City of Heroes Heroes Badges and Plaques FAQ (walkthrough) |
| City of Heroes(PC Superhero MMORPG) |
| Badges and Plaques FAQ |
| By Ryajinor ( |
| Version 1.00, 8/27/06 |
To go straight to a section, press Ctrl+F and enter the code to the right of
the one you want. e.g., "[B21K]" for the Rikti Crash Site exploration badges.
Table of Contents
I. Introduction........................................................[A100]
II. Badges..............................................................[B200]
2.1 Exploration.....................................................[B210]
City Zones
2.1.1 Atlas Park..............................................[B211]
2.1.2 Brickstown..............................................[B212]
2.1.3 Croatoa.................................................[B213]
2.1.4 Founders' Falls.........................................[B214]
2.1.5 Galaxy City.............................................[B215]
2.1.6 Independence Port.......................................[B216]
2.1.7 Kings Row...............................................[B217]
2.1.8 Peregrine Island........................................[B218]
2.1.9 Skyway City.............................................[B219]
2.1.10 Steel Canyon............................................[B21A]
2.1.11 Talos Island............................................[B21B]
2.1.12 Boomtown................................................[B21C]
Hazard Zones
2.1.13 Crey's Folley...........................................[B21D]
2.1.14 Dark Astoria............................................[B21E]
2.1.15 Perez Park..............................................[B21F]
2.1.16 Striga Isle.............................................[B21G]
2.1.17 The Hollows.............................................[B21H]
Trial Zones
2.1.18 Eden....................................................[B21I]
2.1.19 Faultline...............................................[B21J]
2.1.20 Rikti Crash Site........................................[B21K]
2.1.21 Terra Volta.............................................[B21L]
2.1.22 The Hive................................................[B21M]
PvP Zones
2.1.23 Bloody Bay..............................................[B21N]
2.1.24 Siren's Call............................................[B21O]
2.1.25 Warburg.................................................[B21P]
2.1.26 Recluse's Victory.......................................[B21Q]
2.2 Accomplishments.................................................[B220]
2.3 Achievements....................................................[B230]
III. History Badges and Plaques..........................................[C300]
3.1 Pupil...........................................................[C310]
3.2 Student.........................................................[C320]
3.3 Scholastic......................................................[C330]
3.4 Authority.......................................................[C340]
3.5 Disciple........................................................[C350]
3.6 Expert..........................................................[C360]
3.7 Academic........................................................[C370]
3.8 Intellectual....................................................[C380]
3.9 Savant..........................................................[C390]
3.10 Researcher......................................................[C3A0]
3.11 Historian.......................................................[C3B0]
3.12 Just Said No to Superadine......................................[C3C0]
3.13 Scholar.........................................................[C3D0]
3.14 Digger..........................................................[C3E0]
3.15 Ghost Hunter....................................................[C3F0]
3.16 Alumnus.........................................................[C3G0]
IV. Accolades...........................................................[D400]
4.1 Longbow Reservist...............................................[D410]
4.2 Holiday Spirit..................................................[D420]
4.3 Toy Collector...................................................[D430]
4.4 Heart of Light..................................................[D440]
4.5 Reveler.........................................................[D450]
4.6 Task Force Commander............................................[D460]
4.7 V.I.P...........................................................[D470]
4.8 Recieved the Atlas Medallion....................................[D480]
4.9 Conspiracy Theorist.............................................[D490]
4.10 Portal Jockey...................................................[D4A0]
4.11 Freedom Phalanx Reserve Member..................................[D4B0]
4.12 Archmage........................................................[D4C0]
4.13 Vanguard........................................................[D4D0]
4.14 Received the Stalwart Medallion.................................[D4E0]
4.15 Earned the Statesman Star.......................................[D4F0]
4.16 Awarded the Freedom Cross.......................................[D4G0]
4.17 Celebrant.......................................................[D4H0]
4.18 Ten times the Victor............................................[D4I0]
4.19 Geas of the Kind Ones...........................................[D4J0]
V. Gladiators..........................................................[E500]
VI. Super Group Badges..................................................[F600]
6.1 Exploration.....................................................[F610]
6.2 Achievements....................................................[F620]
VII. Credits.............................................................[G700]
VIII.Copyright/Contact Information.......................................[H800]
IX. Version History.....................................................[I900]
| I. Introduction [A100]|
City of Heroes, released April 28th, 2004 by Cryptic Studios, is a superhero
based massively multiplayer online roleplaying game. Every few months, Cryptic
releases a new "Issue," or free expansion pack.
Starting with Issue 2: Through the Looking Glass, there was a "badge" system
introduced. Badges are small tokens that appear on your character's info,
received for doing such things as arresting 100 of a certain type of monster,
or even healing one million damage. This is a guide to help you get as many of
these badges as possible.
This guide is current as of Issue 7: Destiny Manifest.
This guide contains SPOILERS for the game, the game's backstory, missions, and
more from here on out. Turn back if you don't wish to be spoiled.
| II. Badges [B200]|
Badges can be located by clicking on the "Badges" button, underneath the
compass. They are sorted by type into six types. Accolade, Accomplishment,
Achievement, Exploration, Gladiator, and History.
The badges will be described as such:
Badge Title
Description: What shows up under the badge's name in-game.
How to earn: Instructions on how to get the badge.
Notes: Coordinates, neighborhood, associated badges and accolades, where
to start the task force, etc.
To find your coordinates in-game, type /loc
They are displayed as "Y Z X"
Y = Side to side
Z = Up and down
X = Forward and back
The numbers are in approximate feet.
| 2.1 Exploration [B210]|
Exploration badges are recieved when you step on one of the small exploration
icons located on important spots around the various zones. The icon looks like
a yellow and gold octagonal compass.
| 2.1.1 Atlas Park [B211] |
Description: "Here is where one of the brave souls to take up the mantle of
Scirocco stood against, and fell to, the Rikti invaders."
How to earn: Coming out of the Steel Canyon entrance, it's on top of the first
building to the left. Step onto the roof of the building, next to
the chimney.
Notes: /loc = 633, 84, -2324
Neighborhood = The Promenade
Silent Sentinel
Description: "In the 1950's the hero called 'Gargoyle' would stand watch over
the city from this spot."
How to earn: Second skyscraper east of the Hospital. Stand on the northwest
side of the ledge nearest the ground.
Notes: /loc = -608, 70, -1890
Neighborhood = The Promenade
Hero Corps Insider
Description: "Hero Corps may be controversial in their methods but they can
have good information for aspiring heroes."
How to earn: Stand in front of the contact, Henry Peter Wong. Just east of the
base portal.
Notes: /loc = 283, 16, -883
Neighborhood = Atlas Plaza
Description: "You have seen the statue of Cassiopeia, a Heroine recognized as a
citizen of every country on Earth after she single-handedly save
the world from a rogue comet."
How to earn: Enter Atlas City Hall, then step in front of the female statue,
straight ahead and to the left of the entrance.
Notes: /loc = 159, -767, -671
Neighborhood = Atlas Plaza
Top Dog
Description: "The top of Atlas' statue is the first place many flying heroes
will go."
How to earn: Stand on top of Atlas' globe. Lower level heroes might pick up
Hover, or ask a local teleporter for a ride up.
Notes: /loc = 133, 314, -341
Neighborhood = Atlas Plaza
Description: "This flag was crafted from Statesman's cape and was donated to
Paragon City to replace the flag destroyed by the invading Riki.
It now flies over Paragon City Hall to honor the sacrifice made by
Hero 1 and the rest of Omega Team."
How to earn: Stand on top of City Hall, next to the flag.
Notes: /loc = 128, 121, -641
Neighborhood = Atlas Plaza
| 2.1.2 Brickstown [B212] |
Description: "This nexus is the intersection of two very minor Ley Lines,
almost imperceptible to those without Second Sight."
How to earn: Go up the catwalk and stand on the south side of the circle, about
290 yards east of the hospital. Head east until you see the
powerlines. The catwalk is on the north side of that building.
Notes: /loc = -593, 32, 1378
Neighborhood = Seven Gates
Description: "Zigursky Penitentiary is where all criminals, both mundane and
super-powered, end up."
How to earn: Stand in front of the doors on the east side of The Zig prison.
Notes: /loc = -1726, 24, 1154
Neighborhood = The Ziggurat
| 2.1.3 Croatoa [B213] |
Description: "The Cabal have developed an attachment to this old, gnarled tree.
Some heroes even say they are conducting dark experiments beneath
its roots."
How to earn: Stand on the lowest south-eastern branch of the tree near Katie
Hannon, 76 yards north of the Sunset Ridge neighborhood marker.
There are lots of small, glowing sprites flying around the tree.
Notes: /loc = 1018, 159, -1089
Neighborhood = Sunset Ridge
Grim Wanderer
Description: "This deadly valley is witness to some of the most brutal battles
in all of Croatoa."
How to earn: Step into the large valley near "The Grim Vale" marker, about 73
yards southeast of it, near some pumpkins on a rock.
Notes: /loc = 761, 48, -2439
Neighborhood = The Grim Vale
Description: "It may be in dangerous territory, but this lake, frequented by
the Cabal's strange sprites, is one of the most beautiful sights
near Salamanca."
How to earn: Go near the edge of the forest west of the lake, 299 yards
east-northeast of "The Misty Wood" marker.
Notes: /loc = -2668, 10, 1102
Neighborhood = The Misty Wood
| 2.1.4 Founders' Falls [B214] |
Description: "This building is in the final stages of preparing suites for the
use of the city's Super Groups."
How to earn: Stand next to the streetlight in front of the fountain on the east
side of the skyscraper in the middle of The Gaspee.
Notes: /loc = 968, 0, 2622
Neighborhood = The Gaspee
Description: "Professor Xaos brought Paragon City to its knees shortly after
the Rikti war with his Mandelbrot Device. Synapse and Positron
were able to work together for once and saved the city."
How to earn: Go halfway through the first tunnel on the right of the
southeastern face of the block of buildings 90 yards east of The
Gaspee marker.
Notes: /loc = 813, -21, 2405
Neighborhood = The Gaspee
| 2.1.5 Galaxy City [B215] |
Bird Watcher
Description: "The Invisible Falcon disappeared without a trace in the mid
How to earn: Step on the lower northeast corner of the Infront Steakhouse, 85
yards southeast of the Orion Beltway maker.
Notes: /loc = -1099, 48, -2262
Neighborhood = Orion Beltway
Blue Shield
Description: "Blue Steel, the only hero in Paragon City on who works directly
for the police, arrested the Tsoo's leader Tub Ci on this spot.
The charges didn't stick, and Tub Ci is free today."
How to earn: Step on the back of the "THEY ARE AMONG US" billboard, 80 yards
east of the Orion Beltway marker.
Notes: /loc = -1169, 39, -2468
Neighborhood = Orion Beltway
Description: "Back Alley Brawler fought against two Underbosses from The
Family, Slow Eye Lou and Hyper Mike, on this spot."
How to earn: Step onto the roof of the Mighty Mart east of the Arena.
Notes: /loc = -1183, 63, -935
Neighborhood = Orion Beltway
Description: "M1, a hero from World War II, is honored today with a statue in
Galaxy City."
How to earn: Step onto the fist of the statue of a large man directly southeast
of the Arena.
Notes: /loc = -1185, 70, -591
Neighborhood = Orion Beltway
Land Locked
Description: "This lock holds back the waters of Eastgate bay, and has been the
target of many super criminals bent on flooding Galaxy City."
How to earn: Stand in front of the large water gate in southeast Gemini Park.
Notes: /loc = -2038, -44, 1001
Neighborhood = Gemini Park.
| 2.1.6 Independence Port [B216] |
Crey Havoc
Description: "Crey had a facility in Independence Port for several years, but
an industrial accident has permanently closed it."
How to earn: Stand near the north wall of the burnt out building on the
northeastern peninsula near Terra Volta.
Notes: /loc = -440, 1, -270
Neighborhood = Power Island
Also unlocks the Research Assistant gladiator.
Description: "The titanic hero Atlas fell at Valor Bridge, protecting the city
from invasion."
How to earn: Stand in the center of the top of the southern support for the
Notes: /loc = 946, 608, -1151
Neigborhood = Valor Bridge
Description: "Sister Psyche's greatest nemesis was the insane Malaise. When she
finally apprehended him, she found a confused soul in search of
release. Using her mental power, she switched Malaise's dual
personalities, bringing the benevolent one to dominance. Then she
took him under her wing for observation."
How to earn: Stand in the center of the large warehouse directly south of Icon.
Notes: /loc = -1614, 80, -1870
Neighborhood = Crey Cove
| 2.1.7 Kings Row [B217] |
Description: "Statesman broke up a ritual by the Circle of Thorn members that
would have bolstered their ranks exponentially."
How to earn: Go 360 yards south of the Freedom Plaza marker. The fenced off
area on the side of the building on the street corner here has the
Notes: /loc = -940, -41, 2978
Neighborhood = Industrial Avenue
Description: "Kord Technologies makes its home in this building, and Tony Kord
frequently uses his personal helicopter to commute to work."
How to earn: Step onto the helipad on the roof of the building directly behind
the truck to Pocket D.
Notes: /loc = -496, 101, 768
Neighborhood = The Gish
Mystic King
Description: "Ley Lines are powerful forces of mystical energy that crisscross
the planet. Where they meet is called a nexus, and all magic is
stronger for miles around."
How to earn: Go 144 yards north and a little bit west of the Pocket D marker,
in the middle of the lower eastern roof of the building.
Notes: /loc = -376, 70, 245
Neighborhood = The Gish
Keen Sighted
Description: "Manticore, one of the Surviving Eight, was first sighted at this
location after keeping to the shadows for months."
How to earn: Step onto the second level of the power line tower 113 yards
southwest of the Aqueduct marker.
Notes: /loc = -2176, 97, 1142
Neighborhood = Aqueduct
Description: "King Garment Works dominated the Kings Row economy for years.
These smoke stacks were part of their manufacturing facility."
How to earn: Step on the base of the north smokestack, at the very northeast
corner of the map.
Notes: /loc = -3059, -26, -1408
Neighborhood = Royal Refinery
| 2.1.8 Peregrine Isle [B218] |
Portal Parter
Description: "This R&D facility suffered one too many accidents and has since
fallen into ruin."
How to earn: Stand in the middle of the small island, southwest of the main
Notes: /loc = 3045, 0, 1289
Neighborhood = N/A
| 2.1.9 Skyway City [B219] |
Description: "Defiler, an evil spirit brought forth by the Devouring Earth, was
defeated on this spot by Ms. Liberty... with a little help from
How to earn: Step into the center of the basketball court at the very northeast
edge of the zone.
Notes: /loc = -1085, -15, -7612
Neighborhood = Vista Plaza
Description: "This was the location of Dr. Anguish's secret lab, uncovered by
the Freedom Phalanx when he threatened to blow up Paragon City
with a black market Soviet nuke."
How to earn: Stand in the center of the fenced off area 116 yards west of the
Freedom Corps store in the bottom right corner of the Astral
Notes: /loc = 2260, -83, -3366
Neighborhood = Astral District
Description: "Dauntless was Galaxy Girl's sidekick until he died in battle,
defending his mentor with his last breath."
How to earn: Step in front of the large statue, at the southernmost end of Hide
Notes: /loc = -704, 0, -1076
Neighborhood = Hide Park
Healing Node
Description: "The MedCom is the teleportation network that can send fallen
heroes directly to the hospital for treatment. This node is the
center of the network; the other nodes are on the outskirts of the
How to earn: Stand in front of the large spire, 322 yards northwest of the
Bloody Bay entrance, next to Vitaly Cherenko.
Notes: /loc = 1578, -83, -677
Neighborhood = Land of the Lost
| 2.1.10 Steel Canyon [B21A] |
Secret Admirer
Description: "Before becoming guardian of Croatoa, War Witch shared an
apartment here with her roomate Apex."
How to earn: 370 yards west of the Yellow Line marker, stand near the telephone
pole by the southern apartment complex.
Notes: /loc = -3437, 0, 2536
Neighborhood = Bronze Way
Hero Corps Recruit
Description: "Hero Corps is not only a Corps of people, but also a Corporation,
selling their super-powered services to those willing to foot the
How to earn: Coming out of the hospital, turn left. It's in front of Colleen
Saramago, the contact.
Notes: /loc = 1763, 16, 1363
Neighborhood = Steel Canyon Medical Center
Nimble Mynx
Description: "This spot is where Synapse first found Mynx and began training
How to earn: Get onto the rooftop of the first building to your right, coming
out of Boomtown.
Notes: /loc = -2427, 48, -3406
Neigborhood = Silver Lake
Bright Star
Description: "The first Luminary used her light-based powers to disrupt the
formation of a large portal to the Rikti homeworld on this spot."
