Bart’s House of Weirdness (walkthrough)
Bart's House of Weirdness====================================================================
The FAQ/WALKTHROUGH for BART'S HOUSE OF WEIRDNESS, v1.1Written and maintained by SubSane
Last Updated July 10, 2003====================================================================
1.1 Game Details
1.2 Story2.0 BASICS
2.1 Game Start
2.2 Status Screen
2.3 Controls
2.4 Items
2.5 Bart's Room3.0 WALKTHROUGH
3.1 I Wanna Go to the Movies
3.2 The Quest for Maggie's Ball
3.3 Grave Danger in the Basement
3.4 The Secret of the Attic
3.5 Space Mutant Madness
3.6 Too Much T.V.
3.7 Adventures in Krustyland4.0 CODES & SECRETS
5.1 Version History
5.2 Guide Credits
5.3 Contact Information
5.4 Legal Stuff====================================================================
===== 1.0 INTRODUCTION =============================================
1.1 Game Details
--------------------------------------------------------------------Released in 1992 by Konami, and developed by Distinctive Software.
This one is rare because it was only released for one system, as
opposed to the variety of other Simpsons games.--------------------------------------------------------------------
1.2 Story
--------------------------------------------------------------------FROM DR. MARVIN MONROE (the game manual):
"'Bart's House of Weirdness' is a subconscious interpretation of
reality as Bart would like it to be. It presents him with the
opportunity to project the hero/conqueror role on his own persona,
thereby regaling himself to the status of World Savior.In closing, I would like to point out that the elements found in this
game are, in most cases, a social commentary of the state of our
culture as seen through the eyes of a child of the Nuclear Age. You
may wish to ask yourself, "What do the glowing rats in the basement
symbolize in my relationship to the environment?" Or you may ask,
"Is there a lesson to be learned from Bart's rooftop battles with
evil squirrels and angry hornets?" I have no answer to these
questions...Thank you
Dr. Marvin Monroe, Phd.D."
Bart gets sent to his room and he lets his imagination run wild.
===== 2.0 BASICS ===================================================
2.1 Game Start
--------------------------------------------------------------------After the game has loaded you may be asked for a password. A random
number between 1 and 64 will appear, and you have to use the arrow
keys to scroll through the pictures.Below is each set of numbers and which picture is the match.
25, 43, 46, 57
Bart walking left, legs wide apart.3, 11, 28, 39
Bart standing still and facing right.19, 38, 42, 56
Bart with a spray can facing right.20, 29, 44, 54
Bart jumping, facing left.2, 41, 45, 55
Bart walking left, legs close together.27, 31, 37, 48
Bart facing the screen, right arm in front.13, 18, 23, 61
Bart with a slingshot facing right.14, 35, 50, 62
Bart jumping right, arms up and legs up.6, 12, 40, 58
Bart walking right.5, 26, 59, 64
Bart crouching right.8, 21, 30, 52
Bart jumping right, arms down and legs down.7, 10, 33, 49
Bart pointing a gun left.4, 15, 24, 51
Bart pointing a gun right.16, 47, 53, 63
Bart jumping left.1, 22, 32, 34
Bart jumping right, arms down and legs up.9, 17, 36, 60
Bart with a water balloon, facing left.--------------------------------------------------------------------
2.2 Status Screen
--------------------------------------------------------------------From left to right:
The small number on the left is the number of lives you have. You
start with three, and the game ends when you have zero.Cool Items
A picture of Bart. Each time you get a cool item it will be shown
This is essentially Bart's health. COOL is at best health, UNCOOL is
at worst health.Points
Each time you die or finish the game you get to put your name in for
record purposes. You are ranked based on the number of points.Screen Number
Each stage is divided up into several screens. This little number
indicates which screen you are in.Top Weapon
Indicates which regular weapon you currently have. The boxes to the
right are the type of ammo and number of remaining shots.Bottom Weapon
Indicates which secondary weapon you currently have. The box to the
right is the number of remaining shots.Objective
Each stage has an objective, and this box will always have a picture
of the objective.--------------------------------------------------------------------
2.3 Controls
--------------------------------------------------------------------Command | Character Action
Arrow Keys | Move up, left, right, down, or at angles
Enter | Jump
Space Bar | Shoot weapon
Enter + Space | Shoot secondary weapon
F10 | Pause the game. You can also adjust the
music, SFX, game difficulty, or quit.
