Command & Conquer – Renegade (walkthrough)

Command & Conquer - Renegade

Submitted By: Gaurav Goyal

Single Player:
 Mission 1 - The Scorpion Hunters
 Mission 2 - Rescue and Retribution
 Mission 3 - Armored Assault
 Mission 4 - The Plot Erupts
 Mission 5 - Stowaway
 Mission 6 - Deadly Reunion
 Mission 7 - The Grip of the Black Hand
 Mission 8 - Obelisk of Oppression
 Mission 9 - Evolution of Evil
 Mission 10 - All Brains, No Brawn
 Mission 11 - Tomorrow's Technology Today
 Mission 12 - Stomping on Holy Ground

 Mission 1 - The Scorpion Hunters


Intel is reporting evidence of an uncharted Nod installation. Storms and
 rough terrain are interfering with our satellite scans, so Eagle Base has
 dispatched a recon team to investigate. Your sqaud will lead the 
 extraction effort once Recone One has confirmed the base coordinates.

Intro: A small team of the GDI is walking in the dessert. They are 
 searching for a hidden Nod base. Suddenly, they're attacked by the Nod.
 You arrive by helicopter to save the GDI team.


How: Grab the ammo behind you and follow the path. Join the GDI team and
 kill every single Nod soldier. When they are all killed, an engineer will
 fix the medium tank.
 Enter the medium tank and wait until the blocked path is opened for you.
 Follow the path again and splat the Nod soldiers. Try to take out the
 helicopter. Destroy the harvester (and other Nod soldiers) and follow the
 path again.
 You've just found the base! Just wait until the other tanks are destroyed
 and attack yourself. First take out tanks, then the SAM sites and last 
 the gun emplacements. Wait until the base is destroyed by the GDI. 

 Congrats! You just won your first (easy) mission.

 Mission 2 - Rescue and Retribution


 Satellite imagery indicates the Nod Detention Center is adjacent to the
 Nod Communications Center. Locate the Nod Detention Center.

Hint: Complete your secondary mission objectives.

  [1]  Locate Detention Center
  [2]  Access Communications Mainframe
  [3]  Open Detention Center
  [1]  Rescue Prisoners
  [2]  Contact GDI Commander
  [3]  Eliminate Nod Officer
  [4]  Destroy Nod Turrets
  [5]  Rescue Clergy
  [6]  Disable Hand of Nod

How: Grab the weapon in front of you and keep walking straight ahead.
 * Primary: Locate Detention Center - Satellite imagery indicates the Nod 
 Detention Center is adjacent to the Nod Communications Center. Locate 
 the Nod Detention Center. *

 Pick up the data link update and climb up the ladder. 

 * Secondary: Rescue Prisoners - Several GDI prisoners of war are being
 rounded up by Nod forces. Eliminate the Nod guards and help the prisoners
 evacuate the area. *

 You don't have to follow the soldier. Take the right path next to the big
 building, pick up the C4 and destroy the truck. Grab the C4 and the gun
 and follow the path.

 * Secondary: Contact GDI Commander - The GDI base commander is carrying a 
 new weapon prototype. We cannot allow it to fall into Nod hands. Locate
 the GDI base commander and contact him for details. *

 Don't follow the path yet. First, destroy the remaining 2 trucks with
 remote C4 and climb the ladder of the left building. Grab the sniper
 Rifle here and go back to the path. Now follow it. Let the 2 soldiers
 clear the path for you. Enter the small house to complete this secondary
 objective. You'll get the prototype; A cannon beacon.

 Enter the mine, quickly grab the date link update and return outside.
 Follow the path again.

 * Secondary: Eliminate Nod Officer - Nod Officers often coordinate with
 Command for reinforcements or artillery strikes. Eliminate the Nod
 Officer to prevent additional reinforcements from arriving. *

 Wait until the light tank is with the other tanks and enter the guard
 tower. Climb up the ladder and kill the Nod Officer. 

 Grab the sniper Rifle. Exit the tower and kill the reinforcements. 
 Follow the right path.

 * Secondary: Destroy Nod Turrets - Destroying the turrets on the beach
 will help protect the GDI Gunboat, which coordinates with Command for
 additional support. Find these turrets and eliminate them. *

 Take out the soldiers and engineers (there's also one on the left side
 of the beach, so watch out). Place C4 on the turrets and destroy them.

 You'll get a medium tank. Enter it and follow the path. Go to the small
 farm and enter it for some goodies. Also enter the house. A civilian
 will give you some information about a hidden path. He'll be picked up
 by the GDI. Enter the tunnel and take out everything. When you're sure
 no more Nod forces are in that area, exit the tank and cross the bridge.
 You'll also have to grab the keycard. 

 Take the right path and enter the tunnel. Kill the Visceriods here and 
 follow the tunnel again. You'll get another piece of the map. Go back to
 the bridge now.

 Follow the left path 2 times.

 * Secondary: Rescue Clergy - The local clergy are being held captive 
 inside their own church. Eliminate the Nod forces in the area and escort
 the clergy to the air evacuation point outside. *

 Enter the church and kill all the Nod forces. Follow the stairs and climb
 the ladder. You can find a sniper Rifle on the roof. Pick up the 
 supplies that are dropped for you.

 Follow the path behind the church and take the left path. Kill everyone
 here and enter the last guard tower (with the second Nod Officer).

 * Secondary: Disable Hand of Nod - Disabling the Hand of Nod will
 dramatically reduce reinforcements. The building is easier to eliminate
 by destroying the Master Control Terminal inside. *

 Go to the Hand of Nod and destroy the SAM site. Now enter the building.
 Go straight ahead, left, down, straight ahead and left. Destroy the
 control panel to destroy the Hand of Nod. If you want, you can see other
 parts of the building too (Just do it! It looks great!). When you're
 done, exit the building.

 Follow the path again...

 * Primary: Access Communications Mainframe - The Nod Detention Center
 main gate is electronically locked by the Nod Communications Center. Hack
 the mainframe inside the Nod Communications Center to unlock the gate. *

 Enter the building and find the Control Panel. Blow it up.

 * Primary: Open Detention Center - Access the Detention Center gate by
 accessing the nearby control panel. *

 Now exit the building and open the gate...

 Mission 3 - Amored Assault


 The civilian scientists are most likely being held in the nearby Nod 
 base. Locate the missing scientists.

