Strategic Command 2: Weapons and Warfare patch

– fixed an AI destroyer unit combat error
– fixed an AI upgrade unit error
– fixed an animation replay error
– fixed a MINOR country Corps purchase error
– paratroops that are preparing and engineers that are fortifying are no longer hidden under FoW
– subs caught in sea ice no longer raid convoy lanes until sea ice clears
– subs now use the following rules:
– Silent
– Sub can pass through hidden enemy units except for a Destroyer under FoW
– Sub cannot attack convoy lanes
– Hunt
– Sub cannot pass through hidden enemy units under FoW
– Sub can attack convoy lanes
– Note, a Sub will dive (if a dive is successful) when attacked and move away under either Silent or Hunt mode
– transfer of capitals now reduces that country's morale the same as it would if an ally were to surrender
– transfer of capitals now increase occupier's morale the same as it would if it forced the surrender of a country
– any country that has a capital transferred to a disconnected area loses its current production/queue items
(complete wipe out) unless the transfer location is connected to the current location of the capital (pre-transfer) or
to any of the Industrial Center locations for that country
– fixed a script handling error for #CONDITION_POSITIONs
– fixed a Paratroop glider sound error when playing under Military unit icons mode
– fixed a Paratroop drop and new unit selection error when Fortifications are destroyed or a Paratroop unit takes
landing casualties
– surprise encounters will now only apply the 'Hidden Attacker Readiness Bonus' to decrease attacker losses and not to also
increase defender losses as was previously the case
– fixed an 'add_unit' bug when minors are activated
– fixed a resource mpp calculation error that did not include Fortresses if a value was assigned to them
– fixed a bug where custom combat supply loss values via the Editor were not being read in game
– fixed the military unit bitmaps to show some differentiation between tactical bombers and strategic bombers
– replaced Manstein with Bittrich in the Wacht Am Rhein scenario
– removed all incorrect references to O'Conner in the 1939 and 1940 campaigns and replaced them with O'Connor
– fixed a SURRENDER_2 script error for the surrender of Italy
– added several new Axis Middle East OFFENSIVE events
– added several new Axis Middle East TRANSPORT events
– added several new Axis Middle East GARRISON events
– added several new ACTIVATION#3 events
– added #PRODUCTION_LOST= entry to localization.txt
– fixed a Polish campaign victory condition error
– fixed several Spanish Civil War campaign errors
– updated Manual with several new entries regarding changes in Weapons and Warfare