4.5  | 8    | 13   | 14   | 18   | 20   | 21   | 26   | 23   |
| 3    | 6.5  | 9    | 14   | 15   | 18.5 | 21   | 21.5 | 27   | 23.25|
| 4    | 8    | 10   | 15   | 16   | 19   | 22   | 22   | 28   | 23.5 |
| 5    | 9.5  | 11   | 16   | 17   | 19.5 | 23   | 22.25| 29   | 23.75|
| 6    | 11   | 12   | 17   | 18   | 20   | 24   | 22.5 | 30   | 24   |

 Increased Duration of Mark Curse
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 20   | 7    | 35   | 13   | 50   | 19   | 65   | 25   | 90   |
| 2    | 20   | 8    | 35   | 14   | 50   | 20   | 80   | 26   | 90   |
| 3    | 20   | 9    | 35   | 15   | 65   | 21   | 80   | 27   | 90   |
| 4    | 20   | 10   | 50   | 16   | 65   | 22   | 80   | 28   | 90   |
| 5    | 35   | 11   | 50   | 17   | 65   | 23   | 80   | 29   | 90   |
| 6    | 35   | 12   | 50   | 18   | 65   | 24   | 80   | 30   | 100  |

 Percentage Increase in Execute Power Recovery Rate
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 1.5  | 7    | 6.5  | 13   | 9.4  | 19   | 11.7 | 25   | 13.5 |
| 2    | 2.5  | 8    | 7    | 14   | 9.8  | 20   | 12   | 26   | 13.8 |
| 3    | 3.5  | 9    | 7.5  | 15   | 10.2 | 21   | 12.3 | 27   | 14.1 |
| 4    | 4.5  | 10   | 8    | 16   | 10.6 | 22   | 12.6 | 28   | 14.4 |
| 5    | 5.5  | 11   | 8.5  | 17   | 11   | 23   | 12.9 | 29   | 14.7 |
| 6    | 6    | 12   | 9    | 18   | 11.4 | 24   | 13.2 | 30   | 15   |

BLOODSOAKED SHOTS: "To a Blood Assassin, blood has power, especially her own. 
With no care for the consequences, trained Blood Assassins anoint their 
weapons with their blood, increasing their damage."

* Requires Ranged 26, Combat Magic 19, Shred Blood 1
* Increased ranged attack damage at the cost of character's health

 Increased Ranged Attack Damage Percentage
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 6    | 7    | 27   | 13   | 38   | 19   | 44   | 25   | 47.5 |
| 2    | 11   | 8    | 29   | 14   | 39   | 20   | 45   | 26   | 48   |
| 3    | 15   | 9    | 31   | 15   | 40   | 21   | 45.5 | 27   | 48.5 |
| 4    | 18   | 10   | 33   | 16   | 41   | 22   | 46   | 28   | 49   |
| 5    | 21   | 11   | 35   | 17   | 42   | 23   | 46.5 | 29   | 49.5 |
| 6    | 24   | 12   | 37   | 18   | 43   | 24   | 47   | 30   | 50   |

 Percentage of Max Health Lost Per Hit
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 1    | 7    | 2    | 13   | 3    | 19   | 4    | 25   | 4    |
| 2    | 1    | 8    | 2    | 14   | 3    | 20   | 4    | 26   | 4    |
| 3    | 1    | 9    | 2    | 15   | 4    | 21   | 4    | 27   | 4    |
| 4    | 1    | 10   | 2    | 16   | 4    | 22   | 4    | 28   | 4    |
| 5    | 1    | 11   | 3    | 17   | 4    | 23   | 4    | 29   | 4    |
| 6    | 1    | 12   | 3    | 18   | 4    | 24   | 4    | 30   | 4    |

RUNE MASTERY: "Through combining trapping techniques of Dryad Hunters and 
writing techniques of Elven Scribes, Blood Assassins gain the ability to 
recover quickly from preparing magical traps."

* Requires Ranged 17, Combat Magic 12, Mark Mastery 1
* Increases Rate of Rune Power recharge
* Gives chance of instant recharge of Rune Power

 Percentage Increase in Rune Power Recovery Rate
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 3    | 7    | 12   | 13   | 18   | 19   | 22.5 | 25   | 25.5 |
| 2    | 5    | 8    | 13   | 14   | 19   | 20   | 23   | 26   | 26   |
| 3    | 7    | 9    | 14   | 15   | 20   | 21   | 23.5 | 27   | 26.5 |
| 4    | 9    | 10   | 15   | 16   | 21   | 22   | 24   | 28   | 27   |
| 5    | 10   | 11   | 16   | 17   | 21.5 | 23   | 24.5 | 29   | 27.5 |
| 6    | 11   | 12   | 17   | 18   | 22   | 24   | 25   | 30   | 28   |

 Percentage Chance of Instant Recovery of Rune Power
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 1.5  | 7    | 6.5  | 13   | 9.4  | 19   | 11.7 | 25   | 13.5 |
| 2    | 2.5  | 8    | 7    | 14   | 9.8  | 20   | 12   | 26   | 13.8 |
| 3    | 3.5  | 9    | 7.5  | 15   | 10.2 | 21   | 12.3 | 27   | 14.1 |
| 4    | 4.5  | 10   | 8    | 16   | 10.6 | 22   | 12.6 | 28   | 14.4 |
| 5    | 5.5  | 11   | 8.5  | 17   | 11   | 23   | 12.9 | 29   | 14.7 |
| 6    | 6    | 12   | 9    | 18   | 11.4 | 24   | 13.2 | 30   | 15   |

LIVING DEATH: "Fearless of the hereafter, an Assassin can straddle the gap 
between life and death. Doing so allows her to shrug off attacks, but as she 
slips into realm of the dead her vulnerability to fire increases. She 
considers it a fair trade."

* Requires Ranged 36, Combat Magic 29, Improved Weapon Enhancements 1
* Increases physical damage resistance
* Decreases fire damage resistance

 Percentage Bonus to Physical Damage Resistance
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 3    | 7    | 12   | 13   | 16.5 | 19   | 19.5 | 25   | 22.5 |
| 2    | 5    | 8    | 13   | 14   | 17   | 20   | 20   | 26   | 23   |
| 3    | 7    | 9    | 14   | 15   | 17.5 | 21   | 20.5 | 27   | 23.5 |
| 4    | 9    | 10   | 15   | 16   | 18   | 22   | 21   | 28   | 24   |
| 5    | 10   | 11   | 15.5 | 17   | 18.5 | 23   | 21.5 | 29   | 24.5 |
| 6    | 11   | 12   | 16   | 18   | 19   | 24   | 22   | 30   | 25   |

 Percentage Penalty to Fire Damage Resistance
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 5    | 7    | 27   | 13   | 41   | 19   | 49   | 25   | 50   |
| 2    | 10   | 8    | 30   | 14   | 43   | 20   | 50   | 26   | 50   |
| 3    | 14   | 9    | 33   | 15   | 45   | 21   | 50   | 27   | 50   |
| 4    | 18   | 10   | 35   | 16   | 46   | 22   | 50   | 28   | 50   |
| 5    | 21   | 11   | 37   | 17   | 47   | 23   | 50   | 29   | 50   |
| 6    | 24   | 12   | 39   | 18   | 48   | 24   | 50   | 30   | 50   |

IMPROVED WEAPON ENHANCEMENTS: "Without heed or concern for the consequences, 
a Blood Assassin can pursue additional power through her weaponry. In doing 
so, she increases the potency of her weapon enhancements."

* Requires Ranged 17, Combat Magic 12, Shred Blood 1
* Increases duration and power of weapon enchant spells

 Percentage Increase in Weapon Enchant Spell Duration
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 20   | 7    | 92   | 13   | 142  | 19   | 176  | 25   | 190  |
| 2    | 36   | 8    | 102  | 14   | 150  | 20   | 180  | 26   | 192  |
| 3    | 50   | 9    | 110  | 15   | 156  | 21   | 182  | 27   | 194  |
| 4    | 62   | 10   | 118  | 16   | 162  | 22   | 184  | 28   | 196  |
| 5    | 72   | 11   | 126  | 17   | 168  | 23   | 186  | 29   | 198  |
| 6    | 82   | 12   | 134  | 18   | 172  | 24   | 188  | 30   | 200  |

 Percentage Increase in Weapon Enchant Spell Power
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 12   | 7    | 68   | 13   | 106  | 19   | 128  | 25   | 140  |
| 2    | 24   | 8    | 76   | 14   | 110  | 20   | 130  | 26   | 142  |
| 3    | 34   | 9    | 82   | 15   | 114  | 21   | 132  | 27   | 144  |
| 4    | 44   | 10   | 88   | 16   | 118  | 22   | 134  | 28   | 146  |
| 5    | 52   | 11   | 94   | 17   | 122  | 23   | 136  | 29   | 148  |
| 6    | 60   | 12   | 100  | 18   | 126  | 24   | 138  | 30   | 150  |

IGNITE BLOOD: "The Blood Assassin's Ravaging Strike power will set its 
victims' blood on fire, dealing extra damage over time."

* One point skill
* Requires Ranged 17, Combat Magic 12, Shred Blood 6,
  Improved Weapon Enchancements 3
* 70 Damage Per Second for 5 Seconds

IMPROVED RUNES: "This skill increases the radius of the Blood Assassin's rune 
powers: Rune of Blood and Rune of Sacrifice."

* One point skill
* Requires Ranged 26, Combat Magic 19, Mark Mastery 3, Rune Mastery 6,
  Bloodsoaked Shots 3
* +1 Meter to Radius of Rune Powers

IMPROVED EXECUTE: "Talented Assassins scoff at those whose Execute ability 
does not reach far enough to slay all their marked foes at once."

* One point skill
* Requires Ranged 17, Combat Magic 12, Mark Mastery 6, Rune Mastery 3
* +4 Meters to Radius of Execute Power

GRACE OF THE NIGHT: "By fully embracing the dark path of power at any cost, 
the Assassin enhances both her weapon skill and magical power."

* One point skill
* Requires Ranged 36, Combat Magic 29, Improved Weapon Enhancements 7,
  Living Death 4
* +24 Dexterity
* +16 Intelligence

EXECUTE: "Execute is a horrific finishing move that activates the marks on 
enemies around the Blood Assassin, rending them, cursing them, or immolating 
them, depending on the mark."

* Automatically Strikes Enemies Around Self
* Normal Recharge
* Damages all Marked targets according to Mark Spell damage

Level 1
* Requires Mark Mastery 1
* Radius 8 Meters
* Increased Mark Damage:
  90 + 1.0 * ((ranged level + cm level + 15) * 0.5)

Level 2
* Requires Mark Mastery 3
* Requires Improved Weapon Enhancements 1
* Radius 10 Meters
* Increased Mark Damage:
100 + 2.0 * ((ranged level + cm level + 15) * 0.5)

Level 3
* Requires Mark Mastery 7
* Requires Improved Weapon Enhancements 3
* Requires Living Death 3
* Radius 12 Meters
* Increased Mark Damage:
  135 + 2.2 * ((ranged level + cm level + 15) * 0.5)

RAVAGING STRIKE: "With wanton disregard for her own life, the Blood Assassin 
pours her blood and health in to a devastating shot that rips through 
multiple foes in an instant, stunning them in pain."

* Can be used with any ranged weapon
* Targets an Enemy or Terrain
* Normal Recharge
* Costs 40% Health of Blood Assassin

Level 1
* Requires Shred Blood 3
* Requires Improved Weapon Enhancements 1
* Damage Bonus Percent: 750 + 7.5 * ranged level
* Stun Duration 5 Seconds

Level 2
* Requires Shred Blood 5
* Requires Improved Weapon Enhancements 3
* Requires Bloodsoaked Shots 1
* Damage Bonus Percent: 1000 + 14.5 * ranged level
* Stun Duration 8 Seconds

Level 3
* Requires Shred Blood 8
* Requires Improved Weapon Enhancements 5
* Requires Bloodsoaked Shots 6
* Damage Bonus Percent: 1250 + 18 * ranged level
* Stun Duration 10 Seconds

RUNE OF BLOOD: "Rune of Blood creates a deadly rune trap. The first enemy to 
draw near activates it. After a short delay, the rune's magic reaches out and 
tears the blood from everything around it."

* Area of Effect Targets Enemies or Terrain
* Normal Recharge
* Rune Duration 20 Seconds
* Activation Delay: 2 Seconds

Level 1
* Requires Shred Blood 1
* Radius: 4 Meters
* Damage: (58 + 14.5 * ((ranged level + cm level + 15) * 0.5)) *
          (1.25 + 0.015 * ((ranged level + cm level + 15) * 0.5))

Level 2
* Requires Shred Blood 2
* Requires Rune Mastery 4
* Requires Bloodsoaked Shots 1
* Radius: 4.5 Meters
* Damage: (58 + 14.5 * ((ranged level + cm level + 15) * 0.5)) *
          (1.70 + 0.029 * ((ranged level + cm level + 15) * 0.5))

Level 3
* Requires Shred Blood 5
* Requires Rune Mastery 8
* Requires Bloodsoaked Shots 4
* Radius: 5 Meters
* Damage: (58 + 14.5 * ((ranged level + cm level + 15) * 0.5)) *
          (2.30 + 0.036 * ((ranged level + cm level + 15) * 0.5))

RUNE OF SACRIFICE: "Intrepid Blood Assassins, inspired by circles of 
protection used during summoning rituals, have learned to create a rune that 
allows for augmented fighting abilities -- for a price."

* Area of Effect Targets Enemies or Terrain
* Normal Recharge
* -300% Party Health Regeneration
* Increases damage from normal and power attacks

Level 1
* Requires Mark Mastery 2
* Requires Rune Mastery 3
* Radius: 3.5 meters
* Duration: 10 seconds
* Damage bonus: 30%

Level 2
* Requires Mark Mastery 4
* Requires Rune Mastery 6
* Requires Living Death 1
* Radius: 4 meters
* Duration: 15 seconds
* Damage bonus: 55%

Level 3
* Requires Mark Mastery 6
* Requires Rune Mastery 9
* Requires Living Death 4
* Radius: 4.5 meters
* Duration: 20 seconds
* Damage bonus: 90%

 [4.2.2] Fist of Stone
A Fist of Stone is a modification of the pure defensive tank. Their skills 
and powers are geared more towards defense (increases in health and armor) 
than anything else. A Fist of Stone set up as a sword & shield provoker and 
concentrating on defensive weapon enchant spells can be a pretty good 
replacement for a standard sword & shield fighter.

If you use your nature mage mostly for healing and some buffs (embrace and 
wrath spells), the Fist of Stone can be a passable replacement for a nature 
mage, thus filling two roles in one character (tank and healer). They will 
not be able to match a pure mage in summoning or ice damage.

The two big downsides are the need to spread skill points around three 
classes (fighter, nature mage and fist of stone) and the fact the Fist of 
Stone will lag behind in both fighter and nature mage levels.

