Alien Earth
Walkthrough By: Beowulf [RAZOR 1911]
1. Intro
2. The Jungle
3. The Wastelands
#4. The Sewers
#5. The Resistance, Part 1
#6. The Mothership
Throughout this walkthru I will use the conventions UP, DOWN, LEFT
and RIGHT to denote positions on the screen. (i.e. Go UP means go
towards the top of the screen). Essentially, kill everything you
can kill and ALWAYS search their bodies for goodies...the more you
kill, the faster your skill improves in the weapon you are using.
Use your TAB key to view your auto-mapper, as I will gradually use
the location names on your mapper in the walkthru to save space
(i.e. Go to the Resistance HQ, then go to the Hospital).
A wicked still have me in awe. I found some
interesting things out while playing the game, namely the cheat
that was released with this walkthru. Also, did you notice that
the Alien's speech sounded remarkably human? I I tried
playing their speech files in reverse. Guess what? =) You can try
it yourself, and I've included here what they actually say (or as
best as I can tell). All the speech files are in
AlienSoundCreature or SoundCreature.
MONST1.WAV - "I really must change my brand of "
MONST2.WAV - "What does this say backwards?"
MONST3.WAV - "OK, you little smart-arse."
MONST4.WAV - "I'm it."
MONST5.WAV - "Big alien monster."
MONST6.WAV - "Don't with me."
MONST7.WAV - "These shoes are killing me."
MONST8.WAV - "Why am I saying this?"
MONST9.WAV - "Are you happy now, Michael?"
(Michael Bishop, one of the voice talent actors, I assume.)
I never really got into using the Psionics so it might be an
avenue to pursue. I found a few "oopsies" in the game:
- You can make Finn "float" by standing at the top of the Alien
elevator, directly to the right of the light in the middle and
USEing the elevator. The elevator will start to move down, but he
won't. =)
- Roscoe asks you to find 2 batteries, when in fact you need only
- Spelling errors in the Resistance mission descriptions.
- Random crashes during loading/leaving scenes which seem to mesh
with drive cache hits, so perhaps the sound engine is not as cache-
friendly as it should be.
Special thanks to ANDROiD/ACiDSToRM/Cogline for their help.
Go down to the bottom of the screen, turn right and stop at the
phone booths (Altar of ComTel =). GET the plate of food, GET the
prayer mat, GET the metal blade and GET the wooden pole. Select
the wooden pole in your inventory and ADD TO the metal blade to
make a halberd (which will be equipped automatically). Walk down
and kill the Sentinel plant (whack it quickly). After it is dead,
SEARCH it to get some sentinel leaves (used to create poison
antidotes). Go up and exit the screen to the right.
Go to the right then down to the large open area. GET the rocks,
kill the dragonflies and GET the crowbar. Now, go back up to the
right and take the topmost exit to the right.
Go down to the ruined house and GET the stuffed bunny. You'll hear
Old Jack calling for help. Go down, kill the two creatures
attacking him, and GET the rubber tube. Old Jack will thank you
and tell you to visit him in his treehouse. Follow Old Jack to his
treehouse but do NOT go up the ladder yet. GET the old rags by the
bridge. Exit on the bridge, then come right back to this screen.
GET the old rags again (you'll have 2 now). Go to the right by the
swingset and GET the spray cans. Go down near the toilet and GET
the bottle. Again, go up to the bridge, exit on the bridge, then
come right back. GET the old rags one more time (you'll have 3
now). Go down to the toilet and GET another bottle. Go down to the
bottom of the screen and SEARCH the debris to find some tin cans.
Exit down.
Go to the left, kill the Sentinel plant, search it to get some
more leaves, then climb the vine that is hanging there. Select the
old rags in your inventory and USE them on the fuel cap to open
it. Select the rubber tube in your inventory and ADD TO a bottle
to create a bottle with a tube. USE the bottle with a tube on the
fuel tank to create a gasoline bottle. USE the rubber tube again
on second bottle and use the bottle with the tube on the fuel tank
to create a second gasoline bottle. Select the old rags in your
inventory and ADD TO the gasoline bottle to create a molotov
cocktail. Repeat this to create a second molotov. Climb down the
vine. Go right and take the exit up to the debris filled area.
Take the first exit to the right.
