Call of Duty – Unites Offensive Weapons Guide (walkthrough)

Call of Duty - Unites Offensive Weapons Guide

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= Weapons Guide =
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= Written by Scottie_theNerd ( =
= Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Scott Lee =
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This guide is written by Scott Lee, who also goes under the names of David
Nguyen and Scottie_theNerd. Should this FAQ be hosted on any site other than
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Version History

-v1.15 (Mar 28 2005) -Added information in General MG Tactics
-Fixed Artillery Binoculars data

-v1.14 (Mar 27 2005) -Fixed information on Grenades
-Added additional notes on the G43

-v1.13 (Mar 19 2005) -Added more information on G43 and SVT-40
-Added more information on Grenades

-v1.12 (Mar 15 2005) -Added information for Flamethrower

-v1.11 (Mar 8 2005) -Fixed some more errors =)
-Added more info about Arty Binoculars

-v1.1 (Mar 4 2005) -Fixed some errors
-Added Flammenwerfer 35 entry
-Added kill icon glitches for Arty. Binoculars

-v1.0 (Feb 27 2005) -First version finally complete!
-Built from my COD Weapons Guide 1.3

1.0 - Introduction
1.1 - Changes in United Offensive

2.0 - Aiming Down the Sight

3.0 - Pistols
3.1 - Colt .45
3.2 - Luger
3.3 - Webley MKIV
3.4 - Tokarev TT33
3.5 - General Pistol Tactics

4.0 - Rifles
4.1 - M1 Garand
4.2 - M1A1 Carbine
4.3 - Kar98k
4.4 - Gewehr 43
4.5 - Lee-Enfield
4.6 - Mosin-Nagant
4.7 - Tokarev SVT-40
4.8 - General Rifle Tactics

5.0 - Submachine guns
5.1 - Thompson
5.2 - MP40
5.3 - Sten
5.4 - PPSh
5.5 - General Submachine gun Tactics

6.0 - Support weapons
6.1 - BAR
6.2 - MP44
6.3 - Bren LMG
6.4 - General Support Tactics

7.0 - Deployable Light Machine Guns
7.1 - M1919A6 .30cal
7.2 - MG-34
7.3 - DP-28
7.4 - Deployable LMG Tactics

8.0 - Sniper rifles
8.1 - Springfield
8.2 - Scoped Kar98k
8.3 - Scoped Mosin-Nagant
8.4 - General Sniper Tactics

9.0 - Hand Grenades
9.1 - M2 Frag Grenade
9.2 - Stielhandgranate
9.3 - MK1 Frag Grenade
9.4 - RGD-33
9.5 - Smoke Grenade
9.6 - Satchel Charge
9.7 - General Grenade Tactics

10.0 - Anti-Tank Weapons
10.1 - Panzerfaust 60
10.2 - Bazooka
10.3 - Panzerschreck
10.4 - General Anti-Tank Tactics

11.0 - Miscellaneous Weapons
11.1 - MG42
11.2 - FG42
11.3 - AT Rifle
11.4 - Flak 88
11.5 - Flak Gun
11.6 - T34
11.7 - Binoculars
11.8 - Artillery Binoculars
11.9 - Flammenwerfer 35


Building on Infinity Ward's success with Call of Duty, Grey Matter studios took
up development of COD's expansion, introducing new ideas and concepts while
retaining the gameplay elements that made COD the classic game it was. The
result was United Offensive.

Like COD, United Offensive allowed players to fight through Europe in separate
American, British and Russian campaigns, including Bastogne, Kharkov and even a
brief mission as a gunner in a British B-17. While the single player gameplay
was more or less similar to COD, many new features were included in the

Infantry-wise, players are now able to sprint using the LEFT ALT button,
allowing players to quickly dash between cover or evade fire at crucial
moments. More notable would be the introduction of new weapon, including semi-
automatic rifles for the Russians and Germans, and new light machine guns that
could be deployed in prone position or window ledges and fired from a
stationary position, giving players a formidable weapon that could be carried
from one position to another.

Most notable, however, is the inclusion of vehicles in multiplayer. Players can
now use tanks, mobile artillery and jeeps in new game modes, including Base
Assault and Capture the Flag, as well as the older Deathmatch and Search and
Destroy maps. Through the inclusion of vehicles, UO adds another dimension to
gameplay, forcing players to adopt a combined-arms strategy to complete
objectives and to defeat the enemy.

The purpose of this guide is to provide players with in-depth information
regarding historical backgrounds behind each weapon as well as insights on
their capabilities in United Offensive. Through this knowledge, players will be
able to refine their skills and understanding of the game, which in turn will
improve gameplay enjoyment and appreciation of its architecture.

Note that this Weapons Guide is built from my previous Call of Duty Weapons
Guide, which can be found at GameFAQs here:

Because UO retains most of COD's weapons and characteristics, weapon
descriptions will mostly remain untouched, apart from notes where changes have
been made in UO.

1.1 - Changes in United Offensive

As with most expansions, United Offensive builds up on COD's existing features
and throws in extra features. In regards to weapons, UO features the following:

New Weapons
- M1919A6 .30cal
- Silenced Sten Mk II
- Webley Mk IV
- G43
- MG34
- DP28
- Tokarev SVT40
- Tokarev TT33
- M18 Smoke Grenade
- M1A1 Bazooka
- Panzerschreck
- Flammenwerfer 35
- Satchel charges
- Binoculars / Artillery binoculars

Weapon changes
- Damage of Sten, MP40 and M1A1 Carbine increased
- Panzerfaust 60 run speed reduced

- Panzer IV
- Elefant
- Horsch
- Sherman
- Jeep
- T34
- SU152
- GAZ67b


One of the new features in Call of Duty is the ability to utilise the iron
sights on each weapon. The system, appropriately named "Aiming Down the Sight"
(ADS) allows players to gain an accurate bead on their target and making far
more accurate shots than when firing from the hip. Of course, it doesn't come
without a penalty: your vision is focused at one point, making you almost
oblivious to your surroundings, and you are slowed to walking pace. Naturally,
it is best to use the iron sights in a comfortable, stationary position.

The iron sights themselves vary from weapon to weapon, from the telescopic
sights of the sniper rifles to the offset sights of the Bren. Although each
weapon has different sights, their use is practically the same. Some weapons
are more suitable for accurate shots than others, so it is important to
maximise each weapons potential by using it appropriately in the right

In general, you should only aim down the sight at medium- to long-ranges to
maximise your chance of scoring a hit. Firing from a hidden position behind
cover also increases your survival rate, making yourself a harder target to see
and hit. Fire in single shots or short, controlled bursts to keep your sights
on the target. Remember that even when concealed, you give away your position
through your muzzle flash, sound and tracer fire. Make those shots count.

There are also times when you shouldn't use iron sights. In particular, close
quarters combat is no place for precision shots. At point-blank range, it's
pretty hard not to hit. In such cases, you should rely on your crosshair and
spray if you have to, especially with and against submachine guns. However, it
is worth using if your target is unaware of your presence, allowing for a
quick, accurate burst with a higher guarantee of a hit.

-Good for medium/long range sniping
-Not too appropriate in close range
-Slower speed, smaller field of vision


Pistols, in Call of Duty as well as in real life, are secondary weapons, used
only when the primary weapon is unable to be fired effectively. Small, light
and fast, the pistol is useful for undercover operations where a larger weapon
might draw suspicion. Due to their size, pistols have a very short effective
range and should only be used in close combat. Originally, COD featured only
two pistols: the Colt .45 for the Americans and British, and the Luger for
Germans and Russians. UO introduces the Webley Mk IV for the British and the
TT33 for the Russians, thereby given each side their own unique sidearm.

3.1 - Colt .45

Name: M1911A1 Colt Automatic Pistol
Country of origin: USA
Available for: American
Calibre: .45 ACP
Magazine capacity: 7 rounds
Firing mechanism: Single-action, recoil-operated
Weight: 1.08kg

Historical Background

Designed by John Browning in 1900 and based off a previous civilian design, the
Colt M1911A1 was adopted by the US Army in 1911 after winning competitive
shooting trials in 1907. Various refinements were made after experience in the
First World War. When fired, the pistol recoils, allowing the barrel to move
downwards and back, ejecting the spent case and loading the next bullet. The
Colt also features a manual catch and external hammer, as well as a safety grip
that prevents the gun being fired unless held properly.

Initially, M1911A1's were not issued as a standard sidearm to American troops,
and was given only to officers. However, many non-commissioned soldiers
acquired their own M1911A1's, and they were later issued as a standard weapon
for all troops.

The M1911A1 has remained the standard sidearm of the US Army until late in the
20th Century without any modifications; it needs none. A solid weapon and one
of the finest pistols ever made, the M1911A1 packs a fierce punch and was a
trusty companion for the American soldier.

United Offensive notes

The pistol of the American troops, the Colt .45 is a solid sidearm.
Being a pistol, the Colt .45 is unsuited for anything beyond close quarters
combat, and should only be used as an emergency weapon when your primary
weapons run out of ammunition. Despite its .45 rounds, the Colt is surprisingly
weak in Call of Duty, hardly differing from the Luger.

As with all pistols, the iron sight offers no zoom and has little practical
value other than to squeeze off one or two aimed shots at an unwary target.
However, the pistol is quite inaccurate, and shouldn't be used where manual aim
is required.

3.2 - Luger

Name: Pistole '08 'Luger'
Country of origin: Germany
Available for: German, Russian
Calibre: 9 x 19mm Parabellum
Magazine capacity: 8 rounds
Firing mechanism: Single-action, recoil-operated
Weight: 0.877kg

Historical Background

Developed by George Luger and adopted by the Swiss army in 1900, the German
Army adopted the pistol in 1908, designating it as the 'Pistole '08'. The main
feature of the Luger was its toggle-joint breech lock, a fancy novelty that
made the Luger stand out from other pistols. The catch was that it required
precise manufacturing and perfect ammunition, both of which the German
manufacturing force was more than capable of. However, once the war was in full
stride, the difficulties of manufacturing the Luger became apparent, and the
German Army discarded the weapon in favour of the Walter P-38, which was much
simpler and achieved the same results. Despite this, the Luger remained a
popular weapon and continued to be produced to make up for the shortage of
P-38's. A variation of the Luger, the "Artillery Model", featured a longer
barrel, long-distance sights, wooden butt and 32-round drum magazine, allowing
the Luger to be used as a machine carbine, although the chances at hitting
something at those sorts of ranges were remote.

Even after the adoption of the P-38, the Luger remained in production until
1944, and there were enough spare parts left over to continue production. A
good-looking, distinctive weapon, it was a comfort to fire and was a prized
trophy for Allied soldiers.

United Offensive notes

Available to German soldiers, the Luger is just as solid as the Colt .45.
However, as a pistol it is also remarkably weak and inaccurate. The Luger
should be used as a backup weapon, and is practically a copy of the Colt .45
with an additional round.

The iron sight is slightly easier to use, with a distinctive pin-head stump.
However, like the Colt .45 it shouldn't be used in such ranges where aiming is

3.3 - Webley MKIV

Name: Webley revolver, .38, Mark IV
Country of origin: Great Britain
Available for: British
Calibre: .38in
Magazine capacity: 6 rounds
Firing mechanism: Double-action, revolver
Weight: 0.995kg

Historical Background

Designed by famed firearms developer Webley & Son Co., the Webley revolver was
among the first revolvers to feature the 'top-break' hinge, allowing the frame
to be released and the chamber to be reloaded quickly.

When the chamber is broken, the ejector rod is automatically activated,
removing all bullets from the chambers, allowing individual rounds to be
inserted. The original .455 Webley models used "half-moon" clips of three
rounds each, requiring the firer to insert two clips to fully reload the

The military version used by Britain in the Second World War was the Webley Mk
IV .38 revolver, which was more or less a step down from the previous .455
calibre revolver, and used six-round speedloaders instead of half-moon clips.
The Webley remained in service with the British troops until the end of the
war, although it was supplemented by another revolver, the Enfield No. 2 Mk 1,
as well as the American Colt M1911A1.

United Offensive notes

Replacing the Colt .45 from the original game, United Offensive gives the
British a worthy replacement. The Webley is supposedly the most powerful of the
four pistols, and it better damn well be. With only six rounds in its magazine,
and a painfully long reload time, the Webley can be effective when players have
the initiative, but a huge liability in normal combat conditions.

