Battlefield 2 Spec ops Guide (walkthrough)

Battlefield 2 Spec ops Guide.

Version 1.2

Copyright Mike Bruski (AKA Faramir862 on gameFAQs.)


If you have any questions or want to help improve this guide
please E-mail me at Thanks.

NOTE: This guide Created after patch 1.2

Version history that everyone skips

Version 1.2 March 8th
Added Special forces Spec ops awards.
Added Reader tips. 
Created new Reader tips section.
Fixed spelling errors.
Added legal stuff I forgot.

Version 1.0 March 1st
Completed the guide

Table of Contents
1. Introduction to Spec ops.
2. Spec Ops Kits for each Faction.
3. Spec Ops Unlocks.
4. Spec ops tactics.
5. C4 Tactics.
6. Spec ops awards
7. Want to improve this guide?
8. Reader Tips and credit Section.
9. Credits. 

1. Introduction
Ahh The Special forces kit. My favorite kit next to the Support
kit, Anyway the Spec ops kit is the most versatile kit in the game
if you learn to use it right, with a High accuracy rifle and some
C4 Charges when you need to make some noise your all set to go.
The Perpose of this guide is to teach you how to use the Spec ops
Kit to its Maximum Potential so you dont become a liability to your
Team. Please be aware that this guide is but a tool, to become better
your just going to have to practise yourself in the field.

2. Spec ops kits for each Faction.

United states Marine Corps (USMC)
C4 Charges
Frag Grenades

Rifle: M4A1 Carbine.
A pretty decent weapon with a Red Dot Scope and a cool look your all
set for the Field. This gun is not THE most Accurate gun at range 
however so fire in small bursts or single shot.

Damage- Medium
Accuracy- Medium/High
Clip size- 30
Fireing rate- Medium

Pistol: 92FS Beretta
Awesome in the hands of an expert, However dont let it replace your
Primary Rifle unless the need arises.

Damage- Low/Medium
Accuracy- High
Clip size- 15
Fireing rate- Fast

C4 Charges
BOOM! Quite the little bombs they are. Just place em down in some
place and switch to the Detonator by right clicking your mouse, 
Then left click and watch the fireworks.

Damage- Very high
Accuracy- Explosion Radius (Large)
Clip size- ever many you place at once.
Fireing rate- N/A

Frag Grenades: M67 Frag grenades (Standard Issue)
These are Hand thrown grenades that cause high damage to Infantry.
However these dont do much to tanks or other armored vehicles so
only use em against jeeps and infantry.

Damage- High
Accuracy- Explosion Radius (small)
Clip Size- throw one at a time.
Fireing rate- One at a time.

Knife: Combat Knife
For Close action Encounters. Serioiusly Dont pull this out on
someone who is shooting at you unless you have fast reflexes.
Sure it kills in one swipe but getting that close why hes 
shooting at you is suicide try to sneak up on enemy infantry.

Damage- One hit kill
Accuracy- Arms Length
Clip Size- 1 swipe at a time
Fireing rate- 1 Swipe at a time

Chinese Peoples Liberation Army (PLA)
C4 Charges
Frag grenades

Rifle: Qbz Modular Carbine.
The most Accurate Spec ops weapon while it does not have a
Red dot scope it has very useful Iron sites. It suffers from
lower damage then the other carbines however the accuracy 
more then makes up for it.

Damage- Low/Medium
Accuracy- Very High
Clip Size- 30 
Fireing rate- High

Pistol: Qbz 76 Pistol
Awesome in the hands of an expert, However dont let it replace your
Primary Rifle unless the need arises.

Damage- Low/Medium
Accuracy- High
Clip size- 15
Fireing rate- Fast

C4 Charges
BOOM! Quite the little bombs they are. Just place em down in some
place and switch to the Detonator by right clicking your mouse, 
Then left click and watch the fireworks.

Damage- Very high
Accuracy- Explosion Radius (Large)
Clip size- ever many you place at once.
Fireing rate- N/A

Frag Grenades: M67 Frag grenades (Standard Issue)
These are Hand thrown grenades that cause high damage to Infantry.
However these dont do much to tanks or other armored vehicles so
only use em against jeeps and infantry.

Damage- High
Accuracy- Explosion Radius (small)
Clip Size- throw one at a time.
Fireing rate- One at a time.

Knife: Combat Knife
For Close action Encounters. Serioiusly Dont pull this out on
someone who is shooting at you unless you have fast reflexes.
Sure it kills in one swipe but getting that close why hes 
shooting at you is suicide try to sneak up on enemy infantry.

