Duke Nukem 3D and Atomic Edition FAQ (walkthrough)
Duke Nukem 3D and Atomic Edition FAQ
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| GAME NAME : Duke Nukem 3D and Atomic Edition |
| FAQ NAME : Complete FAQ / Walkthrough |
| PLATFORM : PC / Macintosh |
| VERSION : 2.01 |
| DATE : 2007.06.23 |
| AUTHOR : Keith McLeod |
| E-MAIL : sturmtiger@gmail.com |
| COMPOSED WITH : Notepad 80 pt. |
| [01-00] Table of Contents |==================================================
[01-00] Table of Contents
[02-00] Introduction
[02-01] The Game Menu
[02-02] Game Controls
[02-03] The Basics
[02-04] Environmental Interactions
[03-00] Pickups
[03-01] Recovery Pickups
[03-02] Useable Items
[03-03] Weapons and Ammo
[04-00] Enemies
[04-01] Common Enemies
[04-02] Boss Enemies
[04-03] Shots to Kill
[05-00] Walkthrough
[05-01] Episode 1 - L.A Meltdown
[05-02] Episode 2 - Lunar Apocalypse
[05-03] Episode 3 - Shrapnel City
[05-04] Episode 4 - The Birth
[06-00] Cheating
[06-01] Cheat Codes
[06-02] .CON Files
[07-00] Duke Related Stuff
[07-01] Easter Eggs
[07-02] Duke Speak
[07-03] Text Transcriptions
[07-04] Game Credits
[07-05] On The Atomic Edition Disc
[07-06] Unused Sprites
[08-00] FAQs
[09-00] FAQ Information and Copyright
[09-01] Updates
[09-02] Credits
[09-03] Contact Info
[09-04] Copyright
You can go to any section in this guide by copying and pasting the Section
Number into the CTRL+F dialog box. This will take you to that section.
Throughout the guide, I reference other sections using the notation of ##-##.
For example, I may reference section 06-01. If you copy and paste that into
the CTRL+F search dialogue and add a pair of square braces - [] - around it,
then you will go to that section quickly. Searching for 06-01 will therefore
bring you to the Cheat Codes section.
When you reach a section, depending on the length of that section there may be
a Listing of Contents. This is a mini Table of Contents and will direct you
to the various important parts in that section. For example, in the Enemies
section, there will be a table that will "link" to the different enemies in the
game. Note that not all sections deserve a Listing of Contents because some
sections are quite small (the Introduction or Controls sections for example).
| [02-00] Introduction |=======================================================
Welcome to my Duke Nukem 3D walkthrough. This guide contains a "getting
started" section for those new to the game, a breakdown of enemies and
weapons, a full walkthrough for every level of the game, a list of secrets
and Easter eggs in the game, and some frequently asked questions (FAQs).
Duke Nukem 3D is the legendary first person shooting game (FPS) that combined
great level design with the gritty style and attitude of Duke Nukem, a trash
talking anti-hero with a vendetta against alien scum. Duke Nukem 3D, unlike
it's predecessors DOOM and Wolfenstein 3D, was able to have full 3D movement,
rooms on top of rooms, and much more - making the FPS genre not only more
entertaining, but more technically advanced as well. Fond words are still
spoken of Duke as the last great Duke Nukem game, and possibly the last
traditional FPS Duke game (if the much-delayed Duke Nukem Forever does not
come out soon!).
[02-00-01] What You Won't Find in This Guide
This FAQ will cover many of the single player gameplay aspects of this guide,
however, it will not cover the following aspects:
+ Multiplayer (TEN, LAN games, etc)
+ Technical issues (Will this work on Vista? XP?, etc)
+ DOS with relation to this game (much of this can be found in the official
+ Unofficial mods and addons (there are a few sites dedicated to these, and
they would do a much better cataloging job then I would)
[02-00-02] Language Warning
There is some coarse language in this guide. I personally don't swear in the
walkthrough, but I do have transcripts of some of the in game content. This
is primarily in the section 7, which is called "Duke Related Stuff". If you
are sensitive to this kind of thing, here is fair warning to you.
[02-00-03] Assumptions Made When Using This Guide
If you are playing through the full game, you should have at least the first
three episodes and the 1.5 Patch (available at 3drealms.com). Ideally, you
will have the Plutonium Pak / Atomic Edition which has the fourth episode and
will already be updated.
The walkthrough has been written for the Come Get Some difficulty. Much of it
will be similar to the other difficulty levels except for the appearances of
enemies. This will be discussed in section 02-02-01.
[02-00-04] Recognition and Acknowledgements
This guide wouldn't have been possible without the help of many contributors.
See Section 10-02 for the full listing of contributors, but I feel that these
folks here have put an exceptional amount of time into Duke and this guide.
Fernando Calvo: This man has contributed so much info to the guide, in the
form of Easter eggs, corrections and much, much more. He is also the reigning
speed run king of Duke. Thanks so much!
Jacek D: Like Fernando, Jacek has added tons of info and corrections to the
guide. Without him it would be much more innacurate. Thanks!
Stephen Worek: Another contributor of mass eggs and corrections. Thanks!
Mike P.: I have been told that my guide is hard to read at times because of
the abbreviations. Mike cleaned up the whole guide and hopefully made it more
readable for a larger audience. Thanks!
[02-00-05] Further Duke Resources
There are many other great resoruces for Duke on the Internet. This section
will link to a few of these resources.
Fernando's Speed Walkthroughs: http://www.red-stars.net/content/Main_Page
This site, a co-effort by speedrun masters Fernando Calvo and JLennox,
is truly the only place to go on the Internet if you ever need anything with
regards to speed-running in Duke. This site has videos every level in detail
along wtih an explanation of tips and tricks. Oh yeah - don't try to beat
these ones, Fernando will crush you.
eScenCe's Video Walkthroughs: http://escence.blog.de/?tag=duke+nukem+3d
This site was created by Sebastian "eScenCe" S. and is intended to provide a
video talkthrough for every level in the game. The website is in German. The
video walkthroughs use the High Resolution Pack (HRP - See below).
JonoF's Duke 3D Port: http://jonof.edgenetwork.org/index.php?p=jfduke3d
JonoF is the creater of a Win32 port for Duke Nukem 3D, that will allow the
user to play Duke Nukem 3D natively in a Windows-based environment without the
hassle of DOS. It should address nearly all the compatability issues with
other systems, and combinted with a program like DukesterX it allows for similar
hassle free multiplayer.
Duke HRP (High Resolution Pack): http://hrp.duke4.net/faq.php
Ever wanted to play Duke3D with 3D graphics? Well, this might well be the only
way that you'll play a Duke First Person Shooter with 3D graphics unless Duke
manages to get his act together for Duke Nukem Forever. The mod is absolutely
glorius and it would be a shame to miss out on it.
LameDuke Guide: http://faqs.ign.com/articles/637/637744p1.html
Curious about the beta of Duke Nukem 3D? Fear not, the guide created by yours
truly still exists, though it is found at the above address now (amongst other
locations). [Note: The IGN link is currently temporary and will be changed to
the GameFAQs link in a future version].
3D Realms Website: http://forums.3drealms.com/vb/index.php
One of few active communites on the web for Duke 3D and other Duke games on the
web, the website provides much insight on Duke 3D and it's community through the
use of it's expansive Forums system.
=| [02-01] The Game Menu |======================================================
After you watch the Introduction movies, you will be launched into the Main
Menu. There is another menu, known as the In Game menu, that will appear when
you have started playing the game. These will be described below.
[02-01-00] Listing of Contents
[02-01-01] NEW GAME
[02-01-02] PLAY ON TEN
[02-01-03] OPTIONS
[02-01-04] LOAD GAME
[02-01-05] HELP
[02-01-06] CREDITS
[02-01-07] QUIT
[02-01-08] SAVE GAME
[02-01-09] QUIT TO TITLE
[02-01-10] OPTIONS (Game Menu)
[02-01-01] NEW GAME
Starts a New Game. You will then be prompted to select an Episode to play and
then a Difficulty to play on.
There are four Episodes (sets of levels) that you can play in Duke 3D.
L.A MELTDOWN - The only episode that comes with the shareware, and a good
introduction to the game. Doesn't have the full array of weapons to weild or
enemies to kill that the later episodes do. Set on a freshly invaded Earth, it
has many of the trademark aspects of the game, including strippers, the movie
theatre, and the red light district. It ends with a clash against the mighty
Battlelord in a landed alien spaceship.
LUNAR APOCALYPSE - This episode introduces Duke to the rest of the weapons and
enemies that are in the game. A stark change from the bright overworld of
Earth, Lunar Apocalypse takes place entirely in space, fighting within
spaceships and on the moon. It's focus is on challenging level design, and the
player will be prepared for oncoming episodes should they best this one. Duke
kills the squamous Overlord to end the episode.
SHRAPNEL CITY - Duke comes back to an alien infested Earth to trek to the
devastating Cycloid Emperor and to save the planet. Venturing through a variety
of urban locales, the player will be challenged against the diverse array of
monsters and have access to the most powerful weapons. You will fight through
a Sushi restaurant, the streets of LA, and eventually clash with the Cycloid
Emperor within a gigantic football stadium.
THE BIRTH - This episode is exclusive to the Plutonium Pak / Atomic Edition.
Duke is summoned back from vacation to help assist in the eradication of new,
more dangerous aliens that threaten to take over the planet. It introduces
new enemies and weapons to the player, and will take Duke through a number of
urban and space-style locations, eventually leading to a massive underwater
battle against the dire Alien Queen.
PIECE OF CAKE - The easiest difficulty, with the fewest amount of enemies.
Newbies to Duke and particularly the FPS genre in general should try this
out before being eaten alive on the later difficulties.
LET'S ROCK - An average difficulty, with a good amount of enemies to do battle
with. If you are rusty on your skills but still have played FPS games in the
past, try this.
COME GET SOME - The Hard difficulty. FPS veterans will find this appropriately
challenging as there are the most amount of enemies amongst the levels.
DAMN I'M GOOD - The Hardest difficulty in the game, recommended only for those
Duke veterans that have conquered everything in their path already. If you
have played DOOM, it is the equivalent NIGHTMARE difficulty in Duke Nukem 3D.
Besides incorporating the same large amount of enemies that you fight in the
Come Get Some difficulty, if said enemies are not properly disposed of, they
will return to life to fight again. Even the game's cheat codes can't save
you anymore - they are locked out with a message saying "You're too good to
be cheating!".
[02-01-02] PLAY ON TEN
Back in this game's heyday this would have connected you to TEN, or the Total
Entertainment Network, where gamers could collaborate in various forms of
Dukematch. Sadly, TEN was shut down.
[02-01-03] OPTIONS
This section will attempt to describe the various options available to the
player in the game.
DETAIL (High or Low)
Increases or decreases the detail of the graphics in the games, and it can
proportionally increase or decrease the speed of the game on older machines.
SHADOWS (On or Off)
Turns the shadows in the game on or off, can make the game run smoother on
older machines.
When using the "Look Left" or "Look Right" on the keyboard, with this option
turned on, the screen will actually tilt a bit. If the option was turned off,
when you would press the key you would see what you would actually have seen
if you were standing where you are currently looking. [Credit: Jacek D.]
Additionally, when you die, usually you are simply facing your killer, but
with this option on, you will have a tilt in your screen. These two features
make the game potentially more realistic.
SCREEN SIZE (Scroll Bar)
Increase or decrease the screen size; left is smaller and right is larger.
The default screen size shows the status bar and the full screen onto of it.
It doesn't compress the screen either, but it cuts out the bottom part of the
weapon art, so you will actually be missing out on the total animation. After
you become accustomed to the menu or you just want to see the full weapon art,
then put the screen size to the maximum.
If you are going to make the screen size smaller, a frame will appear around
the game environment, making it smaller with each notch on the scroll bar.
This may be appropriate for older machines.
Increases or decreases the gamma (brightness level) of the game. Left is
darker, right is brighter.
This is used to change brightness levels depending on either the user's
preferences or the current status of the monitor; the default value should
suffice for a properly configured monitor.
Increases or decreases how sensitive the mouse is. Left is less sensitive,
right is more sensitive.
This modifies how fast the mouse moves in game, if you are using it. You may
be able to configure this through other means (some not in game).
Triggers if when moving the mouse towards the screen, it goes up in the game
and vice versa. If you are used to flight sims or something, or you just have
a preference for having your aiming axis switched, then toggle this.
If off, moving the mouse towards the monitor will cause you to look down and
away from the monitor will cause you to look up. If on, when the mouse is
moving towards the screen you will look up and when you move away from the
screen you will look down.
RECORD (On or Off)
Starts a recording session if turned on (it's easier to record games from the
command prompt, however).
Sound is a submenu within the Options menu.
SOUND (On or Off)
Turns the sound in the game on or off.
MUSIC (On or Off)
Turns the MIDI music in the game on or off.
Modifies the volume level of the sounds in the game.
Modifies the volume level of the music in the game.
DUKE TALK (On or Off)
Toggles if Duke talks or not in the game. Also stops Duke from cracking his
knuckles if you stand still for too long.
AMBIENCE (On or Off)
Turns off the extra background sounds in the game but leaves on sounds that
come from objects (such as the explosion from an RPG round).
Flips the sound channels that are going to your left and right speakers
to go to right and left ones instead, respectively.
Parental Lock is a submenu within the Options menu.
ADULT MODE (On or Off)
Used to censor the stuff that makes Duke an adult game and makes it fairly
suitable for younger folk.
If turned off, it disables all graphics of females, all violent sprites (such
as the blood that comes out of enemies when they get shot, body parts of
enemies when they are blown up, unnecessary blood stains on walls and other
violent stuff like that) and turns off all the sound files that have Duke
swearing or making vulgar comments etc, disables "Remote Ridicule", turns
off the endings.
Allows you to enter a password to restrict access to turning on the Adult
You have to be on the adult mode to make the password. You can enter up to
19 characters. If you enter nothing, then there will be no passwords required.
To take off a password if you are in the normal mode, enter the password and
then choose the Enter Password option a second time. Enter nothing in that
field and then the password will be removed.
[02-01-04] LOAD GAME
Brings you to a screen where you can choose one of the ten possible saved games
and load it to restart from your last saved position.
[02-01-05] HELP
The HELP option brings up two screens. The first is the story screen (this is
detailed in Section 07-03-01, Introduction). The second screen is a list of
all the default key settings in the game (they are detailed in the guide in
section 02-03).
[02-01-06] CREDITS
Brings up a few screens of credits that you can scroll through using Enter or
space (see the Credits section for a transcription of this).
[02-01-07] QUIT
Terminates the game, and exits you to the DOS prompt with an exiting splash
[02-01-08] SAVE GAME
Brings you up to a screen where you can save your game in any of the ten slots
there. Each save game slot also has a picture file that is saved with it to
show the region where you saved the game.
To save your game, choose the slot that you want to save your game on and press
enter. If there was a game saved previously, then it will ask you if you want
to overwrite it (Yes or No). Then, type in a maximum of 19 characters to
identify the file and press Enter. The game has now been saved.
[02-01-09] QUIT TO TITLE
Quits the current game you are playing (without saving it) and returns you to
the title screen.
[02-01-10] OPTIONS (Game Menu)
Identical to the options in the Main Menu, but you can't begin a recording
session in the middle of a level.
=| [02-02] Game Controls|======================================================
This section will outline the default controls that are used to get around
the game. These can be changed using the SETUP.EXE program that comes with
Duke Nukem 3D. They can be viewed by pressing F1 and scrolling through the
help screens in-game.
[02-02-01] Movement
A: Jump
Z: Duck
Arrows : Move
Shift : Run
CapsLock : Toggle Autorun (by default, it is off)
Alt : Hold to strafe using Left and Right arrows
',' and '.': Left Strafe and Right Strafe
Ctrl : Fire current weapon
SpaceBar : Use something in the environment (a door, for example)
Backspace : Spin around 180 degrees
[02-02-02] Item Keys
H: Holoduke
J: JetPack
N: Nightvision
M: Medkit
R: Steroids
ENTER : Use item
[ or ] : Scroll through items
[02-02-03] Weapon Keys
1: Quick Kick
2: Mighty Foot
3: Pistol
4: Shotgun
5: Chaingun Cannon
6: RPG
7: Pipebomb
8: Shrink Ray
9: Devastator
0: Laser Trip Bomb
";" and "'" : Scroll through Weapons
ScrLock : Holster Weapon (no real function aside from clearing the screen)
[02-02-04] Looking Around
PgUp/PgDn : Look up or down
Home / End : Aim up or down
Keypad 5 : Center View
Ins/Del : Look Left or Right
TAB : Toggle the map or change the map type. There is a "skeleton" map layer,
and then a textured map layer that shows the ground textures and
other features of the level. Duke is represented by a overhead version
of himself. You can't see monsters or pickups from the map.
- , + : Zoom in and out
F : Follow map mode
[02-02-05] Function Keys
F1 : Help
F2 : Save
F3 : Load
F4 : Sound / Music
F5 : Select Music
F6 : Quick Save
F7 : Third Person View
F8 : Toggle Messages
F9 : Quick Load
F10: Quit Game
F11: Select Brightness
F12: Save Screenshot (It is saved in the .PCX format)
[02-02-06] Misc. Keys
- or + : Resize the Screen
U : Toggle Mouse Aiming
I : Toggle Crosshairs
[02-02-07] Multiplayer Keys
T: Send message
W: Show opponent's weapon
K: Show Co-Op view
SHIFT + Function : Send text macro (a macro is a configurable string of
characters to likely mock your opponent).
ALT + Function Key: Send sound macro (remote ridicule - see DukeSpeak section
for more details).
=| [02-03] The Basics |========================================================
This section is intended to explain the very basics of the Duke Nukem 3D game
to the first time player. If you haven't played the game - or any First Person
Shooter (FPS) game before - then reading this section could be to your benefit.
The objective of the game is to fight your way through the Episodes and kill
Bosses at the end of them. An Episode is a collection of Levels. Levels are the
different themed locations where parts of the game take place. Within the
levels, there are Enemies, Weapons, Items, and environmental hazards. Using
the Items and Weapons, conquer the Enemies and avoid the environmental hazards.
Should you accomplish this, you will come to an Exit Symbol - this will take
you to the next level. Once you progress through enough levels you will come to
the Boss monster - a souped up enemy that will challenge your skills to this
point. Once you kill him, you have "won" the episode. Do this to the other
episodes. Eventually, you will have beaten the entire game!
That all sounds easy, but in reality, it will prove to be quite a challenge.
[02-03-01] Your Status
The first thing that you should notice is the bar with all the numbers covering
the bottom of your screen. This has all of the statistics that you will find
useful in your journey throughout the game. The status bar includes the
following information:
Health: Duke's health is measured in a percentage, by default, he's 100%
healthy. He can get up to 200% using special items. However, when he is
injured, he becomes markedly more unhealthy. This is reflected by taking off a
number of percentage points based on how much the thing that hit him hurt. If
Duke's health reaches zero, he dies, and you have to either restart the level
or restart from your last save point (save early, save often!).
Luckily for Duke, Health can be recovered in various ways. The most common are
the following:
+ Recovery Pickups (section 03-01)
+ Toilets and Urinals (Section 02-04-05)
+ Portable Medikit (Section 03-02-01)
Armor: Duke's armor is also measured in a percentage. Duke doesn't start off
with any body armor, it has to be found from the levels or wrangled from an
unwilling Pig Cop. Armor reduces incoming damage from any attack, so it's a
nice thing to have undoubtedly. Armor is discussed in section 03-01-04.
Ammo: The next most important commodity is ammunition, or ammo. Ammo is used
to make your weapons function, whether by placing a laser tripbomb or launching
a rocket propelled grenade. Ammo is found all over the place in the game,
either lying about, hidden in a secret area, or from a monster wielding a
similar gun. Keep an eye on your ammo, because if it gets too low, you'll be
forced to switch to a gun with ammo. If you have no guns with ammo, you will
fighting alien swarms with just your boot!
Weapons: Weapons are used to kill things. The status bar shows you what weapons
you currently have access to. The gauge on the right of the bar shows the
weapons that you can get, and if you have them, the numbers corresponding to
the weapon light up. The actual numbers are the tally of the Ammo you have
left for all your guns. This means you can keep an eye on the tally of ammo
for all the guns you have. Useful, indeed. For detailed descriptions of the
weapons and ammo in the game, check out section 03-03.
Keys: This shows a list of the keys that you have. Keys are, like they sound,
required to open doors. There are three kinds of keys in the game: Red, Blue,
and Yellow. Almost every level uses a key. Keys unlock doors corresponding to
their color. For more on switches, see section 02-04-08.
Item: This shows the item that you have "at the ready". This shows the status
of the item, measured in a percentage. Their status is indicative of how long
you can use them before they fizzle out. The various items in the game are
discussed in section 03-02. Note that you don't have to have an item "at the
ready" to use it, there are hotkeys in the game for each item (thus you can
use the Portable Medikit while you are flying around on a Jetpack, or use
Night Vision Goggles under the influence of Steroids).
[02-03-02] Moving Around The Game
Once you have figured out the game, you will then be prompted to start
exploring and conquering the game world. This is done by using the movement
keys (Section 02-02) - since the game is played in three dimensions, not only
can you move to and fro, but you can jump over obstacles, crawl through
vents, swim through water, and fall off cliffs if you aren't careful. You will
have to master these essential skills early. The Jetpack gives you freedom of
movement for a limited time and is an important tool in the arsenal of Duke.
The next item of interest is doors. Doors sound simple enough - use them and
sometimes they will open for you, providing access to an important part of the
level. Other times they are locked, and require that you find a switch, input a
combination on a set of nearby switches, or use a Key to open them. They could
also be guarded by a forcefield, or simply be a wall that you have to destroy.
In any case, using the doors in the game is essential too. Learn them well.
Weapons and items, as described above, are found all about the levels in the
game. Pick them up as you see fit and use them. They are described in the
sections referenced above.
Use the weapons that you find to kill the enemies. To shoot a gun, aim it at
the target using the crosshairs (if you have them turned on). Otherwise, aim
at their general direction and press the Fire button. Every successful hit that
you score will remove an amount of health from the total possessed by that
enemy. Once that enemy's health is reduced to zero, you kill it. In fact, they
may drop something of interest, like a weapon or some armor.
Enemies won't just fall down before you, though. A Trooper will launch away on
his Jetpack, ready to shoot at you while evading your weapons. An RPV will
launch fly-by attacks while avoiding your RPG blasts, and Alien Drones will
relentlessly tear you to pieces or shrink you to a pint size just to squish you.
You'll have to find a way to kill these enemies without being killed yourself.
You can find strategies on killing enemies in section 04-00.
Now that you know how to move, progress, and kill your way through a level,
you should be able to end it. Thus, you will have to find the Exit Symbol.
Exit Symbols are large atomic-symbols that Duke will explode when he Uses them.
Once this is accomplished, you beat that level, and can continue on in the
[02-03-03] Secrets!
Perhaps you found a secret area on your own, noticing a peculiar crack in the
wall. Or, you may have stumbled into a secret cache of weapons and items
without knowing it. In either case, you have come across a Secret - an
important (but secondary) challenge in Duke Nukem 3D. The challenge is to find
the secrets in the game (even without the aid of a guide like this one!) and
use their treasure as an advantage against the advancing alien hordes. However,
not everyone has the patience to probe around levels for tiny cracks in the
wall and such, so that's where this guide comes in.
Secret areas are usually marked somehow. Perhaps they are a crack in the wall,
an oddly colored panel, a door that opens after you cross an invisible
threshold, or even just an out of the way cave. Seeking out secrets provides
another dimension of enjoyment and completion to the game.
On top of this, there are even Secret Levels! This could provide even the most
staunch adventurer a reason to go relic hunting, as it were - secret levels
provide more challenges, items and weapons that can be used later in the
Episode. A level can obviously have a "regular" exit and a Secret exit, but
usually only have Regular exits. On the occasion that there is a secret exit to
be found, the Exit Symbol will be green, and a demonic voice will pronounce
"Secret Level". Search for these!
=| [02-04] Environmental Interactions |========================================
Duke Nukem 3D is a large game with a lot to do in it. You can interact with the
environment in various ways.
[02-04-00] Listing of Contents
[02-04-01] Babes
[02-04-02] Breakable Stuff
[02-04-03] Explodables
[02-04-04] Teleportation Pads
[02-04-05] Toilets and Water
[02-04-06] Vents
[02-04-07] Cracks
[02-04-08] Switches
[02-04-09] Cameras and Monitors
[02-04-10] Indestructible Guns
[02-04-11] Environmental Damage Sources
[02-04-12] Forcefields
[02-04-13] Mirrors
[02-04-14] Water
[02-04-15] Exit Symbols
[02-04-16] Claws
[02-04-01] Babes
You will find women all over your travels in the game. They will either be
encased in green alien sludge or just standing around. You can interact with
them by pressing the USE key. Those so encased will ask you to slay them, which
is highly not recommended (see below). Otherwise, Duke will give them some
money, which they may reciprocate with another service...
Killing a babe outright is not recommended. Besides being ethically
questionable, it will warp in angry aliens that will attack you instantly -
sometimes even Battlelords, so be careful where you shoot when a babe is
nearby. Alas, even enemies can inadvertently kill a babe, so you may find
yourself killing additional enemies anyways. Also, a Babe may impede your
progress to finding a hidden room or acquiring an item, so it may be an
unavoidable evil in these situations.
[02-04-02] Breakable Stuff
There are many objects in this game that are breakable with your weapons. Pots,
plates, computer screens, trees, signs and so forth. This usually doesn't
affect the course of the game to a great extent but makes things interesting!
Blowing up metal trashcans sometimes yields useful items so be sure to take
them out with your boot whenever you see them.
There are various degrees of toughness in the game for items that can be blown
up. For example, clocks, plants, computers and other things only require one
hit from anything for it to be destroyed. Other things, like the dolphin in the
Shop-N-Go level or babes require more to destroy them. Some stuff can only be
destroyed by explosives - Signs, like the Parking sign in Hollywood Holocaust
level, palm trees, and rubber garbage cans require a blast from an explosive
weapon for them to be destroyed completely. Try destroying everything, you
might be surprised at the degree of destruction available to you.
[02-04-03] Explodables
Explodables are somewhat of subsection of Breakable Stuff, though they have an
important property - that of creating an explosion. Destroying such an item
with even a bullet based weapon will create said explosion, damaging nearby
objects and enemies and (of particular use) destroying walls concealing
secrets. They are usually in the form of large orange canisters, fire
extinguishers, or the archetypical dangerous barrel.
[02-04-04] Teleportation Pads
These are square pads with a white beam in the middle that will transport you
to another location on the map. You can shoot weapons with the Projectile
quality through the teleporters, as well as pipebombs. This can lead to some
devious strategic shooting, though beware - enemies that shoot projectiles
can exploit this too!
Duke can perform what is known to FPS players as the "Tele-Frag". If an enemy
is sitting on a teleportation pad, stepping through the other end of the
teleporter will cause Duke to land within the same space that the enemy
occupies, reducing them to giblets. Careful though - if you are in a DukeMatch
you can be a victim of a Tele-Frag yourself!
[02-04-05] Toilets and Water
Toilets and urinals are commonplace in Duke, obviously found in bathroom areas.
Pressing the Use key in front of one of these fixtures will increase your
health by 10 to a maximum of 100, however, you will be stuck in front of the
object, unable to use weapons or defend yourself until the animation is
finished. The fixture could indeed be destroyed, while in use, though you will
still get the benefit if this occurs. You can relieve yourself in this manner
once a level.
Other sources of water found in the game can be drank to recover 1 Health per
second. These include water fountains and water sprays. Destroying a urinal,
toilet, water fountain, or fire hydrant will create a water spray though they
can be found naturally as well. Destroying a fixture in such a way requires
only a single shot from any weapon. You can recover as much health as you want
in this manner to a maximum of 100 Health, though it is fairly tedious.
[02-04-06] Vents
You will often come across grates in the wall that are breakable. Sometimes,
these are essential to completing a level while at other times they simply
lead to other areas or secret rooms. You can break them in one shot with
any weapon. There are also ceiling and wall fans in the game that can be broken
in the same fashion. Typically you are forced to crouch down in the vent but
they can be of any size once you enter.
[02-04-07] Cracks
Cracks in a wall almost always signify either a secret area or a pathway onto
a new area of the level. Any weapon with the Explosive quality can destroy a
cracked surface, as well as explosive environmental sources and enemies that
employ explosive weapons.
Once in a while you may run into the art for a crack in the wall, but when
firing at it the surface will not explode. These cracks are for decoration
only (however, they are fairly rare).
[02-04-08] Switches
Switches, buttons, levers and key slots are all integral parts of Duke 3D.
They provide access to various parts of levels in the game. Using a switch
is simple, just press the Use key in front of it. There are some switches in
the game that can be activated by shooting them with a Bullet-based weapon as
well - these are typically shaped like a large round or square button. Others
cannot be shot and are typically lever-like.
There are a number of grouped switches throughout Duke 3D that are required to
be pressed in a certain order for the corresponding door to be opened. For
example, a group of three switches may require the first and third buttons to
be depressed but not the second. In the guide, these are represented by the
following, with the combinations going from either left to right or up to down:
+ O - The switch is in the off position.
+ X - The switch is in the on position.
Thus, the switch group in the previous example would be represented by X O X.
The most important switch is the Key Slot. These are required to progress in
almost every level. Using a Key Slot requires a keycard of the appropriate
color, found somewhere in the same level. There are three key colors and
corresponding slots - Red, Blue, and Yellow. Once Key Slot is activated, the
door (or other function) that it opens does not need to use that key again
to function.
There is one other type of switch in the game - the common light switch.
Typically represented by a small, inconspicuous light switch, they modify the
lighting conditions in a room - this could be to your benefit. Occasionally,
however, they may trigger a secret area, so don't ignore them!
[02-04-09] Cameras and Monitors
The combination of camera and monitor is an effective scouting tool for Duke.
Looking into a monitor - usually a large black screen with a purple forcefield
in front of it as well as a "SECUIRTY" message on it - will allow a view of
other parts of the level, including any items or enemies that may be in them.
Some of the cameras that the monitors are connected to are stationary while
others have a limited degree of movement. Many monitors have access to several
cameras - continue pressing the Use key to scroll through them. Be aware that
Duke is vulnerable to enemy fire when using a monitor.
You can detonate pipebombs when you are using a monitor, and this can be good
if you are setting traps for enemies in the game, or particularly useful for
Occasionally, you will find a non-standard monitor (like a TV screen) that
displays a message that may be of some use (or just an Easter egg).
[02-04-10] Indestructible Guns
In contrast to the destructible Mounted Gun that is found throughout the game,
there are weapons that are mounted to walls that fire continuous streams of
either laser blasts or shrink ray bursts. They fire without prejudice, so
you can try and maneuver enemies in front of them to your benefit. They can't
be destroyed in any way, however, sometimes you may be able to use a physical
feature of the level to block their fire.
Some levels require that you use the Indestructible Shrink Ray gun to progress
through the level. You are entirely vulnerable in this state, so be wary of
what you do while shrunk.
[02-04-11] Environmental Damage Sources
Aside from the enemies that have it out for you, the environment isn't
particularly hospitable either. In addition to the explodable items and
indestructible guns described earlier, you can encounter objects in the game
that will deal you damage with a mere touch. These include obvious things like
fire, electricity, and some forcefields (see below).
Another FPS standard is the use of dangerous floor materials. Sometimes the
floor might be composed of acid or lava or be electrified - this will do a
pretty large amount of damage if you stay on for too long. Protective Boots
will negate this damage until they wear out, and you can use your Jetpack to
avoid touching the stuff at all. Steroids can be used to get across these
surfaces quickly too, and if worse comes to worse, you can "bunny hop" - jump
around like an idiot to avoid touching the ground.
In addition to the regular dangerous floor materials, in Episode 4 there are a
few pits of extremely potent "Hyper Acid" that can't be navigated over by a
Jetpack, and eat through Boots, armor and health much faster than the regular
stuff. This acid is purple. Luckily, it is rare - but if you see your health
degrading very fast, you know that you are on this acid.
You can be squished by various things in the game too, including rotating
walls, compressing doors, and things like big pistons and so forth. These will
cause you (and most other enemies) instant death. You can also get squished by
things that shouldn't squish you (revolving doors and so forth). Carts and
other fast moving things can kill you. And if you fall from high places, you
will take damage (if you fall from a very high place, you can die instantly).
Doors can also crush enemies (but not you that easily).
There are laser trip bombs that can be found throughout the game that have
already been activated. If you cross their laser, they will explode as normal.
Be sure to shoot them with an explosive weapon, or avoid them by jumping over
or ducking under them to neutralize the threat.
There are underwater mines that hang from chains. If you get close to them
or shoot them they will explode, dealing about as much damage as a laser trip
bomb. If you can, be at a far enough range to shoot and destroy these traps.
There are also little electric outlets on some walls near the floor. You can
"use" the outlets near the floor, and you will take 1 damage each time. Bright
[02-04-12] Forcefields
Forcefields are one of the key obstacles in Duke 3D as they generally block of
access to key parts of a level. They are often able to be toggled by a switch
or combination of some sort. The functionality of the forcefields differ with
the color of it. Some may cause damage to you, these are usually green or
blue colored. Others are purple and are generally harmless. Some areas may not
have a visible forcefield, but become apparent when you either touch or fire at
it; usually these are also harmless and are just used as barriers to prevent
movement into areas like outer space.
Forcefields prevent all fire, enemy or yours, from penetrating them. However,
you can exploit forcefields a bit. Enemies will shoot at you behind a force
field, but will get prevented by it. If the enemies are close to a
forcefield, they can be hit by things with a blast radius, but the most
recommended gun for this is the RPG. It can be useful but is limited to only a
few situations. Enemies with explosive weapons will still fire at you despite
the forcefield, so they may kill their allies while the forcefield is still
[02-04-13] Mirrors
Mirrors are in a few levels in the game, showing a mirror image of Duke and
his surroundings and mimicking his movements to a degree. The other function
of mirrors is that they reflect shrink rays, either yours, an Alien Drone's or a
mounted emplacement's. This allows you to shrink yourself, in order to get to
either progress with a level or get to a secret area. Of course, you can use
mirrors to scout out the area where the mirror is reflecting. Curiously, the
Microwave Expander blasts cannot be reflected from mirrors...
If, for some reason, you dislike mirrors they can be destroyed with an
explosion or by throwing a Pipebomb at the mirror (it doesn't need to be
detonated). What remains will typically be a shattered mirror against a wooden
[02-04-14] Water
Water is around in many levels, and in some it is required that you submerge in
them to progress. You don't have to submerge right away, you can stay "afloat"
and have full capability. You'll know when you go underwater because the screen
tint changes to blue. You can leap out of the water onto surfaces close to
the ground / water interface by using the jump key when you are in this
"wading" mode. To dive underwater use the crouch key, and then you can navigate
as if you had full range of motion (see below).
Underwater you can use all your weapons, however, the way some of them work is
changed a little bit (see below). The biggest change is that you will start
taking damage if you stay under the water for too long. You can prevent this
damage by either surfacing for a second or getting the scuba gear. You can
die by staying underwater for too long, so keep an eye on your health. On a
side note, enemies don't get hurt by staying underwater for too long.
You have free range of motion underwater. This means that you can go up and
down, left and right as long as you are in water.
Some weapon and item functionality changes underwater, as described below:
+ The Pipebomb, when thrown, falls to the ground slower than it does on land.
+ The RPG's missile slows down underwater.
+ The Devastator's missiles slow down underwater.
+ The Laser Trip Bomb's laser is green underwater instead of red.
+ Bullet casings from the Chaingun, Shotgun and Pistol fall to the ground
+ The Holoduke will appear to be "half-in, half-out" when used while swimming
at the surface of the water or when dropped in the air above the water.
If used under the water, the Holoduke will appear to be swimming.
+ The Jetpack can be turned on underwater, but since you already have full
range of motion it is unnecessary. You can't go underwater if you have your
Jetpack on.
As noted above, monsters don't take damage if they are underwater for too long.
Behavior of the monsters underwater changes for some of them, however, as noted
+ Troopers, Captains, Sharks and Octabrains have full range of motion
+ Pig Cops and Pig Tanks can fall in water, but stay on the surface and can't
+ The Enforcer can submerge, walking on the bottom of the water area. It can
jump as high as it can on land.
+ Alien Drones walk around on the bottom of the water area and can jump higher
then they could on land.
+ Protoziod Slimers can fall in the water. They negotiate the ground the same
way and when they transfer to the "ceiling", they will latch to the surface
of the water (though you can't see it looking into the water).
If the enemies aren't noted here, they can't "naturally" go underwater, and
then I assume that they don't do anything different if they were placed in it
via mapmaking or some such thing. If an enemy can go underwater (not just on
the surface like a Pig Cop) then they can't come back out again.
In a few instances you can swim in acid pools. You won't take acid damage if
you submerge in the water but you can still drown... curious indeed, especially
when you consider that you can walk on the acid and still take damage.
[02-04-15] Exit Symbols
These symbols are large circular shaped "radiation" symbols that are mounted on
Exit symbols end the level you are in. After one is pressed (using the Use key)
you are shown a statistics screen and then transported to the next level in the
game. The animation for hitting the exit symbol leaves you vulnerable for a
moment so you should consider killing most threats around you if you are at low
Green exit symbols signify entrances to secret levels. These are rare and are
only in a few levels of the game. In a secret level these symbols act as
standard exit symbols and take you to the level that you would have gone to
if you had hit the exit symbol in the previous level.
Note that not all levels require you to hit an exit symbol to pass the level -
some levels, like the Red Light District, end when you simply enter a certain
room in the level. All levels with boss monsters end when the boss is killed.
If there is more than one boss then it will end when the first boss is killed.
[02-04-16] Claws
These devices are large, claw-like machines that will pick you up and transport
you to a place that would otherwise be unavailable to you. Stand on the area
below the claw, it is usually marked in some way. You will then hear Duke grunt
and you will be transported to a new area. While in a claw, you can't traverse
your view, that is, you can't move about in the crane. You can still shoot but
only directly ahead, up and down. You can't turn around or shoot to the left
and right, which can be a problem if a mischievous level designer decides to
slap a laser trip bomb in the path of the claw. Watch out for stuff like that.
I don't believe that you can damage claws. If you are currently being carried
by one and shoot an RPG directly up at yourself several times, you will start
bouncing (this is most easily done in God mode :) ) but I think that is more
because of the explosion impact rather than the crane breaking.
Claws can carry all sorts of things, not just you. Environmental stuff like
barrels can be picked up by the claws, and corpses are also fair game. A
potentially useful feature of the claws are that they can pick up pipebombs
that you drop on their pickup pad. They will then drop them wherever you would
land if you did take the crane... good to clear out future areas! It will not,
however, pick up a Holoduke.
Claws can even pick up live enemies, and that can be even better for detonating
a sneaky Laser Tripbomb! [Credit: Jacek D.]
| [03-00] Pickups |============================================================
This section will detail all the beneficial items that Duke can come across in
his travels. These include Recovery Pickups (such as health and armor), Item
pickups (like Steroids or the Holoduke), and the array of weapons that Duke
has access too.
=| [03-01] Recovery Pickups|===================================================
Recovery Pickups are the items that keep Duke alive after he has been through
a rough stretch by recovering his Health score. They are consumed simply by
walking over them. If your health is 100% or more (for Small and Large
Medikits) or 200% (for Atomic Health) then Duke will simply ignore the item.
In addition to these basic items, there are other ways to increase your
health. Section 02-04-05, Toilets and Water, details water and toilets, and
section 03-02-01 details the Portable Medikit.
[03-01-01] Small Medikit
Small medikits are little white boxes with a red cross in the middle. Usually
found in groups, they recover 10 health when stepped over, to a maximum of
100 health.
[03-01-02] Large Medikit
A Large Medikit is a white bottle with a cross in the middle. They recover 30
health to a maximum of 100.
[03-01-03] Atomic Health
Atomic Health appear as an atom with blue electrons and a red nucleus. This
coveted item increases your health by a whopping 50, and even better, it is
the only item that can raise your health above 100, to a maximum of 200.
[03-01-04] Body Armor
Body armor appears as a dark grey shirt on the ground. It increases your
armor rating to 100%. Armor acts as a damage buffer for your health - it will
redirect some incoming damage to its percentage. It can help against dangerous
floor surfaces as well, so it's a very nice luxury to have. Note that armor
doesn't protect against death; you can have 90% armor left but if you only have
5% health left you are probably going to die when you take damage.
In addition to being found normally, Used Body Armor can be found off of dead
Pig Cops occasionally - giving an increase of +50% or +75% to your current
armor score, to a maximum of 100%.
=| [03-02] Useable Items |=====================================================
The seven usable items found in Duke 3D are used to give Duke an advantage
found in various situations, such as underwater breathing, overland flight, or
vision in the dark. They can be categorized by the way that they are triggered.
There are three ways a Usable Item is triggered:
+ Single Use: The item can only be used once. Once it is activated it goes
until it is used up (such as Steroids).
+ Multi Use: The item stays in your inventory and can be used as many times
as you want until it is used up.
+ Auto Use: The item comes on when a certain condition is met (such as walking
on acid or being underwater) and automatically diminishes the item until
it is used up.
When an item is used, it's potency is consumed at a given rate. The estimated
rate is given in the heading for each item below in the form of "%/s", which
means it consumed by that number of percentage points every second. The
Portable Medikit is an exception to this, as it is consumed based on Duke's
current health (see below).
[03-02-00] Listing of Contents
[03-02-01] Portable Medikit
[03-02-02] Steroids
[03-02-03] Holoduke
[03-02-04] Jetpack
[03-02-05] Night Vision Goggles
[03-02-06] Scuba Gear
[03-02-07] Protective Boots
[03-02-01] Portable Medikit - Multi Use
The Portable Medikit appears as a white briefcase with red cross in the middle.
The Medikit recovers your health to 100% when you use it. However, this is
limited by the amount of energy that the it has left. The medikit starts at
100% energy and is decreased every time 1 health is recovered by 1%. If you
try to heal more health than the % of energy that is remaining in the Portable
Medikit, it will simply recover whatever is remaining in it and then be
removed from your inventory.
The Portable Medikit shouldn't take priority over Small and Large Medikits
when your health is below 100 (that is, if you have 80 health, take a Large
Medikit instead of using your Portable Medikit). However, if you come across
an Atomic Health, use the Portable Medikit to increase your health to 100%
first to get the most mileage out of the Atomic Health.
[03-02-02] Steroids (5%/s) - Single Use
Steroids look like a little pill bottle with a white label.
Steroids increase both your speed and the damage done by your Mighty Boot. Few
situations in the game warrant the use of the Steroids, however if you are out
of ammunition then you can dispatch strong enemies rather quickly and weaker
enemies like Pig Cops and Enforcers effectively. Also some secrets and
puzzles in the game require speed so this can be used in those situations as
well; when you are hopped up on Steroids you can increase the distance that
you jump if you go off a cliff or something similar. It's a tool to reach
inaccessible areas if you lack a Jetpack.
Steroids can return you to your original size if you are shrunk. If you have
been shrunk by an Alien Drone or a neutral shrinker (or you accidentally shrink
yourself by shooting a Shrink Ray blast into a mirror) the steroids will cause
you to return to regular size (the regular benefits of the item still apply for
the normal time). This is a particularly useful feature - probably more so
than the other functions of the Steroids as it allows you to avoid getting
stepped on by full sized enemies.
[03-02-03] Holoduke (1%/s) - Multi Use
The Holoduke looks like a small translucent image of Duke.
The Holoduke creates a life size image of Duke to distract your enemies. The
Holoduke is difficult to use effectively in single player. Sometimes the
enemies will fire at the Holoduke if they are closer to it than to you. However
it is better to use this item in Dukematch because it is nearly impossible to
differentiate Duke from a Holoduke (that is, if both are standing still). That
being said it isn't mobile but will return to you no matter how far you
are away from it if you still have it on. The Holoduke is immune to all forms
of damage.
If you are looking to use this effectively, go into a room with a large amount
of enemies and shove this out near the entrance to the room, and then exit the
room from the door you came. There is a good chance that the enemies will get
stuck up on the holoduke, giving you ample time to blast them away with
whatever weapon that you are currently employing.
When you drop a Holoduke it'll be in the position that it would be if you were
doing "nothing", that is, no jetpack, not jumping or crouching. This means that
you can place it underwater and Duke will look like he's swimming and not
crouching. If you decide to place the Holoduke while you are swimming on the
surface of the water, it will look like Duke is halfway in the water and
halfway out, as if you were wading through the water. If you release it in the
air, whether jetpacking or otherwise, the holoduke will actually make a falling
animation - come to think of it, that could be pretty useful in a Dukematch -
and then stop when he comes to the ground, using the standing animation. Other
than that, it'll simply stand still. The problem with this is that in places
where Duke can't stand up the Holoduke will, pointing through the ceiling.
Holoduke will interact with certain aspects of the environment, for example,
it will go up and down elevators if the corresponding toggle is triggered,
and it will fall down a pit if placed over a manhole which is subsequently
broken. However, it won't move on a conveyor belt, nor will it get picked up
by a Claw (see section 02-04-16, Claws, for more information).
There are a few other ways to tell the real Duke from the Holoduke:
+ The Holoduke is a bit thinner than Duke.
+ If you use the Night Vision Goggles, Duke will be green, the Holoduke will
remain colorful.
+ If the Holoduke is planted in front of a mirror, you will always see it's
back in the mirror, even though Holoduke keeps rotating.
[Credit: Jacek D.]
[03-02-04] Jetpack (2%/s) - Multi Use
The Jetpack looks like a silver backpack.
The Jetpack is used to give Duke free range of motion. This can make a lot of
levels easier and quicker. Not only that, but it allows you to avoid attacks
and get to good vantage points quicker. Due to it's limited lifespan you should
only use it in dire situations, or at least with some attention to the
remaining energy. Don't go too high up with the energy low, the jetpack will
just stop working and you will fall and take damage or die.
You can "slow fall" with the Jetpack. By this, I mean that you can jump off of
high surfaces without taking falling damage and minimize the usage of the
Jetpack. To do this you must simply fall for most of the distance and then turn
on the Jetpack for a moment. Turn it off again and keep doing this until you are
a safe distance to the ground. This saves a lot of energy for the Jetpack.
A note is that you can't go underwater with the Jetpack on, but you can turn it
on underwater (for no benefit). Hmm...
[03-02-05] Night Vision Goggles (2.5%/s) - Multi Use
The Night Vision Goggles look like a pair of green-lensed goggles.
Night Vision Goggles light up the sprites - which means enemies, items and
objects - around the area, allowing you to see them in particularly dark
areas. However the goggles don't light up the walls and such around you, so
you'll still have to navigate a bit. Since these have fast usage rate save
them for situations where they are more valuable to progress.
There are a few messages written on the walls that are either hints for one of
the Secrets in the level (like "BREAK THE BOTTLES" in E3L08, Hotel Hell) or
an Easter Egg. These messages can typically only be seen by using the Night
Vision Goggles. If you are in a dark room, even if there isn't seemingly much
going on, use the Goggles to seek out these messages.
[03-02-06] Scuba Gear (.5%/s) - Auto Use
Scuba Gear looks like a pair of orange oxygen canisters and a backpack.
The Scuba Gear allows you to negate damage from staying underwater for too
long. It is near essential for levels that take primarily place underwater,
or involve a lot of underwater fighting (Like E3L03, Flood Zone or E4L10,
The Queen). It adds a graphic to Duke's view when in use.
[03-02-07] Protective Boots (~3%/s) - Auto Use
Protective Boots appear as a pair of black boots.
Boots are useful items that allow you to ignore damage when you are walking
across damaging surfaces, such as acid, lava, and electrified floors. They
don't protect well against the Atomic Edition's hyper-acid however (see the
"Environment" section for more information on this). They also have a
sporadic life span and run out quite quickly, so be sure not to waste time
on damaging surfaces if you don't have to. See section 02-04-11, Environmental
Damage Sources, for more information on dangerous floor surfaces.
=| [03-03] Weapons and Ammo |==================================================
Like items, weapons are found everywhere in the game, and can even be dropped
by certain enemies. Weapons have different strengths and weaknesses, and
can be more effective against one enemy than the next. There are several
categories of weapons:
+ Non Gun - Includes weapons that can't be "shot" from guns. This means that
a weapon in this category doesn't have infinite range and has a different
function (like Pipebombs).
+ Bullet - Bullet weapons hit their target head on, without any travel time.
This makes Bullet weapons easier to aim at short ranges, but at long ranges,
they have more trouble hitting the target.
+ Projectile - Projective weapons are not "instant damage" - that is, they
have a short period of travel before reaching their destination. This is
notable because some enemies (Sentry Drone comes to mind) have the ability
to avoid projectile weapons. Additionally, an enemy could wander behind an
environmental feature (like a box, wall, etc) and not be exposed to the
+ Explosive - Ammunition from this weapon explodes on impact, dealing splash
damage in a given radius. Splash damage is extra damage that is dealt from
the blast. A direct hit from an RPG blast, for example, deals 240 damage to
the target and 120 to everything around it in a certain radius. Explosive
weapons are also used for blowing up walls and other environment obstacles.
There are then several other fields that give information about the gun, as
DAMAGE: The damage of the weapon is given. Each hit from the weapon takes this
number off from the health of the target (see the Enemy section for more on
Enemy health). Enemies don't always seem to take full damage from every weapon,
there may be a degree of randomness involved in the damage calculation. Once
you reduce the enemy's health to 0, it dies.
WEAPON PICKUP: When you pick up a weapon, you get a set amount of ammo for
that weapon as well - this field displays that amount. If you already have a
weapon and try to pick up the same kind, you will get this amount of ammo. If
you are already full on Ammo for that weapon and possess the weapon as well,
you will ignore the weapon, otherwise if you lack the weapon you will pick it
AMMO PICKUP: When you pick up ammo, you get this much added to your stockpile
for that weapon, to it's maximum capacity (see below).
MAX CAPACITY: This value is the maximum amount of ammo you can have for that
A physical description of the weapon and ammunition follow, as well the enemies
that it is most effective against. Finally an overall description of the
capabilities of the weapon follows.
[03-03-00] Listing of Contents
[03-03-01] Mighty Foot
[03-03-02] Pistol
[03-03-03] Shotgun
[03-03-04] Chaingun Cannon
[03-03-05] Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG)
[03-03-06] Pipebomb
[03-03-07] Shrink Ray
[03-03-08] Devastator
[03-03-09] Laser Tripbomb
[03-03-10] Freezer
[03-03-11] Microwave Expander
[03-03-01] Mighty Foot [Non Gun]
The Mighty Foot of Duke is the only melee weapon that Duke has access to and
is the only weapon that Duke will retain no matter what the circumstances.
The Mighty Foot is obviously used primarily in desperate situations, like when
you run out of ammo for every other gun. However, it has a few other uses that
are somewhat subtle. The best part about the Mighty Foot is the Quick Kick.
The Quick Kick is simply a key that can be bound from the SETUP option (by
default it is "1", though I prefer Right click because I use it so much).
Pressing the key makes Duke kick while you are using a different weapon. Thus,
you can supplement your guns at melee range, kill Slimers while fighting off
other enemies and use it to quickly bust obstacles like windows and trash cans.
Supplementing your guns at melee range means that you can shoot a gun upclose
and get extra 10 damage per kick from the quick kick - very useful against
enemies that don't have a melee attack. You can also time your kicks to be
in between attacks of enemies with melee attacks.
[03-03-02] Pistol [Bullet]
AMMO PICKUP : +12. Troopers and Captains can drop ammo that gives +12.
The pistol itself is small and silver. Duke usually starts a level or an
episode with one. The pistol ammo is an about knee-high black stick, also called
a Clip.
The archetypical automatic pistol is Duke's beginning weapon in most of the
levels and episodes in the game. Being the first weapon that you get in the
game you would be correct in assuming that it is a weak weapon. Indeed, the
fast rate of fire would make this gun quite a bit more powerful if it didn't
have to reload for approximately one second every 12 shots.
Though it isn't the ideal weapon, you will be using the Pistol a lot so get
used to it. It is great for kililing the weaker enemies in the game, like
Troopers, Captains, Sharks, and Slimers. It is more accurate than the Chaingun
and Shotgun at longer ranges too, so if you are stuck with it you can whittle
down enemy health from a distance. Finally, you can greatly supplement the
Pistol with the Quick Kick (see above) for more damage.
[03-03-03] Shotgun [Bullet]
DAMAGE : 70, but see below.
WEAPON PICKUP : +10. Pig Cops can drop a shotgun that contains 1 to 4 rounds.
The Shotgun is a long black gun. It's ammo comes in a red box.
The shotgun, a long and dedicated first person shooter standby, is one of the
best and most reliable guns in Duke 3D. It's main appeal is it's massive
damage output. When shot, it "fragments" into seven smaller "shards", each
dealing 10 damage each. When shot at close range, it will do a whopping 70
damage to the target. One drawback of using the shotgun, however, is that it
needs to be reloaded after ever shot, taking about one second. Therefore, you
will have to use some strategies to defeat your foes, as discussed below.
The flaws of the gun, of course, stem from the fact that it indeed does
fragment it's damage. Shooting the weapon at a far range will not only miss
most of the time since it is a Bullet-based weapon, but even if the enemy is
damaged they will only be hit by a few of the "shards". It is obvious then that
to utilize the Shotgun best, you should rush into close-range, blast, and then
run right out again as Duke is reloading the shotgun. The problem with close
range, of course, is that enemies have an easier time of hitting you with their
weapons. Thus, you will have to time your run in, shoot, run out sequence by
the attacks of your enemies. It seems like it's a lot of work, but when you
have this skill down, enemies will fall to their knees against the might of the
Shotgun usage is best against individual enemies, or if you have cover, a group
of enemies that you can target individually. If you are fighitng a group of
weaker enemies, the Chaingun Cannon is often a time saving alternative to
Shotgun use.
[03-03-04] Chaingun Cannon [Bullet]
WEAPON PICKUP : +50. Enforcers can drop a gun containing 50 rounds.
AMMO PICKUP : +50. Enforcers can drop an ammo box containing 50 rounds.
The Chaingun is grey, metallic, and has holes in the barrel. It's ammo comes in
a green box with an ammo chain coming out.
Originally known as the Ripper, the Chaingun Cannon is true to it's original
moniker, best used for ripping and tearing through groups of ground troops
and keeping single, more powerful monsters at bay. The rapid blasts of the
Chaingun Cannon, while weak individually, increase drastically as you fire away
at an enemy. Additionally, the quick bursts will usually cause an enemy to
be "distracted" - that is, to be unable to retailate against you because of the
barrage of hot lead coming their way - allowing for an easier kill than normal.
Being a bullet weapon, the Chaingun Cannon doesn't have good long range
accuracy. Try and close in on an enemy if possible before unloading upon them.
If you can't do this, try and use another weapon to snipe the enemy off; the
amount of ammo that you use won't be worth the death of said enemy.
[03-03-05] Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) [Projectile] [Explosive]
DAMAGE : 240 on direct hit, 120 splash
BLAST RADIUS : 1780 (large)
The RPG is a silver, large pipe-like weapon. The RPG ammo comes in a green box
with some rockets coming out of it.
This mammoth can deal the most damage in the game if the shot hits correctly,
which certainly says something about it's effectiveness against enemies. On top
of that damage to a single target, the explosion will cause a fairly large
splash radius (far bigger than that of the devastator) to affect all the
enemies around you. It doesn't end there. The fact that the RPG requires no
reload time and that simply aiming near an enemy can kill many weaker enemies
makes this weapon extremely valuable. In addition to this, the RPG is extremely
potent at long ranges against enemies that can't do much damage to you from
their distance. To top it off he RPG can kill most any boss with only a few
dozen rounds.
This powerful weapon should be controlled though. Though ammo in the game for
this weapon is fairly plentiful it isn't abundant so one should consider saving
RPG ammo for more difficult situations. Also be careful when firing this thing
off, it's common sense that you shouldn't stay in the blast radius so switch to
another weapon at close range. Additionally, some enemies like the Sentry Drone
and the RPV can avoid RPG blasts entirely. Overall, though, the RPG is
an absolute necessity in Duke 3D so learn it well.
The RPG's blasts go slower in water.
[03-03-06] Pipebomb [Non Gun] [Explosive]
DAMAGE : 140
WEAPON PICKUP : +5/Box, +1/Individual
BLAST RADIUS : 2500 (huge)
Pipebombs look like silver pipes with a yellow-black band around the ends.
Ammo comes in a crate with Pipebombss sticking out of it, or you can pick them
up individually.
The unique pipebomb is a very powerful tool in the arsenal of Duke. Simply
detonating one in the vicinity of a group of enemies can paint the walls red in
an instant. The best thing about it is that you can drop more than one, by
pressing the Pipebomb key when the trigger is out already (assuming you have one
left) and then throwing it near the other one will make explosions more
powerful than even the RPG blasts. Other great functions of the pipebomb include
clearing out underwater enemies without having to venture into them, setting
traps against enemies or Duke Match opponents, or just blowing up cracks and
things at your own leisure. Holding down the fire button prior to releasing
allows for a greater distance for the weapon to be thrown.
While strong, the pipebomb must be used only in the correct situations to reach
it's highest potency. It isn't wise to throw a Pipebomb into a group of
enforcers and octabrains when a Pipebomb doesn't normally kill them in one blow;
using Pipebombs leaves you vulnerable to enemy fire. It also isn't wise to
detonate them when you throw them if you haven't gauged the distance; it is
very possible to hurt yourself when using this weapon. So in summary, enjoy the
Pipebombs but be careful not to damage yourself when using it.
Ensure that you keep the trigger out if the location that you tossed it is
critical. If you switch to another weapon, you will have to toss a second
pipebomb (if you still have some, otherwise, the trigger will appear instead)
to detonate the first.
Some notes about pipebombs:
+ You may place a Pipebomb in a specific area by ducking and then releasing
the pipebomb. This will drop the pipebomb at your feet instead of tossing it
into nowhere.
+ Tossing a pipebomb at some objects will shatter them, like mirrors, TV
screens, etc.
+ The Pipebomb falls slower underwater.
+ Pipebombs can be detonated while you are looking into a monitor by simply
pressing the Fire button.
+ Pipebombs can be picked up by the moving claws that appear in some levels.
+ You can shoot at a stationary, undetonated pipebomb (even ones that you
haven't dropped) and they will explode. This doesn't occur with boxes of
Pipebombs, however.
[03-03-07] Shrink Ray [Projectile]
DAMAGE : 0, but shrinks on hit.
BLAST RADIUS : 680 (small)
The Shrink Ray looks like a silver gun with a green line in the middle. Ammo
comes in a green, crystalline egg-shape.
The alien gun known as the Shrink Ray is a bit of a gimmicky weapon, though it
certainly does have it's benefits. This gun shrinks the target enemy down to a
pint size, rendering them both harmless and candidates for an instant kill if
you can get over to them in time to squish them before they grow back to their
normal size. It has a small splash radius, so clusters of enemies can be
controlled in this manner. It's one of the best weapons for taking out
Commanders and other pesky enemies. It can also be used to purely control
crowds, neutralizing a target while your focus is on other, more pressing
threats. It is the Assault Commander's worst nightmare.
The slow rate of fire means that it isn't particularly good for using in
combat against groups of enemies; while it does have a splash radius it is
ineffective against staggered targets. This also means that fighting enemies
at long range with this weapon isn't effective because, while making them
unable to attack you, you might not be able to get to the enemy in time to
deliver the final blow. Additionally, some enemies are entirely immune, as
described below.
Some enemies can't be shrunk. This includes Mechanical enemies (Such as the
Mounted Gun, Sentry Drone, RPV and the Pig Tank), the Alien Drone, and Boss
monsters. The Common Battlelord is also immune for the most part until it's
health is reduced enough, at which point it can be shrunk.
So what happens when something gets shrunk? Well, in the case of an enemy,
they can no longer attack with any of their attacks at all but become
invulnerable to everything but explosive weapons and the mighty stomp of Duke.
However, for players it's a bit more complicated, I'll lay it out below:
+ All falling damage is negated. You can fall from any height and still not
take any damage.
+ There is no "falling time". When you go off an edge you hit the ground
+ Using steroids will not only make you go faster, but will bring you up to
regular size instantly.
+ You can still use all your items when you are shrunk, including the jetpack.
+ If go too close to an enemy, i.e. "get stepped on", you will die instantly.
+ You do lose the ability to use any of your weapons, including the Mighty
Foot. However, you can still use the Quick Kick, and this can still kill
enemies if you are close enough to the area where they can be hit.
+ When both you and an enemy are shrunk, you will both just run right through
each other if you try and touch.
+ You can squish enemies even if you are BEING shrinked, but not shrunk.
+ Enemies don't attack you in this state directly. Instead, they try to get to
you as fast as they can in order to crush you... though it's rare if they
Certain other objects in the game that aren't killed in one hit by weapons
can be shrunk as well. These include babes, and the dolphin in the Shop 'n' Go
level. You can crush them as normal, but the punishment for killing babes still
[03-03-08] Devastator [Projectile] [Explosive]
DAMAGE : 50. Shoots two missiles per shot.
The Devastator appears as a silver, two barreled weapon. The barrels appear
to have something of an accordion style. The ammo comes in a box with small,
red-tipped missiles.
