CivCity Rome General FAQ
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CivCity Rome
General FAQ
Version 0.70
deadgreg (T. Gregory Drummond)
Initial Release: April 2007
This FAQ is organized according to a basic chapter/section/topic design. Only
chapters and sections are listed in the ToC, below.
About This FAQ
Terms of Use
Regarding the Author
Minimum System Requirements
Recommended System Requirements
Game Interface
In-Game Menu
Ratings and Reports
Raw Materials and Food
Trade within the Empire
Fires and Riots
Strategic Defense
Animal Husbandry
Tool Making
City Happiness and Population
Finances and Economy
Temples and Religion
City Entertainment
Civic Services
Grandeur and Wonders
Peaceful Missions
Military Missions
Free-Build Scenarios
Military Service
Imperial Service
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This chapter presents information on this FAQ, its terms of use, and its
author. Use of this document constitutes agreement with all stipulations
below. There is no information relevant to game play here, so feel free to
skip it.
1.1 About This FAQ
This is a general FAQ, written for the PC CD-ROM retail software edition of
CivCity Rome (update version 1.1), a city builder game that takes conceptual
inspiration from the popular Civilization series from Sid Meyers, though no
knowledge of Civilization is needed to play CivCity Rome. City builder games
are common to say the least, and CCR employs many of the usual elements. Here
the main difference lies in the game interface, particularly the visual
representation of quantitative information. In english, that means one can
see whether a particular granary has any olives stored there simply by looking
at it, for instance. This greatly facilitates the often troublesome process
of assessing the operation of a particular area in your city.
I asked it, and this FAQ makes no claim of being accurate, precise, complete,
or even very good looking, and has no plans of making such a claim in the
immediate future. It does claim, however, to be the first FAQ on CivCity Rome
ever read by the author, which still isn't saying very much. If you should
happen come in contact with some of the more vacuous sections of this
document, do not be alarmed! Useful information is, as we speak, flying
through the night to join our struggle against the great void. Be patient,
and check back later.
CivCity Rome is Copyright 2006 Take-Two Interactive Software and its
subsidiaries. All rights reserved. Developed by Firefly Studios.
1.2 Terms of Use
This document is copyright to Thomas Gregory Drummond (a.k.a. deadgreg), 10
March 2007, California, USA. All rights reserved except as noted in the
disclaimer below. This document is free for private use and shared use
amongst free-access gamer sites, with the restrictions noted in this section
(and references therein). Any excerpts, quotations, or citations of this
document must reference this document and include the author's name. This
document must not be modified for presentation in any way without the author's
prior written consent, except for direct font format conversions with no
change of text, neither insertions nor deletions nor substitutions. Sale of
this information is expressly forbidden.
1.3 Regarding the Author
First, I apologize for submitting an incomplete FAQ. I am aware of how truly
angering a blank section can be sometimes. I felt a quasi-modo was warranted
in this case by the dearth of available practical information on the mechanics
and landscape of the game. Thus, I have tried especially to include a portion
of general information and advice that can be applied to many scenarios.
Version 1.0 of this FAQ is nearly complete, and I promise to post it soon. In
the meantime, I hope version 0.70 helps your game play in some small way.
If you should feel the need to contact me, don't... or at least never in
anger. If there is confusing language in this document, or if you find
something egregiously wrong, please do let me know straight away by email at
the address below. I will try to make changes as appropriate. If you have
specific questions you would like answered, please use the related GameFaqs
message board. Thank you for your support.
1.4 Disclaimer
This general FAQ is not authorized or endorsed by the creators or publishers
of CivCity Rome, nor by GameFaqs or similar free-post sites. The contents of
this document were researched and developed solely by the author, except where
noted. This document is based upon CivCity Rome update version 1.1 of the
retail PC CD-ROM software edition and inclusions. This FAQ is intended for
guidance and informational purposes only; it is not accurate or complete.
This document was created with Microsoft Word 2003 using 9 pt. Courier New
Don't Panic (imagine large, friendly letters).
Simulation strategy games typically require you to continually parse several
pieces of changing information. This chapter presents an overview of basic
information that is fundamental to installation and operation of the software,
as well as navigation of the game and its menus.
As with the Civilization series, CivCity Rome uses a complex feedback system
with random outside influences to model to the operational environment of your
city. Thus, it can sometimes be quite challenging (or impossible) to track
down and repair the source(s) of certain crippling problems in the city, such
as insufficient rations, insufficient funds, etc. In this case, I refer the
reader the first paragraph of this section. It can be shown mathematically
that a dynamic system with enough influences must naturally fluctuate, no
matter how well it is controlled. If city doesn't do exactly what you want,
it doesn't necessarily mean you're doing anything wrong. Thus, it is helpful
to focus on long-term trends and ignore short-term fluctuations. The Denarii
accumulated in your city coffers is a very significant trend.
2.1 System Requirements
2.1.1 Minimum Requirements
The minimum system requirements are as follows:
-- Windows 2000/XP
-- 1.6 GHz processor
-- 512 MB RAM
-- CD-ROM drive
-- 64 MB video card (nVidia GeForce3/ATI Radeon 8500 or better)
-- 2.5 GB uncompressed HD space
-- DirectX 7 compatible sound card
-- DirtectX 9.0c (included)
2.1.2 Recommended Requirements
The recommended system specifications are the same as above, except as
-- 2.0 GHz processor
-- 128 MB video card w/DirectX 8 support (pixel and vertex shaders)
The system specs I typically use are:
-- Windows XP SP2
-- Sony Vaio PCV-RS720G package
-- 2.992 GHz processor (Pentium 4)
-- 1.5 GB RAM
-- ATI Radeon X1300 Pro 256 MB video card and digital LCD monitor
2.3 Game Interface
This section includes information on hotkeys, the game info bar, building
categories, the building interface, and the citizen interface. Many
navigation functions are common across a number of game types, so I will not
belabor the description of basic controls such as mouse wheel zoom, etc. I
will point out the minimap function: click a location on the minimap to scroll
instantly to the corresponding location in your city. Roll the mouse wheel
while hovering over the minimap to zoom in and out. Most tool buttons and
links in CivCity Rome include information pop-ups: hover over an icon to view
more information on the function of that tool or target of that link.
2.3.1 Hotkeys
There are a number of available hotkeys that greatly facilitate game play.
Note that in the current version, keys R and F should control only zoom, but
the F key also cycles through game speeds (low/med/high). It is a glitch, so
it is best to avoid use of the F key (use the mouse wheel to zoom). Game
speed may also be set by navigating to In-Game Menu-> Settings. The
screenshot command should be Alt+Q, but I have yet to find the destination
folder for these or to confirm that the Alt+Q command has any function
whatever. Any ideas?
Game Play Hotkeys
- Pause game ---------- P
- Scroll map ---------- S, W, A, D (or cursor keys)
- Zoom ---------------- R, F, or mouse wheel
- Rotate map ---------- Q, E
- Rotate buildings ---- R, or mouse wheel
- Interface panel ----- Alt+F
- Game speed ---------- F, R (cycle), or +, - (on keypad)
- Game menu ----------- ESC
Construction Hotkeys
- Road ---------------- 1
- Shack --------------- 2
- Well ---------------- 3
- Butcher shop -------- 4
- Tunic shop ---------- 5
- Warehouse ----------- 6
- Granary ------------- 7
- Watchtower ---------- 8
- Fire watch ---------- 9
- Delete -------------- 0
2.3.2 Information Bar
The intelligence portal for your city is located along the top of the game
screen. This Information Bar contains four indicators that allow you to
assess the present condition of your city at glance. On the left end is the
In-Game Menu button. To the right are indicators for Civilization Rating,
Denarii, Research Progress, Population, and Happiness. The Reports button and
the Empire Map button appear on the right end of the bar. Click on any
indicator to bring up the related report. Use the In-Game Menu button to
bring up, you guessed it, the In-Game Menu. Similarly, the Reports and Empire
Map buttons bring up the Reports Menu and the Empire Map.
2.3.3 Building Bar
This is the portal to all construction menus for your city. It is located
along the left side of the game screen. Menus are organized by type of
construction: Infrastructure, Farms & Fishing, Commerce, Entertainment, Civic
Services, Security, or Beautification. At the bottom of the bar is the Delete
tool. The various construction tools are tabulated below with the appropriate
menu. As with most tools and links in CivCity Rome, hover over any icon to
open an information pop-up.