TREMOR: "Channeling the forces of nature and stone, a Fist of Stone's melee 
attacks occasionally unleash a minor quake, dealing damage to nearby 

* Requires Melee 8, Nature Magic 6
* Causes Additional Tremor Damage on Some Attacks

 Percentage Chance an Attack Will Cause a Tremor
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 20   | 7    | 25   | 13   | 30   | 19   | 35   | 25   | 40   |
| 2    | 20   | 8    | 25   | 14   | 30   | 20   | 35   | 26   | 40   |
| 3    | 20   | 9    | 25   | 15   | 30   | 21   | 35   | 27   | 40   |
| 4    | 20   | 10   | 30   | 16   | 30   | 22   | 35   | 28   | 40   |
| 5    | 25   | 11   | 30   | 17   | 30   | 23   | 35   | 29   | 40   |
| 6    | 25   | 12   | 30   | 18   | 35   | 24   | 35   | 30   | 40   |

 Tremor Radius
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 1    | 7    | 1.25 | 13   | 1.5  | 19   | 1.5  | 25   | 1.5  |
| 2    | 1    | 8    | 1.25 | 14   | 1.5  | 20   | 1.5  | 26   | 1.5  |
| 3    | 1    | 9    | 1.25 | 15   | 1.5  | 21   | 1.5  | 27   | 1.5  |
| 4    | 1    | 10   | 1.5  | 16   | 1.5  | 22   | 1.5  | 28   | 1.5  |
| 5    | 1.25 | 11   | 1.5  | 17   | 1.5  | 23   | 1.5  | 29   | 1.5  |
| 6    | 1.25 | 12   | 1.5  | 18   | 1.5  | 24   | 1.5  | 30   | 1.5  |

 Tremor Damage Multiplied by Intelligence
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 0.05 | 7    | 0.21 | 13   | 0.33 | 19   | 0.44 | 25   | 0.475|
| 2    | 0.08 | 8    | 0.23 | 14   | 0.35 | 20   | 0.45 | 26   | 0.48 |
| 3    | 0.11 | 9    | 0.25 | 15   | 0.37 | 21   | 0.455| 27   | 0.485|
| 4    | 0.14 | 10   | 0.27 | 16   | 0.39 | 22   | 0.46 | 28   | 0.49 |
| 5    | 0.17 | 11   | 0.29 | 17   | 0.41 | 23   | 0.465| 29   | 0.495|
| 6    | 0.19 | 12   | 0.31 | 18   | 0.43 | 24   | 0.47 | 30   | 0.5  |

CHANT OF STONE: "Fists of Stone draw power from earth and rocks. Training in 
this mantra allows the Fist of Stone to focus that power to fortify his armor 
and increase his health."

* Requires Melee 8, Nature Magic 6
* Increases Armor and Health

 Percentage Increase in Armor Multiplied by Intelligence
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 0.04 | 7    | 0.24 | 13   | 0.4  | 19   | 0.51 | 25   | 0.57 |
| 2    | 0.08 | 8    | 0.27 | 14   | 0.42 | 20   | 0.52 | 26   | 0.58 |
| 3    | 0.12 | 9    | 0.3  | 15   | 0.44 | 21   | 0.53 | 27   | 0.585|
| 4    | 0.15 | 10   | 0.33 | 16   | 0.46 | 22   | 0.54 | 28   | 0.59 |
| 5    | 0.18 | 11   | 0.36 | 17   | 0.48 | 23   | 0.55 | 29   | 0.595|
| 6    | 0.21 | 12   | 0.38 | 18   | 0.5  | 24   | 0.56 | 30   | 0.6  |

 Percentage Increase in Health Multiplied by Intelligence
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 0.1  | 7    | 0.6  | 13   | 0.95 | 19   | 1.21 | 25   | 1.4  |
| 2    | 0.2  | 8    | 0.675| 14   | 1    | 20   | 1.25 | 26   | 1.42 |
| 3    | 0.3  | 9    | 0.75 | 15   | 1.05 | 21   | 1.28 | 27   | 1.44 |
| 4    | 0.375| 10   | 0.8  | 16   | 1.09 | 22   | 1.31 | 28   | 1.46 |
| 5    | 0.45 | 11   | 0.85 | 17   | 1.13 | 23   | 1.34 | 29   | 1.48 |
| 6    | 0.525| 12   | 0.9  | 18   | 1.17 | 24   | 1.37 | 30   | 1.5  |

SOUL OF PROTECTION: "Soul of Protection not only enhances the Fist of Stone's 
defensive weapon enchantments, but also gives him a chance to recover 
instantly after using a defensive power."

* Requires Melee 26, Nature Magic 19, Chant of Stone 1
* Increases Power of Defensive Weapon Enchant Spells
* Gives Chance of Instant Defensive Power Recharge

 Percentage Increase in Defensive Weapon Enchant Spell Power
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 8    | 7    | 50   | 13   | 74   | 19   | 86   | 25   | 95   |
| 2    | 16   | 8    | 56   | 14   | 76   | 20   | 88   | 26   | 96   |
| 3    | 24   | 9    | 60   | 15   | 78   | 21   | 90   | 27   | 97   |
| 4    | 32   | 10   | 64   | 16   | 80   | 22   | 92   | 28   | 98   |
| 5    | 38   | 11   | 68   | 17   | 82   | 23   | 93   | 29   | 99   |
| 6    | 44   | 12   | 72   | 18   | 84   | 24   | 94   | 30   | 100  |

 Percentage Chance of Instant Defensive Power Recharge
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 1.5  | 7    | 6.5  | 13   | 9.4  | 19   | 11.7 | 25   | 13.5 |
| 2    | 2.5  | 8    | 7    | 14   | 9.8  | 20   | 12   | 26   | 13.8 |
| 3    | 3.5  | 9    | 7.5  | 15   | 10.2 | 21   | 12.3 | 27   | 14.1 |
| 4    | 4.5  | 10   | 8    | 16   | 10.6 | 22   | 12.6 | 28   | 14.4 |
| 5    | 5.5  | 11   | 8.5  | 17   | 11   | 23   | 12.9 | 29   | 14.7 |
| 6    | 6    | 12   | 9    | 18   | 11.4 | 24   | 13.2 | 30   | 15   |

SOUL OF STRENGTH: "Soul of Strength imbues the Fist of Stone's offensive 
weapon enchantments with great strength and sometimes allows him to recovery 
instantly after using an offensive power."

* Requires Melee 26, Nature Magic 19
* Increases Power of Offensive Weapon Enchant Spells
* Gives Chance of Instant Offensive Power Recharge

 Percentage Increase in Offensive Weapon Enchant Spell Power
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 8    | 7    | 50   | 13   | 74   | 19   | 86   | 25   | 95   |
| 2    | 16   | 8    | 56   | 14   | 76   | 20   | 88   | 26   | 96   |
| 3    | 24   | 9    | 60   | 15   | 78   | 21   | 90   | 27   | 97   |
| 4    | 32   | 10   | 64   | 16   | 80   | 22   | 92   | 28   | 98   |
| 5    | 38   | 11   | 68   | 17   | 82   | 23   | 93   | 29   | 99   |
| 6    | 44   | 12   | 72   | 18   | 84   | 24   | 94   | 30   | 100  |

 Percentage Chance of Instant Offensive Power Recharge
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 1.5  | 7    | 6.5  | 13   | 9.4  | 19   | 11.7 | 25   | 13.5 |
| 2    | 2.5  | 8    | 7    | 14   | 9.8  | 20   | 12   | 26   | 13.8 |
| 3    | 3.5  | 9    | 7.5  | 15   | 10.2 | 21   | 12.3 | 27   | 14.1 |
| 4    | 4.5  | 10   | 8    | 16   | 10.6 | 22   | 12.6 | 28   | 14.4 |
| 5    | 5.5  | 11   | 8.5  | 17   | 11   | 23   | 12.9 | 29   | 14.7 |
| 6    | 6    | 12   | 9    | 18   | 11.4 | 24   | 13.2 | 30   | 15   |

FAST RECOVERY: "Major setbacks do not deter the determined Fist of Stone. 
They can recover quickly from being knocked unconscious, allowing them to 
heal their companions and return to battle."

* Requires Melee 17, Nature Magic 12, Chant of Stone 1
* Increases rate of health regen while unconscious
* Increases amount of health when gaining consciousness

 Percentage Increase in Unconscious Health Regeneration
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 16   | 7    | 78   | 13   | 120  | 19   | 138  | 25   | 145  |
| 2    | 28   | 8    | 86   | 14   | 124  | 20   | 140  | 26   | 146  |
| 3    | 38   | 9    | 94   | 15   | 128  | 21   | 141  | 27   | 147  |
| 4    | 48   | 10   | 102  | 16   | 132  | 22   | 142  | 28   | 148  |
| 5    | 58   | 11   | 108  | 17   | 134  | 23   | 143  | 29   | 149  |
| 6    | 68   | 12   | 114  | 18   | 136  | 24   | 144  | 30   | 150  |

 Percentage Increase in Gain Consciousness Health
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 10   | 7    | 62   | 13   | 95   | 19   | 121  | 25   | 140  |
| 2    | 20   | 8    | 68   | 14   | 100  | 20   | 125  | 26   | 142  |
| 3    | 30   | 9    | 74   | 15   | 105  | 21   | 128  | 27   | 144  |
| 4    | 38   | 10   | 80   | 16   | 109  | 22   | 131  | 28   | 146  |
| 5    | 46   | 11   | 85   | 17   | 113  | 23   | 134  | 29   | 148  |
| 6    | 54   | 12   | 90   | 18   | 117  | 24   | 137  | 30   | 150  |

QUAKE: "The Fist of Stone Raknor Earthdelver perfected his Tremor skill, 
causing it to crack the earth with even greater force. Many students learned 
his techniques before his passing."

* Requires Melee 36, Nature Magic 29, Tremor 1
* Increases Tremor Radius & Damage

 Percentage Increase in Tremor Radius
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 0.25 | 7    | 0.5  | 13   | 0.75 | 19   | 1    | 25   | 1    |
| 2    | 0.25 | 8    | 0.5  | 14   | 0.75 | 20   | 1    | 26   | 1    |
| 3    | 0.25 | 9    | 0.5  | 15   | 1    | 21   | 1    | 27   | 1    |
| 4    | 0.25 | 10   | 0.75 | 16   | 1    | 22   | 1    | 28   | 1    |
| 5    | 0.5  | 11   | 0.75 | 17   | 1    | 23   | 1    | 29   | 1    |
| 6    | 0.5  | 12   | 0.75 | 18   | 1    | 24   | 1    | 30   | 1    |

 Percentage Increase in Tremor Damage
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 5    | 7    | 23   | 13   | 35   | 19   | 44   | 25   | 47.5 |
| 2    | 9    | 8    | 25   | 14   | 37   | 20   | 45   | 26   | 48   |
| 3    | 13   | 9    | 27   | 15   | 39   | 21   | 45.5 | 27   | 48.5 |
| 4    | 16   | 10   | 29   | 16   | 41   | 22   | 46   | 28   | 49   |
| 5    | 19   | 11   | 31   | 17   | 42   | 23   | 46.5 | 29   | 49.5 |
| 6    | 21   | 12   | 33   | 18   | 43   | 24   | 47   | 30   | 50   |

IMPROVED FAULT LINE: "Through meditation and practice, a Fist of Stone can 
maintain a Fault Line longer than normal, keeping its victims stunned."

* One point skill
* Requires Melee 8, Nature Magic 6, Tremor 6
* Increases Fault Line duration by 3 seconds

HEALING HANDS: "Channeling life and strength through his hands, a Fist of 
Stone can return mortally wounded soldiers to battle within seconds."

* One point skill
* Requires Melee 17, Nature Magic 12, Chant of Stone 4, Fast Recovery 6
* Increases healing effectiveness by 125%

STRENGTH OF THE MOUNTAIN: "Tapping into the enduring power of the earth, 
warriors of stone enhance both their body's strength and their mind's 

* One point skill
* Requires Melee 26, Nature Magic 19, Chant of Stone 6, Soul of Protection 4
* +16 Strength
* +12 Intelligence

IMPROVED TREMOR: "The greatest Fists of Stone wade fearlessly in to hordes of 
foes, causing the earth to shudder with each blow."

* One point skill
* Requires Melee 36, Nature Magic 29, Tremor 8, Soul of Strength 4, Quake 4
* +15 Tremor Damage

GROUNDSHAKER: "Raknor Earthdelver was called the 'Groundshaker'. When he 
unleashed his strongest powers, the destruction was fearsome."

* One point skill
* Requires Melee 36, Nature Magic 29, Tremor 8, Soul of Protection 2, Quake 6
* +0.5 Meters Earthquake Aura Radius
* +0.75 Meters Eruption Radius

STONE FORM: "A Fist of Stone's initial training is only considered complete 
when he masters the ability to transform his allies into stone juggernauts 
with intimidating strength and resilience."

* Automatically Enhances Allies
* Normal Recharge

Level 1
* Requires Chant of Stone 1
* Duration 10 Seconds
* Radius 12 Meters
* Strength Bonus for Allies:
  0.75 * 0.7 / 2.8 * (50 + 10.6 * ((melee level + nm level + 15) * 0.5)) / 3
* Additional Strength Bonus for Self:
  0.5 * 0.7 / 2.8 * (50 + 10.6 * ((melee level + nm level + 15) * 0.5)) / 3
* Armor Bonus for Allies:
  0.75 * 0.7 * (16 + 4 * ((melee level + nm level + 15) * 0.5)) / 2
* Additional Armor Bonus for Self:
  0.5 * 1.1 * (16 + 4 * ((melee level + nm level + 15) * 0.5)) / 2

Level 2
* Requires Chant of Stone 3
* Requires Fast Recovery 3
* Duration 10 Seconds
* Radius 12 Meters
* Strength Bonus for Allies:
  0.75 * 1.1 / 2.8 * (50 + 10.6 * ((melee level + nm level + 15) * 0.5)) / 3
* Additional Strength Bonus for Self:
  0.5 * 1.1 / 2.8 * (50 + 10.6 * ((melee level + nm level + 15) * 0.5)) / 3
* Armor Bonus for Allies:
  0.75 * 1.1 * (16 + 4 * ((melee level + nm level + 15) * 0.5)) / 2
* Additional Armor Bonus for Self:
  0.5 * 1.1 * (16 + 4 * ((melee level + nm level + 15) * 0.5)) / 2

Level 3
* Requires Chant of Stone 8
* Requires Fast Recovery 5
* Requires Soul of Protection 4
* Duration 10 Seconds
* Radius 12 Meters
* Strength Bonus for Allies:
  0.75 * 1.5 / 2.8 * (50 + 10.6 * ((melee level + nm level + 15) * 0.5)) / 3
* Additional Strength Bonus for Self:
  0.5 * 1.5 / 2.8 * (50 + 10.6 * ((melee level + nm level + 15) * 0.5)) / 3
* Armor Bonus for Allies:
  0.75 * 1.5 * (16 + 4 * ((melee level + nm level + 15) * 0.5)) / 2
* Additional Armor Bonus for Self:
  0.5 * 1.5 * (16 + 4 * ((melee level + nm level + 15) * 0.5)) / 2

EARTHQUAKE AURA: "Earthquake Aura causes the ground around the Fist of Stone 
to ripple and shake with his rage, destroying everything around him as he 
wades into battle."