How to earn: 226 yards south of the Copper District marker, on the roof of the
second University building, connecting it and the corner one.
Notes: /loc = -3002, -26, 1829
Neighborhood = Gimry Ridge
| 2.1.11 Talos Island [B21B] |
Description: "While wrestling with the Chimera in the waters of the bay, Talos
tore a rift in the ocean floor. Although the hero never rose from
the waters, the island that formed was named in his honor."
How to earn: Stand on the northern edge of the small island with the giant
statue of Talos, located west-southwest of New Thebes.
Notes: /loc = 1697, 16, 7698
Neighborhood = New Thebes
Nature Lover
Description: "Mechanus was one of Woodsman's greatest enemies. It was on this
spot that the champion of nature defeated the artificially
intelligent robot for the final time."
How to earn: 874 yards east of the Argo Highway marker, stand near the large
pile of rocks on top of the island.
Notes: /loc = 2670, 124, 9118
Neighborhood = Argo Highway
Description: "The cargo ship Alba Varden tends to be a hotbed of criminal
How to earn: Go about 640 yards east of the Ithaca Island marker. You'll come
across a tanker. Get onto the top, near the smokestack.
Notes: /loc = -5619, 80, 1860
Neighborhood = None
| 2.1.12 Boomtown [B21C] |
Description: "Before Baumton had it's 'accident,' the Freedom Phalanx called
this building home."
How to earn: 233 yards northeast of the Steel Canyon entrance, stand at the
northeast corner of the building to recieve the badge.
Notes: /loc = -2002, -15, 5181
Neighborhood = The Fuse
Description: "King Mihenra, a self-proclaimed warlord from the Netherworld,
attempted to seize control of Paragon City, only to be defeated by
Positron on this very spot."
How to earn: Stand in the center of the median strip in the center of the
tunnel 682 yards west of the Powderkeg marker.
Notes: /loc = -448, 42, 2171
Neighborhood = Powderkeg
Vision of Despair
Description: "An unnatural feeling of dread permeates the area in what is now
called the Pit of Despair."
How to earn: Stand at the eastern end of the pit inbetween the two roads 470
yards east of the Grenadier Village marker.
Notes: /loc = -753, 0, -594
Neighborhood = N/A
Destined for Valhalla
Description: "Valkyrie proved herself to Positron by battling the Clockwork
King on this spot. Although she did not succeed in defeating him,
he was severly damaged and Clockwork activity came to a halt for
several weeks afterwards."
How to earn: 558 yards east of the Powderkeg marker, there are two buildings,
one of which has fallen onto the other. Stand in the center of the
connecting part of the buildings to recieve the badge.
Notes: /loc = -4097, 352, 2474
Neighborhood = Powderkeg
| 2.1.13 Crey's Folley [B21D] |
Crey Watcher
Description: "Crey's defensive measures against the Rikti brought about an
environmental nightmare in this area, turning the neighborhood
once called 'Venice' into 'Crey's Folley.'"
How to earn: Go 222 yards west-southwest of the Crey Factories marker, on the
southern edge of the canal is the badge marker.
Notes: /loc = 1080, 0, 2320
Neighborhood = Crey Factories
Burning the Midnight Oil
Description: "The United States once held their oil reserves in Paragon City,
until the reserves became an attractive target for villains trying
to make names for themselves."
How to earn: Stand on the western edge of the second silo from the north, 168
yards west of the Crey Factories marker.
Notes: /loc = 840, 24, 1800
Neighborhood = Crey Factories
| 2.1.14 Dark Astoria [B21E] |
Dark Mystic
Description: "Some claim the reason the spirits walk the streets of Dark
Astoria is the fact that there is a powerful Ley Line nexus in the
middle of Moth cemetary."
How to earn: Get on top of the movie theater on the border of Dido's View and
Moth Cemetary.
Notes: /loc = 1678, 5, 2833
Neighborhood = Dido's View
Seeker of the Unknown
Description: "This tomb is used to represent the thousands of heroes who gave
their lives in the Rikti War."
How to earn: Go to the mountain 222 yards west of the Moth Cemetary marker,
then go down it into the "moat," then go to the right until you
reach the tombs. Move in front of the second one on the left.
Notes: /loc = 1867, -79, 1352
Neighborhood = Moth Cemetary
Cairn Warder
Description: "This cairn was once the location of a rift to the Netherworld,
but has since been closed."
How to earn: Go to the upper right corner of the map, inside the cave, then go
up the hill.
Notes: /loc = 1026, 51, 219
Neighborhood = Moth Cemetary
| 2.1.15 Perez Park [B21F] |
Description: "The territory around this bridge has been hotly contested turf
between the Skulls and Hellions for some time now."
How to earn: Go 44 yards east of the Perez Park marker, it's on the bridge.
Notes: /loc = -2014, -56, 1586
Neighborhood = Perez Park
Description: "Avatar, a hero in Paragon City in the late 1950's, had a statue
erected to him after his death. The gangs have not been kind to
this memorial."
How to earn: 177 yards northwest of the Gaiman Woods marker, on the eastern
edge of the lake, is a statue buried halfway in. The badge is
right in front of it.
Notes: /loc = -1528, -32, 3176
Neighborhood = Everett Lake
Around the Bendis
Description: "This old boathouse used to be a popular spot in Perez Park, but
since the gangs moved in it has been abandoned."
How to earn: Go to the southwestern edge of Everett Lake. The badge is in front
of the door to the boathouse.
Notes: /loc = -875, -31, 3657
Neighborhood = Everett Lake
Doc Whedon
Description: "This old dock used to be the most popular make-out spot in
Paragon City. Today, however, it is more a place of violence than
of love."
How to earn: Go to the easternmost part of Everett Lake. The badge is on the
Notes: /loc = -2084, -31, 2853
Neighborhood = Everett Lake
Justice Avenger
Description: "This fountain was a gift to the city, donated by billionaire
playboy Justin Sinclair."
How to earn: Go to the very southwest of the zone. There's a large fountain.
Step into it to recieve the badge.
Notes: /loc = -1033, 1, 3976
Neighborhood = Hell's Highway
| 2.1.16 Striga Isle [B21G] |
Super Spy
Description: "The Council's expert security forces keep most heroes from
venturing this far into their base."
How to earn: Stand in the center of the western hinge on the flood gate, 721
yards north-northeast of the Council Base marker, on the
northeastern peninsula on the map.
Notes: /loc = -6655, -14, -2458
Neighborhood = Council Base
Sea Dog
Description: "Port Noble's shipping industry has decline of late, as Paragon
City's manufacturing has taken a hit in the wake of the Rikti War.
Now, with the Council plaguing Striga Isle, the situation has gone
from bad to worse."
How to earn: Go 439 yards east of the Cargo Ship marker, near the walkway to
board the ship, on the southeastern dock.
Notes: /loc = -469, 0, 1021
Neighborhood = Port Noble
Description: "The Council has hollowed out this dormant volcano to build a
massive factory. The creations within are guarded with the utmost
How to earn: Stand on the southeastern rim of the volcano, 47 yards SW of the
Council Base marker.
Notes: /loc = -5346, 875, -794
Neighborhood = Council Base
| 2.1.17 The Hollows [B21H] |
Description: "These hills are home to some of the Circle's most secret rites.
Very few are allowed to leave after venturing here."
How to earn: Go 293 yards northwest of the Eastgate Heights marker. It's on the
Notes: /loc = -703, 378, 885
Neighborhood = Eastgate Heights
Seeker of Monsters
Description: "Grendel's Gulch was named after the Trolls former leader,
Grendel, who was defeated by Atta in a contest of strength on this
How to earn: Go 214 yards west-southwest of the Grendel's Gulch marker. You'll
come across a broken 4-way intersection, it's just southwest of
Notes: /loc = 22, -344, -1278
Neighborhood = Grendel's Gulch
Description: "This spot marks the first sighting of the strange, rock-like
creatures known as Pumicites."
How to earn: Go into the center of the burnt out building 80 yards east of the
Grendel's Gulch marker.
Notes: /loc = -748, -539, -1646
Neighborhood = Grendel's Gulch
Description: "These woods have cropped up at an alarming rate since the
Hollowing. Many believe the dramatic growth rate of the trees is
due to the area being saturated with mystical residue from the
Circle's spells."
How to earn: Go to the southeasternmost point on the map, in the center of the
copse of trees is the badge.
Notes: /loc = -2148, 42, 3331
Neighborhood = Eastgate Heights
Gangland Fury
Description: "Since the Hollowing, these streets have turned into a war zone
between the Trolls and the Outcasts. Only the constant vigilance
of heroes keeps this conflict from turning into a bloodbath."
How to earn: Go 188 yards south of the Four Seasons marker. There will be a
large, brown building. Behind the first western guard rail is the
Notes: /loc = -728, -11, -3517
Neighborhood = Four Seasons
| 2.1.18 Eden [B21I] |
Crey Fish
Description: "Surprisingly it was the Devouring Earth, not Crey, that caused
Woodvale to become the overrun Eden."
How to earn: Go to the Utopia Complex marker. It's on the other side of the
Crey sign.
Notes: /loc = -1787, 0, 4550
Neighborhood = The Utopia Complex
Description: "The beauty that is Eden Falls came at a terrible price."
How to earn: Go to 105 yards south of The Cascades marker. The badge is on the
rocks under the waterfall.
Notes: /loc = 2481, 34, 2350
Neighborhood = The Cascades
| 2.1.19 Faultline [B21J] |
Description: "Funding has recently been exhausted in the effort to rebuild the
Paragon City dam."
How to earn: 77 yards SW of the Reservoir marker, just inside the dam.
Notes: /loc = 75, -898, 1687
Neighborhood = Reservoir
Description: "The Theodore Knight building was home to many Super Groups in the
years before the Rikti War."
How to earn: Go straight west of the Reservoir marker 480 yards. The badge is
in front of the doors on the west side of the large building.
Notes: /loc 1125, -26, 1295
Neighborhood = N/A
Faultless Mystic
Description: "Ley Lines are powerful forces of mystical energy that crisscross
the planet. Paragon City's proximity to Ley Line crossings make it
a prime location for magical villain groups."
How to earn: Go 170 yards north of the Precipice marker, then fall down the
hole. The badge is right before the intersection.
Notes: /loc = -843, -406, -715
Neighborhood = Precipice
Description: "Apex tracked Dr. Vahzilok down to this location, but interference
from the Circle of Thorngs prevented him from capturing the mad
How to earn: Go west from the entrance about 15 yards, then go south to the
border of the Subduction neighborhood. The badge is on the
southwest corner of the roof of the parking garage.
Notes: /loc = 277, 57, -2256
Neighborhood = Subduction
| 2.1.20 Rikti Crash Site [B21K] |
Description: "This statue honors Mustang, a valiant hero who fought during
How to earn: Stand on the giant statue's hand, 216 yards southwest of The Bulge
Notes: /loc = 1359, 293, -273
Neighborhood = The Bulge
| 2.1.21 Terra Volta [B21L] |
Conjunction Junction
Description: "This junction was the first target of the Freakshow when they
started their campaign of mayhem. Statesman and the rest of the
Freedom Phalanx were able to stop their plan before it could be
How to earn: Stand underneath the center of the three pipes 373 yards west-
northwest of the Coroman Manufacturing marker. It's at the very
northwest corner of the neighborhood, just fall down the wall.
Notes: /loc = 2222, 0, -7100
Neigborhood = Coroman Manufacturing
Description: "Covert Rikti strike teams have attempted to destroy the Terra
Volta reactor on more than one occasion."
How to earn: Stand on the northeastern edge of the dome of the Terra Volta
reactor, 185 yards south of the Terra Volta Reactor marker.
Notes: /loc = 1119, 721, -3079
Neighborhood = Terra Volta Reactor
Nervous Dreck
Description: "Dreck, the leader of the Freakshow, was brought to justice on
this spot by Statesman. His time in jail was short, however, as he
broke out just two weeks later."
How to earn: Go 324 yards northwest of the Raysun Petroleum marker, in the
ruined area being attack by Devouring Earth. It's about 60 yards
south of the giant globe.
Notes: /loc = 4455, 0, -6123
Neighborhood = Raysun Petroleum
| 2.1.22 The Hive [B21M] |
Time Bandit
Description: "Portal Corporation had their main facility here until the
Devouring Earth destroyed the area. This forced them to move their
headquarters to Peregrine Island."
How to earn: Stand at the end of the broken road going south, 1.01 miles
northwest of the Eden marker.
Notes: /loc = 1742, 2, -3819
Neigborhood = N/A
Heart of the Hamidon
Description: "The Hamidon has defeated many heroes."
How to earn: Stand in the center of the giant pit at the center of the zone,
right where Hamidon spawns.
Notes: /loc = -3, -337, -2180
Neighborhood = N/A
| 2.1.23 Bloody Bay [B21N] |
Description: "Spanky Rabinowitz' cousin Charlie 'Big Buck' Rabinowitz owned Big
Bucks Casino. It is said much of Spanky's campaign money came form
(sic) the take here."
How to earn: Go 128 yards east of Meteor Do, on the roof of the building. The
badge is next to the spinny roof... air... thingy. I really wish I
knew what they were called.
Notes: /loc = 2264, 137, -831
Neighborhood = Green Nugget
Description: "The Shiva Shard fed on the dead here, causing the trees to grow
larger and stronger around the old graveyard."
How to earn: Go about 100 ft. south of Meteor Panch.
Notes: /loc = -1193, 0, -741
Neighborhood = Forgotten Forest
Description: "In this building the first of Cape Canaveral's scientists was
infected and transformed by the Shiva Shard, eventually causing
him to implode."
How to earn: 133 yards north of Meteor Teen, in the center of the highest
Notes: /loc = 1886, 128, 1336
Neighborhood = Boardwalk
Description: "The shards must be vibrating the very bones of the graves& you
(sic) are almost sure you can hear scratching and clawing form
(sic) the inside of the mausoleums."
How to earn: 185 yards east of the Ground Zero marker, in the center of the
large tunnel. Just follow the road.
Notes: /loc = 92, 65, 359
Neighborhood = Ground Zero
| 2.1.24 Siren's Call [B21O] |
Description: "Council man John Chard announced from this location that his
island would be the front lines of defense against the Rikti
How to earn: The large building 45 yards north of the Buildville marker, to the
right of the doors is the badge marker.
Notes: /loc = 960, 0, -663
Neighborhood = Buildville
Also unlocks the Longbow Warden 1 gladiator.
Broad Shoulders
Description: "Talos spent a good part of his childhood here."
How to earn: Step in front of the large statue 160 yards south of the Talos
Park marker.
Notes: /loc = 361, -63, -257
Neighborhood = Talos Park
Description: "This cargo ship was left hanging on what is left of the war wall
when Sunburst died in the huge explosion."
How to earn: Stand on the little rocky outcropping at the southern end of the
broken war wall in Randall's Ruins, 217 yards east of the marker.
Notes: /loc = -1193, 165, 1134
Neighborhood = Randall's Ruins
Description: "The dread pirate Randall set up this lighthouse to lure ships to
their demise."
How to earn: Step onto the villain island about 170 yards south of the
Randall's Ruins marker. It's just south of the sunken ship, on a
little hill.
Notes: /loc = -918, 656, 1596
Neighborhood = Randall's Ruins
| 2.1.25 Warburg [B21P] |
Weapon Inspector
Description: "Warburg is home to many a nefarious ploy. Recluse's VENOM rocket
is one of the most blatant."
How to earn: Jump/fly near the upper western scaffolding, near the chemical
rocket on the east side of the island.
Notes: /loc = -750, 141, 0 (Approximate)
Neighborhood = Warburg
Tunnel Rat
Description: "The various tunnels throughout the WEB are a nasty piece of
How to earn: Step into the door to the WEB at the middle eastern side of the
island, 433 yards east of the WEB marker.
Notes: /loc = -1217, 0, 143
Neigborhood = Warburg
Description: "The symbolism is hard to miss: whoever controls the Warburg
rockets controls the world. Whether this is pure delusion or an
ominous warning is a subject of much debate."
How to earn: Stand on the top of the globe, in the center of the island, 52
yards above the Warburg marker.
Notes: /loc = 228, 274, 32
Neighborhood = Warburg
| 2.1.26 Recluse's Victory [B21Q] |
Description: "Lord Recluse targeted the statue of Atlas first, knowing it was
an important symbol to Paragon's 'heroes.'"
How to earn: Go just north of the dais that Ms. Liberty is normally on.
Notes: /loc = 128, 16, -247
Neighborhood = Sector 5
Description: "Some say this battle will signal the end of civilization as we
know it, and the beginning of a new history--written by Lord
How to earn: 418 yards directly south of the Echo waypoint, at the beginning of
the U-shaped cobblestone area surronding the small park.
