Timeshift (PC)
Complete Walkthrough v.1.02
Last update: 11/12/07
Created by: JediMeister (alvinshek@hotmail.com)
Copyright 2007 Alvin Shek
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
- Legal Info
- Version History
- About the Author
2. Weapons
- KM-33
- KM 2103 Karbine
- ShatterGun
- Echo Rifle
- ThunderBolt
- E.M.F. Cannon
- Bloodhound
- Hell-Fire
- SurgeGun
- Grenades
- Clutch Grenade
- Spring Mines
- Swarm Grenade
- Laser Trip Mines
3. Level Maps
3.1 Arrival
3.2 Back Again
3.3 New Blood
3.4 Infiltration
3.5 Ground Floor
3.6 Heist
3.7 Getaway
3.8 Disputed Airspace
3.9 Better Late...
3.10 Point of Impact
3.11 Liberation
3.12 Road Trip
3.13 Forced Entry
3.14 Test Labs
3.15 Factory Recall
3.16 Some Assembly Required
3.17 Sabotage
3.18 Exeunt
3.19 Drive-By
3.20 Gate Crashers
3.21 The Wind Tunnel
3.22 Repo Men
3.23 En Route
3.24 Consequences
4. Credits
1. Introduction
Legal Info
This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other
web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a
violation of copyright.
All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.
Version History: v 0.10 - Began playing 11/1/07, got through several
levels but then got sick of Notepad
WordWrap so copied and pasted to Word.
v 0.50 - Continued playing, occasionally going back
to record locations of autosaves and
exploring areas for additional ammunition
v 0.95 - Finished playing through the game, now
re-pasting content back to Notepad for
re-formatting to GameFAQs specifications.
v 1.00 - Official Release
v 1.01 - Made a couple of changes after playing
through the game again, notably on Level 10:
Point of Impact, Level 18: Exeunt, and Level
19: Drive-By.
v 1.02 - Minor update to Level 24: Consequences
About the Author
Welcome to my third game walkthrough. I haven't published any game
walkthroughs for ages because of college and life in general. Hopefully I
haven't lost the touch, because I've stayed in practice by writing
walkthroughs for friends. Any and all suggestions and tips are welcome, please
email me at the address posted above.
2. Weapons: 1) KM-33 - this pistol is by no means the best weapon,
but its better than nothing. Get rid of it
as soon as a new weapon is available. Use
only the alt-fire, because a single shot from
this peashooter won't kill anything. Clip
size: 16, Max ammo: 112
2) KM 2103 Karbine - when you use the minizoom and fire
in short bursts, this makes a decent
sniping gun. Its the most common gun
out of all the soldiers you'll run
into, so you'll never run out of
ammo for it. Use the alt fire and
clutch grenades to clear up groups
of enemies. Clip size 30, Max ammo:
210 & 4 grenades.
3) ShatterGun - the best close quarters weapon you'll
find. Not recommended for using against
targets more than a few feet away due to
its wide spread of bullets. Use alt-fire
to guarantee kills. Clip size: 10, Max
ammo: 112.
4) Echo Rifle - a good sniping weapon, but unless you get
headshots every time, the Thunderbolt is
far superior. Clip size: 4, Max ammo: 20
5) ThunderBolt - this crossbow is good for engaging
targets both near and far. It guarantees
one-shot kills for all infantry but not
the Quantum Guards. Use time pause with
this weapon to kill the shielded troops
quickly. Clip size 10, Max ammo 30.
6) E.M.F. Cannon - this weapon is better than the Karbine
in my opinion. Best at taking out
targets from close to medium range.
Didn't find much use for the alt-fire.
Clip size 20, Max ammo 100.
7) Bloodhound - use alt-fire to down moving targets, and
primary to take out stationary ones. Clip
size 4, Max ammo 12.
8) Hell-Fire - primary fire eats up ammunition quickly
but kills things quickly as well. The
alt-fire uses different ammunition and
is effective against any kind of
unshielded infantry. Clip size: 45, Max
ammo 315/220.
9) SurgeGun - not terribly useful until the last mission.
Primary fire is a heavily damaging shot
comparable to a rocket. You can only manage
six shots with a full charge before you
have to pick up an ammo refill. Alt-fire is
a sustained burst of lightning. Hold it
down to make the enemy extra crispy. Clip
size: N/A, Max ammo, 6 primary fire or
about 15 seconds of sustained alt-fire.
10) Grenades
Clutch Grenade - similar to Halo's plasma
grenades, they stick to the
unlucky target and explode.
If you get stuck with one
in singleplayer, use time
reverse quickly to make it
fly off you. You can carry a
max of 3.
Spring Mines - you can't use these, but you
do run into them through the
singleplayer campaign. As long
as you run through the
minefield with Time Slow, you
shouldn't find things too
Swarm Grenade - never saw these in
singleplayer. I assume they're
only for the multiplayer maps.
Laser Trip Mines - again, never saw these.
Most likely only in
General Weapons Notes: My standard weapons loadout for the majority of the
game was the Hell-Fire, the E.M.F. cannon, and the Thunderbolt. Because these
aren't available until midway through the game, the Karbine, Shattergun, and
the Echo Rifle were my options for the first half. I didn't really see any
point into holding onto the Bloodhound because whenever you need it there's
always one in a crate nearby. In my opinion, upgrade to the next best thing
whenever a new weapon becomes available.
Enemies: Infantry - not really a problem these guys. They're either armed with
Karbines, ShatterGuns, E.M.F. cannons, Thunderbolts, Echo
Rifles, or Bloodhounds. They go down pretty quickly.
Timeslow Soldiers - They move crazy fast, so use Time Pause to
quickly even the odds.
Quantum Guards - metal constructs, they're armed with SurgeGuns. They
use Time Pause to get around behind you. Can only be
killed with explosive rounds like another SurgeGun or
a Bloodhound. Grenades do not stick to them.
Shielded Soldiers - these enemies carry a portable shield with them.
Use Time Pause to hit them when their shield is
down otherwise you'll never kill them.
SurgeGun Guards - these guards only show up on the last two levels.
I almost confused them with Quantum Guards except
they are so much easier to kill. Use Time Pause as
soon as they appear and empty a clip into them.
If you are attacked by multiple ones, try to keep
your back to a wall as you move around the room or
rooftop and hide behind objects so your health has
a chance to regen.
3. Missions
3.1 Level 1 - Arrival
When your character regains consciousness, you find yourself in an alternate
timeline, in a 1939 with walkers and helicopters of some sort. You awake in a
room with only one exit and an npc instructing you to follow him. Take some
time to check your objectives when they are updated and exit out the door.
