Voyage Century (walkthrough)

Voyage Century

 Version History

v0.01 03/01/2007
Wrote some basic low level stuff. Disclaimer/ Copyright stuff.
Written by Newbs for Newbs.

v0.10 04/01/2007 
Did some more formatting. Added additional stuff and ports. FAQs, Controls,
getting started, earning small money, Bugs and Glitches, Banking, tips and
tricks. My fingers hurt, my eyes are blur, and my head is spinning.

v0.11 05/01/2007
Added Ships stuff, Ship Rebuilding, Ship figurehead, ship dye.

v0.12 07/01/2007
Sailed further into Northern Europe. Added ports, Seville, Lisbon, Bordeaux,
London. Western Africa, Las Palmas. Added a small section on experience.

v0.13 11/01/2007
Added more stuff into the "some thoughts" section. Added skills part.
Modifications and addons to existing sections. A game update was done by the
developers on 9th Jan 2006, some changes in the translations were observed.
The music files came in proper, very very nice music. Added Experience part,
more FAQs.

*Latest Version will always be at GameFAQs. Do check it for updates.

        Version History
        Game Background
        Basic Controls
        Getting Started
	Time and Date
        Experience & Skills
        Earning Small Money
        Banking/Storage Facilities
           Ship Rebuilding
	   Ship Figurehead
	   Ship Dyeing
        Trade Route
        Tips and Tricks
        Bugs and Glitches
        Other Info
        Author Notes
        Contact Me (NOT SPAM me!)


Use this guide/list at your own risk. Responsibility and obligations are
not my problem.


This document maybe freely distributed under conditions:

1) Document is in its whole/original state
2) Due recognition is given to author
3) Permission is given by author to edit or publish on other media/sites
4) Hosting site MUST NOT contain explicit materials or whatsoever, that is of

Current approved sites:

This document is FREE. If you paid for it, you're ripped.
No part of this document maybe used for profit-making purposes.
This is orignally written by VKen85, copyright 2007.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned
by their respective trademark and copyright holders.

 Game Background

Voyage Century

This game is realeased for Open Beta, worldwide, on 22/12/2006.
Currently has 3 servers running. Columbus(alpha) and Magallen(open beta).
Dagama(open beta) is added on 04/01/2007

I'll say if you're a fan of sailing games, then this is for you!

This game still has some minor bugs and loads of spelling/Grammar errors.
But that aside, it is a GREAT game!

This game is released under a number of companies:

  IGG, Internet Gaming Gate
  Snail Game
  Skyunion (manages account information)

Other games by this group of companies include [Myth War Online]

This game was released as a chinese game. Later it was translated and
released into the english game community in late 2006.
This game uses UK english, I think... might have mixed US english as well.

More information can be found at wikipedia.

 FAQs Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where do I upgrade to lvl 2 and above ships?

A: Genoa for lvl 2, Seville for level 3. The main site has the list.

Q: How many types of storms are there? What should i do in a storm?

A: I've seen 3, Wild Storm, Perfect Storm, Ultimate storm.
   afaik, if you don't know what storm you're in, look at your
   One thing is sail out ASAP. Look at the top left of your interface
   Pray that the button to get back to high seas pop up soon. Click
   and escape :)

Q: Authenticate? What is that? Where to find that person to

A: It is to make the item discovery official. For Athens, it is Pascal
   at the east corner of the map, he appears around morning/noon.
   Other ports mostly are in the taverns.

Q: What are Decharges that I see at port offshores??

A: I'm not sure, but it acts as another docking point, just like a dock.

Q: What are those glittering things i see in the seas?

A: They are exploration points. Just go to your command tab, click explore
   And then type in the number of sailors. After exploring a while you'll
   discover something.

Q: What are these telescope thingy? I equiped and nothing happened?

A: They are for exploring. The higher level of telescope you equip,
   the higher level discoveries will be available to you in shining spots.
   Level 1 telescope will allow you to reaveal Level 2 discoveries!

Q: Ship Maneuverability is very hard to level, how do I level it faster?

A: There are 2 ways, one is to constantly complete quest/task from the Ares
   Warrior Alliance and Adventure Alliance. Sometimes they add bonuses to
   your ship when completing their quests. Another is what I like to call
   "Exp Grinding", which is incidentally what I hate most. Take your ship
   to high seas, and just stand there. Don't worry about rations, cuz when
   rations drop to zero, I haven't seen my men dead or any thing bad happen
   to my ship. It only sail at lowest speed. Exp will collect. Sailing in 
   Storms is the fastest, you might want to try it in low-level storms.

Q: I have Exploror/Adventure Quest, and I'm told to find a _______ in
   [Location] at [Coordinates]. I reach the EXACT coordinates!!! But
   I can't find it!! Help!!!!

A: Well, this happened to me when I first started too. Haha, by now you
   have seen weird white flashes near the spot you're suppose find a thing.
   Instead of going to the EXACT spot, NEVER do that, go the the flashy thing
   as mentioned above, sail right at the middle and start exploring.
   Take note, there is a small radius of search at the coordinates, so you
   might have to sail around a bit.
   **Hint: One of the spots near Athens high seas is over the land in the
           North West. So sail around and look there.

Q: I'm a seasoned explorer/adventurer, but I can't find the blinking spot!!!

A: It's simple, equip a telescope and you're fine :) For every level of
   telescope you equip, you get a +1 to the level of discovery you can find.
   So without telescope, only level 1 discoveries are visible. With it, you
   can find up to level 2. As you get higher level with your ship
   maneuverability, you can equip higher level telescope/looking glass/pilot.

Q: Where do I find Hyenas for the Ares Warriors Alliance quest?

A: Hyenas = Wild Wolf. If you want to find out where, search the guide with
   the search function and you'll find the ports which have it.
   It's a bad translation by the game. They really should do a uniformity

Q: Why does the compass point South?

A: Chinese are the first to discover the compass. When they found it, they
   decided to call it the "South Pointer" and this compass is used in
   very wide areas. For navigation, exploration, travel and geomancy as well.

Q: I can't repair my ship at the shipyard! Help!

A: Well, occured to me too. This is irritating. First, check your ship that
   it is really damaged. Second, you have clicked on the repair button.
   Third when cursor changed into repair mode, you click ON THE SHIP, in the
   Ship Screen (Ctrl-Z). NOT the sails and hull. I repeat, NOT the sails and

Q: Why can't I upgrade my sub skills above level 3?

A: We found out that there is a limit at level 3 sub skills for newbie cities
   such as Athens, Alexander, Beirut, Istanbul. Just go to the skill master
   at higher level cities e.g. Algiers.

*More to come

 Basic Controls


Left-click to select target. Left click again to use/talk/attack. In the
Command Screen, left-click selects the skill, you can then drop it with
left-click again into one of the shortcut boxes.

Right-click to walk/move. In the Command screen, right-click activates the
skill your cursor is on. In the character item screen, right-click uses
the item.