Tab | Activate the VCR
Esc | Go back to Bart's room. Quit game.VCR Controls
F1..........Cue forward
F2..........Cue backward
F5..........Fast forward
F8..........One frame forward
F9..........One frame backward
Shift + S...Save replay to play during the game opening
Esc.........Return to the game--------------------------------------------------------------------
2.4 Items
--------------------------------------------------------------------Item | Purpose of item
Burp Gun | Basic gun
Burp Balls | Ammo for the burp gun
Big Burp Balls | Big ammo to fight Sideshow Bob
Dart Gun | Stronger than the burp gun
Slingshot | Strongest weapon
Rocks | Ammo for the slingshot
Mutant Gun | Gun for killing mutants
Spray Paint | Secondary weapon
Water Balloons | Secondary weapon
Donut | Refill the Cool-O-Meter (health)
Bart Head | Extra life
Cool Shoes | Beat 'Space Mutant Madness' and 'Too Much T.V.'
Cool Shades | Beat 'Grave Danger in the Basement' and 'The
Secret of the Attic'
Cool Hat | Beat 'The Quest for Maggie's Ball' and 'I Wanna
Go to the Movies'There also objective items, but they are pointed out in each stage.
2.5 Bart's Room
--------------------------------------------------------------------Objective: Have fun!
Krusty Doll
Press Enter next to the Krusty doll to read different Krusty comments.Headphones
Face the desk and press Enter to activate a music menu. Use the arrow
keys to choose between the different songs.Punching Bag
This punching bag is just for that, punching. If it hits you back,
don't worry. You won't lose health or lives.Save/Load Game
If you walk to the yellow dresser at the top, you'll notice that one
drawer is open and one drawer is closed. The open drawer is to save
your game, the closed drawer is to load your saved game.Stage Selection
The window leads to the 'I Wanna Go to the Movies', and 'The Quest for
Maggie's Ball' stages. The window will also lead to 'Adventures in
Krustyland', but only after you have beaten the other six stages.The left door leads to the 'Grave Danger in the Basement', and 'The
Secret of the Attic' stages.The right door leads to the 'Space Mutant Madness', and 'Too Much
If at any time you want to leave a stage or stage area, press Esc to
return to Bart's Room. Remember, you will lose all of the items and
points you got in the stage.Remember to SAVE every time you beat a stage. You don't want to start
all over, do you?====================================================================
===== 3.0 WALKTHROUGH ==============================================
3.1 I Wanna Go to the Movies
--------------------------------------------------------------------Objective: Find five coins to watch a movie at the theatre.
Enemies: Mosquitoes, ants, geese, security cameras, hounds, security
guards, Smithers-Screen 01-
It's the front of the Simpsons' house. Just walk left, pick up the
coin, and easily avoid the mosquitoes.-Screen 02-
Flanders' house. Just do the same thing and avoid all of the
mosquitoes. You will also find some burp balls to the left.-Screen 03-
There's only one mosquito here, and some slingshot ammo that you
don't need. Before going on, go back to 02 and pick up the burp
balls, then come back to 03. Repeat this to get 99 shots.Now climb up the gate to Burns' Estate.
-Screen 04-
Shoot the laser in the center by shooting Up/Right diagonally. Walk
through carefully to avoid the other lasers and water splashes, and
get the water balloons.-Screen 05-
Jump Up/Right immediately to avoid the goose, then run to the right
to avoid the security camera. Pick up more water balloons along the
way.-Screen 06-
It's possible to scare both dogs away if you immediately start
pressing Space Bar to shoot them. You can also jump over the first
dog, then carefully jump over the second.After you've passed them, try to get the burp balls for more ammo.
-Screen 07-
This pesky guard can be avoided by walking straight through him
(sometimes he'll still hit you), or by shooting his head four times.Anyway, grab the donut for some health then stand to the far left.
Shoot Up/Right to hit the red light over the HOUNDS door. Four shots
will open it up.-Screen 08-
Grab the water balloons to start, then shoot the green vase on the
fireplace to get your second coin. You can also shoot the gray box
on the right for a spray paint, but I think the water balloons are
a better secondary weapon.-Screen 09-
This is probably the hardest part of this stage, and even then it's
not too hard.Go right and jump at the piggy bank to get one coin. There is another
coin, but it is OPTIONAL. You only need five coins, and there are two
coins elsewhere that are easy to get. If you go for the second coin
you run the risk of getting hit more times by Smithers.You can try to shoot Smithers, but he'll most likely still hit you
before he runs away. I suggest just running through him (like the
security guard), and running to the right. If you decide to shoot,
use water balloons. Burns won't attack you.Jump onto the far right of the stool and jump straight up to get out
of the mansion.-Screen 10-
Just jump over these dogs and run.-Screen 11-
Start shooting immediately to scare off both dogs, then grab the dart
gun from the fountain.-Screen 12-
Shoot the goose to scare it off, then grab the spray can if you like.