This double fisted goliath is true to it's name. The most powerful weapon in
Duke 3D doesn't disappoint - the constant barrage of rockets can down any
enemy that you want it to in a very short amount of time, or obliterate groups
of weaker enemies in seconds. If the enemies ahead look tough then whip out the
devastator and fire away at any range that suits you. However of course the gun
isn't without it's drawbacks.
The gun's largest impediment is it's tiny ammo capacity. Holding down the fire
button for a little less than 10 seconds will completely drain a full store of
ammo, partially because of the high rate of fire and the fact that one shot of
the Devastator shoots two rounds. In addition it doesn't have a very good
blast radius, though it does have a very small one that rarely does anything
significant to the enemies. However these shouldn't stop the player from using
this weapon, just common sense should be exercised when and where to use this
to maximize it's effectiveness.
The Devastator's missiles move slower in water.
[03-03-09] Laser Tripbomb [Explosive] [Non Gun]
DAMAGE : 100
BLAST RADIUS : 3880 (Massive)
Laser Tripbombs are black and rectangular.
These little black traps are placed on walls, and after about 2s a red laser
extends from the trap to the closest surface perpendicular to the surface that
it was placed on. Walking through the laser will cause the unlucky recipient -
and anything else around it - a decent amount of damage. Indeed, these are
particularly devious in DukeMatch, but their practicality decreases in single
player situations. Note that the radius here is actually the distance that the
explosion will carry from the surface that the Laser Tripbomb is placed on. The
other half of the explosion is "within" the wall that the Laser Tripbomb is
mounted on, though it's possible to have the other half of the radius be of some
use if you mount it on something particularly flimsy, like the side of a
breakable vent.
If you really want to use a Tripbomb in a singleplayer situation, you will have
to take a few things into consideration first. It is best if they are used
before the enemy notices you, so you can set up a trap, alert the enemy, and
then lure it to your ambush. However, this isn't always possible. If you are
being pursued by an enemy and wish to use the Laser Tripbombs, then you will
have to be exceptionally careful. Try and lure the enemy around a corner so they
don't have a chance to shoot you. Set up the tripbombs and then go even further
back. Hopefully, they will find their way around the wall after you get to a
safe location (remember, the Laser Tripbomb has a massive explosion radius).
The best alternative to using the Laser Tripbomb is the pipebomb, because it's
quicker to deploy and explode and can be used in a pinch.
Some notes about the Laser Tripbomb:
+ You can exploit a bug in the game by using Laser Tripbombs to make Duke fall
slower. See 08-00, FAQs, for more details.
+ You can change the functionality of the Laser Tripbomb by modifying the .CON
files - the laser can be set to be regular, transluscent, invisible except
when using Night Vision Goggles, or invisible all together. See section
06-02, Modifying The .CON files, for more details.
+ The Laser Tripbomb's laser is green in water.
[03-03-10] Freezer [Projectile]
The Freezer is large and yellow, with a black barrel. The Freezer Ammo comes in
a small yellow box, glowing blue on the inside.
This weapon launches cold spiked orbs at enemies and eventually freezes them
when their health is low enough. However aside from the freezing effect of the
weapon closer analysis of it shows that it is, for all practical situations, a
lower quality version of the Shrink Ray. Some of the characteristics of the
Freezer match up quite closely to that of the Shrink Ray, including the fact
that it renders an enemy immobile for a short while. However the "good"
comparison ends there. While the Shrink Ray neutralizes the enemy instantly,
the Freezer requires that you deal damage to the enemy before freezing them, and
then having to either switch to some other gun and killing them with that or
coming up to melee range of the frozen being and kicking them (the game
automatically does this if you get close enough to them). However, despite it's
high damage the Freezer can never kill an enemy by itself.
Another function of the gun is that, if it hits a wall, the freezing burst will
ricochet off the wall relative to the angle that it hit it and will ricochet
once more after it hits the next surface (for a total of 2 bounces). However
this most likely does more harm than good, as you are vulnerable to the effects
of the gun and you can take the solid 20 damage that it deals; on top of this
it can actually freeze YOU if you are at low health (it won't kill you, but any
enemies around you will patiently wait for you to thaw to get their attacks in).
Additionally to use this feature to one's benefit a great deal of skill would
be needed. In conclusion this weapon is a bit too superfluous and impractical
for it's own good and should be used only if nothing else is readily available.
That's not to say that it isn't powerful "as is", if you aren't planning
anything fancy with it then it shouldn't be a problem, it's high rate of fire
can halt lower-health enemies in their tracks.
One hidden benefit of the Freezer is that it deals damage to Mechanical-type
enemies and has the ability to kill them instead of freezing them when they
reach low health.
Some notes about the Freezer:
+ You can't shrink a frozen enemy, the ice will shatter if this occurs.
+ If you freeze a Protozoid Slimer egg, and then allow it to thaw, a Protozoid
Slimer will immediately come out. This happens to both the hatched and
unhatched varieties of the eggs.
+ Similar to the Shrink Ray, you can freeze objects that aren't destroyed in
one shot (like babes, and the Dolphin in the Shop 'n' Go level).
+ You can exploit a bug in the game by Freezing and Thawing a Pig Cop to get
unlimited Body Armor and Shotgun drops. See the FAQ section for more
information on this.
[03-03-11] Microwave Expander [Bullet]
The Microwave Expander, the weapon exclusive to the Atomic Edition levels, is
actually an addon to the Shrink Ray - you need a Shrink Ray to have access to
the Expander. To switch to the expander, press the key for the Shrink Ray
twice. The crystal in the expander will turn red. You can't shoot the Microwave
Expander if you don't have any ammo for it, however, which is different than
Shrink Ray ammo. Microwave expander ammo appears as a small red crystal with a
tiny satellite on it.
This gun at first seems to be a little gimmicky and a little superficial. Sure,
it fires fast enough, but it's limited ammo capacity hinders it's usefulness in
combat situations. This is offset by the large amount of ammo that you get
with one pickup, however. Another benefit of the expander is when you shoot an
enemy with it and kill it, instead of simply dying, they expand (to fit their
space, too!) and eventually explode, dealing decent splash damage to everything
in a small radius (this damage is enough to kill basic ground troops, like the
Trooper, Captain, Pig Cop and Enforcer, amongst others) so if you find yourself
fighting against groups of weaker enemies, this item is invaluable.
If you are somehow able to switch guns while an enemy is in the process of
expanding, you can blow them up with the new gun (including the Shrink Ray -
an expanding enemy cannot be shrunk).
| [04-00] Enemies |============================================================
The enemies in Duke Nukem 3D are all dangerous in their own special ways.
This section describes their abilities, the best way to avoid getting hurt by
them, and recommended methods of defeating them. There are two general types
of enemies: Common enemies, which are the typical alien scum that you will
encounter in your journey, and Boss enemies, which are much larger alien scum
that you will only encounter a few times. Common enemies will be described
first. Common Enemies can have certain abilities as described below. These
are appended to their name in their entry.
+ Flying: Has (or can gain) the ability to have full range of motion. This is
important because flying enemies can pursue a jetpacking Duke.
+ Mechanical: Is immune to Shrink Ray, does not get frozen by the Freezer gun,
and will not expand from the Microwave Expander (though the Freezer and the
Microwave Expander still deal full damage to it).
Enemies also have some statistics that I found useful to describe:
HEALTH: The amount of health the enemy has. Using weapons depletes this value
until it reaches zero, at which point they die.
DROP: This field is for the item(s) that the enemy has a chance to drop, if
ATTACK(S): This entry designates the types of attacks the monster has. The
types are defined as follows:
+ Projectile: Duke can outrun projectile attacks as they experience travel
time before they reach their target (much like Duke's weapons)
+ Bullet: The attack instantly hits and cannot miss at close range but is less
effective at long ranges.
+ Melee: The attack can only be done within melee range.
The next line is the physical description of the creature.
The following paragraphs include the abilities of the monster, and the tactics
used to bring them down easily.
RECOMMENDED WEAPONS: This includes a summary of the data from the table in
section 04-03, Shots to Kill. The recommended weapon is given, followed by an
amount in parenthesis. So, for example, the RPG is a recommended weapon against
the Alien Drone, so it would read RPG(3). If there is a ~ (tilde) before the
number, it means it will take "around" that many shots to kill it (the values
that are used are empirical and some kind of randomness may be included in the
damage-to-enemies calculation. See section 04-03, Shots to Kill Enemies, for
more detail).
=| [04-01] Common Enemies |====================================================
[04-01-00] Listing of Contents
[04-01-01] Assault Trooper
[04-01-02] Assault Captain
[04-01-03] Pig Cop
[04-01-04] Recon Patrol Vehicle (RPV)
[04-01-05] Octabrain
[04-01-06] Enforcer
[04-01-07] Sentry Drone
[04-01-08] Assault Commander
[04-01-09] Protozoid Slimer
[04-01-10] Protozoid Slimer Egg
[04-01-11] Battlelord, Common
[04-01-12] Shark
[04-01-13] Mounted Gun
[04-01-14] Pig Tank
[04-01-15] Alien Drone
[04-01-01] Assault Trooper [Flying]
DROP : Pistol Ammo (+12)
ATTACK : Blaster (Projectile)
Assault Troopers are brown, lizard like humanoids in a green jacket.
The Assault Trooper, or just Trooper, are the general cannon fodder of the
game. They have a simple blaster that is simple to dodge. They do, however,
have a jetpack that they can utilize to either give chase or get a more
advantageous shot at Duke. They aren't particularly dangerous by themselves,
however, in large groups they can surround you and deal surprisingly large
amounts of damage. Thus, using area of effect weapons or the Chaingun Cannon
on large groups works well.
Sometimes, when they are about to die, they appear to be choking (they kneel
down, blood dripping from their throat and making a chortle noise). I believe
that they are feigning their own death at this point, because sometimes you
will come back to an evacuated room with a Trooper that you know you killed
back on his feet (and no, this is not on Damn, I'm Good! difficulty). It does
mention something akin to this in the manual (see the FAQs section).
RECOMMENDED WEAPONS: Any. Chaingun or Explodables vs. Groups.
[04-01-02] Assault Captain [Flying]
DROP : Pistol Ammo (+12)
ATTACK : Blaster (Projectile)
Assault Captains are brown, lizard like humanoids in a red jacket.
The Assault Captain, or just Captain, is one step above the Assault Trooper
in the overall hierarchy of enemies. They can take a bit more damage, and they
have a fancy new skill in addition to the ones that the Trooper possess -
an ability to teleport in and out of combat. In reality, this is more annoying
than useful, as they will appear to phase out of combat for a few moments
before coming back while you are doing something else and firing on you from
behind. Overall, they aren't particularly difficult, though in groups they
can be somewhat troublesome. Using splash weapons in this case works wonders.
RECOMMENDED WEAPONS: Any. Chaingun or Explodables vs. Groups.
[04-01-03] Pig Cop
HEALTH : 100
DROP : Shotgun with 1-4 ammo or Body Armor with a +50 or +75 bonus
ATTACK : Shotgun (Bullet)
Pig Cops are pig like humanoids wearing a blue police uniform, with the acronym
"L.A.R.D" across their back in white letters.
Pig Cops wield powerful shotguns that can down an unsuspecting Duke in a
matter of moments. Their trademark growl upon seeing Duke should be enough of a
signal to back away, as their shotguns - which operate just like Duke's - are
not as effective at a long range. Once you get control of the situation, you
can ideally blast away with the Chaingun Cannon so they can't get a shotgun
blast in, or weave in and out of close range with your own Shotgun to avoid
their shots while getting yours in. Pig Cops have the ability to shoot on
their stomach - go prone - for a moment, though this doesn't really affect the
size of your target (it's more of an aesthetic animation).
There is a trick with the Freezer that you can employ against the Pig to get
a large number of drops. See the FAQs section for details.
RECOMMENDED WEAPONS: Shotgun (2), Chaingun(~10), Expander(8), or Freezer(5).
Use explodables and take cover against groups.
[04-01-04] Recon Patrol Vehicle (RPV) [Mechanical] [Flying]
HEALTH : 150
DROP : None
ATTACK : Blaster (Projectile)
RPV's are pig-cop controlled grey vehicles with a shark design on their sides.
They have "L.A.R.D" painted on their belly.
These airborne vehicles are more of a nuisance than anything. They attack from
the skies, either doing a fly-by attack with somewhat inaccurate laser blasts,
or they hover in front of Duke while shooting for more accuracy. Since they
are quite fast, it is hard to hit them when they are on the move, so they are
most vulnerable if you can lure them in to hovering and shooting them. They
also can maneuver out of the way of Projectile-type weapons while they are on
the move, so it is very much recommended that you wait until they are hovering
to fight them.
When killed, it will spiral downward to the earth, at which time a Pig Cop
will spawn from the wreckage 100% of the time. Sometimes, it is just better to
avoid killing the RPV's if you are low on health or ammo.
RECOMMENDED WEAPONS: (When hovering) RPG (1), Shotgun(2), Chaingun(~10).
[04-01-05] Octabrain [Flying]
HEALTH : 175
DROP : None
ATTACKS : Energy Burst (Projectile), Bite (Melee)
Octabrains are three-eyed, floating masses of brain with tentacles as lower
Octabrains have free range of motion and are found just about anywhere in the
game. Their primary attack is a slow projectile energy blast, which is fairly
easy to avoid if you are at medium to long range. The energy blast also
disperses eventually so you can easily avoid it. If you manage to meet one in
melee range, they will try and bite you. Besides their high health amount,
they are an average enemy and not too hard to take down. They do, however, have
a limited ability to avoid projectiles once in a while, keep that in mind.
I believe the Octabrain has some kind of damage reduction as it can take a
different number of shots from the same gun to kill them.
RECOMMENDED WEAPONS: Shotgun (2-3) or Chaingun (~16) at close range, RPG or
Devastator at long range.
[04-01-06] Enforcer
HEALTH : 100
DROP : Chaingun Ammo (50) or Chaingun (+50 Ammo)
ATTACKS : Chaingun (Bullet), Ooze (Melee)
Enforcers are humanoid lizards that are clothed in black leather and have a
chaingun as an arm. They are far more lizard like than the trooper or captain.
The Enforcer is more than happy to attack with his Chaingun arm, which deals
weak damage per shot, but since they unload very fast, it can seriously
damage you if you don't take cover immediately. They also have a melee attack
where they drench you in some kind of green goo, though they would still
shoot you in melee range anyway. In addition, they are also exceptionally
mobile - able to jump large distances and reach Duke. Therefore, your best bet
it either to carve them down quickly with an powerful weapon (especially in
groups) or run into close range and out again with the shotgun or chaingun to
prevent them from unloading on you.
RECOMMENDED WEAPONS: Shotgun (2), Chaingun (~10), Expander(8), Freezer (5)
work well. For more than two, use explosives.
[04-01-07] Sentry Drone [Mechanical] [Flying]
HEALTH : 150
DROP : None
ATTACK : Suicide (Melee)
Sentry Drones appear as floating camouflaged mini-ships.
When you hear the whining sound of a sentry drone coming to life, you have got
to react quickly or else you will die (or come very close to it). The Sentry
Drone is a suicidal monster, floating quickly into melee range to sacrifice
themselves to obliterate you. Besides being mechanical and thus immune to
freezing and shrinking, they can avoid Projectile-type weapons with ease
so it's even harder to get a quick kill. The use of the Shotgun and Chaingun
are therefore your best bet when fighting the Sentry Drone.
You can exploit something of a weakness of theirs by using doors as cover to
their explosions. If you can try and get their attention while you are near
a quick-closing door, you can lure them to the entrance of the door and quickly
close it. Press up against the door, the drone will sometimes detonate without
dealing any damage to you.
RECOMMENDED WEAPONS: Shotgun(2) and Chaingun(15-20) will keep them at bay and
allow you to back up to a safe distance if you are too close to them. Don't
use projectile weapons against them, as they will avoid them, and they are
immune to everything that Mechanical enemies are.
[04-01-08] Assault Commander [Flying]
HEALTH : 350
DROP : None
ATTACKS : Rocket (Projectile), Spin (Melee)
Assault Commanders are big, bloated humanoid blobs of flesh that float around
on a bladed steel platform.
Assault Commanders, or simply Commanders, are one of the more dangerous
enemies in Duke 3D. Their primary method of attack is by the rocket launcher
embedded in their mobile platform - like any rocket, it will deal massive
damage or splash damage to you. If they catch you in melee range, they will
spin about, causing you damage as well. However, they do have one glaring
weakness - the Shrink Ray. Save up your shrink ray shots for these guys. If you
don't have access to Shrink Ray, get to medium range and use the RPG or
Devastator, or try and get cover and fight at short range with the shotgun
and chaingun.
RECOMMENDED WEAPONS: The Shrink Ray will nerf a Commander badly, use it if you
got it. Otherwise, you will have to hammer away with just about any other weapon
to kill it, such as the RPG(3).
[04-01-09] Protozoid Slimer
HEALTH : <= 6
DROP : None
ATTACK : Bite (Melee)
These are green blobs of slime. They can hatch from Protozoid Slimer Eggs, live
in garbage cans or just be around normally.
The Protozoid Slimer, or referred to in the guide as just Slimer, are not
difficult, but annoying. One shot of anything will kill it (including boots)
Their only attack is latching onto your face with their teeth. However, unless
you see them biting you straight up, you won't be taking any real damage. They
are quite agile - they can jump from roof to ground and back again as much as
they want. They also consume corpses of fallen enemies. Also, you can use these
weak and seemingly superficial enemies to your advantage. When they approach
certain enemies (Trooper, Captain, Pig Cop or Enforcer), they will actually
kill them for you, and this is extremely efficient on your part especially in
tough situations. Attempt to use this to your advantage.
Watch out when you kill one of these things, sometimes they will leave a puddle
of green acid when killed that can whittle away health nicely if you don't have
RECOMMENDED WEAPONS: Using your boot is most efficient, but anything will do as
they die in one shot.
[04-01-10] Protozoid Slimer Egg
DROP : None
The Protozoid Slimer Eggs, or referred to in the guide as just Slimer Eggs, are
green eggs. They'll hatch when you are in their presence, creating one Slimer
each egg. They can be kicked 3 times, or blown up, or shrunk or even frozen if
you want. You can even do that to the empty egg shells if you really want to.
RECOMMENDED WEAPONS: Since they usually come in clumps, using an explosive
works wonders as they it can destroy the entire clump without a single one
spawning. Otherwise, you can kick it three times to splatter it.
[04-01-11] Battlelord, Common
HEALTH : 1000
DROP : None
ATTACK : Chaingun (Bullet), Sticky Grenades (Projectile)
There are two different types of Battlelords in Duke 3D: The Battlelord at the
end of Episode 1 and the smaller battlelords that are found throughout the last
three episodes of the game, known as the Common Battlelord. The Common
Battlelord looks identical to the Boss Battlelord except smaller.
The Common Battlelord (usually just referred to as Battlelord in the
walkthrough section) is the most powerful and dangerous enemy that you will
encounter in your travels besides the boss monsters. They have identical
weaponry of their older brother, including the Chaingun that and obliterate
you if you don't immediately react, and their Grenade Launcher which
shoots sticky grenades that either explode on impact with Duke or stay on the
ground, acting as a trap. Unlike the Boss Battlelord, however, they don't have
the power to squish you should you engage them in melee.
You should be very cautious when fighting a battlelord. Taking cover behind a
corner, box, or something similar is a must, because at close-medium range
their chaingun can't miss. So take cover, use your RPG or Devastator if you
can, and hope for the best. Ensure that you avoid the sticky grenades as well.
Battlelords are immune to being shrunk until they are reduced in health.
RECOMMENDED WEAPONS: The RPG(6) or Devastator (~35) will take out a Battlelord
without exposing you to too much of it's wrath. Be careful though, you should
still take cover when firing these weapons he will fire right through your
[04-01-12] Shark
DROP : None
ATTACK : Bite (Melee)
Sharks appear as small grey fish with a large row of teeth.
Sharks are a mere annoyance that appear in watery levels. They are silent and
will usually stalk you from a distance, but even if they do manage to gnaw on
you a shot or two from just about any gun will kill them off. They typically
appear in groups, so using a splash weapon to clear out a group is useful.
Additionally, since they are water bound, dropping explosives into water can
clear out these and other enemies easily without you even being exposed to the
RECOMMENDED WEAPONS: Any. Chaingun or explosives vs. groups.
[04-01-13] Mounted Gun [Mechanical]
DROP : None
ATTACK : Blaster (Projectile)
Mounted Guns appear as green, double turreted guns that shoot red lasers.
Mounted Guns are a nuisance that are found in the corners of many areas or
as traps. They shoot lasers from their double turrets when they spot Duke and
don't stop until they are destroyed. Since they are stationary, you can
easily take cover and fire off a few shots before taking hits. When shot with
a Bullet-type weapon, they spin - this spinning animation appears to reduce
the damage that they take from future attacks.
RECOMMENDED WEAPONS: Shotgun (1-2) and Chaingun(5-8) will deal with it by
making it spin. If you aren't at close range, use the RPG to stop their barrage
of fire.
[04-01-14] Pig Tank [Mechanical]
HEALTH : 800 +
DROP : None
ATTACK : Side Guns (Bullet), Grenade (Projectile), Explosion (Melee - see
The Pig Tank is a small tank-like vehicle, with a Pig Cop visible through a
front window. It has four side-mounted guns on it.
Pig Tanks have tons of health, and have two very devastating attacks -
launching volleys of unavoidable bullet-type attacks or hurling a grenade in
Duke's general direction. Lucky for Duke, they have a massive, glaring
weakness. Unlike other enemies, you can maneuver behind them - they have a
large "Radiation" symbol that looks identical to an Exit Symbol. If you press
this, you will hear a quick, high-pitched beeping noise that indicates the
tank is going to explode - the blast radius on the explosion is huge (which is
why I considered it a melee attack) so you absolutely must run for cover - if
none is available, consider using the Steroids to take cover. You only find
them in The Birth, episode 4.
After the tank explodes, there is a chance that the Pig Cop inside survived and
he will be none too happy with you.
RECOMMENDED WEAPONS: Use the atomic symbol on their back and take cover! If you
can't, use the RPG(3).
[04-01-15] Alien Drone
HEALTH : 300
DROP : None
ATTACK : Claws (Melee), Shrink Ray (Projectile)
Alien Drones are tall, lanky bipedal creatures with tan skin. They have red
eyes and have green blood.
The Alien Drone is exclusive to Episode 4 - The Birth. They are highly agile,
can take a ton of hits, and usually are found in groups. Luckily for Duke,
they also don't have a directly damaging projectile attack. Instead, they
use a Shrink Ray - the same kind Duke uses. When Duke is shrunk, like other
enemies the Alien Drones will try and squish Duke mercilessly. If they
can't manage to accomplish this, they will then try and claw Duke up with
their high-damage melee attacks, and will usually hurl themselves into battle
with a mighty leap. You can avoid the Shrink Ray if you have Steroids on
hand (cures being Shrunk), and you will have to keep range from the drones
by strafing around them, or running away from them, turning around only to
shoot them.
Alien Drones are immune to shrink rays. They are not, however, immune to
the Microwave Expander and Freezer like Mechanical creatures.
RECOMMENDED WEAPONS: Shotgun (4), Chaingun (31), Expander(22), or Freezer(15)
will do the trick against a solo drone. Usually, however, you will fight them
in groups - the RPG(2) or Devastator (~11) will clean out a group of them.
=| [04-02] Boss Enemies |======================================================
Boss enemies are the biggest, meanest aliens that you will come across in Duke
Nukem 3D. This section will give a description of their abilities and a glimpse
into the best methods used to kill them. They have a HEALTH and ATTACKS entry,
similar to the entries for all the common enemies (see section 04-01). However,
since bosses can't drop anything, that field has been omitted.
When you kill a boss, the level and the episode ends. If you are playing around
with the map editor, you can fight more than one boss in a level - the level
will still end if you kill any of the boss monsters there.
[04-02-00] Listing of Contents
[04-02-01] Battlelord, Boss
[04-02-02] Overlord
[04-02-03] Cycloid Emperor
[04-02-04] The Alien Queen
[04-02-01] Battlelord, Boss
HEALTH : 4500
ATTACK : Chaingun (Bullet), Sticky Grenades (Projectile), Squish (Melee)
The Boss Battlelord is the monstrous alien that you fight at the end of
L.A Rumble, landing in the canyon of the Abyss within a massive spaceship. He
appears as a gargantuan tan skinned humanoid, wearing spiked black armor
and wielding a chaingun / grenade launcher combination. It is not to be
confused with it's little brother, the Common Battlelord (see section 04-01-11,
"Battlelord, Common", for more information).
The Battlelord may be tougher than the Overlord and about on par with the
Cycloid Emperor in terms of difficulty. His primary attack is his Chaingun,
which can kill Duke nearly instantly if he's in close range. Even at longer
ranges, it's likely to be the main source of damage against Duke as it is more
accurate than other Bullet-type weapons. His other attack is a dangerous
grenade launcher that launches "sticky grenades" - explosives that either
detonate on impact with Duke or stick to whatever surface they land on,
becoming effective proximity mines. Finally, if for some reason you get too
close to the Battlelord, he will kill you instantly by squishing you.
The best tactic for fighting the Battlelord involves two steps. The first is
coming prepared. Have a jetpack, a portable medikit, an RPG full of ammo, and
ideally full health (200%) and armor. The second is, when you engage him,
immediately turn on your Jetpack and fly around him in a circle as large as
the room allows. The purpose is twofold - to negate his melee and grenade
attacks and to decrease the accuracy of his chaingun. Fly in this circle,
unloading the RPG as fast as you can. If your health is low, pop your portable
medikit. Hopefully you will be able to keep your Jetpack on for the entire
battle, if not, you will have to fight on the ground. The tactic is essentially
the same - circle the boss and unload RPG rounds - but you will have to avoid
the sticky grenades that he launches at you too. Steroids could be useful if
the fight ends on the ground, making him harder to shoot at you (but don't go
kicking him!). If you prepared properly, he's not too hard to kill. He'll
usually die after around 40 RPG blasts or equivalent. There is quite a bit of
ammo and items on they way to and in the room of the Battlelord, so you
shouldn't have to worry about that.
[04-02-02] Overlord
HEALTH : 4500
ATTACKS : Rocket Barrage (Projectile), Squish (Melee)
The Overlord looks like an oversized enforcer, hiding within the final areas
of the moonbase in Lunar Apocalypse. He has a massive rocket launcher
battery on his back, and a tremendous, toothy maw.
Despite being the second boss that you fight in the game, he is arguably the
easiest. This is because his primary attack method is very easily avoidable
by a mobile Duke. He attacks from the missile battery on his back, shooting
fairly slow rockets that can be strafed around and avoided. Additionally, he
can squish you if you get too close - but that's your fault.
Killing the Overlord doesn't require quite as much preparation as fighting the
Overlord, but having a jetpack and a full RPG and Devastator always helps. The
tactic is almost identical to that of the Battlelord - turn on the Jetpack,
circle about, and unleash your most powerful weapons. Even if you don't
have a jetpack for whatever reason, it's not a death sentence - his rockets are
fairly easy to avoid. After about 40 RPG blasts he should fall. In the room he
comes out of there is a bit more ammo (see the Walkthrough for more info) but
you shouldn't need it.
[04-02-03] Cycloid Emperor
HEALTH : 4500
ATTACKS : Energy Burst Spray (Projectile), Devastator Spray (Projectile),
Squish (Melee)
The Cycloid Emperor, a massive lizard like humanoid, is the last boss of Episode
3, Shrapnel City. He is heavily armored, and has but a single eye donning his
head, with a mouth of vicious looking fangs. He awaits Duke in a football
stadium, complete with his own cheerleading squad of assault troopers.
About the same difficulty as the Battlelord, the Cycloid Emperor has a set of
quick projectile attacks that can spell doom for Duke if he's not quick on the
draw. He has two projectile attacks. The first is a spray of Octabrain-like
energy blasts. These dissipate as normal and are fairly slow. The second
attack is a barrage of Devastator like missiles - this is his most dangerous
attack as even on a jetpack they can be tough to avoid. He will alternate
between the two modes of attack. And of course, like all bosses, he will squish
you should you meet him in melee.
The typical tactic for beating the Cycloid Emperor is like beating the first
two bosses, come prepared with a Jetpack, a Devastator and RPG full of ammo,
and max health and armor. Strafe around the creature at a range long enough so
that his energy bursts dissipate and his rockets have a better chance to miss.
Unload your weapons and hopefully he will fall fairly quickly if you don't slow
down. In addition, he has a "cheerleading" squad of a assault troopers that you
should blow away with an appropriate explosive at the first given opportunity.
Avoid killing your own babe-driven cheerleading squad, as it will warp in a
commander - something that you don't want to deal with. It usually takes around
40 RPG blasts to down him. There is tons of ammo around in the Arena, as well
as the ability to shoot the "Duf" blimp with the RPG or other explosive weapon
for even more if needed, so you shouldn't be in want.
[04-02-04] The Alien Queen
HEALTH : 6000
ATTACKS : Electrocution (special - see below), Squish (melee)
The Alien Queen, the final boss of the fourth and final episode The Birth, is
a massive blue alien resembling a bloated Alien Drone. She resides under the
water in her fortress.
The battle with The Alien Queen is a bit different than the normal battles
that you have been exposed to. She has a very large health amount for one
thing, and has but a single direct attack - she electrocutes the water around
her, injuring Duke. However, she also has the ability to spawn Alien Drones at
will. When encountered, she will be surrounded by alien drones and the odd
octabrain already, so more enemies doesn't usually spell good things for Duke.
Of course, she'll squish you should you meet her in melee.
Like the other boss battles you will have to prepare for the battle, of course.
This time, however, you won't be needing a jetpack seeing as the battle is
fought underwater - though obviously scuba gear is recommended (but see below).
Some Steroids can be of use, as the mass of Alien Drones will be shooting
relentless Shrink Ray blasts at you. And, as usual, a complement of weapons
like the RPG and Devastator will come in handy (though you will probably need
to use your other weapons, probably your bullet-type weapons as well, because
she has large amounts of health).
Unlike the other boss battles the environment you fight her in is essential to
the fight. The first thing is to notice the holes above your head. You can
surface through the holes and get air if you run out of Scuba Gear, some ammo
(from a Secret, see the level walkthrough for more information), and a break
from the action. The next thing that you should notice is the mass of enemies
around you. The Octabrains are your priority at the beginning of the fight.
Ideally, use your RPG or chaingun to take them out early, as they can impede
the progress on this strategy. Then, maneuver yourself into one of the highest
corners in the area. This way, the Alien Drones can't reach you to actually
deal damage to you (even by jumping). Thus, you can focus on the Alien Queen,
though you will still get Shrink Ray blasts thrown at you (that's why it's
nice to have Steroids to counteract this). Once you get into position, unload.
It will take around the equivalent of 65 rockets to kill her, though in reality
much of your ammo will be spent on auto-aiming the alien drones she continually
spawns, so be prepared to use your other weapons - even your bullet weapons.
If you came with full health, armor, ammo, and scuba gear, you shouldn't have
much of a problem. There is some ammo scattered around the battlefield and
in a Secret, see the walkthrough for the boss level for more information on
=| [04-03] Shots to Kill |=====================================================
This table is intended to show the amount of weapons fire needed to kill an
enemy with each gun. All the enemies and weapons are reflected in this table.
The data in the table was gleaned from purely empirical measurements, so they
may not be 100% accurate. They were accomplished by going to the special level
"_zoo.map" and unloading on enemies. For many lower health enemies, there were
10 tests done and the results observed. For enemies with more than 800 Health,
they were killed only as it would seem practical to an ingame scenario - for
example, you would never shoot a Pig Tank to death with a pistol or try to kill
the Overlord with laser tripbombs. In these cases, either a single test was
done or none at all (see below).
I believe that there is some randomness factored into how the damage is dealt
to enemies to some degree. For example, though the Octabrain has health of 175
sometimes two shots with the Shotgun (70 damage each, 140 total) kill it. This
happens to many enemies, thus the ranges.
There are some weapons that are shown in the table that have a "-" in their
entry; this means that either the monster is immune to the weapon or the
weapon is entirely impractical (see above). If there is a "x" in the entry, it
means the creature can be shrunk after being reduced in health.
Remember that these values are completely empirical and subject to errors.
| Table: Enemies vs. Shots Needed to Kill Them|
| ENE | Boot |Pistol|S.gun |C.gun | RPG |PipeB|Shrink|Expand|Devast| LTB |Freez|
|A Dro| 26 42 4 31 2 5 - 22 10-12 4 14-15|
|A Que| - 900 75 660 60 - - 330 120 - 300 |
|Batt*| 100 130 11 98 6 25 x 70 38 15 45 |
|Battl| - 600 50 430 40 - - 220 80 - 200 |
|Capta| 5 8-9 1 6-7 1 1 1 5 2-4 1 3 |
|Cyclo| - 600 50 430 40 - - 220 80 - 200 |
|Comdr| 35 48-49 4 34-35 2 4 1 26 9-11 4 19 |
|Enfor| 9 14-15 2 9-10 1 1 1 8 2-4 1 5 |
|M Gun| 4 6 1 5 1 1 - 3 1 1 2 |
|Octab| 14 26-27 2-3 16-17 1 2 1 13 1 2 8-9 |
|Overl| - 600 50 430 40 - - 220 80 - 200 |
|Pig C| 8-9 13-15 2 9-10 1 1 1 8 2-4 1 5 |
|Pig T| 40 67-68 6 48-49 3 11-12 - 36 20 12 24-25|
|P Egg| 3 3 1 2-3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1-2 |
|Proto| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 |
|RPV | 6 12-13 2 9-10 1 1 - 7 3-4 1 5 |
|S Dro| - 21 2 14-15 1 2 - 11 3-4 3 7 |
|Shark| 4 5 1 4 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 |
|Troop| 3 4-5 1 3-4 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 |
Some abbreviations were necessary to fit all the information into the table.
The abbrevations are usually the first few letters of the enemy or weapon name,
and are described as follows:
A Dro - Alien Drone Boot - Mighty Boot
A Que - Alien Queen S.gun - Shotgun
Batt* - Battlelord, Common C.gun - Chaingun
Battl - Battlelord, Boss PipeB - Pipebomb
Capta - Assault Captain Shrink - Shrink Ray
Cyclo - Cycloid Emperor Expand - Microwave Expander
Comdr - Assault Commander Devast - Devastator
Enfor - Enforcer LTB - Laser Tripbomb
M Gun - Mounted Gun Freez - Freezer
Octab - Octabrain
Overl - Overlord
Pig C - Pig Cop
Pig T - Pig Tank
P Egg - Protozoid Slimer Egg
Proto - Protozoid Slimer
S Dro - Sentry Drone
Troop - Assault Trooper
| [05-00] Walkthrough |========================================================
This section will walk you through every level in the game, taking you through
all the rooms, secret areas, and entrances to secret levels. I have divided
each walkthrough in two ways. First, by Objective. The only real objectives in
the game are getting the Blue, Red, or Yellow keys, or getting to the exit of
the level. The second way is by room, area, or secret number. This means that
the guide will be in bite size "chunks" for you to return to if you have to
reference something else in this guide or another text. For example, there
might be a room called [The Snack Stand], and this will describe that area, as
well as how to progress in the level relative to that area. Secrets are also
described in the same fashion, though their naming convention won't include
a description of an area, just [SECRET #]. For example, the secret ledge
that gives the RPG in Hollywood Holocaust will be referenced as [SECRET 1] in
the guide. Finally, secret levels are given a special naming covnention,
[SECRET LEVEL] and then a description of how to activate the secret level exit
[05-00-01] Level Listing
Table: Duke 3D Levels displays improtant information, as shown in the example
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-01-01] | E1L01 Hollywood Holocaust | 01:45 | 0:53 | 08 | E1L02 |
+ Section: This is where the level is referenced in the guide.
+ "ExLyy": The in-game designator for each level, in the form of ExLyy,
where E stands for "Episode", x for the number of the episode, L stands for
"Level", and "yy" is the number for that level. So, for example, E3L03 would
stand for Episode 3, Level 03 - Flood Zone.
+ Level: The name of the level. The six secret levels in the game have a (s)
appended to this entry in the table.
+ Par: Short for "Par Time". The in game time that is listed as an average
time to get through the level in a somewhat speedy manner. This has no
effect on anything in in game terms and is simply another challenge for the
Duke 3D player.
+ 3DR: Short for "3D Realms Time". This time is a second ingame time limit,
like Par Time, except for the elite players. This most definitely involves
using a shortcut of some kind to get through the levels. For those
interested in beating the levels in such a quick time, see Fernando Calvo's
speed walkthroughs (see section 02-01-04 for more information). Like the par
time, it doesn't have any bearing on the actual game, it is a personal
+ S.: Short for "Secrets", and it is the total of the total number of
secrets that are in the level. You need to get this many secrets for a 100%
listing on the score at the end of the level, but otherwise it is just
another challenge for Duke.
+ Exits: This entry shows the exits within a level. This is usually the
next sequential level, for example, E1L04 Toxic Dump will link normally to
E1L05: The Abyss, but also has a secret exit to E1L06: Launch Facility. In
the table, a secret exit is followed by a lower case 's'. Thus, the exits
column for the previous example would look like E1L05, E1L06s. There are
entries in the table that look like "-----"; this means that the level has
a Boss monster and is thus the end of that episode.
At the beginning of the information for each level, this information is
reprinted. As well, there is a link to Sebastien S.'s video guide for that
particular level (see section 02-00-04 for more information on his video
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-01-01] | E1L01 Hollywood Holocaust | 01:45 | 0:53 | 08 | E1L02 |
| [05-01-02] | E1L02 Red Light District | 05:10 | 3:21 | 08 | E1L03 |
| [05-01-03] | E1L03 Death Row | 05:35 | 3:41 | 10 | E1L04 |
| [05-01-04] | E1L04 Toxic Dump | 07:20 | 4:40 | 14 | E1L05, E1L06s |
| [05-01-05] | E1L05 The Abyss | 09:10 | 5:00 | 06 | ----- |
| [05-01-06] | E1L06 Launch Facility (s) | 05:15 | 2:58 | 04 | E1L05 |
| [05-02-01] | E2L01 Space Port | 02:30 | 1:19 | 06 | E2L02 |
| [05-02-02] | E2L02 Incubator | 02:30 | 1:26 | 05 | E2L03 |
| [05-02-03] | E2L03 Warp Factor | 05:00 | 2:26 | 02 | E2L04 |
| [05-02-04] | E2L04 Fusion Station | 04:30 | 2:14 | 07 | E2L05 |
| [05-02-05] | E2L05 Occupied Territory | 03:00 | 1:26 | 04 | E2L06, E2L10s |
| [05-02-06] | E2L06 Tiberius Station | 02:30 | 1:04 | 08 | E2L07 |
| [05-02-07] | E2L07 Lunar Reactor | 04:45 | 2:15 | 07 | E2L08 |
| [05-02-08] | E2L08 Dark Side | 11:30 | 4:59 | 07 | E2L09, E2L11s |
| [05-02-09] | E2L09 Overlord | 05:00 | 2:26 | 04 | ----- |
| [05-02-10] | E2L10 Spin Cycle (s) | 03:00 | 1:19 | 00 | E2L06 |
| [05-02-11] | E2L11 Lunatic Fringe (s) | 03:00 | 0:52 | 00 | E2L09 |
| [05-03-01] | E3L01 Raw Meat | 02:30 | 1:11 | 07 | E3L02 |
| [05-03-02] | E3L02 Bank Roll | 04:45 | 2:18 | 05 | E3L03 |
| [05-03-03] | E3L03 Flood Zone | 03:00 | 1:57 | 05 | E3L04 |
| [05-03-04] | E3L04 L.A. Rumble | 03:15 | 1:46 | 03 | E3L05 |
| [05-03-05] | E3L05 Movie Set | 02:30 | 1:04 | 05 | E3L06, E3L10s |
| [05-03-06] | E3L06 Rabid Transit | 03:30 | 1:30 | 06 | E3L07 |
| [05-03-07] | E3L07 Fahrenheit | 02:00 | 0:55 | 04 | E3L08 |
| [05-03-08] | E3L08 Hotel Hell | 02:15 | 1:09 | 03 | E3L09, E3L11s |
| [05-03-09] | E3L09 Stadium | 02:45 | 1:17 | 00 | ----- |
| [05-03-10] | E3L10 Tier Drops (s) | 00:45 | 0:10 | 04 | E3L06 |
| [05-03-11] | E3L11 Freeway (s) | 02:00 | 1:07 | 05 | E3L09 |
| [05-04-01] | E4L01 It's Impossible | 03:04 | 1:32 | 07 | E4L02 |
| [05-04-02] | E4L02 Duke-Burger | 04:00 | 2:00 | 04 | E4L03 |
| [05-04-03] | E4L03 Shop-N-Bag | 03:30 | 1:45 | 07 | E4L04 |
| [05-04-04] | E4L04 Babe Land | 06:32 | 3:16 | 04 | E4L05 |
| [05-04-05] | E4L05 Pigsty | 02:02 | 1:01 | 05 | E4L06, E4L11s |
| [05-04-06] | E4L06 Going Postal | 03:04 | 1:52 | 04 | E4L07 |
| [05-04-07] | E4L07 XXX-Stacy | 01:24 | 0:42 | 03 | E4L08 |
| [05-04-08] | E4L08 Critical Mass | 03:18 | 1:59 | 04 | E4L09 |
| [05-04-09] | E4L09 Derelict | 05:02 | 2:51 | 05 | E4L10 |
| [05-04-10] | E4L10 The Queen | 10:50 | 5:25 | 07 | ----- |
| [05-04-11] | E4L11 Area 51 (s) | 04:20 | 2:10 | 07 | E4L06 |
=| [05-01] Episode 1 - L.A. Meltdown |=========================================
L.A. Meltdown takes Duke through a movie theatre, a strip club, a trip to the
electric chair, a large toxic waste dump, a launchpad for a rocket, and through
a massive canyon where an alien ship has landed to slay the terrifying
Table: Episode 1 - L.A. Meltdown - Level Listing
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-01-01] | E1L01 Hollywood Holocaust | 01:45 | 0:53 | 08 | E1L02 |
| [05-01-02] | E1L02 Red Light District | 05:10 | 3:21 | 08 | E1L03 |
| [05-01-03] | E1L03 Death Row | 05:35 | 3:41 | 10 | E1L04 |
| [05-01-04] | E1L04 Toxic Dump | 07:20 | 4:40 | 14 | E1L05, E1L06s |
| [05-01-05] | E1L05 The Abyss | 09:10 | 5:00 | 06 | ----- |
| [05-01-06] | E1L06 Launch Facility (s) | 05:15 | 2:58 | 04 | E1L05 |
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-01-01] | E1L01 Hollywood Holocaust | 01:45 | 0:53 | 08 | E1L02 |
Getting the Red Key
[The Rooftop] The only thing up here to do is to get the Pistol Ammo from behind
the crate. Then, you can shoot the fan (you don't have to shoot the yellow
canisters) and drop down.
[The Street] You will drop onto a Large Medikit for the health that you lost
from the fall. Immediately turn to the right and kill the Trooper on the box.
Beside the box that the alien was on there was a Large Medikit. You might notice
some fire coming from the window of a building that you would be facing when you
dropped; shoot at the window and you will kill the Trooper that was in there.
Now, jump onto the box and then onto the ledge of the building.
[SECRET 1] From the ledge, jump from here to the higher ledge that is under the
"innocent" sign. Walk over to the indentation on the ground and take the RPG
that rises up from it. Go back onto the lower ledge.
[SECRET 2] From the ledge, jump into one of the windows on this side (it's
invisible but looks solid). Once you get in there, there is a monitor and some
RPG Ammo on the bed, but before you get that be sure to kill the Trooper that is
in the dark. Go to the "Biker Bimbo" poster and open it. There are Steroids in
the new room.
[Back on the Street] From the poster, jump out onto the ledge. There will be one
Trooper waiting for you so kill it. Proceed down the ledge and take the Atomic
Health. Across you in the darkness there is another Trooper. Jump off the ledge
when you are done. Note the garbage bin, there is Pistol Ammo in it. If you go
near the no parking sign, a Trooper will spawn in the bin. When you are ready to
go in, there is a safer way to get into the cinema besides the door.
[The Foyer] Go to the ticket stand, and shoot a RPG rocket at the Trooper
inside. That will blow up the cracked wall and then you can get inside. There is
a Captain in there; stay in the booth to take him out. You can make your life
easier by killing the Pig Cop that is hiding behind the column with your RPG.
[The Snack Stand] Open the door. You will notice at the till that there is a Pig
Cop, you should either take it out with a RPG blast or do this. Run quickly over
the booth and open the door on the right side of the till. Go in the door, take
the Shotgun that is in there, and kill the Trooper. Then, you can kill the Pig
Cop and all the Troopers that have appeared. Use the counter as cover to kill
the ones that are not on your side of the snack stand. Then, go to the other
side of the till; a door has opened. There is an Atomic Health in there, but
watch out for the Pig Cop in there.
[SECRET 3] After you have cleared the room, you can touch the cash register; it
will open a secret door that you cannot reach by jumping. However, go under this
new area and touch the wall underneath the far right of it. A small elevator
will rise so you can get the Body Armor in that room.
[SECRET 4] Back on the ground you will see an "Arcade" sign, don't worry about
going in the elevator yet. However, jump onto the trash can that is near there
and open the wall when you are standing on it. When the room opens up, there is
some Pipebombs, a Small Medikit, and Night Vision Goggles.
[The Bathroom] Go to the hallway that is closest to the counter and follow it to
the end. You will find yourself in a bathroom. There are two Troopers and a
Captain in there. Go behind the couch and find some Shotgun Shells. Open up the
right door and then kill the Trooper sitting on the toilet. Jump up onto the top
of the stalls and go to your left; there is a Portable Medikit in there.
[The Vent] Go into the vent. Shoot a RPG at the corner of the vent. This will
reveal a part of the vent that has a Holoduke.
[SECRET 5] Go to the end of the vent. Kill the Trooper from inside the vent but
be careful of the babe. There are two other Troopers in there, as well as some
Shotgun Shells.
[The Film Room] Open the door to enter this room. Use a Pipebomb to clean out
some of the four Troopers in there. A Captain, a Trooper, and a RPG reside in
here. Get the Red Key that is on the counter in the back of the room. There are
also Steroids in here. If you want to kill some more enemies, go down the stairs
to kill a Trooper and a Pig Cop. If you do this, there will be an earthquake and
a crack in the wall will appear with a Large Medikit in it. After doing this,
jump onto the top of the movie projector and get the Atomic Health, this will
cause a door to be opened right beside the projector.
[SECRET 6] The room has a Trooper and a Captain in it, as a well as a RPG.
Getting to the Red Key Door
[The Cinema] Press the switch near the glass and the curtains will open. From up
here, break the glass and shoot a RPG round at the crack in the screen. From
here, try to take out some of the four Troopers down there. Jump onto the seats
to avoid taking falling damage and take out the remaining Troopers. If you walk
on the seats, another Trooper will spawn. Between the rows of the seats, there
is Pistol Ammo. Also, near the doors, there is more Pistol Ammo, and on the
movie stage that was hidden by the curtains initially. There is also Body Armor
on the movie stage.
[SECRET 7] Jump into the hole in the screen. Kill the two Troopers and take the
box of Shotgun Shells and the Jetpack. Break the window. There are some Pig Cops
on the outside, throw a pipe bomb to kill them.
[The Street] After you kill the enemies, you can use the Jetpack to get up onto
the bridge that is above you. Kill the Pig Cop that is guarding the exit.
[SECRET 8] Drop down onto the ledge that just below the bridge. Follow it around
to the front of the street (there is a Large Medikit on the way). Continue until
the cinema sign. Jump onto the palm tree that is near here, then face the
windows and try to jump into them. You will reach a room that has a Chaingun
Cannon, a Shotgun, a RPG, and some Pipebombs. Go back to the bridge.
[The Bridge] On the Bridge, use the Jetpack to go up as high as you can.
Eventually, you will take laser fire; these are from the Mounted Guns. Destroy
these with the RPG and go into the small ledge. There are some Shotgun Shells
and a new Jetpack here. When you are coming back to the bridge, you don't have
to use your Jetpack all the way down, just a quick burst at the very end.
[The Pig Room] Open the door opposite the Exit Symbol. There will be a Pig Cop
so kill him. Then, toss a Pipebomb at the canisters in the middle of the room.
Blow it up; you will probably kill the rest of the Pig Cops in the room. Open
the door in this room. (You don't have to do these exact steps, they will just
make your life easier)
[Box Room] Kill the Pig Cop in here. Take the box of Shotgun Shells then head
back into the Snack Stand Room through the theatre entrance doors.
[Theatre Entrance Doors] There is a Trooper in the theatre entrance doors.
Getting to the Exit
[The Arcade] Open the elevator. There is a Trooper in the elevator. There is
also a Pig Cop waiting for you at the top of the elevator; to avoid fighting in
close quarters, drop a Pipebomb on the elevator, get off the elevator and then
make it go up. Use a Pipebomb and kill the Pig Cop. Now, in the arcade, before
you do anything, shoot the yellow canisters to avoid fighting. You will kill all
resistance. After that, go to the Duke Nukem arcade game and use it. A small
hole in the wall will open with a Holoduke in it. There is some Pistol Ammo near
the Balls of Steel pinball machine. There is a way to get back to the Cinema if
you missed something that you opened when you shot the canisters. Use the Red
Key and proceed through the box room, the Pig Cop room and go to the Exit.
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-01-02] | E1L02 Red Light District | 05:10 | 3:21 | 08 | E1L03 |
Getting the Blue Key
[The Street] You will emerge in an elevator that will get stuck. There will a
Trooper right when you start, kill him immediately. Right when you get onto the
street, you should get the Pistol beside the fire hydrant and then get into the
building with the revolving doors as soon as possible, because the streets are
being patrolled by the Pig Cops and their vehicles. There is a better place to
kill them later.
[Gun Shop] There will be a Pig Cop right off so kill him with the Shotgun. A
Trooper will be there as well. Run to behind the counter, and kill the Captain
and the Trooper there. Use the counter as cover to kill the rest of Troopers
that are in the front part of the shop. The is a Shotgun here near the monitor.
Don't worry about the buttons on the wall just yet.
[SECRET 1] Jump on top of the shelves over here and get the Atomic Health. Try
opening the wall here, there is a small compartment with a Holoduke in the
corner near where the Atomic Health was.
[SECRET 2] From the counter, count the number of shelves on the wall with the
buttons, on the fourth one from the counter, open it. There is some Pipebombs
and Body Armor behind it.
[Peep Show Lounge] At the other end of the gun shop, there is a hall way that
branches off. Look out for the Pig Cop on your right but walk to the left. There
is another Pig Cop in the red walled area, and at the end of this place there is
a Trooper. Now, in here, there are four booths. In the first three there are
enemies; this is excellent place for pipe bombs. In the fourth, open the
compartment for a RPG. In the first booth there is Pistol Ammo in the trash can.
In the second one there is a Large Medikit on the floor. In the third there are
Steroids in the trash can.
[The Bathroom] Blow up the crack in the wall and kill the resulting Captain and
Trooper in there. Near the mirror there is a switch; press it to open a
compartment that contains Night Vision Goggles. Go back to the gun shop. At the
buttons on the wall, use the following combination: X O X. Then proceed into the
dark room.
[Dark Room] There is an elevator at the end of this room, however, there is some
other stuff first. You will be attacked by a Trooper; he is standing at the
entrance to a hallway. From here, if you go right, you will find another
[SECRET 3] If you go right, you will go down another hallway that branches off
to the left and right; to the left there is a Pig Cop and Atomic Health and to
the right is a Trooper.
[Bedroom] Go up the elevator and you will come into a bedroom. You will be
attacked right away by a Trooper and there is another one waiting for you. Get
the Chaingun Cannon and the ammo from the bed and open the small compartment to
get the Blue Key. There is a Large Medikit in the trash can. Around the corner
there are two more Troopers, and some Chaingun Cannon Ammo. While you are here,
you can also hit the switch that is near the window, it will cause a "Duke Nukem
Must Die!" sign to fall across the street (this doesn't serve a purpose). From
here, you should kill the Troopers across the street on the ledge with the
Chaingun Cannon. If you want to kill the Pig Cops in the RPV you can now easily;
they will come up to your level and stop shooting, making perfect RPG targets.
The resulting Pig Cops can be killed by pipe bombs.
Getting to the Blue Key Slot
[Street] Jump out the window onto the street. You can get the stuff on the ledge
with the Nukem Must Die sign by jumping on the steel ventilation thing; there is
Body Armor and a Large Medikit up there. Proceed to the "Bar" sign, but turn
around the corner first and kill the Pig Cop there. Then, in the booth there is
another Pig Cop. After you dispose of that, use the Blue Key, then when the new
buttons come up, use the following combination: O X O X. Then hit the new
Getting the Yellow Key / Getting to the Yellow Key Slot
[Demolished Building] Go over to the demolished building. There is Pistol Ammo
over there. When you see the Yellow Key, there will be a Pig Cop right behind
you so be careful. When you turn right, there is a Portable Medikit and a
manhole. You can blow up the manhole but it is kind of useless because it leads
to a secret area that you can't get out of until later in the level, that is,
you'll have to Jetpack up the manhole to out again. Anyways, go back to the
[Security Checkpoint] Use the Yellow Key and then open the door. There will be
two Pig Cops there so use a Pipebomb and take the Shotgun there. Proceed up the
ramp. Don't go through the archway, but kill the Trooper that you can see.
Getting the Red Key
[Bathroom] Break the vent cover and crawl to the bathroom. Drop a Pipebomb in
here and the next room over and blow them up. The toilet in the bathroom can be
broken to unlock a door.
[SECRET 4] The door that is unlocked when the toilet is broken is right behind
the toilet. There are two Pig Cops right away when you enter, so rig the door
with a Pipebomb first to kill them quickly. Go down the ramp and kill the next
Pig Cop. There is a Jetpack, Steroids, and a Holoduke on the shelf. In the sewer
area, if you follow it to the end, there is a babe, an Atomic Health, and your
very first Octabrain. Kill the Octabrain with the Shotgun at close range for
best results. Go back to the bathroom.
[The Pool Room] From the bathroom, go into the room with the phones in it. The
garbage can here has Shotgun Shells in it. You can snipe off the remaining
Troopers near the pool table from this room. There are Shotgun Shells and Pistol
Ammo here. At the end of this room, there are two ramps; you have to take the
one on the right first. There is a Pig Cop guarding the way to the bar.
[The Bar] Throw a Pipebomb into the actual bar to kill the Pig Cop and the
Trooper and kill the other Troopers in the room without going behind the
counter. Before you go behind the counter, drop a few Pipebombs near the
entrance to the bar. When you go behind the counter, three Pig Cops will appear,
use the Pipebombs to kill them. Behind the counter there is Chaingun Cannon Ammo
and a Pistol with ammo. At the back of the bar, under all the shelves, is a
cupboard with the Red Key in it. Now, go to the second ramp.
Getting to the Red Key Slot
[Pool Room] There is a Pig Cop on the ramp and one right around the corner
guarding the Red Key slot. If that's not enough, there are three more that drop
from the ceiling at the end of this area, so drop a Pipebomb before that happens
or use the RPG.
Getting to the Exit
[Strip Club] There are quite a few enemies here. Take out the ones right in
front of you with your Chaingun Cannon, and if you want to make it easier on
yourself, toss a Pipebomb to your left and right and detonate to kill them.
There is a Large Medikit in the upper left corner of the room and some Pistol
Ammo in the upper right. When you go farther into the room, more platforms
containing strippers will drop down.
[SECRET 5] On the left side of the room, there is a couch. Stand on the couch to
cause a secret door to be opened where there is a stripper wearing tan clothing
(its right across from your position). It closes quickly so get there fast.
There is a Chaingun Cannon and Chaingun Cannon Ammo in there.
[The Vent]
[SECRET 6] To get backstage, there is a vent that you must break and crawl
through. Jump on a table and then into the vent. It is on the right of the club.
As you crawl, you will find Atomic Health and some Pipebombs. Break the grate at
the end of the vent and drop some Pipebombs down in front of you and to your
left. Note that, although I believe that it is necessary to go through this
level to beat the level, it still counts a secret.
[Backstage] There is an elevated ledge that has a Pig Cop on it, and a Pig Cop
around the corner of this ledge. There is also a switch that is used to find a
method for getting up onto this ledge. Hit the switch to open the curtains.
There are quite a few Pig Cops around here; so once again pipe bomb are useful
for taking out large numbers. There is also one on the platform that comes down
from the roof, but the majority are on the floor. Once you are safe, jump onto
the platform and then onto the ledge.
[SECRET 7] Looking at the strip club, to your right is a small platform that has
some Night Vision Goggles on it. Jump to get it.
[The Attic] There is a Pig Cop right when you turn the corner, and then when you
turn the corner again there will be a Pig Cop on top of boxes and another one
taking cover behind a box; take out the one on top the box first - the one
taking cover will most likely come out.
[SECRET 8] Near the boxes is a part of wall that is lighter than the others.
Open this to find a Portable Medikit.
[Ending the Level] When you come up to the last part of the level there will be
two Pig Cops, dispatch of them. When you are going for the Exit Symbol, jail
bars will come down on you and two Pig Cops will come out from the wall. You
will not be able to keep anything but your current health for the next level so
use your weapons with wanton disregard. However, if your health drops below 100,
make sure your use your medikit to get max health before the level ends. The
level will end automatically.
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-01-03] | E1L03 Death Row | 05:35 | 3:41 | 10 | E1L04 |
Getting the Blue Key
[The Chair] You will spawn immediately in the electric chair so get out as soon
as possible as to conserve health. Your first task will to be to dispose of a
Pig Cop with only your boot. He is in the guard room and you will be outside of
the room; break the glass and kick the Pig Cop. Duck down underneath the blast,
raise and kick. Do this until he is dead. There are two Large Medikits on the
ground in front of the observation room if you take any damage. Now, jump into
the room. Open the small compartment to get a Pistol and some ammo. After you go
in the room, a Pig Cop will spawn outside the door and another one outside the
barred door, don't worry about them until you get Secret 1. Then turn around and
look at the switches on the wall. The one on the left opens a Secret, the one on
the right opens the Observation Area.
[SECRET 1] Pressing the left switch in the guard room lowers the electric chair,
you can go down and behind the chair to get a Shotgun and some shells.
[Observation Room] When you press the right switch, the curtains to the
observation room will open; four Troopers and a Captain will be there to
confront you. Take them out with your Shotgun, then jump in and turn to the
right. If the Pig Cop has not already come, he will attack you so down him. Go
to the barred door now, and then kill the Pig Cop behind the door if you have
not already done so, and take the Portable Medikit. If you are facing the
electric chair, turn left and open the wall here. This will reveal a Holoduke.
[The Chapel] When you exit the observation area, turn left then go into the
chapel. There are two Troopers and a Captain that you can take out from the
entrance. There is also one right at the entrance on a Jetpack so be careful. On
the altar, there are two stained glass windows. Break them both; one on the
right contains Steroids while the one on the left will eventually lead to a
secret. Near the entrance of the chapel there is some Pistol Ammo. Also, stand
in front of the pews and look up; there is a monk there that, if you shoot,
drops an Atomic Health.
[SECRET 2] Look at the front of the altar; there seems to be a face. Press the
face; it will cause the screen to go red and the cross to turn upside down. It
will also cause a secret door to open in the stained glass window on the left.
Go in there; there is an Octabrain so take him out with the Shotgun. If you
follow the passage to the end, there is a Chaingun Cannon.
[SECRET 3] Go to the end of the chapel opposite the cross and altar. You will
notice a button; shoot it with your Shotgun or Pistol and when you hit it, a
small elevator will raise. Take this elevator up to some Atomic Health and Body
Armor. It's timed but you can do it again if you have to.
[The Jail Cell] Exit the chapel and proceed left. There will be the cell
entrance to your left and a Pig Cop to the right. Open the cell door after
killing the Pig Cop. In the cell, besides a babe and a toilet is a Large Medikit
and a small hole in the wall. The hole in the wall will connect to a later part
in the level; there is Pistol Ammo in there too.
[SECRET 4] Crouch down and use the bed in the jail cell. It will move to reveal
a small passage with some RPG Ammo.
[Gear Room] Proceed down the hallway. A Trooper will fall from a vent in the
ceiling that you will eventually be able to get to. When you go down far enough,
an explosion in the wall will cause another room to be opened. In that room
there are initially four Troopers and a Captain to contend with; use the first
wall you see for cover. Now, this requires some dexterity; jump onto the first
yellow gear then the second, then jump into the room on top. You will see some
Atomic Health on a ledge; jump onto that ledge and get the health. Now, Go to
the other end of that ledge and open the lightly shaded wall. Open this wall to
find some Night Vision Goggles. In the actual generator room, there are two
Troopers and a Captain in there. After you are done with them, get the RPG at
the end of the room and open the small compartment to get the Blue Key. Exit the
room the same way that you came in.
