Crazy Taxi (walkthrough)

Crazy Taxi
                                Version 1.00

                               By Adam Copper

                             For Sega Dreamcast

              This FAQ is Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Adam Copper

                            Adam3k3 FAQer Profile        

                       Last Revision April 27th, 2006

Table of Contents

1. Introduction..........................................[INT]
2. Version History.......................................[VHS]
3. The Basics
 6-1. Options............................................[BS1]
 6-2. Controls...........................................[BS2] 
 6-3. About the cities...................................[BS3]
 6-4. Cabbies............................................[BS4]
 6-5. Crazy Maneuvers....................................[BS5]
 6-6. Licenes............................................[BS6]
4. Starting
 4-1. Customers..........................................[ST1]  
 4-2. Picking-up.........................................[ST2]
 4-3. Driving............................................[ST3]
 4-4. Dropping...........................................[ST4] 
5. Game Modes
 3-1. Arcade.............................................[GM1]
 3-2. Original...........................................[GM2]
 3-3. Crazy Box..........................................[GM3]
6. Tips/Strategies.......................................[TPS]
7. Secrets/Cheats........................................[SCT]
8. FAQ...................................................[FAQ]
9. Legal Disclaimer......................................[LDR] 

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the section code into the search bar and click Find.

[INT]                    1. I N T R O D U C T I O N  
Grab a customer and go fast, real fast or you will miss the cash. Welcome 
to Crazy Taxi. This FAQ was made to gave information about this crazy game 
to the crazy fans, can't stop playing? New? This FAQ got something for 

[VHS]                  2. V E R S I O N  H I S T O R Y
Version 1.00 (April 27, 2006)- Finished the FAQ. Add Crazy Box Walkthrough, 
                               updated the FAQ format, add Original city 
                               drop-offs, and add some Q/A about PC version. 

Version 0.91 (July 1, 2005)-  Made Grammar/Spelling corrections.

Version 0.90 (June 16, 2005)- Almost everything is done, but still has 
                              to do the Crazy Box FAQ.

                            3. T H E  B A S I C S
                                [BS1] Options
                          = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Time Setting:
Adjust the game time limit for Arcade and Original mode.
"Play By Arcade Rules" only.

Time Difficulty:
Adjust the difficulty level of the time limit for Arcade and Original mode.
"Play By Arcade Rules" only.

Traffic Difficulty:
Adjust the difficulty level of the traffic for Arcade and Original mode. 
"Play By Arcade Rules" only.

Set the sound output to either MONO or STEREO.

Music Volume:
Adjust the volume of game's music.

SE Volume: 
Adjust the volume of the sound effects.

Controller Settings:
Press (A) to display the controller settings screen and then select 
a controller setting type for the Dreamcast Controller or the Rally Wheel.

Set to "ON" when using a Jump Pack while playing.
This setting is only activated when a Jump Pack is inserted into Expansion
Socket 2 of the Dreamcast Controller.

                             [BS2] Controls
                        = = = = = = = = = = = = =  
   Action or Command       Dreamcast Controller       Rally Wheel

   Game Start/Pause           Start Button            Start Button
      Steering           Analog Thumb Pad/D-Pad      Steering Wheel
    Accelerating               Trigger R               Trigger R
      Braking                  Trigger L               Trigger L
     Drive Gear                B Button                + Button 
    Reverse Gear               A Button                - Button
 Destination Reminder          X Button                B Button   

                           [BS3] About the cities
                     = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
There are two cities in crazy taxi, Arcade and Original. eachgot 
its own look and feel. There are many customers in eachcity,
eachone got pick-ups and drop-offs. Remember them to know where 
to go to save time and get big fare!

                              [BS4] Cabbies
                         = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Age: 21
Sex: Male
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 158 

Plate #: 1NOM155 = "I no miss"
Meaning: I don't make mistakes

This wild and freewheeling guy is known to have a hot and quick temper. 
His only reason for becoming a cab driver is that he considers being a 
cabbie the "coolest" profession. Axel always shows his customers a good 
time while driving them in his 60's era classic cab, earning himself big 
tips in the process. As far he is concerned, cab driving is the ultimate 

When he isn't working, Axel is usually trying to pick up women, jamming 
with his punk band (bass and vocals) or participating in board sports 
like surfing and snowboarding. That said however, Axel is a bit too 
freewheeling so his band members tend to come and go on a regular basis, 
and he can't maintain decent relationships with women. Oh well, what's a 
guy to do?