Hint: Vehicles, Vehicles, Vehicles...

  [1]  Locate Missing Scientists
  [2]  Disable Dam Master Control Terminal
  [3]  Infiltrate Cargo Plane
  [1]  Disable Helipad
  [2]  Secure Guard Tower
  [3]  Secure First House
  [4]  Secure Second House
  [5]  Secure Third House
  [6]  Acquire Mammoth Tank
  [7]  Disable First SAM Site
  [8]  Destroy Nod Convoy
  [9]  Secure Ski Resort
  [10] Disable Second SAM Site
  [11] Disable Third SAM Site
  [12] Disable Fourth SAM Site
  [13] Disable Power Plant
  [14] Disable Obelisk
  [15] Destroy Tiberium Machine Alpha
  [16] Destroy Tiberium Machine Gamma
  [17] Destroy Tiberium Machine Delta
  [18] Disable Hand of Nod
  [1]  Destroy Airstrip
  [2]  Destroy Tiberium Silos

How: Let's begin the first big mission (takes about 60 minutes)...

 * Primary: Locate Missing Scientists - The civilian scientists are most 
 likely being held in the nearby Nod base. Locate the missing 
 scientists. *

 Grab the 4 weapons and follow the road. Enter the Humm-Vee to get 2 
 secondary missions.

 * Secondary: Disable Helipad - Disable the Nod Helipad to reduce  Apache 
 encounters throughout this area. This will force them to refuel at any 
 location. *

 * Secondary: Secure Guard Tower - This checkpoint is help by the Nod
 Guard Tower on top of the hill. Eliminate all enemy resistance and then
 secure the tower to allow the GDI assault to progress. *

 Follow the path and kill all enemies here. When you're done, enter the
 tower to complete the missions.

 Enter the Humm-Vee again and follow the path. Go through the tunnel.

 * Secondary: Secure First House - Nod occupies several of the houses in
 this area, and GDI needs to secure them all. Eliminate all enemies in the
 surrounding areas and then enter the building to secure this 
 objective. *

 * Secondary: Secure Second House - Another house occupied by Nod 
 soldiers, potentially the location of the Nod Officer coordinating with
 Command for reinforcements. Eliminate all enemies in the surrounding area
 and then enter the house to secure this objective. *

 When you're through the tunnel, exit the Humm-Vee and enter the house on
 your left. Grab the goodies and enter the Humm-Vee again. Now kill every
 single Nod unit. When you killed them all, enter both houses.

 When your Humm-Vee is damages/destroyed, you can enter the Nod Buggy and
 drive it. Follow the path again.

 * Secondary: Secure Third House - This house is being used by an officer
 who is coordinating with Command for reinforcements. Eliminate the Nod
 Officer and all nearby reinforcements, then enter the house to secure 
 this objective *

 * Secondary: Acquire Mammoth Tank - GDI has airdropped a Mammoth Tank for
 your use. Acquire the Mammoth Tank and use it to your advantage. *

 Exit the vehicle you're driving and enter the Mammoth Tank.

 Now eliminate all enemies and enter the house.

 Go back to your Humm-Vee/Buggy and follow the path again (if you have
 enough patient, take the Mammoth Tank).

 * Secondary: Disable First SAM Site - Disabling this SAM Site will 
 improve local air superiority for GDI. Consider using C4 to destroy this
 emplacement. *

 * Secondary: Destroy Nod Convoy - The convoy trucks in this area are
 transporting supplies toward the battle front. Eliminate all three supply
 trucks to complete this objective. *

 Exit the Humm-Vee and use the Gun Emplacements to destroy as much as
 possible. Watch out for the Rocket Soldiers on the roof of the 2 Guard
 Towers! Destroy the SAM Site and the Convoy Trucks to finish the 
 secondary missions. 

 When everything is blown away, exit the Gun Emplacements and follow the 
 road again. You can left or right, it doesn't matter (it just decides 
 which mission you'll get first). In this walkthrough, I'll follow the 
 left path. Enter the Medium Tank.

 * Secondary: Secure Ski Resort - Nod is using this checkpoint to refuel
 their defensive line. Eliminate all enemy resistance and then secure the
 building front. *

 Again, eliminate every Nod unit. Try to enter the house to complete the
 secondary mission.

 Take the Medium Tank/Nod Light Tank and follow the path again.

 * Secondary: Disable Second SAM Site - Disabling this SAM Site will
 improve local air superiority for GDI. Consider using C4 to destroy this
 emplacement. * 

 Follow the path and destroy the Sam Site with one easy blow ;)

 Follow the path (go left, otherwise you'll end up at the junction) again.
 Cross the bridge to get 2 primary missions.

 * Secondary: Disable Third SAM Site - Disabling this SAM Site will 
 improve air superiority for GDI. Consider using C4 to destroy this
 emplacement. *

 * Secondary: Disable Fourth SAM Site - Disabling this SAM Site will 
 improve air superiority for GDI. Consider using C4 to destroy this
 emplacement. *

 Follow the road and destroy the SAM Site on the left. Cross the bridge
 and also destroy the SAM Site on the left.

 Follow the road again and enter the Medium Tank.

 * Primary: Disable Dam Master Control Terminal - The Master Control
 Terminal inside the dam controls the large bay door on top. Disabling
 this terminal will not only open the door, it will prevent Nod from
 using this dam as a secondary power source. *

 * Secondary: Disable Power Plant - Power Plant provide energy for other
 Nod structures. Disabling this Power Plant will shut down the Obelisk. 
 Assault the building from the interior, as it is being repaired by a Nod
 Engineer. *

 * Secondary: Disable Obelisk - The Obelisk is a deadly defense weapon, 
 but it requires power to operate. If you cannot get inside to disable it,
 consider removing the power source. *

 Begin to follow the road. When you see a door on your left, you can go
 inside, but you can also read the next paragraph for some more fun. If
 you don't want to do it, skip it and continue to read.

 Follow the bridge. Ignore the Obelisk and just drive to it. Exit the tank
 ASAP and enter the Obelisk. Now destroy the Obelisk from the inside and
 exit the Obelisk. Enter the tank again and enter the door that you saw in
 the previous paragraph. 

