Brothers in Arms Earned in Blood – Patch v1.02

Brothers In Arms Earned In BloodKompanija Ubisoft je danas zvanicno postavila novi patch za njihovu novu igru Brothers in Arms Earned in Blood.  Ovaj patch dize postojecu verziju na v1.02 i ispravlja nekoliko bugova vezanih za interface i nekoliko bugova u multiplayer-u. Ako neko do sada nije skunuo demo (615Mb) ove igre to moze uraditi na ovoj adresi,  a za one koji su to vec ucinili ovaj novi patch (2Mb) za evropsku verziju mogu uzeti sa ove adrese, a patch (2Mb) za nemacku verziju mogu preuzeti sa ove adrese.

Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood retail patches v1.02

Changes in v1.02:

– Enabled Time Remaining in Skirmish Timed Assault matches to be visible to spectators.
– Fixed a problem preventing the proper number of decals from appearing.
– Fixed an issue where ambient sounds would stop playing prematurely.
– Fixed an issue in MP with rain sounds interfering with other client sounds.
– Fixed an issue with mouse control after a crash in full screen mode.
– Fixed issues with movement physics in deeper water.
– Fixed MP clients properly seeing the weapon name pickup messages.
– Fixed a MP issue with field promotion and switching weapons.
– Fixed a crash that occurred while saving scores after Skirmish matches.

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