UFO: Extraterrestrials patch

 UFO: ExtraterrestrialsNakon samo dva dana od izdavanja, sтiže nam prvi patch za UFO: Extraterrestrials. Patch podiže verziju igre na v070530 i ispravlja nekoliko propusta u gameplayu, a možete ga skinuti odavde(4.85 mb). Kompletan changelog možete pročitati u nastavku teksta.

UFO:Extraterrestrials Patch 1 (version 070530)

Fixed issues

Inventory crash caused by overlapping items
Inventory crash in non default resolutions
Inventory crash when adding units to transport
Crash on globe when ship starts from base
Crash in mission after game restart from settings menu
Corrupted save caused by supply ship flying to alien base
Corrupted save with in mission items on the ground
Production finance calculations, which caused waste of all moneys in some situations
Corrupted save after ship was sold
Unfinished mission loading in some special cases
Indestructible alien units after destruction of near doors
Empty hangar calculations during ship transfer

Game improvements

* extended settings
– multiple resolution support, 1024*768 and higher, windowed mode
– controls for speed of in mission units
– controls for in mission bullets and scrolling speed
– control for camera behavior
* autosave support
– game is saved into special slot before and after each mission and at the start of each game month
* increased selling price of most items
* extended damage of base defenses
* units move faster and smoother in missions
* added hotkeys

Hotkeys on globe:
1, SPACE – Set time control to Real
2 – Set time control to 20 min
3 – Set time control to 1 hour
4 – Set time control to 1 Day

F1 – Ufopedia
F2 – Build new base
F3 – Go to base
F4 – Intercept
F5 – Monthly report
F6, ESCAPE – Options

R – Research
P – Production
C – Centaurus
S – Soldiers

Mouse wheel – Zoom globe

Hotkeys in mission:

SPACE – Stop current unit's action
ENTER – End turn
LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN ARROWS – Scroll tactical map
ADD (NUMKEY) – Zoom in
MULTIPLY (NUMKEY) – Reset zoom
Mouse wheel – Increase/decrease current map level

N, [ – Select previous unit
M, ] – Select next unit
A, DELETE – Kneel/stand
Z, INSERT – Activate item in left hand
X, HOME – Activate item in right hand
W, PAGE UP – Move unit up on the elevator
S, PAGE DOWN – Move unit down on the elevator
I – Inventory screen
H – Health screen

ESCAPE – Context dependent: enter main menu, close inventory/health screen, end shooting mode

Global hotkeys:

F8 – Quicksave (uses save slot 10)
F12 – Quickload (uses save slot 10)

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