Act of War: High Treason
Cheat Codes
While playing, press [ENTER] then type any of the following cheat codes.
Press [ENTER] again to activate.
Code: Result:
fortknox Add $1000 Cash
keyholemaster Reveal Map
ineedalltechnos All Tech
yeepeekaye Nuclear Strike at Cursor
bigbrother Unlock Camera Mode
motherrussia Summon M80 Tank
coolihaveanewcar Summon CIA Armored Van
coolimthepresident Summon U.S. Predisent
swatatyourorders Summon SWAT
ymca Summon U.S. Cop
greenjelly Summon U.K. Cop
bringoutthedead Summon Ambulance
duckhunt Summon a Flying Duck
blackhawkdown Summon SA12 Anti-Aircraft Missile