While he isn't perfect, his open-hearted personality and cheerful nature 
means he kind of grows on you. His most redeeming quality is that he is 
especially gifted at mediating when there is trouble or fighting amongst 
his many friends.

Age: 23
Sex: Female
Height: 5'7"

Plate #: 5EXY515 = "Sexy Sis"
Meaning: You know what it means!

If Gena could be described in two words, without a doubt those words 
would be "cool & sexy". With a strong passion for cars, her reason for 
being a cab driver is simple, "Because I get to drive around in my car 
all day!"

While she's not concerned with amusing her customers per se, she sure is 
timely. When asked if perhaps she'd be happier as a racing driver, she 
just laughs and replies, "But it is such a ruche to race through the 
traffic-laden streets... I could never give this up!"

When Gena isn't working in her beloved cab, she can usually be found 
working on it. In fact, she spends nearly all her time and money 
performing extensive tune-ups, maintenance, and cleaning. It's no 
surprise that all the money she earns goes straight back into her cab. 
Despite her cab fixation, many men are attracted to Gena's beauty. But 
she simply turns her nose up at any man who dares try to gain her 
Clearly the object of her affection is her one and only cab!

B.D. JOE: 
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 165

Plate #: 2HOP260 = "To hop to go"
Meaning: Always ready to get crazy

Always friendly and cheerful... that's B.D.Joe.
For him, driving a cab is a line of work in which he can excel at 
"making people happy". Happiest when he can bring a smile to the face of 
customers, B.D. is a master of both driving and conversational 

Even when he is not driving a cab, B.D. is well known as an accomplished 
performance artist. He can throw together a few discarded drum cans and 
lids, and using a pair of drumsticks he can blow you away with his 
musical prowess. His rhythms sound so fine they put the supposed 
"professional" musicians to shame. He is often asked why he doesn't 
perform professionally but he just laughs brightly and says, "Making 
people smile is reward enough for me, besides, cabbing is too much fun 
to give up!"

Lately B.D. Joe has taken up card tricks... why you may ask? Because by 
doing so he can make anyone's day, anytime, anywhere.

Age: 42
Sex: Male
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 187

Plate #: ONLY777 = "Only 777"
Meaning: Only aim for the big jackpot

Gus is a handsome (in a melancholy sort of way) drifter who typifies the 
term "cool". He holds the unique distinction of being the first cabbie 
ever to drive in the "crazy" style. In his youth, Gus was a wild and 
uncontrollable hooligan, selfish to a fault, who hated to lose and had 
to be Number 1 at any cost. With a strong fascination for things new, 
Gus was naturally drawn to that one unique trend that was totally cool.

Always getting into something before it became popular, back in the days 
when he didn't own a car he was just riding around in a normal taxi when 
he had a flash of inspiration that caused him to go out and buy an old 
junked out 1955 jalopy. Thus began the crazy taxi trend.

If Gus isn't driving, he can usually be found playing cards. When the 
working ends he meets his poker buddies (whose members change nightly) 
to pass the time playing poker, blackjack, and baccarat. A benefit of 
his gambling is that Gus has come to understand the ways of strategy, 
thereby mellowing his former desire to win at all costs. Learning the 
why and how of losing has made Gus a better person.

                           [BS5] Crazy Maneuvers
                         = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Crazy Maneuvers are the moves that get you ether: Tips that will 
get you combos that will add more cash. or get you faster to your 
drop-off. Use them right, when you're driving the customer, and 
know where to do eachone!

Release accelerator and brake, then shift back to drive and press
the accelerator at the same time.

Crazy Drift: 
Release accelerate, reveres gear, shift back into drive gear and 
keep holding drive while accelerating and turning sharply for 
a power slide turn. Use this to get a fast turn, this will 
get you some combos.

Crazy Through: 
Drive through traffic without hitting any thing.
This is hard if you're driving like crazy, but it will get you the most
combos and that will get you more cash. Use it carefully because if you
hit another car you will lose all combos and start from zero again.

4-Crazy stop: 
Crazy dash, then hold reverse and brake. 
Vary useful for fast stop; use it all the time when stopping. 

5-Limit Cut: Crazy dash, crazy drift, and then crazy dash again.
A must use all the time; this will get you to the top speed.