The Webley iron sights consist of a small rear notch and a prominent fore-end
post. Like other pistols, the Webley has no zoom effect when aiming down the
sight, so keep your shots quick but controlled.

3.4 - Tokarev TT33

Name: Tula/Tokarev model of 1933
Country of origin: Russia
Available for: Russian
Calibre: 7.62 x 25mm TT
Magazine capacity: 8 rounds
Firing mechanism: Single-action, short-recoil

Historical Background

Prior to the adoption of the TT33, the Red Army used the Nagant revolver.
Simple and reliable, the Nagant was liked by the troops, but it was clear that
a new pistol was needed for better performance.

Arms designer Fedor Tokarev based his design on the successful Browning design,
the Colt M1911 pistol, using the sliding breech and swinging link system. The
ammunition was picked based on previous experience with the German C96 pistol,
which was used by the Russians previously and whose 7.63mm rounds were greatly
liked for its performance. The design was complete in 1930, and after extensive
field-testing and improvements, the weapon was adopted in 1933. Post-war
versions had several external refinements, and was distributed to Eastern Bloc
countries. Production was ceased in 1952, although the TT33 was still in use by
Russian police forces until the 1960's.

While based on good concepts, the TT33 had several prominent flaws. Most
notable would be the lack of a manual safety, which meant that the weapon could
be accidentally discharged when being carried, and the only way of carrying the
weapon safely was to have an empty chamber. The design was also not very
ergonomic, and the grip turned out to be quite uncomfortable.

Furthermore, while a good weapon, it was more complex than the previous Nagant
revolvers, and the conscript forces preferred the simple Nagant. Consequently,
both pistols served in the Red Army throughout the war.

Overall, the TT33 had good penetration at decent ranges, and was easy to

United Offensive notes

The new pistol of the Russians, the TT33 replaces the Luger from the original
game. The TT33 is more or less similar to the Colt .45 with an additional

The iron sights consist of a rear notch and front post. Align the top of the
front post with the target and fire for an accurate shot.

3.5 - General Pistol Tactics

As stressed above, the pistol is weak, inaccurate and hardly worth using as
anything other than a backup weapon. Pistols are really only useful in close
quarter maps such as Chateau, but even then the submachine gun can do a much
better job, and even melee combat is more effective.

The pistol does have some good qualities to make up for its weaknesses. Pistols
are the lightest weapons, allowing you to run much faster. They also fire
faster than most rifles, but nowhere near as fast as automatic weapons. Despite
these advantages, the pistol is still not an effective weapon. For one, there
is little reason to run without your primary weapon, and its rate of fire is
less effective due to its poor damage.

A popular tactic, and in fact the standard procedure in modern military
firefights, is to switch to the pistol when your primary weapon is out of
ammunition. Doing so allows you to keep up your fire and finish off a wounded
opponent, rather than reload and remain vulnerable.

The pistols don't hit hard, and due to their low magazine capacity, they don't
hit much either. When using a pistol, it is important that you score as many
head and upper torso shots as possible to maximise your kill potential. Don't
expect to take out entire squads with a pistol; it takes a full magazine to
guarantee a kill and the reload time is substantially slower than most
submachine guns. The iron sights are useful for an accurate shot or two, but
the pistol doesn't have the error margin of an automatic weapon, and it is
often wiser to change positions or simply get in your target's face to make the
most out of a hopeless situation. The pistol is no sniper rifle, you have to be
up close and personal. Medium to long range shots have a remote chance of
hitting even when using the iron sights.

-Close range only
-Use other weapons when possible
-Spray a target to get more hits in as fast as possible

4.0 - RIFLES

The standard weapon of every army in WWII, rifles have a long history. Being
one of the first developments of firearms, the rifled gun allowed a projectile
to be fired further and with more accuracy. As time progressed, the rifle was
improved with repeating functions, box magazines and semi-automatic fire. At
the time of WWII, only the American army had a semi-automatic rifle as their
standard weapon. The others continued to use their old rifles from WWI, tried
and true, and they remained in use throughout WWII even after other weapons had
been developed. Call of Duty's rifles are similar to their real-life
counterparts: they are incredibly strong, accurate, and require a fair amount
of skill to use effectively.

4.1 - M1 Garand

Name: M1 Garand
Country of origin: USA
Available for: American
Calibre: .30-06 (7.62 x 63mm)
Magazine capacity: 8 rounds
Firing mechanism: Semi-automatic, gas-operated
Weight: 4.32kg

Historical Background

After the First World War, America realised the need to provide an automatic
weapon as a standard weapon for their troops. The M1903 Springfield, despite
its power, accuracy and reliability, did not provide a large volume of fire.
This was the requirement under which John C. Garand designed the Garand rifle.
Operated by a gas piston underneath the barrel, which rotated the bolt after
each shot, the Garand was able to fire as fast as the soldier could pull the
trigger. The only flaw in the design came with the fact that the Garand could
only be loaded with a full clip, preventing the firer from topping up.

Also as a result of en-bloc clip, the rifle made a characteristic "ping" sound
when the final round in a clip was fired. Japanese soldiers used this to time
their charges, and later the Chinese and North Koreans did the same in the
Korean War.

Officially adopted by the American army in 1932, America started the war as the
only country with a semi-automatic weapon as a standard-issue weapon. Despite
a shortage in M1 Garands, the weapon was issued to all frontline riflemen,
proving to be an effective weapon by providing fast and accurate fire, giving
Americans the firepower advantage over German riflemen. Indeed, the M1 Garand
is one of the best combat rifles ever designed, and remained in use in the
Korean and Vietnam Wars in both its original and its M1C/M1D sharpshooter

United Offensive notes

Call of Duty does a magnificent job of retaining the hitting power of the
M1 Garand while maintaining the balance with other weapons. Being a semi-
automatic weapon, the M1 Garand has a reasonably faster rate of fire. It takes
around 2-3 torso shots to neutralise an enemy, or one headshot to put him out
of commission. The M1 Garand is remarkably accurate, on par with the other
rifles and much better than the automatic weapons. Controlled, well-aimed shots
can pin down enemies while being accurate enough to pick them off. Of course,
the Garand's semi-automatic function is helpful in close quarters, but is no
match for a submachine gun or light machine gun. It is therefore important to
fight like a rifleman and keep your distance rather than rush in. Also remember
that you cannot reload in the middle of a clip, so you might want to fire off
a few rounds to empty your clip before moving into a new area.

The M1 Garand's ghost ring iron sight is simple and one of the easiest to pick
up. The ring allows the firer to focus on a target and line it up. The middle
iron pin is used to determine where you shot will land. Align the tip of the
pin with your desired target and fire. Rapid-shots will reduce the time you
have to correct your aim, so it might be better to take slower, aimed shots if
you are not suppressing the enemy. Go for headshots when you can, or pump
several rounds into their chest.

Although the M1 Garand is semi-automatic, it should be used as a long-range
rifle, and slow, single shots should be used for maximum accuracy. The Garand
can hold its own in close quarters, but is outmatched by the M1A1 Carbine. As
combat range decreases, fire in double or even triple taps to get more shots

4.2 - M1A1 Carbine

Name: M1A1 Carbine
Country of origin: USA
Avaiable for: American
Calibre: .30in (7.62 x 33mm)
Magazine capacity: 15 rounds
Firing mechanism: Semi-automatic, gas-operated
Weight: 2.36kg without magazine

Historical Background

The First World War brought forward the need to equip rear units and auxillary
forces with an effective weapon. This group basically involved anyone whose
primary purpose was not to fire a rifle. A rifle, such as the M1 Garand, was
too large and too powerful, while a pistol required too much training and was
too ineffective. After the German war machine kicked into action, the project
was quickly implemented. Starting on June 15 1940, various rifles were tested
without success. In August, Winchester submitted a simple model, and it was
accepted on September 30 and was immediately put into production.

Despite the remarkable speed in which the design went through, the M1 Carbine
was an excellent weapon that not only equipped supporting arms, but also
front line troops, becoming almost as widespread as the M1 Garand. The firing
mechanism is different from the Garand. The gas piston is curved under the
barrel and becomes a flat extension with a slot cut in, which rotates the bolt
and opens it, ejecting the spent case and loading the next round. A short
handle allows the firer to clear jams and manually load rounds.

The M1 Carbine was modified for paratroopers by replacing the stock with an
iron folding stock and pistol grip, as well as providing a socket to attach a
bayonet and designated the M1A1. However, despite its ideal design, the M1A1
was not manufactured in the same numbers as the M1 model.

A generally good weapon, it is important to note that the M1 Carbine was a
close range weapon and not a full rifle. At short distances it was a solid and
effective weapon, but at longer ranges it was extremely poor due to the low
muzzle velocity. The bullet begins to lose accuracy and power at around 300m,
and there have been reports of M1 Carbine rounds being deflected by a mere
jacket. As long as the weapon is used in its optimum range, it was effective
enough to be preferred by troops from all arms.

Production was cut after the war, and the M1 Carbine was rendered obsolete by
the introduction of the M14 Rifle. However, many weapons were distributed
amongst friendly countries and were still used in the Korean and Vietnam Wars,
the latter in particular due to the close ranges and rough jungle terrain
typical of the war.

A brief variation of the M1 Carbine was the M2, which was the same weapon
combined with a select-fire feature.

United Offensive notes

An alternative to the M1 Garand, the M1A1 Carbine is the first weapon you start
off with in the Single Player game. The M1A1 Carbine can be used in the same
manner as the M1 Garand, but should be used for medium-range engagements rather
than rifle ranges. The M1A1 Carbine carries 15 rounds and can be reloaded
anytime. Despite its faster rate of fire and larger ammunition supply, the
M1A1 Carbine does substantially less damage than the M1 Garand. It is lighter
though, so it is a good idea to get into good positions to guarantee more hits
in less time.

The iron sight is quite similar to the M1 Garand. The ring allows the firer to
focus on a desired target, and the middle pin is used to determine where the
shot will land. The M1A1 Carbine is fairly accurate and rapid-shots can be
controlled, giving the M1A1 Carbine the edge in accurate, suppressive fire.
Although it does not have the power of other rifles, it is a handy weapon

While lacking the power of the M1 Garand (in fact, the Carbine has the same
power as the pistols) , the M1A1 Carbine is superior in close ranges with its
faster rate of fire, more open iron sights and a larger, reloadable magazine.
The M1A1 Carbine is especially good for maps where SMGs were usually dominant,
such as mp_streets.

United Offensive's M1A1 Carbine damage has been slightly increased from COD's
version, allowing for quicker kills and more effective shots overall.

4.3 - Kar98k

Name: Mauser Karabiner 1898 Kurz
Country of origin: Germany
Available for: German
Calibre: 7.92 x 57mm Mauser
Magazine capacity: 5 rounds
Firing mechanism: Bolt-action
Weight: 3.92kg

Historical Background

The Mauser company has a strong and successful history, known especially for
several weapons: the C/96 Military Model pistol, which fired a 7.93mm round,
numerous rifles including the Kar98k, and undoubtedly the best machine gun
of the war: the MG42.

Mauser's success began with the German adoption of a Mauser rifle in 1871,
which eventually culminated in the Gewehr 98. The Gewehr 98 proved to be the
most powerful yet safest bolt-action rifle of its time, and was used for
civilian purposes such as sport. One of its features was the inclusion of a
fully internal magazine, which held 5 rounds and was contained perfectly in the
wooden furniture, making it comfortable to sling. This later proved to be
quite restrictive due to the low amount of ammunition, but was welcome
nonetheless. The Gewehr 98 was also manufactured from the finest materials with
precision gunmaking techniques, setting it apart from other weapons of its
kind. It was during this time that military enthusiasts did away with the
separate long rifles and carbines and used a medium-length rifle for all units.
This led to the shorter Karabiner 98 model, and it was gradually refined to
the standard-issue Kar98k model. Due to its exceptional accuracy, many Kar98k's
were issued with scopes as a standard sniper's weapon.

The Kar98k's power and accuracy came from the locking mechanism. It consisted
of three locking lugs: two at the front of the bolt and one at the rear,
giving maximum power. The catch was that the bolt-action was somewhat awkward,
requiring a 90 degree rotation utilising the firer's right arm. Due to this
action, the Kar98k could not match the fast rate of fire of the Lee-Enfield,
which only required the use of the firer's wrist. Despite this, the Kar98k
proved to be extremely reliable and remained the standard infantry weapon of
the German army, especially with the shortage of Stg44's.