Ctrl-C    Character Screen
Ctrl-Z    Ship Screen
Ctrl-M    Map Screen Navigation
Ctrl-A    *IMPORTANT* Command Screen, this is your Skills and Commands
Ctrl-Q    Brings you to the control panel
Ctrl-R    Run mode on/off
~         Fixed camera angle
[         Decrease Sailing Speed
]         Increase Sailing Speed
F1-F12    Activates the skill equipped in the shortcut boxes

 Getting Started

After finish your basic tutorial provided by the game, you'll end up
in one of the 4 ports:

Athens (Most likely)
Alexander (Most likely)

Start by finding the 4 guilds:

Ares Warrior Alliance
Adventure Alliance
Master of Alliance
Merchant Guild

Join ALL of them and start with your quests :)

Remember to rebuild/remodel your ship at the shipyard.
Buy weapons to use them in combat from the blacksmith.
*IMPORTANT* Visit the skillmaster to learn skills, especially weapon skills!
            Equip your skills into the shortcut panel at the bottom of your

 Time and Date

How do you tell the time and date?

Look at the lower right hand of your interface. You'll see the steering wheel
with some weird numbers in the middle. The 6-Digits, tells you the date and

First 4 numbers tells the Date, in Month/Day format. the last 2 number shows
you the hours of the day, in a 24-hour clock format.

 Earning Small Money

There're many ways to earn money. For newbies, cash is needed.
Only 3 ways where money comes very fast.

1) Be a runner/courier between the Docker and Trader. Take the "Carry"
   task which they will assign you.

2) Wait for a new game day. When you see a red system message saying
   about fashion trends, immediately DASH to the trader. Select the
   "Market" option and then click "promulgate pop message".
   Free money :)

3) This is the most stupid one. Go to the tavern(not all are
   available). Ask for "work" or "employment". Just stand in the tavern
   for a few minutes then you can collect your pay from the Tavern
   Master. Very time-wasting.

Other than these 3, are the usual things you find in most games:
   Hunt/kill enemies for drops
   Gather herbs/crops to sell

 Experience & Skills

This game has many different types of experience levels. Each with its own

However, they can be divided into 2 types, Character exp and Ship exp.
And later sub divided into 2 and 3 more respectively.

For Ship Experience, the 3 sub types are:

Ship Maneuverability
Ship Battle
Ship Structure

For Character Experience, the  2 sub types are:

   Sea Battle
   Bare handed Fight
   Sword Playing
   Falchion Playing
   Axe Playing
      Full Speed
      Blood Rage

Above skills are named funny or have 2 names, due to bad translation.

All skills are capped at level 31 unless, you upgrade it once more at the
Skill Master. Only 7 skills can be upgraded above level 31, so choose wisely.
Voyage is automatically a "Level 2"-type of skill, meaning, it can hit over
level 31. It is not included in the 7 skills limitation.

Skills of Skills(those smaller ones) are further divided into 2 types:
Active and Passive skills.

**Equiping Skills
What's good of a skill if you don't equip to use it?

By "equip", i mean putting the skill from your command screen (Ctrl-A)
into your shorcut box. Then you can use those ACTIVE skills in combat
or for smithing, sewing, potion-making, etc.

**Using Skills
Use a skill when you have it! There are 3 ways:

1) Open your command screen(Ctrl-A), right click on the skill you want to use.
   There should be 3 tabs in your command screen: "Interaction", "On Land",
   "At Sea".
   For land-based skill, it's self-explanatory, it is found in the "On Land"
   tab. Likewise for sea-based skills.

2) Open your Character Screen (Ctrl-C), go to the "Skill" tab, then choose the
   main skill type e.g. Sword-playing, Falchion-playing. Below it will appear
   the active skills. Right-click to use them.

3) Equip all the skills you need into the shortcut bar. Just press the
   corresponding function key on your keyboard.

**Special Item Skills
There are special special weapons and armors that have an active skill on them.

*more to come

**Gaining Experience**
To gain experience in the particular skills, you have to contstantly use it.
However, there are some skills that are a bit different from others.
For example Bare-handed Skill and Voyage.

Bare-handed skill can be accumulated even though you're using a weapon.

Voyage skill, as long as you're sailing in the seas you get the experience, in
addition to any ship attributes experience.

*more to come

 Banking/Storage Facilities

There are Banks and Warehouse in most ports.
Talk to the Bank Clerk and Warehouse Manager to access your bank and storage.

There are a few difference between the 2.

1) Banks account is international. Warehouse is only at that port.
2) Bank has no limit. Warehouse has limit 18 spaces and 500 weight limit.
3) Warehouse allows you to invest and expand its weight limit.
4) Warehouse maybe transferred to another port for a fee.
5) You can buy warehouse at other ports. Very Expensive.

**Special: Bank Safe Case
Looks like a safe deposit box to me. The feature isn't open yet.

 Ship Rebuilding

The only way to get new ships is to upgrade it.

There are basically 3 types of ships. Military, Merchant, and Explorer.

Military specializes on cannons. Merchant specializes on capacity.
Explorer specializes on sailor cabins = more sailors.

Comparing ship speeds, Explorer(Adventure) is highest, while merchant
is slowest.

Here's an upgrading list and their requirements (your ship experience and
levels differs from your character. Each ship has its own experience)

*Level 1 ship
500 silver, 2x Pig Irons , 2x Level 1 Timber

Military - lvl 1 
  Light Armed Ship - [1 Battle]

Merchant - lvl 1  
  Light Freighter - [1 Business]

Explorer - lvl 1 
  Light Raiding Ship - [1 Opportunity]

*Level 2 ship
10 000 silver, 10x Pig Irons, 10x Pure Iron, 10x Level 1 Timber
10x Level 2 Timber

Military - lvl 10 
  Armed Patrol Ship - [2 Battle]

Merchant - lvl 10  
  Light Merchant Ship - [2 Business]

Explorer - lvl 10 
  Multi Mast Raiding Ship - [2 Opportunity]

*Level 3 ship
45 000 silver, 25x Pig Irons, 25x Pure Iron, 25x Bronze, 25x Level 1 Timber,
25x Level 2 Timber, 25x Level 3 Timber

Military - lvl 20 
  Light Frigate Ship - [3 Battle]

Light Armed Galleon - lvl 20  
  Light Merchant Ship - [3 Business]

Explorer - lvl 20 
  Fast Raiding Ship - [3 Opportunity]

*Level 4 ship
150 000 silver, 40x Pure Iron, 40x Bronze, 40x Brass, 40x Level 2 Timber,
40x Level 3 Timber, 40x Level 4 Timber

Military - lvl 30 
  Light Escort Ship - [4 Battle]

Merchant - lvl 30  
  Medium Freighter - [4 Business]

Explorer - lvl 30 
  Lateen Sail Raiding Ship - [4 Opportunity]

*Level 5 ship
350 000 silver, 60x Bronze, 60x Level 3 Timber, 60x Brass, 60x Level 4 Timber
60x Copper, 60x Level 5 Timber
These are level 3-5 Metals

Military - lvl 40 
  Medium Armed Ship - [5 Battle]

Merchant - lvl 40  
  Medium Trading Ship - [5 Business]

Explorer - lvl 40 
  Medium Raiding Ship - [5 Opportunity]

*Level 6 ship
720 000 silver, 80x Brass, 80x Level 4 Timber, 80x Copper, 80x Level 5 Timber,
80x Green Silver, 80x Level 6 Timber
These are level 4-6 Metals

Military - lvl 50 
  Heavy Escort Ship - [6 Battle]

Merchant - lvl 50  
  Medium Armed Merchant Ship - [6 Business]

Explorer - lvl 50 
  Medium Fast Raiding Ship - [6 Opportunity]

 Ship Figurehead

Figurehead names comes in 2 part. the Prefix and the Suffix.
Prefix tells you the type. Suffix tells you the level.