Table 2.3.3
- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -
-- Infrastructure --
Town Center, Shack, Warehouse, Granary, Road, Stone Bridge, Transport Jetty,
Well, Aqueduct, Cistern, Stone Camp, Wood Camp, Iron Mine, Marble Quarry
-- Farms & Fishing --
Flax Farm, Olive Farm, Grape Farm, Fruit Farm, Wheat Farm, Date Farm, Goat
Farm, Goose Farm, Fishing Jetty, Small Boatyard
-- Commerce --
Mill, Carpenter's Shop, Winery, Cabinet Maker, Butcher Shop, Bakery, Fruit
Stand, Fish Monger, Date Stand, Goose Shop, Tunic Shop, Olive Press, Barber,
Tailor Shop, Glass Blower, Dress Maker, Flower Shop
-- Entertainment --
Taverna, Musician School, Piazza, Actor School, Theatre, Gladiator Schools
(Retarius, Murmillo, Thracian), Small Amphitheatre, Large Amphitheatre, Animal
Holding Stations (Ostrich, Crocodile, Lion, Leopard, Elephant, Giraffe), Horse
Trainer, Chariot Maker, Chariot Trainer, Circus
-- Civic Services --
Street Cleaner Depot, Doctor's Office, Hospital, Grammaticus, Library,
Bathhouse, Spa, Small Temples (Mercury, Diana, Mithras), Large Temples
(Jupiter, Mars, Venus), Trade Market, Trade Dock, Large Boatyard, Slave
Station, Senate
-- Security –
Military Fort, Sword Maker, Javelin Maker, Watch Tower, Fire Watch, Stone
Wall, Stone Tower, City Gate
-- Beautification --
Gardens (Bushes, Trees, Flowers), Fountains, Statues, Monuments, Wonders
- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -
Placement of new buildings and installations is accomplished directly through
the Building Bar. Click an icon in the Building Bar to open the related
construction menu. The menu will contain a placard representing each facility
available in that menu. Click the desired facility placard and mouse over to
the game screen window. Point to an open space of sufficient size and click
again to place the selected facility. Before placing, the orientation of a
facility can be changed by rolling the mouse wheel. There is no "undo"
function: a mis-placed structure must be deleted.
Certain buildings and installations have additional restrictions on where they
may be placed. Such facilities include aqueducts, cisterns, work camps,
bridges, jetties, boatyards, and trade docks. Please see the relevant
sections of chapters 3 and 4 for more information on the placement of these
2.3.4 Building Interface
Click on any building to bring up the building interface. The information and
controls in the building interface vary quite a lot depending on the type of
structure chosen. For further discussion of storage building interface, see
section 3.1. For further discussion of trade facility interface, see section
4.3. For a discussion of housing interface, see section 3.2.
For civic buildings like temples, baths, the town center, etc., the building
interface will display red arching arrows that point to the citizen or
citizens employed there. The interface panel along the bottom will show
portraits of the employees on the lower left side. In any building interface,
click on a portrait to bring up the citizen interface for that employee. In
the case of the town center, information on city unemployment will be given in
the interface panel.
For places of employment that produce goods, such as farms and shops, the
building interface will show red arrows pointing to the citizen or citizens
employed there. The interface panel along the bottom will show portraits of
the employees on the lower left side. Farms and civilian shops will typically
show a number next to the production icon (meat, linen, olives, etc.) at the
top of the panel, but military shops such as javelin and sword makers will
not. If present, this number indicates how many produced items are in
currently stock.
For shops and places that require some raw material, the building interface
will show a large yellow highlight disk that indicates the range its employees
can travel to find a source of the needed material. Incidentally, you can see
how much of the raw material has been collected by zooming in close to the
shop's location.
2.3.5 Citizen Interface
Click on any citizen to bring up the citizen interface. Three arching arrows
will appear above the citizen. The green arrow points to his/her habitation,
the red arrow points to his place of employment, and the blue arrow points to
his current destination. The green home arrow and red work arrow locations
tend not to change very often, but the blue arrow jumps around depending on
what that citizen is doing at the time. In the case of wives, her red arrow
will point to the rown center, but the other arrows act normally. Children
have no red work arrow. There is an interface for vagrants, but it contains
no information or controls.
Along the bottom of the screen is the interface panel. In the upper right
corner of the panel is a button with a red arching arrow. This control allows
you to change the citizen's place of employment, which is useful if he works
very far away or you are going to delete his current job. Simply click the
"change jobs" button, then click on a new place of employment in the city. If
all jobs at the new location are taken, one of the current employees will be
fired to make room (unhoused employees will be fired before housed employees).
The left side of the interface panel shows a location legend for the three
arrows. Click on any of these three boxes (green=home; red=work; blue=
destination) to bring up the building interface for that location.
2.4 In-Game Menu
Use the ESC shortcut key or click the menu button in the upper left-hand
corner of the game screen to access the In-Game Menu. The headings in this
menu are Load, Save, Mission Briefing, Tutorial, Game Help, Settings, Exit,
and Resume Game. Hover over any heading to view an information pop-up.
2.4.1 Load, Save, Exit, Resume Game
These headings allow you to access common game functions. With these you can
Load a previously saved game, Save the current game, Exit the game without
saving, or Resume the current game.
2.4.2 Mission Briefing
Click this button to access the introductory briefing for the current mission.
The Mission Briefing is organized under three topics: Objectives & Mission
Briefing, New Concepts, and Helpful Hints. Click the related tab on the left
to view a topic. The Objectives & Briefing page is essential to set up a
mission, but it is recommended to refer to the Helpful Hints, too. Once the
mission is underweigh, it may be useful to refer back to New Concepts, where
you can find some useful information on the construction and operation of new
facilities being introduced.
2.4.3 Turorial
Click this button to show the in-game tutorial panel. Click the x button on
the tutorial panel to hide it. The tutorial panel is very helpful if you are
learning the game, but it can be fairly annoying if not muted. The mute
button is located in the lower left corner of the tutorial panel.
2.4.4 Game Help
Coming soon!
2.4.5 Settings
Coming soon!
2.5 Ratings and Reports
To help judge the health and reputation of your city, intelligence is conveyed
through city ratings and detailed reports. The vital statistics appear in the
Information Bar, along the top of the game screen. On the left end is the In-
Game Menu button. From there to the right are indicators for Civilization
Rating, Denarii, Research Progress, Population, and Happiness. Just to right
of the happiness indicator is the Reports button (it looks like a scroll),
followed by the Empire Map button on the far right. Selected reports can be
accessed directly by clicking the relevant indicator in the Information Bar.
Click on the View Reports button to bring up the complete set of seven tabbed
These vital stats are the keys to your city's success. Control them, and you
control your city's destiny. Balancing the dynamic interplay of these factors
is the essence of CivCity Rome. A complete description of every factor that
comprises each of your city's ratings would require a FAQ unto itself, but I
will endeavor here to be brief. The completion of chapter 7 will provide the
needed complement to this material.
2.5.1 Reports Menu
The Reports Menu contains seven tabbed reports that may be viewed one at a
time: Civilization Rating, Happiness and Immigration, Finances, Population,
Families, Senate Requests, and Military. To select a particular report, click
the appropriate tab along the left side of the stack of reports. To close the
Reports Menu and return to the game screen, right-click anywhere on the menu
or click the View Reports button again. The game is paused(??) while the
Reports Menu is open.
In top-down order, the first report details your Civilization Rating (column
icon). This report presents a stacked column graph representing the relative
contributions to the overall Civ Rating from the four categories of
Entertainment (red), Religion (green), Civic Services (blue), and Splendor
(yellow). Each of these categories accounts for one quarter of your overall
Civ Rating. Click on one of these four icons to bring up a more detailed
report of the several factors contributing to that category.
Note that Civilization Rating is not the same as Empire Rating. For
information on the Empire Rating, see section 2.5.2.
The second report is for Happiness and Immigration (happy face icon). This
report presents a table of factors that affect city happiness and the people's
current feelings about each one. Most cannot be adjusted manually, but Wages,
Work Time, and Rations can be set to achieve a desired affect (provided you
have enough food, Denarii, etc.). The other factors include City Foundation,
Unemployment, Housed Workers, Wonders, External Events, and Research. See
section 7.1 for more on city happiness and population.
The third report is for Finances. This report presents a breakdown of profit
and loss for the current and previous years. Outlays for the current year are
listed on the left side, and income is listed on the right with the net
profit/loss at the bottom. If it is too early in the year, no information
will appear in this table. To see profit/loss information for previous years,
click the left arrow button on the bar along the top of the Finances report.