 Take the elevator and go down. Go left twice and enter the door on the
 left. Destroy the Dam Master Control Terminal. Take a look outside, 
 you'll be there within 5 minutes ;)

 Leave the room and follow the tunnel again. Go right and follow the
 tunnel again. After a while, you'll enter the area you saw from the
 Control Room. Kill the enemies and go right. Follow this path, enter the
 elevator amd enter the Power Plant. Search for the Control Terminal and
 destroy it.

 Now go back to the dam and open the big door. Grab the goodies on the
 other side and follow the tunnel. When you have to choice between 
 straight ahead and up, choice up, kill the enemies, grab the goodies,
 return and take the other path. It's easier to kill enemies when you're
 on a platform. Just use your Sniper Rifle. When you arrive on a big 
 wooden platform, go left.

 * Secondary: Destroy Tiberium Machine Alpha - Nod has three research
 machines located throughout this cavern area. Destroy this machine to
 hamper Nod Tiberium research. *

 * Secondary: Destroy Tiberium Machine Beta - Nod has three research
 machines located throughout this cavern area. Destroy this machine to
 hamper Nod Tiberium research. *

 * Secondary: Destroy Tiberium Machine Gamma - Nod has three research
 machines located throughout this cavern area. Destroy this machine to
 hamper Nod Tiberium research. *

 Follow the tunnel and just destroy the Tiberium research machines found
 in the big cave. You don't have to use a Rocket Launcher/C4, just use
 the gun you are holding.

 Go right two times. When you end up in a big room, go to the far right
 to get the last secondary objective of this mission.

 * Secondary: Disable Hand of Nod - Disabling the Hand of Nod will
 dramatically hamper reinforcements for this area. Consider using an Ion
 Cannon Beacon if you have one. *

 Follow the tunnel. You'll end up in a Nod Base. Enter the Hand of Nod and
 go to the roof of the building (you should know where it is). You'll get
 the green keycard here and you'll see a funny movie :)

 * Primary: Infiltrate Cargo Plane - Approach the Cargo Plane from the
 rear to pursue the scientists. *

 Go down and try to kill Mendoza. Search for the airstrip and destroy it.

 * Tertiary: Disable Airstrip - Disabling of the Nod Airstrip has
 hampered the ability to fly in new behicle reinforcements to the base
 area. *

 Also destroy the silos.

 * Tertiary: Destroy Tiberium Silos - Disabling the Nod Tiberium Silos 
 has cut into Nod production capabilities, by reducing their funding. *

 After a while, you'll win. Approach the plane from the rear to finish 
 this mission.

 Mission 4 - The Plot Erupts

 Satellite imagery indicated the Nod Communications Center is located
 centrally on the island. Make your way to the Nod base and acquire
 information about the scientists' whereabouts.

Hint: There is no cure for Tiberium poisoning.

  [1]  Locate Communications Center
  [2]  Hack Communications Mainframe
  [3]  Acquire Security Card
  [4]  Escape via Submarine
  [1]  Secure Beachhead
  [2]  Disable Lower SAM Site
  [3]  Disable Upper SAM Site
  [1]  Destroy Defense Cannon
  [2]  Disable Communications Center
  [3]  Disable Power Plant
  [4]  Disable Tiberium Refinery

How: You'll begin your mission on the beach.

 * Primary: Locate Communications Center - Satellite imagery indicates the
 Nod Communications Center is located centrally on the island. Make your
 way to the Nod base and acquire information about the scientists'
 whereabouts. *

 * Secondary: Secure Beachhead - GDI forces are landing on the beachhead
 and encountering heavy resistance. Assist their landing operation by
 eliminating all Nod resistance on the beachhead. *

 Do the this paragraph sneaky, y'hear ;) Kill all Nod forces that you can
 kill and walk behind the wall, up the hill. Kill the Nod forces here and
 destroy the big Turret with a C4 explosive.

 The GDI will drop a power-up for you on the beach, so be sure to get it!
 Follow the path again. After a while, you'll end up in a field with
 Tiberium. Move as quick as possible and go to the other side of the
 field. Remember the hint at the beginning of the mission? Go inside the
 plane and grab the datadisc. Follow the path.

 * Secondary: Disable Lower SAM Sites - Nod has SAM Sites located in two
 positions in this destroyed hamlet. Find and disable them to allow for
 additional GDI reinforcements. *

 Just walk around, kill enemies (watch your back) and destroy the SAM
 Sites with C4. 

 When the 2 SAM Sites are destroyed, GDI will drop a power-up for you on 
 the bridge. You can take 2 ways now. The first one is through a Tiberium
 mine. Shoot the wooden planks to get in. The second one is to walk the
 path that's behind the beach. I say you should take the second one,
 since you'll be saver. 

 If you take the first route, move as quick as possible and keep shooting
 and grabbing those armor and medkits.

 If you take the second route, grab your rocketlauncher and shoot the
 Cannon Emplacement before it shoots you :p

 * Secondary: Disable Upper SAM Sites - Two Nod SAM Sites are protecting
 a heavy Shore Defense Cannon from aerial assault. Disable these two SAM
 Sites to facilitate a GDI airstrike on the Shore Defense Cannon. *

 If you came from the first route, you'll be behind the 2 SAM Sites. If
 you came from the second route, you'll have to take the left path to
 find them. 

 First, destroy the big cannon (thnx to DaBrain and BlaYde for the 
 information about this tertiary objective).

 * Tertiary: Destroy Defense Cannon - Destroying the Shore Defense Cannon
 before the SAM Sites was a quick solution to an otherwise complicated
 problem. *

 Now destroy the SAM Sites.

 Take the left path (you'll also find a power-up) to find a junction.
 Take the right path and you'll find a datadisc at the end of the cave.
 Go back to the junction and take the left path to find a Nod base.

 * Primary: Hack Communications Mainframe - The Nod Communications Center
 Mainframe holds recent flight data for passing Nod aircraft. Approach the
 mainframe and hack it to find the destination of the scientists. *

 You see that building with the satellite on it? Enter it. Now make your
 way to the mainframe (you should know where it is by now). But what? The
 door is locked.

 * Primary: Acquire Security Card - Access to the Communications Center 
 mainframe is locked behind a secure door. Nod officer usually carry 
 security cards, and you will need one to pass through. *

 I don't know if the officer that has the card is chosen random. I found
 the officer that give me mine card in the refinery. Kill as much Nod
 units as possible. Alse enter the Power Plant and kill as much as 
 possible. It will be easier for you this way later on. Go back to the 
 locked door and enter it.