United Offensive notes

One of the most powerful weapons in the game, the Kar98k is a solid and
accurate weapon. With the same power as its scoped variant, the Kar98k can kill
with a shot to the head or torso. However, being a bolt-action rifle, it has
a slow rate of fire, and the 5-shot magazine leaves a bit to be desired. It is
reasonably light though, allowing the rifleman to be quite mobile. Due to its
hard hitting power, it can be used as a close combat weapon with a one-shot
kill capability, but it is not recommended due to its slow rate of fire, and
should only be done in emergency situations.

The iron sight is relatively harder to use due to its obtrusive design, but it
can be one of the most effective sights once accustomed to. To aim at a target,
move the block-stump over your target. Confirm your aim by checking that your
target is aligned with the top edges of the U-shaped notch. For reference, the
top part of the stump is where your shot will hit. Although difficult to pick
up, the Kar98k is a valuable weapon and one of the best of its kind.

4.4 - Gewehr 43

Name: Gewehr 43
Country of origin: Germany
Available for: German
Calibre: 7.92 x 57mm Mauser
Magazine capacity: 10 rounds
Firing mechanism: Semi-automatic, gas-operated
Weight: 4.33kg

Historical Background

Armed with bolt-action Kar98k rifles and the fearsome MG34 and MG42, the German
army had little need for semi-automatic rifles, and as such the concept did not
attract much interest. In 1941, two famed designers, Walther and Mauser,
submitted separate designs for self-loading rifle, designated the Gewehr 41(W)
and Gewehr 41(M) respectively. Both were quite similar in appearance and
operation, and featured a propietary "Bang-type" gas piston system, which ended
up causing immense trouble in operation. As a result, the weapon was

In 1943, the G-41 was combined with the successful gas system used in the
Soviet SVT-40, resulting in a highly workable weapon and designated as the
Gewehr 43. In 1944, the G43 was redesignated as the Karabiner 43, although no
changes were made to the weapon itself.

The G43 was often issued as a specialist sharpshooter weapon, and could
accomodate an optical sight. However, as with many other German weapons
manufactured late in the war, the finish was rough and quality was lacklustre,
and there are reports of malfunctions and even magazines falling out.

United Offensive notes

New in United Offensive for the German team, the G43 is designed to give the
Germans a worthy counterpart to the American M1 Garand. Damage is comparable to
the M1 Garand, with the benefits of an extra 2 rounds and being reloadable in
mid-magazine. While just as accurate as a bolt action rifle, the G43 has a fair
amount of recoil, and will not kill in one hit unless shot in the head.

As with other semi-automatic weapons, the G43 is best used in slow, single
shots at long range for maximum accuracy, with faster double-taps at closer
ranges to get more hits in faster. While no match in power to the bolt-action
rifles, the G43 has a significant advantage in medium and close ranges.

The iron sight consists of an oblong front hood with an iron pin in the centre.
Align the pin with the target for an accurate shot. Note that the G43 doesn't
have as much recoil as the SVT-40, and because of its 10-round reloadable
magazine, it can be fired freely without the restrictions of the Garand's 8-
round en-bloc clip.

Note that the Gewehr 43 has a rather long reload time in the middle of a
magazine. Pulling the bolt back takes a second or so, and you also have to
remove the magazine and replace it with a full one. On the other hand, if you
reload from an empty magazine, you don't have to pull the bolt back, and the
magazine replacement is much faster. So, if you need to reload in a hurry, and
you only have a couple of rounds left, do the same thing you would do with the
Garand and fire off the remaining bullets.

Also worth noting is that there seems to be an inconsistency with reload
animation and actual ammunition count. While the reload animation will show you
loading a new magazine, the ammunition count will NOT go back up until a secon
after the reload is complete. This means that if you switch to another weapon
before the ammo count is refreshed, you will still have the previous magazine
despite the animation showing otherwise.

4.5 - Lee-Enfield

Name: No. 4 Rifle, Lee-Enfield
Country of origin: Great Britain
Available for: British
Calibre: .303 British
Magazine capacity: 10 rounds
Firing mechanism: Bolt-action
Weight: 4.11kg

Historical Background

Designed by James Paris Lee and manufactured at the Royal Small Arms Factory at
Enfield, the Lee-Enfield rifle was the standard infantry weapon from 1895 to
1957. The design was based off the Lee-Metford rifle, but was configured to
fire smokeless powder. The SMLE (Short Magazine, Lee-Enfield) was the most
common model, which was later simplified to form the Number 4 rifle.

Due to the British army's doctrine on musketry, accurate shooting was stressed
in British training, and the Lee-Enfield rifle provided both the accuracy and
the necessary rate of fire. One of the tests was the "Mad Minute", in which the
firer had to put 15 rounds into a target at 300 yards, and many could achieve
25 hits. Although slightly on the heavy side, the Lee-Enfield was a reliable
weapon and loved by the troops.

Several variations were designed, including the Jungle Carbine, which featured
a shorter length, flash-hider and rubber recoil pad in the butt. However, it
was a beast to fire and had excessive recoil and blast, making it unpopular
with the troops. In contrast, the most accurate Lee-Enfield rifles were
modified to become sniper rifles, becoming renown in the field of sniping.

The unique feature of the Lee-Enfield was the setup of its firing mechanism.
The Lee-Enfield had its locking lugs at the rear of the bolt, differing from
the conventional setup of locking lugs at the front and rear. Although experts
questioned the accuracy of this mechanism, firing tests and experience proved
them wrong, and the ability to fire 30-aimed shots a minute more than made up
for that doubt.

United Offensive notes

The British rifle is a well-rounded weapon, having good power, accuracy and a
decent rate of fire for a bolt-action rifle. It is as powerful as the Kar98k,
with an additional 5 rounds. However, the iron sights can be slightly hard to
pick out in dark areas. The Lee-Enfield can only be reloaded with 5-round
chargers, so you cannot reload with anything more than 5 rounds still in the

The Lee-Enfield's iron sight isn't spectacularly easy to use, but is simple and
gets the job done. The hole in the iron plate focuses your vision on your
target and the middle pin is used to determine where the bullet will hit. Move
the tip of the middle pin to your target's head or chest and fire for an
effective shot.

4.6 - Mosin-Nagant

Name: Mosin-Nagant M1891/38
Country of origin: Russia
Available for: Russian
Calibre: 7.62 x 54mm R
Magazine capacity: 5 rounds
Firing mechanism: Bolt-action
Weight: 3.45kg

Historical Background

Designed by the Russian S.I. Mosin and the Belgian Emil Nagant, the
Mosin-Nagant was developed to bypass costly patents and licenses by creating a
new weapon rather than borrow from already existing parts. The result was a
three-part cylinder bolt and a locking latch in the magazine compartment,
holding down the second and lower rounds. Although quite complex, these
features helped increase the robustness and reliability of the Mosin-Nagant,
especially with the Russian rimmed 7.62mm round, which would certainly have
jammed it if wasn't for the locking latch. Although crude compared to other
rifles, the Mosin-Nagant was exceptionally reliable, otherwise the Russians
would not have kept it.

As time passed, the Mosin-Nagant was refined and perfected. Changes include the
switch to a 'short' rifle, reconfiguring the sights due to a change in the
Russian measurement system and the inclusion of a folding bayonet. On a similar
note, early models were configured with a bayonet in mind, with sights tuned
to compensate for its imbalanced when attached. Due to its exceptional
accuracy, the Mosin-Nagant was the preferred sniper's weapon and was issued
with a scope.

The Mosin-Nagant remained in Russian service from 1891 to 1945, and was used by
Eastern Bloc countries throughout more recent conflicts such as the Vietnam
War. Simple to operate and incredibly reliable, the Mosin-Nagant was preferred
by Soviet troops over more complex rifles such as the SVT40.

United Offensive notes

A solid weapon for the Russians, the Mosin-Nagant is the easiest bolt-action
rifle to use. With power comparable to the Kar98k, the Mosin-Nagant can kill
with a shot to the head or upper torso. Like the other bolt-action rifles, the
Mosin-Nagant has a slow rate of fire, and although it can kill in one hit, it
is unsuitable for close combat.

The Mosin-Nagant has arguably the best iron sights of any weapon. Consisting of
an iron ring with a pin over the muzzle, the Mosin-Nagant's iron sight is the
closest to thing to "hit what you point at". The ring helps single out targets
while maintaining a reasonable line of sight, and the pin is ideal for getting
a bead on your target. The Mosin-Nagant has a reasonably lower margin of
error due to its power and accuracy, and these advantages should be used to
their full potential.

It's also worth noting that COD uses an incorrect weapon model for the Mosin-
Nagant. COD's Mosin-Nagant has a curved bolt handle. The Russians only used
curved bolt handles for their sniper variants, and used straight bolt handles
for their standard rifles to simplify manufacturing.

4.7 - Tokarev SVT-40

Name: Samozaryadnaya Vintovka Tokareva 1940
Country of origin: Russia
Available for: Russian
Calibre: 7.62 x 54mm R
Magazine capacity: 10 rounds
Firing mechanism: Semi-automatic, gas-operated
Weight: 3.85kg

Historical Background

While not the first Russian semi-automatic rifle (previous rifles include the
Siminov AVS-36 and the Federov Avtomat, the latter being the first select-fire
rifle in the 1920s), the SVT-40 was an improved version of the previous SVT-38,
and was a good-quality weapon all around.

Using 10-round steel magazines, the SVT-40 had a rather simple design. In
contrast, its barrel extension is quite complicated. Featuring a muzzle break,
the front iron sight and a 5-position gas regulator, the extension could be
used to adjust gas settings according to different fighting conditions. The
SVT-40 could be reloaded by replacing the magazine, or by using 5-round
stripper clips used by the Mosin-Nagant.

The actual performance of the SVT-40 varied greatly. The Red Army itself was
not fond of the SVT-40, mainly because of the low education levels of the
conscript troops. Experience showed that conscripts were generally unable to
set the gas regulator to the correct position, resulting in poor performance
and damaging the rifle. In contrast to this, the Russian Marine Infantry,
consisting of well-trained volunteers, used the SVT-40 to great success.
Furthermore, the Germans saw the SVT-40 as a superior weapon and often re-
issued captured weapons to their own troops, and based their G43 design on the
successful SVT-40 gas system.

The SVT-40 was replaced by the SKS carbine after the war, but remained in issue
in Eastern Bloc countries. A rare modification, the AVT-40, was also developed
and featured full-automatic fire.

United Offensive notes

The new semi-automatic weapon for the Russians, the SVT-40 is a capable match
to the German G43. However, the open sights make it hard to focus on a target,
and the SVT-40 is rather difficult to aim accurately at longer ranges. It is
quite an accurate itself, but possesses significant recoil.

The iron sights consist of a rear-notch with a front hooded pillar. The tip of
the front pillar determines the point of impact. However, muzzle flash and
recoil prevent the firer from laying down accurate fire, so precision-shooters
will be better off using the Mosin-Nagant for its pinpoint accurate sight.

Like the G43, the SVT-40 reloads faster from an empty magazine than from a
loaded magazine. Hence, firing off several remaining rounds will reload faster
than reloading in mid-magazine.

4.8 - General Rifle Tactics

With two new semi-automatic rifles and longer combat ranges, United Offensive
adds more options and appeal to the use of rifles instead of spamming with

The main issue with selecting the right rifle is simply: bolt-action or semi-

First off, some teams obviously have no choice. The Americans have two semi-
automatic rifles, and the British are stuck with the Lee-Enfield bolt-action
rifle and no self-loading rifle. That leaves the British and the Russians, who
have excellent bolt-action and semi-automatic rifles.

Probably the most important factor is power. A rifleman will typically fight at
medium to long ranges, beyond the danger zone of submachine guns. It also means
that there will be less time to take out a target before it moves out of sight.
As such, it is essential that the target is eliminated in as few shots as
possible. The bolt-action, with it's superior accuracy and one-hit kill
potential, is ideal for that purpose.