Notes: /loc = -848, -15, -350
Neighborhood = Sector 3
Temporal Fighter
Description: "The Meinhoff Building was created in our current timeline to
server as an Arachnos base in this possible future."
How to earn: Go into the alley between the two buildings 137 yards west from
the tram. You'll get the badge if you just go straight out.
Notes: /loc = 1027, 42, -1417
Neighborhood = Sector 1
Last Stand
Description: "Lee Towers may go down in history as the place where civilization
fell to Lord Recluse."
How to earn: It's near some dumpsters and a pile of rubble, 233 yards west-
northwest of the Golf marker.
Notes: /loc = 108, 0, -134
Neighborhood = Sector 2
| 2.2. Accomplishments [B220]|
Accomplishments are recieved for doing Task Forces, Trials, certain missions,
and winning Arena Tournaments.
Time Machinist
Description: "You have taken over 10 pillboxes in Recluse's Victory, making you
a Time Machinist."
How to earn: Capture 10 pillboxes in Recluse's Victory.
Notes: YOU have to capture them, not your team.
Somewhere in Time
Desctiption: "100 pillboxes have fallen into your hands."
How to earn: Capture 100 pillboxes in Recluse's Victory.
Notes: See above. Getting a Heavy helps greatly.
Time Bandit
Description: "1000 pillboxes have been controlled by you, you are truly a Time
How to earn: Capture 1,000 pillboxes in Recluse's Victory.
Notes: This one takes forever. Seriously. I hope you have nothing better
to do. You're in for the long haul. Just pop in RV once per day,
early in the morning if possible, take a Heavy, and capture a few
Description: "You have helped defeat Lord Recluse in Recluse's Victory."
How to earn: Do at least 10% of the damage needed to kill Lord Recluse.
Notes: Teaming up helps. He summons 4 level 54 bosses, and does 1,500+
damage a swing.
Description: "You have helped defeat Black Scorpian in Recluse's Victory."
How to earn: Do at least 10% of the damage needed to kill Black Scorpian.
Notes: He's a pretty unremarkable AV. Just debuff and attack. Nothing to
Description: "You have helped defeat Ghost Widow in Recluse's Victory."
How to earn: Do at least 10% of the damage needed to kill Ghost Widow.
Notes: Her hold is unresistable, so be careful. She also has a self heal.
Description: "You have helped defeat Scirocco in Recluse's Victory."
How to earn: Do at least 10% of the damage needed to kill Scirocco.
Notes: He summons Tornados. All things considered, not that dangerous.
Shark Hunter
Description: "You have helped defeat Captain Mako in Recluse's Victory."
How to earn: Do at least 10% of the damage needed to kill Captain Mako.
Notes: Perhaps the second most dangerous next to Recluse himself, Mako is
a claws/regeneration stalker. He will stealth and assassin strike
you. Try to have some +perception, and some -regeneration to
counter his regen powers.
Description: "You have helped defeat all of the Signature Villains in Recluse's
Victory, making you a Justiciar."
How to earn: Defeat all signature villains in Recluse's Victory.
Notes: Utterly impossible without a team effort of some sort. Luckily
they don't give you debt when you get killed by them, so bum
rushing might work.
Burkholder's Bane
Description: "You have stopped the Council from launching their giant robot
against Paragon City."
How to earn: Complete the Ernesto Hess task force.
Notes: Started in Striga Isle by talking to Ernesto Hess. Levels 25-30,
needs 6 people to start.
Positron's Ally
Description: "Positron has awarded you this medal in recognition of services
performed for him."
How to earn: Complete the Positron task force.
Notes: Started in Steel Canyon by talking to Positron. Levels 10-15,
needs 3 people to start.
Synapse's Cohort
Description: "Synapse has awarded you this medal in recognition of your defeat
of the Clockwork King."
How to earn: Complete the Synapse Task Force.
Notes: Started in Skyway City by talking to Synapse. Levels 15-20, needs
4 people to start.
Sister Psyche's Comrade
Description: "Sister Psyche has expressed her gratitude by presenting you with
this medal."
How to earn: Complete the Sister Psyche Task Force.
Notes: Started in Independance Port by speaking to Sister Psyche. Levels
20-25, needs 5 people to start.
Citadel's Assistant
Description: "Citadel has awarded you this medal for helping him rid the world
of the evil robots based on his programming."
How to earn: Complete the Citadel Task Force.
Notes: Started in Talos Island by speaking to Citadel. Levels 25-30,
needs 6 people to start.
Numina's Compatriot
Description: "Numina and the spirit of the Woodsman were pleased to present you
with this medal."
How to earn: Complete the Numina Task Force.
Notes: Started in Founders' Falls by speaking to Numina. Levels 35-38,
needs 4 people to start.
Description: "You have freed the captured heroes, preventing them from becoming
How to earn: Complete the Eden Trial.
Notes: Started in Eden by talking to the spirit of The Woodsman. Levels
39-41, needs 4 people to start.
Description: "You have become the master of the mystical gateway beneath the
How to earn: Complete the Cavern of Transcendence trial.
Notes: Started in The Hollows by talking to Karsis. Levels 12-15, needs 8
people to start.
Description: "You have defeated the Hydra, a major threat to the sewer network
of Paragon City."
How to earn: Complete the Sewer Trial.
Notes: Started in Founders' Falls by speaking to Maren MacGregor. Levels
38-40, needs 1 person to start. You must be level 38 to start the
trial, but anyone 36 and up can join you. Heroes level 42 and up
will NOT receive the temporary powers from the crates, however.
Description: "You have succeeded in preventing the destruction of the Terra
Volta reactor... but at what price?"
How to earn: Complete the Terra Volta Trial.
Notes: Levels 24-33, 34-43, and 44-50. Needs 3 people to start. Speak
with Jane Hallaway in Independance Port to start the 24th level
trial, Captain James Harlan in Founders' Falls for the 34th level
one, and Major Richard Flagg in the Rikti Crash Site for the level
44 one.
Description: "You have freed a local fortune teller from the clutches of the
Circle of Thorns."
How to earn: Complete the "Find missing fortune teller" mission.
Notes: Given from levels 10-15.
Plague Stopper
Description: "You were key in stopping a plague from overtaking Paragon City."
How to earn: Complete the "Destroy plague containers" timed mission.
Notes: 1:15:00 time limit. Given from levels 15-20.
Spirit Warrior
Description: "You stopped a war between the Banished Pantheon and the Circle of
How to earn: Complete the "Stop both groups of mystic madmen" mission.
Notes: Given from levels 20-25.
Description: "You have arrested one of the higher ranking members of the
How to earn: Complete the "Defeat Freak leader, his crew" mission.
Notes: Given from levels 20-25.
Description: "You negotiated the surrender of Alexander, a Warrior boss."
How to earn: Complete the "Defeat all Warriors in warehouse" mission.
Notes: Given from levels 25-30.
Mystical Savior
Description: "You saved a cabal of mystics from being used by the Banished
How to earn: Complete the "Defeat all Pantehon cultists" mission.
Notes: Given from levels 25-30.
Description: "You prevented a non-aggression pact between the Circle of Thorns
and Nemesis."
How to earn: Complete the "Stop Circle from signing pact" mission.
Notes: Given from levels 30-35.
War Wall Defender
Description: "You foiled a plot to undermine the War Walls that protect Paragon
How to earn: Complete the "Stop Kenslet & his crew" mission.
Notes: Given from levels 30-35.
The Doctor's Ally
Description: "You have uncovered the fate of Doctor Friedken"
How to earn: Complete the "Locate hacker before Crey can" mission.
Notes: Given from levels 35-40.
Description: "You stopped a battle between the Circle of Thorns and the
Oranbegans from another dimension."
How to earn: Complete the "Stop Circle's battle" mission.
Notes: Given from levels 35-40.
Description: "You have defeated the Clockwork King in an alternate dimension
where he realized his true potential."
How to earn: Complete the "Find source of psychic energy" mission.
Notes: Given from levels 40-45.
Description: "You have crushed Nemesis' weather controlling equipment."
How to earn: Complete the "Defeat all foes in weather lab" mission.
Notes: Given from levels 40-45.
Description: "You have stopped the assassination of a Rikti peace negotiator."
How to earn: Complete the "Rescue Rikti negotiator quickly" mission.
Notes: 2:30:00 time limit. Given from levels 45-50.
Description: "You wiped out a cell of Marauder's forces right here in Paragon
How to earn: Complete the "Defeat all villains in base" mission.
Notes: Given from levels 45-50.
Honorary Peacebringer
Description: "You have stopped the Council's plan to infect the populace with
Nictus aliens."
How to earn: Complete the Moonfire task force.
Notes: Levels 23-28. Needs 6 people to start.
Portal Smasher
Description: "You cut off the illegal portals the Nemesis Army and Crey had
built to access the Shadow Shard, and prevented the Rularuu from
escaping into our world."
How to earn: Complete the Dr. Quarterfield task force.
Notes: Levels 40-44. Needs 8 people to start.
Destroyer of Strength
Description: "You defeated the being known as Ruludak the Strong, freeing the
people of the Shadow Shard from his tyranny."
How to earn: Complete the Sara Moore task force.
Notes: Levels 40-50. Needs 8 people to start.
Protector of Kindness
Description: "You saved the being known as Faathim the Kind from capture by the
Circle of Thorns."
How to earn: Complete the Justin Augustine task force.
Notes: Levels 44-50. Needs 8 people to start.
Slayer of Madness
Description: "You defeated the being known as Lanaru the Mad, sparing the
people of the Shadow Shard from total destruction."
How to earn: Complete the Faathim the Kind task force.
Notes: Levels 44-50. Needs 8 people to start.
Description: "You aided the Cabal in their struggle against the loathsome Red
How to earn: Complete the Katie Hannon task force.
Notes: Levels 30-34. Needs 6 people to start.
| 2.3. Achievements [B230]|
Achievement badges are recieved for most everything else. Taking a certain
amount of damage, spending lots of time in a zone, killing giant monsters,
Description: "You've taken down 20 villains in PvP."
How to earn: Defeat 20 villains in PvP zones.
Notes: Any PvP zone counts. Defeats of the same player don't count for
five minutes after the last time you defeated them.
Agent Provocateur
Description: "Arachnos has put you at the top of their hit list."
How to earn: Complete ? PvP missions?
Notes: May be bugged, I'm not sure.
Description: "You've basked for more then five hours in the weird radiation of
Bloody Bay."
How to earn: Spend five hours in Bloody Bay.
Notes: You can just park yourself in the hospital and hold down jump if
you really want. I'd recomend just doing the mission and getting
the shard. Use it whenever you're in a pinch, come back to get it
again, and you'll have the badge in no time.
Grand Lanista
Description: "The continuing success has earned you fame as a manager of
How to earn: Win 10 rated Gladiator matches.
Notes: Arch Mages of Agony and Wardens are particularly good at this.
Description: "You have been part of taking over a Firebase, earning you a new
nickname: 'Gunner.'"
How to earn: Capture a firebase in Bloody Bay.
Notes: Non-combat oriented archetypes will want to team up for this one.
The turrets spawn as bosses, and they all respawn at the same time
every few minutes.
Desctiption: "You have achieved a PvP reputation of 400."
How to earn: Currently bugged? Seems to award after getting any reputation.
Notes: Not sure. If you have more info, email me.
Description: "You have won your first creature battle in the Arena."
How to earn: Win one rated Gladiator match.
Notes: Freakshow tanks are good, because they rez after they die. If
you've got it, the 5th Column Krieger is incredibly powerful.
Man in Black/Woman in Black
Description: "These creepy alien parasites are no match for you."
How to earn: Defeat 100 Shivans.
Notes: They only spawn in Bloody Bay. The badge name changes depending on
your gender.
Risk Taker
Description: "You've contributed to the effort against the Villains by
completing a patrol in a PvP zone."
How to earn: Complete a "Patrol" mission in a PvP zone.
Notes: Level 15-25: Bloody Bay. 25-30: Siren's Call. 30-50: Warburg.
Time Traveller
Description: "It seems you have mastered the recursive time flux of Lord
Recluse's victory. You've spent 5 hours here, though it seems like
much longer&"
How to earn: Spend 5 hours in Recluse's Victory.
Notes: Doesn't have to be all at once.
Description: "Supergroups everywhere quake in fear when you enter Warburg.
You've launched the Warburg rocket five times."
How to earn: Launch a rocket in Warburg 5 times.
Notes: Currently bugged, you need to launch it 10 times, without zoning.
Siren's Song
Description: "Siren's Call must call to you. You've spent over five hours
How to earn: Spend 5 hours in Siren's Call.
Notes: Don't idle around, if possible. You might become the bounty for
someone without knowing it.
Spider Smasher
Description: "You feel you've adequately proven yourself to Lord Recluse by
knocking his goons around."
How to earn: Defeat 1,000 Arachnos.
Notes: I think it's 1,000. It's a lot, anyway. Siren's Call is great for
this, as they spawn in very large groups there.
Description: "Your success in PvP missions has been noticed by the media. You
are being called a Vigilante."
How to earn: Complete 1 "debuff" PvP mission.
Notes: That would be a "debuff the villain's damage/damage resistance"
Description: "You've defeated 250 cold demons, making you Coldhearted."
How to earn: Defeat 250 Hellfrosts or Hordeling Lashers.
Notes: Only available during the 2006 Valentine's Day event for heroes
inside the villain mission.
Description: "Once you were considered a villain, but now you walk the path of
the straight and narrow."
How to earn: Defeat 1,000 Longbow.
Notes: Only way to get this is to be confused by a villain and then
attack the Longbow in the PvP zones. A friendly Mind Dominator and
Siren's Call are your best bets.
Web Master
Description: "You are a well-known threat in the chaotic district of Warburg,
having spent well over 5 hours fighting Longbow."
How to earn: Spend five hours in Warburg.
Notes: Description is bugged right now.
Description: "Eros can bring out the beauty in any being."
How to earn: Complete the Valentine's Day missions during the 2006 Valentine's
Day event.
Notes: Currently unobtainable. Badge name changes depending on your
Description: "You have defeated Snaptooth 5 times, and are truly a
How to earn: Defeat Snaptooth 5 times during the 2006 Valentine's Day event.
Notes: Only the elite boss form counts, I think.
Description: "You've taken down so many Toxic Tarantulas people call you
How to earn: Defeat 200 Toxic Tarantulas.
Notes: They only spawn in PvP zones, and they're bosses. It takes a
while. Siren's Call spawns the most at once, I believe.
Cold Warrior
Description: "You have defeated 100 of the living snow creatures who plagued
Paragon City."
How to earn: Defeat 100 Snow Beasts.
Notes: Only obtainable during the 2004 and 2005 Winter events.
Frozen Fury
Description: "You helped defeat a manifestation of the Winter Lord, who brought
his cold wrath to Paragon City."
How to earn: Defeat a Winter Lord.
Notes: Only available at the 2004 Winter event.
Knight Errant
Description: "You have helped defeat the Clockwork Paladin, a diabolical
invention of the Clockwork King."
How to earn: Stop the construction of the Paladin in King's Row.
Notes: He appears at certain locations as a large scaffolding with a
partially built clockwork inside. Tons of clockwork spawn and
attack it to heal it. If you can defeat it before it gets to full
health, you get the badge. Otherwise it summons the Clockwork
Devil Fish
Description: "You have helped stop the giant octopus Lusca from terrorizing
Independance Port."
How to earn: Defeat Lusca.
Notes: Lusca is a giant octopus who spawns in Independence Port. To get
the badge, defeat the head. The tentacles will normally have to
come down first, though. Anyone in an area around Lusca gets the
badge when she's defeated. This may be a bug.
Description: "You have cracked the Igneous bosses, earning you the right to
call yourself Volcanic."
How to earn: Defeate 100 Igneous bosses.
Notes: Look around in Grendel's Gulch in the Hollows for large flaming
areas. Get near them to make them aggro. Only the large lava guys
count for the badge.
Description: "You have been successful in a campaign to blind the Overseers in
the Shadow Shard."
How to earn: Kill 100 Overseers.
Notes: They're the giant eyeballs in the Shadow Shard. They have a large
bonus to accuracy, so defense oriented sets should be careful.
Description: "You have held back the forced of the afterlife in their eternal
struggle to break through to the mortal world."
How to earn: Defeat 50 of the ghosts that spawn then the Ghost Ship reaches
land in Talos Island.
Note: They spawn in large groups. Mostly around level 20 or so.
Troll Task Force Member
Description: "You have logged enough time in the Hollows to be named an
honorary member of Lt. Wincott's Troll Task Force."
How to earn: Spend 5 hours in the Hollows(?)