Jump on the log, then jump left to get back to the street.-Screen 13-
Avoid the ants and mosquitoes as best as you can and go left.-Screen 14-
Avoid all the bugs and go left.-Screen 15-
This is your final destination once you've acquired five coins. For
now just avoid all the bugs and go left.-Screen 16-
Avoid the bugs yet again and enter the mall.-Screen 17-
Avoid the guard or shoot him, then grab the coin.-Screen 18-
Once again, avoid the guard or shoot him, then go left.-Screen 19-
Avoid the guard and the dog. You won't need the burp balls.-Screen 20-
Shoot or avoid this guard, then grab the fifth coin!-Screen 17-
Go to the right to EXIT.-Screen 16-
Avoid everything and go right.-Screen 15-
Stand under the ticket booth and jump straight up to buy Bart's
ticket and finally watch the movie.If you beat 'I Wanna Go to the Movies' and 'The Quest for Maggie's
Ball', you will get the Cool Hat, which is one of the cool items
needed to beat the game.--------------------------------------------------------------------
3.2 The Quest for Maggie's Ball
--------------------------------------------------------------------Objective: Find Maggie's ball.
Enemies: Bees, squirrels, planes, dolls, balls, mowers, large spider,
leaves, worms, ants, three-eyed fish(NOTE: Most of the enemies in this stage take very little health, so
you can walk through them without too much risk. The worms and large
spider are the exceptions.)-Screen 01-
Walk straight right, through the bees. You will only get hit once.
Pick up the rocks, but the burp balls are useless. Jump from one tree
limb to the other to keep going.-Screen 02-
Kill the two bees, but DO NOT get pushed to the left or you will go
back to Screen 01. To swing across just wait for the ties to be on
the right, then jump. You will catch the ties just as they approach.Now grab the darts and move on.
-Screen 03-
Go back and forth between 02 and 03 to get 99 darts. Then, grab the
ties just like before and swing to the tree limb. Don't worry about
the leaves, they only attack when the eyes are open.Don't worry about the water balloons, you won't need them.
-Screen 04-
Hold Right/Down and shoot the squirrel at the bottom three times to
kill it. Quickly jump and grab the extra life and spray can, then
climb up the ladder.-Screen 05-
Climb up and walk across the tree limb to reach the roof. Just walk
to the right and avoid the planes, dolls, balls, and mowers as best
as you can.-Screen 06-
Walk straight to the right. Don't bother shooting the bees or
squirrel, but try and jump over the squirrels nuts. Um, acorns...-Screen 07-
Go to the right, grab the darts and jump onto the tree limb. Don't
bother with the bees or bee hive.-Screen 08-
Fall into the hole. Don't worry about the bees, or the donut. There
are plenty of donuts later on.-Screen 09-
Get the darts and spray can on the left, and fall in the hole. Ignore
the other two items and the bees.-Screen 10-
Fall straight down.-Screen 11-
Ignore the squirrel and fall straight down.-Screen 12-
Straight down again.-Screen 13-
So, we went from the top of the trees to under the ground. Ah well,
just go right.-Screen 14-
Avoid the worms or use spray paint because they take a lot of health.
Avoid the ant too and keep going right.-Screen 15-
Go to the right and avoid everything, and climb down the ladder. Get
the spray can if you need it.-Screen 16-
Get the donut and shoot the spider to get more spray cans, then go
down.-Screen 17-
Now it's a toxic sewer. The next four screens are similar, so I'll
go over the basics. The purple barrels will not sink, the yellow
barrels will sink. To stay on a yellow barrel just jump up when it
reaches the bottom, and when it rises back up you will *hopefully*
land on it again. Oh, and if you fall you will not lose too much
health and you will start back at Screen 17.So, go to the right.
-Screen 18-
Grab the donut and avoid the fish. Keep going between Screens 17 and
18 to keep getting donuts and refilling your health.Now stand on the right purple barrel and wait for it to be high and
the left yellow barrel to be low, then jump. Go to the right once
again.-Screen 19-
Avoid the fish again, then jump your way across the yellow barrels.
