The Sims 2 - Family Fun Staff
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Author: Warfreak
Version: 0.2
Date Started: 7/7/07
Table of Contents
[1] Introduction
[1.01] Introduction
[1.02] Version History
[2] Comfort
[2.01] Chair de la Mer
[2.02] "My Valient Steed" Dining Chair by Mystical Furnishings
[2.03] Deep Blue Sleep System
[2.04] "My Impregnable Fortress" Bed by Mystical Furnishings
[3] Tables
[3.01] "The Reef" End Table
[3.02] A Fantastic End Table!
[3.03] First Mate's Desk
[3.04] "My Very First Castle" Desk by Mystical Furnishings
[4] Decorative
[4.01] Mr. Shuffles
[4.02] Itty Bitty Clay Vases
[4.03] Adorable Ocean Liner
[4.04] Globe L'Empereur
[4.05] Los Pascados of the Wall
[4.06] Los Pascados of the Wall Two
[4.07] Tell-Me-Tall by GrowCo
[4.08] The Disguise of Mr. Romance
[4.09] Dry Land Flotation Device
[4.10] Ship Rotation Device
[4.11] Fancy Fairy by OgreCorp
[4.12] Used Propellers
[4.13] "Just in Case" Oars
[4.14] Well Rounded by Circulator
[4.15] The King's Jester
[4.16] Kepler's Celestial Wall Mirror
[4.17] Kepler's Planetary Floor Mirror
[4.18] Power Mirror
[4.19] The Stones of Stepping
[4.20] The Fishy Rug
[4.21] The Pounding Waves Rug
[4.22] Foulbreath's Mat
[5] Lighting
[5.01] Stinging Jelly Light
[5.02] Dreams Alight by Guildsmen Industries
[6] Misc
[6.01] The Aquadresser
[6.02] The Aquamoire
[6.03] "The Dragon's Horde" by Mystical Furnishings
[6.04] "Vault of Mysteries" Armoire by Mystical Furnishings
[7] Misc Stuff That Belongs Nowhere Else
[7.01] Notes
[A] Contact Information
[B] Webmaster Information
[C] Credits
[D] Sites FAQ is on
[E] Copyright
[1.01] Introduction
Welcome to my 15th guide. This is a relative short one since it will only
focus on this small stuff pack. It is minor, but its up to you either you
want it or not. It adds a small amount of items but a fair amount of wallpaper
tiles and the such. Can't remember how many but a fair bit. This stuff pack
deals mainly with water and pools and another theme is fairy tales with ogres
and fairys.
Let me explain about the stuff packs. Expansion packs add a fair amount of
content and interactions but according to Maxis, the stuff packs are to add
in things that did not fit in with the expansion packs, and hence, the stuff
pack, but I find that hard to believe. But it doesn't explain why I have all
the stuff packs though.
[1.02] Version History
Version 0.1 [7/7/07]
Started Guide.
Version 0.2 [8/7/07]
Should finish the guide today. Added in a few bits.
[2.01] Chair de la Mer
"Ever wanted to sit atop a coral throne and rule over an underwater kingdom?
Well. this is more of a desk chair, and it's not coral, but still, nobody's
stopping you from building that underwater kingdom!"
Cost: §170
Motives: Comfort - 3
Skills Increased: None
Colours: 5
[2.02] "My Valient Steed" Dining Chair by Mystical Furnishings
"Is your child a big, terrified baby? Perhaps your child should be sent to a
psychiatrist? Or perhaps they just need a leg up on the average bully and
other bad things! Get them their very own "My Valient Steed" Dining Chair!
Nothing cure the incurable like a good kick in the imagination and a mighty
horse upon which to sit! Mystical Furnishing: Valient Steeds for all.
Cost: §240
Motives: Comfort - 3
Skills Increased: None
Colours: 7+
[2.03] Deep Blue Sleep System
"Its time to dive into the ocean and snorkel your tired little self to sleep!
Drift among the seashells, ocean-blue sheets and sea-foam comforter. This is
the bed where the depths of your slumber are only rivalled by the depths of
the sea."
