Civilisation IV – Beyond the Sword (walkthrough)

Civilisation IV - Beyond the Sword

  ____ _       _ _ _          _   _               _____     __         
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|____/ _/_/ ___/|_|  __,_|
Author: Warfreak
Version: 1.0
Day Started: 27/7/07


Table of Contents
[1] Introduction
    [1.01] Introduction
    [1.02] Version History
[2] Random Events
    [2.01] Random Events
    [2.02] Quests
    [2.03] Civilization Events
    [2.04] City Events 
    [2.05] Tile Events
    [2.06] Unit Events
    [2.07] Foreign Events

[A] Contact Information
[B] Webmaster Information
[C] Credits
[D] Sites FAQ is on
[E] Copyright

[1.01] Introduction

Welcome to my 18th FAQ. I've some Civ 4 the base game, but haven't done 
Warlords, which I will, sooner or later. Anyway, Beyond the Sword is the 
second Expansion Pack for Civ 4, which I might add, is massive. It hads many
things to Civ 4, which in itself, is wonderful. Read the reviews if you 
want to know what happens. As for the game itself, it seems that this seems to
cover everything from the Warlords expansion and as such, it makes that 
worthless and this worthwhile. 

[1.02] Version History

Version 0.1 [27/7/07]
Started the Guide. Random Events up and running. 

Version 0.2 [29/7/07]
More random events.

Version 0.3 [30/7/07]
More random events, with 100% more goodiness.

Version 0.4 [31/7/07]
Even more random events. There are too many of them. Just when you do one, 
pop comes out some more. 

Version 0.5 [2/8/07]
Have to finish random events first. This is going to be a long time.

Version 0.6 [21/8/07]
Must update more random events when I can. 

Version 0.7 [22/8/07]
Update on random events. About halfway there. 

Version 0.8 [23/8/07]
More than halfway done on random events. This is taking a long time. 

Version 0.9 [24/8/07]
Two thirds of the way there. Only Quests remain

Version 1.0 [29/8/07]
This should be the end of these pesky random events. All gone.

[2.01] Random Events

Random Events are arguable the most expansive addition in Beyond the Sword,
and besides the Corporations, one of the reason why I bought it. They can
occur at any time, at any point in your game. They can be good, some can be
bad and some can be a bit strange. There is over 1 Mb and a half of text
that I had to sift through to bring these events to you, so be at least 
grateful. For the events to happen, you must have the "No Random Events" not
enabled to allow for the events to occur. 

Not all events will occur in one game. Some will appear, some won't. Below,
I will list everything, the options and what happens. There are several types
of events that I have seperated. Quests are missions you have to do. 
Civilization Events effect your entire empire, City events effect one 
specific city, Tile events effect a production tile, Unit events effect your
units and Foreign Events are events that have an effect overseas.

Here is how it goes. The symbols you have to be aware for. 

[Civ Adjective]           = Adjective for your nation. For example, America
                            will be American, China will be Chinese, etc.

[Civ City]                = A city under your control. 

[Civ City Building]       = A building inside one of your cities.

[Civ Corporation]         = A corporation under your control.

[Civ Unit]                = A Unit under your command.

[Civ Religion]            = A religion worshipped in your Empire

[Civ Religion Adjective]  = The Adjective for a religion. For example, Islam
                            will be Islamic, Buddhism will be Buddhist.

[Civ Wonder]              = A Wonder

[Other Civ]               = Another Civilisation

[Other Civ Adjective]     = The Adjective of another Civilisation's empire.

[Other Civ City]          = Another Civilisation's City

[Another Civ]             = A third Civ

[Tile Improvement]        = A tile improvement

[Tile Resource]           = A bonus on a tile

X                         = A defined number

Y                         = Another defined number

[2.02] Quests



"Our spiritual leaders are urging us to seek the blessings of the sea! The
 wise masters have divined the way regarding our relationship with the sea.
 They urge us to embrace the sea, to broaden our influence over it and spread
 our traditions to new lands."

--==Quest Help==--

"The Blessed Sea. You are tasked by your religious leaders to found cities
 on new landmasses. If you can build enough cities on new landmasses you will
 please the masters, who will offer you a choice of rewards."

"To complete this quest, you must establish or capture cities on X total 
 landmasses of any size, from one-plot islands to massive continents. All
 landmasses where you have at least one city are counted. Note that additional
 cities on the same island or continent do not help in this quest. The goal
 is to establish your presence on a number of different landmasses and 
 thereby prove your mastery over the waters. You will fail this quest if you
 change state religions, cease to have a state religion or reach Industrialism
 without having met the conditions."


Chance of Event in Game = 85%
Required                = Galley, Caravel or Galleon unit
                          Buddhism, Confucianism or Taoism religion
                          One of the Three is a State Religion
Obsoleted By            = Industrialism (Steam Power, Steel, Scientific 
                                         Method or Artillery)


"Establish your religion in a number of your cities."

"Receive a Temple Improvement in all cities with five population or more, 
 where your State Religion is present."

"Receive a Great Prophet."


Option 1 - "Establish your religion in a number of your cities."

Result = Convert up to 20 of your cities

Option 2 - "Receive a Temple Improvement in all cities with five population
            or more, where your State Religion is present."

Result = Temples in all cities with 5+ Population with State religion

Option 3 - "Receive a Great Prophet."

Result = You receive a Great Prophet


"You have failed the quest of The Blessed Sea."

--==Appears in Events==--

[Civ Religion Adjective] leaders have bestowed grand rewards upon the 
[Civ Adjective] people for completing the Quest of The Blessed Sea!"



"Our religious leaders believe our people can earn the blessings of the deity
 if we can reclaim the Holy Mountain! They have studied the scriptures with
 an eye towards locating the holy mountain. They have so far not found it
 anywhere within our lands and believe that it must lie elsewhere. More study
 will be needed if we are to identify the sacred location."

--==Quest Help==--

"The Holy Mountain. You are tasked by your religious leaders to locate, settle
 near and seize control over the Holy Mountain."

"To complete this quest, you must extend your cultural influence and control
 over the Peak plot that is the Holy Mountain. You may achieve this by
 Divine Providence by settling near any Peaks you find. Eventually you may
 find the right one. Or you may seek further guidance from studying the holy
 scriptures. If you build X religious buildings (Temples and Monasteries), 
 your religious leaders will solve the puzzle and identify the correct 
 location of the Holy Mountain, which you must then still go and settle near 
 to complete the quest. A [Christian Cathedral, Jewish Synagogue or Islamic
 Mosque] allows for more co-ordinated worship and is worth as much as four
 Temples for the purposes of this quest. You will fail this quest if you 
 change state religions, cease to have a state religion, or reach
 Industrialism without having met the conditions. You will also fail this
 quest if any other civilisation takes control of the Holy Mountain before you


Chance of Event in Game = 85%
Required                = Judaism, Christianity or Islam
                          One of the three is a State Religion
Obsoleted By            = Industrialism (Steam Power, Steel, Scientific
                                         Method or Artillery)

--==When Found==--

"Look at the Holy Mountain"

"Congratulations! You have located the Holy Mountain and extended your 
 cultural influence over the sacred site!"

"You have built enough religious buildings for your religious leaders to 
 solve the puzzle and identify the correct location of the Holy Mountain.
 Settle near that location to complete this quest!"


"Your People are inspired by the way in which you have honored your faith."


Option 1 - "Your People are inspired by the way in which you have honored 
            your faith."

Cost   : None
Result : +1 Happiness for All Cities


"You have failed the quest of The Holy Mountain."

--==Appears in Events==--

"The faithful [Civ Religion Adjective] people are inspired by the divine 
 providence of the [Civ Adjective] Empire for completing the Quest of the 
 Holy Mountain!"



"Our horse trainers believe that it would be possible to gain a much deeper
 bond with and understanding of our riding animals. They require a longer and
 more coordinated network of Stables to pursue this goal."

--==Quest Help==--

"Horse Whispering. You are tasked by your elite trainers to build enough 
 stables for them to transcend the traditional limits of animal husbandry."

"To complete this quest, you must build X Stables in your various cities. You
 will fail this quest if a rival civilisation completes it first, or if you
 reach the Renaissance Era without having met the conditions."


Chance of Event in Game = 25%
Required                = Horse Bonus
                          Animal Husbandry Tech
Obsoleted By            = Renaissance (Nationalism, Printing Press, Education,

--==When Complete==--

"Congratulations! You have met the goals of our horse trainers and built for
 them enough facilities to empower their plans. Please choose a reward from
 along the benefits your horse trainers are able to provide to you."


"Use our advantage to immediately train Horse Archers."

"Use our existing horses as more effective scouts."

"Our horses are trained to be more productive on the farm."


Option 1 - "Use our advantage to immediately train Horse Archers."

Cost   : None
Result : Receive X number of Horse Archers

Option 2 - "Use our existing horses as more effective scouts."

Cost   : None
Result : All Mounted Units gain Sentry Promotion

Option 3 - "Our horses are trained to be more productive on the farm."

Cost   : None
Result : Stable Yields +1 Food


"You have failed the quest of Horse Whispering"

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] stable masters and horse trainers have completed the quest
 of Horse Whispering."



"Our harbourmasters request government aid in expanding our overseas trading
 empire. We will need to build enough Harbours in our cities and construct
 enough ocean worthy ships."

--==Quest Help==--

"The Harbourmaster. You are tasked by your merchant marine industry to build
 enough Harbours for them to become the undisputed trading kings of the sea. 
 You will also need to build a fleet of Caravels to help carry cargo across
 deep water."

"To complete this quest, you must construct X Harbours in your various coastal
 cities. You will also have to build Y Caravels. You will fail this quest if a
 rival civilisation completes it first, or if you reach the Industrial Era 
 without having met the conditions."


Chance of Event in Game = 25%
Required                = Compass Tech
Obsoleted By            = Industrial Era (Steam Power, Steel, Scientific 
                                          Method or Artillery)

--==When Complete==--

"Congratulations! You have met the goals of your merchant marine and built for
 them enough ships and docks to empower their plans. Please choose a reward
 from among the benefits your new trading empire is able to provide you."


"Use our advantage to boost the seamenship of our current and future Naval 

"Our trade empire should be leveraged in to producing lots of wealth."

"Our ship captains gain extra experience, enabling them to better navigate."


Option 1 - "Use our advantage to boost the seamenship of our current and 
            future Naval units."

Cost   : None
Result : All Naval units gain Combat I Promotion

Option 2 - "Our trade empire should be leveraged in to producing lots of 

Cost   : None
Result : All Harbours yield +1 Gold Commerce

Option 3 - "Our ship captains gain extra experience, enabling them to better

Cost   : None
Result : All Naval units gain Navigation I Promotion


"You have failed the quest of the Harbourmaster."

--==Appears in Events==--

"The seaworthy [Civ Adjective] people have completed the quest of The



"Our eldest scholars have collaborated on an effort to collect, record, and
 preserve all of our oral traditions and unwritten literature."

--==Quest Help==--

"Classic Literature. You are tasked by your scholars to build enough Libraries
 to hold the newly recorded texts of our ancient stories and oral traditions."

"To complete this quest, you must build X Libraries in your various cities. An
 additional reward option will be available if you control the Great Library 
 if and when this quest is successfully completed. You will fail this quest if
 a rival civilisation completes it first, or if you reach the Renaissance Era
 without having met the conditions."


Chance of Event in Game = 20%
Required                = Writing Tech
Obsoleted By            = Renaissance Era (Nationalism, Printing Press,
                                           Education, Gunpowder)

--==When Complete==--

"Congratulation! You have met the goals of our scholars and built for them
 enough Libraries to store their newly recorded works. Please choose a 
 reward from among the benefits your new treasure trove of written 
 literature are able to provide to you."


"Our library with the largest repository of classic literature receives a 
 research bonus."

"Discover and decipher lost knowledge from within some of the literature."

"The Great Library receives additional scholars to help boost research."


Option 1 - "Our library with the largest repository of classic literature
            receives a research bonus."

Cost   : None
Result : Library Yields +2 Research Commerce

Option 2 - "Discover and decipher lost knowledge from within some of the

Cost   : None
Result : Receive Technology from Ancient Era not Discovered

Option 3 - "The Great Library receives additional scholars to help boost

Need   : Great Library Wonder
Result : Scientists where Great Library is based


"You have failed the quest of Classic Literature."

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] scholars have successfully recorded all of their oral 
 traditions and stories in to a new compendium of literature, thereby
 completing the quest of Classic Literature!"



"The master blacksmith in [Civ City] has offered to take on and train 
 multiple apprentices if the government will build new forges for them to
 operate once their training has been completed. We will need to build X
 Forges in our cities to accommodate the master's new students."

--==Quest Help==--

"The Master Blacksmith. You are tasked by the Master Blacksmith to build
 enough new Forges to provide acceptable working environments for all the
 students to whom he intends to pass on his trade secrets."

"To complete this quest, you must build a total of X Forges in your various
 cities. This may include Forges already completed. The master smith is a 
 religious man. An additional reward option will be available if your
 civilisation has a state religion if and when the quest is completed
 successfully. You will fail this quest if a rival civilisation completes it 
 first, if you lose control over [Civ City] and the master smith, or if you
 reach the Renaissance Era without having met the conditions."


Chance of Event in Game = 25%
Required                = Forge Building 
Obsoleted By            = Renaissance Era (Nationalism, Printing Press, 
                                           Education, Gunpowder)

--==When Complete==--

"Congratulations! You have met the goals of your master blacksmith and built
 enough Forges for each for his students to have his own to operate. Please
 choose a reward from among the benefits your new metalworking empire is able
 to provide to you."


"Use our advantage to discover a new source of Copper."

"Our metalworking empire should be leveraged into producing stronger 

"The master's best student will be granted control over his forge when he
 retires, launching a tradition of metalcasting excellence in that city."


Option 1 - "Use our advantage to discover a new source of Copper."

Cost   : None
Result : A new source of Copper is discovered.

Option 2 - "Our metalworking empire should be leveraged into producing 
            stronger weaponry."

Cost   : None
Result : Swordsman gain Shock Promotion

Option 3 - "The master's best student will be granted control over his forge
            when he retires, launching a tradition of metalcasting excellence
            in that city."

Need   : State Religion
Result : Great Engineer


"You have failed the quest of The Master Blacksmith."

--==Appears in Events==--

"The skilled [Civ Adjective] metalworkers have completed the quest of The
 Master Blacksmith"



"Our generals request government aid in expanding our fortifcations. We will
 need to build enough Castles to satisfy their views on mounting a proper 
 defence for our nation."

--==Quest Help==--

"The Best Defence: You are tasked by your armed forces to build enough Castles
 for them to ward off invasion effectively."

"To complete this quest, you must build X Castles in your cities. An 
 additional reward option will be available if your civilisation controls the
 Great Wall. You will fail this quest if a rival civilisation completes it 
 first, or if you discover Rifling, Railroad or Economics without having met 
 the conditions."


Chance of Event in Game = 30%
Required                = Engineering Tech
Obsoleted By            = Rifling, Railroad, Economics Tech

--==When Complete==--

"Congratulations! You have met the goals of your military planners and built
 enough Castles to serve as fortresses against invaders. Please choose a 
 reward from among the benefits your defence is able to provide to you."


"Use our advantage to help better train our forces."

"Leverage our defensive advantage in to political capital."

"Now that we are safe, focus on learning what others are planning."


Option 1 - "Use our advantage to help better train our forces."

Cost   : None
Result : Melee Units gain City Garrison I Promotion

Option 2 - "Leverage our defensive advantage in to political capital."

Cost   : None
Result : Receive +X attitude from all leaders

Option 3 - "Now that we are safe, focus on learning what others are planning."

Need   : Great Wall
Cost   : Great Wall Yields +25 Espionage Commerce Points


"You have failed the quest of The Best Defence"

--==Appears in Events==--

"The sturdy [Civ Adjective] people have completed The Best Defence Quest!"



"Our cultural advisors believe that our nation could benefit from city-based
 sports franchises if we built enough Colosseums to support national sports
 leagues. Each major city would require its own facility in which its teams
 could play."

--==Quest Help==--

"National Sports League. You are tasked by your cultural advisors to build 
 enough Colosseums to support viable sports leagues."

"To complete this quest, you must build X Colosseums in your cities.An 
 additional reward option will be available if you control The Statue of 
 Zeus if and when this quest is successfully completed. You will fail this
 quest if a rival civilisation complete it first, or if you reach the Modern
 Era without having met the conditions."


Chance of Event in Game = 25%
Required                = Construction Tech
Obsoleted By            = Modern Era (Radio, Refrigeration, Plastics, 
                                      Satellites, Advanced Flight, Ecology)

--==When Complete==--

"Congratulations! You have met the goals of your sports entrepreneurs and
 built enough Colosseums to support viable leagues. Please choose a reward
 from among the benefits your new national pastimes can provide to you."


"Use the leagues to make your people happy."

"Leverage these sport leagues in to a cultural tradition."

"Organise large-scale periodic sporting events in the name of Zeus."


Option 1 - "Use the leagues to make your people happy."

Cost   : None
Result : All Colosseums +1 Happiness

Option 2 - "Leverage these sport leagues in to a cultural tradition."

Cost   : None
Result : All Colosseums yield +4 Culture

Option 3 - "Organise large-scale periodic sporting events in the name of 

Need   : The Status of Zeus
Result : Start a Golden Age


"You have failed the quest of The National Sports League."

--==Appears in Events==--

"The [Civ Adjective] cities have built enough Colosseums to complete the 
 National Sports League quest, strengthening their social fabric and their
 national identity."



