Tomb Raider – Chronicles (šifre)

Tomb Raider - Chronicles

Hex cheat:
By: Mustafa

The Hex address -1D7- is for the number of secret flowers you got in all the
game (36) so change the value to 36 (24 in hex) to get all the secret
flowers and see all the gallery pic's.

note: don't change the value more than 36 or you will get 0 flowers!

Hint to avoid three dragons in TRAJAN'S MARKETS:

In the level TRAJAN'S MARKETS after you pick up SATURN and VENUS SYMBOL 
you will move into next area where Lawson speaks lara and then he will 
open fire,but don't fire at him, during that time place the symbols in 
the respective slots the door will open Lawson will fire at you head 
into the room and jump forward to exit the level and enter collessum.
you need to burn one or two medics,Instead of wasting Time,Ammos and 


In Tomb Raider 5 you can make medipacks to unlimited without using 
any trainer.To do it follow the steps go to large or small medipack 
in the inventory screen while doing this you must have only one medipack

now you must also have your health must be reduced now highlight small
or large medipack and press following keys
9 and 0 represents the shortcut key for small and large medipacks
this code works even in TOMB RAIDER 4-THE LAST REVELATION

Submitted by: rahul

goto hexdecimal offset 1a4,1a6 and change to ffff.
you will get unlimited HK&grappling ammo.(dont know what 
they are for).

Submitted by: Ut!

If the other Cheat doesn't work .. (meybe Different version)
you can use this method (Editing save game file).

Note : Open Tomb Raider Chronicles save game with Hex Editor
example ( savegame.1 ). and see below :

# Secret Places (Flowers)
- Goto Hexadecimal offset 1C3. change value to 02 or 03.
  to changes this you must have at least 1 flower
  every new places we must find 3 secret flowers of 36 

# Unlimited Small Medipack 
- Goto Hexadecimal offset 194. change value to FFFF.

# Unlimited Large Medipack 
- Goto Hexadecimal offset 196. change value to FFFF.

# Unlimited Flares
- Goto Hexadecimal offset 198. change value to FFFF.

# Unlimited Uzi 
- Goto Hexadecimal offset 19C. change value to FFFF.

# Unlimited Revolver
- Goto Hexadecimal offset 19E. change value to FFFF.

# Unlimited Shotgun Normal Ammo
- Goto Hexadecimal offset 1A0. change value to FFFF.

# Unlimited Shotgun WideShot Ammo
- Goto Hexadecimal offset 1A2. change value to FFFF.

*** FF FF = Unlimited
    90 00 = 144 Ammo 
    01 00 = 1 Ammo
    0A 00 = 10 Ammo .. etc

Submitted by: rickHH
To cross some of the wider gaps in Chronicles, Lara 
now has the ability to walk a tightrope. To do so, 
simply walk up to the edge of the rope, and press 
Forward and the Action button. If you fall off balance, 
press in the opposite direction to which Lara is swaying, 
and you'll be back to normal. 

Lara also now has the ability to monkey-swing across 
barred ceilings. To do this, jump up and press the Action 
button to grab the bar. Then while still holding the action 
button, press Forward to move across. 

Any time an enemy is about to appear on screen, or some 
sort of other impending danger is about to befall Lara, a 
musical cue plays immediately before. Keep an ear out for 
these, as they can help keep you from being ambushed. 

For the following cheats you MUST be facing 

Level Skip:
Go to the inventory and then to load game press and hold 
L + I + F + T. 

All Weapons:
Go to the inventory then to the large medipak press and hold 
C + T + R + L. 

All Items:
Go to the inventory then to the small medipak press and hold 
A + L + T + G + R. 

God Mode:
Go to the invetory then to the flares press and hold 
F + I + R + E.

Do a handstand:
To do a handstand when you climb an object, hold Walk 
as you climb.

Do a somersault:
To do a somersault, crawl to the very edge of a platform 
or ledge. While holding Crawl, press Jump. Lara will 
somersault into the area below. This is better than having 
to turn around and climb down while getting out of a tunnel. 
This is also useful when getting into the water mill in the 
"Old Mill" level.

