Bet on Soldier : Blood sport (walkthrough)

Bet on Soldier : Blood sport

FAQ / Guide version 1.01 [June 12, 2006]

Copyright 2006 by Michael Seaman (author)

All Rights Reserved



- Section 0:  Version History [VRHS]

- Section 1:  Technical FAQ  [TEFQ]

- Section 2:  Gameplay Mechanics  [GMCH]

- Section 3:  Weapons & Armor  [WPAR]

- Section 4:  Enemies  [ENMY]

- Section 5:  Walkthrough  [WKTH] (not done)

- Section 6:  Modding / Cheats  [MDCH]

                            S E C T I O N    Z E R O

                         V E R S I O N    H I S T O R Y


Version 1.01
- - - - - - -

- Added this section
- Fixed weapon stats for rifles and machine pistols
- Added Patrol walkthrough
- Added Cargo Bay walkthrough
- Modified Gameplay Mechanics section to make the descriptions more clear
- Modified Modding section to make the descriptions more clear
- Added more FAQ questions

Version 1.00
- - - - - - -

This is the first version.

                            S E C T I O N    O N E

                          T E C H N I C A L    F A Q


QUESTION 1:  My framerate is very low.  How do I improve it?

ANSWER:  Sadly, there are no known tweaks for this game.  BOS:BS was optimised
         for Nvidia and AMD chipsets, so if you have an ATi graphics card or
         an Intel processor, then you are out of luck.  You could try to
         lower the in-game settings, like Shadows, Textures, and Resolution.
         Updating your graphics drivers might help too.  You could also
         defragment your hard drive if you haven't done so in a while.

QUESTION 2:  I want to upgrade my PC.  What should I upgrade?

ANSWER:  Upgrading your graphics card will give you the best performance
         increase.  Upgrading your processor will give you a smaller
         performance boost.  Finally, upgrading your RAM gives you a slight
         framerate increase, but upgrading past about 1 GB of RAM won't
         help your frame rate at all.

QUESTION 3:  How do I get Anti-Alaising and Anisotropic Filtering into BOS:BS?

ANSWER:  You can add Anti-Alaising and Anisotropic Filtering to your game by
         enabling it via your ATi Catalyst Control Center or your Nvidia
         Forceware driver menu.  Watch out!  Both of these features will
         lower your performance, but they will increase your image quality.

QUESTION 4:  Why does it take a long time for the game to load when I select
             Campaign from the main menu?

ANSWER:  You probably have too many saved games.  Go to:
         C:Program FilesKlyotonn EntertainmentBet on SoldierModsSaves

         Delete some of the .sav files inside that folder, or move them to
         another folder.  Only get rid of ones you don't need!

QUESTION 5:  Why does my game lag badly in online multiplayer?

ANSWER:  Both offical BOS:BS servers are located in France (I believe), so
         unless you live near France, you will lag quite a bit online.
         Also, try disabling any mods/cheats you have enabled: they lag you
         a lot when playing online.

QUESTION 6:  My game is unplayable!  There are so many bugs, and it lags bad!

ANSWER:  You probably didn't install the patches.  Search google for the
         BOS:BS 1.1 and 1.2 patches.  Download and install both of them.

QUESTION 7:  Are there any online communities about BOS:BS?

ANSWER:  None that I know of.  I would appreciate it if someone sent me a link
         to one.

QUESTION 8:  Is there going to be a sequel / expansion for this game?

ANSWER:  Yes, it is called Bet on Soldier: Blood of Sahara.  It has not been
         announced when this expansion will be released, I believe.  The 1.3
         patch will be released with the game.  Other than this, I do not know
         much more about the expansion.  Try searching for it yourself to learn
         more about it.

QUESTION 9:  Should I buy this game?

ANSWER:  Try playing the demo first.  You should buy this game if:

         - You have a mid range, Nvidia/AMD machine.
         - You are a fan of the FPS genre.
         - You have already played all the good games like HL2, BF2, Quake4,
         The reason I say you need an Nvidia card and an AMD processor is not
         because I am a fanboy, it is because this game has problems with ATi
         cards.  Even if you have an ATi or Intel chipset, give the demo a
         try.  It won't kill you to download the demo, and hey, you might
         even really like the game like I do.


ANSWER:  Too bad, so sad.  Klyotonn will release the 1.3 patch that will fix
         a lot of bugs with the release of their expansion pack.

                            S E C T I O N    T W O

                      G A M E P L A Y    M E C H A N I C S


*                                                                            *
*                               PRE-GAMEPLAY                                 *
*                                                                            *

- - - - -

To start a new, single player game, first click Campaign on the main menu.
Now click new game.  You have a choise of 3 difficulties: Recruit, Mercenary,
and Champion.  If you are new to the FPS genre, select Recruit.  If you are
an experienced FPS player, or an experienced gamer in general, select
Mercenary.  Only the best of the best FPS players should select Champion on
their first play through.

Recruit:  - Enemies do 50% damage.
          - You earn extra money from completing missions.

Mercenary:  - Enemies do 80% damage.

Champion:  - Enemies do full damage.

- - - - -

You will always view the World Map after completing a level.  From here, you
can choose to play any mission availible to you at the time.  At first, you
only have one choise.  But as you progress through the game, you will have
more choises, so you can play any level in any order you want.

After clicking a mission, it will tell you the difficulty level, your reward
for completing it (in dollars), and a small picture of the mission.  Remember,
if you select the hardest mission first, you will have early access to the
best equipment, if you can afford it!

- - - - - - - - - -

After selecting a level to play, you will have a choise of three menus.  The
first one is the Bet On Soldier (BOS) menu.  Here, you have to pick one BOS
Champion to fight from each catagory.  There are a maximum of 4 catagories
that you have to pick a Champion from, and this number is based on what
mission you are playing.  The amount of money you earn for killing each
Champion is based on how good they are (better = more money).