 Now hack the terminal to complete the primary mission.

 Now for some fun, grab the yellow keycard and enter the yellow door. 
 Destroy the mainframe here.
 * Tertiary: Disable Communications Center - Disabling the Nod
 Communications Center had disrupted Nod communications throughout this
 area. *

 Now go outside and shoot the Comanche Attack Helicopter with your
 Rocket Launcher. Oopz... The island is going to explode :p

 * Primary: Escape via Submarine - Looks like the dock is your only way
 off the island. A small submarine is located nearby. Make your way on
 board to escape the destruction. *

 Now... let's be a nice guy and do some extra work. Enter the Power Plant
 and destroy it.

 * Tertiary: Disable Power Plant - Disabling the Nod Power Plant has shut
 down power for the base area, reducing the capabilities of Nod forces
 in this locale. *

 That was fun, wasn't it. More extra work coming up! Do the same for the
 Tiberium Refinery.

 * Tertiary: Disable Tiberium Refinery - Disabling the Tiberium Refinery
 has hampered Nod productions in this base facility. *

 Now follow the path and go to the docks to exit this mission.

 Mission 5 - Stowaway


 The GDI prisoners are held captive somewhere on the ship, probably on the
 lower decks. Find them and bring them to safety.

Hint: Walk softly and carry a big gun...

  [1]  Rescue Prisoners
  [2]  Sabotage Missile Racks
  [3]  Acquire Prison Security Card
  [4]  Acquire Deck Security Card
  [5]  Acquire Submarine Security Card
  [6]  Sabotage Torpedo Racks
  [7]  Protect Prisoners
  [1]  Disable Critical Engine Areas
  [2]  Destroy Apache

How: This is a sneak mission, so be quite this time ;)

 * Primary: Rescue Prisoners - The GDI prisoners are held captive 
 somewhere on the ship, probably on the lower decks. Find them and bring 
 them to safety. *

 Go to the right, right and up. Enter the door and enter the next room.
 Take the left door here.

 * Primary: Sabotage Missile Racks - Sabotaging the missile racks will
 assist in ship destruction. Approach each of the four missile racks and
 sabotage them. *

 Go down and sabotage the Missile Racks.

 Take the door you'll find here to continue your first primary objective.
 Take the next door here.

 * Secondary: Disable Critical Engine Areas - Disable the four critical
 engine areas to disable ship propulsion. Consider using C4 to destroy 
 these critical parts. *

 Go to the lower floor and destroy the 4 computers you find here (you
 don't have to use C4). When all 4 are destroyed... RED ALERT! >:)

 Go up and you'll find the prisoners.

 * Primary: Acquire Prison Security Card - The prison guard has the 
 security card needed to open the prison chambers. Acquire it from him and
 release the prisoners. *

 Go down and enter the door on your left. Follow the path and search for
 the guard that has the key.

 When you have it, so back to the prisoners and release them.

 * Primary: Acquire Deck Security Card - The First Mate has a security
 card that accesses the fore deck area. Eliminate him to obtain the 
 security card to progress. *

 Go back to the room where you found the green card and go up. Go through
 the door that required the green keycard. Now go all the way up, kill
 the First Mate and grab the yellow keycard.

 * Primary: Acquire Submarine Security Card - The submarine security card
 is held by the ship captain. Find and eliminate him to obtain the 
 submarine security card. *

 Now go back the where you began your mission. Enter a door that requires
 a yellow keycard.

 * Secondary: Destroy Apache - A Nod Apache is patrolling the outside of
 the ship. Locate the Apache and destroy it. *

 Enter the door you see at the end of the room (right door) and enter the
 door you see here.

 * Primary: Sabotage Torpedo Racks - Sabotaging the two torpedo racks will
 assist in ship destruction. Approach each of the two torpedo racks and
 sabotage them. *

 Sabotage the Torpedo Racks.

 Go to the top of the room and enter the doors you find here.

 Go to the deck of the ship (just keep walking up) and destroy the Apache
 here with your rocketlauncher.

 Enter the door and keep going up until you are in the control room. Kill
 the captain here to get a red keycard.

 Go back to the previous room and enter the next door. Go up to the deck
 again and search for the guard with the prison keycard.

 Once again: go back to the beginning of the mission.

 * Primary: Protect Prisoners - The prisoners are under attack in the
 submarine base. Protect them until the area is secure, then board the
 submarine and escape. *

 Meet the prisoners to finish this mission.

 Mission 6 - Deadly Reunion


 Hotwire is pinned down behind some debris in the southwestern sector,
 near the Triangle Garden. Clear the debris and enter the building to
 assist her.

Hint: In case of fire, remember to stop, drop and roll!

  [1]  Locate Hotwire
  [2]  Contact Gunner
  [3]  Locate Deadeye
  [4]  Locate Patch
  [5]  Eliminate Black Hand
  [1]  Secure Town Square
  [2]  Contact Escapee
  [3]  Eliminate Engineers

How: You'll begin on the streets.

 * Primary: Locate Hotwire - Hotwire is pinned down behind some debris in 
 the southwestern sector, near the Triangle Garden. Clear the debris and 
 enter the building to assist her. *

 Walk straight and go left the second time. Follow the path.

 * Primary: Contact Gunner - Gunner is under heavy fire in the Town 
 Square. Assist him in clearing out all enemy resistance in his area, and
 then contact him for further information. *

 Go right and blow up the pile of trash on the right. You'll find Hotwire

 Follow the path again. When you find a pile of trash, grab your 
 rocketlauncher, because a Flametank will show up to fry you. Finish it
 and follow the path again.

 * Secondary: Secure Town Square - Village resistance is fighting a losing
 battle in the Town Square. Move to their position and eliminate all enemy
 opposition. *

 Go to the town square and protect it from the Nod. 

 You see that bunker on the town square? You'll find Gunner here. Talk to
 him to finish the second primary objective.

 Turn around and enter the house you see. Go left and up the stairs.

 * Primary: Locate Deadeye - Deadeye is currently pinned in the Fancy Inn
 on the east side of the village. Assist him in clearing out all enemy
 resistance in his area, and then contact him for further information. *

 Once again, follow the path. After a long path and a stairs, you'll find
 a house. Enter the house, go up and talk to the man here.