Continue around the wall, and through an archway. Ignore the stairs leading
down, and exit through the doorway to the left and up the stairs. Continue up
the stairs and enter through the door that the npc opens up. Once you enter,
the game automatically saves and before you have a chance at some peace and
quiet, a walker busts through the wall in front of you and opens fire. Exit
left once the npc has broken through the boards. Sadly, he suffers an untimely
demise after jumping over a low wall of bricks. Go up the stairs and out the
hole blown up top. Jump over the table and continue through the door at the
other end of the floor. Crouch to get through another gaping hole and drop
down to the basement. Pass the npc and exit through a hole on the left-hand
side. Find the green door to the left and walk into it to open. As soon as
the enemy troops on the other side of the wire fence have passed by, a
resistance fighter will lower a fire escape for you to climb up. Up top,
the fighter will hand you his weapon. In the next room, walk past the guy
futily trying to save his friend's life, and go right into the hallway where
the game auto-saves. In front of you are two fighters setting up a barricade
against troops who are about to bust down the door. Kill the troopers through
the window, or ignore them, and go up the stairs. You pick up a pistol near
another fighter's body. At the very top of the stairs, head through the door
to an autosave and watch another resistance fighter get shredded by the
helicopter. On your radar you should see the enemy trooper marked in red.
Take him out, as well as his two buddies. Nab their ammunition and head up the
stairs alongside the other building. Hop into the building through the broken
window and find your progress blocked by some boards. A helicopter will do a
flyby and in the process of shooting the npc talking to you, will enable you
to proceed. Jump over the debris and go around the thick pipe. Ignore the hole
in the floor to the right, and head across the room, past the strange-looking
generator to the far end and then drop down to the floor below. Exit through
the door and jump out to another set of stairs. Go down the stairs and drop
through the hole in the roof into a ventilation shaft. Continue along the
shaft to find yourself standing on a vantage point with a clear view of two
enemy soldiers where the game autosaves. After taking care of them, exit
through the door at the end of the hallway to the left. Through the window in
front of you, a resistance fighter is about to be executed. Unfortunately, you
can't do anything to save him, but you can avenge his loss by shooting the
explosive (red) barrels in the courtyard below. Two more soldiers will charge
out of the alleyway. After they're finished, turn right and drop through the
hole to the next lower floor. Grab the free ammo refill and cautiously peek
out into the courtyard between the buildings. A soldier stands watch from a
window in the right building. Kill him and exit through the double doors.
Stand near the ammo crate in front of you to refill ammo to full. You'll face
four enemies across the canal, two standing on the remnants of balconies, one
on the roof across the way, and one on "ground" level across. The column of
tires is a temporary form of cover at best, so shoot at the opposing soldiers
with short bursts. After they’re dead, slide down the broken bridge and exit
left, killing the two troopers on the ground level, as well as the two on the
streetway above, behind them. As you turn right, and pass under a T-shaped
bridge, fire at the explosive barrels on the next further bridge to eliminate
the two soldier up there. Then run into the open grating along the left side of
the canal. Follow the sound of gunfire and drop down into an area defended by
the resistance fighters. There's another ammo crate you can collect ammo from,
but it’s a moot point since your suit removes you from the battlefield and
ditches your weapons to boot.
3.2 Level 2 - Back Again
When your suit finally stabilizes, grab the pistol from the ground and
eliminate the three soldiers. Follow the wounded pair of resistance fighters
out onto the street and help their posse take out the charging troops with
your new abilities. Eventually a sentry will show up and blow a hole in the
building to your right. Run through and go up the stairs. Go out to the
exterior of the building by exiting out the hole and climb up the ladder. The
game autosaves at the top. Break the window and walk towards the rubble. Drop
down the hole and see the connecting bridge between this building and the next
getting torn to pieces by the sentry. Use the time reverse ability to rewind
time as you walk along the bridge. Don't forget to nab the new gun laying on
the ground. Around the corner is a table with a trio of weapons. Exit through
the door on the right to another autosave. Drop into the area below, where six
or seven soldiers are scattered throughout the ruined structure. I found that
the scattergun (shotgun) is the most effective weapon for this area since it’s
great in such close quarters. In the furthest room, you’ll see a hole in the
floor. Drop down with your trigger finger ready, as well as slow time, and the
three troopers below shouldn’t pose much of a threat. Exit out the wooden door
and drop down to an autosave. Pause time to make it to the right side of the
pool of electrified water. Continue down the canal and follow the two bodies
to a pipe. Enter the pipe and exit to two fighters under fire. Help them out
by wiping out the overzealous troops who charge you and your companions. After
they’re all sorted, a sentry will show up and blow the gate that was blocking
your way into smithereens. Collect ammo from the ammo crate near the barrel
platform and continue past the gate. Go up the wooden planks and turn right at
the top. Face the concrete pipe and use time slow to make it to the other end
before it tips to too extreme an angle. Immediately rush behind the
chimney-like structure to avoid the laser sight. There’s a sniper in the
section ahead, so use time slow to make it to the next piece of cover, some
crates stacked up. From there, make your way along to the remains of a wall,
eliminating whatever enemies you come upon, still using time slow to dodge the
sniper’s aim. Eventually you’ll get close enough to chuck a grenade into the
guard tower. Continue through the trench, under a bridge, into a little area
filled with crates and a rifle leaning up against the wall. Kill the three
soldiers in the area and turn left into the broken rubble of a building.
There’s a soldier that doesn’t appear on your radar towards the right in the
rubble. Jump over the crates and follow the path to the green dots and the
objective symbol on your radar. Follow the npc and then go up the concrete
ramp to the next floor of the building. Use the turret and time slow to mow
down the troops. Eventually a sentry walker will show up and then its time to
get off the turret and back up to the rear wall. Follow the two npcs back
down the ramp where they’ll open the red-lit grate. Drop down to end the
3.3 Level 3 – New Blood
Wait for the COM transmission to end and follow your allies up the hill.
Follow them and help mop up the troops shooting from windows and from behind
cover. There are six or seven in total. Eventually your allies will take up
firing positions facing the gate. This is your cue to go back and search for
ammo if you’re low, otherwise make for the massive hole in the street to the
left. Slide down and duck into the lit pipeway. At the first intersection, use
the wheel to raise the grating and use time slow to make it through before it
drops all the way. Game autosave. Take a right and go up the ladder. I’d
recommend taking a deep breath here because you’re about to face the largest
concentration of enemies you’ve come upon so far in the game. There’s three
baddies immediately in sight with a larger group of eight or so close to the
vehicle in the middle of the park. One strategy is to jump out of your hidey
hole every now and then to mop up smaller packs of soldiers. Or you could make
a beeline straight for the vehicle and use its mounted turret to mow down the
opposing forces. In any event, you’ll reach the other end of the park, which
is defended by two overlapping manned turrets and probably three or four
additional soldiers depending on difficulty. Behind the left turret are
explosive barrels so use slow time to light ‘em up with a few rounds to
eliminate that threat. When all is quiet, resupply your ammo and visit both
tents to complete the objective. Then duck into the pipe on the far right end,
near the right turret. Turn right when you can and use slow time to pass
through each jet of fire. Turn right and head up the gravel. Follow the radar
marker to an enemy camp. The major threat is the guy on what looks to be a
triple-A gun, so make him your first priority to down. When you’ve wiped them
all out, you’ll get a new transmission warning you of an approaching threat, a
tank. This is where the game autosaves. You don’t have any weapons capable of
dealing with it, so use time slow and make a run for the right stairs leading
down into the subway. You can’t jump over the railing to the tank fyi. Kill
the three soldiers down here and then turn left to go deeper into the subway.
