by Sascha Dalen Gilhuys-Floor Kist
Finding your bearings in the rainforest
Command centre codes in the AEB
Finding out who you are and what's happening
Exploring the savannah and ocean biomes and finding the machete
Using the key to the cabinet
Opening up the rainforest and meeting the synths
Getting into Club Eden
Finding the crowbar and restoring the AEB
Leaving Biospshere 4
You play professor Alan Russell. You awaken in Biosphere 4, large
complex holding artificial ecosystems. Each ecosystem is held in a
'biome'. There are four biomes: the rainforest (rf) biome, the
savannah (sav) biome, the ocean (oc) biome and the accelerated
evolution (evo) biome. Your goal is to survive within Biosphere 4
and find a way out.
Russell was a very well known eco-acivist, until some years ago a
company called Subtech offered him the chance to help design and
build Biosphere 4. Sam Devlin is the Subtech-manager in charge of
the Biosphere 4 project. Russell's ambition is to experiment with
plantlife in the hope of developing a plant that can transform CO2
in O2 on a large scale. These plants are called synthetic life
forms ('synths'). The experiments took place in the accelerated
evolution biome (AEB). In order to conduct the experiments Russell
has asked his old friend Sarah Parish for assistance. The last
generation synths are mobile. They do not need to be in contact
with the ground in order to survive. The synths are also lethal;
they attack people in order to suck the CO2 from their lungs. This
seriously injures the victims and some times even kills them.
Subtech has decided to make a hotel resort in the AEB. Subtech
workers have begun the construction of 'Club Eden'. The working
conditions are bad: there is only a limited amount of oxygen in
the biome, so that breathlessness occurs regularly. Russell is
opposed to 'Club Eden' because the biome will probably not be able
to produce enough oxygen to hold a large number of tourists and
because there are synths on the loose. When three Subtech workers
disappear, the entire working crew get very restless. In order to
appease them Mike Abell, Subtech's Club Eden site manager,
organises a Christmas party. During the Christmas party fire
breaks out, burning the biome and killing all the workers.
Finding your bearings in the rainforest
You are in the rain forest by sensor rf/04. It is raining. One of
the paths is inaccessible because of waterlogging. You need to
find shelter and a way to control the Biosphere.
Follow the long arrow to the left towards sensor rf/01. Turn off
the rain tap and drink some water from the stream. The path upward
is blocked. Go back to sensor rf/04.
Follow the long arrow to the right towards sensor rf/05. Find the
compass. The path upward is blocked. Go back to sensor rf/04.
By now the water will have drained away allowing you to proceed SW
to sensor rf/02. There you will find the infrared wand. Follow the
path W to the stream. Push down the tree and cross to sensor
rf/01. Go NE to the lift. Go to the rainforest basement. You
cannot use the pod because you need a password. Go back to the
biome floor. Go back W to sensor rf/01 and SE to sensor rf/04.
You only have the infrared wand to help you further. In the player
manual it says that you remember that you used it on the air
Command centre codes in the AEB
From sensor rf/04 follow the short arrow to the SE. Open the
access hatch and enter the air tunnel. Half way the air tunnel
will be closed.
Use the infrared wand to open the access hatch. Follow the air
tunnel towards the AEB.
Close the access hatch. Follow the path to the W towards sensor
evo/01. There you will find a weird fruit in the tree. Follow the
path N towards cfan evo/01. Find the body of Mike Abell. Take the
key from his pocket. Read and replace the note in his pocket. The
note gives you the password 'house' to the command centre. Take
the canteen (you can use it for coffee or water). Go back to the
access hatch (SE and SE).
Explore further. Follow the path S to the Club Eden entrance. The
entrance is closed.
Return E towards the access hatch. Open the access hatch and
follow the air tunnel back to the rainforest. From the clearing
with the access hatch, go back NW to sensor rf/04. Continue NW to
sensor rf/01 and NE towards sensor rf/03. Two paths northward are
Take the lift to the rainforest basement. As you enter several
fuses will blow. You can replace the blown out fuses with the
light fuse, the sensor fuse and the pod fuse (swapping the lift
fuse and the pod fuse makes sense since you hardly need both of
them at the same time).
There is a rainforest map next to the computer. On the other side
are some press clippings with 'Russell' highlighted. That is the
password to the system.
Take the pod to the command centre. The password is 'house'.
Finding out who you are and what's happening
From the command centre basement take the stairs to the living
quarters and go to sleep. In your dream you'll hear a poem. The
poem will either give you the password to the rainforest
'landlady' or tell you to 'check the mirror'.