 * Primary: Escort Resistance - A Nod Transport Helicopter has been shot
 down by the village resistance. A group had gathered to seize the 
 available cargo. Escort the resistance group to the Transport 
 Helicopter. *

 Follow the men (escort him) to the plane. Just go down the stairs and
 follow the path again. On you way, you'll see Mendoza again (and a 
 funny bug too... see paragraph [7.2]). Try to kill that huy. He's easy
 this time. The man is now by the plane and that secondary mission is
 also complete.

 Follow the path again.

 * Secondary: Contact Escapee - A prisoner has escaped the Chateau, and
 claims to have valuable information about the locale. Make contact and
 gather the intel. *

 You'll be attacked from both sides. First attack the Flametank in front
 of you. Turn around and attack the enemies here. When they're finished,
 turn around again and kill these guys. Now walk straight ahead, and enter
 the house on your left. Go upstairs.

 * Secondary: Eliminate Engineers - Nod has six Engineers in the park who
 specialize in rapid Obelisk construction. All six must be eliminated to
 prevent the building from begin completed. *

 It took me 5 hours to figure out what to do (NOT!). Just grab your
 sniper Rifle and kick some serious ass!

 Go back outside and enter the tank. Drive a little straight and exit the
 tank. Enter the house on your right to get some information. Grab a big
 gun, because as soon as the guy stops speaking, his friend will turn into
 a Visceriod and from the other side, some Nod units will appear.

 Enter the tank again and follow the path. When you arrive at a square 
 with a small hut on the left... watch out! There is a sniper somewhere 
 around here. When you're finished, follow the path again.

 * Secondary: Locate Patch - Patch is located at the Cathedral with the 
 rest of the Dead-6 members. Contact him, gather your team, and prepare
 for the assault on the Chateau. *

 You'll see a big house here. You can find Deadeye here if you go
 upstairs. Talk to him.

 Follow the path again. After a while, you'll see a Flametank.

 * Secondary: Babushka has been kidnapped by Nod forces. She is currently
 being held southwest of the Cathedral in a temporary location. Eliminate
 her captors and make contact. *

 Enter the Flametank. Now follow the path again. When you see a big 
 Cathedral, first drive past it, and go left. Enter the house and SNEAK
 in. Kill the Nod forces here and talk to Babushka.

 Enter your tank again, drive to the Cathedral and enter it. Go upstairs
 and talk to Patch.

 * Primary: Eliminate Black Hand - Nod Black Hand units have assembled and
 are converging on the Cathedral. Hold the Cathedral and eliminate all
 incoming enemies. *

 Go outside and shoot the hell out off those Black Hands ;)

 Mission 7 - The Grip of the Black Hand


 The scientists are currently held deep in the bowels of the Chateau. 
 Extract them from the Nod facility.

Hint: The key to knowledge can be found in books.

  [1]  Access War Room Computer
  [2]  Evacuate Scientists
  [3]  Escort Sydney
  [1]  Disable Alarm
  [1]  Infiltrate Secret Cache
  [2]  Rescue Prisoner

How: Aah... it's snowing...

 * Primary: Access War Room Computer - The current location of the 
 scientists should be stored in Nod information databases. Hack the
 computer in the War Room to find their position. *

 Follow the way. Be sure to sneak!

 * Secondary: Disable Alarm - The Chateau alarm has been activaed. Access
 either of the two indicated alarm control panels to disable the general
 alert. *

 Follow the path and enter the door you see in front of you. You'll end
 up in a maze. On the right side, enter the door to end up in a small
 church or something. Go down here and destroy the terminal. Go back

 Follow the path and enter the Chateau. Go to the second floor and search
 for the library. Kill the Black Hands here and search for a secret room
 behind a bookshelf. Shoot the Ceiling Gun here and grab the new 
 collection of weapons :D

 * Tertiary: Infiltrate Secret Cache - In a secret compartment hidden in
 the second floot library you discovered a significant collection of
 personal items belonging to Raveshaw. *

 Now go all the way up to find the War Room Computer. After a nice talk
 with Kane, hack the computer.

 * Primary: Evacuate Scientists - The scientists are currently held deep
 in the bowels of the Chateau. Extract hem from the Nod facility. *

 Grab the red keycard the officer dropped for you and go to the basement
 of the Chateau. When you come in a room with 3 cells, first destroy
 the Ceiling Guns. In the second cell, talk to the prisoners.

 * Tertiary: Rescue Prisoner - A GDI prisoner was held captive underneath
 the Chateau. Setting him free has allowed him to assist in fighting Nod
 forces. *

 Follow the hall again. When you come in a room with 4 doors... in the 
 left room you'll find a datadisc and in the right room you'll find
 armor. Continue your way. You'll see a kewl movie.

 * Primary: Escort Sydney - Sydney Mobious has been recovered from the
 Chateau, but the place is about to fall apart. Escort Sydney to the
 exterior and escape. *

 Doesn't Sydney look like the girl from the Final Fantasy movie? Nm... ;)
 Did you see that Helipad when you was on your way? Well... if you do then
 it's a good idea to go to it now. If you don't now it, just run around
 and search it :p

 * Primary: Eliminate Mendoza - Mendoza must be defeated to clear your
 path of escape. *

 As soon as the battle begins, go left or right, because he'll give you
 a kick if you don't! Kill the pig and when he runs to Sydney, run to him
 to end this mission (and Mendoza).

 Mission 8 - Obelisk of Oppression


 Sydney Mobius must be evacuated from the area. A GDI Transport Helicopter
 is en route to your location. Make sure that she gets on board.

Hint: Not seeing is believing.

  [1]  Protect Team Members
  [2]  Escape Nuclear Strike
  [3]  Evacuate Sydney
  [4]  Escort Hotwire to SAM Sites
  [5]  Destroy SSM Launchers
  [1]  Destroy Radar Installations
  [2]  Rescue Resistance
  [3]  Destroy Napalm Stockpile

How: Look! Everyone is here...

 * Primary: Protect Team Members - Every member of the Dead-6 team has a
 critical role in this assualt. Ensure that you and your entire team
 survive until evacuation. *

 Just wait until the short conversation is done...