Go right and down until you reach Sane Charlie's place. Walk in
the door. TALK to Sane Charlie and ask him about everything.
Select the stuffed bunny in your inventory and USE it on Charlie.
After he moves out of the way, OPEN the bird cage to get the
plastique parrot. Leave the house. Go to the right.
Go up to the security gate, then up and to the left and exit.
Go to the left and down and exit.
Now go to Old Jack's treehouse and climb the ladder. He will thank
you and give you a lighter. TALK to him and ask him about
everything. Select the sentinel leaves in your inventory and USE
them on him. He'll give you some antidote in return. Repeat this
with as many leaves as you have. USE the bed to save your game and
restore yourself to full health. Now the big boys come out to
play...Climb down and exit the treehouse.
You'll hear the Raksha horn indicating that the hunt has begun.
From now on, if you see a Raksha firing at you with his gun, RUN
AWAY, leave the screen then return in a few minutes, otherwise you
will get your ass WHOOPED. Exit on the bridge. Go up and to the
right to the cinema. Select the crowbar in your inventory and USE
it on the planks blocking the cinema entrance. Exit into the
Select the gas lighter in your inventory and ADD TO a molotov
cocktail. Now quickly target the giant mantis and throw the
molotov at it; it'll blow up and smoke the mantis. Now go down and
to the right and exit.
Walk over to the guy behind the counter (Brock) and USE the plate
of food on him. TALK to Brock and ask him about everything. He
will give you a flashlight when you ask him for Help. Exit up and
to the left. Exit the cinema.
Go down and walk across the log to the exit. Walk to Old Jack's
treehouse and climb up the ladder. Save your game here (make sure
you have LOTS of antidote...3 at least), then exit the treehouse.
Go to the right and exit by the swingset to reach the mine
Exit into the mine.
Your flashlight will automatically come on. Kill any of the spider
creatures you see running around. They can poison you, so save
your antidote until you have cleared all the spiders in the area.
Walk up and to the right until you reach a "nasty looking web".
Select the gas lighter in your inventory and ADD TO the spray
cans. USE the spray cans on the nasty looking web to burn it away.
Exit up.
Again, there are a LOT of those little spider things around here,
so kill all of them, THEN drink your antidote. Exit up and to the
Walk a little further up, then select the gas lighter in your
inventory and ADD TO a molotov cocktail to light it. Now QUICKLY
go up and to the left, and throw it at the giant spider. After the
spider dies, whack the rest of the little spiders running around,
and GET the detonator. Exit down.
Make your way back down and to the right. Exit by the burned web.
Go down and to the left, then down and to the right to exit the
Select the detonator in your inventory and ADD TO the plastique
parrot to create a plastique bomb. Now, if you are hurt at this
point wait until you are at full health (just to be safe). Walk
around the jungle here until you see the Raksha Lord appear and
try and shoot you. Quickly run up to him and USE the plastique
bomb on him, then stand back. He will go boom. =) SEARCH his body
to get the Raksha Lord's head. Go down and to the right and exit.
Go to the security door and USE the head on the security lens to
open the door. Exit through the gate.
Note: While in the wastelands, you will have to kill a lot of
Scavengers.Make sure to SEARCH each one to collect valuable items.
You'll see a resistance fighter getting smoked by one of the evil
Scavengersrunning around here. After he is brought down, TALK to
him. He will die, then SEARCH his body to get a pistol. =) Now
you're talkin... Go down and to the right and search the two dead
Scavenger's bodies to collect some pistol ammo. Go directly right
into the small alleyway and exit.
Walk up the bed and USE it to save your game here. This area is
called the Hideaway. Exit the Hideaway.
Walk down and to the right and exit.
Walk up the stairs and grab the small medkit sitting there. Come
down the stairs, and kill the 4 Scavengers waiting at the
intersection for you. Search each one to collect stuff. Go to the
right and walk up the stairs into the building. Kill the 3
Scavengers waiting for you here and search them. Walk to the right
and GET the scrap metal sitting there. Go up and to the left and
walk up the stairs to the second floor. Go down and to the left
and kill the 3 Scavengers waiting here. Pay particular attention
to the one inside the computer room...when you SEARCH his body,
you'll find a notepad with a code written on it. Remember the
code. Go back down the stairs and exit. Exit the building the way
you came in.
