Wing Commander 4 - The Price of Freedom
Submitted by: Dj Simo
At DOS prompt, go to your CD-ROM drive. Instead of installing,
type in "wc4-chicken", and it will install the game as if you
typed "install". Let the insatll process happen.
Now go to the drive where you installed the game and type
"wc4-chicken" again. The game will start. Now, when you are
in your cockpit, go to the options screen, and a cheat menu
will be at your disposal.
Destroy All Enemy Ships:
Start the game by typing Wc4 -chicken instead of the
usual wc4 and when you fly press Alt+Ctrl+w and all
enemy ships in the area will be destroyed.
Destroy Target:
To use this cheat, launch the game with the command
"wc4 -chicken". During flight target any craft and
press Ctrl-W and the target will be instantly destroyed!
Hidden Menu:
While flying, press Alt-O for a special menu.