Notes: Appears to be bugged. Not sure if it's the description or the
badge itself. Spending 5 hours in the Tunnels under the Hollows
Firebase Zulu Security Detail
Description: "You have logged enough time in the Shadow Shard to be made a part
of Firebase Zulu's security detail."
How to earn: Spend 5 hours in Firebase Zulu.
Notes: I don't think any other zones in the Shadow Shard count for this.
Hallow Spirit
Description: "You have helped defeat a manifestation of Eochai, king of the Fir
How to earn: Defeat Eochai during the 2004 Halloween event.
Notes: Eochai spawned in zones at random during Halloween '04. Note: The
Eochai in Croatoa does NOT give this badge.
Description: "You have defeated 20 of the nefarious Vampires who rose from
their graves on Halloween."
How to earn: Defeat 20 vampires.
Notes: 2004 Halloween event. Council Vampyri don't count for this badge.
Description: "You have defeated 20 ghosts, spirits who have not rested since
their original death."
How to earn: Defeat 20 ghosts.
Notes: 2004 Halloween event. Other ghosts don't count.
Description: "You have defeated 15 werewolves, supernatural creatures created
through the disease of lycanthropy."
How to earn: Defeat 15 werewolves.
Notes: 2004 Halloween event. Council Warwolves don't count.
Dead Head
Description: "You have defeated 50 zombies, the walking flesh of the recently
How to earn: Defeat 50 zombies during the 2004 Halloween event.
Notes: 2004 Halloween event. Banished Pantheon don't count.
Description: "You have defeated 75 witches, sorcerous crones who use dark
How to earn: Defeat 75 witches during the 2004 Halloween event.
Notes: 2004 Halloween event. Cabal don't count.
Description: "You have earned 10 badges. You are officially a tourist in
Paragon City."
How to earn: Earn 10 badges.
Notes: Exploration badges let you get this easilly.
Description: "You have collected 25 badges."
How to earn: Earn 25 badges.
Notes: Again, just getting all the exploration badges gets this.
Description: "Your diligence has earned you 50 badges."
How to earn: Earn 50 badges.
Notes: Just getting all the exploration badges will get you this one as
Description: "Your eye for exploration and achievement is recognized. You have
earned 100 badges."
How to earn: Earn 100 badges.
Notes: There's only 80 some odd exploration badges, so you'll have to
reach out a little for this one. All the exploration badges, plus
the history badges, plus a few defeat badges should do the trick.
Description: "You have endured one hundred thousand points of damage and are
still dauntless in your pursuit of justice."
How to earn: Take over 100,000 points of damage, total.
Notes: Doesn't have to be all at once, of course. Most tanks will have
this at around level 10.
Description: "Over the course of your career, you have taken five hundred
thousand points of damage."
How to earn: Take over 500,000 points of damage, total.
Notes: This one takes a bit longer. A good way to get this is to kill all
but one enemy in a mission, preferably one who can hold, and then
letting him wail on you overnight. Different archetypes can
survive different amounts of this. For example, a tank might have
5 people hitting him while he uses Rest.
Description: "You have endured one million points of damage."
How to earn: Take over 1,000,000 points of damage, total.
Notes: You'll probably have gotten this at around level 30 in the normal
course of the game, but you can always farm it as suggested above.
Description: "You are truly unbreakable. You have survived ten million points
of damage."
How to earn: Take over 10,000,000 points of damage, total.
Notes: If you want it that bad, you could find a good AV team and get
creamed a bunch. Most 40+ AVs can hit for upwards of 1,500.
The Unwavering
Description: "Though you have been defeated, you continue to fight for Paragon
How to earn: Work off 100,000 debt.
Notes: Exemplaring is obviously the most effective way to get this badge.
The Unyielding
Description: "Continued defeat means nothing to you."
How to earn: Work off 400,000 debt.
Notes: Since debt maxes at 5 deaths, and is halved in missions, if you're
purposely trying to get the badge I recomend running out into a
group of monsters higher level then you and dying 5 times in a
row. Then exemplar down and work it off.
The Unbroken Spirit
Description: "Your spirit cannont be shattered. Though you have often been
defeated, you continue to fight the good fight."
How to earn: Work off 800,000 debt.
Notes: Task Forces are good for this, as they automatically exemplar you,
and the end bonus is large. The Ernesto Hess TF is what I would
Description: "You have helped your fellow heroes by healing them two hundred
fifty thousand hit points."
How to earn: Heal other people for 250,000 points.
Notes: You have to heal damage. Overheals don't count. Damage ATs will
want to pick up Aid Other from the Medicine pool for this one.
Description: "You have helped your fellow heroes by healing them one million
hit points."
How to earn: Heal other people for 1,000,000 points.
Notes: ...And slot it 3 heal/3 recharge. Or have a buddy go into a
mission, aggro one mob, and go AFK overnight, while you stand next
to him with the heal on auto.
Description: "You have helped your fellow heroes by healing them two million
hit points."
How to earn: Heal other people for 2,000,000 points.
Notes: I doubt if it's even possible for a non-defender or controller to
get this.
Description: "You have been under the influence of restraining powers such as
sleeps and holds for an inordinate amount of time."
How to earn: Stay slept or held for 30 minutes total.
Notes: Just find a Malta mission, park yourself next to a sapper, and go
AFK. But make sure he's the only guy around.
Description: "You continue to show aptitude at missing all the action."
How to earn: Be slept or held for two hours total.
Notes: Again, just go AFK overnight with a sapper. It works on your
damage badge, too.
Description: "Your skill at being held immobile and not being able to do
anything is unmatched."
How to earn: Be held or slept for 10 hours total.
Notes: This one takes quite a while. I still recomend staying with a
sapper, or anyone who can hold you, but not kill you on their own.
Description: "Talk shows are calling you all the time."
How to earn: Earn 1,000,000 influence.
Notes: Influence from selling doesn't count, nor does influence from
trades. Has to be from arresting mobs/completing missions.
Description: "Dinner at the White House is passe for you now."
How to earn: Earn 10,000,000 influence.
Notes: Exemping and doing taskforces below your level with no debt is a
great way to get this.
Description: "The citizens of Paragon City have begun a petition to make a
statue in your name."
How to earn: Earn 20,000,000 influence.
Notes: Again, doing task forces seems like the best way to get this. AVs
also give quite a chunk of change.
Protector of Innocents
Description: "Statesman has awarded you this badge for achieving Security Level
How to earn: Level up to level 10.
Notes: Also unlocks the Nebula Elite Buckshot gladiator. Awarded once you
actually train to 10th.
Keeper of Peace
Description: "Statesman has awarded you this badge for achieving Security Level
How to earn: Level up to level 20.
Notes: Unlocks the Button Man Gunner gladiator.
Defender of Truth
Description: "Statesman has awarded you this badge for achieving Security Level
How to earn: Level up to level 30.
Notes: Unlocks the Fire Thorn Caster gladiator.
Justice Incarnate
Description: "Statesman has awarded you this badge for achieving Security Level
How to earn: Level up to level 40.
Notes: No gladiator here.
Hero of the City
Description: "Statesman has awarded you this badge for achieving Security Level
How to earn: Level up to level 50.
Notes: No gladiator here, either.
Description: "You have been awarded this badge for your time spent tutoring
How to earn: Sidekick for 8 total hours.
Notes: Doesn't have to be all at once.
Description: "Your continued mentoring has earned you this badge."
How to earn: Sidekick for 40 total hours.
Notes: Or with the same sidekick.
Description: "Your time spent as a mentor has earned you the right to call
yourself paragon."
How to earn: Sidekick for 80 total hours.
Notes: I suggest trying to get this along with the held badge. Have your
SK tucked away somewhere safe near you while you get held
repeatedly. Just leave it on overnight a few times, and bam, you
have both badges.
Description: "You are a banisher of evil spirits. The Banished Pantehon fears
your very name."
How to earn: Defeat 200 Banished Pantheon mask spirits.
Notes: The best place to do this is the southeast corner of Talos Island
at night. They spawn at least 1 per group there.
Tank Buster
Description: "You have proved your worth on the streets, and the Freakshow have
learned to fear your name."
How to earn: Defeat 100 Freakshow tanks.
Notes: I'd say Terra Volta might be the best place to try for this. Or
the Sister Psyche TF.
Description: "You're all about knocking heads and beating Skulls."
How to earn: Defeat 100 Bone Daddies.
Notes: The western side of Perez Park is the best place to try this.
Large groups of Skulls with 1-2 Bone Daddies per.
Dimensional Warder
Description: "You have made yourself legend by defeating the Praetorians, an
evil version of the Freedom Phalanx from an alternate dimension."
How to earn: Defeat all of the Praetorian archvillains.
Notes: To come later, sorry.
Description: "You are beginning to uncover the mystery that is the Lost."
How to earn: Defeat 100 Lost bosses.
Notes: Terra Volta, underneath the bridges is a good place to find them.
Description: "You have learned that the smallest gear can power the greatest
menace, and have taken steps to stop the Clockwork menace."
How to earn: Defeat 100 Clockwork gears.
Notes: Near the entrance to Skyway in Faultline is a good place to find
the Princes who spawn the gears when they're defeated. Anywhere in
Boomtown is also good.
Description: "You have learned to put the Embalmed Cadavers in their place-- 6
feet under the ground."
How to earn: Defeat 100 Embalmed Cadavers.
Notes: The exploding Vahzilok zombies. Faultline is a good place to get
these guys, as is Perez Park.
Description: "You've whupped those Hellions but good."
How to earn: Defeat 100 Damned.
Notes: The east side of Perez Park is full of them.
Description: "You have learned enough from fighting the Illusionists of the
Carnival of Shadows to know the real from the fake."
How to earn: Defeat 200 Carnival Illusions.
Notes: That is, the phantasms that the Carnie Master Illusionists summon.
Get a team of 8 and start doing Carnie contacts.
Description: "You have learned that the Paragon Protectors are an arm of Crey,
and not simply an independent group hired by them."
How to earn: Defeat 200 Paragon Protectors.
Notes: Almost every mission in the Manticore TF is full of them. They
also spawn rarely in Crey's Folley.
Description: "You have shown the leaders of the Warriors who the real combatant
How to earn: Defeat 100 Warrior bosses.
Notes: They spawn around Talos Island and Striga Isle.
Master of Olympus
Description: "You have destroyed the Kronos Titan, showing Malta that the
Heroes of Paragon City defend their turf."
How to earn: Defeat the Kronos Class Titan.
Notes: Spawns as an ambush after the "Stop Wildflower Project" mission,
and at the end of Crimson's "Project: World Wide Red" story arc,
at level 45.
Description: "The Kraken was unleashed, but your might has put it down for
another day."
How to earn: Defeat Kraken, the Hydra Monster.
Notes: It's a random spawn in Perez Park. The one from the Sewer Trial
does not count.
Description: "You have crushed Malta's Zeus Titans, the combination of two
damaged Hercules Titan robots."
How to earn: Defeat 100 Zeus Titans.
Notes: They spawn normally in Malta missions, and also if two damaged
Hercules Titans are near each other. Warburg has patrols of two
Hercules Titans wandering around.
Description: "You have shown that you can protect the world from the energy
sapping eminators used by the Devouring Earth."
How to earn: Defeat 300 Devouring Earth Eminators.
Notes: Those would be the little trees of life, fungoids and cairns that
some drop. A good area is the eastern part of Talos, where large
groups of Herders spawn. They spawn at around level 25. The key is
to aggro them without killing them, so they drop the eminator.
Description: "You began your career on a high note, by personally ending the
riots of contaminate thugs in the Outbreak Zone."
How to earn: Arrest 100 Contaminated thugs. These are any mobs in the
"Contaminated" villain group. Contaminated Slicers, Thugs, etc.
The ones in the door mission in the tutorial count as well.
Notes: Simple enough for a damage based archetype. Controllers and
Tankers may want to look for teammates. The best way to tackle
this is to complete all the other missions in the tutorial first,
so you level up. This increases your damage and accuracy, making
things go ever so slightly faster. One of these spawns every few
hours in the tram in Recluse's Victory, but it's pretty much
camped 24/7. Good luck on getting it. And there's no progress bar,
Description: "You have shown tenaciousness in taking down the leadership of the
Trolls... over and over again."
How to earn: Defeat 100 Ogres.
Notes: They spawn all over the place in Skyway and The Hollows.
The Silver Bullet
Description: "The Warwolves have a nickname for you: The Silver Bullet."
How to earn: Defeat 100 Council Warwolves.
Notes: Lots of them spawn in Striga Isle.
The Slayer
Description: "You are a slayer of the darkest of Vampyri."
How to earn: Defeat 100 Council Vampyri.
Notes: They spawn everywhere in Striga Isle at night.
Soul Binder
Description: "You have uncovered the secret of the Circle of Thorns mages, that
they are ancient spirits who inhabit the stolen bodies of their
How to earn: Defeat 100 Circle of Thorns Mages.
Notes: Very large groups of them spawn in The Hollows.
Statesman's Pal
Description: "You have defeated Tyrant, the evil version of Statesman from the
Praetorian Earth."
How to earn: Defeat Tyrant, the Praetorian Archvillain.
Notes: He only spawns in the "Defeat Tyrant and his minions" mission at
the end of Maria Jenkins' "A Hero's Hero" story arc at level 45+.
The Solution
Description: "You have bested Jurassik, the personification of the ideals of
the Devouring Earth. The world sleeps safer at night due to your
How to earn: Defeat Jurassik, the Devouring Earth Monster.
Notes: He spawns at random in Crey's Folley and during the Numina TF, but
only the random spawn counts for the badge.
Description: "You have proven yourself a person who can track down anyone, even
those with the ability to teleport."
How to earn: Defeat 100 Tsoo Sorcerers.
Notes: They spawn a lot in Independence Port, as well as Siren's Call.
Description: "You have shown that no matter the bribe or threat, you will stand
before organized criminals and take them on."
How to earn: Defeat 100 Family bosses.
Notes: They spawn in Independence Port and Striga.
Description: "You have shown great endurance in tackling the fake Nemesis
robots time and time again, in your search for the real Nemesis."
How to earn: Defeat 100 Fake Nemesis.
Notes: They spawn in Peregrine Island, mostly on the docks, as well as on
the catwalks in Crey's Folley.
Description: "You ahve made the Ziggurat a safer place by putting the escaped
convicts back on the inside, where they belong."
How to earn: Defeat 200 Prisoners.
Notes: They only spawn in Brickstown, near The Zig.
Description: "You have calmed the storm by ridding the streets of the
Outcasts' leaders."
How to earn: Defeat 100 Outcast bosses.
Notes: They spawn occasionally on the streets of Steel Canyon and all
over the place in The Hollows.
Description: "You have earned the title Zookeeper by defeating the hordes of
Ruin Monkeys that plague Paragon City."
How to earn: Defeat 1,000 Rikti monkies.
Notes: "Monkey Island," the area in the upper right area of Peregrine
Island, spawns nothing but level 47-50 monkies. They also spawn in
large groups on the rooftops and streets of Crey's Folley.
Description: "You have helped clean up the streets of the raving Trolls."
How to earn: Defeat 50 raving trolls.
Notes: Skyway City's zone event. Look for the glowing beefed up
trolls/police shootout near a warehouse. The raving trolls are the
ones that are dancing.
Nigh Indestructable
Description: "You have proven yourself indestructable. You have survived one
hundred million points of damage."
How to earn: Take 100,000,000 points of damage, total.
Notes: Mesons, the radiation blasting minions of Anti-Matter, are a good
type of enemy to farm for this. Aggro as many of them as you can
take without dying while resting, then leave the game on
Description: "Some call you invulnerable, based on the fact that you have
survived five hundred million points of damage."
How to earn: Take 500,000,000 points of damage, total.
Notes: It's almost impossible for a non-tanker to get this in the normal
course of play.
Description: "You are truly immortal. You have survived one billion points of
How to earn: Take 1,000,000,000 points of damage, total.
Notes: Either being attack while resting, or being attacked while you
have Aid Self on auto overnight for a few nights should put some
significant progress into this badge.
Description: "You have proven that you are Deathless in your pursuit against
How to earn: Pay off 5,000,000 debt.
Notes: Just die and then exemp. Or die and then do a lower level TF.
Description: "You can't be certain, but you believe that the possibility exists
that you can not die."
How to earn: Pay off 10,000,000 debt.
Notes: I'm not sure if the Item of Power affects this or not.
Description: "You are truly Exalted and blessed by a higher being."
How to earn: Pay off 20,000,000 debt.
Notes: PvP zones are another idea, if you can stomach the thought. Mobs
in there give double experiance, and if you're above the level
you're auto exemped. Recluse's Victory is a good spot, if you just
take a heavy and start taking pillboxes. They're worth a lot more
then the average monster at that level.