Gametips [all systems]:
Submitted by: Jitin Luthra
titel: Tomb Raider Chronicles

Tomb Raider Chronicles (TR5) Cheat Codes
Please keep in mind that I only have the PC version of 
these games, so I can't vouch for the accuracy of any 
of the console cheats. Unless otherwise indicated, all 
cheats are done during gameplay and are based on the 
default control configuration. If you have changed any 
controls, either try the cheats with the corresponding 
keys you've assigned, or revert to the defaults before 
entering cheats.

IMPORTANT: No, you're not hallucinating. There is no compass 
in TR Chronicles. So any cheat that directs you to face due 
north is incorrect. Please feel free to send in additional 
cheats, but to the best of my knowledge, these are the only 
PC/Macintosh cheats.

PC & Macintosh Unlimited Small Med-packs: First, you may want 
to save your game in a new slot before trying this in case it 
doesn't work. Second, make sure Lara's health bar is less than 
100% full AND that you only have 1 small med-pack in your 
inventory. (Use any extra med-packs and then drop from a height 
or do something else to make Lara lose a little health.) 
Now escape to inventory and highlight the small med-pack item. 
Press and hold the Look button (keypad 0) followed by the numeric 
key 0 above the letters on your keyboard. You should see the text 
under the small med-pack change from "1x small medipack" to "small 
medipack." Press Enter, as if to use the med-pack, and Lara should 
sigh. Return to inventory and the item should now read "Unlimited 
small medipacks."

PC & Macintosh Unlimited Large Med-packs: Follow the instructions 
for unlimited small med-packs above, except make sure that Lara's 
health bar is not full and that you only have 1 large med-pack in 
inventory. Select the large med-pack in the inventory ring, press 
and hold the Look button (keypad 0) followed by the numeric key 9 
above the letters on your keyboard. You should see the text under 
the large med-pack change from "1x large medipack" to "large 
medipack." Press Enter, as if to use the med-pack, and Lara 
should sigh. Return to inventory and the item should now read 
"Unlimited large medipacks."

Level Skip: To the best of my knowledge, there is no level-skip 
cheat for PC or Mac. If you're stuck and the walkthrough doesn't 
solve the problem, try downloading a savegame. 

PlayStation All Items: Go to the inventory screen and highlight 
the stopwatch. Press and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Down together 
for a moment. (Some versions of this cheat say to press Triangle 
after this button combination.) Then exit the inventory screen 
and you should have everything, including keys/puzzle items.

PlayStation All Items (Beta Version): Go to the inventory screen 
and highlight the large med-pack. Press and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + 
R2 + Down together for a moment. Then press Triangle. Exit the 
inventory screen and you should have everything, including keys/
puzzle items.

PlayStation All Weapons, Infinite Ammo & Med-packs: Go to the 
inventory screen and highlight the stopwatch. Press and hold 
L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Up together for a moment. (Some versions 
of this cheat say to press Triangle after this button combination.) 
Then exit the inventory screen and you should have everything.

PlayStation All Weapons, Infinite Ammo & Med-packs (Beta Version): 
Go to the inventory screen and highlight the small med-pack. 
Press and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Up together for a moment. 
Then press Triangle. Exit the inventory screen and you should 
have everything.

PlayStation Level Skip: These cheats allow you to skip to the 
beginning of the first level in each chapter.

Russian Base Levels: At the main menu highlight New Game. Hold 
L1 and press X. (Some versions of this cheat say to press L1 + 
Up, then X.) Ireland Levels: At the main menu highlight New Game. 
Hold L2 and press X. (Some versions of this cheat say to press 
L2 + Up, then X.) VCI Headquarters Levels: At the main menu 
highlight New Game. Hold R1 and press X. (Some versions of 
this cheat say to press R1 + Up, then X.) 

PlayStation View FMV Sequences (Beta Version): At the main 
menu press Select + R2.

PlayStation Access Special Features: Go to the inventory 
screen and highlight the stopwatch. Press and hold L1 + L2 + 
R1 + R2 + Down + Circle and press Triangle. Exit to the main 
menu and you should now be able to access the "Special Features" 
option. (Some versions of this cheat say it is the same as the 
All-Items cheat above.) 

