ATi Catalyst 6.7 drajveri
Pojavili su se novi drajveri za grafičke kartice sa ATI-jevim čipovima. Novi drajveri nose oznaku 6.7 a ceo paket sadrži Radeon display driver 8.273, Multimedia Center 9.14, HydraVision, HydraVision Basic Edition, Remote Wonder 3.04, WDM Driver Install Bundle, Southbridge/IXP Driver i Catalyst Control Center Version 6.7. Jedna od novina koju donose novi drajveri je i podrška za Enhanced CrossFire za sve one koje imaju grafiče kartice sa tom tehnologijom. Interesantno je i napomenuti da od ovi drajveri podžavaju samo kartice od 9500 pa na gore (to automatski znači da ljudi koji imaju Radeon 9200 ili 9250 neće poći da koriste ove drajvere). Listi promena možete videti u produđetku teksta.
This release of Catalyst introduces Enhanced CrossFire Support. The enhanced support allows for CrossFire Alternate Frame Rendering mode for Direct3D applications to be forced on by setting the Catalyst AI slider to the Advanced position. Users are encouraged to enable this setting if they are not seeing significant performance gains in applications when Crossfire is enabled. This enhancement is available for all Direct3D applications except for Direct3D applications known not to work with Alternate Frame Rendering.
The Catalyst 6.7 release also fixes some bugs, including texture corruption in Quake 4 and loss of response after task switching when running The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion at 1600×1200 on a CrossFire setup. A complete list of fixes and known problems is available in ATI's release notes for the drivers. As with the previous Catalyst 6.6 release, only graphics cards from the Radeon 9500 up are supported.