Clicking on a Champion will show you information about how good their armor
is, what weapon they use, what special armor effect they have, and some
background information about the enemy.  Only pick a Champion that you think
you will be able to defeat!  You really don't want to get too confident about
your own abilities here.

- - - - - - -

Here, you can select the weapons and armor that you want to use.  You can 
select one weapon from each catagory:

- 1 melee weapon
- 1 side arm
- 1 rifle
- 1 heavy weapon

You can also select grenades:

- 3 explosive grenades
- 3 gas grenades

You can also select your shield and armor here.  If you select a shield, then
you can't have a heavy weapon.

If you want to reset your arsenal to the way it was before you entered the
menu, just click "Reset Arsenal".  Not every weapon will be availible to you.
Most weapons only appear in later levels.  See the weapons section of this
guide to see more information about the weapons.

- - - - - - - - -

The Mercenary menu allows you to hire up to two Mercenaries for the mission.
Mercenaries will follow you around for the mission, killing enemies for you,
and repairing your armor (if they are engineers).  The cost of each Mercenary
is based on how good their armor is, and how good their repair level is, if
they can repair.  Sometimes, you can only select one Merc for the mission,
because one is selected for you.  In the Convoy mission, you can't have any
Mercs.  There are 4 kinds of Mercs:

- Engineers:  They have weak armor, weak attack power, but they can repair.
              Always keep them away from the action, and call them to repair
              you when your armor is damaged.

- Protectors:  They have medium attack power, and strong armor.  Always have
               them following you around where the action is.

- Troopers:  They have strong attack power, and medium-strong armor.  Always
             have  them following you around where the action is.

- Snipers:  They have very strong attack power (with very good range), but
            they have weak armor.  Keep them close to the battle, but not
            too close.  Take advantage of their long range sniper rifles.

Remember, your Mercenaries will be fully healed and repaired after each load
screen.  So if one of your Mercenaries is badly damaged, keep him far away
from the action, and when you go to the next loading screen, he will be
healed and repaired.

You can give your Mercenaries simple orders during the mission.  Press F1 or
F2 to make your Mercenary stop, or follow you.  F1 commands your first
Mercenary, F2 commands your second Mercenary.  If your Mercenary is an
engineer, press F3 or F4, and he will come to you to repair you.  Any enemies
that Mercenaries kill will only give you 1/2 of the money that you would
normally get for killing the enemy.

Mercenaries that were pre-selected for you are vital to the mission.  If they
die before they have completed all of their mission related duties, you fail
the mission.

*                                                                            *
*                              DURING GAMEPLAY                               *
*                                                                            *

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Your armor and health indicators are in the bottom left corner of the screen.
These indicators are in the shape of a human.  The blue background shows your
health, and the green armor pieces show your armor status.

As you take damage, your green armor indicator will slowly change color.  It
will start off as green, then it will turn yellow, then it will turn red,
then it will turn black.  If one of your pieces of armor turns completely
black, then it is destroyed.

Lets say that my chest plate was completely black.  If I am shot in the chest
again, I will lose health.  The blue health indicator will go down.  If there
is no more blue left in the health indicator, then you die, and you must
reload the game from your last save point.  Obviously, you should repair your
armor before you start to take health damage.

Enemies have armor indicators too.  Enemy armor indicators will show up when
you put your mouse over an enemy.

Remember, the helmet is the weakest point in the armor, so always shoot at the
head.  This will earn you extra money ($10 headshot bonus), and it will kill the
enemy faster.  It also builds up your self esteem.

- - - - - - - -

Your ammo indicator is located in the bottom right corner of the screen.

There are usually two numbers on your ammo indicator.  The first number is
the number of bullets in your clip.  If this number reaches 0, then you
have to reload your weapon before you can start firing again.  The second
number here tells you how many clips you have left.  There is no clip merging
in BOS:BS, so if you reload when there are still bullets in your gun, you will
lose all of those bullets.

There is sometimes a third number in the middle of your ammo indicator.  This
is the number of secondary fire bullets you still have left in your clip.
Each time you reload your weapon, this ammo is replenished.  If you don't use
the secondary ammo left in your clip and you reload your weapon, it goes to

Try to make the most of your clips to save money.  But, you need to balance
efficency with not getting killed.  You shouldn't go into a fight with only
5 bullets left in your clip.  And besides, if you are reloading in the
middle of a fight, you will damage your armor, so you will have to spend
extra money to get it repaired. 

- - - - -

The mini map is located in the top left corner of the screen.  The mini map
shows a bird's eye view of the whole level, and it has some icons placed on 

Green Cirle:  Where one of your Mercenaries are located.

Red "R" Circle:  Where a reload station is located.

Orange "S" Circle:  Where a save station is located.

Yellow Circle:  Where your current objective is located.  Go here.

- - - - - - - -

Reload stations are where you can buy more ammo, repair your armor, and buy
more grenades.  To use one of these stations, walk up to it, then press E.
You can use the W,A,S, and D keys to quickly refill your grenades, ammo,
armor, and everything respectively.  Or you can just click, with the mouse,
what you want to buy/repair.  Always try to hang out near a reload station,
so it will be harder to kill you.

- - - - - - -

Here, you can save your game.  You can only use each station once.  The amount
of money you pay to save your game is based on what level you are on:

L-3 Missions:  $400
L-2 Missions:  $700
L-1 Missions:  $1400
Post-League Missions:  $1800

You also get a free save each time that you go through a loading screen.  If
you die, you will have to load from one of these points.

Before you save, always repair your armor and reload your weapons.  This makes
it so you only have to do this once before you save, and not multiple times
after you load the game from there multiple times.

- - - - - - - - - -

The size of your target reticle affects the current accuracy of your weapon.
Running, jumping, swinging your mouse around, and standing lower your
current accuracy.  Firing long bursts also decreases your accuracy.
Getting shot also temporarily decreases your accuracy, so always shoot first.  
Crouching, standing still, and zooming in with your weapon improve your
accuracy.  Always try to crouch and don't move before you shoot, so that your
shots will be more accurate, so you won't have to spend so much money on ammo.

