Viper Racing (šifre)

Viper Racing

When you are in carrer mode, at the main menu type in one 
of the folowing cheats.

[ALT+CTRL+F1+P+O]      Cars will race automatically.
[vipey]                Makes your car go up to 100 mph.
[fast]                 Makes your car go up to 100 mph in 1 second.
[give me big upgrade]  Upgrades everything in you class.
[got some money]       Gives you 10,000 dollars.

-Submitted by Fernando Cruz

Type in the following codes during gameplay: 
[Reverse]+[Throttle]-For faster reverse gear (Speed goes to 999) 

For you Career racers:
For you Career racers, it is imperative to concentrate
on chassis setup and upgrades as opposed to speed and 
acceleration. Your default speed will be pretty good, 
but a lot of winding roads lie ahead. 

When moving from a dead:
When moving from a dead standstil l, take it slow and 
steady until the tires grab. Also, when starting a race,
follow the above advice and remember to shift into first 
gear before the race begins. 

Taking the RPMs:
Taking the RPMs well into redline is a good thing. Just 
when you think the old power plant is maxing out, you 
blitz past another guy. 

In Career mode:
In Career mode, save the game right after your last good 
result but before you spend money on upgrades that might 
not work out. This way, you have the option of reupgrading. 

One more Career mode:
One more Career mode tip: Remember that if you don't win a 
class, you get to keep whatever money you've accumulated and
start that class all over again. Particularly in the relatively
easy Amateur class, you may want to do well enough to pick up 
some bucks, but not so well that you win it. Stockpile the cash
and buy bigger, better upgrades down the road. 

Making sudden moves:
Making sudden moves, particularly when braking, is usually 
fatal. When braking hard into a tight corner following a long 
straight, slow down first, then turn. 

Drive a Lamborghini:
Submitted by: Dj Simo
Go into the game under options, hacks, then type 
in Morepowerthebetter.

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