Take the left set of stairs and eliminate the two soldiers on your side as
well as the two soldiers across the way. When you get closer to the water, the
suit will warn you of the electrical shock. Use the suit to walk on water to
the left. End of level.
3.4 Level 4 – Infiltration
Walk forward and kill the two unsuspecting soldiers. Then take a right towards
the collapsed ceiling and use the suit to make it past the electricity. Climb
up the makeshift ramp on the left and jump across to the other side. In the
distance you should see another enemy camp. Approach the area taking cover
where you can. Once you are near the green dumpster, plan your attack. There
are four infantry soldiers, an additional soldier on the turret, and a sniper
hiding out in the tower overlooking the camp. Use time slow to your advantage
and target the trio of explosive barrels next to the turret, this should
eliminate at least two of the ground troops as well as the turret guy.
Eliminate the remaining troops while maintaining cover out of the field of
vision of the sniper, then chuck a grenade into said tower to eliminate that
threat. Autosave. Follow the wall to the left, where two additional troopers
attack. Find the hole in the cargo containers and kill the five soldiers
hampering your progress. Follow the brown pipes and kill the soldier who
attacks from the platform above. Keep following the brown pipes until you run
into a wall, then drop down to the ground on the right. Continue around the
corner and get to the ragged hole in the side of the building ahead. Walk
through the door with a green light above it, and through the next one. Follow
the chain link fence and drop down. Take the ladder hidden in the shadows to
get to the next green-lit door. Go through the hole in the brick wall to the
next room and make a wide U-turn to find the next door. Listen to the npc and
take a deep breath. Autosave. See that hole in the building to the right? Use
time slow to get into that hole and go up the stairs. You can take another
breather before proceeding up past the chain link fence where you’ll be
temporarily exposed. Keep going up the stairs and then rush to cover behind
the stack of concrete support beams on the left. From there, ignore the red-lit
door and continue along the edge of the building, turning right at the corner,
and up both flights of stairs. Wait for your timeshift bar to refill, and make
a break for another stack of conveniently placed concrete beams. Face the
red-lit door, and turn left as you approach the mound of debris, and fall down
through the hole. Autosave. Listen to the transmission and follow the wooden
planks around the chain link fence to drop down to the level below. Keep
following the planks and meet your temporary squad. Autosave. They’ll wait
until you make the first move so go ahead and charge in. You face two troopers
armed with the standard rifle and another to the left standing guard at a
turret. As soon as you attack, an armored vehicle will approach with two
soldiers and another one manning the mounted turret. Man the turret you
cleared the opposition from, and help your squadmates deal with the troops
from the vehicle. Instead of helping your team with the next vehicle that
shows up, go through the door near the blue forcefield. Flip the switch near
the narrow windows and use time slow to go back outside make it through before
it reactivates. Flip the next switch and repeat. Autosave. Use the statue in
the middle of the courtyard as cover while you engage another large group of
enemies. These enemies deploy from a truck and an apc, one of which will park
in front of the Admin building, and the other will park on the other side of
the statue. Continue past the apc to the downward sloping concrete ramp and
kill the two enemies taking cover behind the concrete barricades. If you find
yourself a little short on ammo, there are crates of rifle ammunition near the
apc. Hit the switch at the very bottom of the ramp, and enter the double doors
to end the level.
3.5 Level 5 – Ground Floor
As soon as you hit the switch, make a beeline for the security station on the
right side. Eliminate the two soldiers within, as well as the one who will
attack from the left. Hit the knob on the security station panel next to the
windows to open up a side room with two additional soldiers standing next to
an apc. Exit the room with the apc to return to the garage area. Turn right
and engage the hostiles to the left past the double concrete barricades. The
concrete columns are effective cover against the trio of soldiers manning the
turrets on the apcs. The quickest way of dealing with the two soldiers on the
turrets on the right is shooting the fuel drums next to the apcs. Be sure to
watch out for the crazy driver of the fourth apc as he tries to run you over.
Find the switch near a cluster of boxes next to one of the apcs you ruined.
Autosave. Flip it and then jump onto the boxes, use reverse time to return the
crane back to its original position so you can jump through the grating.
Autosave. Face right, and walk down to ground level. Make your way through the
opposition, seven in total, and find another switch. Look for a hole currently
blocked by a box along the conveyor belt. Flip the switch and use time pause
to make it through before it gets blocked again. Turn right and head towards
the light source in the distance and drop down. Keep along the path and your
character will automatically open the grating. Two armed technicians await you,
as well as a trio of soldiers out the door leading back into the garage proper.
Autosave. Use your time abilities to jump over and get around the lasers and
eliminate the soldier on the other side. Enter the security station and find
the green knob. Hit it and a soldier from a side room in the hallway will
attack. Enter the room he exited from and use time pause to make it up the
metal ramp to a piece of machinery. Look for the red-lit ventilation shaft and
enter. Use time reverse to get through the spinning machinery. You can examine
the prison cells at your leisure, but eventually you’ll have to go right. Turn
left at the T-intersection, and use time reverse to make it through another
spinning mechanism. Find the unoccupied cell and drop through the broken
grating. Kill the two nearby guards, as well as the two further down the
hallway to the left. Three additional troopers will engage you from the second
intersection. Go down the hallway they came from, past the cells, and up some
stairs. Autosave. Use time slow to make it past the turrets, and in the room
with the two doors, and the ladder standing next to them, turn right and use
the boxes to make it into the ventilation system. Turn right and exit into the
security room. Turn the knob on the desk to deactivate the turrets. Exit the
office and turn left at the turret to enter a new room. Exit through the door
to end the level.
3.6 Level 6 – Heist
Go up the stairs and exit through the door. Enter the room on the right, and
kill the ‘bot that’s sweeping or something, watch out though, it makes an
awful big explosion for a small thing. Use the desk as cover when you are
attacked. Enter the room he vacated into a library of sorts. Follow the red
stripe and turn right and then right again to engage the enemy. Use grenades
to flush out the opposition. Exit through the door at the other end of the
room and collect the ammo in the hallway. Head through the double doors into
an open lobby, where enemies will be pelting you with gunfire from the top
floor. Shoot the explosive barrels on the top level to eliminate one group of
enemies. Autosave. Eventually the door next to the desk on the right-hand side
will unlock and several troopers will emerge. Autosave. Kill them and open the
next two doors until you see the lettering “Data Processing Center: Block 1A,”
then turn left. Wait for the soldiers to open the door, but make use of your
time waiting by picking off what soldiers you can, because they are also found
on the upper level. Get to the terminal marked on your radar, and access it.
As soon as you do, an alarm will go off, and a door that was previously locked
will open. There’s a guard behind it though, and two soldiers await you when
you get onto the catwalk on the upper level of the server room. Cross to the
other side of the room, and turn right, and get yourself into the hole in the
wall above several bundles of cable. Autosave. Proceed left, past the
flickering light, and keep going until you reach a ladder. Go up and exit
through the double doors to the right. Go straight through the hallway to
another set of double doors which open up to reveal the top floor of the
lobby. Kill the guards, as well as some who have appeared on the lower level.