Damage- One hit kill
Accuracy- Arms Length
Clip Size- 1 swipe at a time.
Fireing rate- 1 Swipe at a time.

Middle eastern Coalition (MEC)
C4 Charges
Frag grenades

Rifle: AKS 74 Carbine
This gun suffers from the lowest accuracy of the Spec ops weapons.
However it does the most damage per shot of all the spec ops kits.
Use this at closer then normal range or you will not hit very often.

Damage- high
Accuracy- low/medium
Clip size- 30
Fireing rate- Slow/medium

Pistol: MR 444 Pistol
Awesome in the hands of an expert, However dont let it replace your
Primary Rifle unless the need arises.

Damage- Low/Medium
Accuracy- High
Clip size- 15
Fireing rate- Fast

C4 Charges
BOOM! Quite the little bombs they are. Just place em down in some
place and switch to the Detonator by right clicking your mouse, 
Then left click and watch the fireworks.

Damage- Very high
Accuracy- Explosion Radius (Large)
Clip size- ever many you place at once.
Fireing rate- N/A

Frag Grenades: M67 Frag grenades (Standard Issue)
These are Hand thrown grenades that cause high damage to Infantry.
However these dont do much to tanks or other armored vehicles so
only use em' against jeeps and infantry.

Damage- High
Accuracy- Explosion Radius (small)
Clip Size- throw one at a time.
Fireing rate- One at a time.

Knife: Combat Knife
For Close action Encounters. Serioiusly Dont pull this out on
someone who is shooting at you unless you have fast reflexes.
Sure it kills in one swipe but getting that close why hes 
shooting at you is suicide try to sneak up on enemy infantry.

Damage- One hit kill
Accuracy- Arms Length
Clip Size- 1 swipe at a time
Fireing rate- 1 Swipe at a time

3.Spec ops Unlockables.

H&K G36C
Almost as Accurate as the Chinese Carbine this gun is the most 
popular unlock among players and has very good accuracy when 
bursting from any range.

Damage- low/Medium
Accuracy- Very high
Clip size- you guessed it.....30
Rate of fire- medium

FN Scar-L (Special forces unlock requires G36C to unlock)
Dont Unlock this. While being more powerful then the G36C it 
suffers from a slow fireing rate, lower then average accuracy 
and to top it all off it looks ugly!

Damage- Medium
Accuracy- Medium
Clip Size- *Yawn* 30
rate of fire- slow

4.Spec Ops Tactics
The bread and butter of this guide here im going to tell you how
to effectively use a Spec ops kit.

Spec ops kit Charecteristics
Long sprint distance
Accurate Rifle
C4 Charges
Invisability to UAV and Scans when not moveing.
No armor

You need to learn to use each of these to your advantage to
become an expert spec ops player. Haveing no armor means you
gotta get in and out of their fast and take as less hits as you

As A spec ops try to keep your enemies at range thats why you have
an accurate low damage rifle, To pick off enemies one at a time from
a distance. While you can fight in close quarters it will only get 
you killed fast because of your lack of body armor.

Search and destroy, You have C4 charges so try and sneak around and
blow up the enemy commander assets.

Support your squad, To support your squad as a spec ops try to 
sneak up and place C4 charges on any vehicles keeping them pinned
Tanks and APCs require 2 charges while anything elce only needs 1.

How to use your rifle
As I said before keep em at a distance and burst or single shot to
take them down. Your Rifles do low damage so make every bullet count!

Shots to kill an unarmored target- 4
Shots to kill an armored target- 6 

(This is assumeing they are at full Health)

What kind of squad should I work with?

Try to find a squad with VOIP and some support players a squad only
needs 1 spec ops player so avoid squads with more then 1 of them.

Aim for the head
When at close range aim for the enemys head it doubles your 
surviveability and triples your damage.

I will add more to this section as I get some reader tips.

5. C4 Tactics
These things make big explosions and you can only carry 5
of them at once so make em count.

Destroy Commanders assets
Try to sneak behind the enemy lines and destroy their key commander
assets if you can take a support player with you and have him give you
more C4 ammo otherwise you will only be able to destroy 2 assets in one

Another alternative is to ask the commander for a supply drop.

Or an even better alternative is to wait for the enemy commander 
to drop supplies  to repair his assets then take some C4 from the
supply drop and destroy them again. :)

Be aware that once you destroy an asset it is announced to each 
member of the enemy team so get out of their fast if you can.

you are awarded 1 point per asset destroyed.
it takes 2 charges to destroy an asset.