There are 3 main types of figurehead(Prefix): Fire, Water, Wind

Fire gives additional bonuses to number of cannons and sailors.
Water gives additional bonuses to ship capacity.
Wind gives larger additional bonuses for number of sailors.

Figurehead gains experience when it is equiped and sailed in the seas.
When experience reaches full bar, you may upgrade it at the shipyard.

Get a figurehead asap, because it helps reduce storm damage as well.

Here are the names of the different levels:

Lvl 1 -  Swordfish
   Build - 3x Pig Iron, 3x Level 1 Timber

Lvl 2 -  Dolphin
Lvl 3 -  Sea Horse
Lvl 4 -  Lion
Lvl 5 -  Beluga

*Note: you can build them yourself if you have the shipbuilding skill and the
       correct drawing.

Ship Dyeing

You can change the color of your ship for the fun of it.
Be warned, it is very EXPENSIVE.

Painting Ship Hull Requirements:

Black Hull  - 20x Black Dye
              4x  Red Dye
              4x  Yellow Dye
              4x  Blue Dye
              4x  Green Dye
              4x  White Dye
              20x Paint

Red Hull    - 4x Black Dye
              20x  Red Dye
              4x  Yellow Dye
              4x  Blue Dye
              4x  Green Dye
              4x  White Dye
              20x Paint

Yellow Hull - 4x Black Dye
              4x  Red Dye
              20x  Yellow Dye
              4x  Blue Dye
              4x  Green Dye
              4x  White Dye
              20x Paint

Painting Ship Sails Requirements:

Blue Strip Sail                    - 4x Blue Dye
                                     4x Level 2 Canvas

Yellow Sail with Red Grid          - 4x Yellow Dye
                                     4x Red Dye
                                     4x Level 2 Canvas

Blue Strip Sail with Red Cross     - 4x Blue Dye
                                     4x Red Dye
                                     4x Level 2 Canvas

Tri-coloured Sail                  - 4x Red Dye
                                     4x Yellow Dye
                                     4x White Dye
                                     4x Level 2 Canvas

Dual-coloured Sail with Blue Strip - 8x Yellow Dye
                                     8x Blue Dye
                                     4x Level 2 Canvas

Dual-colour on Red Sail            - 12x Red Dye
                                     4x Yellow Dye
                                     4x Level 2 Canvas

Tri-colour on Red Sail             - 8x Red Dye
                                     4x Blue Dye
                                     4x Yellow Dye
                                     4x Level 2 Canvas

Faithful Cross                     - 12x Red Dye
                                     8x White Dye
                                     4x Level 2 Canvas

Royal Crown                        - 8x Blue Dye
                                     4x Red Dye
                                     4x Yellow Dye
                                     4x White Dye
                                     4x Level 2 Canvas

Mighty Dragon                      - 8x Red Dye
                                     8x White Dye
                                     4x Yellow Dye
                                     4x Level 2 Canvas


"Quest" and "Task" are the same when refered here.
There are 2 types of quests: Guild and Scenario

Guild Quest:
These are quests that you choose to do from the guild masters.

Scenario Quest:
These are quests that are given by ordinary people.

*More to come

              PPPP    OOO   RRRR   TTTTTT   SSSS
*******       PP PP  OO OO  RR RR    TT    SS   S
 Ports        PPPP   OO OO  RRRR     TT      SS
*******       PP     OO OO  RR RR    TT    S   SS
              PP      OOO   RR  R    TT     SSSS

| Alexander
| Goods
|Wheat          - 24
|Mutton         - 28
|Dyes           - 116
|Marble         - 187
| Smithy
|Inferior Pickaxe
|Inferior Timber-felling Axe
|Inferior Hoe
|Inferior Hammer
|Infantry Falchion
|Short Gun
|Lvl 1 Mould
|Infantry Falchion
|Short Gun
| Alchemist
|Inferior Vessel
|Yellow Dye
|Fresh Fruit
|Fresh vegetable
|Low-level Healing Potion
|Low-level Recovery Potion
|Ordinary Letter Paper
| Tailor
|Inferior Sewing Kit
|-Armor (lvl 1)
|Arabian Battle Uniform
|Vendor Clothing
|(lvl 2)
|Arabian Sailor Uniform 
|Arabian Warrior Uniform
|Merchant Suit
|Arabian Helmsmen
|-Helms/Hat/Headpiece (lvl 1)
|Battling Hat
|Sailor Hat
|Vendor Hat
|Warrior Hat(lvl 2)
|Level 1 Hat Flan
|Level 1 Cloth Pattern
|Ordinary Letter Paper
|Battle Uniform
|Peddler Dress
|Sailor Uniform
|Warrior Uniform
|Vendor Dress
|Helmsperson Dress
|Infantry Officer Dress
|Navy Officer Dress
|Battle Hat
|Peddler Hat
|Infantry Officer Hat
|Navy Officer Hat
| Shipyard
|(lvl 1)
|Low-level Repair Kit
|Low-level Medic Kit
|Inferior Fishing Net
|Time Mine
|Grappling Hook
|Ship Armor
|Light Double Mast Lateen Sail Ship (lvl 1)
| Plants
|Langdu (lvl 1)
|Catnip (lvl 2)
|Jute (lvl 3)
| Enemies
|Arranged by Strength in decending order
|Red Fox
|Evil Alchemist
|Tomb Raiders

| Algiers
| Goods
|Grape          - 116
|Soybean        - 119
|Cotton Fabric
|Oil Painting
|Ivory Carving
| Smithy
|Inferior Pickaxe
|Inferior Timber-felling Axe
|Inferior Hoe
|Inferior Hammer
|Timber Felling Axe
|Long Sword
|Long Barrel Gun
|Long Sword
|Long Barrel Gun
| Alchemist
|Inferior Vessel
|Black Dye
|Red Dye
|Yellow Dye
|White Dye
|Blue Dye
|Green Dye
|Fresh Fruit
|Fresh Vegetable
|Low-level Healing Potion
|Low-level Recovery Potion
|Ordinary Letter Paper
| Tailor
|Inferior Sewing Kit
|Sewing Kit (lvl 4)
|-Armor (lvl 3)
|Officer Uniform
|-Helms/Hat/Headpiece (lvl 3)
|Military Officer Hat
|Ordinary Letter Paper
|Officer Uniform
|Military Officer Hat
| Shipyard
|Low-level Repair Kit
|Low-level Medic Kit
|Fishing Net (lvl 4)
|(lvl 2)
|Medium Time Mine
|Medium Mechanical Mine
|Medium Crosswave Mine
|(lvl 3)
|Heavy Time Mine
|Heavy Mechanical Mine
|Heavy Crosswave Mine
|Heavy Sticky Mine
|Heavy Half-submerged Mine
|Medium Cannon
|Medium Buckshot Cannon
|Alloy Grappling Hook
|Enhanced Ship Armor
|Iron Ram
|(lvl 4)
|Breaker Time Mine
|Breaker Mechanical Mine
|Breaker Crosswave Mine
|Breaker Sticky Mine
|Breaker Half-submerged Mine
|Heavy Cannon
|Spear Grappling Hook
|Thickened Ship Armor
|Alloy Ram
|Armor Punching Ball
|Buckshot Canister Ball
|Chain Canister Ball
|Light Double Mast Lateen Sail Ship (lvl 1)
|**Figurehead Upgrade Available
|**Level 3 & 4 Ship Rebuild Available
| Plants
| Enemies
|Arranged by Strength in decending order
|Wild Wolf
|Wolf Lord

