Tomcat Alley
Edit the file 'TOMCAT.INI' with the notepad or another text editor.
Usually, this file is in the WINDOWS directory or in the game
directory. Find 'SAVE'. It's where your game are saved. It's coded
like this...
The 'x' is the number of the save.
'NomSauvegarde' is the name of your savegame.
The 'yyy' must be replace by one of the following number :
Mission 1 : 648
Mission 2 : 649
Mission 3 : 650
Mission 4 : 651
Mission 5 : 652
Mission 6 : 653
Mission 7 : 654
These numbers work fine with the first savegame (Save0=) but
you must substract one for the second savegame (Save1=),
substract two for the third...
submitted by rickHH