Walk back to the hideaway and save your game again, then return to
this place. This area is known as Block 4 (check your mapper). Go
down and to the left and exit.
This area is known as the Colonel's Bunker (as you'll find out
soon enough). Continue left and down and kill the 2 Scavengers
that attack you. Search them. Keep going to the left and exit.
You should now be in an area with lots of pipes and yellow ooze.
Go left, then up and kill the 2 Scavengers there. When you search
them, one will have an Antenna on him...this will come in useful
later. Continue up and exit.
Go to the right past the wooden fence and keep going right until
you reach the top of the "river". USE your crowbar on the three-
planked fence here and it will drop over the river. Walk over the
river, then to the left and kill the 2 Scavengers here. When you
SEARCH them, you'll find a Battery, which will come in useful
later. Go to the entrance to the shelter and USE the keypad. Enter
the code you found on the notepad (7512) and the shelter will
open. Exit into it.
This area is called the Air Raid Shelter. Go to the left and
SEARCH the lockers to find a shotgun. Go to the right and search
the rightmost metal grate to find Rubber Gloves. Go to the lockers
on the right and OPEN them to get some Military Flak armor. USE
the armor on yourself...NOW you look like a soldier. =) USE the
beds and save your game here, then exit the Air Raid Shelter.
Make your way back to the Colonel's Bunker area, then exit down.
Go down and to the right and kill the 4 Scavengers walking around
here. SEARCH them. Walk to the right and climb up the ladder to
enter the building. Kill the 2 Scavengers here and SEARCH them,
then walk to the right and up the stairs. Kill the 2 Scavengers
here, then walk across the metal girders to the far left side and
SEARCH the body here to get a Psionics Key. SEARCH the crate here
to find an Auto-Pistol. =) Nice little weapon...Exit out of the
building and make your way back to the Colonel's Bunker Area.
Go up and to the left past the Colonel's Bunker and exit.
Kill the 2 Scavengers here and SEARCH them. EXAMINE the strange
keyhole to the left of the large metal security door. Go back down
to the Colonel's Bunker.
OPEN the door to the Colonel's Bunker (it is marked with two green
dots and can ONLY be opened if you are wearing the Military Flak
armor), then walk inside.
Go to the Colonel and TALK to him about everything, especially the
Security Door. He'll tell you that he has a key just like the one
you found...Hmmm. Now USE your Psionics Key on the Colonel, and
he'll offer to help you get past the Security door. Follow him
back up to the Security Door, and USE your Psionics Key on the
left hand keyhole to open the Security Door. The Colonel will
leave and return to his bunker. Go through the Security Door.
This area is called the Psi Creche. Go up and to the left and GET
the roll of wire here. You can also USE the console here to
display a video about the Psi research that was performed here and
how a scientist hid a CD-ROM nearby that contained vital
information about the Psi research. Go right and exit. Go up to
the television and SEARCH the game console machine, then GET the
CD-ROM you find in there. Exit the playroom, then exit the Psi
Creche. Return to the Hideaway area and save your game, then go
back to the Block 4 area.
Proceed to the right and you'll find a covered manhole here. USE
your crowbar on the manhole to open it. Exit into the manhole.
Climb down the ladder and exit.
Go to the right and go down the stairs to the right. Continue down
and right and exit through the open door.
This is Thorne's Temple. TALK to Thorne and ask him about
everything, especially WEAPONS and PSIONICS. He will teach you the
Meekness spell. Leave the Temple.
Go back up the stairs and continue right. Turn up and exit. Climb
down the ladder. Exit to the right.
This is the Generator Room. Unfortunately, the generator seems to
be off. Walk around the generator and GET the pliers lying there.
Exit to the right. Continue right and down, killing the poison
spiders here, then exit. Continue right and down again (you should
hear some evil cackling now...). Exit to the right, and you will
enter the Dweller's hideout.
Looks like the Dweller's snagged someone and have her hostage.
Kill all the Dwellers and the poison spiders. SEARCH the Dwellers
to find an Old Key. USE the Old Key on the cage to open it. The
woman (Sam) will tell you to follow her, since she doesn't have
time to chat now. Follow Sam all the way back to the generator
Sam will explain that she has to fix the generator and needs some
tools to do it. If you help her, she'll try and get you in the
Resistance. (Cool!) Fortunately, you've already collected
everything you need (Imagine that!). Give her the pliers, the roll
of wire and the rubber gloves. She will fire up the generator,
then head up. Follow her up the ladder and down to the waiting
Resistance guard. After some discussion, the guard will let you
and Sam through. Now it gets even cooler...
