Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2002 (šifre)

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2002

Submitted by: Haspa

Enter one of the following codes at the cheat screen. 

Result                    Code
All golfers and courses - ALLORNOTHIN 
All courses             - GIVEITUP 
Brad Faxon              - ENOXAF14D 
Cedric "Ace" Andrews    - TSWERDNA12O 
Colin Montgomery        - EYTNOM09E 
Erika "Ice" Von Severin - RVESNOV08G 
Jasper Parnevik         - 0KIVENRAP02U 
Jim Furyk               - OKYRUF05R 
Justin Leonard          - RDRANOAEL13O 
Kellie Newman           - SNAMWEN172 
Lee Janzen              - INEZNAJ11W 
L'Mo                    - P2UTAVAAT15S 
Melvin "Yosh" Tanigawa  - WAWAGINAT07I 
Moa "Big Mo" Ta'a Vatu  - O1UTAVAAT06T 
Notah Begay III         - DYAGEB04E 
Stuart Appleby          - UYBELPPA160 
Solita Lopez            - GZEPOL10R 
Super Tiger             - 2TREPUS01S 
Vijay Singh             - SHGNIS03P 

Bonus golfers:
Defeat a golfer in the Tiger Challenge to unlock that 
person in other game modes. 

Aces Wild trophy ball:
Shoot a hole in one in the Tiger Challenge. 

Back-to-Back trophy ball:
Shoot two consecutive eagles in the Tiger Challenge. 

Birdie Buster trophy ball:
Shoot over twelve consecutive birdies in the Tiger Challenge. 

Birdie Streak trophy ball:
Shoot six consecutive birdies in the Tiger Challenge. 

Eagle Extravaganza trophy ball:
Shoot four eagles in a round in the Tiger Challenge. 

Eagle Hunt trophy ball:
Eagle all par 5 holes in the game in the Tiger Challenge. 

Fairway Challenge trophy ball:
Hit all the fairways in a round in the Tiger Challenge. 

GIR Challenge trophy ball:
Hit all the greens in regulation in the Tiger Challenge. 

Long Distance Drive trophy ball:
Hit a drive over 350 yards in the Tiger Challenge. 

Long Putt trophy ball:
Sink a putt from over 55 feet in the Tiger Challenge. 

Low Round trophy ball:
Shoot under 60 in a round in the Tiger Challenge. 

One Time trophy ball:
Tee off and hit a par 5 green in the Tiger Challenge. 

Pin Seeker trophy ball:
Hit the pin in the Tiger Challenge. 

Scenario Challenge trophy ball:
Successfully complete all scenarios in the Tiger Challenge. 

Tiger Challenge Completion trophy ball:
Successfully complete the Tiger Challenge. 

Top of the Tournaments trophy ball:
Win first place in all tournaments in the Tiger Challenge. 

Princeville course:
Earn $50,000 with a created golfer.

Black Rock Cove:
Earn $200,000 with a created golfer. 

Royal Birkdale course:
Earn $400,000 with a created golfer. 

Tiger's Dream Course holes:
When a level of the Tiger Challenge is completed, 
another hole in Tiger's Dream Course will be unlocked.

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