Find your way around the command centre. You can visit the
kitchen, the living room, the bedroom, the bathroom, the study,
the analytics laboratory and the control room. The door to the
hydroponic growth chamber is padlocked. Abell's key doesn't fit.
You will need to find another way to open it.
Do the medical check in the analysis lab. You will need the
bronchial inhaler in the bathroom to cure your. Check the
microscope to see where in the rainforest the water is drinkable.
View all the video tapes you can find: one in the bedroom, three
in the living room and one in the study. In the study view the
videophone messages. Read the messages on the board: there is a
machete on the beach, the password for the messages is
'cybercyles'. The cabinet in the study is locked. Abell's key
doesn't fit.
In the control room listen to the 'oxygen' speech on the sound
tape. Use the computer, password 'Russell'. Turn on all the
systems. The AEB-systems will not respond. Read the messages,
password 'cybercycles'.
Look into the mirror in the bathroom. Use the statue in the
bedroom to break the mirror. There you'll find part of the poem
you hear in your sleep. It will give you the password to the
savannah biome, 'visitor'.
Your goal is to get out of the Biosphere. For that you need key to
the study cabinet, a machete to explore the blocked paths in the
rainforest, a way to open the growth chamber and a way to open the
Club Eden gate. All you can do is visit the savannah and ocean
Exploring the savannah and ocean biomes and finding the machete
Go down to the control centre basement. Take the light fuse. Go to
the rainforest basement and use the control centre fuse on the
reverse osmosis. Go back to the pod and go to the savannah biome,
password 'visitor'. Take the lift in the savannah biome. Follow
the path N to sensor sav/02.
Go W to sensor sav/09, SW to sensor sav/08, S to sensor sav/07 and
E to sensor sav/06.
Open the access hatch and go to the ocean biome. Pick up the
machete. Go NW to sensor oc/01. You do not have the password to
the lift. Go back to the savannah biome and close the hatch.
Go E towards sensor sav/05, NE to sensor sav/04 and go into the
hollow tree. There you'll find a map of the savannah biome, the
key to the study cabinet, a sleeping bag and a latex extractor
(you could take the latex extractor to the lombriguera in the
rainforest across the stream from sensor rf/01). Take these items
and come out of the hollow tree.
Follow the path NW to sensor sav/03, N to sensor sav/02 and S to
the lift. Take the light fuse and go to the rainforest. Use the
fuse for the sensors.
By now you will have heard the fourth verse in the dream giving
you the password to the ocean biome 'reside'. In the ocean
basement there is an oxygen reserve tank. Go to the ocean biome.
Take the lift to the subsea platform and walk round. Go to the
biome floor and close the access hatch. Go back to the command
Using the key to the cabinet
The key found in the hollow tree is for the study cabinet. Open
the drawer and take the card. Look at the press clippings. They'll
give you the password to the synth experiments 'Greenking'.
Watch the new telephone message.
Take the card to the medicine dispenser in the analysis lab.
Take the videotape and watch it.
Go back to the basement and take the pod to the rainforest.
Your goal is still to get out of the Biosphere. For that you need
to open the blocked paths in the rainforest, a way to open the
growth chamber and a way to open the Club Eden gate. All you can
do is go back to the rainforest.
Opening up the rainforest and meeting the synths
When coming out of the rainforest lift go W to the stream. Use the
machete to go N to sensor rf/07. There you'll find a weird plant.
If you pick it up it will escape. It can be killed by pressing the
space bar when holding it.
Take the 'white angel's trumpet'. In the hut you'll find a fruit
picker, a blow pipe and a fishing rod.
Continue N to sensor rf/09. There you'll find another synth. Take
the path SE to sensor rf/08. There's another synth there too. Open
the paths W and S, but continue to the SE to sensor rf/06. Open
the path to the W and return to the lift.
It is possible that by now you've been attacked by a larger synth.
If so, and your lungs are damaged, go back to the command centre
and use the bronchial inhaler. Not all synth attacks are lethal.
It depends on your health and the size of the synth.
The visit to the rainforest has not helped you finding a way out
of the Biosphere. Nor has it helped you finding a way to open the
growth chamber and the Club Eden gate. Perhaps there's another way
to open the Club Eden gate.