I will designate the different levels of the Resistance complex
with Level 1 being the one you are currently on, and increasing
numbers as you go deeper. Ground level is obviously the level
above you.
Follow Sam down to Level 2. Follow her to the right and down into
the Resistance's "cafeteria" or the Raksha's spleen. Ignore
everyone else for now, just follow Sam down to the right and past
the large safe-like door.
Sam will introduce you to Karl, the resistance leader. He will
welcome you into the Resistance and tell you that you are welcome
there. Leave Karl for now, and proceed up to the bar and TALK to
Boris. Ask him about everything (he knows a lot), then leave him
and walk down to Sam. TALK to Sam and ask her about everything.
When you are done, continue up and exit. Go to the right and
return to the ladder. Go down the ladder to Level 3.
Walk to the right and exit. You will see three doors here. The
first door is where Shannon lives in her Guns and Ammo store. The
second door is Harry's Junk Emporium (The Junk Shop) where you can
sell any junk you collect from the Wasteland and earn Credits to
purchase other items. The third door leads to the Resistance
Hospital where Rumiko, the resident healer, can heal you of any
damage or poison. OPEN the door to Harry's Junk Emporium and walk
TALK to Harry and ask him about everything. Offer to TRADE with
him, and SELL any junk you have collected. Make sure only to sell
junk (stuff that has "Broken" as part of its title, or tin cans
and scrap metal). DON'T sell your Antenna or Battery. After making
at least 15 credits, leave the shop.
Now OPEN the door to Guns and Ammo (Shannon's shop) and walk in.
TALK to Shannon about everything. You can offer to TRADE with her,
but make sure that you have at least 15 credits left. Don't blow
all your money...yet. When you are done, exit her shop.
Finally, OPEN the door to the Hospital. TALK to Rumiko about
everything. When you ask her for HELP with PSI-HEALING, she will
teach you a new spell called Psi Shield. After you have talked to
her, exit the hospital.
Go back to the ladder and return to Level 2. Return to the
Raksha's Spleen and TALK to Boris again. This time, ask him for
HELP and REST. His rooms cost 15 Credits a night. You can use
Boris to save your game throughout the Resistance missions. Save
your game here.
Go to the right (you'll see two lovebirds quarreling). Continue
right to the Raksha's spleen. Go to see Karl in the Resistance HQ.
TALK to Karl and ask him about everything. When you ask him about
the RESISTANCE, you can JOIN it then get a MISSION. When you take
the Mission, he'll give you a mission book that contains details
of your first mission. Leave HQ.
Leave the Raksha's Spleen and take the ladder up to Level 1.
Walk to the right, and exit. Walk down the tunnel and exit to the
right. Walk past the guard, then OPEN the second door on the left
marked "To Checkpoint One". Walk in the door.
Continue up and to the left, killing all the Scavengers around
here. Continue left and exit. Kill the Scavenger here and continue
left out of the tunnel. Kill the 2 Scavengers here and continue
left and exit. Kill the Scavengers here, and SEARCH the dead body
of the Resistance fighter to get a Com-Link. Do NOT go up the
ladder here yet, unless you plan to get your ass whooped. Go back
the way you just case, past the Resistance guard and to the
ladder. Go down the ladder to Level 2 and return to Karl in the
Resistance HQ.
USE the Com-Link on Karl to complete your first mission. TALK to
him, and ask him for another MISSION. He'll tell you to deliver
some weapons to Roscoe, the weapon-chopper. Seems that all the
Raksha weapons have to be modified before you can use them. Leave
HQ, go to Boris, TALK to him and save your game.
Go to the ladder, and go down to Level 4. Go right and exit.
Continue down the tunnel to the right and kill the poison spiders
here, then exit right. Kill the Dwellers and spiders here, then
continue right until you reach a guarded area. Enter the door to
the top left.
