Civilization 4 patch v1.09

Civlization IVKompanija Firaxis Games je danas zvanicno izbacila svoj prvi najavljeni parch za njihovu poslednju igru Sid Meier’s Civilization IV. Ovaj update podize postojecu verziju igre na v.109 i time ispravlja nekolicinu bugova koji su kvarili utisak istoimene igre. Ovaj patch (23Mb) mozete naci na ovoj adresi.Fixes:
– ATI issue Failed to Init Renderer Fixed
– Multiplayer Lobby list jump problem and lobby crash fixed
– fixed war weariness calculation bug…
– units maintain their name when upgraded
– fixed Gold-for-Gold diplo exploit…
– fixed no research choice overflow exploit…
– Fix for voice initialization crash
– Fix addressing takeover AI and retirement OOS.
– Fixed issue with diplomacy text being always used in its first form in the translator.
– Popups, screens, and diplomacy properly cleared when exiting from main menu.
– Games protected by admin passwords (only) cannot be loaded if the version is different from the one that created the save
– Fixed bug where player could not offer any deal to other human in PBEM/Hotseat
– Sorting by date on domestic advisor now works.
– fixed bug where settlers could not move if the strategy layer was selected
– fixed Ironworks…
– fixed AI units not obeying open borders rules on declaration of war…
– fixed bug that prevent placing of units in world-builder
– fixed bug that prevented gifting of units to a human player
– stack attack infinite loop fixed
– Civic screen update fix (wasnt showing the right maintenance and anarchy values)
– ctrl-g crash fix, optimized city bar art
– fixed right-click menu crash
– Intro movie crashing problems

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