Medical Specialist
Description: "You have helped your fellow heroes by healing them for ten
million hit points."
How to earn: Heal people for 10,000,000 damage.
Notes: Healing yourself doesn't count, but healing NPCs and Pets does.
Medicine Man
Description: "You have helped your fellow heroes by healing them for fifty
million hit points."
How to earn: Heal people for 50,000,000 damage.
Notes: Overheals don't count. If they've taken 50 damage and you heal for
100, only the 50 is counted.
Description: "You have helped your fellow heroes by healing them for one
billion hit points."
How to earn: Heal people for 1,000,000,000 damage.
Notes: First, get a buddy. Have him SK you. Find a mission, kill everyone
but 1-3 guys who can hold. Have your buddy stand there and get
hit, using a taunt if he has one. Stand next to him with your heal
on auto. Leave the game on overnight. Repeat over the course of a
week. Depending on how strong the enemies are, you should get a
few holding badges, some damage badges, and healing badges.
Role Model
Description: "You are looked at as a Role Model to the newest generation of
How to earn: Sidekick for a total of 20 hours.
Notes: See above.
Description: "You are the Epitome of heroism, and gratefully share your
knowledge with younger heroes."
How to earn: Sidekick for a total of 40 hours.
Notes: Just bring a sidekick with you everywhere you go from 1-50 and
you'll have these easilly.
Description: "You are a Paradigm, that which all other heroes aspire to be."
How to earn: Sidekick for a total of 100 hours.
Notes: It takes a while, but it's worth the title.
Description: "You can usually tell where a hero is going by having a look at
where they've been, and you've left your mark on almost everything
you've touched in Paragon City. You've been there, done that, and
still adventure beckons you. Carry on, Hero!"
How to earn: Earn 200 badges.
Notes: There's over 350 badges in the game, so you have some breathing
| III. History Badges and Plaques [C300]|
History badges are recieved once you've read all of the plaques about a
subject. Plaques are located on various important spots around the city.
| 3.1 Pupil [C310]|
Description: "You have learned the history of the fallen hero Atlas."
How to earn: Read the plaques about Atlas located in Atlas Park, Galaxy
City, Kings Row and Perez Park.
Level Req.: 7
Plaque 1
Description: "On this spot the titanic hero Atlas was poshumously awarded a key
to the city for his many valiant efforts on behalf of its
Location: Atlas Park, 93 yards south of the tram marker, at the northwest
corner of the square pillar near the stairs to Atlas Plaza.
Notes: /loc = 509, 0, -1149
Neighborhood = Atlas Plaza
Plaque 2
Description: "On this street in 1939, a parade was held to honor the hero
Atlas. Though Atlas' nemesis, the Teal Serpent, tried to interrupt
the festivities with a poison gas bomb, Atlas saved the spectators
by scooping them up to sit on his mighty shoulders, far above the
fumes. After getting the citizens to safety, Atlas sought out the
Teal Serpent and defeated him. It is unknown whether the Serpent
Location: Galaxy City, 37 feet northeast of the Equinox marker.
Notes: /loc = -752, 0, -1546
Neighborhood = Equinox
Plaque 3
Description: "On July 12, 1932, this apartment building caught fire. Although
fire fighters evacuated the residents, they were unable to contain
the blaze. If not for the mighty hero Atlas, the entire
neighborhood might have been lost. He arrived in time to clap out
the flames with his massive hands."
Location: Kings Row, 413 yards south-southeast of High Park, in the very
south-southeastern corner of High Park, on the eastern corner of
the apartment complex. It blends in quite well, but it's right
Notes: /loc = -169, -42, -1467
Neighborhood = High Park
Plaque 4
Description: "The building that used to stand in this spot was destroyed by the
archvillain known only as the Teal Serpent. While Statesman
battled the Serpent in an epic battle that ranged for miles, the
monumental Atlas turned his attention to the people trapped inside
the rubble. With a gentleness to rival his strength, he picked
apart the ruins with his massive fingers, freeing 243 people who
would otherwise have perished."
Location: Kings Row, 188 yards southwest of Blue Steel, near the northeast
corner of the skyscraper.
Notes: /loc = -399, 0, 1758
Neighborhood = Freedom Plaza
Plaque 5
Description: "Atlas' wife, Gloria Branson, planted this tree in 1941 in memory
of her fallen husband. The first to respond to the German attack
on Paragon City at Independence Port, Atlas died defending the
city and the people he loved."
Location: Perez Park, 228 yards north of the Everett Lake marker, on the
north side of the large tree.
Notes: /loc = -1173, -32, 2250
Neighborhood = Perez Park
| 3.2 Student [C320]|
Description: "You have learned the history of the Citizen Crime Fighting
How to earn: Read the plaques about the CCFA located in Atlas, Galaxy, and
Level Req.: 7
Plaque 1
Description: "In 1937, this park was host to many a candlelight vigil in
support of Maiden Justice, who was facing down a civil suit
brought by some thugs she had apprehended, who claimed her actions
were illegal. Citizens from around the city would gather here in
support of the proposed Citizen Crime Fighting Act. The candles
symbolized the heroes of the city, those bright lights who beat
away the darkness."
Location: Atlas Park, 111 yards south of the Hyperion Way marker, on the
middle of the eastern wall around the small park.
Notes: /loc = -1150, -16, -172
Neighborhood = Hyperion Way
Plaque 2
Description: "On January 6th, 1937, Maiden Justice of the Freedom Phalanx
arrested a group of violent thugs at this location. Although
Maiden Justice was able to prevent the thugs from torching the
building, the perpetrators were released by police on the grounds
that the arrest had not been legally sanctioned. The public outcry
was immediate. Politicians put their heads together, and the
Citizen Crime Fighting Act was born."
Location: Atlas Park, 141 yards northeast of the Downside marker, on the
grassy hill on the east side of the PPD HQ.
Notes: /loc = 1328, 4, 416
Neighborhood = Downside
Plaque 3
Description: "In June 1937, City Councilman Kyle Legretsky held a press
conference here to pledge his support for Maiden Justice and the
Citizen Crime Fighting Act. He said, 'The heroes of this town are
not the enemies of the people. They are our friends, our fathers,
and our wives. They have earned our trust time and time again; it
is only fitting that this trust be echoed in our laws.'"
Location: Galaxy City, 136 yards southwest of the Perez Park marker, on the
large concrete block with the lamp next to the picnic table.
Notes: /loc = -1784, 0, 498
Neighborhood = Gemini Park
Plaque 4
Description: "On the southern shore of Everett Lake, supporters of the Citizen
Crime Fighting Act gathered to celebrate its passage in September
1937. Maiden Justice thanked the people for their support, saying,
'The Freedom Phalanx has always known that it was our
responsibility to protect this city from evil-doers, but it is
also something else: it is also a privilege.'"
Location: Perez Park, 113 yards northwest of the Skyway City marker, on the
inside of the wall.
Notes: /loc = -1523, 0, 3960
Neighborhood = Gaiman Woods
Plaque 5
Description: "On this spot, the first legally sanctioned hero arrest took
place, on Sept. 12. 1937. Just two days after the passage of the
Citizen Crime Fighting Act, the Freedom Phalanx's Dark Watcher
apprehended a cult of demon worshippers in this glade, preventing
the sacrifice of an innocent citizen."
Location: Perez Park, 124 yards south of the northeastern corner of Bettis
Notes: /loc = -2633, 0, 378
Neighborhood = Bettis Hills
| 3.3 Scholastic [C330]|
Description: "You have learned the history of Dr. Webb smashing the Dimensional
How to earn: Read the plaques about Dr. Webb in Brickstown and Founders' Falls.
Req. Level: 1
Plaque 1
Description: "On July 7, 1988, the brilliant Dr. Brian Webb, former researcher
for the Freedom Phalanx, held a surprise press conference at this
site. He announced that he had discovered a way to enter other
dimensions. He demonstrated his technology for the awed
spectators, even transporting a few lucky reporters and
dignitaries to an alternate world. Dr. Webb said, 'My technology
has proven that possibility is truly limitless. The future is what
we make of it.'
Location: Founders' Falls, 217 yards west and 63 feet south of The Gaspee's
marker, on the west wall of the pier near the ramp up.
Notes: /loc = 1725, -16, 2399
Neighborhood = The Gaspee
Plaque 2
Description: "This building was once the lab of Dr. Brian Webb, the brillaint
scientist who broke the dimensional barrier and opened up whole
new worlds to science. His notes reveal that his findings were
linked to previous scientists' research on the effects of the drug
Superadine. Much has been made of this discoverey, but the link
between the drug and the dimensional barrier remains a mystery."
Location: Brickstown, 432 yards south of the Green Line marker, on the
southeast corner of the building.
Notes: /loc = -229, 0, -368
Neighborhood = Seven Gates
Plaque 3
Description: "This plaque commemorates the invasion of Paragon City by foes
from an alternate dimension. In 1988, after Dr. Brian Webb smashed
the dimensional barrier, it seemed that the future could only be
bright, full of wonders and discoveries. But Dr. Webb had not
considered the dangers his discoveries entailed. He paid for his
oversight with his life, dying at the hands of a militant people
from another world, who used his portal technology to invade our
own. Only with the help of the Freedom Phalanx were the invaders
Location: Brickstown, 137 yards south and 62 feet west of the Science Store
marker, near the tree.
Notes: /loc = -3463, -0, 2065
Neighborhood = The Ziggurat
| 3.4 Authority [C340]|
Description: "You have learned the history of the Freedom Phalanx."
How to earn: Read the plaques about the Freedom Phalanx in Independence, Talos,
Dark Astoria, and Terra Volta.
Req. Level: 21
Plaque 1
Description: "When the Freedom Phalanx became the first legally recognized
Super Group in 1953, Statesman held a conference at Valor Bridge.
He said, 'The valiant hero Atlas died defending the city on this
very bridge. I do not know how to thank you for your faith in the
Freedom Phalanx, except to say that I, too, am ready to die in
your defense.'"
Location: Independence Port, 180 yards south of the Valor Bridge marker, on
the east side of the bridge.
Notes: /loc = 909, 97, -4176
Neighborhood = Valor Bridge
Plaque 2
Description: "In 1953, the Freedom Phalanx prevented a ship bearing copious
amounts of explosives from docking at this harbor. When the
captain was interrogated, it became clear that he was on a mission
of sabotage. Public sentiment for the Freedom Phalanx swelled, and
Mayor Kyle Legretsky proposed that the Citizens Crime Fighting Act
be expanded. He proposed that groups such as the Freedom Phalanx
be officially sanctioned fighting forces."
Location: Independence Port, 188 yards west of the Tailor marker, at the
corner of the road, overlooking the dock/sea.
Notes: /loc = -1036, 32, -2443
Neighborhood = Crey Cove
Plaque 3
Description: "When the Freedom Phalanx became the first legally recognized
Super Group in 1953, a grand celebration was held at this site.
Among the attendees was Vambrace, who said, 'I am humbled by the
faith you have placed in myself and the Freedom Phalanx. Again and
again, the people of this city remind me why it is a place worth
fighting for.'"
Location: Talos Island, 38 yards southwest of the Field Analyst marker, by
Talos's left foot.
Notes: /loc = 1777, 18, 7846
Neighborhood = Southwest of New Thebes
Plaque 4
Description: "When the Freedom Phalanx became an officially recognized Super
Group in 1953, the hero Vambrace made a pledge. 'Dark Astoria will
be restored to its natural state,' he said. 'The Freedom Phalanx
is committed to saving every part of Paragon City, even those that
may seem lost.
Location: Dark Astoria, 178 yards southeast of the Toffet Terrace marker,
just south of the stairs.
Notes: /loc = 3418, 42, 3038
Neighborhood = Toffet Terrace
Plaque 5
Description: "In 1953, citizens poured into the streets in support of the
Freedom Phalanx becoming a legally recognized Super Group. The
workers of Terra Volta were particularly adamant in their support,
having witnessed many villainous activities over the past few
decades. Each night, when the factory whistle blew, a shout would
go up across the zone, echoing in the evening air: 'Freedom
Phalanx! Freedom Phalanx!'"
Location: Terra Volta, 298 yards east of the Terra Volta Reactor marker, at
the bottom northeastern corner of the wall.
Notes: /loc = 351, 188, -3604
Neighborhood = In between Carter Engineering and Terra Volta
| 3.5 Disciple [C350]|
Description: "You have learned the history behind the founding of Hero Corps."
How to earn: Read the plaques about Hero Corps in Steel, Skyway, Boomtown, and
Req. Level: 14
Plaque 1
Description: "In January of 2003, Rebecca Foss and Hero Corps returned to
Paragon City. Ms. Foss held a conference here to commemorate the
opening of the company's new headquarters in Steel Canyon. She
said, 'The world has been through hard times indeed. All our
heroes are needed now, more then ever. And Hero Corps is needed as
Location: Steel Canyon, 650 yards south of the Science Store marker, then 90
feet east. It's on a pedastal on the grassy area in front of the
Notes: /loc = -4021, -83, -273
Neighborhood = The Fools Gold District
Plaque 2
Description: "On this site in March of 1999, the hero Luminary gave a
demonstration of his powers. Though public sentiment was against
the fledgling company Hero Corps, Luminary was convinced he could
turn that sentiment around. When he brought forth an aura of
healing light, each person on the street felt touched. Still, some
were unmoved. Eliza McCaffrey, one of the spectators remarked,
'Sure, his powers are amazing. That makes me all the more nervous
that they're for sale!'"
Location: Skyway City, 440 yards south of the Tram marker, just to the west,
on the sidewalk across the street from the El Super Mexicano.
Notes: /loc = 736, -125, -3746
Neighborhood = The Gruff
Plaque 3
Description: "This plaque commemorates a masive protest held in opposition to
the construction of Hero Corps headquarters. Among the protesters
were a number of heroes, including Justin Greene, known in combat
as Green Justice, and his mentor and friend, Hero 1. Mr. Greene
summed up the protester's sentiments with the following statement,
'How can the people of this city trust heroes who work for money?
When you put your life in another man's hands, you have to know
that he's helping you because he wants to. You have to know that
his heart is really in it.'"
Location: Boomtown, 457 yards south and 156 yards west of the Powderkeg
marker, at the corner of the road, by the Scheherazade billboard.
Notes: /loc = -1905, 126, 754
Neighborhood = The Cannonade
Plaque 4
Description: "This building was the site of the first clash between Hero Corps
and the Freedom Phalanx. Determined to prove their worth to a
doubtful public, Hero Corps had begun investigating the activities
of an archvillain known as the Jade Maiden. In February of 1999,
Luminary and his comrades in Hero Corps arrived here to arrest the
villain, only to discover that the Freedom Phalanx was already on
the trail. In the confusion that ensued, the Jade Maiden escaped."
Location: Boomtown, 319 yards south and 6 yards east of the Powderkeg
marker, near the pile of cars.
Notes: /loc = -2650, -0, 3055
Neighborhood = Between Powderkeg and The Fuse.
Plaque 5
Description: "After the destruction of Hero Corps' first Paragon City office,
the company planned to rebuild their headquarters here. But public
sentiment could not have been more firmly set against them.
Despite the patronage of Countess Crey, this site remained vacant,
and in October 1999 Hero Corps was forced to move on to another
Location: Boomtown, 0.51 miles east of the Primer marker, up some stairs in
a pile of rubble.
Notes: /loc = -685, 271, 3121
Neighborhood = Between Powderkeg and The Fuse.
Plaque 6
Description: "This plaque marks the site of the original Hero Corps
headquarters, which was destroyed by a gang of mysterious soldiers
clad in power armor. Although Hero Corps' employees made it out
alive, Hero Corps was devastated by the loss. Its founder, Rebecca
Foss, spoke tearfully the next morning on the radio program 'Wake
Up Paragons.' 'Who could hate us so much?' she asked, 'We only
want to help!'"
Location: Faultline, 0.56 miles south of the Downfall marker, next to the
tree on the broken section of road.
Notes: /loc = 134, -867, 1015
Neighborhood = Between Reservoir and Aftershock.
Plaque 7
Description: "In May of 1999, following the destruction of Hero Corps' original
Paragon City headquarters, Countess Crey held a conference at this
site to announce her sponsorship of the ill-fated company. She
joined hands with Rebecca Foss, Hero Corps' founder, and said, 'A
new world of heroes is upon us. Crey Technologies will not be left
Location: Faultline, 511 yards north of the Reservoir marker, in the large
valley, on the north side of the brick gate.
Notes: /loc = -74, -612, -14
Neighborhood = Aftershock
| 3.6 Expert [C360]|
Description: "You have learned the history of the Might for Right Act."
How to earn: Read the plaques about the MFR Act in Atlas, Galaxy, and Perez.