On the other hand, in short-medium ranges, it is critical to get as much
firepower out as possible to maximise kill potential. While bolt-action rifles
can take out a close-range target with a single shot from the hip, a miss will
practically guarantee a death. Semi-automatic rifles were designed to output
that amount of firepower. Capable of putting 2-3 rounds in the chest in quick
succession, the semi-automatic rifles are a better choice with more
effectiveness in closer ranges.

Of course, both types can be used effectively in other scenarios. A bolt-action
can be used as a pseudo-shotgun in close range, while a semi-automatic can lead
and pelt a target at longer ranges with accurate fire. However, rifles are
still rifles, and in closer ranges the player must resort to their sidearm to
defend themselves. Bolt-action riflemen should fire off one round before
switching to pistols, while semi-automatic riflemen should fire off their
magazine before swapping to their sidearm.

Bolt-action rifles-
-Best at long range
-Very powerful, make shots count
-Slow rate of fire
-Unsuited for close quarters combat

Semi-automatic rifles-
-Good for close-medium ranges
-Reasonably good at long ranges
-Good damage, but lacks one-hit kill capability (headshots excluded)
-Not as accurate as bolt-action rifles
-Fire in larger bursts as range decreases


After the First World War, it was realised that frontline troops needed more
firepower. The answer was already there with the introduction of the light
machine gun. However, not every soldier could carry a light machine gun into
battle, so another alternative had to be taken. The answer to this was the
submachine gun. A light automatic weapon firing pistol ammunition, the
submachine gun is primarily a close combat weapon with a high rate of fire and
good hitting power. Effectiveness drops off over longer ranges as well as
accuracy. During WWII, many new models were developed, setting the trend of
cheap, mass-produced weapons such as the Sten and M3 Grease Gun. While modern
submachine guns are made from plastics with high-tech gadgets, the purpose is
still the same: to give a soldier a light weapon capable of automatic fire for
close/medium range engagements.

Call of Duty's submachine guns are remarkably versatile, and perhaps even
overpowered. While certainly not invincible, weapons like the PPSh-41 and the
Thompson seem far too good for their role while retaining enough accuracy for
long range engagements. Dominating close quarters combat, the submachine gun
is an easy weapon to use and a good choice for beginners.

5.1 - Thompson

Name: M1A1 Thompson
Country of origin: USA
Available for: American
Calibre: .45 ACP
Magazine capacity: 30 rounds
Firing mechanism: Selective-fire, delayed-blowback operated
Rate of fire: 700 rounds per minute
Weight: 4.78kg

Historical Background

Developed by General John T. Thompson during the First World War, the Thompson
was intended as a 'trench broom' to sweep German trenches. The war ended before
it was perfected, so it was produced and sold to various countries before being
adopted by the US Army. The Thompson was a completely new weapon, finely
machined and manufactured to the highest standards. Its main feature was the
Blish delayed-blowback system, which consisted of a wedge closing the breech
while chamber pressure was high, but opened after the bullet left the barrel,
allowing the bolt to recoil, eject the spent case and load the next round. On
top of this, the Thompson featured a Cutts compensator, which reduced the gun's
tendency to rise when fired on full automatic, and a wooden pistol fore-grip.
Designated the M1928, the Thompson was common in US and British forces, being
issued 20- and 30-round box magazines as well as a 50-round drum which was
later phased out due to the loud noise it made when on the move.

During this time, the Thompson was popular among American police units as well
as crime organisations, being the favoured weapon of many hit-and-runs.

The M1928 Thompson was a complicated weapon to manufacture and was very
expensive. To simplify production, the Cutts compensator was discarded, the
wooden-foregrip was replaced with a conventional fore-end stock, the separate
firing pin was fixed to the bolt and the Blish system was replaced with a
conventional delayed blowback system. The latter caused some grief, since the
Blish system was what made the Thompson a unique weapon, but this was resolved
after threats of independent production. This model became the M1 Thompson, and
remained in favour with troops even after cheaper weapons such as the M3 Grease
Gun came into service. A final modification came in the form of the M1A1, which
replaced the firing pin and hammer with a firing pin machined into the bolt

Although slightly on the heavy side, the Thompson was the most reliable weapon
of its type, and remained in service until the Vietnam War.

United Offensive notes

Available to the American side, the M1 Thompson is an exceptionally good
weapon. With decent power, the Thompson has a rate of fire second only to the
PPSh-41. The Thompson is also remarkably accurate for a submachine gun, and
thus especially easy to use by all players. The Thompson also has a relatively
fast reload speed, and it is capable of semi-automatic fire, allowing accurate
long range shots. However, the Thompson is not the PPSh-41, and its 30-round
magazine can be emptied very quickly.

The Thompson has a simple V-notch iron sight with a pin over the muzzle. Not
the best of sights, but it does the job. Although an accurate weapon, the
Thompson is not a rifle, and shouldn't be used as such. Only use the sight when
you have the opportunity to spray an accurate burst. Fire in short bursts; the
muzzle flash will reduce your ability to accurately sustain fire. The semi-
automatic mode isn't particularly useful, so take advantage of the Thompson's
fast rate of fire to increase your chances of a hit.

5.2 - MP40

Name: Maschinenpistole 1940
Country of origin: Germany
Available for: German
Calibre: 9 x 19mm Parabellum
Magazine capacity: 32 rounds
Firing mechanism: Full-automatic, blowback-operated
Rate of fire: 500 rounds per minute
Weight: 4.7kg

Historical Background

Prior to the Second World War, the German Army began re-arming its war machine.
After observing events in the Spanish Civil War, the German Army approached
designer Berthold Giepel to design a submachine gun. Giepel submitted a
pre-made prototype in 1938, which was accepted into service as the Maschinen
Pistole 38, or MP38. However, it was still manufactured using traditional
methods, so it was improved and designated the MP40, using more steel stampings
and welding to facilitate mass-production and incorporating several safety

The MP40 was a revolutionary weapon for its time. It was the first weapon to
use all-metal construction as well as featuring a folding metal stock. It also
featured a small 'lip' under the muzzle, allowing it to be fired from a vehicle
without it jerking back. It was incredibly light, and more importantly it was
cheap and easy to manufacture. Firing up to 500 rounds per minute, the MP40 was
an extremely effective weapon and issued to officers and assault units.

Although crude in appearance compared to traditional weapons such as the
Thompson, the MP40 was distinctive in its appearance and become the trademark
image of the Wehrmacht soldier.

United Offensive notes

A solid weapon for the German forces, the MP40 is a popular weapon due to its
ease of use. The slowest of the submachine guns, the MP40 has reasonable power
and decent accuracy. Like other submachine guns, the MP40 is best used at close
range. However, its slower rate of fire allows it to be controlled when fired
on full automatic, and makes an effective suppression weapon.

Like the other submachine guns, the MP40 has simple sights, consisting of a
small notch, a pin and an iron ring. The MP40 has reasonable accuracy when
using the iron sights, and remains controlled even when sustaining fire.
However, the muzzle flash might be a problem, blocking out your line of sight
when firing.

Note that the MP40's damage has been slightly increased in United Offensive.

5.3 - Sten

Name: Sten Mark II
Country of origin: Great Britain
Available for: British
Calibre: 9 x 19mm Parabellum
Magazine capacity: 32 rounds
Firing mechanism: Full-automatic, blowback-operated
Rate of fire: 450 rounds per minute
Weight: 3.18kg without magazine

Historical Information

In 1940, Britain suffered a shortage of weapons, and with the only submachine
guns available being the US Thompson and the rushed Lanchester (which was a
copy of the German MP28), the British Army needed a cheaper weapon in larger
quantities. To solve this dilemma, the Sten was introduced and adopted. Taking
its name from the first letter of its designers' surnames, Major R.V. Shepherd
and Mr. H.J. Turpin, and the first two letters of the Enfield factory, the Sten
consisted of a heavy bolt and spring in a tubular metal sleeve with the barrel
screwed on. This caused great grief amongst traditional gunmakers due to the
extremely crude look of the weapon.

The Mark I had a wooden stock, but this was soon discarded and the weapon was
simplified to form the most common model, the Mark II. It was found that the
manufacture of the parts was so simple that the British Army contracted smaller
manufacturers and even large garages to make the smaller parts of the weapon,
then gather them into a main factory to be assembled.

Firing 550 rounds per minute, the Sten was an ugly gun and was never liked by
the troops. Although its construction protected it from dirt and mud, the MP40-
based magazine caused immense trouble, having a reputation for jamming at
awkward moments (the MP40 suffered from this problem as well). Various versions
were simplified and tried out, culminating in the luxurious Mark V, which had
wooden furniture, a forward pistol grip and bayonet socket. Produced after the
demand was satisfied and equipping the British paratroopers at Arnhem, the
Mark V would have been a good weapon had it not been for its unreliable

Although unpopular, it did the job, and was an effective weapon in winning the
war considering its circumstances, and due to its portability it was a
a favourite amongst the French Resistance.

Many Sten Mk II's were also manufactured with an integral silencer for
clandestine operations, and remained in use in the Vietnam War by special force

United Offensive notes

As crude as its real life counterpart, Call of Duty's Sten gun leaves a lot to
be desired. As a weapon, it is relatively effective, especially in close
combat. Having a faster rate of fire than the MP40, the Sten is somewhat more
inaccurate and is harder to aim than its German counterpart. Interestingly, the
game portrays the Sten's rate of fire rather inaccurately, since the real life
counterpart is substantially slower than the MP40.

The Sten's iron sights were changed in United Offensive. Instead of the
previous rear ring sight and forward V-notch, the forward sight is now replaced
with a post to clearly approximate the point of impact. As with the previous
Sten, fire in bursts and keep steady control of the weapon while firing in
extended bursts to keep as accurate as possible.

Unlike most other weapons, the Sten does not have a swing-style melee attack.
Instead, the melee attack consists of a short jab with the muzzle, and
obviously is pitifully weak.

Like the MP40, the Sten's damage is increased slightly in United Offensive.

The Sten Mk. II Silenced submachine gun is also available in the British
campaign, but is not selectable in Multiplayer.

5.4 - PPSh

Name: Pistolet Pulemet Shpagin 1941
Country of origin: Russia
Available for: Russian
Calibre: 7.62 x 25mm TT
Magazine capacity: 71 rounds
Firing mechanism: Selective-fire, blowback-operated
Rate of fire: 900 rounds per minute
Weight: 5.45kg (3.63kg without magazine)

Historical Background

After the German advance in 1941, the Russians lost a massive amount of
materials and weapons. To replace these losses, a new weapon had to be
designed, cheap and easy to manufacture to practically re-arm the entire Red
Army. For this purpose, the PPSh-41 was developed. Taking its name from the
Russian designation for a submachine gun, 'Pistolet Pulemet', and the name of
the designer, Georgii Shpagin, the PPSh-41 was a simplified version of the
previous PPD submachine gun, using stamped parts as much as possible. The
PPSh-41 used a simple blowback operation, and the stamped metal jacket was
extended over the muzzle to act as a fairly effective compensator, reducing the
tendency for the barrel to rise when firing on full-automatic. Using the
distinctive 71-round drum, later models were also issued with a curved 35-round
box clip, and had the selectable semi-automatic mode removed.

The PPSh-41 proved its worth, and soon become the standard weapon of the Red
Army, often with whole units being equipped with only the PPSh-41. After the
war, PPSh-41's were sold to Eastern Bloc nations and remained in use through
the Vietnam War.

United Offensive notes

One of the fiercest weapons in the game, the PPSh-41 is the most popular weapon
among new players. With the fastest rate of fire for a selectable weapon and a
71-round drum to go, the PPSh-41 is a pure spray-and-pray weapon. Despite its
blazingly fast firing speed, the PPSh-41 does not lose much in terms of
accuracy, and even when aiming down the sight, the PPSh-41 has a remarkably
concentrated spray pattern. However, it is important to note that the PPSh-41
is the weakest of the submachine guns, and requires more hits for a kill.

The iron sight is simply an extension of the barrel jacket with a small stump.
Although simple, the muzzle flash from the PPSh-41 quickly makes aiming down
the sight difficult, and the recoil of the weapon makes aiming almost
pointless. Like the Thompson, the semi-automatic function is a nifty but not so
practical feature, and long-distance shots should be short bursts of automatic
fire instead.