- - - - - - - - - - -

When exploring the map, completing your objectives, you will randomly get into
Bet on Soldier (BOS) fights.  You will watch a short cutscene, then the enemy
you must fight will be revealed to you.  You will always fight enemies you
picked in the pre-mission menu.  You only have 60 seconds to kill your
enemy, or else you don't get any money.  The faster you kill your enemy, the
more money you will earn.  A BOS fight has three outcomes:

- You win.  You earn money based on the time it took you to win, and the
  difficulty of the enemy that you selected to fight.

- A draw.  You didn't kill your enemy in 60 seconds, but you still survived.
  You don't have to reload the game from your last checkpoint, but you don't
  earn any money either. You also feel bad because the enemy gets to insult
  you on live TV... even though they didn't win either.  Okay...

- You die.  You have to reload the game from your last checkpoint.  To make
  this outcome even worse, your enemy will still get to insult you on TV.

- - - - - - - - - -

To progress through a mission in BOS:BS, you have to get to the yellow dot(s)
on your mini map.  You also have to kill as many enemies as possible along
the way to earn money.  Sometimes you just have to reach the yellow dot to
progress.  Sometimes you have to complete an action at the yellow dot, like
place an explosive.  I will always make it very clear what you have to do at
the yellow dot on your minimap in this guide.

                           S E C T I O N      T H R E E

                       W E A P O N S    A N D    A R M O R


*                                                                            *
*                               MELEE WEAPONS                                *
*                                                                            *


There is only one type of melee weapon in BoS, and that is the Roto-Blade.
Melee weapons aren't very useful during ordinary battles, unless you run out of
ammo for every other weapon you own.  But, they will prove to be invaluable
during BOS fights, since they are the only weapon that can pierce every
magnetic shield, which most BOS Champions have.  Magnetic shields are really
the only reason why melee weapons ever get used.

- - - - - -

1)  Roto-Blade

Cost:  $0
First Availible:  Patrol

Half as powerful as Roto-Blade two.  Oh well, atleast this weapon is free!

2)  Roto-Blade II

Cost:  $3000
First Availible:  Hold this Point

Twice as powerful as the original Roto-Blade.  Buy this weapon as soon as
possible, because it will make BOS fights a lot easier.

*                                                                            *
*                                SIDE ARMS                                   *
*                                                                            *

- - - - - - - -

There are three kinds of side arms in the game: Pistols, Machine Pistols, and 
Shotguns.  Side arms are supposed to be used as backup weapons.  If you have
to reload your Rifle in the middle of a fight, instead of reloading, pull out
your side arm.  It takes a lot less time to pull out your side arm than to
reload your Rifle.

- - - -

Pistols are bad, they are probably the worst weapons in the game.  Pistols are
very accurate, but this is their only advantage.  What makes pistols suck so
much is that they fire extremely slowly, they have a lot of recoil, they aren't
very powerful, and they have very small clip sizes.   I would rather use a
Roto-Blade than a Pistol.

1)  Snake B

Cost:  $1000
First Availible:  Patrol

Just the basic pistol.  It comes with 6 bullets per clip.

2)  Widow B

Cost:  $1200
First Availible:  Patrol

Appearantly, this pistol has better accuacy than the previous one.

3)  Tiptoe B

Cost:  $1300
First Availible:  Cargo Bay

This pistol has 4 more bullets per clip than the last two.  Very interesting.

4)  Sieriebro 13

Cost:  $5000
First Availible:  Convoy

Wow!  The first pistol that isn't *complete* crap!  This one comes with 2 more
bullets per clip, and holding down your secondary fire button now shoots the
bullets with a much faster, automatic rate of fire.  A machine pistol is still
better though.

- - - - -

I hate Shotguns, and you should too.  Shotguns fire very slowly, but they
rarely kill with one shot.  You also have to get extremely close to the enemy
to kill them, because they have such bad accuracy.  It also takes a long time
to reload this weapon, because you have to load it one shell at a time.

1)  Nunc Morere B9

Cost:  $1350
First Availible:  Patrol

This is the stock Shotgun.  It is very bad.  It comes with 7 bullets per clip.

2)  Street Imp

Cost:  $4500
First Availible:  Convoy

This shotgun is slightly more accurate than the stock gun, and it has 2 more
shells per clip.

- - - - - - - -

Machine Pistols are the only sidearms that don't suck.  Machine Pistols are so
good, that you could use one instead of a Rifle if you wanted to.  They are
pretty weak, but they have fast rates of fire, they are very stable, they have
massive clip sizes, and they are very accurate.  Not only this, but the ammo is
dirt cheap.  I recommend that you choose a Machine Pistol as your side arm.


Cost:  $2200
First Availible:  Patrol

This is the basic machine pistol.  It comes with 50 bullets per clip.

2)  FKG Trooper

Cost:  $3100
First Availible:  Cargo Bay

The FKG Trooper has slightly better stability and accuracy than it's little

3)  FKG 1978

Cost:  $3550
First Availible:  Convoy

Want even more bullets per clip for your machine pistol?  The FKG 1978 comes
with 20 more bullets than the last one.

4)  FKG 1978 [2]

Cost:  $1100
First Availible:  Eradication / Resistance

No, the information for this weapon is correct.  This weapon costs less than
the other machine pistols, and it has the same name as the last one.  This
weapon also has 10 more bullets per clip than the last one.

*                                                                            *
*                                  RIFLES                                    *
*                                                                            *

- - - - - - -

You will probably be using your rifle the most often in BoS.  There are three 
kinds of rifles: Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles, and Commando Rifles.  Sniper
Rifles are the best, in my opinion.

- - - - - - - -

If you have played any FPS before, you know what an Assault Rifle is.  Assault
Rifles have high rates of fire, small clip sizes, poor accuracy and stability.
The only thing saving the Assault Rifles from being the worst weapons in the
game are the grenades launchers that they come equiped with.  The grenades
don't fly very far, and they don't have a big area of effect, but they do a
lot of damage if you get a direct hit.