Getting to the Blue Key Slot
[Control Room] Continue up the hallway. There may be a Pig Cop there that guards
the Blue Key door. Use the Blue Key and then open the door. There is a Pig Cop
in there so dispose of him. Don't worry about going through the tripbomb,
instead, open the 'Control Room East' Door and kill the Pig Cop that results. As
you enter this room, there will be another Pig Cop further in the room which you
can still take out. The control room is set up with two ramps that converge in a
space which leads to an exit. Beside the right ramp there is a Pistol and beside
the left there are Shotgun Shells(facing the exit). Now, open the door opposite
to the one that you came in.
Getting the Yellow Key
[Hallway] There is a Pig Cop in there but you can blow up the yellow canisters
beside him to kill him. The canisters lead to Atomic Health and eventually the
jail cell. Head up the ramp. There will be a Pig Cop at both the entrance to
cell block 1 and cell block 2. After you dispose of them, you should get the
Yellow Key. To do this with ease, you may want to first dispose of the laser
tripbombs guarding your way with a RPG blast. Then run in, get the Yellow Key
and the two boxes of Shotgun Shells, and run right back out. One Pig Cop will
come from the left and right so be careful of that.
Getting to the Yellow Key Slot
[The Showers] There are two entrances to the left and right of the Cell Block 01
and 02 sign; they both lead to the showers. There are two Troopers and a Captain
in the showers; you can use the counters as cover if need be. There are two
Small Medikits, a Large Medikit, some Pistol Ammo, and Protective Boots in here.
You can make your life a bit easier by taking out some of the three Pig Cops
behind either cell block forcefield. You see, the forcefields in this game
aren't that effective, so you can use weapons with splash damage to kill things
on the other side. Use your RPG to get some kills (shoot it at the ground for
max splash damage effect. This could be considered exploiting the game by some
but it's your choice. Go back to the control room and to the middle exit which
is a Yellow Key Door. There will be a new Pig Cop there, so kill him.
Getting the Red Key
[Security Area] After you open the door, you will be in a small security area
that has two Pig Cops on the inside. You can kill these guys with a RPG blast.
In their booth is a monitor, a Large Medikit, and some RPG Ammo.
[Outside] Although you should fight the first four Pig Cops you see, it is
better to run from both the RPVs and the Mounted Guns because you will just
waste ammo killing them. Take cover when fighting the Pig Cops by opening and
closing the door. After, you should run to the left and right, collecting the
spoils and the Red Key. If you run to the left, you will get Pistol Ammo, a
Large Medikit, and the Red Key. The right way has two boxes of Shotgun Shells.
Getting to the Red Key Slot
[The Ledge] Climb up onto one of the slanted columns and jump onto the ledge. On
the left ledge there are two boxes of Chaingun Cannon Ammo, on the right side
there are two Pistol Ammo and some Pipebombs. Run fast to avoid the laser fire.
[SECRET 5] On the ledge, you will notice some ramps in the middle of the ledge.
Run up those ramps to pass through an invisible wall to emerge in a small
hallway with three Atomic Healths.
[SECRET 6] On the upper side of the wall that is closest to the Red Key, there
is a large crack in the wall. Blow this up to get access to some Steroids. If
you want, you can blow up the crack at the end of this small crevice to get
early access to Cell Block 1 and earlier in the level. After you are done
outside, go back to the control room and go to either Red Key door in there.
[Rotating Room] If you went in the left door, there is a Small Medikit for you
and a Pig Cop. If you went in the right door, there is some Pistol Ammo for you.
In either case, press the button at the top of the ramp to cause the room to
rotate; there will be a Pig Cop waiting for you. You will notice the holographic
Battlelord head; on that stand there is a Chaingun Cannon. Hit the button once
that makes the room rotate. When this happens, three doors and a grate will be
exposed. Break the grate on the vent to get some Body Armor, but be careful as
there is a hole that leads down to the beginning of the level.
Getting to the Exit
[Map Bridge] Open the red door behind you, there will be a Trooper behind four
laser tripbombs. Close the door right when you open it and run backwards, the
alien will trip the bombs and blow them up for you. Now, go to the end of the
bridge and open up the map. This causes two secrets to open to the left and
right of your position.
[SECRET 7] Jump into the compartment on the left to get some Pipebombs.
[SECRET 8] Jump into the compartment on the right to get an Atomic Health.
[Left Door] Back in the rotating room, there are two similar looking doors, go
to the left. There is a Large Medikit on the way there. Open that door and kill
the Pig Cop in there. There is a Pistol clip and a switch that opens Cell Block
1. Then go to the right door.
[Right Door] Kill the Pig Cop in there and take the Pipebomb that is in there.
Hit the switch that opens cell block 2.
[Cell Block 1] Exit the rotating room, go up to the showers area and enter cell
block 1. There may or may not be Pig Cops, depending on your decision. There is
a switch that has four lights on it. Every time that you hit the switch a
different block opens and closes. The initial one has all three closed. The
first cell has two Pistol clips and a Trooper, the second one has a box of
Shotgun Shells and two Troopers, and the third one has a RPG, a Large Medikit,
and a Trooper. At the end of the actual cell block, there are some yellow
canisters, blow them up to make an entrance to the control room.
[Cell Block 2] The same procedure applies to block 2 as to block 1. At the end
of the block, there are two Pistol Ammo. The first cell has two Troopers and a
box of Shotgun Shells. The second cell has two Captains and a Large Medikit. The
third cell is more important than all the others, though it doesn't have any
items available right away. There are three Troopers on the inside and a poster
on the wall (which you don't see in parental lock mode).
[The Tunnel] You have to walk through the poster to get to this rocky tunnel.
You will first come across three Pipebombs, a Large Medikit and a crack in the
wall. Blow up this wall, then proceed down the tunnel again to find three more
Pipebombs and blow up the next wall.
[The Pipe] You will emerge in a pipe. At the beginning of the pipe there are
some Shotgun Shells and a Large Medikit. Follow the tunnel to the end.
[Submarine Dock] On and around the submarine there are two Octabrains, a Trooper
and a Captain. Run in and out of the pipe if need be. Now, before going in the
water or the submarine, follow the ground around to the left. There will be some
Pig Cops to contend with. There are some Shotgun Shells on the ground and some
more near the door, as well as Scuba Gear and a Large Medikit. There is also a
switch near the large door that will unlock an entrance to the "Outside" area.
[SECRET 9] There are two columns on either side of the door with slight ramp on
them. Jump on the ramp of the right column (facing the door) and open the wall
on it; doing this will reveal Night Vision Goggles in an alcove.
[Submarine] Jump in the water. Near the big red doors underwater is some Pistol
Ammo, and near a big rock under the submarine are some Pipebombs. You will
notice an entrance above you, so go in. There are only two Troopers on the
inside. Near the front of the submarine are some Shotgun Shells. Right under the
box of Shotgun Shells there is a hard-to- see switch that makes a periscope
rise. You can look into the periscope to see the outside of the submarine.
[SECRET 10] Near the back of the submarine is a crate, open part of the wall of
the back wall of the submarine (it's on the right) near this crate. This room
has an engine in it as well as a Portable Medikit. The Exit Symbol is at the
front of the inside of the submarine.
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-01-04] | E1L04 Toxic Dump | 07:20 | 4:40 | 14 | E1L05, E1L06s |
(Access to Secret Level: E1L06, Launch Facility)
Getting the Blue Key
[Submarine] You will start in the wreck of the submarine. Swim down to the
bottom of the submarine and you will see three buttons. From top to bottom,
press this combination: X O X. An emergency hatch will open.
[Underwater] Swim out of the submarine and get the Scuba Gear near the exit of
the sub if you need it. If you look around, you will see a large fracture in the
wall. There is some Pistol Ammo in the entrance, and there is a Portable Medikit
further in. There are also some Octabrains. There is a fracture in the wall near
this. Blow up this wall and proceed in. There is some Atomic Health in here.
Further in there are some more Octabrains, and two boxes of Pipebombs.
[SECRET 1] When you emerge from the water. Go to the piece of land with the babe
and the barrels, toss a Pipebomb on the barrels and detonate it; this will open
a passage to the outdoor portion of the level. The secret counts when you come
up onto the piece of land.
[The Outdoors] You will emerge in the front of a building. The building's front
will open, revealing some Troopers. Take them out with the Chaingun Cannon.
There are two Mounted Guns on each column. You can take out the first while
standing in the passageway from Secret 1 but you will have to take out the other
one by moving in front of the building. There is a ledge opposite the building
with three Troopers on it. An RPG blast will clear them out nicely. Then, swim
across the water to the entrance to the passageway to the ledge.
[Passageway] As you enter the passageway, there is a Large Medikit. Climb up the
passage way and get the RPG and the Blue Key. While you are on the ledge, you
may be taking laser fire; these are from Mounted Guns to the left or right of
your position. Destroy these with RPG rounds. You can get to the holes where the
Mounted Guns were contained by jumping into them. You can jump into the left
hole and open the back wall. You will emerge in a small room with a message on
the wall. On the wall opposite this message, there is another hidden door which
contains a Holoduke. This doesn't count as a secret.
[SECRET 2] Jump into the right hole and open the back wall. There are some RPG
rounds in the secret room.
[SECRET 3] On top of the submarine, there is a small fire that is burning. Step
into the indentation on the submarine where the fire is burning. This will cause
a secret to register. You don't have to get the spoils, but they are back in the
submarine. There is Body Armor, Atomic Health, and a Portable Medikit in the
small compartment.
Getting to the Blue Key Slot
[The Building] Go back to the building. There is a Blue Key door that you must
open to get inside. As you enter the hall way, there are two Troopers and a
Captain waiting for you. At the end of the hallway is a door guarded by some
laser tripbombs; destroy these with a Pipebomb to get the Chaingun Cannon Ammo.
Getting the Red Key
[SECRET 4] You will notice some metal archways that are part of the hallway. To
the left of the very first metal arch on the right wall there is a secret door.
The door leads to another passage, which has another door that leads to the
front of the building. It has a Chaingun Cannon in it and you can get the stuff
that the Troopers may have dropped.
[Processing Plant] Go through the red door that is in the middle of the hallway.
When you emerge you will be at the top of the ramp. Right beside the door is a
light switch that turns on some lights in this room that may be useful to you.
You can go down the ramp normally or drop off the back of it to find two boxes
of Shotgun Shells. You will see some cranes moving, picking up barrels and
cycling them around this room. You have to hitch a ride on one of these cranes,
so go to the black-and-yellow striped pad and when the crane comes, it will take
you over to a hole in the wall with a conveyer belt and a Trooper. You have to
do this again on the black-and-yellow platform up here, but be wary that there
is a tripbomb in your direct path this time. It would be wise to detonate it
with a RPG blast or by waiting for a barrel (or the corpse of the Trooper) to go
through it.
[Checkpoint] When you get dropped off, there will be a small room with a glass
window to your right. This room has a Pig Cop in it. Kill him and go in the
room. The room has a Large Medikit and a small compartment that has the Red Key
in it. There is also a switch that opens the door that leads back into the main
Getting to the Red Key Slot
[SECRET 5] Continue down the conveyor until you reach a small tub of acid on the
side of the conveyor belt. Go in the acid to the far end of the pool. There is a
hidden door here which leads to some Chaingun Cannon Ammo.
[Another Room] Continue down the conveyor. You will have to fight one or two
Troopers on the way. There is another room with some capsule-like entities on
the side of the room. There is some Body Armor near the entrance to this room.
You will see a blue switch in the corner of the room, hit it to open the
capsules. The one on the right has an Atomic Health in it.
[SECRET 6] The capsule on the left doesn't have anything in it right away, but
if you go in it and jump up, you can get two Atomic Healths.
[The Shrinker Area] Get off the conveyor and head right. You will see some walls
on the right. You can make your life easier by rigging the first wall with
Pipebombs, because as you progress into that area, the wall will open upwards
and four Pig Cops will come out. There is some Chaingun Cannon Ammo right where
the door opened, and further in there is some Scuba Gear and a babe. You will
notice at the top of the ramp there will be a Pig Cop at the entrance to the
processing plant. After you finish with the Pig Cops, use the Red Key. This will
activate the shrinker gun. You will notice some holes on the ground. Shrink
yourself down and go in the right one. Take a right turn then follow the path.
Getting to the Exit
[Lock Room] There are two Troopers in here; obviously you'll have to wait until
you get big again to fight them. There is also a Large Medikit. Hit the
"Emergency Lock" switch, get shrunk, and then go back in the hole. Follow the
path and take a left.
[Underwater Building 1] Go in the door that the emergency switch opened and go
into the pool. You will emerge in an underwater room, with two Small Medikits
and some Shotgun Shells.
[Underwater Minefield] Exit the building. Go swim to the left first. Avoid the
first mine. There will be an Octabrain to meet you. Then, shoot the second mine;
this will open a fissure in the rock face. One Octabrain is in there, as well as
a Chaingun Cannon and some Chaingun Cannon Ammo. You'll notice on the other side
of the rock you were swimming around there was an Octabrain hiding in a crevice.
[Underwater Building 2] After you are done, go in the building that has the
yellow column in it, there are some Shotgun Shells and a switch in there that
raises the water level. Hit the switch and swim up to the surface. Note that the
door in this room cannot be opened yet.
[Surface] There are several parts of ground up here that are kind of broken up.
Go on to the lowest platform initially (there are two Small Medikits there) and
take out the opposition of this area which consists of an Octabrain, a Captain
and two Troopers.
[SECRET 7] There are two slanted platforms on the same piece of land that you
are on; on the right platform, you can jump to a hole in the rock face which
contains RPG Ammo. This is not the secret however. There is another ledge in
there that contains a Portable Medikit and a Shotgun.
[Surface] Now go on to the left ledge and jump down to the "acid fall". There is
some Chaingun Cannon Ammo and Steroids here. Go back to the left ledge and jump
straight across onto the opposite ledge. Follow the path right and you will come
to a control panel of sorts. The button on the red column just raises and lowers
the water level, while the one on the computer opens the large underwater door.
There is also a RPG and a Large Medikit there.
[SECRET 8] In the space of rock between the video monitor and the red column
there is a hidden door which leads to some Shotgun Shells and Scuba Gear.
[SECRET 9] Blow up the crack in the wall that is around here. A Trooper will
drop, firing at nothing, and then you can kill him. This is the secret.
[SECRET 10] You can blow up another crack in the SECRET 9 area, there is an
Atomic Health in there.
[SECRET 11] You can blow up a third crack in the wall. Go into the resulting
space to get the secret; this is also a pathway to the beginning of the level.
[Underwater Building 3] Go back into the water and then proceed through the big
door. There are some Pipebombs in a small indentation in the ground. Now, swim
into the building. There are some Shotgun Shells here, along with two switches.
The one right beside the black door opens that door, making a passage between
this and the Underwater Building 2 area. There is an Octabrain and a Holoduke in
the passage. The other switch opens the large doors, and also causes a crack in
the wall to be made which contains two Octabrains and some Chaingun Cannon Ammo.
[Gear Room] There is an Octabrain right away in the gear room, though he may
kill himself by touching the gears. The way to get through the gears unharmed is
by waiting for a stone-grey part of the gears to appear, sneak into it and
slowly swim through while the gears are still rotating (so you don't get
squished). There is also a Portable Medikit behind the left gear; to get it you
must wait for a crevice in the gear and just go with its movements. Proceed into
the underwater basin. Note the corners of this basin. Facing the wall opposite
of the gears, go swim to the right corner. You will go right through the wall.
There is some Body Armor and Scuba Gear in there.
[Waterfall Room] Get out of the water. You will encounter resistance from at
least two Troopers (there are four in the room). There are some Shotgun Shells
in a corner of the room. When you are ready, proceed down the waterfall (you can
get back to previous parts of the levels later on, but not through this
[SECRET 12] Go slowly down the waterfall. At about the second curve, you can
shoot a RPG round at a crack in the wall. There is a small room with a Large
Medikit and a Teleport Pad. Go in that Teleport Pad. You will emerge in a secret
room with some Troopers and some RPG rounds. Go down the waterfall to continue.
[The Water Room] In the basin there is some Shotgun Shells and a Large Medikit,
not to mention two Octabrains. Emerge and go the lowest ledge while fighting the
opposition. On the lowest ledge there are two Pipebombs. Go up the ramp into the
control room and take out the three Troopers. There is some Chaingun Cannon ammo
and a Large Medikit. There is also a switch that you must hit. Go up the
waterfall that has the two doors on it. Go on the right platform and get the
Shotgun Shells. To get to the other side of the area, you have to get on the
black platform and shoot the button that was opened by the switch in the lower
platform (there is also a Large Medikit where the button you must shoot is). You
have to be quick - when the two big platforms meet, quickly run onto the other
one. You can get something nice here but you need extreme speed, and it'll
probably take you one or two tries. After you shoot the switch, you don't have
to go on the platforms. Note that the platforms are also underwater, and that
the one that you are currently on, i.e. the first one that you need to go on,
conceals a fan that you must break and enter WHILE the platforms are touching.
Needless to say, you must be fast, but your reward will be a RPG and RPG Ammo.
[Credit: Fernando Calvo for the RPG Ammo and RPG info]
[The Sewer] Go behind the wall and look out for the Octabrain that is waiting
there. Enter the sewer and take the Atomic Health on the computer and the
Chaingun Cannon Ammo.
[SECRET 13] You'll notice acid pouring out of a fan; you can shoot the fan and
jump into the resulting hole (if you are having trouble jumping try jumping on
the cement and not the acid). There are two Atomic Healths in there.
[The Sewer] Proceed down the sewer, killing the Octabrains with RPG blasts. You
can pick up some Chaingun Cannon Ammo and a Large Medikit on the ledges. In a
small room on the side, there is a pair of Protective Boots and some RPG Ammo.
As you continue, the current will go really quickly. If you decide to go to the
normal end of the level, there is a Teleport Pad there that will take you to a
part of the level before the water fall.
[SECRET 14] Though the sewer is dark, pay attention to the lighted portions. The
very last one you see has a faint crack in it on the left side of the wall.
Shoot it and go in. There are some Troopers in there and some Pistol and
Chaingun Cannon ammo.
[SECRET LEVEL] Secret 14 is the location of the Secret Level entrance to the
level "Launch Facility" as well.
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-01-05] | E1L05 The Abyss | 09:10 | 5:00 | 06 | ----- |
(Boss Level)
This walkthrough will assume that you don't have a Jetpack (however, you could
get one legitimately from E1L06, the Secret Level).
Getting the Blue Key
[The Pipe] Jump into the acid and follow the current. You will come up to the
opening of the pipe; while still in the pipe on the left on a ledge is a Large
Medikit and a Trooper.
[Pipe Exit] You can go either left or right here (facing the pipe exit).
[Left Ramp] If you go left and follow the ramp way, you will fight a Captain.
There will be some Pistol Ammo and at the bottom of the first ramp there is a
Shotgun. At the ledge at the bottom of the first ramp, you can fall off to find
a platform that you would use if you fell into the acid by accident. There is an
Octabrain down there that is a good Pipebomb target, and a Large Medikit and a
clip. The second downward ramp leads into the acid. You may be taking some laser
fire; this is from a Mounted Gun that is down the acid river a bit.
[Right Ramp] You will find a Trooper and a Small Medikit initially. There is a
door at the end of this way; open it and there is a Trooper in a room that also
has some Shotgun Shells and Protective Boots. If you are facing the door, you
can look down the left ledge; there is a platform and the Blue Key door. Before
you drop down there, there is a Pig Cop and an Octabrain that you can take out
from your current position. On the platform, there is a RPG. Through the gate
(that is actually the Blue Key door) you can see a Pig Cop; he can't hurt you
but you can blow him up with a Pipebomb.
[The Big Fork] After you are done, go into the acid and follow the current. You
will emerge at a large rock formation. There are three ways that you can go;
left, right, and down the middle. Where you emerge, there are two Troopers and
some Chaingun Cannon Ammo to your left. The Center Path and the Right Path are
[The River] If you follow the acid river all the way down, you will find a
platform at the end of the river that has Protective Boots, a Holoduke, and a
Portable Medikit.
[Right Path] The Right Path is optional. At the beginning of the right path is a
Pistol Ammo. Follow the path to find a Pistol. You will come to some elevated
ground; jump up there. In this clearing, you will have to fight two Troopers.
There are some Night Vision Goggles, two Pistol Ammo and two Large Medikits
[Center Path] The Center Path is optional. It is simply two ledges; the left
ledge has a large medikit on it and the right ledge has Shotgun Shells.
[Left Path] The left path starts on a ledge; follow it to find a Large Medikit
and a clip. Follow it, destroy the cactus and take out the Trooper that is on
the ledge up there. At the end there is the Blue Key, two boxes of Shotgun
Shells, and a large medikit. Look behind you; there is a broken bridge above you
and a Trooper at the end of it that is most likely firing at you.
[Down Left Path] The Down Left Path is optional. There is a canyon near the left
path; follow it down to find some Chaingun Cannon Ammo and a Large Medikit. At
the far end of the canyon, there is a hole in the wall that has an Octabrain and
a Chaingun Cannon.
Getting to the Blue Key Slot / Getting to the Exit
[Blue Key Door] Go back to the beginning of the level where the Blue Key door
is. Open it and continue. As you enter, look to your left, there is a dark area
that has a Pig Cop in it. Kill him. There some Pipebombs, a Large Medikit and a
message in here. There is also another Pig Cop wandering about here.
[The High Cliffs] Exit at the other side. There is a Trooper in the room
opposite of you. Kill it, and on the same cliff that you are on there is a Pig
Cop behind the corner and RPG Ammo.
[Cliff Room] Jump across the cliff to where you killed the Trooper. Right ahead
of you are two boxes of Chaingun Cannon Ammo. Enter the middle of the room and
fight the Pig Cop, Captain, and Trooper. You'll notice the room branches off
left and right.
[Left Cliff Room Path] The left path is optional. This path has the
aforementioned Pig Cop guarding the broken bridge you saw before (in the "Left
Path" area). It requires a bit of dexterity to do but you can get across it. If
you fall down you will return to the beginning of the level. On the other side
of the bridge there is an area that has a Trooper ready to shoot you in the
corner. There are Night Vision Goggles, a Portable Medikit, and Chaingun Cannon
Ammo over there. You can also get a view of a later portion of the level.
[Right Path] You will notice an exit from this room. There is a Large Medikit
here. Jump across to the platform with the cacti. Go to the San Andreas Fault
marker. There will be a big earthquake. Jump parallel to the marker and you will
land on a platform with Atomic Health. Go down the second platform with Atomic
Health on it and then go to the ground. Go forward, where the rock wall fell.
Jump off the ledge. You will have to fight an Octabrain. Go down the cliffs some
more and you will have to fight another Octabrain.
[Acid River] You will be on one side of the acid river. There are Small Medikits
on either side of the river. Now, go into the only place that you really can go,
into the dark stairway.
[The Hub] This is called "the hub" because it can take you to various places in
the level. As you ascend the dark stairway you will be confronted by several Pig
Cops so be careful. In the actual hub there is a Captain and a Trooper awaiting
you. There is a Shotgun at the far side of the room, near the window.
[Grave Room] The window that you see is actually part of a small room. Throw a
Pipebomb in there to clear out the Troopers and Captains inside. Enter the room
through the window or the door. There is a Small Medikit on the shelf in there.
In this room, you will notice a piece of rock with a handprint on it; hit the
handprint and the wall across from the handprint will open, revealing a Portable
Medikit (this is not a secret). A Trooper will drop from the roof to attack you
as well.
[Fire Pit] Right beside the first dark staircase is a second one that leads up
to the fire pit. On the staircase there are two Octabrains. As you enter the
fire pit room, go to your left to find an Octabrain and some Pipebombs.
[SECRET 1] To the left of the Pipebombs you will see a portion of wall that is
protruding. Open the front face of that wall to find some Steroids.
[Fire Pit] You will notice some flames in a lower elevation area. There are some
enemies down there that you can take out with a Pipebomb before you even see
them. Go down into the area with the flame. There is a ledge here with some
Atomic Health. You will notice two handprints on the wall, one under a target
shaped painting and another that isn't. First, hit the one that is not under the
target and it will open a wall on the rock, revealing a Captain and a RPG. The
other handprint opens a wall that progresses the level by moving a piece of rock
out of your way. By jumping on that piece of rock, you can now access a ledge
that has Night Vision Goggles on it.
[SECRET 2] Run right into the fire. You will teleport into a secret room. There
is an Octabrain that you have fight right away in here. After you kill it, there
are two Atomic Healths on a shelf, if you get those, then you will cause another
Octabrain to spawn.
[SECRET 3] Near the fire there is a rock beside some wooden fences. Jump onto
the rock and up onto the ledge. There is RPG Ammo there.
[Staircase Chamber] Go through the hallway that pressing the hand opened. You
will have to fight a Trooper as you follow it through. You will emerge in a
chamber. There are three Octabrains in here. On the floor, there are two large
medikits. After killing, press the handprint on the low wall. This will cause a
large staircase to rise. Climb it, jump up onto the ledge that has the handprint
on its wall and press it. This will cause some more ground to rise opposite of
you, be quick and get on it. Hit the handprint on this wall (third handprint)
and the shrink ray will turn on. Stay on that ledge, get shrunk, and go through
the tiny tunnel near your position.
[Canyon] You will emerge near a small waterfall and have an Octabrain as
resistance. You can jump into the waterfall to find a Chaingun Cannon. Go
towards the red lighted canyon. On your way there, there is a wall on your left
that has a wooden door which you can open and find some Protective Boots in it.
Continue downward; behind the big stone column there is a Large Medikit. On the
shattered ground, there is a clip and a Large Medikit; follow the slant down to
the acid and you will get some Shotgun Shells. Walk into the acid.
[Acid fall] You will notice that the acid you are in goes off to the right,
follow it and you will notice an "acid fall" and a series of ledges beside it.
Climb them to the top, jump across the acid to find three Large Medikits. Climb
the incline that you are on, look to the right to find an Octabrain and some
Chaingun Cannon Ammo. Follow the path into the dark hallway and you will find
three Octabrains. Near the entrance of the room there are some Protective Boots.
Follow the path until it meets the wall to find some Pipebombs.
[SECRET 4] Near the Pipebombs, there is a crack in the wall. Blow it up and
enter the hole. Follow the resultant path to find two boxes of Shotgun Shells,
some Chaingun Cannon Ammo, a clip and a Large Medikit. At the end of the path
you will emerge near the entrance of the level, you will get the secret credit
around here.
[SECRET 5] On the side of the river with the acid falls there is platform, and
on its wall there is a hand print. Touch it and a wall above an acid fall to
your left will open. Go in it, and follow the acid river to a rocky path. Follow
that path to a place where you will find three Atomic Health and a babe.
[Canyon Cave] Straight across from you, you will see a broken wall leading to a
cave, you will have to fight some Octabrains in the acid to get there. When you
do get there, you will notice an elevated path that leads further into the cave.
Climb up the path, fighting the Trooper opposition. There are two atomic health
on the way up. Follow the path. You will go through a room that has two Troopers
in it and a view of the alien ship. There are some Protective Boots in this
room. Follow the path down some more. There is another room that has a Trooper
and Portable Medikit. Follow the path some more; it will open into a wider one
and you will get three boxes of Shotgun Shells. Fight the Trooper and progress
down the path. There is an Atomic Health on the right.
[Shattered Rock Bridge] You will have to fight an Octabrain right when you see
this rock formation that you will have to jump to get across. There will be
several more Octabrains when you are jumping, just to let you know. As you jump
across, you will come about a RPG and some RPG Ammo. Jump up the rock ledge.
[Ship Entrance] In the area above the rock ledges, there is a room. There are
quite a few Troopers in here, and initially there is some Chaingun Cannon Ammo.
You will come to a big door and some Body Armor. Open the door. You might want
to rig it with some Pipebombs because inside there are some Octabrains.
[SECRET 6] Facing the big door, go to the right wall. Search around there and a
secret door will open. Enter, and follow the path up to get an Atomic Health.
[The Ship] Enter the big door. Get the Large Medikit and the Chaingun Cannon
Ammo by following the hallway. Press the paw print switch to open the big green
door and then enter. To your right is another switch, this will cause a new
downward path to open. If you hold the forward button as you jump into this pit,
you will land on a platform that has a RPG Ammo and two Chaingun Cannon Ammo
on it, and across from it is another platform that has a RPG on it. On the
ground here, two shelves will open, one containing three Chaingun Cannon Ammo
and one containing two RPG Ammo.
[Battlelord Chamber] Time to fight the Battlelord. The room is set up with a
raised platform with babes on your side of an acid river, with the Battlelord on
the other side. Right at the entrance of the Chamber is a Portable Medikit, and
at the opposite end of the chamber are two Atomic Health. At either end of the
acid river are two RPG Ammo. On the ledge, there are two Chaingun Cannon Ammo
and three Babes. You can kill the babes to reveal some items. There is a
Jetpack, RPG Ammo, and Body Armor behind them left to right. To kill the
Battlelord, I recommend using the Jetpack and circling around the Battlelord,
this will avoid his grenades. Use your remaining RPG Ammo and get the others
around here; use your Portable Medikit and get the Body Armor and Atomic Health
if you really need to. After you kill it, you will beat the level. See Section
04-02-01, "Battlelord, Boss", for more information on this fight
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-01-06] | E1L06 Launch Facility (s) | 05:15 | 2:58 | 04 | E1L05 |
(Secret Level. Access to E1L05, The Abyss)
Getting the Blue Key
[Churning Room] When you start off, there is a Pistol and a medikit beside you.
Go down the ramp way. When you do this, two Troopers will warp in on an incline
beside you. After you are done with this, take the box of Shotgun Shells that
are on the base of your ramp. Run across the acid to behind the turning machine
and hit the switch. Run up the other incline and toss a Pipebomb into the group
of three Troopers. Near the entrance there is a compartment that contains
Protective Boots. When you go to the entrance, a door will open behind you that
has two Troopers in it and some Body Armor. Kill them and move on.
[Acid Pit Room] There is small pool of acid as you proceed through the door way.
There are some Shotgun Shells around here. If you go in the pool, you will find
a Shotgun at the bottom. However, there are one or two Octabrains in there, so
you may want to toss a few Pipebombs in there to clear them out. Also, this pit
is important later on in the level.
[The Spiral] Just after the acid pit room is a large spiral ramp. On the ground
around the ramp there are some Small Medikits and Pistol Ammo. Circle the bottom
of the spiral and take out the Troopers down there. You may be taking laser
fire; this is from Mounted Guns that you can take out using your RPG. Go up the
spiral ramp. There are some Small Medikits to get and Troopers to contend with
on the way up. At the top, there are some buttons and a Chaingun Cannon with
some ammo cases. Putting the right code in on the buttons opens a door across
the bridge; the code is X O X X.
[Command Room] When you open the door to this room, you will be attacked by
three Captains. Dispose of them then enter the room. There is a Small Medikit,
some Shotgun Shells, and the Blue Key, as well as a switch that takes down the
forcefield for "Path 01".
Getting to the Blue Key Slot
[Path 01] Go into this place when the forcefield is down. There is some Chaingun
Cannon ammo and a Large Medikit in there. When you go up the incline, to the
left or right of you there is a Captain or a Trooper. Kill them, and where they
were standing take the Pipebombs. This following area is loaded with Troopers,
the Chaingun Cannon is great for cleaning out this room. You can hit the switch
near the entrance for this room to turn on the lights; it may be useful to you.
There are some Shotgun Shells on the ground level. When you are climbing the
ramp, you will notice an overhead fan above a RPG (which you can take). You can
access this place later on.
[Computer Room] At the top of the ramp, there is a computer room with the Blue
Key slot. There are three Captains in here, so put that Chaingun Cannon to use
again. There is also two boxes of chaingun ammo and a Portable Medikit in there.
Use the Blue Key to cause the rocket to go up.
Getting the Red Key
[SECRET 1] Before you go in the door, you can get a secret that was previously
locked. Go to the end of this hallway; there is a forcefield in the way of
getting back to "The Spiral" area. Press the button near it to take the
forcefield down and go back to the Acid Pit Room. Dive into the acid, a new hole
in the wall is open. Swim through and emerge at the end. There are two Atomic
Healths here and two boxes of Shotgun Shells. There is also a second hidden door
that doesn't count as a secret. It's on the right side of the grate and the door
that hides it is in the corner. There is a case of Chaingun Cannon Ammo in the
[Path 01] Go back to path 01 and down to ground level. There is another path and
a door that was previously locked before you used the Blue Key. Go in, but with
caution. There is a room with a window that houses four Pig Cops that you can
see. This is begging for a RPG blast. Go in the door (there is a sign above it
called 'Restricted Area')
[Restricted Area] You'll meet a Pig Cop right away. Kill him and go up the
incline. There is some Shotgun Shells and the Red Key. Hit the button up here to
open the big doors.
Getting to the Red Key Slot
[SECRET 2] There is part of the wall on the top of the incline that is a secret
door. There is no noticeable marks on the wall, but it's the second panel on the
right of the computers. In the room there is Body Armor.
[Launch pad] Back on the floor level, there are two new Pig Cops. There is also
some Shotgun Shells. When you go through the doors, you will have to fight
several Troopers and a Pig Cop. Go around the rocket to find another Trooper. Go
up that elevator. On that platform there is a Teleport Pad and possibly the most
valuable part of this level, a Jetpack.
[SECRET 3] Backtrack to Path 01, where the fan above the RPG was. Break the fan
and use your Jetpack to get into the top of the fan; there are Pipebombs in
[Rocket] Go in the Teleport Pad to get to the rocket. There are two babes and a
Large Medikit on the inside. There is also the Red Key slot; use the Red Key
Getting to the Exit
[Launch pad] Get back out of the rocket and go down to ground level. There is a
small room near the entrance to the launch pad. There are two Pig Cops in there
but they can't really hurt you so use a Pipebomb to avoid conflict. In that
room, there are Steroids, a Holoduke, and a box of Shotgun Shells. Go in there,
and press the new switch. This will destroy the rocket.
[Underneath the Launch pad] Go down the elevator beside the destroyed rocket.
Follow the hallway until you reach a computer room; there are quite a few
Captains in there that are waiting to be Chaingun Cannon fodder. There is a
column at the end of this room that has three packs of Shotgun Shells around it.
There are also Protective Boots on the big computer.
[SECRET 4] You can open the big computer for three Atomic Healths.
[The Sewer] Press the switch near the big computer to open up the sewer
entrance. The new hallway that opens is loaded with Troopers that are great
Chaingun Cannon targets. In the sewers there are plenty of Octabrains, but the
current is going really fast so you don't need to fight them if you don't want
to (you won't miss any items). At the end of the ride the exit is there. =|
=| [05-02] Episode 2 - Lunar Apocalypse |=======================================
The second episode, Lunar Apocalypse, takes Duke through a throng of space
themed levels, including a spaceport, a moon base, a fusion reactor, and a
spaceship, eventually leading to an epic clash with the squamous bioweapon,
the Overlord.
Table: Episode 2 - Lunar Apocalypse - Level Listing
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-02-01] | E2L01 Space Port | 02:30 | 1:19 | 06 | E2L02 |
| [05-02-02] | E2L02 Incubator | 02:30 | 1:26 | 05 | E2L03 |
| [05-02-03] | E2L03 Warp Factor | 05:00 | 2:26 | 02 | E2L04 |
| [05-02-04] | E2L04 Fusion Station | 04:30 | 2:14 | 07 | E2L05 |
| [05-02-05] | E2L05 Occupied Territory | 03:00 | 1:26 | 04 | E2L06, E2L10s |
| [05-02-06] | E2L06 Tiberius Station | 02:30 | 1:04 | 08 | E2L07 |
| [05-02-07] | E2L07 Lunar Reactor | 04:45 | 2:15 | 07 | E2L08 |
| [05-02-08] | E2L08 Dark Side | 11:30 | 4:59 | 07 | E2L09, E2L11s |
| [05-02-09] | E2L09 Overlord | 05:00 | 2:26 | 04 | ----- |
| [05-02-10] | E2L10 Spin Cycle (s) | 03:00 | 1:19 | 00 | E2L06 |
| [05-02-11] | E2L11 Lunatic Fringe (s) | 03:00 | 0:52 | 00 | E2L09 |
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-02-01] | E2L01 Space Port | 02:30 | 1:19 | 06 | E2L02 |
Getting the Blue Key
[Polaris Outpost] Look behind you and go in the Teleport Pad to get the Steroids
and RPG. Go back in and go down the hallway.
[SECRET 1] Go the left as soon as you can and go to the monitor that you see.
When you go close to it, a secret door opposite the monitor will open,
containing RPG Ammo.
[Computer Room] You will meet your first Trooper behind a pillar and a second
that is in the computer station. You can get a Shotgun and a Small Medikit
there. There is a switch near the window here that lowers the forcefield.
[SECRET 2] If you don't destroy any computers in the computer room, there will
still be one that is broken, you can open this to reveal a room that has two
Troopers and an Atomic Health in it. If you did break the computers, just mash
the Use key until you find the secret door.
[Forcefield Room] Go through the forcefield and go through the hallway. Open the
following door, go through the next door (there is a Large Medikit in here) and
enter the forcefield room. There is RPG Ammo and a Large Medikit here. Facing
the forcefield, go to the right wall and open the door there.
[Storage Room] Go down the ramp and fight an Enforcer. In this room, there is
the Blue Key as well as a Portable Medikit, Scuba Gear, Body Armor and two
Pistol Ammo. Notice the lighted wall in this room, there is a brown stripe over
it. You can open it and submerge into the water; you will get a Chaingun Cannon
and, when you follow the path of the water, a Night Vision Goggles
[Credit: Fernando Calvo for the information on the Chaingun Cannon and Night
Vision Goggles]
[SECRET 3] There is a vent at the end of this room. Go in it; you will reach a
dead end, jump and you will reach another dead end, jump a third time and you
will reach a small shaft with some Pipebombs. Jump out here.
Getting to the Blue Key Slot
[Forcefield Room] Go to the elevator to the room that is facing the forcefield.
You will have to fight a Captain and a Trooper in here. Go up the elevator and
get the Shotgun Shells. Open the computer screen that has a picture of earth on
it (the one on the right) to get a Holoduke. Use the Blue Key here to open the
door behind the forcefield. There are some Enforcers in there so be careful.
[Observing Room] Go into the door and use the elevator. When you stop, you will
emerge in this room. You will be attacked by some Enforcers. There are Shotgun
Shells, Pistol Ammo and a Large Medikit on the floor here. There is a green box
on the floor; jump on it and get to the above shelf to get a Jetpack. You can
Jetpack up to the left to get some Atomic Health. After, Shoot the orange
canisters and go in the resulting room. Get the box of Shotgun Shells and press
the switch on the wall. This will cause some Enforcers to drop from the roof.
Now go up the ramp and get the Large Medikit and Pipebombs up here. There are
four switches here; the code is O O X O. This removes the forcefield.
[SECRET 4] Jetpack up the forcefielded pipe to the top. You will get attacked by
an enforcer, kill it and go to where it died to get a Devastator and an Atomic
[SECRET 5] This is pretty easy to miss. Go back up to the ledge that had the
Atomic Health on it. You will hear a door open; to get to this door, you will
have to jump down the big pipe, all the way to the water. Get out of the pipe,
turn around, and between the elevator and the door a small door will be open on
a timer. In that room there are two RA.
[PIPE] Opposite this room is another, this leads to the Observing Room. You can
go even higher up the pipe; up at the very top there are Night Vision Goggles
and a Large Medikit. Now, at the very bottom of the pipe, underwater, there is
the Red Key. There is also a switch down there; this opens a compartment with
two Atomic Health and a Jetpack above the switch.
[Observing Room Hallway] Go back to the observing room and go up the ramp and
through the door. When the hallway suddenly becomes narrower, the floor will
collapse with an Enforcer coming down from the roof. Be sure to use your Jetpack
before you hit the ground if you fell for this trap.
[SECRET 6] At the bottom, you can exit to a room. In this room, fight an
Enforcer, and get the Shrink Ray, Body Armor, and a Large Medikit. Entering this
room counts as the secret.
[Observing Room Hallway] There is a small hole in the wall, follow it to the end
and get the Large Medikit. Go up the small elevator, hit the switch and you will
emerge in the observation room, open the door, go back in the hallway and jump
over the hole. Use the Red Key. Before you open that door, be careful for the
Sentry Drone that is in there or it will blow up in your face. Open the next
door, get the Large Medikit and end the level.
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-02-02] | E2L02 Incubator | 02:30 | 1:26 | 05 | E2L03 |
Getting the Yellow Key
[Entrance] You start in a small transport vehicle that you can't get out of
right away, there is Pistol Ammo and Small Medikit in here. The next room has a
Small Medikit and a Shotgun in a compartment on the left wall. The third room
has three Sentry Drones, so close the door quickly to try and coax them to blow
up. Then, go on.
[View Room] As you enter this room, a door will open opposite of you, and you
will be attacked by an Enforcer and two Troopers, and a Sentry Drone to the
right. There are Shotgun Shells, Chaingun Cannon Ammo, and two Large Medikits in
various places. There are two very obvious compartments on the wall that are
concealed by doors; in the one near the exit of this room there are Night Vision
Goggles. If you hit the big switch in the middle of the room, you will open up
the viewing windows which also causes a door to the right of the windows to
open; this has a Sentry Drone - be careful - and Atomic Health in it.
[SECRET 1] Go to the obvious looking door near the computers. Open it and get
the Pipebombs.
[SECRET 2] In the back of the compartment of Secret 1, there is a secret door
that leads to some Body Armor.
[Hallway] In this next room there are two Captains, and near the forcefield here
there are a Small Medikit.
[SECRET 3] You will notice an "Earth Defense Forces" logo on the wall, you can
jump through it to get a Portable Medikit.
[Armory] Go to the top of the ramp, and the wall will open downwards. Go in
there, you will be attacked by a Trooper. There are some armory doors here,
inside there are three Laser Tripbombs. Around the room there is a box of
Shotgun Shells on the computer and a Pistol Ammo near the exit.
[SECRET 4] Facing the armory, go right until you see some panels with green
lights on them. Open the right panel to get to the secret area (this will cause
an Enforcer to drop). In the secret room is a Freezer and a Holoduke.
[Rotating Platform Room] When you enter this room, the floor will raise and
three Troopers will attack. There is a blue lighted platform with two rotating
platforms that have Atomic Health on them, and there is a Chaingun Cannon behind
them. When you get these, two Troopers will spawn. There is also a Mounted Gun
in this room that you should be aware of. Go to the switch and press it; this
will drop the forcefield in the hallway and release some Sentry Drones.
[SECRET 5] Facing the rotating platform, look right. There are two panels with
green lights on it. Open the right one; get the Chaingun Cannon Ammo for the
Getting to the Yellow Key Slot
[Armory 2] Go through the forcefield in the hallway that you opened; you will
encounter some resistance from newly spawned enemies. In this room, you will get
attacked by an Enforcer and a Trooper. To the left and right of you are Slimer
Eggs, you should dispose of them (but take caution to the right; there is a babe
there). In the armory, there is a RPG, Chaingun Cannon Ammo, and a box of
Shotgun Shells. To the left there are more Slimer Eggs and Small Medikit, and
Pistol Ammo. To the right, there is a Pistol Ammo and a Sentry Drone near the
end, as well as a Yellow Key door. Go to the left and into the door. There is a
small path that ends with an impenetrable door and the Yellow Key. Go into the
Yellow Key door. In this door, there are two Enforcers and a Mounted Gun, so use
a Pipebomb. There are more Pipebombs and a Pistol inside. You will notice a
switch, shoot it with your pistol.
Getting to the Exit
[Behind] There will now be a new path that you can access from the left or the
right. From the left there are Shotgun Shells and a Large Medikit, and the right
has RPG Ammo. As well, there are several Sentry Drones and Slimers here, so be
careful. Go down the waterfall; you will land on a platform and have to confront
two Octabrains and some more Slimers. On this platform, there are two Freezer
Ammo and a small medical compartment that has Steroids and a Portable Medikit.
There is a Mounted Gun that will fire at you from your right. You can Jetpack up
there, and open the back wall to get some Pipebombs.
[Underwater] There are three Octabrains that guard the underwater. On the
underwater floor, there is a Shrink Ray Ammo, and two holes in the infested
walls. The right hole has a Devastator in it, the left one has an Octabrain and
a Devastator Ammo.
[Infested Platform] Across from you, there are more Slimer Eggs and some Shrink
Ray Ammo. If you climb up this place, you will come to a semicircular hallway
that has an Octabrain on either side, and inside there is a Shrink Ray and a
Jetpack. There is a switch on the left side of the platform. Open it to reveal
some Slimers Eggs that are a perfect RPG target. Then, open the next door to
find three Octabrains which are great Pipebomb fodder. The exit is here.
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-02-03] | E2L03 Warp Factor | 05:00 | 2:26 | 02 | E2L04 |
Getting the Blue Key
[Entrance] At the very beginning of the level; after the elevator ride, you
should run right to the other room and close the door behind you because the
entrance room is full of Sentry Drones. After they all blow up, you can go back
into the room and get the Chaingun Cannon and Small Medikit in there.
[Armory] As you enter this room, a door will open to your right that would have
six Sentry Drones in it. They are great RPG targets, even though they avoid
them. An Enforcer will also come and attack. In the armory doors, there is RPG
Ammo. Near the armory there is a compartment on the wall that has a Freezer. You
can press the switch to open door where the Sentry Drones are; inside there is a
Portable Medikit and a box of Shotgun Shells. Near the elevator closest to you
position, there is another compartment that has Pipebombs in it. In the door in
the center of the room there is a Forcefielded window, if you go in two Troopers
will spawn. In this room there is a Pistol, Chaingun Cannon Ammo, and a Small
[Left Elevator] Go down the elevator; the door will explode so you will have to
crawl through it. Follow the pathway down and you will come to a small nook that
has an Atomic Health in it (you can't get the other two Atomic Health that are
behind it just yet). A bit further down is a shotgun and under the door there is
the Blue Key. Jump onto the shotgun ledge and get the Body Armor, follow it
around to the rotating column. Near that there are two Large Medikits and in a
cranny near the rotating column there is a Laser Tripbomb.
Getting to the Blue Key Slot
[Right Elevator] The bottom of the right elevator is rigged with Laser
Tripbombs, and there are two ways that you can get rid of them. First, you can
throw a Pipebomb in the elevator and make it go down with you not in it, then
detonate it. The second way is to go down it yourself, alert the Enforcer, and
then quickly go back up; the Enforcer will blow himself up and the Laser
Tripbombs with it.
[Blue Key Door] There is a Large Medikit at the entrance to this door. Go up the
elevator and open the door. You will emerge in a red light room; this is loaded
with Sentry Drones so take cover in the door before you go any further. There is
an Small Medikit in this room. To the left there is a room that has two
Enforcers and some Devastator Ammo in it. To the right there is a small room
with an Small Medikit, open the next door then close it quickly to avoid getting
blown up by the Sentry Drone inside. Follow the shaft down to the end; there is
a platform to your right which has Chaingun Cannon Ammo and a switch. Hit the
switch to cause a cart to come for you.
Getting the Yellow Key
[Cart] The cart has some Troopers in it. Go in it and hit the switch to go to
the other side. There is another Trooper on the other side and two Small
Medikits. The door at the end has some Devastator Ammo in it, and the other door
shows another red room. There are various Sentry Drones and Troopers in this
room so be alert. There is a portion of the room closed off by two walls, near
the left and right walls are a Large Medikit and Small Medikit respectively. In
this room there are Shotgun Shells and Shrink Ray Ammo on top of a switch panel.
The switches conceal a Yellow Key. The code is O X O; afterwards get the Yellow
Key. There is a door at the end of this room which has two Enforcers in it and a
RPG; if you go in here two more Enforcers and a Sentry Drone will spawn in the
red room. There is also an elevator near the Yellow Key; taking this will lead
you to three Atomic Health.
Getting to the Yellow Key Slot
[Computer Room] Go to the Blue Key door then enter the non-Blue Key door
(lookout for Enforcers). Notice the computer screen to your left; there are two
Captains here. Kill them and hit the switch; this will cause a screen to rise
with Shotgun Shells on it. On the wall behind the computer, open it to get a
Shrink Ray. Further into this room is a Battlelord; use the Devastator to take
care of this menace quickly and efficiently. There is a downward slope that
leads to a door; there are two Commanders guarding it (remember, good Shrink Ray
targets). On the ground around here, there is Pistol Ammo and a Small Medikit.
At the far end of this room is a shelf with a Shotgun in it. In the door that
the Commanders were guarding there is a Forcefield. Open the Yellow Key door.
Getting to the Exit
[Conveyor Room] There are two conveyor belts here, one going away from you and
one to you. You will have to fight two Enforcers as you enter in here. If you
walk up the middle separator you will get a Shrink Ray Ammo and Night Vision
Goggles. In the next room, there aren't any enemies right ahead of you, but this
room is circular so run around. There are Sentry Drones that you should attract
to the entrance and use that door to blow them up.
[Circular Room] From the entrance to your right is a small compartment
containing a Portable Medikit. There is a lighted panel on the wall further
right; there are Steroids in here. Even further, near the center there is an
elevated platform that has some Freezer Ammo. 180 degrees from the entrance
there is a Mounted Gun that you should be careful of. At the left side of the
circle, there are three Large Medikits near the middle circle.
[SECRET 1] In the compartment that had the steroids in it (the lighted panel)
there is a switch on the wall (if you are facing the inside of the compartment
it is on the upper left). Shoot the switch and run around to the other side of
the circle. An elevated platform will have been lowered on a time lock. In this
room is a door that leads to an elevator, which leads to the bridge of a ship.
Go down to the observing screen and get the RPG and the Atomic Health, and in
the middle circle there is some Pipebombs on a ledge. There is a Chaingun Cannon
on the top half of the outside circle, on some computers. There is a door near
the observing screen, which leads to a small room. When you go here, some Sentry
Drones and Enforcers will spawn and attack you. There is a Portable Medikit
behind the desk.
[SECRET 2] Use the computer on the desk. This will open another secret door,
which has a Devastator and an Freezer inside.
[The Inner Circle] At the very front of the circle (near the entrance) there is
a door that leads to a Devastator. On the other side, there is a platform that
can be accessed by a ramp. This platform has a model of the earth on it. There
is a Large Medikit near the model, and a switch behind a piece of wall that
shows a view of the earth. There is a big map on the wall. You can open that
wall to get to the inside of the circle. You will be attacked by some Enforcers.
If you drop down, you will get a RPG. Opposite the RPG is a wall that, if
opened, contains a Holoduke. There is a monitor on one side of the circle that
has a switch nearby; press the switch and it will drop the Forcefield that you
saw earlier in the level.
[Generator Room] Go back to the Forcefield and enter the room with the
generator. There is acid on the floor so be careful. You can jetpack up to the
top of the generator and get some Atomic Health on one of the rotating things.
There is an elevator in the middle of the generator; take it down and fight the
three enforcers down here. There are three Large Medikits down here. The exit is
also here.
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-02-04] | E2L04 Fusion Station | 04:30 | 2:14 | 07 | E2L05 |
[Chamber] You will emerge in a large room. There is Pistol Ammo where you spawn.
Open the door with the switch.
[Hallway] You will have to fight a Trooper when you exit. Get the Large Medikit
and the Night Vision Goggles in the initial room. Go down the hallway and you
will find a babe on the left; you can kill her if you want to get a Shotgun,
this will cause an Octabrain to spawn. Now go up the hallway, fight your way
through the Troopers and get to the computer room. There is RPG Ammo and a Large
Medikit in here. There is a RPG near the computer and Body Armor on the widow
sill. When you go near the computer with the RPG, a column will rise to reveal
an Atomic Health in the middle of the room.
[Bridge 1] Hit the switch and open the door. There are two Sentry Drones out
here that you should be careful of, and at the other end of the bridge you see
there will be two Mounted Guns that you can take out with the RPG. Cross the
bridge and get the Pistol on your platform. Go down the elevator at the end of
the bridge; there will be an Enforcer at the bottom.
[Dark Hallway] Proceed down this hallway and fight the two Enforcers on the way.
On your right there is a shelf that has Steroids and a box of Shotgun Shells on
it. On the left there is a ledge that has a Portable Medikit between two big
pistons. Facing the pistons; the right one has Night Vision Goggles on the
bottom of it. Continue down the hallway and fight the Enforcer you encounter.
There are Protective Boots, Pistol Ammo, and two Large Medikits on the way.
There is another shelf on the right that has three Laser Tripbombs.
[SECRET 1] On this shelf (that has the three Laser Tripbombs) search around the
walls here to find a hidden door. Go in. Follow the tunnel down to the right and
you will get two Atomic Health. You have to exit the chamber with the Atomic
Health the same way you came in.
[SECRET 2] To the left of the wall, there is a Slimer Egg and a Large Medikit.
Face the left wall and jump up; get the Pipebombs. Now, go back down the tunnel
and find the piece of wall that doesn't look like the rest. Open it. On your
left side there are more pistons. The right one has a small path underneath that
leads to the other side. There is a Chaingun Cannon under here. Look into the
small tunnel; there is a switch at the end that you can hit with a gun. This
opens a door that leads to the next area.
[SECRET 3] Under here, between the generators, search the back wall to open a
small compartment that has two Chaingun Cannon Ammo.
[Water Generator Room] Go up the elevator that you opened. There are two
Enforcers in the elevator. You might want to circle around the water before you
go in to clean out the Enforcers and get two Chaingun Cannon Ammo. You might
want to think ahead and lay some pipebombs on the opposite wall. Jump into the
water and circle around the outside of the room; there are two Pipebombs and two
Large Medikits around the perimeter. There are two switches under water that you
have to hit to proceed. Hit them and go up top. Hitting the switches opened
doors that contained various Enforcers and Troopers so be prepared to fight. If
you felt like laying some Pipebombs near the opposite wall; this would be a good
time to detonate them. Doors in this room opened to the left and right; to the
left there is a Large Medikit in the room and to the right there are Shotgun
[SECRET 4] To get this secret, you first must hit the underwater switches. Then
go to the monitor in the main room. Run across the room to the door that opened
opposite of you when you hit the switch (there were Shotgun Shells in here). In
this time- locked door, there is a Freezer and Freezer Ammo.
[Bridge 2] Go in the door and up the elevator. On your platform is Pistol Ammo.
Across from you is a switch; shoot the switch and a small platform will come
over you. Take this platform across to the other side, where Night Vision
Goggles await.
[Egg Room] Go in the door. There are two rooms to the left and right of your
position; there are several Slimer Eggs in either room. Shoot the Slimer Eggs
with your RPG; but be careful for the babe in one of the rooms. In the right
there is a Large Medikit. Continue on, and go to the right. There are more eggs.
Blow them up to reveal a Shrink Ray.
[SECRET 5] In the room directly left to the entrance of the egg room, there's a
column that opens up to reveal some Body Armor (face the entrance to this room -
the column is to the far left, near the window).
[Beam Room] There are two large green beams on the roof. As you go in this room
there are some Enforcers; but the room will blow up so you should look out. The
explosions usually kill the Enforcers.
[SECRET 6] The explosion will cause a crack in the wall, and you can climb up
the platforms to one of the green beams that span the roof. You have to go
through the vents on the wall to get to the other platform; in the vents there
are Slimer Eggs and an Enforcer. Go through the pipe and to the end of the other
beam; at the end there is a babe, with two Shrink Ray Ammo and an Atomic Health
that you can just jump up onto the babe to get.
[SECRET 7] There is a crack on the wall to your right (facing the compartment
with the Atomic Health). There is a RPG Ammo in there. Now go through the next
[Beam Room 2] Be prepared to fight an Enforcer as you open the door. Cross this
space bridge and enter the next room which is similar to the last. There are
some green canisters on the ground that you can destroy to kill some Enforcers
that are in the room. Doing this will make a crack in the wall that contains two
Laser Tripbombs. There is also a Large Medikit behind the column in this room.
Go in the next door. It leads to an elevator. You can see an Enforcer shadow on
the floor but he is too high up to kill right now, so drop a Pipebomb in the
elevator, run in and out quickly and when the Enforcer hits the ground detonate.
Use the elevator.
[Flashing Red Room] As you enter this room; the wall will blow up and you will
be attacked by some Enforcers. In the room that they came out of, there are
Steroids, Shotgun Shells and a Large Medikit. Hit the switch in this room, and
in the middle of the main room there is a Devastator on top of some acid.
Continue through the door.
[Bridge 3] When you exit there will be some Sentry Drones that rise and attack
you and you will also be fired on at the other end of the bridge by some
Troopers in windows of the big tower; recommendation to use RPG. On your
platform there is Pistol Ammo and a Devastator, now go onto the small platform
and shoot the slightly hard-to-see switch opposite you. Go into the opening.
[Power Plant] As you enter you will have to fight an Enforcer. After that, you
might want to collect the stuff that's around here and in the pits; there are
two Devastator Ammo, three Chaingun Cannon Ammo, and two Large Medikits all
around here. In the middle of the room there is a large lightning bolt
generator; shoot the base of it with an explosive weapon or drop a Pipebomb in
there and detonate. After you do this, the room will explode; across from where
you entered, a part of the wall will blow up and a Commander will attack so be
careful. Go into the wall that blew up and go up the elevator in there.
[Bridge 4] Get the Shotgun and the two Devastator Ammo to your right and the
Portable Medikit to your left as you rise up. Now, there is no direct way to get
from your position to the door across from you; you must use a jetpack. To get
one; run straight off the edge, holding forward. If you are successful, you will
land on a ledge that has a Jetpack and two Atomic Health. Now, getting up to the
bridge requires the use of the Jetpack, but be careful as when you get onto the
platform the door on there will open that has three Commanders in there. You
might want to keep the Jetpack on and back away when fighting them. Go through
the door.
[Exit Room] As you go around the wall; there will be two Commanders and several
Slimer Eggs that you will have to fight. An few RPG blasts will take the
majority of the enemies out, but there are also babes so be careful if you are
concerned about fighting more enemies. As you go to the other side and get the
Chaingun Cannon and the Atomic Health, a column will raise in the middle of the
room with a Commander in the middle of it. The exit sign is also here.
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-02-05] | E2L05 Occupied Territory | 03:00 | 1:26 | 04 | E2L06, E2L10s |
(Access to Secret Level: E2L10, Spin Cycle)
Getting the Red Key
[Entrance] You will spawn in a small room. In here there is a Shotgun and a box
of Shotgun Shells. Press the switch and the double doors will open.
[Computer Checkpoint] There are some Slimers Eggs and a babe as you enter this
room. There is a Large Medikit as you continue. As you go around the wall, some
Troopers and a Captain will attack you from behind a computer desk. On the wall
behind the Earth Defense Logo there is a Chaingun Cannon on a shelf. Go behind
the computer desk; there is a Portable Medikit on the ground and Body Armor on a
ledge. Hit the switch here and go through the big door.
[SECRET 1] Go to where the big door went down. Crouch and face the right door
jamb (the right side of the door); there is an Atomic Health in a small alcove.
[Hallway] Go through the door. You will have to fight some Enforcers as you
proceed. Open the next door and prepare to take cover as some Enforcers and
Commanders will assault you.
[Space View Room] Go through this room. The walls on the ground here will open,
showing you a view of outer space. As you reach the end of this room a door
behind you will open, causing some Sentry Drones to be released so be careful.
In the middle of the room, under a half arch there is some RPG Ammo, and on the
left support of this arch there is a compartment that has a Holoduke in it. Go
up to the big door; near it are Night Vision Goggles and Chaingun Cannon Ammo.
[SECRET 2] As you pass under the arch with the Holoduke; go up the right ramp.
There is a grate up there; go in and get a RPG and Body Armor.
[SECRET 3] Jetpack up to where the Sentry Drones came out. There are some RPG
Ammo and an Atomic Health in there.
[Red Room] Open the door; you will be attacked by two Troopers and a Captain. In
here, there are two Large Medikits in compartments to your left and right. Open
the next door.
[Circular Room] You will be attacked by some Troopers. Before proceeding you
might want to get the items around this room; there are Night Vision Goggles,
STD, Pistol Ammo and a Large Medikit around here. Now go to the tunnel in the
wall near the green slime.
[Conveyor Room] There are some Slimers Eggs right away and to your left there
are some Shrink Ray Ammo along with a babe. Proceed; you will notice a rapid
conveyor belt. You can go on the left one to get to the next room quickly. Note
that there is a mounted gun here that you can't actually destroy (it's not a
"real" enemy). There are various Troopers and Commanders here so be sure to take
cover. In this room there are goodies about like some Pipebombs, a Devastator,
Night Vision Goggles, and a Large Medikit. Also, on the other side of the wall
facing the conveyor belt there is the Red Key. As you go back down to the exit,
you will be attacked by some Enforcers.
Getting to the Red Key Slot
[Battlelord Room] Go back to the circular room and find the Red Key slot; use
the Red Key here and the door will open while the ramp descends. Go up the ramp;
there are some Devastator Ammo to the left and right. Now, prepare yourself. You
will have to fight three Battlelords. This is obviously a perfect spot to use
the Devastator and the RPG as there is plenty of Devastator ammo around. If you
don't really want to fight these, the best way to do this will be to use
Steroids and rush in and out. If you do clear them out, there are two Chaingun
Cannon Ammo behind a support and a Large Medikit on the floor. Whatever you do,
you must get the Blue Key at the other end of the room to proceed with the
[SECRET 4] At the back end of the room, there are some computer monitors. You
can either jump in the upper left computer or search the lower right computer
for a secret door; you will find two Laser Tripbombs and an Atomic Health.