Remember that the purple barrel won't sink.-Screen 20-
Jump over these last three barrels to finally reach Maggie's ball
and complete the stage.If you beat 'I Wanna Go to the Movies' and 'The Quest for Maggie's
Ball', you will get the Cool Hat, which is one of the cool items
needed to beat the game.--------------------------------------------------------------------
3.3 Grave Danger in the Basement
--------------------------------------------------------------------Objective: Get the skeleton key.
Enemies: Green rats, dust balls, hamsters, Ms. Botz, earthworm,
skeletons-Screen 01-
Jump over the rat and onto the bucket. Stand on the left edge of the
bucket and jump straight up to reach the darts and to shoot that gray
box for a spray can.You can go on to Screen 02 and come back to keep getting darts until
you have 99.-Screen 02-
Follow the rat and jump over the bucket. You may get hit by the dust
balls, but try to get hit only once.To get the extra life you have to get hit by an enemy, but I suggest
not getting it. Do not get the water balloon either. Trust me, you
want to keep the spray cans.-Screen 03-
Ah, the laundry room. Quickly walk to the right and grab the donut
and just run. You may get hit once, but it's no big deal.-Screen 04-
Go to the right and jump over the rats. The slingshot ammo is only
for a slingshot, so if you have one grab it.-Screen 05-
Move to the right to avoid the falling jars, then shoot Ms. Botz. If
you still have the dart gun it will only take five hits. She will run
away and leave a spray can.-Screen 06-
Just go straight to the right and jump over the bucket. You will get
hit by something, but try to get hit only ONCE.-Screen 07-
Walk in and wait between the falling drops, then jump into the hole
when the earthworm is not blocking the left side.-Screen 08-
A crypt... In the Simpsons' basement? Anyway, immediately hold Enter
and Space Bar to use the spray cans. Kill the first skeleton and let
go, then press them again to kill the other skeleton.Once they are both dead just jump over the tombstone and go to the
right.-Screen 09-
Use some more spray cans to kill these two skeletons, then jump onto
the tombstone. Remember to JUMP to the right because there is a hole
directly under the tombstone. Jump over the next hole and keep going.-Screen 10-
Use some spray cans to kill off these two skeletons, then jump over
the open grave to reach the skeleton key and beat the stage.If you beat 'Grave Danger in the Basement' and 'The Secret of the
Attic', you will get the Cool Shades, which is one of the cool items
needed to beat the game.--------------------------------------------------------------------
3.4 The Secret of the Attic
--------------------------------------------------------------------Objective: Get the gold key.
Enemies: Bees, bats, little spiders, big spider
-Screen 01-
Just run through the two bees and ignore the burp balls and darts.
They are useless. Shoot the gray box next to the chest to get a
spray can.-Screen 02-
Run straight through and get the donut and slingshot. You might get
hit again, but only once.-Screen 03-
This screen has a spray can and darts. Now I suggest going back and
forth between 02 and 03 and keep collecting spray cans and slingshot
ammo. Go for 99 of each. Also remember to get that donut in 02 if
you're low on health.Anyway, kill the bee in here then jump on the couch. Get on the
pillows and jump to the left until you're on the stack of newspapers.
Stand on the left edge and jump up to land on the moose, then jump
onto the boxes and jump up.-Screen 04-
Stand to the far left and shoot some rocks (slingshot) up at an angle
to the right. Kill all four bats. If you get pushed to the right
remember to IMMEDIATELY go back left. It's possible to fall between
the beams.Once that is done, wait for the nail on the first beam to be down and
jump on it, then do the same with the next two beams. Climb up the
ladder.Oh, I suggest you don't go for the donut and slingshot ammo. You'll
just fall or get hit.-Screen 05-
There will be four more bats, so kill them the same as before. DO NOT
touch the left side of the screen, or you will fall back to Screen 04.Now jump onto the beam and make your way across to the ladder on the
other side. Mind the nails.The extra life and water balloon are optional, in my opinion. It's up
to you if you want to try.-Screen 06-
Just fall straight down. There is no need to kill the bats, or get
the spray can. You should have plenty of spray cans from earlier.-Screen 07-
The Simpsons have a frickin' big attic... Anyway, there are four bats
and a donut in here. You don't have to kill the bats, or get the
donut. Grab it if you're REALLY low on health.-Screen 08-
Just run straight to the right, avoiding the bees and little spiders.