"Our war against the [Other Civ Adjective] continues. Our spiritual leaders
 crty out for us to wage a crusade to wrest control of [Civ City] away from 

--==Quest Help==--

"Crusade. You are tasked by your religious leaders to capture and occupy the
 Holy City."

"You will fail this quest if a rival civilisation captures [Civ City] first,
 if you chance your state religion, or if the war ends for any reason prior
 to your success."


Chance of Event in Game = 50%
Required                = Nation is at War
                          Enemy Nation has a Holy City of State Religion
                          State Religion

--==When Complete==--

"Congratulations! Your Crusade to secure the sacred lands of [Civ City] has
 wrested control of the city away from the [Other Civ Adjective]. Please
 choose a reward from among the benefits that may accrue from the joy your
 people feel in this successful Crusade."


"The Holy City needs more protection. Recruit and train capable units from 
 among the faithful."

"Harness the fervor of the believers to construct a Holy Shrine to honour the
 sacred sites where our faith was born."

"Spread the word of our success and of the blessings of our faith as far and
 as wide as possible."


Option 1 - "The Holy City needs more protection. Recruit and train capable
            units from among the faithful."

Cost   : None
Result : Adds X number of units to the City

Option 2 - "Harness the fervor of the believers to construct a Holy Shrine to
            honour the sacred sites where our faith was born."

Cost   : None
Result : The Special Religion Wonder is built

Option 3 - "Spread the word of our success and of the blessings of our faith 
            as far and as wide as possible."

Cost   : None
Result : Converts X number of cities to your State Religion


"Your Crusade has ended. The quest has failed."

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] armies have completed their Crusade, wresting control of the
 Holy City away from the [Other Civ Adjective] people!"



"Our generals covet a source of [Tile Resource] that lies within 
 [Other Civ Adjective] borders. Without it, we cannot properly train and equip
 our troops!"

--==Quest Help==--

"Greed. You are tasked by your military leaders to seize control of that 

"To complete this quest, you must invade [Other Civ] and gain control of the
 [Tile Resource] resource. You will fail this quest if a rival civilisation 
 captures the target city first, if the city is destroyed, or if X turns pass
 without achieving this objective. 


Chance of Event in Game = 40%
Required                = Bronze Working Tech

--==When Complete==--

"Congratulations! Your Greed is unmatched! You have managed to wrest control
 of the coveted [Other Civ Adjective] [Tile Resource] resource! Your generals
 are already expanding their military planning."


"Recruit and train units that take advantage of our new resource. "


Option 1 - "Recruit and train units that take advantage of our new resource."

Cost   : None
Result : X Number of Units


"You have failed the Quest of Greed!"

--==Appears in Events==--

"The [Civ Adjective] Army. in a purely greedy bid for strategic resources, 
 have attacked the [Other Civ Adjective] and seized control of resources they
 lacked within their own borders."



"Our military commanders wish to prepare for war. If we train enough Chariot
 units, we should be able to rout our enemies on the field of battle!"

--==Quest Help==--

"War Chariots. You are tasked by your military leaders to train a sizable
 force of Chariots."

"To complete this quest, you must train X Chariots units. A source of Horses
 will be required. An additional reward option will be available if your 
 civilisation has a state religion. You will fail this quest if a rival
 civilisation completes it first, or if you arrive at the Classical Era 
 without having met the conditions. 


Chance of Event in Game = 25%
Required                = The Wheel
Obsoleted By            = Classical Era [Monarchy, Literature, Code of Laws,
                                         Aesthetics, Mathematics, Alphabet,
                                         Horseback Riding, Iron Working, 
                                         Metal Casting Techs]

--==When Complete==--

"Congratulations! You have trained a large enough force of Chariot units.
 Please choose your reward."


"With such a large force of chariots working together, additional training
 for these units can be achieved."

"Leverage our military advantage into a drive to spread our faith."


Option 1 - "With such a large force of chariots working together, additional
            training for these units can be achieved."

Cost   : None
Result : Chariots gain Combat I Promotion

Option 2 - "Leverage our military advantage into a drive to spread our faith."

Need   : State Religion
Result : Able to convert 5 of your own cities


"You have failed the quest of the War Chariots!"

--==Appears in Events==--

"The [Civ Adjective] people have trained the largest force of Chariot units.
 Advisors across the known world are panicking at the thought of their nation
 being ground under the thundering hooves and churning wheels of these mighty
 war machines."



"Our military commanders wish to prepare for war. If we train enough Swordsman
 units, we should be able to rout our enemies on the field of battle!"

--==Quest Help==--

"Elite Swordsmen. You are tasked by your military leaders to train a sizable 
 force of Swordsman."

"To complete this quest, you must train X Swordsman units. A source of Iron 
 will be required. An additional reward will be available if your civilisation
 is operating the Hereditary Rule Civic. You will fail this quest if a rival
 civilisation completes it first, or if you arrive at the Middle Ages without
 having met the conditions."


Chance of Event in Game = 25%
Required                = Iron Working Tech
Obsoleted By            = Middle Ages [Machinery, Feudalism, Music, 
                                       Philosophy, Civil Service, Theology]

--==When Complete==--

"Congratulations! You have trained a large enough force of Swordsman units.
 Please choose your reward."


"With such a large force of Swordsmen working together, additonal training
 for these units can be achieved."

"Our monarch will establish an institution that will enable current and future
 troops to obtain additional training."


Option 1 - "With such a large force of Swordsmen working together, additional
            training for these units can be achieved."

Cost   : None
Result : Swordsman gain City Raider I Promotion

Option 2 - "Our monarch will establish an institution that will enable current
            and future troops to obtain additional training."

Need   : Hereditary Rule Civic
Result : All Melee Units will gain Drill I Promotion


"You have failed the quest of the Elite Swordsmen!"

--==Appears in Events==--

"The [Civ Adjective] people have trained the largest force of Swordsman units.
 Advisors across the known world are wondering if their civilisations will
 survive long enough to see what lies Beyond the Sword."



"Our naval commanders wish to prepare for war. If we train enough Trireme 
 units, we could dominate the seas!"

--==Quest Help==--

"Warships. You are tasked by your naval commanders to build a sizable force
 of Triremes"

"To complete this quest, you must train X Trireme units. An additional reward
 option will be available if your civilisation has built The Great Lighthouse.
 You will fail this quest if a rival civilisation completes it first, or if 
 you arrive at the Renaissance without having met the conditions."


Chance of Event in Game = 35%
Required                = Sailing, Metal Casting
Obsoleted By            = Renaissance [Nationalism, Printing Press, 
                                       Education, Gunpowder Tech]

--==When Complete==--

"Congratulations! You have built the world's largest combat navy. Please 
 choose your reward."


"With such a large fleet of warships, additional training for the crews can 
 be achieved."

"Leverage our dominance of the sea to better protect our trade routes."


Option 1 - "With such a large fllet of warships, additional training for the
            crews can be achieved."

Cost   : None
Result : All Triremes gain Combat I Promotion

Option 2 - "Leverage our dominance of the sea to better protect our trade

Need   : Great Lighthouse
Result : Harbours yield +2 Commerce


"You have failed the quest of the Warships!"

--==Appears in Events==--

"The [Civ Adjective] people have trained the largest fleet of warships. 
 Advisors across the known world whisper of their fears that this fleet will
 dominate the seas for centuries to come."



"Our generals request that we focus on making guns. These are the weapons of
 the future! If we train enough Musketman units, we should be able to command
 any battlefield."

--==Quest Help==--

"Guns Not Butter. You are tasked by your military leaders to train a sizable
 force of musket units."

"To complete this quest, you must train X Musketman units. An additional 
 reward option will be available if your civilisation is operating in the 
 Vassalage civic. An additional reward option will be available if your 
 civilisation controls The Eiffel Tower. You will fail this quest if a rival
 civilisation completes it first, or if you discover advanced firearms 
 [Rifling or Railroad] technologies without having met the conditions."


Chance of Event in Game = 30%
Required                = Gunpowder Tech
Obsoleted By            = Rifling, Railroad

--==When Complete==--

"Congratulations! You have trained a large enough force of musket units. 
 Please choose your reward"


"With such a large force of musketmen working together, additional training
 for these units can be achieved."

"Leverage our military advantage to collect harsh taxes from our feudal lords
 and their countries"

"Enjoy our Golden Age of Muskets"


Option 1 - "With such a large force of musketmen working together, additional
            training for these units can be achieved."

Cost   : None
Result : Musketmen gain Pinch Promotion

Option 2 - "Leverage our military advantage to collect harsh taxes from our
            feudal lords and their countries."

Need   : Vassalage Civic
Result : 400 Gold
         +1 Anger in Cities

Option 3 - "Enjoy our Golden Age of Muskets."

Need   : Eiffel Tower?
Result : Golden Age


"You have failed the quest of "Guns Not Butter!""

--==Appears in Events==--

"The [Civ Adjective] people have trained the largest force of musket units. 
 Advisors across the known world are panicking at the thought of their
 nation being ground under the thundering clatter and deadly terror of an 
 endless hail of bullets."



"Our civilisation cries out for nobility to lead our people into a brighter
 future. If we train enough Knights, we should be able to find our way
 forward, through times peaceful or warlike."

--==Quest Help==--

"Noble Knights. You are tasked by the mandate of your people to train a 
 sizable force of Knight units."

"To complete this quest, you must train X Knight units. An additional reward
 option will be available if your civilisation is operating in the Organised
 Religion Civic. An additional reward option will be available if your 
 civilisation controls [Civ Wonder]. You will fail this if a rival 
 civilisation completes it first, or if you discover advanced firearms
 [Military Tradition],"


Chance of Event in Game = 15%
Required                = Guilds, Horseback Riding
Obsoleted By            = Military Tradition, Rifling, Railroad

--==When Complete==--

"Congratulations! You have trained a large enough force of Knight units. 
 Please choose your reward."


"With such a large force of Knights working together, additional training for
 these units can be achieved."

"Enlist our noble Knights into a drive to spread our faith."

"From among our most faithful knights emerges one with a holy vision."


Option 1 - "With such a large force of Knights working together, additional
            training for these units can be achieved."

Cost   : None
Result : Knights Gain Flanking Promotion

Option 2 - "Enlist our noble Knights into a drive to spread our faith."

Need   : Organised Religion Civic
Result : Convert 5 of your own cities

Option 3 - "From among our most faithful knights emerges one with a holy 

Cost   : [Civ Wonder]
Result : Great Priest


"You have failed the quest of "Noble Knights!""

--==Appears in Events==--

"The [Civ Adjective] people have trained the largest force of knights. 
 Advisors across the known world tremble at the thought of facing rows of 
 lances powered by the thundering hooves of a full battle charge."



"Our brightest admiral has proposed an amphibious assault strategy designed
 to capture port cities with lightning strikes. If we construct a large 
 enough aircraft carrier battle fleet, we can bring any coastal city to its
 knees, making it much easier to attack amphibiously. We need a force large
 enough to disable all defences with heavy shore bombardment and soften the
 defenders by bombing from the air. Then our troops may land on the same day
 the battle begins and thrust inland against a foe who will be in total

--==Quest Help==--

"The Overwhelm Doctrine. You are tasked by your military leaders to construct
 a fully functional aircraft carrier battle fleet."

"To complete this quest, you must build X Aircraft Carriers, X2 Destroyers, 
 X3 Fighters, and X4 Battleships. A source of Oil will be required to fuel the
 planes. An additional reward option will be available if your civilisation
 was the one to build [Civ Wonder]. You will fail this quest if a rival
 civilisation completes it first."


Chance of Event in Game = 35%
Required                = Flight, Industrialism
Obsoleted By            = Robotics

--==When Complete==--

"Congratulations! You have built a powerful Aircraft Carrier battle fleet 
 capable of conquering enemy cities in a single attack. A force capable of
 executing the Overwhelm Doctrine is now yours to command. Please choose your


"Take advantage of our momentum to provide additional training for these
 crews. Prepare them for battle."

"Our intent is to keep the peace through strength. Leverage our might in to
 commercial opportunity."

"Leverage our military advantage to persuade the world to ban nuclear 


Option 1 - "Take advantage of our momentum to provide additional training for
            these crews. Prepare them for battle."

Cost   : None
Result : Destroyer, Battleship, Carrier, Fighter, Jet Fighter gains the 
         Combat I Promotion

Option 2 - "Our intent is to keep the peace through strength. Leverage our 
            might in to commercial opportunity."

Cost   : None
Result : Harbour yields +5 Commerce

Option 3 - "Leverage our military advantage to persuade the world to ban
            nuclear weapons."

Need   : [Civ Wonder]
Result : No Nuclear Weapons


"You have failed the quest of the "Overwhelm Doctrine!""

--==Appears in Events==--

"The [Civ Adjective] people have constructed what is by far the most deadly
 fleet of warships in the history of warfare. Their aircraft carrier battle
 group could crush anything that gets in its way."



"The Chief Executive Officer of [Civ Corporation] seeks government incentives
 to better enable his company to expand. If we can assist in spreading his
 corporation to new cities, profits will skyrocket."

--==Quest Help==--

"Corporate Expansion. You are tasked by your corporate leaders to expand the
 reach of their corporation."

"To complete this quest, you must spread [Civ Corporation] to X new cities."


Chance of Event in Game = 70%
Required                = A Corporation

--==When Complete==--

"Congratulations! You have completed the quest of Corporate Expansion and 
 enabled [Civ Corporation] to turn extra profit."


"Cha-ching! Show me the money!"


Option 1 - "Cha-ching! Show me the money!"

Cost   : None
Result : Extra Corporation Profit


"You have failed the quest of the Corporate Expansion"

--==Appears in Events==--

"The [Civ Adjective] people have completed the quest of Corporate Expansion.
 [Civ Corporation] profits expected to skyrocket."



"The Chief Executive Officer of [Civ Corporation] covets getting out from 
 under the thumb of foreign suppliers of raw materials. If we can obtain 
 control over all resource types his corporation needs for industrial use,
 their profits will skyrocket."

--==Quest Help==--

"Hostile Takeover. You are tasked by your corporate leaders to obtain (by
 any means necessary) our own source of all resource types they need to
 conduct their operations."

"To complete this quest, you must settle near uncontrolled resources or 
 attack rival civilisation and take over their resources. You will need to
 obtain new sources of [Tile Resources]s. You must also retain control over
 all needed resource types already owned. You will fail this quest if a rival
 civilsation who is also seeking to obtain control over needed resources for
 one of its corporations should happen to complete this task ahead of you.


Chance of Event in Game = 80%
Required                = A Corporation

--==When Complete==--

"Congratulations! You have completed the quest of Hostile Takeover and 
 enabled [Civ Corporation] to turn extra profit."


"Cha-ching! Show me the money!"


Option 1 - "Cha-ching! Show me the money!"

Cost   : None
Result : Extra Corporation Profit


"You have failed the quest of the Hostile Takeover!"

--==Appears in Events==--

"The [Civ Adjective] people have completed the quest of Hostile Takeover. 
 [Civ Adjective] profits expected to skyrocket."

[2.03] Civilization Events



"A brave and hardy soldier has run over twenty-six miles on foot to warn of 
 the invasion!"


Chance of Event in Game = 100%
Required                = At war with another Civ


"This heroic deed has inspired our entire Army!"


Option 1 - "This heroic deed has inspired our entire Army!"

Cost   : None
Result : Starts a Golden Age

--==Appears in Events==--

"A [Civ Adjective] soldier has run a great distance to warn of invasion, 
 inspiring defenders all across their lands."



"Our soldiers, returning from war, have dedicated themselves to peace and to
 raising families. Our civilisation is experiencing a baby boom!"


Chance of Event in Game = 100%
Required                = Finished war with another Civ


"Our people are thriving in peace time."


Option 1 - "Our people are thriving in peace time."

Cost   : None
Result : +10 Food to all Cities

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] soldiers and their wives are celebrating the end of war by
 creating a baby boom."

"The [Civ Adjective] population is growing rapidly as a post-war baby boom
 sweeps through their settlements."



"Our researchers have made a technological breakthrough, rapidly advancing 
 their progress."


Chance of Event in Game = 80%
Required                = None


"Good job, knowledge is power!"


Option 1 - "Good job, knowledge is power!"

Cost   : None
Result : +10% on Current Research

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] researchers are rumoured to have made a technological 
 breakthrough, rapidly advancing their progress."

"Discoveries made by the [Civ Adjective] Empire have boosted progress on 
 their current research project."



"Our researchers have experienced a setback in their efforts."


Chance of Event in Game = 65%
Required                = None


"Progress sometimes comes more slowly than we would wish."


Option 1 - "Progress sometimes comes more slowly than we would wish."

Cost   : None
Result : -8% on Current Research

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] researchers are rumoured to have suffered a major setback,
 slowing their progress."

"[Civ Adjective] discoveries have turned out to be false! The dead end result 
 has slowed their current research project."



"Our economists have devised a system of regulating interest rates to help
 normalise economic growth."


Chance of Event in Game = 90%
Required                = Free Market Civic
                          Corporation Tech


"Let the free market make use of these techniques."

"Fund a national Federal Reserve Bank to carry out the new policy."


Option 1 - "Let the free market make use of these techniques."

Cost   : None
Result : -10% to inflation

Option 2 - "Fund a national Federal Reserve Bank to carry out the new policy."

Cost   : 200 Gold
Result : -25% to inflation

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] economists have developed advanced economic theory pertaining
 to inflation costs."



"The workers for our electric companies are so happy and well motivated, they 
 repair damaged lines quickly no matter the conditions."


