Battlefield 2 – Patch v1.3 i Dedicated Server
Kompanija Electronic Arts je izbacila novi patch za njihovu poslednju verziju igre iz Battlefield serijala, a ona nosi naziv Battlefield 2. Ovim patchom podižete postojeću verziju igre na v1.3, i time ispravljate pozamašan broj bugova. Sa ovim patchom možete preuzeti i dedicated severe, i to za Windows i Linux platformu. Ovaj patch i servere mozete skinuti sa donjih linkova, a listu ispravki mozete pogledati u nastavku teksta.
Battlefield 2 v1.3 Patch (82Mb)
Battlefield 2 v1.3 Patch Full Install (438Mb)
Battlefield 2 v1.3 Dedicated Windows Server (297Mb)
Battlefield 2 v1.3 Dedicated Linux Server (303Mb)
Battlefield 2™: V1.3
ReadMe File
April 25, 2006
Patch v1.3
– Air dropped vehicles:
Squad members can now send a request up the chain of command for a vehicle to be dropped at their location.
– Co-op:
Co-op Mode allows you to play Single Player levels on the Internet and LAN with both AI controlled bots and human players. Several new options have been created that will allow the server creator to modify how the bots behave in game.
Number of Bots: This setting allows you to determine the total number of bots that will spawn in game.
Bot Ratio: This setting allows you to determine the percentage of total bots that will spawn for each team. For example, setting this value to 25 means that 25% of the total bots will spawn in Team 1, and 75% in Team 2. Team 1 is always the MEC, Chinese, or their allies, while Team 2 is always the USA, EU, and their allies.
Bot Difficulty: This setting determines the skill level of the bots. 10 is easiest, 100 is the most difficult.
– Default Kit Selection:
The kit that you used last is remembered at the beginning of the round and between maps.
– Fixed issues with remote console and linux server
– Prevented ban list from being cleared in the event of a server crash.
– Fixed the bug where helicopters abandoned in the air would continue flying.
– Fixed issue with player not properly ranking up on servers where they continuously play.
– If the player joins a squad while dead, the player will not be able to use the squad leader as a spawn point until they have respawned once.
– Flag Capture bar now reacts accurately to players entering the capture radius.
– Fixed bug where friendly vehicles showed as valid targets
– Friendly Vehicle lock: Lock-on weapons do not lock on to friendly vehicles. The box with an X through it will still appear, but a lock tone will not sound and then if fired, the missile will not track the friendly target.
– Fixed bug that altered mini map functionality
– Adjusted missile count on BF2SF helicopters.
– Fixed bug with Special Forces rank names.
– Fixed repairing HUD for the engineer when in a vehicle
– Adjusted award criteria
– Fixed a client crash after entering 300 characters into the IP address using "connect to IP"
– Fixed a tech hang when creating a single player account from an offline account
– Fixed crash when switching from BF2 to BF2:SF (or vice versa)
– Fixed a crash caused when a player is joining a map and another player logs into the same account
– Fixed a Dragon Valley exploit
– Fixed a bug on Zatar Wetlands where AA missiles would not lock onto oil towers
– Fixed a bug that caused the Eurofighter explosion to appear as a Mig-29 wreckage
Armor Bar removed from occupied machinegun emplacements
– Fixed a bug on Kubra Dam and Zatar Wetlands that caused enemy AA sites to not display in bombing HUD
– Special Forces – Firing crossbow from open vehicle position causes others to see player weapon firing
– Fixed Repair Hud for the engineer when in a vehicle and repairing a team mate vehicles
– Fixed a bug on Strike at Karkand where players were able to get inside a building by Train Accident when FF is turned off
– Fixed the commander toys on Wake Island 2007 so that the US can no longer disable the Chinese artillery
– Fixed a bug in Zatar Wetlands 32 where commander assets were not being properly dropped to the location specified by the User.
Patch v1.22
– Improved Server Stability
– Adjusted handling of the Tiger attack chopper
– Added delay for aiming reticule when going prone to all support weapons
– Adjusted deviation on MG36 and PKM to be in line with other support weapons
– Increased rpm from 600 to 900 on the P90
– Fixed Lock on error on certain Oil towers
– Fixed a Great Wall Exploit
– Fixed exploits on Dragon Valley and Karkand
Patch v1.21
– Fixed the Hmmwv with TOW crash on Battlefield 2: Special Forces maps
– Fixed the Battle Recorder crash
– Fixed the screen capture
– Fixed the issue with Pixel Shader 1.4 video cards
– Fixed the issue that caused heat seeking missiles to stick to oil towers
– Fixed the issue that caused heat seeking missiles to zigzag
– Reduced the maximum number of claymores that can be dropped to 2
– Fixed the Server Browser filter to enable search by map name
– Fixed the error in Client – Server communication causing sound, animation and other
sync issues.
Patch v1.2
Hard Drive Space
Windows will require additional free hard drive space for its operating system
(virtual memory). If you encounter the following message in an error dialog:
"Ran out of virtual memory", free up some more hard drive space.