A graph that tracks city finances over time appears along the bottom of the
report. See section 7.2 for more on city finances.
The fourth report is for Population. This report presents a pie graph
representing the relative portions of housed citizens (blue), unhoused
citizens (green), and vagrants (red). The population breakdown is shown to
the left of the pie graph. It is best to house at least half of your employed
citizens in order to maximize the happiness effect of housed workers.
The fifth report is for Families. It presents a table of households that can
be sorted and viewed according to name, type of house, length of time in the
city, or wealth. More information can be viewed by selecting a family and
pressing the "Detail" button. You can zoom directly to the selected household
by pressing the "Go To" button. See sections 3.2.2 and 2.3.5 for more on
housing and citizen interface, respectively.
The next report is for Requests from the Senate. It lists the unfulfilled
requests the Senate has made of you. Click a request line to select it. The
name of the requesting city appears on the left side, with the item and
quantity requested to the right. Continuing across the line we find the
amount of time (months) left to fulfill the request and the Empire Points at
stake (gain/loss). Once enough of the requested item has been collected in
your city storage facilities, click the donkey cart icon on the bottom right
to dispatch the selected request.
If requested goods are dispatched within the time allotted, the stated number
of Empire Points will be added to your total, and the request will drop from
the list. If time expires before the good are dispatched, the request will
drop from the list, and you will be penalized the stated number of Empire
Points. See section 2.5.2 for more on your city's Empire Rating.
The final report is Military statistics. It presents a breakdown of your
Legionary forces including the number in each cohort and its type, each
legion's location (in the city or in the Empire). At the bottom of the report
is the total numbers of soldiers and enemies killed in combat within the city.
These tallies do not include soldiers or enemies killed in the Empire. See
section 5.2 for an expanded discussion of Legionary forces.
2.5.2 Empire Rating
Are you a 90-lb imperial weakling? Do people kick the edicts of Caesar in
your face? Or are you the BMIE (big man in the empire)? This is the purpose
of your city's Empire Rating. To view your Empire Rating, click the Empire
Map button in the upper right corner of the game screen. The Empire Rating is
shown in the wreath at the top of the Empire Map. All commercial and marshal
actions performed in the Empire are seen as being for the benefit of Rome.
Thus, your Empire Rating is the tally of Rome's reward to you for accomplished
service to the Empire. Imperial-political relationships are beyond the grasp
of your simple people, so the Empire Rating has no effect on city happiness or
Empire points can only be lost by failing to fulfill a request from the
Senate, but they main be gained in several ways. Once you complete the
research of Exploration (section 6.5), 10 points will be added to your Empire
Rating. You can also gain points in multiples of 5 by opening trade routes,
building roads along trade routes, capturing enemy encampments, or fulfilling
requests from the Senate. In some game scenarios, a certain Empire Rating
must be achieved for success. See sections 8.1 and 9.3 for more on game
scenarios with Empire Rating requirements.
3.1 Storage Facilities
There are two types of structures for the storage of goods, the warehouse and
the granary. A warehouse is a repository for commodities, whereas a granary
is for the storage of food items, but otherwise they function identically.
Each storage structure is provided with a donkey cart that will deliver goods
to other storage structures of the same type. The donkey cart has a nearly
unlimited range, which is handy for distant resource installations. Donkey
carts cannot retrieve goods, only deliver them. Warehouses and granaries
function automatically and do not employ citizens.
3.1.1 Usage of Warehouses and Granaries
Click on a storage structure, let's say a warehouse, to bring up the building
interface (see section 2.3.4). A red arching arrow will point to the
currently selected destination warehouse, if any. On the left side of the
panel along the bottom of the screen is the "send goods" icon (looks like a
donkey cart). Click this button to bring up the delivery menu, where you can
choose the goods to send over the excess amount. First select a destination
warehouse; the red destination arrow will point to the chosen warehouse. Now
select a material to be delivered. Any item may be selected, but if that item
is not in stock at that warehouse, no action will result. With an item
selected, choose the excess amount, the number over which to send surplus
items to another facility. Right-click on the city map to exit the building
To illustrate the "excess amount" function, let's say you have a warehouse set
to deliver wood to another warehouse down the way, and the excess amount
selected is 20. If the delivering warehouse has 16 wood planks in stock,
nothing will happen. If enough wood arrives to make 30 in stock, the surplus
will be carted away continually until there are 20 or fewer wood planks left.
The donkey cart will also stop if the destination warehouse is full. If you
notice a donkey cart has fallen idle while delivering one good, then one of
these stop conditions likely exists.
3.1.2 Items Stored according to Structure
The items that each structure will store are tabulated below. Raw goat and
raw fish cannot be stored in a warehouse or granary.
Warehouse Items –----- Granary Items
-- Beds ----------------- Bread
-- Dresses -------------- Dates
-- Flour ---------------- Fruit
-- Flowers -------------- Geese
-- Glassware ------------ Grapes
-- Linen ---------------- Meat
-- Marble --------------- Olives
-- Olive oil ------------ Wine
-- Recliner
-- Stone
-- Toga
-- Tunic
-- Wheat
-- Wood
3.2 Housing
Your city's primary source of revenue (Denarii) is the tax paid by each housed
worker, though neither an unhoused worker nor an unoccupied house will
generate tax revenue. The tax paid by each household depends on its stature;
e.g., a lowly Shack pays only 2 Denarii per month, whereas a lovely Villa pays
more than 50 times that amount. Click on any housing unit to bring up the
housing interface, which contains useful information about that household (see
section 3.2.2). See section 7.2 for an expanded discussion of city finances
and economy.
Housing also affects city happiness. If too great a portion of your citizens
are unhoused, there will be additional unhappiness in the city until you
alleviate this situation (see section 2.5.1).
The placement of housing becomes a critical factor as you develop cities of
greater size and sophistication that ultimately affects the overall
productivity of your citizens. If a significant portion of your citizens are
housed far away from their respective workplaces, then they will spend more
time traveling and less time working and upgrading their households. An acute
case of far-travelers can cripple an entire segment of your economy, but this
usually becomes a factor only with very large or excessively spread-out
3.2.1 Housing Types and Upgrade Requirements
The Shack is the most basic form of housing, and all households start out as
shacks (with some scenario exceptions). To upgrade to a greater stature, a
household must acquire certain goods. The complete series of housing levels,
from Shack to Palace, is presented below in order of ascending stature. Each
dwelling requires access to certain resources in order to upgrade, and each
level of housing requires all the provisions of the lower statures. A small
Hut needs only one resource to maintain itself, whereas a Palace requires 28!
Citizens will only travel a certain distance from their dwelling to gather
provisions, but this radius will increase with stature, as indicated by the
green disk in the housing interface (see below).
The dominant motivation to provide resources for improved housing is the
dramatic increase in tax revenue with stature (see table below). A small
Hovel pays as much as 6 Shacks; a small Domus pays as much as 5 small Hovels!
You can become very rich very fast with a well-provisioned city.
It will become clear that one citizen only has time to collect a small number
of these resources in his off-time, so he has a glass ceiling on his
household's stature (no matter how much off-time he gets). This is where
family life comes into the game. When a citizen moves out of the Hut and into
a spacious Hovel, he will long for a wife and a place to get hitched. With
access to a temple and a bed, the citizen can upgrade to a medium Hovel and
set up house with his new wife. With time and stability, nature will run its
course, and the couple will have a child. These new citizens added to the
household are counted as being employed by the city, since they serve the
household and households compose the city (and your tax base). On rare
occasion, a citizen will gain access to everything required to upgrade his
house to an Insulae, but he will not have a wife yet. It is recommended not
to upgrade such a citizen's dwelling to an Insulae until he should manage to
get married.
Sometimes an area of town becomes over-populated, and basic needs become
scarce. The stature of a dwelling that cannot meet its requirements will
regress. Country housing (Huts and Hovels) will regress all the way back to
shacks, if allowed. City housing (Insula, Domi, Villas, Palaces) have
different shapes and will only regress within its type, then it becomes
dilapidated. See section 4.1 for more on resource development.