Chance of Event in Game = 90%
Required                = Emancipation Civic
                          Electricity Tech


"Freedom is best motivator. We are lucky to have workers like these, who keep
 the power flowing to our citizenry."


Option 1 - "Freedom is best motivator. We are lucky to have workers like 
            there, who keep the power flowing to our citizenry."

Cost   : None
Result : +1 Happiness to all Cities

--==Appears in Events==--

"Motivated by freedom and quality of life in the [Civ Adjective] Empire, the
 power company workers restore electricity outages rapidly, making the 
 citizens there even happier."



"Reckless merchants used hydrogen instead of helium to fill their dirigibles
 and one has caught fire and crashed in a spectacularly fatal accident."


Chance of Event in Game = 85%
Required                = Airship Unit
                          Radio Tech


"Outlaw the use of hydrogen in lighter-than-air vehicles."

"Fund a drive to regulate air traffic, improve safety and ensure the viability
 of commercial air travel."


Option 1 - "Outlaw the use of hydrogen in lighter-than-air vehicles."

Cost   : None
Result : None

Option 2 - "Fund a dirve to regulate air traffic, improve safety and ensure 
            the viability of commercial air travel."

Cost   : 45 Gold
Result : +1 Happiness to All Airports

--==Appears in Events==--

"A hydrogen-filled [Civ Adjective] airship has exploded and crashed. Their
 Government is scrambling to prevent a reoccurance."



"A comet fragment has crashed to earth in a remote tundra region, 
 obliterating an entire forest and speeding the earth's rotation by two


Chance of Event in Game = 80%
Required                = Forest on Tundra Tile
                          Rocketry Tech


"What if something even bigger is out there, on a collision course with our
 world? If so, we must find it. We must get into space."


Option 1 - "What if something even bigger is out there, on a collision course
            with our world? If so, we must find it. We must get into space."

Cost   : None
Result : All Laboratories have +2 Research
         Forest is destroyed
         Space Production Increased 5%

--==Appears in Events==--

"A comet fragment has struck the earth in a remote tundra region, 
 obliterating a whole forest. [Civ Adjective] scientists are scrambling like 
 mad to learn more about potential threats posed to our planet by other rogue
 heavenly bodies: comets, asteroids, meteors, and whatever else may be lurking
 out there."



"Our engineers have conceived a national highway system of divided highways
 free of all traffic stops, built in straight lines on smooth grades."


Chance of Event in Game = 100%
Required                = Universal Suffrage Civic
                          Industrialism, Radio Tech


"Construction will begin as soon as plans are finalised."


Option 1 - "Construction will begin as soon as plans are finalised."

Cost   : None
Result : Interstate is Built

--==Appears in Events==--

"The [Civ Adjective] Empire has begun construction of a modern national 
 highway network that shall be the envy of the world."



"Our Government announces the first annual Earth Day to raise awareness of all
 environmental issues among the populace."


Chance of Event in Game = 95%
Required                = Environmentalism Civic
                          Industrialism, Radio Tech


"Enshrine the day as a national holiday."

"Fund an international awareness effort in addition to our local efforts."


Option 1 - "Enshrine the day as a national holiday."

Cost   : None
Result : All Cities +1 Happiness for 10 turns

Option 2 - "Fund an international awareness effort in addition to our local

Cost   : 60 Gold
Result : +1 Happiness to all Cities 
         Can Persuade other Nations to adopt Environmentalism

--==Appears in Events==--

"The [Civ Adjective] Empire has announced the first annual Earth Day, 
 crusading for the cause of Environmentalism."



"Musical artists from across our nation have gathered in [Civ City] to raise
 money and awareness for the cause of religious freedom."


Chance of Event in Game = 95%
Required                = Free Religion Civic
                          Industrialism, Radio Tech


"Donate the money raised to the local Temples."

"Use the money to fund a public service ad campaign for religious freedom and


Option 1 - "Donate the money raised to the local Temples."

Cost   : None
Result : +1 Happiness in [Civ City]
         +1 Population in [Civ City]

Option 2 - "Use the money to fund a public service ad campaign for religious
            freedom and tolerance."

Cost   : None
Result : Spread each religion present to a new city

--==Appears in Events==--

"The [Civ Adjective] Empire has donated funds raised at a charity event to the
 cause of religious freedom."



"Archaeologists have unearthed a cache of scrolls and stone tablets buried in
 the desert sands."


Chance of Event in Game = 90%
Required                = Desert Tile
                          Steam Power, Steam, Scientific Method, 
                          Artillery Tech


"Disperse the texts to various researchers and specialists, to see what we
 might learn."

"Fund an effort to preserve these artifacts in museums, accessible only to the
 most careful scholars."


Option 1 - "Disperse the texts to various researchers and specialists, to see
            what we might learn."

Cost   : None
Result : +15% to Research Tech

Option 2 - "Fund an effort to preserve these artifacts in museums, accessible
            only to the most careful scholars."

Cost   : 200 Gold
Result : Preserves Texts

--==Appears in Events==--

"In the sands of a [Civ Adjective] desert, archeologists have unearthed a 
 cache of ancient texts."



"A dangerous number of barbarian Horse Archer units have spawned near our 

"A dangerous number of barbarian Swordsman units have spawned near our

"A dangerous number of barbarian Axeman units have spawned near our border."

"A dangerous number of barbarian Spearman units have spawned near our border."

"A dangerous number of barbarian Archer units have spawned near our border."


Chance of Event in Game = 20%
Required                = None
Obsoleted By            = Nationalism, Printing Press, Education, Gunpowder

Note that all the Scenarios are different and have the same triggers. 


"We are likely to take the worst of the barbarian horde's fury."


Option 1 - "We are likely to take the worst of the barbarian horde's fury."

Cost   : None
Result : Barbarian Units spawn near the borders

--==Appears in Events==--

Scenario 1

"A massive barbarian uprising is occurring. Attlia the Hun leads his forces
 in a crusade against the very concept of civilisation."

Scenario 2

"A massive barbarian uprising is occurring. The Vandals strike out against
 civilisation, seeking to claim its prizes with their swords."

Scenario 3

"A massive barbarian uprising is occurring. The Goths have gathered an army
 and their axemen seek to plunder civilisations."

Scenario 4

"A massive barbarian uprising is occurring. The Philistines have gathered an
 army of spearmen and are on the march."

Scenario 5

"A massive barbarian uprising is occurring. The Vedic Aryans seek to plunder
 the riches of civilisations."



"The old dynasty has died out! No more hereditary heirs remain to claim the


Chance of Event in Game = 45%
Required                = Hereditary Rule Civic
                          Palace is Built
                          Machinery, Feudalism, Music, Philosophy, Civil 
                          Service, Theology Tech


"Throw support behind the leading general to become the new monarch via coup
 de tat."

"Let the nobles fight amongst themselves. The strongest or cleverest will 
 emerge as the new monarch."

"Follow the guidance of spiritual leadership in identifying who enjoys
 divine favour, then support that claimant."


Option 1 - "Throw support behind the leading general to become the new monarch
            via coup de tat."

Cost   : None
Result : Great General

Option 2 - "Let the nobles fight amongst themselves. The strongest or 
            cleverest will emerge as the new monarch."

Cost   : None
Result : Great Merchant

Option 3 - "Follow the guidance of spiritual leadership in identifying who 
            enjoys divine favour, then support that claimant."

Cost   : None
Result : Great Priest

--==Appears in Events==--

"The [Civ Adjective] hereditary dynasty has died out. A new faction has 
 claimed the throne and is off to a roaringly successful start."



"The eldest senator of the leading opposition party has been disgraced by
 scandal. The entire senate has been thrown into chaos."


Chance of Event in Game = 55%
Required                = Represenation Civic
                          Nationalism, Printing Press, Education, 
                          Gunpowder Tech


"Let the senators fight amongst themselves. When both sides are weakened,
 step in and assert presidential authority."

"Support the ruling party in impeaching numerous members of the scandalised
 party, destroying all effective opposition to the ruling party."

"Rely on judical authority to enforce the letter of the constitution."


Option 1 - "Let the senators fight amongst themselves. When both sides are
            weakened, step in and assert presidential authority."

Cost   : None
Result : Barracks Yields +2 Espionage Commerce

Option 2 - "Support the ruling party in impeaching numeroud members of the
            scandalised party, destroying all effective opposition to the
            ruling party."

Cost   : None
Result : 400 Gold

Option 3 - "Rely on judical authority to enforce the letter of the 

Cost   : None
Result : +1 Happiness to All Cities

--==Appears in Events==--

"Scandal has thrown the [Civ Adjective] senate into chaos. A constitutional
 crisis has emerged. Yet this also opens the door to political reforms."



"Election results are so close, they fall within the margin of error typically
 written off to system inadequacies such as lost or mismarked ballots, hanging
 chads, or counting errors. With no indisputable way to decipher the true vote
 count, the election's outcome has been placed in the hands of the courts."

[Direct Reference to 2000 Al Gore v George W Bush Florida Scandal]


Chance of Event in Game = 60%
Required                = Universal Suffrage Civic
                          Nationalism, Printing Press, Education
                          Gunpowder Tech


"Let the court case take its course, even if the judges seem to split their 
 vote along a purely partisan basis. Follow the constitution to its letter, 
 even though the outcome appears to come down to which party in the dispute
 had more supporters on the bench."

"Refuse to submit to constitutional rule of law, citing wishful 
 misrepresentations of the constitution or arguments based on passion and
 principle. Arrive at the desired outcome without heed to the actual 


Option 1 - "Let the court case take its course, even if the judges seem to 
            split their vote along a purely partisan basis. Follow the 
            constitution to its letter, even though the outcome appears to 
            come down to which party in the dispute had more supporters on the

Cost   : None
Result : Courthouse Yields +1 Commerce Gold

Option 2 - "Refuse to sumbit to constitutional rule of law, citing wishful
            misrepresentations of the constitution or arguments based on 
            passion and principle. Arrive at the desired outcome without heed
            to the actual constitution."

Cost   : None
Result : Courthouse Yields +3 Culture

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] election results were so close, the courts had to rule on the
 vote-counting procedures to arrive at an outcome."



"A stronger, more Charismatic dictator has seized control of the Party and
 the nation!"


Chance of Event in Game = 65%
Required                = Police State Civic
                          Nationalism, Printing Press, Education
                          Gunpowder Tech


"Advise him to focus on his relationship with the armed forces."

"Advise him to focus on domestic harmony and stamping out sources of 


Option 1 - "Advise him to focus his relationship with the armed forces."

Cost   : None
Result : All Gun Infantry Gain March Promotion

Option 2 - "Advise him to focus on domestic harmony and stamping out sources 
            of opposition."

Cost   : None
Result : +2 Happiness in All Cities

--==Appears in Events==--

"A charismatic [Civ Adjective] dictator has risen to control the Party. This
 strong man is reshaping the government to suit his plans."



"A small tribe of friendly locals have granted sanctuary to our 
 beleagured [Civ Unit].


Chance of Event in Game = 90%
Required                = Injured Land Unit


"This assistance should help our unit recover its strength."


Option 1 - "This assistance should help our unit recover its strength."

Cost   : None
Result : Unit Gains 1 Experience

--==Appears in Events==--

"Friendly locals have granted sanctuary to a wounded [Civ Adjective] unit."

"A wounded [Civ Adjective] unit has received assistance from a small faction
 who resists the rule of their enemy."

"A pious tribe who believe in mercy have extended religious protection to a 
 wounded unit of [Civ Adjective] origin."

[2.04] City Events



"The music played in your [Civ City Building] in [Civ City] has inspired a 
 young person, who has grown into a Great Artist!"

"The art and sculptures decorating the [Civ City Building] in [Civ City] has
 nurtured the imagination and talents of a new Great Artist!"


Chance of Event in Game = 20%
Required                = Jewish, Christian, Islamic, Hindu, Confucian, 
                          Buddhist or Taoist Cathedral


"Please grant an audience to this promising new artist so that we may decide
 how best to make use of their talents."


Option 1 - "Please grant an audience to this promising new artist so that we 
            may decide how best to make use of their talents."

Cost   : None
Result : A Great Artist

--==Appears in Events==--

"Inspired by religious hymns and sculptures in [Civ City], a new Great Artist
 has emerged in the [Civ Adjective] Empire."



"A careless apprentice started a fire at the Forge in [Civ City], during which
 the facility was destroyed."

"Brush fires sparked by dry conditions near [Civ City] spread to the trade
 district. The Forge was burnt down."

"Unknown Arsonists have torched the Forge in [Civ City]


Chance of Event in Game = 75%
Required                = Forge Building in the City
Obsoleted By            = Radio, Refrigeration, Plastics, Satellites, 
                          Advanced Flight, Ecology


"Organise a rebuilding effort."

"Investigate the cause of the fire."

"We are too pressed to spare any attention to a small fire."


Option 1 - "Organise a rebuilding effort."

Cost   : 50 Gold
Result : Forge survives

Option 2 - "Investigate the cause of the fire."

Cost   : 10 Gold
Result : Forge is destroyed

Option 3 - "We are too pressed to spare any attention to a small fire."

Cost   : None
Result : Forge is destroyed
         +1 Anger in the City

--==Appears in Events==--

"A fire has destroyed the Forge in the [Civ Adjective] city of [Civ City]."



"A slave revolt has taken place in [Civ City]!"

"The slaves in [Civ City] have rebelled against their keepers. The city is in 

"Production at [Civ City] has been halted temporarily by rebellious slaves."


Chance of Event in Game = 80%
Required                = Slavery as National Civic
                          At least 4 population
                          Writing, Monotheism, Priesthood, Iron Working


"Crack down on the rebels. Put down the revolt. Re-establish order."

"Restore order first, then investigate and redress some of the slaves' 

"We are too busy to be bothered. Leave the matter to the local authorities. 
 (Revolt may continue)."


Option 1 - "Crack down on the rebels. Put down the revolt. Re-establish 

Cost   : None
Result : Revolt for 1 Turn
         -2 Population in City

Option 2 - "Restore order first, then investigate and redress some of the
            slave's grievances."

Cost   : 10 Gold
         Revolt for 1 Turn
         -1 Population in City

Option 3 - "We are too busy to be bothered. Leave the matter to the local

Cost   : None
Result : 40% Chance for Slave Revolt Again
         Revolt for 1 Turn

--==Appears in Events==--

"A slave revolt has taken place in the [Civ Adjective] city of [Civ City]."



"The local authorities in [Civ City] have so far been unable to put down the
 slave revolt"

"The slave revolt in [Civ City] continues unabated. The economy there is at a


Chance of Event in Game = 100%
Required                = Result from Option 3 in Slave Revolt


"Crack down on the rebels. Put down the revolt. Re-establish order."

"Restore order first, then investigate and redress some of the slaves' 

"We are too busy to be bothered. Leave the matter to the local authorities. 
 (Revolt may continue)."


Option 1 - "Crack down on the rebels. Put down the revolt. Re-establish 

Cost   : None
Result : Revolt for 1 Turn
         -2 Population in City

Option 2 - "Restore order first, then investigate and redress some of the
            slave's grievances."

Cost   : 10 Gold
         Revolt for 1 Turn
         -1 Population in City

Option 3 - "We are too busy to be bothered. Leave the matter to the local

Cost   : None
Result : 40% Chance for Slave Revolt Again
         Revolt for 1 Turn

--==Appears in Events==--

"The slaves in [Civ City] are still in revolt. Local authorities are bumbling
 the crackdown."



"Farmers outside [Civ City] are complaining of bandits robbing them 

"Criminal activity has disrupted food production in a farming region outside
 [Civ City]."

"We may need to take action against thieves in [Civ City] who are preying
 upon our farmers."


Chance of Event in Game = 85%
Required                = 1 Military Unit
                          Farm Improvement
                          Wheat, Rice or Corn Bonus
                          Road or Railroad Route Improvement


"We need that food. Do whatever it takes to deal with those bandits."

"Dispatch some of our troops to hunt down those bandits."

"We are too busy to be bothered. Leave the matter to local authorities.
 (Banditary may continue.)"


Option 1 - "We need that food. Do whatever it takes to deal with those 

Cost   : 10 Gold
Result : Bandits disappear

Option 2 - "Dispatch some of our troops to hunt down those bandits."

Cost   : Dispatch Units, costing 5 Food
Result : Unit unusable for 2 turns
         -5 Food
         Bandits disappear

Option 3 - "We are too busy to be bothered. Leave the matter to local 

Cost   : 5 Food
Result : Farm Bandits Again

--==Appears in Events==--

"Bandits are wreaking havoc in [Civ Adjective] farmlands."



"The local authorities of [Civ City] are still struggling to control the
 bandit activity plaguing our farmers."

"Criminals are still preying on our farmers. A more stringent response 
 may be necessary in [Civ City]."


Chance of Event in Game = 100%
Required                = Option 3 in Farm Bandits


"We need that food. Do whatever it takes to deal with those bandits."

"Dispatch some of our troops to hunt down those bandits."

"We are too busy to be bothered. Leave the matter to local authorities.
 (Banditary may continue.)"


Option 1 - "We need that food. Do whatever it takes to deal with those 

Cost   : 10 Gold
Result : Bandits disappear

Option 2 - "Dispatch some of our troops to hunt down those bandits."

Cost   : Dispatch Units, costing 5 Food
Result : Unit unusable for 2 turns
         -5 Food
         Bandits disappear

Option 3 - "We are too busy to be bothered. Leave the matter to local 

Cost   : 5 Food
Result : Farm Bandits Again

--==Appears in Events==--

"The [Civ Adjective] Empire continues to suffer a loss of food production due
 to banditary."