Req. Level: 7
Plaque 1
Description: "This statue honors Georgia Reynolds, one of the first heroes to
publicly challenge the Might for Right Act. Although she fought
the conscription of heroes under this act, she later joined the
armed forces and performed many services for her country under the
code name Nimbus. She is best remembered for her service during
the Rikti War, when she and the rest of Alpha Team assaulted the
Rikti's entrenched positions, buying Omega Team time to sneak into
the Rikti barracks and enter the portal to the Rikti homeworld."
Location: Atlas Park, 98 yards west of the Sewer Network entrance, on the
southwest corner of the platform with the statue on it.
Notes: /loc = 630, 0, 961
Neighborhood = Downside
Plaque 2
Description: "Roger Vrabel of the CIA appeared on this spot to speak in favor
of the Might For Right Act in 1967. He said, 'The heroes of this
country are our most valuable natural resource. Without their
service, we cannot hope to overcome the foes that assail us.'
Although Vrabel spoke with conviction and passion, the act was
overturned later that same year."
Location: Galaxy City, 157 yards west of the Base Portal marker, next to the
tram support beam.
Notes: /loc = 1159, 32, -714
Neighborhood = Freedom Court
Plaque 3
Description: "In 1967, these streets were filled with protestors, railing
against the Might For Right Act. The country had united behind the
cause of three African-American heroes, who claimed that the CIA
was discriminating against minorities by targeting them for
Location: Galaxy City, 147 yards southeast of the Nebula District marker, on
the south side of the entrance to the warehouse, next to the
Notes: /loc = 412, 2, 889
Neighborhood = Nebula District
Plaque 4
Description: "On this spot, operatives from the CIA attempted to arrest Roger
Washington, Georgia Reynolds, and Hakeem Muhammad, young African-
American heroes who had refused to be drafted under the Might for
Right act. The operatives were shocked to find not just the three
youths, but a whole battalion of heroes who had flocked to their
cause. The battle over the Might For Right Act had begun."
Location: Perez Park, 666 yards north of the Everett Lake marker, on the
southern riverbank.
Notes: /loc = -1277, -34, 938
Neighborhood = Bettis Hills
| 3.7 Academic [C370]|
Description: "You have learned the history of the successful takeover of
Washington, D.C. by Nemesis."
How to earn: Read all the plaques about Nemesis' takeover in Peregrine Island,
the Rikti Crash Site, and the Abandoned Sewer Network.
Req. Level: 40
Plaque 1
Description: "In 1945, six members of the Freedom Phalanx met on Peregrine
Island to save the world. The clever Dr. Mnemonic had synthesized
an antidoe to the poison gas Nemesis had released across the
country, but it had to be distributed quickly. With only minutes
to spare, these six heroes took off across the country carrying
large batches of the airborne antidote. They managed to get the
antidote to each infected city, preventing a disaster of epic
Location: Peregrine Island, 160 yards northwest of the Cutlass Isles marker,
next to the support.
Notes: /loc = -1901, 0, -7229
Neighborhood = Cutlass Isles
Plaque 2
Description: "On this site, Statesman and Maiden Justice battled a horde of
Nemesis' strange steam-powered robots. The robots' fatal flaw was
their inability to adapt to new situations; once events started to
transpire differently than Nemesis had envisioned, the robots were
next to useless. Maiden Justice used her cunning to confound the
robots, while Statesman relied on his awesome strength. In the
end, they had defeated some six hundred robots, freeing Paragon
City from Nemesis' grasp."
Location: Rikti Crash Site, 0.67 miles northeast of the Point du Hoc marker,
on the northwest corner of the destroyed building.
Notes: /loc = 2002, 122, -7040
Neighborhood = Little Round Top
Plaque 3
Description: "In 1945, the Freedom Phalanx was determined to thwart Nemesis'
campaign to wrest control of the U.S. Paragon City was one of the
many major metropolises Nemesis had infected with his strange
poison gas. The hero known as the Dark Watcher knew that he had to
find the source of the gas. Using his powers of extra-sensory
perception, the Dark Watcher journeyed into the bowels of the
city. Here, in the sewer network, he found storage tanks full of
the gas, slowly leaking their noxious fumes into Paragon City's
environment. The Dark Watcher disposed of the gas, making it
possible for the city to be cured."
Location: Abandoned Sewer Network. Starting from the trial door, facing
west, go out and take a right. Go forward and take the right, then
go up. Take the left here, then go straight through the room.
Follow the bend, go up, follow the bend, go through the door,
follow the bend and go up, then go straight through the room. Go
up and take a right, then go through the doors. Go through the
room, then up, then take the right. Go straight until you reach
the three-way intersection with the large equipment in the room.
The plaque is on the eastern wall right before the eastern exit.
Notes: /loc = 465, -576, -1558
Neighborhood = Underworld
| 3.8 Intellectual [C380]|
Description: "You have learned the history of the Lost's attempt to control the
minds of Paragon City's people."
How to earn: Read the plaques about the Lost takeover in Atlas, Galaxy, KR, and
Req. Level: 7
Plaque 1
Description: "The warehouse you see before you was instrumental in the Lost's
plan to psychically dominate the city. After the Grimm Fairy
apprehended the group's ringleader, Ishmael, she discovered that
the Lost had kept many citizens imprisoned here for months in
order to practice their mental techniques on live subjects.
Horrified, the Grimm Fairy appealed for help to the Freedom
Phalanx, and Positron dispatched a Task Force to rescue the
imprisoned civilians."
Location: Atlas Park, 89 yards northwest of the Argosy Industrial marker, at
the northeastern corner of the large warehouse, facing the
northern warehouse.
Notes: /loc = 2546, 0, -1179
Neighborhood = Argosy Industrial Park
Plaque 2
Description: "After the arrest of Ishmael, the Lost Pariah who tried to
psychically control the city, heroes traced a large portion of his
operation to this warehouse. Here they found a map of the city
with several critical pieces of infrastructure marked. It seems
that if Ishmael's attempt was successful, his mind-controlled
minions would have bent sent to tear apart their own city."
Location: Galaxy City, 234 yards south-southwest of the Arena marker, by the
southeastern corner of the large warehouse in the northwest of
Constellation Row.
Notes: /loc = -521, 0, -489
Neighborhood = Constellation Row
Plaque 3
Description: "This tenement used to be the home of a man named Isaac Waters,
before he became a member of the mysterious Lost. calling himself
Ishmael, he rose to a position of distinction within the Lost, and
spearheaded one of their boldest campaigns yet-- an attempt to
enslave the minds of the city's populace."
Location: Kings Row, in the very southwestern corner of The Gish, in the
paved over area near a junkyard and piles of dirt.
Notes: /loc = 627, -41, 969
Neighborhood = The Gish
Plaque 4
Description: "For months, unbeknownst to the city's finest Super Groups, a Lost
Pariah called Ishmael attempted to psychically control the entire
city. It was here that his efforts had the greatest effect,
causing many citizens to run about in a stupor for hours on end."
Location: Kings Row, 84 yards west of the Tram marker, next to the sewer
Notes: /loc = -1365, -42, 687
Neighborhood = The Gish
Plaque 5
Description: "On this spot, a Lost Pariah named Ishmael was apprehended by a
young heroine known as The Grimm Fairy. She had sensed Ishmael's
attempts to enslave the minds of Paragon City's residents. Only by
opening her mind ever so slightly was she able to sense his
location and thwary him at last."
Location: Kings Row, 332 yards northwest of The Gish marker, inside the
concrete wall surrounding the brown building, on the north side.
Notes: /loc = -56, -42, -1082
Neighborhood = The Gish
Plaque 6
Description: "After the arrest of Ishmael, the Lost Pariah who tried to
psychically dominate the city, Sister Psyche scanned the city for
traces of psychic residue. The streets of Perez Park were
determined to be a hotbed of such residue. Sister Psyche theorizes
that this residue is fueling the territorial gang war that
continues to plague these streets."
Location: Perez Park, 67 yards northeast of the Galaxy City entrance, on the
side of the Jail Bonds building in the alley between it and the El
Super Mexicano.
Notes: /loc = 224, -0, 1613
Neighborhood = Boneyard
| 3.9 Savant [C390]|
Description: "You have learned the history of the Rikti War."
How to earn: Read the plaques about the Rikti War in Founders', Crey's, and
Req. Level: 33
Plaque 1
Description: "During the Rikti War, this dock was converted to an emergency
shelter. One of the few places to survive the initial bombing, the
area became a haven for people with no homes to return to. It also
became a coordination nexus for the Vanguard, an umbrella
organization designed to coordinate super-powered responses to the
Rikti invaders. Though the Vanguard was formed only after the
invasion began, it quickly became the only group with any
cohesion, as smaller Super Groups were decimated and destroyed.
Many of the critical plans for the resistance were relayed through
this station, including the fateful Alpha and Omega Gambit."
Location: Founders' Falls, 124 yards west of the Mutant Store marker, right
next to the bridge.
Notes: /loc = 4243, 0, 3687
Neighborhood = Liberty Town
Plaque 2
Description: "This plaque commemorates the last meeting of Statesman and Hero
1. They were the heroes slated to lead the Alpha and Omega Teams,
and they knew they would probably not meet again. 'We only had a
minute to say goodbye,' Statesman said later. 'So we didn't say
anything.' Although Statesman survived Alpha Team's strike on the
entrenched Rikti troops, Hero 1 and Omega Team never returned from
the Rikti dimension."
Location: Crey's Folley, 131 yards south and 39 yards east of the Carnival
Town marker, on the south side of the large powerline tower.
Notes: /loc = 7227, 32, -551
Neighborhood = Carnival Town
Plaque 3
Description: "In 2000, when the Rikti struck, they immediately disabled the
Paragon Water Works. Without the efforts of the heroes Synapse and
Positron, many of those who survived the initial attack would have
died of thirst in the weeks to come. Positron devised an ingenious
method of desalinating the water of Eastgate Bay, and Synapse put
it into action in record time, saving hundreds of lives."
Location: Crey's Folley, 509 yards south and 78 yards east of the Paragon
Water Works marker, on the corner of the sidewalk overlooking the
Notes: /loc = 2568, 0, 2680
Neighborhood = Paragon Water Works
Plaque 4
Description: "In 2000, Woodvale was still a pleasant neighborhood where
families picnicked with their children and where Synapse liked to
jog. When the Rikti invaders struck, Synapse's first act was to
use his super speed to carry as many people out of the area as
possible. Though he regretted not being able to join his comrades
in battle, he managed to save 87 lives that day before the fire
from Rikti plasma weapons tore Woodvale apart."
Location: Eden, 108 yards northeast of The Pit marker.
Notes: /loc = -2817, -26, 2962
Neighborhood = The Pit
Plaque 5
Description: "This plaque commemorates the death of Galaxy Girl, who fell in
the first battle with the Rikti. When it became obvious that the
heroes would have to fall back, Galaxy Girl insisted that she be
the last to retreat. Remaining on the front lines, she used her
healing light to save the lives of many of her retreating
comrades. Witnesses say that she used her last bit of strength to
heal her friend Ms. Liberty, rather than to save herself.
Location: Eden, 150 yards west of The Utopia Complex's marker, on the
southeast wall of the burnt out building.
Notes: /loc = -1312, 0, 4486
Neighborhood = Between The Utopia Complex and The Serpentine
| 3.10 Researcher [C3A0]|
Description: "You have learned the sordid history of former mayor of
Paragon City, Spanky Rabinowitz."
How to earn: Read all the plaques about Spanky in IP, Talos, DA, and TV.
Req. Level: 21
Plaque 1
Description: "In the 1920's, it was considered most unlucky not to have your
ship christened by Mayor 'Spanky' Rabinowitz. His services were so
greatly in demand that he was often to be found in the shipyard on
a weekday afternoon, playing poker with the dock hands and
awaiting the next opportunity to discharge his duties.
Location: Independence Port, 275 yards southwest of the Magic Store marker,
in a small fenced area on the south side of the three large
circular structures.
Notes: /loc = -1626, 1, 5255
Neighborhood = Justice Quay
Plaque 2
Description: "Mayor 'Spanky' Rabinowitz was born on this very street, in 1878
to Aaron and Maria Rabinowitz. Those who knew the mayor well say
that he often returned to this area when troubled, to walk the
streets he grew up on and contemplate the city's future."
Location: Talos Island, 116 yards straight east and 2 yards south of the New
Corinth marker.
Notes: /loc = -1144, 224, 5688
Neighborhood = New Corinth
Plaque 3
Description: "After his fourth re-election as mayor, 'Spanky' Rabinowitz threw
an enormous gala in this meadow. Brightly colored tents dotted the
grass, and the Paragon City Philharmonic turned out to play the
event. It is rumored that such shady characters as Al Capone and
Nathaniel Frost attended the event."
Location: Talos Island, 47 feet west of the Ithaca Island marker.
Notes: /loc = -3680, 124, 1521
Neighborhood = Ithaca Island
Plaque 4
Description: "While Mayor 'Spanky' Rabinowitz was no paragon of virtue, it
cannot be argued that Paragon City prospered under his guidance.
Historians cannont account for this. Some have theorized that
Spanky had some sort of mystical power on his side; it has even
been theorized that he sold his soul to a demon in exchange for
the city's well-being. After his death, a number of old relics
were found in a secret compartment in his private office,
including a map of Dark Astoria."
Location: Dark Astoria, 533 yards north of the Romero Heights marker. It's
on the war wall about 5 feet up.
Notes: /loc = 5218, 0, 128
Neighborhood = North of Romero Heights
Plaque 5
Description: "Though the details remain unclear, it is rumored that Mayor
'Spanky' Rabinowitz often met with Nathaniel Frost here. Some
historians have theorized that Frost paid Spanky to keep the
police from investigating the Frost crime ring. Others have
posited that Spanky paid Frost to keep the crime ring's activities
from becoming violent. The real purpose of these visits may never
be known."
Location: Dark Astoria. Go 62 yards north of the Romero Heights marker, then
238 yards west, the plaque is on a wall inbetween the two
buildings, north of the middle streetlight.
Notes: /loc = 5888, 0, 1543
Neighborhood = Romero Heights
Plaque 6
Description: "Years after his death, many of Mayor 'Spanky' Rabinowitz's secret
dealings were still coming to light. Though his heirs have yet to
piece together the entire picture, it seems that Spanky had money
secretly invested in numerous businesses within Paragon City,
including this factory. His heirs cannot quite account for the
money's origin."
Location: Terra Volta, 467 yards southeast of the Gordon Trench marker, on
the southwestern wall of a factory in the eastern end of Raysun
Notes: /loc = 2090, -0, -6054
Neighborhood = Raysun Petroleum
| 3.11 Historian [C3B0]|
Description: "You have learned the history of the U.N. Special Council on
Superhuman Activities."
How to earn: Read all the plaques about the UNSCSA in IP, Talos, DA, and TV.
Req. Level: 21
Plaque 1
Description: "In January 2000, a ceremony was held at this site to celebrate
the creation of the United Nations Special Council on Super Human
Activities. Among the attendees was the Freedom Phalanx's
Statesman, who said, 'The world has become too large for me to
watch over alone. I am happy to welcome the United Nations to the
Location: Independence Port, 1.19 miles south of the Striga Isle ferry
marker, on the southeastern peninsula near Terra Volta.
Notes: /loc = -1079, 3, 2315
Neighborhood = Power Island
Plaque 2
Description: "After the devastating 1999 terrorist attack on the Midnight
Squad, Rebecca Foss spoke here in favor of the creation of a
United Nations Special Council on Super Human Activities. She
said, 'Paragon City has recently suffered a great loss. Someone
must step up to take the reins. Hero Corps puts it faith firmly in
the proposed U.N. council, and pledges to support all its
Location: Talos Island, 121 yards east of the base portal marker, on the
southeastern corner of the white building.
Notes: /loc = -1528, 160, 7554
Neighborhood = New Troy
Plaque 3
Description: "This tomb houses the remains of several members of the Midnight
Squad, who were murdered during a sneak attack on their secret
Terra Volta facility. It was this action that prompted the
creation of the United Nations Special Council on Super Human
Location: Dark Astoria, 460 yards west-northwest of the Moth Cemetary
marker, on a hill overlooking a tomb.
Notes: /loc = 2495, 87, 487
Neighborhood = Moth Cemetary
Plaque 4
Description: "In the late 1990's, super-powered mercenary groups had become
active all over the world. The situation had clearly gotten out of
hand, but it was a mercenary activity right here in Paragon City
that spurred the creation of the U.N. Special Council of Super
Human Activities. Late one night in September of 1999, 6 super-
powered mercenaries slipped into this factory complex and made off
with several canisters of lethal gas, a byproduct of the factory's
machinery. The Freedom Phalanx bested several of the mercenaries,
but they were too late to stop one of the villains from getting
away with the gas. Aghast, the city waited and watched. Something
bad was about to happen. But nobody knew what."