 * Primary: Escape Nuclear Strike - Both you and your team must evacuate
 the area to avoid an impending Nod tactical Nuclear Strike. Ensure that
 your entire group is outside of the blast radius. *

 * Primary: Evacuate Sydney - Sydney Mobious must be evacuated from the
 area. A GDI Transport Helicopter is en route to your location. Make sure
 that she gets on board. *

 You should remember mission 6... Now go the same way, only back...

 * Primary: Escort Hotwire to SAM Sites - Nod has several jury-rigged
 SAM Sites mounted on the back of Cargo Trucks. Escort Hotwire to their
 location and protect her while she converts them to GDI control. *

 Escort Hotwire to the big house. She will convert the Nod vehicles here.
 When she's done, the Dead-6 will leave.

 * Primary: Destroy SSM Launchers - Nod has two Surface-to-Surface Missile
 Launchers in the park. Locate and destroy the two SSM Launchers. *

 Again, follow the path.

 * Secondary: Destroy Radar Installations - Nod has two mobile rader
 installations located in the Town Sqaure, used to coordinate 
 reinforcement efforts. Locate and destroy them. *

 Follow the path (how many times did I wrote that down :D) and you'll end
 up in the Town Square. Destroy the Radar Installations here (watch out
 for sniper and rockets).

 Again... follow the path.

 * Secondary: Rescue Resistance - Nod has captured several village
 resistance members and is currently holding them in a makeshift facility
 in the Triangle Gardens. Make contact with the prisoners to release
 them. *

 Follow the path ;) When you arrive at the place where you contacted
 Hotwire in mission 6, open the small hut. Talk to the vilagers here.

 Once again... follow the path.

 * Secondary: Destroy Napalm Stockpile - The Surface-to-Surface Missle
 Laucnhers have stockpiles of fuel and napalm rounds nearby. Process to
 their location and destroy all the fuel barrels in the area to hamper the
 bombardment. *

 Walk straight ahead and destrot the stockpile here.

 Now follow the path again (watch out for those rockets!).

 * Secondary: Disable Obelisk - Nod has constructed an Obelisk in the Park
 area. Either find a way to get inside and hack it for GDI use, or 
 disable it. *

 Walk a little further to the park (don't get shot by the damn Obelisk).

 * Secondary: Destroy Stealth Tank - A Nod Stealth Tank is defending the 
 SSM Launcher in the Park. Keep an eye out for exhaust and signature
 treadmarks, and destroy this vehicle. *

 First, kill the Engineers, so they can't repair the Tank.

 If you have enough armor, you can destroy the Obelisk from inside. If
 you don't have it, just leave it and destroy those 2 Launchers to finish
 the mission.

 Mission 9 - Evolution of Evil

 You have been placed in solitary confinement inside a Nod Prison 
 Facility. Sakura has been generous enough to free you as a distraction
 for her invastion attempt. Escape the prison facility.

Hint: War doesn't bring out the worst in people, Tiberium does.

  [1]  Escape Prison
  [2]  Infiltrate Research Facility
  [3]  Rescue Scientists
  [4]  Eliminate Raveshaw
  [1]  Disable Helipad
  [2]  Disable Station Alpha
  [3]  Disable Station Beta
  [1]  Disable Cultivation Center

How: Nice computer... :p

 * Primary: Escape Prison - You have been placed in solitary confinement 
 inside a Nod Prison Facility. Sakura has been generous enough to free you
 as a distraction for her invastion attempt. Escape the prison facility. *

 Grab your first and only gun (you didn't think you had the weapons after
 you were put in prison, did you :p). Kill the officers for a second and
 better gun (I use this gun all the time).
 Enter the door, go left and up the stairs. Use the control panel here to 
 free the prisoners.
 Enter the door on the other end and enter the door right for weapons. In
 the left room, you'll find 2 datadiscs.
 Go out the room with the datadiscs and go right and enter the door. Enter
 the door on the left.

 * Secondary: Disable Helipad - A Nod Helipas is located behind the office
 complex in the Prison Facility. Locate and destroy it to reduce Apache
 reinforcements throughout the area. *

 Just around the corner, on the left, you'll find a buggy. Enter it and 
 follow the path. Search for the Helipad and destroy it.

 Enter the 4 buildings you find here for weapons, health, armor and 
 prisoners. When you're done here, exit the prison by opening the gate.

 * Primary: Infiltrate Research Facility - The scientists are possibly
 contained in the Research Facility at the far end of the canyon. Make
 your way to the facility and infiltrate. *

 Enter the tank here and follow the path. When you see a blue tunnel, 
 drive through it. After a while, you'll end up at the Facility.

 * Primary: Rescue Scientists - Sakura indicates the scientists are held
 deep within the Nod Research Facility. Infiltrate the lower levels of the
 facility and rescue the scientists. *

 Destroy as much as possible with the tank before it gets destroyed. When
 your tank is destroyed, go down and left.

 * Secondary: Disable Station Alpha - The Research Facility is divided 
 into several stations. Disable Research Station Alpha by destroying the
 Master Control Terminal within. *

 * Secondary: Disable Station Beta - The Research Facility is divided 
 into several stations. Disable Research Station Beta by destroying the
 Master Control Terminal within. *

 As soon, as you get this objective, go right through the door and destroy
 the Control Panel you find here.

 * Tertiary: Disable Cultivation Center - In the heart of the Research
 Facility is a Tiberium cultivation center, where Nod has been 
 experimenting with different methods of Tiberium growth. Destroying the
 Master Control Terminal within has hampered their efforts. *

 Now go back outside and go right. Enter the elevator and go down. Follow
 the hall to find a Light Tank. First go outside and user your Sniper
 Rifle to destroy and kill as much as possible. Enter the tank and follow
 the path again.
 After a while, you'll end up by another elevator. Exit the tank and use
 the elevator. You'll end up outside again. Search for another elevator
 that goes down.
 When you're down, you'll meet a new unit, that's damn irritating and
 strong: the Acolyte... 
 From the beginning of the elevator, go right, right and straight ahead to
 end up in a room with a hologram of Kane. 

 Go right and destroy the Master Control Terminal here.

 Do the same in the right room to destroy Station Alpha and Beta. 