"A songwriter from [Civ City] has composed a heartending ballad, which is
 growing in populatity amongst the people there."


Chance of Event in Game = 90%
Required                = Music Tech, Theatre for Option 2, Radio for Option 3


"We are glad to see that the local culture is thriving."

"Fund the writing of a play that revolves around this ballad, to be performed
 at the local Theatre."

"See that the artist is given a recording contract."


Option 1 - "We are glad to see that the local culture is thriving."

Cost   : None
Result : +100 Culture in City

Option 2 - "Fund the writing of a play that revolves around this ballad, to
            be performed at the local Theatre."

Cost   : 25 Gold
Result : +450 Culture in City

Option 3 - "See that the artist is given a recording contract."

Cost   : None
Result : +250 Culture in City

--==Appears in Events==--

"A heartending ballad written by an artist in [Civ City] is inspiring cultural
 pride amongst the [Civ Adjective] people."

"A songwriter from [Civ City] has gained local and national recognition,
 strengthening [Civ Adjective] culture."



"A powerful hurricane has made a direct hit on [Civ City]."


Chance of Event in Game = 75%
Required                = Writing, Monotheism, Horseback Riding, Iron Working


"Buildings have been destroyed."


"Citizens have been killed."


Option 1 - "Buildings have been destroyed."

Cost   : None
Result : Some buildings destroyed

Option 2 - "Citizens have been killed."

Cost   : None
Result : -1 Population

--==Appears in Events==--

"The [Civ Adjective] city of [Civ City] took a direct hit from a powerful



"A powerful cyclone originating in the southern hemisphere has made landfall
 at [Civ City]."


Chance of Event in Game = 70%
Required                = Writing, Monotheism, Horseback Riding, Iron Working


"Buildings have been destroyed."


"Citizens have been killed."


Option 1 - "Buildings have been destroyed."

Cost   : None
Result : Some buildings destroyed

Option 2 - "Citizens have been killed."

Cost   : None
Result : -1 Population

--==Appears in Events==--

"A massive cyclone has made landfall at the [Civ Adjective] city of 
 [Civ City], causing widespread wind and storm surge damage."



"A wall of water more than fifteen meters high has struck without warning at
 [Civ City]. The tsunami has caused unprecedented destruction!"


Chance of Event in Game = 0% [This is destructive, you have to manually edit
                              the XML file to have it."
Required                = Theology, Literature, Code of Laws, Machinery


"The city now lies in ruins. All life has been lost, all property 


"The city has suffered massive loss of life and property. Recovery will take


Option 1 - "The city now lies in ruins. All life has been lost, all property

Cost   : None
Result : City destroyed, replaced with City Ruins

Option 2 - "The city has suffered massive loss of life and property. Recovery
            will take decades."

Cost   : None
Result : Many buildings destroyed
         -5 Population

--==Appears in Events==--

"A tsunami more than fifteen meters high has rolled over the [Civ Adjective] 
 city of [Civ City]. The destruction is unprecedented in world history."



"Although [Civ City] is used to some flooding during monsoon season, a rare
 and powerful monsoon gas brought devastatingly strong floods this year."


Chance of Event in Game = 85%
Required                = Writing, Monotheism, Horseback Riding, Iron Working


"Buildings have been destroyed."


"Citizens have been killed."


Option 1 - "Buildings have been destroyed."

Cost   : None
Result : Some buildings destroyed

Option 2 - "Citizens have been killed."

Cost   : None
Result : -1 Population

--==Appears in Events==--

"Monsoon flooding, more severe than usual for [Civ City], has visited 
 disaster upon the [Civ Adjective] people there."



"An artist in the frozen tundra near [Civ City] has perfected a means of 
 crafting beautiful ice sculptures."


Chance of Event in Game = 70%
Required                = Tundra Plot
                          Aesthetics Tech


"We are glad to see that the local culture is thriving."

"This is an endeavor worth pursuing. Fund an effort to master this new art 
 form and incorporate it in to the local culture."


Option 1 - "We are glad to see that the local culture is thriving."

Cost   : None
Result : +100 Culture

Option 2 - "This is an endeavor worth pursuing. Fund an effort to master this
            new art form and incorporate it in to the local culture."

Cost   : 120 Gold
Result : A Great Artist



"The people of [Civ City] have launched a popular new tradition called 
 "Running with the Bulls."


Chance of Event in Game = 70%
Required                = Pasture Improvement
                          Cow Bonus
                          Road or Railroad Route Improvement
                          Animal Husbandry or Feudalism Tech


"We are glad to see that the local culture is thriving."

"We should make this a national holiday!"


Option 1 - "We are glad to see that the local culture is thriving."

Cost   : None
Result : +100 Culture

Option 2 - "We should make this a national holiday!"

Cost   : 35 Gold
Result : +300 Culture

--==Appears in Events==--

""Running With The Bulls", an annual ritual practiced by the people of 
 [Civ City], is gaining worldwide renown."



"Upon his passing, a patron of knowledge from [Civ City] has willed his 
 extensive collection of writings to the library."

"A wealthy family from [Civ City] has discovered a cache of lost and rare 
 writings in one of their vaults. They have opted to give these materials to
 the library."


Chance of Event in Game = 85%
Required                = Library Building


"Disperse the writing to our researchers so that we may obtain some immediate

"Fund the expansion of the Library to include a new wing housing all of these
 precious writings."


Option 1 - "Disperse the writing to our researchers so that we may obtain some
            immediate benefit."

Cost   : None
Result : +10% to Current Research

Option 2 - "Fund the expansion of the Library to include a new wing housing 
            all of these precious writings."

Cost   : None
Result : -10% to Current Research
         +1 Research to Library in City

--==Appears in Events==--

"A patron of knowledge from the [Civ Adjective] city of [Civ City] has donated
 a cache of rare writings to the local library."

"The Library in the [Civ Adjective] city of [Civ City] has received an influx
 of precious writings thanks to the generosity of a wealthy family."



"[Civ City] has produced a grand master blacksmith who has overseen the 
 expansion and upgrade of the Forge to increase its efficiency."


Chance of Event in Game = 70%
Required                = Forge Building


"We applaud the accomplishments of our revered grand master blacksmith."


Option 1 - "We applaud the accomplishments of our revered grand master

Cost   : None
Result : Forge has +1 Production

--==Appears in Events==--

"A grand master Blacksmith has overseen improvements to the Forge in the
 [Civ Adjective] city of [Civ City]."



"A grocer in [Civ City] has struck a deal with rural farmers who live outside
 the normal range of business of any major city."


Chance of Event in Game = 80%
Required                = Grocer Building


"This arrangement brings more food to the city? Excellent."


Option 1 - "This arrangement brings more food to the city? Excellent."

Cost   : None
Result : Grocer in City has +1 Food

--==Appears in Events==--

"Enterpising [Civ Adjective] grocers in [Civ City] has struck a deal to import
 surplus food from rural farmers outside the normal range of city business."

"The Grocer in the [Civ Adjective] city of [Civ City] is becoming renowned for
 its superior selection, quality and quantity of foodstuffs."



"The Market in [Civ City] has attracted a number of prominent money changers
 and is becoming renowned for its dealings involving foreign currency."


Chance of Event in Game = 75%
Required                = Market Building


"These dealings in foreign currency increase the Market's profitability? That
 is welcome news."


Option 1 - "These dealings in foreign currency increase the Market's 
            profitability? That is welcome news."

Cost   : None
Result : +1 Gold for the Bank in City

--==Appears in Events==--

"The Market in [Civ City] has become renowned as a worldwide centre of 
 dealings in global currency. This is bolstering [Civ Adjective] profits."

"Money changers have flocked to the Market in the [Civ Adjective] city of
 [Civ City], attracting all manner of customers in need of changing one 
 nation's currency for another's."



"The glorious city of [Civ City] has added an underground railroad network to
 its mass transit system, greatly boosting commercial traffic."


Chance of Event in Game = 80%
Required                = Public Transportation in City
                          Population of 25 or more


"This is a model for the entire world to follow. Great work."


Option 1 - "This is a model for the entire world to follow. Great work."

Cost   : None
Result : Public Transportation Yields +5 Commerce

--==Appears in Events==--

"The [Civ Adjective] metropolis of [Civ City] has constructed a mass transit
 marvel: an underground railroad network. They are calling it the Subway."



"Small amounts of gold panned from streams have sparked a gold rush to the
 area by immigrants looking to strike it rich."

"Prospectors have successfully mined newly discovered veins of gold near
 [Civ City]. This news has produced a gold rush."


Chance of Event in Game = 90%
Required                = Mine Improvement


"When the boom passes, many of the immigrants will settle down."

"Fund efforts to motivate more of the gold seekers to settle down when the
 rush ends."


Option 1 - "When the boom passes, many of the immigrants will settle down."

Cost   : None
Result : +1 Population

Option 2 - "Fund efforts to motivate more of the gold seekers to settle down
            when the rush ends."

Cost   : 20 Gold
Result : +3 Population

--==Appears in Events==--

"A gold rush has begun at the [Civ Adjective] city of [Civ City]. Fortune 
 seekers from across the world travel there in hopes of getting rich quickly."

"The [Civ Adjective] Empire is enjoying a population increase at [Civ City] 
 thanks to a gold rush bringing in prospectors and hopefuls."



"An influenza epidmeic has struck hard at the people of [Civ City]. Most have
 fallen ill and many are dying."


Chance of Event in Game = 45%
Required                = None


"Spend whatever is necessary to quarantine the city."

"If only we had knowledge of Medicine!"


Option 1 - "Spend whatever is necessary to quarantine the city."

Cost   : 100 Gold
Result : -3 Population in City

Option 2 - "If only we had knowledge of Medicine!"

Cost   : None
Result : -4 Population in City
         Can spread to other cities

--==Appears in Events==--

"A deadly influenza epidemic has broken out amongst [Civ Adjective] people,
 originating in the city of [Civ City]."



"A community of independent film producers based in [Civ City] has managed
 to secure a slice of the Hit Movies market."


Chance of Event in Game = 35%
Required                = Mass Media Tech


"That sounds like welcome news for our economy."


Option 1 - "That sounds like welcome news for our economy."

Cost   : None
Result : +X Hit Movies in [Civ City]

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] filmmakers from [Civ City] have managed to wrest control over
 a slice of the Hit Movies market."



"A careless cigarette smoker started a fire at the Theatre in [Civ City], 
 during which the building was destroyed and numerous patrons died."

"An accident on stage at the Theatre in [Civ City] started a fire that burned
 down the building. Most of the audience escaped alive, thank goodness."


Chance of Event in Game = 80%
Required                = Theatre Building
                          Drama Tech


"Organise a rebuilding effort."

"Investigate the cause of the fire."

"We are too pressed to spare any attention to a fire."


Option 1 - "Organise a rebuilding effort."

Cost   : 30 Gold
Result : None

Option 2 - "Investigate the cause of the fire."

Cost   : 10 Gold
Result : Theatre is destroyed

Option 3 - "We are too pressed to spare any attention to a fire."

Cost   : None
Result : Theatre is destroyed
         +1 Anger in City

--==Appears in Events==--

"Fire has destroyed the Theatre in [Civ City]."



"The legend of Forty Thieves has attracted treasure hunters and tourists to 
 the area, boosting local commerce."


Chance of Event in Game = 90%
Required                = Organised Religion Civic
                          Tundra, Plains, Grass, Snow, Desert Plot
                          Horseback Riding Tech
Obsoleted By            = Nationalism, Printing Press, Education, 
                          Gunpowder Tech




Option 1 - "Excellent."

Cost   : None
Result : +2 Commerce on the Plot

--==Appears in Events==--

"The legend of Forty Thieves is luring treasure hunters and adventure seekers
 to [Civ Adjective] lands."



"The high priest of the temple in [Civ City] has placed a large order for our
 domestically produced incense for use in holy rituals."


Chance of Event in Game = 90%
Required                = Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, Confucian, Taoist, 
                          Christian or Islamic Temple
                          Tundra, Plains, Grass, Desert, Snow Tile
                          Road or Railroad Route Improvement
                          Plantation Improvement
                          Incense Bonus


"Fill the order!"


Option 1 - "Fill the order!"

Cost   : None
Result : 20 Gold + [1 to 40 Gold at random]

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] sales of incense are booming."



"Our citizenry, fully protected by city walls, have accepted the burden of a 
 Security Tax to help maintain their protection."


Chance of Event in Game = 70%
Required                = Metal Casting, Iron Working, Monarchy, Alphabet, 
                          Mathematics, Code of Laws, Aesthetics, Theology Tech
Obsoleted By            = Nationalism, Printing Press, Education, 
                          Gunpowder Tech


"Collect the taxes!"


Option 1 - "Collect the taxes!"

Cost   : None
Result : 20 Gold + [1 to 60 Gold at random]

--==Appears in Events==--

"The well-protected [Civ Adjective] citizens endure paying a Security Tax to
 help maintain their city walls and guards."



"Our citizenry enjoys virtually universal litercy. This achievement is bound 
 to pay off in unexpected ways."


Chance of Event in Game = 30%
Required                = Nationalism, Printing Press, Education, Gunpowder


"Continue to promote reading and writing. Knowledge is power!"


Option 1 - "Continue to promote reading and writing. Knowledge is power!"

Cost   : None
Result : Free Great Scientist

--==Appears in Events==--

"The learned [Civ Adjective] people enjoy a virtually universal literacy 



"A new plow design has become popular. Our Forges have filled orders for the
 new plows from farmers across our lands


Chance of Event in Game = 90%
Required                = Mine Improvement
                          Road or Railroad Route Improvement
                          Iron Bonus


"The taxes from these sales should nicely boost our coffers."


Option 1 - The taxes from these sales should nicely boost our coffers."

Cost   : None
Result : 30 Gold + [1 to 40 Random Gold]

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] plow sales are booming"



"A large order of stained glass has been shipped to [Civ City]."


Chance of Event in Game = 90%
Required                = Jewish, Christian, Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist,
                          Confucian or Taoist Cathedral


"The taxes from these sales should nicely boost our coffers."


Option 1 - "The taxes from these sales should nicely boost our coffers."

Cost   : None
Result : 40 Gold + [1 to 30 Random Gold]

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] stained glass sales are booming."



"Local officals in [Civ City] have ordered a large number of marble statues to
 adorn their public buildings and their forum."


Chance of Event in Game = 90%
Required                = Quarry Improvement
                          Road or Railroad Route Improvement
                          Marble Bonus
                          Aesthetics Tech


"The taxes from these sales should nicely boost our coffers."


Option 1 - "The taxes from these sales should nicely boost our coffers."

Cost   : None
Result : 50 Gold + [1 to 20 Random Gold]

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] officals in [Civ City] have lavishly decorated their public
 buildings with finely carved marble statues."



"Crab cakes prepared in our cities have become enormously popular across the


Chance of Event in Game = 90%
Required                = Grocer Building
                          Fishing Boats Improvement
                          Crab Bonus


"The taxes from these sales should nicely boost our coffers."


Option 1 - "The taxes from these sales should nicely boost our coffers."

Cost   : None
Result : 30 Gold + [1 to 40 Random Gold]

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] crab cakes sales are booming."



"A new design of steel boiler is in demand, because it can raise manufacturing


Chance of Event in Game = 90%
Required                = Factory Building
                          Steel Tech


"The taxes from these sales should nicely boost our coffers."


Option 1 - "The taxes from these sales should nicely boost our coffers."

Cost   : None
Result : 90 Gold + [1 to 50 Random Gold]

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] factories are benefitting from a new boiler design, providing
 a short term rise in their tax revenue."



"Personal computers manufactured in [Civ City] are in high demand among homes
 and small businesses."


Chance of Event in Game = 90%
Required                = Factory Building
                          Computers Tech


"The taxes from these sales should nicely boost our coffers."


Option 1 - "The taxes from these sales should nicely boost our coffers."

Cost   : None
Result : 140 Gold + [1 to 90 Gold]

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] personal computers, manufactured in [Civ City], are selling
 in record numbers."



"The mass transit system in [Civ City] has implemented a city-wide program of
 using fuel additives to reduce pollution and improve on maintenance costs and
 fuel efficiency."


Chance of Event in Game = 90%
Required                = Public Transportation Building
                          Ecology Tech


"Reduced costs, lower pollution and improved revenues are always welcome 


Option 1 - "Reduced costs, lower pollution and improved revenues are always
            welcome news."

Cost   : None
Result : 110 Gold + [1 to 70 Random Gold]

--==Appears in Events==--

"The [Civ Adjective] mass transit system in [Civ City] has begun to use 
 advanced fuel additives to reduce pollution, cut costs, and improve vehicle



"A new type of rapid-service restaurant selling primarily hamburgers was 
 launched recently. Thanks to successful radio advertising, the chain is now
 expanding across the nation."


Chance of Event in Game = 90%
Required                = Pasture Improvement
                          Cow Bonus
                          Road or Railroad Route Improvement
                          Radio Tech


"Can we have fries with that? Thanks!"


Option 1 - "Can be have fries with that? Thanks!"

Cost   : None
Result : 240 Gold + [1 to 90 Random Gold]

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] entrepreneurs have invented the fast food hamburger joint.
 Thanks to radio advertising, this phenomenon is spreading rapidly."



"Silk dresses have become the latest fashion, sweeping the nation thanks to
 radio advertising."


Chance of Event in Game = 90%
Required                = Factory Building
                          Plantation Improvement
                          Silk Bonus
                          Road or Railroad Route Improvement
                          Radio Tech


"The taxes from these sales should nicely boost our coffers."


