First of all, complete the training first. This will
get you familiar with the different peices and how to
deal with problems caused by fire, water, bombs and
mines. After you have completed the training, try the
different modes, but leave Classic for last. When you
feel ready, go to Classic. In Classic you need to place
the Uppers around the perimeter in a square. Next contain
the water that follows. Now try and place the square Uppers
in the water until you have a Rubber Duckie. Repeat this
step until you have three or four duckies.
Place remaining Uppers around your perimeter to build it up.
Use Downers to erase some excess Uppers and frozen patches.
When Bombs start to fall, you need to place them around the
edges of your playfield. Once the Bombs hit, you will need
to repair any damage they caused with Uppers. Keep up this
strategy throughout the ten levels and you will be a master.