Cost: §470
Motives: Comfort - 3, Energy - 3
Skills Increased: None
Colours: 7+
[2.04] "My Impregnable Fortress" Bed by Mystical Furnishings
"Children love to crawl into a warm and safe bed and let their imaginations
run free. Soon they are filled with fears of drooling beasts sprawled beneath
their beds, or jammed claw to hoof in the closet. We at Mystical Furnishings
believe its our job to nurture your child's wild imagination and let them
explore their deepest fears. What better way then to provide them a fortress
from which they can fight back the demons! Mystical Furnishings: Defending
the castle for centuries."
Cost: §570
Motives: Comfort - 3, Energy - 3
Skills Increased: None
Colours: 7+
[3.01] "The Reef" End Table
"Establish a solid underwater collection with "The Reef" End Table. The fish
and tabletopi in your underwater bedroom will feel so much more at home!"
Cost: §100
Motives: None
Skills Increased: None
Colours: 5
[3.02] A Fantastic End Table!
"If the journey of your day is finally at an end, settle down in bed or on a
comfortable couch, and place your wares on this Fantastic End Table! Like a
loyal servent, it will hold things without question. There should be A
Fantastic End Table next to all your furniture!"
Cost: §140
Motives: None
Skills Increased: None
Colours: 7+
[3.03] First Mate's Desk
"Well it's time to get to work, first mate! Sit down at the First Mate's Desk
and show those scurvy dogs just how hard you work. Sure, the first mates of
old didn't have a computer, but then again, many of them had scurvy! The First
Mate's Desk is guaranteed to keep your scurvy free. Comes with a pleasent
citrus scent!"
Cost: §140
Motives: None
Skills Increased: None
Colours: 5
[3.04] "My Very First Castle" Desk by Mystical Furnishings
"Your reign begins with the "My Very First Castle" Desk. Will you rule with an
iron fist ... or a gentle touch? Will the peasants cower at the very sight
of your fearsome visage, or will they shower you with flower petals and sing
praises to your name? Mystical Furnishings: Helping rulers deal with peasants
for centuries."
Cost: §180
Motives: None
Skills Increased: None
Colours: 7+
[4.01] Mr. Shuffles
"Mr. Shuffles had a good life. He wasn't the first bunny to circumnavigate the
globe in a wheelbarrow, but he's done that. Nor was he first bunny to launch
into space in a wheelbarrow, but he's done that, too. What did Mr. Shuffles
do you say? What DIDN'T he do, we say! And for that, we salute you, Mr.
Shuffles, for everything you (and your wheelbarrow) do."
Cost: §95
Motives: Environment - 1
Skills Increased: None
Colours: 5
[4.02] Itty Bitty Clay Vases
"The end table needs ... something. Made of clay ... and really tiny. Are you
thinking what we're thinking? You should, because advertising is never wrong!
Thats right, the Itty Bitty Clay Vases are perfect for that empty spot in
your house. Not only do they make the place a little nicer, but they're tiny:
and tiny things are cute!"
Cost: §175
Motives: Environment - 1
Skills Increased: None
Colours: 5
[4.03] Adorable Ocean Liner
"Not many of us can actually own an ocean liner ... or even afford a trip
on one. However, with the Adorable Ocean Liner, your Sims can sample all the
romance and luxary of a vacation cruise just by gazing at this intricate scale
model. Anchors away!
Cost: §275
Motives: Environment - 2
Skills Increased: None
Colours: 4
[4.04] Globe L'Empereur
"Ah, the age-old problem: you have a vast army, but nobody to conquer. Well,
short stuff, today's your lucky day! Tuck your hand in your jacket and give
the Globe L'Empereur a quick glance. See a country you like? Take it with
overwhelming force! Globe L'Empereur guarantees your victories will be swifter
and more glorious. Vive L'Empereur
Cost: §350
Motives: Environment - 3
Skills Increased: None
Colours: 4
[4.05] Los Pascados of the Wall
"I must mount this fish!" exclaimed the fisherman. He wanted it to look really
special, so he mounted it and painted it with vibrant, pretty colors. However,
this made the fish look a bit too "cute". He had no desire to show off "cute"
fish, so he quickly hung them up in his children's bedroom and passed them off
as decorative objects."
Cost: §78
Motives: Environment - 1
Skills Increased: None
Colours: 5
[4.06] Los Pascados of the Wall Two
"I must mount this fish too!" exclaimed the fisherman. He wanted this one to
look special too, so he mounted it and painted it with vibrant, pretty colors.