Option 1 - "The taxes from these sales should nicely boost our coffers."

Cost   : None
Result : 180 Gold + [1 to 80 Random Gold]

--==Appears in Events==--

"Silk dresses manufactured in [Civ Adjective] factories have become an 
 extremely popular fashion choice across the nation, due in part to radio



"A new breed of race horse is generating a lot of revenue from our stables."


Chance of Event in Game = 90%
Required                = Stable Building
                          Pasture Improvement
                          Horse Bonus
                          Road or Railroad Route Improvement


"The taxes from these sales should nicely boost our coffers."


Option 1 - "The taxes from these sales should nicely boost our coffers."

Cost   : None
Result : 30 Gold + [1 to 40 Random Gold]

--==Appears in Events==--

"Thoroughbred horses raised by [Civ Adjective] breeders have generated extra
 revenue for their treasury."



"Jewelers have successfully launched a tradition of the diamond ring as the 
 gift of choice for wedding proposals."


Chance of Event in Game = 90%
Required                = Forge Building
                          Mine Improvement
                          Gems Bonus
                          Road or Railroad Route Improvement


"The taxes from these sales should nicely boost our coffers."


Option 1 - "The taxes from these sales should nicely boost our coffers."

Cost   : None
Result : 120 Gold + [1 to 60 Random Gold]

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] diamond ring sales are booming." 



"One of our ice cream parlours has invented the banana split."


Chance of Event in Game = 90%
Required                = Plantation Improvement
                          Banana Bonus
                          Road or Railroad Route Improvement
                          Refrigeration Tech


"Mmm, ice cream. The customers must be going bananas over that!"


Option 1 - "Mmm, ice cream. The customers must be going bananas over that!"

Cost   : None
Result : 160 Gold + [1 to 80 Random Gold]

--==Appears in Events==--

"Invention of the banana split by a [Civ Adjective] businessman has led to 
 booming ice cream sales for their vendors."



"A miracle is believed to have occured at the city wall in [Civ City]. 
 Pilgrams are flocking from all over to visit this new holy site."


Chance of Event in Game = 90%
Required                = City Walls Building
                          State Religion


"The tourism will enhance city revenue"

"We should hire and train some of the pilgrams as missionaries."


Option 1 - "The tourism will enhance city revenue"

Cost   : None
Result : Walls Yield +1 Gold Commerce

Option 2 - "We should hire and train some of the pilgrams as missionaries."

Cost   : 30 Gold
Result : Convert 2 Cities to State Religion

--==Appears in Events==--

"A miracle performed at the city wall in [Civ City] is attracting 
 [Civ Religion Adjective] pilgrams from far and wide."



"A prolific playwright from [Civ City] has written a long series of 
 exceptionally popular plays. His home theatre has gained renown."


Chance of Event in Game = 85%
Required                = Theatre Building


"The theatre patronage will enhance city revenue."

"We could double the cultural value of the theatre by offically sanctioning 
 this artist's works."


Option 1 - "The theatre patronage will enhance city revenue."

Cost   : None
Result : Theatre Yields +1 Commerce Gold

Option 2 - "We could double the cultural value of the theatre by offically
            sanctioning this artist's works."

Cost   : 10 Gold
Result : Theatre Yields +3 Culture

--==Appears in Events==--

"A renowned playwright from [Civ City] is attracting patrons and fans from 
 far and wide."



"A gladiator from [Civ City] has survived many battles in the arena. He is 
 attracting a lot of fans"


Chance of Event in Game = 85%
Required                = Colosseum Building
Obsoleted By            = Steam Power, Steel, Scientific Method, Artillery


"No one survives forever. Cash in on the phenomenon before he meets the 
 inevitable end."

"Arrange for him to be matched against easy opponents and see that his
 legend increases."


Option 1 - "No one survives forever. Cash in on the phenomenon before he meets
            the inevitable end."

Cost   : None
Result : 20 Gold

Option 2 - "Arrange for him to be matched against easy opponents and see that
            his legend increases."

Cost   : 10 Gold
Result : Colosseum Yields +2 Culture

--==Appears in Events==--

"A [Civ Adjective] gladiator from [Civ City] has become a local hero and an



"A cache of ancient writings has been discovered hidden away in a cubby hole 
 in a monastery in [Civ City]!"


Chance of Event in Game = 70%
Required                = Buddhist, Christian, Confucian, Hindu, Islamic,
                          Jewish or Taoist Monastery
                          Gunpowder, Education, Printing Press or Nationalism


"Hand the material over to our researchers."

"Preserve these works as a cultural treasure."


Option 1 - "Hand the material over to our researchers"

Cost   : None
Result : +15% in researchable Religious type Technology

Option 2 - "Preserve these works as a cultural treasure."

Cost   : 10 Gold
Result : Preserves Texts

--==Appears in Events==--

"A cache of ancient texts has been discovered hidden away in a [Civ Adjective]



"An esteemed warlord who operates from the castle in [Civ City] has offered to
 set up a special military academy at his own expense."


Chance of Event in Game = 80%
Required                = Castle Building
Obsoleted By            = Radio, Refrigeration, Plastics, Satellites,
                          Advanced Flight, Ecology Techs


"We have no need of his services. Ask him to donate his money to the state."

"Excellent! Have him train Pikeman units for us."

"Superb! Have all our military recruits in that city undergo a training 
 regimen at the new academy."


Option 1 - "We have no need for his services. Ask him to donate his money to
            the state."

Cost   : None
Result : 100 Gold

Option 2 - "Excellent! Have him train Pikeman units for us."

Cost   : None
Result : 2 Pikemen Units

Option 3 - "Superb! Have all our military recruits in that city undergo a 
            training regimen at the new academy."

Cost   : 250 Gold
Result : Great General

--==Appears in Events==--

"A warlord from [Civ City] has made a generous contribution to his community."



"Vermin have gotten in to the granary in [Civ City]. All the food stored there
 is spoiled."


Chance of Event in Game = 80%
Required                = Granary Building


"That sounds like bad news, but what can we do? Nothing."

"Pay to have the lost grain replaced."


Option 1 - "That sounds like bad news, but what can we do? Nothing."

Cost   : None
Result : All stored food in city is destroyed

Option 2 - "Pay to have the lost grain replaced."

Cost   : 20 Gold
Result : None

--==Appears in Events==--

"Vermin got in to the granary in [Civ City]. All the food there was ruined."



"Rumours that a spirit angel of mercy is watching over the patients in the
 hospital in [Civ City] are leading many devout believers to seek treatment


Chance of Event in Game = 80%
Required                = Hospital Building
                          A State Religion


"The extra patients will enhance city revenue."

"We could sanction the hospital as a state holy site. This may please the 
 local populace."


Option 1 - "The extra patients will enhance city revenue."

Cost   : None
Result : Hospital Yields +2 Gold Commerce

Option 2 - "We could sanction the hospital as a state holy site. This may 
            okease the local populace."

Cost   : 100 Gold
Result : +1 Happiness for Hospital 
         +1 Health for Hospital

--==Appears in Events==--

"The hospital in [Civ City] is gaining favour among the pious because it is
 believed to be blessed by a spirit angel."



"A pilot from [Civ City] has become the first to fly solo over the North Pole
 and return safely."


Chance of Event in Game = 80%
Required                = Airport Building


"Set up a monument at the airport to produce tourism."


Option 1 - "Set up a monument at the airport to produce tourism."

Cost   : None
Result : Airport Yields +2 Gold Commerce

--==Appears in Events==--

"A pilot from [Civ City] has inspired pride amongst the [Civ Adjective] people
 by becoming the first to fly solo over the North Pole."



"A fire at the Factory in [Civ City], which was started by a worker's mistake,
 has gutted the building."


Chance of Event in Game = 80%
Required                = Factory Building


"Emphasise improved safety so that this particular type of accident should
 never happen again."

"Fund an emergency rebuilding effort."


Option 1 - "Emphasise improved safety so that this particular type of accident
            should never happen again."

Cost   : None
Result : Factory is Destroyed

Option 2 - "Fund an emergency rebuilding effort."

Cost   : 100 Gold
Result : None

--==Appears in Events==--

"An industrial accident started a fire that gutted the Factory in [Civ City]."



"A scientific breakthrough has occurred at the Laboratory in [Civ City]."


Chance of Event in Game = 80%
Required                = Free Speech Civic
                          Laboratory Building


"This should speed our current research."


Option 1 - "This should speed our current research."

Cost   : None
Result : +15% To Current Research

--==Appears in Events==--

"A scientific breakthrough at the Laboratory in [Civ City] is credited in part
 to the free flow of ideas and information nurtured by the [Civ Adjective]



"A retiring captain from one of our most elite naval vessels have pledged his
 wisdom and abilities toward shipbuilding at the drydock in [Civ City]."


Chance of Event in Game = 95%
Required                = Drydock Building
                          Galley, Trieme, Caravel, Galleon, Privateer, 
                          Frigate, Ship of the Line, Ironclad, Transport,
                          Destroyer, Stealth Destroyer, Battleship, Missile 
                          Cruiser, Submarine, Attack Submarine or Carrier


"The reputation boost should enhance revenues."

"We should fund an effort to translate his experience into a format that can
 be passed on to future generations."


Option 1 - "The reputation boost should enhance revenues."

Cost   : None
Result : Drydock Generates +2 Commerce Gold

Option 2 - "We should fund an effort to translate his experience into a format
            that can be passed on to future generations."

Cost   : 250 Gold
Result : Establishes a Military Academy

--==Appears in Events==--

"A retiring [Civ Adjective] naval captain has pledged his expertise to assist
 the Drydock located in [Civ City]"



"A heretical spiritual movement has started in [Civ City] and is gaining 
 strength among some sections of our populace."


Chance of Event in Game = 85%
Required                = Theocracy Civic


"Suppress the heresy! Then launch a drive to remind our people that we already
 adhere to the one true faith."

"Tolerate the heresy, yet reward the faithful with reduced taxes for a while,
 to send a message."

"Ignore the heresy."


Option 1 - "Suppress the heresy! Then launch a drive to remain our people that
            we already adhere to the one true faith."

Cost   : None
Result : +1 Anger in City
         Convert 2 Cities to your faith

Option 2 - "Tolerate the heresy, yet reward the faithful with reduced taxes
            for a while, to send a message."

Cost   : 40 Gold
Result : +15% Bonus to Religious Research

Option 3 - "Ignore the heresy."

Cost   : None
Result : None

--==Appears in Events==--

"The thoroughly religious [Civ Adjective] state is dealing with an outbreak of
 heresy in some segments of its population."

[2.05] Tile Events



"A forest fire sparked by lightning has raged across the land near 
 [Civ City]."

"Criminals have set fire to the forest neat [Civ City] in a failed bid to aid
 their escape from justice."

"Tragedy has struck near [Civ City] as a village fire spread to the forest,
 scarring the land for miles."


Chance of Event in Game = 70 %
Required                = Forest Tile


"Organise a replanting effort."

"Send emissaries to assist the bereaved."

"We are too pressed to spare any aid."


Option 1 "Organise a replanting effort."

Cost   : 10 Gold
Result : Forest is saved

Option 2 "Send Emissaries to assist the bereaved."

Cost   : 4 Gold
Result : Forest is Destroyed

Option 3 :We are too pressed to spare any aid."

Cost   : Nothing
Result : Forest is Destroyed
         +1 Anger in the nearby City

--==Appears in Events==--

"Fire has raged through a forest near the [Civ Adjective] city of [Civ City]"



"Scouts exploring ruins near [Civ City] have discovered a cache of knowledge."

[Post Industrial Age]
"An archaelogical expedition to city ruins near [Civ City] has uncovered lost
 treasures, texts and artifacts."


Chance of Event in Game = 90%
Required                = City Ruins Improvement
Obsoleted By            = Radio, Refrigeration, Plastics, Satellites, 
                          Advanced Flight, Ecology

"Send Commendations to the leaders of the exploring party."

"Fund additional exploratory efforts."


Option 1 - "Send Commendations to the leaders of the exploring party."

Cost   : Nothing
Result : Complete 15% of a researchable technology

Option 2 - "Fund additional exploratory efforts."

Cost   : 5% of your current research
Result : Complete 15% of a researchable technology
         50% chance of Bonus


Result : Complete 15% of a researchable technology

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] explorers have discovered valuable information buried in 
 ruins near [Civ City]."



"Moose herds near [Civ City] has grown particularly large. Our hunters have
 harvested a cache of surplus food."

"The people of [Civ City] celebrate as the latest caribou hunting season 
 has brought a rich harvest."

"Deer proliferate through the forest near [Civ City], allowing our hunters
 to store up extra meat."


Chance of Event in Game = 90%
Required                = Forest, Tundra Tile
                          Hunting Technology
Obsoleted By            = Steam Power, Steel, Scientific Method, Artillery


"Send congratulations to the citizens."


Option 1 - "Send Congratulations to the Citizens"

Cost   : Nothing
Result : +8 Food for the City

--==Appears in Events==--

"Surplus game harvested by hunters near the [Civ Adjective] city of [Civ City]
 has fueled a minor population boom."



"Our miners near [Civ City] have struck the mother lode! We are rich, rich,


Chance of Event in Game = 90%
Required                = Mine Improvement
                          Gold Tile
                          Railroad or Road Route Improvement
                          Writing, Monotheism, Priesthood, Iron Working


"Cash in on our success!"


Option 1 - "Cash in on our success!"

Cost   : None
Result : 20 Gold + [1-20 Gold at Random]

--==Appears in Events==--

"Gold miners near the [Civ Adjective] city of [Civ City] have struck the
 mother lode."



"Floods have washed out the routes near [Civ City]."


Chance of Event in Game = 80%
Required                = Road or Railroad Route Improvement


"We will have to send workers to repair them at a later time."

"Dispatch emergency crews to repair the damage, without heed to cost."


Option 1 - "We will have to send workers to repair them at a later time."

Cost   : None
Result : Improvement Route is destroyed

Option 2 - "Dispatch emergency crews to repair the damage, without heed to 

Cost   : 20 Gold
Result : Improvement Route is saved

--==Appears in Events==--

"Floods have washed out some of the routes near the [Civ Adjective] of 
 [Civ City]."



"While hunting, our [Civ Unit] has discovered a rich supply of a black oil
 that burns rather hot."


Chance of Event in Game = 75%
Required                = Scout or Explorer Unit


"We have no time for such nonsense. Order them to continue scouting."

"This substance must be studied to see how we might make use of it."


Option 1 - "We have no time for such nonsense. Order them to continue 

Cost   : None
Result : None

Option 2 - "This substance must be studied to see how we might make use of 

Cost   : 10 Gold
Result : The tile now contains the Oil Resource

--==Appears in Events==--

Does not Appear



"Herbalists have discovered rare and precious plants that grow in abundance
 only in a certain region near [Civ City]."

"A medicinal tea cultivated by locals has been found to be effective with 
 treating illnesses. This tea grows only in a specific region near 
 [Civ City]."

"Certain rare insects near [Civ City], when harvested and ground into a paste
 by a reclusive tribe, can be ingested to reduce fever."


Chance of Event in Game = 80%
Required                = Forest or Jungle Bonus
                          Calendar Tech


"We should establish internal trade with the locals for these rare 

"Fund efforts to increase production without endangering the natural resources
 that produce them."


Option 1 - "We should establish internal trade with the locals for these rare 

Cost   : None
Result : The tile has +1 Commerce

Option 2 - "Fund efforts to increase production without endangering the 
            natural resources that produce them."

Cost   : 100 Gold
Result : The tile has +1 Commerce
         67% Chance of Result 3

Result 3 - "[Civ Adjective] investments in horticulture have paid off! A new
            minor industry is thriving in [Civ City], boosting health and

Cost   : None
Result : 1 Free Scientist Specialist
         +3 Health for the City

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] horticulturist have harnassed rare local resources to produce



"A plague of locusts have swarmed over a Pasture near [Civ City], destroying
 all the livestock there."

"Fire ant armies of massive proportions have laid waste to grazing lands near
 [Civ City]."

"Massive colonies of termites have overrun and destroyed some of our
 agriculture near [Civ City]."

"A plague of locutes have swarmed over a Plantation near [Civ City], 
 destroying all the crops there."

"Fire ant armies of massive proportions have laid waste to a region of 
 plantations lands near [Civ City]."


Chance of Event in Game = 55% for Scenario 1, 2 and 3 for Pastures
                          100% for Scenario 3, 4 and 5 for Plantations
Required                = For Scenario 1, 2 and 3, a Pasture
                          For Scenario 3, 4 and 5, a Plantation
                          For Scenario 3, it can be a Pasture or Plantation


"That's horrible."


Option 1 - "That's Horrible."

Cost   : None
Result : The Pasture or Plantation is destroyed.

--==Appears in Events==--

"Pestilence has struck [Civ Adjective] agricultural lands."



"An innovative chef has discovered a new type of spice, which only grows in
 a forest near [Civ City]."


Chance of Event in Game = 50%
Required                = Tile contains a Forest
                          Calendar Tech


"That sounds like welcome news for our economy."

"Commit our Government to harvesting this new resource immediately."


Option 1 - "That sounds like welcome news for our economy."

Cost   : None
Result : Spice Improvement on Tile

Option 2 - "Commit our Government to harvesting this new resource 

Cost   : 20 Gold
Result : Forest is Chopped Down
         Spice Improvement on Tile
         Road Route Improvement on Tile

--==Appears in Events==--

"A [Civ Adjective] chef has identified a new and valuable type of spice."