Habitation -------- Resource(s) needed before Upgrade ----- Tax Revenue
- Shack ------------- water --------------------------------- 2
- S Hut ------------- meat ---------------------------------- 3
- M Hut ------------- tunics -------------------------------- 6
- L Hut ------------- olive oil ----------------------------- 9
- S Hovel ----------- beds, temple -------------------------- 12
- M Hovel ----------- bread, entertainment ------------------ 15
- L Hovel ----------- bath, piped water --------------------- 22
- S Insulae --------- grammaticus --------------------------- 30
- M Insulae --------- fruit, surgery ------------------------ 37
- L Insulae --------- hospital, slaves(1) ------------------- 45
- S Domus ----------- togas, library ------------------------ 60
- M Domus ----------- wine, glassware, spa ------------------ 75
- L Domus ----------- dates, recliners, barber, slaves(2) --- 90
- Villa-------------- Senate, dresses, flowers, geese ------- 105
- Palace------------- n/a ----------------------------------- 135
3.2.2 Housing Interface and the Needs Table
Click on any housing unit to bring up the housing interface. The green
highlight disk indicates the range its occupants can travel in search of
provisions. The red arching arrows will point to each occupant's current
location. The panel along the bottom of the screen shows the Needs Table and
the family portraits. Click on any portrait to switch to the citizen
interface. See section 2.3 for more on the citizen interface.
The needs shown on the panel's left side are fulfilled, and those on the right
side are not. Once a requirement is fulfilled, the indicator for that need
moves from the right side to the left side of the panel and gets a full bar.
As time passes, the bar next to each indicator on the left will slowly
deplete, indicating how long until that need must be fulfilled again.
If an indicator bar goes all the way to zero, that item will shift back to the
right side of the panel with the other unfulfilled needs. If the house has
run out of a provision required to maintain its stature, the house will enter
a crisis: a red downward arrow will flash above it, and a full red bar will
appear on the right edge of the panel. The red bar will deplete over time.
If the need remains unfulfilled when the red bar is gone, the house will
regress or become dilapidated.
On the other hand, if a newly fulfilled need was enough for an upgrade in
housing stature, a green upward arrow will flash above the house, a green bar
will fill on the right edge of the panel, and the house will upgrade
instantly, with exceptions. Any time the next level of housing has a
different footprint than the current one, your direct intervention is
required. In the Housing Interface, click the green "upgrade" button on the
right above the full green bar to manually upgrade and place the household.
3.3 Transportation
The vast majority of movement in the city takes place on roads and highways
you've constructed, but a portion may take place over transport jetty, stone
bridge, or dirt path. Citizens and donkeys travel at different speeds on
different surfaces. Roads and highways are the fastest way for citizens to
move about the city. If no road leads to a location, a citizen will walk
there cross-country, forming a dirt path. Of course, a dirt path costs
nothing but the feet of citizen.
3.3.1 Roads and Highways
There are three types of roadway surface that allow citizens to travel at
increasing speeds. Initially only roads can be built, but after Engineering
has been researched, all roads will upgrade to smooth roads. Once the Wheel
has been researched, smooth roads will upgrade to highways. Roads cost 4
Denarii per block, and any subsequent upgrade is free with the cost of the
required research.
3.3.2 Transport Jetty
The slowest way to get anywhere is by transport jetty. A pair of transport
jetties may be built to automatically ferry citizens up to a four at a time
from one place on the river to another. The two jetties may lie along the
same side or on opposite sides of the river, but they always work in
monogamous pairs. Transport jetties do not block other vessels on the water,
and they employ no citizens. It will appear that there is a person operating
the jetty, but this is merely a visual representation, like the donkey cart.
Transport jetties are the most economical way to cross a river, costing much
less than a stone bridge.
Citizens may deliver or retrieve goods by transport jetty as usual. A donkey
cart may use the transport jetty, but no passengers may ride with it. The
result is very long delivery times and the blockage of commence routes. It is
best to avoid such situations, if possible.
3.3.3 Stone Bridge
A stone bridge may be built across a river to allow citizens to move from one
side to the other. Stones bridges block the passage of any vessels on the
river, but they allow citizens to cross a river much faster than a transport
jetty. Stone bridges are notably more expensive to construct, requiring stone
and Denarii. Note that in most Career Campaign scenarios, the requirement for
stone is lifted.
3.4 Water
Water is the most basic need of your citizens, and every house of every level
requires it. Lower level houses are content to retrieve water from a well,
but your citizens will eventually demand piped water (see section 3.2.1).
A well can be placed anywhere there is open land. It will employ one citizen.
Citizens will only travel a certain distance from their dwelling to retrieve
water from a well (see section 3.2). Wells will be prolific in the early
stages of city development. They have a 2x4 footprint with one road strip on
the long side (similar to a shop). Eventually, wells are not enough.
3.4.1 Aqueducts and Cisterns
Your citizens will require a bath and piped water in their homes before they
will move into sophisticated city housing (the small Insulae). The bath
itself also requires piped water. Piped water is provided by a nearby cistern
in the city. The cistern in turn requires a nearby aqueduct to feed it. The
aqueduct in turn requires a fresh water source to feed it. Such refinements
don't come cheap, so research Mosaic Working to build aqueducts and cisterns
for free.
An aqueduct must start in a fresh water source (not the sea) and extend onto
land. Select the build tool and click and drag to place a section of
aqueduct. A working aqueduct will have water on top. A new section can be
added to an existing one by clicking on the end of the existing section and
dragging to lay a new section. Roads may be built underneath an aqueduct,
through the arches. In order to function, a cistern must be placed within
about 6 spaces of the end of a section of working aqueduct. A working cistern
will be full of water.
Unlike wells, which must fall within a house's gathering range (green disk) to
be useful, a cistern provides water to all houses within a certain radius of
the cistern. Click a working cistern to bring up a yellow highlight disk that
indicates the water delivery range. Houses outside the delivery range cannot
get water from a cistern. See section 2.3.3 for more information on the
construction of aqueducts and cisterns.
More coming soon!
4.1 Raw Materials and Food
Many raw materials and food stuffs are requisite for the production of other
items in the city, both structures and goods. Indeed, nearly all of the
consumables you will need in your city require an existing and adequate supply
of raw materials or food stuffs. The few exceptions include glassware, floral
bouquets, well water, and slaves.
See section 2.3.3 for more information on the facilities needed to produce raw
materials and food stuffs.
4.2 Commercial Production
City production and commerce is largely oriented toward consumer goods and the
preparation of food. This makes sense, since our goal is always to provide
for improved houses. With only a handful of exceptions, though, every shop
requires a supply of some raw material or food stuff before it can generate a
product. The exceptions are glass blowers, flower shops, wells, barbers, and
slave stations. The requirements of available commercial production
facilities are tabulated below. See section 5.2 for more on military
production. See section 4.3 for more on trade facilities.
Facility ------------- Supplied By
- Aqueduct ------------- Stone Camp
- Wood Camp ------------- Trees
- Stone Camp ----------- Stone
- Iron Mine ------------ Iron
- Marble Quarry -------- Marble
- Cistern -------------- Aqueduct
- Stone Bridge --------- Stone Camp
- Carpenter ------------ Wood Camp
- Mill ----------------- Wheat Farm
- Winery --------------- Grape Farm
- Cabinet Maker -------- Wood Camp
- Butcher -------------- Goat Farm
- Bakery --------------- Mill
- Fruit Stand ---------- Fruit Farm
- Fish Monger ---------- Fishing Jetty
- Fishing Jetty -------- Small Boatyard
- Small Boatyard ------- Wood Camp
- Date Stand ----------- Date Farm
- Goose Shop ----------- Goose Farm
- Tunic Shop ----------- Flax Farm
- Olive Press ---------- Olive Farm
- Tailor --------------- Flax Farm
- Dress Maker ---------- Flax Farm
- Javelin Maker -------- Wood Camp
- Sword Maker ---------- Iron Mine
Note that in most Career Campaign scenarios, stone is required only for the
construction of Wonders, and marble is not required at all. In Single Mission
scenarios, however, all pre-requisites are enforced.
4.3 Trade within the Empire
Raw materials and manufactured goods may be bought or sold by other cities in
the Empire in certain scenarios. Whether a trade city is accessed by land or
by sea, certain foundations must be laid before trade can commence. In
general, you must have a working trade relationship with a friendly city and a
supply of or need for particular goods. No trade is possible with enemy
encampments or captured enemy encampments.
4.3.1 Trade Routes
Click the button in the upper right-hand corner of the game screen (it looks
like a map of the central Mediterranean) to access the Empire Map. Scroll
around the Empire Map using the arrow keys or mousing to a screen edge to see
nearby neutral cities and enemy encampments (see section 5.2). Click any
neutral city to bring up its Trade Menu, which lists the goods bought and sold
by that city. The number next to each item is its value in Denarii. Trade
cities will not buy or sell goods not listed on their Trade Menu. There must
be an open trade route between cities for trade to occur. If there is a
dotted path between your city and one you want to trade with, then there is
already an open trade route.