| Amsterdam
| Goods
|Vegetables     - 162
|Olive Oil      - 139
|Cabinet        - 168
|Rose Oil
|Wood Carving
|Pilose Antler
| Smithy
|(lvl 4)
|Timber Felling Axe
|(lvl 7)
|High-Level Pickaxe
|High-Level Timber-Felling Axe
|High-Level Hoe
|High-Level Hammer
|Kryss (lvl 9)
|Level 8 Mould
|Kryss (lvl 4)
| Item Store
|Sewing Kit (lvl4)
|(lvl 7)
|High-Level Sewing Kit 
|Powerful Merchant Dress
|Powerful Merchant Hat
|High-Level Vessel
|Low-level Healing Potion
|Low-level Recovery Potion
|Ordinary Letter Paper
|Tycoon Dress
|Tycon Hat
| Shipyard
|Low-level Repair Kit
|Low-level Medic Kit
|Fishing Net (lvl 4)
|(lvl 5)
|Thunder Time Mine
|Thunder Mechanical Mine
|Thunder Sticky Mine
|Thunder Half Submerged Mine
|Thunder Crosswave Mine
|(lvl 6)
|Shaken Time Mine
|Shaken Mechanical Mine
|Shaken Crosswave Mine
|Shaken Sticky Mine
|Shaken Half-submerged Mine
|(lvl 7)
|Yaksha Time Mine
|Yaksha Mechanical Mine
|Yaksha Crosswave Mine
|Yaksha Sticky Mine
|Yaksha Half-submerged Mine|
|Armor Punching Ball
|Buckshot Canister Ball
|Chain Canister Ball
|Light Double Mast Lateen Sail Ship (lvl 1)

| Athens
| Goods
|Banana         - 26
|Seafood        - 26
|Salt           - 98
|Linen          - 161
|Oil Painting
| Smithy
|Inferior Pickaxe
|Inferior Timber-felling Axe
|Inferior Hoe
|Inferior Hammer
|Infantry Falchion
|Short Gun
|Knight Cutlass
|Level 1 Mould
|Infantry Falchion
|Short Gun
|Knight Cutlass
|Officer Command Sword
|Officer Battle Axe
|Officer Gun
| Alchemist
|Inferior Vessel
|Red Dye
|Fresh Meat
|Fresh Fruit
|Fresh vegetable
|Low-level Healing Potion
|Low-level Recovery Potion
|Ordinary Letter Paper
| Tailor
|Inferior Sewing Kit
|-Armor (lvl 1)
|European Battle Uniform
|Vendor Clothing
|European Sailor Uniform (lvl 2)
|European Warrior Uniform (lvl 2)
|Merchant Suit (lvl 2)
|Low-level Labourer Uniform
|-Helms/Hat/Headpiece (lvl 1)
|Battling Hat
|Sailor Hat
|Vendor Hat
|Warrior Hat(lvl 2)
|Level 1 Hat Flan
|Level 1 Cloth Pattern
|Ordinary Letter Paper
|Battle Uniform
|Peddler Dress
|Sailor Uniform
|Warrior Uniform
|Vendor Dress
|Helmsperson Dress
|Infantry Officer Dress
|Navy Officer Dress
|Battle Hat
|Peddler Hat
|Infantry Officer Hat
|Navy Officer Hat
| Shipyard
|(lvl 1)
|Low-level Repair Kit
|Low-level Medic Kit
|Inferior Fishing Net
|Time Mine
|Grappling Hook
|Ship Armor
|(lvl 2)
|Light Cannon
|Light Howitzer
|Light Quick Firer
|Iron Grappling Hook
|Light Ship Armor
|Wood Ram
|Light Double Mast Lateen Sail Ship (lvl 1)
| Plants
|Linen  (lvl 1)
|Catnip (lvl 2)
|Jute   (lvl 3)
| Enemies
|Arranged by Strength in decending order
|Red Fox
|Depressed Poet

| Barcelona
| Goods
|Apple          - 121
|Lobster        - 118
|Whale Oil
| Smithy
|Inferior Pickaxe
|Inferior Timber-felling Axe
|Inferior Hoe
|Inferior Hammer
|Timber Felling Axe
|Double Edge Axe (lvl 5)
|Double Edge Axe
| Alchemist
|Inferior Vessel
|Low-level Healing Potion
|Low-level Recovery Potion
|Ordinary Letter Paper
| Tailor
|Inferior Sewing Kit
|Sewing Kit (lvl 4)
|-Armor (lvl 4)
|Merchant Prince/Princess
|-Helms/Hat/Headpiece (lvl 5)
|Magrate Hat
|Ordinary Letter Paper
|Merchant Prince
|Magrate Hat
| Shipyard
|Low-level Repair Kit
|Low-level Medic Kit
|Fishing Net (lvl 4)
|(lvl 2)
|Medium Time Mine
|Medium Mechanical Mine
|Medium Crosswave Mine
|(lvl 3)
|Heavy Time Mine
|Heavy Mechanical Mine
|Heavy Crosswave Mine
|Heavy Sticky Mine
|Heavy Half-submerged Mine
|(lvl 4)
|Breaker Time Mine
|Breaker Mechanical Mine
|Breaker Crosswave Mine
|Breaker Sticky Mine
|Breaker Half-submerged Mine
|Armor Punching Ball
|Buckshot Canister Ball
|Chain Canister Ball
|Light Double Mast Lateen Sail Ship (lvl 1)
| Plants
|Notoginserg (lvl 4)
| Enemies
|Arranged by Strength in decending order
|Wild Wolf
|Wolf Lord