 Go back to the room with the hologram of Kane and take the elevator. 
 You'll see a movie where Raveshaw is... well... something else ;)

 * Primary: Eliminate Raveshaw - Raveshaw has been indoctrinated into
 project Re-Genesis. Regardless of his lack of cranial capacity at this
 point, his strength is formidable. Keep your distance and eliminate him
 quickly. *

 Now this is a kewl fight! Keep walking and shooting with your laser
 Rifle. When he jumps on the platform and does not jump down, grab your
 sniper Rifle, zoom in on his head and... BAM! Do NEVER use Tiberium on
 him... it will only heal him...

"In mission 9 in never got the tank outside of the prison :-( so I did not
enter the Nod buggy until I killed all enemies in the prison compound. 
Then I used the buggy to race by all enemies outside directly through the
tunnel into the Nod base. On the first go I didn't know that and went on 
foot. That wasn't easy but I found an empty Nod stealth tank waiting near
the tunnel..."

 Mission 10 - All Brains, No Brawn
 In order to make contact with GDI foces, Dr. Mobius must retrieve the
 Mobile Power Suit taken earlier. Find its location and recover it.

Hint: Clarity comes from looking ahead.

  [1]  Protect Mobius
  [2]  Acquire Power Suit
  [3]  Escort Mobious to Surface
  [4]  Escort Mobius to GDI
  [1]  Eliminate Nod Resistance

How: Hello Dr. Mobius...

 * Primary: Protect Mobius - Dr. Movius must be kept alive at all costs.
 He is our primary Tiberium research scientist, and may also provide
 insight into Nod mutation research. *

 After a short conversation with the doc, you'll get another primary

 * Primary: Acquire Power Suit - In order to make contact with GDI forces,
 Dr. Mobius must retrieve the Mobile Power Suit taken earlier. Find its
 location and recover it. *

 Walk around and kill the Initiates. They make funny sounds when they
 die ^_^ Don't use Tiberium weapons! It will only heal them!
 Take the elevator to go up. 
 Take the left door and search for the Power Suite.

 * Primary: Escort Mobious to Surface - Dr. Mobious has acquired the 
 Mobile Power Suit, but cannot make radio contact this far underground.
 Escort him to the surface to regain contact with GDI. *

 Go straight ahead and left for the green keycard. Go back to the room
 where you found the hologram of Kane.
 Go to the other room and save the scientist you find on the left. Follow
 him to get the yellow key card.
 Go straigh ahead this time and follow the path to the surface. This is
 quite difficult so save often! Use your rocketlacuher for ceiling guns
 to save ammo.

 * Primary: Escort Mobius to GDI - Now that you have reached the surface,
 you must make your way to the GDI front lines, with Dr. Mobious in tow.
 Keep him alive and reach the GDI front for helicopter evacuation. *

 Follow the path to the GDI front lines. On your way, you'll see a big
 group of Nod Officers. Kill them all.

 * Tertiary: Eliminate Nod Resistance - Nod forces have amassed at the
 first canyon checkpoint, but your quick work has taken care of the 
 problem. *

 Now enter the helicopter that's waiting for you.

 Mission 11 - Tomorrow's Technology Today


 The Ion Cannon Satellite must be targeted by a local beacon. Place the
 Ion Cannon Beacon directly in front of the Temple of Nod. This should be
 the last stand for Nod resistance in this area.

Hint: A friend in need...

  [1]  Sabotage Temple of Nod
  [2]  Access Southeastern Gate
  [3]  Acquire Base Security Card
  [4]  Disable Power Plant
  [5]  Access Northwestern Gate
  [6]  Disable Construction Yard
  [7]  Disable Communications Center
  [8]  Access Northeastern Gate
  [1]  Disable Southern SAM Site
  [2]  Disable Hand of Nod
  [3]  Disable Tiberium Refinery
  [4]  Disable Tiberium Silos
  [5]  Disable Western SAM Sites
  [6]  Disable Western Helipad
  [7]  Destroy Turrets
  [1]  Disable Obelisk

How: Again... desert all around...

 * Primary: Sabotage Temple of Nod - The Ion Cannon Satellite must be 
 targeted by a local beacon. Place the Ion Cannon Beacon directly in front
 of the Temple of Nod. This should be the last stand for Nod resistance in
 this area. *

 Walk around and grab all you can find. You lost quite some stuff in the
 last mission.

 * Secondary: Disable Southern SAM Site - GDI air units are having
 difficulty approaching the southern side of the Nod base. Disable the 
 SAM Site to provide local air superiority for GDI. *

 Walk a little further...

 * Secondary: Disable Hand of Nod - Disabling of the Hand of Nod will 
 hamper Nod's ability to reinforce with elite units. Destroy the Hand of
 Nod. *

 Destroy the SAM Site with your rocketlauncher (watch out for the Turret).

 * Primary: Access Southeastern Gate - GDI vehicles are pevented from
 accessing the base due to this gate. Acquire the security card needed to
 open this gate, and approach it from the rear to access the control
 panel. *

 * Primary: Acquire Base Security Card - A series of gates prevents the
 GDI assualt team from progressing into the Nod base. A security card to
 open these gates will most likely be found inside the Nod Tiberium
 Refinery. *

 Go inside the Hand of Nod and destroy the Terminal. The officer in the
 room before the Terminal has a yellow keycard.

 Now go back outside and follow the path up the hill.

 * Secondary: Disable Tiberium Refinery - Disabling of the Nod Tiberium
 Refinery will slow production of Nod units, which decreases the frequency
 of reinforcements. Destroy the Nod Tiberium Refinery. *

 Go inside the Reginery and destroy it.

 Go back outside, and follow the path back. Kill the Black Hand to get the
 green keycard.

 Now open the gate  (from the rear) that you couldn't open before.

 A Missle Launcher will arrive. Enter it and attack the Obelisk (don't
 move the Launcher).

 * Tertiary: Disable Obelisk - Nod Obelisks are notorious for eliminating
 ground units. Disabling this structure has created an easier approach to
 the Temple of Nod. *

 Destroy the SAM Site here and follow the path again. Walk to the gate on
 the other side.

 * Primary: Disable Power Plant - As the Power Plant is providing power to
 the laser fence it must be disabled to proceed to the Temple of Nod
 entrance. Disable the Power Plant. *

 Now open the gate using the Control Panel and go left twice. You'll end
 up by a UFO...

 Go straight ahead and right.

 * Primary: Access Northwestern Gate - GDI Vehicles are prevented from 
 accessing the base due to this gate. Acquire the secutiry card needed to
 open this gate, and approach it from the rear to access the control
 panel. *

 Walk a little further...