"The heavens opened up and down came the fist of retribution. Terrible 
 twisting rages of air wiped away our [Tile Improvement] Improvement."

"An extremely violent weather system filled with powerful tornadoes wrecked
 our [Tile Improvement] improvement."

"A perfect storm spawned F5 Class tornadoes, carving a path of destruction
 across our lands, smashing our [Tile Improvement] improvement."


Chance of Event in Game = 75%
Required                = Ancient or Classical Age for Scenario 1
                          Medieval or Renaissance Age for Scenario 2
                          Industrial, Modern or Future Age for Scenario 3
                          Plain Terrain Type
                          Farm, Cottage, Hamlet, Village, Town, Pasture, 
                          Workship, Quarry, Well, Winery, Mine, Watermill, 
                          Plantation, Camp or Fort Improvement
                          Writing, Monotheism, Priesthood or Iron Working


"Do what we can to aid the survivors."


Option 1 - "Do what we can to aid the survivors."

Cost   : None
Result : Improvement is destroyed.

--==Appears in Events==--

"Vicious tornadoes carved a path of destruction through the [Civ Adjective]

"[Civ Adjective] infrastructure was wiped out by a deadly thunderstorm and
 the violent twisters it spawned."



"A blizzard has dumped several meters of snow on a region near [Civ City]."

"Massive snowfall has buried a region of our territory near [Civ City]."


Chance of Event in Game = 80%
Required                = Tundra Tile
                          Farm, Cottage, Hamlet, Village, Town, Pasture,
                          Workshop, Quarry, Well, Winery, Mine, Watermill,
                          Plantation, Camp, Fort, Lumbermill, Forest Preserve,
                          Windmill Improvement. 
                          Road or Railroad Route Improvement
                          Writing, Monotheism, Horseback Riding, Iron Working


"The rescue and recovery efforts are best handled by the locals."

"Organise and send assistance to help them dig out and to preserve threatened 


Option 1 - "The rescue and recovery efforts are best handled by the locals."

Cost   : None
Result : Improvement Lost
         Route Improvement Lost

Option 2 - "Organise and send assistance to help them dig out and to perserve
            threatened facilities."

Cost   : 5 Gold
Result : Improvement Saved
         Route Improvement Saved

--==Appears in Events==--

"Severe weather is plaguing the [Civ Adjective] people near their city of
 [Civ City]."

"A blizzard has dumped disastrous quantities of snow upon a [Civ Adjective]
 region near [Civ City]."



"A volcano has erupted near [Civ City], spewing deadly ash clouds, lava flows,
 and mud and debris filled snow melts."


Chance of Event in Game = 70%
Required                = Writing, Monotheism, Horseback Riding, Iron Working


"Send what aid we can to the survivors. Be thankful that the city itself was 
 not struck."


Option 1 - "Send what aid we can to the survivors. Be thankful that the city
            itself was now struck."

Cost   : None
Result : Loss of Improvements near the Eruption

--==Appears in Events==--

"A volcanic eruption near [Civ City] has devastated the countryside. 
 Fortunately, the [Civ Adjective] city itself was spared."

"The earth has spewed forth lava and ash from a previously dormant volcano 
 near the [Civ Adjective] city of [Civ City]."



"Excessive tilling of the soil on the open plains has caused massive wind
 erosion and created a dustbowl effect, complete with dust storms."


Chance of Event in Game = 70%
Required                = 4X [Plain Terrain, Farm Improvement]
                          Civil Service Tech


"We need that food. Do whatever it takes to figure out how to mitigate the
 erosion of the soil and end the dust storms."

"We cannot afford to spend gold on this problem. Leave the matter to the
 local authorities."


Option 1 - "We need that food. Do whatever it takes to figure out how to 
            mitigate the erosion of the soil and end the dust storms."

Cost   : 40 Gold
Result : Improvement Lost

Option 2 - "We cannot afford to spend gold on this problem. Leave the matter
            to the local authorities."

Cost   : None
Result : 25% of Dustbowl Again
         Improvement Lost

--==Appears in Events==--

"Excessive farming with poor techniques has led to soil erosion and a 
 dustbowl effect in the [Civ Adjective] Empire.""



"The dustbowl effect continues. Another of our Farms has been wiped out by
 soil loss and by farmers abandoning their steads."


Chance of Event in Game = 70%
Required                = 4X [Plain Terrain, Farm Improvement]
                          Civil Service Tech


"We need that food. Do whatever it takes to figure out how to mitigate the
 erosion of the soil and end the dust storms."

"We cannot afford to spend gold on this problem. Leave the matter to the
 local authorities."


Option 1 - "We need that food. Do whatever it takes to figure out how to 
            mitigate the erosion of the soil and end the dust storms."

Cost   : 40 Gold
Result : Improvement Lost

Option 2 - "We cannot afford to spend gold on this problem. Leave the matter
            to the local authorities."

Cost   : None
Result : 25% of Dustbowl Again
         Improvement Lost

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] Farmers continue to suffer loss of their land due to ongoing
 dust storms sweeping scross the plains."



"Tamers have figured out how to farm the abundant supplies of parrots within
 one of our tropical forest regions."


Chance of Event in Game = 85%
Required                = Jungle Tile, Animal Husbandry


"Parrots make fine pets. We should promote them as one of our trade goods."


Option 1 - "Parrots make fine pets. We should promote them as one of our trade

Cost   : None
Result : The tile has +1 Commerce

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] merchants are now selling caged parrots as exotic pets."



"A rich source of jade has been found amongst the veins of iron at one of our


Chance of Event in Game = 85%
Required                = Mine Improvement
                          Road or Railroad Route Improvement
                          Iron Bonus


"We can sell the precious jade for additional profit."


Option 1 - "We can sell the precious jade for additional profit."

Cost   : None
Result : The tile has +2 Commerce

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] merchants are now selling jade carvings in small quantities."



"Locals have figured out a way to obtain a higher yield of black pearls. They 
 are guarding their secret with great care."


Chance of Event in Game = 70%
Required                = Fishing Boat Improvement
                          Clams Bonus


"Let them keep the secret. We are happy enough to tax their higher profits."


Option 1 - "Let them keep the secret. We are happy enough to tax their higher

Cost   : None
Result : The tile has +1 Commerce

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] merchants are now selling black pearls in larger quantities."



"Our bat herds in the hills near [Civ City], legendary in quantity, are now
 providing us surplus sources of saltpeter for use in gunpowder."


Chance of Event in Game = 90%
Required                = 4X Forest
                          Gunpowder Tech


"Our ability to manufacture large amounts of gunpowder should prove 


Option 1 - "Our ability to manufacture large amounts of gunpowder should prove

Cost   : None
Result : The tile has +1 Commerce

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] merchants are now selling gunpowder in larger quantities."



"Most of the coal being mined from one of our sites is thick with rock, shale,
 and other impurities. We are stuck with a source of clunker coal!"


Chance of Event in Game = 90%
Required                = Mine Improvement
                          Road or Railroad Route Improvement
                          Coal Bonus


"Clunker Coal? What a mess. Less valuable per ton, but it still burns, right?
 Just deal with it."


Option 1 - "Clunker Coal? What a mess. Less valuable per ton, but it still 
            burns, right? Just deal with it."

Cost   : None
Result : The tile has -1 Production

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] merchants are offering discounts on tons of their clunker 
 coal, which is filled with impurities."



"Most of the crude oil being pumped from one of our sites is thich with sulfur
 and other impurities. We are stuck with a source of sour crude!"


Chance of Event in Game = 90%
Required                = Well or Offshore Platform Improvement
                          Oil Bonus


"Sour Crude? What a mess. Less valuable per barrel, but it still burns, right?
 Just deal with it."


Option 1 - "Sour Crude? What a mess. Less valuable per barrel, but it still 
            burns, right? Just deal with it."

Cost   : None
Result : The tile has -1 Production

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] merchants are offering discounts on barrels of their sour 
 crude oil, which is filled with impurities."



"A rich source of truffles has been discovered in a series of caves. The 
 locals have begun to farm them."


Chance of Event in Game = 70%
Required                = Grassland Tile


"Truffles! How delicious. Our people eat richly, do they not?"


Option 1 - "Truffles! How delicious. Our people eat richly, do they not?"

Cost   : None
Result : The tile has +1 Commerce, +1 Food

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] people are bragging about their truffles, claiming they are
 the most delicious in the world."



"The locals have figured out the mating cycles of the sea turtles who flock
 to the shore in massive quantities. They have begun to harvest the turtles
 and eggs, in a way that does not endanger the long term survival of the 


Chance of Event in Game = 70%
Required                = Coast Terrain
                          Calendar Tech


"Turtles! What will they think of next?"


Cost   : None
Result : The tile has +1 Food

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] people are now harvesting sea turtles on an annual basis."



"A rich source of Tin has been discovered in the hills!"


Chance of Event in Game = 85%
Required                = Mine Improvement 
                          Bronze Working Tech

"Excellent news. Among other things, this will boost our production of 


Option 1 - "Excellent news. Among other things, this will boost our production
            of bronze."

Cost   : None
Result : The tile has +2 Production

--==Appears in Events==--

"The [Civ Adjective] Empire has become the world's leading producer of tin."



"Tamers have figured out how to domesticate the abundant supply of prairie 
 dogs on the open range. They are now selling these as pets."


Chance of Event in Game = 70%
Required                = Plains Tile
                          Animal Husbandry Tech


"Prairie Dogs? This is making us money. That's good, I suppose."


Option 1 - "Prairies Dog? This is making us money. That's good, I suppose."

Cost   : None
Result : The tile has +1 Commerce

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] merchants are now selling domesticated prairie dogs as exotic



"A passionate young man has undertaken a crusade to plant as many new apple
 trees as he can."


Chance of Event in Game = 75%
Required                = Plains Plot
                          Civil Service Tech


"How many trees were planted? That's amazing!"


Option 1 - "How many trees were planted? That's amazing!"

Cost   : None
Result : Plains is now a Forest
         The tile has +1 Food

--==Appears in Events==--

"A [Civ Adjective] folk hero has caused the creation of a new forest of apple



"A minor earthquake near [Civ City] has caused the collapse of a nearby mine. 
 Trapped miners have perished by the hundreds."

"A massive explosion has destroyed one of our mines. The cause is unknown, but
 hundreds are dead."

"Tradedy has struck near [Civ City] as poisonous gases filled a mine and 
 struck down most of the miners who were inside."


Chance of Event in Game = 90%
Required                = Mine Improvement
                          Bronze Working, The Wheel, Mysticism, Hunting Techs


"Organise a rebuilding effort, with emphasis on improved mining safety."

"Send emissaries to assist the bereaved."

"We are too pressed to spare any aid for the city."


Option 1 - "Organise a rebuilding effort, with emphasis on improved mining 

Cost   : 20 Gold
Result : None

Option 2 - "Send emissaries to assist the bereaved."

Cost   : 5 Gold
Result : Mine Improvement Lost

Option 3 - "We are too pressed to spare any aid for the city."

Cost   : None
Result : +1 Anger in City
         Mine Improvement Lost

--==Appears in Events==--

"A tragic mining accident near the [Civ Adjective] city of [Civ City] has 
 claimed the lives of hundreds of their miners."



"With removal by man of natural predators, the antelope population has grown
 large enough to serve as a sustained food source."


Chance of Event in Game = 55%
Required                = Forest Tile
                          Hunting Tech


"That sounds like welcome news for our economy."

"Commit our Government to harvesting this new resource immediately."


Option 1 - "That sounds like welcome news for our economy."

Cost   : None
Result : Deer Bonus on Tile

Option 2 - "Commit our Government to harvesting this new resource 

Cost   : 10 Gold
Result : Deer Bonus on Tile
         Road Route Improvement

--==Appears in Events==--

"Antelope are thriving in [Civ Adjective] territory well enough to serve as a 
 new resource."



"Sailors have spotted a new population of whales."


Chance of Event in Game = 50%
Required                = Sailing Tech
                          Ocean Tile


"That sounds like welcome news for our economy."


Option 1 - "That sounds like welcome news for our economy."

Cost   : None
Result : Whale Bonus on Tile

--==Appears in Events==--

"A new source of Whales has been located off the [Civ Adjective] coast.	



"Prospectors have discovered rich new veins of Silver Ore."


Chance of Event in Game = 35%
Required                = Mining Tech


"That sounds like welcome news for our economy."

"Commit our Government to harvesting this new resource immediately."


Option 1 - "That sounds like welcome news for our economy."

Cost   : None
Result : Silver Bonus on Tile

Option 2 - "Commit our Government to harvesting this new resource

Cost   : 20 Gold
Result : Silver Bonus on Tile
         Mine Improvement
         Road Route Improvement

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] miners have struck it rich with the discovery of new veins
 of Silver ore."



"Monks from the Monastery in [Civ City] have grown their private vinyards 
 large enough for them to become nationally significant."


Chance of Event in Game = 65%
Required                = Buddhist, Christian, Confucian, Hindu, Islamic,
                          Jewish or Taoist Monastery
                          Grass or Plains Tile
                          Monarchy Tech


"That sounds like welcome news for our economy."

"Commit our Government to harvesting this new resource immediately."


Option 1 - "That sounds like welcome news for our economy."

Cost   : None
Result : Wine Bonus on Tile

Option 2 - "Commit our Government to harvesting this new resource

Cost   : 20 Gold
Result : Wine Bonus on Tile
         Road Route Improvement

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] monks who have grown their vinyards over the years are now
 producing Wines in significant quantities."



"Folklore claims that the Waters of Life may be drawn from a certain oasis.
 Rumours are spreading that these waters can heal the sick and injured."


Chance of Event in Game = 95%
Required                = Oasis Tile
Obsoleted By            = Medicine Tech


"This will attract more traffic to the oasis? That sounds good."


Option 1 - "This will attract more traffic to the oasis? That sounds good."

Cost   : None
Result : Oasis Yields +1 Commerce

--==Appears in Events==--

"The Waters of Life, drawn from a certain oasis in [Civ Adjective] lands, are
 rumoured to be able to cure the sick and heal the injured."



"Researchers have discovered a large incidence of naturally formed glass 
 globules in an area around a wide circular valley."


Chance of Event in Game = 20%
Required                = Jungle or Forest Tile
                          Tundra, Plains, Grass, Desert or Snow Tile
                          Physics Tech


"Why is this important? Do not bother me with petty details."

"Commit our Government to unlocking the secrets of this mystery."


Option 1 - "Why is this important? Do not bother me with petty details."

Cost   : None
Result : None

Option 2 - "Commit our Government to unlocking the secrets of this mystery."

Cost   : 500 Gold
Result : Uranium Bonus
         Road Route Improvement

--==Appears in Events==--

Option 1

"Discovery of naturally occuring glass globules has been ignored by 
 [Civ Adjective] leadership and will pass in to the dustbin of history.

Option 2

"[Civ Adjective] geologists have discovered a rich source of Uranium at what
 turned out to be a very large and ancient impact crater."

[2.06] Unit Events



"Soldiers from our victorious [Civ Unit] unit have rallied behind their combat
heroes! Their strength and resolve have firmed! Their proficiency has 


Chance of Event in Game = 100%
Required                = 1 Swordsman Unit
Obsoleted By            = Machinery, Feudalism, Music, Philosophy, 
                          Civil Service, Theology


"Decorate our glorious heroes of the sword!"


Option 1 - "Decorate our glorious heroes of the sword!"

Cost   : None
Result : Unit renamed "Heroes of the Sword"
         Unit gains 3 Experience

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] soldiers have rallied behind their heroes of the sword."



"On a sunny day, with no storms in sight, one of our vessels has been lost at
 sea. Not only is the cause unknown, but there is no trace whatsoever of the
 ship or its crew and cargo. Several smaller vessels and some airplanes in
 the same general region also have vanished without a trace. Rumours are 
 flying concerning this mystery. This region has been dubbed by the press as 
 the Bermuda Triangle, named after a small island nearby."


Chance of Event in Game = 50%
Required                = Ocean Tile
                          Destroyer, Battleship, Missile Crusier, Stealth
                          Destroyer, Submarine, Attack Submarine, Carrier,
                          Transport unit.
                          Flight Tech


"Our investigations have turned up no worthwhile results? This is most 


Option 1 - "Our investigations have turned up no worthwhile results? This is
            most peculiar."

Cost   : None
Result : Unit lost

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] ships and planes have disappeared without a trace in the 
 Bermuda Triangle."



"A master bowyer has crafted a bow design that works particularly well with
 our native wood."


Chance of Event in Game = 35%
Required                = Archery
Obsoleted By            = Nationalism, Printing Press, Education, Gunpowder


"We will include the new design principles in all of our bowmaking."


Option 1 - "We will include the new design principles in all of our 

Cost   : None
Result : All Archers will gain Combat I Promotion upon creation

--==Appears in Events==--

"A master bowyer has developed techniques that improve the strength of all
 [Civ Adjective] war bows."



"A brillant smith has developed significant innovation in the design of 


Chance of Event in Game = 30%
Required                = Pasture Improvement
                          Road or Railroad Route Improvement
                          Horse Bonus
Obsoleted By            = Steam Power, Steel, Scientific Method, Artillery


"We will utilise the improved shoes for all of our mounted units."


Option 1 - "We will utilise the improved shoes for all of our mounted units."

Cost   : None
Result : All Mounted Units will gain Flanking Promotion upon creation.

--==Appears in Events==--

"A master smith has developed improved horseshoes, boosting the chance for
 [Civ Adjective] mounted units to strike and then escape."