Enter the green-lit door and kill the guard that rushes you. Head out a series
of doors where you’ll find two guards using a couch and a recliner as cover.
Use the desk to the left as cover if need be, and then exit the room through
the tall double doors to the left. Four soldiers await you within. At the
other end of the room, by the terminal with the four display screens, flip the
switch to access the terminal and the door to the left will open, with two
troopers beyond it. Make sure you kill the ‘bot too. Head into the elevator
despite its warnings and just before you hit bottom, you’ll be able to pause
time so you can run into a room guarded by a technician. Break out the window
of the security room if you need more ammo, but then turn around and enter the
other elevator shaft which will automatically take you to the next level.
3.7 Level 7 – Getaway
Exit when the elevator stops, and walk through the green door and up the
stairs. Autosave. You’ll step out onto the rooftop. Turn left and go into the
service passageway. Kill both of the troopers up here and grab the sniper
rifle, replacing your pistol. Use the sniper rifle to eliminate the soldier
manning the turret on the roof to the right. Autosave. Switch back to a close
quarters weapon and kill the soldier that rushes you from the door behind you.
Autosave. Exit onto the next section of rooftop and kill the two soldiers. Go
up the metal steps and take aim at the other soldier manning a distant turret.
After you kill him, take cover behind the structure on the roof from the fire
of the helicopter. It will soon leave, after blowing apart a section of gate.
Go through the hole made by the helicopter, and turn left and then right.
Autosave. Follow the fence and kill the soldiers in the next area. You can
wipe out a clump of them by throwing a clutch grenade. Get onto the metal
grating where a sniper rifle rests and take aim at the rooftop across the way.
Autosave. Kill the troops behind you and exit to the back right of the area if
you were facing the turret. Eliminate the two troopers in this area and
proceed past the broken wall. This area is swarming with troops, so take your
time in clearing the area. Follow the objective marker and use time pause to
get past the jets of fire from a broken pipe. Keep following the marker and
kill the two soldiers who try to stop you. Go enter the shed and exit out the
other door. Collect ammo from the crate and use your sniper rifle to eliminate
the remaining turret soldier. A crashing flyer will reveal the path, through a
service junction. Turn left and go up the walkway, and use the fallen beam to
cross into a nearby building through the hole. Drop down, go through the door,
and through the door across the hallway. Enter the elevator. Autosave. Open
the door and exit onto the rooftop. Switch to your automatic weapon, you’re
about to face some new enemies. They are equipped with jetpacks. My advice is
to stay in the doorway and switch between your shotgun and automatic to deal
with enemies on the ground and in the air. And if need be, you can always
retreat back into the room to regen. Continue clearing the area, refill at
the ammo crate. Face the elevator and turn around, hit the switch to end the
3.8 Level 8 – Disputed Airspace
This is probably the shortest of the levels thus far. The tactics are pretty
simple. Look on your radar, use your powers liberally, kill destroyers before
mines, and your turret can track around 360 degrees. Throughout the game will
autosave, and you don’t have to worry too much about your zeppelin’s health
since it will regen over time if it doesn’t take too many hits in succession.
3.9 Level 9 – Better Late…
You start out stripped of all grenades, which would make this starting bit a
whole lot easier. You will come under attack from about 10 soldiers, who
arrive upon a mix of Quads and an APC. The biggest threat is the trooper
standing in the APC gunwell, so find some cover, either the big rocks or the
far side of the road. If possible, cross the road and wait for the APC to
show with your shotgun equipped. As soon as the troops begin to disembark
you’ve already closed distance with the gunwell so you can start eliminating
threats before their boots have even touched the ground. You can also use the
body of the APC itself as cover, making sure to watch your radar to tell which
direction enemy troops will engage from. Eventually you’ll thin their numbers
to the point where you can mop up and collect ammo from the fallen bodies.
Your allies, sadly, don’t survive the encounter. Board a Quad and turn in the
direction they came from. Along the road, the game will autosave. Continuing
along the road you’ll see a bridge, use your time slow ability in conjunction
with the boost from the Quad to make it across. Autosave. Continue along the
road and you’ll face opposition from an APC and several troops beyond it. You
can either choose to stop to fight them or just boost past and continue along
the road. Keep going and you’ll hear a foghorn. As you approach the train you
start coming under fire from the troops, but of course you can avoid them. In
any event, whatever you choose, get onto the bridge and into the tunnel.
Autosave. At the other end of the tunnel you’ll see a total of five enemies,
two working on the train tracks, and three additional guards, one of whom you
probably can’t see. One of the guards is armed with the Thunderbolt crossbow,
which does pretty impressive damage, so you might consider swapping it for
your sniper rifle. Drive towards the camp indicated on your radar and use the
Thunderbolt to eliminate the threats from afar, especially those annoying
jetpack troopers. Once they’re dead, enter the tent and restock your ammo from
the ammo crate and the weapon crate containing a Thunderbolt. Be sure to grab
the explosives on your way out. Autosave. Exit and board a new Quad to get to
the objective marker. As soon as you plant the explosive, use your time slow
ability to get clear of the blast radius, which is quite prodigious
considering the short timer that it’s on. To be on the safe side, get behind
the rocks before the timer finishes counting down. Autosave. Hop onto the
railcar and flip the lever to get it started down the tracks. Bust through
the first barricade and then use time slow to get clear of the railcar before
it tumbles off the cliff. Kill the soldiers nearby and hop onto the Quad.
Continue down the unpaved road, using time slow to get past the minefield.
Autosave. You’ll rejoin the main road, around the bend of which is a military
installation. Take out as many guards as you can from a distance using the
Thunderbolt and then mop up with a weapon more suited to close-quarters. To
get inside the compound, go to the right side of the gate, by the stacked
cargo containers. Use time slow to get up the wooden ramp before it tips over,
and onto the boxes. Jump over the fence where there’s a missing section of
barbed wire. Check the tents for ammo, and climb the ladder up the tower.
Autosave. As soon as you flip the switch up top, use time slow to get down the
tower before the speeding truck rams into it, and kill the technician who
jumps off. Board a Quad and exit the encampment through the gate you just
opened. Autosave. Use the Quad boost to get over the ramp to the other side.
Enter the tunnel and use your time abilities and the boost to clear the
electrically charged pool of water. End.
3.10 Level 10 – Point of Impact
Continue down the tunnel until you’re blocked. Kill the trio of troopers in
front of you and prepare for battle. Beyond the gate, an APC will pull up and
several additional troops will attack from the other side of the truck. In
this scenario, the biggest threat is up in a tower from the direction the
troops ran from. He’s armed with a Bloodhound rocket launcher which can easily
toast you if you’re not careful. His tower also has ammo refills for the
automatic rifle, the sniper rifle, and an ammo crate. Once in the tower, you
have a commanding view of the enemy controlled landscape. Target the other
Bloodhound-armed trooper in the distant tower and make him your first
priority. Or just shoot out the explosive barrels positioned under his tower.
Kill all of the soldiers in the distant camp that appear on your radar with
a weapon of your choosing, then climb back down the ladder and head towards
the objective marker. Two soldiers are guarding a tunnel, so kill them and
head inside. Drop through the grating and turn left at the first intersection.