* Automatically Enhances Self
* Slow Recharge

Level 1
* Requires Tremor 3
* Duration 10 Seconds
* Radius 2.5 Meters
* Damage: (4.0 + 1.00 * ((melee level + nm level + 15) * 0.5)) * 
          (1.2 + 0.015 * ((melee level + nm level + 15) * 0.5))

Level 2
* Requires Tremor 6
* Requires Soul of Strength 3
* Duration 12 Seconds
* Radius 2.5 Meters
* Damage: (3.3 + 0.83 * ((melee level + nm level + 15) * 0.5)) *
          (1.7 + 0.029 * ((melee level + nm level + 15) * 0.5))

Level 3
* Requires Tremor 9
* Requires Soul of Strength 4
* Requires Quake 5
* Duration 12 Seconds
* Radius 2.5 Meters
* Damage: (3.3 + 0.83 * ((melee level + nm level + 15) * 0.5)) *
          (1.9 + 0.036 * ((melee level + nm level + 15) * 0.5))

FAULT LINE: "A Fist of Stone need only gesture to create a Fault Line in the 
earth. The ground along the line trembles and shakes, stunning and pummeling 
any enemy that tries to cross it."

* Targets Terrain
* Normal Recharge

Level 1
* Requires Tremor 3
* Requires Fast Recovery 1
* Duration 6 Seconds
* Length 4 Meters
* DPS: (3.0 + 0.75 * ((melee level + nm level + 15) * 0.5)) *
       (2.25 + 0.015 * ((melee level + nm level + 15) * 0.5))

Level 2
* Requires Tremor 7
* Requires Fast Recovery 3
* Requires Quake 1
* Duration 9 Seconds
* Length 6 Meters
* DPS: (2.4 + 0.60 * ((melee level + nm level + 15) * 0.5)) *
       (2.65 + 0.029 * ((melee level + nm level + 15) * 0.5))

Level 3
* Requires Tremor 10
* Requires Fast Recovery 5
* Requires Quake 4
* Duration 12 Seconds
* Length 8 Meters
* DPS: (2.0 + 0.50 * ((melee level + nm level + 15) * 0.5)) *
       (2.90 + 0.036 * ((melee level + nm level + 15) * 0.5))

ERUPTION: "Dark times require drastic measures. The Fist of Stone causes huge 
blocks of earth to rise up around him, encasing opponents in stone and 
inflicting tremendous damage."

* Automatically Strikes Enemies around Self
* Slow Recharge

Level 1
* Requires Soul of Strength 1
* Requires Soul of Protection 1
* Radius 2.75 Meters
* Petrify Duration 4 Seconds
* Damage: (144 + 24 * ((melee level + nm level + 15) * 0.5)) *
          (2.25 + 0.015 * ((melee level + nm level + 15) * 0.5))

Level 2
* Requires Soul of Strength 6
* Requires Soul of Protection 6
* Requires Quake 4
* Radius 3.25 Meters
* Petrify Duration 6 Seconds
* Damage: (108 + 18 * ((melee level + nm level + 15) * 0.5)) *
          (2.65 + 0.029 * ((melee level + nm level + 15) * 0.5))

Level 3
* Requires Soul of Strength 8
* Requires Soul of Protection 8
* Requires Quake 7
* Radius 4 Meters
* Petrify Duration 8 Seconds
* Damage: (96 + 16 * ((melee level + nm level + 15) * 0.5)) *
          (2.90 + 0.036 * ((melee level + nm level + 15) * 0.5))

*NOTE* Following are the new skill tables and power effects introduced with 
Broken World. You will use these tables when playing DS2 if you launch the 
game using the Broken World interface.

 [4.2.3] Fighter Skill Tables & Powers

FORTITUDE: "Ancient Half-Giant warriors developed grueling training regimens 
to toughen their bodies, allowing them to withstand an unnatural amount of 

* Requires Melee level 1
* Increases maximum health

 Percentage Increase in Max Health
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 4    | 7    | 17   | 13   | 23   | 19   | 29   | 25   | 32.5 |
| 2    | 7    | 8    | 18   | 14   | 24   | 20   | 30   | 26   | 33   |
| 3    | 10   | 9    | 19   | 15   | 25   | 21   | 30.5 | 27   | 33.25|
| 4    | 12   | 10   | 20   | 16   | 26   | 22   | 31   | 28   | 33.5 |
| 5    | 14   | 11   | 21   | 17   | 27   | 23   | 31.5 | 29   | 33.75|
| 6    | 16   | 12   | 22   | 18   | 28   | 24   | 32   | 30   | 34   |

CRITICAL STRIKE: "Using techniques developed by Elven masters, skillful 
warriors can occasionally slip their weapons through weaknesses in their 
enemies' defenses, dealing double damage with a single attack."

* Requires Melee level 1
* Provides Chance of a Critical Hit
* Critical hits do 200% damage unless modified by Deadly Strike

 Percentage Chance of Critical Hit
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 6    | 7    | 27   | 13   | 39   | 19   | 47   | 25   | 52.5 |
| 2    | 11   | 8    | 29.5 | 14   | 40.5 | 20   | 48   | 26   | 53   |
| 3    | 15   | 9    | 32   | 15   | 42   | 21   | 49   | 27   | 53.5 |
| 4    | 18.5 | 10   | 34   | 16   | 43.5 | 22   | 50   | 28   | 54   |
| 5    | 21.5 | 11   | 36   | 17   | 45   | 23   | 51   | 29   | 54.5 |
| 6    | 24.5 | 12   | 37.5 | 18   | 46   | 24   | 52   | 30   | 55   |

BARRICADE: "The training of Snowbrook Haven elite knights teaches them to 
wield their shields with unparalleled strength and tenacity. Phalanxes of 
knights can turn away nearly any attack."

* Requires Fortitude level 1
* Requires Melee level 5
* Character can equip shields
* Increases shield defense
* Increases chance to block melee and ranged attacks

 Percentage Increase in Shield Armor
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 10   | 7    | 44   | 13   | 65   | 19   | 79   | 25   | 87   |
| 2    | 18   | 8    | 48   | 14   | 68   | 20   | 81   | 26   | 88   |
| 3    | 24   | 9    | 52   | 15   | 71   | 21   | 83   | 27   | 89   |
| 4    | 30   | 10   | 56   | 16   | 73   | 22   | 84   | 28   | 90   |
| 5    | 35   | 11   | 59   | 17   | 75   | 23   | 85   | 29   | 91   |
| 6    | 40   | 12   | 62   | 18   | 77   | 24   | 86   | 30   | 92   |

 Percentage Increase in Chance to Block Melee Attack
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 2    | 7    | 11   | 13   | 16   | 19   | 18.6 | 25   | 20.8 |
| 2    | 4    | 8    | 12   | 14   | 16.5 | 20   | 19   | 26   | 21.1 |
| 3    | 6    | 9    | 13   | 15   | 17   | 21   | 19.4 | 27   | 21.4 |
| 4    | 8    | 10   | 14   | 16   | 17.4 | 22   | 19.8 | 28   | 21.6 |
| 5    | 9    | 11   | 15   | 17   | 17.8 | 23   | 20.2 | 29   | 21.8 |
| 6    | 10   | 12   | 15.5 | 18   | 18.2 | 24   | 20.5 | 30   | 22   |

 Percentage Increase in Chance to Block Ranged Attack
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 2    | 7    | 11   | 13   | 16   | 19   | 18.6 | 25   | 20.8 |
| 2    | 4    | 8    | 12   | 14   | 16.5 | 20   | 19   | 26   | 21.1 |
| 3    | 6    | 9    | 13   | 15   | 17   | 21   | 19.4 | 27   | 21.4 |
| 4    | 8    | 10   | 14   | 16   | 17.4 | 22   | 19.8 | 28   | 21.6 |
| 5    | 9    | 11   | 15   | 17   | 17.8 | 23   | 20.2 | 29   | 21.8 |
| 6    | 10   | 12   | 15.5 | 18   | 18.2 | 24   | 20.5 | 30   | 22   |

OVERBEAR: "Warriors who have mastered this skill can channel all their rage 
and anger into their attacks, adding huge power to every devastating two-
handed blow."

* Requires Critical Strike level 1
* Requires Melee level 5
* Character can equip two-handed melee weapons
* Increases two-handed melee weapon damage

 Percentage Increase in 2h Weapon Damage
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 7    | 7    | 28   | 13   | 41   | 19   | 49   | 25   | 53.5 |
| 2    | 12   | 8    | 30.5 | 14   | 42.5 | 20   | 50   | 26   | 54   |
| 3    | 16   | 9    | 33   | 15   | 44   | 21   | 51   | 27   | 54.3 |
| 4    | 19.5 | 10   | 35   | 16   | 45.5 | 22   | 52   | 28   | 54.6 |
| 5    | 22.5 | 11   | 37   | 17   | 47   | 23   | 52.5 | 29   | 54.8 |
| 6    | 25.5 | 12   | 39   | 18   | 48   | 24   | 53   | 30   | 55   |

DUAL WIELD: "Elven warriors have long known techniques for wielding melee 
weapons in both hands. They require strength, coordination, and a reckless 
mindset willing to sacrifice defense for an extra blade."

* Requires Critical Strike level 1
* Requires Melee level 5
* Character can equip one-handed melee weapons in both hands
* Increases dual-wield weapon damage

 Percentage Increase in Dual Wield Damage
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 7    | 7    | 38   | 13   | 58   | 19   | 69   | 25   | 75   |
| 2    | 13   | 8    | 42   | 14   | 60   | 20   | 70   | 26   | 76   |
| 3    | 19   | 9    | 46   | 15   | 62   | 21   | 71   | 27   | 76.5 |
| 4    | 24   | 10   | 49   | 16   | 64   | 22   | 72   | 28   | 77   |
| 5    | 29   | 11   | 52   | 17   | 66   | 23   | 73   | 29   | 77.5 |
| 6    | 34   | 12   | 55   | 18   | 68   | 24   | 74   | 30   | 78   |

TOUGHNESS: "Tales tell of a Half-Giant wanderer who could survive in any 
climate and shrug off many attacks entirely. He taught his secrets to those 
he met on his journeys, and they live on long after he has disappeared."

* Requires Fortitude level 1
* Requires Melee level 12
* Increases physical damage resistance

 Percentage Increase in Physical Damage Resistance
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 2    | 7    | 11   | 13   | 16.25| 19   | 19.5 | 25   | 21.3 |
| 2    | 4    | 8    | 12   | 14   | 17   | 20   | 20   | 26   | 21.5 |
| 3    | 6    | 9    | 13   | 15   | 17.5 | 21   | 20.5 | 27   | 21.7 |
| 4    | 7.5  | 10   | 14   | 16   | 18   | 22   | 20.7 | 28   | 21.8 |
| 5    | 9    | 11   | 14.75| 17   | 18.5 | 23   | 20.9 | 29   | 21.9 |
| 6    | 10   | 12   | 15.5 | 18   | 19   | 24   | 21.1 | 30   | 22   |

ALACRITY: "Gifted Elven Blademasters can harness the wind itself to hasten 
their attacks. Masters of this skill appear to be no more than a blur as they 
cut through their opponents."

* Requires Dual Wield level 1
* Requires Melee level 12
* Increases melee weapon attack speed

 Percentage Increase in Melee Attack Speed
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 3    | 7    | 11   | 13   | 16.75| 19   | 20.5 | 25   | 23.5 |
| 2    | 5    | 8    | 12   | 14   | 17.5 | 20   | 21   | 26   | 24   |
| 3    | 7    | 9    | 13   | 15   | 18.25| 21   | 21.5 | 27   | 24.25|
| 4    | 8    | 10   | 14   | 16   | 19   | 22   | 22   | 28   | 24.5 |
| 5    | 9    | 11   | 15   | 17   | 19.5 | 23   | 22.5 | 29   | 24.75|
| 6    | 10   | 12   | 16   | 18   | 20   | 24   | 23   | 30   | 25   |

REINFORCED ARMOR: "The soldiers of Windstone Fortress learned to modify their 
armor to enhance its effectiveness and often emerged unscathed from even the 
most catastrophic battles."

* Requires Barricade level 1
* Requires Melee level 24
* Increases armor rating

 Percentage Increase in Armor
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 3    | 7    | 13   | 13   | 18.5 | 19   | 21.5 | 25   | 24.5 |
| 2    | 5    | 8    | 14   | 14   | 19   | 20   | 22   | 26   | 24.8 |
| 3    | 7    | 9    | 15   | 15   | 19.5 | 21   | 22.5 | 27   | 25.1 |
| 4    | 9    | 10   | 16   | 16   | 20   | 22   | 23   | 28   | 25.4 |
| 5    | 11   | 11   | 17   | 17   | 20.5 | 23   | 23.5 | 29   | 25.7 |
| 6    | 12   | 12   | 18   | 18   | 21   | 24   | 24   | 30   | 26   |

SMITE: "In the days after the cataclysm, a roaming band of barbarians used 
focused attacks from two-handed weapons to stun prey. Would-be thieves 
discovered they were equally effective on human opponents."

* Requires Overbear level 1
* Requires Toughness level 1
* Requires Melee level 24
* Can only be used with a two-handed melee weapon
* Gives chance to stun target

 Percentage Chance to Stun with 2h Weapon Attack
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 5    | 7    | 28   | 13   | 42   | 19   | 49   | 25   | 53.5 |
| 2    | 10   | 8    | 31   | 14   | 44   | 20   | 50   | 26   | 54   |
| 3    | 14   | 9    | 34   | 15   | 45   | 21   | 51   | 27   | 54.5 |
| 4    | 18   | 10   | 36   | 16   | 46   | 22   | 52   | 28   | 55   |
| 5    | 22   | 11   | 38   | 17   | 47   | 23   | 52.5 | 29   | 55.5 |
| 6    | 25   | 12   | 40   | 18   | 48   | 24   | 53   | 30   | 56   |

 Stun Duration in Seconds
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 1    | 7    | 1.25 | 13   | 1.5  | 19   | 1.75 | 25   | 2    |
| 2    | 1    | 8    | 1.25 | 14   | 1.5  | 20   | 1.75 | 26   | 2    |
| 3    | 1    | 9    | 1.25 | 15   | 1.5  | 21   | 1.75 | 27   | 2    |
| 4    | 1    | 10   | 1.25 | 16   | 1.75 | 22   | 1.75 | 28   | 2    |
| 5    | 1    | 11   | 1.5  | 17   | 1.75 | 23   | 1.75 | 29   | 2    |
| 6    | 1.25 | 12   | 1.5  | 18   | 1.75 | 24   | 1.75 | 30   | 2    |

FIERCE RENEWAL: "Berserkers are always on the verge of flying into a blinding 
rage. They do not see this as a liability, but use their anger to recover 
from their most powerful attacks more quickly than normal."