[Inner Complex] You will fight an Enforcer on your way in. Walk in, and there
will be some raised walls that have three Enforcers behind them and another
Enforcer will attack from the doorway that you didn't enter from. There is a
Portable Medikit on the ground. Hit the switch near the monitor; this will open
the door opposite the cavern to the conveyor room. Go in there. You will be
attacked by an Enforcer initially. Go in there and proceed up one of the ramp
ways. There are some more Enforcers on the way up, as well as some Devastator
Ammo and a Large Medikit. Near the computer is a Large Medikit and a switch. Hit
the switch to open the wall across from you and to raise some platforms. When
you do this, two Battlelords will attack; use your Devastator wisely. It is
possible to kill all the Battlelords in this level; I have done so myself
previously. Go across the platforms and hit the switch at the end. This will
open a wall which leads to the exit.
[SECRET LEVEL] On the platforms that lead to the exit, face the exit, turn left
and look up. There is a switch that you can hit with a gun. Shoot it, and to the
right a door will open in the wall. There is a secret Exit Symbol in here, which
leads to E2L10, Spin Cycle.
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-02-06] | E2L06 Tiberius Station | 02:30 | 1:04 | 08 | E2L07 |
Getting the Red Key
[Entrance] There is a Slimer Egg right where you start. Kill it, jump up to the
grate and break it. Go through.
[Foyer] Right when you exit, there are some Pipebombs and a Pistol near the
computers. There are two switches near here. The one that is in the middle of
the window opens the big Tiberius Station door. The one to the right of the
window turns on the lights in this room. There are various Troopers patrolling
this room. You may be wondering how to get into the rooms labeled "Armory" and
"Supplies". Facing the big door, look right or left. There are some small
windows in the wall that you can jump through. There is a monitor and a switch
in each of them. The left switch, besides having a Pipebomb near it, opens the
right door (which is the Armory) and the right switch opens the left door (which
is the Supplies). They are on timed locks so be quick.
[Armory] This room has a Shrink Ray, Night Vision Goggles, two Shotgun Shells,
two Chaingun Cannon Ammo, and a Shrink Ray Ammo. There are also some Slimers in
[Supplies] The Supplies has two Body Armor and a Large Medikit in a fridge.
There are also some Slimers in here.
[SECRET 1] Between the shelves with the two Body Armor there is a secret door
which leads to a door with a Portable Medikit.
[Mirror Hallway] Continue through the hallway.
[SECRET 2] Right when you enter the room, look to the upper right if you are
facing the mirror. There is a large crack in the wall which you can destroy.
Jump in there to get access to the vents and get two boxes of Shotgun Shells.
[Mirror Hallway] You will see a mirror which lets you around the corner to see
some Troopers. You will notice a hallway to the left; go in there. You can go up
the elevator here.
[SECRET 3] Before you go up the elevator, you will notice another dark hallway
to your right, with some Slimers Eggs in it. Kill them and go to the water
fountain. Face the wall opposite the fountain; walk right through it and get the
two boxes of Pipebombs inside.
[Computer Room] If you go up either elevator (one of them has a Captain on it)
you will emerge in the computer room, which contains two Captains. In this room,
there is the Blue Key, as well as a Shotgun and two Pistol Ammo. There are two
compartments, facing the window. The left one has a Holoduke. There are also two
switches there. The left switch turns on the lights and the right one opens a
door which you can see from the window.
[Red Light Room] The right switch opens a door on a timed lock which you can see
from the window. You might want to think ahead because there are three Enforcers
in there and it is confined; launch a RPG in there. Then, quickly run in there
before it automatically closes. There is a Devastator on a pedestal; you can
jump onto this pedestal to reach a shelf that has an Atomic Health and a tiny
monitor. As you exit, you will notice that a bunch of Octabrains have spawned
all around the Mirror Hallway.
[SECRET 4] To the left of the door that leads to the Red Light room there is a
secret door on the wall. It leads to a small room that has an Enforcer and Night
Vision Goggles on the ground. There is also a small compartment on the right
wall that you have to open to get the Steroids and Chaingun Cannon Ammo inside.
Now, you can go to the big steel door at the other end of the mirror hallway.
There is a Mounted Gun above the door.
[Bridge Hallway] Right when you open the big door, some Sentry Drones will try
and attack. However, red lasers will come from the wall, signifying Laser
Tripbombs and you can close the doors and let the Sentry Drones detonate them
for you. When you turn the corner, you will be attacked by some Enforcers on a
bridge and one on ground level. Note that if you shoot the bridge with an
explosive, it will break so it's pretty cool. Now go up the small slope and open
that door. There is a Large Medikit right beside it.
[Washroom] Open the door on the left, it leads to the washroom. There is a
Captain in there, as well as two Laser Tripbombs, Chaingun Cannon Ammo, Pistol
Ammo, and a Large Medikit. There is another door that leads to a stall and there
is a Trooper using the toilet. You might want to close the door as you enter in
here, because some Sentry Drones will come and attack you. The switch on the
wall only controls the lights.
[Hallway] Continue down this hallway and you will notice another mirror on the
wall. You can see an Enforcer from the mirror's reflection but he can't see you,
you can ricochet a Shrink Ray blast and take it out if you want. There is also a
Mounted Gun over there. When you go a bit close to there, two neutral Laser
Tripbomb traps will activate, you can let the Enforcer detonate them if you
want. When the Laser Tripbombs or the canisters behind them explode there will
be a fracture in the wall, with a RPG and some Chaingun Cannon Ammo in it, as
well as an Enforcer that will attack you.
[Service Access] Use the Blue Key here and open the door. You will emerge in a
room that has a big acid pool on the ground level. To the right of the entrance
are some Protective Boots and an elevator that takes you down to the acid or up
if you fall in. To the left is a Large Medikit. There are some Octabrains that
are above the acid pool.
[SECRET 5] When you are crossing the bridge from where you hit the switch, to
the left and right there are some indentations in the wall where the platforms
that made the bridge were. Jump off this to the left and swim to the
indentation. Open the wall at the surface. There are two Atomic Health in the
[SECRET 6] Follow the same instructions as above, except go to the third
platform and drop off to the left. There are some RPG Ammo in this room.
[Acid Pool] You have to go in the acid pool to get the Red Key. In the part of
the pool near the entrance to the room, there are Night Vision Goggles and a box
of Shotgun Shells. Just swim around the perimeter to pick up the Red Key and a
Portable Medikit, too. Now use the elevator to get up to entrance area. Facing
the acid pool is a switch that makes a bridge form for you. Cross the bridge and
enter the mainframe area.
[Mainframe] There are Enforcers around here but they are taking cover behind the
big computer on the wall. There is a Freezer on the right. Go up the elevator
and continue down the hallway. There is a door and a Large Medikit at the end,
go through this door.
[SECRET 7] On the hallway to the door there is a crack in the wall to your left
which you can blow up. It leads to a Jetpack and a way to get back to a previous
part of the level.
[The Red Key Room] In the Red Key room, blow up the yellow canisters if you
haven't already done so. There is a Chaingun Cannon on the floor here.
Getting to the Red Key Slot
[The Bridge] When you open the door, you will be attacked by a Mounted Gun at
the other side of the bridge. Go across the bridge, use the Red Key and open the
door. I would recommend running away from the door, however, as there is a
Battlelord and some other enemies in there. Enter the Red Key room after you are
done with them.
Getting to the Exit
[SECRET 8] There is a vent on the ground in this room. Break the grate and go
in. There is a Portable Medikit as you enter. As you proceed you will notice
another grate to your left. As you approach this, a secret door will open across
from you, you can see it from the vents. You have to Jetpack over to get it,
there is a RPG in the secret area.
[The Vents] The vents connect the entire level. You can't access them all until
you reach the end of the level. If you access the vents the same way you did in
Secret 6, you can get some Freezer Ammo and some Shrink Ray Ammo on the way
through them.
[The Exit] Go down the big fracture in the ground that was made by the
explosion. There is another grate here that you must break. Follow the vent to
the end. When you reach a dead end, jump and continue on. Break the next vent.
There is an Enforcer in there, as well as a switch to get back into the level.
The Exit Symbol is also here.
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-02-07] | E2L07 Lunar Reactor | 04:45 | 2:15 | 07 | E2L08 |
Getting the Blue Key
[Entrance] Open this door and fight the Trooper. As you exit the first door,
look to the left and there is a small compartment that you can open. You can
find some Night Vision Goggles and a Shotgun in there.
[Hub] This is called the hub because the entire level is eventually accessible
through here. There are three different ways that you can go here that don't
include the entrance. They are labeled on the wall as 02, 03, and 04.
[Vents] There are some vents on the wall that you can go in. Depending on which
one you go in, you can get Shotgun Shells, Large Medikit, and Atomic Health. All
the vents converge at a Devastator.
[04] This is one without a key requirement. This leads to the washroom. Right
when you open the door, you will be attacked by two Commanders, you might want
to get out of the way. After you are done with them, go down. Around the urinals
there are some Enforcers, and in some stalls there are Troopers. Around the
urinals there is a Portable Medikit and some Devastator Ammo. On the counter,
around the mirror there are some Steroids. In the farthest left urinal there is
a RPG and a Trooper, the second has a grate that you can go into, the third has
a Trooper and the Blue Key, and the fourth has a Laser Tripbomb. The bathroom
vent leads down to some Devastator Ammo.
Getting to the Blue Key Slot
[02 - Crew Quarters] This is the Blue Key door. As you exit the washroom and
come here you will be attacked by some Enforcers and Slimers. As you enter, you
will notice a vent on the wall with some Slimers oozing out to attack, as well
as a Sentry Drone. You can jump into the vent and get some Devastator Ammo. Some
walls have also been lifted in the vents so you can go back to the central
convergence. Now, go across the bridge. Be very careful, however, as there is a
Battlelord just around the corner. Take him out, some Slimers will be oozing
from the vent on the wall. That vent has some shells in it and leads to an
Atomic Health.
[Crew Quarters] Open the door and enter the crew quarters. There are some Sentry
Drones ready to attack. As you enter, you will be attacked by some Sentry Drones
and you can get some RPG Ammo. There are two different places that the crew
sleeps, in either one there some Enforcers and Troopers that will attack. As you
go into these quarters, some Enforcers will spawn outside the room and they will
attack you. You will notice some lockers around the room, there is a Laser
Tripbomb and Body Armor in them. At the end of the room there is a Chaingun
Cannon on a shelf and some Chaingun Cannon Ammo and a Large Medikit in two
compartments on either side of it. In the left bedroom, there is some Freezer
Ammo and a Small Medikit. Note that there are also some cracks in the wall here,
they don't lead to anything if you blow them up.
[Sewer] In the right room, there some Pipebombs and two Large Medikits. There is
also a shaft that leads down into the sewers. You have to press the switch and
the two walls will create a pathway for you. You have to run quite quickly to
get across there.
[SECRET 1] At the entrance to the sewers, hit the switch, and go to the left.
There is a small room here with some Shotgun Shells and a Large Medikit. Now,
while the walls are back in their default position, face the danger sign and go
to the left corner of this room. Open the wall and get the two Atomic Health
which count as a secret. Back in the room with the box of Shotgun Shells there
is a switch that opens the big walls again.
[Rock Face] Exit the vent and fight the trooper on your platform. You will be
fired on by a Mounted Gun across from you and some Troopers on a platform lower
than you. Take them out. There is some RPG Ammo this platform. Note that if you
fall to the bottom of this big chasm and land without killing yourself (via
Jetpack) there is another Jetpack down here.
[SECRET 2] There are two computers here, face the right one and search it. It
opens a secret room which has some Chaingun Cannon Ammo and a Large Medikit in
[SECRET 3] Jetpack over to the ventilation shaft, it has a hole in it. Land on
it, and if you face one side of the wall that it is attached to it there is a
cave in the wall that has RPG Ammo, Body Armor, and Atomic Health in it.
[SECRET 4] Go to the computer where Secret 2 was found and jump off the ledge
here. Use your Jetpack as you do and you will notice a cave in the wall, go into
it. There is a Shrink Ray Ammo here and, further in, a Shrink Ray. When you get
this, three Octabrains will spawn behind you, so you can open the back of this
cave to get to a Teleport Pad which leads to a small room if you don't want to
fight them. There is a switch here that opens a door, you will be on the
platform opposite where you started.
Getting the Yellow Key
[Lower Platform] There is the Yellow Key on a shelf here and a Chaingun Cannon
Ammo here too. Proceed into the tunnel but prepare to exit quickly, as the whole
thing will implode on you when you go too far in. You will have to fight some
Troopers to do this. When this chaos ends, an explosion will have made a hole in
the wall, go in it. There is a Large Medikit at the entrance. Continue down the
ventilation shaft, get the box of Shotgun Shells and fight the Slimer on the way
Getting the Red Key
[Sewer] You will emerge here. You will have to fight an Octabrain initially.
There is a Freezer near the sewage grate. Continue down the acid river, you have
to fight some Octabrains along the way. Note the entrance to the room on the
right, however, don't go in just yet (you can go up the stairs if you need some
Protective Boots). You will notice a big yellow gear at the end of the room. Run
into one of the depressions in the gears, the gear will rotate and take you into
a computer room that has two Enforcers in it. The Red Key and two Small Medikits
are also in this room.
[SECRET 5] There is a computer in this room that looks different than the
others, it appears to have a yellow stripe down the middle. Open this computer
to reveal an Enforcer. There is a Holoduke and two Freezer Ammo in this room.
Getting to the Yellow Key Slot / Getting to the Red Key Slot
[Hub] Go back to that room on the right, you have to go back through the gear to
do so. Then, go up the stairs, fight the Captain and get the Large Medikit and
Protective Boots on the way up. Use the Red Key on this door, it leads back to
the Hub. Back in the hub, two Commanders have spawned so watch out. When you are
ready, open the Yellow Key door.
Getting to the Exit
[03 - Reactor Core] Right when you enter this room you will be fired upon by two
Battlelords, there is some Devastator Ammo near the entrance if you need it to
fight them. You can jump in the vent here after you are done with them to get
some Pipebombs. There is Chaingun Cannon Ammo and a Laser Tripbomb at the back
of this room. Now, you can go up the stairs. You will have to fight an Enforcer
on the way up. There are a lot of Captains in the following room. Its good to
clear this observation area out because then you won't be fired on in the core.
There are also some goods in this room, a Shotgun, a Laser Tripbomb, Night
Vision Goggles, Pistol Ammo, Devastator Ammo, and a Large Medikit around the
[Reactor Core] Now go down the stairs. There are some Enforcers that are
guarding the door, kill them and get the Shrink Ray Ammo. Now enter the door.
The Reactor Core is loaded with Enforcers so you might want to take cover. There
are some Shotgun Shells and a Large Medikit behind the columns. There are
several switches at the other end of the entrance. There is a RPG on the shelf
that they rest on. The switch at the left turns on the light above the
generator. The switch on the right opens the reactor. The other switches on the
far left and right control the lights in the observation area. You have to
destroy the reactor with an explosive. You can jump into the destroyed reactor
to get an Atomic Health. Also, when you destroy the reactor a Commander will
[SECRET 6] From the entrance, go left until you are behind a large column. There
is a shelf in here that has two Laser Tripbombs in it.
[SECRET 7] From the entrance, go right until you are behind a large column.
There is a shelf in here that has a RPG Ammo in it.
[Exit Hallway] There is a large hallway that you enter when you open this door.
Walk down this hallway. You will see yourself in a mirror, when you proceed down
the hallway you will notice that an Enforcer will drop down behind you.
Additionally, the room will explode, but if you continue downwards you will be
attacked by two Commanders, so use that Shrink Ray. There's a door at the end of
the hallway which leads to another Commander and the exit.
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-02-08] | E2L08 Dark Side | 11:30 | 4:59 | 07 | E2L09, E2L11s |
(Access to Secret Level: E2L11, Lunatic Fringe)
Getting the Blue Key
[Entrance] You start off in a small room. Open the door and get the Pistol and
the Large Medikit on the shelf near the entrance. Continue down the hallway and
go in the small dome, there are two Enforcers and some Slimers Eggs there. Go
down the elevator and fight the two Troopers in the resulting room. There is a
Shotgun (and a dead Pig Cop) in this room.
[Building Exterior] You have to fight an Enforcer, two Sentry Drones and a
Trooper out here. Near the entrance to this area there is a Large Medikit.
[Building Interior] Right near the entrance there is a big computer, in front of
which there is some Body Armor and a Freezer. To the right is a Yellow Key door
with Shotgun Shells beside it. To the left is the path to the alpha transport,
which has a Small Medikit beside it.
[SECRET 1] Go to the big computer monitor in the middle of the building, open
it. A small nook will be revealed with two Atomic Health in it. You have to go
inside it to get the secret credit.
[Alpha Transport] At the entrance to the Alpha transport cart there are two
Troopers and some Pipebombs. Hit the switch here, the cart will come towards
[SECRET 2] There is a crack in the wall here. It's opposite the entrance to the
cart. Inside the crack there is a Trooper, with a Devastator and two Small
Medikits. There will be some Troopers in the cart, kill them and take the cart
down to the other side by pressing the switch inside of the cart. At the other
end of the transport there are some Captains here. There is also a compartment
that you can open near the exit to the cart that has two Freezer Ammo, and a
Large Medikit rests around the corner.
[Alpha Transport Corridor] Go in the doorway here, and follow the cavern down.
Enter the next doorway, when you go too far end the room will blow up, run back
into the hallway to avoid taking damage. There are a couple new Enforcers here.
There is an Atomic Health in this room here. Near the ground level, there is a
cave that has an Enforcer and some Slimers Eggs in it, as well as a Chaingun
Cannon and a Large Medikit.
[Research Room] There are tons of Troopers in this room. There are three
portions in this room, the left one has the most, the middle has a couple, and
the right has a solitary Trooper. This room is ideal for the Chaingun Cannon.
After you clear the left room there are Steroids on one counter and a Shrink Ray
Ammo on the other. In the middle room there are two Shrink Ray Ammo and a Laser
Tripbomb. In the right room, there is a Holoduke and a Portable Medikit on the
shelves here, and some Pipebombs on the floor here.
[SECRET 3] Near the end of the room, near the big water filled canisters and the
left side of the counter with the Holoduke, there is a piece of wall in the
upper right corner of the room. Open it and take the elevator that is in the
same hallway. You will emerge on a catwalk of sorts, some Captains wait to
fight, along with some Slimers Eggs. You can go into the water filled canisters
from here, by going in the canister second from the left leads to a Shrink Ray.
[Conveyor Belt] In the left portion of the room there is a conveyor belt on the
right counter. You can take this to progress with the level. As you go down this
conveyor, you will have to avoid the crushing doors, this requires some
dexterity. Go down the shaft at the end.
[Waste Area] You will land on top of a pool of acid. You will have to fight an
Octabrain right away. Under the acid there are some more octabrains, you can
take them out easily with some Pipebombs. There are some more Pipebombs and a
Small Medikit under the acid.
[Examination Room] Go into the only elevator in the waste area and go up the
elevator. There is a dead Pig Cop on the table, with an Small Medikit beside it.
There is a computer at one end of the room, with the Blue Key, Chaingun Cannon
Ammo and two Small Medikits near it. When you go here, the once locked door in
this room will open, and various small compartments in the wall will open,
oozing out a number of Slimers. On the wall with the four compartments, the
upper two have Body Armor and an Atomic Health in them, respectively. Now go
back through the locked door and back to Alpha Transport, all the way back to
the entrance to Alpha Transport (take the cart back).
Getting to the Blue Key Slot
[Control Room] At the end of the initial hallway there is a Blue Key slot. Use
the Blue Key and a portion of wall will open with an elevator and a Trooper in
it. Take the elevator up. You will emerge in a dark room with a big computer.
There were a few Troopers and some Body Armor and a Large Medikit.
[Gamma Transport] If you fall off the bridge, there will be a couple of
Enforcers waiting. There is also a box that you can use to get back to the
entrance by jumping onto part of the building. On this part of the building
there is a Large Medikit, and you can use the bridge to get to the other side of
the building which has a Chaingun Cannon on it. On the ground there is a Shrink
Ray Ammo. Anyways, follow either leg of the bridge, you will emerge in the same
place where an Enforcer awaits.
[SECRET 4] Where the two paths meet there is a computer on the wall that you can
open. Inside it there is a Shrink Ray and two Laser Tripbombs.
[Gamma Transport Corridor] Take the transport cart down to the other side. There
are a couple of Enforcers that you will have to fight. There is a compartment
here that has a Portable Medikit and at one end of the room here there are some
Devastator Ammo. Go through the doorway and take the elevator down. There are
some Pistol Ammo to either side of the elevator. Go in the door. You might want
to rig the hallway with some Pipebombs before you go in too far, as the walls
will explode and four Enforcers will attack you. In the holes created by the
explosion there are some Freezer Ammo and a box of Shotgun Shells. Go in the
next door.
[Sewage Pool] There are two Small Medikits beside you. You will be attacked by a
lot of enemies, including Sentry Drones, Octabrains, and Enforcers at the other
end of the pool. To cross the pool, press the switch here, and platforms at the
bottom of the pool will raise and form a bridge. There are some Shotgun Shells
and a Large Medikit on the other side of the pool. Go into the door, up the
stairway, and open the next door.
Getting the Yellow Key
[Computer Room] In this room, you will be attacked by three Commanders and two
Enforcers. There is some other stuff in this room, including a Devastator,
Protective Boots, Devastator Ammo, and RPG Ammo. Open those big doors in this
room, there is another Enforcer that will attack. There is another generator in
this room that you have to blow up, but do it from a distance because you will
get shocked and exploded if you do it too close. When you blow this up, the
floor outside this room will create a fracture in the ground which will lead to
the Yellow Key and some Body Armor and a Large Medikit. Go back into the Sewage
Pool room and jump into the pool.
Getting to the Yellow Key Slot
[Sewer] Follow the sewers to the room with the four babes and the Octabrain in
it. There is a Shotgun in it on a shelf.
[SECRET 5] In this room there is a crack in the wall. Blow it up and crawl
through the rubble to get three boxes of Pipebombs.
[Beta Transport] You can go through the grate in the sewer to get back to the
elevator. Now go back through the Gamma transport and over to the Yellow Key
door. Use the Yellow Key here and clear out the entrance to the Beta transport
cart. There are some Pipebombs and a Large Medikit here. There is a monitor
here, however, above the monitor there is a shaft that contains an Enforcer
which will drop on you. The monitor shows a bunch of Troopers. You can do
something creative to kill these ones by calling down the cart, putting some
Pipebombs near the entrance, and then sending it back while watching the
monitor. You can detonate the bombs from this position. Or you can go kill them
Getting to the Exit
[SECRET 6] At the ventilation shaft above the monitor in the Beta Transport
area, Jetpack up there into a secret area that has two Atomic Health and access
onto the Beta Transport tracks. Go back into the teleport pad when you are done.
Take the transport after you get the secret. There is Body Armor in a
compartment and some Devastator Ammo on the floor of the cart.
[Beta Corridor] Go through the doorway. Get the two Small Medikits you can see,
there are three Enforcers that will attack as well as a Sentry Drone.
[Airlock Room] This room contains two Troopers and a Captain. There is also RPG
Ammo and two Freezer Ammo in here. There are two doors in this room, there is
one on the left wall that leads to an Enforcer and some Slimers, guarding a RPG,
some Shotgun Shells and a Large Medikit. Now, go in the other doorway. Press the
switch, the door in front of you will open and the one behind you will close.
Exit this room.
[Outside] There are a ton of Sentry Drones in the middle of this area, don't try
to fight them all. You probably should run around the lower perimeter to get the
stuff that is on there, which are two Shrink Ray Ammo and a RPG Ammo. Now go in
the elevator at the other side, under the large arm-like structure.
[Arm] At the top of the elevator, move up the ramp and fight the two Enforcers.
Then go up into the main structure and fight the three Captains that are around
the spinning structure. Note that there is some RPG Ammo near the entrance to
the room, and a Devastator and a Large Medikit at the computer portion of the
room. There is also a switch here that removes a Forcefield on ground level.
Hitting this switch also reveals an Atomic Health for you. Now drop down through
the hole and use the Jetpack to avoid taking damage.
[Rock Valley] Go down to the Forcefield that you turned off (it is opposite the
entrance). Be particularly careful as there is a Battlelord here. Follow the
valley through. You will be attacked by many Enforcers as you progress, and at
the opening, you will be attacked by two Commanders. In this opening there are
Pipebombs, Chaingun Cannon Ammo, and a Large Medikit. At the very end there is a
cave which is populated with Troopers, and a big monolith. Run into the light
side of it to be teleported away.
[Alien Chamber] This is a small chamber with some Octabrains and Slimer Eggs
right behind you. There are some Pipebombs, a Shrink Ray, and some Devastator
Ammo here. Proceed down the hallway.
[Secret 7] Before you exit this room, there is a crack in the wall here that is
pretty hard to find. From where you spawn from the Teleport Pad, to your left is
that crack. Jump in there to get the secret.
[SECRET LEVEL] Hit the green Exit Symbol in the secret above to get access to
the Secret Level, Lunatic Fringe.
[Babe Chamber] There are babes hanging from the roof here. There are also
Octabrains that will attack here. Get the goodies here, which include two boxes
of Shotgun Shells and a Large Medikit, and continue. There is a pool of water
here that you must go down. The Exit Symbol is here.
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-02-09] | E2L09 Overlord | 05:00 | 2:26 | 04 | ----- |
(Boss Level)
[Underwater Pipe] Unless you have Scuba Gear, you will want to proceed through
this underwater pipe very quickly. When you come to a chamber under water, there
will be some Octabrains floating about. There are also some items around the
perimeter, including a Shotgun, Freezer Ammo, and a Large Medikit. There is a
handprint on the wall down here, hit it to reveal a shelf that was concealed by
the column in the middle of the chamber.
[SECRET 1] While swimming on the surface of the water, you will notice several
computer monitors on a higher ledge. Face this area. You will notice two
protruding columns, go to the left or right of the respective column and you
will enter a secret room. It's a semi circular room, follow it to the middle to
get two Freezer Ammo, Body Armor and an Atomic Health.
[Water Room] Now, get out of the water and be prepared to fight. There is an
incline in around the pool, at its top you will encounter most of the resistance
here, in the form of an Enforcer and some Troopers. There is Pistol, Scuba Gear,
Shotgun Shells, and Pistol Ammo here. You will notice four switches near
computers at the top of the incline. Use the combination X O X X to lower the
column in the middle of the water. You can get a Freezer on here. There is a
door near the incline that you can open with by a switch beside it.
[SECRET 2] Get on the column some how (it can be raised) and run around its
surface. You will hear a door open. There is a column across from the Freezer
and a door will open on its other side (the door is across from the vent). There
is a RPG inside.
[Hallway] Get the Large Medikit near the entrance, follow down the hallway.
Notice the screen on the wall with Saturn on it, open it and get the two boxes
of Shotgun Shells and the Large Medikit in there. Get the Devastator Ammo and
turn the corner, be prepared to fight a Battlelord. Go back around the hallway
and out the door to take cover if needed. There is a crack on the right wall
here, blow it up (or the Battlelord will blow it up) and there is a Portable
Medikit in there.
[Waterfall Complex] As you enter into this room, you will be attacked by several
Enforcers. You will also be fired on from above by some Troopers, take them out
with the Chaingun Cannon and continue. Along the base here there is a Laser
Tripbomb, some Shotgun Shells and a Large Medikit. There is a fake wall behind
the waterfall, it's on the second (on the part with the single babe). You have
to press up about halfway up against the wall to get into the room, you can
Jetpack or drop from the top ledge to get the Atomic Health that rests inside.
If you want to get back to the beginning of the level, you can go in the water
here (the darker portion is deep). There are some Octabrains to deal with, you
can get a Holoduke and a Large Medikit initially, and as you proceed down the
tunnel you can get two Chaingun Cannon Ammo, open the Forcefield to get some
Shotgun Shells if you haven't already.
[Credit to Fernando Calvo for the information regarding the Atomic Health]
[SECRET 3] When going up the first ramp, there is a crack on the wall when going
up the second part of that ramp. There are two Pipebombs in it.
[Level 2] Go up the ramps here to get to the second level. Some Enforcers attack
you here, and to the left there are some Slimers Eggs, careful about using
explosives as there is a babe nearby. However, the babe guards some Body Armor.
There is also a Shrink Ray and some RPG Ammo here. Drop down to the lower ledge
and fight the Slimer Egg here. A Scuba Gear is found behind the babe, and a
Pistol Ammo and a Large Medikit is around here too. Before going up the ramp,
notice the vent that looks like a fan.
[Level 3] Follow the next ramp up. Take out the Enforcer and the most-likely-
broken Slimer Eggs here. There are also some babes hanging from the roof here.
Amidst the Slimer Eggs there is a RPG, and on the shelf with the dead astronauts
there is a Night Vision Goggles and two Shrink Ray Ammo. Now go back down to
level 2 of this complex. Break the vent here and go in the shaft. The Forcefield
that was once here is now gone.
[Shaft] Go through the shaft, you will come to a rotating platform with an
Atomic Health on it. Three ways you can go now, the middle hole in the wall
leads back to the entrance of the level with some Pipebombs, going down the
shaft with the rotating platform leads to the end of the level, the lowest hole
in the wall leads to the beginning of the level as well but in a different way.
[Lower Hole] Proceed through this hole with caution, you will have to fight some
Enforcers on the way. Break the vent on the wall and toss a Pipebomb into the
room as there are many Troopers waiting. The whole point of this room is to get
the Chaingun Cannon, Night Vision Goggles, Body Armor, and Small Medikit that
are stored in here. Go back through the pipe to get to the shaft and drop all
the way down.
[Slimer Egg Chamber] You will emerge in the centre of a circular room,
surrounded by a circle of Slimer Eggs and canisters. Quickly shoot one of the
canisters with a Chaingun Cannon or other bullet based weapon to set off a chain
reaction, destroying the Slimer Eggs in the room in the process. In the middle
circle of the room lay two Laser Tripbombs and a Large Medikit. Around the
circumference lay two Devastator Ammo and a Large Medikit. There is a crack in
the wall that leads to an underwater passage, within which a Portable Medikit
and a Jetpack are contained. Continue down the pipe to fight two Octabrains and
acquire a Devastator. If you go further through the pipe, you will go back to
the Waterfall Complex.
[Overlord Battle] Open the big door at the end of the room, you will unleash the
Overlord. In his room there is some RPG Ammo and an Atomic Health if you need
it. Now the actual Overlord battle isn't very tough. I recommend once again
using the Jetpack to circle around the Overlord as you move quicker. In any case
use the Devastator or the RPG with wanton disregard. You can actually kill the
Overlord with less than a full set of Devastator Ammo (which you should probably
have) or about 40 RPG rockets. After you kill it, you will have completed the
[SECRET 4] When the final battle is going on, run into the Overlord's room. Back
in the Slimer Egg chamber, a door will have opened on a time lock with a
Portable Medikit, two RPG Ammo, a Devastator Ammo and an Atomic Health. This
should help you with the battle.
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-02-10] | E2L10 Spin Cycle (s) | 03:00 | 1:19 | 00 | E2L06 |
(Secret Level. Access to E2L06, Tiberius Station)
There are four different quadrants in this level, the Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and
the Delta. In each section, there is an equivalent "Big Door" that guards a
switch. To open the door, you must hit a switch in each quadrant. You must hit
all four switches within the big door to beat the level. Between the big door
and the quadrant, there is a circular moving floor, hence the name "Spin Cycle".
In front of each big door there are several Sentry Drones that will go onto the
moving floor, making crossing the floor quite dangerous.
[Alpha] This is where you start. To your left is a Shotgun and to the right
there are Pipebombs. In the door right in front of you the doors open downwards
to reveal a Portable Medikit, two Chaingun Cannon Ammo, and three Devastator
Ammo. Hit the switch in here. Now go to the big room across from you, take out
the three Commanders and get the three Pistol Ammo and the Body Armor. There is
a Chaingun Cannon at the base of the entrance. Now, follow the sidewalk to the
Beta quadrant.
[Beta] There is a Pistol to your left and some Shotgun Shells to you right. In
the door, two doors will reveal shelves which contain three Pistol Ammo, two
Chaingun Cannon Ammo, and an Atomic Health. Hit the switch in here. There is a
Shrink Ray at the base of the big door, and inside the big door there are three
Commanders which you will have to take care of. In the big door there is also a
Portable Medikit and three Shotgun Shells. Hit the switch and continue to the
Gamma quadrant.
[Gamma] Now, the two switches that you hit in the Alpha and Beta quadrants will
open the Gamma and Delta doors, so be careful as Commanders and Troopers will
attack. There are some Shotgun Shells to your left. In the small door, two
shelves will lower which contain a Portable Medikit three Devastator Ammo and
two Chaingun Cannon Ammo. There is a Freezer on the base of the Gamma big door
and three Freezer Ammo in the big door's room. Now hit the switch and go to the
[Delta] Some Commanders and Troopers will spawn on the Delta Big Door, you might
want to avoid them until you have a better vantage point. To your left and right
are a Shrink Ray and a Shotgun. The door in front of you leads to two doors that
open shelves which contain three RPG Ammo, two Chaingun Cannon Ammo, and an
Atomic Health. Now go to the big room across from you, kill the three Commanders
and get the RPG at the base of the entrance. There are three Shrink Ray Ammo
here, get them and hit the big switch. Then follow the sidewalk to the Gamma
[Inner Room] When you hit all four switches within the big doors, the back doors
of each room will open, revealing this inner room. Right when you go in, two
Battlelords will drop from the roof, so back off and take them out with the
Devastator. In the inner room, there is a Devastator and a Holoduke. The exit is
also here.
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-02-11] | E2L11 Lunatic Fringe (s) | 03:00 | 0:52 | 00 | E2L09 |
(Secret Level. Access to E2L09, Overlord)
[Entrance] You start in a small room. There is only one switch in this room, hit
it to continue on through the level.
[Circular Room] This is quite a large room. You might want to take out the
resistance before you continue on. Circle the room on the upper shelf to get a
good vantage point. You will have to face Troopers and Captains 90 degrees from
your current position, and 180 degrees across from you a bunch of Enforcers
will attack. There are some items on the upper ledges that you will come across,
including some Pipebombs and a Shrink Ray Ammo. 180 degrees, where the Enforcers
are, there is a Devastator and two Devastator Ammo. Now, from the beginning of
the level you can also get some more items. At the beginning there is a room
across from you, inside of which is a RPG, two RPG Ammo and two Large Medikits.
Around the lower part of the circular room in various places are a Shotgun, a
Laser Tripbomb, two RPG Ammo, and a Chaingun Cannon Ammo. There are also two
compartments where the Enforcers were, they contain a Holoduke and Body Armor.
There are four switches around this room, near the entrance and 180 degrees from
the entrance. Hit all the switches (you may need to use a gun) and doors will in
the big column in the middle of the circular room. There will be a window in the
upper portion of the tower that contains a Battlelord and two doors will open
near the base of the column which also contains a Battlelord each, so I
recommend taking them out before entering the column. There are also Enforcers
in the column, and there are more entrances into it. You can get inside from
near the entrance where the RPG was, and a new passage has opened which contains
an Atomic Health on the way, and another opposite of it which contains some
Pipebombs. You can use either of the passages to jump to a room with two more
Atomic Health and two Freezer Ammo.
[Lower Column Level] There isn't much down here beside some Shotgun Shells and a
Chaingun Cannon.
[Upper Column] When you are up here, you can get a Chaingun Cannon, Shotgun
Shells and a Small Medikit. There is also Steroids on a shelf. There is a switch
here that opens the computer wall opposite of entrance.
[Exit] There is a small passageway here, with a shrinker beam on the other side.
Get hit by it, and crawl through the passage, this leads to the Exit Symbol.
=| [05-03] Episode 3 - Shrapnel City |=========================================
The third episode, Shrapnel City, returns Duke to earth after saving the
moonbase only to find it infested by alien scum. He will have to fight through a
Sushi restaurant, a bank, a movie set, a subway, a hotel, a section of freeway
all to eventually meet with the horrific Cycloid Emperor in a final clash
against alien scum. Or is it...
Table: Episode 3 - Shrapnel City - Level Listing
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-03-01] | E3L01 Raw Meat | 02:30 | 1:11 | 07 | E3L02 |
| [05-03-02] | E3L02 Bank Roll | 04:45 | 2:18 | 05 | E3L03 |
| [05-03-03] | E3L03 Flood Zone | 03:00 | 1:57 | 05 | E3L04 |
| [05-03-04] | E3L04 L.A. Rumble | 03:15 | 1:46 | 03 | E3L05 |
| [05-03-05] | E3L05 Movie Set | 02:30 | 1:04 | 05 | E3L06, E3L10s |
| [05-03-06] | E3L06 Rabid Transit | 03:30 | 1:30 | 06 | E3L07 |
| [05-03-07] | E3L07 Fahrenheit | 02:00 | 0:55 | 04 | E3L08 |
| [05-03-08] | E3L08 Hotel Hell | 02:15 | 1:09 | 03 | E3L09, E3L11s |
| [05-03-09] | E3L09 Stadium | 02:45 | 1:17 | 00 | ----- |
| [05-03-10] | E3L10 Tier Drops (s) | 00:45 | 0:10 | 04 | E3L06 |
| [05-03-11] | E3L11 Freeway (s) | 02:00 | 1:07 | 05 | E3L09 |
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-03-01] | E3L01 Raw Meat | 02:30 | 1:11 | 07 | E3L02 |
Getting the Blue Key / Getting to the Blue Key Slot
[Outside] Where you start, there is a compartment with a Devastator to your
right. Get it, you will hear a Sentry Drone coming up and an Enforcer will spawn
as you move forward. Use the Devastator with care here to avoid taking damage.
Now, look down onto the ground, you can snipe off the Troopers and Captains from
here. To get off the building, jump into the water. Get out of the water, there
are some Sharks and Octabrains that you probably want to leave them until later.
[Lawn] Take out the Troopers and Captains that you couldn't take out from the
top of the building. Go onto the ledge here to get a Chaingun Cannon and an
Atomic Health. Now that you have the Chaingun Cannon you are ready to get the
spoils underwater. Go into the right side of the water first. There is some
Chaingun Cannon Ammo near a jail door here and a Small Medikit near the wall,
but watch out for the three Octabrains. Take them out using careful blasts of
the Chaingun Cannon. Now for the real reason you came down here, get the
Pipebombs in the middle of the tunnel connecting the two sides of the water.
There are also some Slimers Eggs here that are surrounding a Holoduke. There is
a Large Medikit near the exit of the left side of the pool.
[Entrance] An Enforcer will jump out from behind a wall, take him out with the
Chaingun Cannon, get the Pistol Ammo on the ledge and jump into the hole where
the Enforcer came out. There are some Pipebombs and an Atomic Health down here.
Use a Pipebomb to blow up the crack in the wall, go in the water, get the
Chaingun Cannon Ammo and you will be back at the beginning. Now go into the
[Restaurant] You will be fired on by a Mounted Gun before you get into the
restaurant and there are two more Mounted Guns in there. To avoid wasting ammo,
you could use your Devastator, one shot will take out one Mounted Gun. There is
also a Sentry Drone that is a good Devastator target, it is to your left when
you enter the restaurant. In that room there is a box of Shotgun Shells and a
Small Medikit. There is a Pistol Ammo on a ledge with the Dukai sign on it.
You'll notice a dark corner in this room with a vase in it. Break it to get a
Night Vision Goggles. There is also a hint on the wall here for Secret 2 (use
Night Vision Goggles).
[SECRET 1] Near the red statue, there is an invisible wall. Within it, there is
a Chaingun Cannon Ammo and a Small Medikit.
[SECRET 2] There is a picture in this room with a woman in a bikini on it. You
have to search the lower portion of the woman's bikini to lower the picture and
reveal a Shrink Ray on the top of it.
[SECRET 3] There is a bloody handprint on a chalkboard here, open it and jump in
to get Body Armor (the secret credit requires you jump in)
[Sushi Rooms] There are three doors that look like curtains which lead to rooms.
One opens when you enter the restaurant, one opens to reveal two Captains and
two Troopers. There is also a Shotgun in this room, and there is a lighter
colored wall in this room, open it to get a Jetpack. In the far right room there
is a Portable Medikit.
[SECRET 4] There is a crack in this right room that you have to bomb. In it, you
can find a Shrink Ray Ammo and two Large Medikits.
[Middle Room] As you enter this room, the table will lower. Go in the new room
and hit the switch in here. There are also Steroids in this room. Now, a door
opened past the bar sign and the Blue Key door. Go here.
[Canister Room] There are a bunch of canisters and eggs here, as well as babes.
The ammo efficient way of going about this is to shoot the canisters and then
fight the resultant Trooper you have to fight from killing the babes with a
Pipebomb or the Pistol. There are some Shotgun Shells a Chaingun Cannon Ammo and
a Small Medikit around here on the tables. There is also an Octabrain here. You
will notice a window here, go on the ledge and get the box of Shotgun Shells but
don't go in the water just yet. Go in the curtain doors here, you will have to
fight two Enforcers on the way. In this room there is the Blue Key in a
compartment on the wall and a Small Medikit on the counter. Also in this room is
a cash register. This opens many doors in the level which reveal Teleport Pads
that allow for connectivity. The door in this room leads back to the entrance,
go to the Blue Key door now.
Getting the Red Key
[Club] The door has two Pig Cops on the other side, drop a Pipebomb on the
ground and open the door to take them out easily. As you go in, to your left,
there are quite a few pigs, use the Pipebombs here. On the stage there is a babe
and a RPG. Note that if you use the mic here a Pig Cop will spawn. There are
some Shotgun Shells on the ledge where the big motorcycle picture is. There is a
picture on the wall that says "Exotica" on it, jump into it to find a Teleport
Pad to the beginning of the level. There is a fan on the roof above the stage
that can be broken, Jetpack into it to get back to the Middle Room area.
[Bar] In the same vicinity as the Karaoke club there is the Sushi Bar. There are
a couple Pig Cops here. You'll notice the water is circulating, there are some
Shrink Ray Ammo, Devastator Ammo, Steroids, and an Atomic Health going through
this. There is a small set of double doors here as well, open it to find some
Night Vision Goggles.
[SECRET 5] Search around this compartment to push the back wall back, you will
get some Pipebombs and two Chaingun Cannon Ammo.
[SECRET 6] There is a bloody handprint on the wall opposite the small
compartment, press it to open a secret door with a Freezer in it.
[Kitchen] There is a grate on the wall that is above the small compartment. Jump
in, get the Laser Tripbomb and break the next fan. Throw a Pipebomb down the
fan, over the ovens and blow it up to kill some of the four Enforcers and the
Captain down here. There is a hidden compartment above the ovens that has a
Jetpack in it. There is a compartment with a medical cross on it that has a
Large Medikit in it. There is another shelf in this room that has some Body
Armor. There's a small shelf in the wall that's part of a oven, there's an
Atomic Health on the way but there is also steam that can harm you. There is a
door in the main part of the kitchen that leads to the fridge, a Freezer Ammo,
Shotgun Shells and a Large Medikit are in there.
[SECRET 7] There is a wine shelf here, open it to reveal two RPG Ammo.
[Underwater] There is a small sink here that you must jump into. Swim to the
bottom and get the two Large Medikits. There is a switch on the wall, hit it to
open a door that leads into a central area. Fight off the Octabrain and Slimer
Egg here with a couple RPG blasts but look out for the babes. Two Shotgun
Shells, a Chaingun Cannon Ammo and a Devastator Ammo litter the floor, and if
you proceed farther you can get the Red Key. There is also a switch that opens
the door which leads back to the beginning of the level. Now go back up through
the sink.
Getting to the Red Key Slot / Getting to the Exit
[Red Key Door] You have to go down the stairs to get to the Red Key door, to the
right there are two Captains and at the bottom of the stairs there are two Pig
Cops to the right that you can take out with a RPG blast. Some Pistol Ammo is
down here. Go in the Red Key door, inside the next room you can open the garage
door. There is a Pistol and Scuba Gear on the outside. Go up the ramp and the
window on the wall will explode. Go in there, go on the upper ledge to avoid
fire damage and hit the Exit Symbol.
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-03-02] | E3L02 Bank Roll | 04:45 | 2:18 | 05 | E3L03 |
Getting the Blue Key
[Entrance] You will start in some rubble; there are some Pipebombs around here.
Go on the ledge to get the Shotgun. Jump into the dumpster and get the Portable
Medikit in there. There are some Shotgun Shells behind the dumpster, also when
you went into the dumpster there was a COP that spawned. There are three garbage
cans here, one has a Slimer and one has Steroids in it. You will be fired on a
ledge across from you, a RPG blast or two can take them out. There is a RPG and
two boxes of Shotgun Shells up here, which you can get up to by Jetpack.
Continue down the street, you will have to fight three Enforcers and there is a
Pig Cop hiding behind a corner. There is an RPV if you progress further.
[Bank Outside] As you enter the area where you can see the pillars of the bank,
you will be attacked by a Trooper. You can go to the alleyway here, the ATM
machines, or into the bank.
[Alleyway] There is a dark alley that you can go into, to your left. A door and
a window will open, revealing a total of four Pig Cops and a RPV, be prepared.
Some Pipebombs are in the alleyway near the window. As you go in the big door,
there are some Cola machines that you can jump on to get an Atomic Health. There
is a Freezer on a shelf on the wall here, and some Chaingun Cannon Ammo on a
vending machine. There is an elevator at the end of the room, go up it to reach
an office.
[Office] As you enter the office, two Enforcers will jump in from the window so
be careful. There is a cubicle here, throw a Pipebomb in it to kill the enemy
inside of it. There are some Steroids, Freezer Ammo and some RPG Ammo in the
room. The window here is a good vantage point to take out the enemies right in
front of the bank, there are three Pig Cops and two Mounted Guns (you might not
be able to hit them from here). The switch here opens the bookshelf to reveal
the Blue Key.
[SECRET 1] There is a switch on the desk in the cubicle. It opens a painting in
the room that reveals a Devastator. You can also drop onto a ledge from here
that you couldn't get without a Jetpack, just drop out of the window. There are
two Laser Tripbombs, Body Armor, and an Atomic Health on the ledge.
Getting to the Blue Key Slot
[ATM machines] Facing the bank, the ATM is to the left. There is a Pig Cop
hiding between two columns and some Pipebombs there too, there are also two
Enforcers that will attack you in the main area where the ATMs are. There is
some Devastator Ammo initially here.
[SECRET 2] There are two ATM consoles here, open either one of them to reveal a
secret room which contains a Chaingun Cannon.
[Bank Entrance] If you haven't taken out the Mounted Guns yet, do so. There is a
also some Freezer Ammo and a Large Medikit on the right side of the bank. Open
the big door of the bank. Use the Blue Key here.
Getting the Red Key
[Bank] Right in the entrance, you will be attacked by a Pig Cop. Before you go
on the area with the carpet, you should take out all the opposition - which
includes two Mounted Guns, a Pig Cop and an Enforcer - because the walls will
open to reveal Laser Tripbombs which are already on. A Shrink Ray Ammo is on a
counter, Shotgun Shells are in a booth, and a Shotgun is in front of some Laser
Tripbombs. The Laser Tripbombs can be taken out with a Pipebomb or some other
explosive. Some more Pig Cops will spawn, and there is a Small Medikit in the
corner of the right part of the room. There is a switch behind the desk here
that opens the big door in this room.
[SECRET 3] There is a switch on the right wall where the Pig Cop that attacked
you right at the entrance is, it's near the roof. Shoot it and it will open a
door under the phones. There is a Holoduke under there. Special note of this
secret, if you shoot the switch in there the door will close and you will be
stuck in there.
[SECRET 4] Open the painting behind the desk to reveal a Jetpack and two Small
[Security Room] You will have to fight three Enforcers upon entering. There is a
Large Medikit here and a desk that has three switches on the back of it. There
is also a switch that has three settings on it, don't touch it. There is a
Shrink Ray behind it as well. Hit all the switches behind the desk, it opens the
door. (The switches open and close the three "doors" that compose the main door.
[Generator Room] Jump onto one of the platforms here and get the Protective
Boots. When you do this, some gears will move, revealing another room. Go into
the left one (alpha), jump on the platform, and walk through the new door
getting the Large Medikit if you need it. You will have to go over the acid. Now
jump on the Beta platform but don't jump on the switch. Exit this and go to the
right, you will emerge in Gamma.
[SECRET 5] There is a big crack on the wall here that's all red, blow it up to
get an Atomic Health and access to the beginning of the level.
Go back in the generator room and go to the right, you will emerge in Delta. Get
the Large Medikit here and jump on the platform. You have to be quick to jump
into the hole in the wall. Do so and go up the elevator. Fight the two Pig Cops
and the Enforcer on the way. There is the Red Key here. Hit the switch on the
wall to get a Jetpack and Protective Boots. Go to the Red Key door.
Getting to the Exit
[Red Room] Use the Red Key here but be extremely careful as two Battlelords
wait. However, you can weaken them significantly right when you open the door by
shooting a RPG blast right between them, there are a ton of canisters that do
quite a bit of damage. Finish them off with some Devastator rounds. There are
also some Octabrains that you will have to take out if you blew up the canisters
(this killed some babes). Blowing up the canisters also blew up a crack in the
wall which you can enter, this leads to a place near the entrance of the level
which you could not reach immediately, and the Exit Symbol. Follow the hallway
down to get the Exit Symbol, get the Portable Medikit on the way.
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-03-03] | E3L03 Flood Zone | 03:00 | 1:57 | 05 | E3L04 |
Getting the Yellow Key
[Entrance] As soon as you start open the compartment behind you to get a Scuba
Gear and a Large Medikit, and go to the crack on the left wall to get a RPG.
Follow down the pipe and go down the waterfall, fighting the Octabrain on the
way. There is a small nook in the corner, get the box of Shotgun Shells that are
in there. Now go onto the rocky ledge and follow it. Get the Pistol and the
Large Medikit and continue on. From here you will be attacked by some Enforcers
and some Sentry Drones across from you. Be careful about the Sentry Drones and
use that Chaingun Cannon when needed. Now jump into the water.
[Underwater] There are only some Sharks under the water so it shouldn't be much
trouble initially.
[SECRET 1] There are some sea weeds on the wall here, there is a faint crack
behind it. Blow it up. You will come to... a shark farm? Take them out and get
the Devastator Ammo and Chaingun Cannon Ammo on the ground and the Scuba Gear in
a nook on the wall. Now go up onto the water surface and be prepared to let off
some RPG rounds or some Devastator Ammo to take out the mass of Slimer Eggs and
Octabrains on a ledge. After you finish them off, get the Devastator, Shrink Ray
Ammo, Pistol Ammo, and a Large Medikit on the ledge to get the secret.
[Underwater] You might as well go underwater and do some housecleaning, get the
Freezer Ammo on a rock as you proceed. Right around the right of the rock there
are some Octabrains and Slimer Eggs, use the RPG here. Get the Freezer Ammo and
the Body Armor here. If you go through the space between the building and the
rock there will be some Sharks and Octabrains that you will have to fight. There
is a crack in the rock here, go in this. Get the RRG on the way and the Atomic
Health, swim up at the Atomic Health spot.
[Building Top] Bust out the Chaingun Cannon here as you will have to fight a
bunch of Troopers and Captains. There is a Chaingun on a ledge on the wall. Now
go up the ledges, getting some Chaingun Cannon Ammo, RPG Ammo, and a Large
Medikit on the way. At the very top there is the Blue Key and two Devastator
Ammo. There is also a water fall here.
[SECRET 2] At this point, you can jump into the back wall. There is... nothing
in here. It is a vantage point across from you on a different building top,
however, where you can take out the various Enforcers.
[Blue Key Door] Underwater, very close to the building that you are on, there is
the Blue Key door (it's behind some underwater foliage). As you open it, be
prepared to fight. There are many Octabrains within, so get out that RPG or
Pipebombs. In the room, there is a Freezer and a Portable Medikit near the
entrance. Some Devastator Ammo and a box of Shotgun Shells are on the ground,
and further in there is the Yellow Key.
Getting to the Yellow Key Slot
[Rock Path] Jump into the rock path to the right of the Blue Key platform.
Follow it up. There are two Sentry Drones and two Commanders initially, try to
take out the Sentry Drones first and then the Commanders with the Shrink Ray.
There are more Commanders coming up so be careful. Get the box of Shotgun Shells
on the roof here, but be careful as you will be taking heavy fire. There is a
hole in the wall across from you with some Troopers, three Commanders and a
Battlelord in there, as well as any Enforcers that you left on the roof of the
building that's below you. It's hard but it isn't impossible.
[SECRET 3] Facing the building across from you, go to the very left of your
building and jump off it into a ledge on the wall. There are a couple of
Troopers and a Chaingun Cannon here. Now, open the window of the building here,
it reveals a room with a shelf that has Chaingun Cannon Ammo on it.
[Lower Building] Jump onto the sign on your building and get the Atomic Health
on it. From this sign you can jump onto a ledge of the building across from you.
Jump over the ledge and get the Devastator Ammo here, you'll need it as a door
above the building that you were just on opens to reveal a Battlelord and two
Commanders. Less difficult but still challenging. Like last time, let the
Commanders come to you and then shrink them. Use the new Devastator Ammo to take
out the Battlelord. Now, you can go into the room that they came out of if you
want, there is a RPG Ammo, Devastator Ammo in there. Go through the small arch
and get the Pipebombs and the RPG Ammo here. Another door will have opened on a
rock face across from you containing three Commanders, get that Shrink Ray out
and take them out. You can go onto the ledges of this building and get a Shrink
Ray and an Atomic Health. You can also go back into the room where the
Commanders came out, you will get some Night Vision Goggles, and there is a hint
on the dark part of the wall that has a hint for Secret 1.
[SECRET 4] On the building, near the Yellow Key door, there is a ledge that
leads to some Atomic Health. Behind the Atomic Health there is a secret door,
open it to get a Jetpack.
Getting the Red Key
[Inside the Building] Use the Yellow Key and enter. Go down the underwater
staircase (there is a Small Medikit at the base of the first steps). There is
another Yellow Key door down here (that you could have used if you wanted to
avoid all the fighting and secret). There is a Shotgun in there. Continue down
the stairway and fight the Octabrains on the way, get the Chaingun Cannon Ammo
too and the Pipebombs at the base.
[Underwater Building] In the open elevator there are some Steroids. On the desk
there are two Laser Tripbombs and a Holoduke, on a rock shelf there are some
Shotgun Shells. There is a switch on the wall that opens two doors on the wall,
this leads back to underwater. This switch will also cause the big Alley Cat
Sign on the wall of the building to open. This sign conceals the Red Key which
you can now get.
Getting to the Red Key Slot
[Storage Room] Go up to the Red Key door, this is through the rock passage. Use
the Red Key and fight the Enforcer inside the room, there are quite a few of
them in there. Use a Pipebomb right away. There are some Shotgun Shells near the
boxes and if you jump onto the singular boxes, behind them there is some RPG
[SECRET 5] You will see a sign on the boxes "Hard Hat Area" search it, and a box
will be pushed in to reveal two Enforcers and two Large Medikits.
[Pipes] You will notice a broken wall with some Octabrains in it when you
proceed. Take them out. Get the RPG Ammo, Devastator Ammo, and the Small Medikit
around here. Enter the pipe, kill the Octabrains and get the Small Medikit.
Follow the pipe, over the water. As you continue, the pipe goes down and across.
If you go across there is an Atomic Health. Go down to land in a pool with a
Large Medikit in it, and the Exit Symbol near the water's surface.
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-03-04] | E3L04 L.A. Rumble | 03:15 | 1:46 | 03 | E3L05 |
Getting the Blue Key / Getting to the Blue Key Slot
[Entrance] To your left and right there are Shotgun Shells and a Large Medikit.
At the very end of the pipe there are some Pipebombs. There is a Pig Cop out of
the hole and some Shotgun Shells near the pole outside of the pipe.
[SECRET 1] Blow up the crack on the wall to your right. There is a Freezer in
the resulting hole. This counts as the secret.
[LEDGES] You can also get to a ledge here with some fans on it, climb them to
get RPG and a RPG Ammo. Now jump onto a ledge on your left, and then get onto a
higher one. There are some Freezer Ammo and a Portable Medikit there. Jump from
here onto a lower ledge, there are three Pig Cops here. Use a RPG blast and then
get the two Chaingun Cannon Ammo they are guarding. Now go along the curving
ledge, get the RPG Ammo and Chaingun Cannon Ammo on it, fight the four Pig Cops
on the next ledge and get the booty over there which includes two boxes of
Shotgun Shells, a RPG Ammo and two Large Medikits. Careful here, you will be
attacked by Enforcers all over the level, and a Commander above you. Doing this
can be tough but it makes the next part of the level a bit easier.
[Street] Go on the street and fight your way through the Pig Cops that are one
there. Face the big screen with the face on it. Note the location of the Blue
Key door. There are some Enforcers up there that you can take out with RPG.
There's a low ledge around here with two Laser Tripbombs and Body Armor. Also
around here there is RPG Ammo and a Large Medikit. As you go on this ledge, the
ground below the movie screen will explode. Now, go down the ramp and fight the
four pigs surrounding the babe (careful of the babe, but it shouldn't be a
problem). There are some Pipebombs, Shotgun Shells, Pistol Ammo, and a Large
Medikit around here.
[Building] There is a Captain and a Trooper behind a desk here. There is a wall
near here that you can open, it contains a Devastator Ammo and a Large Medikit.
Around the back of the desk there are a Night Vision Goggles and a Large
Medikit. You can use the Night Vision Goggles on the dark portion of the wall
here for a hint on Secret 2. Go into the next room, two Enforcers will come and
attack. The Blue Key is also in this room, and there are some Steroids in a
medical compartment. Blow up the crack in the wall, you need to do this to
continue on with the mission.
[SECRET 2] There is a knife on one of the counters, search right under it to
cause a counter to be lowered right beside it. It reveals an Atomic Health.
[Elevator Room] Go in the crack in the wall, you will be attacked by at least
four Pig Cops initially, and some more will come. There is a Portable Medikit
near the big open elevator, and a Devastator within the elevator itself. Go up
the elevator when you are ready.
[Building Top] There are two Devastator Ammo, two Captains and a Trooper up
here. There is also a Portable Medikit. Now, jump down from the building,
towards the movie screen. You have to land on a platform with two Atomic Health
on it. Climb up the rubble and get the Shrink Ray on the way. Take out the
Trooper in the window and then jump in. A Commander will rise and attack so take
it out. Check the cubicles here for a Holoduke, Pistol Ammo, and Small Medikit.
There is an Enforcer in a corner beside the cubicles with a Shrink Ray Ammo
behind him. Now climb the stairs and take out the Pig Cop. Enter the next room
and fight the two Captains and the Mounted Gun that is firing on you.
[SECRET 3] At the entrance of this floor, there are two pictures on either side
of a wall. Facing into the room, the picture on the right can be opened for some
Devastator Ammo.
Getting the Red Key / Getting to the Red Key Slot / Getting to the Exit
[Office] The Red Key is here on top of a bookshelf. The double doors can be
opened for some Devastator Ammo and a RPG Ammo. On the computer beside it there
is a Jetpack and a Large Medikit. There is a RPG on the desk in the middle of
the room. On the other side of the map there are four Enforcers that you can
take out with a Pipebomb. There is a switch on the back of the desk that you can
hit to open a door. Throw a Pipebomb in the resulting room to take out the
inhabitants, which consist mainly of an Enforcer and two Captains. Use the Red
Key here and take the Teleport Pad. You will emerge at the Exit Symbol.
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-03-05] | E3L05 Movie Set | 02:30 | 1:04 | 05 | E3L06, E3L10s |
(Access to Secret Level: E3L10, Tier Drops)
Getting the Yellow Key / Getting to the Yellow Key Slot
[Entrance] Before you go into the movie set area you should get the stuff around
you, including a box of Shotgun Shells on the median, and a Large Medikit. There
is a Shotgun here too, getting it will open the wall behind it, revealing two
Pig Cops and two Enforcers that can't really get to you so they are good
Pipebomb targets. Jump in and get the Portable Medikit in that room. Follow the
hallway down and kill the two Pig Cops and the Enforcer down there. Get the Blue
Key under the phone and get the Pistol in the corner of the room. There is also
a hint for secret one on the wall (in the dark).
[SECRET 1] Go back to the room that has the two registers in it (where the
Portable Medikit was, hit the right one and run to the Blue Key room. There are
three Atomic Health in there.
[Crash Site] Go in front of the studio and around the corner. There are four
Sentry Drones here, and if you did the stuff before, a Commander will also be
waiting for you. Go to the corners of the room, and get the Pipebombs and the
Devastator Ammo here. Now go into where the crash occurred. There are two
Freezer Ammo, Steroids, and a Large Medikit here. You can get on to a ledge,
with a Small Medikit on it.
[SECRET 2] Get onto the ledge with the movie poster and enter the far right
portion of the poster (you can walk through it). There is an Atomic Health
initially and a Freezer on a shelf higher up. Some Devastator Ammo are on the
ground. Exit here.