| Beirut
| Goods
|Tomatoes               - 26
|Dates                  - 28
|Granulated Sugar       - 94
|Beer                   - 117
|Porcelain              - 253
| Smithy
|Inferior Pickaxe
|Inferior Timber-felling Axe
|Inferior Hoe
|Inferior Hammer
|Infantry Falchion
|Short Gun
|Infantry Falchion
|Short Gun
| Alchemist
|Inferior Vessel
|Blue Dye
|Low-level Healing Potion
|Low-level Recovery Potion
|Ordinary Letter Paper
| Tailor
|Inferior Sewing Kit
|-Armor (lvl 1)
|Arabian Battle Uniform
|Vendor Clothing
|Arabian Sailor Uniform (lvl 2)
|Arabian Warrior Uniform
|Merchant Suit (lvl 2)
|Arabian Helmsmen/Helmswomen Uniform (lvl 2)
|-Helms/Hat/Headpiece (lvl 1)
|Battling Hat
|Sailor Hat
|Vendor Hat
|Yachtsman (lvl 2, unisex maybe?)
|Warrior Hat
|Ordinary Letter Paper
|Battle Uniform
|Peddler Dress
|Sailor Uniform
|Warrior Uniform
|Vendor Dress
|Helmsperson Dress
|Battle Hat
|Peddler Hat
|Warrior Hat
| Shipyard
|(lvl 1)
|Low-level Repair Kit
|Low-level Medic Kit
|Inferior Fishing Net
|Time Mine
|Grappling Hook
|Ship Armor
|Light Double Mast Lateen Sail Ship (lvl 1)
| Plants
|Affire Cudweed (lvl 1)
|Rosemary (lvl 2)
|Thymus vulgaris (lvl 3)
| Enemies
|Arranged by Strength in decending order
|Red Fox
|Greedy Merchant

| Bordeaux
| Goods
|Beef		- 122
|Champagne      - 92
|Brandy         - 168
|Watch          - 225
| Smithy
|(lvl 4)
|Timber Felling Axe
|(lvl 7)
|High-Level Pickaxe
|High-Level Timber-Felling Axe
|High-Level Hoe
|High-Level Hammer
|Espandon (lvl 6)
|Level 9 Mould
|Espandon Sword (lvl 6)
| Item Store
|Sewing Kit (lvl4)
|High-Level Sewing Kit (lvl 7)
|Vessel (lvl 4)
|High-level Vessel (lvl 7)
|Warrior Leather Uniform
|Warrior Hat
|Low-level Healing Potion
|Low-level Recovery Potion
|Ordinary Letter Paper
|Hero Armor (lvl ?)
|Hero Hat (lvl 6)
| Shipyard
|Low-level Repair Kit
|Low-level Medic Kit
|Fishing Net (lvl 4)
|(lvl 5)
|Thunder Time Mine
|Thunder Mechanical Mine
|Thunder Sticky Mine
|Thunder Half Submerged Mine
|Thunder Crosswave Mine
|(lvl 6)
|Shaken Time Mine
|Shaken Mechanical Mine
|Shaken Crosswave Mine
|Shaken Sticky Mine
|Shaken Half-submerged Mine
|(lvl 7)
|Yaksha Time Mine
|Yaksha Mechanical Mine
|Yaksha Crosswave Mine
|Yaksha Sticky Mine
|Yaksha Half-submerged Mine|
|Armor Punching Ball
|Buckshot Canister Ball
|Chain Canister Ball
|Light Double Mast Lateen Sail Ship (lvl 1)

| Crete Pirate Cove
| Black Market
|Sewing Kit (lvl 4)
|High-Level Sewing Kit (lvl 7)
|Black Dye
|Low-level Healing Potion
|Low-level Recovery Potion
|Ordinary Letter Paper
| Shipyard
|Low-level Repair Kit
|Low-level Medic Kit
|Fishing Net (lvl 4)
|(lvl 2)
|Medium Time Mine
|Medium Mechanical Mine
|Medium Crosswave Mine
|(lvl 3)
|Heavy Time Mine
|Heavy Mechanical Mine
|Heavy Crosswave Mine
|Heavy Sticky Mine
|Heavy Half-submerged Mine
|(lvl 4)
|Breaker Time Mine
|Breaker Mechanical Mine
|Breaker Crosswave Mine
|Breaker Sticky Mine
|Breaker Half-submerged Mine
|Armor Punching Ball
|Buckshot Canister Ball
|Chain Canister Ball
|Light Double Mast Lateen Sail Ship (lvl 1)
| Enemies
|Arranged by Strength in decending order
|Pirate (If your "Notoriety"more than 0, will not attack you)
|Pirate Swordsman
|Pirate Saberer
|Pirate King

| Genoa
| Goods
|Pear           - 26
|Dyes           - 116
|Cotton Fabric
| Smithy
|Inferior Pickaxe
|Inferior Timber-felling Axe
|Inferior Hoe
|Inferior Hammer
|Timber Felling Axe
|Broadax(lvl 3)
|Level 3 Mould
|Lieutenant, Junior Grade Command Sword
|Lieutenant, Junior Grade Command Falchion
|Lieutenant, Junior Grade Battle Axe
|Lieutenant, Junior Grade Gun
| Alchemist
|Inferior Vessel
|Low-level Healing Potion
|Low-level Recovery Potion
|Ordinary Letter Paper
| Tailor
|Inferior Sewing Kit
|Sewing Kit (lvl 4)
|-Armor (lvl 3)
|Helmsmen Uniform
|-Helms/Hat/Headpiece (lvl 3)
|Level 3 Hat Flan
|Level 3 Cloth Pattern
|Ordinary Letter Paper
|Helmsmen's Hat
|Infantry First Lieutenant Dress
|Navy Junior Grade Dress
|Infantry First Lieutenant Hat
|Navy Junior Grade Hat
| Shipyard
|Low-level Repair Kit
|Low-level Medic Kit
|Fishing Net (lvl 4)
|(lvl 2)
|Medium Time Mine
|Medium Mechanical Mine
|Medium Crosswave Mine
|(lvl 3)
|Heavy Time Mine
|Heavy Mechanical Mine
|Heavy Crosswave Mine
|Heavy Sticky Mine
|Heavy Half-submerged Mine
|(lvl 4)
|Breaker Time Mine
|Breaker Mechanical Mine
|Breaker Crosswave Mine
|Breaker Sticky Mine
|Breaker Half-submerged Mine
|Armor Punching Ball
|Buckshot Canister Ball
|Chain Canister Ball
|Light Double Mast Lateen Sail Ship (lvl 1)
|**Figurehead Upgrade Available
|**Level 2 Ship Rebuild Available
| Plants
|Graceful Jasmine Herb
| Enemies
|Arranged by Strength in decending order
|Wild Wolf
|Wolf Lord

| Istanbul
|Fish            - 27
|Olive		- 26
|Honey		- 91
|Wool Fabric	- 162
| Smithy
|Inferior Pickaxe
|Inferior Timber-felling Axe
|Inferior Hoe
|Inferior Hammer
|Infantry Falchion
|Short Gun
|Flintlock (lvl 2)
|Infantry Falchion
|Short Gun
|Flintlock (lvl 2)
| Alchemist
|Inferior Vessel
|Crystal Vessel
|Red Dye
|Low-level Healing Potion
|Low-level Recovery Potion
|Ordinary Letter Paper
| Tailor
|Inferior Sewing Kit
|-Armor (lvl 1)
|Arabian Battle Uniform
|Vendor Clothing
|(lvl 2)
|Arabian Sailor Uniform 
|Arabian Warrior Uniform
|Merchant Suit
|Arabian Helmsmen
|-Helms/Hat/Headpiece (lvl 1)
|Battling Hat
|Sailor Hat
|Vendor Hat
|(lvl 2)
|Warrior Hat
|Merchant Hat
|Level 1 Hat Flan
|Level 1 Cloth Pattern
|Ordinary Letter Paper
|Battle Uniform
|Peddler Dress
|Sailor Uniform
|Warrior Uniform (lvl 2)
|Vendor Dress (lvl 2)
|Helmsperson Dress (lvl 2)
|Battle Hat
|Sailor Hat
|Peddler Hat
|Warrior Hat (lvl 2)
| Shipyard
|(lvl 1)
|Low-level Repair Kit
|Low-level Medic Kit
|Inferior Fishing Net
|Time Mine
|Grappling Hook
|Ship Armor
|Light Double Mast Lateen Sail Ship (lvl 1)
| Plants
|Mystic Fruit (lvl 1)
|Rosemary (lvl 2)
|Thymus vulgaris  (lvl 3)
| Enemies
|Arranged by Strength in decending order
|Red Fox
|Mad Blacksmith

