ATI CATALYST Drivers v6.4
Kompanija ATI je izbacila novu seriju drivera za svoje grafičke procesore, a nova verzija drivera je v6.4. Ovi novi driveri donose sledeće elemente: RADEON display driver 8.241, Multimedia Center 9.13 Catalyst Control Center 6.4 , HydraVision, Hydra Vision Basic Edition, Remote Wonder 3.03, WDM Driver Install Bundle, Southbridge/IXP Driver and AVIVO Video Converter Engine. Catalyst 6.4 also adds official CrossFire support to Oblivion.
Performance Improvements:
– 3DMark06 CPU scores improve as much as 4.9% across all product lines
– 3DMark06 HDR 2 Deep Freeze (SM3.0) test improves as much as 2%
– Call of Duty 2 improves approximately 1.4-2% on Radeon X1900 and Radeon X1800 Crossfire configurations. Gains are slightly less (1.3%) for non-Crossfire Radeon X1900 and Radeon X1800 products
– FarCry improves 2-3% on ATI Radeon X1900 non-Crossfire configurations. Greatest improvements result from tests with no AA and AF
– Half Life 2 improves as much as 3.8% on Radeon X1900 non-Crossfire configurations. Greatest improvements result from tests with no AA and AF
– Unreal Tournament 2004 gains 3-5% on all Radeon X1x00 non-Crossfire configurations
Issues Resolved in Catalyst Software Suite 6.4:
* Doom 3: Setting the in-game resolution to 2560×1600 no longer results in green circles appearing around energy projectiles of demons. Further details on this resolved issue can be found in topic number 737-21778
* DoVAIO: Running the application on a system containing an ATI Xpress 200M series and running the Japanese version of Windows XP, no longer results in an error message being displayed when exiting the event viewer. Further details on this resolved issue can be found in topic number 737-21986
* EarthSim: Missing textures are no longer noticed on the terrain of both Mars and Earth when running the application on systems containing an ATI Radeon X1600 or X1600 XT product. Further details on this resolved issue can be found in topic number 737-22076
* Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion: Crossfire AFR mode support is now enabled. Further details on this resolved issue can be found in topic number 737-22015
* Flight Simulator 2004: A Century of Flight: The frames per second are no longer lowered when moving the mouse cursor over a chat window during a multiplayer game. Further details on this resolved issue can be found in topic number 737-21453
* GLView V2.22 Build 203: Checking Multisample and changing the level to either 5 or 6 no longer results in text corruption being noticed when running the Rendering tests. Further details on this resolved issue can be found in topic number 737-21994
* GLView V224 Build 206: Running the Rendering Test for Fog and Benchmark no longer results in the fog function failing and black cubes being displayed. Further details on this resolved issue can be found in topic number 737-22002
* Maya 7.0: The Frame Marker located near the bottom of the screen is now displayed when connecting a secondary CRT and enabling extended desktop. Further details on this resolved issue can be found in topic number 737-21777
* Quake 4: The game no longer fails to respond after lying dormant for approximately 10 minutes, followed by switching between the game and notepad.exe. This issue was known to occur when extended desktop was enabled on systems containing an ATI dual display graphic card. Further details on this resolved issue can be found in topic number 737-21993
* Serious Sam SE: Entering the Technology Test mode no longer results in display corruption being noticed in the Reflections and Portals screens. Further details on this resolved issue can be found in topic number 737-22005
* TVFunStudio: Launching the MediaPlayer and playing a movie no longer results in frame drops being noticed. Further details on this resolved issue can be found in topic number 737-21775
* WARHAMMER: DAWN OF WAR: Starting a skirmish game on a 4 player map under Windows XP, no longer results in the game performance appearing choppy when using an ATI Radeon X800 series, and having all of the game options set to high. Further details on this resolved issue can be found in topic number 737-20974
* Zera: Holding down the right mouse button to pan the on-line game display in a circular motion, no longer results in missing and flashing textures being noticed when playing the game with both AA and AAA enabled. Further details on this resolved issue can be found in topic number 737-22003
As usual, TweakTown published their ATI Catalyst 6.4 Performance Analysis: "If you’re having trouble with your current set of drivers, it’s worth the upgrade but if you’re not having any troubles and you still find yourself playing OpenGL games you are better off sticking with your current Catalyst 6.3 drivers."