However, this fish also turned out to be a bit on the "cute" side. Again, he
had no desire to show off a "cute" fish, so he hung the fish up next to the
Cost: §78
Motives: Environment - 1
Skills Increased: None
Colours: 5
[4.07] Tell-Me-Tall by GrowCo
"Little kids are cute. But kids grow like weeds, and before you know it, they
want to borrow the car. Don't be caught off-guard when your darling toddler
transforms into a dastardly teen. With the Tell-Me-Tell, you're prepared for
the worst.
Cost: §90
Motives: Environment - 1
Skills Increased: None
Colours: 4
[4.08] The Disguise of Mr. Romance
"Mr. Romance, the dangerous dream of the ladies of ancient Veronaville, wore
this mask to disguise his face. No one ever discovered his true identity, but
his legend lives on to this day in the form of a mask. Bring the mystery of
Mr. Romance into your very own home for a very reasonable price!"
Cost: §140
Motives: Environment - 1
Skills Increased: None
Colours: 4
[4.09] Dry Land Flotation Device
"Ever felt like you were drowning in the world, because of stress, pressure,
and ... life? You may not be standing in water, but you sure are in over your
head. Stick the Dry Land Flotation Device on your wall to provide relief from
the insurmountable tidal wave of pain that is your life."
Cost: §250
Motives: Environment - 2
Skills Increased: None
Colours: 4
[4.10] Ship Rotation Device
"Is there a boat lying in your front yard that you wish were turned just a
hair port or starboard? Do you wish you had a steering wheel to play with in
the home? The Ship Rotation Device is just the fix! But it for your wall now
and before long you'll be screaming "hard to starboard" like a true seaman."
Cost: §250
Motives: Environment - 2
Skills Increased: None
Colours: 4
[4.11] Fancy Fairy by OgreCorp
"Once upon a time, cruel Ogres captured a young fairy artist and commanded her
to make a tapestry glorifying ogres. To spite them, she made a tapestry of a
fairy instead. The ogres were angry about his disobedience, but they quickly
realized they could sell the tapestries to human children for a handsome
profit. Who has the last laugh now, fairy?"
Cost: §190
Motives: Environment - 2
Skills Increased: None
Colours: 7+
[4.12] Used Propellers
"These Used Propellers were "obtained" directly from boats in the shipyard
and brought to you, our valued customers, to use as you see fit. At the black
market rate, these babies will fly out of stock faster than they were pulled
off the turbines! You don't have an ocean liner? Who cares! Used Propellers
make great decorations, even a blender, assuming you have a big bowl."
Cost: §450
Motives: Environment - 4
Skills Increased: None
Colours: 7
[4.13] "Just in Case" Oars
"The Captain always said, "ye never know when ye might be needin' some oars."
Everyone knows that's an undeniable truth, Sure' the cataclysmic flood waters
may never come and the oars will be little more than an extremely fashionable
decoration. But then again, you don't know that for sure. Are you willing to
risk it, or will you heed the Captain's warning?"
Cost: §450
Motives: Environment - 4
Skills Increased: None
Colours: 7
[4.14] Well Rounded by Circulator
"The concentric circles surrounding this mask serve only to enhance the
ageless beauty of the face at its center. Just as the circle represents
continuity and the endless cycle of life, so this mask will bring a comforting
sense of continuity into your Sim's life."
Cost: §3100
Motives: Environment - 10
Skills Increased: None
Colours: 4
[4.15] The King's Jester
"The King's Jester was always such a prankster. On Halloween the trees in the
Royal Orchard were filled with toilet paper. New Year's not only meant
firecrackers, but exploding wine caskets. Brighten up your home with this
mask, and let the hilarity ensue! Huzzah!"
Cost: §3200
Motives: Environment - 10
Skills Increased: None
Colours: 4
[4.16] Kepler's Celestial Wall Mirror
"When Johannes Kepler first explained planetary motion as based on the shape
of an ellipse, thereby founding the field of celestial mechanics, how could
he ever have known that one day in the distant future there would be mirrors
created in his name? When your Sims gaze into this handsome wall mirror, they
won't be able to resist its heady mix of history and science."