| Las Palmas
| Goods
|Wheat          - 26
|Whale Oil      - 139
|Cinnamon       - 111
|Ivory Carving
| Smithy
|(lvl 4)
|Timber Felling Axe
|(lvl 7)
|High-Level Pickaxe
|High-Level Timber-Felling Axe
|High-Level Hoe
|High-Level Hammer
|Bayonet (lvl 5)
|Bayonet (lvl 5)
| Alchemist
|Inferior Vessel
|Low-level Healing Potion
|Low-level Recovery Potion
|Ordinary Letter Paper
| Tailor
|Sewing Kit (lvl4)
|High-Level Sewing Kit (lvl 7)
|-Armor (lvl 5)
|Boatswain Uniform
|-Helms/Hat/Headpiece (lvl 5)
|Boatswain Hat
|Ordinary Letter Paper
|Boatswain Uniform
|Boatswain Hat
| Shipyard
|Low-level Repair Kit
|Low-level Medic Kit
|Fishing Net (lvl 4)
|(lvl 5)
|Thunder Time Mine
|Thunder Mechanical Mine
|Thunder Sticky Mine
|Thunder Half Submerged Mine
|Thunder Crosswave Mine
|(lvl 6)
|Shaken Time Mine
|Shaken Mechanical Mine
|Shaken Crosswave Mine
|Shaken Sticky Mine
|Shaken Half-submerged Mine
|(lvl 7)
|Yaksha Time Mine
|Yaksha Mechanical Mine
|Yaksha Crosswave Mine
|Yaksha Sticky Mine
|Yaksha Half-submerged Mine|
|Armor Punching Ball
|Buckshot Canister Ball
|Chain Canister Ball
|Light Double Mast Lateen Sail Ship (lvl 1)
| Plants
|Bewitching Weed (lvl 5)
| Enemies
|Arranged by Strength in decending order
|Wild Wolf
|Wolf Lord

| Lisbon
| Goods
|Wool Fabric            - 162
|Whale Oil              - 139
|Brandy                 - 168
|Glassware              - 252
|Watch                  - 225
|Antler Decoration
| Smithy
|(lvl 4)
|Timber Felling Axe
|(lvl 7)
|High-Level Pickaxe
|High-Level Timber-Felling Axe
|High-Level Hoe
|High-Level Hammer
|Sabre (lvl 4)
|Sabre (lvl 4)
| Alchemist
|Inferior Vessel
|Low-level Healing Potion
|Low-level Recovery Potion
|Ordinary Letter Paper
| Tailor
|Sewing Kit (lvl4)
|High-Level Sewing Kit (lvl 7)
|-Armor (lvl 5)
|Merchant Prince/Princess
|-Helms/Hat/Headpiece (lvl 5)
|Merchant Prince/Princess
|Ordinary Letter Paper
|Magrate Dress
|Merchant Prince Hat
| Shipyard
|Low-level Repair Kit
|Low-level Medic Kit
|Fishing Net (lvl 4)
|(lvl 5)
|Thunder Time Mine
|Thunder Mechanical Mine
|Thunder Sticky Mine
|Thunder Half Submerged Mine
|Thunder Crosswave Mine
|(lvl 6)
|Shaken Time Mine
|Shaken Mechanical Mine
|Shaken Crosswave Mine
|Shaken Sticky Mine
|Shaken Half-submerged Mine
|(lvl 7)
|Yaksha Time Mine
|Yaksha Mechanical Mine
|Yaksha Crosswave Mine
|Yaksha Sticky Mine
|Yaksha Half-submerged Mine|
|Armor Punching Ball
|Buckshot Canister Ball
|Chain Canister Ball
|Light Double Mast Lateen Sail Ship (lvl 1)
| Plants
| Enemies
|Arranged by Strength in decending order
|Tomb Raider

| London
| Goods
|Beef           - 162
|Ironware       - 139
|Tableware      - 168
|Sword Ornament
| Smithy
|(lvl 4)
|Timber Felling Axe
|(lvl 7)
|High-Level Pickaxe
|High-Level Timber-Felling Axe
|High-Level Hoe
|High-Level Hammer
|Musket (lvl 6)
|Level 7 Mould
|Smoothbore (lvl 4)
| Item Store
|Sewing Kit (lvl4)
|(lvl 7)
|High-Level Sewing Kit 
|Royal Knight Armor 
|North European Full Dress (lvl 4)
|Royal Knight Helmet
|High-Level Vessel
|Low-level Healing Potion
|Low-level Recovery Potion
|Ordinary Letter Paper
| Shipyard
|Low-level Repair Kit
|Low-level Medic Kit
|Fishing Net (lvl 4)
|(lvl 5)
|Thunder Time Mine
|Thunder Mechanical Mine
|Thunder Sticky Mine
|Thunder Half Submerged Mine
|Thunder Crosswave Mine
|(lvl 6)
|Shaken Time Mine
|Shaken Mechanical Mine
|Shaken Crosswave Mine
|Shaken Sticky Mine
|Shaken Half-submerged Mine
|(lvl 7)
|Yaksha Time Mine
|Yaksha Mechanical Mine
|Yaksha Crosswave Mine
|Yaksha Sticky Mine
|Yaksha Half-submerged Mine|
|Armor Punching Ball
|Buckshot Canister Ball
|Chain Canister Ball
|Light Double Mast Lateen Sail Ship (lvl 1)
| Plants
| Enemies
|Arranged by Strength in decending order