In the case of trade by land, a light-colored dotted path indicates that the
route is unimproved. If the path is green, there is a road between these
cities, and a trade mission will take less time. In the case of trade by sea,
only research can improve the rate of trade.
If no path exists, a new trade route must be established before goods may be
traded. To establish a new trade route, click the city you want to trade with
to bring up the Trade Menu. In the lower right-hand corner is a button to
establish a new trade route. The cost to establish the route will be given
next to the button. If a trade route is established, the same button will
allow you to upgrade the trade route to a road. Click the "build road" button
to view the cost of this upgrade in Denarii. Once a trade route is
established, an appropriate trade facility must be built.
4.3.2 Trade Facilities
If a particular trade route goes over land, a trade station must be built.
The trade station construction tool is found in the Civic Services build menu
(see section 2.3.3). A mule train is created automatically to serve the trade
station. If trade is to be conducted by sea, a trade dock must be built. The
trade dock construction tool is found in the Civic Services build menu. A
trade dock requires a large boatyard to build a ship for it before any trade
can be accomplished. The large boatyard will, in turn, require wood. A
boatyard will build a ship regardless whether a dock has been built yet. In
all other ways, the trade station and the trade dock function identically.
Click on a trade facility to bring up the building interface. On the left
side of the bottom panel are the portraits of the employees. Click any
portrait to switch to the citizen interface. On the right side of the
building interface panel is a rectangular placard representing the item being
bought or sold and the quantity in each trip. To choose an item for trade,
click the placard to bring up a menu of available items, select an available
item, and then select the quantity to trade on each trip. Trade facilities
must be managed to avoid dormant traders and misbehaving traders.
It is helpful to lay out a few rules out here to help avoid unwanted dormant
traders. 1) Land versus Sea: A land-based Trade Station can only trade over
land-based trade routes. The Trade Station can only trade items bought or
sold by a trade city accessible by land. A water-based Trade Dock can only
trade appropriate items over water-based trade routes. 2) We Have No Bananas:
Only items stored in warehouses or granaries can be sold. Your traders will
not presume to inform you that none of the item you want to sell is available;
they will simply remain dormant. 3) Looks like they got our carry-all, sir:
Wood planks and time are required to build a trade ship, and ships can't sail
past bridges or shallow water. Mule trains cannot walk through walls or
across water. The trade facility will not warn you that some glitch up the
line is keeping the trader from reaching (or leaving) the dock. Traders must
be able to reach an anchor by water or an Empire flag by land to exit the
city. 4) Getting Lost: Once a trade facility has established trade along one
route, it will not switch to another route. If you order it to buy or sell
goods to a different trade city, that trade facility will fall dormant.
Switching tasks without switching trade cities works perfectly fine, at least.
Occasionally, your traders will seem to misbehave, or do other than what you
tell them. Once an item is chosen for trade, the quantity to be bought or
sold each trip must be set before the facility will take action. Values for
the quantity to trade range from 1 to 100, with zero being equal to "stop
trade". Trade items will be taken from or delivered to your storage
facilities, as appropriate. As with all things, traders are more efficient if
they are placed near a storage facility that accepts or provides the items
being traded. Occasionally, a trade order cannot be fulfilled, requiring a
response by the trader or by you.
If your trader tries to buy a number of items from a nearby trade city and
your funds are not sufficient to cover the amount, the trader will buy as many
as you can afford at the time of the transaction and continue as normal.
Caution! There is no warning when your traders drain your bank account, so
keep a close eye on your Denarii balance when running a trade deficit. On the
other hand, if a trade city desires an item, that city will always buy as many
as you can deliver at the published rate (they never go broke).
If your trader is told to deliver a large number of some item and you do not
have a sufficient supply in the city, the trader will remain dormant until the
employees can collect the required amount. If the trader is told to deliver a
small amount and you have plenty, the trader will take as many as the
employees can gather before the next trip, which may be more than you had
intended. This sort of trader behavior is not usually a problem for a healthy
city – you can always make more, but there may be times when you need to limit
sales more tightly.
One method is to set the trade quantity to a low number, and the amount traded
will be limited by the time it takes to make a round-trip trade, although the
trade station will still accumulate goods in the meantime. Alternately, you
can manually send one-time trade missions when the situation demands.
Instruct the trade station to sell a number of units, and keep an eye on it.
Anytime after the ship or mule train leaves the city (enters the empire) but
before it returns, instruct the trade station to stop trade. The mission-in-
progress will be completed, and the station will fall idle. Since the workers
stop collecting goods once you stop trade, it is best to stop trade soon after
the trader leaves the city. This method is can be tedious if over-applied,
but it will allow you to control precisely the quantity of goods shipped from
your city.
Coming Soon!
5.1 Fires and Riots
Over time, some housed citizens will eventually start rioting and destroying
buildings. The tendency to riot is not dependent on the overall happiness in
the city, only on time and oversight. In some areas, wild animals will emerge
from nearby forests and attack your citizens. There is no way to prevent wild
animals from attacking. Over time, certain buildings in the city will become
very dry and spontaneously catch fire. The tendency for fires to start in the
city or in nearby fields depends somewhat on the scenario location, since some
regions are naturally drier than others. Besides the climate effect, fire
outbreaks also depend on time and oversight. Guard Towers will employ two
citizens who work to stop rioters and wild animals from ravaging your fair
city. Guard Towers also prevent new riots from breaking out in the
surrounding area. Build Fire Watches to put out fires and prevent new fire
Similar to many other buildings in CCR, Guard Towers and Fire Watches have a
limited range of effectiveness. Click any Guard Tower or Fire Watch to bring
up the building interface. A red highlight disk will appear to show that
structure's range of effectiveness. If a Guard Tower is selected, all other
Towers in the city will also illuminate their coverage disks to show the total
coverage of your network of Watch Towers. You can examine your network of
Fire Watches in the same way.
Note that riots and fire outbreaks do not occur on the Easy or Medium game
settings, unless required by the scenario (see section 8.1.2, for example).
A seldom appreciated trait of vagrants and unhoused workers is that they do
not riot. Your comfortably housed citizens may pay the bills, but they will
riot if not adequately patrolled by your security forces.
5.2 Strategic Defense
Coming soon!
5.2.1 Military Provisioning and Fortification
5.2.2 Combat within the City
5.2.3 Combat in the Empire
Research topics fall into six categories based on the initial topic required
to open the category. Each research topic will require an amount of time and
Denarii to accomplish.
More coming soon!
6.1 Alphabet
6.2 Mysticism
6.3 Mathematics
6.4 Animal Husbandry
6.5 Exploration
6.6 Tool Making
The success or failure of your city and your mission depends solely upon your
citizens: their population and their happiness. That said, the underlying
motivation of your administration is to accrue mass quantities of Denarii.
The reasoning is this: a balanced, profitable city is clearly working well, no
matter how it gets the job done If you can keep your citizens working while
paying them little or nothing, then you have build a paradise, by definition.
Vagrants are a natural buffer and a city with none is in peril of an economic
collapse. A thriving city always has vagrants. True, it is only the
households of your employed citizens that pay taxes, but the interplay of
productivity, city happiness, and population in a functioning city will work
to make the vagrant population a small but significant fraction of the whole.
7.1 City Happiness and Population
It is useful to regard City Happiness as flowing from three main sources in
combination: rations, wages, and Civ Rating. It is also useful to divide your
population into two groups: the employed citizens and the unemployed vagrants.
Each group has advantages and disadvantages, but the total population depends
on the rate of immigration. (An aside for Diction: people coming into a city
is immigration, and people leaving a city is emigration; thus, a negative rate
of immigration means people are leaving). The rate of immigration depends
solely on the current level of City Happiness, which ranges from -100 to +100,
with zero being complete indifference. If happiness is -90, then people are
leaving the city in droves. If Happiness is +90, then vagrants are arriving
very fast at the Town Center. If Happiness is a little above or a little
below zero, people will only trickle into or out of the city, respectively.
Your most direct controls for City Happiness are wages, rations, and free time
(see section 2.5.1b). When people immigrate to your city, they report to the
Town Center as vagrants and wait for a job. When people leave the city,
vagrants always leave first. Once all the vagrants are gone, you will lose
your unhoused workers, and finally your housed workers (starting with the
lower statures). No matter how happy the people are, the vagrant population
is ultimately limited. As a result, vagrants will not grow much beyond a
third of the total population.
