Al Qadim – The Genie’s Curse (šifre)

Al Qadim - The Genie's Curse 

Avoid wide open spaces and try to cling to the walls.
Many traps are set where no hindrance is visible.  

Keep your priorities straight.  
You have barely enough time to make it.  

Your greed will have to wait. When you finish, you will 
see a big chest which contains enough reward to get you started.  

The teleporter is located north of that chest and will send you 
outside the  walls of your home city of Zaratan.

For this first phase, and all subsequent phases, make it a habit
to crush the vases and pieces of furniture whenever you encounter them.
Very often they contain treasures, sometimes they offer the only safe
way through an area.  Secret passages may be obscured by pieces of

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