The Adventures of Fatman – The Toxic Revenge (walkthrough)

The Adventures of Fatman - The Toxic Revenge

To win Fatman follow this Hints!:
Walk sign stands for "Walk"
Eye sign stands for "Look to"(Specilly work to know something)
Hand sign stands for "Interact"
The ballon like talk sign stands for "Talk to"
The Black arrow stands for "Sellect Inveratory"

Pick = Interact
Go Inside = Interact with doors
To find fatmobile go Extreme right or left
Left of FatMan = Right of yours

1. Open the cebinet in the "Fatcave" under the fat computer
2. Pick the Swiss army knife(cabinate).(Interact with the Swiss army knife)
3. Opent the Drawers in the 2nd drawer you find your walet
4. Pick the wallet(drawer).(Interact with the wallet)
5. After pick the wallet you can see the walet in the inveratory box. 
   Interact with it
6. You can see a ATM card appeared Interact with it
7. Right click on the wallet
8. Walk to the right of Fatcave(goto Next room)
9. Interact with the Hatch
10. Interact with the Fatcomputer
11. Click on The Bank of Shadow Lawn.
12. Interact with the ATM box(ATM like a TV)
13. In Select Inveratory select the ATM Card and Click on the Machine
14. When you right click on the card you were saw a number(7883).
15. Click on with draw
16. Talk with the police officer And carry on the coversation with new menu item 
    After interoget "Anything I Can Do" you will get the Answer click on good bye.
17. Go to Doughnut World
18. Carry on the conversation with every donought
19. Go to Quick E' Market
20. Walk to Dumpster(Garbage box)
21. Interact with the Dumpster lid(the cover)
22. Interact with the black VHS tape
23. In Select Inveratory select the coin
24. Click on the "Paper Machine"
25. When the Daily Times paper appears right click on it and interact withe the big 
    paper screen.
26. Look at every news you will see in Colom one Row 3 the fifth news is help want.
27. to get out the screen click out white border out side the paper
28. Walk to the Building you will go in the Fatmobile
29. Go to la Fattoria
30. Go inside the Pizza purler
31. Talk to Bruno click on "I Need A Job"
32. After Bruno make a pizza he put it in the oven sometimes later a bell rings.
33. Talk to Bruno
34. Go to Fatmobile
35. Go back to Fatcave
36. Go extreme right of yours(Fat mans left) you will got Fatcave
37. In the cave you can see a Black line in Front the Chemical desk
38. Pick up the Duck tape(Middle of the Black line)
39. Go Back to Fatmobile
40. Go to 542 West Blvd, Apt C
41. Interact with the Buzzer beside the door(the doors left)
42. The Apt C button(button c,third Button) didn't work fix it
43. Interact with(twise) the Swiss army knife open the Screw Driver
44. Interact with(twise) the Swiss army knife open the Scissors
45. Cut the last (Lowest or third buttons(button c))Blue Wire
46. Interact with the blue wire
47. In Select Inveratory select the Duct tape and click on the yellow wire part.
48. In Select Inveratory select the Buzzer cover and click on door buzzer
49. Interact out side of the Buzzer(coverd by white line)
50. Go to Fatcave
51. In Select Inveratory sellect the pizza and Click on the FatMobile
52. You will get the hot pizza. Come back to the 542 West Blvd, Apt C
53. Interact with the door buzzer Click on the third button(button c)
54. You will get a Doller Note Go to La fattoria and select the Scissors click on 
    the chese.
55. Then you will be Fired Go to Quick E' Mart
56. Enter the Market
57. Under a Blank hook you will see some red and white commics
58. Interact with First you will get "The Yus bird" read it
59. Interact with Second you will get "Road Kill" read it
60. Interact with Third you will get "The Stud" read it and you will get a Free 
    Cupon(for two mega burritos)
61. Interact with the Pink Drug bottle(under the Candy bags {green})
62. Interact with the Free Doughnut
63. In Select Inveratroy select the Pink bottle and click on the Inveratory Doughnut.
64. Get out the shop
65. Go to Acne Labs
66. In Select Inveratroy select the pink Doughnut and click on the officer
67. The officer fell into sleep
68. In the rubbles you will see some wires (Red and Green) Interact with them.
69. Back to Fatcave In the swiss army select the screw driver
70. In Select Inveratroy select the Screw Driver
71. Click on the camera
72. You will get a Roll
73. Click on the VHS tape open it
74. In Select Inveratroy select the Roll
75. Click on the VHS tape
76. In Select Inveratroy select the VHS tape and click on the VCR beside the Fat 
    computer Under a Chemical bottle
77. In Select Inveratroy select the chese and click on your hamster harvey
78. Pick Harvey(the hamster)
79. Go to the Wrent a' Wreck
80. Enter the office
81. In Select Inveratroy select the hamster
82. Interact with the pen white and black on the Table
83. Interact with the printer(a side look like a square door) you will get a cartridge.
84. Interact with the swiss army select the crokscrew
85. In Select Inveratroy select the corkscrew
86. Click on the cartridge
87. Interact with the swiss army select the scissors
88. Click on the pen
89. In Select Inveratroy select the pen
90. Click on the cartridge
100. In Select Inveratroy select the Duct Tape
101. Click on the cartridge
102. In Select Inveratroy select the cartridge
103. Click on the Printer
104. Interact with the computer
105. Enter the login name "ROBIN"and click on login write the car plate number AUCH 74.
106. Click on Print
107. Interact with the Paper
108. Right click on the paper
109. Go to 7833 South Water St.
110. Interact with the Door button
111. Interact with the Bell
112. Talk to the Appartment Attendant
