Thunderhawk (šifre)


Fitted as standard to the thunderhawk is a 30mm three 
barrelled chain gun. The gun is only really efective at 
ranges under .5 KM but inside that range it is a potent 
weapon against both ground and air targets. The only things 
that the gun is ineffective against are large structures 
suchs as bridges and factories. The 1200 rounds of ammunition 
are fired off in 6 round bursts and normally 3 or 4 bursts 
are sufficient against soft targets.
FFAR Rocket pod:
Fitted in pods of 26 or 47 rockets and with a maximum range 
of approximetly 1.5 km the unguided folding fin aerial Rocket 
is ahighly verstaile waepon. Although only accurate to around 
.5 km, the FFAR is a potent weapon within that range, being 
effective against all vechicles amnd small structures.

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