You'll get the spray can along the way, if you need it.-Screen 09-
In here you'll find a big spider and her bunch of eggs. First get the
donut and keep coming back in to get more donuts and fill up your
health. Forget about getting the extra life.Now it's time to kill the spider. The spider goes up if you get too
close, so stand near the center of the room and aim your rocks up at
an angle. Once you find the right spot, stand there and shoot as
quickly as you can.To kill off the eggs and little spider just unleash some spray paint
every time an egg flies out.If you beat 'Grave Danger in the Basement' and 'The Secret of the
Attic', you will get the Cool Shades, which is one of the cool items
needed to beat the game.--------------------------------------------------------------------
3.5 Space Mutant Madness
--------------------------------------------------------------------Objective: Find the cook book.
Enemies: Train mutant, space mutants, sewer mutants, robots
(NOTE: Usually you don't need the cool items to beat a stage, but
this time I highly recommend getting the Cool Hat. The hat will
prevent damage from the robots.)-Screen 01-
Walk near the railroad but don't cross it. A train mutant will come
from the top of the screen, so let it pass then pick up the mutant
gun. This gun is specially made to kill space mutants.-Screen 02-
You'll need about 20 mutant gun shots, so as soon as you enter 02
just stand still. The space mutant will hit you and make you go back
to 01. Quickly grab another 10 shots now while the train mutant
can't hurt you. The reason for all this is that the space mutant
takes less health than the train mutant.Now that you have twenty shots kill the space mutant using exactly
THREE shots, no more. Go left and kill the other space mutant that
appears, then shoot the gray box on the right to get some spray cans.
Jump over the sewer hole.-Screen 03-
Shoot the space mutants with exactly three shots each, then get the
donut and go to the left.-Screen 04-
If you have the Cool Hat, the robot's lasers won't cause any damage.
So, shoot the space mutant then use your spray can to kill the robot.
Shoot the other space mutant and grab the ammo.-Screen 05-
Hey, it's Moe's Tavern. Anyway, to shoot the sewer mutant it only
takes TWO shots. Shoot it as it runs away. Jump over the sewer and
kill the space mutant, then get the ammo.-Screen 06-
Go back to 05 to get more ammo, and keep going between 05 and 06
until you get 99 ammo.Once you've done that, quickly kill the sewer mutant and jump over
to kill the space mutant. Grab the spray cans if you can.-Screen 07-
Kill the three space mutants and keep going.-Screen 08-
Kill two more mutants and keep going. Get the ammo, though you
obviously shouldn't need it by now.-Screen 09-
Shoot the two space mutants and the robot, all with your mutant gun.
You do have plenty of ammo after all. Keep going left.-Screen 10-
That space ship looks familiar... Kill the two space mutants and jump
up to get the extra life. Go to the left and get the cook book to
finish the stage.If you beat 'Space Mutant Madness' and 'Too Much T.V.', you will get
the Cool Shoes, which is one of the cool items needed to beat the
3.6 Too Much T.V.
--------------------------------------------------------------------Objective: Escape from Itchy and Scratchy.
Enemies: Itchy and Scratchy
(NOTE: I'll tell you right now, the best way to beat this stage is
to memorize what is on each screen and the best way to avoid it.
Remember that pressing Esc will prevent the loss of lives.)-Screen 01-
You can't kill anything, so just go straight to the right. Jump over
any red bombs and avoid as much as you can.-Screen 02-
Wait for the ice cream bomb to blow up, then get the donut. Go back
and forth between Screens 01 and 02 and keep getting donuts. Make
sure your health is full before going on.-Screen 03-
Run for it! Jump over any red bombs and wait for the right moment to
run.-Screen 04-
The worst thing here is the falling weights. Wait for one to fall
then keep running.-Screen 05-
Look out for the weights, falling bombs, pie, and the hole. Just wait
for the bombs to fall then immediately run for it.-Screen 06-
Jump onto the first stool on the left and get to the right by
walking across the counter. Make sure to get the extra life.-Screen 07-
Run past Scratchy and just run! Look out for Itchy's arms.-Screen 08-
Avoid all the football bombs and ignore any items. As always, run
for it!-Screen 09-
Avoid Itchy's punts and go to the right. Jump at the picture of Itchy
and Scratchy to finish the stage.If you beat 'Space Mutant Madness' and 'Too Much T.V.', you will get
the Cool Shoes, which is one of the cool items needed to beat the
3.7 Adventures in Krustyland
--------------------------------------------------------------------Objective: Save Krusty the Clown!
Enemies: Centipede, ants, Sideshow Bob
-Screen 01-
Shoot the three boards blocking the entrance to Krusty's Jungle Land,
then go in.-Screen 02-
Jump across the logs and get the large burp ball on the other side.