                              [BS6] License
                        = = = = = = = = = = = = =
After the game is over, you will get a license depending on haw many 
customers you dropped-off, here are all the licenses you can get:

  Fare             License             
  $0.000           No License  
  $0.001-0.999     E Class License
  $1.000-1.999     D Class License
  $2.000-2.999     C Class License
  $3.000-3.999     B Class License
  $4.000-4.999     A Class License
  $5.000-9.999     S Class License
  $10.000-19.999   Awesome License
  $20.000-99.999   CRAZY   License

                            4. S T A R T I N G
                             [ST1] Customers
                         = = = = = = = = = = = =
Customers are all over the place, but you don't just stop and pick who
you want if you want big fare, instead pick the right type! Here are all
the types that can be seen:
| -COLOR-           -CIRCLE-        -DESTINATION-            -DROP ZONE-  |
|Green             Biggest one      Farthest destination     Biggest Zone |
|GreenYellow       Bigger one       Vary far destination     +Bigger Zone | 
|Yellow            Big one          More far destination     Vary Big Zone|
|Orange            Medium one       Farther destination      Bigger Zone  |
|Red               Small one        Vary close destination   Small Zone   |

You can get tips from the customers if you do Crazy Moves.
Tips are small money that will be added to you're cash when you 
drop of your customer. There are three types of coins, here are the tips:

There are three types of tips: Bronze, Silver, and Gold.
They can get you starting from $0.25 up to 15.00.

                            [ST2] Picking-up
                         = = = = = = = = = = = =
Every customer stand under a fare icon, you have to stop in his circle to
pick him up. You must not be driving another customer if you want to
pick anybody as you must only pick one at a time.

                              [ST3] Driving
                          = = = = = = = = = = =
As soon as you pick-up a customer a timer will appear on the top left
side of the screen. A big arrow will point where to go! You have to get 
your customer to his drop-off zone as fast as you can to get fare!
Remember where to go, shortcuts, and the beset road that will get you
there! Press the X Button to show the Destination Reminder that shows
where the drop-off zone and haw far it is from your current position.

While you drive the customer you may get crazy combos depending on haw
you drive, crazy combos are moves linked together without any hits by
the traffic. You will get crazy combos if you jump of ramps, and use 
crazy moves, you can get big combo if you use Crazy Through, but don't 
get too fast or you will lose all your combos. When jumping off ramp, 
try jumping to the sides of the street so you won't get hit by the traffic.

                               [ST4] Dropping
                           = = = = = = = = = = =  
Now time to drop your customer and get what's yours. As soon as you
see the drop zone -The arrow will led you to it- use crazy stop to
stop fast. You have to stop in it. Depending haw fast you were you
will get a ratting, depending on it you will get extra time if any:

| SPEEDY...........+5 seconds........If the time color is Green  |  
| NORMAL...........+2 seconds........If the time color is Yellow |
| SLOW..............No Bonus.........If the time color is Red    |          
| BAD...............No Bonus.........If the time color is Purple |  

                          5. G A M E  M O D E S
                                [GM1] Arcade 
                             = = = = = = = = =
This mode was first seen in Arcade version of Crazy Taxi. Now you can
play it at home via your dreamcast:) Its big city that got many roads
and shortcuts so watch out for them! There are many drop-off points,
here are is a list of all the drop-offs in this city:

Cable car stop TOP
Freshtree Street
Sail Street
Cable car stop BOTTOM
Sea side Market
West side beach
Yacht Harbor
Pizza Hut
Square park
Popcorn Mania
The Original Levil's store
Tower Records
Kentucky Fried Chicken
R.B. Station
Baseball Stadium
Police station
Clock Towers theater
C.T. Hospital
Sky Bank
Boarders Paradise
Mall: west gate
Mall: east gate
Osmous Hotel
Crown Arena
Bus terminal
Look-out tower
Fire station
Tennis court
Universiry of S.C.G.P 

This mode can be played with 4 ways:

1. PLAY BY ARCADE RULES: This mode lets you play as if you are playing
the arcade version. You have set time and you must add to it to get going
or it's GAME OVER! To add more time you must pick up customers and drop them
where they want to go!

2. WORK FOR 3 MINUTES: Play for three minutes. No Time Bonuses add. 

3. WORK FOR 5 MINUTES: Play for five minutes. No Time Bonuses add.

4. WORK FOR 10 MINUTES: Play for ten minutes. No Time Bonuses add.

                               [GM2] Original
                            = = = = = = =  = = =
This mode was made for Dreamcast version of crazy taxi. This city
is smaller than Arcade city, but still has its own look and feel.

The Original Levis store
Kentucky Fried Chicken
Tower Records
Police station
Parthenon Museum
City Library
Japanese Restaurant
Fire station

Just like the Arcade mode, this mode can be played with 4 ways:

This mode can be played with 4 ways:

1. PLAY BY ARCADE RULES: This mode lets you play as if you are playing
the arcade version. You have set time and you must add to it to get going
or it's GAME OVER! To add more time you must pick up customers and drop them
where they want to go!

