Warhammer 40k - Fire Warrior
Submitted by: rickHH
Hard mode:
Successfully complete the game under the normal difficulty setting to
unlock the hard difficulty setting.
Level select:
Successfully complete the game to unlock all levels under the same
difficulty setting initially used.
Unlimited shield:
Successfully complete each level (including the training level) under
the hard difficulty setting.
Unlimited ammunition:
Successfully complete the game under the normal difficulty setting
with an "A" rank on each level (including the training level).
Unlimited grenades:
Successfully complete the game under the hard difficulty setting with
at least a "B" rank on each level (including the training level).
Unlimited health:
Successfully complete the game under the hard difficulty setting with
at least a "C" rank on each level (including the training level).
Selectable left-weapon:
Successfully complete the game under the hard difficulty setting with
an "A" rank on each level (including the training level).