Cost: §475
Motives: Environment - 3
Skills Increased: Charisma
Colours: 3
[4.17] Kepler's Planetary Floor Mirror
"Johannes Kepler was the first to correctly explain planetary motion as based
on the ellipse, thereby becoming the founder of celestial mechanics. This
elliptical mirror is named in his honor. As you gaze into it, you can't help
but wonder, "Will I be the next to define a new universal law?"
Cost: §550
Motives: Environment - 3
Skills Increased: Charisma
Colours: 3
[4.18] Power Mirror
"The Power Mirror has been specifically designed to unleash the hidden power
in each and every Sim. Just gazing into this mirror will send your Sim's
Charisma skyrocketing, creating a powerful urge to partake in power lunches,
power naps, power trips, power surges, and other activities of the rich and
powerful. The Power Mirror, by ZapScorch industries - you're powerless to
resist it!"
Cost: §625
Motives: Environment - 3
Skills Increased: Charisma
Colours: 4
[4.19] The Stones of Stepping
"Unsure of your next step? Does the plain, single-colored ground offer to many
choices? End your confusion now and lay down a clear path with The Stones of
Stepping! Our elegant, smooth stonesclearly show you the best places to put
your feet down, so take the next step and purchase The Stones of Stepping!"
Cost: §100
Motives: None
Skills Increased: None
Colours: 4
[4.20] The Fishy Rug
"As you stand on this rug you might be perplexed and think to yourself,
"there's something fishy about this rug." Your thoughts are most certainly
correct! Step back and take a look ... it's a fish! Feel better?
Cost: §150
Motives: None
Skills Increased: None
Colours: 5
[4.21] The Pounding Waves Rug
"The sensation of gentle and cool waves at the beach pales in comparsion to
the soft material and implied waves of the Pounding Waves Rug. It may not be
the real thing, but then again, you don't have to be concerned with jellyfish
or driftwood."
Cost: §175
Motives: None
Skills Increased: None
Colours: 5
[4.22] Foulbreath's Mat
"Foulbreath had the worst smelling flames in the kingdom. When attacking
villages his victims would scream extra loudly, for the smell (and burning
sensation) was just too much to bear. Though the humans could not harm him
physically, they took an emotional stab at him by placing his image on a mat.
"If we have to smell his breath, then he must smell our feet!"
Cost: §225
Motives: None
Skills Increased: None
Colours: 7+
[5.01] Stinging Jelly Light
"Up until nowm jellyfish have done little more than inflict pain and misery.
Not anymore! After adding a "healthy dose" of radioactivity, these pulpous
villains can now contribute to society as the Stinging Jelly Light! Turn it
on and bask in the glow of their little squishy danglies."
Cost: §90
Motives: Environment - 1
Skills Increased: None
Colours: 3
[5.02] Dreams Alight by Guildsmen Industries
"It's time to begin your quest and find that which you seek. Light your path
with Dreams Alight by Guildsmen Industries to ensure you do not stumble or
falter. Slay a goblin, learn a spell, or finish eating your peas. The Dreams
Alight can alter any path -- no matter how insignificant."
Cost: §125
Motives: Environment - 1
Skills Increased: None
Colours: 7+
[6.01] The Aquadresser
"Growing weary of boring, land-based storage? Submerge your valuables in the
briny depths of this sleek, marine-themed dresser."
Cost: §245
Motives: None
Skills Increased: None
Colours: 5
[6.02] The Aquamoire
"Growing weary of boring, land-based storage? Submerge your valuables in the
briny depths of this sleek, marine-themed armoire."
Cost: §300
Motives: None
Skills Increased: None
Colours: 5
[6.03] "The Dragon's Horde" by Mystical Furnishings
"You've tracked the dragon to his cave. What treasures will you find stashed
within? You sneak up to the cave's entrance. You are ready for the dragon!
What was his, will soon be yours! When the battle is over, you'll rush home
with "The Dragon's Horde" Dresser eager to dig through its secrets. Mystical
Furnishings: Treasure tucked away in every crevice."
Cost: §345
Motives: None
Skills Increased: None
Colours: 7+
[6.04] "Vault of Mysteries" Armoire by Mystical Furnishings
"Food, shelter, love; sure these are all good things to provide your child,
but are you feeding their imagination? We don't think so. That's why we ask
that you let the "Vault of Mysteries" Armoire fill that dark, endless
chasm of intellectual stimulation that we know your child has succumbed to.
