Ultima Online - Renaissance
Manage your skills wisely. The total cap is 700 skill
points, and those not used over long periods of time
will be lost.
Use customizable macros often. You want to be able to
get out of jams quickly.
If you value your items, bank them. Banks are the safest
places to store valuables.
Before entering group combat, ask permission. In many
cases, players there can handle their own battles.
They just need to improve skill points.
Not all cities or towns in Britannia are accessible
via public portals. Some can only be accessed via ship
or teleportation.
Some of the remotest parts of Britannia have healers who
can resurrect you should you die. Thus, it's not always
necessary to go to a town.
For beginners, joining new tickets can be confusing.
To receive the prize, a player has to have both halves
in possession and click both halves.