1)  Aguila Rojo

Cost:  $1700
First Availible:  Patrol

The basic Assault Rifle.  Comes with 40 bullets per clip.  No grenade launcher

2)  Aguila R-24

Cost:  $2100
First Availible:  Patrol

Supposedly this Assault Rifle has better accuracy and stability than the last

3)  Aguila R-28c

Cost:  $2400
First Availible:  Cargo Bay

No grenade launcher yet.  Just a clip upgrade: this Assault Rifle gets 20 more
bullets per clip.

4)  MG-36 Adam

Cost:  $5000
First Availible:  Special Forces

Finally, we get a grenade launcher!  The only thing the game doesn't tell you
about this weapon is that the clip size is shrunk by 10 bullets.  Woops!  Oh
well, the 3 grenades per clip make up for this.

5)  MG-36 Adam Pro

Cost:  $7500
First Availible:  Hold this Point

This Assault Rifle has slightly improved accuracy and stability.

6)  MG-36 Adam DOD

Cost:  $10000
First Availible:  Eradication / Resistance

This weapon has 25 more bullets per clip than the last weapon.  Technically,
it was only upgraded by 15 bullets because the clip size got shrunk a while

- - - - - - - -

Commando Rifles are pretty much identical to Assault Rifles, with some
differences.  Commando Rifles are much more accurate than Assault Rifles, and
they fire much faster.  They have smaller clip sizes, and have no grenade
launchers.  Instead, Commando Rifles have a "Blinding Flash".  If you point
your weapon at an enemy and use the blinding flash, they will be blinded for
about three seconds.  This proves to be invaluable during BoS fights.  The
blinding flash also recharges every 5 seconds or so, for free.  In my opinion,
Commando Rifles are much better than Assault Rifles.

1)  Tiger TO

Cost:  $3500
First Availible:  Cargo Bay

The stock Commando Rifle.  No blinding flash.

2)  Tiger T1

Cost:  $4000
First Availible:  Special Forces

This one has better accuracy and stability than the other Commando Rifle.  No
blinding flash yet.

3)  F-Jane 10

Cost:  $8000
First Availible:  Convoy

If you buy this weapon, you will finally get access to the blinding flash.

4)  F-Abby 10

Cost: $1200
First Availible:  Tanks in the City

No, I did not make a typo here.  It's weapons like these that make it seem like
this game was never tested.  This weapon has improved accuracy and stability,
but there is no "laser aiming" as advertised.  Actually, I don't think any of
the weapons ever get laser aiming.  Fraud!

5)  F-Rose 10

Cost:  $14500
First Availible:  Eradication / Resistance

The F-Rose 10 comes with a sniper scope, and a small clip upgrade.  I hope that
you don't mind the fact that this weapon sometimes takes up about half of the
screen.  The sniper scope basically just looks cool: it doesn't help you aim
very much at all.

- - - - - - -

Sniper Rifles are the best rifles in the game.  They are extremely powerful,
they have perfect accuracy, they have plenty of ammo, and have a lot of zoom.
They aren't very accurate while unscoped, so pull out another weapon for close
range encounters.  It is very easy to get headshots using this weapon, so there
will be no shortage of cash.  Let me make this even more clear for you:

1)  Berliner 54

Cost:  $1400
First Availible:  Patrol

Have you ever seen a sniper rifle without a scope?  You will once you use this
gun.  Comes with 12 bullets per clip.

2)  Berliner 56

Cost:  $2150
First Availible:  Big Boy

This "sniper rifle" comes with 6 more bullets per clip than the last one.

3)  Berliner Auge

Cost:  $3000
First Availible:  Cargo Bay

Finally, a true sniper rifle!  This weapon comes with a scope, but the scope
doesn't really help you aim that much, because it doesn't give more zoom.

4)  Snaypersakya

Cost:  $6800
First Availible:  Cargo Bay

There are many differences between this sniper rifle and the previous ones.
This one is much more powerful and accurate, and comes with with 2 levels of
zoom.  But, the clip size is shrunk back down to 8 bullets, and the running
accuracy of this weapon is much worse than the last ones.  I recommend that
you upgrade to this sniper rifle anyway.

5)  Almaz Snaypersakya

Cost:  $8500
First Availible:  Hold this Point

The only difference between this weapon and the last one is that the clip size
was upgraded by 4 bullets.

6)  Tchieriep Snaypersakya

Cost:  $14500
First Availible:  Eradication / Resistance

What a useless upgrade!  This weapon comes with a secondary clip that shoots
hallucinogen bullets.  Instead of shooting someone with a hallucinogen bullet,
why don't you just shoot them with a real bullet and kill them?

*                                                                            *
*                                HEAVY WEAPONS                               *
*                                                                            *

- - - - - - - - - -

Heavy weapons are very powerful, but the ammo cost A LOT of money.  Heavy
weapons shouldn't be used as your primary weapon, because you will run out of
money too quickly.  Only use heavy weapons for hard fights, like Exoskeleton
fights, and BOS fights.

- - - - - - -

War Shotguns are the hugely upgraded versions of the side arm shotguns.
They are extremely powerful in close range, but they become weaker over
distance.  You will be able to kill most enemies in one hit at close range
(even shielded ones), and Exoskeletons with two hits.  The problems with
Warshotguns are that you can only load 5 shells at once, and you have to reload
the weapon one shell at a time.

Using a War Shotgun would be a very good choise.

1)  Dead-Time-Five

Cost:  $4500
First Availible:  Cargo Bay

Just because this is the basic War Shotgun, that doesn't mean that it sucks.

2)  Dead-Time-Pro

Cost:  $16000
First Availible:  Hold this Point

This War Shotgun has slightly better accuracy than the last one.  Is it really
worth the $12000 that you will spend to upgrade this weapon?  If you can afford
it, go for it!