[Stage 17-A] Use the Blue Key and enter the room. Fight the two Enforcers, the
two Mounted Guns and the Pig Cop in here. When you go in a bit farther, the big
door will open and a bunch of Troopers will attack, use the Chaingun Cannon to
take them out. Search around the boxes for some Shotgun Shells, a Small Medikit
and an Atomic Health. However, to get the Atomic Health you need some of the
props on the ground in this room in a state of non-destroyed, so you can jump on
them. Or, you can use the grates if you need to. There are two Devastator Ammo
on the floor. If you look through the grates, you can get a RPG Ammo.
[SECRET 3] Try opening the boxes in this room. The one that the secret is in is
under the biggest stack. While you are searching for the door, you will hear it
open. You either have to jump up the crates to get to the secret room, or use
the Jetpack (recommended). Either way, you'll encounter a nasty Sentry Drone in
there guarding a Devastator.
[Moon Set] There are two Enforcers and two Pig Cops in the entrance to this
room, there is also a Pig Cop later in the room. There are some Pipebombs in the
corner of the room, and some Pistol Ammo on the outside of the set. To the left
of the entrance is a Portable Medikit, and some Chaingun Cannon Ammo are on the
outside of the set. When you go onto the actual set, you will have to fight
three Enforcers. There is a big pile of guts in the middle of the set, there is
the Yellow Key, a Chaingun Cannon and a Jetpack amongst it. Jump onto the ledge
that's surrounding the set, there is an Atomic Health on the top.
[SECRET LEVEL] Notice the USA banner on the spaceship here, search it. This will
cause a door to open on the ship with an entrance to the Secret Level Tier
Getting the Red Key
[Lunar Apocalypse Set] Go back to set 17-A and use the Yellow Key. Enter this
room. There is an Enforcer that will attack you from here. There is also a Large
Medikit on the floor behind some stuff, and on a lower level there is some
Chaingun Cannon Ammo. There is a fire extinguisher that you can blow up to
reveal an Atomic Health. Now go into the spaceship thing in the middle of the
room. There is a RPG on a shelf, and the Red Key, a Shrink Ray Ammo, and a Small
Medikit farther in the ship. If you sit in the chair, you can Use the map in
front of you to open a compartment. To get to it, look left, and you will see
Night Vision Goggles in the tiny compartment
[Credit: Fernando Calvo for the info on the Night Vision Goggles].
[SECRET 4] There is a Earth drawing on the wall that you can jump through (jump
right into where the ship is facing to fly). There is a Jetpack and a Shrink Ray
in the secret room.
Getting to the Red Key Slot
[Red Key Door] Go back to the moon set and the Red Key door here. Open it and go
in. There are two Laser Tripbombs and a Night Vision Goggles on top of a switch
box, and behind the monitor there is a door that you can open which has two RPG
Ammo. Hit the switch here. It opens a wall back in the Entrance portion of the
[Exit] Go back to the Entrance portion of the level. By the way, a Battlelord
has spawned out here at some point, don't bother fighting it. Go down the stairs
and get the Portable Medikit and the Chaingun Cannon at the bottom. The Exit
Symbol is here.
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-03-06] | E3L06 Rabid Transit | 03:30 | 1:30 | 06 | E3L07 |
Getting the Blue Key / Getting to the Blue Key Slot
[Entrance] You will spawn on some Shotgun Shells. Go down the rubble and get a
Shotgun and a Large Medikit. Go through the revolving doors, and take out the
two Mounted Guns with the Shotgun. Take out the trooper on top of the bookshelf.
There are some Pipebombs near the revolving doors. Around the corner there is a
Pistol Ammo and a trash can with a Slimer inside. A Small Medikit is on top of
one of the magazine racks. There are some Chaingun Cannon Ammo and a Large
Medikit on top of the bookshelves here. There are also some Pig Cops that will
be spawned when you go near the shelves. Search around the back of the register
here. A shelf will lower in this room, revealing a Night Vision Goggles.
[Snack Room] Go around the corner and fight the two Pig Cops. There are some
Shotgun Shells on the cola machine and a Large Medikit in the garbage can beside
it. There is also a vending machine with a single Pipebomb in it. You can search
the part that had the Pipebomb on it to reveal an Atomic Health (the machine
will rotate).
[SECRET 1] There are three XXX stands here beside each other. Jump on the left
one and it will sink into the ground. There is a Holoduke in the resulting room.
[SECRET 2] The big Lunar Apocalypse poster can be opened to reveal a Chaingun
Cannon. When you enter this room, two Sentry Drones will spawn elsewhere in the
Entrance area to this room.
[Train Carts] There is a Sister Act poster on the wall here with a trash can
beside it. There is a box of Shotgun Shells in it and a Small Medikit beside it.
The entrances to the train carts are rigged with Laser Tripbombs so use some
Pipebombs to take them out. Then, go on one of the carts. There are some things
on the carts, including a RPG, a Chaingun Cannon, a Portable Medikit, and an
Atomic Health. Take one of the carts when you are ready. There is a compartment
on the wall along the tracks that contains a Devastator if you want to get off
the train and get it.
[SECRET 3] There is a wall to the left of the compartment door with a crack in
it. Blow it up to find Steroids, Devastator Ammo and an Atomic Health.
The first stop on the cart will be at the Blue Key door (and you don't have a
Blue Key). This is kind of difficult to clear from the carts, so you should go
on one of the small platforms and take out the Pig Cops systematically. There
are five Laser Tripbombs and a Large Medikit on the platform. There is a
platform with some Enforcers on it as you continue along the track, the carts
don't stop here so you have to get off them and be careful on the way. Take out
the Enforcer with a RPG blast or two. You have to use the carts to jump up
there. There is the Blue Key up here on a shelf, along with a Freezer, Portable
Medikit and Body Armor. Go back to the Blue Key door.
[Blue Key Door] Open this door. Take out the six Pig Cops in the resulting room,
using the walls as cover. There is a Pistol in the corner here.
Getting the Red Key
[SECRET 4] Jump onto the post office box here and get the Large Medikit. Open
the "No Loitering" sign above you and get the RPG Ammo inside.
[Staircase] This staircase is dangerous, go around the corner in the previous
room to find it. At the top of the staircase there are some canisters and some
babes. Unfortunately, you must kill the canisters to continue with the level,
this will cause some Octabrains to spawn. Still, this did some damage to the
Battlelord and the Commanders that are behind them. As you go up the stairs, a
Battlelord will spawn behind you too. This is challenging but not impossible.
Clear out the other Battlelord at the top of the stairs. After you finally kill
them there is the Red Key, Devastator Ammo, and an Atomic Health. If you use the
Night Vision Goggles here there is a hint for secret 4.
Getting to the Red Key Slot
[SECRET 5] At the very base of the staircase, there is a secret door, Open it to
reveal a secret room. As you enter this room, a Commander will spawn behind you.
There is some Freezer Ammo here too. There is a switch in front of a computer
map, use it to open another door. Inside it there are three Babes, a Devastator
and a RPG Ammo.
[Water Room] Go to the place where you got the Blue Key. There is the Red Key
door across from that area. Open it, you'll have to fight a Commander and at the
bottom of the stairs in this room there is another Battlelord. There are some
items at the bottom of the room. There are some Atomic Health on the top of the
bookshelf and Shrink Ray Ammo in a box on the ground. Break the vase between the
two bookshelves and get the Devastator Ammo on the shelf behind it. Some
Pipebombs are beside the bookshelves. There is a crack on the wall here that
leads back to the train tracks if destroyed.
[SECRET 6] Jetpack onto the bookshelf on the left, the one with the Atomic
Health. The book shelf will sink into the ground, revealing a room with two
Enforcers, guarding two Devastator Ammo, a RPG Ammo, and three Large Medikits.
Getting to the Exit
[Underwater] There is a babe across from you on the surface of the water, try
not to kill her as a lot of Octabrains will attack if you do. Drop a few
Pipebombs in the water to take out the Octabrains under there. There is a Shrink
Ray at the bottom. Go through the tunnel and surface at the next possible part.
There are two Large Medikits at the top, and the Exit Symbol.
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-03-07] | E3L07 Fahrenheit | 02:00 | 0:55 | 04 | E3L08 |
Getting the Blue Key / Getting to the Blue Key Slot
[Entrance] You start with two Large Medikits behind you. Find the crack on the
wall and open the wall in front of the crack (which is actually a dumpster).
There is a Pistol and a Chaingun Cannon Ammo out here. There is also a Pig Cop
on a ledge, use the side of the dumpster to get up there. There are Shotgun
Shells and a Large Medikit up there, you will also be attacked by a Trooper, a
Captain, and a Pig Cop across from you. If you need it, there are two Small
Medikits on the other side of the river.
[Waterway] Follow the waterway down and get the Pipebombs on the ledge. You can
go underwater here, but drop Pipebombs down here first and take out the
Octabrains residing below. Underwater there is a Shotgun on a shelf and a Shrink
Ray on the ground. Emerge where the Shrink Ray is and you will come to a ledge
with the Red Key door. There is the Blue Key here, along with a Portable Medikit
and a box of Shotgun Shells. Go back to the Entrance portion of the level and
use the Blue Key here.
Getting the Yellow Key
[Crate Room] When you open the door, you will be attacked by some Enforcers and
Sentry Drones so be wary. There is Body Armor just behind the door. Go right
here and enter the crate room, you'll have to fight a Trooper and some Pig Cops
will fire on you from a window around the left corner. If you go around the
right corner, you'll have to fight some Troopers, a Captain and several Sentry
Drones. Be careful here as the Sentry Drones can really take a chunk out of your
health. There is also a Mounted Gun around here. Get the Large Medikit that is
in the corner here, and start climbing the boxes. There is an Atomic Health on
the top of one stack of crates and the Devastator Ammo on top of another. There
is another Mounted Gun that is firing on you from across a wall so take it out.
Now jump onto the ledge here and get the Portable Medikit, then run into the
[Office] Get the Shotgun and the Devastator Ammo right away. There is a darkened
wall here that tells you about Secret 2 if you use Night Vision Goggles, there
is RPG Ammo in front of this wall. Near the couch on, in a bookshelf nook there
is a Night Vision Goggles, on a different bookshelf there are Steroids, and
beside that bookshelf there is a Laser Tripbomb.
[SECRET 1] Above the couch, facing the TV, is a painting that you can open which
contains two Mounted Guns and a Freezer.
[SECRET 2] There is a shelf with a bunch of bottles on it. Destroy the bottles
on the two bottom shelves (or use a Pipebomb) and walk through that wall to get
a Portable Medikit.
Destroy the wall in this room to get back to the waterway. There is a Commander
around the waterway that you will have to fight to get back. Now go back to the
area where you entered the crate room. There is another door here which leads to
the next area. You might be attacked by a new Commander from the Crate room. The
next area here initially contains two Enforcers and a Sentry Drone.
[Radio Station Area] In the corner between the wall and the radio station is a
Large Medikit and two trashcans, you can break one open to reveal Shotgun
Shells. As you go farther into the area, two Enforcers will drop from the roof
of the radio station and attack. There is also a Mounted Gun in the distance.
[Fire Station] As you progress over to the red-bricked building in the corner,
you will be fired on by some new Enforcers, and in the fire station itself there
are loads of Pig Cops so bust out those Pipebombs. You can jump onto the fire
truck to get a Holoduke and some Shotgun Shells. There is a medical compartment
on the wall that contains a Portable Medikit. There is a crack in the wall here
that you have to blow up. There is a staircase and two Pig Cops behind it, take
them out. At the base of the staircase there are three Shrink Ray Ammo. At the
top of the stairs is an Atomic Health and a box of Shotgun Shells. Around the
corner there is a difficult-to-see Commander hiding in the shadows, and two more
waiting in there. Proceed down the hallway, get the RPG, and press the switch on
the wall here. The switch will cause a column to descend, revealing the Yellow
Key and a fireman's pole. Get the Yellow Key and go to the KTIT radio station.
As you are backtracking to there, some Sentry Drones will have spawned.
Getting to the Yellow Key Slot
[KTIT] Right when you open the door with the Yellow Key, you will be attacked by
three Enforcers. Proceed up the stairs and you will have to fight four Captains.
You can go to the right and fight the Troopers in there, getting the Devastator
and the Laser Tripbombs.
Getting the Red Key
[SECRET 3] There is a door on the wall in the far corner of this room. Open it
to find three Captains, enter the room and get the Red Key inside. Note that
while this is considered a secret, it is necessary to get it to complete the
Getting to the Red Key Slot
[Interview Room] In the main part of the station there are double doors that you
can open, it reveals a Commander and an Enforcer. Take them out. There is a
Chaingun Cannon on the table and Chaingun Cannon Ammo on the left bookshelf.
[SECRET 4] Walk behind the red curtain at the back of the room to find two
Freezer Ammo and an Atomic Health. Get out of the building by going on the roof,
you can get some Devastator Ammo and a Shotgun on the roof. Some Sentry Drones
will also spawn on various parts of the level as you go on the roof, however, so
you might want to avoid getting the stuff up here this way and resort to
[Red Key Door] Go back to the waterway and emerge at the Red Key door that you
have already seen, be prepared to fight hard as three Enforcers and two
Battlelords will be waiting to annihilate you, Go in and out of water as needed.
After you are done with them, there is switch on the wall that opens a
compartment which contains a RPG. There is also a crack on the wall which can be
destroyed to proceed on with the level. In the crack in the wall, there are a
couple of Large Medikits on a ledge and the Exit Symbol just a bit farther.
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-03-08] | E3L08 Hotel Hell | 02:15 | 1:09 | 03 | E3L09, E3L11s |
(Access to Secret Level: E3L11, Freeway)
Want to end the level early? Toss a Pipebomb through the crack here, blow it up.
It'll open the passage to the exit very early :) [Credit: Fernando Calvo]
Getting the Blue Key / Getting to the Blue Key Slot
[Entrance] Get the two Large Medikits on the rubble where you start and the box
of Shotgun Shells in the street portion. Around the wooden fence that you see
there are a couple Pig Cops. There are also some Pig Cops that spawn when you do
this. There is a Shotgun on the top of that fence and a Pistol just behind it.
There is a dumpster here, behind it is Chaingun Cannon Ammo and a Large Medikit.
In the dumpster there is a Pig Cop, use a Pipebomb then jump into it to get a
Chaingun Cannon and a Portable Medikit. There are some garbage cans here, some
Pipebombs and a Chaingun Cannon Ammo are in there.
[Building Ledge] Use the dumpster here as leverage to get to the ledge of the
building. There may be some Pig Cops up here if you haven't killed them yet. Get
the Steroids and the Chaingun Cannon Ammo on the first level, jump up to the
second to get the Blue Key, and some Shotgun Shells. Go to the Blue Key door
down on the ground level.
Getting the Yellow Key
[First Level of Hotel] You will have to fight three Pig Cops at the entrance
here. Follow the hallway down and go in the right room, this leads to a ruined
washroom with a RPG, Devastator Ammo, and three Large Medikits. Go further
around the internal perimeter of this building to find snack machines, there is
a Shrink Ray Ammo on top of the cola machines and a Large Medikit near the snack
ones. The Yellow Key door is near here, too. You will notice some RPG Ammo in a
corner, get the RPG Ammo but stay in this corner. This is an excellent vantage
point to get some large damage on some tough enemies that are coming up. Throw a
lot of Pipebombs into the open room right in front of you. You may be attacked
by some Captains but if you are lucky you won't alert the two Battlelords that
are in there. Detonate the Pipebombs and finish the Battlelord off with RPG or
Devastator. In the place where the Battlelords were there are Chaingun Cannon
Ammo and a box of Shotgun Shells on the ground and Pistol Ammo on the counter.
The big switch on the wall opens a small door behind you, there is Night Vision
Goggles in there. The medical compartment has a Portable Medikit in it, and
there are bunch of white drawers on the left wall, one part can be opened to
reveal Body Armor.
[Hotel Front] There are two glass doors that act as the main doors for the
hotel. There are Shotgun Shells and a Small Medikit near the door. As you exit,
to your left there are some windows that will open, a multitude of Enforcers and
Pig Cops will attack you. Some pesky RPVs will also stroll by and shoot you.
This is obviously a perfect place for RPG usage.
[Room] Jump into the windows and you will be in a small room. There is a
Devastator on the table, two Large Medikits on some bookshelf and a third on
another. There is a painting in this room between two vases, open it and the
resulting door to reveal the Yellow Key. As you enter this room a Commander will
attack you from outside the room.
Getting to the Yellow Key Slot
[Alley] Might as well not go through the main doors and go through the alleyway
at the back of the building. You will have to fight some RPVs and possibly some
Enforcers and Pig Cop if you haven't already taken them out. In the garbage cans
in the corner of this alley there are Shotgun Shells, Chaingun Cannon Ammo, and
a Large Medikit hidden amongst them. Go in the doors here and you will be right
beside the Yellow Key door.
Getting to the Exit
[Second Level of Hotel] Go in the Yellow Key door and go up the stairs, fighting
your way through the Pig Cop on each flight. Get the Freezer Ammo at the top and
open the door if it isn't already. You will have to fight some Enforcers on the
way up.
[Bar] To your left is a bar and lounge, just loaded with Enforcers and thus RPG
fodder. As you go into the bar more Enforcers will come at you from the hallway
beside the bar so you should take them out, possibly with Pipebombs. Go behind
the counter and into the back room. There are some wooden cabinets on floor
level, one which contains two Large Medikits.
[SECRET 1] There is a wine stand in the middle of the room. Open the front of it
to reveal a Holoduke.
[SECRET 2] At the end wall of one part of the room that is between two shelves
full of drinks there is a brown wall that can be opened. In it initially is a
Portable Medikit, and if you follow the ramp in it up there is a medical
compartment here that you can open to reveal Pipebombs and Scuba Gear. You also
have access to the aquarium here, which has some Pipebombs-ready sharks and a
Freezer at the bottom of it.
[Hotel Rooms] In the first hotel room there are three Pig Cops and an Enforcer,
use a Pipebomb. There is also a Chaingun Cannon Ammo and a Large Medikit in
here. You can go through the vents, getting a Shrink Ray along the way that's on
a shelf inside the vent, and throw a Pipebomb in the next room to take out the
two Troopers and two Captains that are in there. There is also a Chaingun Cannon
Ammo and two Small Medikits in this room. Just on the outside of these rooms
there are three fire extinguishers, blow them up to get access to Alley area.
You will also be able to get to a ledge out here. But you would have to fight a
Commander on the way out so be careful. On the ledge there are two Devastator
Ammo and two Atomic Health, you will fired on from below by a Battlelord that
you don't necessarily have to fight. There is also another fire extinguisher in
the hallway that leads to the ledge.
[Pool] Beyond the hotel rooms and the bar is a pool area. Around the pool are a
couple Captains and a Battlelord hiding behind the diving board. On the diving
board there are some Pipebombs.
[SECRET 3] There is a waterfall in the pool area, pouring water into the pool.
There are two flaming pots on either side of it. Jump into the waterfall. You
will emerge in a little jungle, just to the right of the entrance there is a
Freezer. Hit the bloody handprint here, it will open a rock wall. Go in it,
Follow the rock path down to the end and get the Atomic Health on the pedestal.
Now, book it out of there, because the ceiling will fall on you.
[SECRET LEVEL] In the Secret 3 area, before entering the cave, you can destroy
some palm trees here to reveal the secret Exit Symbol, to the Secret Level
[Pool] Back in the pool, you can go underwater. Before you do, drop a couple of
Pipebombs off the diving board to kill the four Octabrains under there. There is
also a crack in the wall underwater, this leads back to the bathroom area, and
an Atomic Health. When you get the Atomic Health some Pig Cops will spawn. There
is a grass covered ledge here, you can jump up here and notice that the windows
on the Building Ledge area have opened, and with it came a bunch of Enforcers
that you should take out from here. I think that you have to kill the Battlelord
in the Pool area for the windows to open.
[Building] Go in the open windows and fight off the Enforcer. There is only a
grate in this room so break it. Follow the vent all the way to the drop, get the
Pipebombs and the two Large Medikits. The Exit Symbol is here.
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-03-09] | E3L09 Stadium | 02:45 | 1:17 | 00 | ----- |
(Boss Level)
This is the location of the final battle. You will emerge in a large stadium
with the Cycloid Emperor in front of you after taking an elevator ride. There is
tons of ammo, weapons, items and health around here. Of note: two Atomic Health
in front of each football post, two Shrink Ray Ammo, Chaingun Cannon Ammo,
Shotgun Shells, Freezer Ammo in the ground corners of the stadium, Steroids
beside each post, Portable Medikit, Devastator Ammo, two Large Medikits near
midfield, two Pipebombs, Night Vision Goggles, two RPG Ammo near "Bad Ass" side
of stadium, two Pipebombs near "Duke Nukem" side of stadium, Freezer, RPG,
Shrink Ray, Devastator, Chaingun Cannon, Shotgun, and ammo for each at various
parts of the seats on the stadium, Night Vision Goggles and Holoduke are at
opposite parts of the stadium seats, at one part of the stadium on the "Bad Ass"
side there are Night Vision Goggles, a Jetpack and two boxes of Shotgun Shells.
There is a blimp floating around in the air that, if hit, drops even more stuff
for you if you need it. Hit it with a RPG blast to get the goodies, which
include at least one of each: Freezer, RPG, Pipebomb, Chaingun Cannon, Pistol,
Portable Medikit, Jetpack, Steroids, RPG Ammo, and Devastator Ammo.
[Killing Cycloid Emperor] You might want to start off the battle by killing his
cheer leading squad composed of a bunch of Troopers. Try to avoid killing your
cheerleader team as if you do, a Commander will spawn. Once again I recommend
using the Jetpack to circle around at the very outside perimeter of the level,
unloading Devastator and RPG shots like no tomorrow. You will still take damage
most likely, so use the resources around here to your advantage and don't forget
about your Portable Medikit. There is tons of ammo and items around here so that
shouldn't be your problem. See the Boss Monster section, 04-02-03 "Cycloid
Emperor", for more information. When you kill him, Episode 3 will end.
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-03-10] | E3L10 Tier Drops (s) | 00:45 | 0:10 | 04 | E3L06 |
(Secret Level. Access to E3L06, Rabid Transit)
There are four rooms in this level: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta. They each
have a theme which will be discussed in the walkthrough. There are four
different pipes in each room that lead to the different rooms. In their current
room, the pipes appear to be coming out from the roof, if you Jetpack up them
you will get to a different place.
+ Cement Colored Pipe : Pig Cop / Commander Room
+ White Rock Pipe : Trooper Room
+ Normal Rock Pipe : Octabrain Room
+ Red Colored Pipe : Commander / Battlelord Room
[Entrance] You start off in a small room with three Large Medikits behind you.
Now press the switch on the wall to open the door.
[Alpha] This first entrance place has a couple of Small Medikits about. This is
also the Trooper room, all you have to fight are Troopers. Therefore, your
weapon of choice should be the Chaingun Cannon - really effective here. There is
Chaingun Cannon Ammo and Freezer Ammo around the central structure in this area,
and within the central structure there a Shrink Ray and two Freezer Ammo. Now go
back into the hallway and jump up to the Beta. There are two compartments in the
corner, with Night Vision Goggles and a Portable Medikit in it.
[SECRET 1] The space between the two compartments can be opened to reveal a
Shotgun, two Shrink Ray Ammo and two Chaingun Cannon Ammo.
[Beta] In this second room there are primarily Commanders. There are four
Commanders in total on four different platforms arranged evenly. There is at
least one Large Medikit and one Chaingun Cannon Ammo on each platform. Go up the
ramp to get a Devastator on a bench. Open the big door here and fight the
Battlelord with your Devastator. There is also a Freezer Ammo, three Atomic
Health, and the Exit Symbol here. Back in the entrance area there are also a
Pistol Ammo and a Small Medikit. Jump up onto the ledge, open the small
compartment doors to find two Large Medikits and a Jetpack.
[SECRET 2] The space between the two compartments can be opened to reveal a
Pistol, two RPG Ammo, and three boxes of Shotgun Shells.
[Gamma] Around the entrance to this room there is a Pistol Ammo and two Small
Medikits. This room is primarily composed of Octabrains. Use the RPG wisely
here. Now, get the spoils which include two boxes of Shotgun Shells, two Shrink
Ray Ammo, and two Large Medikits on the outside of the central structure. On the
inside of the structure there is a Chaingun Cannon and a Large Medikit. It seems
that the Octabrains constantly respawn in this room. Now jump up the ledge and
go to the two compartments, there is a Holoduke and a three Laser Tripbombs in
the compartments.
[SECRET 3] The space between the two compartments can be opened to reveal a
Pistol, two Pipebombs, and two Freezer Ammo.
[Delta] The Entrance to this room has a Pistol Ammo. Now, in this room there are
a Commander and a Pig Cop. There is also a little collection of Slimer Eggs in
the middle of the central structure. I STRONGLY recommend that you leave those
eggs alone and protect the babes in the middle of the structure. Because, if you
kill one, a Battlelord will spawn. There are three babes, which means three
Battlelords. Yikes. Therefore exercise extreme caution in this room, try to take
out the Commander first with the harmless shrinker, then circle around and take
out the Pig Cops while the Commander is still shrunk. Take out the Commander
when it's safe. Then, you can kill the Slimers and their egg shells. However, if
you want to fight the Battlelords, you will be rewarded ... kind of. When the
Battlelords spawn, some items will spawn with them. A Devastator and two
Devastator Ammo from one, RPG and two RPG Ammo from a second, and two Atomic
Health from the third. There are some items scattered around this place too. Get
the Devastator Ammo under one of the Tiers. Two boxes of Shotgun Shells are
around here. Now go in the central structure. There is a RPG Ammo, two boxes of
Shotgun Shells, and Body Armor here. After you are done, go back to the entrance
area. Jump up the ledge and open the two compartments. Get the Steroids and Body
[SECRET 4] The space between the two compartments can be opened to reveal a
Shotgun, two Devastator Ammo, and four Pistol Ammo.
Go back to the Beta area to exit the level.
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-03-11] | E3L11 Freeway (s) | 02:00 | 1:07 | 05 | E3L09 |
(Secret Level. Access to E3L09, Stadium)
Getting the Blue Key
[Tunnel] You start underwater, you will have to fight some Octabrains right off
the bat. Look behind you, there is a Shotgun and a box of Shotgun Shells, as
well as a crack in the wall. Blow it up to find some RPG Ammo and an Atomic
Health. Swim through the crack in the wall and take them next batch of
Octabrains out. There is a RPG at the end of the pipe. When you emerge from the
water, you will encounter some angry Sentry Drones so be careful. There is a
ledge here that has two Laser Tripbombs, two Pistol Ammo, Body Armor and a Large
Medikit. Break the crack in the wall and enter the roadway.
[Tunnel] Prepare for a battle, you will be attacked by some Pig Cops under the
bridge and more to the left. Some RPVs will also come and attack. On a ledge
here under the bridge there is a Devastator and an Atomic Health.
[Left Road] You will have to fight some Pig Cops and Enforcers on a ledge as you
go here. There is a box of Shotgun Shells in a trash can on the left, and in a
group of three Trash Cans, there is a Shotgun in one of them. However, if you
don't have a Jetpack you shouldn't break them all as to get on the ledge above
them you need to jump on the trash cans. There are some Steroids and a
Devastator Ammo up there. You don't have to worry about that for the other ledge
here, you can blow up a crack in the ledge (at the far right of it) and jump up
to it. There is a Portable Medikit up there. There is also a small ledge here
near the tunnel that has two Small Medikits on it.
[SECRET 1] At the very end of this ledge, as the ledge meets the bridge, there
is window that you can open. It is a bathroom which contains a Pig Cop guarding
a Freezer. The switch here just turns on the lights.
[Right Road] Behind a box there are some Shotgun Shells and a RPG Ammo. You will
be attacked by three Enforcers and three Pig Cops so look out for that, also any
RPV that you have left alive will attack. You can jump onto the box and up onto
a platform that has a Night Vision Goggles on it. There is a Freezer Ammo in a
corner on the ground. After you are done here go to the right (facing the
tunnel), and you will have to fight some more Pig Cops. As you enter, get the
Large Medikit but be prepared to run away, as the building will blow up. After
the explosions are done go back in the building. Get the box of Shotgun Shells
behind the fire and fight the Pig Cop (most likely weakened) in the building
[Main Road] You will emerge here. There is a Battlelord at the end of the road,
make the battle easier by using the median in the road as cover. After you kill
him get the Devastator Ammo in a corner here, there is a Portable Medikit and
Body Armor on either side of the median, in the doorway of a building there are
a couple Pig Cops and a box of Shotgun Shells, and the Blue Key door.
[SECRET 2] In this doorway there is a secret window to the left that you can
open. Inside there are a couple of Enforcers. Jump in and get the Shrink Ray and
the Devastator Ammo. There is also a staircase here, you can blow up the door at
the top of it to get to Secret 1's area.
At the far end of the road, to the left there are some Pipebombs, Steroids, and
two Small Medikits. To the right there is a police car and some Pig Cops behind
it. Use the Pipebombs here. As you get close to the car it will explode so back
off. Near the back wall, there is a Large Medikit. The Red Key Door is also
here. The open manhole in the middle of the main road leads back to the
beginning of the level.
[Fallen Building] Now go to where there is a building on a slant. In a corner
you can get onto the building by jumping onto it. You can get the box of Shotgun
Shells here. You can jump into the crack in the building, and get the Jetpack,
the box of Shotgun Shells and the Large Medikit in there. Jetpack out and go
higher on the building.
[Building] From the broken building you can jump into the window of a building
beside it. There are Pipebombs, Shotgun Shells, and a Small Medikit there. The
Blue Key is in this room as well, in a corner. From the window in this room you
can jump through it onto a ledge (on the left side of the window). There are two
Atomic Health on the ledge.
Getting to the Blue Key Slot
[SECRET 3] Just opposite the candy machine in this room is a bookshelf that you
can open, to reveal two Devastator Ammo.
[SECRET 4] Near the Blue Key is a small part of a door that has a crack in it,
blow it up to reveal a room with several Slimer Eggs, a Chaingun Cannon, and a
Freezer Ammo.
[Blue Key Door] Go back to the Blue Key door. Two more Battlelords will have
spawned on the way, you can fight them or try to avoid them. The Blue Key door
reveals an elevator with a Pig Cop in it. Take it up to find some conveyor belts
and some Enforcers that will attack you. There is a switch that deactivates the
conveyors right where you enter, in front of the switch there is Chaingun Cannon
Ammo. As you go deeper in the room, you will get two RPG Ammo and will have to
fight two Enforcers. If you follow the conveyor belt down, you will emerge in a
place that has a RPG. There are two switches near the conveyor belt, one closes
the door to the RPG and one causes a compressor to come down.
Getting the Red Key
[SECRET 5] There is a column at one end of this room with two striped bands of
wall on either side of it. Jump into the striped bands to enter a room with two
Enforcers, guarding Pipebombs and Body Armor.
At the other end of the room there are two switches on the same wall that open a
door to a room loaded with Enforcers. Therefore, rig the perimeter with
Pipebombs or Laser Tripbombs to make it easier. The Red Key, a Freezer, and a
Large Medikit are in here.
Getting to the Red Key Slot
[Red Key Door] Go back to the Red Key door, and open it. There are two Pig Cops
to greet you but you can blow up the fire extinguisher behind them to deal some
damage. As you do that there are two Octabrains will be alerted to your presence
and attack as well. The Exit Symbol is behind them. - =|
=| [05-04] Episode 4 - The Birth |==============================================
Duke thought he was on vacaction, but he was thrown right back into the fray
when a new alien threat combined with the old one for the fourth episode of
Duke 3D, The Birth. A pregant woman is found to be infested with an alien
child, and Duke must then fight his way through various dangerous locales to
do battle with the ungodly Alien Queen. Duke fights his way through an infested
secret missions facility, a burger joint, a shopping center, an amusement park,
a nuclear power plant, a ship, and even Area 51 on his way to the ultimate
climax of Duke 3D.
Table: Episode 4 - The Birth - Level Listing
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-04-01] | E4L01 It's Impossible | 03:04 | 1:32 | 07 | E4L02 |
| [05-04-02] | E4L02 Duke-Burger | 04:00 | 2:00 | 04 | E4L03 |
| [05-04-03] | E4L03 Shop-N-Bag | 03:30 | 1:45 | 07 | E4L04 |
| [05-04-04] | E4L04 Babe Land | 06:32 | 3:16 | 04 | E4L05 |
| [05-04-05] | E4L05 Pigsty | 02:02 | 1:01 | 05 | E4L06, E4L11s |
| [05-04-06] | E4L06 Going Postal | 03:04 | 1:52 | 04 | E4L07 |
| [05-04-07] | E4L07 XXX-Stacy | 01:24 | 0:42 | 03 | E4L08 |
| [05-04-08] | E4L08 Critical Mass | 03:18 | 1:59 | 04 | E4L09 |
| [05-04-09] | E4L09 Derelict | 05:02 | 2:51 | 05 | E4L10 |
| [05-04-10] | E4L10 The Queen | 10:50 | 5:25 | 07 | ----- |
| [05-04-11] | E4L11 Area 51 (s) | 04:20 | 2:10 | 07 | E4L06 |
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-04-01] | E4L01 It's Impossible | 03:04 | 1:32 | 07 | E4L02 |
Getting the Red Key
[Outdoors] You begin in a clearing. If you stay still for too long, not only
will you get struck by lightning but the dual Mounted Guns mounted above the
door will fire on you, and an additional one from a cave above you. You can
storm the Improbable Mission Facility right away, but you should probably get
some stuff around here first. You can go to one of the corners of the outdoor
area and take out the Mounted Gun that is firing on you from the cave above you
if you get onto the ledge. Then, you can get the Pistol on the ledge here and
take out the two Mounted Guns that are firing on you from below. There is a
Large Medikit near the big door.
[SECRET 1] There is a tiny ledge on the cliff that has the Pistol. You can climb
up this ledge and get into the cave that had the Mounted Gun in it. There are
Pipebombs and a Holoduke in this cave.
[SECRET 2] Go onto the main ledge and face the big doors. Walk to the right and
across the little bridge and you will notice a bloody handprint on the rock
face, this will open a door under the bridge. You can enter the cave that the
door leads to and get the Night Vision Goggles and the Atomic Health inside it.
[Entrance] Note that there are two entrances to the building here, but the best
one is the main doors (the other one is to the right of the main doors). Go in
the big doors. You will have to fight three Troopers (one on a Jetpack) and
there is a fourth in a nearby hallway. There is also a Captain behind the big
column in the middle of the room. At the entrance of the room near the computers
there are two Small Medikits, on the desk there is a Pistol and some Shotgun
Shells. There is a tape recorder on the desk, and if you Use it, it will blow up
in your face. The big column in this room has a crack in it, you can blow it up
to get three Large Medikits.
[Briefing Room] Now the purpose of coming here is to some armament before facing
some harder enemies while getting the Red Key. The big challenge here is killing
three Enforcers and a Trooper with a Pistol, it shouldn't be that bad as there
is lots of ammo and health abound. When you kill everything, you can get the
main spoil here which is a Shotgun behind the desk. Behind the podium is a Large
Medikit. You can open the second locker from the left to get Body Armor, and on
top of the lockers is a Pistol and a Large Medikit. On the counters in the
middle of the room are Pipebombs and a Pistol Ammo. Now you can do this next
part either way, but you should go through the door that's on the same wall as
the lockers.
[Red Key Door Room] Go down the hallway and fight the two Troopers on the way.
Then open the door that you will come to. As you do, three Sentry Drones will
see you so you can try and close the door to see if they blow up. There are
three Laser Tripbombs on the top of a box in the middle of the room and RPG Ammo
in the corner. There is a box to the left of the IMF logo on the wall that you
can open to reveal two Microwave Expander Ammo and two Small Medikits. Now, you
can go up the elevator at the other end of this room.
Getting the Blue Key
[Elevator Room] There is an Enforcer to greet you, and some Pistol Ammo on the
floor. The other elevator has an Enforcer on it and leads to a locked door. The
big door in this room leads back to the Briefing Room.
[Hallway] Go back the Entrance area and then to the hallway opposite to the
entrance of the Briefing room. This hallway connects to some parts of the level.
When you first go down it, you have to fight two Troopers. First, take the left
path and go to the Mess Hall.
[Mess Hall] In the initial part of this room you will have to fight two Pig Cops
and three Troopers (all in a clump so a good Pipebomb target). There are two
Troopers behind a counter too that aren't in the main room. There are some
Shotgun Shells near a moving water conveyor.
[Kitchen] Go in the big door there and go to the other sides of that waterway.
On the left side there are two Small Medikits and on the right side there is an
Atomic Health. You can swim down the sink to get two Small Medikits but nothing
else. There is a door here that contains two Octabrains. Take them out and use
Pipebombs here, there is a Freezer and a Large Medikit in this room.
[SECRET 3] There is a red handprint in this room. Pressing it will open a
section of wall beside it, enter to find a computer and a Forcefield. Hit the
computer to disable the Forcefield and enter the next part of the room. Inside
this room, there is a Shrink Ray and Body Armor on some boxes. You can also swim
back to the Kitchen via the sink here.
[Bathroom] In the room with the two Octabrains there is a fan that you can break
which leads to the bathroom. Crawl through it and be prepared to fight three
Octabrains right away and a Trooper on the sink counter. The Blue Key is also on
the sink counter and a Chaingun Cannon near a pair of urinals.
Getting to the Blue Key Slot / Getting to the Red Key Slot
[SECRET 4] On the counter there is a switch, and it opens a wall above the
toilet stall. There is a Portable Medikit in there.
[Barracks] Go in the grate that's above the urinals. Go through the grate and
you will be at a good position to fight the enemies in that room, which are
numerous. Toss a couple of Pipebombs in there to clear them all out easily
(there are many Pig Cops and an Enforcer). On the left beds there are Steroids,
Pistol Ammo and a box of Shotgun Shells, and on one of the right beds there is a
Chaingun Cannon Ammo, and near the clock there are two Large Medikits.
[SECRET 5] On the bed across from the TV, you can stand on it and use it like an
elevator. Take it up and you can go in the next door that you see. A Jetpack and
two Devastator Ammo are in this room.
[Command Center] Go left twice and follow the hallway down and fight the two
Troopers and the Pig Cop that are waiting for you. There are switches there, and
the following combination there is O X X. In the main area of the command center
there are four Pig Cops that you have to fight and two Troopers, so use that
Pipebomb. Get the two Small Medikits near the wall. There is also a switch on
the wall near the steel window that will open and provide access to the Entrance
part of the level. You can use the Blue Key to take down the Forcefield here,
but if you want to kill some of the enemies in the room guarded by it and
prevent some fighting, there is a Commander in there waiting for you, so you can
attract him to the Forcefield and let him fire on it, dealing splash damage to
the enemies in there. When you use the Blue Key, go in the room and use your
Shrink Ray on the Commander. Then, get the Red Key, Shrink Ray Ammo, Pistol
Ammo, Large Medikit and Small Medikit in various parts of the room. Now hit the
switches on the wall near the big door in the Command Centre room in the order X
O X. This is the locked door in the Elevator room, go back to the Red Key Door
Room and open the Red Key Door.
Getting to the Exit
[SECRET 6] The computer near the IMF logo can be used to open a portion of the
wall with a Pig Cop and a RPG in there. You can also open a portion of the wall
in that room to get to the SECRET 5 area.
[Janitor Closet] Get the Pipebombs and break the fan. Head into the grate. You
will come to another fan, facing downwards, through which you can see various
Laser Tripbomb lasers. It would obviously be suicide jumping in there through
those, so throw a Pipebomb on the unbroken fan. Now, backtrack into the Red Key
Door Room, as the explosion of the Pipebomb will cause a chain reaction. Blow up
the Pipebomb and after the explosions are done go back into the vent and go
right beside the fan facing downwards.
[Console Room] Whatever you do here, don't touch the floor. If you didn't get
SECRET 5, go back and get the Jetpack now. If you touch the floor, you will be
attacked by many enemies. Instead, drop through the vent with the Jetpack on.
Time is limited on the Jetpack so do this quickly. Hover over to the big red
button on the wall and hit it. Now, four switches will rise opposite you, hit
them in the order O X O X. Now, opposite those a compartment will open with
another switch inside that you must hit, this unlocks the big safe door in this
room. Hover out of this room. Now if you want to, you can fight the enemies that
you would if you landed on the floor. Before you do, rig the room with Pipebombs
or Laser Tripbombs. Then, run in and out of the room and detonate the Pipebombs.
Four Enforcers, Troopers and Pig Cops will emerge, when you kill them, not only
will you get their spoils, but the rooms that they were in collectively contain
two Pistols and two Small Medikits.
[Security Access] Go up the stairs, as you come near the wall a part of it will
open and you will be attacked by two Enforcers, a Pig Cop, and a Mounted Gun.
Take them out possibly with a Pipebomb. Jump in that room to get a Large
Medikit. Hit the console here to open the Security Access door outside this
small room.
[Doors Hallway] When you come close to the doors in this room they will open
automatically. After the second door, there is a grate to your left that you can
destroy and enter.
[Excavation Room] You will be attacked right away from room ahead of you by a
Pig Cop and a Trooper, and an Enforcer is waiting for you to your left. There is
also a Trooper in the mine cart. Around the area there are two Pipebombs and a
Chaingun Cannon Ammo. There is another door in this room near the cart. Inside
there are two Commanders and two Troopers, take them out and get the Small
Medikit. Go behind the rock wall to get a Devastator and a Small Medikit.
[SECRET 7] There is a switch near the vent that you came out of to get in the
room. Pressing it will open the door to the mine cart, revealing a box of
Shotgun Shells, a Chaingun Cannon Ammo, an Atomic Health and two Small Medikits.
Go back to the Doors Hallway. Go to the end of the hallway, use the phone at the
end of the hallway, and you will go down on a platform.
[Offices] You will see a singular Pipebomb and a crack in a door here. Use the
Pipebomb to destroy the crack and back up. Amongst other enemies, including some
Enforcers and Pig Cops, you will fight your first Alien Drone here, so be
careful about its Shrink Ray. The door to your left will be blown out, but if
you go in to get the Pipebombs the door across from it will open, revealing
three Pig Cops. You might want to rig the other door. Another Alien Drone may
also attack. After you are done that, go back to where you blew up the wall; get
the two Large Medikits in the hole in the wall. Hit the Exit Symbol to finish
the level.
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-04-02] | E4L02 Duke-Burger | 04:00 | 2:00 | 04 | E4L03 |
Getting the Blue Key / Getting to the Blue Key Slot
[The Street] There is a trashcan right beside where you start and it has a
Pistol in it. If you go out onto the main part of the street, you will alert
three RPVs to your presence. Near the entrance to Blue Key Door (and thusly the
Duke Burger) there are some Pipebombs and Steroids. Go around the perimeter of
the building to the left. There is a Pig Cop to fight you right away, and then
there is another alley that houses two RPV and a Pig Tank to fight you. After
you are done with them get the two Pistol Ammo in their alley. On one of the
walls near the sidewalk of the Duke Burger, there is a Large Medikit. Going down
the street farther will bring you to the front of the SPCH, which has a Pig Tank
guarding it and some Shotgun Shells on the right side of it. There is a dumpster
here, if you jump into it the wall will explode to reveal a Large Medikit. There
is also a barrel near the entrance of the level that has a box of Shotgun Shells
in it. Now, go to the Drive Thru thing with the big Duke Head on it. Use the
front of the Drive Thru and then a small compartment on the wall behind it will
open. Jump on the wall across from the Drive Thru and then jump on the drive
thru menu itself to get access to the compartment, which contains the Blue Key
and a Shrink Ray.
[SECRET 1] Go to the alley that had some RPV and the Pig Tank in it, as well as
the two Pistol Ammo. There are two ways of getting this secret but both involve
the use of an item. There is a barrel to the right of the alley, facing a T-
Shaped portion of wall. Jump on the barrel, use Steroids and run right into the
wall. You should get into the secret room. You can also use the Jetpack and get
into the secret room that way (the secret entrance is right under the yellow
line). In the secret room are Pipebombs, Steroids, Portable Medikit and two
Microwave Expander Ammo. There is an exit in this room that leads to inside the
Duke Burger (so you don't actually need to use the Blue Key in this level!)
[Dining Room] Go back to the Blue Key door and use it. You will have to fight
the two Pig Cops to the left and right of you. There is a Small Medikit in the
left corner, and on the right side of the room there is a table with two Small
Medikits on it and a Freezer under it.
Getting the Red Key
[Behind the Counter] As you go up to the counter, you will fight some more Pig
Cops and a Captain that is behind the counter. There are exits to the street
area here. On top of the right garbage bin there is Freezer Ammo. On the
counter, there is a little cardboard box, which you can destroy to reveal an
Atomic Health. There is an Atomic Health on a window sill there. There is a
Small Medikit on the counter near the pop machine. There is a Pipebomb on the
slanted area behind the counter, and near the window sill there is a cash
register that has two Pipebombs on it.
[Men's Bathroom] Across from the counter, you will notice a grate above the
condiments stand. Break the grate and head in to get the box of Shotgun Shells
inside it. You will have to squish some Slimers on the way, and will have to
jump to get into the longest part of the shaft. Follow it down and break the
other grate. There are tons of Troopers in the bathroom, use a Pipebomb to make
a mess. There is a Large Medikit under the grate. Open the door to fight a Pig
Cop and watch the door to the women's bathroom blow. Go into that bathroom.
[Women's Bathroom] In the bathroom, there are two Alien Drones in the stalls and
an Enforcer, but in this bathroom don't use explosives, as you require the
mirror on the wall to progress with the level. On top of one of the stall walls
there is a Shrink Ray Ammo. If you look in the mirror, you will see a message
that says 'Think Smaller' and this refers to the little shaft in the corner of
the room. You can get shrunk by the Alien Drone, but it's easier to use the
Shrink Ray (like the one that you got when you got the Blue Key) to reflect it
off the mirror (if you killed the Alien Drone and destroyed the mirror then
you're screwed). Get shrunk and run through the little vent.
[Kitchen] There are tons of enemies in the form of Troopers, Captains and
Enforcers, so be careful not to get squashed! When you are done taking them out,
then get the spoils, which include a Chaingun Cannon behind a deep fryer, some
Body Armor on a deep fryer, and a Small Medikit. There is also a carton that you
can destroy to get an Atomic Health. You can also disable the Forcefield here
that leads back into the Dining Room. Now go down the hall here.
[Storage] Go down the hallway and to the right. In this room, there is a pod of
Slimer Eggs and four Enforcers that you can take out with Pipebombs. The Red Key
and Shotgun are on the desk at the other side of this room on a desk, and from
the desk you can access the tops of some boxes where Night Vision Goggles and a
Microwave Expander Ammo are.
Getting to the Red Key Slot
[SECRET 2] Behind the desk, there is a small switch on the bottom left side of
it. Hit this switch to open a wall on top of some boxes across from it. Climb
the boxes and enter the compartment that was opened to get a Freezer.
[Freezer] Use the Red Key and fight the two Pig Cops and the Enforcer that are
waiting for you. Two Pipebombs are in the corner under the dead chickens, and
around the corner is an Enforcer. There is Freezer Ammo in the corner, and under
the crushing walls in the middle of the room there is a Devastator. There is
also a grate on the wall that has a Portable Medikit in it and which leads back
to the vent that goes to the bathroom. You have to follow the conveyor belt now.
There are some Laser Tripbombs guarding it so use a Pipebomb or something. Then,
follow it down, fighting the three Enforcers on the wall. The hallway has a path
that leads to a door on the left that is guarded by two Pig Cops. Kill them and
follow the belt down some more until you come to a ledge, and you can jump up
[SECRET 3] The room with the poster of the dog anatomy has a very unexpected
secret. The light switch near the entrance causes the wall beside it to rotate,
and if you rotate with it, you will emerge into a room with a RPG. Note that it
is very easy to get squished doing this.
Getting to the Exit
[Meat Disposal] Jump up the ledge and follow the hallway in there. There is an
Enforcer waiting for you, and another farther down. There is an Enforcer in the
next room full of cages. You can destroy the cages with explosives, and there is
one cell that has some RPG Ammo.
[SECRET 4] You have to blow up the gates on the right block of cells for this
one (the one that has the little puppy in it). On the two cells beside the ones
with the puppy in it, the back of the top one can be opened to get some
[SPCH Entrance] Follow down to the end of the room, and there will be another
narrow hallway. You must fight two Alien Drones to progress. Follow this hallway
down to the end, you will come to the entrance area of this building. There are
two Enforcers in there, kill them and go into the entrance area. The wall will
explode, giving you an exit to the Street area, but you will also have to fight
a Pig Tank on your way out. There are two Laser Tripbombs on the counter, Body
Armor on top of file cabinet, and two Devastator Ammo behind the couch. There is
a switch behind the counter that you have to hit to open the door that you saw
at the end of the hallway to the entrance area.
[Exit Room] This room has two Alien Drones in it, and some Shotgun Shells. The
Exit Symbol is here behind a box.
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-04-03] | E4L03 Shop-N-Bag | 03:30 | 1:45 | 07 | E4L04 |
Getting the Blue Key / Getting to the Blue Key Slot
[Destroyed Building] Right when you start you will be attacked by some Troopers,
but will probably die because the building in front of you explodes. There is a
Large Medikit behind you in case you took damage. At the other end of the
building there is some Shotgun Shells. A Pig Cop, an Enforcer, and a Trooper
will attack you from the street area.
[Street] When you go on the street, you will notice there is a place where the
shopping carts go, in there is some RPG Ammo. You can jump over the chain link
fence at the one part of the street and get to the two garages. In the one with
the broken door, you can enter and fight the Trooper. There are Night Vision
Goggles in the corner and Pipebombs and an Atomic Health guarded by a Mounted
Gun. And across from the broken garage, there is a little bedroom that has a
Trooper and a Mounted Gun, and inside the room are two Pistol Ammo and a Shotgun
on top of a crate stack.
[The Shop and Bag] Go back to the main part of the street area and break the
glass to enter. To your left and right are Mounted Guns that you must take out,
there are Small Medikits under either. Some Pig Cops may be alerted to your
presence. As you go around the magazine rack, you will be attacked by a Pig Tank
and a Pig Cop that are between rows 1 and 2. In that space there are Shotgun
Shells and two Large Medikits.
[SECRET 1] To the left of the shelf that has "1" on it is a fire extinguisher on
a wall. Destroy it to make a crack in the wall, and enter to find two Troopers
guarding a Devastator and a Portable Medikit. This also leads back to the little
bedroom as detailed before.
[Shop and Bag] You can go to the right and fight the two Alien Drones that will
come and attack you. There is also a Large Medikit on a box.
[SECRET 2] Go to the right and look at the stack of boxes between 1 and 2. There
is a darker stack of boxes in the middle of the stack. You can open the middle
stack and get some Microwave Expander Ammo and Body Armor.
[Shelves Top] You can go between the shelves of aisle 2. There is a Trooper
there, and a Large Medikit and three Small Medikits around this area. You can
climb the boxes here to get to the top of the shelves. You will be fired on by
two Mounted Guns as you go up. You can get the Chaingun Cannon Ammo on the top
of the boxes. On the shelf to the right from you, you can get the Shrink Ray
Ammo, and straight across from that are two Large Medikits, and to the left of
that is a Devastator Ammo. From that shelf, you will be attacked by a Trooper
and an Alien Drone in a boxed off area, where the Blue Key is located. Get the
Blue Key and go the Blue Key door (you can use the shelves to get there).
[Blue Key Door] Open the door and be prepared to fight a Trooper and a Pig Cop.
There is a Pig Tank around the corner, and an Alien Drone on the other side of a
window. Go through the next door after you are finished here.
Getting the Yellow Key / Getting to the Yellow Key Slots
[Meat Room] To the left and right you will be attacked by two Mounted Guns. You
will be attacked right away by three Troopers and a Pig Tank. Notice that the
Yellow Key Door is at the other end of the room. Take the enemies out and
continue. On the other sides of those shelves are two Pig Tanks on the ground
level and three Troopers sniping at you from on top of some more shelves. Take
out the Pig Tanks first by luring them out onto the other side and them kill off
the Troopers. There are some vents that run through the shelves here, go through
them to take out a Mounted Gun firing at you, and get an Atomic Health. You will
notice that one of the vent sections has a nook in it, if you have a Jetpack you
can Jetpack up there to get access to the top of the shelves (though you could
get access to the shelves with the Jetpack otherwise) and get the spoils, which
involve a box of Shotgun Shells, two Large Medikits, a Freezer Ammo, and a
Devastator Ammo. You can jump onto the top of a crate of boxes from here to get
a RPG. There is also a Large Medikit in the corner here.
[SECRET 3] There is a crack on some boxes here. Blow it up to get access to the
beginning of the level and get the Chaingun Cannon stuck in there.
[Back Room] Go back in the grates that went between the two shelves. Follow them
back as far as you can (past the Mounted Gun) and you will see another grate,
and you can see into a room that has two Enforcers and a Mounted Gun in it. Use
a Pipebomb to clear this small room. Then go in. There are three switches on the
wall around a little compartment, the combination to open it is X X O. The
Yellow Key is in there. There is also a button on the wall that opens a steel
window which you can exit.
[Yellow Key Door] Use the Yellow Key but be very careful as a Commander and a
Mounted Gun are ready to fire on you. You won't be able to use the Shrink Ray on
this Commander so bust out the RPG. After, you will notice a switch on the roof,
and if you shoot it the door will open. Go farther into the room, you can kill
the Trooper that's behind some shopping carts and the Enforcer that is just in
the room. The door here also leads outside.
Getting the Red Key
[SECRET 4] There are two ATM machines in this room. You can open the left one.
Be prepared to move backwards very fast and launch a RPG or something in there
as three Mounted Guns await you. Then go in there and get the Devastator.
[Checkout] Go back into the meat room, and then go to the signs that have the
'Checkout' arrows on them. You might get attacked by a Commander if you go the
left way, either way you'll end up in the checkout area and have to fight the
three Troopers that are behind each till. There is also a Mounted Gun in the
corner above a Large Medikit. Some Chaingun Cannon Ammo is beside one of the
tills. Now, you could follow the hallway out, but you'd just end up outside
after fighting an Alien Drone and a Mounted Gun. Instead, facing the tills from
the front, go to the farthest right. Behind that till are four buttons that you
must hit a combination on, which is O O X X. This unlocks the door that's
closest to the till that you're in.
[Office] When you open the door, you will be greeted by an Alien Drone. Climb
the stairs and get the Large Medikit on the way up. As you go into the office,
kill the two Troopers and get the Steroids on the desk and the RPG Ammo on top
of the file cabinets. You will be attacked by a Commander and a Trooper in the
room right beside the office. Take them out and get the Pipebombs on top of the
crate. This next part requires a bit of dexterity. You will notice a red button
beside a small compartment, and behind you near the ceiling you will see another
small compartment. You need to do this to get the Red Key. Hit the red switch
here. Then, do a 180 degree turn, and you will notice a small compartment has
opened, revealing another red button. This is timed so be very quick in shooting
that button. Shooting this button opens the compartment beside the original red
button, and this holds the Red Key but is also timed. Now, you can blow up the
crack in the wall when you have got it. Go back to the Meat Room.
Getting to the Red Key Slot / Getting to the Exit
[Vegetables] Where the stack of crates with the RPG is, face the wall where the
checkpoint arrow points and go down the left path. There is a Commander waiting
for you, and as you go down the hall farther, to the right is the entrance to
the vegetables section. In there, however, are two Alien Drones and a Commander.
After you kill them, you can get the spoils, which include three Laser
Tripbombs, two boxes of Shotgun Shells, and Body Armor. Now go down to the end
of the hallway, you will see the Red Key door.
[Box Room] Immediately to your left there is a stack of crates with a Trooper
and three Small Medikits on top. To the right there is a Pig Cop between the
boxes and the wall. You can go past where this Pig Cop died and look at the tall
crate and jump on it to get the Microwave Expander Ammo on top.
[SECRET 5] There is a small box here that you can jump on (to get to it, from
the entrance to this room, go right, the follow the path to the small box). You
can jump up onto the small box and into the little alcove above it. Open this to
reveal a Freezer Ammo, Pipebombs, and Night Vision Goggles.
Going down the first aisle from the right, you will encounter some resistance in
the form of Pig Tank and an Alien Drone. Kill them, and get the six Small
Medikits in between the shelves. At the end of the first aisle is an Atomic
Health on some crates. There is a switch at the very top of these crates that
opens the trash compactor doors. To get to it, you have to go to the far left of
the crate stack, kill the Pig Cop and get the Large Medikit, climb up the boxes
then hit the switch. In the second aisle, there is a Holoduke in a hole in one
of the shelves. You can use this small hole as cover against the two Troopers,
the Commander and the possible Alien Drone that's around here in the third
aisle. Around the third aisle are two Large Medikits and two Small Medikits.
[SECRET 6] Go behind the stack of crates nearest to the trash compactor doors.
There is a small arrow on the back of the box, open the part of the boxes that
it's pointing at to reveal Steroids, Shotgun Shells and RPG Ammo.
[Trash Compactor] You have to avoid the trash compactors to get to the exit. To
do this, you must first go close to the tiny depression in the wall right across
from the entrance to the trash compactors. Doing this reveals a button, hit it
quickly as it is timed. Now, back before you went in the acid, a switch panel
will raise. Pressing each switch will stop each of the four trash compactors
individually. Make sure you do it when they are just a bit above crouching
distance. The Exit Symbol is at the other end of all the trash compactors.
[SECRET 7] Under the second trash compactor, the left wall (facing the Exit
Symbol) can be opened to get Protective Boots, a Portable Medikit and RPG Ammo.
There is a crack in the wall here that can be used to get back to just before
the Meat Room.
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-04-04] | E4L04 Babe Land | 06:32 | 3:16 | 04 | E4L05 |
Getting the Blue Key
[Entrance] You start in a pipe. Exit this pipe and you will notice two booths.
One has a Pig Cop in it, kill it and go in it to get a Shotgun. The other booth
has a Large Medikit. Both booths have a switch in it that disables the
Forcefield around the revolving door beside them. Go through one of the
revolving doors.
[Babeland Hub] When you go through one of the doors you will have to fight two
Pig Cops that will drop down from either side of you. Follow the path and you
will come to the Babeland Hub (you will eventually be able to access all the
areas in the level through here). To you immediate left is a Pig Cop hiding
behind some boxes. Across the pool here is a grate that contains two Captains,
and there is a window to your right that has two Pig Cops in it. On the top of
the boxes to your left there are Shotgun Shells and behind the boxes is a Large
Medikit. You can climb the boxes to get to a ledge which has some Pipebombs on
it. There is some Pistol Ammo behind a Duke sign.
[Underwater] There are various Octabrains and Slimer Eggs in the fountains, but
it will be hard to take them out with Pipebomb as the fountain is quite large.
After you are done killing them, you can get the two Microwave Expander Ammo on
the floor. There is also a grate that leads to the D-Cup Ride's pool.
[D-Cup Ride] The only place that you can go into right away is the D-cup ride,
which is easily identifiable by a sign on the wall. There is a booth in the hall
to the ride that has Steroids and two Pistol Ammo. When you go through the
revolving door, a Captain will attack you right away. When you see the ride
itself, two Mounted Guns will attack you from the other side of the ride and two
Troopers on a ledge above it. On the ride itself are two Captains. The ride
consists of two cups that rotate around a central shaft, and you can get up to
the areas on the other side of the ride by riding the D-Cups. You have to get to
all three and hit the switches on each small platform. There is a Chaingun
Cannon Ammo on the right platform and a Chaingun Cannon in the center one. This
will lower a portion of the central shaft of the ride which has the Blue Key in
Getting to the Blue Key Slot
[Under the Ride] There are three Octabrains, six Slimer Eggs and a Trooper in a
cup underwater. Other than that, a box of Shotgun Shells awaits you in the
corner and in the cup that the Trooper was in is a Portable Medikit. The grate
in the wall here leads back to the Underwater fountain in the Hub area.
[Hub] Go back to the hub, on the boxes here you can get up to a ledge. There is
some Pipebombs here and you have access to a broken part of a bridge, jump on it
and get the Atomic Health on the small raised platform and get into the window.
There is a Pistol Ammo and a RPG Ammo in there. You can look in the monitor here
and you will see a door in front of the One Eyed Pete's Ride area, you have to
open this to continue the level. The switches on either side of the monitor must
be turned on like this: hit the bottom one on the left side and both on the
right side. Now go to the One Eyed Pete's Ride that you just opened.
[One Eyed Pete's Shooting Gallery] You can use the Blue Key on the Blue Key slot
here right away. There is also a booth here that has a Pig Cop guarding a box of
Shotgun Shells. When you are ready go through the revolving door. Now in the
ride there are three Pistols on the counter and a Large Medikit in the corner.
The shooting gallery consists of five targets and some ducks that cycle through
the area; there are two Atomic Health that are with the ducks as well. Behind
the five targets there is a RPG and a Small Medikit. Note that getting this next
secret is mandatory to beating this level.
Getting the Red Key / Getting to the Red Key Slot
[SECRET 1] This is kind of stupid, this one. You have to shoot the second target
from the left and the second target on the left, this will lower the platform
with the Prizes on it. Inside there, two Pig Cops will attack. When you kill
them, you can get the Red Key, Night Vision Goggles, and Body Armor inside
there. This secret is mandatory for level completion.