Some discussion of housed citizens and tax revenue has already been made in
section 3.2, but little has been said about vagrants. Vagrants may not occupy
a habitation, so they never pay taxes. Furthermore, they contribute
negatively to city happiness through the unemployment rate; they raise city
population, lowering the positive (or increasing the negative) contribution of
your Civ Rating to city happiness. In short, a vagrant is not capable of
making a positive contribution to the city. That said, a city with no
vagrants is a city with jobs left unfilled, limiting economic growth to the
rate of immigration (which may be negative).
Each of the following sections in this chapter contains more information on
factors that contribute to City Happiness. It's a good idea to give a
particular clue here: your city can suffer from too much of a good thing;
moderation is the key.
7.2 Finances and Economy
The operation of a city depends on an economy of interdependent factors, or
reserves of resources that all affect City Happiness. When these reserves are
high, the city is healthy. When they are low, the city is in peril. Some
reserves can be spent to make up for the lack of another in order to strike an
overall balance. These factors are your reserve of people (population),
reserve of Denarii, and reserve of food. All economic factors are limited by
the overall efficiency of city design and the length of the work day. While
it may not always be possible to build a more efficient city, it is not
advised to allow a lot of time off, since this has such a detrimental effect
on the economy. You must keep your citizens working the longest hours they
will tolerate. Thus, the only viable ways to quickly increase happiness in
the city are more food and more pay.
Total food reserves depend on the ratio of food production to food consumption
(rations). Food production, in turn, depends on the number of food producers
and the ratio of work time. The total Denarii reserve depends on the ratio of
tax income to wages. The total population reserve depends on the ratio of
contributors of happiness to contributors of unhappiness. Contributions to
happiness and unhappiness come from all these reserves, but it is only the net
effect on population that truly concerns us. Since vagrants leave first,
excess population can be spent (driven away) to increase your Denarii or food
reserves. Denarii can be spent to increase food reserves or population. And
food reserves can be rationed to increase Denarii or population
Food is almost as good as Denarii for population control, but food is much
harder to store and distribute. Thus, your city's reserve of Denarii is
crucially important to your city, and city finances must be brought under
control as soon as possible. Regardless of the current mission, then, it is
clear that the resources for improved housing must be made available in order
to increase your tax revenue. Tax revenue is the primary source of income in
any city, though in some settings a tidy profit can be made by way of a large
trade surplus. No matter where the funds originate, insufficient funding will
certainly cripple your ability to grow or even to operate your city,
especially in its early stages of growth. See section 2.5.1c for more on city
The food rations and wages required to maintain a certain level of happiness
in the city can be offset by the Civ Rating. The final four sections of this
chapter deal with factors that contribute to the Civ Rating of your city.
7.3 Temples and Religion
Religion contributes to your city's Civ Rating, and Temples are needed to
improve small Hovels and grow families.
More to come!
7.4 City Entertainment
Once your citizens have met their basic needs and reached a certain level of
sophistication, they will desire more services, starting with entertainment.
Entertainment comes in several forms that each contribute to your Civ Rating.
Your medium Hovels require regular entertainment to improve.
More to come!
7.5 Civic Services
No longer worrying about their basic needs, your sophisticated citizens will
desire more and more services from the city. Starting with cisterns and
baths, civic services must be provided for houses to improve past large
Hovels. These facilities also contribute to your Civ Rating.
More to come!
7.6 Grandeur and Wonders
The career campaign entails a primary series of peaceful missions, located in
different regions of the empire, with a branching series of military mission
locations. There are a number of milestones to mark your progress through the
Campaign in the form of benefactors, titles, and city locations. Military
missions become available once the title of Quaestor is achieved, after the
completion of the missions in Capena.
If you are still learning this game, it is recommended that you leave the
yapping tutorial panel open through the first several missions (see section
2.4.X). The audio portion will become less annoying as you progress through
the scenarios, or you may mute the tutorial by clicking he button in the lower
left corner of the panel. Early scenarios will gently ease you into the
challenges of running a successful city, regardless of the difficulty setting.
Thus, new requirements will appear in each successive scenario.
8.1 Peaceful Missions
With the aid of your (yapping) assistant Marius, your peaceful career begins
as a Citizen Engineer under the direction of Gaius Peitonus, Master of Works.
After five successful missions, you will meet Marcus Crassus, who directs you
through the next six in the series. In life Crassus was a Consul, a Censor
and a member of the First Triumvirate (with Caesar and Pompey), but his title
is not given in the game. Your final benefactor is Julius Caesar, who leads
you through the final three missions. Peaceful missions take you across the
empire through seven city scenarios. Each city entails multiple missions,
each of which must be completed to access the next city scenario. If you
activate the "autosave" function, city locations are usually denoted by
"Location#" in the autosave folder. Below is a list of peaceful cities with
the corresponding Location numbers. See section 2.4 for more information on
setting the autosave function.
City Name -------------- Location #
- Lavinium --------------- 1
- Capena ----------------- 2
- Tarentum --------------- 3
- Massilia --------------- 4
- Creta ------------------ 5
- Ctesiphon -------------- 6
- Britannia (Londinium) -- 7
8.1.1 Lavinium
Lavinium is the setting of the first three peaceful missions. It is designed
to teach the basic care and feeding of citizens while balancing your finances
and preparing shipments of stone for Rome. No fires or riots will occur in
Lavinium, regardless of difficulty setting.
It should be noted that tax revenues are lower than usual in this scenario, as
Habitation ------- Needed before Upgrade ----- Tax Revenue
- Shack ------------- water ---------------------- 1
- S Hut ------------- meat ----------------------- 2
- M Hut ------------- tunics --------------------- 4
- L Hut ------------- olive oil ------------------ 4
Your initial outlay from Peitonus is 5k Denarii, with 2 loans of Easy-20k,
Medium-5k, or Hard-1250 Denarii available from the Senate. There are no trade
cities in the vicinity of Lavinium.
There is very little to be done in the first mission, because most
construction menus are empty. Build a warehouse and a few stone camps to
produce 10 blocks of stone. Build some Shacks close by (one for each worker).
Make sure your stone camps are fully staffed before creating any new jobs; in
general, don't build anything you can do without, for you will not be able to
attract enough citizens to fill all the jobs.
You cannot construct wells, so your Shacks will not improve. To maximize tax
revenue, make sure every worker is housed. Keep the total population under
Once you've produced 10 blocks, a wagon from Rome will drop by to pick it up,
completing your mission. Note that when accumulating goods for Rome, those
goods may be stored in one location or across several.
Now the citizens may be watered and fed (and there was much rejoicing). The
second mission requires the accumulation of 50 cuts of meat in a granary and
the production of 30 blocks of stone for Rome. Once enough stone has been
collected in your warehouses, a Roman cart will arrive to retrieve the
required amount automatically. In general, cuts of meat may be produced by
butchers or fishmongers. In this case there are no fish, so build a goat farm
and two butchers near your houses and then place a granary nearby. Once these
are up and running (fully staffed), build another goat farm and two more
butchers farther away from the housing block. Butchers will tend to deliver
meat to the granary for storage if they are outside the range of your houses.
Completing the research of Animal Husbandry will greatly increase meat
production. Keep the total population under 2500.
Consider this wisdom: It is not recommended that you create unnecessary jobs
at this point, for the added citizens will demand wages and consume your
stores of meat. Once the above jobs have been filled, lower wages and rations
as much as possible without driving away your employed citizens. With a
little good management, this city could carry on indefinitely with a
relatively stable population, increasing your reserve of Denarii and your
reserves of meat all the while. It is not true that bigger is always better,
for over-building can lead to economic collapse. Balance your small city and
grow it gradually, and you will have a truly powerful city, no matter its
Your citizens are being attacked! The third mission requires you to continue
your management of Lavinium, grow 5 houses into large Huts (section 3.2), and
send an additional 50 blocks of stone to Rome. Wild beasts will attack your
citizens periodically during this mission, regardless of the difficulty
setting. Build a couple of Guard Towers to defend your citizens (see section
5.1). Recommended population is 4000 total.