This is Roscoe, the Weapon-Chopper's area. If you find any Raksha
weapons, bring them to him and he will convert them for use, after
which they will appear in Shannon's Guns and Ammo inventory. USE
the crate of Raksha weapons on Roscoe. TALK to Roscoe, and ask him
about everything. You'll discover that he is the resident "tech-
head", so now try and USE that CD-ROM you found on him. He'll tell
you about another communications techie called Tamara. TALK to
Roscoe again, and ask him about Tamara. He will give you a pass
that enables you to visit Tamara. Leave Roscoe, and return to the
ladder. Climb up to Level 1.
Walk all the way to the right, past the first guard, then give the
second guard you meet ("This is a restricted area."), the pass
that Roscoe gave you. He will now let you pass him whenever you
visit Tamara. OPEN the door to the top left, and walk it.
TALK to Tamara. She will tell you that she is too busy trying to
scramble the Resistance transmissions to help you out right now.
Leave Tamara, and return down to Level 2 and the Resistance HQ.
Karl will thank you for delivering the weapons. TALK to Karl and
ask him about the RESISTANCE TRANSMISSIONS. He will tell you that
the best way to stop the Raksha spies is to bomb their spy
equipment. Ask him about WEAPONS, then the BOMB and he will tell
you to talk to Roscoe. Leave HQ.
Return to Roscoe on Level 4. TALK to Roscoe, and ask him about
WEAPONS then the BOMB. He will tell you that he needs some
batteries (although he REALLY means just one battery...this part
had me looking for HOURS for a second battery), some high-
explosive and a digital clock. USE the battery you have on Roscoe,
then leave him.
Go to Shannon's Guns and Ammo on Level 3 and TALK to Shannon.
TRADE with her and BUY the TNT she has for sale. Refuel with any
ammo you need now or other items. Leave Shannon.
NOTE: At this point, you should have at least an Assualt Rifle for
a weapon since you will be fighting Raksha now, and an Auto-Pistol
won't cut it. =) If not, go scavenging on the surface for awhile,
collect some junk, sell it to Harry and buy yourself a decent
weapon. If you got lots of money, buy yourself some better armor
Return to Roscoe, and USE the TNT on him. Now all you need to find
is the digital clock and the bomb can be built. We'll leave this
bomb for now, and return to the Resistance missions. Go to the
Raksha's Spleen, talk to Boris and save your game.
Go to Resistance HQ. TALK to Karl and ask him for another MISSION.
He will tell you that you must clear the Resistance's food storage
area. This mission is the first one where you use the teleporter
system. Go to the ladder and climb all the way up to ground level.
GET the medkit here, then walk into the teleporter. USE it, and
enter the color code as listed on your mission book (BYGG). Get
ready to RUMBLE... Kill the 3 Raksha guards here, walk to the
right and up and OPEN the large door. Exit in the door.
Kill the 2 Raksha guards here and proceed through the exit to the
Kill the 3 Raksha workers here. SEARCH the large crate near the
entrance to find an Alien Worker's Weapon. Go to the far right and
EXAMINE the glowing control panel. Try to USE it. It seems to be a
teleporter, but you can't use it since you don't have a key. Exit
the food storage area and return to the teleporter. USE the
teleporter, and enter the color code to return to the Resistance
(YYBB). Return to Resistance HQ.
Karl will thank you for completing the mission. TALK to Karl and
ask him about PLACES and then TELEPORTER. He will understand then
how the Aliens were getting their food. TALK to Karl and ask him
for another MISSION. The next mission involves you getting
outfitted with with one of the slaves head-control units so that
you can pass as a slave on the surface. Leave HQ and TALK to Boris
at the Raksha's Spleen. Save your game here.
Go to the ladder, and climb up to the teleporter. USE the
teleporter, and enter the new code in (RBBG).
Go to the right and up the stairs into the building. Kill the
Raksha guard waiting here, then SEARCH him to find an Alien
Security weapon. Walk to the right through the doorway. It seems
there was a struggle here recently, and the doctor is missing!
Walk over to the dart gun that is lying on the floor and GET it.
Walk to the left of the operating table and USE the antenna on the
bottom of the table to retrieve a head-control band (that was what
you could hear "beeping"). Leave the building, return to the
teleporter, return to the Resistance and go to HQ.
Karl will thank you and pay you. TALK to Karl and ask for the next
MISSION. The next mission is to retrieve Doc Sawbones from a
Raksha detention center. Sounds like you might need some better
firepower. Leave HQ and go to Roscoe.