[SECRET 2] When you enter the gallery, you will notice a crack on the wall
across from the entrance, blow it up and two Alien Drones will jump out and
attack you so be careful. In the secret area there is a box of Shotgun Shells.
When you get the Red Key, go back to the hub area and to the Babes of the
Caribbean ride (this is identifiable by the sign on the wall).
[Babes of the Caribbean] The Red Key slot is guarded by a Pig Cop, there is also
some Chaingun Cannon Ammo in that booth. When you use the Red Key, the
Forcefield in front of the revolving door will drop, but watch out for the Pig
Cop that will come and attack you from the entrance to the booth. Go through the
revolving door when you are ready, and be prepared to fight some enemies. Going
down the first part of the walkway, you'll have to fight three Troopers on
Jetpacks (there is a Small Medikit near them) and an Alien Drone will spawn
behind you. Continue down, there is a room divided into a walkway in which an
Alien Drone and a Pig Cop reside. There are two Small Medikits around this area
on the walls. Now when you are ready get to the main part of the ride.
Getting to the Exit
[Boat Ride] At the actual entrance of the ride you will have to fight an Alien
Drone right off. In the booth with the window there are two Pig Cops, and you
will also be attacked once in a while by some RPVs (you can use the booth as
cover). Now to progress with the level, you have to catch a ride on one of the
boats that is rotating around this area. There is a RPG Ammo on the boarding
area, but when you go near this, a door will open across the river from you,
with four Pig Cops in it. There are also Body Armor and a Large Medikit in that
room. There are some items that are on the boats, which include a RPG, a
Chaingun Cannon, and a Shrink Ray.
[Jail Cell] Take one of the boats and get off at the first possible place. There
is a Pig Cop in a jail cell here, when you kill it, a wall across the river will
explode revealing four more Pig Cops. You can Jetpack over to that crack in the
wall to get Pipebombs inside it.
[SECRET 3] There is a crack in the door near the prison cell, you can destroy it
to enter it and get some RPG Ammo.
[Auction Platform] Get back on a boat and get onto the next platform that you
can, you will initially be attacked by three Troopers and a Captain on a higher
platform and if you go close to it a door will open, revealing three Pig Cops in
there. There is also a Chaingun Cannon Ammo in that room. There are Night Vision
Goggles in the corner in the corner of the lower platform. Now go to the upper
platform and another door will open, and you will have to fight three more Pig
Cops. There is a Holoduke and Protective Boots up here and you can get a RPG
Ammo where the Pig Cops came from. To continue with the level, you can't keep on
taking the boats. You will notice on the upper platform an arrow pointing
towards a "hard hat area", you'll have to get the Protective Boots on and follow
that path.
[Ship and Castle] Get on to the first place of land that you can see, you can
get either two Devastator Ammo or a RPG Ammo, depending on the way that you came
here. You can see a bit of the ship from here, this is beneficial because you
can use this part of the castle that you are one for cover. A battle between a
pirate ship and a castle is going on, and you can get caught in the crossfire if
you aren't careful (the cannon balls can do significant damage to you!). There
is a Battlelord over there that you should take out, however, cannons may
distract your fire (auto aim) so you should probably avoid using the Devastator
right away and shoot them with a RPG. When you finish off the Battlelord you can
get the Freezer Ammo at the front of the castle. You should probably destroy the
two cannons on the castle and on the ship if you haven't already and be prepared
to swim.
[Under Ship] When you go underwater you will be attacked by some sharks, but
there are other enemies under here, namely the clumps of Octabrains and Slimer
Eggs that are on either side of the ships opposite - great RPG targets. Beside
the left clump there are two Laser Tripbombs and on the right one there is a
Scuba Gear and a Large Medikit. Under the ship there are two Small Medikits. On
the right side of the ship there is a crack in the wall, destroy it to find a
Large Medikit and a Chaingun Cannon Ammo in it.
[Ship] Swim up the hole in the bottom of the ship to get into it, and you will
initially have to fight two Octabrains. There are some barrels near them that
you can explode to deal damage to them. There is a Shrink Ray on the platform
that they were on. Go through the Teleport Pad here to get onto the top of the
ship. If you destroyed the cannons you probably won't have a lot of trouble up
here. There is a RPG Ammo on the lesser elevated part of the ship and a Freezer
and a Large Medikit on one of the elevated portions (beside the steering wheel
of the ship). There are two switches on the ship on the mast columns, the light
switch turns on the lights on the top part of the castle opposite you (go
figure) and the other switch opens the gate of the castle. When you open the
door, you will be assaulted by a Battlelord and two Troopers from within the
gates, so be careful and use the mast columns as cover. Note that the other
Teleport Pad on the ship takes you back to the entrance to Babes of the
[Castle] Jump over to the castle entrance. When you go through the door, an
Alien Drone will spawn on the highest part of the castle and attack you so be
careful. In the courtyard of the castle there is a Shotgun and an Atomic Health
on the ground and a Large Medikit on a box. Jump on that box to get up to the
castle walls. Follow the wall around and get the Chaingun Cannon, Devastator and
RPG on the way. There is a door at the other side which you can enter.
[Castle Interior] There is an Alien Drone right ahead of you when you open the
door so you might want to rig the entrance with a few Pipebombs. When you kill
it, you can get access to the top of the castle through another door on the
inside. There are Pipebombs, a Jetpack, a Holoduke, and two Microwave Expander
[SECRET 4] A Jetpack is required for this secret, which is very poorly designed
because there are really no clues on how to find it. Face the ship and look to
the right of it, you will see a security camera there whose sister monitor is in
the hull of the ship. Jetpack up to the camera and try to enter to the right of
the camera (you have to be at the same height of the camera and touching the
ceiling. You will eventually pass through a secret wall into a ventilation
shaft, follow it down to get an Atomic Health.
[Castle Hallway] There is a second doorway in the castle interior, which is
locked by a button combination (X O X O). There is an Alien Drone waiting for
you at the other end of the hall. Rig the door at the other end of the hall with
Laser Tripbombs and / or Pipebombs and move back when opening it as two more
Alien Drones are there. In the next hallway, there is an indestructible gun
firing on a wall opposite it, in it's line of fire is an Alien Drone and it will
take some damage but not die so be careful of that. There is a pause in the
gun's firing so use this to your advantage. In the final room there is an Alien
Drone hiding behind the door that you will open so be careful. The Exit Symbol
is also here.
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-04-05] | E4L05 Pigsty | 02:02 | 1:01 | 05 | E4L06, E4L11s |
(Access to Secret Level: E4L11, Area 51)
Getting the Blue Key / Getting to the Blue Key Slots
[Street] You will start in the parking lot outside of a building, and you can
get the box of Shotgun Shells behind you to start off. There is also a Chaingun
Cannon in front of a barred window. When you go closer to the building, you will
hear a car crash and some chaos within the building, and after that's all said
and done a Pig Tank will come and assault you. Take him out and get the
Pipebombs and a Large Medikit that's at one side of the parking lot (note the
manhole cover near here can be destroyed and grant access to a later part of the
level). Near a lamp post at the entrance of the building is a Large Medikit.
[SECRET 1] You need a Jetpack for this one, but it's pretty easy to miss.
Jetpack up the building with windows on the outside. You can go in one of the
windows here (it has some graffiti under the window). Once you enter, you will
get the secret and can now get the Freezer, Steroids and Microwave Expander Ammo
around this place and the Devastator and RPG behind the desk.
[L.A.R.D Building] Go in the entrance of the building. There is another Pig Tank
in the entrance so be very careful. There is plenty of stuff abound for you,
including Shotgun Shells and Body Armor on a couch, as well as Chaingun Cannon
Ammo near the phones at the entrance and a Large Medikit on a counter near the
car. When you are ready, go to the stairs at the other end of the entrance of
the building. There are two sets of stairs to your left and right, and two Pig
Cops are at the top of both flights.
[SECRET 2] At the bottom of the right flight of stairs there is a switch. Hit it
and run over to the phones to get an Atomic Health. Go up the left flight to
start. The second room to your left will have a RPG in it. The third room on
your left is open, but has a Pig Cop hiding behind the door so be careful.
[Offices] Right when you enter here you will be attacked by an Enforcer. There
is a light switch near the door to this room, so turn it on to shed some light
in here. To your left in this room is a Portable Medikit and a box of Shotgun
Shells. On one side of the book shelf here are some offices; the farthest one
has Night Vision Goggles and a Small Medikit on it. On the other side of the
bookshelf are four Pig Cops. Take them out with a Pipebomb. There is also a
window here from which you can see down to the bottom of a room.
[Computer Room] Drop down into the room below. You will be attacked by a Pig Cop
and probably an Enforcer from the computer room. In the computer room there are
also two more Enforcer. When you go into that room a Commander will spawn in the
offices that you were just in and fire on you, so be careful of that. There are
Steroids on top of the computers here as well. Now, go out of the computer room
and go to the right. You will be attacked by a Pig Cop at one side of the room
and an Enforcer will jump out from the darkness to your right. The Blue Key is
at the other end of this room. Go up the ramp, get the RPG Ammo at the top of it
and use the Blue Key. Now, all of the rooms that were locked with the Blue Key
will be opened. Exit this room and go down the ramp to the Security Access door.
Getting the Red Key / Getting to the Red Key Slot
[Security Access] You will be attacked by a Pig Cop right away, and around the
corner two Enforcers await you, and they are guarding Pipebombs, Jetpack, and a
Large Medikit. There are two non- Blue Key doors here, go in the right one first
and kill the two Pig Cops in that room. There are two Laser Tripbombs and a
Large Medikit on top of some audio equipment on the desk. Now you can go to the
room across from you and get the Freezer.
[SECRET 3] In the room with the audio equipment you can use the thing with the
two reels on it and this will open a door to the right of you. You can go in
this room to get the Atomic Health.
[Prison Cells] There are two parts of the room after the Blue Key door. The
first is an acid bath that has two Octabrains over it. There are two prison
cells here; in them are a few Slimer Eggs. The cell on the right has Pipebombs
and a Large Medikit and the cell on the left has Devastator Ammo. The other part
of the room has a Commander in it so you should avoid getting hit by him as he
is behind a cell door. Dispose of him, open the cell door and you will come into
a room just loaded with Slimer Eggs, amongst them is the Red Key. Go back up to
the Offices area.
[Blue Key Door Offices] Right across from the top of the first Blue Key door
that you opened is another that you can open. Inside that room there is an
Enforcer to greet you right off and a Pig Cop to your left. There is also a
Large Medikit on the counter to your left and a pistol near the photocopier.
Further in there is a Large Medikit in a drawer in the file cabinet and a box of
Shotgun Shells on top of it. There is a Red Key door here that you can open.
[SECRET 4] There is a bookshelf near the file cabinet that you can open. Follow
it down to get to the area that you can see at the beginning of the level, it
looks like an execution place. There is an Atomic Health and three Chaingun
Cannons down here.
Getting the Yellow Key / Getting to the Yellow Key Slot
[Large Office] There is a Commander waiting for you in this room so be careful.
There is a Microwave Expander Ammo beside the file cabinet in this room and the
Yellow Key and some Steroids are on the desk.
[SECRET 5] The big map in this room can be opened to acquire a Portable Medikit.
[Court] Now that you got the Yellow Key go back to the entrance to the LARD
building. You can go up the right staircase now and fight the two Pig Cops
there. Kill them and get the box of Shotgun Shells up there. There is a fire
extinguisher here that can be destroyed to give an exit back onto the street.
Now use the Yellow Key and open the big doors here. Five Captains await you, and
after you are done with them you can get the Shrink Ray on a desk and a RPG Ammo
in a phone booth.
Getting to the Exit
[Courtroom] This room is pretty loaded and you should be pretty careful in here
and use Pipebombs to your advantage. Besides the Battlelord acting as the judge
here, there are two Enforcers, two Pig Cops, and two Alien Drones. Use the doors
to your advantage and take your time. When you are done, get the Atomic Health
in on top where the witness stand is. When you do this, a wall will open and two
Pig Tanks will attack, and in the place where they came from there is a Large
Medikit. Back on the stand there is a switch that opens a door to the Exit Room.
[SECRET LEVEL] Open the big George Washington picture behind where the judge
sits. You will come to the Secret Level Exit Symbol.
[Exit Room] There are two Large Medikits on top of a bookshelf here, and the
Exit Symbol is at the end of the table here.
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-04-06] | E4L06 Going Postal | 03:04 | 1:52 | 04 | E4L07 |
Getting the Blue Key / Getting to the Blue Key Slot
[Parking Lot] You will start in the large parking lot. Get the Pistol Ammo at
your side and in the dumpster there is some Pipebombs. When you proceed farther
down into the parking lot you will have to fight an Alien Drone. There is a
burning trash barrel with two Pistol Ammo beside it and a Mounted Gun above it.
You can jump on top of the fire truck here in the corner of this area and get
the Atomic Health.
[SECRET 1] On the side of the fire truck with the fire hydrant there is a panel
on the side of the truck about the middle of it. You will hear a door open when
you hit it this door will be at the back of the truck. You have to jump through
this burning window to get on the inside of it to get the Devastator and the
Protective Boots. This secret is timed and you can hit the switch to the right
of the entrance to get out of it.
[Post Office Entrance] Go in the main doors of the building. To your right you
will be fired on by a Mounted Gun so take it out. If you look around the main
post office area you will find a paw print on the wall, press it to open a
compartment that holds a Shotgun. Now, go back, to your left is initially a Pig
Cop and if you follow it in farther you will have to fight two more. There is a
Holoduke on one counter near the Wanted poster and a Small Medikit near another.
There's a switch behind the counter that opens the mail shafts so you can go
through them.
[SECRET 2] The wanted poster here can be opened to reveal a vent that has some
Pipebombs behind some mail.
[Mail Sorting] Go down one of the mail shafts and follow until you reach the
bottom. You will be attacked by a Pig Cop initially followed by an Enforcer.
There are also some Slimers Eggs on the floor here. There is a RPG on a stack of
mail and a box of Shotgun Shells on a counter, and two Small Medikits around
this area. Follow the new path through by going up the stairs. You will have to
fight two Pig Cops that are on the top of the stairs. As you turn the left
corner you will be attacked by an Enforcer, an Alien Drone and a Pig Cop so
maybe you'd want to throw a Pipebomb around the corner.
[Locker Room] There are Steroids on the bench here. There are also four lockers,
in the farthest left one there is a Large Medikit, in the third there is the
Blue Key and in the fourth there is Body Armor.
[SECRET 3] You can open the back of the second locker from the left here. This
reveals a secret room where there are two Alien Drones behind a desk. On some of
the sandbags there is a Pistol and beside it there is some Pistol Ammo. Around
more sandbags there is a Pistol Ammo and beside the boxes there is a Pistol Ammo
a Chaingun Cannon is on top of it. There is also a grate to a vent in this room
that has a Small Medikit in it, and if you go behind the sandbags the little
cage will open that has a Portable Medikit in it.
[SECRET 4] In this same room, notice the picture of the dog on the wall. It has
a target in the middle of it and the title "YOUR ENEMY". Shoot the middle of the
target. A small shelf will open to your left, and inside it is an Atomic Health
and two RPG Ammo [Credit: Jacek D].
Getting the Red Key / Getting to the Red Key Slot
[Mail Processing] Go out of the locker room and go down to the end of the
hallway that has the Blue Key Slot on it. Use the Blue Key here to drop the
Forcefield beside it. In this next room there are a couple of Troopers and two
Mounted Guns waiting for you, and some Slimers crawling around.
[SECRET 5] Notice the small conveyor that processes individual letters. Jump
over this and go to the center column, you can open it to reveal a vent. Follow
it through to get a Shrink Ray. A Freezer Ammo is in the corner. Ride the
conveyor belt now. There is an Alien Drone waiting for you initially, and
another Alien Drone is waiting for you on the belt. Two more Pig Cops and a
Trooper are on the boxes here. On top of the boxes are a Devastator and a Large
Medikit. In the corner of this room are some Slimers Eggs and a Trooper guarding
a Pistol, and across from that are another Alien Drone and three more Slimer
Eggs guarding a Freezer. On the beam nearest that corner are two Alien Drones
ready to pounce. Near them is the Red Key Slot so make sure to notice this.
Where the conveyor belt goes through a black wall there is a beam, where RPG
Ammo can be found. If you go through the conveyor belt (you can go through the
black flap) you will get an Atomic Health. As the conveyor progresses there will
be a room full of barrels, and amongst them are a Shrink Ray Ammo, a Microwave
Expander Ammo and a Small Medikit. Circulating on the conveyor belt are
Steroids, Night Vision Goggles, Body Armor, a Large Medikit, and a Small
Medikit. Now go back near the boxes at the entrance of the room. There is a door
that says "MAIL" on it. You will have to fight a Pig Cop first off. On the desk
here there are Pipebombs, and you will notice some canisters beside a door: you
can destroy the canisters to reveal an exit to the entrance to the Post Office.
Go back on the conveyor. Follow it through, you will have to kill some Slimers.
You will come to an ending with two alcoves on the left and right with a Red Key
and a Portable Medikit. You can drop out here and go to the Red Key door.
Getting the Yellow Key / Getting to the Yellow Key Slot / Getting to the Exit
[Outside] Using the Red Key will open the garage door a small crack. When you
exit you will be attacked by two initial Alien Drones and another two will leap
at you from behind the post office truck. In the truck there are two Laser
Tripbombs. Around the corner to the right are a Small Medikit and a Forcefield
that can be deactivated to lead back to the beginning of the level. Across from
the Red Key door there is an overturned Post Office Truck and they Yellow Key
door. You can jump on top of the truck and get in the doorway of it to get an
Atomic Health. Go to the garage door and then to the sandbag barrier at the
other side. Get in the fort and prepare for a fight. You will be fighting
various waves of enemies. You will notice two red circles on the way to the
fort, and they can be detonated by two switches inside the fort. Don't do it
until there is a ton of enemies that you can kill. Inside the fort there are a
lot of items, a Devastator, a Chaingun Cannon, Pipebombs, three Chaingun Cannon
Ammo, a box of Shotgun Shells, a RPG Ammo, three Pistol Ammo, a Portable
Medikit, and Body Armor. You should probably rig the outside of the fort with
Pipebombs and Laser Tripbombs, and get your Devastator, RPG, and Chaingun Cannon
ready. This is going to be quite a battle. The first load is going to be
composed of Troopers. They will probably trip the Laser Tripbombs that you laid
out and you can take out any survivors with the Chaingun Cannon. Next will be a
wave of Pig Cops and two Pig Tanks with them, and they will be pretty far away
and won't shoot until they are quite close. Use the RPG with wanton disregard at
this stage and make sure you take out the tanks. The tanks have the greatest
chance to make it to your fort, so try and take them out with the RPG and go
ahead and use one of the explosion switches. Then will be a load of enforcers,
so use the Devastator to take them out quickly after you use the last switch.
There is a Battlelord as the last wave. Kill it with the Devastator and use the
fort as cover if he comes that far. After you do all that, the garage door
across form the fort will open. Go in and get the Yellow Key, Devastator Ammo
and the two Large Medikits. Be very careful or quick when you go to the yellow
key door, however, because a second Battlelord awaits. You can just skip him
[Yellow Key Door] This is just a small hall that leads to the Exit Symbol.
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-04-07] | E4L07 XXX-Stacy | 01:24 | 0:42 | 03 | E4L08 |
Getting the Blue Key / Getting to the Blue Key Slot
[Outside] You will start off in a small fenced off area. Get the Pipebombs,
three Pistol Ammo and the Small Medikit here. Go around the corner to fight four
Troopers and a Pig Tank, take them out but don't waste your ammo on the
multitude of barrels here. Then get the Large Medikit near the corner of this
area, and destroy the trashcans to get a Pipebomb, Shotgun Shells, and a Large
Medikit. Go up the ramp and into the door.
[Entrance] Right when you open the door you will fight two Captains, and when
you go in two Pig Cops await you at the top of a ramp. When you turn the next
corner a third Pig Cop awaits. Go through the door here
[Offices] There is a Pig Cop hiding in the office somewhere but that's it. There
is a Small Medikit on top of the file cabinet, on a desk is a Chaingun Cannon
and Steroids, in a cabinet beside the desk are a Pistol and Protective Boots, a
trash can is able to be broken to reveal a box of Pipebombs near the printing
machine's front. Before you exit, notice the Blue Key door and go through the
curtains with Authorised Personnel above it.
[Filming Room] When you go in the next room the door across from you will open
and three Pig Cops will assault you. There is a Pipebomb beside that door. Then
go to the right when you can. In the cubicle there is a Large Medikit, and
that's all there is in terms of items in that room. Now go through the door
where the Pig Cop came from.
[Storage] In this room there are three Pig Cops but there are many canisters,
and you don't want to destroy them right away if you want to live. So the best
way to do it is to quickly throw a Pipebomb in there, run away and detonate it.
This will make some holes in the wall and kill the Pig Cop in there. Back in
that room there is Body Armor on top of the crates closest to the entrance and
the Blue Key and an Atomic Health are on the other stack.
[SECRET 1] There is a box on top of the stack that has "Top Secret" on the side,
open the front of it to reveal a Freezer.
[Acid River] Go back to the Blue Key slot and when you use the Blue Key it will
open a window. On the ledge outside of it there are two Pig Cops and a Sentry
Drone, and across from them are two more Pig Cops and another Sentry Drone.
Careful taking the Sentry Drone out, do them first. After you are done with them
jump onto the ledge. Get the Portable Medikit and the box of Shotgun Shells at
either side. Notice the acid river below you and the indestructible gun that's
firing across it. Get to the ledge with the box across you and jump from the box
onto the ledge. You will be fired on by a Pig Cop in the window.
Getting the Red Key
[SECRET 2] This requires a Jetpack. Jetpack up the side of the building that you
are on that doesn't have the open window and move towards it. The top of the
building has a false wall that you can go through. There are many, many
canisters in there, so don't blow them up right away. Instead drop a Pipebomb in
and run out of the room, detonating it from afar. Go back in and get the spoils,
which include a Devastator, RPG and Pipebomb, and a path to a later part of the
[Comedy Club] Go in the window that had the Pig Cop firing on you from within
it. You will emerge in a comedy club and be assaulted by a Pig Cop to start, and
when you go around the corner three Captains and four Troopers will await you.
Go behind the bar's counter to get a Shotgun and a Large Medikit. Near the stage
there is a Chaingun Cannon Ammo on a table and a trashcan that can be broken to
reveal a Large Medikit. Now go to the switch at the other side of the room.
[Back Outside] You probably heard him laughing and moaning before but when you
went outside for the very first time a Commander was released so be careful.
There is also an Enforcer out there. Get the box of Shotgun Shells near the
double doors and get your Pipebombs ready as there are six Enforcers in the next
room. Kill them with the Pipebombs and then get the various spoils, which
include the Red Key, Devastator, Holoduke and two Pistol Ammo near and on a
counter, the Atomic Health and Freezer Ammo in the lockers here, the box of
Shotgun Shells at the other side of the room and the Small Medikit in the trash
can. If you open the door you will come to a ledge that has a Pipebomb and a
Small Medikit on it. There is a switch here that raises the water level outside
so you can swim over to the ledge across and get the Shotgun Shells. Now, go
into the water and swim around. Watch out for the Sharks down here. Follow the
water bottom and get the box of Shotgun Shells and the Small Medikit and go
through the small opening. Emerge in the control room.
Getting to the Red Key Slot / Getting to the Exit
[Control Room] You will have to fight two Troopers on the upper ledge and an
Octabrain on the lower one. There is a Small Medikit on the upper ledge. Go into
the control room here and fight off the Captain and two Troopers. Get the box of
Shotgun Shells beside the lockers here and open the lockers to find a Night
Vision Goggles and a Microwave Expander Ammo.
[SECRET 3] In this room, there is a switch that lets you change the water level
outside. Make the water level low, and when you do this a Shrink Ray will be
revealed in one of the computers.
[Infested Area] Destroy the green canisters and follow the ramp up. You will
have to fight a weakened Octabrain and maybe an Alien Drone if the explosion
didn't kill it. Then when you go farther in the room a door will open
automatically and five Alien Drones will leap at you so be very careful here.
There are two Laser Tripbombs on top of the pop machine here.
[Office] Open the door near the pop machine to fight three Enforcers. On the
file cabinet there are two Large Medikits and in the trashcan there is some RPG
Ammo. In the room where the Alien Drone came from you can dive in the water
there and get the Scuba Gear at the bottom, as well as the RPG and the Portable
Medikit under some pistons. When you are ready, open the Red Key Door.
[Street] This door leads to two Pig Tanks on the street below you. There is RPG
Ammo near a palm tree. Ready your Shrink Ray and open the garage door. Fire
right away as a Commander is waiting for you. Kill it and go to the Exit Symbol
here in the garage.
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-04-08] | E4L08 Critical Mass | 03:18 | 1:59 | 04 | E4L09 |
Getting the Blue Key / Getting to the Blue Key Slot
[Street] You start in the garage from the last level so get the Pistol Ammo on
the floor and open the door. There are two Pig Tanks waiting for you outside,
kill them and get the Pipebombs in the corner of this area as well as the Body
Armor near the out-of-order garage door. There is a switch opposite this that
opens the door to the garage area.
[Garage] Right when you enter this room you will be attacked by an Enforcer and
when you go down a bit farther two more Enforcers will attack your from the
left. There are three Pistol Ammo on the ramp that you started on. Now, there
are some items that you can get on the boxes here. There is a Shotgun on one of
the lower boxes and you can jump up it to get a Small Medikit. From this box you
can get an Atomic Health, RPG Ammo, Chaingun Cannon Ammo, and a Large Medikit on
various boxes around the room. On the box that has the Chaingun Cannon Ammo and
the Large Medikit you can get to a vent that has a Pipebomb and Night Vision
Goggles in it. Near that box on the floor is a box of Shotgun Shells. Now make
sure you have gotten every thing that you wanted down here before you go up the
staircase because you won't be able to come back here. Go up the spiral
staircase at the end of the room and open the door.
[Explosions Room] When you enter this room there will be two Enforcers firing on
you, run up to them and don't stay in the red lighted room. You can get the
Chaingun Cannon, Chaingun Cannon Ammo and the Large Medikit in the red room
while you are running. Kill the two Enforcers and make sure you are not in the
red room because the entire ceiling will collapse on you.
[SECRET 1] Instead of rushing to avoid the ceiling coming down, you can wait
right at the entrance of explosions room, and opposite the door that you entered
a secret door will eventually open. Inside there is an Atomic Health and a
Teleport Pad to the area that you would normally run to if you didn't use the
secret. Be wary, however, if you do this because you will teleport into the room
and have to fight two Alien Drones and the two Enforcers that were there if you
didn't kill them. When the ceiling goes down all the way two small doors will
open to either side of you, with an Alien Drone in each. There is a Chaingun
Cannon Ammo in the corner and two Large Medikits and two Small Medikits in
various places here. Now in one of the rooms that the Alien Drone came out of
there is a grate that you have to break.
[Trash Compactor] When you drop into the water the walls will start to close
together. If you didn't notice it, you're gonna get squished if you don't do
something. There is a switch underwater along with some Octabrains that you
shouldn't worry about. When you hit the switch a door will open opposite the
grate that you can go in.
[Trash Control] You can get the Pipebombs and the Scuba Gear on the ground here,
and the Atomic Health and the Large Medikit in the two little medical
compartments here. Go to the door when you are ready.
[SECRET 2] There is a computer here that you touch to open a door near it, which
conceals a Portable Medikit.
[Electrified Room] When you go down to the end of the next room the lights will
turn off and the walls will open, revealing two Alien Drones. There is a
Chaingun Cannon Ammo at the end of the hallway and a Devastator and a Microwave
Expander Ammo where the Alien Drone came out. After that happened, the door to
the next room opened, which has lightning striking it. When you go in that room
two more walls will open with two more Alien Drones. There is a switch to the
left that opens these doors if they close, and inside them you can get a Night
Vision Goggles and a Small Medikit on the left one and a Pipebomb and a Holoduke
in the right one. Go up the elevator at the other end of the room.
[Box Room] Right off in this room is a Pig Cop that wants you dead, and around
the corner are two more so take them out. On the stack of boxes nearest the
entrance is Steroids and across from that are boxes with a Portable Medikit on
top. In the center stack there are two Laser Tripbombs, Shotgun Shells, and a
Large Medikit on top. Go in the doors at the other end of the room. There are
some doors at the other end of the room that you must go into next.
[Windows Room] Proceed down this room; you will come to a clump of Enforcers aka
Pipebomb targets. When you are done get the Freezer on the shelf and go into the
only non- locked door in the room.
[Office Room] Once again get those Pipebombs ready as there are four Pig Cops in
that room. In this room there is a Shotgun on the table, Body Armor on the
computer, two Large Medikits on top of a file cabinet and a Chaingun Cannon Ammo
in the trashcan. On the wall are a set of switches that you must hit in the
order X O X X. It unlocks the compartment beside it which has the Blue Key in
it. Go out of the room and back into the Window Room. Use the Blue Key in the
slot here.
[Generator] It's quite dark in here so you can actually put your Night Vision
Goggles to use for once. There are five Octabrains and a bunch of Slimer Eggs
all across the room. There is a Freezer Ammo on the circumference of the
generator here.
[SECRET 3] From the entrance, to the left is a clump of green canisters. Blow
them up and go into the resulting crack in the wall to get a RPG.
[SECRET 4] This secret requires a Jetpack. You can Jetpack up in the darkness
and go to the platform opposite the entrance. There is a Shrink Ray and a
Devastator Ammo up in this room.
Getting the Red and Yellow Keys / Getting to the Red and Yellow Key Slots
[Underwater] Note that on the generator's center there is a Chaingun Cannon.
Underwater there are some switches that you must hit in the combination X X X.
The columns of the generator will rise, revealing the Yellow Key and Atomic
Health. Now go back into the windows room and go the Yellow Key door.
[Offices] When you open the Yellow Key door you will be assaulted by three Alien
Drones and then you can get the Pistol Ammo and the Small Medikit on the ground.
Note the Red Key door here. You might get sniped at by the Enforcer in an office
across from you but you can shoot him too. Now go into the double doors.
[Large Office] When you open this door two more Alien Drones will attack you.
After you are done with them get the Red Key on the bookshelf and the Shrink Ray
Ammo on the desk. There is a vent in this room which leads to a Small Medikit.
Now go out to the Offices area and use the Red Key here.
Getting to the Exit
[Red Key Office] Here you will have to fight two Enforcers. When you exit this
part of the building the whole building will collapse and many explosions will
hit you, and thus you should be very careful. Amidst the rubble outside are a
Large Medikit and the Exit Symbol.
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-04-09] | E4L09 Derelict | 05:02 | 2:51 | 05 | E4L10 |
Getting the Blue Key
[Water] You will drop from the sky right into the water. Circulating around you
are some RPVs and in the water there are various Octabrains and Sharks. There is
some stuff underwater. You will notice a large green column extending from the
ship into the ground, around this are a RPG and two Devastator Ammo. In a bunch
of weeds under the ship lie two boxes of Shotgun Shells.
[SECRET 1] If you search the underbelly of the ship there is a hole that leads
into the bottom of the ship. When you go in this you will be attacked by two
Alien Drones but you can lure them out into the water and avoid fighting them.
In this secret room are a Chaingun Cannon, Steroids, Night Vision Goggles and
Body Armor.
[The Ship] There is crane very close to where you start. Watch its actions and
go to where it is going to pick up something. Get picked up by it and get onto
the ship. You will initially have to fight off some Troopers and Captains but
there are other sources of damage as well, like Mounted Gun's mounted on the
sides of the boat and the RPVs if you haven't taken them out yet. On the column
where the crane is there is a Scuba Gear. At the very back of the ship (closest
to where you got picked up) is a Pistol and a RPG Ammo near a box and a Portable
Medikit on top of that box. You can follow the path of that box down to get
Steroids and a Shotgun, and to either side of those under a window is an Atomic
Health. As you go around the other side of the ship you can get Shotgun Shells
and Body Armor near a column. Now, you have to go back to the windows that had
all of the blaster fire coming at you and an Atomic Health underneath. An Alien
Drone may leap and attack you. Go into one of these windows.
[Barrel Room] It doesn't matter what window you go in, in either are two Mounted
Guns firing on you and a bunch of Troopers. Take them out with the Chaingun
Cannon and get the Small Medikit behind a column.
[Center Room] In between the two windows there is a room that has three Captains
and two Troopers in it, there are also some canisters in there so throw a
Pipebomb to save some trouble. Once destroyed, you can get a Shrink Ray, two
Freezer Ammo and a Large Medikit.
[Stairs Room] There are two doors that lead into the same room in the Barrel
Room. In this room there are two Captains and two Troopers, and you can get the
two Laser Tripbombs in this room as well. From here you can go up for down the
spiral staircase.
[Stairs Top] Go up the stairs and get the Large Medikit to get into this room.
There is a Captain and a Trooper up here. There are also two Small Medikits and
two doors to the left and right of the staircase, these doors both lead to the
same area.
[Barrel and Box Room] This room is kind of dangerous. Go in the right door to
make things a bit easier for you. You'll have to kill a Trooper right away but
if you look carefully you'll notice a green canister behind a stack of crates.
Destroy this from the distance you're at to kill a bunch of the Troopers that
were assaulting you. Around the corner there is a big black box and at least
five more Troopers waiting for you on and around it. Take them out with the
Chaingun Cannon. Get the Small Medikit near where you entered and the Devastator
on top of the big black box. There is also a Chaingun Cannon Ammo in the corner.
On the other side there are less Troopers hiding behind the stack of crates but
two Commanders wait for you. After you have killed them you can get the Large
Medikit in the corner and the Freezer on top of the stack of crates. Near the
entrance to this place is a Small Medikit and in the corner near the center door
there is a Microwave Expander Ammo. When you are ready go into the center room.
[Navigation Room] In this room you'll have to fight one or two Alien Drones
initially and another one in the little bedroom area. The Blue Key is here, near
the steering wheel, Night Vision Goggles and a box of Shotgun Shells are on some
computers, a RPG is in the little bedroom area and a Large Medikit is near the
entrance. There is a switch on the big column here that opens the big column,
and you can access the Center Room and the Down Center room from here by
dropping. You can drop from here to the Down Center Room if you want, which is
pretty close to the Blue Key door, but I will assume that you went back to the
Stairs Room and went down the stairs.
Getting to the Blue Key Slot
[Barrel Storage] If you go down you will come to an area that has many Troopers
and a Captain waiting for you. Their blasts will initially destroy the barrels
so you will have time to get out that Chaingun Cannon. After you take them out
you can get the Holoduke on a box and the Microwave Expander Ammo and a Large
Medikit behind it. There are two doors here that lead to the same area.
[Downstairs Hallway] Going in one of the doors brings you here. There are three
Captains and two Troopers for you to deal with. There are two doors on the right
and left ends of this hallway that are locked with switches beside them. These
doors lead to the outside of the ship. In the center of the hallway is a room.
Also in this hallway is the Blue Key slot.
[Down Center Room] In this room, there are a few Troopers and Captains amongst
various barrels. When you take them out you can get the Large Medikit and the
Chaingun Cannon on the back wall and the two Devastator Ammo in front of the
monitor. There is also a switch in this room at the center column. This opens
the column and reveals an Atomic Health, but that's not all. This column gives
you access to the other Center Room, and the Navigation Room above that if you
have a Jetpack. Now, exit this room and go back into the Downstairs Hallway.
[Blue Key Door Room] The Blue Key Slot is at the right of the Downstairs
hallway. Use the Blue Key and it will deactivate the Forcefield in front of an
elevator. Go into the elevator and take it down.
Getting the Red Key / Getting to the Red Key Slot
[Catwalk] You will emerge on a catwalk. At the end opposite you are two Alien
Drones that are perfect RPG targets. From here you can snipe off some Slimers
Eggs and an Alien Drone on a lower area. Three tricky Troopers will come and
attack you on their Jetpacks too. You can then take the elevator down and get
the spoils down there and get the two Devastator Ammo. Notice that the Yellow
Key door is down here. The Red Key door is at the end of the catwalk. When you
are ready, go up the small set of stairs near the entrance to the catwalk.
[Mounted Gun Hallway] Shoot the fire extinguisher near the two Mounted Guns to
destroy them. Get the two Pistol Ammo beside them afterwards. The hallway is
eerily quiet, until you get to the end of it. The walls will open and four
Mounted Guns on either side of the hallway will attack you. However, some of
them will destroy each other. Still, destroy them. There are three places that
you can go now. Facing the door at the other end of the hallway, you can go to
the left, right and center doors. The Left door leads to the Mess Hall area.
The Right Hall leads to the Crew's Quarters area. The center doors are the most
important, leading to the Captain's Quarters area (which contains the Red Key).
[Mess Hall] Going to the left door leads to the mess hall. There is a Commander
behind the counter, with three Captains and two Troopers on the other end. There
is some RPG Ammo behind the Mess Hall's column, a Large Medikit is on the window
sill, and a box of Shotgun Shells is in a trash can.
[SECRET 2] Behind the window there is a switch on a counter with a knife on it.
Pressing this switch will open a small compartment beside you, which contains a
Portable Medikit.
[Crew Quarters] Going in the right door leads to the Crew's Quarters. Kill the
Captain that you can see right off and the Alien Drone that will come
afterwards. Some Troopers will emerge from the rooms. In the left room there are
six Troopers and an Alien Drone that are good Pipebomb or Chaingun Cannon
fodder. On the couch is a Large Medikit and behind the TV is a Chaingun Cannon.
[SECRET 3] Jump on top of the TV to open a compartment across from it that has a
Shotgun in it. Note that you get the secret credit if you just jump on the TV.
[Sleeping Quarters] Opposite this room is another one where there are many beds.
You'll have to fight a Trooper right off and a Trooper and a Captain in the
right set of beds. In the right beds there are three Chaingun Cannon Ammo in a
metal chest, and a Pistol Ammo and a Large Medikit on some of the beds. In the
other sleeping quarters there is an Alien Drone on a bed and a Trooper. On the
beds there are Steroids, Freezer Ammo and a Large Medikit.
[Captain's Quarters] Going through the center doors leads to the Captain's
quarters, which is a pretty dangerous place as it contains three Alien Drones
and a Commander to boot. After you dispose of them with the aid of Pipebombs,
you can get the Red Key on the desk here. There are also some other items on the
desks here, including Body Armor and a Large Medikit near the bed, Shotgun
Shells near the drink counter, and Night Vision Goggles and a box of Shotgun
Shells on the desk. Now go to the Red Key door back on the Catwalk area.
[SECRET 4] Above the desk is a clock. Use the clock to cause the bookshelf in
this room to lower, reveal a Shrink Ray, two Microwave Expander Ammo, and two
Atomic Health.
Getting the Yellow Key / Getting to the Yellow Key Slot
[Generator Room] This is the room that was locked with the Red Key. An Alien
Drone is there to greet you, and below you are a Trooper and a Captain. Going
closer to the generators at the base of the room will cause three Alien Drones
to notice you. There is a Shotgun on the right side of the generators, a
Microwave Expander Ammo in a crevice on the front few, a Chaingun Cannon on the
right side and an Atomic Health in between the generators. On the other side is
an Alien Drone that will attack you, along with a Microwave Expander Ammo in the
place opposite where the other Microwave Expander Ammo was and a Large Medikit
in the corner. A Battlelord will also notice you in the room across from the
generators. In this room there is also an Alien Drone. When you take these two
enemies out, you can get the Yellow Key that is on top of a box as well as the
two Pipebombs and the Body Armor that's just a bit higher than those. Behind the
crates, in the fire, is another Alien Drone guarding an Atomic Health. When you
are ready, go back to the Catwalk area and to the Yellow Key door that's near
[Crane Room] Using the Yellow Key will take down the Forcefield that's in front
of this room. Go in. A Alien Drone will fall from the roof and attack you. When
you go farther into the room a Commander will attack you from on high and two to
four Alien Drones will come and attack. There is two Pistol Ammo near the
entrance. At the left side of this room is a box of Shotgun Shells and a Large
Medikit. In the center portion of this room are two RPG Ammo and an Atomic
Health. Go to the right part of this room and take the conveyor belt. In this
room there are initially a Trooper and two Commanders. There are Shotgun Shells
in a corner.
[SECRET 5] You can climb the boxes all the way up with jumping. When you get to
the highest point a Trooper and a Commander will attack you from a hole in the
boxes. You can drop in this gap after you kill them to get a RPG and Protective
Getting to the Exit
[Crane Room] Now, get on the conveyor and wait until you stop moving to get
picked up. You'll land in another area and be attacked by a Trooper and a
Captain behind some barrels. There is some Steroids back there too. There is a
Large Medikit in the opposite corner and Protective Boots on the same wall.
There is also a highly potent acid pit here that really kills you quickly - even
if you're not touching the acid! So be careful. You have to get through this
acid pit however if you don't have a Jetpack. Save before you do it and use your
boots. Just run up the acid fall, swim down under the obstacle and then swim up
to emerge on a platform with barrels. There is a Trooper behind them and a
Microwave Expander Ammo and a Large Medikit are on the same platform. You can
exit the small door in this room and fight the Alien Drone and the Trooper that
you encounter. Go around this area and get the Chaingun Cannon Ammo and the box
of Shotgun Shells on the window sill. If you go past the window you can hit a
switch that unlocks an elevator which leads down to the beginning of the area.
There is another passage that you can go down that's just before the window. If
you go to the right you can reach another elevator that can be unlocked to bring
you down to the same area as before. You can go left and then right to come to a
room with some barrels and three Troopers in it.
You can go into the pool here too, it has two Devastator Ammo and an Atomic
Health at the bottom amongst some Octabrains. There is another switch near here
that will let you out onto the top of the whole barrel moving complex. On top of
here are Pipebombs, two Chaingun Cannon Ammo and a Large Medikit. Now, drop down
to the side opposite of the door (into the water to avoid taking damage).
However, before you do that, you might want to drop a lot of Pipebombs down into
that area, as there is a Battlelord, two Octabrains and a ton of Slimer Eggs. If
you have a Jetpack it is VERY useful against the Battlelord down there. After
you kill it, you can get the Atomic Health near the pool. Then dive into it.
[Green Column] You will swim down the green column that you saw at the beginning
of the level. There are four Octabrains down here that you might want to take
out with Pipebombs. Then, get to the very bottom of the green column. The Exit
Symbol is here.
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-04-10] | E4L10 The Queen | 10:50 | 5:25 | 07 | ----- |
(Boss Level)
Getting the Blue Key / Getting to the Blue Key Slot
[Operating Room] There's nothing in this room, so go to the Teleport Pad on the
other side of the room.
[Outer Waterfall Room] Note that when you come from the Teleport Pad you will be
in front of the Yellow Key slot. This room is divided into several parts. Where
you start there are four Large Medikits. You can go left or right. Either way
you go you will have to fight a Trooper at the entrance to a shaft and then an
Alien Drone and an Enforcer inside it. The shaft leads to the other side of the
area and there are Chaingun Cannons at either entrance to you. On the upper
portions above the shaft area there are two Pipebombs that you can acquire.
There is also a Large Medikit near either column.
[SECRET 1] You will notice some elevated platforms in this room that cannot be
accessed by jumping. You have to use the Jetpack to get up to them. On the right
path you can Jetpack up there to get two boxes of Shotgun Shells.
[SECRET 2] You will notice some elevated platforms in this room that cannot be
accessed by jumping. You have to use the Jetpack to get up to them. On the right
path you can Jetpack up there to get two Devastator Ammo.
[SECRET 3] You will notice some elevated platforms in this room that cannot be
accessed by jumping. You have to use the Jetpack to get up to them. On the left
path you can Jetpack up there to get two Chaingun Cannon Ammo.
[SECRET 4] You will notice some elevated platforms in this room that cannot be
accessed by jumping. You have to use the Jetpack to get up to them. On the left
path you can Jetpack up there to get two RPG Ammo.
There are two Green rooms here that you can enter; you will have to fight an
Enforcer and a Trooper when you are in there. When you are ready, go up the ramp
that's in the middle of the room.
[Code Room] Go up the ramp and fight the Trooper that is there. Get into the
room and fight the two Enforcers and the Trooper that are in there. Get the two
Pipebombs, four Devastator Ammo, and two Large Medikits that are scattered
about. There is a row of switches on the column that you have to hit in the
order X O X. This will open a door opposite you can down the ramp.
[Outer Shell 1] There are many Troopers waiting for you so use the Chaingun
Cannon right away. Then, circle the area to the left or right. Going to the
right you will have to fight a few Slimer Eggs sitting on some ledges and some
Captains. Going to the left will get you to the next area right away. This room
is loaded with a circle of Slimer Eggs, and two Enforcers guard it. There is
also an Alien Drone and an Octabrain ready to pounce in a nearby hallway. Amidst
the eggs is a RPG and two Large Medikits and in the corners of the room there
are two Devastator Ammo, and behind the big column there are two RPG Ammo. The
small area opposite the big column has a Devastator and a Scuba Gear.
[SECRET 5] On the big column here there is something that looks like - well, I
hate to say it - a butthole. Jump into it and get the Pipebombs, two Devastator
Ammo, RPG Ammo, Chaingun Cannon Ammo, and two Small Medikits. The other end of
this pipe leads to the Inner Shell area.
[Inner Shell 1] One way to get to the inner shell of the Outer Shell area is via
the water. The under water area houses various Alien Drones and Octabrains so be
careful. There are also a couple columns with Slimer Eggs around them, and if
you blow up the Slimer Egg cluster you can destroy the columns. Then, go into
the center of the underwater area and emerge there. In the inner shell area
there are three Enforcers and three Troopers. On one of the ledges here there is
Body Armor. When you go on this ledge a door will open beside you, with a pool
in it. There is an Enforcer and an Alien Drone in there. Swim down and go into
the small room under there (it looks like it was guarded by a Forcefield but it
isn't). There is a box of Shotgun Shells and Chaingun Cannon Ammo in that room,
as well as a switch. Hit the switch, it will open the viewing wall behind you
and reveals another switch to the right of this one. Touch this switch. It will
open an underwater door.
[Blue Key Room] This room has two crushing doors in it. To the left and right of
both pistons there are two switches. Be careful when you do this, you can get
pretty close to the column and hit the switches. Hit all of them to open a
compartment at the end of this room. In the compartment is the Blue Key, Atomic
Health, and Body Armor. Go back to Inner Shell area. Go back onto the ledge that
had the door with the pool in it. You can get to a higher ledge from here. When
you go there the door will automatically open so be very careful. A Battlelord
and an Enforcer wait for you. Kill them and then get the two Devastator Ammo up
here. The Blue Key slot is also here, use it and go into the resulting room.
There is a Portable Medikit and a switch that raises some green columns in the
Purple Acid area. When you are ready, go back to the Code Room area.
Getting the Red Key / Getting to the Red Key Slot / Getting the Yellow Key
[Code Room] On the other side of the column that had the original code on it
(you can tell what it is because they are turned on) there will be a new set of
switches that you opened in the Red Key room. Then, hit the switches in the
combination O X X. A door will open opposite your portion of the column. This
next bit might seem very similar. In fact, this next area is near exactly the
same as the previous one. I won't retype the whole thing; instead, I will copy
and paste the relevant parts.
[Outer Shell 2] There are many Troopers waiting for you so use the Chaingun
Cannon right away. Then, circle the area to the left or right, going to the
right you will have to fight a few Slimer Eggs sitting on some ledges and some
Captains. Going to the left you will get to the next area right away. This room
is loaded with a circle of Slimer Eggs, and two Enforcers guard it. There is
also an Alien Drone and an Octabrain ready to pounce in a nearby hallway. Amidst
the eggs is a RPG and two Large Medikits and in the corners of the room there
are two Devastator Ammo, and behind the big column there are two RPG Ammo. The
small area opposite the big column has a Devastator and Protective Boots.
[SECRET 6] In the big column here there is something that looks like - well, I
hate to say it - a butthole. Jump into it and get the Pipebombs, Devastator
Ammo, RPG Ammo, Chaingun Cannon Ammo, and a box of Shotgun Shells. The other end
of this... pipe leads to the Inner Shell area.
[Inner Shell 1] One way to get to the inner shell of the Outer Shell area is via
the water. The under water area houses various Alien Drones and Octabrains so be
careful. There are also a couple columns with Slimer Eggs around them, and if
you blow up the Slimer Egg cluster you can destroy the columns. Then, go into
the center of the underwater area and emerge there. In the inner shell area
there are three Enforcers, three Troopers and a couple Alien Drones. On one of
the ledges here there is Body Armor. When you go on this ledge a door will open
beside you, with a pool in it. There is an Enforcer and an Alien Drone in there.
Swim down and go into the small room under there (it looks like it was guarded
by a Forcefield but it isn't). There is a box of Shotgun Shells, Chaingun Cannon
Ammo and a Jetpack in that room, as well as a switch. Hit the switch, it will
open the viewing wall behind you and reveals another switch to the right of this
one. Touch this switch. It will open an underwater door.
[Red Key Room] This room has three rotating gears it. Beside the gears is a
switch. Be careful when you do this, though you can get pretty close to the
gears and hit the switches. Hit all of them the go to a compartment at the end
of this room. You can use the grey divots in the gears for safe transportation.
In the compartment is the Red Key, Atomic Health, and Body Armor. Go back to
Inner Shell area. Go back onto the ledge that had the door with the pool in it.
You can get to a higher ledge from here. When you go there the door will
automatically open so be very careful. A Battlelord and an Enforcer wait for
you. Kill them and then get the two Devastator Ammo up here. The Red Key slot is
also here, use it and go into the resulting room. There is the Yellow Key and
the Portable Medikit here, and a switch that raises some green columns in the
Purple Acid area. When you are ready, go back to where you spawned after the
beginning of the level, where the Yellow Key is.
Getting to the Exit
[Purple River] When you use the Yellow Key, the wall opposite the slot will open
to reveal a purple acid river. You probably have full Protective Boots, if you
don't you should get the Protective Boots in the outer shell of the Red Key
area. When you are ready, sprint across the river. You will take a LOT of damage
on your Protective Boots , and you can't even Jetpack across it so you must be
very very fast. Get to the door at the end (it should be uncovered from the
switches that you hit in the key rooms).
[Final Walk] Follow this short path and get the Steroids and a Large Medikit on
the way. Go into the small pool at the end and submerge, get the two RPG Ammo
and the two Devastator Ammo initially. Swim down the underwater tunnel. After
the first corner there is a nook that has an Atomic Health in it, and farther
down there is an Atomic Health near a dead end. When you go in this area, the
roof will come down and you will have to fight the final battle!
[Killing the Alien Queen] You will be attacked by the Alien Queen and some of
her Alien Drone spawn. If you really need this there are a couple of alcoves
that have two boxes of Shotgun Shells, two Chaingun Cannon Ammo and a Large
Medikit. She only has two real abilities. The first is to give birth to another
Alien Drone, this is shown by it crouching over and a big burst of green crud
coming from her - then a curled up Alien Drone will spawn. Her other attack is
to electrify the area around her. This does guaranteed damage to you.
Additionally, if you come too close to her, she will instantly kill you. Your
only real rivals will be the Alien Drones and the Octabrains floating about.
Kill off the Octabrains quickly (there are only a few). There are a bunch of
Alien Drones now to deal with, but guess what: you don't have to fight them! You
can simply float above them to avoid their damage - you may get Shrink Ray'd but
that's no big deal. Circle around them and fire on the Queen. Unleash all you
got on the Alien Queen, in the form of Devastator and RPG and it shouldn't be
too hard. She has the most health of all the bosses and it might be a long
battle, but don't stress too much and it should be over before you're out of
Scuba Gear. If for some reason you do run out of air, look at the roof: there
are some strategically placed holes that you can use to get some air.
[SECRET 7] If you look on the roof here, there is a small opening from which you
can emerge and gain a Portable Medikit, Atomic Health, Body Armor, and a break
from the action! There are also some other holes in the roof that give you
breathing room.
| Section | ExLyy Level | Par | 3DR | S. | Exits |
| [05-04-11] | E4L11 Area 51 (s) | 04:20 | 2:10 | 07 | E4L06 |
(Secret Level. Access to E4L06, Going Postal)
Getting the Blue Key / Getting to the Blue Key Slot
[Entrance] You will start off in an opening with a little shack and a hallway to
an elevator. There are two Troopers as you go to get the two Pipebombs here, and
there are two boxes of Shotgun Shells in a corner as well. Look at the shed and
notice the cracks in it, use one of the Pipebombs and blow up the shed. The
remains will be a button and a Pistol. Hit the switch and go down the hallway
and up the newly opened elevator, getting the extra Pipebombs on the way. In the
room that the elevator goes to is a Chaingun Cannon and a Large Medikit. There
is also a Teleport Pad here that you must go in.
[Outside] You will spawn behind a trailer that has two Pig Cops that will fight
you right off so be careful. If you are low on ammo, don't look behind the
trailer if you are low on ammo because there are a couple Pig Tanks and some
other harsh enemies. There is also some RPV rabble flying around here that you
shouldn't worry about if you can. When you are ready, go to the left of where
you spawned (there is a Large Medikit and a Small Medikit on the way). You will
notice a platform with a fan on it, there is a Trooper and a Small Medikit near
it. Break the fan.
[Service Entrance] Jump down the shaft. You might fall down through the second
fan at the bottom without breaking it, there is some Body Armor down there.
Break the fan to get out. There is a switch on the inside part of the shaft
which leads to the Command Room.
[Command Room] Two Pig Cops are waiting for you initially. A Chaingun Cannon
Ammo is on one side of the chair and as you go to get the Blue Key on the other
side, some doors near the entrance to this room will open revealing two
Enforcers, two Pig Cops and a Trooper. You might want to go down one of the
ramps in this room for cover (note the Forcefield here). Also notice the inside
of the command chair here. You might want to take down the codes on the sides of
the chair here, for later reference. When you are done with them, get the
Pipebombs and the two Small Medikits in one of the rooms that the enemies came
out of and go into the Teleport Pad.
[Back Outside] You will be in a small room above the fan platform outside.
There is a Trooper guarding a Shotgun on a platform here. When you are ready,
jump out and go back to the trailer position. There are a couple Troopers up
there and some Pig Tanks around back, along with any RPV that you left, so
you'll be in for a tough fight. After you are done you might want to get the
spoils, which include two RPG Ammo on top of the trailer. From the trailer, you
can jump into a cave that has Night Vision Goggles and a Large Medikit in it.
There is a Pistol Ammo beside the Blue Key door here (but there is a Mounted Gun
above it). Also, in a corner here, there are six Pipebombs, a Chaingun Cannon
Ammo and a Large Medikit. Use the Blue Key on the Blue Key door when you're
Getting the Red Key
[Foyer] A Captain and a Trooper will attack you to begin with and behind a
counter to your left an Enforcer awaits. There are two Freezer Ammo on a couch
and two Pistol Ammo on either side of a computer. Across from the booth with the
Enforcer there is an area with a Pig Cop guarding a switch combination, don't
worry about those now but you can get a secret.
[SECRET 1] The computer on the booth with the Enforcer can be activated to open
a wall near the large doors near the combination switches. In its room there is
a Portable Medikit (do it quickly because this is timed).
[Crate Room] Back in the main room there is a door that leads down a ramp.
You'll have to fight a Trooper near the ramp and get the Large Medikit beside
it. Across from there are some crates. Hiding behind them is a Trooper, and
amongst them are two Large Medikits. There are three Laser Tripbombs on the
shelves in the wall here. Beside this room is a hallway that leads farther down.
Follow this hallway down, and note the small symbol on the wall here (above the
[Computer Room] Upon entering this room you will have to fight two Captains.
There are some Night Vision Goggles on a keyboard and farther in the room there
is a Holoduke on some more computers. Look at the monitors here, very
carefully... and read them, there are command codes for that you will need later
[SECRET 2] Back in the hallway to the crate room, there is a symbol on the wall,
but you don't have to touch it, simply jumping in front of it will activate it.
This will open a computer in the Computer Room which reveals an Atomic Health
(which is timed).
[SECRET 3] You can open the wall behind the Holoduke to reveal some Steroids.
[Elevator] Head back up the ramp and you will emerge behind the counter. From
there you can head to the big doors with the combination switches, with the
combination O X 0. It's really dangerous going down the shaft without a Jetpack,
though they are really quite rare in Episode 4. If you don't have a Jetpack, you
will have to jump down, it's a long fall but you won't die if you have decent
health. Whatever the case, remember to save before you do this. Jump across to
the other side of the elevator to increase the chances of you hitting the beam.
If you jump just right you will land on a beam, the only thing you can do from
here is get a Portable Medikit in a compartment near the beam, to replenish your
health lost to falling damage. Fall down some more to get to the base of the
shaft. There is a Devastator and a Large Medikit here. You will notice a broken
door here that you have to go through to get to the Hub area.
[Hub] This is called the Hub because it gives access to various parts of the
level. There are several Forcefielded portals here, and a central elevated room
in the middle of all of them. Initially there is a Trooper and an Enforcer up
there, take the elevator up to find two switches when you are done, labeled 1
and 2, that open their respective Forcefield. There is also a third Forcefield,
notice that its button is broken. You might as well hit Switch 1 to begin with.
[Examination Room] The room that is guarded by the first Forcefield leads to
this room. You will notice that there is an Alien Drone right away, feel free to
exploit the Forcefield glitch. As you proceed into the room you will have to
fight two more Alien Drones, you will notice _another_ Alien Drone in a capsule,
you can break the capsule and fight it if you really want to but it's harmless
otherwise. A Freezer is on a table, two Devastator Ammo rest on a ledge, and a
switch can be pressed that lowers a column which reveals a box of Shotgun
Shells. Standing where the box of Shotgun Shells were (there are some surgical
instruments there) will lower the wall near the cadaver trays which reveals the
Red Key. Upon going in there, more Alien Drones will attack you, you can hide in
the Red Key hole to avoid taking any damage. In the room where the Alien Drone
came out there are two Large Medikits. Go back to the hub when ready.
Getting to the Red Key Slot
[Storage Room] Hit the second switch, this lowers the second Forcefield. Go in
the resulting room. There are three Octabrains that you will fight initially and
a fourth hiding behind a box. A Holoduke, a box of Shotgun Shells, Chaingun
Cannon Ammo, and two Large Medikits are amongst the boxes here.
[SECRET 4] Use the computer tower in this room, this will open a crate nearby
revealing Scuba Gear and Body Armor.
[SECRET 5] Near the computer at one side of the room there is a crack in the
wall that can be destroyed. Inside there is an Octabrain, kill it and get the
Pipebombs and the three Small Medikits here. There is a pool here that you can
dive into to get two Microwave Expander Ammo and a view in the wall of a UFO.
Note that the UFO is broken, if you shoot it with an explosive, it will become
even more broken! Cool!
[SECRET 6] Near the Pipebombs, there is a handprint on the wall that can be
activated to open a wall. This leads to a Teleport Pad, which leads to a bridge
in the Outside portion of the level (actually quite similar to 1-5 of the Abyss
in my opinion). The bridge leads to a RPG.
[UFO Room] When you are ready, go back to the Storage Room, and go down the
small ramp here. Notice the crane here.
[SECRET 7] You have to get picked up by the crane or use a Jetpack to get up to
the area with the conveyor belt. Aside from a Shrink Ray and a Jetpack here,
there is also a switch that deactivates the conveyor belt. However, this has a
second and more important function, to open the door that leads to a Teleport
Pad at the end of the belt. Go in there. You will emerge in a cramped area that
has a switch near it. Open it and you will be inside the UFO (this is the
secret, not the process of getting there). In here is an Atomic Health.
[UFO Room] When you go past the conveyor belts, you will be initially assaulted
by three Alien Drones and a fourth hiding in a corner. Around this room, there
is a Pistol, two Chaingun Cannon Ammo and four Small Medikits. On top of the
ramp that leads to the Yellow Key door, there are two Devastator Ammo. The Red
Key door is in this room too, go in it.
Getting the Yellow Key / Getting to the Yellow Key Slot / Getting to the Exit
[Planning Room] In the Red Key room, there is a Small Medikit and a Teleport Pad
that leads to this room. In this room, you will be assaulted by four Enforcers,
a Commander and eventually an Alien Drone. On a counter here there is the Yellow
Key, and in a compartment there is a Shotgun, there are three Small Medikits.
There is a switch on the wall that disables the Forcefield that leads to the
Command Room. Also, there is a switch on one of the counters that unlocks the
window things on the wall, this leads back to the UFO room. A ramp here leads to
a Forcefield that has the disabling switch beside it, this leads back to the Hub
area. When you are done, go back to the UFO room and go to the Yellow Key door.
Be warned that some new Alien Drones have spawned in the UFO room. Also, look at
the Yellow Key in the Planning Room, the panel beside it has a certain code in
[Launch Room] The Yellow Key door leads to an elevator, this travels down to the
launch room area. However, exercise extreme caution because a Battlelord is down
there. When you are done killing it, go up to the switch panel in the middle of
the area. When the switch is in the first position, nothing will happen. In the
second position, the left switch panel will open, the third position the right
panel will open, and the fourth will open panels on the far left and right sides
of the area showing your progress. You did find the codes on the command chair
in the Command Room area, right? If you didn't, the code for the right set of
switches (facing the monitor with the Duke Burger in front of you) is O O X X.
