Cene PS3 igara
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Yet SCEA president Kaz Hirai isn't promising a $59.99 price tag for PS3 games this fall. In an interview with PSM, the Sony leader explained. So, what I can say now is, I think it would be a bit of a stretch to think that we could suddenly turn around and say "PS3 games now $99.99" I don't think the consumers expect the software pricing to suddenly be double," he told the magazine. "So, if it becomes a bit higher than fifty-nine bucks don't ding me, but, again, as I said, I don't expect it to be a hundred bucks."
In other words, consumers should expect PS3 games to cost somewhere between $59.99 and $99.99. He doesn't expect them to be a hundred dollars, but it's only a "stretch" to expect it. Have we moved back to the cartridge ages here? Wasn't disc-based media supposed to make everything cheaper? I don't want to remember how much my parent's paid for several of Square's older SNES releases during Christmas.
Cene PS3 igara će se kretari od zaista mizernih 59.99$ do simboličnih 100$. Zaista sitnica… I posle neko kaže da je PC skupa igračka… Da nije tragično bilo bi smešno. Ako se ovo ispostavi tačnim Sony će itekako morati da se potrudi kako bi privukao igrače da odvoje ovoliku sumu novca po igri.
No ukoliko ste i nakon ovoga zainteresovani za kupovinu PS3, svakako poseti zvanični sajt konzle na kome možete naći dosta (smornih) činjenica i zvaničnih podataka.