Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars patch v1.2
Tek što je igra izašla, a evo i druge zakrpe za novi EA-ov hit iz Command and Conquer serijala. Ovaj patch za Tiberium Wars nosi oznaku 1.2, i pored toga što diže vašu igru na prethodno pomenutu verziju, ispravlja i mnogo raznih bagova kao i auto update program. Ovaj patch možete skinuti preko auto update-a u samoj igri, kao ii preko linkova sa zvaničnog sajta. Lista ispravki se nalazi u produžetku teksta.
Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars Version 1.02 Patch Notes – March 29, 2007
This patch for Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars addresses two issues:
Fixed an error that caused the list of available matches in the Custom Match Lobby to constantly refresh to the top of the list.
Improved the patching process to ensure all players are prompted to receive the latest version of the game when attempting to play online or using the "Check for Updates" feature in the Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars Control Center utility.