Turn the wheel and use time slow to make it through to the cliffside.
Autosave. Wait for your suit bar to refill and then walk along the path until
it begins to crumble. Use your suit to get to a stable area and get ready to
fight your way through the trenches. I have no idea why a lot of these enemies
respawn, so if someone could point out why that would be nifty. After clearing
the area, follow the trenches around and hop out at the other end. Flip the
switch on a supporting pillar of a vehicle lift to raise the ramp. Autosave.
To the left are three unsuspecting soldiers whom you can quickly sticky
grenade if you wish. After they’re dead, an APC will ride up the ramp and
drop off several troops, whom you can also stick with grenades as they’re
disembarking. Autosave. The lift behind you will lower and a Thunderbolt
wielding soldier will begin attacking you. Kill him, and then go to the
turnwheel by the lift. Turn it to raise the lift, and after the lift has gone
back down to the ground, rewind time to make the lift go up a level. Turn
left, go up the ramp, and jump onto the boxes to go up the mini-ladder. Go
around the barrels and turn left, go along the walkway to the stacked up
crates. You can jump over the left most one and walk up the metal thingie.
Drop down and turn around. Walk forward, turn left at the box, and left again
after going around it. Drop down a level and go up the ramp, killing the
soldier who is in the area. Climb up the leaning ladder and shoot the cable
holding the plank up like a drawbridge. Autosave. Cross the plank and climb
down the ladder. You’ll come under attack from soldiers hiding in the tents.
Clean ‘em up, and exit the encampment through the first tent on the right,
and pass through the door on the other end. Kill the attacking soldier and
another one hiding in the bathroom. Go back to the tent and face right towards
the rusting remains of the zeppelin. There’s a narrow path leading down into
an area strewn with the corpses of resistance fighters. Walk up the support
beams to get into the zeppelin itself, and go up the stairs. You’ll enter a
room with a hole in the wall to the left. Exit out that hole and make your
way down the broken beams to an open compartment. Go up the nearby stairs
from the engine room to the flight deck. Go around the sparking wires to
another door and walk out onto the left side of the zeppelin. Autosave. Go
around the red cargo container towards the slowly spinning propeller. Use time
slow to ride one of the propeller blades to a broken piece of walkway along
the cliff. Autosave. Walk up the path and kill two soldiers standing by an
ammo crate. You should see a laser sight slowly moving around now, so you know
there’s a sniper in the area. Kill him first and pick off the other ones
moving around. Don’t jump down until you’re sure they’re all dead so that you
can refill ammo from the crate you cleared earlier. Go down the tunnel on the
right and flip the switch on the railcar to get it moving. Autosave. Jump off
as soon as possible and go towards the tunnel on the left. You’ll have to go
under a girder and climb up another one to get into a new railcar, which
you’ll use to go down the tunnel. End of level.
3.11 Level 11 – Liberation
Exit the car and go through two doors. You’ll enter a cave with many defenders,
some of them armed with Thunderbolts. Two jetpack troopers also hover next to
the bridge. The long narrow bridge separates you from your objective. As you
get towards the other end, a train approaches, so use time pause or time
rewind to avoid it. In the next section of tunnel, four soldiers with
timesuits will attack you. Use time pause to make easy work of them. Each of
them is armed with E.M.F. cannons. Proceed down the left tunnel, and walk
through the door into the next room, which contains explosives and ammo
refills. Autosave. Exit and return to the fork, this time going behind the
railcar on the right and planting the explosives. Use your time slow to get
out of range, and walk through the hole you made after they’ve detonated. Go
under the hanging railcar and find the wood-framed passageway from which the
lamp is hanging. You’ll pass a burning barrel and come upon two pools of
electrified water. Autosave. You can’t cross the whole thing in one go, so
stop on the island between the two pools. Climb the wooden ladder and walk
along the planks to an area overlooking the prison cells. You have to go
around the room to find a hole in the chain link fence so you can drop down.
Eliminate the guards and go down the flight of stairs. Enter the green-lit
door on the right-hand side, and go through another door into the control
room. Flip the switch on the wall to release the prisoners. After the
cutscene, exit the room, turn right, and then right again to exit through the
opened gate. Follow the exit arrow, passing the body of a guard, and walk
through the door at the end of the hallway. Go right, through the opened
tunnel towards a Quad. End.
3.12 Level 12 – Road Trip
Continue along the road to a new cutscene. When you see a barricade blocking
the road, go up the ramp on the right. You’ll engage several troopers here, or
you can just stay on the Quad and avoid them. The goal is to make a wide turn,
hugging the right wall of the area, until you can return to the road. Two
soldiers await you a little further down the road. Stay on the road and kill
the soldiers at the next roadblock. Watch out for the Thunderbolt-wielding
soldiers on the walkway above the gate, as well as the two E.M.F. cannon
troops at ground level. There’s an ammo crate and a Thunderbolt near the
truck. Flip the switch in the security station across the bridge and use time
slow to get back onto the bridge. Boost the Quad over the gate to continue.
Autosave. Go slowly around the bend until you have a fairly clear view of the
group of enemies ahead. Snipe them dead, and drive the Quad to the wooden
panels along the right side of the road. Use them as cover to get into the
back of the truck, which contains a rocket launcher and an ammo crate. Now
you have a choice to make. You can either use the Bloodhound rocket launcher
to pelt the Sentry with rockets until it dies or you can just make a run for
it using the time slow ability to make it between the gaps of the obstructions
in the middle of the road. In any event, you’ll have to abandon your Quad. To
the right of the sentry (assuming you left it alive) is an unpaved road, with
a new Quad marked on your map. Board it and boost jump across to the other
side. Autosave. In the distance is yet another enemy camp. Snipe as many as
you can, and mop up. You can bring the Quad with you by skirting the left edge
of the road. At some point, a truck will pull up, bringing more enemy troops.
An E.M.F. cannon, a Thunderbolt, and an ammo crate lay in the center of the
camp. Keep following the road, going around the truck, and running over the
two soldiers who try to stop you. Check the back of the next truck for rifle
ammo if you need it. Further up the road, you’ll pass a burning vehicle and
some bodies. Along the way, your suit will fill you in on some additional
story info. Autosave. Turn left down the unpaved road when you come to a road
block. Jump the gap with boost, and take out the three soldiers. You should
take notice of the yellow signs along the path, marking a concealed minefield.
Use time slow and boost to clear it, until you reach another road. Turn right
and continue along. Kill the soldiers manning this area, including the one on
a walkway above the gate. When all is quiet, chuck a grenade into the rear of
the truck and use time slow to get out of the immediate area before it
explodes, taking the gate with it. Drive the Quad past its smoking remains and
follow the road to another roadblock. Turn left and exit the Quad when your
path is blocked by two boulders. Drop down and end the level.