8.1.2 Capena
Capena is an old city in central Italy that you will take over for the next
two missions. Summer fires in the region will periodically threaten your city
throughout this scenario, regardless of the difficulty setting, but no riots
will occur (section 5.1). Upon the successful completion of this scenario,
you journey to Rome and meet Marcus Crassus, who will direct your next
Your initial outlay from Peitonus is 3k Denarii, with 2 loans of E-20k, M-5k,
or H-1250 Denarii available from the Senate. There are no trade cities in the
vicinity of Capena.
The first mission in Capena requires you to accrue 10 amphorae of olive oil in
your warehouses and grow 5 houses into small Hovels (section 3.2). This
scenario teaches basic methods of re-organizing a city. Houses can easily be
relocated (section 3.2), but all other construction must be deleted and
rebuilt, causing job displacement. All the while, protection from fire must
be provided for all affected structures.
Gaius Peitonus informs you at the conclusion of this mission that you have
been granted the title of Quaestor for your excellent work (though
historically this title was reserved for those with a military service
The second mission requires you to further civilize Capena by conducting 3
weddings in your temples and growing 5 houses into medium Hovels. Fires will
continue to threaten the city.
8.1.3 Tarentum
Tarentum is a city in southern Italy and the setting of your next two
missions. Upon completion of this scenario, you will meet Quintus Polonius,
Consul and Commander of the Western Army, who tempts you with a command in
Cyrene, location of the first military mission (section 8.2). Henceforth,
fires and riots will occur periodically in your city on the Hard game
difficulty setting.
Your initial outlay from Crassus is 7k Denarii, with 2 loans of E-12k, M-3k,
or H-750 Denarii available from the Senate. A land trade route with Rome
already exists. See the Trade Table below. The cost per unit of goods traded
is given parenthetically.
Trade Table
City ----- Buys ---------- Sells
- Rome ----- wine(20) –----- wheat(8)
-------–---- stone(10)
Land trade is very slow, but it can be improved by building a road along the
trade route or researching Astronomy. The road will cost 8395 Denarii, and
Astronomy wil cost Denarii and time.
The first mission in Tarentum requires you to sell 60 casks of wine and 50
blocks of stone to Rome. Additionally, you must grow 6 Shacks into large
Hovels. Wheat must be imported from Rome in orderto improve your houses. It
is recommended to build at least two Trade Markets, one for imports and one
for exports.
Another two loans (E-8k/M-2k/H-500 Denarii) become available for the second
mission. This mission requires you to provide for 12 baths to be taken in
your city bathhouses, which in turn requires an aqueduct and cistern. These
will help your city improve 8 houses to small Insula (section 3.2). You must
manually upgrade and relocate each large Hovel when it is ready to improve to
a small Insulae. See section 3.4 for more on the construction of aqueducts
and cisterns.
Successful completion of the Tarentum scenario will earn you the title of
AEdile and open the military portion of the campaign.
8.1.4 Massilia
Massilia is an area in southern Gaul and the setting of your next two
missions. A sea trade route to Affricanus already exists, and it is crucial
to develop the infrastructure for sea trade as quickly and efficiently as
Your initial outlay from Crassus is 9k Denarii, with 2 loans of E-12k, M-3k,
or H-750 Denarii available from the Senate. A sea trade route with
"Africanus" is already open, but a land trade route to Burdigala must be
established if you want to trade wood. See the Trade Table below. Cost per
unit of goods traded is given parenthetically.
Trade Table
City ---------- Buys ----------- Sells
- Africanus ----- marble(40) ----- wheat(8)
- Burdigala –---- wood(6)
The first mission in Massilia requires you to accrue 20k Denarii in your
accounts and earn 50 Empire Points. Denarii are gained from tax revenues, so
try to keep your workers at least 70% housed. Empire points in this scenario
are acquired by fulfilling requests from the Senate for shipments of wheat
(section 2.5.1f). Senatorial requests arrive periodically, require differing
amounts of wheat, and award differing numbers of Empire Points. Failure to
meet a Senate request within the allotted time results in a loss of Empire
Points. Ten Epire Points are awarded when you complete the reasearch of
Exploration. Establishment of a new land trade route to Burdigala will earn 5
points, as will building a road along that route.
Whereas land trade only requires a trade market and employees, sea trade
requires a string of goods and products to be in place before any trade can
commence. First, a wood camp must produce wood. Next a large boatyard must
produce a trade wessel. Finally, a trade dock must receive and launch the
vessel on an established trade route. This entire process takes about 12
workers and a good ddeal of time, so start early.
Fortunately, the first Senate Request for wheat has no failure penalty, but as
time passes, requests arrive with greater frequency and greater demands. The
first few Senate Reequests are detailed below in descending order.
Quantity - Time (months) - Points
20 ------- 80 ------------ +5/-0
80 ------- 48 ------------ +5/-10
XX ------- XX ------------ +X/-X
XX ------- XX ------------ +X/-X
XX ------- XX ------------ +X/-X
Though you can't build fishing jetties yet, it is recommended to place trade
facfilities bewtween schools of fish as mush possible. This will allow the
later placement of fishing jetties. Do not place trade facilities on teh
river as they will not be able to accessst the sea.
The second mission requires you to attain a Civilization Rating of 30 and to
grow 10 houses into large Insula. The Senate will continue to send occasional
requests wheat during this mission.
8.1.5 Creta
Creta is an old city on the Isle of Crete that you will develop in the next
two missions. Earthquakes of varying intensity will strike your city on
occasion, leveling buildings and causing consternation amongst the citizenry.
There is no defense against earthquakes, but they tend to have greater impact
on the wooded side of the island in this scenario. If a building is destroyed
for any reason, it will leave rubble behind. Click the rubble to find out
what once stood upon that site. Then clear (delete) the rubble and rebuild.
Upon the successful completion of these missions, Caesar calls for you and
awards you the title of Praetor. After your entitling, the remainder of your
peaceful campaign will be directed by Caesar.
Your initial outlay from Crassus is 4k Denarii, with 2 loans of E-12k, M-3k,
or H-750 Denarii available from the Senate. Two sea trade routes are
available. See the Trade Table below. Cost per unit of goods traded is given
Trade Table
City -------- Buys ---------- Sells
- Miletus –---- meat(6) ------- wheat(8)
- Athena ------ stone(10)
The first mission in Creta requires you to take over an existing city, build
its population to 10k citizens, and develop 3 small Domi (section 3.2). One
Domus, two or more Domi.
The second mission requires you to build your population to 15k, to achieve a
Civilization Rating of 55 and grow 5 houses into medium Domi. Earthquakes
will continue to menace the city.
8.1.6 Ctesiphon
Ctesiphon is the setting of the next two missions.
Your initial outlay from Caesar is 4k Denarii, with 2 loans of E-8k, M-2k, or
H-500 Denarii available from the Senate. A land(??) trade route with
Antiochia is available. See the Trade Table below. Cost per unit of goods
traded is given parenthetically.
Trade Table
City ---------- Buys ------------ Sells
- Antiochia –---- linen(4) -------- wood(12)
----------------- glassware(20) --- olives(12)
The first mission in Ctesiphon requires you to build up your population to 8k
and grow 8 shacks into small Hovels within a 140-month time period. This is
the only explicitly time-limited campaign mission you will encounter. Unlike
Massilia, failure to meet all requirements before the deadline results in
mission failure.
The second mission requires you to hold 4 chariot races, obtain a Civ Rating
of 70, and accumulate 200 shocks of wheat in your warehouses for Rome. This
mission does not have a time constraint.
8.1.7 Britannia
Britannia is the setting of the final mission of your peaceful campaign. Upon
the successful completion of this scenario, you discover that Caesar has died
and named you as his successor! You return to Rome for your imperial
inauguration, bringing an end to the peaceful portion of your campaign.
Your initial outlay from Caesar is 4k Denarii, with 2(??) loans of E-8k, M-2k,
or H-500 Denarii available from the Senate. Two, or sometimes three, trade
routes are available. The trade cities available, as well as the goods
traded, change each time a new scenario in Britannia is begun. The
information on the Trade Table below is only representative of the possible
variations. Cost per unit of goods traded is given parenthetically.
Trade Table
City ----------- Buys ------------ Sells
- Gesoraicum –--- linen(4) --------- wine(20)
----------------- stone(10)
- Deva ---------- javelins(10) ----- geese(20)
----------------- swords(40) ------- fruit(12)
- Eburacum ------ glassware(20) ---- wood(12)
----------------- flowers(10) ------ iron(60)
The formidable mission in Britannia requires you to found a new city at
Londinium, build a population of 20k, obtain a Civ Rating of 95, and develop 5
Shacks into Palaces. Good luck!