Location: Terra Volta, 155 yards east of the Rogers Industries marker.
Notes: /loc = 2877, 96, -3974
Neighborhood = Rogers Industries
Plaque 5
Description: "In the late 1990's, super-powered mercenary groups had become
active all over the world. The situation had clearly gotten out of
hand, but it was a mercenary activity right here in Paragon City
that spurred the creation of the U.N. Special Council of Super
Human Activities. In September 1999, super-powered mercenaries
stole poisonous gas from a Terra Volta factory. Days later, they
struck. They attacked the complex that once rested on this site,
gassing the people within. When the Freedom Phalanx investigated,
it was discovered that the facility had been a front for an
undercover Midnight Squad operation. Several of the Squad's more
secretive researchers had been living in this facility, under the
belief that this subterfuge would keep them safe. Forty-seven men
and women died in the attack; to this day, no one knows who the
perpetrators were."
Location: Terra Volta, 361 yards northwest of the Challenger Technology
marker, on the south side of a transformer in an open field full
of debris.
Notes: /loc = -636, 0, -6185
Neighborhood = Challenger Technology
| 3.12 Just Said No to Superadine [C3C0]|
Description: "You have learned the history of Superadine, the newest designer
drug to plague Paragon City."
How to earn: Read all the plaques about Superadine in Steel, Skywya, Boomtown,
and Faultline.
Req. Level: 14
Plaque 1
Description: "This statue honors John Knox of the Midnight Squad, otherwise
known as the Crimson Fist. Knox was among the many heroes to give
their lives in the Rikti War, but he is best remembered for his
efforts to keep Superadine off the streets. Using his powers of
telepathy and divination, it was he who first linked the sale of
Superadine to the Family.
Location: Steel Canyon, 141 yards west of the Platinum Lake marker, on the
east side of the northern concrete stairs near the large statue.
Notes: /loc = -1761, 0, -1277
Neighborhood = Platinum Lake
Plaque 2
Description: "This was the site of the first Superadine drug bust. Michael
White, otherwise known as the Back Alley Brawler, was patrolling
the area when he discovered a pair of thugs haggling over the
strange green liquid. He arrested the villains, confiscated the
drug, and brought it to the Freedom Phalanx for analysis. The
Phalanx's top researcher, Dr. Brian Webb, confirmed the Brawler's
worst fears: a new drug had been discovered, ad its potency was
Location: Steel Canyon, 130 yards east of the Magic Store marker, on the
northwest corner of the building south of the parking lot.
Notes: /loc = -2177, -0, 751
Neighborhood = Platinum Lake
Plaque 3
Description: "This site marks the first known sighting of the strange creatures
known colloquially as 'Trolls.' John Knox of the Midnight Squad
was the first to observe these grotesque mutations. Afterward, he
had this to say, 'I couldn't help but pity them. In a very real
way, these are the people we're working to save.'"
Location: Skyway City, 48 yards northwest of the Base Portal marker and 60
yards up, on the corner of the highway.
Notes: /loc = 508, 84, -5511
Neighborhood = Aerie Plaza
Plaque 4
Description: "In March of 1986, with the mystical aid of the Midnight Squad,
the Back Alley Brawler managed to track local Superadine
distribution to a secret lab beneath this building. Little is
known about the lab's contents. It is simply known that the Back
Alley Brawler and the Statesman swore their comrades to secrecy
after the battle."
Location: Boomtown, 165 yards west and 61 yards south of the Grenadier
Village marker, overlooking the northeast corner of the building.
Notes: /loc = 1139, 0, -137
Neighborhood = Grenadier Village
Plaque 5
Description: "In late 1982, the Back Alley Brawler and his Regulators were
trying to mop up the last traces of Superadine on the city
streets. A tip led them to this building, a front company for the
Family. During the raid Harry Frost, the Family's leader, was
accidentally killed, leaving his young son Sebastian to oversee
his business. Since then, Superadine sales have inexplicably
increased, despite the best efforts of the Brawler and his
Location: Faultline, 546 yards north of the Precipice marker, on the east
side of the building, near the stairs.
Notes: /loc = -903, 16, -1981
Neighborhood = Downfall
| 3.13 Scholar [C3D0]|
Description: "You have learned the history of the Back Alley Brawler's war on
drugs in Paragon City."
How to earn: Read all the plaques on Back Alley Brawler in Steel, Skyway,
Boomtown, and Faultline.
Req. Level: 14
Plaque 1
Description: "On this spot, the Back Alley Brawler formed his Super Group, the
Regulators, in August of 1972. They were a group dedicated to
wiping out the drug problems that had begun to ravage Paragon
City's neighborhoods. The Brawler's friend Blue Steel coined their
motto, 'That no power shall triumph over the human mind.'"
Location: Steel Canyon, 58 yards north of the Yellow Line marker.
Notes: /loc = -4522, -0, 2066
Neighborhood = Bronze Way
Plaque 2
Description: "This was the sight of one of the Regulators' first major
victories in their War on Drugs. Led by the Back Alley Brawler,
the Regulators surprised a group of thugs who were dealing in
heavy narcotics. One of the villains, Harry Frost, later said,
'They may have got the best of me. But mark by words, my Family
will rule this town.'"
Location: Skyway City, 200 yards east of the Hide Park marker, then 70 yards
north, up the stairs, on the wall next to the restroom doors.
Notes: /loc = -1468, 16, -2346
Neighborhood = Hide Park
Plaque 3
Description: "On this site, the Regulators and the Dawn Patrol first came
together, joining forces to bring the Back Alley Brawler's War on
Drugs to a conclusion. Unable to make a dent in crime by arresting
petty thugs, they resolved to go after the drug problem at its
root: the drug farms that produced the evil substances."
Location: Skyway City, 253 yards west of the Land of the Lost marker, on the
south side of the wall next to the road.
Notes: /loc = 1399, -118, -1148
Neighborhood = Land of the Lost
Plaque 4
Description: "It was here that the Back Alley Brawler arrested Harry Frost for
the second time. Frost was peddling a strange substance to a group
of street thugs. After a lengthy court battle, the charges stuck.
It seemed that the War on Drugs had achieved a critical victory."
Location: Boomtown, 161 yards east of The Fuse marker, on the east side of
the wall, almost underneath the tipped over skyscraper.
Notes: /loc = -1668, 0, 4725
Neighborhood = The Fuse
Plaque 5
Description: "This plaque commemorates the death of mina Horne, known to her
comrades as the Illustrated Woman. She was killed when the Frost
drug cartel, otherwise known as the Gamily, ambushed the
Regulators as revenge for the brief imprisonment of Harry Frost.
At her funeral, a shaken Back Alley Brawler said, 'Mina was a
person who believed in the human spirit. We can best honor her by
living the life she fought for.'"
Location: Faultline, 391 yards north of the Reservoir marker, on the north
side of the southeastern skyscraper that's tipped over.
Notes: /loc = -20, -577, 358
Neighborhood = Aftershock
| 3.14 Digger [C3E0]|
Description: "You have learned the history behind the Hollowing."
How to earn: Read all the plaques about the Hollowing in Atlas and the Hollows.
Req. Level: 5
Plaque 1
Description: "On this site, the Trolls Task Force was formed in response to the
devastating event known as The Hollowing. Police Chief James
Wilson said 'The police department will not stop until the
residents of Eastgate can go home again.'"
Location: Atlas Park, 28 feet south of the Prometheus Park marker.
Notes: /loc = 1157, 42, -775
Neighborhood = Prometheus Park
Plaque 2
Description: "This building once housed the lab of Dr. Calvin Stewart, who
pioneered Eastgate Bay's Seaview project. Since the Hollowing, Dr.
Stewart has been forced to abandon the lab, and communication with
the Seaview project has been erratic. Very little is known by the
public about the scientists' activities in Eastgate Bay."
Location: The Hollows, 0.74 miles east-northeast of the Eastgate Heights
marker, at the upper right corner before the neighborhood becomes
very narrow, in the alley just south of the Downtown Music store.
Notes: /loc = -2251, 0, -2362
Neighborhood = Four Seasons
Plaque 3
Description: "This water treatment facility used to desalinate the water from
Eastgate Bay for use by Paragon City citizens. In the wake of the
Hollowing, the facility became unusable, creating a serious water
crisis for post-war Paragon City."
Location: The Hollows, 192 yards south and 61 feet east of the Cherry Hills
Notes: /loc = 1353, 6, -3063
Neighborhood = Cherry Hills
Plaque 4
Description: "Before the Hollowing this spot, known as Lookout Point, was a
favorite destination for lovers on a midnight stroll. Now, it is a
vantage point from which heroes keep their eyes on the mystical
antics of the Circle of Thorns."
Location: The Hollows, 567 yards east and 65 yards south of the Skyway
marker, on top of the small hill.
Notes: /loc = 874, 64, 3345
Neighborhood = Eastgate Park
Plaque 5
Description: "During the Hollowing, many buildings in this area collapsed. If
not for the rapid response of several heroes, led by the valiant
Luminary, many of Eastgate's residents would have been buried
under the rubble. Luminary and her companions managed to save 437
lives on that devastating day, guaranteeing them a place in
Paragon City's history."
Location: The Hollows,
Notes: /loc = 1609, -0, -1944
Neighborhood = Cherry Hills.
| 3.15 Alumnus [C3F0]|
Description: "You have learned the history of Croatoa."
How to earn: Read all the plaques about Croatoa in Atlas Park and Croatoa.
Req. Level: 1
Plaque 1
Description: "On October 31, 2004, a creature known as Eochai was defeated on
this spot. Although the creature and its minions were thought to
be vanquished by Paragon City's heroes, it appears they have
simply relocated. The northern village of Salamanca is beset by
the creatures, and is in grave need of heroic assistance."
Location: Atlas Park, 326 yards east of the Sewer Network marker on a wall
facing west, near some water pools.
Plaque 2
Description: "These ruins are all that remains of the original village of
Slamanca, established in 1641. Since their arrival, the Cabal have
taken over the ruins and made them their home. It has been
theorized that they feel most at home among these poor ashes."
Location: Croatoa, 184 yards east and 10 yards north of the store marker
next to War Witch's marker.
Notes: /loc = 538, -0, -1095
Neighborhood = Sunset Ridge
Plaque 3
Description: "No one can say how long this massive throne has rested here, but
Salamanca's inhabitants are certain it arrived only after the
mists of Croatoa closed in. Those brave enough to venture close
have reported that a grotesque giant sometimes snoozes here. Most,
however, leave the area strictly alone."
Location: Croatoa, 365 yards south and 62 yards east of the Science Store,
behind the large throne.
Notes: /loc = -1302, 0, 2982
Neighborhood = The Misty Wood
Plaque 4
Description: "The Occult Studies Annex of Paragon City University was
established only recently, but already its enrollment has taken a
significant dive. Various artifacts and tomes stored within the
university seem to be valuable to the ghastly creatures that haunt
Croatoa, and it is only by the efforts of the magically inclined
faculty that these creatures are kept at bay."
Location: Croatoa, 38 yards southeast of the Science Store.
Notes: /loc = -1035, 32, 2136
Plaque 5
Description: "It wasn't long ago that the spirit of War Witch chose this island
to call her home. Though she will speak to the occasional hero,
her revelations about her reasons for being here are cryptic at
best. Some say she feels an affinity for the Cabal, after having
lost her own coven at the hands of Requiem. Others say her
presence here is atonement for some crime she has committed during
her life. Whatever her reasons, War Witch is an integral part of
the strange mystery that surrounds Croatoa."
Location: 57 yards west of War Witch's marker.
Notes: /loc = 134, -32, -788
Neighborhood = Sunset Ridge
| 3.16 Ghost Hunter [C3G0]|
Description: "You have learned the rumours behind the fabled Ghost Ship."
How to earn: Read all the plaques about the Moraine, located in Talos and
Req. Level: 20
Plaque 1
Description: "This plaque marks the first sighting of a mysterious ghostly
vessel filled with a crew of gibbering spirits. Many people
theorize that the bessel is Striga Isle's lost ship, the Moraine,
which never returned to port after setting sail in the early
1930's. Some even believe that the crew is still trying to get
Location: Talos Island, 35 yards southeast of the Striga Isle ferry marker
in Talos, next to the tram rail support.
Notes: /loc = 1776, 32, 5176
Neighborhood = West of New Sparta
Plaque 2
Description: "In 1932, an oil tanker known as the Moraine set off from this
point. It was expected to remain at sea for several weeks;
however, to this day, no one on Striga Isle has seen any sign of
Location: Striga Isle, 765 yards south of The Bog marker, on the west-
southwestern corner of the Council Base island.
Notes: /loc = -3385, 84, 1000
Neighborhood = Council Base
Plaque 3
Description: "In 1932, the wives of the sailors on the good ship Moraine would
gather on this little island. In the shadow of the lightouse, they
would wait, sometimes all night, for any sign of their husbands'
Location: Striga Isle, 706 yards north of the Port Noble marker, on the
northwestern corner of the warehouse.
Notes: /loc = -270, 96, -2516
Neighborhood = Bonny Morass
Plaque 4
Description: "In 1932, the oil tanker Moraine was first launched from this
site. Many people have claimed that the ship's misfortune was due
to Captain Renyard Kale failing to ask Mayor Spanky Rabinowitz to
christen the ship on its first voyage."
Location: Striga Isle, 355 yards east of The Maw marker, on the southeastern
corner of a warehouse, next to some oil drums.
Notes: /loc = -2667, 0, -414
Neighborhood = The Maw
Plaque 5
Description: "This tomb honors the sailors lost on the oil tanker Moraine,
which set sail in 1932 and was never heard from again. Rumors
indicate that the tanker was being used to smuggle ne'er-de-wells
onto Striga Isle. It has been theorized that these illicit
passengers cause the ship's sinking."
Location: Striga Isle, 138 yards east-southeast of the Bonny Morass marker,
on the side of the large tomb.
Note: /loc = -2533, -31, -2113
Neighborhood = Bonny Morass
| IV. Accolades [D400]|
Accolades are recieved for getting a certain group of badges, and most of them
grant you a new power, such as the Crey Freeze Pistol.
| 4.1 Longbow Reservist [D410]|
Description: "You have been made an honorary Longbow Eagle, temporarily issued
a Longbow jetpack."
How to earn: Log in during the 2005 Winter event.
Notes: Awards the 30 day temporary holiday jetpack.
| 4.2 Holiday Spirit [D420]|
Description: "Arachnos tried to ruin the holidays, but you have done your best
to try to stop them."
How to earn: Complete the holiday mission during the 2005 Winter event.
Notes: Given by the operatives who look like Santa.
| 4.3 Toy Collector [D430]|
Description: "You have amassed a vast collection of holiday gifts!"
How to earn: Open 200 presents during the 2005 Winter event.
Notes: They can be naughty or nice. Also awards the Snowbeast gladiator.
| 4.4 Heart of Light [D440]|
Description: "Through the choices made in your life, you have been blessed with
a Heart of Light."
How to earn: Log in during the 2006 Valentine's Day event.
| 4.5 Reveler [D450]|
Description: "You have helped celebrate the 2nd anniversary of City of Heroes.
(This badge was issued to every character who logged in during the
month of May, 2006)"
How to earn: Log in May 1st through July 1st, 2006.
Notes: If you also have Celebrant, you get the 5th Column gladiator.
| 4.6 Task Force Commander [D460]|
Description: "You have successfully completed all of the Task Forces given out
by the Freedom Phalanx."
How to earn: Earn the Positron's Ally, Synapse's Cohort, Sister Psyche's
Comrade, Citadel's Assistant, Manticore's Associate and Numina's
Compatriot badges.
Notes: Gives a 5% HP boost and lets you get the military epauletes
costume piece at the tailor.
| 4.7 V.I.P. [D470]|
Description: "Being a VIP in Paragon City has many advantages associated with
How to earn: Use the code that comes with the DVD version on your account.
Notes: Allows access to a special cape, and a new sprint that slides.
| 4.8 Received the Atlas Medallion [D480]|
Description: "Through the might of Atlas, one of the greatest heroes of Paragon
City's history, you have gained +5 to your maximum Endurance
How to earn: Earn the Spelunker, The Silver Bullet, The Slayer, Top Dog and
Pupil badges.
Notes: +5 Endurance.
| 4.9 Conspiracy Theorist [D490]|
Description: "You have uncovered Crey's conspiracy, one that has been choking
Paragon City for years. As a souvenir, you have kept a Crey pistol
for your own personal use."
How to earn: Earn the The Doctor's Ally, Infiltrator, Crey Watcher, Crey Fish,
Bird Watcher, and Crey Havoc badges.