113. Interact with the Button beside the Elevetor
114. Interact with the Button with in Elevetor
115. Interact with the button 2
116. Interact with the room 203(3times)
117. After confident that the room is incorrect go back to the Elevetor
118. Interact with the button 1
120. Talk to the Appartment Attendant
121. Interact with the Button beside the Elevetor
122. Interact with the Button with in Elevetor
123. Interact with the button 3
124. Interact with the room 302(3times)
125. Talk to the old Man
126. Go back to Fatcave
127. Interact with the Fatcomputer
128. Go to Burrito Barn
129. Go to Inside the Resturant
130. In Select Inveratroy select the cupon and Click on the man wearing couboy dress
131. In Select Inveratroy select the Two "MEGA BURRITO BARNS"
132. Click on the hot sauce
133. Interact with the burritos(one only)
134. Get out the Shop
135. Walk to the railing
136. In Select Inveratroy select the Print out
137. Click on the bouncer
138. Interact with the Poster(The Sculls)
139. Interact with the Door(you can't success)
140. Go to "BIG N TALL"
141. Talk to the Poor Man(What's Up?)
141. Talk to the Poor Man(What are you doing?)
142. Interact with the Glue Box
143. In Select Inveratroy select the Burrito and Click on the Fat Guy
144. Enter the Shop
145. Interact with the Credit Application
146. In Select Inveratroy select the Pen
147. Click on the Credit Application
148. In Select Inveratroy select the Credit application then click on the 
tall Guy
149. Interact with the Black Shirt
150. Interact with the blue Pants
151. Interact with the Ornage strips socks on the Cloth bin
152. Interact with the Shoe
153. Interact with the longeset belt
154. In a pile of clothes in a corner of the front of the tall guy you will find a hat.
155. Get out the shop
156. Interact with the swiss army(scissors)
157. In Select Inveratroy select the scissors and click on the poster
158. In Select Inveratroy select the skull and click on the Glue.
159. In Select Inveratroy select the skull and click on the Dresses
160. Go to La Fattoria.
161. In Select Inveratroy select the Dress
162. Click on the Phone Booth
163. Go to Burrito Burn
164. Walk towards the Punk Club
165. Go Inside of the Punk Club
166. Talk with the Green haired Guy(do you know Fred>do you know where 2nd one) 
     again talk(this killing me>2nd)
167. Walk to the door
168. Walk to the Extreme Left of the Fatman
169. Open the Door
170. Look at the Urinal at down Look at the Drain twise(the hole close of cigarate)
171. Go back to the Bar room
172. Talk with the Bar Keeper(Nothig thanks>You are out of towels in the bathroom)
173. Interact with the sink
174. Pick the (Blue and Yellow) Cleaner beside the sink
175. Go to the Bathroom again
176. In Select Inveratroy select the Cleaner and click on the Drain
177. Interact with the Drain
178. Interact with the Paper towel
179. Go and talk some one after that come to the gameroom the man Sides
180. In Select Inveratroy select the Game tokens and click on the Game Pong
181. Press ESC
182. Talk with the Green hair(I Beat your >Nothing)
183. Interact with the Pong
184. Make the paddle extreme left and press Space and Press and Hold the Left Button 
     Beat His high Score
185. Interact with the Green haired guy
186. Go to La fattoria
187. Chang Your costume
188. Goto 1217 Lucas Lane
189. You can see a bump on the Mat Interact with the Bump
190. You will get the Key
191. In Select Inveratroy select the Key and click on the door
192. Interact with the Green bottle Under the Fish Tank
193. Go to Up stairs
194. Interact with the Phone
195. Look at the Phone
196. Under the Phone Interact the First Drawer
197. Interact with the Flash Light in the Drawer
198. Interact with the Flash Light again to separate It
199. Go to the Marry Kate cosmatics
200. There you can see a Green Goo
201. Go to Punk Club(After Chaging the Dress)
202. Talk with the Bar Keeper(Nothig thanks>You are out of towels in the bathroom)
203. Pick up the eye drop infront of the Violet alcohol
204. Go to the Game Room
205. Interact with the Darts(A sharp thing On a round board)
206. In Select Inveratroy select the chlorine Bottle and Click on the Darts
207. In Select Inveratroy select the Darts and the Flashlight Tube
208. Go to Marry Kate cosmatics(After Change the Costume)
209. In Select Inveratroy select the Eyedrop and click on the Green Goo
210. Go back to Fatcave
211. Open the cabinet which is under a opened Book and the chemicals
212. Interact with the Test Tube which is in the cabinet
213. In Select Inveratroy select the Eyedrop again and click on the blank Test Tube
214. In Select Inveratroy select the Test Tube and click on the Fatcomputer
215. In Select Inveratroy select the Eyedrop and click on the Chlorine Bottle
216. After that Click on the Test Tube
217. Interact with the Fatcomputer
218. Go to Water Tower
219. Interact with the Red Bomb
220. Select the scissor and cut the wires In Sequence (Yellow,Orange,Brown,Green,Blue)
221. Interact with the bomb twise
222. In Select Inveratroy select the Timer and click on the Dinamite
223. In Select Inveratroy select the Duct Tape and click on the Dinamite
224. Go to the Extreme Left of yours
225. Interact with the Rock infront of the fence
226. In Select Inveratroy select the Rock and click on the Street Light
227. In Select Inveratroy select the Dart Gun and click one of the mutants
228. In Select Inveratroy select the Bomb and click on the Door
229. Go to Inside
230. After the fight Interact with the Elevetor
231. Inside the Elevetor Interact the Button 3

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