5.5 - General Submachine Gun Tactics

As previously mentioned, the submachine gun is an easier weapon to use than
most other weapons. However, it does take a fair amount of experience to use
effectively. Each submachine gun has their own strengths and weaknesses as
highlighted above. In general, the submachine gun is most effective at close
range, being less effective at longer ranges where rifles and sniper rifles

The submachine gun iron sights are simple and easy to use. Despite this, there
is little need to aim when engaged in close combat, and it is usually better
to sidestep and dodge bullets while firing rather than standing still to aim.
This range is, of course, the main strength of the submachine gun, and the sole
reason as to why it is such a deadly weapon in Call of Duty. There is little
need of strategy here, it all falls on your ability to spray bullets where you
want them to. Naturally, at medium range it would be a better option to use the
iron sights to reduce your cone of fire.

At longer ranges, a more strategic approach is needed. Considering the low
amount of damage dealt by submachine guns for individual hits, the semi-
automatic function of the Thompson and PPSh-41 are not worth the trouble of
using. When engaging at long range, use short, controlled bursts to maintain
accuracy while pouring out a steady flow of fire. This is usually enough to pin
down targets and neutralise them, but against more experienced players it tends
to be ineffective and a waste of time.

In these situations, it is important to break off contact and either seek a
better target, or find another approach to the target and engage it on more
desirable terms. If you are under fire by riflemen from across the map on
Brecourt, don't bother trying to outsnipe them with a submachine gun, break off
and head through the trenches, taking out other targets along the way before
reaching them. Fight battles on your turf rather than theirs, and you can stay
alive longer while inflicting more damage.

Due to the sheer firepower of the submachine gun at close ranges, submachine
guns make effective suppressing weapons, and more importantly, are the best
weapons for flanking an enemy line of fire. Fighting with a submachine gun not
only means spraying-an-praying, but doing so from the best position possible.

-Best at close combat
-Generally do low damage, but have faster rates of fire
-Not the most accurate of weapons
-Fight at close range whenever possible


Like many other weapons, the support-type weapons have their roots in the First
World War. Back then, the heavy machine gun was literally heavy, weighing up to
70kg. There was a need for an automatic weapon light enough for a soldier to
carry with him as he ran across No Man's Land, away from his own machine guns.
The concept was to bring his support with him. The answer was already there in
the form of the Lewis gun, the first light machine gun, used by British troops
with great effect. Other countries began following this trend, and soon the
light machine gun became a staple weapon for every squad.

In Call of Duty, only the American and British have light machine guns. The
Germans have an assault rifle instead, while the Russians don't even have a
support-type weapon. For the most part, support weapons are heavier, accurate,
have a decent rate of fire and are amazingly powerful.

6.1 - BAR

Name: M1918A2 Browning Automatic Rifle
Country of origin: USA
Available for: American
Calibre: .30-06 (7.62 x 63mm)
Magazine capacity: 20 rounds
Firing mechanism: Full-automatic, gas-operated
Rate of fire: 450 or 650 rounds per minute, selectable
Weight: 8.8kg with empty magazine

Historical Background

Designed in 1915-16 by John M. Browning, who also developed the M1911 Colt
pistol and .30 and .50 cal machine guns, the Browning Automatic Rifle filled
the role of 'squad automatic weapon'. Although intended as an assault weapon,
the BAR proved to be an effective support weapon and was adopted by the
Belgian, Polish and Swedish armies. The BAR underwent some modifications,
including changing the position of the bipod, and later models had a variable
fire option, changing from 550 rounds per minute to faster rates of fire.

A typical squad had one BAR gunner, and later in the war the number was
increased to two per squad. BAR gunners usually had an assistant to carry more
ammunition, and because of the importance of the BAR's steady firepower, it was
often entrusted to the most reliable soldier. Many men preferred to use the BAR
without its bipod to save weight.

Despite its effectiveness, the BAR was never as good as the designer hoped. It
was way too heavy to be an effective rifle. The weight alone made it a pain to
shoulder, and the vibration from firing made it impossible to maintain a steady
aim. On the other hand, it was too light to be an effective light machine gun.
It was unstead on its bipod, its 20-round magazine meant it had to be reloaded
frequently, the bottom-mounted magazine made it difficult to reload from a
prone position, and the barrel couldn't be changed when it overheated.

Despite these shortcomings, the BAR remained a solid weapon and was kept in
service for over 50 years in various armies, while leftovers were sold to other

United Offensive notes

Firing the same round as the Garand and the Springfield, the BAR packs a huge
punch, and comes with slow- and fast-automatic firing modes. The fast-automatic
mode allows it to go toe-for-toe against submachine guns, and due to its
superior power it can come up on top quite easily. On slow-auto, the weapon can
be used as a semi-automatic rifle. Unlike the real life version, you have no
problem aiming with it, and its accuracy and power make it an excellent
alternative to the M1 Garand despite its heavy weight.

The iron sight is simple, easy to use and effective. Consisting of a simple
pin at the front of the gun. Simply place the head of the pin over your desired
target and fire. Muzzle flash is not a particular problem, and recoil isn't
erratic or uncontrollable. All-in-all, the BAR is a solid weapon that can be
used by most players.

6.2 - MP44

Name: Sturmgewehr 44
Country of origin: Germany
Available for: German
Calibre: 7.92 x 33mm Kurz
Magazine capacity: 30 rounds
Firing mechanism: Selective-fire, gas-operated
Rate of fire: 500 rounds per minute
Weight: 5.22kg

Historical Background

In the 1930's, German military authorities questioned the purpose of the
standard infantry rifle. It was realised that even the earliest rifles were
capable of firing a bullet to distances over 1000m. It was almost impossible
for a soldier to see that far, let alone aim and hit something at that
distance. This realisation set off the possibility of using a shorter
cartridge, reducing effective range, but at the same time reducing weight,
allowing the soldier to carry more ammunition. In 1940, the Maschinen Karabiner
42 was developed as a prototype weapon and tested on the Russian Front. It was
an effective weapon according to the principles behind it, and many features
were taken from it and incorporated into the new rifle in development. The
developers eagerly requested Hitler's permission to produce the weapon. Hitler
proved stubborn, and using the very beliefs that the principles proved wrong,
Hitler criticised the ineffective range of the new cartridge and denied
permission for the weapon to be produced.

This caused a problem for the designers. They had already equipped their
factories to mass-produce the weapon, and in fact had already started making
them. Without Hitler's permission, they continued to manufacture the weapon
and issued it to troops as the "MP44", disguised as a submachine gun. This in
turn please Hitler due to exceptional submachine gun production figures. That
was until Hitler held a meeting with his generals, who requested more of the
"new rifles". After a brief period of anger, the Fuhrer finally accepted the
rifle and named it the "Sturmgewehr", the "Assault Rifle".

Despite this official acceptance, production never caught up with demand. Being
made out of steel-stampings and plastics, the Sturmgewehr 44 was a
revolutionary weapon, the first of a class of weapons that are now standard in
today's armies.

United Offensive notes

The German equivalent to a support weapon (the real-life German support weapon
being, of course, the MG42), the MP44 is more of an assault weapon than a
support weapon. Firing somewhat faster than the light machine guns, and slower
than the submachine guns, the MP44 combines the power, speed and accuracy of
both weapons. However, for all its all-rounded capabilities, the MP44 does not
excel in any particular area, being outclassed by rifles at long range and too
slow in both firing and movement speed for effective close quarters combat. It
is, however, a good weapon that can be used in many situations.

The iron sight consists of an iron hood with a small pin. Simply align the top
of the pin towards the desired target to score a hit. The MP44 should be fired
in short bursts. While the MP44 does have a semi-automatic mode, the rate of
fire is slow enough to squeeze off single shots in full-auto mode, and is often
the safer option when in combat. However, the MP44 has substantial recoil, even
while prone, and as such many players prefer relying on the crosshair instead
of the iron sights for medium-range shots.

The MP44 is powerful enough to kill with a single shot to the head, so when
facing an unaware target, aim for the head rather than firing a burst into
their body.

6.3 - Bren LMG

Name: Bren
Country of origin: Great Britain
Available for: British
Calibre: .303 British
Magazine capacity: 30 rounds
Firing mechanism: Full-automatic, gas-operated
Rate of fire: 500 rounds per minute
Weight: 8.68kg

Historical Background

Looking for a replacement for the revolutionary Lewis gun in the 1930's, the
British had several options, including the Madsen, which was discarded due to
its complex mechanism, and the Vickers-Berthier, which seemed the most obvious
choice since it was already in service with the Indian Army. However, a Czech
design was discovered, and after intensive firing tests, was adopted by the
British Army as the Bren, gaining its name from its original factory in Brno
and its new factory in Enfield.

The Bren had a few remarkable features: a quick-release barrel with a carrying
handle, preventing the barrel from overheating and the changer from burning
himself, a relatively simple mechanism and very few moving parts. It was an
immediate success, proving to be accurate, powerful and reliable. For this,
there were a few problems. The rimmed .303 cartridge had to be inserted a
certain way to prevent jamming, and 28 rounds were often loaded instead of 30
to prevent this. The top-mounted magazine also meant the sights had to be
offset to the left, causing difficulties to left-handed firers. The magazine
itself was sensitive to damage as well, leading to more jamming issues.

Other than that, the Bren was a robust weapon, rarely breaking any other parts.
After the war, the Bren was converted for the 7.62mm NATO round, which
incidentally cured the rimmed jamming problems, and remained in service as the
L4A1 until late in the 20th century.

United Offensive notes

The British support weapon, the Bren is an excellent weapon. With a good rate
of fire, very high damage and the smallest crosshair in the game, the Bren can
easily make its power and accuracy felt. Being a support weapon, the Bren is
quite heavy, and has high recoil when fired from the hip.

The Bren's iron sights are offset to the left, and consists of a bracket with a
single pin in the middle, and a ring at the rear. Use the bracket to locate
your target and use the pin to get a bead on your target. Surprisingly, the
Bren's recoil is quite controllable even while standing. The top-mounted
magazine also obstructs a fair amount of vision to your right.

6.4 - General Support Tactics

Although slightly different in their purposes, the Support weapons can be used
similarly. Of the three, the BAR and the Bren have the most in common, both
being primarily used as light machine guns. The MP44 has more flexibility, and
can still be used as a light machine gun to an extent, but is more suited
to medium-close range encounters. The BAR can also be used as a rifle, leaving
the Bren as the only dedicated support weapon.

In the support role, the gunner should remain at medium-long distances from a
relatively well-covered, or at least concealed position. Although firing bursts
maintains a degree of accuracy, the support gunner is reponsible for sustained
suppression, so firing longer bursts is recommended. The idea is to prevent
enemies from leaving their cover to get a better shot, and neutralising any who
do. All support weapons are suited to this role, although the BAR's 20-
round magazine leaves something to be desired. For maximum efficiency, fire in

As a support gunner, you won't be winning any shooting competitions. However,
you do have a higher kill potential than riflemen, who need more focus to
attack specific targets. A support gunner should also not be at the front of an
assault squad, since they do tend to get ripped up by submachine gunners and
are not the best for close combat themselves. However, many players use the BAR
and Bren as assault weapons, and with enough experience they can be used
effectively as such.

Despite the relatively higher recoils, the support weapons are amazingly
accurate with strict fire discipline and are a constant threat for reckless

-Best at long-medium ranges
-Plenty of ammunition to waste
-Accurate and powerful
-Decent at close combat
-Used to support other team members


A new addition to United Offensive, three deployable machine guns are now
available. Able be set up while prone or on ledges and windows, deployable LMGs
have added a new dimension to infantry combat with the ability to reinforce a
position with an incredible amount of firepower. As with its real life
counterparts, deployable LMGs are designed to output a vast amount of lead into
the air rather than pinpoint accuracy, although they have proven to be very
stable on their bipods.

7.1 - M1919A6 .30cal

Name: Browning M1919A6 .30cal Light Machine Gun
Country of origin: USA
Available for: American, British
Calibre: .30-06 (7.62 x 63mm)
Magazine capacity: 75 rounds (MP), 150 rounds (SP)
Firing mechanism: Full-automatic, recoil-operated, air-cooled
Rate of fire: 400-550 rounds per minute
Weight: 14.5kg

Historical Background

Developed by famed weapons design John M. Browning, the M1919A6 was a rather
late-issue infantry machine gun. Prior to the M1919A6, the Americans used the
M1917A1 water-cooled machine gun in the First World War. However, experience
showed that the water-cooling made the weapon excessively heavy, so it was
redesigned with an air-cooled perforated barrel jacket and, after several
refinements to infantry needs, became the M1919A4 light machine gun.