2. WORK FOR 3 MINUTES: Play for three minutes. No Time Bonuses add. 

3. WORK FOR 5 MINUTES: Play for five minutes. No Time Bonuses add.

4. WORK FOR 10 MINUTES: Play for ten minutes. No Time Bonuses add.

                             [GM3] Crazy Box
                          = = = = = = = = = = =
Again, this mode was made for Dreamcast version; it's a set of missions
that you must do under a time limit. Get them all and you unlock the bike.

1-1 Crazy Jump 

Hit the on the Crazy Dash as soon as your in control, as soon as you get 
some speed sweachto limit Cut. Repeat till the end. 

2-1 Crazy Drift

Gain some speed than use Crazy Drift, repeat till you get 15 combo drift.

3-1 Crazy Rush

You need to use both the Crazy Dash and Crazy Stop. Take them ether from 
left to right or the other way around. 

1-2 Crazy Flag

Reveres and drive to the flag till you run it over. Use Crazy Dash and 
Limit Cut. 

2-2 Crazy Turn

Drift with every turn and use Crazy Dash.

3-2 Crazy Jim

Take all the costumers to there destination avoiding the traffic. Use 
Limit Cut. 

1-3 Crazy Balloons

Blow every all the balloons by driving straight trough them. 

2-3 Crazy Bound 

Drift with every jump of ramps than use Crazy Dash.

3-3 Crazy Pole 

Crash straight into the pole to stop fast. Use limit Cut.

1-S Crazy Bowling

Drift right before them and use the Limit Cut before the last ones. 

2-S Crazy Zigzag

Drift with every turn and use Crazy Dash along with Limit Cut.

3-S Crazy Zigzag 2

Same as a bow but with stops, try to stop in the drop-off zone. Hit the 
breaks with Crazy Drift.

S-1 Crazy Through

Drive really slowly and be careful, try driving between cars or near them. 
You need 30 combo. 

S-2 Crazy Parking

Drive as fast as you can while avoiding the traffic.

S-3 Crazy Party

Drive Straight and pick the first one to the right, use Crazy Drift stop. 
Reveres and go up the right way to the top picking the second customer. 
Drop down to the north and drive straight to the 3rd one. 

Now drive all the way to the south picking the customer in the parking area. 
Drive up the right way and pick the one at the top. Drop down and drive as 
fast as you can to the ramp, if you have the right speed you will reach the 
second floor. Pick the left and right customers in any order and follow the 
narrow road ahead to the drop-off zone. 

S-S Crazy Attack

You need to take a lap around the city. Follow the road down the hill and 
take the left turn when you reach the bottom dead end to get a check point. 

Drive straight until you reach a grass area to the right. Take that path and 
stay to the right to your next check point near the pizza Hut. 

Drive along the right path till you see LEVIS sign. Drive straight pass KFC 
and to your next check point near the church. 

Drive straight trough the grass passing the Heliport Port. Drop down the 
right road as soon as you see the R.B. stm. Place and drive the opposite 
way. You will get another check point when you reach the highway. 

Drive along the highway till it ends. Now take the right road and drive along 
with it turning to every right turn to the check point. 

Stay with the road and drive up the hill till it splits into two ways. Take 
any of them and drive to your drop-off zone. 

[TPS]                 6. T I P S / S T R A T E G I E S
1. Dont stop to far from the customer, this will lose you some time,
   as the customer is running to your cab.

2. Use Crazy Moves to get Crazy Combos, which will get you more money.

3. Mix long runs with short runs, this will help you get more time.

4. Remmber the shortcuts, this will help you save some time.

5. When stopping to pick a customer try facing where he want to go.

6. When you feel that you don't have time to drop a customer don't 
   go to his drop-off, just go to another customer and wait till the 
   time of the old customer runs of so you can pick the new customer.

7. Know who to pick in the right time, when don't have much time try
   picking long run customers.

[SCT]                7. S E C R E T S / C H E A T S
No Arrows
This code allows you to play without arrow markers. To do the trick press and 
hold R+Start before the driver select screen appears. If you did it correctly,
the message "No Arrows" will appear. This will sweachoff the directional 

No Destination Mark
Want to sweachoff the green destination markers that appear around your 
targets? Just press and hold L+Start before the driver select screen comes 
up. If you did it correctly, the message "No Destination Mark" will appear.

