Age of Empires III patchevi
Ensemble Studios nam je spremio prvi patch za WarChiefs, dodatak za ovu uspešnu RTS igru sa oznakom 1.02. Između ostalog je poboljšana podrška za DirectX 8 grafičke kartice i za Windows Vista i poboljšano je online igranje. Matična igra je takođe dobila novi patch sa oznakom 1.10, i on nam donosi otprilike iste izmene kao i prethodni patch. Detaljne liste izmena se nalaze u nastavku teksta, a patcheve možete preuzeti ovde za WarChiefs (15MB), a ovde za Age of Empires III (19MB).
Age of Empires 3 v1.10 English Patch
Better anti-aliasing support for NVIDIA GeForce 8 series cards.
A number of Windows Vista compatibility issues fixed.
Several low level network optimizations have been added.
Fixed a recorded game Out of Sync issue involving pre-patch 1.09 games and high level home cities.
Reduced Spanish shipment bonus.
Reduced Longbowmen ranged attack by 2
Reduced Longbowmen hand attack by 1
ESO statistics tab now defaults to show statistics for the game you are playing.
Decks are now limited to 32 per home city.
Quick Search – the civilizations of other players are no longer shown when the initial match is made.
Quick Search – games no longer follow the two minute resign rule and will count toward your rating as soon as they begin.
Power Rating values will now update more quickly after a game.
Age Of Empires III: The WarChiefs v1.02 Patch
Fixed mercenary selection in Saloons for custom maps.
Better anti-aliasing support for NVIDIA GeForce 8 series cards
A number of Windows Vista compatibility issues fixed
Several low level network optimizations have been added
Reduced Rodelero building bonus
Reduced Spanish shipment bonus
Reduced Cetan Bowman hitpoints by 10
Increased Kanya Horsemen hitpoints by 20
ESO statistics tab now defaults to show statistics for the game you are playing
Decks are now limited to 32 per home city
Quick Search – the civilizations of other players are no longer shown when the initial match is made
Quick Search – games no longer follow the two minute resign rule and will count toward your rating as soon as they begin
Power Rating values will now update more quickly after a game