* Requires Alacrity level 1
* Requires Melee level 24
* Increases recovery rate of melee powers

 Percentage Increase in Melee Power Recovery Rate
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 3    | 7    | 12   | 13   | 17.5 | 19   | 20.5 | 25   | 23.3 |
| 2    | 5    | 8    | 13   | 14   | 18   | 20   | 21   | 26   | 23.7 |
| 3    | 6.5  | 9    | 14   | 15   | 18.5 | 21   | 21.5 | 27   | 24.1 |
| 4    | 8    | 10   | 15   | 16   | 19   | 22   | 22   | 28   | 24.4 |
| 5    | 9.5  | 11   | 16   | 17   | 19.5 | 23   | 22.5 | 29   | 24.7 |
| 6    | 11   | 12   | 17   | 18   | 20   | 24   | 22.9 | 30   | 25   |

REBUKE: "The final stage in the training of Snowbrook Haven elite soldiers is 
learning to use their shield as a weapon, striking back at those whose 
attacks they block and knocking them senseless."

* Requires Reinforced Armor level 1
* Requires Melee level 36
* Rebukes opponent (causes damage and stuns target) when character blocks a 
melee attack

 Rebuke Damage Multiplied by Melee Level
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 0.3  | 7    | 1.5  | 13   | 2.06 | 19   | 2.44 | 25   | 2.8  |
| 2    | 0.6  | 8    | 1.6  | 14   | 2.14 | 20   | 2.5  | 26   | 2.84 |
| 3    | 0.8  | 9    | 1.7  | 15   | 2.2  | 21   | 2.56 | 27   | 2.88 |
| 4    | 1    | 10   | 1.8  | 16   | 2.26 | 22   | 2.62 | 28   | 2.92 |
| 5    | 1.2  | 11   | 1.9  | 17   | 2.32 | 23   | 2.68 | 29   | 2.96 |
| 6    | 1.35 | 12   | 1.98 | 18   | 2.38 | 24   | 2.74 | 30   | 3    |

 Rebuke Stun Time in Seconds
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 1    | 7    | 1.25 | 13   | 1.5  | 19   | 1.75 | 25   | 2    |
| 2    | 1    | 8    | 1.25 | 14   | 1.5  | 20   | 2    | 26   | 2    |
| 3    | 1    | 9    | 1.25 | 15   | 1.5  | 21   | 2    | 27   | 2    |
| 4    | 1    | 10   | 1.25 | 16   | 1.75 | 22   | 2    | 28   | 2    |
| 5    | 1    | 11   | 1.5  | 17   | 1.75 | 23   | 2    | 29   | 2    |
| 6    | 1.25 | 12   | 1.5  | 18   | 1.75 | 24   | 2    | 30   | 2    |

DEADLY STRIKE: "Expert warriors learn to take every opportunity they can, as 
each could be their last. Whenever Elven Blademasters breach their enemies' 
defenses, the strike is incredibly devastating."

* Requires Critical Strike level 1
* Requires Melee level 36
* Increases critical hit damage

 Critical Hit Damage (in Percent)
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 224  | 7    | 296  | 13   | 332  | 19   | 350  | 25   | 362  |
| 2    | 242  | 8    | 303  | 14   | 336  | 20   | 352  | 26   | 364  |
| 3    | 256  | 9    | 310  | 15   | 340  | 21   | 354  | 27   | 366  |
| 4    | 268  | 10   | 316  | 16   | 343  | 22   | 356  | 28   | 368  |
| 5    | 279  | 11   | 322  | 17   | 346  | 23   | 358  | 29   | 369  |
| 6    | 288  | 12   | 327  | 18   | 348  | 24   | 360  | 30   | 370  |

BRUTAL ATTACK: "Though originated by Half-Giant warriors, many warriors learn 
this technique. Focusing all their strength into their next attack, fighters 
deal massive damage with a single, brutal strike."

* Can only be used with a melee weapon
* Automatically Enhances Next Attack
* Fast Recharge

Level 1
* Requires Critical Strike 1
* Damage % Bonus 1500 + 25 * Melee Level

Level 2
* Requires Critical Strike 5
* Damage % Bonus 1750 + 48 * Melee Level

Level 3
* Requires Critical Strike 8
* Damage % Bonus 2000 + 60 * Melee Level

PROVOKE: "Knights protect their allies by using their shields to provoke 
nearby enemies, causing them to become angry and attack the knight. The 
knight's concentration also temporarily increases his armor."

* Can only be used when equipped with a shield
* Automatically Provokes Enemies around Self
* Very Fast Recharge

Level 1
* Requires Barricade 1
* Radius 6 meters
* Armor bonus 25%
* Armor bonus duration 5 seconds

Level 2
* Requires Barricade 6
* Requires Toughness 4
* Radius 7 meters
* Armor bonus 30%
* Armor bonus duration 8 seconds

Level 3
* Requires Barricade 10
* Requires Toughness 10
* Requires Rebuke 5
* Radius 8 meters
* Armor bonus 50%
* Armor bonus duration 10 seconds

WHIRLING STRIKE: "A legendary fighter known only as the Tempest of Tel'kilae 
originated this technique, in which the fighter whirls his weapons in a 
circle, damaging and briefly stunning all nearby enemies."

* Can only be used with a melee weapon
* Automatically Strikes Enemies around Self
* Stuns enemies for 1.5 seconds
* Normal Recharge

Level 1
* Requires Critical Strike 6
* Requires Fortitude 8
* Radius 3 meters
* Damage percentage 920 + 9 * Melee Level

Level 2
* Requires Critical Strike 8
* Requires Fortitude 10
* Requires Reinforced Armor 6
* Radius 3.5 meters
* Damage percentage 1070 + 15.4 * Melee Level

Level 3
* Requires Critical Strike 12
* Requires Fortitude 12
* Requires Reinforced Armor 12
* Radius 4 meters
* Damage percentage 1400 + 19 * Melee Level

STAGGERING BLOW: "When a two-handed weapon master activates this ability, his 
next attack will be a Staggering Blow. He slams his weapon into his target, 
creating a shockwave that stuns any enemies caught within it."

* Can only be used with a two-handed melee weapon
* Automatically Enhances Next Attack
* Normal Recharge

Level 1
* Requires Overbear 1
* Stun duration 6 seconds
* Stun radius 3.0 meters
* Damage percentage 400 + 7 * Melee Level

Level 2
* Requires Overbear 5
* Requires Toughness 4
* Stun duration 8 seconds
* Stun radius 3.7 meters
* Damage percentage 425 + 10 * Melee Level

Level 3
* Requires Overbear 12
* Requires Toughness 10
* Requires Smite 8
* Stun duration 10 seconds
* Stun radius 4.5 meters
* Damage percentage 800 + 12 * Melee Level

WARCRY: "Barbarians of the Plain of Tears can unleash a deafening war cry, 
energizing themselves and terrifying their enemies, causing them to run in 
fear and leave their defenses open for a short time."

* Can only be used with a melee weapon
* Cone Effect Targets an Enemy or Terrain
* Enemies Flee in Fear
* Effects Last for 20 Seconds
* Normal Recharge

Level 1
* Requires Critical Strike 8
* Requires Smite 1
* Enemy armor reduced by 35%
* 8% of attacks are critical hits

Level 2
* Requires Critical Strike 12
* Requires Smite 8
* Requires Deadly Strike 2
* Enemy armor reduced by 50%
* 12% of attacks are critical hits

Level 3
* Requires Critical Strike 12
* Requires Smite 12
* Requires Deadly Strike 8
* Enemy armor reduced by 60%
* 15% of attacks are critical hits

WAVES OF FORCE: "A student of Elven dual-weapon techniques learns to perform 
a beautiful sequence of rapid swings, each creating a wave of force that 
rushes out in front of her, tearing apart enemies caught in its wake."

* Can only be used when dual-wielding two weapons
* Targets an Enemy or Terrain
* 5 Waves
* Range: 12 meters
* Normal Recharge

Level 1
* Requires Dual Wield 1
* Damage percentage per Wave 150 + 2.7 * Melee Level

Level 2
* Requires Dual Wield 5
* Requires Alacrity 4
* Damage percentage per Wave 208 + 5.1 * Melee Level

Level 3
* Requires Dual Wield 10
* Requires Alacrity 10
* Requires Deadly Strike 8
* Damage percentage per Wave 360 + 6.4 * Melee Level

ELEMENTAL RAGE: "The highest art of the Elven Blademaster is a meditative 
frenzy that causes elemental energy to manifest in his weapons and speeds his 
attacks. Ignoring his own defense, he leaps into battle."

* Can only be used when dual-wielding two weapons
* Automatically Enhances Self
* Power Duration 15 Seconds
* Adds Fire, Ice and Lightning Damage to Attacks
* Increases Rate of Attacks
* Increases Vulnerability to Melee and Ranged Damage
* Slow Recharge

Level 1
* Requires Critical Strike 8
* Requires Fierce Renewal 2
* Attack rate bonus 10%
* Melee and ranged damage vulnerability 12%
* Min damage (3.7 + 0.90 * Melee Level) * (2.0 + 0.015 * Melee Level)
* Max damage (6.2 + 1.54 * Melee Level) * (2.0 + 0.015 * Melee Level)

Level 2
* Requires Critical Strike 10
* Requires Fierce Renewal 6
* Requires Deadly Strike 1
* Attack rate bonus 15%
* Melee and ranged damage vulnerability 15%
* Min damage (3.6 + 0.87 * Melee Level) * (2.0 + 0.029 * Melee Level)
* Max damage (5.9 + 1.48 * Melee Level) * (2.0 + 0.029 * Melee Level)

Level 3
* Requires Critical Strike 14
* Requires Fierce Renewal 12
* Requires Deadly Strike 12
* Attack rate bonus 20%
* Melee and ranged damage vulnerability 20%
* Min damage (3.4 + 0.83 * Melee Level) * (2.5 + 0.036 * Melee Level)
* Max damage (5.7 + 1.42 * Melee Level) * (2.5 + 0.036 * Melee Level)

 [4.2.4] Ranger Skill Tables & Powers

CRITICAL SHOT: "Skilled adventurers practice a form of battle meditation, 
focusing their mind and allowing them to occasionally strike vulnerable areas, 
dealing twice-normal damage with any ranged weapon."

* Requires Ranged level 1
* Provides Chance of a Critical Hit
* Critical Hits do 200% Damage Unless Modified by Mortal Wound

 Percentage Chance of Critical Hit
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 6    | 7    | 27   | 13   | 40   | 19   | 48   | 25   | 52.5 |
| 2    | 11   | 8    | 29.5 | 14   | 41.5 | 20   | 49   | 26   | 53   |
| 3    | 15   | 9    | 32   | 15   | 43   | 21   | 50   | 27   | 53.5 |
| 4    | 18.5 | 10   | 34   | 16   | 44.5 | 22   | 51   | 28   | 54   |
| 5    | 21.5 | 11   | 36   | 17   | 46   | 23   | 51.5 | 29   | 54.5 |
| 6    | 24.5 | 12   | 38   | 18   | 47   | 24   | 52   | 30   | 55   |

DODGE: "Dryad hunters look with some amusement upon all the armor warriors 
wear to survive an attack. They feel it's best to simply move out of the 

* Requires Ranged level 1
* Chance to Dodge Melee or Ranged Attacks

 Percentage Chance to Dodge an Attack
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 3    | 7    | 16   | 13   | 22   | 19   | 27.5 | 25   | 30.5 |
| 2    | 6    | 8    | 17   | 14   | 23   | 20   | 28   | 26   | 31   |
| 3    | 9    | 9    | 18   | 15   | 24   | 21   | 28.5 | 27   | 31.25|
| 4    | 11   | 10   | 19   | 16   | 25   | 22   | 29   | 28   | 31.5 |
| 5    | 13   | 11   | 20   | 17   | 26   | 23   | 29.5 | 29   | 31.75|
| 6    | 15   | 12   | 21   | 18   | 27   | 24   | 30   | 30   | 32   |

BITING ARROW: "When a student of archery chooses to master the bow and 
crossbow, his battle meditation takes on a new purpose. His arrows seem 
propelled by unseen winds and strike with thunderous force."

* Requires Ranged level 5
* Requires Critical Shot level 1
* Character can Equip Crossbow
* Bow and Crossbow Damage Increased

 Percentage Increase in Bow/Crossbow Damage
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 7    | 7    | 27   | 13   | 38.5 | 19   | 47   | 25   | 52.5 |
| 2    | 12   | 8    | 29   | 14   | 40   | 20   | 48   | 26   | 53   |
| 3    | 16   | 9    | 31   | 15   | 41.5 | 21   | 49   | 27   | 53.5 |
| 4    | 19   | 10   | 33   | 16   | 43   | 22   | 50   | 28   | 54   |
| 5    | 22   | 11   | 35   | 17   | 44.5 | 23   | 51   | 29   | 54.5 |
| 6    | 25   | 12   | 37   | 18   | 46   | 24   | 52   | 30   | 55   |

QUICK DRAW: "A Dryad hunter's training is considered complete only when she 
can accurately throw three daggers in the space of a single breath."

* Requires Ranged level 5
* Requires Critical Shot level 1
* Character can Equip Thrown Weapons
* Thrown Weapon Firing Rate Increased

 Percentage Increase in Attack Speed with Thrown Weapon
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 3    | 7    | 11   | 13   | 16.75| 19   | 20.5 | 25   | 23.5 |
| 2    | 5    | 8    | 12   | 14   | 17.5 | 20   | 21   | 26   | 24   |
| 3    | 7    | 9    | 13   | 15   | 18.25| 21   | 21.5 | 27   | 24.25|
| 4    | 8    | 10   | 14   | 16   | 19   | 22   | 22   | 28   | 24.5 |
| 5    | 9    | 11   | 15   | 17   | 19.5 | 23   | 22.5 | 29   | 24.75|
| 6    | 10   | 12   | 16   | 18   | 20   | 24   | 23   | 30   | 25   |

FAR SHOT: "It is said that the archers of the Elven town of Haelea can put an 
arrow through the eye of a foe that is barely visible on the horizon. Archers 
have traveled there for generations to learn their secrets."