Extra "CRAZY BOX" Levels (Japanese version)
To receive an extra level in the "Crazy Box" section of the game then play
Arcade mode and get an "S" license with each of the 4 characters. Now when you
enter the "Crazy Box" section of the game you will be given an extra level 
called "Crazy Party". Also if you successfully clear the stranded "Crazy Box" 
levels then you will be rewarded 3 new extra levels including a "Crazy Bowls"

Gameshark Codes
(M) Must Be On  22C5F54A00000002 
$99999.99 Cash  DF6842610098967F 
$9999.99 Per Passenger  54F7BBC1000F423F 
Infinite Game Time  B0163B330000173E 

Unlock bike
At the character selection screen, quickly press L, R, L, R, L, R. Then,
select a character to drive a bike instead of a taxi. Alternatively, complete
all sixteen Crazy Box levels to unlock the Special Taxi for each character, 
which is selectable in crazy box, arcade, or original modes. To select the 
bike in crazy box mode, scroll to the right of Gus at the character selection
screen. To select the bike in arcade or original mode, press Up at the 
character selection screen. 

Under Water Passenger
There is a way in the game to pick up a snorkeling fare under the water. 
Here are the directions:
1.Drive straight and pick up the first orange person right in front of you.
2.After you get to her destination, to the left by the wall there is a yellow
person, she will want to go somewhere by the beach.
3.After you get her to her destination, you will be right next to the beach 
and you will see the green marker for someone under the water, drive right in
and pick her up!!!

Expert Mode
To sweachoff both Destination Markers and Arrows, press and hold L+Start and 
R+Start right before the driver select screen appears. This will sweachyou to 
Expert Mode.

Another Day Mode
Press R at the driver select screen, then press and hold R again while you 
select your crazy cabbie of choice. You will now see the words "Another Day" 
appear on screen, followed by a car horn. This will change the game slightly 
with new fare locations and altered starting positions.

View Change and Speedometer
Plug a controller into controller port 3, then press the Start button on that 
controller after you started a game in Original or Arcade mode. You can toggle
to a first-person view by pressing B (sweachback to normal view with A), get 
an alternate viewing angle with Y, or tap X five times to bring up a 
speedometer display.

[FAQ]                             8. F A Q
Q: Haw many blocks do Crazy Taxi use on Dreamcast VMU?

A: 23 blocks.

Q2: What is this game compatible with?

A2: VMU, Race Controller, Jump Pack, and VGA.

Q3: On what systems can I fined this game other than Dreamcast?

A3: Nintendo GameCube, Sony PlayStation 2, PC, and GameBoy Advance.

Q4: So is Dreamcast version plays exactly like the arcade version?

A4: 99%, there are very rare slow downs in dc version, other than that 
    it is exactly the same game.

Q5: Are there any secret cabbies?

A5: Sadly no.

Q6: Are there any Mods to PC version? 

A6: The only known Mod is putting your own music in game. 
    Go to C:Program FilesSegaCrazy TaxiSoundDatamusic and replace any 
    MP3 file with one of your own MP3, make sure to name it exactly like the 
    one your replacing. 

[LDR]                  9. L E G A L  D I S C L A I M E R
Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Adam Copper
This document is registered with the Copyright Office. This FAQ or any 
part of it may not be placed on any public display including and not 
limited to websites, magazines, or any other distributed form without 
my written permission. No money must be made of it, selling or giving 
away with a parches is prohibit. This FAQ was created for private personal 
use only, violation any of these terms will result in taking legal action 
against you immediately.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by 
their respective trademark and copyright holders.

This FAQ can only appear on the following websites:

.(Cheat Codes) 

If anyone fined this FAQ on any unlisted site please inform me ASAP.

Contac information

I may be contacted at any time via my e-mail, (
If you have any questions, contributions, corrections, or anything else
feel free to e-mail, just make sure to put "Game Name" as a subject and
watch how fast I delete your e-mail if you acutely put "Game Name" as a

Credits/Special Thanks
. Game Manual: Some info from it.
. Got the cheats from it.
. Acclaim: I got the full Arcade locations from their map.
. All listed websites for accepting my FAQs.
. You for reading this FAQ.
. Me for creating this FAQ for all of you out there.

FAQ Created by 
        ___       __               _____ __  _____
       /   | ____/ /___ _____ ___ |__  // /_|__  /
      / /| |/ __  / __ `/ __ `__  /_ (/ //_//_ (
     / ___ / /_/ / /_/ / / / / / /__/ / ,( ___/ /
    /_/  |___,_/__,_/_/ /_/ /_/____/_/|_/____/

-End of Document-

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