"Our military leaders have held internal war games to strengthen our training
 and grit. One unit has emerged as the champion."


Chance of Event in Game = 30%
Required                = A unit
Obsoleted By            = Nationalism, Printing Press, Education, Gunpowder


"Decorate our champions! We shall celebrate their achievement."


Option 1 - "Decorate our champions! We shall celebrate their achievement."

Cost   : None
Result : Unit renamed to Champion
         Gains a random Promotion

--==Appears in Events==--

"A champion unit has emerged from the war games conducted by the 
 [Civ Adjective] military. This unit is rumoured to be the strongest and
 toughest amongst all their forces."



"Our chemists have developed an improved motor oil that lasts longer and
 lubricates engines better."


Chance of Event in Game = 90%
Required                = Well or Offshore Platform
                          Oil Bonus


"Authorise the selling of the improved motor oil on the open market."

"Fund upgrades to our army's vehicle fleet to make use of this new formula."


Option 1 - "Authorise the selling of the improved motor oil on the open

Cost   : None
Result : Gain 50 Gold

Option 2 - "Fund upgrades to our army's vehicle fleet to make use of this
            new formula."

Cost   : 50 Gold
Result : -15% Maintenance for Vehicle Units

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] chemists have developed an advanced refinement process for
 motor oil."



"Our craftsman have devised a technique for improving the balance of our 


Chance of Event in Game = 25%
Required                = Bronze Working Tech
Obsoleted By            = Nationalism, Printing Press, Education, 
                          Gunpowder Techs


"Convert our axeman to the new axe handles immediately."


Option 1 - "Convert our axeman to the new axe handles immediately."

Cost   : None
Result : Axeman gain Shock Promotion

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] craftsmen have improved the design of their axe 
 manufacturing. These are the finest axes in the world."



"Invention of the tower shield has provided our foot soldiers with some 
 protection against archers."


Chance of Event in Game = 20%
Required                = Mining Tech
                          Machinery, Feudalism, Music, Philosophy, 
                          Civil Service, Theology Tech


"Issue shields to our troops as supplies permit."


Option 1 - "Issue shields to our troops as supplies permit."

Cost   : None
Result : Melee Units gain Cover Promotion

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] Melee units are now deployed with new, larger shields,
 improving their defences versus Archery units."



"The invention of smokeless powder has improved the effectiveness of our 
 muskets on the battlefield."


Chance of Event in Game = 40%
Required                = Gunpowder Tech
Obsoleted By            = Rifling, Steel, Scientific Method Tech


"Convert our musketmen to the new gunpowder."


Option 1 - "Convert our musketmen to the new gunpowder."

Cost   : None
Result : Musketmen gain Pinch Promotion

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] weaponsmiths have invented smokeless powder, giving their
 musketmen a significant advantage."



"Weaponsmiths have improved the strength and durability of fittings used to
 make crossbows. This allows for stronger tension and improved power."


Chance of Event in Game = 25%
Required                = Machinery Tech
Obsoleted By            = Nationalism, Printing Press, Education or
                          Gunpowder Tech


"Commission the new fittings for all of our crossbow units."


Option 1 - "Commission the new fittings for all of our crossbow units."

Cost   : None
Result : Crossbowmen gain Combat I Promotion

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] Crossbow units are rumoured to be carrying improved weapons.
 Specifics on how or why their bows are stronger remains a mystery."



"A master smith has devised a firing pin for our grenades, ending the need to
 use fuses."


Chance of Event in Game = 25%
Required                = Military Science Tech
Obsoleted By            = Steam Power, Scientific Method, Artillery Tech


"Supply our Grenadiers with the improved explosives."


Option 1 - "Supply our Grenadiers with the improved explosives."

Cost   : None
Result : Grenadiers get Pinch Promotion

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] Grenadiers units have been issued more effective explosives:
 bombs that do not need a fuse."



"Our knowledge of rifled barrels has been successfully applied to new cannon


Chance of Event in Game = 35%
Required                = Rifling, Steel Tech
Obsoleted By            = Radio, Refrigeration, Plastics, Satellite, 
                          Advanced Flight, Ecology Tech


"Do we want stronger cannon? Is that a trick question?"


Option 1 - "Do we want stronger cannon? Is that a trick question?"

Cost   : None
Result : Cannon gains Combat I Promotion

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] Cannon units can now shoot farther and more accurately thanks
 to improved barrel design."



"Our shipmasters have concluded that switching to steel decks on our carriers
 instead of wooden decks would be to our advantage."


Chance of Event in Game = 35%
Required                = Flight, Industrialism Tech
Obsoleted By            = Composites Tech


"Make it so."


Option 1 - "Make it so."

Cost   : None
Result : Aircraft Carriers gets Drill III Promotion

--==Appears in Events==--

"The [Civ Adjective] Empire has halted production of aircraft carriers with
 wooden decks. Their decks are now made of steel."



"Our engineers have developed an advanced fighter design that is lighter and 
 carries slightly more fuel, extending its operational range."


Chance of Event in Game = 20%
Required                = Flight Tech
Obsoleted By            = Composites Tech


"Begin production of the new fighter."


Option 1 - "Begin production of the new fighter."

Cost   : None
Result : All Fighters gain Range I Promotion

--==Appears in Events==--

"The [Civ Adjective] Empire has developed a long range Fighter plane."



"Our weapon masters have devised a halberd design that remains fully 
 effective versus mounted units but will boost effectiveness versus foot


Chance of Event in Game = 25%
Required                = Engineering Tech
                          Steam Power, Steel, Scientific Method, 
                          Artillery Tech


"Issue the new weapons to all of our pikemen."


Option 1 - "Issue the new weapons to all of our pikemen."

Cost   : None
Result : All Pikemen gain Shock Promotion

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] Pikemen have begun using a new type of halberd, boosting 
 their strength versus foot soldiers."



"Our shipmasters have devised a way to reinforce the hulls of our triremes.
 This will help with both rammin and being rammed."


Chance of Event in Game = 25%
Required                = Metal Casting Tech
Obsoleted By            = Nationalism, Printing Press, Education, 
                          Gunpowder Tech


"Our existing ships can also be refitted? Begin immediately."


Option 1 - "Our existing ships can also be refitted? Begin immediately."

Cost   : None
Result : Triremes gain Combat I promotion

--==Appears in Events==--

"Rumours abound	that [Civ Adjective] shipmasters are doing extensive refitting
 work on their trireme fleet."

[2.07] Foreign Events



"Inspired [Civ Religion Adjective] missionaries have spread their influence
 out of [Civ City]. They now seek an audience with you, requesting your
 assistance in funding additional missions to the [Other Civ Adjective] 


Chance of Event in Game = 75%
Requires                = At least 2 Religions
                          4 Cities with each Religion
                          One religion is a State Religion


"We are unable to assist at this time."

"We can afford a small donation."

"We are pleased to provide any assistance they may require!"


Option 1 - "We are unable to assist at this time."

Cost   : None
Result : None

Option 2 - "We can afford a small donation."

Cost   : 10 Gold
Result : Converts 1 of the Other Civ's Cities

option 3 - "We are please to provide any assistance they may require!"

Cost   : 25 Gold
Result : Converts 4 of the Other Civ's Cities

--==Appears in Events==--

"Inspired [Civ Religion Adjective] missionaries from the [Civ Adjective] city
 of [Civ City] have greatly expanded the influence of their religion!"



"A dreadful harvest for our [Other Civ Adjective] neighbours in the city of
 [Other Civ City] just across the border has left its people starving. We may
 have a chance to gain favour with them if we provide humanitarian assistance
 from [Civ City]."

"Famine has struck the city of [Other Civ City] Our people in [Civ City] have
 enough food on hand to assist their [Other Civ Adjective] neighbours. We 
 stand ready to provide aid and comfort."

"Tragedy has struck just beyond your border, as the [Other Civ Adjective]
 Empire struggles to feed all its hungry people in [Other Civ City]. Many will
 die without enough to eat. Should the citizens of [Civ City] move to assist


Chance of Event in Game = 70%
Required                = Must be Single Player
                          Other Civ shares borders
                          Neighbour City must have excess food


"We are unable to assist at this time. Send our condolensces to their 

"Open the city granaries and send half the stores to our troubled neighbours."

"Send all of the food stores! Spare no expense to aid our friends!"


Option 1 - "We are unable to assist at this time. Send our condolensces to 
            their leaders."

Cost   : None
Result : None

Option 2 - "Open the city granaries and send half the stores to our troubled

Cost   : 50% of City's Food Store
Result : +1 Attitude with other Civ

Option 3 - "Send all of the food stores! Spare no expense to aid our friends!"

Cost   : 100% of City's Food Store
         10 Gold
Result : +3 Attitude with other Civ

--==Other Civ==--

Option 2 - "Open the city granaries and send half the stores to our troubled 

"The [Other Civ Adjective] people in [Other Civ City] have sent half of their 
 stored food to your city of [Civ City] to fend off starvation caused by a 
 poor local harvest. This humanitarian relief may represent a positive 
 turning point in your relations."

Option 3 - "Send all of the food stores! Spare no expense to aid our friends!"

"The generous [Other Civ Adjective] people in [Other Civ City] have sent all 
 of their  food stores to your city of [Civ City] to prevent famine caused by 
 a poor local harvest. This humanitarian effort has brought your two peoples
 much closer together!"

--==Appears in Events==--

Option 2 - "Open the city granaries and send half the stores to our troubled

"The generous people of [Civ City] have donated famine relief to the 
 endangered people of [Other Civ City]. This humanitarian effort has brought
 the two nations closer together."

Option 3 - "Send all of the food stores! Spare no expense to aid our friends!"

"The gernous people of [Civ City] have donated massive famine relief to the
 starving people of [Other Civ City]. This generous humanitarian effort has
 brought the two nations much closer together."



"A [Other Civ Adjective] passenger flight has crashed in our territory near
 [Civ City]."


Chance of Event in Game = 70%
Required                = Must be Single Player
                          Other Civ shares borders
                          Other Civ has Flight Tech


"Allow their recovery teams unfetted access to the crash site."

"Stall them for time while your own teams learn what it can first."

"Deny access. Claim the wreckage and let your engineers pore over it."


Option 1 - "Allow their recovery teams unfetted access to the crash site."

Cost   : None
Result : +1 Attitude to Both Sides

Option 2 - "Stall them for time while your own teams learn what it can 

Cost   : None
Result : 1000 Espionage Points

Option 3 - "Deny access. Claim the wreckage and let your engineers pore over

Cost   : None
Result : +15% Research for Flight Tech 
         -2 Attitude with Other Civ
         50% Chance to discover +20% on Flight Tech

--==Other Civ==--

Option 1 - "Allow their recovery teams unfetted access to the crash site."

"One of your passenger airliners have crashed in [Other Civ Adjective] 
 territory. They have allowed unrestricted access to your recovery teams,
 building trust between your two nations."

Option 2 - "Stall them for time while your own teams learn what it can 

"One of your passenger airliners have crashed in [Other Civ Adjective]
 territory. They seem to be unsure how to react at first, but finally allowed
 your recovery teams access to the crash site,"

Option 3 - "Deny access. Claim the wreckage and let your engineers pore over

"One of your passenger airliners have crashed in [Other Civ Adjective]
 territory. They are denying all access and have claimed the wreck as their
 own. This outrage has angered your people and driven a diplomatic wedge 
 between your two nations."

--==Appears in Events==--

"A [Other Civ Adjective] passenger aircraft has crashed within [Civ Adjective]
 territory. Neither side has provided any details of the incident."



"A fugitive from justice, wanted for crimes in the [Other Civ Adjective] 
 Empire, has been discovered hiding out in our territory."

"An assassin wanted for slaying a [Other Civ Adjective] offical has been 
 caught fleeing through our land."


Chance of Event in Game = 90%
Required                = Feudalism Tech


"Extradite the offender back to his homeland."

"Secretly interrogate the prisoner, hoping to learn sensitive information."

"Release the prisoner. This is none of our affairs."


Option 1 - "Extradite the offender back to his homeland."

Cost   : None
Result : +1 Attitude in other Civ
         50% Chance of Result 4

Option 2 - "Secretly interrogate the prisoner, hoping to learn sensitive 

Cost   : None
Result : 500 Espionage Point
         50% Chance of Result 5

Option 3 - "Release the prisoner. This is none of our affairs."

Cost   : None
Result : None

Result 4 - "Our gesture of goodwill towards the [Other Civ Adjective] Empire
            as angered [Another Civ].

Cost   : None
Result : -1 Attitude with their Enemy

Result 5 - "Word of our interrogation of the fugitive has leaked to 
            [Other Civ Adjective] authorities, angering them."

Cost   : None
Result : -1 Attitude with Other Civ

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] authorities are rumoured to have captured a fugitive fleeing
 from [Other Civ Adjective] justice. No confirmation is available."



"Our ambassador to the [Other Civ Adjective] Empire has committed a faux


Chance of Event in Game = 70%
Required                = None


"This gaffe has adversely affected our relations."


Option 1 - "This gaffe has adversely affected our relations."

Cost   : None
Result : -1 Attitude with Other Civ

--==Other Civ==--

"The [Other Civ Adjective] ambassador has committed a faux pas. This insulting
 gaffe has adversely affected our relations with his country."

--==Appears in Events==--

"A faux pas commmitted by the [Civ Adjective] ambassador has caused a stir in 
 the [Other Civ Adjective] Capital."



"Two prominent families, one from our people and one from the 
 [Other Civ Adjective] people, have forged an alliance through an arranged
 [Civ Religion Adjective] marriage."

"One of our prominent young noble ladies has fallen in love with a 
 [Other Civ Adjective] nobleman and they are to be wed in the 
 [Civ Religion Adjective] tradition."

"A [Other Civ Adjective] industrial heiress has received a message proposal
 from one of our prominent business tycoons. Their [Civ Religion Adjective]
 wedding will occur this year."


Chance of Event in Game = 90%
Required                = You have a State Religion
                          Other Civ has a Religion
                          Ancient or Classical Age for Scenario 1
                          Medieval or Renaissance Age for Scenario 2
                          Industrial, Modern or Future Age for Scenario 3


"Send well wishes and a token wedding gift."

"Send hearty congratulations and a generous wedding gift."

"Announce a national celebration, send an outlandish wedding gift and donate
 generously to religious organisations in the name of the newlyweds."


Option 1 - "Send well wishes and a token wedding gift."

Cost   : None
Result : None

Option 2 - "Send hearty congratulations and a generous wedding gift."

Cost   : 15 Gold
Result : +1 Attitude with Other Civ

Option 3 - "Announce a national celebration, send an outlandish wedding gift 
            and donate generously to religious organisations in the name of
            the newlyweds."

Cost   : 60 Gold
Result : +3 Attitude with Other Civ

--==Other Civ==--

Option 1

"A [Civ Religion Adjective] wedding between one of our citizens and one from
 the [Other Civ Adjective] Empire has drawn no protest from them, and in fact,
 little interest at all. Some family members of the newlyweds are griping but
 the incident appears to have passed without much bitterness."

Option 2

"A [Civ Religion Adjective] wedding between one of our citizens and one from
 the [Other Civ Adjective] Empire has drawn a blessing from them with
 generous wedding gifts. Our people are pleased by this gesture."

Option 3

"A [Civ Religion Adjective] wedding between one of our citizens and one from
 the [Other Civ Adjective] Empire has been honoured by a national holiday,
 including outlandish wedding gifts and donations to our religious 
 institutions. Our people are thrilled by this gesture."

--==Appears in Events==--

"A joyous marriage in the [Civ Religion Adjective] tradition has forged new
 bonds between [Civ Adjective] and [Other Civ Adjective] peoples, who both
 adore the new couple and are pleased with the behaviour of the inlaws from
 the other nation."



"A politically arranged marriage between one of our noble families and another
 [Other Civ Adjective] family has collapsed over feuding about whether to
 hold the marriage in their tradition or to make it a [Civ Religion Adjective]
 wedding. Tensions are escalating."

"Two prominent families are feuding over their children, who have eloped 
 together against everybody else's wishes. [Other Civ Adjective] leaders are
 particularly upset that the marriage was held in our [Civ Religion Adjective]

"An industrial heiress from the [Other Civ Adjective] Empire has received a 
 marriage proposal from one of our prominent business tycoons. The marriage is
 going forward, but the families on both sides are feuding over which religion
 should preside over the ceremony. The couple has decided on a 
 [Civ Religion Adjective] wedding to the great annoyance of the bride's 


Chance of Event in Game = 90%
Required                = You have a State Religion
                          Other Civ has a religion
                          Ancient or Classical Age for Scenario 1
                          Medieval or Renaissance Age for Scenario 2
                          Industrial, Modern or Future Age for Scenario 3


"Send well wishes and a token wedding gift, trying not to further anger our

"Send hearty congratulations and a generous wedding gift."

"Announce a national celebration, send an outlandish wedding gift and donate
 generously our religious organisations in the name of the newlyweds. This
 is likely to trigger war!"


Option 1 - "Send well wishes and a token wedding gift, trying not to further
            anger our neighbours."

Cost   : None
Result : -1 Attitude with Other Civ

Option 2 - "Send hearty congratulations and a generous wedding gift."

Cost   : 15 Gold
Result : -2 Attitude with Other Civ

Option 3 - "Announce a national celebration, send an outlandish wedding gift 
            and donate generously our religious organisations in the name of
            the newlyweds. This is likely to trigger war!"