- - - - - - - - -

Most shooter games have Rocket Launchers, and BOS:BS is no exception.  Rocket
Launchers do exactly what their name implies: they shoot rockets.
Sadly, Rocket Launchers in BOS:BS aren't nearly as good as the Rocket Launchers
from other games.  Rockets are actually quite weak: most enemies can take
two or three rockets before going down.  An Exoskeleton can take about fifteen

High end Rocket Launchers have "Squeelers".  If you tag an enemy with one of
these, your normal rockets will become homing rockets.  Thankfully, you have
an infinite amount of Squeelers.

I cannot recommend that you use a Rocket Launcher.

1)  Vivda Kolon

Cost:  $4500
First Availible:  Big Boy

This weapon is useful for taking out the annoying final boss of the first level
you can buy this weapon.

2)  Vivda KSK

Cost:  $5800
First Availible:  Cargo Bay

Seven rockets per clip instead of five.  This upgrade is well worth the cost.

3)  Predateur K-13

Cost:  $12000
First Availible:  Hold this Point

What the hell?  The clip size just got shrunk by 1 rocket.  Oh well, atleast
your rockets are now homing if you mark a target using secondary fire.

4)  Predateur K-55

Cost:  $20000
First Availible:  Tanks in the City

Your rocket launcher will get nine rockets per clip if you buy this weapon.
Wait a minute... NINE rockets per clip?!

- - - - -

Miniguns are the best weapons that you can use if you like to hose people down
with hundreds of bullets.  Miniguns shoot extremely fast, they are quite
accurate, their clips come with hundreds of bullets, but the damage per bullet
is quite weak.

There are a few disadvantages to the Miniguns: they overheat if you shoot for
too long, you can't move run while shooting, and it takes a few seconds for the
barrels to start spining before you can fire.  You can moniter the temperature
of your Minigun by watching the colour of the barrels: gray is cold, red is
cool, orange is warm, yellow is hot.  The best Minigun has a cooler, which you
can use to cool your weapon off faster.  If you use the cooler while firing,
your Minigun will be much more stable.

Miniguns are very good heavy weapons.  Either use one of these, or a War

1)  Angel 303

Cost:  $2500
First Availible:  Patrol

Comes with a whooping 175 bullets per clip!  Wow!

2)  Angel 309

Cost:  $3800
First Availible:  Cargo Bay

The clip of this weapon has been upgraded to 250 bullets.  Now that is just
overkill, plain and simple!

3)  Do-Svidaniya

Cost:  $8000
First Availible:  Hold this Point

This Minigun comes with a cooler, so now you can spray bullets for even longer.
Remember, use your cooler while firing to improve the stability of the weapon.

4)  Do-Svidaniya GZA

Cost:  $11000
First Availible:  Tanks in the City

325 bullets per clip.  Just as I thought they couldn't make it any
bigger, they did.

- - - - - - -

Flamethrowers shoot burning liquid.  It takes a long time to kill anyone with
a Flamethrower because the damage does not register instantly: the damage
occurs over time.  This makes flamethrowers very weak, and very useless.

Do not use a flamethrower.

1)  Nuvoloso Fire

Cost:  $3000
First Availible:  Patrol

Don't buy this.  It sucks, plain and simple.  This MIGHT be useful against
enemies with heavy armor, since the flame pierces armor.

2)  Nuvoloso II

Cost:  $9000
First Availible:  Hold this Point

This flamethrower has three firing modes: the first mode shoots fire, the
second shoots hallucinogen, and the third shoots acid.  You can switch firing
modes by clicking the right mouse button.  Sadly, you can only buy extra ammo
for the acid.  So unless you really like acid, which I do not, then don't get
this weapon.  This weapon would actually be pretty cool if it wasn't for this

*                                                                            *
*                                GRENADES                                    *
*                                                                            *

- - - - - - - -

What first person shooter would be complete without grenades?  Grenades in
BOS:BS are  pretty weak, and they are very expensive.  I don't recommend that 
you buy grenades.  For your information, it is possible to "cook" grenades
before  you throw them.  That means that you can pull the pin off of a grenade,
then hold onto it for a few seconds by holding down the mouse, then you can
throw it.  The advantage to doing this is that the timer for the grenade will
be shorter.  Warning: after hearing four "beeps" of a grenade, it will explode.
Be sure to throw it after you hear the third beep.  You can also throw grenades
using the right mouse button, but you can't throw them very far doing this.

All grenades cost less to reload during the mission than the cost to buy them
for the first time.  I believe it costs $200 to reload a grenade during a

- - - - - - - - - -

1)  KY13-Moliina (frag grenade)

Cost:  $400
First Availible:  Patrol

This grenade has a very small area of effect, and does very little damage.
Don't buy this grenade.

2)  Cluster B

Cost:  $1800
First Availible:  Hold this Point

This is the upgraded version of the frag grenade!  After exploding, it will
split up into about 10 smaller grenades, and each one of them will explode
close to where the original grenade blew up.  I still can't recommend using
this weapon to anybody, because it is far too expensive for what it does.

- - - - - - -

1)  Rosicatura 44 (acid grenade)

Cost:  $1200
First Availible:  Cargo Bay

If you are caught in the blast of an Acid Grenade, your armor and health will
slowly deteriorate.  This can be useful against BOS champions who have
magnetic shields, but don't waste them against ordinary enemies because these
grenades are very expensive.

2)  Vulcan W9 (fire grenade)

Cost:  $800
First Availible:  Patrol

After exploding, fire grenades release a big cloud of fire that will slowly
drain your health.  This can be useful against BOS champions who have magnetic
shields, but don't waste them against ordinary enemies because these grenades
are very expensive.

3)  Dijonnaise 68 (hallucinogen grenade)

Cost:  $650
First Availible:  Big Boy

Hallucinogen grenades explode into a big cloud of pink gas, and all enemies
caught inside the cloud will not be able to aim properly.  Useless, as you
probably would have imagined.