| Seville
| Goods
|Lobster        - 118
|Marble         - 187
|Mirror         - 224
| Smithy
|(lvl 4)
|Timber Felling Axe
|(lvl 7)
|High-Level Pickaxe
|High-Level Timber-Felling Axe
|High-Level Hoe
|High-Level Hammer
|Battle Axe (lvl 4)
|Breech-loading Gun (lvl 5)
|Battle Axe (lvl 4)
|Breech Loader (lvl 5)
| Alchemist
|Inferior Vessel
|Black Dye
|Red Dye
|Yellow Dye
|White Dye
|Blue Dye
|Green Dye
|Fresh Meat
|Fresh Fruit
|Fresh Vegetable
|Low-level Healing Potion
|Low-level Recovery Potion
|Ordinary Letter Paper
| Tailor
|Sewing Kit (lvl 4)
|High-Level Sewing Kit (lvl 7)
|-Armor (lvl 5)
|Mercenary Leather
|-Helms/Hat/Headpiece (lvl 5)
|Private Hat
|Ordinary Letter Paper
|Common Soldier Armor
|Common Soldier Hat
|Magrate Hat
| Shipyard
|Low-level Repair Kit
|Low-level Medic Kit
|Fishing Net (lvl 4)
|(lvl 5)
|Thunder Cannon
|Crossbow Grappling Hook
|Reinforced Ship Armor
|Sword Fish Ram
|Thunder Time Mine
|Thunder Mechanical Mine
|Thunder Sticky Mine
|Thunder Half Submerged Mine
|Thunder Crosswave Mine
|(lvl 6)
|Lightning Cannon
|Heavy Crossbow Grappling Hook
|Iron Ship Armor
|Whale Ram
|Shaken Time Mine
|Shaken Mechanical Mine
|Shaken Crosswave Mine
|Shaken Sticky Mine
|Shaken Half-submerged Mine
|(lvl 7)
|Yaksha Time Mine
|Yaksha Mechanical Mine
|Yaksha Crosswave Mine
|Yaksha Sticky Mine
|Yaksha Half-submerged Mine
|Armor Punching Ball
|Buckshot Canister Ball
|Chain Canister Ball
|Light Double Mast Lateen Sail Ship (lvl 1)
|**Figurehead Upgrade Available
|**Level 4 & 5 Ship Rebuild Available
| Plants
| Enemies
|Arranged by Strength in decending order
|Wild Wolf
|Wolf Lord

| Tripoli
| Goods
|Beef           - 129
|Wool Fabric    - 162
|Linen          - 170
|Marble         - 197
| Smithy
|Inferior Pickaxe
|Inferior Timber-felling Axe
|Inferior Hoe
|Inferior Hammer
|Timber Felling Axe
|Western Sword (lvl 3)
|Level 2 Mould
|Western Sword
|Ensign Command Sword
|Ensign Command Falchion
|Ensign Battle Axe
|Ensign Gun
| Alchemist
|Inferior Vessel
|Low-level Healing Potion
|Low-level Recovery Potion
|Ordinary Letter Paper
| Tailor
|Inferior Sewing Kit
|Sewing Kit (lvl4)
|-Armor (lvl 3)
|Business Suit
|-Helms/Hat/Headpiece (lvl 3)
|Businessman Hat
|Level 2 Hat Flan
|Level 2 Cloth Pattern
|Ordinary Letter Paper
|(lvl 3)
|Merchant Dress
|Merchant Hat
|(lvl 2)
|Infantry Second Lieutenant Dress 
|Navy Ensign Dress
|Infantry Second Lieutenant Hat
|Navy Ensign Hat
| Shipyard
|Low-level Repair Kit
|Low-level Medic Kit
|Fishing Net (lvl 4)
|(lvl 2)
|Medium Time Mine
|Medium Mechanical Mine
|Medium Crosswave Mine
|(lvl 3)
|Heavy Time Mine
|Heavy Mechanical Mine
|Heavy Crosswave Mine
|Heavy Sticky Mine
|Heavy Half-submerged Mine
|(lvl 4)
|Breaker Time Mine
|Breaker Mechanical Mine
|Breaker Crosswave Mine
|Breaker Sticky Mine
|Breaker Half-submerged Mine
|Armor Punching Ball
|Buckshot Canister Ball
|Chain Canister Ball
|Light Double Mast Lateen Sail Ship (lvl 1)
| Plants
|Isatis Root (lvl 3)
|Jute (lvl 3)
| Enemies
|Arranged by Strength in decending order
|Wild Wolf
|Wolf Lord

| Venice
| Goods
|Oranges        - 27
|Pork           - 27
|Olive Oil
|Cotton Fabric
| Smithy
|Inferior Pickaxe
|Inferior Timber-felling Axe
|Inferior Hoe
|Inferior Hammer
|Timber Felling Axe
|Sailor Scimitar (lvl 3)
|Shocking Fire Gun (lvl 3)
|Sailor Scimitar
|Bamboo Gun
| Alchemist
|Inferior Vessel
|Low-level Healing Potion
|Low-level Recovery Potion
|Ordinary Letter Paper
| Tailor
|Inferior Sewing Kit
|Sewing Kit (lvl4)
|-Armor (lvl 4)
|Adventurer Leather Dress
|-Helms/Hat/Headpiece (lvl 4)
|Explorer Hat
|Ordinary Letter Paper
|(lvl 4)
|Explorer Armor
|Explorer Hat
| Shipyard
|Low-level Repair Kit
|Low-level Medic Kit
|Fishing Net (lvl 4)
|(lvl 2)
|Medium Time Mine
|Medium Mechanical Mine
|Medium Crosswave Mine
|(lvl 3)
|Heavy Time Mine
|Heavy Mechanical Mine
|Heavy Crosswave Mine
|Heavy Sticky Mine
|Heavy Half-submerged Mine
|(lvl 4)
|Breaker Time Mine
|Breaker Mechanical Mine
|Breaker Crosswave Mine
|Breaker Sticky Mine
|Breaker Half-submerged Mine
|Armor Punching Ball
|Buckshot Canister Ball
|Chain Canister Ball
|Light Double Mast Lateen Sail Ship (lvl 1)
| Plants
|Thymus vulgaris (lvl 3)
|Holy Fruit (lvl 3)
| Enemies
|Arranged by Strength in decending order
|Wild Wolf
|Wolf Lord

 Trade Route

This is an attempt to compile the most profitable trading goods between ports.
All goods here are assumed to be at 10% discount, 10% sell high and
1% tax rate.

You might ask, how I came up with this route of trade?

It's simple mathetics. I use the concept called "Profit-Per-Load" (PPL)
It means, the amount of profit divided by the space/load/capacity the goods
Profit is Selling Price minus Buying Price. Obviously if you're in the
negative, you're not earning money.


Good A buys for 10 Silver at X port, Sells for 20 Silver at Y port.
The profit is 10 Silver. Good A takes up 10 space.
Good A's PPL is 1

Good B buys for 10 Silver at X port, Sells for 20 Silver at Y port.
The profit is 10 Silver. Good B takes up 20 space.
Good B's PPL is 0.5

Good C buys for 10 Silver at X port, Sells for 50 Silver at Y port.
The profit is 40 Silver. Good C takes up 10 space.
Good C's PPL is 4

Good D buys for 100 Silver at X port, Sells for 200 Silver at Y port.
The profit is 100 Silver. Good D takes up 100 space.
Good D's PPL is 1

So from this example, you can see, which is the most efficient and
profitable just by looking at PPL. Essentially, the less space it takes
the better it is.

*** The Trade Routes ***

Athens          <=>     Alexander
Salt/Linen              Dyes

Alexander       <=>     Istanbul
Marble                  Wool Fabric

*More to come
 Tips and Tricks

If you're running out of bag space. You can put your transfer your stuff to
put on your ship instead. Click on item in your bag, then click on your ship
icon(Ctrl-Z) then just click on any space. Same for transfering back to your

Note: This is only possible in "Docks" map. Highseas and Offshore is available
too, but your ship needs to be anchored.

If you don't know where a port is, follow the NPC ships.

 Bugs and Glitches

OMG, you found a bug that stops you from playing properly! What do you do?