Getting into Club Eden Go to the rainforest access hatch and walk
toward the AEB. Follow the path S to the Club Eden gate. Eat the
white angel's trumpet and follow the path to the apples. Take one
of the apples. This is the key to the Club Eden gate. Follow the
path W to the Club Eden fountain. To the NE there are some
workers' shacks burning. Go W into the Club Eden lobby. There
you'll find a leaflet with a map to Club Eden. Go up the stairs to
the balcony. Take the fire extinguisher. Go back outside and go NE
towards the burning shacks. Extinguish the fires. Find the oxygen
mask and use it. Damaged lungs can be treated with the bronchial
inhaler. There is a locked. There is also a welder without oxygen.
Go back to the fountain, to the lobby and follow NW to the plaza.
Enter the site manager's shack. View the videophone messages. Use
the key you found in the AEB on the cabinet. The map will tell you
the Biosphere exit is behind the cave. Use the floppy disk on the
portable computer and read Abell's logs. Read Abell's messages on
the board: missing are an oxygen mask, a thermal poncho and a
crowbar. Explore the rest of the AEB. Go back to the plaza. Go N
to the Adam's Rib terrace and N again to Adam's Rib. Go back to
the plaza. Go NW to the bar. There is a body under a part of a
statue. You're not strong enough to move the stone. Exit the bar
NW to the terrace and follow the stairs W to rain tap evo/01.
There you'll find a body wearing a thermal poncho. Go N to sensor
evo/06. Look up to the cave. You can't climb the cliff. Go SE to
the AEB lift. Go E to rain tap evo/01. In order to get out you
need to climb the cliff. But you also have to find a way to open
the growth chamber door. The only place you haven't looked is
beneath the stone. Now you have to find a way to move it. If
you're not strong enough to lift something try and find a way to
boost your strength.
Finding the crowbar and restoring the AEB
Go back to the command centre. Get some adrenaline from the
dispensary in the analytics lab. But it's also possible to pick
the coca plant in the rainforest (sensor rf/08).
Return to the AEB via the rainforest access hatch (you can refill
your mask at the ocean basement).
Go to the bar. Use the adrenaline or eat the coca. You now have
enough strength to lift the stone. Under the stone you'll find the
Return to the command centre and force the growth chamber door.
There you'll find the second part of the poem. The password to the
AEB is 'hidden'. You'll also find a dead big synth, three sound
tapes and an empty oxygen canister.
Listen to the sound tapes in the control room.
Take the canister to the ocean basement and refill with oxygen.
Take the canister to the workers' shacks in the AEB via the
rainforest access hatch. Use the oxygen to weld the door open. You
can now enter the AEB basement, passing through a small storage
and the tunnel. In the storage pick up the two fuses.
In the AEB basement you notice Club Eden power cable plugged into
the power station. Remove the fuses from the fuse board. Remove
the cable and replace the AEB power cable. The system will short
circuit. Put out the fire using the CO2 extinguisher. Replace as
many fuses as you can. The other vital fuses should be replaced
with sensor fuses from the other biomes.
Turn on all the AEB systems you can. It is necessary to turn on
the soilbed fans to get rid of the pollution in biome. It helps if
you fill the air tanks with air from the other biomes. Push air
into the AEB as often as you can. Turn on the rain machines and
check the water level in the reverse osmosis. Refill the reverse
osmosis with water from the utility tank. Turn on the heater.
You'll need several days to rejuvenate the AEB.
During rejuvenation about six small synths and two big ones will
come to life in the AEB.
When the AEB is rejuvenating you'll hear a helicopter pass over.
You'll then receive a message from Devlin announcing the
continuation of Club Eden.
If the AEB level reaches about 40% several fuses will blow out.
Use the light and sensor fuses from the other biomes to keep the
system going.
Check the other biomes as well. At a certain point the ocean will
heat up. Bring the maximum temperature down to 25o on the heater
in the ocean biome. When the ocean biome health drops, turn on the
alg scrubbers.
Devlin has made it clear that you'll be in trouble when Subtech
reaches the Biosphere. It is therefore necessary to get out of
Biosphere 4.
Leaving Biospshere 4
Either by continuously checking or by using the peyote (sensor
sav/09) you'll notice a plant growing under the cave. When the AEB
health reaches 80% the plant will be high enough to climb.
Climb up to the cave. In the cave you'll find 3 big synths and the
hatch to the outside. If you stay too long you'll be attacked by
the synths killing you instantly.
Go back to the burnt shacks and pick up the oxygen canister. Carry
it to the cliff. Open the canister and climb into the cave. Press
the four levers beneath the hatch and get out of the cave fast.
The hatch will explode open. Climb back up into the cave and leave
Biosphere 4.
The End