8.2 Military Missions
The military mission series will challenge your city with increasingly potent
foreign attackers. The only method of resolving a military threat is battle.
As such, city development must be geared to build a robust military force
capable of dealing with multiple enemy groups. For information on commanding
a cohort or legion, see section 5.2.
The series of military missions becomes available once five peaceful missions
have been completed (after Tarentum). Regardless of your previous rank, your
military career begins as AEdile under the direction of Quintus Polonius,
Consul and Commander of the Western Army. Military missions take you across
the empire and through five city scenarios. Each city has a single mission.
City locations are often denoted by "Location#" in the autosave folder. Below
is a list of military cities with the corresponding Location numbers.
City Name -------------- Location #
- Cyrene ---------------- 8
- Mediolanum ------------ 9
- Saguntum -------------- 10
- Pelusium -------------- 11
- Colonia --------------- 12
8.2.1 Cyrene
A new city in Cyrene, mid-way between the Empire and AEgyptus, is needed to
counter the Egyptian forces there. The conditions in Cyrene are not favorable
for growing wheat, so it will have to be imported if you want your houses to
improve. Upon your success at Cyrene, you are called back to Rome.
Your initial outlay from Polonius is 4k Denarii, with 3 loans of Easy-8k,
Medium-2k, or Hard-500 Denarii available from the Senate. A sea trade route
with Gortyna is available. See the Trade Table below. Cost per unit of goods
traded is given parenthetically.
Trade Table
City ------- Buys --------- Sells
- Gortyna –--- iron(30) ----- wheat(8)
----------------------------- wood(12)
The single mission in Cyrene requires you to found a new city and provide for
its protection, build its population to 6k, and develop 5 shacks into small
Insula. The threat to Cyrene comes from one Egyptian outpost, a small
garrison to the west (pop. 1100). A half-full garrison is sufficient to
capture a small enemy garrison. A single legion should be sufficient to deal
with the occasion attack; however, only swords (no javelins)can be produced in
this scenario, so you must set the cohorts to train Legionaries only (see
section 5.2). A representative kill ratio for Cyrene was 134/16
(enemies/soldiers). It will require a little less than half a legion to
capture this small garrison.
8.2.2 Mediolanum
A new city at Mediolanum is needed to resist the Carthaginian elephant
attacks! To help you in your task, you are awarded the rank of Tribune before
you set out for the area of northern Italy.
Your initial outlay from Polonius is 6k Denarii, with 2 loans of E-6k, M-1500,
or H-375 Denarii available from the Senate. A trade route with Lugdunum to
the far northwest is available. See the Trade Table below. Cost per unit of
goods traded is given parenthetically.
Trade Table
City --------- Buys ------------ Sells
- Lugdunum –---- olives(6)
---------------- wine(20)
The single mission in Mediolanum requires you to found a new city and provide
for its protection, achieve a Civ Rating of 40, build a population of 8k, and
develop 2 houses into small Domi. The threat to Mediolanum comes from one
Carthaginian outpost, a large garrison to the west. This garrison is a rally
point, however, and rally points cannot be captured. A single legion should
be able to provide for the protection of your city long enough to complete the
scenario; however, javelins still cannot be produced in this scenario, so you
must set all cohorts to train Legionaries. A representative kill ratio for
Mediolanum was 145/25.
8.2.3 Saguntum
A new city farther west at Saguntum in the area of southeast Spain is needed
to counter the Carthaginian invasion there. There is no iron available in the
city, so trade relationships must be established early! The soil here is of
relatively poor quality, so expect farm yields will be a bit lower than usual.
Soil quality varies significantly within the city, and the greenness of the
grass indicates the quality of the soil in that spot. It is wise reserve the
greenest areas for your farms, keeping houses and civic buildings on the brown
and bare areas. Fish are the best source of meat in a confined area with poor
soil, like Saguntum.
Your initial outlay from Polonius is 8k Denarii, with 2 loans of E-8k, M-2k,
or H-500 Denarii available from the Senate. Trade routes with Toletum to the
west and Narboo to the northeast are available. See the Trade Table below.
Cost per unit of goods traded is given parenthetically.
Trade Table
City -------- Buys ------------ Sells
- Narboo ------ togas(20)
- Toletum –---------------------- iron(60)
--------------------------------- wood(12)
The single mission in Saguntum requires you to found and protect a new city
and to accrue 25k Denarii in your accounts. The threat to Saguntum comes from
one enemy outpost, a large garrison (pop. 5700) to the southwest at medium
range. This garrison can be attacked and captured, but you will lose nearly
an entire legion in doing so. Two legions are more than enough to protect the
city, though it can certainly be done with a single legion only. The pressure
applied by enemy armies is notably elevated, compared to previous scenarios.
A representative kill ratio for Saguntum was XX/YY.
Enjoying the free travel that comes with your job, you are sent again to the
south to face Egyptian camel attacks in Pelusium. The conditions in this area
are great for wheat, but not suitable for growing olives, so they will have to
be imported if you want your houses to improve. Upon completion of this
mission, you are called to Rome where Caesar awaits with your final
Your initial outlay from Polonius is 10k Denarii, with 2(??) loans of E-12k,
M-3k, or H-750 Denarii available from the Senate. A sea(?) trade route with
Tyrus is available. See the Trade Table below. Cost per unit of goods traded
is given parenthetically.
Trade Table
City ------- Buys ----- Sells
- Tyrus –---------------- olives(12)
------------------------- wood(12)
The single mission in Pelusium requires you to found and protect a new city
and to accrue 300 shocks of wheat in your warehouses for Rome. The threat to
Pelusium comes from two Egyptian outposts, a rally point (pop. 3300) to the
southwest and another (pop. 2600) farther west. These cannot be attacked.
They have the annoying habit of each sending out a sizeable army at the same
time, resulting in a series of one-two punches to your city. Two strong
legions are required for adequate protection of the city. A representative
kill ratio for Pelusium was 165/20.
8.2.5 Colonia
Now that the Carthaginians and Egyptians have been roundly whomped, it is time
to turn your attention to the barbarians in northern Germania and found a new
military city at Colonia. Wheat will not grow in this area, so it will have
to be imported if you want your houses to improve (section 4.3). Upon
completion of these missions, you are called back to Rome a final time for a
hero's welcome by the entire city. This concludes the military mission
Your initial outlay from Caesar is 6k Denarii, with 2 loans of E-4k, M-1k, or
H-250 Denarii available from the Senate. A land(??) trade route with Lutetia
is available. See the Trade Table below. Cost per unit of goods traded is
given parenthetically.
Trade Table
City -------- Buys -------- Sells
- Lutetia –---- wood(6) ----- wheat(8)
--------------- iron(30)
The first mission in Colonia requires you to found a new city and provide for
its protection, build a population of 8k, and capture 2 enemy cities in your
vicinity. The threat to Colonia comes from 2 barbarian outposts, a medium
garrison (pop. 2700) to the east, and another (pop. 2300) to the east-
northeast. Enemy armies will be composed of strong ground units: archers,
swordsmen, and axmen. Three legions allow your city to be comfortably
protected, but only two strong legions are necessary.
The second mission in Colonia requires you to further strengthen your
military, to build the population to 15k, achieve a Civ Rating of 80, and
develop 2 of your houses into Palaces. The threat to Colonia is increased by
the appearance of 3 new enemy outposts in the far east of your region, a
medium garrison (pop.4800), a large garrison (pop. 8700), and a large rally
point. Enemy outposts are far away, making them difficult to attack with a
full legion. Only a full legion can capture a large garrison, and then
barely. This mission will require 3 strong legions for confident security. A
representative kill ratio for Colonia was 170/26.
This option contains stand-alone scenarios with varying guidelines. The
missions break down into three basic categories: free play, military service,
and imperial service.
More coming soon!
9.1 Free Build Scenarios
These missions, denoted by a sun icon, require only financial considerations
for the development of your city. There are no obligations to the empire, and
all foreign relations are peaceful.
9.1.1 Open Fields
Set in Britannia.
9.1.2 Jewel in the Sea
Mediterranean Island
City on the Hill
9.2 Military Service
Historic site of Constantinople
Blood in the Nile
Northern Egypt
War with Carthage
Southern Spain
9.3 Imperial Service
For the Empire
In the Mountains
Northern Greece
Olive Groves
Northern Italy
Edge of the World
Southwest Spain
A New Circus
Historic site of Carthage