*                                                                            *
*                                  ARMOR                                     *
*                                                                            *

- - - - - -

There are only 4 different kinds of armors in BOS.  Better armors can take
more damage, and thus you won't die as quickly.  Upgrading your armor is your
number one priority.  Always buy new armor before you buy new weapons.

1)  K-6mm

Protection:  100%
Other Effects:  10% fire resistance
Cost:  $0
First Availible:  You start with this.

2)  The Canadian 

Protection:  200%
Other Effects:  20% fire resistance
Cost:  $3000
First Availible:  Patrol

3)  Protettore o20

Protection:  300%
Other Effects:  50% fire resistance
Cost:  $12000
First Availible:  Cargo Bay

4)  R-Solid 5600

Protection:  350%
Other Effects:  100%* fire resistance, 100%* halluciongen resistance
Cost:  $25000
First Availible:  Hold this Point

* This doesn't mean that you are completely immune to fire and hallugen.  You
will still be vulnerable to the effects of fire and halluciongen, but the
effects will be greatly reduced!

*                                                                            *
*                                 SHIELDS                                    *
*                                                                            *

- - - - - - -

Shields act as a forth piece of armor.  If you own a shield and zoom in with
your sid earm weapon, your shield will be protecting your front.  This is not
very useful, since you will walk slow when defending, and it greatly restricts
your field of vision when zoomed with your sidearm.  Another problem with the
shield is that you cannot zoom in with your sidearm if your shield is
destroyed.  As if it couldn't get any worse, you cannot carry a heavy weapon
if you own a shield.  This will make BOS fights much harder.

To get your engineer to repair your shield, you have to hold it in front of
of you, then you have to face the engineer who is repairing your armor.  Your
engineer will not repair your shield unless your shield is facing him.

1)  L'ecu

Protection: 107%
Cost: $3500
First Availible: Patrol

2)  Turtle R8

Protection: 215%
Cost: $10000
First Availible: Special Forces

                          S E C T I O N      F O U R

                                   E N E M I E S


*                                                                            *
*                               HUMAN ENEMIES                                *
*                                                                            *

- - - - - - - -

You will kill about 2000 of these guys by the time you finish the whole game.
If you get a headshot, $10 is added to the reward.

1)  Helmet UAN Soldiers

Protection:  None, except for the helmet, which is about 10%.
Reward:  + $50

They ususally use pistols.

2)  Light UAN Soldiers

Protection:  17%
Reward:  + $85

They ususally use rifles.

3)  Heavy UAN Soldiers

Protection:  28%
Reward:  + $120

They ususally use rifles.

4)  Exo UAN Soldiers

Protection:  80%
Reward:  + $285

They ususally use heavy weapons.

5)  Normal Resistance / Syndicate Enemies

Protection:  32%
Reward:  + $120

They can use rifles, or heavy weapons.

6)  Shield Enemies

They are the same as the other guys, except they hold shields.  They only
use side arm weapons.

- - - - - - - -

Some enemies have special armors that give them extra protection, or do other
things.  It is mostly BOS Champions that have these armors, but some normal
enemies near the end of the game have them too.  No, you cannot get any of
these armors.

1)  Auto Repair

This armor automatically repairs itself by a certain amount per second.  Try
to only shoot the enemy in one spot, because once a piece of this armor is
completely destroyed, it will not repair itself.

2)  Auto Heal

This armor automatically heals the user's health by a certain amount per
second.  Obviously, this is useless.  Don't fight these guys any differently.

3)  Force Push

Only a few BOS Champions have this armor.  Force Push armor pushes you back,
so you will become easy prey for the Champion's long range weapon.  Hopefully
you brought a sniper rifle with you.

4)  Blue (LV1) Magnetic Shield

Some enemies have blue, glowing bubbles around them.  This shield protects
them from all gunfire.  Explosives, gas, and melee attacks will pierce this
shield.  You can easily overload this shield by shooting it enough times.
A Minigun or a War Shotgun will bring down this shield fast.

5)  Yellow (LV2) Magnetic Shield

Some enemies have yellow, glowing bubbles around them.  This shield protects
them from all gunfire and explosions.  Gas and melee attacks will pierce this
shield.  You can overload this shield by shooting it enough times, but this
shield can take much more abuse than the Blue Magnetic Shield can.

6)  Red (LV3) Magnetic Shield

You will only have to fight enemies with this shield once or twice.  This
shield makes the user immune to all gunfire, explosions, and gas.  Melee
attacks will still pierce the shield.  You cannot overload this shield, no
matter how much lead you pump into it.  Your only hope is to use your melee
weapon to kill the user.

7)  Backpack Battery

Some magnetic shield users have the shield batteries exposed on their back.
You can permenantly disable their shield by shooting this battery once with
any weapon.  This is where stealth skills can be used - try to sneak up on
the enemy by running behind cover, then emerging when the enemy has his
back turned to you.

8)  Paratroopers

These enemies fall from the sky with parashoots, so they gently float down to
the ground.  Kill them before they can touch the ground.  You have to lead
your shots by a lot, because the bullets in BOS:BS are realistic in the way
that they do not have instant travel times.

*                                                                            *
*                                  VEHICLES                                  *
*                                                                            *

- - - - - - -

Exoskeletons are big, green, and powerful.  Stay away from their feet, and
their miniguns.  Shoot them in the back to kill them faster.  You earn $1500
for killing an Exoskeleton by shooting it's front, and $2000 by killing it
by shooting it's back.  All Exoskeletons have armor ratings of about 3000%.

You can repair and reload your Exoskeleton by visting an Exo reload station.
Of course, this costs money.  You can also use your engineer to repair your
Exo too.  When aiming at a very long range target, aim slightly lower than the
target.  When driving an Exoskeleton with a minigun, always keep the
barrels spining, even if you aren't shooting.  This will make it so that you
won't have to wait as long for the barrels to warm up before they will start
firing.  Also, try not to stomp on your engineers while they are repairing
you.  This caused me to fail my mission multiple times.