* Requires Ranged level 12
* Requires Biting Arrow level 1
* Bow and Crossbow Range Increased

 Percentage Increase in Bow/Crossbow Range
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 5    | 7    | 25   | 13   | 39   | 19   | 51   | 25   | 57   |
| 2    | 9    | 8    | 28   | 14   | 41   | 20   | 52   | 26   | 58   |
| 3    | 13   | 9    | 31   | 15   | 43   | 21   | 53   | 27   | 58.5 |
| 4    | 16   | 10   | 33   | 16   | 45   | 22   | 54   | 28   | 59   |
| 5    | 19   | 11   | 35   | 17   | 47   | 23   | 55   | 29   | 59.5 |
| 6    | 22   | 12   | 37   | 18   | 49   | 24   | 56   | 30   | 60   |

BLEED: "Thrown weapon masters prefer to get close to their targets so they 
can aim at major veins and arteries. An accurate strike causes their target 
to bleed away health for several seconds after the attack"

* Requires Ranged level 12
* Requires Quick Draw level 1
* Gives Chance to Cause Bleed Damage
* Bleed Duration 4 Seconds

 Bleed Damage Multiplied by Dexterity
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 0.05 | 7    | 0.27 | 13   | 0.4  | 19   | 0.47 | 25   | 0.525|
| 2    | 0.09 | 8    | 0.295| 14   | 0.415| 20   | 0.48 | 26   | 0.53 |
| 3    | 0.13 | 9    | 0.32 | 15   | 0.43 | 21   | 0.49 | 27   | 0.535|
| 4    | 0.17 | 10   | 0.34 | 16   | 0.44 | 22   | 0.5  | 28   | 0.54 |
| 5    | 0.21 | 11   | 0.36 | 17   | 0.45 | 23   | 0.51 | 29   | 0.545|
| 6    | 0.24 | 12   | 0.38 | 18   | 0.46 | 24   | 0.52 | 30   | 0.55 |

 Percentage Chance of Causing Bleed Damage
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 10   | 7    | 25   | 13   | 25   | 19   | 25   | 25   | 25   |
| 2    | 15   | 8    | 25   | 14   | 25   | 20   | 25   | 26   | 25   |
| 3    | 18   | 9    | 25   | 15   | 25   | 21   | 25   | 27   | 25   |
| 4    | 22   | 10   | 25   | 16   | 25   | 22   | 25   | 28   | 25   |
| 5    | 25   | 11   | 25   | 17   | 25   | 23   | 25   | 29   | 25   |
| 6    | 25   | 12   | 25   | 18   | 25   | 24   | 25   | 30   | 25   |

SURVIVAL: "Since their travels take them far from home, rangers train to 
survive long periods in the wild. They develop a resistance to extreme 
weather and learn to distill certain berries and fruits into health potions."

* Requires Ranged level 5
* Increases Fire, Ice and Lightning Resistance
* Character can Harvest Health Potions
  - Small potions at skill levels 1 - 4
  - Medium potions at skill levels 5 - 8
  - Large potions at skill levels 9 - 11
  - Super potions at skill levels 12 - 15
  - Colossal potions at skill levels 16 - 19
  - Twice as many colossal potions at skill level 20

 Percentage Increase in Fire, Ice and Lightning Damage Resistance
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 4    | 7    | 20   | 13   | 29   | 19   | 35   | 25   | 38.5 |
| 2    | 8    | 8    | 22   | 14   | 30   | 20   | 36   | 26   | 39   |
| 3    | 11   | 9    | 23.5 | 15   | 31   | 21   | 36.5 | 27   | 39.4 |
| 4    | 14   | 10   | 25   | 16   | 32   | 22   | 37   | 28   | 39.6 |
| 5    | 16   | 11   | 26.5 | 17   | 33   | 23   | 37.5 | 29   | 39.8 |
| 6    | 18   | 12   | 28   | 18   | 34   | 24   | 38   | 30   | 40   |

SHOCKWAVE: "A master archer can cause damaging shockwaves when his arrows 
travel a certain distance. Scholars wonder if the ability is magical or not, 
but archers who rely on it only care that it is useful."

* Requires Ranged level 24
* Requires Far Shot level 1
* Shockwave When Arrow or Bolt Travels Farther Than a Certain Distance

 Percentage Increase in Damage from Shockwave
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 7    | 7    | 27   | 13   | 39   | 19   | 46   | 25   | 52   |
| 2    | 11   | 8    | 29   | 14   | 41   | 20   | 47   | 26   | 53   |
| 3    | 15   | 9    | 31   | 15   | 42   | 21   | 48   | 27   | 53.5 |
| 4    | 19   | 10   | 33   | 16   | 43   | 22   | 49   | 28   | 54   |
| 5    | 22   | 11   | 35   | 17   | 44   | 23   | 50   | 29   | 54.5 |
| 6    | 25   | 12   | 37   | 18   | 45   | 24   | 51   | 30   | 55   |

 Minimum Distance (in Meters) for Shot to Cause Shockwave
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 9    | 7    | 8.5  | 13   | 8    | 19   | 7.5  | 25   | 7    |
| 2    | 9    | 8    | 8    | 14   | 7.5  | 20   | 7    | 26   | 6.5  |
| 3    | 9    | 9    | 8    | 15   | 7.5  | 21   | 7    | 27   | 6.5  |
| 4    | 8.5  | 10   | 8    | 16   | 7.5  | 22   | 7    | 28   | 6.5  |
| 5    | 8.5  | 11   | 8    | 17   | 7.5  | 23   | 7    | 29   | 6.5  |
| 6    | 8.5  | 12   | 8    | 18   | 7.5  | 24   | 7    | 30   | 6.5  |

PENETRATE: "The ranger Lyssa could shoot an arrow or throw a knife that would 
pass through three blocks of wood before striking its target. Her enemies 
feared experiencing her skill firsthand."

* Requires Ranged level 24
* Gives Chance Projective Will Pass Through Target

 Percentage Chance to Penetrate Target
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 10   | 7    | 42   | 13   | 58   | 19   | 68.5 | 25   | 76.5 |
| 2    | 19   | 8    | 45   | 14   | 60   | 20   | 70   | 26   | 77.5 |
| 3    | 26   | 9    | 48   | 15   | 62   | 21   | 71.5 | 27   | 78.5 |
| 4    | 31   | 10   | 51   | 16   | 64   | 22   | 73   | 28   | 79   |
| 5    | 35   | 11   | 54   | 17   | 65.5 | 23   | 74.5 | 29   | 79.5 |
| 6    | 39   | 12   | 56   | 18   | 67   | 24   | 75.5 | 30   | 80   |

CUNNING RENEWAL: "Thrown weapon masters dive into battle with reckless 
abandon. They all relish the rush of danger and adrenaline, but only the 
greatest know how to channel that rush into restoring their skills."

* Requires Ranged level 24
* Requires Bleed level 1
* Increases Power Recovery Rate

 Percentage Increase in Ranged Power Recovery Rate
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 3    | 7    | 12   | 13   | 17.5 | 19   | 20.5 | 25   | 23.3 |
| 2    | 5    | 8    | 13   | 14   | 18   | 20   | 21   | 26   | 23.7 |
| 3    | 6.5  | 9    | 14   | 15   | 18.5 | 21   | 21.5 | 27   | 24.1 |
| 4    | 8    | 10   | 15   | 16   | 19   | 22   | 22   | 28   | 24.4 |
| 5    | 9.5  | 11   | 16   | 17   | 19.5 | 23   | 22.5 | 29   | 24.7 |
| 6    | 11   | 12   | 17   | 18   | 20   | 24   | 22.9 | 30   | 25   |

MORTAL WOUND: "There is no special secret to striking an enemy's most 
vulnerable point, but it requires tremendous focus, meditation, and 
experience. An archer who perfects it is regarded as a legend in his own 

* Requires Ranged level 36
* Requires Far Shot level 1
* Requires Penetrate level 1
* Increases Damage of Critical Hits for Bows and Crossbows

 Critical Hit Damage (in Percent)
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 224  | 7    | 296  | 13   | 332  | 19   | 350  | 25   | 362  |
| 2    | 242  | 8    | 303  | 14   | 336  | 20   | 352  | 26   | 364  |
| 3    | 256  | 9    | 310  | 15   | 340  | 21   | 354  | 27   | 366  |
| 4    | 268  | 10   | 316  | 16   | 343  | 22   | 356  | 28   | 368  |
| 5    | 279  | 11   | 322  | 17   | 346  | 23   | 358  | 29   | 369  |
| 6    | 288  | 12   | 327  | 18   | 348  | 24   | 360  | 30   | 370  |

RICOCHET: "Foes facing the Dryad chakram-master Kaara never knew whether her 
next attack would come directly from her hand or from a chakram bouncing off 
one of their own comrades."

* Requires Ranged level 36
* Requires Bleed level 1
* Requires Penetrate level 1
* Thrown Weapon Critical Hits Ricochet to a Nearby Enemy

 Ricochet Damage (in Percent)
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 66   | 7    | 112  | 13   | 136  | 19   | 149  | 25   | 155  |
| 2    | 78   | 8    | 117  | 14   | 139  | 20   | 150  | 26   | 156  |
| 3    | 86   | 9    | 122  | 15   | 142  | 21   | 151  | 27   | 157  |
| 4    | 94   | 10   | 126  | 16   | 144  | 22   | 152  | 28   | 158  |
| 5    | 101  | 11   | 130  | 17   | 146  | 23   | 153  | 29   | 159  |
| 6    | 107  | 12   | 133  | 18   | 148  | 24   | 154  | 30   | 160  |

TAKE AIM: "Dryad archers conceal themselves to surprise their enemies, but 
their first shot reveals their position. They learn to focus their 
concentration and take careful aim, making their next shot as devastating as 

* Can only be used with a bow, crossbow, or thrown weapon
* Automatically Enhances Next Attack
* Fast Recharge

Level 1
* Requires Critical Shot 1
* Damage % Bonus 1500 + 25 * Ranged level

Level 2
* Requires Critical Shot 5
* Damage % Bonus 1700 + 48 * Ranged level

Level 3
* Requires Critical Shot 8
* Requires Penetrate 1
* Damage % Bonus 2500 + 60 * Ranged level

THUNDEROUS SHOT: "A thunderous arrow or crossbow bolt travels faster than the 
eye can see, punching through all enemies in its path and leaving them 
stunned. Azunai's archers turned many battles with this attack."

* Can only be used with a bow or crossbow
* Targets an Enemy or Terrain
* Normal Recharge

Level 1
* Requires Biting Arrow 1
* Damage % Bonus 350 + 6 * Ranged level
* Stun Duration 6 Seconds

Level 2
* Requires Biting Arrow 8
* Requires Far Shot 1
* Damage % Bonus 680 + 11.5 * Ranged level
* Stun Duration 8 Seconds

Level 3
* Requires Biting Arrow 12
* Requires Far Shot 8
* Requires Mortal Wound 5
* Damage % Bonus 800 + 14.5 * Ranged level
* Stun Duration 10 Seconds

SILENCE: "Azunai's armies relied on Dalziel, one of the Champions of the 
Northern Reaches, to destroy Zaramoth's mages. Dalziel's hatred of their 
magic manifested as an ability to silence them temporarily, preventing them 
from casting spells."

* Area of Effect Targets an Enemy or Terrain
* Fast Recharge
* Prevents Monsters from Casting Damage, Heal, Summon, Enhancement, Curse, or 
Resurrect Spells

Level 1
* Requires Dodge 5
* Requires Survival 3
* Silence Radius 4 meters
* Silence Duration 15 Seconds

Level 2
* Requires Dodge 10
* Requires Survival 6
* Requires Mortal Wound 1
* Silence Radius 5 meters
* Silence Duration 20 Seconds

Level 3
* Requires Dodge 14
* Requires Survival 10
* Requires Mortal Wound 12
* Silence Radius 6 meters
* Silence Duration 25 Seconds

CHARGED SHOTS: "Elves have a talent for magic, so it is no surprise that 
their rangers discovered how to charge their arrows with magic. For a short 
time, every enemy they hit is also struck by lightning."

* Can only be used with a bow or crossbow
* Automatically Enhances Self
* Slow Recharge
* Adds Lightning Damage to Shots

Level 1
* Requires Critical Shot 8
* Requires Shockwave 4
* Charged Shots Duration 12 Seconds
* Min Damage (18 + 4.5 * Ranged level) * (2.0 + 0.015 * Ranged level)
* Max Damage (30 + 7.5 * Ranged level) * (2.0 + 0.015 * Ranged level)

Level 2
* Requires Critical Shot 10
* Requires Shockwave 8
* Requires Mortal Wound 8
* Charged Shots Duration 14 Seconds
* Min Damage (15 + 3.6 * Ranged level) * (2.6 + 0.029 * Ranged level)
* Max Damage (25 + 6.25 * Ranged level) * (2.6 + 0.029 * Ranged level)

Level 3
* Requires Critical Shot 14
* Requires Shockwave 12
* Requires Mortal Wound 12
* Charged Shots Duration 15 Seconds
* Min Damage (13.8 + 3.5 * Ranged level) * (2.9 + 0.036 * Ranged level)
* Max Damage (23 + 5.8 * Ranged level) * (2.9 + 0.036 * Ranged level)

SHRAPNEL BLAST: "When this thrown weapon strikes a target, a blast shatters 
it into many pieces that fly in all directions. Stories of a single ranger 
defeating a crowd of foes are often tales of this power in action."

* Can only be used with a thrown weapon
* Targets an Enemy or Terrain
* Normal Recharge

Level 1
* Requires Quick Draw 1
* Number of Missiles 5
* % Normal Damage to Enemies 950 + 17 * Ranged level
* Explosion Damage 80 + 1.5 * Ranged level

Level 2
* Requires Quick Draw 5
* Requires Bleed 5
* Number of Missiles 7
* % Normal Damage to Enemies 1450 + 24 * Ranged level
* Explosion Damage 130 + 3.0 * Ranged level

Level 3
* Requires Quick Draw 10
* Requires Bleed 8
* Requires Penetrate 6
* Number of Missiles 9
* % Normal Damage to Enemies 1700 + 30 * Ranged level
* Explosion Damage 200 + 3.6 * Ranged level

REPULSE: "The Crimson Hunter Laethel liked to get close to his enemies, but 
developed this ability to survive when they got too close. Repulse knocks 
enemies away from the ranger and stuns them."

* Automatically Repulses Enemies around Self
* Slow Recharge
* Stun Duration 1.5 Seconds

Level 1
* Requires Dodge 4
* Requires Survival 3
* Radius 3 meters
* Power Duartion 12 Seconds

Level 2
* Requires Dodge 10
* Requires Survival 6
* Requires Ricochet 1
* Radius 3.5 meters
* Power Duartion 16 Seconds

Level 3
* Requires Dodge 14
* Requires Survival 10
* Requires Ricochet 12
* Radius 4 meters
* Power Duartion 20 Seconds

FLURRY: "Elven adventurers learn to focus their strength into a burst of 
energy, temporarily allowing them to throw multiple weapons at a rapid rate; 
but the increase in speed comes at the cost of accuracy."

* Can only be used with a thrown weapon
* Automatically Enhances Self
* Slow Recharge
* Decreased Accuracy
* Power Duration 15 Seconds

Level 1
* Requires Critical Shot 8
* Requires Cunning Renewal 4
* Attack Rate Multiplier 1.2
* % Normal Damage to Enemies 180 + 1.4 * Ranged level

Level 2
* Requires Critical Shot 10
* Requires Cunning Renewal 8
* Requires Ricochet 8
* Attack Rate Multiplier 1.4
* % Normal Damage to Enemies 205 + 2.2 * Ranged level

Level 3
* Requires Critical Shot 14
* Requires Cunning Renewal 12
* Requires Ricochet 12
* Attack Rate Multiplier 1.5
* % Normal Damage to Enemies 210 + 2.6 * Ranged level

 [4.2.5] Combat Mage Skill Tables & Powers

BRILLIANCE: "Through intense introspection, adventurers may extend their mind 
beyond physical constraints, vastly multiplying their capacity for magical 

* Requires Combat Magic level 1
* Increases maximum mana

 Percentage Increase in Max Mana
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 7    | 7    | 52   | 13   | 97   | 19   | 143  | 25   | 174  |
| 2    | 14   | 8    | 60   | 14   | 105  | 20   | 150  | 26   | 178  |
| 3    | 21   | 9    | 68   | 15   | 113  | 21   | 155  | 27   | 182  |
| 4    | 28   | 10   | 76   | 16   | 121  | 22   | 160  | 28   | 186  |
| 5    | 36   | 11   | 83   | 17   | 129  | 23   | 165  | 29   | 190  |
| 6    | 44   | 12   | 90   | 18   | 136  | 24   | 170  | 30   | 194  |

DEVASTATION: "Combat Magic is an exercise in precision. The more accurate a 
mage's motions and the more practiced his incantations, the more energy and 
destruction he can channel into his attacks."