Notes: Unlocks the Crey Freeze Pistol, a single target immobilize.
| 4.10 Portal Jockey [D4A0]|
Description: "Your efforts to help Portal Corporation explore the vast
multiverse have earned you the title of Portal Jockey."
How to earn: Earn the Dimensional Warder, Shoruded, Multidimensional and
Scholastic badges.
Notes: +5 Endurance and +5% Hit Points.
| 4.11 Freedom Phalanx Reserve Member [D4B0]|
Description: "You have earned a reserve membership into Paragon City's premier
Super Group: Freedom Phalanx."
How to earn: Earn the Tank Buster, Gearsmasher, Unveiler, Regal, Brawler,
Vigorous, Summoned, Keen Sighted, Purifier, Nimble Mynx and
Authority badges.
Notes: +10% Hit Points.
| 4.12 Archmage [D4C0]|
Description: "Your research into the arcane, coupled with your experiance in
fighting magical foes, has unlocked heretofore unknown magics
within you, earning you the title of Archmage. You have learned a
spell of protection because of this."
How to earn: Earn the Banisher, Illusionist, Soul Binder, Tracer, Mystic, Dark
Mystic, Faultless Mystic and Mystic King badges.
Notes: Click power, +DEF(all), +Res(all), -Rch, -Acc. Also unlocks the
Arch Mage of Agony gladiator.
| 4.13 Vanguard [D4D0]|
Description: "Your efforts against the extra-dimension invaders have been
recognized, and you have recieved the Rikti Resistance Medal. You
have found and kept a Rikti Power amplifier.
How to earn: Earn the Finder, Zookeeper, Portal Parter, Ace and Savant badges.
Notes: Click power, +secondary effects. Hold, sleep, knockback, etc.
| 4.14 Received the Stalwart Medallion [D4E0]|
Description: "Your battle in the reactor of Terra Volta altered your powers in
a permanent way."
How to earn: Complete the level 20-30 Terra Volta respec trial.
Notes: I think you need to choose the respec reward, not sure though.
Started in IP.
| 4.15 Earned the Statesman Star [D4F0]|
Description: "Again, your Terra Volta experiance has altered your powers in
ways no one could imagine."
How to earn: Complete the level 30-40 Terra Volta respec trial.
Notes: Started in Founders'.
| 4.16 Awarded the Freedom Cross [D4G0]|
Description: "Repeated exposure of the energies of the Terra Volta reactor have
once again affected you."
How to earn: Complete the level 40-50 Terra Volta respec trial.
Notes: Started in the Rikti Crash Site.
| 4.17 Celebrant [D4H0]|
Description: "You have helped celebrate the 1 year anniversary of City of
Heroes. (This badge was issued to every character who logged in
during the month of May, 2005.)"
How to earn: Log in during May, 2005.
Notes: If you have Reveler, it unlocks the 5th Column gladiator.
| 4.18 Ten Times the Victor [D4I0]|
Description: "You have impressed Mary Macomber, leader of the Cabal, by
defeating her ten times. Though some members of the Cabal may
still fear you, others will work as your allies. As a reward, you
can now use a witch hat as a costume piece."
How to earn: Defeat Mary Macomber 10 times in the Katie Hannon task force.
Notes: Also unlocks a witch hat costume piece at the tailor. Needed for
Geas of the Kind Ones.
| 4.19 Geas of the Kind Ones [D4J0]|
Description: "Whatever spirits watch over Croatoa have bestowed their blessing
upon you. Of course, sometimes a blessing can be more like a
How to earn: Earn the Ten times the Victor, Cabalist, Giant Killer, Pumpkin
King, Believer, Cap Buster, Pumpkin Master, Bane of Dannan,
Spellbinding, Haunted, Grim Wanderer, Spiritual and Ensorcelled
Notes: Click power, +Rch, +Acc, +Recovery, -Def(all)
| V. Gladiators [E500]|
Gladiator badges are recieved mostly along with another badge, but can be for
anything. Leveling up to level 30, completing the Sewer Trial, killing 300
Tsoo spirits, winning 1 Gladiator match, etc. You have 2000 "points" with
which to build a team, each gladiator costing a certain amount. You then face
your team against your opponent's, in the Arena.
Description: "The Vahzilok fear you."
How to earn: Earn the "Synapse's Cohort" badge.
Notes: These are the large Vahzilok zombies. Not particularly useful
unless you want a meat shield.
Cost: 200.
Description: "These Lost serve you grudgingly."
How to earn: Earn the "Finder" badge.
Notes: Psionic attacks, energy sword/rifle.
Cost: 250.
Pariah Anchorite
Description: "Now the Lost fear your power!"
How to earn: Earn the "Intellectual" badge.
Notes: Strong psionic attacks.
Cost: 350.
Arch-Mage of Agony
Description: "You can command the spirits of another age!"
How to earn: Earn the "Archmage" badge.
Notes: Always have as many of these as possible if you want to win. The
combo of all the heals and controls makes them nigh unstoppable.
Cost: 500.
Avalanche Shaman
Description: "These shamans acknowledge your might."
How to earn: Earn the "Banisher" badge.
Notes: The Hurricane can be useful.
Cost: 300.
Description: "You have the respect of the natural world."
How to earn: Defeat 300 Bladegrasses.
Cost: ?
Description: "You have might over nature itself."
How to earn: Earn the "Liberator" badge.
Notes: Pretty good if your foe is only using gladiators that do lethal
Cost: 300.
Button Man Gunner
Description: "The Family owes you a favor."
How to earn: Earn the "Keeper of Peace" badge.
Notes: Not that good, compared to other gladiators.
Cost: 250.
Description: "The Trolls respect your might."
How to earn: Earn the "Regenerator" badge.
Notes: They're pretty good because of the regeneration and the super
strength attacks.
Cost: 250.
Description: "It doesn't take much to make these machines fight for you."
How to earn: Earn the "Gearsmasher" badge.
Notes: Not that useful.
Cost: 150.
Crane Enforcer
Description: "The Tsoo are bound by honor to serve you."
How to earn: Earn the "Tracer" badge.
Notes: Teleports, heals, and uses hurricane, which is great against melee
Cost: 200.
Fire Thorn Caster
Description: "The Circle of Thorns fears to disobey you."
How to earn: ?
Cost: 300.
Description: "The mushroom men will fight for you."
How to earn: ?
Notes: Lots of sleeps/holds.
Cost: 350.
Kaolin Legacy of Earth
Description: "The Legacy Chain respects you."
How to earn: ?
Cost: 300.
Longbow Warden 1
Description: "Longbow counts you as an ally."
How to earn: ?
Notes: Very useful. They have a random assortment of Hero powers.
Cost: 300.
Description: "This mighty foe is under your control."
How to earn: ?
Notes: Fast attacks that do -defense.
Cost: 450.
Mob Specialist
Description: "Crey has authorized these men for your Arena teams."
How to earn: ?
Cost: 300.
Nebula Elite Buckshot
Description: "These Council will make good gladiators."
How to earn: ?
Cost: 150.
Nemesis Soldier
Description: "You have a robotic warrior for the games."
How to earn: ?
Cost: 350.
Omega Wolf
Description: "This beast is yours in the Arena."
How to earn: ?
Cost: 500.
7th Generation Paragon Protector
Description: "This will be a powerful gladiator in the Arena."
How to earn: ?
Cost: 400.
Hydra Protean
Description: "Mindless, yes. But your's to command."
How to earn: ?
Cost: 200.
Research Assistant
Description: "Crey will study the results of your gladiator battles."
How to earn: ?
Cost: 400.
Rikti Drone
Description: "This unit has been programmed to serve as your gladiator in the
How to earn: ?
Notes: Very high defense.
Cost: 350.
Outcast Slugger
Description: "The Outcasts are in awe of you."
How to earn: ?
Cost: 100.
Steel Strongman
Description: "Might is not match for your right."
How to earn: ?
Notes: Strong single target attacks.
Cost: 450.
Chief Swiper
Description: "Freaks just love to fight -- even for you."
How to earn: ?
Cost: 250.
Tank Smasher
Description: "Tank smash!"
How to earn: ?
Notes: All around good. Nice attack, defense, a self heal and rez.
Cost: 300.
Description: "The Warhulks will fight as your gladiators -- for now."
How to earn: ?
Notes: Pretty tough. Lots of HP, plus it explodes when it dies.
Cost: 400.
Smasher Elite
Description: "The Warriors respect those who fight."
How to earn: ?
Cost: 300.
5th Columnist
Description: "For having both the 1st and 2nd Anniversary badges on one
character, you have been granted access to a 5th Column
How to earn: Have both Celebrant and Reveler.
Notes: Easilly one of the best. He's like an MA/SR scrapper on crack.
Cost: 400.
| VI. Super Group Badges [F600]|
Super Group badges are earned for doing various things while in Super Group
Mode, such as completing 200 Circle of Thorns missions.
| 6.1 Exploration [F610]|
Perez Park Beacon
Description: "You have earned a teleport location amid the trees of Perez
How to earn: Go over every Perez Park exploration badge while in SG mode.
Notes: Drops you near the auditorium thing.
Boomtown Beacon
Description: "Boomtown Beacon"
How to earn: Go over every Boomtown exploration badge while in SG mode.
Faultline Beacon
Description: "The broken ground of Faultline is a little easier now that you
have a teleport beacon there."
How to earn: Go over every Faultline exploration badge while in SG mode.
The Hollows Beacon
Description: "With this beacon your group can easily fight evil in The
How to earn: Go over every one of The Hollows' exploration badges while in SG
Dark Astoria Beacon
Description: "Your group has pierced the veil of Dark Astoria and set a
teleport beacon there."
How to earn: Go over every Dark Astoria exploration badge while in SG mode.
Striga Isle Beacon
Description: "This teleport beacon gives your group a foothold on Striga."
How to earn: Go over every Striga exploration badge while in SG mode.
Crey's Folley Beacon
Description: "Thorough exploration of Crey's Folley has allowed you to unlock a
teleport beacon there."
How to earn: Go over every Crey's exploration badge while in SG mode.
Croatoa Beacon
Description: "You have unlocked the capability of creating a teleport beacon to
How to earn: Go over every Croatoa exploration badge while in SG mode.
Eden Beacon
Description: "You have unlocked the capability of creating a teleport beacon to
How to earn: Go over every Eden exploration badge while in SG mode.
Terra Volta Beacon
Description: "You have unlocked the capability of creating a teleport beacon to
Terra Volta."
How to earn: Go over every Terra Volta exploration badge while in SG mode.
Kings Row Beacon
Description: "You have unlocked the capability of creating a teleport beacon to
Kings Row."
How to earn: Go over every Kings Row exploration badge while in SG mode.
Founders Falls Beacon
Description: "You have unlocked the capability of creating a teleport beacon to
Founders Falls."
How to earn: Go over every Founders exploration badge while in SG mode.
Peregrine Island Beacon
Description: "You have unlocked the capability of creating a teleport beacon to
Peregrine Island."
How to earn: Go over the Peregrine exploration badge while in SG mode.
Galaxy City Beacon
Description: "You have unlocked the capability of creating a teleport beacon to
Galaxy City."
How to earn: Go over Galaxy's exploration badges while in SG mode.
Brickstown Beacon
Description: "You have unlocked the capability of creating a teleport beacon to
How to earn: Go over all the Brickstown exploration badges in SG mode.
Rikti Crash Site Beacon
Description: "You have unlocked the capability of creating a teleport beacon to
Rikti Crash Site"
How to earn: Go over the RCS exploration badge in SG mode.
Independence Port Beacon
Description: "You have unlocked the capability of creating a teleport beacon to
Independence Port."
How to earn: Go over every IP exploration badge while in SG mode.
Talos Island Beacon
Description: "You have unlocked the capability of creating a teleport beacon to
Talos Island."
How to earn: Go over all the Talos exploration badges in SG mode.
Steel Canyon Beacon
Description: "You have unlocked the capability of creating a teleport beacon to
Steel Canyon"
How to earn: Go over all of the Steel exploration badges in SG mode.
Skyway City Beacon
Description: "You have unlocked the capability of creating a teleport beacon to
Skyway City"
How to earn: Go over every exploration badge in Skyway while in SG mode.
Atlas Park Beacon
Description: "You have unlocked the capability of creating a teleport beacon to
Atlas Park."
How to earn: Go over all the AP exploration badges in SG mode.
| 6.2 Achievement [F620]|
Analyzer Base Defense
Description: "Your group has taken 20,000,000 points of damage. The Analyzer
will help find your enemies weaknesses."
How to earn: Your SG must take 20,000,000 points of damage while in SG mode.
Notes: It doesn't have to be one guy.
Gas Trap Base Defense
Description: "Members of your group have been out of action for hours. This gas
trap will provide you with some base defense."
How to earn: Your SG must be held, slept or stunned for 30 hours, total.
Notes: In a large SG that means that each member only has to be held for
20-30 minutes each to get this badge.
Improved Energy Turret
Description: ?
How to earn: ?
Notes: I don't know anything about this one.
Improved Igniter
Description: "Your group has been on the wrong end of a flamethrower long
enough. The Improved Igniter is just what you need."
How to earn: Your SG must take ? fire damage. (Don't know the exact number)
Notes: CoT demons do lots of fire damage.
Repulsor Base Defense
Description: "Your group has erased 1,000,000 in debt. Such determination has
earned you the Repulsor."
How to earn: Your SG must work off 1,000,000 debt while in SG mode.
Notes: Just do a TF with everyone exemped and you'll have this in no
Benedict DR Turret Plans
Description: ?
How to earn: Your SG must complete 200 or more Circle of Thorns missions.
Notes: I'm not sure what exactly counts as a CoT mission. Does there have
to be ONE CoT in it? Do they all have to be CoT?
Benedict DR-3 Turret Plans
Description: ?
How to earn: Your SG must earn 10,000,000 prestige.
Notes: I don't think prestige earned by converting Inf->Pre at the SG
registrar counts.
Benedict DR-2 Turret Plans
Description: ?
How to earn: Your SG must earn 1,000,000 prestige.
Notes: AVs are worth quite a lot. Just start running TFs in SG mode.
Description: ?
How to earn: Your SG must sidekick for 5 total hours.
Notes: Easily done in conjunction with the other badges. SK someone while
doing a CoT TF.
Autonomous Expert System Plans
Description: ?
How to earn: Your SG must deal 50,000,000 damage.
Notes: Doing some PvP might be good for this badge.
Advanced Holodisplay Plans
Description: ?
How to earn: ?
Notes: ?
Mega Moniter Plans
Description: ?
How to earn: Your SG must earn 5 SG badges.
Notes: Exploration badges count, as far as I know.
Emergency Capacitor Plans
Description: ?
How to earn: Your SG must work off 2,000,000 debt.
Notes: Die a bunch, then run a TF. Or farm pillboxes in RV.
Fusion Generator Plans
Description: ?
How to earn: Your SG must spend 50 hours in PVP zones.
Notes: This is currently bugged, and won't get awarded.
Auto-Doc Plans
Description: ?
How to earn: Your SG must heat 5,000,000 damage.
Notes: Just have everyone pick up Aid Other if you really want it.
Robo Surgery Plans
Description: ?
How to earn: Your SG must heal 25,000,000 damage.
Notes: ...Or find some Empaths to join you.
Combat Log Plans
Description: ?
How to earn: Your SG must heal 100,000,000 damage.
Notes: I've never been in an SG that's had this badge. Takes FOREVER.
Rikti Plasma Turret
Description: "You have unlocked the power of the Rikti Plasma Turret."
How to earn: Your SG must defeat Lanaru the Mad five times.
Notes: He only shows up in the Shadow Shard TFs.
| VII. Credits [G700]|
Thanks to the following people, organizations, and websites:
Vidiot Maps, for the map patch, and explore badge locations.
Badge-Whore, TF levels, badge missions, and some badge numbers.
Red Tomax's Guide to City of Heroes, for TF start numbers.
The Official Prima Strategy Guide, for the numbers on several badges.
Victory and Victory Forum, for being the coolest server and global channel.
And the City of Heroes Official Forums, for bits and pieces of info.
| VIII. Copyright/Contact Information [H800]|
This document is copyright 2006 Ryan "Ryajinor" Fox.
It may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other
web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a
violation of copyright.
All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.
If you have any comments, concerns, suggestions, corrections, etc.,
feel free to contact me at
If you need to contact me in-game, send a global tell to @Righter
The latest version of this guide may always be found at
| IX. Version History [I900]|
|August 27th 2006|
| Version 1.00 |
|Exporation badges finished, Accomplishments finished.|
|Achievements ~90% done, Gladiators ~60% done. |
|Accolades started. History Badges and Plaques done. |
|Super Group badges ~80% done. Intro, etc. completed. |