The most common bug, is the purchase bug at blacksmith, alchemist, tailor.
All the articles cannot be selected except the first row, however the
first row "mouse-over" shows details for the last row items.

Restart the game, using "Relog". Works wonders most of the time.

**Translation errors

I found a guy who meticulously compiled a list of traslation errors as well
as bugs and suggestions on improving the game.
I really have my hats off to him.

Here's his thread in the forums of IGG.

Login and give him a praise or compliment, won't you?

 Other Info

Actually there's tonnes on information on their main website:

It's still a bit buggy with loads of dead and incomplete linkages.

The game community has bad attitude, they like to item-snatch.
Where's the courtesy of "first come, first serve"?

Give a word of compliment if you see players playing ethically. They are rare.

 Author Notes

Things to add:

Types of woods, ores, plants, fishes, shells
Character Development
Quests <----------- This is a headache, but the main site has most of it
Skills and whatever
Upgrading your vending stall
Optimal Trade Routes (Profit per load)
Practice Area
Shopping List of weapons and where they are found.
Non-ports aka Islands
Coordinates of ports
Arena in Seville
Guilds Function
War of Ports (I need a guild and high level)

 Some Thoughts

I was a fan of [Uncharted Waters] series by Koei released on the SNES as well
as PC, and [Age of Sails] as well.

Comparing the game play, I'll say that there're quite a lot of differences.
Firstly, the ships selection here is very limited. There's less customization
in terms of storage space, crew space, cannon slots/type, sail speed. And
there's so few ports around compared to Uncharted Waters series >.<

One thing is that you can only control 1 ship at a time.
There's no NPC as your vice-admiral, captain, vice captain for a huge fleet
of ships.

Consider this is a real-time game, and taking into the fact that lag is
always present, I guess it is a good choice not to put multiple-unit control.

For sea combat, Voyange Century sure brings a different flavour with it's
skills and items. It brings a closer experience to a sea battlefield.
There are 2 types of combat, character combat and ship vs ship combat.
In character combat, you fight with your hero in third person mode just like,
WoW, FF XI type. for ship combat, it's like, hmm... ships :)

Careful, you actually get killed, not like some other games where your
character is like god.

Item drops from character battles are protected. So, there's no item
snatching. But the ship battle's spoils are not. And yes, expect your kill
to be looted by greedy idiots(minority but still there).

** This game is in Chinglish. China's english. So bad translation is expected
and uniformity in translation is not really good. So you might have a quest
with "kill hyenas" when you can't find hyenas, and actually they meant "Wild
wolves" And i have to say the Developers are slow on correcting them although
the bugs and suggestion board is full of it.

But one thing this game can't win those single player games out there, is the
multiplayer experience, team play, interaction and such (but not as aggressive
as FF XI or WoW).

The 3D graphics are adequately good. If you're a crazy XBox 360 kind of
graphics guy, then you'll be sorely disappointed. Cuz this is kind of like
PS2 kind of graphics at best. I'll say the 3D environment though, has very
few bugs, is excellent in creating the atmosphere needed for such games. The
towns are very detailed. Even with graphics set to damn low, you'll get to see
PS1 high-end graphics. You'll never see a bare town, cuz there's always enough
NPCs to walk around.

The Ships are beautifully designed, not forgetting to mention the character
armors and hats as well. Very well designed.

Well, the economy at looks good for now. As with most MMORPG, I see a problem
when money becomes too abundant. I hope they have a solution to it. Currently,
the pirates are doing a good job extorting money to save the economy ^_^
And good thing, it's NOT like those rouge-type where you have to eat food =_=

The aim of this game is kind of like trying to reproduce what FF XI or Wow have
done, in the kind of auxiliary jobs/roles that you can take. Like a smither,
weaver, potion maker, full character combatant(soldier), full ship battle
type(navigator), logger, miner, farmer(real farming), explorer, merchant,
pirate. You name it. It's not just mindless leveling. Only few things you can't
do is be a belly dancer or you want to serve extra service with your female

Quite a lot of interdependence of players, because you can only choose 7 out of
I think 16 skills to level up above level 31(total level 99). You really must
think of your character development after level 31. Note that there's no
general character level. All levels is in skill-type level. when you add a
friend, it shows "total character level". I'm like near total of 250+ in about
16+ skills, so go figure :)

Oh one more thing, your character skill level and ship skill level is totally
different, but they are interdependent. So to get bigger ships, you need the
basic navigation skill, as well as the appropriate ship's attribute level.
Think of your ship like another character. 3 attributes on ships.

Also, I take the thrill in exploring their different cities. I like their 3D
designs very much.

The quest/task system is a bit limited for now, at least what i've seen in
the newbie seas (yes you've guessed it, the Mediterranean seas, near black
sea) Mostly teaches you the basics of the games while rewarding you

There are 2 type of quest/tasks. One is story quest, one is guild quest
where you join an NPC guild and choose one from their list.

I'll say the story quest is good in terms of story. In terms of what you have
to do to complete the quest, sad to say, there's little use of brains in
puzzle solving or much word riddle. But the stories are good.

The team play part. currently it is quite limited, at most you just form party
and gain bonus in experience and extra on exp distributions, though i saw some
defence bonus as well. I can't wait to have an all-out full-scale, Ship vs
Ship, or Ship vs Port battle. Of course as in all MMORPGs, expect some grinding
when you're at mid level.

Bugs are minor, the only problem major is translation.

The Music is great! Except for some of the arabian places, which I don't really
like, as well as the ship battle music, all else is SUPER fine.

The GM call button: GM response is retarded, as in slow. Maybe they're trying
to translating what I'm saying in english to chinese. "Please refer to the bugs
and suggestions forums" is their generic answer. Supposedly, GM are round the
clock in the game. I haven't tested, but i tried at 3am in beijing, china,
time, they are there alright. The game community. Consist of japanese, chinese,
french, spanish. Well alot of countries. Attitude: ok. We have some
item-snatchers most probably those kids with no sense of honor.

##TAKE NOTE: the game is NOT COMPLETE. Don't grumble, patience is a virtue.
I have high expectations for it when it's a full release.

Overall, for a BETA game, which is also FREE, this is an EXCELLENT GAME.

Now looking at the open beta community, at least for now, we're safe from
griefers and other bad players(but we have people with bad ethics)


Thanks a million to the developers for making this GREAT game.

Thanks to the websites that hosts my guide, GameFAQs and CheatCC.

Thanks to pros who scold newbs in the game, but teach them anyway.

Thanks to the newbs in game who ask questions which are hard to comprehend.
(yeah I got scolded by a newb for trying to help, when they didn't ask what
 they really want to know.)

Most important of all, thank YOU, guide readers ^_^

*Special Thanks*




GameFAQs dudes
Dave A. - CEO/President of Cheat Code Central
Robert Michael - Webmaster of Cheatchannel and Cheatbook

 Contact Me

I can't be a 24/7 gamer to dig all the aspects of the game. I need your help
too! Errors? questions? You get what you ask, so ask what you really want.

Email me at vken85 (at) gmail (dot) com 

Please add Subject Heading: [Voyage Century]

Easier for me to filter mails.

*There are spamming scripts running to search for Email address.
That's the reason you see the above address typed in this way.


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