However, further combat experience brought complaints that the M1919A4, using a
tripod, was too unwieldy and took too long to set up in combat. The M1919A4 was
improved by reducing the weight, replacing the tripod with an integral bipod
and added a shoulder-stock to the weapon, making it much easier to set up and
fire. This model was designated the M1919A6.

As with all air-cooled machine guns, the M1919A6 was less efficient and could
not output the same amount of sustained fire as the older M1917. Consequently,
the M1917 saw a resurgence in use in the Korean War, when heavy sustained fire
was required and the M1919 machine guns failed to deliver.

Despite the improvements of the M1919A6, only 43,500 were produced in WWII,
compared to the 390,000 M1919A4 models.

United Offensive notes

Introduced in United Offensive in the intense defense of Bastogne in the
American single player campaign, the M1919A6 has a recognisable firing sound
and a deadly barrage of lead. Of the three machine guns, the M1919A6 probably
has the most solid feel, and with the slowest rate of fire it is comfortable to
fire and easy control bursts.

The M1919A6 has a tangent-type iron sight, with a leaf rear-sight and a pin
front-sight. Align the tip of the pin on the target and fire. As with all other
machine guns, the M1919A6 is quite inaccurate, but negligible recoil and sheer
quantity of rounds is enough to turn the M1919A6 into a devastating weapon.

It's worth noting here that the M1919A6 in the American campaign has a 150-
round belt instead of the 75-round belt in Multiplayer. Apparently Gray Matter
didn't want players to run out of ammuntion too soon in the dramatic opening.

7.2 - MG-34

Name: Maschinengewehr 1934
Country of origin: Germany
Available for: German
Calibre: 7.92 x 57mm Mauser
Magazine capacity: 75 rounds
Firing mechanism: Selective-fire, recoil-operated
Rate of fire: 900 rounds per minute
Weight: 10.5kg, empty magazine

Historical Background

Requested by the German army, the MG-34 was a revolutionary weapon, being the
first general purpose machine gun ever. Throughout the war, was the MG34 was
used an infantry light machine gun, a stationary medium machine gun, a tank
machine gun and an anti-aircraft gun. Its reputation was only surpassed by the
legendary machine gun that followed it.

While the MG-34 was belt-fed, it could also used 50-round drum magazines
clipped onto the side, and with some modifications to the feed tray it could
use a 75-round saddle-type double-drum magazine. The MG-34 featured a curious
two-part trigger. Pulling the upper part fired a single shot, while pulling the
lower part fired on full-automatic. The bipod could be placed under the muzzle
or under the gun's body, allowing a greater field of fire and more stability.
In its medium machine gun role, the MG-34 was mounted on the specially designed
Lafette-34 tripod, incorporating recoil buffers and an optical sight. Special-
purpose tripods were used in its AA role, and an armored, non-vented sleeve was
used in tanks. In infantry models, the barrel could be quickly replaced to
prevent overheating, although the soldier had to wear an asbestos glove to
prevent burns.

For all this, the MG-34 suffered only minor reliability issues, especially in
regards to dirt and fouling. The major drawback was its complicated and
traditional manufacturing methods, which made it unsuitable for mass
production. Despite being replaced by the MG-42, the MG-34 continued to serve
in infantry units and as tank and AA guns.

United Offensive notes

The German deployable machine gun in United Offensive, the MG-34 can initially
be found in several locations throughout the single player campaign, both as a
stationary and deployable weapon. Having the fastest rate of fire out of three
machine guns, the MG-34 is capable of impressive suppressive fire, and is
relatively easy to use.

The iron sight consists of a rear notch and a front pin, with a tangent leaf to
the left of the barrel. The leaf will have no impact on your aim; bullets will
travel straight to where the tip of the pin is pointing at. As with all machine
guns, the MG-34 has a concentrated spray pattern and has little recoil. While
the iron sight is more open compared to the M1919A6, the notch/pin makes the
MG-34 slightly more cumbersome to aim accurately compared to the prominent
fore-pin of the M1919A6.

Also note that the UO version of the MG-34 uses 75-round drums instead of 50-
round drums, and is only fired on full-automatic.

7.3 - DP28

Name: Degtyarev Pechotnyi 1928
Country of origin: Russia
Available for: Russian
Calibre: 7.62 x 54mm R
Magazine capacity: 47 rounds
Firing mechanism: Full-automatic, gas-operated
Rate of fire: 600 rounds per minute
Weight: 11.3kg

Historical Background

Designed and adopted in 1927-1928, the Degtyarev Pechotnyi, "Degtyarev
Infantry" replaced aging relics such as the Maxim gun used by the Russians
prior to the war.

Because the gun used a rimmed cartridge, the DP28 used flat pan-magazines
holding 47 rounds. This layout fit snugly on top of the gun and loaded
cartridges without causing jamming problems. The barrel could be quickly
changed to prevent overheating. Combined with the incredibly low number of
moving parts, the DP28 proved to be reliable and popular among troops. The DP28
was also modified for tank and aircraft guns, and designated DTM and DA

The flaws were apparent though. The recoil spring, housed around the gas
piston, had a nasty tendency to overheat. The pan magazine, carried in a two-
pan bag, was large, heavy and bulky to carry around, and the assistant gunner
had the burden of carrying additional pans.

The DP was later upgraded to the DPM, and was modified to RP46, which used a
belt-feed instead of a pan-magazine. The DP also saw use by the North
Vietnamese Army during the Vietnam War before it was in turn replaced by the

United Offensive notes

First seen in the Russian Kursk mission firing on incoming German infantry, the
DP28 is the Russian deployable machine gun in United Offensive. Almost
immediately, the restrictions of the 47-round magazine can be felt. While the
MG34 and M1919A6 have impressive 75-round belts or magazines, the DP28 has an
almost laughable sustained fire ability. Chewing through a magazine within
seconds, the DP28 gunner is especially vulnerable as he will be reloading a lot
more often than his German, British and American counterparts.

The iron sight is probably least restrictive out of the three machine guns. The
sight consists of a semi-circular front hood with a post. The post will
indicate the approximate point of impact. Note that the magazine is placed
under the sight, and hence will not restrict any vision.

7.4 - General Deployable LMG Tactics

The purpose of the deployable machine gun is simple: to shoot bullets, lots of
them, and to keep firing for a long period of time. This is where deployable
machine guns hold the edge over other support weapons. In contrast to the 20-
round BAR and the 30-round Bren, deployable machine guns have a whopping 75-
round magazine (excluding the 47-round DP28). However, that also means that
they cannot be fired while on the move.

The most important aspect of using a deployable machine gun is picking the
right position. In many ways, the deployable machine gun displaces the sniper
threat by occupying places where snipers would normally have been found, and
replacing it with a lot of lead flying out. A typical machine gun position
should have good sight lines to spot and fire upon enemies, face a choke point
or a common route, and have enough cover on all sides. There's no practical
point in setting up a machine gun to cover an approach that is only used by one
or two people. On a similar note, don't bother using a machine gun if there are
less than 6 people or so on a team. There simply aren't enough targets to
warrant using a stationary weapon. Machine guns are also excellent for
defending a flag in CTF games.

It's worth nothing that machine guns can also be set up in windows, sandbag
walls and certain ledges. These can be identified by the Set-Up Machine Gun
icon that appears when a deployable machine gun is carried to those locations.
Be wary of these locations though. Many of these positions, although
convenient, are quite exposed and become blatantly obvious very quickly.

The machine gunner faces many threats. Because of the high amount of tracers
pointing back towards your location, and the sound of your machine gun
consistently firing, your location will not be secret for very long. Snipers
and riflemen can pick you off, and grenades will come your way very quickly.
Even worse: because you cannot move, you can easily be outflanked and be
smacked with a rifle butt with impunity. Undeploying a machine gun is also
painfully slow, so any grenades that land close to you will practically
guarantee your death.

Of course, your strengths are obvious. You can out-gun practically anything
that stands in front of you. While you won't have pinpoint accuracy, your cone
of fire is remarkably small, and you will suffer very little recoil. Muzzle
flash tends to block your vision after an extended burst, so fire in controlled
bursts of six-rounds each to maintain aim and reduce ammunition wastage, and
hence increasing times between reloads. Your superior firepower is easier
applied in defense than it is in offense, seeing how a machine gunner trying to
deploy an MG in a forward position is quite vulnerable. Nonetheless, a good MG
position can be a formidable strongpoint and can pin down an entire team.

Other than requiring a sniper's patience to hold a position, the main problem
with the deployable machine gun is the inability to fire while on the move.
While running speed is quite fast, the only offensive action possible is a
melee attack. Because of this, most machine gunners will move with their pistol
drawn and ready to fire. Obviously, it is imperative to obtain another primary
weapon as soon as possible for personal defense. Submachine guns are the best
choice, but more likely you will have to make do with anything lying around.
Consequently, a machine gunner should be able to use all weapons reasonably

Note that deployable machine guns can only be reloaded when they are deployed.

Another fact worth mentioning is that the machine gun has one of the fastest
and most powerful melee attacks in the game.

For machine gunners, fire superiority is the name of the game.

-Acquire another weapon ASAP for personal defense
-Pick well-covered positions to set up gun
-Can be set up in windows and ledges
-Direct fire towards choke points and common approaches
-Fire in bursts of six
-Reloading is very vulnerable
-Relocate only when there is no more threat
-Can only reload while deployed


Dating back to the First World War and beyond, the sniper has played a rather
misunderstood role in war. The sniper first made a great impression in WWI by
picking off hapless soldiers across trenches, and despite a lull in advancing
sniper tactics, the sniper made a return in WWII with devastating effect and
has survived as one of the most dangerous individual soldiers available. With
the ability to identify and neutralise the right targets, snipers serve as a
demoralising weapon, driving fear into the heart of the enemy before melting
away into the shadows. Sniper warfare isn't for everyone, the immense physical
and psychological pressure is not appealing, the general misconception that
snipers are "assassins" have turned the skill into a "black art". Regardless,
the sniper is both a threat and a shield in today's armies.

In Call of Duty, there are three sniper rifles available. Most of them are
scoped versions of their respective armies' regular rifles, dealing the same
damage but with precision shots with the aid of a scope. Although difficult to
use effectively, they are incredibly easy to use for even beginners.

8.1 - Springfield

Name: M1903A4 Springfield
Country of origin: USA
Available for: American, British
Calibre: .30-06 (7.62 x 63mm)
Magazine capacity: 5 rounds
Firing mechanism: Bolt-action
Weight: 3.94kg

Historical Background

In the 1890's, the US Army was looking into several rifle designs for adoption.
Among them, the Mauser caught their eye, and soon they purchased licenses to
copy certain parts of the Mauser. In 1900, the first Springfield rifle was
developed. However, this weapon proved to be unsatisfactory, and it was
re-designed along with its bullet. Chambered for the .30 round developed in
1906 (hence, .30-06), the Springfield modified several features of the Mauser
design, including a two-piece bolt and improved rear-sights. The Springfield
was the standard-issue rifle of the American Army in WWI.

The Springfield underwent some refinements and modifications, including the
Pederson Device, which converted the Springfield into a light automatic weapon
firing a special round, intended to allow a charging soldier to continue to
suppress enemy positions out of machine gun range. However, the war ended
before it could be used, so all converted Springfields were scrapped. The
M1903A3 was introduced in 1942, designed for mass-production and supplied units
before the M1 Garand was finally shipped to all units, which was somewhat later
in the Pacific theatre.

The M1903A4 was the sniper variant of the Springfield, featuring permanent
blocks to attach a telescopic sight and had the iron sights removed, giving a
curious "naked" look. The standard weapon for snipers, the Springfield was
incredibly accurate and reliable.

United Offensive notes

The sniper rifle for the British and American forces, the Springfield is a
solid, easy-to-use weapon. Although the most accurate weapon in the game, it is
incredibly heavy and being a bolt-action rifle, it also has the slowest rate
of fire. Naturally, the Springfield should be used at long ranges. It can hold
its own in close range provided the snap shot is on target, but it is simply
ripped to shreds if it misses. The Springfield can only reload rounds one at a
time due to the positioning of the scope.

