Celtic Kings – The Punic Wars (šifre)

Celtic Kings - The Punic Wars

Submitted by: RM

Press [ENTER] while playing then type any of the following codes:

Code              Result
removedecors    - Remove Decorations
screenshot      - Save Screenshot
save            - Save Game
spawn #         - Spawn # Units
setplayer       - Switch Player in MP
testadventure   - Test Adventure Integrity
togglefog       - Fog of War On/Off
togglevis       - Toggle Decorations
_black          - Black Screen
debugselected   - Debug Selected Unit
usr             - Describe Selected Unit
gaikafd         - Display Tiles
printmestats    - Memory Stats
mousepos        - Display Mouse Position
gmp             - Pointer Coordinates
dumpobj         - Show Selected Unit's Abilities
desync          - Dump File desync_test.txt
dumpfunctoxml   - Dump File dump_try.xml
quit            - Exit Game
flatterrain     - Flat Terrain
pause           - Pause Game
ttest           - Translation Test
ae              - Level Properties
advexplorer     - Built in MYTH Option
_dbgsel         - Display Danger
esg             - Info on Enemy Squads
settlementcount - Show Settlement Count
explorer        - Explorer MYTH Functions
shrinkentities  - Shrink MYTH Functions
_toggleinvrects - Show Rects
showflatterrain - Strange Terrain

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