1)  Combat Exoskeleton

This Exoskeleton comes with a rocket launcher and a minigun, two rocket
launchers, or two miniguns.  The rocket launchers are pretty weak, but the
miniguns are very deadly.

2)  Transport Exoskeleton

This Exoskeleton has no weapons.  You can only kill people with it by
stomping on them, which is easier said than done because they are going to run
away from you.  See?  The AI in this game isn't completely brain dead!

- - -

Tanks can only be killed by using an Exoskeleton rocket launcher.  If you
aren't inside an Exoskeleton, then stay the hell away!  It takes about seven
rockets to take out a tank.  Strafe to avoid the tank's shells.  You earn
$1500 for taking out a tank.

                          S E C T I O N      F I V E

                              W A L K T H R O U G H


PS: In my guide, I am not going to say that you need to kill some enemies.
If you see enemies, kill them.  You don't need my permission to kill them,
ever.  You also don't need permission to reload your ammo or armor, ever.  I
assume in this guide that you will be able to survive.

- - - - - - - - -

The objective of this mission is to get some documents from a fallen allied
soldier, then return them to a general in another allied camp.  You will also
learn how to play the game a short training session at the beginning of this
mission.  You get one free trooper mercenary, but he is not vital to the
success of the mission, so you can get him killed if you want.

1)  Map 1 of 2

Watch the short cutscene.  When you get control over your guy, go to the
yellow dot on your minimap.  It is pretty close by, and it is in front of a
reload station.  Once you do that, your ally will shoot your armor, and you
will be given money to repair it.  Use the reload station to repair your
armor.  Now you are given $800 to go and save.  Run to the yellow dot on your
minimap, and use the save station.  Congratulations, you beat the trainning
mission - you must be a star player!  Now go back to the reload station.
Listen to him talk, then go to the next yellow dot on your minimap.  Watch
the short cutscene about the General talking to you about BOS matches.  Once
you regain control over your guy, go to the next yellow dot.  Some guy will
tell you that he will open the gate for you.  Follow him, then watch the
cutscene of two UAN soldiers blasting open the door, then getting killed by
a sniper.  Go down through that door.

Once you get outside of the tunnel, work your way through the linear trenches
until you get to a bunker.  Go through the bunker.  Once you are outside,
back in the trenches, go straight for a bit, then turn right to drop down
into a cave.  Go through the linear cave.  Once you are outside, progress
through the trenches until you get to a metal, allied house.  The yellow dot
on the minimap should be visible now.  When you turn left to go
to the yellow dot, look far off into the distance, and you will see two snipers
inside a bunker.  Kill them.  Make your way through the trenches to the yellow
dot.  Once you get to the documents at the yellow dot (they are just a folder
on the ground) and you killed the lone UAN soldier guarding them, more enemies
will spawn.  Make your way back to the metal house area, then walk up to a
black guy with a shield and pistol standing alone.  He is outside of the reload
station house.  Walk up to him, and he will run down a tunnel.  Follow him.
At the end of the  tunnel he will speak, then you will proceed to Map 2.

2)  Map 2 of 2

Go straight, past the pile of rubble.  Keep going straight, and through a
door.  The door will close behind you.  Turn left, and reload your ammo and
armor, because a BOS Champion fight is coming up.  Continue going straight,
then turn around a short wall.  Go straight, then turn right into the bunker
with a medical symbol painted on the wall.  Go inside the bunker, then enter
through a door on your left.  You will get into your first BOS Champion fight.
Before the fight starts, look right, and use the reload station to repair your
armor.  Reload your weapons before the 10 second countdown is over.  Kill your
BOS Champion (he is a wimp, because he is your first one).  After you win, go
through the door next to the reload station.  Go left through the bunker with
all of the shelves.  Use the save station, go up the stairs, then watch the

Go through the door.  You will be in a big, open area near a fortress.  Be
sure to kill most enemies here by detonating explosive barrels, because there
are tons of them here.  This will earn you extra cash.  Go straight across the
bridge.  Turn left, then go through the opened shiping container.  Go straight,
then turn left to go over another bridge.  Turn right, then walk along the left
wall.  Cross the third bridge, then enter the fortress where your allies are

Mission complete.  Good job, you now graduate to League 2.

- - - - - - - - - -

This level is actually the harder of the two League 2 missions, but you should
pick this level first because you will have access to better weapons and armor
sooner.  The objective of this level is to destroy three giant artillery guns.
To do this, you will need to escort an engineer, Chris Halriott, to the guns.
He will then blow up the guns after you take out all enemies in the immediate
area.  You also have to beat Mika Boryenka for reasons related to this game's

1)  Map 1 of 3

Watch the short intro cutscene.  When you regain control, walk along the left
wall until you reach some enemies.  You must take out every enemy in the
area.  This is probably the only laggy spot in the whole game since there are
so many bad guys here.  After you take out about 3/4 of them, an Exoskeleton
with emerge from behind large doors in the back canyon wall.  Take out the Exo
then clean up the rest of the enemies.  After you do this, you will watch a
short cutscene of a transport Exo walking up a hill, to the area you are in.
This is your second BOS fight.  Your enemy will get out, and you will watch
the "Welcome to BOS!" cutscene again.  You can kill him the old fashioned way,
or you can try to stomp him with the transport Exo.

After you win, don't go through the gates he came from just yet.  About 30
meters to the right of the gates, there is a subtle path leading up to an
elevated area.  Go up there and kill the enemies, so they won't try to flank
you later on.  Now you can go through the gate into the big, open area.
Some enemies will appear far ahead of you, but they are easy prey for your
sniper rifle.  Take out the sniper in the depressed bunker far off to the
left.  Now, I understand that the tempation to explore this big open area is
too great, so go ahead, I give you permission to explore the area around the
base of the mountain with the artillery gun on top.