Instead of iron sights, the Springfield has a telescopic sight with a regular
crosshair. The bullet will land where the crosshairs meet. However, the
crosshairs are quite erratic when standing, so it should be fired from a
crouching or prone position. Not only will it reduce the movement of the
crosshair, it will also make you a smaller target.

8.2 - Scoped Kar98k

Name: Mauser Karabiner 1898 Kurz
Country of origin: Germany
Available for: German
Calibre: 7.92 x 57mm Mauser
Magazine capacity: 5 rounds
Firing mechanism: Bolt-action
Weight: 3.92kg

Historical Background

Due to the reliability, power and accuracy of the Kar98k, it was the weapon of
choice for German snipers and was issued with a telescopic sight. It continued
to be the standard sniper weapon even after semi-automatic weapons were
introduced, such as the Gewehr 43, due to the snipers' need for the best
precision possible, which is not possible with semi-automatic weapons.

For the rest of the Kar98k history, refer to section 4.3 - Kar98k.

United Offensive notes

Simply a scoped version of the Kar98k, the Scoped Kar98k has the same power and
accuracy, but has the added benefit of a scope. However, it is also heavier,
and its slow rate of fire makes it unsuitable for close combat. Also note that
you cannot pick up regular Kar98k ammunition. Like the Springfield, the Scoped
Kar98k can only reload one round at a time due to the position of the scope.

In United Offensive, the Kar98k uses a regular crosshair with crossbars on the
side and bottom lines to gauge the target with. The bullet will land in the
center of the crosshair.

8.3 - Scoped Mosin-Nagant

Name: Mosin-Nagant M1891/38
Country of origin: Russia
Available for: Russian
Calibre: 7.62 x 54mm
Magazine capacity: 5 rounds
Firing mechanism: Bolt-action
Weight: 3.8kg

Historical Background

Like the Kar98k, the Mosin-Nagant was a superb rifle in terms of power,
reliability and accuracy. As a result, it was the snipers' weapon of choice and
was issued with a scope. Made famous by Russian snipers like Vassili Zaitsev,
the Mosin-Nagant was kept in use well after the war, even after the
introduction of the semi-automatic SVT-40.

For the rest of the Mosin-Nagant history, refer to section 4.5 - Mosin-Nagant.

United Offensive notes

Like the Scoped Kar98k, the Scoped Mosin-Nagant is simply the same weapon as
the regular Mosin-Nagant with the benefits and disadvantages of having a scope.
Unlike the other two sniper rifles, the Scoped Mosin-Nagant's scope position
allows it to be reloaded with a 5-round charger, giving it a slight edge over
other sniper rifles. However, it is still not compatible with regular Mosin-
Nagant ammunition.

In United Offensive, the Mosin-Nagant uses a T-shaped crosshair. Use the side
lines to acquire the target, and the tip of the center line will indicate the
point of impact.

8.4 - General Sniper Tactics

Sniper warfare is substantially different to other styles of play, with the
riflemen's style bearing any resemblence. First things first, it is imperative
that you understand the capabilities and weaknesses of the sniper rifle. The
sniper rifle was designed to fire shots accurately at extreme distances. This
is the sole reason to using the sniper rifle above the rifle. While the rifle
often does the same amount of damage with less penalty, the scoped weapons
allow firers to accurately get a bead on their target without the limitations
of an iron sight. The scope is a very useful tool.

On the same note, it is important to consider your firing position. In real
life, a sniper would very rarely take a shot while standing up, and in Call of
Duty it is the same. Always go prone when possible, or crouch when it isn't.
The only time when a standing shot should be used is when you are ambushed and
caught off-guard. As a sniper, you should never let yourself get into that
position. Changing your firing position means that your crosshair will be more
stable, and you also make yourself a smaller target.

There are two types of people who used scoped weapons:


Although they might seem like the same thing, they are not. A sharpshooter is
someone who stays with their unit, taking out priority targets at opportunity
with the standard weapon. A sniper is someone who fights alone, or with an
accompanying sniper/spotter, scouting potential targets and taking them out if
necessary with a specialised weapon. When applied to real life, we can use the
police 'sniper' as an example of misunderstanding. The police 'sniper' is not
a true sniper. Although his shooting ability might be just as good, he is not
under the pressure of war and has the backing of every available resource. He
is not fighting his own psychological war, he is a sharpshooter. A sniper, on
the other hand, fights his psychological war on a personal level, a strain that
not many can handle.

As in life, the tactics of a sharpshooter and a sniper are very different. A
sharpshooter acts as a "forward sniper", rushing or staying behind the assault
squad and providing precision fire to directly aid the team. Although risky and
more rewarding, the sharpshooter is a liability when caught out and is just as
vulnerable as the other squad members. It is important that the sharpshooter
gets out of harm's way before engaging in picking off ripe targets.

A sniper, on the other hand, fights practically by himself. Although best
paired with another sniper, or even better, an assault, the sniper is a lone
wolf who fights his own personal war. The tactics used reflect this. The
sniper is not a direct team player, he aids the team indirectly. The role of
the sniper is to be a stationary threat, picking off the right targets to aid
the team and demoralise the enemy. Although it is usually the case, do not
shoot at every target you see, only shoot at what you know you can hit, and
what you know can hit you. Those are priorities. A single sniper can easily pin
down a base of fire or an entire approach, forcing the enemy to find another
route or assault your position with heavy losses.

There is also the need to relocate. Eventually, someone will realise where you
are, especially with the aid of the Kill-Cam. It won't be long until someone
sneaks up from behind and knocks you out with a rifle butt. In real life, the
sniper never fires more than two shots from the same position. In Call of Duty,
there is a reasonably higher amount of flexibility. However, it is important to
remember that the longer you stay in one spot, the more likely it is that you
will be flanked and attacked from behind, no matter how effective you are at
pinning the enemy. Survival instinct is an important part in sniper warfare.

Another important aspect is where you snipe from. A sniper never picks the most
obvious locations, regardless of how good a view they give. Instead, they pick
less popular locations that few people would look at: a simple bush, a bunch of
trees, behind dead bodies in an open field, even in a dark corner in a room
with a window looking out. Although at times it is a good idea to sit by a
window and continually take out target after target, the more obvious you are,
the easier you are to kill.

Already, the sniper section is immense, and it beyond the scope of this general
guide to explain in detail. Although it is a disrespected style of play due to
its n00b-friendliness, it is nonetheless effective when used properly and it is
essential to have one or two snipers for a large team.

Note that in United Offensive, the sniper scope size has been greatly enlarged,
and each rifle has its own unique scope reticule.

-Long-range only
-Moderately effective at short range for self-defense
-Fire from a crouching or prone position
-Go for headshots whenever possible
-Slow rate of fire, make each shot count
-Don't use the same position all the time, relocate often


History doesn't extend so far back for grenades, but the concept itself has
been around for a while. Ever since the development of portable explosives,
devices have been used to throw or otherwise launch an explosive to reasonable
distances. Originally, such devices might have involved gunpowder wrapped in
some sort of packaging, and afterwards sticks of dynamite. The modern grenade
appeared in the 20th century in different forms, and have kept similar trends
in design. Grenades were also used for other purposes, such as smoke screens or
specific destruction of equipment.

Call of Duty features four types of grenades: one for each side represented in
the game. Each grenade is similar in characteristics, but each grenade will
have its background explained below. United Offensive adds Smoke Grenades as
well as high-explosive Satchel Charges.

9.1 - M2 Frag Grenade

Name: Mark II Fragmentation Grenade
Country of origin: USA
Available for: American

Historical Background

When the United States entered the First World War, it became apparent that
they lacked a standard-issue hand grenade. Basing their designs off the
existing British Mills Bomb and the French F-1 grenade, the Mk I grenade was

The Mk I grenade featured a serrated surface, with 40 segments divided into 8
columns and five rows, which sprayed shrapnel in all directions upon
detonation. The grenade also featured a complicated safety mechanism to ensure
that the thrower did not harm himself before the grenade was thrown.

This safety mechanism was the ultimate cause to the failure of the Mk I
grenade. The throw had to remove the split pin, then turn the safety lever
before throwing the grenade. Consequently, when trialed in combat, a fair
proportioned of grenades were not properly armed. Commanders immediately
demanded that the grenade be put out of service.

The Mark II grenade was then designed. It used the same charge and
configuration as the Mark I, but featured a shorter safety lever, resembling
the Mills grenade. The thrower could hold the grenade as long as he wanted to,
provided he kept the lever closed. As soon as the lever is released, the five
second fuse kicked in. These grenades were initially painted bright yellow, the
official color of ordnance, but was repainted in olive drab due to the
impracticality of carrying a bright yellow grenade in combat.

Nicknamed the "Pineapple" due to its shape, the Mk II had a tendency to break
up into large chunks upon detonation, resulting in uneven fragmentation
patterns. It was used until the Vietnam War in the 1960's, supplementing the
M26 grenade. After the War they were phased out of combat.

United Offensive notes

As the grenade used by the Americans, the M2 Frag Grenade doesn't have any
special or outstanding features. It is much easier to control than the erratic
Russian and German grenades, and is most effective when used against targets in
enclosed spaces.

9.2 - Stielhandgranate

Name: Stielhandgranate 24
Country of origin: Germany
Available for: German

Historical Background

Nicknamed the "Potato Masher" due to its curious shape, this German stick
grenade became a typical image of the Wehrmact soldier. The Stielhandgranate
featured a small explosive "head" attached to a long wooden handle. The handle
allowed the thrower to throw the grenade much further than an ordinary grenade.
To arm the grenade, the thrower had to unscrew the cap off the base and pull
it, which started the 4-5 second fuse.

Despite its distance advantage, the Stielhandgranate was not as effective as
other grenades. The main reason was because it relied more in explosive damage
rather than fragmentation. The rather erratic fuse also meant that it was
difficult to cook properly, resulting in grenades being thrown back or even
blowing up in the thrower's hand.

Despite popular belief, the Stielhandgranate was not the only grenade used by
the German army. The Germans also used an "Egg" grenade which resembled
contemporary grenades and was much smaller.

United Offensive notes

Not much difference between the German grenades and the other grenades. While
supposedly being able to be thrown further, its effectiveness is the same as
the others.

9.3 - MK1 Frag Grenade

Name: No. 36M Mark I Fragmentation Grenade
Country of origin: Great Britain
Available for: British

Historical Background

Designed by the famous William Mills, the No. 36 grenade was based off the
previous No. 5 grenade, which featured an attached rod to be used as a rifle
grenade. The No. 36 grenade removed the rod and used a detachable base plate
for use as a rifle grenade.

Instead of a serrated surface, the Mills Bomb (the name retained from the No. 5
grenade) featured deep grooves along its surface, allowing for large fragments
to be dispersed on detonation. Originally the Mills Bomb had a 7 second fuse,
but this was reduced to 4 seconds after experienced proved that 7 seconds was
too long for a hand-thrown grenade, but was retained for use as a rifle

Like many other fragmentation grenades of its time, the No. 36 had a rather
erratic fragmentation pattern. However, its blast radius was so large and
powerful that the thrower had to immediately find cover to prevent self-injury.
In fact, the grenade could be considered "overkill" in enclosed spaces.

The No. 36 grenade was modified to be waterproof later in the war, and was re-
designated the No. 36M.

United Offensive notes

The MK1 Frag Grenade is used in the same manner as the other grenades, and
bears no distinct differences.

9.4 - RGD-33

Name: Ruchnaya Granata Degtyareva 1933
Country of origin: Russia
Available for: Russian

Historical Background
An odd weapon in design, the RGD-33 was designed to replace the M1914/30
grenade used in WWI. The grenade itself was quite complicated. The RGD-33
consisted of three main parts:

- The grenade body, which contained the explosive elements and internal
fragments, and sealed in an iron "pot".

- The handle, which is used to arm the grenade.

- The "sleeve", which is placed over the body and provides the majority of the

The fuse must first be inserted into the top of the grenade. The grenade was
armed by pulling the handle, twisting it, then pushing it back up. This started
the 4 second fuse, giving the thrower time to throw the grenade at the desired

Because of its complexity, the RGD-33 could not be manufactured in large
numbers, although it did remain in use until the Vietnam War.

United Offensive notes

The RGD-33 has no superior properties to the other grenades.