Blow up Bridges!
Blowing up strategic bridges may hamper the enemy vehicle 
transportation lines, giveing your team an advantage in the 
long run.

BE CAREFUL not to blow up bridges your team may be useing.

It takes 3-4 charges to destroy a bridge.

Unfortuneatly you dont get any points for wreaking a bridge.

Take out vehicles
If the chance arrises sneak up to a vehicle and take it out with
some charges.

It takes to charges to take out a Tank or APC .

(Assumeing they are at full armor)

One charge for anything elce.

Booby Trap vehicles
If you sneak into an enemy base try to place charges on freshly 
spawned vehicles, then wait until an enemy or two gets in them
and then push the button. :)

Suicide jeeping
A rather hated tactic but an effective one.

Take a quick moveing jeep or Fast attack vehicle and place
some charges all around it and drive into enemy vehicles or
groups of enemys and detonate this will always get a few quick

Try to take out at least 2 people per suicide as its the only 
way to actually gain points.

This tactic is sure to piss off a few people :) 

Tactic thanks to Lord Arkaine
Use the Last C4 trick. C4 Can be dropped four times and
each time the detonator must be slowly taken out, But the 
fifth C4 will instantly Activate the detonator, allowing you
to blow it without much pause. This is very handy when you dont
have time to plant then switch to blow. 

6. Spec ops Awards
As a spec ops you have the combat badges and the explosive badges
that can be earned.

Spec ops basic combat badge
5 kills in a round as a spec ops.

This is easy just gun down some enemies or jump in a tank and 
get a few kills easy badge.

Spec ops Veteran combat badge
15 Hours total time played as a spec ops.
20 kills in a round as a spec ops.

This one is a little tougher but with some skill with the Spec ops
rifle the kill requirement wont be tough. Of course you could always
just hop in a tank or APC and rack up  20 kills as they also count
towards the kills. (as long as your playing as a spec op in the APC)

Spec ops Expert Combat badge
100 Hours total time played as a spec ops.
40 kills in a round as a spec ops.

Hard but the 40 kills can be met with some long round APC skills.

Spec ops Specialist Basic Badge
6 kills in a round as a spec ops.
Must be done on a special forces map.

Use your carbine easy badge.

Spec ops Specialist Veteran badge
22 kills in a round while a spec ops.
16 hours Global time as a spec ops.
Must be done in a Special forces map.

Just grab an APC or use some good carbine skills.

Spec ops Specialist Expert badge
44 kills in a round as a spec ops.
100 hours global time played as a spec ops.
Must be done on a Special forces map.

Hard But yet again APC on a long round always works.

Basic Explosives badge
13 kills in a round with any combination of c4/claymore/AT mine.

Medium diffuculty

Some suicide jeeping will do the trick.

Veteran Explosives badge
50 Global kills with c4/Claymore/AT mine
23 kills in a round with any combination of c4/claymore/AT mine.

Hard but suicide jeeping works just fine too.

Expert explosives badge
37 kills in a round with any combination of c4/claymore/AT mine
300 global kills with C4/Claymore/AT mine.

This one is almost impossible to get try to find a server with
long round maps and lots of players to suicide jeep. GOOD LUCK!

Expert Esplosives tip Thanks to UICnDUBBLE
Find a 64 man server that has no more then 20 people in it.
Suicide jeep like there is no tomorrow. Try to approach from
behind the enemy lines because they are expecting you to 
approach from the front.

Thats it for the awards you can earn as a spec ops.

7. Want to improve this guide?

If you want to help me improve this guide then send me an email at with "Spec ops guide" as the Subject.

If your hint tactic is accepted for this guide it will be added
in the next version and you will be givin credit in the credits 

Hints are added in the reader tips section.

I will not read any messages withouth that subject and regard it
as email spam.

Do not send me
Hate comments

DO send me
Constructive critisim
Things to add to this guide
Thanks notes if it helped you.

8.Reader tips section
This is where I add all the tips I get from people on the
gameFAQs forum or from my email.

This section includes tips that are misc and dont fit in with
the spec ops tactics or C4 tactics sections.

Tip Thanks to UICnDUBBLE
"I know that friendly fire is turned off on 99% of ranked servers,
but some run without it, so its worth mentioning, even for unranked
play: detonateing a few C4's while standing on them to shoot yourself
onto normally unreachable rooftops. This, Coupled with the accuracy
and decent damage from the G36C = a lot of kills."

9. Credits

CJayC for running such a great site.

Dice for makeing such an awesome game.

Me for this guide.

My mom for her good cooking. (random note)

YOU for reading my guide!

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