World of Warcraft patch v2.3.3
Blizzard je izdao novi patch za njihov MMORPG naslov World of Warcraft sa oznakom 2.3.3. Ovaj put je ispravljeno tek par propusta, a najbitnija novina jeste skraćivanje vremena učitavanja. Kompletan changelog se nalazi u nastavku teksta, a patch se može preuzeti odavde (4.4 MB).
– Some players may notice improved data load times when newly entering the world and after zoning into new areas.
– Character/NPC load times have been decreased, and now should appear faster. You're not hearing voices, there really are people in Shattrath!
Bug Fixes
– Felspine the Greater in Shadowmoon Valley will no longer evade when engaged.
– Players will now be correctly credited with their arena points if they purchase an arena item during weekly arena calculations.
– Using a castsequence macro on a target moving out of range will no longer cause it to stop working.