USE the Alien Worker and Alien Security Weapon on Roscoe, and he
will pay you. These two items are now available for sale at
Shannon's. If you've got at least 750 credits, head straight for
Shannon's, buy the Alien Security weapon and load up on Alien
Ammo. If you don't have enough, go scavenging on the surface and
TRADE with Harry to make some credits. You NEED to have decent
firepower from now on.
After all this, go to Boris at the Raksha's Spleen and save your
Go to the teleporter, USE it and enter the new mission code
Walk to the left past the slave and through the door.
Kill the 2 Alien Guards here and SEARCH them for ammo. OPEN the
large door and walk in.
Kill the Alien Guard here...he is quite tough, so be prepared.
SEARCH him to find more ammo. USE the red button, then USE the
green button. OPEN the door to the right and walk through.
Kill the Alien Soldier here (Quite tough), then search him to find
an Alien Soldier's Weapon. Go to the right, kill the bug that
attacks you, then OPEN the second cell and walk in.
TALK to the Doctor and he will start to escape. Leave the cell and
follow him.
Go to the left and kill the two Alien Soldiers here (twice as
tough...). Continue out of the complex and back to the teleporter.
Return to the Resistance, then return to the HQ.
Karl will thank you again, and tell you that you need to see Doc
Sawbones in the Hospital to have a head-control band fitted. Leave
HQ and go to the Hospital.
TALK to Doc Sawbones and ask him about everything. He will tell
you that he needs a blank head-control unit to fit you with.
Conveniently enough, we already picked one up from his old office,
so USE the head-control band on Doc Sawbones. He will fit you with
it. From now on, you can SOMETIMES pass undetected among the
Raksha, as long as you don't start fighting.
Now, it's time to get nasty. Go to Roscoe and USE the Alien
Soldier's weapon on him. Go to Shannon and buy the Alien Soldiers
Gun (you can sell your other weapons) and max out on Alien Ammo.
You MUST have this weapon at least now (it ROCKS), and you should
at least have the Rhino Hyde armor as well. If not, scavenge,
collect junk, sell it to Harry and make some credits. When you are
done, return to the Raksha's Spleen, talk to Boris and save your
Go to HQ and TALK to Karl. Ask for another MISSION. The next
mission involves contacting a slave spy near Doc Sawbones old
hangout. Go to the teleporter, enter the new code (RBBG) and DON'T
FIRE AT ANY ALIENS unless they attack first.
Go right past all the Raksha and go up and to the left. Go into
the Bar and TALK to the spy (Andy). Ask her about everything, she
will eventually give you an Info Chip. Make sure that you talk to
her about the RESISTANCE and the TRANSMISSIONS. She'll mention
that they are probably coming from a Comm Center. Return to the
teleporter, return to the Resistance and return to HQ.
USE the Info Chip on Karl. He'll thank you and pay you off. TALK
to him and ask about PLACES and the COMM CENTER. He will tell you
of his plan to use a bomb there to blow it up. Now it's time to
finish that bomb. Go to Harry the junk guy and TALK to him. Ask
him about WEAPONS and the BOMB and he'll mention that someone
brought in a digital clock. BUY it from him. Also buy a pair of
pliers. Go to Roscoe. USE the digital clock on Roscoe and he'll
make the bomb for you. Return to HQ.
USE the bomb on Karl. Ask him for a new MISSION. He will tell you
to blow up the comm center and give you the new mission
instructions. Go to Boris and save your game (it gets REALLY tough
now). Go to the teleporter, and enter in the new code (GRRR).
Walk to the left and enter the alley above. EXAMINE the door to
the Rakes'll be back here soon enough. Leave the alley
and go right this time. Kill the "bettle-dog" and the Alien Guard
(TOUGH!). SEARCH the Alien Guard to get an Alien Guard weapon.
NOTE: My advice at this point is to return to the Resitance, give
Roscoe the Alien Guard weapon, buy it from Shannon, load up on
ammo and become VERY proficent with this weapon (go up on the
surface and kill some Scavengers). The next battle is REALLY
tough. You should probably have the Bio Armor as well by now. When
you are ready, return to where you killed the Alien Guard and
Walk to the right and exit. Walk up to the large silver door,
which will open for you....get ready to ROCK.