As a side note, the animation of inserting the fuse into the grenade is shown
in single player, but not in multiplayer.

9.5 - Smoke Grenade

Name: M18 Colored Smoke Grenade
Country of origin: USA
Available for: All

Historical Background

An American signalling device, the M18 smoke grenade was used to designate
targets, and also assist pilots in identifying wind direction. M18 smoke
grenades were available in yellow, green, red and violet colors. The canister
itself was cylindrical in shape, with the respective color shown at the top end
of the grenade. Smoke lasted between 50-90 seconds.

United Offensive notes

The M18 smoke grenade is used for all teams as screening device, creating a
thick concentration of smoke to cover movements and deny line of sight.
Multiple grenades can be thrown to create a blind fighting environment for a
short period of time, and can even be "spammed" to protect approaches from
snipers. This can, however, lag the game immensely.

Note that the M18 was not used for screening purposes in real life, nor was it
available in white. The only real application of the M18 is seen in the first
American mission, where Sgt. Moody marks the enemy lines with a yellow smoke
grenade for the P-47's. The M8 smoke grenade was used for screening purposes.

9.6 - Satchel Charge

Name: Satchel charge
Available for: All

Historical Background

Satchel charges were basically a block of explosive in a cloth bag, rigged with
some sort of timer. Explosive varied from dynamite to Composition 3, the
predecessor to the modern C4 plastic explosive. While largely outdated by the
highly flexible C4 plastic explosives now in use, satchel charges can be
quickly made by combat engineers and rigged with a variety of fuses.

United Offensive notes

While primed and thrown like a grenade (also able to be cooked), the satchel
charge has a much smaller throwing distance. However, it compensates for this
with a HUGE blast radius, and incredible damage. A single satchel charge can
destroy a tank at full health, and cripple a heavy tank. Any infantry caught in
the blast will also be killed. There is no escaping it. Do not underestimate
the uses of the satchel charge, for it can take out half a dozen men in one
blow. Use it whenever you can.

The satchel charge has a 7-second fuse. However, unlike grenades, the satchel
charge can be triggered prematurely. Practically anything capable of causing
damage can set off a satchel charge. Explosions and grenades will set it off.
Vehicles running over it can set it off. You can shoot it with a gun and it
will go off. You can even smack it with a melee attack and it will go off. As a
result, throwing a satchel charge can be quite risky, as stray fire can set it
off before you are clear of its blast radius.

Also note that kills are credited to the original thrower, not the person who
sets it off. It will not harm friendly forces if friendly fire is turned off,
but it will harm the thrower if he is caught in the radius.

9.6 - General Grenade Tactics

Each player starts off with a few grenades in both Single and Multiplayer. As
mentioned above, all grenades are similar in operation and properties, so
swapping grenades isn't a particularly rewarding effort.

Unlike firearms, grenades are not directly fired, meaning that they must be
thrown in a trajectory. Although difficult to pick up at first, experience can
show the optimum angles for certain distances. To obtain the furthest possible
distance, throw the grenade at a 45 degree angle from the ground, and jump if
necessary. Shorter distances can be achieved with lower/higher angle throws,
and with a certain tactful approach, can be lobbed into windows or chokepoints
for devastating damage.

Grenades have a wide blast radius, and a single grenade can easily kill or
otherwise severely damage a target caught in it. Note that if Friendly Fire is
on, your grenades will not hurt your teammates, but it will hurt you if you
remain in its blast.

In United Offensive, grenades can be "cooked", which sets off the timer before
you throw it. You can cook a grenade by pulling the pin (left-clicking), then
clicking the right mouse button to set the timer off. This allows you to time
your throw so that the grenade lands on impact, giving the enemy no chance to
escape. Grenades have a five-second fuse, so you can keep track of it in your
head. The crosshairs will also jerk for every second the grenade remains live
in your hand. Holding a live grenade for too long will cause it to explode in
your hand, killing you instantly.

The only variation to standard grenade tactics is the use of the satchel
charge, which is outlined in its respective section.

-Medium ranges
-Best used against chokepoints, enclosed spaces
-You don't want to be around one when you hear it land
-Can be cooked


With the advent of armored fighting vehicles came the need to combat such
threats. When the Allied forces used the Mark I tank against the Germans on the
Western Front in the First World War, the Germans smashed the tanks with
artillery. After the war, specialised anti-tank weapons were developed. Aside
from specialised artillery, the British pioneered infantry anti-tank guns with
the Boys rifle, a heavy-calibre rifle capable of punching through light armor.
Germany and Russia soon came up with their own designs, utilising steel-core
bullets and even grenade-heads to cause more damage.

Ultimately, the anti-tank rifle was obsolete before the war even began. Tank
armor became too thick for even heavy-calibre rounds to penetrate. The Germans
were the first to find a solution, developing the Panzerfaust, a single-shot
bomb capable of knocking out any tank in existence. The Americans developed the
shaped-charge principle and used it to design the Bazooka, a rocket launcher.
The Germans later copied this design and made their own, improved

Modern advances have given much to anti-armor weapons. While still firing
rockets, modern anti-tank weapons now feature laser-guided aiming devices and
can be manually directed during flight using radio commands sent through a
trailing wire to the rocket itself. Weight reduction has allowed soldiers to
carry and fire rockets individually, especially the American Light Anti-Armor
Weapon, several of which could be carried by one soldier alone.

As we head through the opening stages of the 21st Century, anti-tank weapons
still provide the infantry soldier with not only the means to defend himself
from a tank, but also hunt one with devastating impact.

10.1 - Panzerfaust 60

Name: Panzerfaust 60
Country of origin: Germany
Available for: All
Calibre: 5.75in hollow charge
Magazine capacity: Single-use
Firing mechanism: Single-shot, recoilless
Weight: 8.5kg

Historical Background

The Panzerfaust has its roots in the "Faustpatrone", a weapon designed by Dr.
Langweiler to answer the need for better anti-tank capability for individual
soldiers, a need prioritised after the Russians threw their T-34 tanks at the
Germans. The Faustpatrone consisted of a fin-stablised bomb attached to a 14in
tube, and was fired at an arm's length. This proved to be impractical, as it
could not be aimed. To rectify this, the tube was extended to fit under the arm
and basic iron sights were developed. The first two models of this weapon were
the Panzerfaust 30 and the Panzerfaust Klein, the latter firing a smaller bomb.

The Panzerfaust could penetrate up to 200mm of armor, more than enough to take
out any tank in existence. From here, the only development was range. The
number at the end of the model represented the effective range of the weapon:
the Panzerfaust 30 was effective to 30 metres. At the start of 1944, the
Panzerfaust 60 was perfected and gradually replaced the two previous models,
and by the end of the year the Panzerfaust 100 was developed.

The Panzerfaust was a single-use weapon. After firing the bomb, the firer
discarded the tube and grabbed another one. After a while, materials grew
short, resulting in a re-usable model: the Panzerfaust 150. However, the war
ended before it was able to be manufactured. Throughout this time, the only
other alternative was the Panzerschreck, a reloadable rocket based off the
American Bazooka, and was in fact improved.

Although simple to make, the Panzerfaust, "Armored Fist", was an effective
weapon that was well-thought out and developed. Although technically not a
rocket (the Panzerfaust was a recoilless gun), it was more than capable of
knocking out any Allied tank in existence, and the massive numbers produced
meant that Allied tanks faced potential threats around every corner.

United Offensive notes

Retained from the original game, the Panzerfaust 60's power is suddenly
catapulted up in United Offensive. While running speed with the Panzerfaust is
now reduced, the Panzerfaust is a devastating weapon against the new vehicles.
While only one Panzerfaust can be carried at a time, the Panzerfaust is much
easier to use and is less erratic that the Panzerschreck and Bazooka. If a
standard infantry soldier wanted to carry an anti-tank weapon, the Panzerfaust
would be the one to pick. The Panzerfaust is also available in some infantry
maps, and can be damaging towards infantry, but lack the damage and blast
radius to be much of a threat.

The iron sight consists of a simple square peep-hole. There isn't anything
special to it, simply place the target in its sight and fire.

Note about the weapon model: Unlike the COD model, the real-life Panzerfaust
does not leave a smoke trail, since it isn't rocket-propelled. The effect was
added for that cool rockety impression.

10.2 - Bazooka

Name: M9A1 "Bazooka"
Country of origin: USA
Available for: Spawned for American, British and Russian
Calibre: 2.36in (60mm) rocket
Magazine capacity: 1 round
Firing mechanism: Electric-ignited, rocket-fired
Weight: 6.5kg (unloaded)

Historical Background

To combat the armored threat that Germany was known to possess, the Americans
began developing close-range countermeasures for infantry. The idea at the time
was a .60 cal anti-tank rifle, following the trend set by other nations with
their anti-tank rifles.

At the same time, the "shaped-charge" principle was developed. The principle,
otherwise known as the hollow-charged principle, consisted of an explosive
molded into a conical shape and placed within a copper cone. The igniter was
located at the base of the cone, and the resulting explosion forced a burst of
intensely hot particles through the cone at incredibly high speeds, capable of
forcing through thick steel plates and effectively piercing them. While not yet
developed as a weapon, the US Army saw the potential in this system and
procured many of these warheads.

The actual development of the weapon came from US Army Captain Leslie Skinner
and Navy Lieutenant Edward Uhl. Known for his experiments with mortars and
rockets, Skinner modified a mortar tube and used a rocket propellant for the
shaped-charged warheads. With this design complete, Skinner used the model as
part of a demonstration of anti-tank weapons.

This rocket launcher was only a sideshow to the hyped anti-tank rifles.
However, while the anti-tank rifles had mediocre performance, Skinner's rocket
launcher obliterated every target it was used against. Accurate at short
ranges, and successfully blowing the turret right off a Sherman, the rocket
launcher shocked and impressed Army officials, and the weapon was adopted on
the spot as the M1 Rocket Launcher, and was mass produced afterwards. Troops
nicknamed the weapon the "Bazooka", after its physical resemblance to the
Bazooka sound instrument invented by Bob Burns.

The M1 Bazooka used electric ignition to fire the rocket (loaded from the
rear), powered by batteries stored in the wooden shoulder stock, and also had a
wooden fore-grip. The tube itself was one-piece, and the warheads were attached
to a fin-stablised rocket. The weapon had to be switched "on" to be fired, and
its status was indicated by an on/off lamp on the shoulder stock. The M1A1
model did away with the on/off system, removed the wooden fore-grip and
introduced a disc-shaped mesh shield to protect the firer from the backblast.
The latter proved to be cumbersome and ineffective, and was not used by troops,
instead being replaced with an iron funnel.

The M9A1 model was a major overhaul. The one-piece tube was replaced with a
two-piece tube, which could be split for easier transportation, and the wooden
grip and stock were replaced with iron ones. The batteries were proven to be
unreliable and were replaced with a small generator. The iron muzzle funnel
used in the M1A1 was standardised as part of the M9A1, and the iron sights were
replaced with optical sights. The M9A1 was produced during and after 1944.

One final version of the Bazooka appeared towards the end of the war and used
afterwards. The M20 "Super Bazooka" made several refinements to the M9A1 model
and fired a 3.5in rocket, easily multiplying damage by up to three times, and
could literally obliterate a T-34 tank.

Bazooka teams usually consisted of a gunner, who aimed and fired the rocket,
and a loader/assistant, who loaded the weapon and observed the shot.

United Offensive notes

Commonly found in Allied spawn points and bases, the Bazooka is big, heavy and
hits hard. Despite being a short-range weapon, it can fire a rocket at long
distances without losing power, although accuracy is laughable. In fact, even
at short range the Bazooka tends to be quite erratic in its accuracy, deviating
from the line of fire dramatically. However, it can take a regular tank out
with one hit to the rear, and this should be exploited heavily for tank

Like all anti-tank weapons, the Bazooka is best used at close range for greater
chance of a hit. The only difference from the German counterpart, the
Panzerschreck, is the weapon sights. While the Panzerschreck uses iron sights,
the Bazooka has an optical sight, with a 1x scope and black-painted reticule.
Line the target with the center of the crosshair and fire.

As mentioned above, the Bazooka's accuracy leave a lot to be desired, and
despite being able to carry up to 3 extra rockets, the reload time is very,
very slow.

10.3 - Panzerschreck

Name: Raketenpanzerb

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