Done exploring?  Good.  Go up the hill to the top of the artillery gun
mountain.  You have to clear out all enemies there.  First start with the
enemies in and around the bunker area.  Be sure to take out the ones on the
second level of the bunker.  Now, take the small path up to the artillery gun,
and kill the enemies up there.  Once you do that, you will watch a cutscene of
your engineer running up to the gun controls, and blowing up the artillery
gun.  After this, you will get into another BOS Champion fight.  Kill him.
Now, before crossing the bridge to the opposite end of the gorge, take out the
3 snipers on the other side.  NOW you can cross the bridge.

2)  Map 2 of 3

Turn right after you have crossed the bridge.  Run all the way to where you
can go either left, towards the objective, or right, to your doom (tanks).
Go left (obviously), and kill the snipers in a bunker embedded in the side of
the canyon.  Keep your engineers close, and get ready for another big battle.
Kill all the enemies, including the Exo, in the next "base" area that is
similar to the one at the beginning of the mission.  Clear out the enemies
in the building on stitls too.  Once you have done that, climb up the ladders
of the tall metal structure to the second artillery gun.  Kill the enemies up
there, and your engineer will follow you up the ladders, and blow up the big
green artillery gun.  After that, follow the path down the mountain at the
back of the destroyed artillery gun.  Walk up to the giant double doors in the
side of the wall, and they will open.  Take one of the parked combat Exos, 
then exit.  Go through the long tunnel to your right until you get to the area
with the building on stilts.  You now need to back track until you get to the
tanks that you saw at the beginning of this map.  Along the way, you will have
to fight a Combat Exo.  Be sure you have atleast 10 or so rockets (you can get
more at the Exo Reload Stations).  Kill the two tanks using your Exo Rockets.
Before entering the tunnel, have your engineers repair your Exo. Just trust me,

3)  Map 3 of 3

Watch the cutscene.  When you regain control, a Combat Exo will come around
the bend in the tunnel.  If you didn't repair your Exo before you got here,
then you will probably get killed by the Exo.  Anyway, continue down the
tunnel until you get outside.  Once you get close to the end of the tunnel,
you will temporarily lose control over Chris, your engineer.  So repair your
Exo before you get about half way to the end.  Once you are outside, you have
to kill most of the enemies in the immediate area before you can progress.
After they are dead (theres an Exo too), and Chris starts following you again,
go through a busted shiping container on opposite end of the area to the door.
Kill all the enemies here, including the second Exo for this map.  Now, go
into the building on stilts (the one that looks like the one from Map 2).
Work your way to the top, then call Chris to you.  He will hack two computer
terminals, which will open the gate to the stairs of a tall metal structure.

Go out of the building on stilts, then go up the stairs of the tall metal
structure that leads to the wrecked cargo ship.  Once you are up there,
Chris will blow up the third artillery turret.  Are we done now?  Not quite.
Remember that you chose to fight three BoS champions, and we have only fought
two so far?  We have to go inside the ship wreck to fight the third champion.
Chris has served his purpose, so you can get him killed now.

Go into the ship wreck through the door near the destroyed artillery gun.
Work your way through the ship until you get to an orange save station.
Save here, because a BOS fight is coming up.  Once you walk into the engine
room of the ship (the door to it is beside the save station), the fight will
begin.  This champion has a yellow magnetic shield.  You can easily take it
out by hosing it down with your Minigun, or by blasting it a few times with
your War Shotgun.  You can also use your melee weapon.  Once you beat him
(you MUST win the fight), the mission is complete.

Good job, now progress to the next League 2 mission.  It should be easy since
you have all the best stuff for your League.  Or, if you already beat that
mission, then congratualtions, you are now a League 1 soldier!

***** This section is 20% complete *****

                            S E C T I O N    S I X

                        M O D D I N G    /   C H E A T S


- - - - - - - -

So, you want to mod the game?  One of BOS:BS's strong points is that it is
very easy to tweak the gameplay settings to your liking.  This can be done
easily by going to the folder:

C:Program FilesKlyotonn EntertainmentBet on SoldierModsBOSTuning

Before you start modding, back up this folder!  If you make a mistake, then
you will have to reinstall the game and patches to revert the game back to
what it originally was.

- - - - - -

To mod some of the gameplay settings, you have to open the .CFG files in
notepad, or any other ASCII text editor.  Once you did that, you have to
change some of the variables inside the file to mod the game.

-  For example, in GamePlay.CFG, if I change:

  SavePrice_League1			=	1400


  SavePrice_League1			=	0

then it will cost nothing to save in league 1 (it was previously $1400).  You
have to save and restart BOS:BS for your modifications to work.  Some weapons
and armors that you modify are unpurchasable: only your enemies can use them.
So don't bother modifying these armors, because they won't effect you.

- - - - - - - - - -

- GamePlay.CFG:  Changes general gameplay settings (many different things)

- SoloWeapons:  Files here change everything related to weapons (cost, 
                 accuracy, stability...)

- SoloArmors:  Files here change everything related to armors (protection,
                special effects...)

- SoloProjectiles:  Files here change everything related to bullets and other
                     projectiles (speed, damage...)

- SoloMissions.CFG:  Changes mission settings (weapons, rewards...)

There are many, many more files you can modify, but these are just the most
useful ones.

- - - - - -

Your mods will not work in multiplayer.  Only you will be able to see them, but
everyone else will see the settings that the server specified.  Not only this,
but enabling mods in multiplayer will serverly lag your game!  You can only
use mods in multiplayer if you are hosting the game - so everyone will see
the mods.

Also, if you downloaded a pirated version of the game, your mods will not
work.  This is a known bug with almost all pirated versions of the game.  Oh
well, serves you right you filthy pirates!



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    { {บทความนี้เขียนได้{ยอดเยี่ยม|ดีมาก},
    {ให้แง่คิดใหม่ๆ กับฉัน|มีข้อมูลใหม่ที่ฉันไม่เคยรู้มาก่อน}.|นี่คือสิ่งที่ฉันกำลังมองหา,
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