* Requires Combat Magic level 1
* Increased combat magic damage

 Percentage Increase in Combat Magic Damage
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 7    | 7    | 33   | 13   | 50   | 19   | 59   | 25   | 63.5 |
| 2    | 13   | 8    | 37   | 14   | 52   | 20   | 60   | 26   | 64   |
| 3    | 17   | 9    | 40   | 15   | 54   | 21   | 61   | 27   | 64.5 |
| 4    | 21   | 10   | 43   | 16   | 56   | 22   | 62   | 28   | 65   |
| 5    | 25   | 11   | 46   | 17   | 57   | 23   | 62.5 | 29   | 65.5 |
| 6    | 29   | 12   | 48   | 18   | 58   | 24   | 63   | 30   | 66   |

DEBILITATION: "There is power in disease and decay. Mages who study it risk 
their health and sanity, but learn to inflict crippling curses on their 

* Requires Combat Magic level 5
* Increases curse power and duration

 Percentage Increase in Curse Spell Power
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 16   | 7    | 83   | 13   | 125  | 19   | 148  | 25   | 160  |
| 2    | 30   | 8    | 91   | 14   | 130  | 20   | 150  | 26   | 161  |
| 3    | 43   | 9    | 99   | 15   | 135  | 21   | 152  | 27   | 162  |
| 4    | 55   | 10   | 106  | 16   | 139  | 22   | 154  | 28   | 163  |
| 5    | 66   | 11   | 113  | 17   | 143  | 23   | 156  | 29   | 164  |
| 6    | 75   | 12   | 119  | 18   | 146  | 24   | 158  | 30   | 165  |

 Percentage Increase in Curse Spell Duration
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 25   | 7    | 110  | 13   | 164  | 19   | 196  | 25   | 213  |
| 2    | 45   | 8    | 120  | 14   | 170  | 20   | 200  | 26   | 215  |
| 3    | 61   | 9    | 130  | 15   | 176  | 21   | 203  | 27   | 217  |
| 4    | 75   | 10   | 140  | 16   | 182  | 22   | 206  | 28   | 218  |
| 5    | 88   | 11   | 148  | 17   | 188  | 23   | 209  | 29   | 219  |
| 6    | 100  | 12   | 156  | 18   | 192  | 24   | 211  | 30   | 220  |

SEARING FLAMES: "Convectus the Red spent a lifetime communing with Lava 
Spirits and learning the secrets of the Inner flame. His students are still 
famous for the intensity of their fire magic."

* Requires Combat Magic level 5
* Requires Devastation level 1
* Increases fire magic damage

 Percentage Increase in Fire Spell Damage
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 7    | 7    | 33   | 13   | 50   | 19   | 59   | 25   | 63.5 |
| 2    | 13   | 8    | 37   | 14   | 52   | 20   | 60   | 26   | 64   |
| 3    | 17   | 9    | 40   | 15   | 54   | 21   | 61   | 27   | 64.5 |
| 4    | 21   | 10   | 43   | 16   | 56   | 22   | 62   | 28   | 65   |
| 5    | 25   | 11   | 46   | 17   | 57   | 23   | 62.5 | 29   | 65.5 |
| 6    | 29   | 12   | 48   | 18   | 58   | 24   | 63   | 30   | 66   |

AMPLIFIED LIGHTNING: "Dwarven mages were known to revel in the power of 
conducting electrical energy. They had to develop techniques to increase how 
much of it their bodies could withstand."

* Requires Combat Magic level 5
* Requires Devastation level 1
* Increases lightning magic damage

 Percentage Increase in Lightning Spell Damage
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 7    | 7    | 33   | 13   | 50   | 19   | 59   | 25   | 63.5 |
| 2    | 13   | 8    | 37   | 14   | 52   | 20   | 60   | 26   | 64   |
| 3    | 17   | 9    | 40   | 15   | 54   | 21   | 61   | 27   | 64.5 |
| 4    | 21   | 10   | 43   | 16   | 56   | 22   | 62   | 28   | 65   |
| 5    | 25   | 11   | 46   | 17   | 57   | 23   | 62.5 | 29   | 65.5 |
| 6    | 29   | 12   | 48   | 18   | 58   | 24   | 63   | 30   | 66   |

SUMMON ALACRITY: "Mages who study this skill can accelerate the metabolism of 
the creatures they summon and agitate them to a frenzy, drastically 
increasing their attack rate."

* Requires Combat Magic level 12
* Increases summoned creature attack speed

 Percentage Increase in Summons Attack Speed
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 5    | 7    | 22   | 13   | 32.5 | 19   | 39   | 25   | 42.5 |
| 2    | 9    | 8    | 24   | 14   | 34   | 20   | 40   | 26   | 43   |
| 3    | 13   | 9    | 26   | 15   | 35   | 21   | 40.5 | 27   | 43.25|
| 4    | 16   | 10   | 28   | 16   | 36   | 22   | 41   | 28   | 43.5 |
| 5    | 18   | 11   | 29.5 | 17   | 37   | 23   | 41.5 | 29   | 43.75|
| 6    | 20   | 12   | 31   | 18   | 38   | 24   | 42   | 30   | 44   |

GRIM NECROMANCY: "Practitioners of this discipline commune with dark forces 
and master spells that tear the life out of their enemies. Many mages wonder 
if any end is worth such means."

* Requires Combat Magic level 12
* Requires Devastation level 1
* Increases death magic damage

 Percentage Increase in Death Spell Damage
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 7    | 7    | 33   | 13   | 50   | 19   | 59   | 25   | 63.5 |
| 2    | 13   | 8    | 37   | 14   | 52   | 20   | 60   | 26   | 64   |
| 3    | 17   | 9    | 40   | 15   | 54   | 21   | 61   | 27   | 64.5 |
| 4    | 21   | 10   | 43   | 16   | 56   | 22   | 62   | 28   | 65   |
| 5    | 25   | 11   | 46   | 17   | 57   | 23   | 62.5 | 29   | 65.5 |
| 6    | 29   | 12   | 48   | 18   | 58   | 24   | 63   | 30   | 66   |

QUICKENED CASTING: "When the legendary archer Alamus became too old to string 
his bow, he sought a new life in magic and learned that principles of battle 
meditation could drastically increase the rate of his casting."

* Requires Combat Magic level 24
* Requires Brilliance level 1
* Increases magic attack speed

 Percentage Increase in Speed of Magic Attacks
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 3    | 7    | 12.5 | 13   | 18.5 | 19   | 22.5 | 25   | 24.25|
| 2    | 5    | 8    | 13.5 | 14   | 19.25| 20   | 23   | 26   | 24.5 |
| 3    | 7    | 9    | 14.5 | 15   | 20   | 21   | 23.25| 27   | 24.625|
| 4    | 8.5  | 10   | 15.5 | 16   | 20.75| 22   | 23.5 | 28   | 24.75|
| 5    | 10   | 11   | 16.5 | 17   | 21.5 | 23   | 23.75| 29   | 24.875|
| 6    | 11.5 | 12   | 17.5 | 18   | 22   | 24   | 24   | 30   | 25   |

VAMPIRISM: "While most death mages are content with the ability to tear the 
life force from their victims, some have secretly learned to channel some of 
that stolen vitality into their own restoration."

* Requires Combat Magic level 24
* Requires Grim Necromancy level 1
* Adds death magic damage to health

 Percentage of Death Magic Damage Added to Health
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 2    | 7    | 9    | 13   | 14.5 | 19   | 17.5 | 25   | 19.25|
| 2    | 4    | 8    | 10   | 14   | 15   | 20   | 18   | 26   | 19.5 |
| 3    | 5    | 9    | 11   | 15   | 15.5 | 21   | 18.25| 27   | 19.625|
| 4    | 6    | 10   | 12   | 16   | 16   | 22   | 18.5 | 28   | 19.75|
| 5    | 7    | 11   | 13   | 17   | 16.5 | 23   | 18.75| 29   | 19.875|
| 6    | 8    | 12   | 14   | 18   | 17   | 24   | 19   | 30   | 20   |

IGNITE: "No one can truly say they have bested a mage trained in these arts, 
as the lingering flames continue to burn deeply long after the battle is over, 
and the unmistakable scars will always tell the tale."

* Requires Combat Magic level 24
* Requires Searing Flames level 1
* Chance to Ignite enemy

 Percentage Chance of Igniting Target with Fire Spell
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 5    | 7    | 18.5 | 13   | 25.5 | 19   | 29.5 | 25   | 32   |
| 2    | 8    | 8    | 20   | 14   | 26.5 | 20   | 30   | 26   | 32.2 |
| 3    | 11   | 9    | 21.5 | 15   | 27.25| 21   | 30.5 | 27   | 32.4 |
| 4    | 13   | 10   | 22.5 | 16   | 28   | 22   | 31   | 28   | 32.6 |
| 5    | 15   | 11   | 23.5 | 17   | 28.5 | 23   | 31.5 | 29   | 32.8 |
| 6    | 17   | 12   | 24.5 | 18   | 29   | 24   | 31.8 | 30   | 33   |

 DPS of Ignite Multiplied by Intelligence
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 0.08 | 7    | 0.31 | 13   | 0.43 | 19   | 0.49 | 25   | 0.5  |
| 2    | 0.14 | 8    | 0.33 | 14   | 0.44 | 20   | 0.5  | 26   | 0.5  |
| 3    | 0.18 | 9    | 0.35 | 15   | 0.45 | 21   | 0.5  | 27   | 0.5  |
| 4    | 0.22 | 10   | 0.37 | 16   | 0.46 | 22   | 0.5  | 28   | 0.5  |
| 5    | 0.25 | 11   | 0.39 | 17   | 0.47 | 23   | 0.5  | 29   | 0.5  |
| 6    | 0.28 | 12   | 0.41 | 18   | 0.48 | 24   | 0.5  | 30   | 0.5  |

 Duration of Ignite, in Seconds
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 3    | 7    | 21   | 13   | 39   | 19   | 57   | 25   | 60   |
| 2    | 6    | 8    | 24   | 14   | 42   | 20   | 60   | 26   | 60   |
| 3    | 9    | 9    | 27   | 15   | 45   | 21   | 60   | 27   | 60   |
| 4    | 12   | 10   | 30   | 16   | 48   | 22   | 60   | 28   | 60   |
| 5    | 15   | 11   | 33   | 17   | 51   | 23   | 60   | 29   | 60   |
| 6    | 18   | 12   | 36   | 18   | 54   | 24   | 60   | 30   | 60   |

ARCANE FURY: "Overexposure to elemental channeling often results in the mage 
becoming a conduit for the raw power of mana itself, which, though painful, 
can greatly increase the intensity of their attacks."

* Requires Combat Magic level 36
* Requires Quickened Casting level 1
* Increases damage of Combat and Nature Magic powers

 Percentage Increase in Magic Power Damage
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 3    | 7    | 16   | 13   | 24   | 19   | 29.5 | 25   | 32   |
| 2    | 6    | 8    | 17.5 | 14   | 25   | 20   | 30   | 26   | 32.25|
| 3    | 8    | 9    | 19   | 15   | 26   | 21   | 30.5 | 27   | 32.5 |
| 4    | 10   | 10   | 20.5 | 16   | 27   | 22   | 31   | 28   | 32.75|
| 5    | 12   | 11   | 22   | 17   | 28   | 23   | 31.5 | 29   | 32.875|
| 6    | 14   | 12   | 23   | 18   | 29   | 24   | 31.75| 30   | 33   |

ARCING: "It is said that the mage who created the Galeblade was capable of 
channeling so much energy into his lightning spells that arcs of it sometimes 
jumped from his primary target to other nearby foes."

* Requires Combat Magic level 36
* Requires Amplified Lightning level 1
* Chance for lightning spells to arc to multiple opponents

 Percentage Chance that Lightning Spell will Arc
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 4    | 7    | 16   | 13   | 24   | 19   | 29.25| 25   | 30   |
| 2    | 7    | 8    | 17.5 | 14   | 25   | 20   | 30   | 26   | 30   |
| 3    | 9    | 9    | 19   | 15   | 26   | 21   | 30   | 27   | 30   |
| 4    | 11   | 10   | 20.5 | 16   | 27   | 22   | 30   | 28   | 30   |
| 5    | 13   | 11   | 22   | 17   | 27.75| 23   | 30   | 29   | 30   |
| 6    | 14.5 | 12   | 23   | 18   | 28.5 | 24   | 30   | 30   | 30   |

 Damage of Arcing Lightning Multiplied by Intelligence
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 0.18 | 7    | 0.63 | 13   | 0.87 | 19   | 0.99 | 25   | 1.05 |
| 2    | 0.3  | 8    | 0.68 | 14   | 0.9  | 20   | 1    | 26   | 1.06 |
| 3    | 0.38 | 9    | 0.73 | 15   | 0.92 | 21   | 1.01 | 27   | 1.07 |
| 4    | 0.45 | 10   | 0.77 | 16   | 0.94 | 22   | 1.02 | 28   | 1.08 |
| 5    | 0.52 | 11   | 0.81 | 17   | 0.96 | 23   | 1.03 | 29   | 1.09 |
| 6    | 0.58 | 12   | 0.84 | 18   | 0.98 | 24   | 1.04 | 30   | 1.1  |

ENERGY ORB: "The Elven mage Arinth could summon a ball of energy that hovered 
above him and shot fire at his enemies. He later perfected it, learning to 
weave additional types of energy into the orb."

* Automatically Summons Orb Above Self
* Fast Recharge
* Duration 20 seconds

Level 1
* Requires Brilliance 1
* Min damage (20 + 5 * CM level) * (0.82 + 0.015 * CM level)
* Max damage (30 + 7.5 * CM level) * (0.82 + 0.015 * CM level)

Level 2
* Requires Brilliance 4
* Requires Devastation 2
* Min Damage (20 + 5 * CM level) * (1.00 + 0.029 * CM level)
* Max Damage (30 + 7.5 * CM level) * (1.00 + 0.029 * CM level)

Level 3
* Requires Brilliance 8
* Requires Devastation 4
* Min Damage (20 + 5 * CM level) * (1.20 + 0.036 * CM level)
* Max Damage (30 + 7.5 * CM level) * (1.20 + 0.036 * CM level)

FLAME NEXUS: "Convectus the Red communed with Lava Spirits, learning to 
summon and launch them as weapons in battle. The Spirit gleefully reaches out 
with tendrils of fire to burn any nearby enemies."

