System Shock 2 (šifre)

System Shock 2 

Cheat mode:
Hold [Shift] and press [Semicolon] to display the 
command prompt. Type one of the following codes and 
press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat 

All Psi Points 
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type psi_full and 
press ENTER. 

Bind Quickslot
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type "quickbind" and 
press ENTER. 

Clears Teleport Markers 
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type "clear_teleport" 
and press ENTER. 

Cycle Available Weapons
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type "cycle_weapon" 
followed by 0 or 1 and press ENTER. 

Cycles Avalaible Ammo 
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type "cycle_ammo" and 
press ENTER. 

Display Software Version
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type show_version and 
press ENTER. 

Do the Macarena 
When you first start off a game and after you 
choose your career, you will choose your abilities 
and statistics by going into certian doorways. 
After you choose your 2nd ability and watch the 
movie, walk to the left before you choose your 3rd 
to find 2 robots behind the window. Watch the skinny 
one in the back do the macarena! 

Free Cyber Modules
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type add_pool followed 
by the number of modules you wish (i.e., add_pool4.) 

Instant Reload
To reload your gun while playing, hold SHIFT and 
press ';' to bring up the console window, then 
type "reload_gun" and press ENTER. 

Jump the Player
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type "shock_jump_player" 
and press ENTER. What does this mean? 

Maximize Statistics and Skills 
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type ubermensch and 
press ENTER. 

Open MFD by Overlay Constant 
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type "open_mfd" and 
press ENTER. 

Open PSI selector in MFD 
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type "select_psipower" 
and press ENTER. 

Play Unread Logs 
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type "play_unread_log" 
and press ENTER. 

Quick Load 
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type "quickload" and 
press ENTER. 

Quick Save
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type "quicksave" and 
press ENTER. 

Search for and Equip any Weapons in Inventory 
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type "equip_weapon" 
and press ENTER. 

Stop Playing e-mail 
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type "stop_email" and 
press ENTER. 

Summoning Items 
The Summon command brings forth an item or object, player 
or enemy. To summon an object, hold [Shift] key down and 
press the semicolon [;]. Then type "SUMMON_OBJ x" where x 
is the desired item (without spaces) and push [Enter].

Here are several examples: 
Crystal Shard
Electro Shock
EMP Rifle
Gren Launcher
Laser Pistol
Medical Kit
Status Field Generator
Worm Launcher
psi amp
assault rifle
ap clip
he clip
standard clip
pellet shot box
rifled slug box
large worm beaker
detox patch
psi booster
reflec armor
french-epstein device
portable battery
maintenance tool
hack soft v3
repair soft v3
research soft v3
modify soft v3
Fusion Cannon
Viral Prolif

Standard Clip
HE Clip
AP Clip
Timed Grenade
EMP Grenade
Incend. Grenade
Prox. Grenade
Toxin Grenade Small Prism
Large Prism
Pellet Shot Box
Rifled Slug Box

Med Patch
Detox Patch
Rad Patch 
Psi Patch
Psi Booster
Speed Boost
Strength Boost
INT Boost

Light Armor
Medium Armor
Heavy Armor
Reflec Armor
Vacc Suit
Worm Skin

Soda Can

Wide Machinery

Blast Turret
Laser Turret
Slug Thrower
Protocol Droid
Greater Over.
Male Appar.
Female Appar.
Invisibile Arachnid
Turret Rocket

Cards Med Card
Science Card
Crew Card
R and D Card
Rec Crew Key
Med Annex Key
Cryo Card
Crew 2 Card

Rumbler Organ
Grub Organ
Swarm Organ
Mn. Over. Organ
Gr. Over. Organ
Arach. Organ
Midwife Organ

Molec. Analyzer
ICE Pick Recycle
r 1 Nanite
5 Nanites
10 Nanites
20 Nanites
Fusion Shot
EMP Shot
Explode Barrel
Rad Barrel
Stats Trainer
Tech Trainer
Weapon Trainer
PSI Trainer

Chem #1 is Fm Fermium
Chem #2 is V Vanadium
Chem #3 is Ga Gallium 
Chem #4 is Sb Antimony
Chem #5 is Y Yttrium
Chem #6 is Cu Copper
Chem #7 is Cf Californium
Chem #8 is Na Sodium
Chem #9 is Os Osmium
Chem #10 is Ir Iridium
Chem #11 is As Arsenic
Chem #12 is Cs Cesium
Chem #13 is Hs Hassium
Chem #14 is Te Tellurium
Chem #15 is Mo Molybendium
Chem #16 is Tc Technetium
Chem #17 is Ra Radium
Chem #18 is Ba Barium
Chem #19 is Se Selenium

Swap Primary and Secondary Weapons 
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type "swap_guns" and 
press ENTER. 

Toggle ? Cursor 
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type "query" followed 
by 0 or 1 and press ENTER. 

Toggle Inventory Panel 
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type "toggle_inv" and 
press ENTER. 

Toggle Message History
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type "msg_history" and 
press ENTER. 

Toggle Split Cursor 
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type "split" followed 
by 0 or 1 and press ENTER. 

Toggles Compass State
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type "toggle_compass" 
and press ENTER. 

Toggles Weapon Settings
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type "wpn_setting_toggle" 
and press ENTER. 

Use Items you Don't Posses
The Use command lets you use the effects of an item 
without actually posessing it. To do so, hold [Shift] 
key down and press the semicolon [;]. 
Then type "USE_OBJ x" where x is the desired item 
(without spaces) and push [Enter]. See "Summoning 
Items" for a list of item names. 

Use Quickslot 
While playing, hold SHIFT and press ';' to bring 
up the console window, then type "quickuse" and 
press ENTER.

View previous commands:
Hold [Shift] and press [Semicolon] to display the command 
prompt, then press [Tab]. The last command entered will 
appear in the list.

Hex Cheat:
Editing your savegame to give yourself 10,000 nanites and 
cyber modules:

1. On a piece of paper, note the number of nanites and cyber 
   modules you currently have.
2. Save the game to a savegame slot.
3. From Windows, open the savegame folder you saved your game in.
4. In a HEX editing program, open the latest .MIS file that was 
   saved to disk. Look at the timestamp if you are not sure. 
   (Ignore campaign.mis)
5. Find the P$StackCoun string in your .MIS file. This is the 
   beginning of a 120 byte data record.
6. How many nanites do you have? Convert this number into hexadecimal.
   Example: 128 nanites = 0x80. 603 nanites = 0x5B02 (lsb first).
7. Locate this hex value in the P$StackCoun record.
8. Change this value to 0x1027.
9. How many cybermodules do you have? Convert this number into 
10. Locate this hex number in the P$StackCoun record. Look for it 
    approximately 12 bytes before the nanite counter.
11. Change this value to 0x1027.

Submitted by:SDX

to become UNDYING (immortal/god mode/invincible) 
1 --- create new file "user.cfg" in System Shock 2 directory
2 --- open it with notepad and strait type "undead" and save the file
3 --- that's it !!! run game and even with 0 points of health you'll be alive!

(information taken from SS2 patch readme file "readmep.rtf")

SDX - I just looked after invincibilyty in SS2 on 10june2003 and the 
only thing that worked under Win 2000/Win XP was this cheat
hope I'll help someone with this, so if someone wants to 
email me use  Hapy shooting!

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