Civilization 3 (šifre)

Civilization 3

Submitted by: Huynh The Duy Nguyen

First you save your game with name: multi. Then you load 
this game. And you can see all map. And if you want you 
can right-click and change enemy's product

Submitted by: Kristian

To get a very hi score without doing anything, go to 
the place you installed Civ 3 and find "highscores.cv3" 
and open it in notepad.
Then type the info you need in this order:
[Your Name],[Civ(0-16)],[Your Score},{Victory Type(1-8)],

Submitted by: rickHH

When your research has 1 turn left go into the domestic 
adviser and start lowering research untill the 1 turn 
turns into 2 turns then set it back up to 1 turn. In 
the middle to late states of the game I can lower my 
research bar by 30 to 60 percent and still be able to 
complete the research in 1 turn while also getting a 
lot of cash during that turn, as much as 500 to 800 
cash for 1 turn for me in the middle to late stages 
of the game.

Also with the Research bar when you first start a research 
some seem to have a minimum requirement of turns. even if 
you could get them done sooner i've noticed several take 
like 4 turns or 6 turns... so if you have the research 
set up very high, at the start of the program go into 
the adviser and start lowering the research bar untill 
your turn to complete changes then you have found the 
optimum setting for research for that advance. doing this 
gets the most out of research while giveing you the most 
cash back. although If your expences are running high 
this doesn't help that much if you want to keep your 
account balance in the black.

When I got the game I started playing at Diety Level 
[thinking that since I am so good at Civ2, I should 
be fine in Civ3]. Ah, to my suprise while I had maybe 
3 cities the computer players [16 of 'em] had 10+. 
I do not know how they get their settlers so fast. 
Anyways I shamefully went down to Regent difficulty. 

Now that I have played a couple of games [never actually 
finished one, just restarted a couple of times once I 
started beating the computer...] I can say a few things:

1. Expansion is the KEY to winning the game or dominating 
the game 2. It is very wise to BUY technologies from the 
computer, or offer your extra resources for the 20 turn 
period. This will get you cought up with the technology 
tree, i.e. lets say I go for monarchy right away, this 
means I will neglect 'the wheel' and 'horseback riding' 
and I would buy these then. 3. Always have a 'MODERN' 
army ready to defend/attack

1. It is quite alright for you to have 1 of each type 
of resource, that is all you need. The more you have 
the better since you can use these for trading [luxury 
ones being most valuable, I found] 2. Do not stress if 
you have no strategic resources in the beginning, you 
can still build basic def/att units. You can always 
trade for strategic resources or even better you can 
make surgical strikes to capture these strategic resources.

1. I found that Horsemen are the best unit in the beginning. 
Mobility is very important and the fact that a Horsemen will 
retreat out of combat allows you to save it [i.e. retreat 
with it to town and rest it to full health]. In short: 
Horsemen are the most efficient unit at start

example: I had a fight with the Germans who had Iron 
[i did not] and built 10+ swordsmen. I defeated them 
with my horsemen. Then ended up conquering most of their 
cities. They bought peace surrending 3 of 
their cities on the barganing table :] 

2. Concentrate your attacks just like the computer

3. Computer has usually 2 defenders in town if Despotism, 
3 if Monarchy, 2 for Republic/Democracy and 3 for Communism. 
Why? For despotism/monarchy/communism this is the number of 
units that help with happiness of the city, more than this 
is cost.

1. Always have attacking units in your border cities. 
The computer attacks in a bunch of stacked units. Having 
attacking units in your town allows you to destroy a few 
before they strike at you and the sweetness of it is that 
since the units are stacked up your attacking unit does 
not leave town. So a good def/att stats are good (like the 
Roman Legion, or Babylonian Bowman, or later on the 
Musketmen) Remember: BEST DEFENCE IS A GOOD OFFENCE 2. 
All your border cities less than 7 must have Walls and at 
least 3 spearmen/pikemen 

Strategy for attacking:
1. Surgical and well thought out strikes are most damaging 
to your opponent. Best is to conquer or raze towns which 
have thier Strategic Resources or to pillage ROADS leading 
to the Strategic Resources. This will hamper their ability 
to produce units that require that resource. 2. If you are 
bent on conquest: keep the pressure up and do not falter.

Unlimited Gold:
First make a backup copy of the file script.slc, which is located in
..ctp_datadefaultgamedata. Then open up the original with any text editor
and add the following lines: trigger 'DOR_T_Give_Gold' when
[IsHumanPlayer[g.player] && [

Submitted by: TeleDu

When trading with the computer, ask for 11111111 (as many one's as 
possible) gold per turn and in exchange offer him anything (even 1 
gold or your territory map). You can also ask for technologies and 
gold when offering the same lump sum - 1 gold. With the money you 
get you can buy buildings (when your civilization is republic or 
democracy) or even all the computer's cities.
After the 20 turns, though, your money dissappears, but you can 
always ask for more.

Submitted by: Martin

After you have played for a while, and you have met other civs, start 
comunication with them and ask for 1 gold *for 20 turns)and you give 
them 18 gold(lump sum)when the other civs will get richer ask for more 
money (ex:10 gold per turn and you give them 180 gold lump sum, you can 
even ask for more money.It's very nice for your future especially becouse 
now you will get more money each turn and you can give more money to 
research and that's it.

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