* Targets an Enemy or Terrain
* Normal Recharge

Level 1
* Requires Devastation 2
* Requires Searing Flames 1
* Damage 0.9 * (40 + 10 * CM level) * (0.82 + 0.015 * CM level)

Level 2
* Requires Devastation 5
* Requires Searing Flames 4
* Damage 0.9 * (40 + 10 * CM level) * (1.15 + 0.029 * CM level)

Level 3
* Requires Devastation 12
* Requires Searing Flames 8
* Requires Ignite 5
* Damage 0.9 * (40 + 10 * CM level) * (2.00 + 0.036 * CM level)

DETONATION: "The greatest power of the fire mage is a dangerous weapon. The 
mage recklessly gathers more energy than he can control, releasing it in a 
massive conflagration that burns his enemies."

* Area of Effect Targets an Enemy or Terrain
* Slow Recharge

Level 1
* Requires Searing Flames 8
* Requires Ignite 1
* Radius 3 meters
* Damage (67.5 + 16.9 * CM level) * (2.0 + 0.015 * CM level)

Level 2
* Requires Searing Flames 12
* Requires Ignite 6
* Radius 3.5 meters
* Damage (67.5 + 16.9 * CM level) * (2.0 + 0.029 * CM level)

Level 3
* Requires Searing Flames 16
* Requires Ignite 10
* Requires Arcane Fury 8
* Radius 4 meters
* Damage (67.5 + 16.9 * CM level) * (2.7 + 0.036 * CM level)

CORROSIVE ERUPTION: "Enemies caught within this noxious cloud are infected by 
gasses that rot them from the inside out. Corrosive fumes violently erupt 
from victims when they die, burning and poisoning nearby foes."

* Area of Effect Targets an Enemy or Terrain
* Normal Recharge

Level 1
* Requires Debilitation 1
* Duration 30 seconds
* Curse radius 4 meters
* Eruption radius 2.5 meters
* Damage 45% of Victim's Max Health

Level 2
* Requires Debilitation 5
* Requires Grim Necromancy 4
* Duration 60 seconds
* Curse radius 5 meters
* Eruption radius 2.5 meters
* Damage 60% of Victim's Max Health

Level 3
* Requires Debilitation 12
* Requires Grim Necromancy 10
* Requires Arcane Fury 4
* Duration 300 seconds
* Curse radius 6 meters
* Eruption radius 2.5 meters
* Damage 70% of Victim's Max Health

HARVEST SOUL: "A deadly attack invented by the vilest mages in history, this 
dark ritual creates a gigantic scythe that cuts away the life force of the 
mage's enemies, allowing his allies to absorb it and heal themselves."

* Area of Effect Targets an Enemy or Terrain
* Normal Recharge
* Radius 3 meters

Level 1
* Requires Devastation 6
* Requires Grim Necromancy 5
* Damage (53 + 13 * CM level) * (1.5 + 0.015 * CM level)

Level 2
* Requires Devastation 8
* Requires Grim Necromancy 8
* Requires Vampirism 4
* Damage (53 + 13 * CM level) * (2.0 + 0.029 * CM level)

Level 3
* Requires Devastation 10
* Requires Grim Necromancy 12
* Requires Vampirism 10
* Damage (53 + 13 * CM level) * (2.5 + 0.036 * CM level)

CHAIN LIGHTNING: "A favored attack of young Combat Mages, Chain Lightning 
hurls a bolt of lightning that shocks the nearest enemy then jumps to other 
nearby foes. The bolt deals reduced damage with each jump."

* Automatically Targets Nearest Enemy
* Fast Recharge

Level 1
* Requires Devastation 2
* Requires Amplified Lightining 1
* Hits 3 enemies
* Damage decreases 38% each hit
* Damage (66.4 + 16.6 * CM level) * (0.82 + 0.015 * CM level)

Level 2
* Requires Devastation 5
* Requires Amplified Lightining 4
* Hits 5 enemies
* Damage decreases 22% each hit
* Damage (40.9 + 10.2 * CM level) * (1.20 + 0.029 * CM level)

Level 3
* Requires Devastation 12
* Requires Amplified Lightining 8
* Requires Arcing 5
* Hits 7 enemies
* Damage decreases 15% each hit
* Damage (29.5 + 7.40 * CM level) * (2.00 + 0.036 * CM level)

GATHERED BOLT: "The mage gradually builds up a massive electrical charge on 
the ground, causing a tremendous bolt of lightning to crash down, devastating 
all enemies it hits."

* Area of Effect Targets an Enemy or Terrain
* Slow Recharge

Level 1
* Requires Amplified Lightining 8
* Requires Quickened Casting 1
* Radius 3.5 meters
* Damage (70 + 17.5 * CM level) * (1.85 + 0.015 * CM level)

Level 2
* Requires Amplified Lightining 10
* Requires Quickened Casting 6
* Requires Arcane Fury 1
* Radius 4 meters
* Damage (70 + 17.5 * CM level) * (2.00 + 0.029 * CM level)

Level 3
* Requires Amplified Lightining 14
* Requires Quickened Casting 12
* Requires Arcane Fury 6
* Radius 5 meters
* Damage (70 + 17.5 * CM level) * (2.5 + 0.036 * CM level) 

 [4.2.6] Nature Mage Skill Tables & Powers

NATURAL BOND: "Dryads share an instinctive affinity with all living things. 
They can cast spells using less of their mana by drawing from the life force 
of their surroundings. They have also learned to create mana potions from 
certain plants."

* Requires Nature Magic level 1
* Decreases mana cost of spells
* Can harvest mana potions
  - Small potions at skill levels 1 - 4
  - Medium potions at skill levels 5 - 8
  - Large potions at skill levels 9 - 11
  - Super potions at skill levels 12 - 15
  - Colossal potions at skill levels 16 - 19
  - Twice as many colossal potions at skill level 20

 Percentage Decrease in Spell Mana Cost
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 6    | 7    | 34   | 13   | 49   | 19   | 59   | 25   | 63.5 |
| 2    | 12   | 8    | 37   | 14   | 51   | 20   | 60   | 26   | 64   |
| 3    | 17   | 9    | 40   | 15   | 53   | 21   | 61   | 27   | 64.5 |
| 4    | 22   | 10   | 43   | 16   | 55   | 22   | 62   | 28   | 65   |
| 5    | 26   | 11   | 45   | 17   | 57   | 23   | 62.5 | 29   | 65.5 |
| 6    | 30   | 12   | 47   | 18   | 58   | 24   | 63   | 30   | 66   |

AQUATIC AFFINITY: "Nature Mages cultivate a shamanistic bond with water, the 
life blood of the world. They channel its strength for both healing and 

* Requires Nature Magic level 1
* Increases healing power
* Increases ice damage

 Percentage Increase in Power of Healing Spells
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 5    | 7    | 24   | 13   | 36   | 19   | 45   | 25   | 51   |
| 2    | 9    | 8    | 26   | 14   | 37.5 | 20   | 46   | 26   | 52   |
| 3    | 12   | 9    | 28   | 15   | 39   | 21   | 47   | 27   | 53   |
| 4    | 15   | 10   | 30   | 16   | 40.5 | 22   | 48   | 28   | 54   |
| 5    | 18   | 11   | 32   | 17   | 42   | 23   | 49   | 29   | 54.5 |
| 6    | 21   | 12   | 34   | 18   | 43.5 | 24   | 50   | 30   | 55   |

 Percentage Increase in Damage of Nature Magic Spells
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 5    | 7    | 22   | 13   | 31   | 19   | 37   | 25   | 41.5 |
| 2    | 9    | 8    | 24   | 14   | 32   | 20   | 38   | 26   | 42   |
| 3    | 13   | 9    | 25.5 | 15   | 33   | 21   | 39   | 27   | 42.5 |
| 4    | 16   | 10   | 27   | 16   | 34   | 22   | 40   | 28   | 43   |
| 5    | 18   | 11   | 28.5 | 17   | 35   | 23   | 40.5 | 29   | 43.5 |
| 6    | 20   | 12   | 30   | 18   | 36   | 24   | 41   | 30   | 44   |

SUMMON FORTITUDE: "Dryad summoners are taught to respect the companions they 
call and are constantly developing methods to increase their creatures' 
ability to survive in combat."

* Requires Nature Magic level 5
* Increases summoned creature's health

 Percentage Increase in Summons Max Health
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 12   | 7    | 55   | 13   | 79   | 19   | 95   | 25   | 105  |
| 2    | 22   | 8    | 60   | 14   | 82   | 20   | 97   | 26   | 106  |
| 3    | 30   | 9    | 65   | 15   | 85   | 21   | 99   | 27   | 107  |
| 4    | 37   | 10   | 69   | 16   | 88   | 22   | 101  | 28   | 108  |
| 5    | 44   | 11   | 73   | 17   | 91   | 23   | 103  | 29   | 109  |
| 6    | 50   | 12   | 76   | 18   | 93   | 24   | 104  | 30   | 110  |

ENVELOPING EMBRACE: "The essence of hardwoods and vines, known for their 
ability to endure, is often invoked by empathic mages who wish to strengthen 
their protective Embrace spells, which protect their party in battle."

* Requires Nature Magic level 5
* Increases Embrace spell power and duration

 Percentage Increase in Embrace Spell Power
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 18   | 7    | 82   | 13   | 124  | 19   | 145  | 25   | 159  |
| 2    | 32   | 8    | 90   | 14   | 128  | 20   | 148  | 26   | 161  |
| 3    | 44   | 9    | 98   | 15   | 132  | 21   | 151  | 27   | 162  |
| 4    | 54   | 10   | 106  | 16   | 136  | 22   | 153  | 28   | 163  |
| 5    | 64   | 11   | 112  | 17   | 139  | 23   | 155  | 29   | 164  |
| 6    | 74   | 12   | 118  | 18   | 142  | 24   | 157  | 30   | 165  |

 Percentage Increase in Embrace Spell Duration
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 26   | 7    | 110  | 13   | 158  | 19   | 188  | 25   | 204  |
| 2    | 46   | 8    | 120  | 14   | 164  | 20   | 191  | 26   | 206  |
| 3    | 62   | 9    | 130  | 15   | 170  | 21   | 194  | 27   | 207  |
| 4    | 76   | 10   | 138  | 16   | 176  | 22   | 197  | 28   | 208  |
| 5    | 88   | 11   | 146  | 17   | 180  | 23   | 200  | 29   | 209  |
| 6    | 100  | 12   | 152  | 18   | 184  | 24   | 202  | 30   | 210  |

ARCTIC MASTERY: "Rimen the White spent half his life in self-imposed exile in 
the frozen north. He learned ways to combine water and air magic to make all 
manner of ice do his bidding."

* Requires Nature Magic level 5
* Requires Aquatic Affinity level 1
* Increases ice magic damage

 Percentage Increase in Damage of Ice Spells
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 8    | 7    | 33   | 13   | 49   | 19   | 58   | 25   | 63.5 |
| 2    | 14   | 8    | 36   | 14   | 51   | 20   | 59   | 26   | 64   |
| 3    | 19   | 9    | 39   | 15   | 53   | 21   | 60   | 27   | 64.5 |
| 4    | 23   | 10   | 42   | 16   | 55   | 22   | 61   | 28   | 65   |
| 5    | 27   | 11   | 45   | 17   | 56   | 23   | 62   | 29   | 65.5 |
| 6    | 30   | 12   | 47   | 18   | 57   | 24   | 63   | 30   | 66   |

SUMMON MIGHT: "Elves discovered that magic could be woven around the teeth 
and claws of summoned creatures to create an effect not unlike the tempering 
of steel. Though short-lived, it proved quite effective."

* Requires Nature Magic level 12
* Requires Summon Fortitude level 1
* Increases summoned creature damage per second

 Percentage Increase in Summons DPS
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 18   | 7    | 80   | 13   | 122  | 19   | 146  | 25   | 155  |
| 2    | 33   | 8    | 88   | 14   | 127  | 20   | 148  | 26   | 156  |
| 3    | 45   | 9    | 96   | 15   | 132  | 21   | 150  | 27   | 157  |
| 4    | 55   | 10   | 103  | 16   | 136  | 22   | 152  | 28   | 158  |
| 5    | 64   | 11   | 110  | 17   | 140  | 23   | 153  | 29   | 159  |
| 6    | 72   | 12   | 116  | 18   | 143  | 24   | 154  | 30   | 160  |

FERAL WRATH: "The dangerous, wild essence of thorns, nettles, and cacti can 
be harnessed by skilled mages to magnify the potency of their offensive Wrath 
enchantments, which increase their party's strength."

* Requires Nature Magic level 12
* Requires Enveloping Embrace level 1
* Increases Wrath spell power and duration

 Percentage Increase in Wrath Spell Power
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 18   | 7    | 82   | 13   | 124  | 19   | 145  | 25   | 159  |
| 2    | 32   | 8    | 90   | 14   | 128  | 20   | 148  | 26   | 161  |
| 3    | 44   | 9    | 98   | 15   | 132  | 21   | 151  | 27   | 162  |
| 4    | 54   | 10   | 106  | 16   | 136  | 22   | 153  | 28   | 163  |
| 5    | 64   | 11   | 112  | 17   | 139  | 23   | 155  | 29   | 164  |
| 6    | 74   | 12   | 118  | 18   | 142  | 24   | 157  | 30   | 165  |

 Percentage Increase in Wrath Spell Duration
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 26   | 7    | 110  | 13   | 158  | 19   | 188  | 25   | 204  |
| 2    | 46   | 8    | 120  | 14   | 164  | 20   | 191  | 26   | 206  |
| 3    | 62   | 9    | 130  | 15   | 170  | 21   | 194  | 27   | 207  |
| 4    | 76   | 10   | 138  | 16   | 176  | 22   | 197  | 28   | 208  |
| 5    | 88   | 11   | 146  | 17   | 180  | 23   | 200  | 29   | 209  |
| 6    | 100  | 12   | 152  | 18   | 184  | 24   | 202  | 30   | 210  |

NURTURING GIFT: "Shamans that focus on the restorative arts can eventually 
wield healing magic that is nothing short of miraculous in its 

* Requires Nature Magic level 12
* Requires Aquatic Affinity level 1
* Increases healing magic power

 Percentage Increase in Power of Healing Spells
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 7    | 7    | 40   | 13   | 70   | 19   | 92   | 25   | 105  |
| 2    | 13   | 8    | 45   | 14   | 75   | 20   | 95   | 26   | 106  |
| 3    | 19   | 9    | 50   | 15   | 79   | 21   | 97   | 27   | 107  |
| 4    | 25   | 10   | 55   | 16   | 83   | 22   | 99   | 28   | 108  |
| 5    | 30   | 11   | 60   | 17   | 86   | 23   | 101  | 29   | 109  |
| 6    | 35   | 12   | 65   | 18   | 89   | 24   | 103  | 30   | 110  |

ARCANE RENEWAL: "Through study and meditation, Nature Mages can draw on 
reserves normally out of reach. This increased flow of energy revitalizes the 
mage and restores his most powerful abilities."