Quickly cast Psi Shield to max your armor class, then blast away
at the two giant guards. Kill the other 4 or 5 Alien Soldiers and
SEARCH them all for ammo. (Whew!) Go up, and USE the Bomb on the
middle control panel. It will start beeping...start running. Walk
down and exit the Comm'll see the explosion. Walk
left and exit. Go to the teleporter, return to Resistance HQ.
Karl will thank you and inform you that Tamara is now freed up to
look at the CD-ROM you have. TALK to Karl and ask him for the next
MISSION. Leave HQ and go to Tamara.
TALK to Tamara and ask her about everything. USE the CD-ROM on her
and she with play it for you on one of her computers. A short
video will play that outlines a location of one of the Defense
Research areas of the Raksha: on West Street (where you met Andy,
the spy). We'll leave this info for now, and continue on our
Go to Boris, save your game, then go to the teleporter and enter
the new codes (GRRR). Go to the Rakes Club entrance, and walk in.
Kill the 3 Guards and one Soldier behind the bar. SEARCH them for
ammo. Walk into the back room.
Kill the Guard here. SEARCH him. EXAMINE the slave hanging on the
wall, then SEARCH him when his body falls. You'll find a Slave ID
that admits you to West Street...Hmmm...didn't we just hear
something about West Street? Leave the Rake's Club, return to the
teleporter, and return to HQ.
USE the Slave ID on Karl. TALK to him about PLACES and WEST
STREET. He tells you to ask a surface dweller. Leave HQ, go to the
teleporter and go to Andy (code RBBG) in the slave bar. TALK to
Andy and ask her about WEST STREET. Leave the bar.
USE the Slave ID card on the card slot near the glowing fence
(don't touch it!). The fence will deactivate. Walk past the Alien
Lord (unless you are feeling particularily cocky), and enter the
building. Walk to the right and exit. Go down the stairs. Walk to
the far left and USE your pliers on the mesh fence in front of the
control panel. Now USE the control panel to fire up the
generators. Now the elevators have Walk into the
elevator to the left and USE it. Go to the 7th floor.
Walk to the right and kill the Dweller here. Walk in the second
door to the left. Walk up to the file cabinet to the right and
SEARCH the middle drawer to find a screwdriver. Leave the room.
Walk back to the elevator and USE the screwdriver on the elevator
to reveal a new button. Now go to the 13th floor.
Walk to the right and then up and to the left. Walk up to the
large "cabinets" to the left and OPEN one to find a body. SEARCH
the body to find a virus dart. Walk back to the right then up and
to the right to the large locked door. USE the pile of books that
are sitting on the desk nearest the door to reveal a button. USE
the button to open the locked door. Walk in the door and walk up
the safe. OPEN it and GET the lab papers. Go back to the elevator,
return to the ground floor, and exit the building.
USE your Slave ID card on the console again to deactivate the
force field, then return to the teleporter and return to
Resistance HQ. USE the lab papers on Karl. USE the virus dart on
Karl. He will tell you to see Roscoe. Go to Roscoe.
USE the virus dart on Roscoe, then USE the dart gun on Roscoe (the
one you found in Doc Sawbones old place). He will give you a
loaded dart gun. Return to HQ.
USE the loaded dart gun on Karl. He will mention a Breeding
Center, and ask you to find out about it. Who is your biggest info
source? Andy, of course. Go to the teleporter, go to Andy (RBBG)
in the Bar near the security gate, TALK to her and ask about
PLACES and the BREEDING CENTER. She will tell you she has sent
Karl the co-ordinates. Return to the teleporter and return to HQ.
TALK to Karl and ask him again about the Breeding Center. This
time he will give you a mission to destroy the Alien Queen. Party
time. If you haven't loaded up on ammo yet, go see Shannon and do
so now. You should have at least the Alien Guard gun and
preferbably a backup as well (Alien Guard or something), and have
at least the Titanium armor. It gets REAL nasty now. Go to Boris
in the Raksha's Spleen and save your game.
Go to the teleporter, enter the co-oridinates in (BRBY) and get
ready to RUMBLE again. Kill the 2 Alien Lords waiting here and
search them for some ammo. Walk up through the doorway.
