UFO – Aftermath (šifre)

UFO - Aftermath

Submitted by: conner54
To enable UFO: Aftermath cheats find "config.cfg" file in the game 
install directory, open it with Notepad and add the following line:

KEY "cheats" BOOL TRUE 
Save the changes, start the game and enter the following UFO: Aftermath 
cheats in the console window (press [Shift]+[~] to bring it up): 

Code                     Result
godmode               - will stop teh squad dying by the looks of it but they will 
                        still ned sickbay to heal for a while when back at base it seems

quickvictory         - will instanly make you win the mission how ever dont try 
                       it on missions like Area51 as you wont get any items or 
                       object back which are needed for research similarly on a 
                       shot down UFO, u get no UFO hull so no research for UFO access. 

destroyobj           - destroys objects under the cursor, like cars and other 
                       objects with red center circle and four arrow heads 

hitpoints            - how much health out of 100% can see enemy health too. 
                       good when used with godmode so u can heal at the end 
                       with medic to try and reduce the number of people needing 
                       rest in the base at the end of it 

allplans             - shows the path on enemies like your squat paths, 
                       enemies are grey

ids                  - shows squad position number 1-7 (ids 0-6 ) 
                       works on enemies too. think max of 7 for squad size ?

unitsashidden        - units become see through like ghosts
quickabsolutevictory - win mission with items recovered 
visibility           - shows the current visible area by your squad LOS 
enemies              - shows all enemies in area
quicklose            - similar to quickvictory but u lose the mission
heights              - shows terrain level/height flat or sloping

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