* Requires Nature Magic level 24
* Requires Natural Bond level 1
* Increases the recovery rate of combat and nature magic powers

 Percentage Increase in Magic Power Recovery Rate
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 3    | 7    | 12   | 13   | 17.5 | 19   | 20.5 | 25   | 23.3 |
| 2    | 5    | 8    | 13   | 14   | 18   | 20   | 21   | 26   | 23.7 |
| 3    | 6.5  | 9    | 14   | 15   | 18.5 | 21   | 21.5 | 27   | 24.1 |
| 4    | 8    | 10   | 15   | 16   | 19   | 22   | 22   | 28   | 24.4 |
| 5    | 9.5  | 11   | 16   | 17   | 19.5 | 23   | 22.5 | 29   | 24.7 |
| 6    | 11   | 12   | 17   | 18   | 20   | 24   | 22.9 | 30   | 25   |

FREEZING: "The ice magic of Nature Mages can be honed to freeze the moisture 
in the air around their enemies into immobilizing blocks of ice."

* Requires Nature Magic level 24
* Requires Arctic Mastery level 1
* Gives chance to freeze enemies

 Percentage Chance to Freeze Target
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 4    | 7    | 16   | 13   | 23   | 19   | 27.5 | 25   | 30.5 |
| 2    | 7    | 8    | 17.5 | 14   | 23.75| 20   | 28   | 26   | 31   |
| 3    | 9    | 9    | 19   | 15   | 24.5 | 21   | 28.5 | 27   | 31.5 |
| 4    | 11   | 10   | 20   | 16   | 25.25| 22   | 29   | 28   | 32   |
| 5    | 13   | 11   | 21   | 17   | 26   | 23   | 29.5 | 29   | 32.5 |
| 6    | 14.5 | 12   | 22   | 18   | 26.75| 24   | 30   | 30   | 33   |

 Frozen Duration (in Seconds)
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 1    | 7    | 1    | 13   | 1.25 | 19   | 1.5  | 25   | 1.75 |
| 2    | 1    | 8    | 1.25 | 14   | 1.5  | 20   | 1.75 | 26   | 2    |
| 3    | 1    | 9    | 1.25 | 15   | 1.5  | 21   | 1.75 | 27   | 2    |
| 4    | 1    | 10   | 1.25 | 16   | 1.5  | 22   | 1.75 | 28   | 2    |
| 5    | 1    | 11   | 1.25 | 17   | 1.5  | 23   | 1.75 | 29   | 2    |
| 6    | 1    | 12   | 1.25 | 18   | 1.5  | 24   | 1.75 | 30   | 2    |

SUMMON BOND: "The bond between the mage and a summoned creature can be 
strengthened to the point that the creature will trade its own life force to 
absorb damage dealt to the mage who called it."

* Requires Nature Magic level 36
* Requires Summon Might level 1
* Transfers injuries suffered by the mage to a summoned creature

 Percentage of Damage done to Mage Transferred to Summons
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 9    | 7    | 36   | 13   | 52   | 19   | 63   | 25   | 70.5 |
| 2    | 16   | 8    | 39   | 14   | 54   | 20   | 64.5 | 26   | 71   |
| 3    | 21   | 9    | 42   | 15   | 56   | 21   | 66   | 27   | 71.5 |
| 4    | 26   | 10   | 44.5 | 16   | 58   | 22   | 67.5 | 28   | 72   |
| 5    | 30   | 11   | 47   | 17   | 60   | 23   | 68.5 | 29   | 72.5 |
| 6    | 33   | 12   | 49.5 | 18   | 61.5 | 24   | 69.5 | 30   | 73   |

ABSORPTION: "Nature Mages of legend were so attuned to magical energy that 
they could absorb a portion of magical attacks and use it to restore their 
mana. It is said the Dryads still hold this secret."

* Requires Nature Magic level 36
* Requires Nurturing Gift level 1
* Absorbs magic damage and transfers some to mana

 Percentage of Magic Damage Absorbed
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 8    | 7    | 42   | 13   | 63   | 19   | 76   | 25   | 82   |
| 2    | 15   | 8    | 46   | 14   | 65.5 | 20   | 77   | 26   | 83   |
| 3    | 22   | 9    | 50   | 15   | 68   | 21   | 78   | 27   | 83.5 |
| 4    | 28   | 10   | 54   | 16   | 70   | 22   | 79   | 28   | 84   |
| 5    | 33   | 11   | 57   | 17   | 72   | 23   | 80   | 29   | 84.5 |
| 6    | 38   | 12   | 60   | 18   | 74   | 24   | 81   | 30   | 85   |

 Percentage of Magic Damage Added to Mana
|Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |Level |Value |
| 1    | 8    | 7    | 31   | 13   | 43   | 19   | 49.5 | 25   | 52.5 |
| 2    | 14   | 8    | 33.5 | 14   | 44.5 | 20   | 50   | 26   | 53   |
| 3    | 18   | 9    | 36   | 15   | 46   | 21   | 50.5 | 27   | 53.5 |
| 4    | 22   | 10   | 38   | 16   | 47   | 22   | 51   | 28   | 54   |
| 5    | 25.5 | 11   | 40   | 17   | 48   | 23   | 51.5 | 29   | 54.5 |
| 6    | 28.5 | 12   | 41.5 | 18   | 49   | 24   | 52   | 30   | 55   |

GRAVITY STONE: "The mage summons a monolithic stone of such density that its 
gravitational force pulls enemy creatures toward it and holds them in place 
until it collapses under itself."

* Area of Effect Targets an Enemy or Terrain
* Normal Recharge
* Range 10 meters

Level 1
* Requires Natural Bond 1
* Radius 4 meters
* Duration 4 seconds

Level 2
* Requires Natural Bond 5
* Radius 5 meters
* Duration 5 seconds

Level 3
* Requires Natural Bond 8
* Requires Arcane Renewal 6
* Radius 6 meters
* Duration 6 seconds

ICICLE BLAST: "A deadly attack inspired by the North Dragon's breath, Icicle 
Blast launches shards of ice from the caster's fingers in a fan of 
destruction, knocking enemies back and blasting them with cold."

* Cone Effect Targets an Enemy or Terrain
* Normal Recharge
* Range 10 meters

Level 1
* Requires Aquatic Affinity 2
* Damage (56 + 14 * NM level) * (0.82 + 0.015 * NM level)

Level 2
* Requires Aquatic Affinity 5
* Requires Arctic Mastery 5
* Damage (56 + 14 * NM level) * (1.3 + 0.029 * NM level)

Level 3
* Requires Aquatic Affinity 10
* Requires Arctic Mastery 10
* Requires Freezing 8
* Damage (56 + 14 * NM level) * (2.0 + 0.036 * NM level)

CIRCLE OF FROST: "Circle of Frost banishes all heat from an area. The ground 
cracks as moisture turns to ice, the very air freezes, and any creature 
unlucky enough to be caught in the circle is frozen until it thaws."

* Area of Effect Targets an Enemy or Terrain
* Slow Recharge
* Range 9 meters

Level 1
* Requires Natural Bond 5
* Requires Arctic Mastery 8
* Requires Freezing 1
* Duration 12 seconds
* Radius 3.5 meters
* Damage (13.3 + 3.3 * NM level) * (2.0 + 0.015 * NM level)

Level 2
* Requires Natural Bond 6
* Requires Arctic Mastery 10
* Requires Freezing 6
* Duration 15 seconds
* Radius 4 meters
* Damage (13.3 + 3.3 * NM level) * (2.0 + 0.029 * NM level)

Level 3
* Requires Natural Bond 8
* Requires Arctic Mastery 12
* Requires Freezing 12
* Duration 18 seconds
* Radius 4.5 meters
* Damage (13.3 + 3.3 * NM level) * (2.5 + 0.036 * NM level)

SUMMON PROVOKE: "With an Agallan rhyme, the mage provokes enemies around 
himself to focus their wrath upon his summoned creature. Once provoked, 
monsters won't always respond to additional provocation."

* Can only be used when mage has summoned a creature
* Automatically Provokes Enemies around Caster
* Very Fast Recharge

Level 1
* Requires Summon Fortitude 3
* Requires Summon Might 1
* Radius 6 meters

Level 2
* Requires Summon Fortitude 7
* Requires Summon Might 4
* Radius 7 meters

Level 3
* Requires Summon Fortitude 12
* Requires Summon Might 6
* Requires Summon Bond 6
* Radius 8 meters

AETHER BLAST: "Aether Blast channels a spike of magical energy through the 
mage's link with his summoned creature, creating a devastating explosion. The 
more powerful the creature, the more deadly the blast."

* Can only be used when mage has summoned a creature
* Automatically Blasts Enemies around Summoned Creature
* Normal Recharge

Level 1
* Summon Might 8
* Requires Arcane Renewal 1
* Blast radius 3.5 meters
* Stun time 5 seconds
* Damage (240 + 1.8 * NM level)

Level 2
* Summon Might 10
* Requires Arcane Renewal 6
* Requires Summon Bond 2
* Blast radius 4 meters
* Stun time 5 seconds
* Damage (240 + 3.5 * NM level)

Level 3
* Summon Might 14
* Requires Arcane Renewal 8
* Requires Summon Bond 12
* Blast radius 5 meters
* Stun time 5 seconds
* Damage (350 + 4.3 * NM level)

INVULNERABILITY: "The most powerful defensive magic a Nature Mage can possess, 
Invulnerability protects the party so completely that no physical or magical 
attack can harm them."

* Automatically Protects All Nearby Allies
* Slow Recharge

Level 1
* Requires Enveloping Embrace 1
* Duration 6 seconds

Level 2
* Requires Enveloping Embrace 6
* Requires Nurturing Gift 4
* Duration 8 seconds

Level 3
* Requires Enveloping Embrace 12
* Requires Nurturing Gift 8
* Requires Arcane Renewal 6
* Duration 12 seconds

GLACIAL AURA: "Nature Mages of frozen mountains can focus glacial power 
around themselves, creating an aura that emits waves of frost that damage and 
briefly freeze any enemies who draw near."

* Automatically Enhances Self
* Slow Recharge
* Radius 2 meters

Level 1
* Requires Feral Wrath 8
* Requires Freezing 4
* Aura duration 10 seconds
* Freeze duration 4 seconds
* Damage (2.6 + 0.65 * NM level) * (2.0 + 0.015 * NM level)

Level 2
* Requires Feral Wrath 12
* Requires Freezing 12
* Requires Absorption 6
* Aura duration 12 seconds
* Freeze duration 5 seconds
* Damage (2.2 + 0.54 * NM level) * (2.6 + 0.029 * NM level)

Level 3
* Requires Feral Wrath 14
* Requires Freezing 15
* Requires Absorption 12
* Aura duration 15 seconds
* Freeze duration 6 seconds
* Damage (1.7 + 0.44 * NM level) * (2.9 + 0.036 * NM level)

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@_/_/_/_/_| ____  [5] COMPANIONS                                         )
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[5.1] Henchmen

If you carry any of the DS2 henchmen with you forward to Broken World, they 
come through unchanged. (Assuming you can get them out of the Inn.) If you 
don't bring the DS2 henchmen with you, they will be hanging around the Dryad 
Outpost with the class levels indicated below. Each has eight unspent skill 
points; but, that's a moot point since a quick visit to Trainer Vireni will 
allow you to re-allocate their skill points as you desire.

The class levels listed here are for Mercenary difficulty, they will be 
appropriately higher when playing Veteran and Elite.

* Amren: Elf, level 39 Sharpshooter (ranged 39)
* Deru: Dryad, level 39 Grand Mage (ranged 2, nature magic 39)
* Eva: Human, level 39 Knight (melee 39)
* Finala: Elf, level 39 Sorceress (combat magic 39)
* Lothar: Half-Giant, level 39 Sorcerer (melee 2, combat magic 39)
* Sartan: Half-Giant, level 39 Knight (melee 39)
* Taar: Dryad, level 39 Grand Mage (nature magic 39)
* Vix: Human, level 39 Sharpshooter (ranged 39)

Broken World adds three new henchmen; all require you embark on a quest 
before you can hire them. All three will stay in the spot you first encounter 
them if you turn them down when they offer to join.

* Celeb'hel: Elf, level 45 Sorcerer (combat magic 45)

Celeb'hel waits at a ruined shrine not far south of the Calennor Stronghold 
entrance. When you complete the Part 2 secondary quest, "Celeb'hel", he 
offers to join up.

* Ressa: Elf, level 43 Assassin (ranged 39, combat magic 31)

Ressa is at a campsite just south of Aman'lu. Before she will join up, you 
have to complete her secondary quest "Questionable Methods".

* Yoren: Dwarf, level 40 Preserver (melee 36, nature magic 29)

Yoren is in the Dryad Outpost, not far from your starting point, near Burk. 
He initiates the "Hunt for the Lost Dwarves" secondary quest. When you find 
the clue to the lost dwarves, he offers to join your party and you must have 
him in your party to complete the quest.

[5.2] Pets

Broken World adds two new pets. These pets are immediately available from the 
pet seller in the Dryad Outpost at the beginning of the game. All other pets 
are also available from the dryad pet seller.

 Kohl Beast
Cost:      5,000 gold
Class:     Melee
Weapon:    Claw Slash
Spell:     n/a
Power:     Flurry; Increases attack speed and damage of kohl beast for
           4 seconds; Normal recharge
Emanation: Deadly Strike; increases frequency and damage of melee and ranged
           critical hits
Acquired:  From the pet seller in the Dryad Outpost
Level Req: Baby - 40, Fledgling - 42, Juvenile - 44,
           Adolescent - 46, Young Adult - 48, Mature - 50

The kohl beast is a good choice for a melee/ranged heavy party for it's 
emanation. It's also a pretty good fighter, but doesn't offer much beyond 
that to mages.

 Pack Ram
Cost:      4,000 gold
Class:     Melee
Weapon:    Kick
Spell:     n/a
Power:     Earthquake; sends out waves of force that damage and
           stun enemies; Slow recharge
Emanation: Determination; increases party max health and strength
Acquired:  From the pet seller in the Dryad Outpost
Level Req: Baby - 40, Fledgling - 42, Juvenile - 44,
           Adolescent - 46, Young Adult - 48, Mature - 50

The pack ram is an alternate for the pack mule. It gets one extra page of 
inventory at the Adolescent stage. Compared to the mule, you get a pack 
animal with a more useful emanation and power, but less overall storage space.

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@_/_/_/_/_| ____  [6] VERSION HISTORY & CREDITS                          )
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v1.00 2006-08-18
      - First published version

 Special Thanks To:

* Ginasue1 of GameFAQs for helping me find the last couple of things I needed 
to fully complete the game. (Namely the mana-infused stone for Mage Nari and 
the purple and yellow stones in the Calennor Stronghold.)

Written & Copyright 2006 by Barry Scott Will

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 
License. To view a copy of this license, visit

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