To install Battlefield 2 Version 1.2 you will need approximately 2.0 GB free hard
disk space for the full patch or 1.5GB for the incremental patch, plus space for
saved games.
If you have Battlefield 2 installed to a different hard disk than where you have
Windows installed then approximately 375Mb (full patch) or 100Mb (incremental patch)
of the required free space must be available on the hard disk where Windows is
To install Battlefield 2: Euro Force you will need approximately 800Mb free hard
disk space plus space for saved games.
– It is very important to remember that the Special Forces executable is an earlier
version of the game. If you have purchased Battlefield 2: Special Forces after
you have installed the patch, you will need to reinstall patch 1.2 after
installing Special Forces.
– Dolphin Diving is no longer possible
– Players can no longer jump and shoot at the same time
– "Prone Spamming" is now fixed
– "Sprint exploit" is now fixed
– Helicopters now carry 8 missiles rather than 14
– TV-Guided missile now have a shorter range
– Damage decreased from M134
– Hit points on all air vehicles has been reduced
– AA missile lock has been improved
– All support kit weapons have been adjusted
– All Sniper rifles have been adjusted
– Sa80 has been adjusted
– G3A3 has been adjusted
– Reload while sprinting has been enabled
– Medic defibrillator paddles have been adjusted. They now reload while not
in use.
– SCAR-L reload sound has been fixed
– Server setting to allow friendly fire to be off on mines without affecting
other weapons.
– Server search filters now work properly
– Mines can no longer be destroyed with other explosives
– Bug in MP7 fire rate fixed. Ammo count increased and mag count and damage
– Flash bang effect radius decreased
– Added unlocks for Sniper and AT kits
– Fixed a bug in terrain rendering with night vision, whereby terrain was still
dark in dark areas.
– Fixed a bug whereby mods that are not bf2 or not xpack permutate shaders every
time a level is loaded.
– Fixed a bug whereby non-xpack mods cannot use xpack shaders.
– Fixed bug in TV guided missiles of Havoc helicopter
– The LAV25 no longer shoots through penetrable materials.
– Vehicles no longer disappear when viewed from some vehicles with a HUD
(e.g. Tanks).
– Performance gain found in static mesh rendering.
– Detonation radius from grenade launcher explosions has been reduced.
– Grenade launcher projectiles now have a minimum distance.
– Decreased Flashbang count from 4 to 3
– Replaced the existing Czech Flag with the correct one in the front end
– Ranks have now been expanded to allow for players to rank up to General
– The UAV that is placed by Commanders will now include a visual element.
An actual UAV will appear within the UAV detection radius and circle the area.
Players will be able to shoot it down, bringing the UAV detection to a premature
end. The Commander will be able to continue placing UAVs once the timer resets,
as per current design.
– CROSSFIRE cards with 256 Megs of memory, running in CROSSFIRE mode will run out
of memory at very high resolution settings. On very high resolutions, such as
1920×1440 with 6x antialiasing. In CROSSFIRE mode the ATI drivers are more
restrictive about where resources are allocated, and as a result run out of
memory sooner than with a single board. This running out of memory causes the
device context creation to fail. The result is that the game just sits in a
loop with a black screen. If you experience a context creation failure change
your resolution to a lower setting (e.g. 1024×768 or even lower).
Patch v1.12
– Fixed a crash when users switch weapons using the mouse wheel while piloting a
bomber (SU-34, F-15 and J10) in core BF2 maps.
– Removed the Grappling Hook and the Zip Line from kits from
"The Iron Gator" map.
– Fixed single player loading screens to match map selection image.
– Fixed an issue in the menus so that users can click on BF2:SF ribbons to
view the descriptions.
– Fixed an issue in the Browser so that BF2:SF servers are now represented with
a green "2" icon.
– Global improvement of collision detection on the Grappling Hook and
the Zip Line.
– Fixed damage state artillery icon on the 3d map when an artillery
is destroyed.
– NVIDIA GeForce FX 5900 family:
GeForce FX 5900 Ultra
GeForce FX 5900
GeForce FX 5900XT
GeForce FX 5950 Ultra
GeForce FX 5900ZT
GeForce PCX 5900
– For these cards, the default video settings have been changed to LOW.
– The GRAPPLING HOOK is part of the Assault and Anti-tank kits. Throw it using
the fire or alternate fire buttons. Press "E" to get on and off of the rope.
Use the direction keys to climb the rope. The rope will connect to any static
object in the world, which means it will not work on terrain or vehicles. Any
Assault or Anti-Tank kit can pick up any grappling hook, even those from other
teams, as long as you do not already have one in your kit at the time.
– The ZIP LINE is part of the Special Forces and Sniper kits. Use the fire button
to shoot the line and use the alternate fire button to check if the target is a
viable connection point or not. Once the line is in place, use "E" to get on.
You will slide down the line automatically. Any Spec-Ops or Sniper kit can pick
up any zip line, even those from the other team, as long as you do not already
have one in your kit at the time.