3.13 Level 13 – Forced Entry
Pick up the Thunderbolt if you want, and head in the general direction of the
objective marker. Your suit will pick up shielded targets, which are located
ahead to the left. A single shot with a Thunderbolt is sufficient to take out
each one. A trio of regular soldiers will also attack. One of the shielded
soldiers is armed with a new weapon, the Hellfire, a combination
sub-machinegun and flamethrower. Continue heading towards the objective
marker, which leads you to some railroad tracks. Autosave. Stay on the tracks
until you can’t proceed any further without crossing into the minefield. Use
time slow to get across without dying and swim across the lake to your
rendezvous point. Autosave. After receiving your briefing, join your team in
charging in guns blazing. Crouch to move around in the trenches without
getting your head shot off, and make your way towards the turret. Autosave.
Use the turret to shoot the enemy until two shielded soldiers emerge from the
bunker to the right down the hill. Abandon the turret and one-shot the two of
them with your Thunderbolt. Continue past them deeper into the trenches and
eliminate the enemy with extreme prejudice. When there aren’t any stragglers
left, head towards the objective indicator and climb down the stairs. Shoot
the shielded soldier who rushes from the doorway and continue up the stairs.
Exit through another door, and go down another set of stairs. Autosave. Kill
the two soldiers and proceed through the next door. Go up the stairs, through
the door, and turn right, exiting through another door. At the base of the
stairs is a door. When you exit it, turn left and eliminate the soldiers to
the left. As you advance down the hallway, a soldier will reveal himself from
the door on the right, with two shielded soldiers playing escort. Walk through
the door they came from, and kill the three soldiers on the far side of the
train tracks. There’s an ammo crate to the left as soon as you enter the room.
Jump onto the train and flip the lever. End of level.
3.14 Level 14 – Test Labs
Exit the tram and walk through the door to the left. Autosave. The suit will
warn you of a hidden defense system. Use time slow to make it into the first
hallway on the left, where you can flip a switch to deactivate the first
rocket turret. The next hallway is on the right, where you can again turn off
the turret. Rinse and repeat for the next two turrets. The control panel for
the fourth node is opposite the door. Autosave. The door behind you opens to
reveal two surprised soldiers. Kill them and cautiously poke your head out
into the wide open area beyond the other door. Two snipers are on the upper
catwalk, so use your Thunderbolt or sniper rifle to kill them before they kill
you. The first door on the left has a Thunderbolt inside if you need one. Go
down the steps in front of you, towards the middle of this area, and go right,
around the boxes to engage the two soldiers who emerge from a door. Kill them
and then find the walkway leading into the middle and walk down it. Autosave.
You’ll come under attack from the right and across the way. Kill them all and
then continue to the opposite side of the room. Once across, turn right and
go through the door to collect ammo for the E.M.F. cannon. When you exit, look
for a ladder on the right side leading up to a catwalk. Climb up and go into
the room on the left. Flip the red switch to start the exhaust fan. Autosave.
Turn around and blast the soldier who rushes from the door behind you. Enter
and do the same with his pal. The door to the right leads back out into the
cavernous arena where some troops have responded to the alarm. Kill them and
collect ammo from the crate before going down the ladder. Continue left,
wiping out the opposition. You’ll have to jump over a rusted pipe and walk
around a silver one to continue. Jump onto the thick brown pipe and continue
left around more pipes. Jump over a silver one, still killing the opposition.
Eventually you’ll pass what looks like an electrical fusebox on the left. Keep
going straight, jumping over a pipe. Use time slow as you’re walking up the
see-saw grate. Autosave. Kill the soldier standing by the explosive gas tanks,
but try not to blow them up. You’ll just have to use time pause to get past
the jets of fire that are created by burst pipes. Clear the area, still facing
the same direction. You’ll find a console which controls the entrance into the
exhaust fan area. Flip the switch, and pause time to make it through the
bottom half when it opens up. Autosave. Inch as close to the blades as you can
without falling down, and use time reverse to go up the tall shaft. Try to
move towards the edges of the shaft so that you will land on solid ground when
the ability runs out. Kill the four soldiers up top here and exit through the
door. End of level.
3.15 Level 15 – Factory Recall
Enter a control room through the door on the left. Kill the two soldiers
manning their posts and grab the E.M.F. cannon ammo if you need it. Exit
through the door on the other end and kill the enemy at the end of the
hallway. Out the door is the munitions area, guarded by several soldiers
armed with Thunderbolts. Autosave. Pick them off and then climb down the
ladder. Go along the walkway towards the nearby platform, and climb up the
ladder. You’ll be under attack by three soldiers, all in front of you in a
wide arc. One has a standard rifle, another has an E.M.F. cannon and the
furthest away has a Thunderbolt. If you need additional Thunderbolt ammo,
there’s a refill around the platform from the ladder you climbed up.
Continuing along the walkways, your suit will detect a new enemy who uses
time stop. Ignore it for now, and climb down the ladder on the platform
beyond. The Quantum Guard reappears temporarily as you go down the ladder.
Face the center of the platform and strafe to the left, shoot the farther
explosive barrel to kill the two troops by the boxes. Jump over the
obstruction and kill more troops on the same level to the right. Two
additional troops armed with Thunderbolts will appear on a higher catwalk to
the right. Take the catwalk towards their former position and climb the ladder
on the far side of the platform. Turn around and walk to the other platform
and climb down. Walk across and climb up the ladder to the right into a
control room. Hit the button, which deploys several timesuited soldiers and
drops a tank to the ground floor. Autosave. Since you can’t climb back down
the ladder, exit the control room through the green-lit door. The
timestopping trooper will reappear and shoot at you once. Exit the hallway
through the door at the other end, back out onto the catwalks. Climb down the
ladder, killing the soldiers one-by-one. Be aware that additional timesuit
soldiers will pop out of containers as you make your way towards the
objective marker. Between the time pause ability and the Thunderbolt they
are easy kills. You will reach an area with four tanks side by side. Blow up
the barrels first so you don’t kill yourself by shooting at the timesuit
soldiers. After the tank area, turn left and snipe-kill the two soldiers up
in the rafters. Collect ammunition from the crate by the truck if you need
it. Hunt down the two timesuit soldiers left in the area, and climb up the
ladder indicated by the objective marker. Climb down the other ladder to
get to a previously inaccessible platform. Head for the hole in the grating,
but turn around and let your attackers have it. Return to the hole in the wall
and climb in. Find the hole in the floor and drop down. End of level.
3.16 Level 16 – Some Assembly Required
Head towards the door in front of you, a soldier on the other side will open
it as you get closer. Clear the surrounding area and climb down the ladder to
the right as you entered the room. Climb the nearby ladder up to the level
with the conveyor belt. Use your time suit to get past the smashers, as well
as the flame jets beyond. Autosave. Kill the soldier over the railing on the
right. Use time pause to get past another pair of smashers. Jump off the
conveyor belt as soon as you've passed the second smasher, onto the walkway
leading to two doors, one of which is locked. Autosave. Through the unlocked
door is some Thunderbolt ammo, but if you want to continue along the mission,
go down the ladder in the middle of the walkway. Three soldiers will be
waiting for your below, and two more soldiers will rush out of the locked door
on the floor above. Wipe them out and explore the previously locked door for
an ammo crate. When ready to proceed, walk down the stairs to the left or the
right, doesn't matter which way because they lead to the same area. Follow
the walkway to a large platform indicated by the objective marker. You'll
come under attack from soldiers hiding among the boxes and crates. To the
left on a lower level, two snipers will join in the fighting. Kill them all
and refill from an ammo crate by the objective marker. Climb up the ladder
and flip the switch to open the doors to the elevator shaft below. Find the
turnwheel to raise the elevator and use time slow to get inside. Exit the
elevator to an autosave. Kill the troops on the platform and head right from
the elevator to find a walkway leading to a new platform. Kill the troops and
head to the right door. More troops will exit from it and attack you. Hit the
button on the terminal to lower a ladder. Climb up and kill the troops. The
room to the right of the ladder when you're facing it contains a Thunderbolt
and an E.M.F. cannon. As you continue towards the objective marker, two
additional enemies will appear on your radar to the left and above. Kill the
one with the Bloodhound first. As you near the objective marker, take note of
the explosive barrels on the narrow bridge. A trooper will shoot it from
across the way. Kill him before using time slow to get past the first set of
flames, and then the second. The door along the walkway holds a E.M.F. cannon.