The code for the left set of switches is X X O X. When you put both codes in
right, some levers will appear in front of the "Access Code Required" signs.
Pull these switches; these will destroy the rockets here. When both are
destroyed, a wall will raise behind you (to your right facing the elevator) with
the Exit Symbol. The command code can be found in the areas Computer Room and
Planning Room. [Credit: Fernando Calvo]
| [06-00] Cheating |===========================================================
This section will detail ways to make the game easier for you! It includes
the basic cheat codes, and the more advanced modification of the .CON files.
=| [06-01] Cheat Codes |=======================================================
Type these codes in any time during gameplay. Note that you can't use cheat
codes on the "Damn, I'm Good" difficulty.
| DNCORNHOLIO | Triggers "God Mode", Unlimited Jetpack, Adds Jetpack
| DNKROZ | Triggers "God Mode", Unlimited Jetpack, Adds Jetpack
| DNSTUFF | + All Items, + All Weapons, + Max Ammo, + All Keys, Max Armor
| DNCLIP | Toggle walk-through-walls ability ("clipping")
| DNSCOTTYXYY | Level Warp (X = Episode Level 1-4, YY= Level #)
| DNKEYS | + All Keys
| DNINVENTORY | + All Items, Max Armor
| DNITEMS | + All Items, + All Keys, Max Armor
| DNWEAPONS | + All Weapons, + Max Ammo
| DNHYPER | + Goggles, + Steroids, Uses Steroids
| DNSKILL# | Change skill level to (1-4); restarts level
| DNVIEW | Change to 3rd person view
| DNCOORDS | Show current co-ordinates (XYZ), amongst other things,
| | including viewing position in upper right corner
| DNDEBUG | Show debug information in upper left corner
| DNRATE | Shows frame rate in upper left corner
| DNUNLOCK | Triggers all doors, forcefields, etc.
| DNSHOWMAP | Reveals entire map on the map screen
| DNMONSTERS | Triggers all monsters on/off
| DNCASHMAN | Throw some money when pressing Open key
| DNALLEN | Show message "Buy Major Stryker"
| DNBETA | Show message "Pirates Suck!"
| DNTODD | Show message "Register Cosmo" (Version 1.3d +)
| DNCOSMO | Show message "Register Cosmo" (Prior to 1.3d)
| DN1984 | Shows the Macintosh 1984 commercial on Hollywood Holocaust's
| | movie screen. (Mac only)
| DNMACS | Turns the security monitors into Mac Desktops. (Mac only)
[06-01-01] Cheat Definitions
God Mode: Immune to all enemy attacks, environmental hazards, gravity,
explosions (self induced and otherwise), being underwater too long, most forms
of being squished (I have died in God Mode because I was squished by something)
Clipping: This is when you walk to a wall and you don't run through it.
If clipping is turned off then you can walk through all walls, but not through
ceilings or roofs that easily. If you stop moving, your game probably didn't
freeze, you just went off the map. Look at your map and walk back to the
place that you were lost.
Level Warp: Change the level that you are on. For example, you could type
DNSCOTTY209 and be transported to Episode 2, Level 09 - Overlord.
+ All Items: Adds all seven items (Portable Medikit, Goggles, Steroids,
Jetpack, Protective Boots, Scuba Gear, Holoduke) to your inventory
+ All Keys: Add the Yellow Key, Blue Key, and Red Key to your inventory
+ All Weapons: Adds the Pistol, Shotgun, Chaingun Cannon, RPG, Shrink Ray,
Devastator, and Freezer to your weapons. Items considered as "Non-Guns" (see
section 03-03) aren't included, but since cheats that give you + All Weapons
give you + Max Ammo, this isn't an issue.
+ Max Ammo: Maximum ammo for all weapons is added to inventory.
Some cheats are considered Easter Eggs. They include DNALLEN, DNBETA, DNTODD /
DNCOSMO, DN1984, and DNMACS, and they are expanded on in section 07-01-32.
=| [06-02] .CON Files |========================================================
NOTE: Alexander W. contributed much of the information in this section, and
much of the content is directly his, so much of the credit for this section
goes to him. Thanks!
.CON files are the files that contain all the variables in Duke Nukem 3D. This
guide is not meant to be comprehensive for the .CON files, just a list of what
I thought would be interesting to modify and play around with.
The guide will be set up as follows. A Line number will be given, and the
item of interest on the line will be described, as shown:
### - Description of what the line does and what you can change.
This will cover the different commands used in the variable files.
GAME.CON has script definitions which are not covered here. So the only ones
that concern this are DEFS.CON and USER.CON
DEFS.CON has all manner of values. These are used to identify how things are
spawned, the different things in the game, etc. Some of these values should
be left well alone like the ones that identify spawn methods or sector types.
However, there's some fun ones to play with.
GAME.CON has all the rest of them. Aside from defining all the other types
of data, there's the more interesting values here too. Monster hitpoints,
weapon damage, blast radii, spawn times and lots of other cool things. This is
one of the most fun files to tweak. You could give Enforcers the strength of
Overlords or make Duke have 1000 HP.
Note that the term "constant" is incorrect. These operate in the same way
that the C++ #define preprocessor command does. Replacing all IDENTIFIERS it
finds with VALUE before the program is compiled. However, you need not worry
about such details. They may be thought of as constants.
Caution: Don't edit the identifiers. If the game cannot find a required
item, it will likely crash. Only edit the values attributed to them.
Note: Only use spaces to separate different parts of a command. Multiple
spaces can be used but don't use any other ones.
Now, the possible commands that can be used:
[06-02-01] Define
Is used to create a numeric constant. VALUE is of course what VALUE_IDENTIFIER
signifies. Note that you can also define them as others. See Example2.
[06-02-02] DefineQuote
Used to do string definitions. STRING_IDENTIFIER is a number identification.
This is used to retrieve the string in the game. VALUE is the actual string
of text. Make sure it is in uppercase. All the game strings are. It's a safe
bet that it is required.
[06-02-03] DefineLevelName
Used to define a level. EPISODE is which episode number starting with 0.
LEVEL is the level in the episode also starting with 0. LEVEL_FILE is the
actual file used for the level. TIME_PAR and TIME_RLMS are the Par time and 3D
Realms time respectively. Formatted mm:ss padded with zeroes. So 01:07 means 1
minute and 7 seconds. Lastly, LEVEL_NAME is the actual name of the level. Like
DEATH ROW or DARK SIDE. Make sure the name is in uppercase.
Example: definelevelname 0 4 E1L5.map 09:10 05:00 THE ABYSS
[06-02-04] Music
music ...
Defines a MIDI music collection. LIST_IDENTIFIER is which collection. List 0
is used for the menu musics. The rest are for the game episodes. Music
selection is sequential so the first item in collection 2 is FUTURMIL.MID and
the next is STORM.MID and so on.
Defines a MIDI collection. LIST_IDENTIFIER is a number from 0 to 3. List 0
isused for the menus. List 1 to 3 is for the levels. Actual music played is
done sequentially. So the first item in collection 2 is FUTURMIL.MID, the next
is STORM.MID and so on.
[06-02-05] - DefineSound
Used to define the sound entries for the game. SOUND_IDENTIFIER is the name
of the sound. SOUND_FILE is the actual sound file used. The last five control
several special aspects.
PITCH_MIN/PITCH_MAX is used to add some randomness to the sound pitch. So
that way you don't hear things in the approximate same tone each time. I don't
know how this value correlates to Hz.
PRIORITY appears to determine which sounds override each other.
FLAGS is some additional settings for the sound. The different bit meanings:
1 = Makes the sound loop when played.
2 = Sound is classified as ambient. Does not play if ambient sounds are off.
4 = Sound is classified as Duke-talk. Does not play if Duke sounds are off.
I think this also prevents pitch changes underwater.
8 = Sound is censored. Not played if adult mode is off.
16 = ???
Add these together to set multiple options. So if this is set to 12, it means
it won't play if Duke talk or adult mode is off. (4 + 8 = 12)
I don't know what 16 does. It does appear in the game files so it probably
does something unknown. It may just be a previously used flag that is not used
VOLUME is used to increase/decrease the volume of the sound. 0 means it
stays exactly as it was. A negative value reduces it and a positive increases
it. Unknown how this correlates to dB.
[06-02-05] - GameStartup
gamestartup ??>
NFI. Guess it performs some manner of initialization to the game. If anyone
hasthe full knowledge of the syntax and functionality, please tell.
[06-02-06] USER.CON
This defines how much Duke swears. If you want to hear him swear less for some
reason, then lower this.
This is cool because if you change this to yes, you can destroy the little
cameras in the game. If you destroy a camera, then the monitors will show
static instead. Kind of strategic.
Toggles if you will take damage when a freezer burst ricochets off the wall
hits you.
Changes the max health of Duke!
How much health bonuses you can get from atomic health until your health stops
going up.
How much armor that you start off with (normally 0).
How far away that you can be to kick an enemy when they are frozen.
059 - 068 *
These values are all for the maximum amounts of ammo that you can carry for
all the weapons listed there.
HANDBOMB = Pipebomb
GROW = Expander
DEVISTATOR = Devastator
This is one of the coolest things that you can modify. There are four
different values for this and they are:
0 - Always visible, all the time.
1 - Translucent - i.e. see through
2 - invisible without goggles (very cool, makes DukeMatch a LOT more
3 - totally invisible
079 - QSIZE
This is a great one to modify if you are playing on a higher end system than
Duke was designed for. Make this to it's max (1024) and you can have so
much crap cluttering up your levels it's not even funny.
This refers to the Blimp in the stadium. If you destroy it, you know that
many, many items come flying out of there. You make this small, the blimp
will respawn really quick and you can have an absolutely loaded stadium
(combine this with QSIZE)
How many times the Freezer's burst bounces before dissipating; make this
really big (up to 255) to continue bouncing and make the Freezer relatively
useful for traps.
This changes how fast you run. I don't recommend that you increase it too
much, because if you do, just touching the move button will _kill_ you by
smashing you into a wall.
Lower this to jump higher and slower like on the moon - and increase this to
fall faster to the earth!
| [07-00] Duke Related Stuff |=================================================
This is a collection of some of the stuff that makes Duke just what it is.
There are some Easter Eggs in this section, as well as tons of other stuff
related to Duke.
=| [07-01] Easter Eggs |=======================================================
The traditional definition of an Easter Egg, like the ones that kids look for
at Easter time, are little treasures that are valuable and surprise you when
you find them. They don't have to be simply references to movies, games or
otherwise, but neat things that you will be surprised upon viewing. The Easter
egg section is first divided to Easter Eggs in levels that have them. Then,
there is a section for general Easter Eggs in the game, followed by a section
for Easter eggs in the .CON files, and then a section for eggs in the
source code of the game.
[07-01-00] Listing of Contents
[07-01-01] E1L01 - Hollywood Holocaust
[07-01-02] E1L02 - Red Light District
[07-01-03] E1L03 - Death Row
[07-01-04] E1L04 - Toxic Dump
[07-01-05] E1L05 - The Abyss
[07-01-06] E1L07 - Faces of Death
[07-01-07] E2L01 - Space Port
[07-01-08] E2L02 - Incubator
[07-01-09] E2L03 - Warp Factor
[07-01-10] E2L07 - Lunar Reactor
[07-01-11] E2L08 - Darkside
[07-01-12] E3L01 - Raw Meat
[07-01-13] E3L03 - Flood Zone
[07-01-14] E3L04 - L.A Rumble
[07-01-15] E3L05 - Movie Set
[07-01-16] E3L06 - Rabid Transit
[07-01-17] E3L07 - Fahrenheit
[07-01-18] E3L08 - Hotel Hell
[07-01-19] E3L09 - Stadium
[07-01-20] E3L11 - Freeway
[07-01-21] E4L01 - It's Impossible
[07-01-22] E4L02 - Duke-Burger
[07-01-23] E4L03 - Shop-N-Bag
[07-01-24] E4L04 - Babe Land
[07-01-25] E4L05 - Pigsty
[07-01-26] E4L06 - Going Postal
[07-01-27] E4L07 - XXX-Stacy
[07-01-28] E4L08 - Critical Mass
[07-01-29] E4L09 - Derelict
[07-01-30] E4L10 - The Queen
[07-01-31] E4L11 - Area 51
[07-01-32] Other In Game Eggs
[07-01-33] Eggs in the .CON files
[07-01-34] Eggs in the source files
[07-01-01] E1L01 - Hollywood Holocaust
[1] In the beginning of the level, on the Street area near Secret 1, there is a
billboard that says INNOCENT?; this references the infamous OJ Simpson trial.
This is once again revisited in 3-7.
[2] In the Arcade area, there is a pinball machine in the corner, called Balls
of Steel, which is actually one of 3D Realms' PC games.
[3] Also in the Arcade area, there is a Duke Nukem II machine. The image on
the screen resembles box art from Duke Nukem II. When you go up and use it;
Duke says "I don't have time to play with myself." Also, doing this reveals a
[4] In the bathroom, look at the urinals. Go to the left one and look very
closely at the upper right portion of wall near it. There is a phone number
near here; it is "867-5309". If you know your Tommy Tutone, this is the phone
number that is repeated in the song "Jenny" [credit: Zeuxis].
[5] Wow, this level never ever, ever ceases to surprise me. In the bathroom go
to the right toilet and look to the bottom and to the right on the wall of the
stall. There is a tiny message here, "stryker (at) Metronet.com". This is
awesome because it was Allen Blum's e-mail address for a while. Don't bother
e-mailing it now, it's as good as dead. Allen Blum is credited for the original
concept and map design of Duke 3D. [credit: Steven Worek]
[07-01-02] E1L02 - Red Light District
[1] In the bar area, there is a TV screen with a white car, this is another
reference to the infamous OJ Simpson trial where OJ's white Ford Bronco is
being chased down the freeway by the police.
[2] Near the Blue Key slot, on the outside of it's kiosk, there is a sign that
says "3D Realms Demolition Co." - looks like they're into more than just games!
[07-01-03] E1L03 - Death Row
[1] In Secret 3, there is a dead Space Marine; this guy is from the DOOM series
of games by ID Software. This is an actual sprite from the game during the
Marine's death phase, though it has been chopped up and gored up a bit more than
it is in Doom. When Duke sees the marine, he says "That's one DOOMed space
[2] In the chapel, hanged from the roof, is a monk. She is from the "Rise of
the Triad" series of games by 3D Realms (there's a demo on the Atomic Edition
disc if you are interested).
[3] At the end of the level, to get to the submarine you have to go in the
prison cell and through a poster. This is similar to the plot of the movie /
book Shawshank redemption, where the main character dug a hole in the wall of
his cell with a spoon over the course of a very long time, all the while
covering it up with a poster of a woman. [Credit: Zeuxis]
[4] The stained glass windows in the chapel are of BattleLords.
[5] In the jail cell with the babe, there is a hole in the wall. There is a
particularly dark portion of the walls in this hole that can be viewed with
the Night Vision Goggles. It says here, "BEHIND THE BABE". Normally, this would
be a reference to a secret area (this is a common occurrence in other levels)
but in this case there is nothing behind the babe at all. However, there is
something behind the *bed* in the same room. However, it has come to my
attention that this is obviously a reference to level completion, as you have
to go behind the poster of the babe in the prison cells area to complete the
level. [Credit: Alexander W. for the correction]
[07-01-04] E1L04 - Toxic Dump
[1] As in E1L03, the submarine's name is USS Dallas, which is the name of the
submarine in the movie "Hunt For Red October" [Credit: Zeuxis]
[2] From where you got the Blue Key, you can jump in the small alcove to your
left (if you're facing the submarine). There's an Mounted Gun in there. You
can jump or Jetpack in there and the back wall is openable. In there, there is
a small message on the wall that says "HOW DID YOU GET HERE?"
[07-01-05] E1L05 - The Abyss
[1] You need a jetpack for this egg (you can get it legit from E1L06, Launch
Facility). Jetpack up to the hole where the shrink ray bursts are being shot.
On the wall here, there is a small quotation on the wall that says "You're not
supposed to be here. -Levelord". The Levelord is one of the designers of many
levels in the original Duke 3D.
[2] Near the end of the level, when you are crossing the dangerous tiny ledge
that's high above lava to get to the ending chambers at the end of the level,
you can drop down to the very bottom of the pit that the bridge is above. If
you do, you will come across a message on the wall down there that says
"Dopefish Lives". Dopefish is one of the characters in an Apogee game,
Commander Keen Episode IV. There is some lore about this that the sharks in
this game could be replaced by Dopefishes with a special command line parameter
but George Broussard nixed that idea. The sharks and the entire idea of the
dopefish was eliminated. Eventually, however, the sharks themselves were
re-instated in the game, alas, Dopefish was not. That's essentially it,
however, Dopefish has attracted a large cult following
(see http://www.dopefish.com for more information).
[3] At the beginning of the level, in the dark cave, use the goggles to find the
hidden message "GO WITH THE FLOW" - a tip to finding secret 5.
[Credit: Steven Worek]
[4] In the secret cave with the dancing girl and the three Atomic Health there
is a message on the wall, SUYT. This crude acronym stands for "Show Us Your
Tits". [Credit: Steven Worek]
[5] This is one of the most commonly seen in this level but I guess it is sort
of an egg. The small headstone that says "San Andreas Fault" is in fact in
California as I'm sure many of you know, but this one makes the fault collapse
:) The Fault is famous for producing large and devastating earthquakes, such
as those in the LA area (and in the game). [Credit: Fernando Calvo]
[07-01-06] E1L07 - Faces of Death
NOTE: While this level is technically a multiplayer level, that is, you can't
access it ingame normally (including with the DNSCOTTY cheat) you can still
extract it from the .GRP file or start a death match and find the level.
[1] The main egg in this level are the faces all over the place in the level
are from the dev team. The following faces are scattered around the level, in
the small, forcefielded "pools" with astronaut bodies against the wall:
- Allen H. Blum
- Chuck Jones
- Dirk Jones
- Doug Wood
- James Storey
- Steve Blackburn? (Mentioned in the special thanks)
- Todd Repogle
[07-01-07] E2L01 - Space Port
[1] There is a message on the side of the ship facing away from the window, it
says USS Framerate (this is the ship that is circling outside of the area that
you are in). This could be referring to the framerate of the game in
early development, when it was a top priority on poorer systems :)
[Credit: Steven Worek]
[07-01-08] E2L02 - Incubator
[1] You know the monitor where there is just a number in it, the number being
1138? Well that number is actually quite significant. It is a reference to the
George Lucas movie from 1972 "THX-1138". [Credit: Steven Worek]
[2] There is a second reference to this movie, under the Earth Defense Logo
near the beginning of the level. It has 1138 under it in faint grey print.
[Credit: Steven Worek]
[07-01-09] E2L03 - Warp Factor
[1] Secret 1 is a huge reference to the TV Series Star Trek; as you go in this
room you will notice computers on the wall, the captain's chair and the view
screen, as well as sounds similar to Star Trek's computers - you are on the
bridge of the Starship Enterprise! The ship is destroyed however, and when you
go near the Ready Room here, some Enforcers will spawn, aliens will have
invaded the ship! :) The ready room is also quite similar to that of the series,
with the aquarium on the wall and all. Oh, and when he enters this room, he says
"Hmm, looks like I have the Con!".
[2] Inside Secret 2 there is another reference to Star Trek, there is a small
plaque with the inscription "The REALLY Ready Room". The ready room in Star
Trek is normally where the captain meets with members on of the crew right on
the deck. However since the show made Kirk out to be an effective lover
this could be part of the reason why this particular plaque is in here :)
[3] On the bed in the Really Ready Room, there is a message "Blum Bed Co.".
This is once again referring to Allen Blum, the member of the Duke 3D team that
had the original concept for the game and made some maps.
[Credit: Steven Worek]
[4] Come to think of it the entire level is actually a reference to Star Trek!
Use the code DNSHOWMAP and zoom the automap all the way out. It looks very
similar to the USS Enterprise (though the front part, the disk, seems kinda
small). The bridge and everything are right where they should be.
[Credit: Fenando Calvo]
[07-01-10] E2L07 - Lunar Reactor
[1] In the cave in [SECRET 2] Luke Skywalker is here in his storm trooper, quite
dead as he is impaled on the wall. When Duke sees this he says "Now THIS is a
force to be reckoned with!".
[2]In the leftmost bathroom stall there is a small message on the wall, "BITE
ME". How pleasant. [Credit: Steven Worek]
[07-01-11] E2L08 - Darkside
[1] There is a monolith at the end of the area labeled [Rock Valley] that is
a reference to the movie "2001: A Space Odyssey".
[2] On the back of the computerish box in the room with the big monolith
(same as the egg above) there is a message that you can see with Goggles: it
reads "JUMP INTO THE MONOLITH", a reference to how to complete the level.
[Credit: Steven Worek]
[3] The name Dark Side may be a reference to the Pink Floyd album "Dark Side of
the Moon". The level's secret exit is Lunatic Fringe, which is a song on that
[07-01-12] E3L01 - Raw Meat
[1] There is a big poster on the wall here that says "Born to be Wild" and
if you use the mic, Duke will sing the chorus. A Pig Cop will come and attack,
probably because of his singing :) This song is by Steppenwolf, of course.
[2] In a dark wall beside the sushi rooms, you can use the Night Vison Goggles
here and find a hint to one of the secrets, "PRESS HER BUTTON". Now this is kind
of crude, but if you can't figure it out, then you shouldn't be playing this
game! It is also a reference to Secret 2 in this level.
[3] In the cabinet in the floating buffet room, there is a message that says
"Push Me", a reference to the Secret 5/6 in this level. [Credit: Steven Worek]
[4] You will need to use dnclip for this one. At the end of the level there is
a crack in the wall. Go through the wall to find a message, "NO ONE SHOULD BE
HERE". [Credit: Steven Worek]
[5] Back in the Sushi room, near the cash register, there is a high quality
image of "Visa" and "Master Card" near it.
[6] The line "It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum. And I'm all outta
gum." comes from the movie, They Live.
[07-01-13] E3L03 - Flood Zone
[1] After you are on top of the building with the many fans on it, you can get
over to a crevice where some Enforcers and Commanders are. In there, there is a
hint for one of the secrets if you use the goggles, "THE CRACK BELOW", and it
references Secret 1 in this level.
[2] When you are climbing the rock path to the Blue Key, there is a small
waterfall coming out of a rock fracture, there is some steam coming out from
there too. Use the Goggles and look the darkest side of the wall where the
waterfall is coming out; there is a message here. Now I couldn't decipher the
message before, but Steven Worek saved the day. It actually says
"ANAAL OOOTHRI". However it's actually spelt "ANAAL OOOTHRIC", but in the game
it's missing the C (however you can see it in Build). The message means Dragon's
Breath in Gaelic. [Credit: Stephen Worek]
[07-01-14] E3L04 - L.A Rumble
[1] Right when you enter the building near the babe (with the Pigs surrounding
her) there is a dark wall. Use the Goggles here to find a message regarding one
of Secret 2, "UNDER THE KNIFE". It is also somewhat of a pun as Under the Knife
is a common term for when an individual undergoes surgery - as what appears to
have happened to the unfortunate person on the table.
[2] The name of the helicopter at the end of the level is "NUKEM" (though on
the helicopter it is a mirror image).
[3] This is another one that you have to use DNCLIP for. At the end of the
level (where you can see the Helicopter) go through the window and onto the
helipad, and then go over to the radio transmitter. While you are standing
beside the transmitter look at the large fans there. You can see a message,
plastered onto nothing. It is from the Levelord, it reads "YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED
TO BE HERE... EITHER. - LEVELORD". This is also something of a reference to the
similar message in 1-5. [Credit: Steven Worek]
[4] Near the beginning of the level, when the earthquake occurs, look onto the
ledge with the Body Armor on it. There is a yellow warning sign there, it has
"QUAKE SITE" on it with a black picture of some land broken in two. When Duke
triggers the Quake he says "I ain't afraid of no Quake!". This is probably a
reference to ID software, who were making the game Quake at the time.
[07-01-15] E3L05 - Movie Set
[1] In the room where you get the Blue Key, there is a dark wall; use the
Goggles to see the message on it: "PUSH THE REGISTER" and below it
"NOT THE SNACKS". This is a hint to Secret 1 in this level.
[2] In the space set there is a particularly dark wall (you can't miss it).
Use the Night Vision Goggles on this wall and you will find a message -
"JUMP AT THE EARTH" which is a reference to secret Secret 4 in this level.
[Credit: Steven Worek]
[07-01-16] E3L06 - Rabid Transit
[1] There is a cash register here just beyond the first set of revolving
doors. The cash register has "MasterCard" and "Visa" on it in clear writing,
similar to 3-1.
[2] Where you get the Red Key there is a dark wall. Use the Goggles to find a
message: "TELLTALE FOOTPRINTS". There are some large, bear-like footprints on
the ground, leading to a secret area (you can only see the footprints by using
the Goggles.
[07-01-17] E3L07 - Fahrenheit
[1] In the radio station, there is something that looks like an interview
room. There is a microphone on a desk here; use it and you will hear Duke say
"This is K-T-I-T. K-TIT, playing the breast, er, the best tunes in town!".
[2] In the crate room, there is a big billboard on the wall that has "Guilty!"
printed on it. This is in contrast to 1-1's billboard of "Innocent?", which
is in reference to the OJ Simpson trial.
[3] In the room that you can get to by climbing the crates (there is a big stack
of 4 TVs in here) there is a darkened wall. Use the Goggles on this wall to see
a hint for a secret: "BLAST THE BOTTLES".
[07-01-18] E3L08 - Hotel Hell
[1] On the big neon light sign that's in front of the hotel, the letter "OT" in
the world "HOTEL" flash on an off; giving the message "HOTEL HEL".
[2] There's a dark wall before the arch that leads to the left side of the Pool
area. If you use your Goggles it will give you a hint for finding the secret
[3] In the cave area of Secret 3 there is an impaled body on the wall, this is
Indiana Jones of movie fame. When Duke sees him he says "We meet again, Dr.
Jones!". Another reference to the movie is when you get the Atomic Health on the
pedestal in this room, the cave collapses (much like in the movies).
[4] I haven't seen this movie, but beissermj has elaborated what I have seen
and seen over and over again at the bottom of the pool in the hotel but could
never, for the life of me, figure out. It is apparently an opened Babe Ruth
bar, which you would get if you had saw the movie "Caddyshack", where a Babe
Ruth chocolate bar is accidentally dropped into a swimming pool and is mistaken
for, er, crap. If you are wondering if it really is a Babe Ruth, you have to
look really close to it, because the resolution on Duke is quite atrocious.
After the pool is evacuated, Bill Murray takes the crap and takes a bite out of
it. [Credit: beissermj]
[5] In the toilet stall in the bathroom, look to the roof in the left corner.
There are some scrunched up green letters. These letters were part of a rumor
back in the day that involved the message "Duke Was Here 2017" was in the game.
People looked but few found it. The reason for this is that the letters are
all scrunched up and unreadable. When someone was going through the level they
changed the height of the wall that the message was on and consequently morphed
the letters out of shape. However if you have the patience to go into build you
can fix the wall and see the message "DUKE WAS HERE 2017" in it's full glory.
[Credit: Steven Worek]
[6] In Secret 2, the one where you can enter the fish tank, face the entrance
and then look at the right wall. There is a message here, "CHECK THE VINTAGE".
This references another secret in this level. [Credit: Steven Worek]
[07-01-19] E3L09 - Stadium
[1] The whole level is a football field, and on one side of it says "Bad Ass"
and the other side says "Duke Nukem", the Cycliod Emperor starts in the Duke
Nukem side so it must be an omen :)
[2] The big blimp flying above - famous for it's destructible property- has
"Duf" on it, similar to "Duff" from the Simpsons which is the brand of beer in
the series. The significance of the blimp floating above the arena is that in an
episode of the Simpsons, Homer had the chance to fly in the Duff blimp over a
football game.
[07-01-20] E3L11 - Freeway
[1] After the Blue Key door, follow the conveyor belt as far as you can go. When
you come to an RPG, there will also be a blue metallic corpse - this is of
the Terminator from the movie series of the same name. Duke says "Terminated!"
as he sees it.
[07-01-21] E4L01 - It's Impossible
[1] Obviously, the entire level is one big reference to the movie "Mission:
Impossible". Some of the references to the movie are:
- The music playing in the background
- Going to the desk and using the tape deck in the first room will have the
famous message "This tape will self destruct in ..." in the voice of the
military officer at the beginning of the episode. The tape will do good on
it's promise.
- The part of the level where you have to enter the code without touching the
ground is possibly the biggest reference.
- The trash can that looks like it has slime coming out of it in the room that
you can't touch the floor in is from the movie too; this is where the
computer operator throws up in (well, he throws up in a garbage can to be
[2] "I just wanted to mention that the scene with all the doors leading to the
telephone in the first Episode of 'The Birth' is from another show, not
related to Mission Impossible. An old classic TV show called 'Get Smart' where
the main character (for the intro of each episode of the show) walked through
heaps of doors and answered a phone and was dropped below to his headquarters."
[Credit: Andrew C.]
[3] In the Red Key Door Room, there is a poster on the box that's to the left of
the IMF logo. It references to Orson Wells and the War of the World series.
[4] In the Barracks part of the level there is a large TV; you can look
at it to see a scantily clad girl doing a weather report.
[5] For this one you should turn on DNCLIP and DNSHOWMAP. Start the level and
then open the map. Turn around and zoom out the map all the way. Move in the
direction that you are facing and you will eventually come what appears to be
two rooms, one that looks like it has a pole through it in the map. These two
rooms are where two eggs are. The first room that you will come to has the
weathergirl from egg [4] in it, along with the ticker and all the other stuff.
However opposite the girl there is a message on the wall form Randall Pitchford
"LOOKING FOR SECRETS - DUV". DUV is short for Duvall Magic, Pitchford's
nickname. [Credit: Steven Worek]
[6] In the room beside the one in secret 5 there is another non-secret message,
this is the room that has the message "YOUR MISSION - DESTROY!" in it that you
can see through one of the monitors at the beginning of the level. Opposite the
message is another secret message "C'MON QUIT CHEATING -DUV".
[Credit: Steven Worek]
[7] Alright this is a third egg that requires DNCLIP and DNSHOWMAP. Get to
Egg 6 and then face away from the main part of the level in the map. Go
diagonal and left and you will find a tiny room, go inside it and roof and
floor have a message "RSP II DUVAL MAGIC" - more Pitchford references :) The
reason this (and the message in 4-10) are carved into the roof are so that you
can see them from a really zoomed in map view of the little room. Of course, to
get to these you have to be map surfing, which is generally not done unless you
are specifically looking for missing Easter eggs in the first place. Pitchford
seems to be very proud of his work, indeed!
[8] Beside the TV in the barracks is a magazine with a pink background and a
golden ring on it. The inscription reads Moger Roore, which is actually supposed
to be Roger Moore, and the golden ring symbolizes Gold Finger, a James Bond
movie. (more references to spy stuff). [Credit: Fernando Calvo]
[9] Near the end of the mission the phone has "U.N.C.L.E" written on it. This is
yet another reference to spy style TV shows. There was a show in the '60s called
"the man from U.N.C.L.E", and indeed it was a spy show. Apparently one of the
main characters spoke through his shoe, possibly a reference to that.
[Credit: Fernando Calvo]
[10] In the kitchen, go to the flowing water. Use DNCLIP and follow the flow of
the river. You'll eventually come to a small message on the wall, credit to
Randall Pitchford: "ARE YOU SMALL OR ARE YOUR CHEATING?". Probably cheating :)
[Credit: Fernando Calvo]
[11]"In the red key room (and in some other rooms in the level) there are two
screens (tile 4120). When I saw them the first time, I thought that they're
showing a comet, but it had no sense to me. After a big time of cerebral
exercise I realized that the screens are showing a burning fuse!... YES! The
same from the '60s TV show "Mission: Impossible". [Credit: Fernando Calvo]
[12] In the briefing room, there is coat hanger with a hat and cane on it which
says "STEED" on it. This is actually from the TV Series "The Avengers". The
character John Steed in the series often has a bowler hat and umbrella (like
the one here) on it. (Note: I previously thought this was from Mission
Impossible, Alexander corrected me). [Credit: Alexander W.]
[13]"In the same level, I discovered something quite interesting. Well, every
began when I was sure that [secret 7] (the one with a kind of train and a
tunnel under construction) came from another spy movie or TV show, but I were
not sure of what. I asked my old uncle for the scene, but he don't recognized
it. A bit frustrated, I began to explore the level searching for a clue, and I
found something interesting. Exactly in the main entrance (the big door) there
are two screens (at right and left of the door). They're are the tiles 4130 and
4131, and both look like a map, with a lot of red Xs and other marks on it.
After a little time of watching them, I realized that #4131 is the map of the
main hall ([Entrance]) and #4130 is the map of [secret 7]. Very interesting!
What do the Xs mean? Something like "X marks the spot"? I really don't know..."
[Credit: Fernando Calvo]
Well, I'm fairly sure that the X's mean the locations of the enemies in that
room, at least in the second screen, the one of Secret 7, they are the
locations of all the enemies in the room, an enforcer in front of the console,
a guy in the cart, and a pig and a trooper in various other locations in the
room. The trio of orange dots represent canisters. The other colored dots in the
cart probably mean the 5 items that are in the cart, however, if they are items,
then why aren't they showing the items near the console? Perhaps an explanation
is that this small map picture was taken during an early version of the map
and stuff was added later. The fifth red X in the picture means an enemy
through the wall in the level, that is, you can't fight that enemy (a Trooper)
in the same room as the secret. The colors of the items aren't particularly
strange, because the probably represent Small Medikits (white) ammo (orange)
and Atomic Healths (blue).
As for the main room there aren't as many X's as there are enemies for some
reason, an the positions for some of the enemies in that room are fairly off
compared to the enemies in the Secret 7. It does show some items but misses
others, like the Shells on the desk. Strangely enough, it does show an enforcer
in the briefing room (in the picture, it is to the right). It also shows the
central pillar, with a darker green portion for the weak wall, with three white
dots inside of it (the 3 large medikits in there).
As for the tunnel, it is quite weird. It looks like it's a digging operation,
but if you look at the map, it seems to be digging IN to the facility. Odd.
However, there is something that you can't really see without using DNSHOWMAP
and DNCLIP. Go back to Secret 7 and enter the tunnel. At the very end of the
tunnel, where the bridge ends, go through that wall... there is space to move
for some reason, and the floor is of the rock tile! It seems that there may
have at one point been a broken wall here, so you could access the secret this
way. It may explain the egg. I don't know enough about spy movies to
extrapolate on the actual meaning of the secret, but since the only entrance
to the secret is from the Get Smart egg (where you are going through all the
doors). In one episode of Get Smart called the Not So Great Escape (Part 2)
apparently there is tunnel digging and high voltage wires, both present in
this room... baseless speculation, for the most part, but here is the
transcript for this episode (courtesy of Totse's episode guide to the show,
found at http://www.totse.com/en/media/televisionary_film_vidiots/smart.html)
THE NOT-SO-GREAT ESCAPE (part 2) Saturday, 8:00 P.M. March 29, 1969
Max has to spring the prisoners before the real Major Kessler can take
them behind the Iron Curtain, brainwash them, and return them to CONTROL
as KAOS pawns. Despite the presence of an informer in their cell, and
Max digging an escape tunnel that leads back to the cell, Max secures the
prisoners' freedom. In digging the tunnel, he damages a power line,
which brings all the utility companies to the rescue.
Ok... so maybe! Anyways, thanks to Fernando Calvo for alerting me to this, and
Totse's guide to Get Smart! for the transcript.
[07-01-22] E4L02 - Duke-Burger
[1] The rotating sign near the entrance says "Duke Burger - 0 Burgers Sold";
a play on the McDonalds gimmick of putting their burger numbers on their signs.
[2] In the room with the dog kennels / cells, there is a dog in one of them.
The label on the outside of the cell says "Scrappy Due", which can be
translated to "Scrappy Doo", a character from the Scooby Doo cartoon series.
It's kind of fitting that it's going to be turned into Duke Burger :)
[3] The SPCH building is actually called the SPCH - Society for the Preparation
of Canine Hamburger - in contrast to the real life SPCA - the Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
[4] "Use" the drive-thru terminal. Butthead from the MTV cartoon Beavis and
Butthead will talk to you and said "Go away. We're, like, closed."
[Credit: Andrew C.]
[07-01-23] E4L03 - Shop-N-Bag
[1] The Duke Nukem 3D theme song is the muzak that is playing in the
[2] Secret 7 - "I guess he didn't escape from L.A." - this is a reference to
the movie "Escape from L.A." - the guy's head on the pike is Kurt Russell's
character Snake Plissken.
[3] In one of the back rooms of the area, with the dead dolphin (which is
actually considered an enemy in game and "squeaks" if you shoot it) there is a
poster on the wall that says "Farm Raised 'SESOS' .39c / lb USAD Grade A".
Beside the poster is a bloody bat. This is referring to the incidents in the
past where fur hunters would club baby seals for their fur. This caused a media
ruckus and a large uproar in public support of these seals, however, as usual
animal activists take things way too far. The Duke team was probably mocking
this over-activity. In any case SESOS remains a bit of a mystery. SESOS, in
terms of food, is cow brains, which got forbidden by the USDA because of mad cow
virus. However it has nothing to do with seals, so we are left with this cryptic
message. Note that there isn't anything called USAD either (at least relating
to food or government agencies, "USAD" doesn't exist, but is close to USDA -
the United States Department of Agriculture).
[4] When you are getting the Red Key, there is a computer screen with a Duke
Nukem atomic symbol on it. There is also a whiteboard with a message on it:
"Fire Jack! Caught playing Duke again! - Bobby". You can touch the computer
screen and hear Duke say "Get back to work, you slacker!". As far as I can tell
the names have no significance.
[5] When you are in the crushing pillars area, go into the crawlspace. There is
a message here: "RUN YOUR ASS OFF" - just a nice hint for you.
[Credit: Steven Worek]
[07-01-24] E4L04 - Babe Land
[1] The entire level is probably based on Disneyland, culminating with the
"Babes of the Caribbean" ride, which is, of course, based on the "Pirates of
the Caribbean" ride of Disneyland fame.
[2] In the line up to the Babes ride, there are some TVs that show a cartoon
mouse killing a cartoon cat. This is very reminiscent of the Simpsons episode
where the Simpsons go to the Itchy and Scratchy theme park and watch an Itchy
and Scratchy movie while waiting for a ride (Itchy and Scratchy are a mouse and
cat respectively).
[3] The arm that the pirate is waving at a dog is actually a Trooper's arm.
[07-01-25] E4L05 - Pigsty
[1] When you go to the area labeled Computer Room, when you are a perfect
distance away from the computers, a picture of a duck will appear on all the
monitors. Perhaps this is supposed to entice you to duck, because a Commander
spawns right behind you when you go in this room :)
[2] Beside the Computer Room, to the left of it, there is a tiny and dark
corridor. In there, on the wall, is a picture of a judge, and underneath it is
the caption "J.Dredd", from the movie Judge Dredd. Though the Judge really
wasn't a Judge in this sense. Also in this dark hallway is a message, "OPEN J.
DREDD", which you can see using the Goggles (this is a reference to a secret).
[3] Those "Wanted" pictures on the walls here, like the ones in the office
before the Computer Room, are of the Duke 3D development team. From left to
right, the best I can do are: Chuck Jones, Todd Repogle, Allen H. Blum, Dirk
Jones, Dirty Harry (Maybe. He was an egg in this level so maybe his face was
done twice), Brian Martel, and Keith Schuler (Maybe). The one in the
main entrance has a picture of George Broussard at the top and a picture of
Stephen Hornback on it, too. Oddly, on both boards there is a sign that says
"Just say NO to drugs!", very interesting...
[4] In the office that is above the Computer Room, there is a desk with a
nameplate that has "H. Callahan" on it; this is the name of Clint Eastwood's
character in "Dirty Harry" (Harry Callahan). When Duke goes to the desk, he
utters the famous saying from that movie, "Go ahead. Make my day!"
[5] At the beginning of the level, Duke says "I'll be Back.". This is from
the movie "Terminator" obviously, as well as the car crash and explosions at
the beginning of the level when Arnold goes into the police building, kills
several cops and gets Sarah Connor.
[6] Stand or crouch on the photocopier itself. In the photocopier tray, there
will be a picture of Duke's rear and his belt. There is also a tattoo on Duke's
butt, it has a picture of a heart with an arrow through it, and "LANI" under it.
Lani Minella the female voice actress in Duke 3D.
[7] One of the desks here has a picture of J. McLain, the name of the character
in the "Diehard" series of movies. When Duke approaches the desk, he says the
famous phrase that was uttered in the movie "Yippie Ki Yay Motherf**ker!"
(censored in game).
[8] Near the Judge's desk there is a picture of the Unabomber, Theodore
[9] At the front of the Judge's Stand, there is a symbol on there that is
representative of the legal system of the United States. It should have "E
pluribus unum" on it - which is the national motto of the United States;
translated from Latin, it means "From many, one" or "Out of many, one." However
in this game it says "E pluribus Nukem", which, roughly translated, means "From
many, Duke." :)
[10] Go to the witness stand in the courtroom and Duke will say "So help me
Duke", as opposed to "So help me God".
[11] In the exit to the secret level, there is another desk that has "J. Dredd"
on it.
[12] At the entrance to the secret level, the reason why all the jurors are
hanging from the roof is because they are a "hung jury"... har har har.
[13] The picture near the blue key is not one of the normal pictures of
Washington, Lincoln, or Jefferson that you would normally see around the 4th
episode, instead, it is of one of the game developers. I _think_ that it is
of George Broussard, but I could be wrong.
[14] The wooden arms of the sofa in the yellow key room has some text: one
arm says "FISH" and the other says "B MILLER". "B MILLER" likely stands for
Barney Miller, a 1975 TV sitcom set in a police station. "FISH" is referencing
the show Fish, a similar themed TV show that was a spinoff of Barney Miller.
[Credit: Fernando Calvo and TheLazenby]
[07-01-26] E4L06 - Going Postal
[1] Near the Judge's desk there is a picture of the Unabomber, Theodore
Kaczynski. The same picture appeared in the previous level (though this one
covers up a secret).
[2] In Secret 3 there is a poster of "Postal Rifle Association", in contrast to
the National Rifle Association. There is also some pictures of the mailman's
worst enemy, and where to "aim" on it - the dog.
[3] Look in the mirror in the locker room. There is a message scrawled on the
wall; it says "Take Home Bart". This is from an episode of the Simpsons, where
Homer forgets to pick up Bart from soccer practice. The person who writes the
message on the wall is Milhouse.
[07-01-27] E4L07 - XXX-Stacy
[1] Besides the multitude of Sister Act III posters here, there is also a
machine that is making "Sister Act IV: Making Whoopie" posters. Whoopie, in
this context, is obvious but Whoopie Goldberg is the star of the real Sister
[2] In "The Funny Boner" (har) comedy club, there is a microphone. When you
touch it, it will make a sound as if you were tapping on the mic. Normally,
this wouldn't be significant. However, it is a comedy club, and comics
sometimes tap the mic if they aren't getting a good response : "Is this thing
[3] The secret behind the window that's full of canisters, the disarmed pipe
bomb and the picture of the Unabomber Ted K. certainly suggests that this is
supposed to be HIS apartment. [Credit: Fernando Calvo]
[07-01-28] E4L08 - Critical Mass
[1] Secret 1 is called Sector 7-G and is surrounded by donuts, fitting because
Sector 7-G is "The Simpsons" character Homer Simpson's place of work, and
even more fitting because this level is set in a power plant that is on the
verge of a meltdown most of the time (where Homer works, of course).
[2] At the end of the map, you can see a huge ship; this is for the next level,
"Derelict" (not really an egg but cool nonetheless).
[07-01-29] E4L09 - Derelict
[1] The name of the ship is "Valdeez-2", which is apparently a U.S. Navy ship;
it is infamous for crashing in the Exxon-Valdez oil spill crash. This is also
plastered on the side of the ship, and in the captain's quarters (note that it
is spelt differently).
[07-01-30] E4L10 - The Queen
[1] Alright, this one is pretty hard to find. First of all you have to use
dnclip and dnshowmap. Then, open up the map (the one with textures on it).
Notice the large purple stream that veers off into a small curvy path. Face the
direction on the map that has the curvy path on the top, and then move
diagonally up and right. Eventually while you are moving on the map there is a
small rectangular room. Inside this room there are two messages: one on the
floor and ceiling and one on the wall. The one on the wall says "TAG IS COOL" -
referring to DukeTag that was introduced in the Atomic Edition, a new method of
multiplay. However the one on the ceiling "RSP II DUVAL MAGIC". This is from
Randall S. Pitchford II, nickname Duval Magic. He was one of the people that
worked on the Atomic Edition and it's levels. Note that the reason for the text
on the ceiling not being sprites (like most messages) is that you could see the
message from the map screen if you wanted to. You'd have to zoom in a lot
[2] The room at the very beginning of the level is the same room that was
viewed in the introduction movie in the beginning of the game, with the
the operating table and all.
[07-01-31] E4L11 - Area 51
[1] Use DNCLIP at the beginning of the level and walk through the chain fence
(you can't fly over it if you're wondering). You can look behind the jeep and
find a sign that says "3D Realms Prop. Dept. #4330 Jeep". The number refers to
the tile number in the art packages.
[2] On the back of the trailer in the "Outside" area, there is a license plate
on it that says "ILUVET", referencing the movie ET obviously, which involves
aliens and thus referencing Area 51 etc.
[3] In the crate room, there is a box that has "Received from Roswell, N.M.,
7/2/47, to W.P.A.F.B, OH Hanger 18" - W.P.A.F.B is the name of an Air Force
base in Ohio if that means anything to you - apparently the founder of
aerospace research and involved in the Roswell incident.
[4] Secret 5 has a sign in it that says "Groom Lake", the name of the dried up
lake bed that Area 51 is situated on.
[5] Fernando Calvo sends this in: In "Area 51", the alienship in the big room is
exactly the little alienship from the movie "Independence Day" (ID4). I noted
that due to the bottle on it (if you remember, there is a scene in the movie in
where an officer shot at a soda can over the ship. In D3D there are no soda
cans!! Then the developers put a bottle instead :P). And if you enter to the
alienship, there's a nuclear warhead loaded in it (with an Atomic Health inside)
the same that was in the movie. [Credit: Fernando Calvo]
[6] Fernando also told me about the part of the level where there is a monitor
that has the Duke Burger getting attacked by a big alien spacecraft, though I
couldn't really make it out the first time that I saw it. It is a big reference
to ID4 as well, when the alien spacecraft famously destroyed the white house.
[Credit: Fernando Calvo]
[7] In some parts of the level there are screens that have something like a
black or shadowy Alien Drone standing over a woman that is flailing her legs;
this is probably the same woman as the Episode 4 opening video.
[Credit: Fernando Calvo]
[07-01-32] Other In Game Eggs
On the Pig Cop's uniform, on the bottom of the RPV, and in various other places
there is the acronym L.A.R.D. According to the instruction manual, the aliens
mutated the L.A.P.D, or the Los Angeles Police Force, into the L.A.R.D, which
is fitting, because policemen are often referred to as pigs, and their
appearance in this game reflects this.
VISA and MasterCard: these two little icons appear in the game a couple times.
My theory where they got the two sprites is from the original shareware screen,
so it looks like they did that.
Duke quotes a ton of lines from the Evil Dead series of movies, such as:
+ "Groovy!"
+ "Hail to the king, baby!"
+ "Come get some!"
+ "Who wants some!"
+ "Oooooh, that's gotta hurt!"
There are several posters and magazines in the game as well. The more
interesting ones include:
+ "Attack of the Beached Blonde Biker Bimbos" - a babe kneeling on a RPG
This is also the title of the movie playing in 1-1.
+ "Sister Act III" - two girls in underwear. Spoofing the movie Sister Act.
+ "Play Magazine" - a nude woman on the front, spoofing Playboy magazine.
Additionally, the graffiti that appears throughout the level might have some
+ "KTS" - Found in the 1-2 pool room amongst other levels. Likely stands for
"Ken T. Silverman" - one of the game's developers.
+ "SMP" - Unknown, but the string of characters is legible... could mean
+ "A" with a circle around it is the symbol for Anarchy.
There are also several cheat codes that display messages or do things that, at
first, don't make sense but are actually Easter eggs as well.
Allen H. Blum III was the assistant director of Duke Nukem 3D and made
many maps for this game, most great (Derelict is one of the best maps for
Duke). This is his personal cheat code, which urges you to buy Major Stryker,
an old 3D Realms game.
Could be a message that software piracy is bad :) The beta of the game
is LameDuke and 3DRealms released it to the general public a while ago.
Another 3D Realms game, named Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure. I have only
seen screenshots but it looks like it was directed to a younger audience, and
probably didn't sell too well if they are still asking you to buy it in Duke
3D. A NOTE ABOUT THIS CODE: It was changed to DNTODD (Todd Repogle) after that
cheat conflicted with some ingame functions. If you are running the game above
1.3d then you have to use DNTODD - TODD stands for Todd Repogle.
There are also two Macintosh-only cheat codes in addition to the ones already
in the game, and they are as follows:
DN1984: Changes the movie theatre screen in Hollywood Holocaust to the famous
1984 Macintosh commercial.
DNMACS: Changes the security monitors to Macintosh desktops.
[07-01-33] - Eggs in the .CON files
There are a couple of minor eggs in the .CON files.
Return of Coke? in GAME.CON look at line 2185 and 2207; they have the actors
"SIXPAK" and "COLA". These are left over from the beta, but the interesting
thing is that the small medikit and the large medikit are COLA and SIXPACK
respectively in the GAME.CON, as are their tiles in the .art files. Interesting
that they didn't change that (see the LameDuke section for information on that).
UPDATE: Ah, one of the few connections between this and the first two Duke
games. If you have played Duke Nukem II, you will know that the powerups are
Soda. One powerup is a coke can, that restores one health, and the sixpack
restores a whopping six health. A small connection but one of few.
[Credit: Fernando Calvo]
USER.CON is loaded with spelling errors, for one thing. Looks like Mr.
Repogle didn't have access to a spell checker at that point :) Anyways, he also
called some stuff different names. I noticed the following things on the lines
in the left columns:
71: IR Goggles - obviously nightvision googles; infrared goggles would be
something different (at least in the real world)
- Looking at the text message files there seem to be some interesting things
that didn't get included in the final game. These include the following:
A couple of those messages suggest that at one time there was a cheat entering
menu. But that would probably take too long in game and therefore was scrapped.
AIRTANK isn't used because Scuba Gear is the real item that it is probably
referring to. "YOU'RE BURNING" might have something to do with getting caught
in fire and taking damage, and displaying that message on the screen (though it
doesn't happen in game). The last message... I don't know!
In USER it lists all the maps. At the end of Episode 1, however, there are a
couple extra that not everyone knows about:
definelevelname 0 6 E1L7.map 00:00 00:00 FACES OF DEATH
definelevelname 0 7 E1L8.map 99:99 99:99 USER MAP
definelevelname 0 8 E1L9.map 12:48 16:32 VOID ZONE
definelevelname 0 9 E1L10.map 0T:HX 11:38 ROACH CONDO
definelevelname 0 10 E1L11.map 08:67 53:09 ANTIPROFIT
FACES OF DEATH is a multiplayer level, but you can play it in single player...
however, there are BattleLords around every corner. It appears that E1L8 is
a multiplayer level as well... it's just a small, one room area that has
weapons all around it. I don't know if it's actually called USER MAP, though.
ANTIPROFIT's time is actually 867-5309, the phone number referenced in E1L01,
and from the Tony Tutone song. [Credit: Skunk]
From Jacek D:
" While playing with Sob-bot (if you don't know: it's a bot, simulating
Dukematch players - useful when you want to play DM but you can't.) I
noticed that when I'm exiting the game, for a split second a "level loading"
screen flashes, with "Void Zone" on it." [Credit: Jacek D]
I've had similar experiences when playing with user made maps and ending the
level. I believe it's because when a user map is being played it is treated as
"E1L8 - User Map" - you can check in the automap, the episode it says you are on
is "LA Meltdown". When you finish the map (by using an exit symbol) the game
checks for E1L9, can't find it, gets the "void zone" and exits the game. Note
that when you finish any level by killing a Boss that it goes to the boss ending
screen for the Battlelord unless the episode that you are in specifies otherwise
(which is why the game always goes to the Battlelord ending in the Usermap
because Usermap is in episode 1).
Now one massive egg is E1L10, ROACH CONDO. Simply look at the times, THX 1138.
This is a reference to the George Lucas movie of the same name, it had another
two references in 2-2: Incubator.
ANTIPROFIT's time is actually 867-5309, the phone number referenced in 1-1, and
from the Tony Tutone song. [Credit: Skunk]
ROACH CONDO and ANTIPROFIT do have a meaning. I found it in the source code in
a bunch of comment files by whomever made the GAME.C file. Apparently, they
would be related to Duke Nukem V! (See the "Eggs In The Source Files" section
for more information on this). This is what I found in the source files about
these eggs:
// Roach Condo (FUNNY)
// AntiProfit (RPG)
So maybe Duke Nukem V will be a game with many different types of gameplay?
(Duke Nukem V, if it ever comes out, will probably not be related to these
comments whatsoever. It's just that these are really interesting little bits to
complete the puzzle of the billions of eggs in Duke 3D).
[07-01-34] Eggs in the source files
The Duke Nukem 3D source files were graciously released by 3D Realms recently.
While this is not the place to go (or ask about) programming help regarding the
source, I did scan through the files and look for some interesting tidbits of
code or commented stuff. I was surprised by a couple of things that I found, you
should read it below! There are ideas for Duke Nukem V and Duke 2000, how about
that! Included in the source are some things about the Total Entertainment
Network (TEN). If you are a programmer, or just want to see some code, go to
www.3drealms.com and download it from their page (the last download in that
EDUKE: E-Duke is a source of Duke that doesn't have personal information (names,
contact information) removed, like the official one from 3D Realms. Other than
that it's the same thing.
6306: "Battlestar Galactica shields" --> this appeared in a part about how the
shields for the forcefields work.
There is some great stuff that they didn't cut when the released the source,
thankfully. Here are some snippets from near the end of the file:
// Do a demo make run overnite
// Fix Super Duck
// Slime Guies, use quickkick.
// Make Lasers from trip bombs reflect off mirrors
// Remember for lockout of sound swears
// Pass sender in packed, NOT
// Fatal sync give no message for TEN
// Hitting TEN BUTTON(OPTION) no TEN SCreen
// Check multioperateswitches for se 31,32
// Fix pal for ceilings (SE#18)
// case 31: sprites up one high
// E1l1 No Kill All troops in room, sleep time
// Fifo for message list
// Bloodsplat on conveyers
// Meclanical
// Increase sound
// Mouse Delay at death
// Wierd slowdown
// Footprints on stuff floating
// Ken, The inside function is called a lot in -1 sectors
// No loading Univbe message rewrite
// Expander must cycle with rest of weapons
// Duck SHOOT PIPEBOMB, red wall
// Get commit source from mark
1. fix pipebomb bug
2. check george maps
4. Save/Restore check (MP and SP)
5. Check TEN
6. Get Commit fixed
8. Is mail slow?
9. Cacheing
11. Eight Player test
12. Postal.voc not found.
13. All Monsters explode in arcade,
Change 28<<8 back to 16<<8 in hitradius
Compare 1.3d to 1.4
14. Check sounds/gfx for for parr lock
15. Player # Loaded a game
16. Replace Crane code 1.3d to 1.4
17. Fix Greenslime
18. Small Freeze sprite,below floor
19. Vesa message auto abort in mp?
20. Fucked Palette in my skip ahead in MP
21. Load in main menu
22. Rotated frag screen no game screen
23. Jibs sounds when killed other dukes
24. Ten code and /f4 mode
25. Fix All MP Glitches!!
26. Unrem Menues anim tenbn
27. buy groc,clothes,scanner
28. Why Double Defs in global and game, is so at work
29. Check that all .objs are erased
30. Check why 1.3ds gotweapon gamedef coop code no workie
31. Heavy mods to net code
32. Make sure all commline stuff works,
33. killed all waitfor???
34. 90k stack
35. double door probs
36: copy protection
* when you start a game the duke saying that is played when you choose a skill
the sound is cut off.
* NEWBEASTJUMPING is not deleted at premap in multi-play
I especially like points 8 and 27. And why is there no number seven? It's
interesting how they talk about TEN so much while at about the time 1.5 came out
TEN was all but dead.
And now, from the same file... level ideas for Duke Nukem... 5? Also, be warned,
the guy who made this (not 100% sure) had awful spelling :) Anyways, he had
levels for items, controls, levels, and even some premade TEXT for the game;
it's a fun read :) Apparently this was found after the source was released, and
there was a discussion about how it was a joke :)
Duke Nukem V
Duke inflitrating neighborhoods inf. by aliens
Death Valley:
Sorta like a western. Bull-skulls half buried in the sand
Military compound: Aliens take over nuke-missle silo, duke
must destroy.
Abondend Aircraft field
Blast anything bright! Alien lights camoflauged.
Alien Drug factory. The Blue Liquid
Mountainal Cave:
Interior cave battles.
Trees, canopee, animals, a mysterious hole in the earth with
gas seaping thru.
Good use of spotlights:
Mental ward:
People whom have claimed to be slowly changing into an
alien species
Duck Tape,
Power Cell,
Hand spikes (Limited usage, they become dull)
Oxygent (Oxygen mixed with stimulant)
Player Skills:
Strafe, Jump, Double Flip Jump for distance
Help, Escape
Use Menu
After a brief resbit, Duke decides to get back to work.
Cmdr: "Duke, we've got a lot of scared people down there.
Some reports even claim that people are already
slowly changing into aliens."
Duke: "No problem, my speciality is in croud control."
Cmdr: "Croud control, my ass! Remember that incident
during the war? You created nuthin' but death and
Duke: "Not destruction, justice."
Cmdr: "I'll take no responsibility for your actions. Your on
your own! Behave your self, damnit! You got that,
Duke: "I've always been on my own... Face it, it's ass kickin' time,
Cmdr: "Get outta here...!"
(Duke gives the Cmdr a hard stair, then cocks his weapon and
walks out of the room)
Cmdr: In a wisper: "Good luck, my friend."
In this file there are some more interesting ideas for Duke 2000, apparently.
Note that my comments are in [Square Brackets]
[Possible names for the game?]
// "Duke 2000"
// "Virchua Duke"
// "Son of Death
// "Cromium"
// "Potent"
// "Flotsom"
[Looks like the story for the new game. In summary, it seems that Duke becomes
brain dead, and tries to esccape his mental ward]
// Volume One
// "Duke is brain dead",
// Damage too duke
// Weapons are computer cont. Only logical thinking
// is disappearing.
// " Flips! "
// Flash on screen, inst.
// "BUMS"
// "JAIL"/"MENTAL WARD (Cop code for looney? T. asks Cop.)"
// ( Duke's Mission
// Duke: "Looks like some kind of transporter...?"
// Byte: "...YES"
// Duke: "Waa, here goes nuthin'. "
// (Duke puts r. arm in device)
// (Duke's arm is seved.)
// Byte: NO.NO.NO.NO.NO.NO.NO...
// ( Byte directs duke to the nearest heat source)
// (Shut Up Mode)
// ( Duke Staggers, end of arm bleeding, usual oozing arm guts. )
// Byte: Left, Left, Left, Left, Right.
// ( Duke, loozing consc, trips on broken pipe, )
// ( hits temple on edge of step. )
// ( Rats everywhere, byte pushing them away with weapon,
// ( eventually covered, show usual groosums, Duke appears dead
// ( Duke wakes up, in hospital, vision less blurry
// ( Hospital doing brain scan, 1/3 cran. mass MISSING!
// Doc: Hummm? ( Grabbing upper lip to "appear" smart. )
// Stand back boys
// Schrapnel has busted my scull!
// Now I'm insane, Mental ward, got to escape.
// Search light everywhere.
[Perhaps some of the new characters?]
// (M)Mendor, The Tree Dweller.
// (M)BashMan, The Destructor.
// (M)Lash, The Scavenger.
// (F)Mag, The Slut.
// (F)
// Duke Nukem
// 5th Dimention
// Pentagon Man!
[These are apparently the authours random ideas]
// I Hope your not stupid!
// The 70's meet the future.
// Dirty Harry style. 70's music with futuristic edge
// The Instant De-Welder(tm)
// I think I'm going to puke...
// Badge attitude.
// He's got a Badge(LA 3322), a Bulldog, a Bronco (beat up/bondoed).
// Gfx:
// Lite rail systems
// A church. Large cross
// Sniper Scope,
// Really use the phone
// The Boiler Room
// The IRS, nuking other government buildings?
// You wouldn't have a belt of booz, would ya?
// Slow turning signes
// More persise shooting/descructions
// Faces, use phoneoms and its lookup. Talking, getting in fights.
// Drug dealers, pimps, and all galore
// Weapons, Anything lying around.
// Trees to clime, burning trees.
// Sledge Hammer, Sledge hammer with Spike
// sancurary, get away from it all.