Cost   : 60 Gold
Result : -3 Attitude with Other Civ

--==Other Civ==--

Option 1

"A [Civ Religion Adjective] wedding between one of our citizens and one from
 the [Other Civ Adjective] Empire has angered our people. Our rivals have 
 granted no special gifts or attention, though, so our people are merely
 grumbling and fuming."

Option 2

"A [Civ Religion Adjective] wedding between one of our citizens and one from
 the [Other Civ Adjective] Empire has drawn our rivals' blessing with generous
 wedding gifts. Our people are outraged by this insult to our faith."

Option 3

"A [Civ Religion Adjective] wedding between one of our citizens and one from
 [Other Civ] has been honoured by a national holiday by our rivals, including
 outlandish wedding gifts and donations to their religious institutions. This
 insult against our religious traditions has outraged our populace. Should we
 declare a holy war upon the unbelievers?"

--==Appears in Events==--

"Nobles from a [Civ Adjective] family are angry with their new 
 [Other Civ Adjective] inlaws for holding a [Civ Religion Adjective] wedding
 against their wishes. This event has drawn great interest within these 
 nations as feuding has broken out over the dispute."



"A politically arranged marriage between one of our noblemen and a woman from 
 a noble [Other Civ Adjective] family has collapsed into feuding as the groom
 backed out of the wedding on the wedding day."

"Two prominent families, one from our people and one from the 
 [Other Civ Adjective] Empire, are feuding over their children. A groom, from
 our family, jilted his would-be bride by walking his cold feet out of the
 temple, insulting and outraging his would-be inlaws."

"An [Other Civ Adjective] industrial heiress has been left at the altar by one
 of our prominent business tycoons, who had proposed marriage to her. The
 fiasco has outraged the families on both sides, who are now feuding over the
 collapsed marriage."


Chance of Event in Game = 80%
Required                = Ancient or Classical Age for Scenario 1
                          Medieval or Renaissance Age for Scenario 2
                          Industrial, Modern or Future Age for Scenario 3
                          Share Borders with Other Civ


"Send condolences to both families and urge them to seek a peaceful 
 resolution to their grievances."


Option 1 - "Send condolences to both families and urge them to seek a peaceful
            resolution to their grievances."

Cost   : None
Result : -1 Attitude with Other Civ

--==Appears in Events==--

"A collapsed politically arranged marriage and a jilted bride are at the 
 centre of new tensions between the [Civ Adjective] and the 
 [Other Civ Adjective] Empires."



"There is civil unrest near the [Other Civ Adjective] city of 
 [Other Civ City]. Our scouts in the area tell us there may be an 
 opportunity to aggravate the situation."

"There are riots taking place near the [Other Civ Adjective] city of
 [Other Civ City]. Our agents stand ready to add fuel to these fires, to stir
 up additional trouble."


Chance of Event in Game = 70%
Required                = Ancient, Classical, Medieval, Renaissance or 
                          Industrial Age for Scenario 1
                          Modern or Future Age for Scenario 2
                          Other city has 1 Angry Citizen
                          Other Civ shares borders


"Their problems are none of our affairs. Tell our operatives to stand down."

"See that aid reaches those organising local criminal activity. Be discrete."

"Unleash our agents. Allow them to capitalise on any opportunities for 
 mischief-making that they can find."


Option 1 - "Their problems are none of our affairs. Tell our operatives to 
            stand down."

Cost   : None
Result : One improvement is destroyed

Option 2 - "See that aid reaches those organising local criminal activity. Be

Cost   : 40 Gold
Result : Pillage 2 to 4 Improvements

Option 3 - "Unleash out agents. Allow them to capitalise on any opportunities
            for mischief-making that they can find."

Cost   : 50 Espionage Points
Result : Pillage 3 to 5 Improvements
         55% for Result 4

Result 4 - "Our agents have been exposed!"

Cost   : None
Result : -2 Attitude with other Civ

--==Other Civ==--

Option 1

"Civil unrest near [Civ City] has led to riots and looting."

Option 2

"Civil unrest near [Civ City] has led to riots and looting. Multiple 
 improvements have been destroyed!"

Option 3

"Massive civil unrest near [Civ City] has led to riots and looting. Both
 inside and outside the city, some of our improvements have been destroyed by

"Between X and Y buildings buildings destroyed in [Civ City]."

Result 4

"We have identified [Other Civ Adjective] agents who are systematically and
 actively aggrevating the situation in [Civ City]."

--==Appears in Events==--

"The [Other Civ Adjective] city of [Other Civ City] is suffering civil 
 unrest. Riots and looting have broken out."



"Our brothers in the true [Civ Religion Adjective] faith who dwell in the 
 [Other Civ Adjective] Empire are at war. They lack for vital strategic
 resources that we have in abundance. This is our chance to come to their 


Chance of Event in Game = 100%
Required                = Must have a State Religion
                          Other player must have same State Religion


"Although our brothers are in need, it is best not to get involved at this 

"Offer to send them a large supply of Copper for weapon making."

"Provide Iron so that they may craft strong weaponry."

"Send large heads of war-trained Horses to our brothers."

"War Elephants are what they need. Send in the Jumbos!"

"Their vehicles require diesel. Tanks cannot roll without fuel!"

"Anything for our brothers in need. There is no limit to our support."


Option 1 - "Although our brothers are in need, it is best not to get involved
            at this time."

Cost   : None
Result : None

Option 2 - "Offer to send them a large supply of Copper for weapon making."

Cost   : Copper Bonus
Result : None

"Provide Iron so that they may craft strong weaponry."

Cost   : Iron Bonus
Result : None

"Send large heads of war-trained Horses to our brothers."

Cost   : Horses Bonus
Result : None

"War Elephants are what they need. Send in the Jumbos!"

Cost   : Ivory Bonus
Result : None

"Their vehicles require diesel. Tanks cannot roll without fuel!"

Cost   : Oil
Result : None

"Anything for our brothers in need. There is no limit to our support."

Cost   : Uranium
Result : None

--==Other Civ==--

Option 2

"Our [Other Civ Adjective] religious brothers have gifted us with Copper to 
 aid us in our war effort!"

Option 3

"Our [Other Civ Adjective] religious brothers have gifted us with Iron to 
 aid us in our war effort!"

Option 4

"Our [Other Civ Adjective] religious brothers have gifted us with Horses to 
 aid us in our war effort!"

Option 5

"Our [Other Civ Adjective] religious brothers have gifted us with Ivory to 
 aid us in our war effort!"

Option 6

"Our [Other Civ Adjective] religious brothers have gifted us with Oil to 
 aid us in our war effort!"

Option 7

"Our [Other Civ Adjective] religious brothers have gifted us with Uranium to 
 aid us in our war effort!"

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] leaders have met with their [Other Civ Adjective]
 [Civ Religion Adjective] brothers to discuss the possibility of sending
 them strategic resources to aid in their air efforts."



"Corporate fraud within our own [Civ Corporation] corporation has collapsed 
 the company's stock price, taking the rest of the market down with it and
 triggering a global economic depression."


Chance of Event in Game = 40%
Required                = 2 Global Corporation
                          1 Corporation must be in your control


"There is really not much we can do about this, is there?"


Option 1 - "There is really not much we can do about this, is there?"

Cost   : None
Result : All Civs lose X% of their treasury

--==Appears in Events==--

"Corporate fraud within [Civ Corporation], headquartered in the 
 [Civ Adjective] Empire, has collapsed the company's stock price, taking the
 rest of the market down with it and triggering a global economic depression."



"A daring pilot has successfully flown around the globe in a single person


Chance of Event in Game = 90%
Required                = Flight Tech


"This grand achievement	has won admiration from people across the globe!"


Option 1 - "This grand achievement has won admiration from peopple across
            the globe!"

Cost   : None
Result : +X attitude to all foreign leaders

--==Appears in Events==--

"A daring [Civ Adjective] pilot is the first to fly solo around the world, 
 lifting spirits across the globe and winning admiration from all of 



"In honour of our gods, the city of [Civ City] has organised and hosted a 
 grand series of Games. Athletes from all over the nation travel there to


Chance of Event in Game = 75%
Required                = Single Play Only
                          Polytheism Tech
Obsoleted By            = Machinery, Feudalism, Music, Philosophy, 
                          Civil Service or Theology Tech


"These Games are honourable, but overall their importance to our civilisation
 is minor."

"These Games are grand! We should invite and sponsor athletes from 
 neighbouring civilisations to attend."


Option 1 - "These Games are honourable, but overall their important to our
            civilisation is minor."

Cost   : None
Result : None

Option 2 - "These Games are grand! We should invite and sponsor athletes from
            neighbouring civilisations to attend."

Cost   : 20 Gold
Result : Diplomatic Boost with Neighbours

--==Appears in Events==--

"The [Civ City] Games have become a unifying event for all those who are able
 to participate."



"In the spirit of international cooperation, the city of [Civ City] has 
 decided to revive its ancient tradition of the Games, forming this in to a 
 world event." 


Chance of Event in Game = 100%
Required                = Must have had Ancient Olympics Option 2
                          Scientific Method Tech


"The Games will be a grand spectacle, with athletes from all nations invited 
 to attend!"


Option 1 - "The Games will be a grand spectacle, with athletes from all 
            nations invited to attend!"

Cost   : None
Result : Diplomatic Boost it all Nations

--==Appears in Events==--

"The modern [Civ City] Games have begun, with the full richness of the ancient
 athletic traditions brought back for all the world to enjoy."



"[Other Civ Adjective] forces have unexpectedly shown mercy and compassion for
 our wounded, tending them on the battlefield and then returning the survivors
 safely to us."


Chance of Event in Game = 80%
Required                = Single Player Only
                          Nation is at war


"No good dead shall go unpunished. Send our recovered soldiers back into 
 battle the moment they are ready."

"Perhaps this is a sign that enough blood has been shed. Send our emissaries
 to see if they are ready to discuss peace."


Option 1 - "No good dead shall go unpunished. Send our recovered soldiers back
            into battle the moment they are ready."

Cost   : None
Result : None

Option 2 - "Perhaps this is a sign that enough blood has been shed. Send our
            emissaries to see if they are ready to discuss peace."

Cost   : None
Result : Chance of Peace

--==Other Civ==--

"A heroic gesture of mercy by your forces in regard to [Other Civ Adjective] 
 wounded has opened the door to a possible peace treaty. Do you wish to end 
 the war?"

--==Appears in Events==--

Option 2

"A heroic gesture of mercy by the [Other Civ Adjective] forces towards the
 [Civ Adjective] wounded has brought an unexpected opportunity for peace. The
 two sides are at least pausing to consider the possibility."



"A great mediator has emerged, offering to arbitrate the dispute between 
 [Other Civ Adjective] leadership and our nation. This could be a chance for


Chance of Event in Game = 85%
Required                = Single Player Only
                          Nation is at war


"We do not want peace! Let the war continue."

"Peace would benefit both sides. Give our blessing to this mediator, and may
 his words prove sharper than their hatreds."


Option 1 - "We do not want peace! Let the war continue."

Cost   : None
Result : None

Option 2 - "Peace would benefit both sides. Give our blessing to this 
            mediator, and may his words prove shaper than their hatreds.

Cost   : None
Result : Chance of Peace

--==Other Civ==--

Option 2

"A great mediator has offered to abritrate our grievance with the 
 [Other Civ Adjective] Empire. This opens the door to a possible peace treaty.
 Do you wish to end the war?"

--==Appears in Events==--

Option 2

"A great mediator has attempted to broker peace between the [Civ Adjective] 
 and [Other Civ Adjective] Empires!"



"Imported [Other Civ Adjective] tea has become all the rage amongst our social


Chance of Event in Game = 90%
Required                = Harbour Building
                          Scientific Method Tech


"The taxes from these sales should boost our coffers nicely, as well as 
 boosting our relations."


Option 1 - "The taxes from these sales should boost our coffers nicely, as 
            well as boosting our relations."

Cost   : None
Result : 50 Gold + [1 to 50 Random Gold]
         +1 Attitude with Other Civ

--==Other Civs==--

"Tea exports to [Other Civ Adjective] customers have provided a nice boost to
 our relations."

--==Appears in Events==--

"[Civ Adjective] citizens who are socially advanced have adopted imported 
 [Other Civ Adjective] tea as their beverage of choice."



"Our city of [Civ City] has been destroyed by the rampaging 
 [Other Civ Adjective] army. Some of our citizens are forming partisan 


Chance of Event in Game = 35%
Required                = Emancipation Civic
                          Nation is at war
                          City has been razed by enemy


"Send word to the new partisan units to continue their fight near their
 destroyed homes."

"Although we will lose up to half their number to exhaustion, desertion
 and willful refusal to leave the area, we must convince these units to 
 retreat. Have them march to our capital city, where they will reform
 into units."


Option 1 - "Send word to the new partisan units to continue their fight near
            their destroyed homes."

Cost   : None
Result : Gain Militia Units near the City

Option 2 - "Although we will lose up to half their number to exhaustion,
            desertion and willful refusal to leave the area, we must convince
            these units to retreat. Have them march to our capital city, where
            they will reform into units."

Cost   : None
Result : Gain Half of Option 1 Militia Units near Capital

--==Other Civ==--

Option 1

"[Other Civ Adjective] citizens from the city was just razed are taking to the
 surrounding countryside to form Partisan resistance units!"

Option 2

"[Other Civ Adjective] citizens from the city was just razed are fleeing toward
 their capital and are expected to form Partisan resistance units there!

--==Appears in Events==--

"The [Civ Adjective] people from the city of [Civ City] have seen their homes
 burned! They are rising up against the wicked [Other Civ Adjective] invaders,
 forming Partisan units to join the resistance as militia fighters!"

[A] Contact Information

Before you E-Mail me, read the guide first. If the answer is not in here, then
E-Mail me. If it is, don't bother as I won't reply.

To contact me, e-mail me at
hillsdragon13 [at] hotmail [dot] com

Replace at with @ and dot with .

Don't add me to MSN Messenger List because if I don't know you, I won't accept
you, simple as that. 

E-Mail me (and anyone else you want to e-mail) with courtesy and respect as 
we are living people like you. Have a title of what you are sending so I know
what is going on. If you try to send attachments, I won't open them so stick
the information in the E-Mail. 

Please write in English or anything close to it. It can't understand foreign
languages so please don't give me a page long quite in Mexican or Antarctic
penguin language cause I don't understand.

Don't write in sloppy English. I mean, who the hell would understand "Hwo Od 
Yoi Di Tjih Ni Cvilztin Flr?" Don't be too formal, a question is not a freakin
business agreement so don't say "Dear Sir, In accordance to your Walkthrough
to the PC Game, Civ IV, ..." it makes me wonder if I'm talking to a freak
the President of the United States of America or Bill Gates or Donald Trump.

I will credit you if your send me information about this game that is not in
the FAQ. I will also be grateful if you see this FAQ somewhere else other than
Gamefaqs or a site which has my permission. If you do, tell me so I can kick
their ass to Pluto and make them bounce off to the other side of the Universe.

I will not respond to:

* Spam
* Bill Gate's Spam (He gets spam of up to 4 million per day)
* Something not related with this
* Something already covered
* Illegal stuff, like CD-Keys and Pirated Versions
* Technical Problems

Technical Problems will not be answered as they should be sent to Firaxis not 
me. I didn't design the game so I shouldn't know what's wrong with it, its 
your game not MINE.

[B] Webmaster Information




[C] Credits

This section is where you see your name. It will be long. The names are either
Board Names from the Boards or your e-mail so if your name is Bob Rob and 
another Bob Rob posted the message, the First Bob Rob will not be credited so
in short, someone around the world who shares the same name as you will not
be credited for your work.

CJayC for hosting this FAQ
Me for writing it
Firaxis Games for developing it
2K Games for distribution

[D] Sites FAQ is on

Current FAQ is On will always have the latest versions

May be Outdated will have a version of this FAQ

[E] Copyright

This game is Copyright 2007 Firaxis Games and 2K Games. All Rights Reserved

This document is copyrighted by US and Canadian and Australian Laws. This FAQ
is for personal use only. This is not to be used for commercial or personal
gain. Websites publishing this guide without permission will face punishment
under the law. All sites except GAMEFAQS are not allow to host this FAQ 
without my permission.

This document is protected by the copyright laws that were founded in the
Bernes Copyright Convention in 1968. It states that:

The expression “literary and artistic works” shall include every production
in the literary, scientific and artistic domain, whatever may be the mode or
form of its expression, such as books, pamphlets and other writings; lectures,
addresses, sermons and other works of the same nature; dramatic or 
dramatico-musical works; choreographic works and entertainments in dumb show;
musical compositions with or without words; cinematographic works to which
are assimilated works expressed by a process analogous to cinematography;
works of drawing, painting, architecture, sculpture, engraving and 
lithography; photographic works to which are assimilated works expressed by a
process analogous to photography; works of applied art; illustrations, maps, 
plans, sketches and three-dimensional works relative to geography, 
topography, architecture or science.

If you fail to follow the law, you will be indited for fraud and is a criminal
offense and result in a criminal record. You will find it extremely hard to 
find a job if you have a criminal record. Do not sell this document or claim 
it as your own or you will be punishable under the law. If you wish to know 
more about this law as you don't believe that you are breaking copyright, 
feel free to do a google search on the Bernes Copyright Convention. 

You are not to sell this piece of work, claim it as your own, make any 
finanical gain out of this guide, or any other illegal activity. You are 
allowed to print this guide out and use it for personal uses but that is the
only thing you can do with this guide. 

Please abide with the terms. If not, you will be facing a lawsuit you cannot

This document is copyright 2007. All Rights are respected, or not. 

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