For those who want to continue, face the brick wall where it reads AIRDUCT and
jump over the railing. Walk into the duct and then drop down to end the level.
3.17 Level 17 - Sabotage
Use time pause to make it past the fan's blades and kill the trooper to the
right. Eliminate as many enemies as you can before going down the ladder
because you're pretty vulnerable with your back to them. Go down and head
towards the Krone Industries sign. Climb up the short ladder to a raised
platform, and up the ladder at the other end. Kill the two soldiers in the
control room and flip the switches to activate the cargo dollys. Go back
outside and run across the dollies to the walkway. Autosave. Follow the exit
arrows on the walkway and climb down the ladder. Go up the stairs and wait by
the conveyor belt for a box to lower. Use reverse time to ride the box up and
into the next area. Get out of the box and drop to the side off the conveyor
belt. Kill the technician and walk up the stairs out the door. Autosave. Wait
in the room about two seconds and the door in front of you will open to reveal
an assembly line of timesuit troopers. Kill the patrolling shield guard and
walk to the left. Four or five soldiers will attack you in the room past the
closed door. Grab ammo from the mini-armory and then exit through the other
door in the room. Kill the soldiers and ignore the walkway to the left, keep
going straight. You may come under attack from soldiers below and to the right,
so use your radar to find them before finishing 'em off. At the end of the
walkway, pass through the door. Kill the three soldiers inside and go out the
other door. Autosave. Refill at the ammo crate and exit. Through the next door
is the core room. It's defended by jetpack troopers and regular soldiers. Kill
them and walk towards the grey wall with the lettering SECTOR 01. Enter the
elevator and ride it down. Autosave. E.M.F. cannon ammo in the armory to the
right. Your suit will detect shielded enemies as you approach the bars. Kill
the shielded troopers and turn right towards the objective marker. Wait for
each beam to go vertical, that is, running straight from top to bottom, hug
the wall and use time pause to get past. Again, you can't make it all in one
attempt, so wait for your time bar to refill between each one. After passing
through the three beams, you'll come into a room with a terminal and a button.
Hit the button to purge the core coolant. Autosave. A new path leading to two
laser traps opens. Using the same strategy to get past, turn right at the end
and enter the elevator shaft. Climb the ladder and head right around the boxes.
Watch out for the falling rocks! A Quantum Guard will appear, and a regular
soldier hides behind the tractor. When you can go no further, turn left into
the lift and ride it up. If the Quantum Guard is on the verge of killing you,
pause time and let your health regen a bit.
3.18 Level 18 - Exeunt
Exit the lift and turn left. Kill all the troops in the area, including the
timeslowing soldiers. Pick up the E.M.F. cannon and Thunderbolt refills from
the crates before heading for the column shaped building. Jump over the boxes.
Autosave. Immediately head left, behind the cargo containers. The helicopter
you saw lifting off from the elevator is now on your case. Luckily there's a
Bloodhound sitting nearby. 8 rockets later, the helicopter is history. For an
easier time with the helicopter, use time pause to keep it in one spot while
you unload your firepower. Autosave. Head towards the lift, killing the two
shielded troopers who emerge. Fill up from the ammo crate nearby before riding
the lift up. A dropship lowers, and troops descend. Pause time for easy kills.
Two soldiers from the right, one from up above to the left in the tower, and a
Quantum Guard complicate matters. Use a heavy weapon like the Bloodhound to
make quick work of the Guard, and kill the others at your leisure. Refill ammo
from the crate across from the lift and then head left, around the tower. Kill
the troops shooting at you from the building and climb up the ladder. The suit
will warn you of falling debris so run across the bridge to the other side,
killing the trooper behind some boxes. Climb up the series of ladders until
you see a cable car. Autosave. Flip the switch and get back on the car as it
crosses the gap. Aim towards the door far in the distance and kill the
Bloodhound-armed soldier before he can shoot you. If you stop at the middle
island, you can get some more ammo before continuing across. You'll have to
recall the cable car using the nearby lever. The cable car doesn't stop, so
you'll have to board it while its moving, and flip the lever once again to
get it going in the direction you want. At the other end, walk through the
door and the next one into a long hallway with flickering lights. Kill the
technician and walk through the door behind him. Autosave. Proceed left, past
the laser traps and kill another soldier. Go into the security room and climb
the ladder. This access shaft will take you to the hangar bay. Autosave. Climb
up and kill the soldiers. Hit the switch next to the hangar bay doors to open
them, and kill the two soldiers outside. Turn the knob in the farther security
booth and then use time slow to get back inside the ship before it lifts too
high. End of level.
3.19 Level 19 - Drive-By
Receive your briefing followed by a cutscene. You'll come to manning the turret
of the vehicle being driven by the resistance. Kill the soldiers on the APC
following behind you and then you'll drive over a raising bridge. Exit on foot
and kill the enemies. Autosave. Go around the bunker to its left and clear it
out. Flip the switch inside to open the gate. Autosave. Head through the gate
and take cover behind the log to the left. Your goal is to get to a stack of
boxes near the gate. Jump on top of them, and over the fence. Avoid the
minefield by hugging the left wall. Run up the fallen girder leaning against
the fence when using time pause. Autosave. Go right, along the train tracks
and enter the building through a door on its left side. Exit up the staircase
to the top floor. Kill the two distant snipers, as well as the soldiers to the
left. Continue left, flipping the switch. Stay on the walkway and look for the
gap in the barbed wire. Drop down to the train as it passes beneath you and use
time reverse to ride it back through the doors it came from. Autosave. Kill all
the soldiers and then go up the steps on the right far side of the depot. Ride
the lift up to the second level and flip the switch to bring the loading
platform over to you. Flip the switch again to send it back and use time slow
to get on. Ride it across the room, and jump to the platform and push the
button to call the lift. Stop right in front of the conveyor belt and use
reverse time to follow the boxes back through the opening and drop down.
Autosave. Kill the soldiers, and go up the stairs to the left. Follow the
walkway around to the objective marker and then jump onto the pipes to the
right and get into the ventilation shaft. Continue around the corner to end
the level.
3.20 Level 20 - Gate Crashers
Exit the shaft and kill the opposition in the area. They're a mixed bag of
infantry, shielded troopers, and timeslow troopers. Explore the area from
which the shield troopers attacked to find an E.M.F. cannon and an Echo Rifle.
