Age of Empires 2 – The Conquerors (šifre)

Age of Empires 2 - The Conquerors

Defeating your enemies with Arbalest:
Submitted by: d.shankarnarayana

You can easily defeat any infantry from i.e.(Elite Teutonic Knight to Militia) 
using your Arbalests. To accomplish this you must build an archery camp research 
the archer to crossbowman and then to arbalest. These Arbalests when fully 
researched e.g. (Carthaginian Tactics) are extremely powerful in range attack 
and somewhat weak in combat. Just create 15 arbalests, Double-Click any one to 
select all of them and just Right-Click to attack any enemy infantry or cavalry. 
When our men they will come nearer to attack the enemy infantry attack the 
arbalests. Since the arbalests are more in number the enemy infantry will die 
on their way when trying to reach our men. The arbalests have very long range 
so that they can easily kill the infantry and siege units. If they (enemies) 
follow this technique it will be a problem to you so please be quicker. 
If more doubts persists, Mail me.

Submitted by: Mahesh

On the mill you will find an icon saying "reseed farm".now 
select the mill then press F3(game is paused)then see if you have 
enough wood then start clicking on the icon.after sometime stop 
clicking.then press F3 will have lots of reseeds in the 
list.this will help you concentrate on the game than giving your 
villagers farms again and again.

Submitted by: Gaurav Jhaveri

You should always study the tech tree and see the 
specialites of your civilization and always scout 
the enemy base and study their base.If you lose a 
game then you should think how did my enemy win, 
how did I lose? Think over it and don't make the 
same mistake next time.

Submitted by: Gaurav Jhaveri

You should always build walls and towers to protect 
yourself and always place walls from one forest to 
another, never build walls from one mine to forest 
or mine to mine or forage bush to mine otherwise when 
you have collected all the resources in the mine that 
part of the wall will become open and the enemy will 
enter as soon as the wall has become open.

Wonder Hint: 
Submitted by: Gokulavasan, Chennai

If you want to see all the wonders of the civilizations, 
go to create a scenario and you can place the wonder. 
Again change your civilization, and place the wonder and 
you will see theirs. Otherwise, select the 'Defend the 
Wonder' option under Standard Game and you can change the 
civilization and see their respective wonder!

Here are the 4 best civilizations is this order:
Submitted by: Chris

Never charge at your enemy, just get in their line 
of site. If it is archers, use knights/elephants 
and charge.

Submitted by: Mehran Samad Nejad

Hit ENTER during the game, and enter the following:

Cheat       Result 
woof woof - you will see stormy dog on the air,
            that fly every where

Submitted by: Masood Yoonesian
Enter cheat mode and type in VDML. It gives you a very 
fast villager that you can kill next to a building or 
enemy unit and it will explode and destroy it.

Submitted by: Jeremy Griffin
Enter cheat mode and type in VDML. It gives you a very 
fast villager that you can kill next to a building or 
enemy unit and it will explode and destroy it.

Submitted by: Oscar Syahbana the Kindhearted
Bigger doesn't always better...they said. If you wanted to 
win a war (in multiplayer game) you should plan your tactical 
and political skills. You could 'use' your ally as your 
defensif structure and then after you almost defeat your 
enemy, change your diplomatic stances to your ally as enemy 
after your troops get in their town center and the attack and 
demolish your ally and then you could be the single leader

Update by: Sushav Dixit
Submitted by: zohiad asad

Hit ENTER during the game, and enter the following:

Result                                Code 
1000 food                           - cheese steak jimmy's  
1000 gold                           - robin hood  
1000 stone                          - rock on  
1000 wood                           - lumberjack  
Cobra car                           - how do you turn this on  
Control nature                      - natural wonders  
Destroy all opponents               - black death  
Fast building                       - aegis  
Flying dogs                         - woof woof  
Full map                            - marco 
Instant loss                        - resign  
Instant victory                     - i r winner  
Kill Opponent 1                     - torpedo1  
Kill Opponent 2                     - torpedo2  
Kill Opponent 3                     - torpedo3  
Kill Opponent 4                     - torpedo4  
Kill Opponent 5                     - torpedo5  
Kill Opponent 6                     - torpedo6  
Kill Opponent 7                     - torpedo7  
Kill Opponent 8                     - torpedo8  
Little monkey                       - furious the monkey boy  
No fog of war                       - polo  
Saboteur unit                       - to smithereens  
Suicide                             - wimpywimpywimpy  
Tall, fast moving, useless villager - i love the monkey head  
aegis                               - your buildings will be constructed in one touch

Submitted by: rickHH 
Take time to study the new civilizations and their 
technologies through the tech tree in the game. 

You can garrison units inside siege rams, which helps 
protect them against missile weapons. This is very 
handy when you're trying to storm enemy walls. 

Definitely use the farm queue; it'll cut down on your 
micromanagement of farmers. Just be careful; 75 pieces 
of wood get used every time you queue a farm. 

this is more of a proggramming thingy:

Submitted by: h@ck3r

-go into the msdos-type C:
-press enter-type dirp *or* dir/p
-push enter
-look for the dir of aoe2 game file
-type it in
-push enter
-now type in the following:


Submitted by: Mahesh

IN ur mill there is a reseed farm button normally u can have a 
list of only 15 here is the best part.When u click on 
the mill press F3 button of ur keyboard.The game is paused.
now press "F" button on ur keyboard to enlist farms.
keep on pressing to ur hearts content,
if u had kept on pressing fer someime u will find that u hv no list.
the point is that u set up such a big list of farms that the computer 
is unable to show it. IMPORTANT-u better hv lots of wood.

Submitted by: gaurav paul

While creating units or reseeding farms we have to click a lot of 
times.So while creating units or reseeding farms press shift and 
then click to creat an unit or reseeding farms.It will create or 
reseed 5 units or farms.

Submitted by:Murukesh Mohanan

Now,to easily destroy all enemy buildings,create a large number of patards
(saboteur unit),group them and sneak them into enemy's base.take them to 
important buildings but make sure you don't go to near military units.
Guide them and attack the building.8-10 patards can destroy a castle,town 
center &other strong buildings.Create many,Destroy all!Good luck!

Submitted by: Aaron

At the start of a game to get a goos start just build as many villagers as u 
can and get them to build a mill and work on the forrage bush once that is 
all done put some villagers on Farms and Woodcutting now u should have a head 
start of the other civalisations.

Submitted by: Wizard23

In hardest mode if some player(computer) makes neutral with you then afterwards 
he asks for resourses from you failing which he attacks you. well you can avoid 
being enemy with him by saying 'no' (no 2 in chat menu) to him just after he asks 
you for resourses.

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