// Goodlife = ( War + Greed ) / Peace
// Monsterism (ACTION)
// Global Hunter (RPG)
// Slick a Wick (PUZZLE)
// Roach Condo (FUNNY)
// AntiProfit (RPG)
// Pen Patrol (TD SIM)
// 97.5 KPIG! - Wanker County
// "Fauna" - Native Indiginouns Animal Life
Images: Polys
Multi-Object sections for change (head,arms,legs,torsoe,all change)
Facial expressions. Pal lookup per poly?
25: Looks like there's something called "Savage Baggage Masters" at the
beginning of the code. I have no clue what this means!
It looks like there is a repeat of some stuff in GAME.C, but that's it.
| [07-02] Duke Speak |======================================================
This section will transcribe what I consider to be some of the more funny,
crude and most Duke-ish phrases in the game. It's not complete, but I have
listed (in my mind) the most important ones.
[07-02-01] Blowing Up An Enemy
+ "Blow it out your ass!"
+ "Your face, your ass, what's the difference?"
+ "Eat shit and die!"
+ "I'm going to get medieval on your asses!"
+ "Bitchin'!"
+ "Damn, I'm good."
+ "See you in hell!"
+ "Holy shit!"
+ "I'm gonna get smack dab on your ass!"
+ "Yeah, piece of cake!"
+ "Suck it down!"
+ "Let God sort 'em out!"
+ "Heh heh heh - what a mess!"
+ "Game over!"
+ "Oooh, that's gotta hurt!"
+ "You guys suck!"
+ "Holy Cow!"
+ "Gonna rip 'em a new one!"
[07-02-02] Getting a Weapon
+ "Ready for action!"
+ "Come get some!"
+ "Hail to the king, baby!"
+ "Groovy!"
+ "Lets Rock."
+ "Cool."
+ "Who wants some?"
+ "Rockin'!"
[07-02-03] Other Quotes
+ "Die, you son of a bitch!" - killing Battlelord (boss or non-boss) or Alien
+ "I'll rip off your head and shit down your neck!" - fighting Overlord
+ "It's down to you and me, you one eyed freak!" - fighting Cycloid Emperor
+ "Ahh, much better!" - using toilet / urinal
+ "Oooooh, I needed that!" - getting health at low health
+ "Damn, I'm lookin good! " - using the mirrors
+ "Hmmm... don't have time to play with myself." - after using the Duke Nukem
game in the arcade
+ "After a few days of R&R, I'll be ready for more action!" - beat the game
+ "Somebody's gonna friggin' pay for screwing up my vacation!"
+ "Shake it baby!" - talking to a non-alienized babe
+ "You wanna dance?" - talking to a non-alienized babe
+ "Damn." - killing a babe
+ "Dammit." - killing a babe
+ "Shit happens." - stepping in poop
+ "Come on!" - stay still for too long
+ "What are you waiting for, Christmas?" - stay still for too long
+ "Its time to kick ass and chew bubblegum. And I'm all outta gum."
+ "Damn, those alien bastards are gonna pay for shootin' up my ride!"
+ "I should've known those alien maggots booby trapped the sub!"
+ "Damn. that's the second time those alien bastards shot up my ride!"
+ "I'm Duke Nukem, and I'm coming to get the rest of you alien bastards!"
+ "Nobody steals our chicks ... and lives."
+ "This is really pissing me off!"
+ "This is pissing me off!"
+ "Eeeeugh ... this sucks!"
[07-02-04] Episode 4 Quotes
+ "Its time to abort your whole friggin' species!" - killing Alien Queen
+ "Looks like clean up on aisle four!" - after seeing a corpse in aisle 4 in
Shop N Go.
+ "Damn, that was annoying." - killing robot mouse in Babe Land
+ "Mmm. Book 'em, Dano." - reference to "Hawaii Five-O", longest running crime
TV series ever
+ "I'm not cryin' over this!" - killing Scrappy Due?
+ "No way I'm eating this shit!" - talking about the Duke Burger's food
+ "Nobody jacks with our independence!" - End of Area 51
+ "I'm going to kick your ass, bitch!" - Insulting the Alien Queen
+ "Nobody messes with MY meat!" - talking about the Duke Burger's food
+ "Looks like it's time for me to go postal!" - postal level
+ "Get that crap outta here!" - Again, in Duke Burger
+ "So help me Duke!" - court level, when going on the stand
+ "Harr matey! Someone's gonna take a long walk off a short gang plank!
- Babe land level on the pirate ship
+ "Get back to work, you slacker!" - after seeing Duke Nukem game symbol on
a computer screen
+ "Yo ho ho and a bottle of Jack!" - Babe land level on the pirate ship
+ "Yippie Ki Yay, mother(bleep)er!" (it's bleeped in game) - PigSty
+ "Mmm. My kind of party! Wish I had the time." - seeing XXX Stacy babes
+ "I'll be back." - Pigsty level
[07-02-05] Remote Ridicule
+ "You're an inspiration for birth control!"
+ "You're gonna die for that!"
+ "It hurts to be you!"
+ "Lucky son of a bitch!"
+ "Ha ha ha! Payback time!"
+ "What are you, some bottom feeding, scum sucking, algae eater?"
+ "Damn, your ugly!"
+ "Ha ha ha! Wasted!"
+ "You suck."
=| [07-03] Text Transcripts |================================================
This section is a transcript of all the text screens that are in the game,
including the Introduction screens, the ending screens, and the shareware
screens, amongst others. When I am giving commentary or context on a scene,
I will use the following tags to label when a transcript is starting or
ending: for starting them and for ending
[07-03-00] Listing of Contents
[07-03-01] Game Introduction
[07-03-02] Episode 1 Ending
[07-03-03] Episode 2 Ending
[07-03-04] Episode 3 Ending
[07-03-05] Episode 4 Introduction
[07-03-06] Episode 4 Ending
[07-03-07] Shareware Nag Screens
[07-03-08] Shareware Game Completion Screens
[07-03-01] Game Introduction
You can access this screen by pressing F1 in game or wating through the opening
movies / demos.
"A babe, a stogie, and a bottle of Jack. That's what I need right now."
Duke mused in his recent defeat of the Rigelatins, his voice raspy even in
his thoughts. After single-handedly saving Earth --again-- he was ready for a
long period of lying the hell down.
"And no more freakin' aliens".
Just then, a white-hot plasmatic blast punched through the hull of his
cruiser. Klaxons flared, warning lights flashed, and static filled his
monitors. He flipped on his comm.
"Hey, anybody out there? I got a little probl..." Duke started.
"Mayday! Mayday!" the radio replied. "Los Angeles is under attack! There are
aliens everywhere, and they've mutated the LAPD. Is anyone there? We need
help!--". The transmission went silent.
"Great," Duke grumbled as his careening ship missed a skyscraper. "What's the
problem with all these aliens attacking Earth anyway? How many alien races
have to get their asses kicked?"
Duke slammed his fist into the waiting eject button.
"I guess one more."
[07-03-02] Episode 1 Ending
After you kill the Battlelord, Duke puts one foot on the its head as well as his
shotgun. The Battlelord groans, and says "Who the hell are you?". Duke replies
with a shotgun blast to the side of it's head and says "I'm Duke Nukem, and I'm
coming to get the rest of you alien bastards!"
Cut to a screen showing Duke in the control room of an alien ship, looking a
monitor with a babe being displayed.
After wiping the blood and brains from his boots, Duke explored the alien
ship. Monitors showed a titanic alien ship hovering above Earth, with dozens of
smaller ships off loading green cocoon like pods. One showed them in close up:
They all held women, still alive. Just like the ones Duke encountered. Duke
glowered in the pale green monitor light, and set the auto destruct sequence on
the alien ship. He stared at the screen once again.
'No one steals our chicks,' sneered Duke, 'and lives.'
[07-03-02] Episode 2 Ending
Before the battle, Duke exclaims to the Overlord that he is gonna rip of it's
head and shit down it's neck. After the battle, we are shown the corpse of the
Overlord and Duke. Duke throws away his gun, takes of his jetpack, and rips off
the head of the Overlord. He then takes a seat, gets a newspaper (from where, I
wonder) and whistles the Duke Nukem 3D theme song while making good on his
Cut to a screen which shows Duke looking at a monitor with the Cycloid emperor
projected on it.
Duke cracked his knuckles and smirked, "I need a stiff drink... a shower...
and, a soft-skinned belly to lie my head on."
A nearby monitor flickered on, and an incredibly ugly face spoke an ominous
message: "The moon assault Overlord has been defeated, as was our Battlelord on
Earth. But while Duke Nukem has been distracted, out main attack wave has begun
it's final assault on Earth. We shall obliterate all resistance."
"Guess again, freakshow," Duke growled. "Duke's coming back to town, and the
last thing that's gonna go thru your mind before you die... is my size 13
[07-03-03] Episode 3 Ending
After killing the Cycloid Emperor, Duke stares at it's corpse after the long
fight. It then shows Duke running to the corpse, then kicking the eye of the
Cycloid Emperor right out of it's head, sending it right though the goal posts.
Duke raises his arms in victory and proclaims "Game Over!" with the
(non-existent) crowd cheering in the background.
Cut to a screen with the Atomic symbol imposed on it. Duke's talks now, saying
"My name's Duke Nukem. After a few days of R and R, I'll be ready for more
action!". Shortly after, a female voice says "Awww, come back to bed Duke! I'm
ready for some action NOW!". Commence various Duke and female groans and
moans, as the game ends.
[07-03-04] Episode 4 Introduction
A picture of a military officer is shown on the screen in front of a computer.
He tells Duke, "Duke, we've got a new problem here! This video was shot by an
undercover operative."
We then look at a screen with some Alien Drones surrounding a naked woman on a
steel table, very pregnant and giving birth. "Our queen is born!" one of the
drones says.
Duke puts on his glasses and says "Hmm. I'm goin' in!"
[07-03-05] Episode 4 Ending
Upon him first seeing the Alien Queen, Duke says "I'm gonna kick your ass,
bitch!" Upon killing her, he says "Die, you son of a bitch!" Hmmm...
Afterwards, we see Duke floating above the body of the Alien Queen. Duke swims
near the lower portion of the body, gets a pipebomb, and places it into the
birthing canal of the Alien Queen. He swims away, saying "It's time to abort
your whole friggin' species!" as the body of the Alien Queen explodes.
The message then appears on the screen: "Thanks to all our fans for giving us
big heads. Look for a Duke Nukem 3D sequel soon." Hmm, like Duke Nukem
Forever? ;)
Then, a screen showing a picture - with big heads - of the creators is shown.
Back Row: Brian Martel, Chuck Jones, Keith Schuler, Randall S. Pitchford II
(Randy), George Broussard, and a picture of Duke giving bunny ears to George
Front Row: Lee Jackson, Todd Repogle, Allen H. Blum III, Dirk Jones, Douglas
R. Wood
Dismembered Head: Stephen Hornback
" Team "Duke Nukem" thanks you for playing. "
[07-03-06] Shareware Nag Screens
You can access the shareware screen both from the shareware game and in the
art files at tile 3270. The transcript of the file is as follows.
Screen 1
You're playing the shareware version of Duke Nukem 3D. It's time
to UPGRADE to the full version of the game today and make sure you don't
miss out on the action. Available on CD-ROM only (sorry no disk version).
Order today and get the following.
* 28 total levels (visit the Space Station and the Moonbase).
* New weapons like the Laser Gun and Shrink Ray (imagine shrinking
your enemies and stepping on them). Also get the Wall Mounted
Laser Trip Bombs which are deal for traps in multiplayer games.
* Ability to have 8 players in network instead of 4.
* More music, sound, and Duke talking. We can't get him to shut up now!
* Our level editor [Build] will allow you to create your own levels from
scratch, or let you modify ours. NOTE: These tools are provided
"as is" due to their complexity, but feel free to experiment.)
* FREE BONUS: Full versions of Duke Nukem I and Duke Nukem II.
* Five of our other hot action shareware games to try out.
* New enemies, bosses, locations, weapons, sounds, music, and art!
* Plus you get the full list of cheat codes [Duke would not approve].
Order today or you'll be missing more than 3/4 of the game!
(There's a picture of an Enforcer's arm here too.)
Screen 2
The Duke Nukem 3D Mousepad and Strategy Guide
For only $5 extra get a large Duke
Nukem 3D mouse pad! It's a great
collectors item with the same great
full color art as on the title
screen. Made of high quality foam
rubber - the good stuff!
(Picture of the mousepad on the upper right of screen)
(Picture of Enforcer crouching between the two descriptions)
You can also order the Duke Nukem 3D
strategy guide for $15. It has all the
levels, secrets, inside tricks, cheat
codes, designer notes and much more.
It is by Sybex books. (Call for
(Picture of the strategy guide on the lower right of screen)
Screen 3
Order the complete CD-ROM version of Duke Nukem 3D now!
Price: $39.95 plus $5 shipping and handling.
Call 1-800-XXXXXXX (1-800-XXX-XXXX) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Use your MasterCard, Visa, Discover, or American Express card.
(Pictures of the four credit cards)
Mail and fax orders: Read the file ORDER.FRM for details.
[Address for mailing removed]
FAX #: XXX-XXX-XXXX (Please send the ORDER.FRM).
(Pictures of a dying Trooper on the lower right corner of the screen).
Screen 4
Visit 3DRealms online for support, cheats, new games, and more!
* 3D Realms BBS: "http://www.3drealms.com" -- one of the
coolest stops on the web, with pictures of upcoming games,
a virtual tour of our offices, message bases, a LIVE SHOT camera
showing our games in development, and access to all of our past
shareware games in our file section. You can even see who
is online with you at any given time, from around the world. More
than just another Web page. Please stop by and look around.
* CompuServe: "GO REALMS" -- message areas, files, and hints.
* America Online: (Keyword 3D REALMS) Message bases, files.
* Software Creations BBS: (XXX) XXX-XXXX - Our
home BBS with all Our past games, message areas
and lots of other cool stuff.
(Picture of the shrink ray at the bottom of the screen)
(Picture of a pig cop dying at the lower right portion of the screen)
[07-03-07] Shareware Game Completion Screens
If you beat the shareware version, you get this screen. This is available in
the full game at tile 3290 and 3291 but you won't see it elsewhere.
The picture is an ingame screenshot based in the Dark Side level, with pictures
of the Cycloid Emperor, enforcer, and commander with the following text:
Duke, if you think you're a badass, come face us in the final missions.
Or else Earth will fall and you will die a coward. The choice is yours.
The second screen is split into two, the first a picture of the Tiberius Station
and the second being somewhere in the second episode where there are plenty of
Laser Tripbombs abound. There are messages on either screen:
Rescue the orbiting space station and the moonbase in the final game.
Use new weapons like the Laser Trip Mines, Shrink Ray, and the Laser Gun.
=| [07-04] Game Credits |======================================================
This is a listing of the ingame credit screens from the people that created
[07-04-00] Listing of Contents
[07-04-01] Credits
[07-04-02] Atomic Edition Credits
[07-04-03] Company Support Thanks
[07-04-04] Map Credits
[07-04-05] Music Credits
[07-04-01] Credits
Original Concept
Todd Replogle and Allen H. Blum III
Executive Producer
George Broussard
Greg Malone
Game Programming
Todd Replogle
"Build" 3D engine/Tools/Network
Ken Silverman
Additional Programming
Mark Dochtermann
Jim Dose'
Map Design
Allen H. Blum III
Richard Gray
3D Modeling
Chuck Jones
Sapphire Corporation
Stephen Hornback
Dirk Jones
James Storey
Additional Artwork
David Demaret
Douglas R. Wood
Music and Sound Effects
Lee Jackson
Bobby Prince
Voice Talent
Lani Minella - ProMotions Prod. Co.
Jon St. John as "Duke Nukem"
Graphic Design
Robert M. Atkins
Michael Hadwin
[07-04-02] Atomic Edition Credits
Project Leader/Director
George "Frame rate sucks" Broussard
Assistant Director
Allen "Done. Next?" H. Blum III
Game Programming
Todd "How's the game running?" Repogle
"Build" 3D engine/Tools/Network
Ken "I can do that" Silverman
Map Design
Allen "Nice Hat!" H. Blum III
George "Keyboarder" Broussard
Randall "DuvalMagic" S. Pitchford II
Keith "Duke maps are easy" Schuler
3D Modeling
Chuck "The animation is cookin" Jones
Additional 3D Modeling
Douglas "Hiccup... Kill me!!" R. Wood
Stephen "Chillin" Hornback
Dirk "Don't touch my toys" Jones
Brian "Left MP in time" Martel
James "Fish and Chips" Storey
Douglas "Slippers" R. Wood
Music and Sound Effects
Lee "Make it louder" Jackson
Voice Talent
Lani Minella - ProMotionsProd. Co.
Jon St. Jon as "Duke Nukem"
Special Thanks to
Steve Blackburn, Scott Miller, Joe Siegler, Terry Nagy, Collen Compton, Kevin
Green, Bryan Turner, Dennis DeSmeth, all the Realms beta testers
Duke Nukem is a trademark of 3D Realms Entertainment
Duke Nukem 3D (C) 1996 3D Realms Entertainment
Made in Dallas, Texas USA
[07-04-03] Company Support Thanks
(This is one of the screens in the Credits option)
The following companies were cool enough to give us lots of free stuff while
we were making Duke Nukem 3D.
Altec Lansing Multimedia
For tons of speakers and the THX-licensed sound system. For info call
Creative Labs Inc.
HASH, Inc. (For Animation Master)
NetTV, the ultimate Entertainment Machine.
For Info call (XXX)XXX-XXXX, or www.net-tv.net
RX-V2090 AC3 Natural Sound Stereo Reciever
Thanks for all the support guys!
[07-04-04] Map Credits
Here are the people who designed the maps.
Name Abbreviations:
AB - Allen H Blum III
LL - Richard Bailey Gray (The Levelord)
Episode 1: Episode 2: Episode 3
---------- ---------- ---------
AB - Hollywood Holocaust AB - Space Port LL - Raw Meat
AB - Red Light District LL - Incubator LL - Bank Roll
AB - Death Row LL - Warp Factor LL - Flood Zone
AB - Toxic Dump AB - Fusion Station LL - L.A. Rumble
LL - The Abyss AB - Occupied Territory LL - Movie Set
AB - Launch Facility AB - Tiberius Station LL - Rabid Transit
AB - Faces of Death AB - Lunar Reactor LL - Fahrenheit
AB - Dukematch Level 1 AB - Dark Side LL - Hotel Hell
AB - Overlord AB - Stadium
LL - Spin Cycle LL - Tier Drops
LL - Lunatic Fringe AB - Freeway
Atomic Edition Map Credits:
Name Abbreviations
AB - Allen H Blum III
RP - Randall Pitchfird II (Spelt differently in the game credits)
KS - Keith Schuler
GB - George Broussard
RP - It's Impossible
AB - Duke Burger
GB - Shop N Bag
AB - Babe Land
RF - Pigsty (It says "RF" in the maps file. Typo probably for RP)
KS - XXX Stacy
KS - Critical Mass
AB - Derelict
RP - The Queen
RP - Area 51
Note that in this list, E4L06 Going Postal is missing. However, within the
map itself, it is credited to Allen H Blum III (see below).
Duke87 informed me that all the levels in the game have some kind of
identifying mark somewhere on the map as to their creator. They usually are
tiny rooms accessable only via DNCLIP and practically findable only via
DNSHOWMAP. Sometimes it's relatively near a normally accessable area, and
sometimes its so way off you'll almost miss it.
In Hollywood Holocaust, Red Light District, Death Row, Toxic Dump, Launch
Facility, Spaceport, Fusion Station, Occupied Territory, Tiberius Station,
Lunar Reactor, Dark Side, Overlord, Stadium, Freeway, Duke Burger, Babe Land,
Going Postal, Derelict, and Faces of Death, there are three rooms in the shape
of the letters "AHB", standing for Allen H Blum.
In The Abyss, Incubator, Warp Factor, Spin Cycle, Lunatic Fringe, Raw Meat,
Bank Roll, Flood Zone, LA Rumble, Movie Set, Rabid Transit, Farenheit, Hotel
Hell, Tier Drops, and Critical Mass, there is a similar signature, only the
rooms form the letters "SUYT". SUYT, also found in E1L05, The Abyss as an egg
stands for the crude acronym "Show Us Your Tits". Since all of the levels with
the rooms spelling out SUYT are made by the LevelLord, it's apparent that it
is his signature.
Shop-N-Bag has the letters "GB" (George Broussard).
XXX-Stacy and Critical Mass have the letters "KS" (Keith Schuler).
In It's Impossible, Pigsty, The Queen, and Area 51, It's the Rsp II Duval Magic
rooms mentioned in the Easter Egg section.
Note that in the CD Sleeve that came either with the Plutonium Pak or Atomtic
Edition map design is credited to Randall Pitchford II, while the game credits
screen and the included document it's all quite different - likely an oversight.
[07-04-05] Music Credits
This lists the credits and song titles for the various MIDIs in the game. This
information is taken from a file that came with the Atomcic Edition.
The songs listed here are in the order in which they appear in the game.
Songs with an (RP) after the title were written by Robert C. Prince III.
Songs with an (LJ) after the title were written by Lee Jackson.
All MIDI files in the game use the Apogee/3D Realms EMIDI format, designed
by Jim Dose' and Lee Jackson.
GRABBAG.MID - Grabbag (Theme from Duke Nukem 3D) (LJ)
STALKER.MID - Stalker (LJ)
DETHTOLL.MID - Taking the Death Toll (RP)
STREETS.MID - The City Streets (RP)
WATRWLD1.MID - Water World (RP)
SNAKE1.MID - Sneaky Snake (RP)
THECALL.MID - The Call of Death (RP)
AHGEEZ.MID - Ah, Geez! (LJ)
FUTURMIL.MID - Future Military Conquests (LJ)
STORM.MID - Space Storm (RP)
GUTWRNCH.MID - Gut Wrencher (RP)
ROBOCREP.MID - RoboCreeping (LJ)
STALAG.MID - Stalag 3-D (LJ)
PIZZED.MID - Pissed! (RP)
ALIENZ.MID - Aliens, Say Your Prayers! (RP)
ALFREDH.MID - Alfred H. (My Family's Plot) (LJ)
GLOOMY.MID - Gloomy (LJ)
FATCMDR.MID - Going After the Fat Commander (RP)
NAMES.MID - Taking Names (RP)
SUBWAY.MID - Subway (RP)
INVADER.MID - Invader (RP)
GOTHAM.MID - Gotham (LJ)
233C.MID - 233.778 Celsius (LJ)
LORDOFLA.MID - Lord of L.A. (RP)
URBAN.MID - Urban Jungle (LJ)
SPOOK.MID - Spook (RP)
WHOMP.MID - Whomp (LJ)
BONUS.VOC - Huh Huh...You Said Bonus (LJ)
BARMUSIC.VOC - Mortail Wombat (LJ)
2BWILD.VOC - ...Or Not to be Wild (LJ)
WHISTLE.VOC - excerpt from Grabbag (LJ)
GRABBAG.VOC - Grabbag (reprise) (LJ)
MUZAK028.VOC - Grabbag (Muzak Version) (LJ)
MUZAKDIE.VOC - Grabbag (Muzak Death) (LJ)
BRIEFING.MID - Briefing Room (Opening Cinematic)
MISSIMP.MID - Missing? Impossible!
BAKEDGDS.MID - Baked Goods
PREPD.MID - Preparation D
CF.MID - Calypso Facto
LEMCHILL.MID - Lemon Chilllllllllllllllll
LAYERS.MID - Layers of Dust
POB.MID - Pissed Office Box
DEPART.MID - Departure
RESTRICT.MID - Restricted Area
Note: In the Atomic Edition all the music was done by Lee Jackson.
=| [07-05] On The Atomic Edition Disc |========================================
There's plenty of extras on the Atomic Edition disc, to make sure you didn't
waste your money on it! This section will detail all the contents of the
atomic edition disc, if you are not sure of it's contents. After the title of
the section, the directory is given in parenthesis.
[07-05-00] Listing of Contents
[07-05-01] Shareware
[07-05-02] Build
[07-05-03] Windows 95 Kernel Powertool
[07-05-04] FAQs
[07-05-05] Music
[07-05-06] Pictures
[07-05-07] RTS Maker
[07-05-08] Screen Savers
[07-05-09] Themes
[07-05-10] UNIVBE
[07-05-11] Sound Files
[07-05-12] WAD2MAP
[07-05-13] "Preview" Images
[07-05-14] Music on the Disc!
[07-05-15] Jigsaw Puzzles (JIXXA)
[07-05-16] Bitmaps and Textures
[07-05-01] Shareware
There is some shareware in the directory, including:
Death Rally (/RALLY)
Raptor: Call of the Shadows (/RAPTOR)
Rise of the Triad (/ROTT)
Terminal Velocity (/TV)
Xenophage: Alien Bloodsport (/XENO)
[07-05-02] Build
The full version of Build is on this disc, with multiple warnings that it is
indeed not freeware.
[07-05-03] Windows 95 Kernel Powertool
Some keyboards didn't have the Windows key when Duke 3D came out and thus the
Windows key functionality wasn't incorporated into Duke; this program allows
you to change this:
"This PowerToy lets you configure your MS-DOS game so that Windows will ignore
the Windows logo key while the game is running."
[07-05-04] FAQs
There are two very interesting FAQs in here about 3D Realms and Apogee. They
truly are interesting reads, detailing their game history, amongst other
[07-05-05] Music
Here is a full directory loaded with all the .MIDI files used in the game (sans
the .VOC files of digitized music)
If you install the MIDIs in the Duke 3D SSEP package, you'll get 16 MIDIs.
[07-05-06] Pictures
There are two pictures here, one of the software creation team (without Duke
or Stephen's severed head) seen at the end of the Atomic Edition.
The second picture is of Todd Repogle, with the caption "SHIP IT!!" above his
head in large letters and his arms in the air.
[07-05-07] RTS Maker
A tool for making remote ridicule sound effects, complete with documentation.
[07-05-08] Screen Savers
Installs a bunch of cool Duke-related screensavers.
There is a chooser that you can use to select the screensavers. All the
screensavers can be password enabled.
DN3D Body Parts
An interesting screensaver that makes bodies crash down onto the screen after
falling from the sky. They will stack up, and some of the bodies include
Trooper, Pig Cop, Octabrain and Commander, as well as some gibs and Duke. You
can change the drop rate, too - they can drop like flies.
DN3D Carnage Meter
Well, I don't really get this one too much... it tallies how many shots that
Duke shoots but doesn't actually show anything. You can adjust just how much
carnage is actually tallied. There is sound on this one too.
DN3D Desktop Rampage
This one's cool. Various enemies (or Duke) come onto the screen and wreak
carnage on your desktop. Some things include: a pig blasting the screen, Duke
flame-throwing the screen, Duke dropping a rigged toilet with a Trooper on top
and blowing it up, a Trooper shooting the screen, and Duke blowing up an
Enforcer on it's way to the screen. When this happens, a big hole appears in
the screen.
DN3D Exploding Stuff
This one is just like it's namesake. There are various things that blow up,
including toilets, urinals, snack machines, pop machines, barrels, canisters,
chairs, enemies and so forth. There is also an option to turn on babes that
get blown up, you sicko! When something happens, a big hole appears in the
screen. You can make the background black if you want.
DN3D Image Carousel
A bunch of screenshots in the image directory, taken from the game. You can
add your own screen shots and change the delay between showing them.
DN3D Shooting Gallery
Stuff appears on the screen, including bottles, trash cans, and enemies, and
Duke shoots them with a shotgun, chaingun, RPG, or Pistol. The best thing
about it is that all the bodies and rubble stay afterwards. Plus, true to the
game, the trashcan can only be blown up if Duke uses the RPG! There are
options that change the guts that are shown afterwards.
[07-05-09] Themes
Installs two cool Duke-related themes that require the Windows 95 Plus Pack (or
higher operating system) to be installed. They are really quite cool.
[07-05-10] UNIVBE
This is a small program called SciTech Display Doctor, complete with
" SciTech Display Doctor is a collection of useful utilities that fix many
common problems associated with Super VGA (SVGA) graphics cards. SciTech
Display Doctor contains a number of separate components that make up the
entire package. Many users may already be familiar with UniVBE, the
Universal VESA BIOS Extension. UniVBE is now one of the many components
that make up the entire SciTech Display Doctor suite of utilities. "
[07-05-11] Sound Files
A complete directory of all the Duke 3D and Atomic Edition Sound effects in
.VOC form.
If you install the ScreenSaver SSEP package, you can get a 25 .WAV files.
[07-05-12] - WAD2MAP
A great utility programmed by Ken Silverman that can convert Doom .WAD files to
Duke3D .MAP files.
[07-05-13] "Preview" Images
This directory has a few folders that, at the time, were previews to some of
3D Realms' new games. The games that have some screenshots in that directory
Balls of Steel (/BALLS) - 2 Images
Blood (/BLOOD) - 16 Images
Stargunner (/STARGUN) - 16 Images
Shadow Warrior (/SHADOW) - 20 Images
[07-05-14] Music on the Disc!
Put this into an audio CD player (or play Track 2 of the disc on your computer)
and you can hear the MP3 version of the Duke Nukem 3D theme song by Lee
Jackson. You can also get this MP3 file on 3D Realm's Site (it's really quite
a cool song, you should get it if you love the theme song as much as I do :)
Note: Do NOT try to play Track 1 on the disc, that is all the data on the disc
and it could ruin some older CD Players if you did.
[07-05-15] Jigsaw Puzzles (JIXXA)
When you install the screensavers you have the option of installing a jigsaw
puzzle program, complete with 16 puzzles and a Duke3D MIDI in the background.
All of these puzzles seem to be from the first episode (Shareware I suppose).
2LIZARDS - Two Troopers in E1L01
BARPIG - A Pig Cop in E1L02
BOSS - The Battlelord in E1L05
CITY - A Jetpacking Trooper and a RPV in E1L02
DIEPIG - A Pig Cop dying by Duke's Pistol in E1L02
FACTORY - E1L04's crane
FLYPIG - Duke shooting at a RPV in E1L02
LIZARD2 - A Trooper in E1L06
MONSTER - Something from the shareware showing the Cycloid Emperor, Enforcer,
and a Commander
OCTO - An Octabrain in E1L05
POOLROOM - Duke fighting a couple Troopers in E1L02's Pool Room
PORKCHOP - Duke murdering a Pig Cop with a Chaingun in E1L03
PRISON - Duke Jetpacking outside a E1L03 prison cell, using his Chaingun on
some Troopers
SEWERPIG - Fighting a Pig Cop in the sewer of E1L02
STAIRS - Duke Shotguning a Trooper on the stairs to the projector room in
SUB - A Trooper firing on Duke from E1L03's submarine
[07-05-16] Bitmaps and Textures
When you install the SSEP you have the option of installing various desktop
textures and bitmaps, seemingly from the shareware.
3LIZARDS - Three Troopers in E1L01's movie theatre
ARCADE - 2 Troopers in the E1L01 Arcade
BAR - Duke shooting a Pig Cop cop with his pistol in E1L02's
Entrance area.
BOSS2 - Duke fighting the Battlelord in E1L05
BOSS - Duke firing on the Battlelord in E1L05 with a Chaingun
CANYON - A view of the outside of the alien vessal in E1L05
CANYON2 - A part of E1L05's interior
CHURCH - A view of the church in E1L03 with an Octabrain blast
CITY - Duke firing on an RPV with a Chaingun in E1L02
CLAMP - A crane in E1L04 lifting a Pig Cop's body
DOOR - E1L05 Door in the pre-Battlelord chamber
DUKCRASH - The ship crashing at the beginning of E1L01
DUKE3D - The entrance screen of Duke3D
EXPLODE - Duke using the RPG in E1L03
EXPLODE2 - Duke using the RPG in E1L04
EXPLODE3 - Duke using the RPG in E1L05
FLYNGPIG - An RPV and a Pig Cop in E1L02
GUTS - Duke Shotgun'ing a babe in E1L03
GUTS2 - Duke blowing up a Trooper with RPG in E1L01's theatre entrance
HANGER - The dead monk in E1L03
HEADKICK - Duke kicking a choking Trooper in E1L03
HEART - A heart flying into Duke's face in E1L04
HEART2 - Duke blowing up something in E1L05, seeing the heart
INSIDE - A view of the fan in the E1L06 complex
LIZARD - A view of a Pig Cop and Duke killing a Trooper in E1L02
LIZARD2 - A Trooper in E1L06 near the spiral switches
LIZARD3 - A Trooper standing in front of the theatre in E1L01
MADLZRD - A dead Pig Cop and a Trooper in E1L02
MADPIG - A Captain and a Pig Cop in E1L03 near the electric chair
MIRROR - Duke looking in a mirror and seeing a Trooper in the reflection in
MIRROR2 - Duke blowing up a mirror in E1L01 with an RPG
OCTO - An Octabrain firing at Duke underwater in E1L04
OCTO2 - An Octabrain in E1L05
OCTO4 - An Octabrain in E1L05, in the alien ship
OPENING - The opening to the Battlelord's chamber in E1L05
PIG - Duke launching an RPG at a Pig Cop in E1L03
PIG2 - Duke firing his Chaingun at a Pig Cop in E1L03
PIGDIE - Duke killing a Pig Cop in E1L02 with his Chaingun outside near a
dead Trooper
PIGDIE2 - Duke killing a Pig Cop in E1L01 with his Pistol
PIGDIE3 - Duke killing a Pig Cop in E1L02 outside with his Pistol
PIGGUTS - Shooting a Pig Cop in E1L02 with a Pistol in front of the strip
PIGSHOT - Duke crouching and fighting a Pig Cop in E1L02, with a dead Pig Cop
beside him
RPG - Duke shooting an RPG at a Trooper in E1L03
SCUBA - A view of a depth mine underwater in E1L04
SCUBA2 - Duke shooting a depth mine with a RPG underwater in E1L04
STREET - Duke blowing up a RPV in E1L02 with a Chaingun near a Trooper
STREET2 - A view of a couple dead Troopers and a broken fire hydrant in E1L01
THEATER - Two Captains firing on Duke in E1L01
TOILET - A broken toilet in E1L01's bathroom
These are simply the textures that were used in Duke Nukem 3D, although
they are kind of cool to have on your desktop instead of "Bubbles" or "Blue
D3DTIL01 - Floor tile
D3DTIL02 - Siding
D3DTIL03 - Some bricks
D3DTIL04 - Wall panel
D3DTIL05 - Looks like a vent panel
D3DTIL06 - Some canyon rock
D3DTIL07 - Some metal wall panels
D3DTIL08 - Grey bricks
D3DTIL09 - Alien door textures
D3DTIL10 - Security Monitor picture
D3DTIL11 - Teleport pad
D3DTIL12 - Windows
D3DTIL13 - More windows
D3DTIL14 - Wooden floor panels
D3DTIL15 - Smaller bricks
D3DTIL16 - Even more windows
D3DTIL17 - Canyon bricks
D3DTIL18 - Bathroom tile
D3DTIL19 - Some graffiti from Rabid Transit
D3DTIL20 - Some pipes
D3DTIL21 - Alien Doors
D3DTIL22 - Battlelord door
D3DTIL23 - Looks like some alien light webbing
D3DTIL24 - An alien pipe
D3DTIL25 - Some infestation slime
=| [07-06] Unused Sprites |====================================================
There are some really cool things that the developers left in the game but
didn't use them for whatever reason. You have to use a program like ArtView
to look at them, can be found at http://www.bur.st/~duke3d/utilities.shtml
(be sure to read the readme file, if you have any questions ask me).
Just go to the tile # below. Remember that I am using Version 1.5 of the
atomic version.
First off, some monsters have a "top view" of themselves, like Duke does in
the AutoMap. This suggests that at one point the automap would have displayed
the enemies but this feature was removed for whatever reason. The monsters are
as follows. Note that not all the monsters have a top view, mostly the older
ones like the Pig Cop and Octabrain and thus the idea was probably scrapped
earlier, before the release of episodes 2 and 3.
Trooper / Captain: 1705
Octabrain: 1845
Pig Cop: 2061
Battlelord: 2686
511: A stained glass window of Duke, probably to go in the chapel in Death Row
to fight the Battlelord stained glass there... however, it's not there!
[Credit: Fernando Calvo]
604-605, 1385-1388: May be an optional Freezer bolt, it appears that it has an
exploding animation... it looks a bit like something in LameDuke so it may have
originated from there.
970: This poster is used quite frequently in user maps and has been around
since the days of Lameduke in one incarnation or another, but doesn't seem to
have made it into the final game. It's a poster for a movie called BYTE NITE,
with a picture of a vampire on it. It's a good poster, I wonder why it got
cut... [Credit: Fernando Calvo]
1336: A babe impaled on one of those green things that the babes seem to be
attached to. It's pretty brutal, that's probably the reason it wasn't put into
the final game.
1870 to 1876: This is probably the biggest find in the art files. It looks like
a completely different version of the Pig Tank, as it has a big, almost
scorpion like tail protruding from the back and coming over top of the main
chassis of the vehicle. It has treads and two smaller guns mounted on the front
of the car. There is some brown armor on the vehicle, too. The pig was visible
from the back, so you could probably shoot him from there. The only frames that
they had in here were the rotation of the tank.
2380: A water drip splash, that seems to explode more than the other ones that
are currently in the game.[Credit: Fernando Calvo]
2420 to 2429: This crazy looking thing appears to be a creature that would
attach itself to the roof and then either sting you with it's tail or shoot
something from it. It's definitely alien in appearance, but doesn't seem to
fit in with the rest of the game too well, which may be why the scrapped it.
It does have quite a few frames though, so check it out! It's called the
Organic Turret in the art files.
3350-3361: A spinning head of Duke. Nifty... though I thought I saw it
somewhere... [Credit: Fernando Calvo]
3409: This is a different KTIT sign, that is an actual .ART file rather than
an ingame combination of letters that appear in the final game... the question
arises that why would they do that instead of using the .ART file? Curious
indeed. [Credit: Fernando Calvo]
3430 to 3438: These are pictures of many members of the Duke 3D team. I
wonder if they were meant to be in the game, and if they are, did I miss them?
UPDATE: Indeed, I did miss them! Fernando Calvo informed me that they are in the
big water tanks in the Faces of Death level in the final game (multiplayer level
but you can still play it in single player). Looks like the Faces of Death level
has another meaning - the dev team are the Faces of Death! To find them, notice
the spaceman bodies that are stuck in the forcefield-surrounded water tanks.
Many of them have heads on them of the dev teams. However, I can't find the
green heads of other dev members that appear soon after the astronaut heads.
From Fernando Calvo:
4340: A pretty cool lava bubble. Put some of it on a purple lava
textured floor (#4240), with a lava ambient sound (MUSICANDSFX lotag 173) and
watch the results. It looks excellent! :D
4456: Its a picture of a woman with a shopping bag. I haven't seen it in the
game but it's probably for the Shop 'N' Bag level.
Fernando Calvo sends in this bit of curious information involving a seemingly
invisible tile:
4532: It's not exactly an unused tile, because it appears on E4L2. But... does
it really appear? If you play the level normally, it will not appear, but you
can verify the sprite are in the level using build (in X=37696; Y=30494). Why
do this happen? The answer is because the sprite "goes up". To understand me,
do the following: make a new map with build, put this sprite in anywhere and
make it 2D parallel with the floor, (pressing "R" twice on the sprite in 3D
edition mode). Play the level and observe. Also, you can verify it playing
E4L2 and quickly (with DNCLIP) moving to X=37696;Y=30494 (exactly near to the
counter, on a garbage bin) and look how it goes up. Yes, I know... it's a bit
weird! I've don't examined the .CON files. May be the problem resides here.
It certainly is odd... I wonder what the devs were doing?
4940: Meat Market. Something else that has been cut from the final edition of
Shop-N-Bag.. there are also some meat tiles in the art files, nothing of
particular note, but they are packaged and wrapped. I wonder why they got cut,
but then again, the level is quite big. [Credit: Fernando Calvo]
There are plenty of unused tiles in the game, go and look for 'em!
| [08-00] Frequently Asked Questions |=========================================
This is a section for some of the questions that you might have about the
game already answered, because they are so Frequently Asked (as they are
Frequently Asked Questions!)
[08-00] Listing of Contents
[08-01] How do you use the Freezer / Pig Cop trick?
[08-02] How do you use the Laser Trip Bomb / Falling Damage trick?
[08-03] Are you SURE Troopers respawn sometimes when you kill them? Aren't you
just playing the game on the hardest difficulty?
[08-04] What you say is different from the Atomic Edition instruction book .
[08-05] There is a different photo of the Duke Team in the instruction booklet
than the one found at the end of the game. What are the differences?
[08-06] What are the other expansion packs for Duke 3D?
[08-07] What changed in the Mac version of Duke 3D?
[08-08] What changed in the original release of the Australian version of Duke
[08-09] What's with some cheats not working in 1.4 + / Shareware?
[08-10] Is there a laser gun in the game?
[08-11] What are the differences between the shareware and the full version of
the game?
[08-12] Is there an official guide to this game?
[08-13] How do you set up a multiplayer game (with bots, possibly)?
[08-14] What is LameDuke? Where did you put your LameDuke section?!
[08-15] What are the differences between the various versions of Duke 3D?
[08-01] How do you use the Freezer / Pig Cop trick?
To use the Freezer trick, you must have a living Pig Cop, near death, and the
Freezer. Shoot the Pig Cop and let it Freeze. It may drop something, but don't
kill it. Let it thaw and then shoot another Freezer blast at it. It may drop
its Shogun or Body Armor. Continue to do this as long as you want or until you
run out of ammo; a seemingly infinite supply of items can be reaped from one
Pig Cop.
[08-02] How do you use the Laser Trip Bomb / Falling Damage trick?
This trick allows you do avoid falling damage. To do this trick you need a
laser trip bomb, however, unless you have a great sense of height, more than
one is usually more reliable. You also need to be close to a wall or some
other protrusion. When falling, face the wall and place the laser trip bomb
on the wall when you are near the ground. When you are placing the bomb, you
will stop going downward for a moment, and then continue, which is why it is
good to have extra tripbombs in case you are unsure of how far you are falling.
Practically, this isn't that useful, because there are rare situations where
this is possible and a Jetpack is far quicker and safe. But it is good in a
pinch. [Credit: Beissermj]
[08-03] Are you SURE Troopers respawn sometimes when you kill them? Aren't you
just playing the game on the hardest difficulty?
I'm not imagining things, really. This really does happen to me, on Come Get
Some difficulty. This phenomenon is apparently referenced in the Duke Nukem 3D
help files, as well:
"Take precautions that a fallen assault trooper stays that way - fallen."
Typically, they come back to life if they aren't shot when they are doing the
choking animation. See section 04-01-01, Assault Trooper, for more information
on this phenomenon.
[08-04] What you say is different from the Atomic Edition instruction book .
There are various errors or misinformation in the Atomic Edition instruction
booklet. From what I can find, there are the following errors:
+ The Chaingun Cannon (which is what it is referred to in game) is called the
Ripper in the instruction manual and in some older help files.
+ The Chaingun Cannon Ammo looks different than it does in game (it looks
+ The booklet says that Devastator gives 50 ammo, but in the game it gives 25.
+ The booklet says that the Freezer Ammo gives 50 ammo, but in the game it
gives 25.
+ The picture of the small medikit looks different than it does in game.
+ The Pig Cop in the guide looks like it has a sub machine gun or something,
but in the game the Pig Cop uses the Shotgun.
+ It says that the Enforcer can drop it's "armored breastplate" when killed,
but this doesn't happen.
+ It says that the Assault Commander can drop RPG ammo, but this doesn't
+ There is a screenshot on page 12 that shows the status bar. Where the current
amounts of ammo are shown for the guns, there is no "0", i.e., no freezer.
+ The map credits on the inside of the sleeve in the Atomic Edition have
map design soley credited to Randall S. Pitchford II, however, in the game
files and in-game credit screens there are many more people who created the
maps (see section 07-04-04 for more info) [Credit: Duke87].
[08-05] There is a different photo of the Duke Team in the instruction booklet
than the one found at the end of the game. What are the differences?
From left to right, the members of the Duke team in the photo are:
Standing Row: Brain Martel, Stephen Hornback, Chuck Jones, Keith Schuler,
Randy Pitchford, George Broussard, Duke Nukem (with bunny ears
on George....)
Kneeling Row: Lee Jackson, Todd Repogle, Allen Blum, Dirk Jones, Doug Wood.
Staked Row (heads): Ken Silverman, James Storey.
In the game, the picture doesn't have Stephen Hornback standing in the picture
(he is beheaded), and Ken Silverman and James Storey are missing.
[08-06] What are the other expansion packs for Duke 3D?
The official expansion pack for Duke Nukem 3D was the Plutonium Pak. This
came with Episode 4 - The Birth. It was then rereleased as the Atomic Edition,
containing all four episodes plus a large variety of goodies (see section
07-07 for more information on the Atomic Edition disc contents).
Barring the official game, there have been no official expansion packs for
Duke. However, there have been several unofficial level packs and total
conversions for the game. The unofficial packs include the following three
+ Duke Nukem 3D: Duke It Out In DC
+ Duke Nukem 3D: Caribbean
+ Duke Nukem 3D: Nuclear Winter
There are also a pair of Level Packs for the game. A level pack is simply a
frontend for a large amount of single and multiplayer maps. In fact, the maps
in these Level Packs were all freely available from the Internet at one point
in time, the authors simply allowed for their maps to be distributed in any
way. They include:
+ Duke Zone 1
+ Duke Zone 2 (which includes all the levels from Duke Zone 1)
[08-07] What changed in the Mac version of Duke 3D?
The gameplay is the same, there are simply two exclusive cheat codes that can
be found in section 06-01, Cheat Codes.
[08-08] What changed in the original release of the Australian version of Duke
Apparently, the Australian government wanted some parts of the game censored
for it to be released in their country. However, eventually they were able to
overcome this and released the full version there. For those still with the
original version, a patch was made available by 3D Realms at their website.
[08-09] What's with some cheats not working in 1.4 + / Shareware?
From 3DRealms:
The DNCOSMO cheat was removed in v1.3d, because the keystroke conflicted with a
game function. DNTODD in v1.3d is functionally the same as DNCOSMO.
The DNUNLOCK cheat code does *NOT* work in shareware. It only works in the
registered version of the game.
[08-10] Is there a laser gun in the game?
No, not by that name anyways. It was promised in the nag screens in the
shareware version of the game (Sections 07-03-06 and 07-03-07 have transcripts
of the six nag screens from the shareware if you are interested).
[08-11] What are the differences between the shareware and the full version of
the game?
The Shareware version is the exact same as Episode 1 - L.A Meltdown, although
it is of a prior version so some bugs that may have been fixed in the
registered version may not have been fixed. You can use all the cheat codes
in the shareware version except for DNTODD and DNUNLOCK, though if you use
cheat codes that give you weapons, you will only have access to the following
selection: Mighty Foot, Pistol, Shotgun, Chaingun, RPG, and Pipebombs.
In addition to the single player, the Void Zone and Faces of Death levels were
implemented for multiplayer.
There are nag screens when quitting the game and when you beat the last level
(Sections 07-03-06 and 07-03-07 have transcripts of the six nag screens from the
shareware if you are interested).
[08-12] Is there an official guide to this game?
There are several official guides to the game as follows:
Duke Nukem 3D: Strategies and Secrets
Duke Nukem 3D Plutonium Pak: Strategies and Secrets
Duke Nukem 3D Atomic Edition: Strategies and Secrets
The guides were all created by Jonathan Mendoza and published by Sybex. As you
can imagine, "Duke Nukem 3D: Strategies and Secrets" contains information about
the first three episodes, "Duke Nukem 3D Plutonium Pak: Strategies and Secrets"
contains information about the fourth episode, and Duke Nukem 3D Atomic
Edition: Strategies and Secrets" contains information about the Atomic Edition.
The latter is a conglomeration of the first two guides, and contains some
additonal information. The guides contain information on the options, pickups,
enemies, and levels in the game.
As a side note, there are several unofficial guides to the game as well. The
one most critically acclaimed is "Totally Unauthorized Guide to Duke Nukem 3D"
by Steven M. Schafer, 1996, Published by BradyGames. Unfortunately, it does not
cover the expansion.
There are several paperback guides dedicated to level creation in Build as well.
[08-13] How do you set up a multiplayer game (with bots, possibly)?
Okay, there are a couple ways to do this. If you want to play with bots, you can
do a couple of things. The game has a built-in AI, and you can run the game with
a certain number of parameters, the following should suffice.
Make a shortcut to duke3d.exe. Right click the shortcut, and click properties.
Find the Command Line box (in WinXP it's under the "Program" tab, but you can
find it in any version of windows). Rename the shortcut if you wish. Then add
the following to the end of the:
/q# /a
/q adds a number of computer controlled bots in the # line (between 1 and 7)
while /a activates the AI in the game. Beware, the AI is pretty tough!
You may also wish to choose the level that you will play on; add the following
after the first line:
/v(X) /l(Y)
where X is the episode # and the l is the level number (depends on the episode,
also, you have to use two digits for the level, i.e level 1 would be 01).
Some other helpful parameters for multiplayer include the following:
/m - removes game monsters
/s# - changes the skill level of the game, from 1 to 4.
/t# - how things respawn in the game. The # can be from 1 to 3, each respawning
a different amount of things, or you can have it equal to "x" for all:
1 - Monsters Only
2 - Items Only
3 - Inventory Items only
x - All
/c# - Specifies the type of multiplay that will be used, can be between 1 and 3,
the following options are available.
1 - Standard Dukematch
2 - Cooperative Play (ie characters vs. monsters)
3 - Old Dukematch (don't quite know what this means...)
An alternative is a sort of frontend in the form of DukesterX. DukesterX is a
program that allows multiplayer with the new ports that are out for Duke3D,
RancidMeat and JonoF's port. Get one of these ports, set it up per their
instructions, download DukesterX (http://forums.dukesterx.net/portal.php)
and follow it's instructions. You can do all the stuff that you could do without
it and then some. It's cleaner running it this way, though I think you can use
the arguments with the Win32 ports anyways. You can even use the built in bots
if you so desire.
[08-14] What is LameDuke? Where did you put your LameDuke section?!
Don't worry, I still have the LameDuke guide around. In fact, it can be found
on IGN now as a separate document:
I didn't include it in the main document anymore as I feel that this guide
should only be about Duke 3D, while LameDuke can almost be an entirely
different game at times. Contact me about that guide if you have any questions
or concerns!
LameDuke is a very early version of Duke Nukem 3D, some call it an Alpha or
Beta version. There were early implementations of levels, enemies, weapons
and items around the game. Some of these have changed, some haven't. For a
full description, see the above FAQ.
[08-15] What are the differences between the various versions of Duke 3D?
There are four versions of Duke Nukem 3D that you may have available to you:
+ Duke Nukem 3D (Shareware)
+ Duke Nukem 3D
+ Duke Nukem 3D: Plutonium Pak
+ Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition
Duke Nukem 3D (Shareware) was released when the game came out to give potential
buyers of the game a taste of the full product. This version only came with
Episode 1 - L.A Meltdown. See FAQ 08-11 for additional differences. As the name
implies, Shareware is free, so you can find it easily on the Internet if you
haven't tried the game yet.
Duke Nukem 3D is the original game that was released, and contains the first
three episodes of the game. You can't buy this game from 3DRealms anymore.
Duke Nukem 3D: Plutonium Pak is the official expansion to Duke Nukem 3D,
containing Episode 4 - The Birth. You needed Duke Nukem 3D to run the Plutonium
Pak. You can't buy the Plutonium Pak anymore from 3DRealms anymore.
Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition is the "final" release of the game, combining
Duke Nukem 3D and Duke Nukem 3D: Plutonium Pak into one game. The Atomic
Edition also comes with a variety of extras unavailable prior to it's
release. These extras are discussed in Section 07-05, On The Atomic Edition
Disc. This version of the game is still publicly available from 3DRealms and
is the preferred method of installing Duke Nukem 3D.
| [09-00] FAQ Information |===================================================
This section holds information with relation to this document, not the game.
Inside, you will find updates, guide credits, contact information, and a
copyright notice.
=| [09-01] Updates |===========================================================
2.01 June 23, 2007
Summary: Added some long-lost email submissions.
Specific Changes:
+ Added eggs: Pigsty, It's Impossible
+ Added some Holoduke info
+ Added some Crane info
+ Added map signatures on the levels
+ updated a FAQ
2.00 June 21, 2007
Summary: Massive update, remade most of the sections, cleaned up everything.
Specific Changes:
+ Removed (along with the help of Mike P.) all the abbreviations in the guide.
+ Created a new "Listing of Contents" for large section, removed old tables.
+ Made large scale formatting changes - all sections will resemble each other
+ Rewrote many sections, including "Getting Started In Duke 3D", "Enemies",
and others.
+ Removed the "shots / round" notation and converted corresponding information
into sentences in the Weapons section.
+ Added a Bullet category in the Weapons section, clarified the significance
of said categories.
+ Removed the notation for health pickups in the Items section and coverted
the information into sentences.
+ Clarified the "%/s" and removed the "%/H" notation in the Usable Items
+ Rewrote nearly all of the enemy descriptions in the Enemies section.
+ Added an "ATTACKS" sections that displays what type of general attacks the
enemy has access to in the Enemies section.
+ Removed some information in the Easter Eggs section that wasn't entirely
relevant, including select 'eggs' in the following sections:
Red Light District, Launch Facility, Faces of Death, Shop-N-Bag,
DEFS.CON, GAME.C, MENUES.C, Dukespeak Eggs, General Eggs (merged to
"Other In-Game eggs") and a couple of others.
+ Created a standard for credting folks : [Credit: Nickname] OR
[Credit: First Name Last Initial] unless otherwise desired by a contributor.
The credit line will be on a single line, not broken up like in the past.
+ "GO" search function removed, folded into section headings (less redundant)
+ Fixed up section headings. Make some things that should have been sections
into them, while removing section headings to others. Gave all sections
section numbers.
+ Cleaned up Levels table, changed level notation, and added an Exits column
like other FPS guides have
+ Took out Commentary in various levels
+ Killed many semicolons
+ Made "Shots to Kill Enemies" it's own subsection in the Enemies section
+ Rearranged the Duke Related Stuff section, folding some sections into
others etc as to reduce the number of headings in that section
+ Removed the LameDuke section. Made it into it's own document, now hosted at
GameFAQs and IGN (possibly other sites, too)
+ Removed the Seperate Secrets section (for now. Potentially, there may be a
demand for one in the future).
+ Created new style of Table of Contents, and sub-table of contents.
+ Wrote introductions for sections that didn't have any previously, and
clarified and expanded old introuctions.
+ Individual entries in the levels table will be now part of the header for
the level.
+ Added an Egg in the "Eggs in the .CON files" Section.
+ Added references in the Eggs section to written-out hints in the level
+ Relocated / reorganized FAQ section, moved / removed some stuff.
+ bunch of other stuff
# MORE EGGS. Also a ton of more stuff from Fernando Calvo :), I added some
# more FAQs, and more information on the weapons. From Fernando, there was
# some more stuff on the unused tiles / artwork, some more "almost secrets" to
# add to the walkthrough, and plenty more eggs, many thanks! I also added more
# FAQs, more information on the environment, and more information on the guns
# and stuff. Plenty of grammar and clarification in the walkthrough as well,
# so take a gander!
# A couple of quick fixes and clarification of some info. Also spell checked a
# couple of sections!
# Holy crap more eggs! Plus a missed secret (how embarassing), some lameduke
# information, and some more clarification on a bunch of things thanks to
# lovely contributors :)
# Ooooooh ASCII art :) (also: fixed version number of the guide and clarified
# what will be the last of the moderately easy to find eggs in this game :) )
# Pretty much every Easter egg, pretty much all of LameDuke, source and CON
# eggs, cheats updated, more FAQs, tons of clarification, spelling, and many
# other things.
* Misnomered "1.56" on GameFAQs.com
# LAMEDUKE, Atomic Edition and Regular Editions combined. Weapon and enemy
# descriptions remastered / altered respectfully. Added Shots to Kill.
# A few minor changes.
# Added more eggs, some updates on information, some FAQs, correction on Death
# Row secret error
# Fixed the first episode's lack of abbreviations and accordingly reformatted
# it, added some stuff to the environmental stuff, fixed quite a few spelling
# errors, finally added the Quick Search feature
# Menu descriptions, Ending and Credits transcriptions, basic information
# about the game, environmental interaction, moved map credits, made a new
# credits section, improved abbreviations (they're alphabetical now AND include
# Atomic Ed), made an Atomic Ed. FAQ, finished all text transcriptions
# Added "Other In Game Jokes", Enemy Health, Some Eggs, Level Times (tables
# and individuals), separated the level walkthroughs into "find this", cheat
# codes, started a separate secret list; nigh complete Duke Speak; started text
# transcriptions,
#Initial Version; Walkthrough, Enemies, Items, some eggs.
=| [09-02] Credits |===========================================================
This is a section acknowledging all the contributions from everyone that
helped me throughout the guide. Thanks everyone!~
[09-02-01] Sites
01. GameFAQs - http://www.gamefaqs.com
02. IGN - http://faqs.ign.com
03. Something Awful - http://www.somethingawful.com
- If a goon reads this PM me on the forums, we'll talk about Duke :)
04. The Duke Nukem 3D Repository - http://www.bur.st/~duke3d/
A ton of great stuff is here, and utilities that I use. I think the site is
dead now though, alas..
05. JonoF's Games Site
+ I used JonoF's excellent port of Duke3D for a few things. Very good site!
06. http://www.rootsecure.net
+ Greatest ASCII thing ever for people with no will to learn ASCII art :) I
used their generator to make the ASCII at the top of the guide.
07. Totse.com - information on the Get Smart episodes used in one part of the
The following sites have been given permission to host the guide:
GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com)
IGN (http://faqs.ign.com),
NeoSeeker (http://www.neoseeker.com/)
DLH (http://www.dlh.net)
CheatHappens (http://www.cheathappens.com/)
Effectively, the above sites are all allowed, but the main , up-to-date guide
will ALWAYS be on GameFAQs and IGN first.
[09-02-02] People
I have given credit to people of stuff that I didn't know. If I didn't credit
someone that looks similar in another document, then I found it out by
myself. I also credited the people here in their respective sections, usually
after their contribution with [Credit Name] afterwards. HOWEVER, I have been
known to miss things! If something that you contributed doesn't have your name
after it, then please e-mail me and I will correct the problem as soon as
01. Split Infinity
02. Zeuxis
+ Some Easter egg info
03. Web Master of http://www.babtech.com/
+ some information on secrets
04. beissermj
+ some eggs; information about laser tripbombs trick
05. Andrew J. Crofts
+ some more eggs (Beavis and Butthead, Get Smart)
06. hand of g0d
+ Mac Cheats
07. Steven Worek
+ Metric Ton of missed Easter eggs. I don't think I can give this guy enough
credit, he knows his stuff!
08. Doug Katz
+ Information on screen tilting
09. Jacek D
+ Information on screen tilting, MISSING SECRET, a bunch of LameDuke stuff,
and the Void Zone. And for helping me get his stuff right the second time
around :) Also, crane info and other stuff within the guide.
10. Fernando Calvo
+ SO many more eggs, thanks very much, and also a lot of "almost secrets" and
missing sprites in the game! Without this man this guide would not be as
complete as it is! Also made all the speedruns for Duke. See the beginning
of the guide for more credits.
11. John Mendoza
+ I have his official guide but haven't gleaned much from it except for the
screen tilting and the interview, still, it's nice to have :)
14. Skunk
+ .CON file egg.
15. Sebastien "eSsenCe" S.
+ Requested for his Duke 3D Video Walkthroughs site to be linked to.
16. Mike P.
+ Also seen at the beginning of the guide, helped remove all the abbreviations
in the guide and make it more accessible to readers. Thanks!
17. Duke87
+ Information on the signatures that the level designers placed on the levels.
18. Alexander W.
+ Some egg info. Contributed much of the info in section 06-02, .CON Files.
19. TheLazenby
+ Info on an egg. (indirectly)
Thanks to everyone on this list. Without you, the guide wouldn't be what it is!
Also, thanks to everyone at 3DRealms for making such an amazing game. The dev
team is so great, going as far as releasing LameDuke and everything even
after they had made the game and had no further obligation. Guys - your fans
love you! Thanks!
=| [09-03] Contact Info |======================================================
e-mail: sturmtiger@gmail.com
If you have any suggestions, comments, improvements, etc., please feel free to
contact me at sturmtiger@gmail.com. Make sure you have "FAQ" in the title
somewhere so that it doesn't get filtered. If it has something to do with
the game then I will gladly respond. Make sure that you look through the guide
first, there is very little I haven't been through :)
If you are contributing something, include the name that I will credit you by.
And sorry if I misspell your name; if you see it spelt wrong e-mail me and I
will change it. If you don't ask me to credit you by a certain name, I will
credit you with whatever nickname you have, or if you don't have a nickname,
I will use the following format: FirstName LastInitial, so I would be Keith M.
Thanks for reading!
=| [09-04] Copyright |=========================================================
This FAQ is (C) and Copyright Keith McLeod 2002-2007. Under no circumstances may
this FAQ be reproduced, electronically or otherwise, without the explicit
permission of the author.