Go past the cargo containers and around the thick green pipe to an autosave.
Engage multiple enemies once again. Restock on ammo from the crate near the
top of the loading dock ramp. Turn left at the Block 02 gate and go up the
metal ramp leaning against some boxes. Jump over the fence to an autosave.
Turn right and kill the shielded and non-shielded troops. Continue past the
chainlink fence towards the objective marker. Kill the sniper on the catwalk
above and the one coming down the lift. Enter the lift and flip the switch to
raise it. Flip the closer switch and use time slow to run to the other one to
activate it. Autosave. Equip a Bloodhound or grab one from the tower near the
second switch. Note: You can't damage the helicopter unless its already made
its first pass. Shoot down the helicopter and go back down the lift. Go down
the ramp and into the back room indicated on the radar to pick up the
explosives. Autosave. Plant the explosives on the indicated door and use time
pause to get away in time. Run through the hole and exit through the door on
the right and through another door. End of level.
3.21 Level 21 - The Wind Tunnel
Watch the unfortunate volunteer get gibbed by the wind fans. Step through the
door and aim for the area by the windows. Your goal is simply to get out of
the rushing airflow. Find the open door and kill the two soldiers within. Find
the stairwell and go up. Exit out the door and kill more soldiers. Go across
the walkway and out the other door. Climb the two ladders and exit out the
door. Kill the soldiers with your ranged weapon and hit the button by the
terminal to stop the fans. Autosave. Kill the three jetpack troopers, and walk
along the catwalk to the right as you're facing the computer terminal. Climb
down the ladder at the end to a platform with two red cargo containers. Walk
past them and through the door on the right. Climb down the first ladder and
exit through the doors into the control center. Kill the two soldiers within
and hit the switch on the main computer terminal. Autosave. Exit the control
room, and climb down the second ladder and out the door. Kill the two soldiers
who attack and go through the door past their bodies. Go down the stairs and
turn right after the doorway. Grab the E.M.F. cannon pickup and continue
through the door. Kill the three soldiers inside and flip both switches using
time slow to open the hangar doors. Backtrack past the computer terminal that
you used to shut down the fan system, and down two ladders to meet up with the
resistance fighters. End.
3.22 Level 22 - Repo Men
Go around the train to pick up an E.M.F. cannon and a Bloodhound if you want
or just board it. Pull the lever to get it started. It'll drive a short
distance before coming under heavy fire from ground troops. Get out and start
killing. When they're all dead, head for the looming gate in the distance and
up the stairs to the left. Go through the nearby door, down the stairs, and
through the door at the bottom. Kill the two soldiers, grab the weapons from
the armory and straight through the other door. Kill the soldiers and jump the
tracks to the door on the other side. The next door will open up to a
stairwell. Go up and wipe out the three soldiers on the platform. Watch out
for the turret on the upper level though. Collect the ammunition and then flip
the lever to the left. Autosave. Kill the soldiers on the platform beyond and
the turret guy, as well as the ones that charge you from behind after they're
dead. Exit through the door they attacked from, and go down the stairs. Go
through two doors, and kill the men in the room. Exit out the other door and
go across the tracks to the green door. Kill the men within and hit the button
on the main terminal. Autosave. Go through the door to the left of the
terminal as you face it, and through another door. Go through the gate to the
right and through the area the elevator lifted from. Kill your attackers and
go through the door behind them. Kill the two soldiers inside and out the door
to the left. You should see a Krone Industries sign. Go past it to a stairwell
and go up and out onto the platform. Kill your attackers and flip the lever to
the right to call the lift. Kill your way to the control room and hit the
button on the center console. A cutscene ends the level.
3.23 Level 23 - En Route
Take control of the laser turret and blow the helicopters and minelayers out
of the sky. At some point, the zeppelin will dock. Autosave. Hit X to get out
of the turret and enter the elevator behind you. Exit through either door, and
flip the nearby switch to ride the lift down. Kill the soldiers on the walkway
and walk up to the gate. Turn right and climb the ladder. Turn left at the
edge and walk along the beam to an open grate. Autosave. Drop down, and then
drop down again down a chute to a room filled with fuel drums. Use time pause
or time reverse so that the nearby guard doesn't blow you up. Kill him and
then duck into the door he vacated. Shoot the barrels from the safety of this
side room and go through the grate you blew off the floor. There's also an
E.M.F. cannon and an ammo crate next to the door. Follow the arrows around in
the cramped space, and drop down. Autosave. Jump into the open pipe and follow
it to its end. Turn around and kill the guards in the immediate area. Jump
onto the brown pipe and from there onto the platform. More guards will attack.
When ready, flip the switch to lower a cargo pallet. Flip it again, this time
getting on top of it. Jump onto the catwalk and go up the stairs. Kill the
three soldiers across the way and then jump over the railing onto the pipes.
Jump up again at the next set until you reach Airway 436. Enter and drop
through the grating. A Quantum Guard will appear and start attacking you.
Kill him and then go up the ladder around the corner into a vent shaft. Drop
down hit the button on the console to lower the fuel tank. Autosave. Go
through the crawlspace marked exit. Kill the troops below and then jump on a
box to get into another crawlspace. Drop down onto a pipe, and from there to
another pipe, and down to the floor. Kill the two Quantum Guard that warp in
and out. Climb into the rail car and flip the lever. End.
3.24 Level 24 - Consequences
Exit your crashed flyer and crouch to squeeze into the building through the
open window. Remember it? Its the resistance HQ you started in. Walk through
the doors into the back alley. Autosave. Climb the ladder and go around the
walkway. Drop down and go up another ladder, entering the building through the
window. Go around the corner to an autosave. Pick up the weapons in the room
before exiting through the door. Kill the soldier to the right and walk across
the hallway to another door. Do the same with the next one and melee or shoot
apart the wall into the next room. Exit back into the hallway through the door
to the right and kill along the way to the objective marker. Climb up the ramp
through the hole into the next room and go upstairs. Kill the soldier opening
the door and keep heading upstairs. Open the door and climb the ladder up to
the attic. Autosave. Jump on the scaffolding and go through the window onto
the roof. Kill the guards armed with SurgeGuns and use their guns (primary fire)
to blow up the turrets on the legs of the Sentinel. Hiding behind the brick
walls does no good because eventually the plasma fire will reduce them to dust.
After each gun explodes, Krone will launch an artillery strike at your location.
Use time slow and keep moving around the roof to avoid getting hit. Eventually
the third cannon will explode and the final artillery strike will pass. Exit
the rooftop to the right of where you climbed out the window onto the rooftop.
Make your way past the burning tires to a hole in the floor. Drop down, and
then find another hole that lets you go down another floor. At the
intersection, turn right and go through the door. Drop down through the giant
hole in the floor and go through the window. Don't drop down on the other side
yet though. Wait for Krone's Sentinel to aim its belly gun and take it down
with the SurgeGun. Then get out on the fire escape and pick up the refill.
Enjoy the final cutscene and the setup for a sequel.
4. Credits
Me, myself, and I. Plenty more room here for people who send tips and