Star Wars – Republic Commando (šifre)

Star Wars - Republic Commando

Submitted by: conner54

Press ^ while playing the game. Then, enter one of the following codes:

Code                 Result
Ghost              - Fly and walk through everything
Fly                - Ability to fly
Loaded             - All explosives, full ammo, etc.
Darman             - Skip to next level
Playersonly        - Disable CPU AI
999 ammo           - allammo
Set game speed     - slomo 
Walk               - Switch off Fly/Ghost mode
Fierfek            - Get full ammo
AllWeapons         - Get all weapons
TheMatulaakLives   - Toggle God mode on/off
Lamasu             - Unlock all levels
SmiteEvil          - Kill every enemy on sight
KillPawns          - Kill every entity on sight (including squad bots)
KillAll [class]    - Kill every unit of a specified class
HOG                - 1000000 Damage points inflicted on the targeted object
SloMo #            - Set timescale to # (for SlowMotion use numbers < 1)
SetJumpZ #         - Set jump height to #
SetGravity #       - Set gravity to #
SetSpeed #         - Set motion speed to #
FreezeFrame #      - Freeze the game after # seconds delay
ChangeSize #       - Change the player's size
BlindAI [1/0]      - Toggle AI blindness
DeafAI [1/0]       - Toggle AI deafness
BlindEnemies [1/0] - Toggle enemies blindness
DeafEnemies [1/0]  - Toggle enemies deafness
Invisible [1/0]    - Toggle Invisible mode
BehindView [1/0]   - Toggle 3rd person view
FreeCamera [1/0]   - Toggle 3rd person view
LockCamera         - Lock camera to the current location
ViewSelf           - Reset camera view to the player
ViewPlayer (Name)  - Change the camera view to indicated player
ViewBot            - Cycle camera view through the bots
Teleport           - Teleport to crosshair location
Stat FPS           - Toggle frame rate display
Stat Net           - Toggle network display (for MP game)
Stat Mem           - Toggle memory display
Stat Game          - Toggle game statistics display
ToggleFullScreen   - Toggle fullscreen/windowed mode
Suicide            - Commit suicide
Exit or Quit       - Exit the game

Defeating Droidekas:
To kill a Droideka easily, stand as close as you can to it, and directly in 
front of it (between its gun arms).
It cannot shoot you. Kill it with melee attacks to save ammunition. Note: If 
there is more than one Droideka,
stand so that you are in line with as many of them as possible so that the 
others cannot see you.

Defeating Greivous' Guard:
Use your EMP grenades and concentrate your men's fire on them. Once they are 
being shocked by the
EMP, throw Thermal Detonators to deal extra damage. You should also use your 
DC-17's anti-armor

Defeating SBDs:
Throw two electric grenades and fire a quick bust from the DC-17. This 
should shut them down or put them
on the ground.

To defeat a Super Battle Droid, run up to him while he is shooting at you. 
Then melee him and back up before
he can hit you. While he is swinging his arm, fire at him with your blaster. 
After he melees, he will resume shooting
at you. Repeat the process until he is destroyed. If there are two SBDs, 
concentrate your team's fire on him.

Level 1: Staying alive while finding hatch:
Enable the thematulaaklives code, then aim the icon where the hatch is and 
order your squad to fix it. Keep the
lizards busy. When your squad is done with the hatch aim the icon again and 
press F. When you are done,
quickly get into the hatch. 

Foley featurette:
Successfully complete the Geonosis campaign. 

Spec Ops featurette:
Successfully complete the Assault Ship campaign. 

Temuera Morrison interview:
Successfully complete the Kashyyyk campaign. 

Defeating Droidekas:
To kill a Droideka easily, stand as close as you can to it, and directly in front of 
it (between its gun arms). It cannot shoot you. Kill it with melee attacks to save 
ammunition. Note: If there is more than one Droideka, stand so that you are in line 
with as many of them as possible so that the others cannot see you.

Defeating Greivous' Guard:
Use your EMP grenades and concentrate your men's fire on them. Once they are being shocked 
by the EMP, throw Thermal Detonators to deal extra damage. You should also use your DC-17's 
anti-armor attachment.

Defeating SBDs:
Throw two electric grenades and fire a quick bust from the DC-17. This should shut them down 
or put them on the ground. 
To defeat a Super Battle Droid, run up to him while he is shooting at you. Then melee him and 
back up before he can hit you. While he is swinging his arm, fire at him with your blaster. 
After he melees, he will resume shooting at you. Repeat the process until he is destroyed. If 
there are two SBDs, concentrate your team's fire on him. 
Get your squad to attack the Super Battle Droid. Then, take out a sniper rifle and shoot them 
where there face would be. Take out the arm that does not have a blaster. 
Then, take a few more shots on its upper body. 

Extreme Prejudice: Staying alive while finding hatch:
Enable the thematulaaklives code, then aim the icon where the hatch is and order your squad to 
fix it. Keep the lizards busy. When your squad is done with the hatch aim the icon again and press 
F. When you are done, quickly get into the hatch.

Ghost Ship Recon: Lightsaber:
On the level where you first encounter the Trandoshan Elites (the ones with the minigun), just before 
you find the elite there is some debris you can blow up. Instead of doing this, turn right and crawl 
into the vent. Once you get inside, look behind you. You will see ad ead clone with a lightsaber. 
Note: You cannot use it.

Ghost Ship Recon: Save ammunition: 
When you are on the ghost ship, you will not find any D-17 ammunition for awhile. Save it and spread 
all your ammunition around. You will get a shotgun type weapon during the game that is average, but 
not as good as the D-17. Also make sure that you have a sniper and ammunition for the droids.

God mode (demo version):
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. 
Use a text editor to edit the "user.ini " file in the "system" folder in the game's directory. 
Change the following lines: 
Note: You (Boss) will take no damage, however your team will still takes damage.

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