This is a special weapon needed to beat Sideshow Bob, so do not shoot
any of them.Now, to get up the waterfall stand on the logs, in the center of the
waterfall. Once you're in the center just keep tapping the jump
button.-Screen 03-
Jump to the left log immediately or you'll fall back down to Screen
02. To get to the top of this screen you have to go from left to
right and right to left, jumping across the logs. To go up you have
to be on a left log that is fairly high, then jump to a middle log,
but you can't reach the top of the screen! Jump straight up from the
middle log.-Screen 04-
Keep jumping straight up! Keep jumping until you're jumping pretty
high over the top of the waterfall, then jump to the left and land
on that rocky spot to get the big burp ball.Now time a jump to the right so you'll land on a log just as it
appears, then quickly jump to the rocky area on the right and keep
going.-Screen 05-
Jump and get the burp ball as you get the vine. Jump onto the
alligator's back, but not when it's underwater or has it's mouth
open. Jump to the right.-Screen 06-
You'll land on another alligator, so quickly jump and grab the next
vine. Wait for the alligators to go down and come up, then land on
the next one and jump to the right.-Screen 07-
Another alligator. Quickly grab the next vine and jump off on the
rocky area, and keep going.-Screen 08-
Get ALL of the big burp balls. Here is the order you should get them
_2_ _1_
After you get the fourth one, fall to the left.
-Screen 09-
Get all of these big burp balls as well. Here is the order:|_4_
_2_ ______3__
1___ ___After getting them all fall straight down.
-Screen 10-
Get the one big burp ball here to have a grand total of 13 burp balls.
If you don't have 13 burp balls, press Esc to start over because you
can't beat the stage with less than 13. Go to the right if you're set.-Screen 11-
Don't shoot the centipede, just jump over and keep going.-Screen 12-
Finally, Sideshow Bob himself! Ignore the ants, and don't worry about
his coconuts either since they don't cause a lot of damage. The one
thing to avoid is getting near him because he has a kick attack that
does cause a lot of damage.To easily finish him just aim up with the gun and hit Sideshow Bob
in the head or chest area. You must hit Bob with ALL 13 big burp
balls, or he will not die and you will have to start over. Once he
falls walk to the right.-Screen 13-
Walk to the right and avoid any ants. Jump at the lock to get an
extra life and save Krusty.Enjoy the ending! When you enter your name now you'll have a cool
skateboard next to your name as proof that you beat the game.My final score: LORD SUBSANE.........8023
Thanks for playing another great Simpsons game!
===== 4.0 CODES & SECRETS ==========================================
There aren't any codes, just a couple of little secrets.
If you keep punching the Sideshow Bob punching bag, you'll get to
see a photo of Marge shaving her arm pit. Disturbing, yet typical
of Bart.If you get killed, press Esc right away to go back to Bart's Room
without losing a life. But, any lives, weapons, and items you got
will be also be lost.Remember that if you have the Cool Hat, the robots in 'Space Mutant
Madness' can't hurt you.====================================================================
===== 5.0 LEGAL / MISC. ============================================
5.1 Version History
--------------------------------------------------------------------July 10: Version 1.1
- - - - - - - - - - -
Eh, more pointless updates.June 27: Version 1.0
- - - - - - - - - - -
Just another rewrite, which sends this FAQ back to 1.0.--------------------------------------------------------------------
5.2 Guide Credits
--------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks to...
1. Matt Groening. The man created 'The Simpsons', which has been on
the air for 14 years and is still going strong. Shine on you crazy
bearded bastard!2. If I thank Matt Groening, then I also have to praise the hundreds
of individuals who are involved with the show. To the writers, voice
actors, animators, producers, gofers, and every other person
involved... thank you!3. Wilson Lau gets mad props for his kick ass 'Bart vs. the Space
Mutants' guide. It inspired me to write guides for Simpsons video
games.4. Konami and Distinctive Software for creating the game.
5. Thank YOU for reading. After all, I didn't write this for my own
5.3 Contact Information
--------------------------------------------------------------------The address is:
The issue of too many e-mails isn't a problem, so I'll most likely
respond to any questions (for now). But, I do delete e-mails without
a subject. Put 'Bart's House of Weirdness FAQ' or something similar
in the subject line.--------------------------------------------------------------------
5.4 Legal Stuff
--------------------------------------------------------------------1. "Bart's House of Weirdness" is copyright