 * Primary: Disable Construction Yard - Destroy the Nod Construction Yard
 to prevent other buildings from being repaired. This should allow you to
 eliminate the Power Plant without interference. *

 Open the gate on your right with the Control Panel.

 Destroy the Air Strip, the Launcher and the SAM Site. Walk a little

 * Secondary: Disable Tiberium Silos - Disabling the Nod Tiberium Silos
 will hamper Nod production in this base facility. Destroy the Nod 
 Tiberium Silos. *

 Walk accross the landing thing.

 * Secondary: Disable Western SAM Sites - GDI air units are having
 difficulty approaching the western side of the Nod base. Disable the SAM
 Site to provide local air superiority for GDI. *

 Go inside the Construction Yard and destroy the Terminal.

 Now go outside and destroy the SAM Sites.

 You see that irritating Apache flying around? Destroy it and also destroy
 the Helipad.

 * Secondary: Disable Western Helipad - Disabling the Nod Helipads will
 reduce the numer of Apaches found. Destroy the Nod Helipad on the
 western side of the base. *

 Walk to the silos and destroy these.

 Follow the path you see to discover another Nod base.

 * Secondary: Destroy Turrets - A pair of Nod Turrets is located in this
 area, defending the nearby Nod structures. Destroy both Nod Turrets. *

 Grab your rocketlauncher and destroy the turrets from a distance.

 * Primary: Disable Communications Center - Disabling the Nod 
 Communications Center will stop the signal interruptions preventing Ion
 Cannon Satellites from targeting this area. Disable the Communications
 Center. *

 * Primary: Access Northeastern Gate - GDI vehicles are prevented from
 accessing the base due to this gate. Acquire the security card needed to
 open this gate, and approach it from the rear to access the control
 panel. *

 Walk to the gate and open it for the GDI forces.

 Enter the Launcher and destroy the Communications Center.

 Also destroy the Helipad you find here.

 * Secondary: Disable Nothern Helipad - Disabling the Nod Helipads will
 reduce the number of Apaches found. Disable the Nod Helipad on the 
 nothern side of the base. *

 Now enter the Power Plant and disable it.

 Search for the red keycard. You'll get it from the last Nod unit you
 kill (thnx to Dominique for this). When you have it, go to the big
 spacecraft enter it. Inside, you can find the Auto Volt Rifle (Thnx to
 Three-Sloth, Blayhe, Muhammed, Skirrow and Dominique for this objective).

 * Tertiary: Infiltrate Spacecraft - This strange vessel is obviosly not
 of earthly origins. Fortunately, it is not a Nod vehicle. *

 Now go back to the temple and sabotage it.

"I played this mission with the Mammoth tank. After you lower the first 
gate you can go back to the (destroyed) Hand of Nod and enter the Mammoth
tank quite nice to destroy the Obelisk and the stealth tank and so on... 

 Mission 12 - Stomping on Holy Ground


 Dr. Sydney Mobious is held cative deep within the Temple of Nod. Proceed
 to her location and rescue her.

Hint: Run...

  [1]  Rescue Sydney
  [2]  Infiltrate Temple Bunker
  [3]  Infiltrate Temple Power Core
  [4]  Escort Sydney

How: Hah! Chaoooooooos! (btw: Check the map ^_^ It's Kane! :p)

 * Primary: Rescue Sydney - Dr. Sydney Mobious is held cative deep within
 the Temple of Nod. Proceed to her location and rescue her. *

 Begin to run...

 * Primary: Infiltrate Temple Bunker - Dr. Sydney Mobius is most likely
 located in the lower levels of the Temple of Nod. Find access to these
 lower levels. *

 Go down via the slope, go left through the door and follow the tunnel.
 Search for a door on the right side and follow the path. Kill every
 Nod unit here and save.

 Go left and kill the 4 Templars. Grab the armor and take the right door
 to see a "throphy" of Kane.

 Go back to the previous room and take the left door (from where you
 started). Take the next door and destroy the Black Hand and the 2
 Ceiling Guns. Grab the green keycard and save.

 Go back to the big room and enter the door that requires the green
 keycard. Kill the engineer and the 2 Ceiling Guns. Go down with the
 platform and destroy the 2 black hands en scientists. After a short
 time, more units will enter the room. Destroy these too. Save.

 Take the left door, go down and take the room on the other side of the
 room. Kill the Viscerois here and grab the yellow keycard. Kill the
 Black Hand and save.

 Go up and again and enter a door that requires a yellow keycard. Grab the
 armor and health and save.

 Enter the door...

 * Primary: Infiltrate Temple Power Core - Find access to the Temple of 
 Nod power core interior. EVA indicated there is a connecting passage on
 a lower level of the Temple. *

 Kill all Nod units here. This can take a long time, because the Templars
 all come out of the test tubes. Keep shooting and be sure they are all
 dead! Save when you're done.

 Go down and take the elevator. Now run like hell and go left, left,
 straight ahead and left and follow the tunnel. Save when you're safe ;)
 I'm not sure, but I think those Tiberium Units just keep coming.

 In the next room, shoot those Black Hands and work your way up. Save when
 you can't go any further. Now take a big amount of air, save and enter 
 the next room for a damn hard boss... Petrova >:)

 Go all the way down and grab your Volt Rifle. You can shoot on Petrova
 as long as you want, but it doesn't work. You first have to kill the
 other units (they will heal Petrova with Tiberium). Good luck... (hint:
 with your Volt Auto Rifle this is a piece of cake).

 When Petrova is killed, grab the red keycard to save Sydney.

 * Primary:  Escort Sydney - Dr. Sydney Mobius must be protected as you
 attempt to reach the surface. Escort her safely to the top of the 
 missile silo. *

 Well... let's get going! ;) Save first...

 Go back to the previous room (you have the red keycard now, so you don't
 need to go through the mine).

 * Primary: Sabotage Nuclear Missle - Escort Dr. Sydney Mobius to the
 missle control center, so she can properly lock down the launch clamps.
 This will cause the missile to destruct within the Temple housing. *

 Go down, through the red door and kill all the units here. Go back to
 Sydney, talk to her and follow her. 

 And finally, you finished this damn hard irritating but funny mission :D
 Congrats! You finished the game! ;)

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