Pick your child up from the dusty corner and get their imagination stirring!
Mystical Furnishings: Furnishing the imagination."
Cost: §400
Motives: None
Skills Increased: None
Colours: 7+
[7.01] Notes
* This was the first Sim Game where the Rugs first appeared
* The first of the many stuff packs which have outraged many Sim fans as a
rip off and a way for EA to make more money
* This is the stuff pack for those with OFB to start a swimming centre or a
fairy tale centre.
* Predictions of cars was furfilled in Nightlife and cruises would be upcoming
in Bon Vogage.
[A] Contact Information
Hey, what do you know, it looks just like my previous legal things, cause I'm
too lazy to make another one. That block button is mighty fun to use.
Before you E-Mail me, read the guide first. If the answer is not in here, then
E-Mail me. If it is, don't bother as I won't reply.
To contact me, e-mail me at
hillsdragon13 [at] hotmail [dot] com
Replace at with @ and dot with .
Don't add me to MSN Messenger List because if I don't know you, I won't accept
you, simple as that.
E-Mail me (and anyone else you want to e-mail) with courtesy and respect as
we are living people like you. Have a title of what you are sending so I know
what is going on. If you try to send attachments, I won't open them so stick
the information in the E-Mail.
Please write in English or anything close to it. It can't understand foreign
languages so please don't give me a page long quite in Mexican or Antarctic
penguin language cause I don't understand.
Don't write in sloppy English. I mean, who the hell would understand "Hwo Od
Yoi Di Tjih Ni Tje Sdgs?" Don' be too formal, a question is not a freakin
business agreement so don't say "Dear Sir, In accordance to your Walkthrough
to the PC Game, The Sims 2, ..." it makes me wonder if I'm talking to a freak
the President of the United States of America or Bill Gates or Donald Trump.
I will credit you if your send me information about this game that is not in
the FAQ. I will also be grateful if you see this FAQ somewhere else other than
Gamefaqs or a site which has my permission. If you do, tell me so I can kick
their ass to Pluto and make them bounce off to the other side of the Universe.
I will not respond to:
* Spam
* Bill Gate's Spam (He gets spam of up to 4 million per day)
* Something not related with the Sims 2
* Something already covered
* Illegal stuff, like CD-Keys and Pirated Versions
* Technical Problems
Technical Problems will not be answer as they should be sent to Maxis not me.
I didn't design the game so I shouldn't know what's wrong with it, its your
game not MINE.
[B] Webmaster Information
[C] Credits
This section is where you see your name. It will be long. The names are either
Board Names from the Boards or your e-mail so if your name is Bob Rob and
another Bob Rob posted the message, the First Bob Rob will not be credited so
in short, someone around the world who shares the same name as you will not
be credited for your work.
CJayC for hosting this FAQ
Maxis and EA for developing the game
Me for making it
ModtheSims 2 for all their info as well
Sims 2 BBS for some help
Snooty Sims for their info
Hotmail for giving me the e-mail account for the ascii art
[D] Sites FAQ is on
Current FAQ is On will always have the latest versions
May be outdated
[E] Copyright
This game is Copyright 2006 Maxis and Electronic Arts. All Rights Reserved
This document is copyrighted by US and Canadian and Australian Laws. This FAQ
is for personal use only. This is not to be used for commercial or personal
gain. Websites publishing this guide without permission will face punishment
under the law. All sites except GAMEFAQS are not allow to host this FAQ
without my permission.
This document is protected by the copyright laws that were founded in the
Bernes Copyright Convention in 1968. It states that:
The expression “literary and artistic works” shall include every production
in the literary, scientific and artistic domain, whatever may be the mode or
form of its expression, such as books, pamphlets and other writings; lectures,
addresses, sermons and other works of the same nature; dramatic or
dramatico-musical works; choreographic works and entertainments in dumb show;
musical compositions with or without words; cinematographic works to which
are assimilated works expressed by a process analogous to cinematography;
works of drawing, painting, architecture, sculpture, engraving and
lithography; photographic works to which are assimilated works expressed by a
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