Dreamcast Level Skip: These cheats allow you to skip to the 
beginning of the first level in each chapter.

Russian Base Levels: At the main menu highlight New Game. 
Hold L + R and press Down. Hold the buttons until the level 
has loaded. Ireland Levels: At the main menu highlight New 
Game. Then hold L + R and press Left. Hold the buttons until 
the level has loaded.  VCI Headquarters Levels: At the main 
menu highlight New Game. Then hold L + R and press Right. Hold 
the buttons until the level has loaded. 

Dreamcast Access Special Features: Either find all the secrets 
during game play or use this cheat. Go to the inventory screen 
and highlight the stopwatch. Hold Y until "Secrets" reads 
"36/36". Now you should see the "Special Features" option on 
the main menu.

Unlimited Large Medipacks:
Note: This code will only work when your health is not full, 
and you have exactly one Large Medipack. Press [Esc] to open 
the inventory screen. Highlight the Large Medipack, then hold 
[Look] ([Keypad 0] by default) and press 9 on the top row of 
the keyboard. Then, use the Large Medipack once. Exit and 
re-enter the inventory and you should have unlimited Large 

Unlimited Small Medipacks:
Note: This code will only work when your health is not full, 
and you have exactly one Small Medipack. Press [Esc] to open 
the inventory screen. Highlight the Small Medipack, then hold 
[Look] ([Keypad 0] by default) and press 0 on the top row of 
the keyboard. Then, use the Small Medipack once. Exit and 
re-enter the inventory and you should have unlimited Small 

Hint: Do a somersault:
To do a somersault, crawl to the very edge of a platform or 
ledge. While holding Crawl, press Jump. Lara will somersault 
into the area below. This is better than having to turn around 
and climb down while getting out of a tunnel. This is also 
useful when getting into the water mill in the "Old Mill" level.

Hint: Flip in the air:
Instead of jumping forward or backward and pressing Roll 
immediately, press the opposite direction. For example, if 
you jump forward, immediately press Down and Lara will do a 
flip in the air. Do the opposite if you jump backwards. 

Hint: Snap Lara's neck:
Do a somersault jump (Jump while pressing Walk forward) from 
a high place. A good place to try this is in the very first 
Streets of Rome level, when you are above the awning. If you 
attempt to do a somersault jump from above onto the awning, 
she will dive head first and snap her neck when she lands on 
the awning, causing the game to end.

Submitted by: Mohan

Walking on the rope:
Press action key so that Lara stands on the starting of the rope. 
Press the forward key to walk on the rope only if she is balanced, 
else she will drop down. If she tilts to the right, leave the forward 
key and press the left key for balance. Similarly, if she tilts to the 
left, press the right key.

Submitted by: Mohan

This is a common TIP for all the three games Tomb Raider 3,4,5. 
For this TIP to work you must have unlimited health using the cheats. 
When you r using cheat codes for infinite health, pressing'9' will 
increase ur health to 100 % when ever you want. Not only that, when 
you need to fight more or when you feel that you will loose health 
fast, pressing the '9' key and shooting will do good. 
This also helps greatly when you have to swim for a long distance 
under water. This can be said as an alternative for GOD mode.

Submitted by: Mohan

1. In the Level, Red Alert!, in the final sequence of killing the Second CYBORG, 
you need to press a switch behind the bar, after passing the hall and come back 
to the starting room. When you return back ,the cyborg then starts attacking you. 
To kill the Cyborg, you need to run over by jumping over the pits and enter the 
gas chamber area to the right. Actually, the Cyborg has to chase you and have to 
get trapped in the gas chamber. Sometimes, depending on the way you play, the 
cyborg will not chase you, infact he will fall down and can not come out of the 
pits. If this happens, the game will not continue. To avoid this problem, when 
taking the jumps over the pits, try to take them from the extreme right. 
This will solve the problem of Cyborg getting trapped in the pit to a greater extent. 
If it is also not possible, try loading a previously saved game.

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