Kill the two Alien Soldiers here. SEARCH them. Walk up and into
the "doorway".
You are now in the Breeding Center. Shoot the Soldiers that are
here, then proceed to shoot ALL the eggs that are visible. Some
more eggs will appear on the console in the middle; shoot them as
well. Proceed to the left and kill the 2 Alien Lords and the large
Guard there. SEARCH them all to find an Alien Lord's gun (Woohoo!)
and a teleport key. Hmm...teleport key. Remember that funny
looking teleporter in the food storage area? =) Leave the area,
return to the teleporter and return to the Resistance.
Go to Roscoe and USE the Alien Lord's gun on him. Go to Shannon's
and buy this gun and stock up on Pulse Bullets. Now, you should at
LEAST have the Adamite armor and the Alien Lord's Gun. Stock up on
everything, becuase once you go to the alien mothership, you can't
save. Go to Boris at the Raksha's Spleen and save your game.
Go to the teleporter, and enter in the coordinates of the food
storage area (BYGG). Make your way through the food storage to the
funny looking teleporter pad and control panel. USE the teleport
key on the control panel.
You'll see (or perhaps not...=) a quick cutscene here showing the
mother ship from outside.
Kill the Alien Soldiers here. Walk up and to the left (don't use
the elevator yet), and walk down the stairs and to the right,
through the doorway.
Kill the two Alien Soldiers here. Walk to the right past the door
with the weird symbol on it. Walk (carefully) past the plasma-gun
trap, kill the Alien Soldier on the other side, and USE the lever.
Go back to the door that had the weird symbol on it (it is open
now), and walk in.
Kill the Soldiers that are here. Carefully write down the design
of the three symbols on the doors here, then return to the
teleporter you came in on and USE the elevator.
Kill the Alien Soldiers here and SEARCH them. Continue up and to
the left and exit.
Kill the Alien Soldiers here and continue up and to the left. You
will reach a console that has two red arrows on it and a design.
By USE'ing the arrows you can change the pattern displayed. USE
the arrows, and change the pattern to match that of the leftmost
door you wrote down.
Return to the room with the three doors, and enter the leftmost
door. Walk up and to the left and walk into the teleporter.
Walk to the right, and kill all of the Guards and Lords (there are
a ton). SEARCH them all, and the Lord to the far right should have
a Yellow Key. Shoot (or chop with the halberd) all the computer
monitors out. Return left to the teleporter, and go back to the
three door room. A "floating mine" should appear out of the floor.
Kill it.
Now go back to the "pattern control box", enter the pattern for
the second door, and return here. Walk in the second door, and
into the teleporter.
Walk to the left all the way around the control area and kill the
Guard, the bunch of Workers and the Lord that are here. SEARCH
them all and the Lord will have a Red Key on him. Go back to the
teleporter, and back to the room with the three doors.
Return to the "pattern control box", enter the pattern for the
third door (last time), and return here. Walk in the third door,
and to the right, through the doorway.
Kill the large Guard here, continue right and kill all the Aliens
in here. SEARCH the Alien Lord to get a blue key. Return all the
way back to the room that has the "pattern control box" on it.
Go left, and down the stairs. Walk through the doorway. Walk up
and to the right and kill the Alien Soldiers in here. USE the red,
yellow and blue keys on the multi-colored "lock" on the right hand
wall to open the door to the teleporter to your left. Walk into
the teleporter.
Kill all the Aliens in here and proceed through the door to the
right and into the teleporter.
Walk to the right then up and to the left and kill the Guards and
Soldiers here (tough!). Now, heal up and get ready. Walk through
the door to the right.
Two large Alien Guards will appear. Kill them quickly. An odd
looking Alien will appear to the right in purple armor: the
Queen's Master Guard. This guy is TOUGH. Kill him (watch out, he
explodes when he dies), heal up then go through the door at the
right to the Queen's Chamber.
Quickly shoot and kill the two droids that rise from the pillars
next to the Queen. Kill the Lord that is walking around here, then
USE the dart gun on the Queen Alien; this makes her killable. Now,
pound away at her until she dies. QUICKLY run to the left and out
the exit hatch. Do NOT run back the way you came, or you'll lose.
That's it! Sit back and watch the fireworks.
Still stuck? Don't understand what is going on? Join #alienearth
on IRC for help. =)